Cyberstalker (2012) Movie Script

(phone rings)
Emergency 9-1-1, may I help you?
MOM: Yes, my daughter is being
stalked online and we need help.
Yes ma'am. Please stay calm.
I'll transfer you to a detective who can
help you with this matter.
Page here.
Can you please explain to me what's
going on and I'll try to help.
MOM: Yes, um, I'm Michelle
Ashley and there's this guy
who's been emailing my daughter, trying
to get her to send pictures and...
and to meet him.
And now he's calling our house
and he's saying sick
things on our answering machine
and it needs to stop.
DETECTIVE PAGE: The first thing that you
need to do is to keep your daughter offline.
No emailing, no social networking.
Completely offline.
Now if she's offline,
he won't be able to find her.
That's the safest thing to do.
(music box tune playing)
(breathing heavily)
Oh, you know what... guess what Aiden?
I'm going to be chaperoning
at your dance next week.
Oh, God.
Won't that be fun?
AIDEN: It's just not cool to
have your dad at the dance.
You don't do it.
Oh your dad is cool. Aren't you, honey?
DAD: You know I wore gold chains and
danced with your mother all the time?
Dad, this is '99 not '79.
Hey... I'm still cool though, right?
I mean... Aren't I?
AIDEN: You are not chaperoning
my dance next weekend.
Seriously, (laughs)
am I that embarrassing
to be seen with in public?
Well, I used to be cool.
Dad, are you locking people in or out?
Sweetheart, I'm a dad.
I do dad things.
I think you'll understand that when
you have kids of your own.
Just stay off the computer.
You know honey, I've been thinking,
I, uh, really miss those days when chest
hair and gold chains ruled the beach.
Yeah, you were something.
No, you were something.
Oh yeah.
STALKER: Hey, I was hoping
to catch you, I'll try back.
See, it's him again.
I guess you're out.
I'm thinking of you.
Are you avoiding me?
I need to see you.
You know that I love you, right?
She's never even met you!
Sweetheart, it's OK.
Shh. Just calm down, okay?
We are safe here.
Why doesn't it feel like it?
I love you?
Miss you?
Oh, gross.
This guy is sick.
DAD: Aiden we've got Thai food
here, come on down and eat.
I mean Detective Page
says it's pretty serious.
Right, you know what I think?
Come here honey.
I think we are gonna get through this.
We have Detective Page standing by
and he's just a phone call away.
Sweetheart, it's OK.
Hey, mom, I'm not really hungry.
MOM: Aiden, honey... you
need to eat something.
You're not on that computer,
are you?
Hang on...
Oh, Aiden.
Aiden, why is the window open?
I don't know.
Cause someone opened It.
Very funny.
Well make sure you close it
before you go to bed, okay?
Listen, honey, don't worry
about anything, okay?
It's all gonna be all right.
You just...
get some sleep.
And stay off the computer.
Look at this.
He's been here...
tonight. Look.
Our phone number, our security
access codes...
Oh my God.
All right, call 9-1-1, I'm gonna call
Detective Page from the office phone.
(phone ringing)
Yes, we've had a break in.
ls the intruder still there?
No, not that I can see.
you to stay calm. ls anyone hurt?
MOM: No, but I need you to send
someone to 1 Myrle Avenue right now.
Oh no he's still here.
I can hear...
I can hear him outside.
I think he's...
I think he's coming...
There's a police cruiser in the area...
He just crashed through the window!
I think he's in the house right now, help!
(screaming) Argh!
(police sirens wailing)
It's Okay, Aiden.
It's Detective Page.
Aiden, it's Detective Page. I got ya.
It's okay. You're okay.
Okay. Okay.
There you go.
What you readin?
New cold case of mine, double murder.
Thirteen years.
Still haven't been able to close it.
There's somethin' I'm missin'.
I'm thinkin' a hair piece and maybe some
deodorant to start with.
All right, any solid witnesses, suspects,
Well yeah, one survivor, but she
completely disappeared...
No address, bank accounts, credit cards,
cell phones, no nothin'.
She's a ghost.
We've turned over every rock and
exhausted every lead tryin' to find her.
She's in deep hiding, poor kid.
Take a look at this.
ls that her?
Where'd you find that?
That's technology.
No, no, no, no, she wouldn't have setup
a profile page under her own name.
She's, she's untraceable for a reason.
That killer's still out on the streets.
I'm tellin' you this is not her doing.
That's tech.
It updates much quicker
than your Flintstone files.
It's unbelievable.
He's stalking her again.
You're gonna want to trace the IP
and get in touch with the server.
We gotta bring in the computer guy,
so we can find her
before he does.
Detective Bonham.
You must be one of Philadelphia's finest.
So where do you think I am, detective?
It's a bad day for me, being the
I mean, 13 years to the day,
and look at me...
no family, nothing.
Living in hiding under a fake name.
I mean who the hell am I?
I'm just as dead as they are.
OK, Aiden, stop.
I know, it's just so hard.
First thing, you can't hide here
with all your paintings every day
and expect to get any better.
You say you want to meet
new people, but...
I'm trying.
No matter what I do, it's always there.
No matter how I try to distract myself...
it's built into me.
It's killing me.
You're an artist.
By definition, you need to reach out
to other people.
Experience the world around you.
Your art is the vehicle to do that.
So begin there, paint the starting line
and I'm guessing that you
might have an actual relationship
with something other than
a piece of canvas.
What do you say?
Forward march?
(laughs) You know, if you ever meet
Tony Robbins, you should marry him.
I am so sorry, I've gotta go.
I've got a patient.
Hey, thanks.
And I'm sorry I'm such a head case.
You're a great therapist.
I mean, you've really helped me
the last few years.
Tell you what, if you put the past behind
you, all your days will be good days.
Thanks Mrs. Tony Robbins.
Quite captivating.
What's it called?
Lilacs Untouched.
Shall I wrap it up to go,
or would you prefer we ship it?
His pushiness grows on you.
Genius sells itself.
When I first saw her work,
I said to myself
"this person gets me in a way
that no one else ever has."
Everyone who meets her...
she just has this effect on people.
They all fall in love with her.
And how could you not love her?
Aiden is my most important discovery.
Equal only to the advent
of gin and tonic.
Bold statement.
Especially if you knew how much
he drank.
- Easy.
I'll take it.
How about some of that gin
you were talking about?
Genius idea.
Thank you.
(phone ringing)
Detective Page?
Jack Dayton from Cyber Crimetics.
We spoke on the phone.
Pleasure to meet you.
Ah, yeah, let me close the door so we can
have some privacy.
Do you mind if I take a look
at your computer.
Yeah, sure.
Okay, thanks.
Uh huh.
I can see why you called.
I brought up to date
fed background checks
on everyone involved in the case...
everyone working on the case,
yourself and I included.
I feel like if we want to catch this guy, we
trust no one.
Fight tech for tech.
So, umm, I tracked over a million IPs
back to the original server,
which is out of a hotel on the east coast.
He used a WiFi to hack the hotel server
and that's, that's the end of the line.
He was there.
Wait a minute.
You telling me you found him?
For a second.
Can you do it again?
Mr. Dayton.
I'm lookin' forward to working with you.
All right.
(lock clicks)
I always thought they should have kept
the fire pole
when they converted this place.
Wow, where'd you get the rotary phone?
Does that still work?
You know me, low tech or no tech.
And yes, It was my parents.
Aiden, you need to update
and complicate.
Come join the world.
It's not such a bad place.
Technology has made us lazy and lonely.
I'd rather hours of solitude than bury
my face in text and status updates.
Well that one sale can lead to more,
but you need to think
outside the bun here.
This is so '94?
You couldn't text on this if you tried.
I feel dirty just holding it.
Very funny.
This is the good old days.
Before GPS in every cell phone.
(sigh) You know an art show is not
something I think I'm ready for.
Well no one's ever ready.
I mean you... you just do it.
Rip the Band-Aid right off.
Expose yourself to the world.
I'm not the flasher type.
Well, you've got the goods, in more ways
than one I might add.
You should show them off.
You're a great salesman
and I love you for it.
And I love you too, but starving artist is
not an effective weight loss plan.
Oh don't get me wrong, I love being
your patron saint and paying all the bills,
but even the Pope will tell you,
it's time to move on.
What's this?
What's what?
I call it Endure.
Addy, this work is fabulous!
This is going to break you to the world.
What are you typing?
A surprise, exclusive, last minute,
one night only engagement.
Only a select few in the know will know.
All 'haves,' no 'nots,' high end clientele.
Addy darling, you're going
to have a show.
I am?
You are. We are.
Info is uploaded to my site's
messaging board.
I can do some follow up press
and an e-vile tonight.
You can use your fake name if you want,
but it's here.
It's all right here, at the press of a
button, that Enter button.
Come on Addy, I know you're a
technophobe and everything,
but it's time.
This is selfish to keep all this beauty
to yourself.
Aiden, I promise I'll slop talking if you
press Enter.
Okay, let's not do it now.
But I will send it later,
closer to the show.
Okay, all right.
(heavy breathing and laughing)
Found this painting in evidence.
Take a look.
A brush stroke is as unique
as a fingerprint.
If she's still painting we'll find her.
I developed this program I call
the "E-Later".
It's a cross reference where they can
gather and analyze online picture files
from not just where the photo was taken
and on what medium, but to the actual,
content within the photo,
right down to the brushstroke.
It's amazing.
I get that a lot.
I got the program running
on your database.
Worldwide search until we find
what we're looking for.
It'll lake a couple days.
Unless we gel lucky.
Make it happen.
(typing and heavy breathing)
How do I look?
How is it that you look so good
with so little effort.
I hate you sometimes.
Yeah well, I hate you better.
Your parents would have been really
proud of you tonight.
It's a forward march right?
After you...
Wow, this is it.
It's all here.
Thank you.
You know I don't drink.
It may help.
Winton, you've outdone yourself.
Addy, there's some people
I want you to meet.
Forward march.
When they look back and talk
of Monet and Basquiat,
the name Aiden Cornelis will be
whispered in the same sentence.
No low angles, double chin.
But really, she's far too modest.
When I look upon her work,
to me it's like a, a...
A poem without words.
Let me show you her latest work.
Right this way please.
Match found.
The definitive "Endure."
Personally, I see less abstract and more
realism in your recent work.
I would say that's about right.
I'm a big fan of your use
of negative space.
The emotional impact has a sometimes
Van Gogh feeling to it.
You're not going to cut your ear off,
are you?
Oh well, yeah...
We'll have to see how tonight goes.
Paul Rogers.
Aiden Cornelis.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Can't say that about the rest
of this crowd though.
They're kind of like cartoon characters,
Yeah, I tend to hate these things.
If there could only be art without
the art crowds.
Match found.
So what else should I know about
Miss Aiden Cornelis?
I rock at solitaire.
I talk in my sleep, mostly about politics.
Oh, and this boy, Jim Plumer,
once in the 5th grade
he told everybody I kissed him
in the school yard.
That never happened.
No idea why I told you any of that.
So what about you?
I'm the youngest of three, older sister,
brother, and like you,
Jim Plumer told everyone that I kissed
him in the school yard...
Now I'm embarrassed.
Even embarrassed looks good on you.
Ms. Cornelis?
These just came for you.
Well, if these are from you, then you're
officially very smooth.
Wish they were.
Lucky guy.
(clears throat)
but who then?
It doesn't have a card.
Mr. Flowers.
I don't have a Mr. Flowers.
(laughter) The lengths a guy will go
to have a drink with a girl, huh?
Or coffee...
Look if you don't ingest fluids we can
just sit there and consume
large amounts of solid matter, or you can
please interrupt me and...
I just don't know. I...
Oh... it's my hair, it's just too perfect for
most people.
I try to mess it up, it just ends up
having this whole game show
host vibe going on.
Ok. Slop talking, I'll go.
Sorry to interrupt.
I need to get going.
Oh, excuse me, I...
Of course.
So, how does forward feel?
It's terrifying.
I should probably get a cat.
No. You should go for it.
And um, if he has a brother...
Thanks for coming.
I'm proud of you.
Oh, Addy.
Two paintings just sold online,
low five figures.
You're my golden goose, Addy.
Aiden, I uh just want
to leave you my card.
Wait, so you're leaving already?
Uh, I was uh...
I was thinking about it.
But I can put it off, for a while.
So there's no Mrs. Flowers?
I'm allergic to pollen.
Match found.
Match found.
It's a match! Well I'll be.
Match found.
Match found.
Would you like a GPS location
for this picture?
I think sol
You sure you're OK to drive, you look a
little unfit to operate heavy machinery.
Oh, I'm fine, it's nothing I can't handle.
I could call you a cab...
Yeah, I don't drink very much.
Look, why don't I just, drive you home?
I don't want to put you out.
You're not, come on.
(unintelligible voices over radio)
(phone rings)
JACK: (over answering machine) There
is no one at Cyber Crimetics.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Dayton, Page here.
I need you to run a plate number for me.
D, double T, 7336.
I know it's late, but I need it ASAP.
Thanks for driving me home Mr. Paul
Hey, wait, your name is Mr. Rogers...
That's actually the first time I've ever
heard that.
It was a pleasure.
Consider it my contribution to the arts.
You are quite the philanthropist.
Easy for you to say.
Wait, Paul, I don't...
I don't want...
you don't want..
Um, um, I'm sorry uh...
we only just met and I, I get it.
It's not that I don't want to, 'cause I do..
It's just I'm...
Hey, I...
same here.
How about dinner, then?
Tomorrow night?
Tomorrow at 1:00?
I'll be there with a bell on.
You mean bells, plural.
You're a quick one.
(sighs, chuckles)
I didn't mean to slam the door
on you like that.
Get some sleep.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yes, Mr. Rogers.
Hi Aiden.
It's been a long time.
Detective Page.
Well how'd you find me?
The same way I think he could.
Match found.
Is that gray in your hair?
Tell me about it.
Music I used to listen to growing up
is now considered classic rock.
Depressing as hell.
I thought you were a fellow technophobe.
Uh, I still am.
Good news.
We hired this company...
well specifically this tech guy named
Jack Dayton who introduced us to this,
uh, picture data from the web,
which is how we found you.
Come see.
He's already found me, hasn't he?
We got this new weapon.
Dayton's company can track down
in minutes
what would take Interpol weeks.
We're going to end this Aiden.
All of it.
And what next?
Cyber Crimetics which is Dayton's
will be working out of our office.
And I'm going to be right here outside
your door
along with my partner keeping watch.
He's going to surface again, and when he
does, we're gonna nail him.
Of course, we're going to have our work
cut out for us.
It's good to see you Aiden.
I wish the circumstances were better.
No offense, but I look forward to every
day I don't see you.
Hal I understand.
I'm going back to the office
to sign off on a few surveillance,
uh, expenditures but I'll be right back.
I'm calling the building manager for the
outdoor key in case,
we need somebody on the inside.
Lock the door.
Hey I take it back.
It has been good to see you.
Goodnight, Aiden.
Aiden, are you in there?
Good morning.
I'm so sorry you spent the night
in the car.
I will be here every night until we catch
this guy.
Tell me about Winton Cornelis.
Winton's a good friend.
Hmm, he's certainly
your number one fan.
He's gone as far as to give you
his last name.
It's like a marriage without the proposal.
He's done nothing but support me.
Help to pay your bills.
Calls you three, four times a day.
He's my friend and my exhibitor.
How'd you meet?
At an art show.
Did he approach you?
Yeah. Look it's not him.
Ten years is a long time Aiden.
Thirteen is longer.
Fair enough.
I left my car at the gallery last night.
Will you give me a ride?
Oh hey, thanks for coming.
The power's been flickering all night.
The trouble seems to be coming
from unit one.
I'll be in apartment four if you need me.
All right then.
Up toll-
You won't be needing these...
...or these.
-Are you okay?
yeah, let's go inside
-I'm sorry, I should have...
I should have just picked you up.
-No, I like my car.
I just don't get out a lot.
Ha. I know the feeling.
I, uh, I work from a home office in my
basement so I'm stuck underground...
literally all day every day.
I'm like the mole people.
Oh, I don't leave by choice.
ls that weird?
Would you folks like anything else
Um, I'll have a coffee black with a lemon
wedge, and Aiden?
So what do you do?
Ran the plates and background on Paul
He was living in town at the time of her
parents' murders.
Circumstantial, but he does have an
assault charge against a woman.
He could be our guy.
Where is she?
She's at dinner with him.
(Phone dialing)
So, let's move onto the personal question
around, ah.
Any recent fiancs, significant others,
life partners, stalker ex-boyfriends?
(phone rings)
Um, hello?
Aiden, Paul could be the one.
OK, I need you to stay calm.
He was living in Walnut Grove the night
of your parents' murder and he's got
an assault charge against a woman.
Where are you?
The uh...
The Hyper Buddha. It's on 66th.
OK. Don't leave.
Make sure everyone in the place
can see you.
I'm on my way and stay calm.
Yeah, okay.
I'm on my way.
Everything OK?
I'm fine, I'm just gonna use the bathroom.
Aiden, you okay?
(gasping, crying)
Look uh, if, if you're
not feeling all right, I...
I can get someone.
(sobbing, gasping)
Aiden, are you okay?
'90' you.
'90' you.
Strangely enough there's something
hopeful about this.
Closest we've been in 13 years.
I can park myself right outside the door
Stay on the couch, whatever you want.
Where is your wife?
My wife.
Hmm... we're divorced.
She took our daughter
and I haven't seen them in years.
I can't say I blame her.
I was never the husband or father
I should've been.
I'm sorry.
Aiden, are you sure you don't want me
to stay tonight?
I'm okay.
I'll be outside in the car.
Lock the door.
Okay (laughs, sniffles)
what are you looking for?
I'm right here.
You owe me for this you know?
How many times I save your life, huh?
Well, remind me to.
You catch the game on TV
the other night?
I don't watch TV.
Good night.
Good night.
(phone ringing)
Ms. Cornelis?
It's the superintendent here.
What is it?
Well we've been having some power
surges in the building here,
but it's being worked on. Just so you
Okay, thank you.
I'm Detective Bonham, I've been working
with Detective Page.
Just thought I would stop and introduce
I'll be out in front if you need me.
Goodnight Aiden.
PAUL: Aiden, any recent fiancs,
significant others, life partners,
stalker ex-boyfriends?
Aiden, Paul's the one.
Who are you talking to?
(phone ringing)
So, how was it?
Jill, it was him.
It was Paul who killed my parents.
Are you OK?
I wouldn't go that far.
Did he hurt you?
But they caught him?
Are the police at least there?
All I can say is, channel it into your art
and let the police do their job.
Yeah, I'm just in this constant state
of paranoia.
Paranoia is just nature's survival instinct.
Everyone needs and uses it
to a certain extent.
In your case, it's the most normal thing
about your life.
JILL: (sighs) Addy, listen,
I'm here for you. Okay?
Jill Gachet, who are you?
Hey, what the...
Detective James Page, but you already
know that don't you?
What's this all a...
September 3rd, 1999.
Where were you?
What are you trying to...
You were living there the night
that Shamus...
...and Michelle Ashley were murdered,
Would you just ease up a sec?
Huh, where were you?
I... that was uh...
almost 15 years ago.
Do you remember where you were?
I was putting two innocent people in
body bags and guess who they were?
Am I being charged with something here?
I'm not gonna ask you again.
Where were you?
I grew up in Walnut Grove, all right?
But in 1999 I...
I was backpacking
in Europe that summer.
I don't...
I don't understand what any of this has
to do with Aiden...
Michelle... Aiden Ashley?
She was...
she was that girl?
Yeah, she was that girl.
April 4th, 2001.
Remember your assault charge?
I, um...
I was walking home, like I did any other
day, and I see this guy,
this big guy with his girlfriend.
And they're fighting, both in each other's
So I... I... I...
I tried to stop him.
So when the police came, she pressed
charges against me
because she was scared of her boyfriend.
-She dropped them a couple of days later.
It's all on file.
(phone dialing, phone rings)
Dayton, get me the passport file
on Paul Rogers, and the paperwork
on the assault charges.
He's not our guy.
You're positive?
Checked out right?
You're free to go.
- Is she gonna be all right?
- I don't know.
-Look, if there's anything I can do I...
-I said you're free to go.
Get out of here.
It's not him, is it?
I'm sorry.
Welcome home, Aiden.
So now what?
I'll let you know.
Everyone else checked out?
What do you mean?
Well Winton checked out?
Yeah, why?
It's just me being me.
Did he say something?
Did he do something?
I just need sleep.
Try to get some rest.
Winton Cornelis.
I'll check into Cornelis for you.
I'll see you in the morning.
Hey you've reached Paul Rogers.
I'm not here right now.
Please leave a message.
Hey Paul, it's me Addy...
The unstable girl from last night.
I just want to say, sorry.
I mean, I didn't even get to try the coffee.
So, if you want to take a break from the
mole people and get out
of your underground office for round two
in the life and times of me, then...
I'm rambling.
No, No!
I can tell my police escort
to ease up a bit.
You will not be with any other man!
- What I?
- What the hell is going on in here?
the nature of your emergency?
I can hear some commotion there,
are you OK?
I'll be dispatching both medical
and police to your location.
Yeah, it's good to see you again.
Gas included, one parking space like
the sign says, move in today.
I'll take it
-What do you mean?
Hey, you need a night watchman tonight?
If you could I'd appreciate it.
Yeah, see you there.
Who's he?
Oh I'm sorry.
I should have introduced you.
That's my partner, Detective Bonham.
You have someone helping you watch her
that I don't know about?
Bonham can be trusted.
According to files, Bonham started
working at the same precinct
not long after the murders.
Would have given him enough time to
apply and graduate the academy.
He's a standup guy.
I can vouch for him.
Not the point.
You got to keep me on top of these
My apologies.
So, getting back to this, what are you
The IP address led us to a residence that
was abandoned and vandalized.
Whoever trashed the basement suite and
left in a hurry
had some time and used
the Gutman method.
A series of algorithms used to securely
erase hard drives,
running 35 patterns over the region
to be deleted.
Again, but in English.
What I mean is, he took that much care to
make sure that no one saw
what was on those few remaining
hard drives,
but was so careless about one thing.
What's that?
A post-it note that must have
slid under the desk.
And on that post it note?
A code.
To what?
A bank account.
Winton Cornelis.
Your account number please?
Yes, account number 8166324.
How can I help you today?
I'd like to check a balance.
Savings or Checking?
Last name?
Your account is actually overdrawn.
Doesn't even make any sense.
Let me bring up your file.
Hey, it's Paul.
would you be able to come in and see us
about the matter?
Yes, I'll come in.
See you soon Ms. Cornelis.
I uh...
I hope I'm not the cause of that annoyed
look on your face.
No, some bills overdrew my account.
I have to go to the bank.
(phone ringing)
My Wall Space, how may I help you?
Hey, the account set up in your name,
it's been overdraft for some reason.
No idea.
Well, since I'm technically
not on the account,
can you go down and check it out?
Excuse me.
Detective James Page, Philadelphia PD.
Got a minute?
So, what do you feel like eating?
Honestly, can we order in?
Yeah, sure.
It's my favorite type of food.
Let's do Thai.
All right.
She's wonderful, isn't she?
She's certainly had a rough go.
To say the least.
It's noble that you stepped up and kept
her off the grid, so to speak, for so long.
You've been like, um,
a guardian angel to her.
Well I think that's over-selling it a bit.
You two, um, you've never been...
you know...
With benefits?
Just friends.
I noticed you set up a business account
and a substantial amount of money
was taken out of it after the art show.
You want to tell me about that?
Yes I... I just heard from Aiden.
I was just on my way to the bank.
I was already there. I'll save you the trip.
It was transferred into your personal
well, not by me.
We call that embezzlement.
Are you here to arrest me?
I'd rather get you on murder.
You know, I usually stay away
from this kind of stuff
in order to maintain my girlish figure,
but it's...
(laughs)'s pretty good.
The delivery guy kind of knows me
by name.
Eat in a lot?
More than I'd like.
It is?
Of course.
I just don't want to come off like
a total recluse.
Too late.
The, uh, stack of express post and
take-out boxes kind of gave you away.
Okay, fair enough.
So what about you?
You get out a lot?
Yeah... yeah.
I, uh, I...
you know, I bike, I hike, I fish...
Sounds, a little Dr. Seuss actually,
but yeah I...
I like to play.
You're like a giant kid.
Hey, anyone can grow old but it takes
a certain someone
to stay immature for life, you know?
I like that.
So, um, 10 years from now,
where do you see yourself?
married, two kids, a minivan
with terrible transmission.
I don't know, just...
in a perfect world, someone to walk
beside me and not have to look
over my shoulder type deal.
Oh, you know what?
I'm a great walker.
(phone rings)
(phone rings)
It's Jill.
Listen, this may sound strange
but to me it's just not sitting right.
I tried calling Detective Page but
I couldn't get through.
I thought I should tell you
for your own safety.
Well, what is it?
I have this new client.
And you know me, I would never violate
patient-doctor confidentiality,
but in this case...
Well, you wouldn't tell me
unless it was important.
He was telling me about his past,
asking questions.
When he was young his family was
stalked out in Walnut Grove.
And he moved to the city, going offline,
trying to escape this person.
He went on and the details were exact.
So, you think he came to you
to get to me?
Aiden, watch your back.
Well that worked out nicely.
(People yelling)
(phone ringing)
Page here.
I was talking to Jill earlier and she says
he's been into her office as a patient,
trying to get into my head.
Yeah. You need to talk to her.
I can't.
What do you mean, can't?
Jill's dead
An accident.
She was hit crossing the street.
Was it him?
Some other guy.
They're talking to him right now.
This isn't happening.
What is it?
Look, I'm on my way over
and this time you're gonna speak
directly to Dayton.
I'd feel better coming there.
Um, can your guy make it for six?
Okay. I'll call him.
You want me to pick you up?
I have a ride.
I'm sorry.
I'll see you there.
What happened?
And again...
And again...
Goodbye Jill.
(phone ringing)
DETECTIVE PAGE: Jill is dead.
DETECTIVE PAGE: Talkin' on her
cell, she walked into traffic.
-You're kidding?
-Meet me at the office in 10.
Yeah... yeah... Absolutely.
I'll, uh, I'll see you then.
I'll see you there.
Thanks for getting her here.
No problem.
I'll be out here if you need me, Okay?
Jack Dayton, Aiden Ashley.
I'm sorry about your friend.
Winton Cornelis, as I see it,
he has you under lock and key.
ls there anything in your life right now
that's not tied to Mr. Cornelis?
Winton's always been a good friend.
He's taken money
out of your account, Aiden.
You're an investment to him
and he stands to make a lot of money.
He's making online art purchases,
and then, taking the money
from your account to pay for them.
Does that seem friendly to you?
ls he here?
Can I talk to him?
He's in the interrogation room.
You need to tell them I'm not
involved in any of this.
I have known you for a very long time,
and you've been nothing
but amazing to me.
I need you to look me in the eye and tell
me you had nothing to do with this.
I swear to you.
I... I've done nothing.
Any chance of happiness,
now and for the rest of my life,
will always be tainted because
my parents aren't here.
I'm begging you, if you know something,
tell me now.
I don't know what's worse.
Being locked up in here or that you could
even think I'd possibly
be able to do something like this.
And I want you to know that in those
sad-happy moments,
I will always be there as your friend.
Are we more than friends?
Are we business partners?
Can we both make each other
a lot of money?
Most definitely.
But underneath that, you know
I've always been here for you.
I hope you can believe that.
It's not him.
Look, I know it's hard to accept this,
Of the few people I do know in my life,
I know.
And it's not him.
I mean, any online stuff, any money
accounts, we know this guy can do that.
What physical evidence
do you have on Winton?
It's him.
And if it's not?
I'm dead?
Then perhaps there's someone else
in your life
that you just don't know as well.
You're just dogs chasing your tails.
This man has spent the past 13 years
of his life helping you,
and I'm assuming
he'd spend another 13.
If it's not Winton Cornelis
then we'll keep looking.
But for now, we have to focus on what we
do have, instead of what we don't.
Here, if you have any concerns.
Call me.
Yo, Aiden, uh, I have a business call
with Taiwan later tonight,
which I can do via laptop and that couch
looks pretty comfy so...
I can stay.
If you'd like someone to be around,
fill in the silence.
You'd still slay after all that drama?
I'll grab my stuff from the car.
So, your computer is like a phone?
Uh huh.
Just press connect.
No phone or long distance necessary.
It's not going to be weird that I still
deadbolt my door is it?
You do what you got to do.
Good night.
Good night.
Paul, you are getting in my way.
So can we make those trades with China?
If you want.
Invoice me for extra costs?
Yeah absolutely, absolutely.
I'll just...
So, will you check the account?
Uh huh.
And tell me how many we can afford.
There's about two.
To maybe three...
just about.
Should be enough though.
WOMAN: Will your delivery
appear on the next invoice?
WOMAN: Um, and either two or
three cargo boxes on Thursday?
Mmhm hmm
Morning delivery please.
Will do and...
Any additional cost overage...
(keys jangling)
(door shuts)
Whoa, whoa Aiden, Aiden.
You're Okay Aiden.
You're Okay. It's Okay.
I'm sorry. I thought I was ready to have
someone sleep over.
But I wasn't.
It... It's Okay.
I, uh, I...
I understand.
I'm an idiot.
No, no.
You're... you're just, haunted.
Look, uh, would it be easier if I just
went home?
ls that OK? I'm sorry.
Maybe just for the rest of tonight.
Um, look.
You know where to reach me
if you need me, right?
-It's Okay.
-Yeah. Okay.
Goodnight, Aiden.
All right Page, where are you?
(phone tone plays)
(car alarms going off)
(phone tone plays)
(phone tone plays)
(phone tone plays)
(engine revving)
(engine revving)
Where is he?
He's in the O.R.
There was an accident.
How is Winton doing this from jail?
We don't know that anyone's done
anything yet.
We just started the investigation.
Yeah, we've done really well so far.
I'll be right out here.
Oh, God!
Paul, can you hear me?
Oh, I'm so sorry.
It was...
the Detective...
My phone...
check the text messages.
Detective Page?
Hello. Dayton here.
This... this is Aiden.
Aiden Ashley.
I didn't know who else to call.
Can we please talk?
Of course.
Are you okay Ms. Ashley?
There's been some things.
I just... can we meet in person?
Time and place?
How about tonight, my apartment.
I'll be there.
Thank you.
Did he say anything?
I've got to go.
Aiden, it's important.
Did he see who did this to him?
ls there something
you're not telling me here?
It's been a long day, Okay?
I'll follow you home.
Are you sure you don't want me
to come in?
Now is not a good time.
It may not feel like we're getting
anywhere right now,
but I'm not gonna stop 'til we get him.
Are you sure you're okay?
I'm fine.
I'll be right outside if you need me.
Lock the door.
I always do.
Ms. Ashley, it's Jack Dayton.
Would you buzz me in?
Thanks for coming.
This is Detective Page's hard drive.
There's enough of your artwork
and photos on here
to make anyone uncomfortable.
Paul did say he thought it was Detective
Page who attacked him.
He was the first responder on the scene
And he was the first one on the case
when you started filing complaints with
the police before your parents' passing.
So it was him?
(sighs) Why would he stay
on the case for so long?
It seems, something more than just trying
to solve an unsolvable case.
Something more than pride.
Something that mattered more to him
than saving his own marriage or family.
His superiors, the city, everybody closes
the investigation.
But his investigation's intention was
getting close and...
and staying close to you.
He hired me not to find the killer,
but to find you, for him.
And I led him right here.
I don't understand
It was...
when I was young it was his job and...
and now I...
I thought he genuinely cared.
These types of people, um, for them,
it's about power.
About entitlement.
They will put you in harm's way,
just so they can save you.
Then it's like a banker coming to collect
what they're owed,
by any means necessary.
So what do we do?
If we call the police now,
who do you think
would be the first person on the scene?
We run, they have an entire force.
We have two sets of eyes on us now.
This is actually his police files
and account?
Of course.
Why wouldn't he just kill me all those
times we were alone together?
Sometimes it's not their intention
to kill the victim.
They see themselves as protectors,
He has a love that transcends
what the average person
could even begin to understand, it's...
It's not love.
To him this could be the only thing
he has left.
A man with nothing is a very
dangerous animal.
I got it.
For what it's worth,
I think you're very talented.
The more I think about it,
the more I realize there's nothing
more artistic than to love others.
Van Gogh, you've done your research.
When you're bound to a chair, it forces
you to be thorough.
I guess we're both trapped
in our own ways. Hmm.
RECORDING: We're sorry, your call
cannot be completed as dialed,
please check the number
or call your operator to...
RECORDING: We're sorry, your call cannot
be completed as dialed, please check...
I'm gonna check in on her, you sit tight.
These kinds of files, are they standard for
this type of police investigation?
I mean, um, there's a lot here.
Oh God...
I'm sorry.
And I just let him in every time
he knocked.
You know I've...
researched thousands of these cases
and in some of them,
the women in your situation have actually
connected with their pursuer.
Both realizing that they wanted the same
thing, a peace...
that only they could offer.
I can hear you walking around.
Are you okay?
We're fine.
It's just Dayton.
Yeah, we're going over some files.
Aiden, we've been out front
the whole time.
Dayton never came in the front door.
Call Detective Bonham, he'll confirm it.
I'm slipping his card
underneath the door.
You've got to open the door.
Hang on.
Aiden, just open the door.
The phone isn't working.
Aiden please open the door!
Don't open the door.
Open the door, Jack.
Go, go!
Come on.
What the hell is going on?
Damn ill
You know, under Van Gogh's
"Patch of Grass" painting
they recently found a scribbled out
drawing of a woman.
The same woman, I'm guessing,
he gave his severed ear to.
How could she not see the sacrifice
he had made for her?
Nothing more artistic than to love others.
Why can't you love me?
(heavy breathing)
Please, it's the...
it's the only thing
I have ever asked of you.
(heavy breathing)
There are so many ways this could end...
or begin.
I just want to give you
the happiness you deserve.
And I want that, more than anything.
I'd kill myself for you.
Please do!
Move, move, move!
He's got a gun.
Aiden! You OK?
Come on. Let's get out of here.
I wouldn't do that.
(heavy breathing)
Do you know how long
I've waited for this?
And now you're trying to take it from me.
Haven't you done enough?
- Don't make me do this.
- We're not making you do...
-...anything. Just put the gun down,
nobody needs to get hurt...
Now it's just the two of us,
as it should be.
Can't you see?
What have you done?
It'll never be the two of us...
I'd rather die than be with you!
(heavy breathing)
I'm sorry...
(heavy breathing)
Aren't you gonna miss me?
Don't you have a flight to catch?
I'm serious.
When I moved to this city I was terrified.
You and Jill were my family.
You know, London would be really nice
this time of year
or you could even go to Florence.
Winton, I'm trying to say goodbye.
I know.
But this is uh...
this is one of the hardest things
I've ever had to do.
But it's also the happiest day of my life.
You've been through so much
and now you're free.
It's what I've always dreamed of for you.
I love you, you know that.
And I love you too.
(clears throat)
And luckily I love this man.
So where are you going first?
Well he doesn't know it yet but...
Why am I not surprised?