Karenjit Kaur - The Untold Story of Sunny Leone (2018) s02e03 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 3

1 'When hobby turns into addiction, one should beware.
' 'It's a miracle that your mother is still alive.
' 'Well, we did a full body scan' 'and there are signs that she has cirrhosis of the liver.
' 'So before we go to criminal court, ' 'why don't you defend mom' 'and tell me in the family court right now' 'why does mom drink alcohol.
' 'What happened to you that you had to strip in front of the whole world?' 'Sometimes you get addicted to wrong things in life.
' 'And the one who gets addicted doesn't consider it to be wrong.
' 'Sessions court has given its verdict.
' 'Now, can we take a decision in our family court' 'that the things we spoke about at the hospital the other day, ' 'will never be repeated in our family?' 'My name is Balwant Kaur Vohra.
' 'And I found my perfect excuse a few months ago.
' 'My own daughter ' 'I star in my very first adult movie' 'called Sunny with Vivid Entertainment.
' 'But You You clearly know what this is.
' 'What? - Business.
' Bye, mom.
Bye, dad.
Have fun We will.
As long as you guys don't have too much fun.
If you know what I mean.
Relax, mom! We are just going to order pizzas and watch Clueless.
I thought we were watching Clueless.
We are watching this, so that we are not clueless and know exactly know how to do things these guys are doing in this movie I exactly know what these guys are doing in this movie, and I exactly know I am never gonna do it! Oh shut up! Stop being such a prude and concentrate.
Hey, babe! - Hey! What's up? Well, we are waiting for you to open the champagne bottle, babe.
Oh! What! Steven didn't renew the contract? I didn't.
What? - But why not? Well There's just no growth in signing another contract with Vivid.
I mean he said, 'You know we made six films' 'and I'm willing to sign another one.
' 'But it's just going to be the same old shit.
' So, I don't know.
Babe, fucking is going to be fucking in every fucking century.
Not quite sure what he means by the same old shit.
I don't know, Angela.
I guess he means that she needs to bring in some sort of novelty factor if she wants him to give her the price she wants.
Novelty means only one thing.
You are gonna have to go down the road you have not gone down before.
You know, I guess she's right about that.
That's what I had to do.
We'll think about that, yeah.
- Yeah.
Anyway, dinner is almost ready.
So, Sunny.
- So, Steven.
How can I help you? Well, I am here to help you.
Now, what are you offering me? My very first adult video with a male performer, which will be with Nate exclusively.
The contract stays the same.
It's up to you to add a couple of zeroes at the end of my contract Hmm.
Oh, come on! You know what you are getting into.
And now, I am making you an offer you can't refuse.
So Sunny, listen.
We have been doing each other for quite a while now.
And apart from the fact that you are doing me really well, I don't really know much about you.
I kinda like that.
Well, yeah.
Me too.
But I'm not for getting serious about a guy.
We are getting serious, are we? A bit.
Let's start with the basics.
Your favourite holiday destination? Sarnia.
Where's that? It's in Canada.
That's where I was born.
You were born in Sar.
In Canada? Yeah.
I was born in Bangalore.
- What! Yeah.
That's where my mom is from, so yeah! Do you know Hindi? Yes, a little bit.
Shut up! That's cool, man.
Moving on.
Who is your favourite celebrity crush? Princess Leia.
Star Wars.
Oh yes.
I love Han Solo.
And And finally, if you were not working in the field of investments, what would you be doing? Something I really wanna do.
Have a look.
Alright! So, no HIV, no syphilis, no herpes, no gonorrhea, no nothing, one hundred per cent clean.
Phew! So, was it a one-night thing or are you cheating on Karen? Woah! Where the hell is that coming from, man? The fact that you're here getting tested! Look, you've been together for what three years now, unless of course, you are getting into pornography too? That's exactly why I am getting myself tested.
We are shooting a movie together, hence the mandatory procedure.
Whoa! - Yeah.
So, she is finally gonna be doing a movie with a guy.
Oh, wow! My nerdy best friend is keeping a thorough tab on my girlfriend's career.
What? Hey! No I was Someone in the office was telling me earlier - It's okay, Kev.
Karen and I both know that you're a hungrydog1739.
I am so sorry! - It's alright, man.
I gotta go.
I'll see you later, bro.
"Watch you even closer when I'm not with you.
" "Tell me, tell me.
" "Tell me what I got what I gotta say.
" "Can't you, can't you" "Can't you be perfect for you are nice to make up.
" "You are the one, the one I want.
" 'The one I wanna be with everyday now.
" "Tell me, tell me.
" "Tell me what I got what I gotta say now.
" Hey.
What are you doing here? I am hungry.
It's 2.
30 am.
Don't you know that I have a habit of midnight munching? Ever since we have come to know that both of us are of Indian origin we have been speaking quite a lot in Hindi, you know.
I talk to you in Hindi only because I find your Hindi accent very sexy.
And I find you very, very sexy.
I need a main course before dessert.
But we won't find anything to eat at this hour.
I mean, all the restaurants are gonna be shut.
Not if you have the keys.
What! What's going on? What are you talking about? You'll love it I am so excited for you to see it.
I am so tired.
Oh, come on.
Don't complain.
Come in.
I'm not understanding! You are living your dream for a night.
I mean for tonight.
Just to please your parents, you have taken this boring investment banking job.
What about your happiness? Now go and whip me up a Sunny special.
I think you should totally wear that for the Halloween party.
Ha! Very funny What! You're turning into a bridezilla anyway.
It's perfect Well, maybe you shouldn't go to Chef's school and become a comedian instead.
Oops! Nate's Phone! Hi, baby! I am so sorry.
I accidentally grabbed your phone this morning.
I am on Rodeo.
Where's the Vera Wang store? I am not falling for that trick again.
Oh! Found it.
- Huh? What happened? Oh, nothing.
Nate just keeps scaring me that he's gonna come and see me in my wedding gown.
Hey, what's up? Hey, baby! - You're here? Yeah.
I need my phone.
What's the emergency? Oh nothing.
I just had to make a couple of important calls Who's so important? Oh Karen, come on.
Are you really asking me this question? Yeah! I am asking you this question because I am pretty sure that I made it very clear that it's bad luck to see the bride in the wedding gown before the wedding.
You Baby, you're going a little nuts since the wedding is coming close.
Hah? Bridezilla! Anyway, anyway, here's your phone.
Okay, bye.
I gotta go.
Sunny, I'm seeing you and your girl at the party.
Huh? Adios.
It's a bad outfit, you should change it.
That way it is not such a bad omen that he saw you Hi.
38, please.
Oh, shit! Can I come back and pay for this? I'll be back in five minutes.
Sorry, no.
I'll be back with my wallet.
Just keep it aside for me.
Bubbles, where had you been? Don't let me go out.
What happened, Bubbles? Don't allow me to go out.
Don't let me go anywhere.
You tell me.
- Hmm! If I had your phone all day, how would you react? Probably just like him.
Really? - Yeah.
If I was a CIA agent or cheating on you.
She's getting married to him in like in a week, man! So what? My parents were married for 16 years.
And if mobile phones hadn't come in, I guess they would still be married.
What? Nothing.
It's just, you haven't spoken about your parents in a while.
It's Halloween.
The day of remembering the dead.
Anyway, I think if Nate is cheating on Karen, then I think Karen should know.
How do we find out? Have your soup.
I don't feel like having it.
Have a bit.
You will like it.
Let me feed you.
Take it.
- No, don't insist.
I really don't feel like having it.
I think I am sick.
I am going to my room.
You have it.
Bubbles, what happened? Bubbles! What happened? Here, keep this in your mouth.
Hey! Hi! - Here we go.
Hi! - Hi.
I have heard so much about you.
I have heard so much about you.
This is my brother-in-law, Nate.
Hey! - Nate, hey! Hi! Nate, right? Oh yeah! That's the guy that taught you the Cosmopolitan trick at the bar.
Dude, you used that on me! Yeah, and like 16 other girls before you or was it 18.
What! I wasn't supposed to say that? No, you weren't supposed to no that either.
Uh Hey, it's totally fine.
Yeah, exactly! It's fine.
These guys make an issue out of everything.
Like Sunny was just telling me how you got all rattled that Karen had your phone.
Honestly, what's the big deal? What! I wasn't supposed to say that either.
I think I need a drink.
I guess you do.
This way please.
But I don't drink, anyway.
- Just go! I think just something to stuff my mouth.
Or double sided tape! Dude, she's weird.
Perfect for the family, then.
What! Really? I swear I will smack you all day long.
- Hello.
Dad? Mom what? Dad! I don't know what happened.
Mr Jaspal, it was just a seizure.
What do you mean just a seizure? People don't get seizures just like that.
Has she been drinking? I don't know.
She hasn't.
She's been sober for at least three weeks now.
And how would you know that? Who are you? I'm Sunny's girlfriend.
Me and Balwant are part of the same group at the alcoholic anonymous.
You are an alcoholic yourself? I was.
It seems that the seizure was brought on by withdrawal symptoms, which is not good.
But relax.
You can go and see her.
She's perfectly okay.
Whether I drink or not, I always end up here.
It would be better if I drink.
Were you struck by a bolt of lightning? Mom, it's Halloween.
Oh! I have been craving for pumpkin 'halwa' for over a week.
But pumpkin has become so expensive these days because of this Halloween.
Listen Nate, I am sorry if I said something wrong at your house.
I tend to blabber when I am nervous.
And you were nervous because you were meeting your boyfriend's sister for the first time.
I get it No.
I was nervous because my boyfriend was planning on telling his sister that her fiancé is cheating on her.
What? How does he know? So it is true! End of the week.
Either you tell her or we will.
You guys have no proof.
We might have no proof.
But I have a gift, and I'll take it from the horse's mouth just like I did right now.
Looks like you are not the one who turned out to be the Sherlock today.

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