Cheaters (2000) Movie Script

You know what they say?
- That it was your idea.
Give us what we want and you can
another school to start again.
You're only fifteen.
He is abuse of it.
And of your ignorance.
- And your innocence.
But you are grown up.
You now know what is right and wrong.
You know the difference now, huh?
- Right and wrong.
What does' t to
if I'm the same ...
and what am I, except less than he
greater than I?
Here we are at least Friday
God has not built.
His envy cast us.
Here we can prevail and that is
what I want, even if it is in hell.
Better reign in hell,
than serve in heaven.
Thank you, Asha.
What does Satan with better atmospheres
in hell, than serve in heaven?
Call anything.
Has anyone an idea?
What if you had the choice.
What would you choose ...
if you're in a big house to live
but as a driver ...
or if you're in a shelter was
live, but as the king.
What would you choose?
What kind of car I have
as a driver?
You have no license, you idiot.
- Who do you call an idiot, you idiot?
I save that blonde your head.
Pride. It was all about.
Lucifer was too proud to follow
so he started for himself.
What was there Dante
at its port?
Let all hope fly
as you enter.
That must come to the door.
The outcast wearing his days here ...
- In adversity and suffering.
Sounds not good.
- Do you live like a parasite?
Why were Adam and Eve problems?
- She ate the apple.
From the tree of knowledge.
They wanted knowledge.
God tested them.
- He did not say why it could not.
They could eat of every tree,
but not of it.
Then you can expect something.
Thus, the man just once.
We have already had.
- But that's just my opinion.
you take the bowling club again?
Make sure their balls
not in the gutter aim.
Sorry, that I shall not.
Well. Janie, you want the committee
for the school to be?
But beginning now, at least one week
for the party.
Now a function we all
death fear.
Here you masochistic of.
The academic decathlon team. Jerry?
Would you even try?
He can not do worse.
- That is beautiful to lose.
Three times is right ship.
academic decathlon
meeting at half past three
Sorry I am late.
What? Is the meeting has already finished?
Thanks for your help.
- You thanks.
You think we can. Other
teachers want to challenge us.
You think we are intelligent.
Jolie, I am always amazed
about what you say.
I will appoint and slyboots
a cargo burritos they sure.
That boy is Dominik Wesolowski.
- School Test 1410. 40 average.
He belongs to the best students.
That is his fault.
Kurgan, Paul.
School Test 1120. 38 average.
Last year he was too busy
with the elections.
He thinks he can change something.
Agnieska Maryniarczyk.
School Test 370. 37 average.
She is a virgin.
- Does it matter?
If your hair are so.
Darius Bettus. 1520 on the school test.
It is that he is so handsome ...
Flickas, Inwin. 30 average.
Should the test still do.
I 'm not outstanding, but
he has a vivid imagination.
Kur, Matt.
Look what a baby.
This is a team, not a dating pool.
- It may still both.
Welcome to the academic decathlon,
the main competition.
Compare your knowledge
with students from top schools.
The academic decathlon gives
your school a sense of pride.
Make your school and living
an academic success.
Students from around the country are participating
with this game ...
and extend their boundaries.
There are ten interesting topics
written by six buttons ...
a speech, an interview,
a workpiece and a super quiz.
The winner of each state fighting
to honor, prestige and scholarship.
The winners meet the president.
The academic decathlon, which works
in American business.
Well ...
Guys, do it outside.
Why do you participate?
- To continue to fool ourselves?
Because nobody thinks
that you can.
That is true.
- Speak for yourself.
I came for the free food.
Funny, huh? The idea that you
recording against slyboots.
However slyboots of Whitney Young.
Do not be uncertain.
We can beat them.
It is not easy.
This school lives for the decathlon.
They are nine times the best
of the state. Logical.
They have money, air conditioning,
parents sympathy, good toilets.
even a coach who knows what he does.
Therefore, it is so much satisfaction
if we win.
Would you go to Harvard?
Dan ga je, with a scholarship.
You come in the newspaper, on TV.
Are you famous than us?
- No, we make him famous.
I just want you to know
how it feels to win.
If you feel that once you
leaves you no longer loose.
But in order to win
I have the following you need:
Everything you have.
Free time? You do not.
You are two hours before school,
after five, in weekends and holidays.
You must be dedicated
and make every effort to win.
But understand one thing well:
I you will never abandon
or disappoint.
I give you as much knowledge
as I can.
It will change your life.
What do you think?
- He is crazy.
He still lives with his mother.
- It would be Mr.. Silver out.
He is not gay.
Dr. Plecki is really cool, though.
He has brought to the classroom
Vonnegut our book signing.
And those who hate books,
did something silly.
They have the book read.
He will help us. He does this
because he thinks we are smart.
And we have.
We need only to prove.
Dr. Plecki is crazy.
He is really a good teacher.
What is he doing here?
I ga the decathlon team coach.
- Again?
We have a good group this year.
I think we have a chance.
There's so much time in it.
I have spoken to your brother. He has
promotion had in publishing.
He is head of sales department.
He must hire twenty people.
I have a job, mom.
I know.
I know really, you know.
How should we study if you
only six to eighteen is?
A sonnet by Shakespeare
is written in ...
An iambic pentameter.
What activates NMDA receptors?
- Sodium Salt.
Darius scored four out of seven times.
What is the opportunity for this shot?
- 57 percent.
What was Ivan the key
to survive in the gulag?
A fixed pattern of life, so ...
- Drinks.
He believed that a piece of bread
was good. Two was great.
What's great about bread?
The beginning of the melody is
again repeated. What is that?
Da Capo.
- Good.
The flow came in 1820?
- The romance.
A feature of the fauvisten?
- Bright colors.
What distinguishes prokaryotes?
- No nucleus.
PET measurement of concentrations?
- Radioactive isotopes.
What are neurons?
- Nucleus ...
What is the greatest empire
from antiquity?
I do not know.
It is not smoked.
What about the opponents?
- As we sweep the floor to.
You are prepared.
We need to do to win.
We have brains and pit. We go ...
- Winning.
Do not worry.
They underestimate your abilities.
They see us are not.
Since you need not deal with that.
Remember what you learned.
Beware of instinkers. A
obvious answer is wrong.
Doubt not.
Your first answer is the best.
If you do not know, choose C.
Every time.
Use your discipline. Look forward,
do not panic and stay sharp.
Now you can show everyone
how smart you are.
Open the books only
if it is said.
You have half hour
for each component.
After the written test you ga
to space for the oral.
Remember in which group
you are classified.
The key to record and
other cases remain under the table.
For example, I see. You know but
ever, each year new children.
You know nothing for sure.
Jerry, would you use? As
your twenty dollar bet, you get ...
eight hundred dollars
if your school wins.
Who dares not, who do not win.
If the employer is part of
the solution, he feels t ...
very very ... depseraat ...
Des ... Desperate ...
The correct answer is C:
It reduces the risk of hypertension.
Has everyone to his point?
I am also very happy my meaning.
And we have learned anything?
No major problems?
- No, it was fantastic.
How was it?
- Well well, I think.
It was a cinch.
Hey, Alexander Hamilton was still
the first chief judge, huh?
What the outcome is,
I am proud of you.
Language and Literature
The bronze medal ...
to Whitney Young. Sandy Lee.
The silver medal goes
to Whitney Young. Josh Haden.
And the gold medal is
to Whitney Young. Sarah White.
Bronze to Whitney Young.
Silver to Whitney Young.
And gold to Whitney Young.
And now
the five teams with the highest scores.
They go to the academic
decathlon finale for Illinois.
At first, for the tenth
time: Whitney Young High School.
Ten years in succession.
In second place: Kenwood Academy.
Thirdly, Bogen High School.
Fourth place: Lane Technical.
And on the fifth place:
Steinmetz High School.
You get your money back.
You did not know what to expect.
Until the finale.
This is so cool. I've never
just won. Look.
We have won nothing.
Young was 12,000 points.
You may best be proud.
We go to the final.
Haden when he saw you won?
I want that look of his head rams.
Is there any other music?
I'm listening.
Relax is a little bit.
Shall we go eat Starapolska?
- I have to go home.
It is not over.
- I know.
Monday again.
Even harder blocks.
And on Thursday
back to the Art Institute.
Was it better gone. For you
- Are you mold. It was great.
Fucking Chair.
Irwin, I can even speak?
What is it?
Dominik get your place
in the final.
You had the lowest score,
so I put it in that finals.
I thought that multiple
multiple answers were.
What a bullshit. Dominik speaks only
English. Give me another chance.
Come on, Plecki.
What do you do?
- Works.
Look, he must go.
- Sit down.
I like Mr.. Butera no more Friday.
- I talk to 'm.
No, I just ga.
- Will I come?
I have to work.
- Agna, what are you doing?
I need to adjust my sister.
My mother works tonight.
Can anyone care?
- We have no money for a babysitter.
It is really on.
Learning is now.
While you all night learning.
- She is only seven.
In what world you live? We were
They have killed us.
- I mean me.
We must work twice as hard
as Young. Then we beat them.
Glad you're so optimistic,
but how hard we also blocks ...
Young goes for the tenth time
If Dominik wants to keep his job and
Agnieska with her sister wants to be ...
instead of proteins to study,
then they just ...
You have given us a beautiful dream.
I think this is real.
But you come to a point that you must
wake up and realize ...
that really
just a dream.
We can not copy.
- Why not?
It should not Miss Fadely.
They say that Elizabeth
have to be mature.
Excuse me, wait a minute.
I'll call you back.
Say, what do you think you will do?
- I'll copy.
For the decathlon?
- Yes.
For extra things
you fifty dollars.
Can I copy?
- Your budget is.
But he may have just copied.
- It has its own budget.
A penny per copy? Here.
I want money for school
not wasting in children.
You may not copy.
Tell those children that athletes
money, but they do not.
Turn not a big mouth against me.
- Do you tell them then.
Jerry, what's your score?
- What? My score?
State 04 or 06. We are 110.
- Thank you.
Therefore, I can copy.
We never win,
so why do we have?
No. You can not win
so why would you participate?
Is that you, Jerry?
- Yes, Mother.
Have you taken the filters?
- They are in the car.
I ga work. Stay on the phone
off. Val not bother your father.
That was an exciting party.
- Absolutely.
I see you.
What is it?
- You sit in that team of great headlines?
The academic decathlon.
If I show you something,
give me twenty dollars?
I gotta pee.
I stand here for ten minutes, Manny.
- Sorry. Here.
Keys, keys.
Damn, yesterday they were here.
I can spend my time better.
- They should be.
Keys. Yes, they are.
Here, please.
- Great.
Come, go here.
What are you doing, man?
- I have Fantastic Fable for you.
That Star Hawk.
What is that?
- I can not. Let me see.
It is nothing. Do normal.
- Let me see then.
Nondeju. Is this real?
Is Dr. Plecki home?
- Yes, of course.
What is wrong?
- Come on out.
I have the keys. You know.
Take a look.
Where did you come from?
- From Matt. He wanted to not share.
Look. It is real.
- I know.
Jerry, the other children
visit to study?
Not today.
Why not? They should be.
This is real.
I believe my eyes.
- What is it now?
I am a teacher. I am a teacher.
I can ...
I am a teacher. I must say
I have so often said.
It is not about winning or losing,
but to play.
It may not,
but it makes it matter if you win.
Cheating pays.
Your father was just like mine
that democracy was a meritocracy.
Nobody worked harder than father.
He understood why he
after 24 years of loyal service ...
was put on the street. If saved
the company medical costs.
I am a teacher.
Guys, listen up.
We know
that tomorrow is the finale.
There has now
an opportunity occurred ...
that I have your attention
must bring.
Paul, wake up.
Some people think you do not
mature enough to make the choice.
But I think ...
- What is it?
I have the questions.
I have the questions of the final.
You would not share them.
Sit down.
You too. Sit.
Nobody sees it, unless we
all want. Together or not.
I want to see, hear.
Young I would ever see
if we win.
You want also?
- Yes. I have ensured.
- I would like to see ...
how difficult it is.
- Darius?
If we have
Young has it.
Of course. The office
of the decathlon is there.
So twice wrong right?
- No.
Then we are even.
- It suits us?
Only if you talk.
Then we murder you.
Cheating is not wrong?
Do not be sad. This is our chance.
We are one force.
- But this is going to win.
Winning is not everything.
It is the only thing that counts.
What should we do well. Plecki?
I am a teacher. I must say
I have so often said.
It is not about winning or losing,
but to play.
It should not, but it makes
does matter if you win or not.
Cheating pays.
I imported crystal and this is
what happens if you do not pay ...
or if you have a creative accounting
on nahoudt. Then you save it.
If you want a loan,
do you not.
All about results.
That girl does not know how he
reached. The result counts.
Has Bill Gates of the thieves
Apple released the codes?
I think previously promoted.
He sends his children to a
public school in Chicago?
A public school
community money.
But this is a private school
within the public system.
The best education
of our tax money.
You may at this school and your parents
know how it works.
Maybe they do not live again
in the city. They have a mailbox.
They lie about their address, their
income, their ethnic background.
That was also about time.
Where are the answers?
- You can thank me.
Jolie, you take language and literature.
Matt, music.
Darius, mathematics.
Paul, natural science.
Agnieska, civics.
Dominik, economics. Flickas, art.
All work.
Yes, it's late, but I have a
math problem and you are the best.
Can I invite someone to talk music?
So late still work?
We do not rest until we are number 1.
- For example, I hear.
I'll look tomorrow.
- Good idea, you'll be amazed.
Very good. Ga zo door.
Sorry, there just floepte.
- Well, we go further.
Come on, this has no meaning.
Write the answers to your hand.
- You want to be caught?
If you are cheating, do it
than good. Are you chewing gum?
Write the responses.
- I'm not chewing gum read.
It can also still to hear.
- And our shoes then?
Wait, give me your calculators.
Programming than I answer.
Good idea.
- I write it on my shoe.
Guys, who has a pager?
Then we have the answers.
Good idea, Agnieska.
Welcome to the team.
Shoes are really much better.
We can put a skirt
and everything on our upper letter.
I really do not dress to attract, you know.
Well. The answers to math
are: 1B ...
Dr. Plecki, I would like to speak.
Between you and me, please.
Dominik does still
he may do it.
Dominik would make the state finals,
and you are the national finals.
I gave you the questions concerned.
- I have already passed.
What a bullshit.
I got you worried exams.
The national final is your reward.
- Bullshit.
I have been bad,
I have regular exams.
Would you like to the state finals?
- Yes, of course.
I think I know something.
Ok. Then you can press the 'shift'
and then on the memory' button ...
and then you
the responses are.
And if someone runs along?
- With 'AC' disappears.
Is it back?
Remember that not all
well you have to mathematics.
Jolie makes two mistakes, Darius three.
The rest at least four or five.
I think my highest score
trip. That is the least.
I decided that we do so.
No more arguing.
Do not be surprised
Irwin soon as you see.
From each school
judging two former pupils.
Irwin only and used
the identification card of a friend.
Here's your pass, Mr. Tully. Glad
alumni want to help.
you also make mistakes.
We only caught
if we are to do good.
Good morning, ten camping.
Good morning and welcome to the state
finals of the decathlon of Illinois.
I love it here so much
bright young people to see.
You know, I tried my son
fifteen to explain ...
the academic decathlon means.
And he said, that fool
all these buttons for fun?
You are a fool.
That I found it ...
But I know you know
that hard work and dedication ...
the keys to your dreams
And you are ... You are
our hope and our future.
Success, ten camping.
Let the world see what the youth.
Hey, Jerry. Do you?
Remember last time?
Come on, one or two dollars dare you.
Otherwise you never win.
Here is a honderdje.
Get that?
- Yes. I have found happiness.
Oh, sorry. Do you suffer from?
Is everything on schedule?
I had an invigilator killing,
but ...
The signals: up modes A.
Left B. right C.
Neck is D and this is E.
Do we?
And then we are candidates
the super quiz to you.
The number of base pairs in human
D.N.A. where A, almost two billion.
B, nearly three billion.
C, almost four billion.
D, almost five billion.
Or E, nearly six billion.
The correct answer is B.
It was a great day.
I see a lot of tense faces.
But I go home.
I make known the results tomorrow.
You want to know?
Who has won a medal?
Language and literature, the
bronze medal to Steinmetz.
Agnieska Maryniarczyk.
The silver medal for Steinmetz.
Darius Bettus.
And gold goes to Jolie Fitch
of Steinmetz.
And the winning team ... The winner
the decathlon of Illinois in 1995 ...
with a score of 49,166 points ...
is Steinmetz High School.
Should I address microphone?
Listen here out.
Are there still people Steinmetz?
Let me hear something from you.
we have reached the top
we are not number 5, but number 1
even though we come from a slum
we are now in vein
thanks to our Plecki
he is for us all
Jerry is our hero
You can not enter.
If they see that juror was ...
or if they take your picture ...
- But I have you the key concern.
Wait until after all the commotion.
About a week no one knows you.
- Bullshit.
You have a great evening.
- Incredibly, yes.
I think that is also yes.
I have only 180 dollars, but ...
- Keep it.
You did not know
what to expect.
Of course, they cheated.
The question is how. I understand that.
It is impossible for three weeks
time to score 10,000 points.
No. You can not make a tricycle
switch to a Mercedes.
These guys are not touching to us.
- It is just a bunch of toddlers.
No, I have no evidence. can
for me all the results come?
Yes, that's all. Well, thanks.
Did you face when we won?
That was a price.
They were not at their loss.
- They gave me not even a hand.
We would have cheated.
Just like we are stupid
to win.
I find it amazing what you have
done. Do you see those prices.
Even for things
where we were not prepared.
your speech was beautiful.
You got a bronze medal.
And Dominik gold.
Jolie was her answer lost
but watch those medals.
You have all
great performance.
But now comes the most difficult.
Our mouths closed.
That is the real test
what you can handle.
You may say nothing at all.
Not to your parents ...
or against your friends,
if you still have, at least.
Not against your teachers.
Not even to your priest.
That should not.
Benjamin Franklin said: Three people
can only keep a secret ...
two of them dead.
Let us prove the opposite.
They said it could not.
A normal school was Whitney Young
t beat. That they miss.
Teachers Corps, which you have
created. But are ga.
Give your teachers a applausje.
That call is not done correctly.
But the honor is mainly
to Dr. Jerry Plecki.
Jerry, you have these children learned
to win. I do not know how ...
but I want you to continue to do so.
There are reporters here ...
so I would like our
school even in the picture is positive.
Our school has not
the-art facilities.
We have less money than others.
We have something much more important.
We care about people.
This amazing victory
we will not forget quickly.
The foundations for this victory
Dr. Plecki.
Dr. Plecki is the best. He has
shown that there is always a way.
Without him this team are not there.
Have they learned hard?
- Months Lang.
During holidays, weekends.
Really all the time.
Even on birthdays.
Past this is in your closet prices?
- No. I take him with me to bed.
Now comes the national finals.
- Yeah, exciting.
Watch out, Steinmetz coming.
- They'll experience there.
Thanks and much success.
- Hi, Mom.
Those kids were here day and night.
They are champions.
Children must be in a team.
He has a winning team
of them.
His father taught him
hard work.
Could his father this is just experience.
- The children have worked hard.
Months. And it's rewarded.
- It is far too modest.
Chicago do not get enough
this fairy tale.
But there is checkered
for the national finals.
This is April 14
held here in Chicago.
We wish them success.
There were surprises in the exams?
- No, we had us well prepared.
What do we do now?
At the national finals.
We will do good.
And if we fall back 9000 points
and not even be the 43rd?
That will not happen.
I think that without your help
also could win.
I guess really. This was for you
a psychological incentive.
It's between the ears.
It's about confidence.
Knowing that everyone there
can beat.
You know what I think?
The keys to the national round
are fixed at the same place.
It is now no better protected
than then.
I just ga ...
- Yes, that's good.
We want photos of the entire group.
- Good. Come on, guys.
Ga close to each other.
- Always on it.
The whole time, yes.
The following story is true.
The names have changed.
In order to protect myself.
I want to remain anonymous.
If Dr. Plicky saw how easy
you the keys came ...
would the authorities
it on.
But when he saw that he was
sneaky smile. He began ...
The group was happy. I was perplexed
when they started cheating.
They broke through. Dr. Plicky found
I still juror could help.
That was a surprise. If I do not
participated, I got no recognition.
If anything the team had had
Steinmetz something. I did it.
I shook Dr. Plicky hand. My
last token of respect for him.
A friendly match
became deception.
I lost my soul to the devil
sold. What will the rest feel?
They are consumed by guilt.
What is this?
- A story.
I know, Irwin. But there is
a core of truth?
Any good writer draws on
inspiration from his own life.
It is a simple question.
Had you the key or not?
Okay, good.
It was as follows.
I thought it would be nice
as the 'fairy tale team' ...
more attention
because that would be cheating.
That would be very funny?
Irwin is one of those writers
with a broad imagination.
He will be screenwriter.
- I am al
I have a number of drama -
and action documents written.
Good, Irwin. I think you have a very
dramatic story is written.
But you are not aware
what this could do.
You did this for fun written
but there are people ...
the pride and prestige of this
school but like to draw.
This may create problems for you,
your teammates and the school.
So I have to ask you.
I want the here and now
and in clear language heard.
Is that story true or not true?
Yes or no?
Are you sure?
- Sure.
It is a strong story, pure
fantasy. A kind of science fiction.
Well. Write a corrigendum.
- A what?
You bored you. You have a
fictional orchestrated.
Fill it in.
Tell why you've written.
When it gets a tail.
How do you spell 'orchestrated'?
Easy. I have the names changed.
- Plicky? Originally say.
I save your ass.
- Soon he has a microphone.
Leave him alone. Sit down.
- Keep your feet at home.
Stay there, you.
Sit down, you.
Shut up. You understand their anger?
Do you confess to the priest,
not your teacher.
Who do you think you the most harm
with such allegations?
You may not to the national finals.
You have your foot over it.
Listen, baby.
I get it.
You want the recognition you deserve.
Ok. I think that is also red, but the
was really too risky with all those media.
If someone you recognize as a juror,
we are all in trouble.
And you have the most.
Hello, what is it?
- Can I have a word?
Come here.
Then you get my fist in your eye.
I have the names changed.
- Pak 'm.
Hello, Dr. Plecki. Joan Isenberg of
the decathlon association of Illinois.
And this is Bruce McCaully
of Hart Court Brace.
I would like to congratulate
your victory.
But your team the keys
We have the probability
light ...
on the basis of
a mixed model methodology ...
and the scores of your team in both
rounds with each other.
The scores are farther apart
than statistically possible.
Could you just say?
- Whitney Young's score went down.
Your score went up.
You have the highest score ever.
- That is why we won.
I would like to scores
you want to take.
For math, for example. Kurgan,
Paul: Regional 300 is 900.
Kur, Matt: Regional 175
State 875.
Fitch, Jolie: Regional 575, state 975.
- Who have you hired?
Mr. enabled because
have been observed.
I know who is behind it.
Young wants to know why
we have ruined their party.
We just do our work.
- View the scores of Young than once.
That you do not.
- Doubt our integrity?
That is not necessary.
Your office is on the Whitney Young.
Only two years.
Well, the whole system is corrupt.
- That is not true.
Do you really?
- Wait. Let cool.
Dr. Plecki, if you just want to say,
say it now.
We are guilty.
Guilty of disturbing the
system that protects Whitney Young.
And that is wrong.
You have misunderstood it.
- I am just very well.
Let's all calm down.
How can we solve this problem?
Your team must
Thursday show.
If the score is not significantly lower
fails, the to the final.
It is not fair.
Young does not have to do.
A good school will
never suspect of cheating.
We can assess
just do it?
We should sue them.
- Because of defamation.
Yes, and for disrupting
of the state of affairs.
For all the pain and suffering.
- Guys, we're going to sue anyone.
What do we do?
We will investigate.
Your students had
average of four errors ...
but other schools
fourteen to eighteen.
They were also
well within the time.
Then they should be properly rewarded.
You are innocent
to the contrary is proved.
It is the scores doubt
from the Spanish names ...
and the neighborhood around
the school.
If they are so good,
they can test it over?
Why should they?
- Anders suspect everyone.
They do this even
as they do on the test.
I want that button to see.
If the key over,
remains the suspicion on our rest.
Therefore we reject the key on
to do if there is no evidence.
Well, I have no other choice
then further steps.
Since the score difference
falls outside the parameters ...
and a new test
is denied ...
void the title and the right of participation
for the national finals.
The cups and medals to be
issued to the Deputy ...
Miss Joan lsenberg.
If you give us the championship decreases,
spanned a process.
Do not let what you can,
we will do so.
You Steinmetz of, huh?
I have seen on TV.
Do your best to the national finals.
- We do that for sure.
We are really high, man.
Do you see that view.
Hello, I am ...
- Dr. Plecki. We expect you al
I will designate the meeting.
I think I can see Steinmetz.
- Paul, ga re.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Everything good?
When Constantine told what
the hand was, I was pisnijdig.
What a bullshit. Sorry for my language,
I come from the street.
I was not the right school,
not talking posh.
Everyone thinks I am lying
worked up and steal it.
Say that I callback.
And you have not
That I had to ask.
You now know how I feel about it.
I do this for nothing
because you are wrong is served.
Therefore, the press here for you.
- The press? For us?
If we want to win, we do it
in public. Wait here. Yes?
As you see in the press,
they are the very best.
They are the leaders of the future.
The best of the school.
But now they would be successful.
The company
Robert A. Clifford and partners ...
the court will enforce ...
that the committee decathlon title
and the entitlement returns.
One question at a time, please.
Six were from Steinmetz.
- We will better our best.
But 17 of the 105 students had
had a math question.
Steinmetz had all of it good.
- Thanks to our math teacher.
How do you explain the high scores?
I have to say.
If we do not have Polish names
and not a poor school were ...
There were no questions.
The rebellion of the Steinmetz -
team reflects the courage and daring.
The question now is
whether they have done.
Whitney Young should not whine.
But they must learn losses.
There is no evidence.
They just worked hard.
If it really is,
they are still smarter than I thought.
Call me.
I have a job for you.
We have put together scores.
Unless someone proves the contrary,
we are behind the scores.
Should they surrender their title?
I hear only allegations
of people with dubious motives.
I have absolutely no reason
to think that no matter ...
of people who are jealous
because they are unexpected reports.
Says something about Chicago?
- Not about the city itself.
Yes, hello.
Gloria Abrams would I speak?
You speak with Gloria Abrams
the Sun Times.
How did you get my number?
- From Irwin Flickas.
He has given us an essay
decathlon on stolen materials.
We continue tomorrow in the newspaper.
Would you then want to respond?
Dr. Plecki, do you know Irwin Flickas?
Dr. Plecki? Dr. Plecki, you h. ..
Jerry? Is it?
- Sure. Go back to sleep.
There is nothing. Ga again.
we have cheated
Steinmetz title may
still lose
What are you doing?
Jerry, my newspaper. Jerry?
Is there someone murdered or something?
- Yes. You.
What a rock passed, say.
- This is not good.
Hey, scram. What are you doing here?
You want some of this?
If you give them what they want.
- I can study now forgotten.
Ridiculous that he has done so.
- I look so fat.
Am I really that fat?
- Yes, really.
Maybe we need medals
but returned.
Then we can stop this madness
can Young to the final.
We can tell the truth.
- Wait a minute.
You have taught us
one foot in the door to get.
Turn that door now
close to our nose?
What evidence have they?
An essay by a half-illiterate.
People need to know
why Flickas mad at us.
He is jealous.
- We are not mad at him.
We have sympathy with him.
- We do this to the top. Really.
You have us survive.
We must continue to support each other
and the attack going.
But you must understand
it only gets worse.
The media will lie, threaten
and you set up against each other.
Look well around you.
These are the only faces
you can trust.
Say something. Have you stolen the key?
- On Thursday. Leave my son alone.
We want to be part of the story
I get beat.
- Go ahead, Dad.
I'll put you in New York in a hotel.
I take you to the Bulls.
- I take you to Cats.
Away from my house.
I've had enough.
Agnieska is not false.
They won.
Mom, I need to talk to you.
You've done nothing wrong.
You do not know what happened.
Yes. My child is fair.
Mama, I gotta tell you.
I see your son as the sole bright spot
in this whole affair.
He was courageous enough to
wrong to condemn.
Who will play me?
Silence again. The film does not
about you. It's about me.
Let us first
that essay have.
You have the tragic hero,
Irwin Flickas.
And then you also
Irwin Flickas victims.
Finally you get
the redeeming act ...
of Irwin Flickas.
That seems to me interesting.
Your friend is on TV.
- You got my shirt.
I have just told.
- Non-exclusive? I'm screwed.
So my dad gilt: I save your ass.
Get outta here.
Connie Chung was with me for breakfast.
I am in a hotel in Chicago
for an interview with Angela Lam ...
of the decathlon team last year.
- Look quickly at two.
She says that her coach, Dr. Plecki,
gave her a piece of paper ...
the responses of the super quiz.
- Look quickly at two.
Who is that?
- She was in our school.
Yes, I cheated.
She wants very much.
- Maybe tell them the truth.
The team this year
won the state finals.
But Angela's story
has raised doubts.
I want the team to say:
Be honest if you have cheated.
Cheating may not.
It is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Integrity and ethics
are more important than winning.
What is she doing?
- What is wrong with her?
This is not good.
What if they address us?
- It is not good.
That would be really bales.
- The investigation is still ongoing.
Live from Chicago. Lisa Martin.
Jerry, go home.
- I can explain.
Argie Johnson called. The
school board has suspended you.
Really? On the basis of what?
- Duty, colleagues disadvantage ...
You can best
with someone of the union talk.
Can I use your phone?
- You can use anything from the school.
Where are the children?
- On the road to the school committee.
Listen. I'm already 26 years old.
I do not survive this debacle.
This is my advice.
Further contact is excluded.
Ga home. Keep the door closed.
Do not talk with the press. Stay inside.
Do that now.
We are Jerry Marconi and Corinne Davis,
Advocates of the school committee.
We know that is false, but rather
Dr. Plecki key stolen?
Has he forced you?
- Endangered?
Alcohol offered? Drugs? Sex?
He has made abuse
your age.
You ignorance.
- You innocence.
You're grown up, huh?
And you know what right and wrong.
You know the difference
between right and wrong anyway?
I know you do it?
We have not cheated.
Well well,
you look what I got.
The confessions of your teammates.
You know what they say?
That you are the instigator.
That was all your idea.
Come, Dominik.
It is time to confess to.
You're a good Catholic, like
me. We have the same father confessor.
Think of what the Bible says:
Show repent
and your sins are forgiven you.
Let Satan does not abuse you make
because we know how it works.
Let it go, speak the truth.
Would you like to live in shame?
Air your heart.
You can not live a lie.
How do you fill that hole? This can
only the truth, Dominik.
Tell me the truth.
Have you cheated?
You have deadlines,
so I keep it short.
The Steinmetz team admitted.
This is the confession
of a team ...
who admits that he stole
key has been received.
He says Dr. Plecki team
has instructed.
Plecki, the key is not stolen,
but let his team 's use.
The conspirators had him
into their mouths.
We therefore consider
Dr. Plecki to accuse ...
of conspiracy and fraud, theft
of a scholarship and perjury.
How has he got them so far?
- The group is very important.
It is a kind of sect
with Dr. Plecki leader.
He has brainwashed
and this encouraged.
I am the worst rapists
and murderers worked ...
but these children were the best
liars I've ever seen.
It was just scary.
Mr. Marconi is one of the teams
a bisexual witch?
I can say nothing about that part
of the investigation.
There is a sexual relationship
between Dr. Plecki and a student.
I can not say.
Where is Dr. Plecki now?
- I do not know where it ends.
Cheating is a serious offense
in each school.
I not tolerate in this system.
Not teachers, not by others.
That teacher is responsible.
They should fire him.
It shows how the lot
is degraded.
Formerly such a neck crime.
Integrity was paramount.
He has no moral sense.
I had a bad feeling
about Jerry. There was something wrong.
Children who are late at night in and out
ran. They were sometimes at night.
A crisis team will assist
to pupils and teachers.
Steinmetz The school is excited.
- There is dirty traitor.
How could you do?
How could you betray as children?
That's it, mother.
- Yes, it is.
Teachers teach children not to cheat.
- That they did not learn.
Yes. Someone had
they say that the error was.
Your father was so proud
when your teacher was.
It did not matter how much you
earned. He was proud of you.
He led an honest life.
- Yes, and he was belazerd.
He was so naive to think that he
hard work would come.
No, it was a question that you would come.
So he worked so hard.
For you have opportunities.
So he worked in that factory ...
and he was breathing in diesel fumes.
- He became ill and flew there immediately.
They took him off his pension and his
insurance. They have him murdered.
That was the reward he got
for all that hard work.
Listen to me.
Whatever happened with your father ...
he never used it as an excuse
to remedy what was wrong.
You are not the victim, Jerry.
What you did was wrong.
You can in no way
good talk.
Guys, I ga tonight.
The only question is whether they have me go
lynch or be burnt up.
I want to go to a friendlier place
where no price on my head.
Have you already thought to Somalia?
No. We have made mistakes.
- Yes, let us address.
No, it is not caught
and punished.
I see
as civil disobedience.
Maybe that was wrong and
I offer you my apologies.
I do not know. Sometimes you rules
Breaking them to change.
There will be some change.
The key steal is difficult.
- Probably, yes.
They must also justify
the same team wins every year ...
and that good education is only
played by a small elite.
But I want you all this
you leave behind.
If they ask,
tell you that I have stolen the key.
I have forced you to work
look. I have threatened you.
Because my career is over.
Those of you starts only now.
Here, we have something for you
A little.
Thank you very much.
Dear Dr. Plecki,
We have learned much from you.
You were the best teacher we had.
The decathlon team of 1994-'95.
They were children. This' n adult
them on the bad path may lead.
It makes me furious. Unbelievable.
For me school spiekt everyone.
It is normal.
In addition to drug users.
They give no figures.
Do you not think
only harm yourself?
Nonsense. I spiekte at school
and came at a good university.
Since spiekte and I graduated
as a lawyer. Now I work as a lawyer.
I earn seven tonnes per year and have
integral count never missed.
I am successful
with a ten math.
People ask me if I
on hindsight would.
I answer always the same:
I have learned more
during those nine months decathlon ...
than most people
throughout their lives.
When the media siege was lifted,
we returned back to school.
We had the reputation of Steinmetz
harmed. As if that could be.
We had to write about ethics.
Matt wrote the autobiography
the Dalai Lama on. That was fun.
And when we each
our own way.
Most wanted
leave behind.
They declare me crazy,
but I am not.
And I'm not so good
to apologize.
I have my final year half asleep
done. If I was not so.
I have Dr. Plecki not seen
since that day.
I heard something about a company.
I considered him to look ...
but I have never done.
We see each other when the time is ripe.
Yes, I am.
I study at a university.
Just as well. Plecki had promised.
The admission committee found the
decathlon my character was strengthened.
I get good grades.
And no, I do not peek.
Do not laugh, but I think it
to be a teacher.
There is no better work
than the formation of young people.
If I see one of my students
cheating, I report the bastard.
But if they can swindle me,
they are ready for the real world.
I would not otherwise want.
Dr. Gerard is married Plecki
and a company.
He was never able
Paul Kurgan was studying
and sat in the student.
He refuses to talk
the decathlon.
Agnieska Maryniarczyk studied.
She wants a career
in public relations.
After school Matt Kur
at a hardware store works.
He was employee of the Monday
Dominik Wesolowski
is moved to another state.
He is almost a graduate
in business.
Darius Bettus want nothing about themselves
He maintains
that he has not cheated.
Irwin Flickas intends
journalist should be.
Whitney Young was second
in the national championship.
Steinmetz has not
participated in the decathlon.
The chairman of the school committee
D. Sharon Grant ...
was in prison for
evasion of income tax.
school spiekt ever.
what is wrong with that.