Babylon Berlin (2017) s04e04 Episode Script

Season 4, Episode 4

I take it, from your conspicuous
that you have nothing further to
contribute to the proceedings.
Nothing, however,
is more than a little.
- He can talk!
I am a rightfully convicted criminal.
- I don't deny anything.
- He doesn't deny anything!
Well, why should he?
He was rightfully sentenced
by the District Court of Berlin
on 26th October 1930.
And since then he's been free
on his own recognisance.
He's probably been
laughing into his hands.
After committing the most abominable
offences against children
a so-called court gave him
a suspended sentence
and released him back
into the population.
And why is he crying now?
- Why is he crying?
I'll never do it again.
I promise.
- I swore it!
- And the court believed you!
And that's why the amiable judge
in Berlin also said
that he didn't have
to be on too tight a leash.
trivial offence like child abuse!
He had no idea of the existence of
the White Hand,
the true court that meets in
these halls
to close up all the loopholes
that insects like this one have been
crawling through for years!
In the name of the White Hand,
here and today we issue a revised
judgment against Theodor Kroll:
Due to repeated serious abuse
of minors,
The verdict will be enforced
In the name of the German people,
right follows wrong.
Right follows wrong!
- After barbarism comes order.
- After barbarism comes order!
- After weakness comes strength.
- After weakness comes strength!
Executioner, do your duty.
Welcome to your homeland!
Look at him!
He's become a real American.
- Avreml Goldstein.
- No, not Avremi, not Goldstein.
These days I'm called Gold. Abe Gold.
- Gold? Without "Stein?"
- Without "Stein?"
Fine, come on,
we'll get a taxi outside.
- How was America?
- Nothing without you.
Are you a capitalist now?
In Moscow we're building
even bigger skyscrapers.
Number 12 please.
Do you have what I asked you for?
Were you with him?
- Jealous?
- Answer me!
A couple of times.
How many?
The party comes first, then your
controller, and lastly yourself.
Your words, comrade.
I missed you.
Look at this.
The woman.
- That's it.
- The one and only.
Nyssen. You know these people?
Depends what "know" means.
They buy their jewellery from me.
- No, no, no, no.
There is no "we."
The Rothschild was my father's.
And it's mine.
But your father,
may he rest in peace,
wanted that it was returned
to our community!
No. Perhaps he said that,
but he didn't mean it. Believe me.
- My father sleeps with the fishes.
But his grave is in Berlin.
An empty one.
- This is your business, isn't it?
- Hooligans.
It'll soon be cleaned up,
swept up and beautiful.
Come on.
A stone like that does not
belong to one man.
You are sinning.
That's really your final word?
I'm afraid so.
Then good luck finding the stone.
- I won't help you.
- Sure.
Welcome to the 21st hour of the first
Berlin Ladies' Dance-Marathon!
Outside a new day is starting, but in here
we are ruled by the unending night.
Morning, Heini.
How much did we make last night?
Is that all? How can that be?
Half the city's passed through here.
- Rudi, my hero!
- Always at your service.
- I called in sick for the whole day.
- Lovely.
See you, Reinhold.
- Keep going!
- I'll try!
Good luck!
Well, would you like
a little refreshment?
- What's that?
- Give it here.
I think it would be best
if we greeted the new day
with a fresh breeze
and with a little more speed!
Hello number 42, don't forget to dance,
you're sleeping on your feet!
Good morning, number 16!
Hello! Wake up, number 39!
Extra round for the audience!
The clock is ticking.
All couples come into the circle.
39 is out!
42 is holding up well.
16 is finished!
Congratulations, number 42!
The others are eliminated.
And it continues for everyone.
Don't worry, the break won't last long!
- Your cocaine sucks.
- What? That cannot be.
It's medical quality, direct from
- I need a break.
- I like it when you cling on to me.
Is Doris still there?
And the professional?
- Who?
- The tall one, 14.
Sadly she is too.
- Tell me a story.
- What, real or made up?
Theory or fact?
Well, the main thing is
that you start somewhere.
Recently, the boy,
We're letting lots of cases go that
actually deserve to be investigated.
Dr. Schwarz says: Cases that cause
more trouble than they solve,
and in the end, none are like that.
And you?
Me? I swore an oath, on Hippocrates.
It applies to the living
same as the dead.
And what was up with the boy?
The hands looked like
they'd been stepped on.
- Really stepped on.
- I know, and?
I can't explain it any other way.
- A murder case?
- I say yes.
- And your boss?
- Says no. You were there.
doesn't pretend to be anything else.
Where can I find
Colonel Wendt, please?
In the saloon.
Colonel Wendt?
Arndt Scheer, SA-member,
Berlin-Hellersdorf South.
Yes, and?
My father was a grenadier in three
infantry divisions
and was in all three campaigns
in Pomerania.
What was his name?
Lieutenant Colonel Scheer. Wilhelm.
A great loss,
the death of your father.
He believed in a Germany
that many have started to forget.
He told me a lot about you, Colonel.
Sit down for a moment,
keep me company.
No, I don't want to disturb you.
I only want to express my admiration.
My father told me once, how you
rescued his unit from an ambush.
Faced the enemy without hesitation,
all your men with iron resolve.
I've always pictured you as a kind of role
model, like you were for my father.
Take a seat. Waiter?
Coffee? Beer?
- Beer.
- Very good, sir.
Who are you doing this for?
I can recognise a speech that has
hostile intentions at its root.
Its construction is good, my boy,
but transparent.
On whose behalf are you here?
And what is the aim?
To damage your reputation and
thereby ensure that you're fired.
- Long term.
- And short term?
To set Stennes free.
- You can go?
- Waiter?
Didn't you hear me?
I love and hate this task.
Ah, yes?
Yes, because my admiration
for you is real.
I was glad to be able to speak to you
that this should happen to you.
- But orders are orders.
- Yes.
Now I'm almost relieved
about failing.
I don't want to interfere in your
research in any way, gentlemen.
I'd much rather broaden the remit.
And I'm sure I'm not
the first that, gratefully,
has been thrown in this direction.
What if nobody sits here?
What if the target of this rocket
or Warsaw?
And the top part
houses a detonator
behind which a ton of dynamite
Or more?
Well, any military use should be
well thought out.
It's definitely possible to develop
the rocket in that direction,
if we were in the position to
convince the defence minister.
If we were the first to develop
a rocket of this type,
the result would be enormous military
potential for the German empire,
and astoundingly lucrative business
for Nyssen Ltd.
Convincing the ministry and General
Seegers won't be a problem.
Well, first of all, the launch pad
would need to be changed.
For this purpose they would
be need to be more flexible.
The wobble clock register
will have to be doubled,
and the trombone inner tract
and fracturing pistons
integrated into the hull.
Can you explain it in more detail?
- I hope I'm not disturbing you?
- Quite the opposite, my dear.
Take a seat.
Let me introduce
Doctor Litten, state laywer.
Commissioner Rath.
- A pleasure.
- I've heard a lot about you.
Tomorrow Mr. Litten is going
to this ridiculous trial.
Yes, that I've already heard of too.
Perhaps you can convince them to turn
up in person tomorrow?
- I've already said I'll be there.
- But Heymann hasn't!
Justice building,
the air there is so bad,
my nose and throat
immediately swell up!
- Don't start up with that again.
- Yes, yes.
Calm down. We'll bend the knee.
- Gentlemen, excuse me.
- See you tomorrow, Doctor.
The Commissioner wants
our expertise.
What's it about?
I'm investigating a case that involves
the ring clubs and the boxing scene.
What exactly do you want to know?
the Ring clubs involved in this?
What rules are the fights
organised under?
- OK. But quickly. I have 10 minutes.
- Waiter!
Bring us three large black coffees
with a shot.
- Very good, sir.
- And what do you have there?
Very good, give it here.
Secondly, exactly six of the 12 Berlin
Ring Clubs that are also boxing clubs.
Every club has its own
boxers under contract.
The boxing clubs also
host the fights in Berlin.
- That much I know.
- Well done.
Tonight: Katsche Kroner versus
Kurti the "Hammer" Schulz.
Kroner belongs to
Red Hugo from the Immertreu,
and Schulz to Weintraub
and the Rixdorfern.
This kind of fight is something like
the high mass of their guild.
A holy mass.
But, above all, everyone that goes
to these fights also bets on them.
And that's how they make money.
every, and it really is every amount,
is accepted by the bookies.
Victory, knockout, points,
whatever you like.
Naturally, all the ring clubs want
a piece of the pie,
but the biggest fish in the pond,
or the batter,
is Weintraub. Walter Weintraub
from the Rixdorfer Ring.
Since the death of the Armenian.
Ever since the Armenian passed on,
Weintraub has been the boss of
the biggest game in town.
His venues, his bets.
A well-oiled machine.
The closest person at the moment is
Hugo Wannmacher from the Immertreu.
Evening, gentlemen!
Also known as Red Hugo.
Well, how are the bets looking?
16:1. For your Rubber-Hammer there.
- I'll check if the coast is clear.
- Did you hear that, Katsche?
- The odds are against you.
- People think you're going to go down.
The people know nothing about boxing.
I'll knock you down
as easily as breathing.
Yeah, with your rubber arm?
Calm down!
Kurti, calm down, calm down.
Come on, sit down.
Look at me, Kurti, let it go.
You can hit him in the nuts soon.
- Yeah.
- Go out there and do it.
The people out there don't
want to be bored, heh?
And you, leave him alive, OK?
"Leave him alive."
Did you hear that?
Who has an interest in messing with
Weintraub's business?
That's the wrong question.
Anyway, it's obvious that the murder
of the one civil servant
that's responsible for the clubs
slightly messes up the delicate
structure of the clubs.
You see, the Berlin ring clubs
can be divided into two types.
The Northern clubs are controlled
by the Eisen-Else.
That includes Red Hugo,
Blind Bob, Ede the Knife,
and a few smaller fish that
are bored of the middle German ring.
And the South swear their loyalty to
Clubs such as "Libelle,"
"Apachenblut" and "Deutsche Eiche."
From Robert the Rat
to Adolf the Muscles.
United in mutual dislike of
and shared dependency
from the Berlin administration,
because they all need a stamp of
approval from the city.
will have become an enemy of
the whole underworld.
On the contrary.
Watch who's there tonight.
All the Godfathers will be there,
like we said,
the Holy Mass of the underworld.
And a fight worth watching
carries on above it.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Boxing fans, we come to
the main match of the evening.
Welcome both boxers!
Even though everyone
knows who's going to win.
Who's that then?
The gigolo Kroner
against the Hammer?
8Please, that's not a boxing match,
that's a massacre.
- A massacre on Kroner?
- Definitely.
Schulz is a caveman.
What he does has
nothing to do with boxing.
Ah, yes?
Yes! when he punches, they feel it
in their teeth in the sixth row.
Does Weintraub control the fights?
I mean: Does he postpone fights?
In the rules, the fights are clean. Nobody
would bet if they were fixed, right?
Yes, you can imagine
how it rattles in the box.
- What about this evening?
- Schulz versus Kroner?
Clean, I'd say.
Yes, yes.
- Kroner will win.
- Third round.
- Knockout victory.
- My man are standing by.
Last bets, gentlemen!
Close the booths.
- 5,000 on Katsche.
- Get back! Get back!
- 2 on Katsche.
- 3 on Katsche.
I'm betting on Katsche.
KO in round three.
- All that on Kroner?
- Yes.
- Get back!
- Get a move on!
- Everything on Katsche Kroner.
- On Katsche Kroner, KO in round 3.
Betting's over! Betting's over!
No further bets can be placed!
No further bets can be placed!
Seconds out! Round one!
Fist-fighting, Commissioner,
is a power fight,
a masculine dance.
Only in the ring can you see
the virility of men
in its purest form.
The most beautiful virtues of our
gender come to the fore:
The experience of pain
Entry into the male world
ritually performed in the ring.
Representing we mortals,
Achilles and Hector fight.
Visible, simple,
and understandable to all.
The time without words
begins with a clang of a bell.
Silence returns.
The only speech is through the fists.
Seconds out! Round three!
- Boss! Boss!
- What is it?
Something's up. Some guys have
suddenly bet on Katsche. Huge sums!
3rd round by KO.
- All on third round, KO?
- No.
How much?
Come on.
Add the odds were at 1:16.
Like I said, at its basis the most
beautiful thing in the world.
Unless the fight is fixed.
Shit, shit!
8Kurti! Kurti! Kurti!
Don't mess up now! Kurti!
You have to win!
You must win! Kurti!
You must win!
- Three.
- Get up!
- Get up!
- Get up, Kurti!
Ten. Out!
The Katsche!
Yes, that's how you do it!
Diego. Did you see that?
Did you see that?
I'mma get that pig.
- You are on thin ice.
- Come on, stop it! Go away!
This is simply business.
Pal, you fixed the match!
You bet 40.000 Mark against me
behind my back.
Or how else can you
explain this shit to me?
- Move!
- This man, do you know who it is?
- The one with the red hat?
- Yes.
That's Red Hugo.
I swear, Walter, I didn't have
Mr. Wannenmacher?
Hugo Wannenmacher of the Immertreu?
- Good evening, Mr. Weintraub.
- Evening.
- Who wants to know?
- Rath, Criminal Police.
Please come to my office
tomorrow morning at 10am.
For questioning.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a victor by KO in round three!
From Berlin, Katsche Kroner!
Are you an idiot or what?
Don't try to rip me off, you ape.
Don't try to rip me off.
But that's what happened!
He came just before the fight.
When everyone was outside.
Yes, and he said
he came on your orders.
He said it was a trick, an American trick!
Because of the odds.
Who? Who was it?
- Some man, oldish.
- Yankee!
Yes, an American!
No, he wasn't American,
the trick is American.
Or at least that's what I thought.
He was a lanky guy, like a ghost.
And you just believed him?
Just like that?
Katsche, you said you knew him!
I did not say I knew him!
I only said that
I thought I knew him.
You believed this dandy just like that?
Or so we thought.
Neither of you can think!
Up there, where the brain is in other
people, in yours there's just jelly!
Red jelly!
We're still not out of the line of
fire regarding the Tietz burglary!
But we really did only
put the banner up!
We don't know anything about
the break-in.
It was pure coincidence that
we were on the same roof!
The Bolshevik press says otherwise,
that we're thieves. Do you get it?
We now know where they
are hanging around, the ticks.
- Which "ticks?"
- The thieves.
- Particularly the redhead.
- You'd better find her, dammit!
- Where have you looked so far?
- Everywhere!
- Yes.
- Yes.
The Topp-Keller club?
- The tannery?
- Yes sir!
Mother Litzen?
The redheaded girl
hasn't been seen for days.
What going on with the return clause?
Go through the rest of the city
until we give the girl to
the squad leader. Understood?
- Do you understand?!
- March!
Cheers, pal!
Wait, wait!
- Toni!
- Do you have my dough?
- What dough?
- From the jewels, you bastard!
- I'm glad you're here. Take a seat.
- Don't change the subject.
It's a bit too hot right now
to sell all that stuff.
But I'm doing my best.
Have you put out any ads?
You can trust me. We've always done
good business together, right?
It's OK, Peter. I have some adverts,
two of them. One is really good.
Her name is Behnke.
A widow, two rooms, a lodger.
Looks like jewellery in the bedroom
under the underwear.
Good, good!
Bayreuther Street, yes?
Come on, take a seat. Sit down!
I'll get you something nice.
Is she there?
There are too many in there.
Well, what do we do now?
We go for back-up.
I'll go in.
In there? In uniform?
- Are you tired of life?
- Yes.
And then?
Either I come out with her, or she runs
out here and you catch her.
- I can do that too.
- No.
If she trusts anyone, it's me.
Two minutes. Then we're coming in.
- Don't create any trouble, boy.
- I'm just looking for someone.
You're daring.
- Where can we talk?
- Here.
- Is there a back exit?
- What's all this about?
I mean it.
There are people waiting outside.
And you think I'll believe you?
You're two sandwiches short of a picnic.
- What's going on here?
- Go away.
Come on.
Hey, hey!
Are you mad?
What are you doing?
Take it, and go.
Take the knife
and get somewhere safe.
- Why are you doing this?
- Do it. They're coming.
Grab her!
Get the knife!
- And I trusted you, you pig!
- Take it!
So, it's you!
You're on watch.
- What?
- Go and see if anyone's coming.
What are we doing?
All good stuff.
Go to the street.
Go on!
I can't do it any more.
I can't do it any more.
Please, Miss Doris, wake up!
Number 42.
Sadly, that was inevitable.
But time is passing.
One. Out!
- Where can I make a report?
- What about?
- Cop murder.
- What?
What did you just say?
I saw a cop being killed.
Only two couples are still standing,
ladies and gentlemen.
Now we're down to
the deciding minutes.
Wait a moment.
Bring her here.
That's not right. She has to move,
or she's disqualified.
our steeliest contestant,
with her tireless partner,
a couple since the first round.
And, on the other side, number 27!
- Partner change time, sir.
- Now.
- Lotte!
Before you say anything,
let me finish.
- Let go! Hands off!
- But what is that?
- I have to talk to you. Rationally.
- Go away!
- Rudi?! Rudi!
- Number 27. 10 seconds to go!
- Charlotte, come on!
- So shabby, taking advantage of this.
- Charlotte, where is your sister?
- She has to turn herself in.
- Why? What's she done now?
She killed a police officer.
Do you know where she is?
Number 27,
you are already on the countdown.
Time is running out.
Come on.
Frau Cziczewicz?
Let me in!
- I heard you.
- And?
- Where's Toni?
- Haven't seen her for a while.
- How come?
- She's in trouble.
Do you know where she is?
If you see her,
Miss Ritter?
- She's not here.
- I'll take you home.
All done.
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