A Carpenter's Prayer (2024) Movie Script

this feeble body fail
And let it faint or die.
My soul shall quit
this mournful vale
And soar to worlds on high
And I'll sing hallelujah
And you'll sing hallelujah
And we'll all sing hallelujah
When we arrive at home
Give joy or grief,
give ease or pain,
Take life or friends away.
But let me find them all again
In that eternal day
And I'll sing hallelujah
And you'll sing hallelujah
And we'll all sing hallelujah
When we arrive at home.
And I'll sing hallelujah
When we arrive at home.
In the name of the
Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Hey, great to see you.
Mr. Davis, what
are you doing here?
This is my wife, Janet,
my sons, Lance and Troy.
Well, the bishop wanted
me to congratulate you.
Eight baptisms in two months.
What are you putting
in the water?
Just people with
their clothes on.
Well, I can tell you the
denominational leadership
is very impressed.
We are confident
you're going to have
these four churches united
and the new one built
before we know it.
It's a big project, but God's
going to finish what he started.
I better watch out.
At this rate, he's
going to have my job.
Won't be long before
these boys are
going to be preaching
like their father, right?
It was good to see you.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks. You too.
We're gonna get in
so much trouble.
Construction starts tomorrow.
They'll be talking all night.
That's it. That's it.
Turn it up.
Act now and receive
10 free lessons
with the purchase of any
guitar from the Copper
Chord in downtown Adrian.
Mom will never let
you have a guitar.
Now, more music on
your favorite station.
(SINGING) And if you hear
the wind blow
The breeze can catch your eyes.
Look in the sky with wonder
And hear what I said
Thank you, Thelma.
I'm sure it will
never happen again.
What were you thinking?
It's just music.
You know how we feel
about rock music.
Well, it's Jesus rock.
And the shop was
offering free lessons.
I already gave you
free piano lessons.
I'm tired of the piano, mom.
Why can't I just
learn the guitar?
Honey, these people give
all they have to support us.
We can't just waste
it on a guitar.
I'm sure someone
in the congregation
has an old one
they aren't using.
And I could play
hymns for the church.
And your father
would lose his job.
Don't worry.
Nothing will happen.
Can you please see if the
sanctuary is all cleaned up?
That's right.
So we just have to be prayerful.
Doyle, I'm sorry, but my
people cannot agree to this.
So you're quitting?
We're not quitting.
We're simply not joining you.
It's too much risk.
But we've already bought
the land, graded the site.
We've already paid
for the architect.
Lloyd here's already set
up the subcontractors.
We're ready to start tomorrow.
You got us into this mess
with your lofty ideas,
and there's no way out.
Your budget, it's
woefully underestimated.
Lloyd, am I right?
The budget's tight.
OK, but we can build in stages.
We can stay here until
it's completely done.
Right, Carmen?
You can stay a few more months.
But if we don't sell the fourth
church, then we're short, right?
$50,000 short.
George, we need you.
God's called us to greater a--
Us, Doyle?
God called me to
shepherd my community,
not follow some high-minded
dreamer with no real plan.
I know you're disappointed,
but we have prayed about this,
and our board members agree.
What about the board members of
the combined church, all of us?
You can still walk away.
Look, there is one other
solution, right, Lloyd?
Doyle, I can't play that card.
Set the meeting up.
I'll make the ask.
(SINGING) I need thee, Lord
I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now my Savior
I come to thee.
You're lucky I let
you back in here.
Cut the crap.
Play the list.
All right, all right.
I'll play something
that'll put a little...
Something familiar.
Let's see...
(SINGING) I must tell Jesus
All of my troubles
I cannot bear this burden alone
Play the list.
Oh, come on, man.
They like this.
(SINGING) I must tell Jesus
And he will hear me
He ever loves and
cares for his--
No, you're right, man.
You're right.
It ain't working.
Hold my guitar.
Come on.
I'm gonna sing a cappella.
(SINGING) I must tell Jesus
I must tell Jesus
I cannot bear these
Burdens alone
[LAUGHING] I must tell Jesus
I must tell Jesus.
[COMMOTION] Jesus can help--
All these years, you're still
the same pathetic trash.
Glenn, is that you?
Hey, Harold.
You miss me?
Welcome back, Glenn.
You ain't taking me in, are you?
Just like old times.
Because I can drive.
I just got to find my car.
You know the drill.
I got the right to remain
silent, but I don't have to.
(SINGING) Jesus and Harold
Jesus alone
Holy wine
Well you shoulda been there
What's going on in
that field over there?
Oh, over there?
We're building a
church and a school.
A school?
Yeah, it's about time this
town has one of its own.
Sounds like a lot of money.
Well, the pastor's got a plan.
Who's the school for?
Anybody, everybody.
This is it, Lloyd.
Don't sit, gentlemen.
This is not going to
take very long at all.
Lloyd, good to see
you, Mr. Clark.
Pastor Clark.
Pastor Clark.
Well, at least you
admit it can't be done.
We'd like to thank you for
seeing us on such short notice.
I think you'll agree, if you
review my business proposal,
I have reviewed your
business proposal, pastor,
and you have zero
business acumen.
Now, my gift is business.
And you're a philanthropist.
Who takes his investments
very seriously.
So I'm not about to waste
any hard-earned money
on some pastor pipe dream that
can't even get a line of credit.
I'm sorry, Ken.
You're a man after my
own heart, Mr Strickler.
You have the vision
and determination
to do what is right.
I know God's going to provide.
He's seldom early
and never late.
You ever done this before?
We've sold three churches
and raised 50% of the budget.
And then what?
No pews, no pulpit.
You see what I'm saying?
Jesus fed 5,000 people with two
fish and five loaves of bread.
He's in the business
of miracles.
So let's leave him
to do the miracles
and me to handle the business.
There's a fourth church, too.
You mean the one Lloyd
told me about last night
that bailed on you?
Pastor, I've made countless
investments across the state.
Now, the only thing that
distinguishes your opportunity
from all the others
is zero viability.
So, until you can prove the
viability of the project,
I'm afraid our conversation
ends right here.
Well, at least now we
know what we have to do.
How could you lie to him?
You're a pastor,
for crying out loud.
I didn't lie.
Strickler returns,
George comes back.
No, George is out.
Strickler is out.
We're $50,000 short.
It's over.
--we have to do is
prove our viability.
You're going to have to
prove a lot more to me.
I trusted you.
I put my name on the
line for you today.
Lloyd, I know this whole
faith thing is new to you,
but God is seldom early and--
Don't condescend to me, Doyle.
I trust God.
It's you I'm unsure of.
I'm heading to the
worksite to tell
the board I'll meet you there.
I wish it wouldn't
have ended like this.
I know you're the contractor,
but it's the board
that makes these decisions.
If Strickler comes
back, then they're
going to move forward with this.
So, can we still build?
Can we?
God called us to unite
these four churches, right?
If we pray--
I mean, really pray--
God will answer us.
Write your prayers
down in there.
I guarantee you you'll be
checking those off one by one.
Jesus said he's a lamp unto our
feet and a light unto our path.
And a lamp only shines a
few feet in front of us,
but it doesn't mean that
the path isn't there.
Remember, ask--
And it shall be given to you.
And ye shall find.
And the door shall open.
Let's roll.
Uncle Glenn, wake up, buddy.
Oh, hey.
You must be Daryl.
Why are you sleeping
here, buddy?
I'll just wait out here.
Thought maybe you were just
going to leave me here.
I have to work.
I have a bunk bed.
You can sleep in my room.
Well, thanks, buddy.
Hey, Daryl, honey, can you go
help Mr. Harold for a minute?
Mommy needs to talk
to Uncle Glenn.
Of course.
Thank you.
You're working on Sundays?
Why you couldn't come yesterday?
20 years.
20 years.
You just left.
You didn't call.
I thought you were dead.
Well, I kind of was.
And 20 years later, it's the
same call from Harold again.
I have to come here to this
place to pick you up again.
Bevy, now--
All these years later, the
exact same call, Glenn.
I mean, I wish I could see
you the way that Daryl does.
I wish that I could
see him the way you do.
Get up.
We are not sitting down.
I have to get him to school,
and I have to go to work.
Get a shower.
There's food in the fridge.
We'll be home at 7:00.
You can read my comic books and
I already made your bed, my man.
Thanks, buddy.
I'll sleep out back.
The shed is filthy.
You'll sleep inside.
I don't want to be in
the way around here.
I don't mind you in the way.
I need you to stay
out of trouble.
All right.
No more trouble.
Scout's honor.
Yeah, like the Scouts
would even have you.
Why don't you look for a job?
Did you get the call from Lloyd?
No, the hospital in Adrian.
Lloyd had a heart attack.
Let's go, son.
Not yet.
We have to find a new carpenter
by the end of the day.
We're still going
to build today?
Well, not without a carpenter.
I just got the call.
We need to go.
The masons can't do their
job without a carpenter.
Well, let's reschedule.
They're booked out for months.
We need someone by
the end of the day
or we can't start
until November.
Is Robert still in Detroit?
He took a job in the UP.
My nephew in Indy, but
we'd have to house him.
No, that's out of the budget.
Out of the question.
You Pastor Clark?
Glenn Frank.
I know.
How can I help you?
Well, I was fixing to
ask you the same thing.
You see, Harold and I, we were
catching up the other night,
and he mentioned you're
running short on money.
Thought you might
need a carpenter.
Could you use me?
I don't know.
Well, you knocked,
and the door opened.
We're building a church, son.
And a school, too.
All the more reason
to be careful.
Would you give us
a minute, please?
Yeah, talk to your people.
Now, look, this is you guys's--
Are you any good?
Well, as a matter of fact, I am.
Been fixing cars, electric,
plumbing, anything else
I could get my hands on
since I was your age.
What happened to your eye?
No, this?
This is nothing.
This is what you call a
"performance-related accident."
This might be our
answer to prayer.
Do you remember what he
did to his grandparents?
No one ever brought
charges on that.
That's because he skipped town.
I think we should help him.
And he can help us.
Preacher, I know I ain't
good enough for church,
but I can build
anything you want.
Kids around here need
their own school.
You don't even have to pay me.
What are you,
independently wealthy?
Something like that.
Laid off.
Government pays every Friday.
Absolutely no drinking.
No, no drinking.
I'll keep him right by my side.
I'll go talk to the masons.
And Harold and I will
go check on Priscilla.
What's the word?
Let's go.
So this is the foyer, and
this is part of phase one.
What's a narthex?
Well, you got to come
through the foyer
into the narthex
coming into the church.
That's the welcome area.
That's actually
where we're going
to be practicing the service
until we build the sanctuary
as a part of phase two.
Where's the school?
Hey, son, why don't you go play?
Yeah, what about the school?
Where are you putting it?
It's going to be a
part of phase three.
See how these come out here
like this, either side?
Yeah, like an anchor.
I like that.
Last man to lay their
hands on that guitar
without asking almost
got himself killed.
Relax, you ain't in trouble.
But you got to learn not to go
around touching people's things
without asking.
I'm sorry.
Look at me, son.
I mean, look me in the eyeballs.
I want you to listen.
This is a very
special instrument.
It's not a toy.
Heck, I understand
you're curious.
When I was your age, playing
guitar was all I could think of.
But you can't touch this
without my permission.
You understand?
Yes, sir.
Now, you ever want
to see it, just ask.
You want to take a look?
No, thank you.
Yeah, Preacher?
Why are there five
plates on the table?
Oh, someone volunteered
at the work site today.
So he's coming for dinner?
Well, I guess we can
make the food stretch.
Well, he's a licensed carpenter.
What's his name?
He even said he'd work for free.
That's great.
Who is he?
Glenn Frank.
Hey, little preacher.
Hey, watch where
you're going, buddy.
Hiya, Glenn.
Welcome to our home.
Can I take that?
I think this young man here
looks like he can handle it.
I'll do it.
You must be Troy.
Is that right?
Your brother says you're
a singer, like me.
Your breath smells
like gasoline.
That's a straight
shooter you got there.
This is my wife, Janet.
Pleasure to meet
you, Miss Janet.
Nice to meet you.
Let's eat.
After you, Reverend.
I insist.
You don't like pork chops?
Oh, I like them fine.
I just-- I filled up at Logger's
Lounge before I come over.
I didn't know they
served food at Logger's.
Well, they don't.
I just don't eat
that much when I'm--
you know, I'm thirsty.
Well, boys, why
don't you go play?
You grew up here in Frontier?
Yeah, out where
Clear Creek crosses
Burt Road in my
grandparents' barn out there.
I don't remember seeing
a farm out there.
No, it burned down
a long time ago now.
They died in the fire?
That must have been devastating.
How did it--
Excuse me, Miss Janet.
Is that why you
invited me over here?
You want to ask me about that?
We've heard stories,
but not yours.
Oh, hang on there one second.
He opened it.
He played it.
Lance, what did I tell you?
Not to touch it without asking.
That if I asked, you'd let me?
Well, do you want to hear it?
All right.
Grab it out of there.
Pass it here.
(SINGING) Come, thou fount of
Every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy
Never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Here's the mount
I'm fixed upon it
Mount of thine unchanging love
Here's my heart, Lord
Take and seal it
Seal it to thy courts above
There she is.
Hi, Bev.
How's Daryl?
Oh, wonderful-- just
turned 16 last week.
Did he get the bike we sent?
Oh, he loves it.
Thank you.
Glenn's actually
teaching him to ride.
Is he doing OK?
He's living with
us, more or less.
If he needs some help,
maybe getting a job,
I can help him down
at the factory.
He actually found
work in Frontier.
Surprised he found
a job so quickly.
It's not exactly a job.
They don't pay him to do it.
But he loves it.
He's working for free?
I mean, he must be
collecting unemployment.
It sounds worse when you say it.
I mean, he's helping build
a church and a school.
What's the church?
New Hope.
It's actually several
churches coming together.
There was a big ad
for it in the paper.
The pastor and his
wife are so nice.
They've had him over for dinner.
He and the pastor are
working together on it.
New Hope?
Got it.
Hey, Doyle?
The lawyer dropped off the
paperwork for the three church
They need to be signed today.
I got it.
Can I help?
Now, stand back,
little preacher.
I don't want you to get hurt.
There you go.
Looks like I got me
a new apprentice.
I don't know why they
make it so hard just
to get rid of a building.
I don't know what
I'd do without you.
I wonder how Priscilla's doing?
I should go see her.
Well, Mr. Strickler sent
her a very kind card.
What did he say?
He was shocked and sorry.
He was glad he got to
see him one last time.
They were friends, you know.
Lloyd used to work for him.
Mr. Strickler is a generous man.
And let us know how
we can help Priscilla.
This must be devastating.
I will.
Thank you, Doyle.
There's pop in the cooler.
The ladies' aid
brought a whole bunch.
Hey, little preacher.
Didn't see you.
Are you drinking?
Let's not tell the whole world.
You're going to get fired.
Not if nobody knows.
Mr. Carmen told me you're not
supposed to be drinking here.
I have to go tell him.
Hey, it's just a little bit.
All right?
It's like medicine.
Medicine is for
when you're sick.
I suppose maybe I am.
Well, what happens if you
don't take your medicine?
I don't know.
Get a headache, my hands shake,
fever, that kind of thing.
Like the flu?
Sort of.
Can I get it?
Troy got the flu last year, and
it got my whole family sick.
No, it ain't like that.
But I can get real sick
and end up in the hospital
if I ain't careful.
Look, I know it's
hard to understand.
You ever wanted
something real bad--
I mean, so bad you can
feel it inside you?
If something gets
stuck in your mind,
you can't stop thinking about
it, no matter what you do,
no matter how many
times you try.
You want to play guitar.
More than anything.
And I can't stop
thinking about it either.
Am I an alcoholic for guitar?
No, I think you're fine.
But I know how you feel.
I suppose I could teach you,
give you a couple of lessons,
if you want.
I promise I won't tell
if you don't tell.
And there you go.
That's the D chord, all right?
You play them three
together and you'll
get your way into just
about any song you want.
I got to go finish up dinner.
Can you stay, Lance?
Thanks, but my mom
will be expecting me.
All right.
Good night.
Good night.
Who taught you to play?
I taught myself on
my granddad's guitar.
Were you his apprentice?
Oh, no.
Well, you better get home.
Your parents are
going to be worried.
And I'm hungry, too.
Hey, Glenn.
It's been too long.
Ken, what are you doing here?
Just came by to see you.
Well, I got work in the morning.
Right, at that volunteer gig.
Bev tell you about that?
Why are you here?
I reckon I could ask
you the same thing.
I just came by to say
hello to an old friend.
Old friend?
Didn't seem like much of
a friend after that fire.
What was I supposed
to do, Glenn?
I don't know.
Stick up for me.
So then that's why you're back--
stir this whole thing up again?
Stir it up again?
I've been gone 20 years
waiting for everyone to forget.
They're still talking about it.
And that's why you're
here, isn't it?
You're afraid someone's
going to remember.
Why should I be afraid?
I don't know.
It was your dad's
lighter, wasn't it?
Nobody knows how that
fire started, Glenn.
My grandparents
started that fire.
Their parents before
them, three generations of
Franks-- this whole town
sitting back on their hands,
watching, waiting for
something to happen.
No one cares who lights the
match when the whole world is
soaked in gasoline.
You know something, Glenn?
Perhaps we could work
together, me and you.
I'm confident I could
make all this go away.
I don't need your help, Ken.
Never have.
And from the sound
of your voice,
it's you who's asking
me for help, anyways.
He didn't drink all day?
Not a drop.
We got a lot done, and we
planned out the whole week.
Today, Glenn--
He worked really hard.
He's here!
That's good to hear.
(SINGING) Crawdad fishing
in a crawdad hole, honey
Crawdad fishing in
a crawdad hole, mine
You get a line, I'll get a pole
We'll go fishing
in the crawdad hole
Honey, baby, mine
Along come a man with a
sack on his back, honey
Packing all the crawdads
he could pack, mine
Man fell down and
broke that sack
All them critters
go crawling back
Honey, baby, mine
Honey, baby, mine
Can Mr. Glenn play
for the church?
Not guitar, honey.
But he can sing in the choir.
I don't know about that.
Well, maybe someday.
All right.
Oh, well, can't he keep playing?
It's late.
What about tomorrow
after church?
Mr. Glenn may enjoy a break.
Oh, no.
I'd enjoy the company.
(SINGING) Honey, baby, mine.
Move your fingers
up just a little.
There you go.
All right, give it a try.
All right.
That's not bad.
Don't be afraid to squeeze it.
Give it a good grip.
There you go.
No way.
You got something to
practice on at home?
Mom says we can't afford one.
I guess you better start saving.
Well, how much does one cost?
Depends on what you get.
Well, how much does yours cost?
I tell you what.
Get you a Sears catalog.
Look up classical guitars.
Well, I want to
play something fun.
Classical just means
it's got soft strings.
Makes it easier to play
when you're learning.
All right?
Pick one you like.
We'll start saving for it.
Pick you out a case, too.
Spend your money
on something nice,
you want to take care of it.
All right?
Let's finish up before
the Reverend gets home.
We'll do more tomorrow.
Are you sure you
ain't rock mining?
I'm not Troy.
Are you OK?
I'm fine.
Do you need some medicine?
I'm gonna get you in trouble.
Look, we need you to build this.
It's just to keep you sharp.
Hey, is he OK
playing over there?
Yeah, he's fine.
I tied that off this morning.
Vroom, vroom.
Are you OK?
Dad's going to kill me.
You're not hurt?
You said you tied it off.
Troy, go get your things.
We're leaving.
I thought Glenn was
going to take us.
Go on.
Get him home.
I got some stuff to
finish up around here.
Go on.
Someone there?
What are you doing here, Glenn?
Is this where all
the magic happens?
I mean, that's what it is,
ain't it, all smoke and mirrors
to hide the truth?
Truth about what?
We killed them.
I don't know what you're
talking about, Glenn.
That fire didn't start itself.
It was an accident.
Just two young boys
playing with fireworks.
And we ran for the
hills, like cowards.
And you kept
running, didn't you--
and running, and
running, and running,
until you come back now?
Tell me, old friend, was
it the smoke or the flames
finally got them?
I never did hear.
I wouldn't know, Glenn.
I wasn't there.
No, of course not.
I mean, how could
you have been there
and still end up with all this?
Get Harold over here.
He's awake!
What's going on?
Harold brought you
over last night.
You're going to stay with
us until you stop drinking.
It don't work like that.
I tried.
We'll try again.
Bev already agreed.
And it's better than
the hospital, right?
What about work?
We got a group from
church coming over today.
Carmen and I got it figured out.
You just stay here and
focus on getting better.
Come on, son.
Lance and I will
make you some tea.
It's OK.
I'm going to help.
All right.
(SINGING) I walked alone
in my sorrow and shame
With a fistful of
fear in my hand
Then I heard the
Savior call my name
Now I'm bound for
the promised land
Soup first.
Man, I can't.
Every time I smell food,
my stomach just churns.
(SINGING) Jesus saved me
Jesus saved me
Jesus saved me from my sin
Jesus saved me
Jesus saved me
Jesus saved me
I'm born again
Out in a world full
of troubles and tears
Where the storm clouds
swallow the breeze
The still, small voice
whispered in my ear
Then I fell down on my knees
That's the last of it, huh?
It's the only thing that
keeps the food down.
(SINGING) Jesus saved me
Jesus saved me from my sin
Jesus saved me
Jesus saved me
Jesus saved me
I'm born again
Mom, I'll be right back.
(SINGING) I used to sing
me a heartbreak song
Hammered down on
a hard guitar wire
Then the Spirit turned me
to the right from the wrong
Now I sing with
the heavenly choir
So you got the whole roof on?
Well, not the whole roof,
but we made headway.
Did you get Glenn to eat?
A little, but he puked
about 1,000 times.
Well, I am proud of you.
It was a long day, but I'm
just glad that he's better.
Honey, it'll be a few
weeks before he's better.
(SINGING) Let it be
Dear Lord, let it be
Let's go, boys.
Can't be late!
Mr. Glenn, are you
coming with us?
I don't think so, buddy.
Well, it's just a work day--
no sermon.
I ain't so good
around church folks.
We're all church folks.
He'll be back to
work when he's ready.
Come on.
Time to go.
Bye, Glenn.
Thank you again, Bev.
My pleasure.
Have a good night.
You too.
Just one more thing.
How's Glenn doing?
Well, five weeks sober.
That's wonderful.
So then he's gone
back to Detroit?
He's still at the church.
The pastor's family actually
helped him get cleaned up.
Still volunteering
at that church?
Oh, everybody is.
I mean, the whole church
helps-- nights, weekends.
Glenn makes a list.
Everybody pitches in.
What an unusual community.
You know something?
I think I just might
tell him thank you.
Well, you don't need to do that.
No trouble at all.
It's almost too good to be true.
Thank you.
Good night.
Have a good night.
Hi, Lance.
Would you like to play catch?
Oh, I can't right now.
Do you know where Glenn is?
I need to talk to him.
He went to the shed.
Little preacher.
You were awfully quiet tonight.
You sad Glenn's
back at Bev's house?
Is it OK to keep secrets?
Some secrets are good, like not
spoiling a birthday surprise.
What if somebody did something
they weren't supposed to do
and you knew about it?
I don't want you
tattling on Troy.
It's not that.
Honey, it's been
a hard few weeks,
and you've been so grown up.
You're not my
little boy anymore.
You're a young man.
Don't worry.
He'll be back.
(SINGING) --Father
through Jesus, the Son
And give him the glory
Great things he has done
Have a seat.
Who has a praise for us?
Praise God for my
friend Mr Glenn.
He helps with the construction
site and sings us songs.
He even stopped drinking.
Hey, little preacher.
Ms. Janet.
I came.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Use your legs.
I heard the singing.
I'll get him out of here.
Thanks, Harold.
Don't thank me yet.
I heard singing.
Yeah, you did.
I should press
charges against you.
What are you talking about?
I was told he's sober.
I've dealt with people like
you before, thinking God's
ordained every silly idea up in
that head of yours, regardless
of who gets hurt.
You don't understand.
No, you don't understand.
What Glenn needs is a doctor,
not a church with no money
and a charlatan for a pastor.
Dad, Mom says it's almost 7:00.
Is Mr. Glenn in trouble?
Are you in trouble?
Is Mr. Glenn getting fired?
I don't know.
Are you going to get fired?
I don't know.
Why did God stop
answering our prayers?
We just have to keep
hoping and praying.
I did hope, and it didn't work.
God just stopped listening.
God is always listening.
Then where's the money for
the school and the church?
And why isn't Mr. Glenn better?
Hi, Doyle.
Mr. Davis.
I don't understand, Doyle.
How did all this happen?
We needed a carpenter.
Lloyd had a heart attack.
We prayed, and there Glenn was.
And the Clarks have been
very generous to have him
over for dinner regularly.
Almost nightly.
And it has been a
financial strain,
but it's kept him from drinking.
Has it?
We saw a whole congregation this
morning that would disagree.
Has he ever come
to work inebriated?
I haven't seen him
drinking, but--
I need to find the preacher.
I need to find the preacher!
Hey, it's OK.
You're OK.
Dad's not here.
He left for a meeting
at the church.
Get out.
You've done enough.
You need to leave.
I said go!
I said enough!
I need the preacher.
I'm gonna take you.
I know he has his shortcomings,
but we needed a good carpenter.
And I know deep down
inside, he is a good man.
Good or bad, having a
drunk build this church--
He's not a drunk.
He's a broken man,
just like you and me.
Jesus uses broken people
to build His Kingdom.
David was an adulterer.
Jonah ran from God.
Peter denied he even knew Jesus.
If the Israelites can knock
down the walls of Jericho
with a prostitute
and a marching band,
surely Glenn can help
us build this church.
Preacher, please.
I need to get healed.
Son, come here.
Doyle, what's going on?
What do I gotta do?
Ask for forgiveness.
He ain't gonna forgive me.
I ain't good enough.
Nobody's good enough.
What I done, it's...it's bad.
He used to whip on me, keep me
locked in the barn days on end--
no food, nothing.
When I saw that fire started,
I just watched it smoldering.
I didn't try to put it out.
Next thing I know, that
whole place is up in flames.
And he come up out of the
house, waving his gun around,
Grandma following after him.
I never meant for
no one to get hurt.
I never meant for them
to die, but they did.
It wasn't your fault. It
wasn't anybody's fault.
Preacher, I want to change.
I want to change, but I can't.
Just ask.
What do I say?
What do I say, preacher?
Say, forgive me.
Forgive me, Father.
Forgive me, Father.
For I have sinned.
For I have sinned.
I want to be a changed man.
I do.
I want to be a changed man.
God make me different, please!
Make me different.
I baptize you--
--in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Your sins are forgiven.
Morning, Glenn.
How are you doing?
I'm not sure yet.
Are you sober?
I brought you this.
What's this?
Well, I got it when
I got baptized.
It used to be my dad's.
I figured you could use it.
Reckon I could.
You fired?
Going to the church, aren't we?
We'll find out anyway.
Listen, we've made
tremendous progress here.
We've raised some of the money
needed, but not all of it,
But if we continue to pray about
this and ask God for clarity,
He's going to provide
the resources we need--
I don't see how we can go
on without more funding.
We have the foyer
built and the roof.
Maybe if we meet at
the construction site,
people will be more
inclined to give.
Doyle, these folks have already
given everything they have.
Yeah, they've already sold
everything at the auction
last summer, including
the family heirlooms.
And there's nothing
left but tithe.
That's not much.
I don't mean to interrupt, but
I don't mind working for free.
Oh, Glenn, that's really nice.
Labor is one thing, but
materials, they cost money.
Maybe I could reach
back out to George.
Maybe he'd have a change of
heart once he saw the progress.
Or I could reach
out to Strickler.
Are you kidding me?
He wouldn't even look
at us after last Sunday.
No, that ship has sailed.
All we have to do
is prove viability.
The problem isn't
Glenn or Strickler.
It just seems like your
passion for this project
is clouding your judgment.
I didn't lie.
But you weren't straight
with us, either.
Doyle, we've talked.
We're going to bring Davis
back on for some advice on how
to move forward.
Without me?
We're not saying that.
Not yet.
Why can't we keep working?
No money left.
Well, we have all this.
Why can't we use it
until we get more money?
Guess that's not our choice.
Are you going to
sell your guitar?
Well, you're a
Christian now, right?
Isn't it a sin?
Well, I played it at
your house all the time.
Your parents never said nothing.
Hey, preacher!
You want me to stop
playing guitar?
There's something wrong with it?
God gave you a gift.
Might as well use it.
You heard him.
Well, I want to keep learning.
I want to keep teaching.
Glenn, it's for you.
Just be honest.
Rip it off like a Band-Aid.
They'll understand.
What about Lance?
Well, Lance is a strong kid.
Besides, you said you
wanted to help him get
that guitar for his birthday.
Now you can.
Oh, man, he'd love that.
It's only four weeks.
It's good money.
They could ask me to stay on.
Or they could fire you.
What if I can't do
this without them?
I think that they want
this for you, too.
It is going to hurt,
but it's because you
have a good thing going on.
And if I could get
him that guitar--
--can you imagine
the look on his face?
Go on.
She's going to
have dinner ready.
My cooking isn't that bad.
No, no.
It's quite good.
Thank you, sweetheart.
I got some good news today.
My old boss called from
Detroit, and they're
starting up work again.
Right away.
Yeah, I thought maybe I
could save up some money.
And we got a birthday coming up.
Is Mr. Glenn leaving?
No, I ain't leaving.
Ow! Mom, he kicked me.
Hey, that is not how
we treat each other.
Oh, yeah?
How do we treat each
other, by keeping secrets,
lying to the board?
Did you even tell Mom
that you're getting fired?
What is he talking about, Doyle?
Or that Mr. Glenn is
moving to Detroit,
but didn't bother telling me?
I thought I was your apprentice.
I got it.
I'll take care of it.
Hey, Lance?
I'm sorry.
I should have told you first.
I just found out this
morning, and I didn't
know how to break it to you.
You know, I'm going to
be home by your birthday.
You're going to be so
busy helping your dad out
at the church, you ain't
even going to have time
to notice I'm gone.
You know, I wish I had an
apprentice like you with me
down in Detroit.
There's no telling what
we might build together.
I'm going to miss
you, little man.
I'm so proud of you.
You're the best
friend I ever had.
I love you.
I wish you would have told me.
I don't like being in the dark.
I could have helped you.
I'm not mad.
I'm just-- I want to know
what you're thinking.
Doyle, please.
Doyle, please don't shut me out.
We knew this would be hard.
Nobody expected it to work.
It'll be OK, no matter what.
You got to work all night
to afford a place like this?
Here he is-- under the
cloak of darkness, I see.
I'm leaving.
Got my old job back in Detroit.
What about your pro bono work?
Well, that's why I'm here.
I need a favor, and you owe me.
What is it?
New Hope Church.
You need to get them
up and going again.
It's a lost cause.
They're good people.
It's better than anything
you've ever invested in.
When have you ever
seen a group of folks
like that, sharing what they
have, selling all they own,
giving what's theirs to others?
All the while lining the
pockets of a charlatan.
You know Doyle and Janet
don't take a salary.
They live off a love offering.
Most of the time,
that's food, not money.
What little money
they do have goes back
into buying materials for
that church they're building,
all the while feeding
me, giving me medicine,
taking care of every
other poor and lonely soul
crosses their path over there.
The only charlatan
lining his pockets around
here is sitting across
the desk from me.
You sit there all high and
mighty, doling out your money
a dollar at a time,
looking down your nose,
condemning those folks who give
everything and have nothing.
I'm not asking for
your pity, Ken.
I don't need it.
I figured out a long
time ago how to go alone.
I only just recently
figured out I don't have to.
I don't need your money, but
I could use an old friend--
someone who used to care
about folks like me.
Look, they're not perfect.
They don't pretend to be.
They got just as many
faults as the rest of us.
But they accept me just as I am.
You really believe in
these folks, don't you?
I do.
I do.
I hope someday you can
find folks like that--
to love.
Who love you back,
faults and all.
I mean, Clark residence.
Dad, it's Carmen.
He wants to know if
you're coming or not.
Come on, Dad.
Daddy, let's go.
Wake up.
We got to get going.
Come on.
We got to go.
Come on.
Please, Dad.
Please, wake up.
OK, Lance, you take your
brother and you call Harold.
Hurry, please.
Is Dad going to die?
Let's get going.
Got you, ok.
Just wake up.
Wake up, Doyle.
It's not the first time?
It's been a couple of years.
I guess I thought I--
I hoped he was
somehow healed of it.
When he's up, he's so up.
He's charismatic, and fun, and
funny, and just draws you in.
So when he's down,
it just seems like he
couldn't sink any further.
And then he does.
How long will he be like this?
A couple days, a week.
Two weeks.
Is it because Glenn is leaving?
It's a lot of things.
A lot of change is
coming, and it's scary.
What about the school?
I'm sorry, honey.
I don't think so.
Well, I can help.
Tell Dad not to worry because
Glenn told me all about it.
I can frame windows and I
can measure and cut wood,
and I can even
straighten out the nails
so we don't waste anything.
Lance, you are smart.
And I am so proud of you.
We didn't even get to
have one service there.
I better go check
on your father.
Where are you going?
Come on.
I'm going to need an apprentice.
little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine
Everywhere I go
I'm going to let it shine
Everywhere I go
I'm going to let it shine
Everywhere I go
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine
(SINGING) --With the
hearty, joyous plaudit,
"Weary pilgrim, welcome home."
Blessed Savior,
thou will guide us
Till we reach that
blissful shore
the angels wait to join us
--In God's grace forevermore
Where the angels wait to join us
In God's grace forevermore.
Where were you?
We were setting
up the new church.
What happened?
I'm sorry.
We're closed.
Shirley and I just
heard about Glenn.
We're heartbroken.
If there's anything we can do
at all, funeral arrangements,
I told him to go to Detroit,
to take back that job.
I mean, he could have
worked here, for you.
It's not your fault.
He slept in the
garage like a dog.
He grew up caged in a barn,
and I put him in that garage.
That was his choice.
And if that church--
No, that church saved his life.
He was like night and day.
Without those folks, he would
have been gone a lot sooner.
I'm sorry to bother you.
You're no bother.
I was wondering if we
could have the memorial
service at the worksite?
It would be an honor.
And wait right here.
He'd want for you to have it.
It's your only thing
to remember him.
Well, it's your only thing
to remember him by, too.
Come here.
I want to show you something.
(SINGING) Just a
closer walk with Thee
Grant it, Jesus, this my plea
Daily walking close to Thee
Let it be,
Dear Lord, let it be.
When this cruel life is o'er
Time for me will be no more
Guide me gently, safely o'er
To Thy kingdom
Lord, to thy shore.
Let it be,
Dear Lord, let it be.
I talked to Bev this morning.
She's doing OK.
She said that we
could do the memorial
service at the new church.
She said he'd have liked that.
There is no church.
I thought God was going to work
this whole thing out for us.
George was going to come back.
We were going to make the money.
And Glenn was the key.
I didn't try to lie.
I was just trying to
stay positive, keep
that forward momentum.
Because I believe in it--
believe in the community.
Remember, ask and
ye shall receive.
What if God gave us Glenn, but
not for the reason we expected?
A false hope?
So we could help him--
maybe for this reason that
we can't even imagine.
The lamp only shines a
few feet in front of us.
Sorry, honey.
I was thinking.
About Glenn?
Do you think he really changed?
What do you mean?
He stopped drinking
and getting in fights.
Harold even said he
was getting bored.
I know he changed
on the outside.
He got saved at church.
Oh, it was drunken conversion.
It was real.
You should read this.
You were right.
It was real.
It's time to go.
Out the door.
Oh, Mom, I forgot something.
We don't have time.
Just go.
Lance, come on.
I'll hurry.
We gather today to celebrate
the life of Glenn Frank
in a building made in
large part by his hands.
Don't be fooled.
He wasn't building
us the church.
He taught us how to
be the church, to love
our neighbors, flaws and all.
Hey, Lance.
Just the man I was looking for.
Could you do me a very important
favor-- hand-deliver this
to your dad for me?
Thanks, Mr. Strickler.
Now, he tested us, sure.
He struggled through life,
and we joined in that struggle
with him.
Through this community, this
church, God changed him.
So today, our dream of
forming New Hope Church
comes to a close.
Wait, Dad, please!
Dad, you have to
read this letter.
"Dear New Hope
Church, our foundation
has reconsidered
your business plan.
Your investment in the
life of Glenn Frank
does indeed prove that not
all investments are financial.
In fact, some financial losses
may have long-lasting returns.
To honor his work, we are
pleased to report that we have
authorized a gift for the
building of your school
and church in the amount of
$50,000 in memory of Glenn
Milton Frank.
Sincerely, Kenneth Strickler."
We may not always know the path,
but our hope leads us forward.
Who's ready to
finish this with me?
In honor of Glenn Frank,
let me give the benediction.
Oh, Dad, we have
something for that.
[SINGING] He's just a
poor wayfaring stranger
Traveling through
this world of woe
There is no sickness,
toil, or danger
In that bright land
to which he goes
I know dark clouds
will gather around me
I know my way is hard and steep
But beauteous fields
arise before me
Where God's redeemed
their vigils keep
He's going there
To see his mother
She said she'd meet
him when he comes
So he's just going over Jordan
He's just going over home
He's just going over Jordan
He's just going to his home
And it is well
It is well
With my soul
With my soul
It is well
It is well
With my soul
It is well
It is well
With my soul
With my soul
It is well
It is well
With my soul
(SINGING) I'm just a
poor wayfaring stranger
Traveling through
this world of woe
There is no sickness,
toil, or danger
In that bright
land to which I go
I know dark clouds
will gather round me
I know the way is hard and steep
But beauteous fields
will rise before me
Where God's redeemed
their vigils keep
I'm going there to
see my loved ones
Gone on before me one by one
I'm just going over Jordan
I'm only going over home
I'm just a poor
wayfaring stranger
Traveling through
this world of woe
There is no sickness,
toil, or danger
In that bright
land to which I go