Baby (2018) s02e01 Episode Script


1 A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES ROOM 237, I'M WAITING FOR YOU When something new begins, we feel a shiver down our spine.
There's nothing more beautiful than that moment.
That's what adolescence is like.
A continuous discovery.
We don't realize that the choices we make will change everything or maybe we don't care.
Because while there's something to discover everything still seems possible.
Ludo! Finally, for fuck's sake.
Well? Vodka or champagne? So, you continued without saying anything to me? Okay, vodka.
What's this? We said we'd throw it away.
I know, but how do you think I'm going to pay Fiore back? No one asked why you were using a dead man's phone? It's hot, Chiara, they've all gone soft in the brain.
Sure, but if they find out, we're dead! An optician gave me these as a present.
An infinite amount of things to do in such little time.
No? I finally got a laugh out of you.
I've missed you.
Open up Open this door! Hey! Five seconds, we'll chat for five seconds, come on, open up! Come on, open this door! Tonight Will you open this door? Hey, I said open this fucking door! Hey, do us a favor and open the door.
Let's go.
Open this door, now! Open the door! Open this door! I spoke with Damiano a few times.
But he was very elusive.
I don't know.
He must be waiting for you to come back.
- What if something's changed? - Has something changed for you? No.
I mean, yes, I don't want to do the same dumb shit as last year.
Dumb shit? - You know what I mean.
- I understand.
Anyway, I've got to go now.
I'll leave you the key if you want.
No, I've got to go as well.
I've missed you, too.
Stay with me? I've got to go home.
Besides, haven't you got school tomorrow? Yes, what a pain.
Sure, what a pain.
What'll you say when you've got a proper job? What a pain.
It's 300 euros short.
I know.
But maybe next time I'll give you more.
No, you have to give me the whole amount! And if I don't, what will you do? Start crying? Stop worrying so much.
It's easy for you.
You don't have to deal with all this teenage testosterone.
Promise me you won't let anyone make fun of you.
- I didn't hear.
- Yes, yes.
Now give me a kiss.
Here? No, here.
Ale I told you, I don't feel ready.
Have a good day.
That guy's girl! Wow, you always talk too much.
I manage, I manage.
Don't you worry.
Hey, what are you staring at? - Nothing, baby.
What do you mean staring? - Good one! Buddy! - How are things? - What's this, you don't say hello to me? Hey, big guy, how are you? Canadian high school, have a good time? - Fantastic, you've no idea.
- You'd like it, lots of faggots.
What about your mother? You should've seen how I took care of her while you were away, brother.
- Anyway, guys, we missed you.
- Missed you, too.
- More beautiful than ever.
- Hey, idiot.
- I'll smash your face in.
- There he is, always the same tough guy.
- I missed you, Vitto.
- Me, too, bro.
Why don't you two give each other a kiss while you're at it? I don't know.
- What do you say? - What about you and Canada? It's cool.
Seriously! Well, an Italian abroad, I think you must fuck - Got home field advantage.
- What are you saying? Of course, you start showing off, Rome, the Colosseum, Parioli New year, same shit.
And I thought prison was holidaying with my parents.
That was purgatory.
Now you've moved to the next level: hell.
Homework, exams, the usual fuck-faces.
Hurrah! Damiano's not here and he isn't answering my calls Hello, girls.
Ready to begin again? - Yes.
- Great.
Have a good first day, then.
What's up with him? I don't know, but he's even scarier when he's happy.
How did yesterday go? Let's leave it.
Next topic? Why, what happened? I got myself an asshole consultant.
- He paid me less.
- How much less? A bad choice, it happens.
Has it happened before? Fiore's a piece of shit.
But with him, these things didn't happen.
Forget about Fiore.
What are you doing? Well, the sooner you free yourself from this debt, the better.
Let's see.
You keep it.
Let me know if he answers.
Good first day of hell.
- Hello, kids.
- Hello.
Welcome back, everyone.
Take your seats.
How were your holidays? Good, thank you.
- Did you read something? - Yes.
- Hello.
May I? - Younes, about time.
Be seated.
The desks are assigned, this one's mine.
So, as you know, we have a new workbook.
If you can all put it on your desks Let's go to page 149.
I did all of the translations for the holidays.
One more day with my parents and I think I would've started to talk like Aristotle.
- That bad? - Yes.
What did you do? - Did you enjoy yourself? - Well, let's just say I didn't do shit.
I missed you.
See you in class.
The principal's son is gay.
Come on.
Stay still.
Do you like Vittorio? Do you want a kiss from Vittorio? Will you give him a kiss? So, how many guys did you get off with this summer? Let's see! Pass him to me! Watch out, he's getting horny! - Well done! - You getting horny? Are you done with this shit? - Who the fuck are you? - Go on, hit me.
I don't give a shit if I get expelled.
Who'll explain to your father that he wasted money? Can you tell me who this puppet is? A dickhead from the slums.
Nice new puppy.
- Tell him to sit.
- Vitto, you'll get suspended, don't.
And then, we can try to see if this meeting All right.
Thank you.
I'll let you know.
Hi, sweetheart.
Who was that? The accountant.
It's nothing, we've just got a few small problems with the shop.
We just need to be more careful with our money.
I've also met someone who's giving me some useful advice.
Oh, God, no, again? Well, we've gone out together, to give each other advice as two single parents.
Great, so he's a parent? This time, I want to do things properly.
That's why I haven't said anything to you.
If you say so.
What is it? Oh, nothing.
Those sunglasses suit you.
They searched me, but found fuck all.
It was a close one, though.
Listen, Fio, I can't keep doing this anymore.
Are you ready? Your father's waiting for you outside.
You know he doesn't want you smoking in the house.
That one? No parking.
Use both hands.
Ludo, do you need to vomit? Leave her be, can't you see she's not well? Mind your own fucking business! Asshole! Damiano? Damiano? What is it? I don't know.
Breathe, everything's okay.
Come on, breathe.
Try to relax.
- Are you better now? - Yes.
Has it ever happened before? It happened during the first test.
That's why they failed me.
If you want, I'll get tomorrow's test moved to another day.
What do you think? There's no need.
It's fine.
Which one do you prefer? - What's all this? - Posters for the app.
You said you wanted to give us a hand with advertising, didn't you? When we proposed you, the marketing team went crazy.
Yeah, but I didn't think you meant this.
But wasn't it meant as something for kids? At first.
Now it's become something for all ages.
We broadened our target range.
What did Granddad say? Well, he didn't expect this.
He was speechless.
For once.
I think this one with fluorescent colors is the best.
What do you think? Yes, also because Sure, I'm heading out.
We have to remember to call the laboratory.
- Because he disappears.
He disappears! - Oh, God! Stop it! Sorry if I'm late.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How did the drive go? Fine.
So, what'll we do? I suggest celebrating our first day back.
I agree.
Where will we go? I don't know.
Where'll we go? If you want I know somewhere.
Let's go.
Let's go.
- For later.
- Thanks.
How do you know about this place? An ex of my mother's works here.
- Listen, are you sure we can use ? - Fuck's sake, Fede, what do you care? Is this the one? LOOK, I KNOW THAT SAVERIO IS DEAD.
Everything all right? - Everything all right? - Yes, my bag is just full of stuff What's wrong? Sorry.
It's nothing, just I don't want to do it here.
Fair enough.
Ludovica's a bit strange, isn't she? I mean, this room, the hotel What's her deal? I don't know.
She's a friend, that's all.
Okay, let's go back to the others.
Chiara, are you getting up? You're late! - Hey.
- Hey.
I thought I was meeting your cousin.
He sent me instead.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm sorry he's gotten you mixed up in this.
The moment was bound to come, sooner or later.
Nothing ever fucking changes around here, Damia.
Well, don't think it's much different in Parioli.
I thought now that you're rich, you'd go to university, or to school I've just got bigger problems with even shittier people.
I've already told you, if you come back here to us, you'll be safe.
I know, Vane, but I can't come back.
WILL WE SEE EACH OTHER THIS EVENING? - Who is it, your little girlfriend? - No, as if.
Let me see.
See what? Come on, give me the phone.
Vane, stop messing about.
Hey, I'm not an idiot! Relax.
I was gonna take a photo.
Jesus, you're stiff as a corpse! Do something! You're an idiot! That's enough.
All right, okay.
- No, really, I'm almost out of battery.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Fedeli, open this door.
Hey, you got to open this fucking door! Who do you think you are, a gangster passing shit under a door? I don't know! Do you have anything for me? Don't you have your own? I got fed up dealing.
Hey, they're not fake! Do you want them or not? Thanks.
Thanks, my ass.
Hey, who's that? Who's she? Do we have to dissolve her in acid? His ex.
How did things go yesterday? Did you do it? Why not? Don't know, I didn't feel like doing it there.
Ludo that guy answered.
- He knows Saverio's dead.
- That's why he didn't pay me.
But a guy called Tommaso sent a message for you.
I looked him up, he seems cool.
I'll finally read my first book.
- When I finish with him, can we hang out? - I was hoping to see Damiano.
If he answers me, that is.
No worries.
Hello, kids.
Sit down, please.
Now, we'll start this class by continuing from where we left off last time.
We were saying that the beginning of the 20th century OKAY, YOU GOT ME! BUT CAN WE SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN ANYWAY? I'M FREE LATER.
Alberto came by to say hello.
Hello, Ludovica.
Good evening.
Where are you going, all dressed up like that? To study.
Can you give her a lift? No, no, no, thank you, I'll get a taxi.
Could you please put on the seatbelt? Magic! How did you do that? If you sit like this, the sensors don't detect you.
Silly, isn't it? Ludo, it's not because of the alarm.
You know, your mom she's a really great woman.
She's going through a hard time, and yet - she always smiles.
- I noticed.
Try not to give her too many worries.
It's an important year for you.
Oh, God, even out of school now! What? Here.
You can leave me here.
- Here? Are you sure? - Yes, my friend lives just over there.
Thanks for the lift.
You said we'd be settled by the end of the summer.
Summer ends when I say so, Damià.
If it weren't for me, you'd be behind bars by now.
Come on.
Here's what you've got to do with your license.
Drive her to her dates.
You'll be her guardian angel.
Look, I'm not a pimp.
You'll see, you'll like her Deep down, she's really nice.
Hi, honey, I'm home.
I had a dreadful day at work, an absolute day from hell.
You've no idea.
I could really do with one of your massages.
Sorry, darling, I didn't hear the bell.
I'M HERE, WHAT ABOUT YOU? Malibu and pineapple, please.
Are you waiting for someone? A friend.
I'm waiting for a friend, too.
You can't smoke in here, remember? The alarm will go off.
What would I do without you I just don't know.
What's your name? - Emma.
- Emma.
Such a nice name.
You're very elegant.
What do you do? I'm a consultant.
Do you know what that is? No.
But it sounds very important.
What are you doing here - Emma? - I'm with my parents.
My father always takes me along on his boring work trips.
You left me by myself all day.
Sometimes it's no harm to be alone.
For example, today, I was surrounded by people and I felt alone.
The more people there were, the more alone I felt.
You're right.
Maybe it's just "a day from hell," as you call them.
I could write an essay on days from hell, on feeling alone.
Sorry, but how old are you? Do you want me to be a little girl or a big girl? Thanks, but I don't go with minors.
What's the problem? It's consensual.
You're right, there's no problem.
It's a misunderstanding.
Sorry, my mistake.
Well I'm going back to my room.
Listen I've booked a room here.
If you don't feel like going back to your parents you could stay with me for a bit.
If you want, I can give you some money, that way tomorrow you can go shopping.
Really? No, you're making fun of me.
No, really.
What room are you in? Five-hundred and two.
All right, maybe you should start going up.
I'll be there in five minutes.
I wouldn't want my father to see me with you.
Put it on the account for Room 502.
I DON'T BELIEVE IT! HOW DID YOU DO THAT? Brando, come to the table, it's ready.
- Perla! - Why are you shouting? If they don't come - Darling.
- Sorry for being late, Daddy.
How was your first day of school? Don't know, they all looked like losers to me.
Look out for your sister, will you? Are you going out again? Yes.
Leave him be.
What's it to you? He's got his own life.
Well? He might even bring some chick home one of these days, it'd be about time.
Instead of always hanging around with that what's-his-name.
I'm taking your car, okay? What's new? Where did you disappear to? Sorry, I had to do something.
You passed your test? The examiner was a bit of an asshole, but, yeah, in the end I did it.
May I invite you for a drive? Please.
Can I trust you? Hi, gorgeous! I'm here, too, handsome! I'm so bored! Hi, beautiful.
- Hi, gorgeous.
- Cigarette.
Good evening.
Hi, gorgeous.
- How much? - For you, 50.
You know, down on Via Ardeatina, for 30 euros you even get a blowjob.
But have you seen me? Okay, fine, this evening, let's do 30.
How about 10? How much? I bet you're on fire under there.
What Fucking asshole! Your mother is a cocksucker! Hey, that was the best! Have you noticed, Chiara's always hanging around with Ludo? What do you care, Bra? You should think about getting laid instead.
What's wrong? Do I have to pay for you? Hey, let's go throw stones at the transsexuals, come on.
I can't, Bra.
- I'm meeting Virginia.
- Come on.
Later, bro.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
Here? I don't care where.
Couldn't it wait till tomorrow? No, I needed it now.
- You said 50, didn't you? - Yeah.
Are those today's takings? Yes.
Less my share.
Did you see, I found you a driver? Who, Fio, that little boy? He's good.
For me, all that matters is he knows how to drive and doesn't cause any problems.
Oh, today one of the punters was making problems.
He said he had trouble with one of the girls.
- Which girl? - Someone called Emma.
Who is she? She's not one of ours, is she? I've never heard of her.
I have.
Even though everything still seems possible, the choices you make will remain.
And the person that you become tomorrow depends on those choices.
Be seated.
I want to introduce your new teacher of history and philosophy to you, Mr.
Hello, everyone.
I'm sure you'll get along fine together.

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