9/11: I Was There (2021) Movie Script

Hey, guys, look this way.
What the hell was that?
Come to us! Come to us!
Oh, my God!
That must be a wing
that sheared that off.
Yeah, you could see it,
you could see from the gutter, it's...
Oh, Shit!
Shit! Oh, my God!
What's happening?
The World Trade Center's blown up.
Glennie, call me, please!
Come on, let's go! Everybody,
out of here! Let's go! Come on!
For your own safety, get out of here.
What's going on?
Jesus Christ.
I don't wanna be on the 32nd
floor of this building any more!
Just get in here!
Oh, my God, I just saw
the World Trade Center collapse!
He's awake.
Go away.
There's Mommy.
With the little poops, Daschiel.
I can see where he gets that.
Family portrait.
This is the view from our window.
It's a gorgeous day!
A regular decaf as well.
Er, I'm going to have my espresso.
Hey, guys, look this way. Randy.
OK, if you just joined us, welcome
and have a seat. Look to the left,
that's the World Trade Center.
A couple of years ago,
there was a terrorist attack
inside the World Trade Center
and here's what happened...
The terrorists went inside that garage
and they parked the car
filled with explosives.
In the wrong garage. They parked it
in the garage of the Vista Hotel.
The terrorists rented out a car
from Newjersey.
They went back to collect
the 100 dollar cash deposit
and the FBI was there waiting for
them. That's how they were caught.
September 11th, 2001.
'Good morning, 64 degrees.
It's Tuesday, September 11th.
'I'm Lee Harris, here's what's happening.
'It's primary day and the polls
are open in New York City.
'Voters are deciding
among about 250 candidates
'for mayor of city council.'
I'm gonna drop them off
and I go to a polling place?
Yes, sir.
Thanks, guys.
It's a junction box.
That's like the smell of gas.
The gas main's right here
right alongside this.
Holy shit!
Oh, Shit!
What the hell was that?
Come to us, come to us!
Wha-What is that?
Something, somebody hit, er,
the World Trade Center or the...
It's the Trade Center!
It's the World Trade Center.
It looks like something
crashed into it. Yes!
Oh, my God!
What am I doing on this?
Go-Go to the Trade Center.
Oh, my God!
There's paper everywhere. Holy sh...
That's crazy.
What's up?
Holy shit!
There's a bomb, it just went off
in the World Trade Center.
No, it's an airplane.
You saw...
How do you know it was an airplane?
It sounded like that.
They're saying on Channel 10.
Did you hear it?
How could a plane crash into the
World Trade Center in mid-morning?
I guess they didn't see it.
Planes can't fly that low.
It would have hit, like...
I don't know, I heard the crash,
I looked out my window
and I could see things falling down
the building and I was like...
"Oh, my God, it was a bomb."
I thought it was a bomb, at least.
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
We have a number of floors on fire.
It looked like the plane
was aiming towards the building.
We'll have the staging area
at Vesey and West Street.
Yeah. You stay with me.
OK, I hope this is catching me.
Minutes ago,
I was walking down Chamber Street
and fully saw the entire event.
I saw the plane from the sky
pass right into it.
This is history.
It's a tragedy
like the Hindenburg disaster.
Oh, shit!
Mike, Mike, there's debris
falling down from the face.
Can you see it? See it falling?
Mike, let's go check it out.
Come on.
Come this way!
That's close to us.
How did it start?
Argh! N0!
It's unbelievable.
I'm, like, standing here, videotaping it.
It's on the news.
It's an airplane!
It looked like an airplane
crashed into the building.
No way!
Oh: my God!
No, there'd be pieces of it
on the fucking ground. On the side.
I don't know.
Oh, damn, this sucks!
How can you hit
the biggest building in New York?
Thank God it wasn't terrorists,
though. I know.
Plenty of people
were likely in their offices
when all this happened
at about a quarter of nine.
A quarter of nine or so,
as people are coming in,
in the elevators.
Roughly 50,000 people, as we know,
work at the World Trade Centre complex.
We wish we could tell you
exactly what was going on inside.
The question is, what has happened
to the people on those upper floors?
Look, somebody's falling.
Somebody's falling!
Oh, my God!
People were jumping out of there?
Oh, my God!
My partner was up there.
We're gonna keep this area clear.
Let's go, let's go.
Don't stay here. Keep moving.
Please keep moving.
The reason I turned
is cos I heard it, right here.
It was just really low.
So, it came from this side,
not from the river?
It came right over, through here.
Made a nice little snake in the curve
and tipped a little bit
and just went right in.
Was that a 737?
I couldn't identify the craft.
It was a medium-sized jetliner.
It looked to me
like stuff actually shot out
of the other side of the building.
Looking at the right-hand side,
you can see flames coming out.
Sure looks it.
I wonder if it's gonna topple?
No. No, no, no, no, no.
Can't do that.
I'm an architect. I know...
The way they've designed these buildings,
it'll be almost impossible
to knock it over.
Cut on the whole right side,
that must be a wing
that sheared that off.
Yeah, you could see it.
Oh, Shit!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
I'm so scared. I'm leaving.
No, don't, Megan, we can't...
I don't care. I'm getting out!
OK, will you please wait for me?
Do we take the elevator?
I don't wanna be on the 32nd floor
of this building any more.
Holy shit!
Oh, my God, there was a major explosion,
I thought that it was thunder
or something.
And then I saw this paper falling
and I thought,
"There's a ticker tape parade."
And I look down on Broadway,
I think of the ticker tape parade,
and then I turn and I see this.
The World Trade Center
is fucking on fire!
Almost every building
has just about been emptied.
The streets are filled with people
stunned, scared, frightened, crying.
It is absolutely amazing to see
just the sheer panic
in the streets right now.
Many people are running.
There are emergency vehicles
coming from every direction.
My 90odness!
Can we keep it moving, please?
I understand we've re-established
contact with Dick Oliver.
Er... Dick is on the phone.
Yes, Jim.
Yeah, Dick.
Jim, yes, just well, moments ago,
as you know, another vehicle,
some kind of an aircraft
crashed into the World Trade Center.
This is no accident.
This is no bomb from inside.
This is, as you put it,
a terrorist attack.
There's no two ways about it.
Some people said they thought
they saw a missile.
Ollie, I must say that
we have an eye witness
who said it was a large plane.
And again, let's just, to be sure,
there it is. Oh!
There it is, the plane went right through
the other tower
of the World Trade Center.
That is a very hard thing to watch.
Oh, my God!
That is so fucked up, man!
That is so fucked up!
Oh, God!
Glennie, call me, please?
I'm OK, just call me.
Call me, please?
Everybody off the roof!
Hurry up, hurry up.
Because there's been another explosion!
Everybody evacuate the building.
Oh, Lord.
This is terror,
this has got to be a terrorist.
You think it is?
For sure. Yeah.
For two planes? One right aft...
There were two?!
Another one just hit it! Yeah.
I did not know that.
It was another aircraft hit it.
You're kidding?!
I thought it was an accident.
I saw the first plane.
Ithoughtit was just an honest accident.
No, we were just crossing the overpass
and we saw it right there.
So, we've gotta get out of this building?
They want us to evacuate.
Apparently, a second airplane
hit the Trade Center.
They are evacuating our building.
The police has asked all of us
to get out of these tall buildings.
They're evacuating the whole building?
You bet. It's better,
because our building's really high.
We don't know what's gonna happen.
Yeah, a second plane hit?
A second plane hit.
That's on purpose then.
Yeah, it's definitely on purpose.
Yeah. Fucking unbelievable!
It was a British Airways,
the second one. Was it?
Was it British Airways?
It was a commercial airline.
Yeah, I saw that one.
But a second one hit too.
Someone said British Airways
hit the second World Trade,
right in the middle.
You're kidding?!
The smell is unbelievable.
The smell of burning wire and metal.
It looks as if there's people
hanging from the windows.
There's our building...
and there's the World Trade Center.
Dangerously close.
You guys were coming from, from where?
We're from t... we were going
to work and, er...
At the World Trade?
At World Trade.
Where were you at the time?
On the subway. Yeah.
When we heard the news.
I mean, that's... that's it, yeah.
What floor are you on, sir?
Have you tried
calling to your co-workers upstairs?
Well, we have a lot of friends
and colleagues,
so we're just going to see
what we can find out.
I understand that you can't even
get through. That's the rumour.
You can't get through on the phones.
JumPers, jumpers!
They're jumping out of there like...
OK. All right.
All right. Now, wait a second.
All right, let me just...
Yeah, I wouldn't stay around.
I saw the explosion, the first one.
But I thought it was a bomb. But
then they said, no, it was a plane.
All of a sudden,
the other, the same thing.
And now I hear somebody said in the news
that they said
they're gonna do it every half hour.
So... They're gonna fly a plane into
this thing every half hour? Yeah.
Isn't it done enough? I mean...?
Oh, my...
I've never seen anything like this.
This is much worse than the other bomb.
This is...
Of course!
Do you know there were people
jumping off? That's what I heard.
The guy saw, saw six of them jump.
One after the other.
This is insane.
How could you see somebody fall
from here, baby?
He fell out of the building?
Man, this is sick!
It's just, I don't understand...
The holes don't look as big
as the planes.
I think the entrance holes
are on the other side.
I don't think the building
will collapse. I mean, it's...
The building is too well made.
'Joan, you're still there?'
'You've been watching this on a
rooftop with friends and neighbours.
'How would you gauge their reaction
at this point?'
As we were putting our shoes...
to go check this shit out, erm,
a second plane hit the Trade Center.
Like, are we under attack? ls there,
like, was it was maybe a missile?
Heading off to get up on our roof.
Does your cell phone still work?
The plane's inside?
As far as I know,
the planes flew in and blew up
and they're still in there.
You know, this, I am so freaked out.
I mean, I could be...
This is your office?
I work on the 83rd floor of tower two.
There's two planes
in the World Trade Center!
Today we've had a national tragedy.
Two airplanes have crashed
into the World Trade Center
in an apparent terrorist attack
on our country.
Terrorism against our nation
will not stand.
And now, if you'd join me
in a moment of silence...
'David, I'm sorry to interrupt you,
but we're looking at live pictures
'of the Pentagon,
where there is billowing smoke.
'Jim Mick Lishevski just
reported that he heard an explosion.
'We are hearing, again,
unconfirmed reports
'that this was the result
of a plane crashing in the area.'
'We saw most of the senior staff
come out.
'We have not seen the
National Security staff -
'that we would recognise anyway.
'But there are other gates
from the White House.'
And they hit the Pentagon.
This is just incredible.
What's going on?
What's going on?
It's gonna explode.
It's gonna explode?!
Jesus Christ!
'Joan Fleischer,
who's been watching this unfold now
'for, I guess about an hour,
Joan, right?'
'Yes, there was another explosion
about five minutes ago,
'which seemed like it was internal,
on the north building.'
'OK, at least it did not appear
to be the result
'of another plane
hitting the building.'
'No, don't think so.'
This is evac, evacuation,
nothing's working.
Walk, walk, get out of the area.
'I am here, live outside
of City Hall, the entire...
'As you can imagine,
it is absolute chaos here.
'The entire city
has come to a standstill.
'There are certain people
trying to call their families.
'All the cell phones are down.
'As you can imagine, people
are lining up around the block
'just to use a payphone
at this very moment.'
Another plane inbound,
another plane inbound.
Damn it!
Do you have a landline?
Damn it, I can't get through.
I need a landline!
Hi, this is Joe Torres.
Put me on a phoner now.
Mory, yeah, I am on a payphone,
standing close, very close,
to FBI officers and the NYPD,
who are in touch with the command centre
and said they have
an understanding and information
that another plane
is en route towards the towers.
Got another plane coming in.
Watch out, guys.
Another plane coming in.
Keep their heads up, Lou.
Got a report of another plane.
Another plane, Lou.
Come on, let's go,
everybody out of here, let's go.
Come on, for your own safety,
get out of here.
Keep heading down there.
Pour down, let's go.
Sorry, sir, I'm sorry.
What happened over here?
The glass blew out.
I guess the glass blew out
from the, uh... Oh, wow.
You were up there?
What happened?
How'd you get out of the building?
Just go as far north as you can,
all right, folks?
You're not safe here,
they're telling us, all right?
Watch your back, watch your back!
Watch your back!
Look at that, Daddy. Lookit.
There's where the crash...
Back of the plane. Daddy?
Daddy... You see, cos somebody from
another country attacked our people.
'She's Always A Woman' by Billy Joel
'Orio Palmer, one-five.'
Everybody, get in line with the truck,
please move toward City Hall...
People on the sidewalk, let's move.
Let's keep moving!
Let's g0, PePle-
LGFS g9!
Keep going toward City Hall.
Keep moving toward City Hall.
Oi, oi.
People on this side for the and R.
Let's keep moving.
Everybody all right?
Yeah, I'm OK.
How's the way outta here?
Turn off the vents.
Yeah. Everything, close everything.
Maybe we should get outside.
I don't know what to do.
Come on.
I can't get in.
Doing all right? You OK?
It's better up here, it's better.
The World Trade Center's blown up.
We're just going to get some air.
Come here, come here.
We can't go on the street, we cannot
go on the street.
Stay here till the...
You cannot even breathe outside.
Can we come in your apartment?
Can these people? Yes.
Come in, come in, come in.
You know, they had to announce on the TV
that the third plane is coming in.
There's an ambulance outside now.
You guys, listen, the other might
collapse because it's structure...
Got a light?
No, no, come here.
Get everybody out.
Let's go!
Let's get some lights.
Command post from tower one.
All units, evacuate the building.
Command post to all units...
Go to the top of the escalator.
Top of the escalator?
Top of the escalator.
Can we get out that way?
Let's get out of here.
Two World Trade Center, we took
a hit on that last explosion.
Command post is being evacuated
this time.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday-
J09, Joe!
Anthony, what this?
Kyra, the building is gone.
The-the building is gone!
Why do they wanna kill everybody?
Cos they... They... I don't know.
I don't know, man, but that really...
I don't know what to say.
We have to shut the windows.
Holy Christ!
All stick together.
Where are you?
Mommy, where is Daddy?
Stop right here.
What's going on?
I don't know.
Oh, my God, ljust...
I just saw the, uh...
I just saw the World Trade Center
I was trying to figure a way to get
out of here. Where should I go?
Oh, my God, it's nothing but smoke
out there. I'm coming inside.
Oh, my God.
Oh, I just saw... It just...
It just tumbled, it just tumbled
in on itself and, uh...
Um... I see nothing but smoke...
..and ash.
It's like I'm in the middle of night,
and there's absolutely nothing
outside my window,
but this white stuff.
And I...
I can't get Lisa on the phone,
I can't get anybody on the phone.
I'm just gonna stay here.
For now.
Right, everybody out!
Let's clear the street,
let's go, let's go!
I was in Two World Trade.
From six o'clock this morning.
Take us through it, man.
Well, I'm on the 61st floor,
uh, with Morgan Stanley,
and next thing you know,
you could feel...
That's military.
Yeah, that's military.
Uh, next thing you know,
I just... I was standing
right between two elevators
and just got knocked
about three feet to my left.
Hit the wall,
everyone ducked down on the ground,
and then, all of a sudden,
the entire 44th floor
was just engulfed with smoke.
Where are those guys?
Keep going east.
Go east!
I'm not going in this building.
Michael, don't lose me!
Don't lose me. Oh, shit.
Oh, my God. Are you OK?
Oh, shit.
Wanna go down along the river
and walk up that way? Yeah.
Everybody, get away from Broadway,
head back up Wall Street.
I can't see!
There's stuff in my eye.
Can you tell me what happened?
What d'you see?
I saw... I don't know. I saw windows
coming out of the building.
And the ceiling falling on the floor
where I was working.
That's when we're standing up,
heading for the exit.
It was like a...
a comet just hit the Earth.
Like a comet?
Look at this. Look at this.
Look. Look at you.
Look at your shoes.
Don't give up, now.
Come on. Come on. Don't give up.
What happened?
I hear the top of the building fell down.
Fell over on us.
I don't know.
I haven't even seen outside yet.
What do you see?
It was pretty clear at one point.
And then, this whole bunch of smoke
and glass...
I think we're just about the last
ones in this building right now.
I think you should leave.
Everybody else has gone.
Who are you with?
I was on the 81st floor.
Tell me what you saw and heard.
It just...
40 people in there. just explosion.
Everybody was fine on my floor. And
we started heading down the stairs.
I heard people shouting.
I stopped at, like, 68
and there was
a woman in a wheelchair, and...
And er,
I got her in a strapped wheelchair
and just carried her down the steps.
Carried her down...
..68 floors, man.
It's chaos, man.
Did you hear about the Pentagon?
It's being followed by F-16s,
cos it was hijacked
and they believe it
to have another target in mind.
All right, Ben.
Hold for just a second.
'Breaking news now on 1010 WINS.'
'More developments just every
minute and none of them are good.
'A large plane has crashed
in western Pennsylvania.
'This is at the Somerset County Airport.
'We don't know what,
if anything, it crashed into.
'But a large plane has crashed
in western Pennsylvania.'
'1010 WINS reporter
Julia Pava is down around City Hall.
'Let's try and get through to her now
'and see what's happening down
'Judy, I am at the intersection
of Broadway
'and Chambers Street
where it looks as if police
'are trying to virtually evacuate
the whole Lower Manhattan area.
'People with fear stricken
all over their faces,
'just running up the block.
'More emergency vehicles
are on their way down here.
'I am being asked to get off
this phone right now.
'Police are just trying
to clear the whole area.'
Don't go this way.
Out of the area. Let's go.
I can taste it.
I can taste the explosion.
3, 7, 4, 9...
You can't freak everybody out.
They have to get out,
cos I don't know what's next.
None of us know what's next.
Excuse me, Miss.
You gotta move. Let's go.
Miss, you gotta move.
Let me just stay right here, please.
They told you to move.
That's an order.
Police order. Back.
I gotta get my other camera.
Everybody get back.
Guys, get back.
The other one's gonna go.
The other tower?
Why are they pulling us outta here?
Because the remaining tower is leaning.
The North...
The North Tower is leaning.
Oh, my God. There it goes.
Get out of here.
Holy shit!
Get in here.
Come on, Miss, get in here.
That shit...
Get back from the glass.
Get away from the glass.
Miss, either your life or that stuff.
The whole building. Watch the debris
come down the street.
Don't open the door, please.
Get away from the windows.
That's what I just told them.
Here it comes. Get behind.
Boy, that was close!
What happened?
It collapsed.
The top floors collapsed down.
I saw it blow
and then ran like hell. Thank God...
I'm 69, but I can still run.
There's gotta be firemen
trapped back there, though.
As we came down the stairs, we were
just dragging people along with us.
And then, when we came outside,
it just blew. The tower blew.
I was lucky to make it out of there.
We have two guys in the hospital.
I'm ready, man.
Everyone in the city should remain calm.
The very best thing to do right now
would be to remain home.
If you're outside of southern Manhattan,
you should remain where you are.
You shouldn't panic, you shouldn't worry.
We're doing the best that we can
to evacuate southern Manhattan
below Canal Street.
If you are in southern Manhattan
below Canal Street,
you should walk north
and get out of southern Manhattan.
The claim of responsibility,
do you know anything...?
I don't know,
I don't know anything about that.
What I suggest again,
and I urge anyone listening to this,
calmly and safely evacuate.
Ma'am, are you OK?
Do you need some water?
No more, no more, no more!
It's OK, it's OK.
No more! No more...
It's OK.
That's it. They're down.
Thank the fucking God
we got out of there.
Calm down, calm down.
You all right?
We gotta get back.
Seriously smoking. You all right?
Get back!
Let's see.
Come on, everybody back! Let's go!
Let's go! Back.
You gotta leave. Let's go.
There's dust and smoke
all over our building.
There's no way we can leave right now.
There aren't any people in the streets.
You don't understand.
There's people running.
There's dust all over the streets.
If we leave with Daschiel,
he's covered with dust!
We can't take him outside.
'..trapped inside,
and they're obviously being...'
This is really scary.
Four tapes... An extra battery.
Let's see how this battery's doing.
What are you listening to?
It's a Max... mass exodus?
You're kidding me.
Are you serious?
Where are they going?
OK, I'm gonna...
All right,
I'm gonna go get him right now.
OK, I'm gonna go get him right now.
OK. Bye, bye.
He's freaking out at me.
He wants me to get... Gus wants me
to get Spencer right now.
We can't drive.
I have to go walk and get him.
Are they not letting us
cross the street here, Max?
Just go around, Jessie.
Go around. Right around it.
OK. All right, Tom, we've just...
Tom, we've just been told
we're being evacuated.
You can see all
the emergency workers walking north
on the Westside Highway in New York.
We've been told by firefighters here
that there's report
of a bomb in this building.
This is a school,
a high school right here.
And as you can see,
they're moving everybody away
from this building.
Officer, do you have any idea
of what the problem is?
There's a report of secondary device
possibly in the area of this school.
So they're gonna move everybody back
as a precaution.
Secondary device meaning a bomb?
Hold on! Hold on, hold on.
Sir, don't go that way.
Sir, come this way. Sir!
I've got my granddaughter in there.
Come this way, ladies!
Be careful. We're gonna get
soaking wet here, OK?
So just hold on tight...
Our coverage continues now
with 1010 WINS news anchor
Judy DeAngelis.
And we are just getting word
now that New York City's
primary election has been called off,
obviously after the terrorist attack
on the World Trade Center.
I saw the plane hit ten seconds later.
I had a clear shot of the
World Trade Center, 30 blocks north.
I was in my last stop,
my last handshake with one minute to go.
Did you see a 747 crashed...
near Pittsburgh?
And I mean where's, er...
And where's the top brass?
Coming from Newark
going to San Francisco.
Have they said where
the joint chiefs are?
They haven't said anything.
Er, the Defence Secretary's
in the Pentagon.
Can you imagine being a teacher
today? No.
With a classroom of kids,
got to explain this.
All right...
All right, so, erm...
Oh, yeah.
Are we on the right floor?
This is it.
Hi, sweetie boy!
How you doing?
Spencer, you wanna get your bag?
You come with us.
Yes. Yes.
That's what I hear.
That's not something to smile about,
I know you do.
All right, Spencer. See you later.
OK, thanks. Bye, guys.
Guys, why don't we take, um...
take more people out the front?
In the front?
Yeah, I think you go in the back.
And I'd appreciate it
if you don't point that at me.
Holy... shit!
This is just insane.
WINS News time 5:04,
live continuing coverage here
0n 1010 WINS,
and on the subject of casualties,
we've been getting constant updates
from Terry Sheridan
at St Vincent's. Terry?
'OK, here's the latest numbers.
'297 people have been brought
to St Vincent's.
'Out of that number,
42 are rescue workers.
'Now, they, for the most part,
have minor injuries.
'We do have three dead,
45 people are in critical condition.
'They also said that EMS
has just informed them
'that they are starting to dig again
'at the World Trade Center,
so to stand by.
'They are going to start bringing in
more serious injuries,
'within the next hour.'
If you want to donate here,
you live in the neighbourhood,
they are overwhelmed right now
with volunteers and donations.
Please come back in a few hours.
They will definitely still need blood.
They will definitely
still be taking blood.
We need volunteers for first aid.
We need a couple of guys
on the other side here.
And we should also point
out, making this rescue effort
more dangerous and also occupying
the efforts of the firefighters,
there apparently are fires
at two more buildings
at the World Trade Center,
number seven and five.
And the one at seven,
at least we believe,
we're told anyway, that the gas
lines are feeding that fire, too.
So there's still fire
going on down there.
We're talking now eight hours
after the first of the planes hit
at the World Trade Center.
Sir! Sir!
It does appear that
building number seven has collapsed.
We've been telling you
that that building was on fire,
building number seven
at the trade complex
has now apparently collapsed.
Now a huge amount of smoke
and debris now up in that area again
because of this building
number seven going down...
Where's the World Trade Center?
It's not there any more, baby.
L'fi'$ gone?
Cos the smoke is covering it?
They took it away?
You got the cats?
Keep it moving, folks!
Keep it moving!
Did you see that?
OK, we're looking out
my living room window.
I'm going to try to zoom in.
It may be shaky.
That used to be the Trade Center,
right there.
That shell is all that's left.