A Girl Like Him (2024) Movie Script

I'm different.
And I hide that...
from you, my parents,
and the kids at school.
Why haven't you
told me about this before?
it's not easy to say...
even to you.
I'm not what I have acted
to be my entire life.
I am not interested
in labeling myself anymore.
But I guess I've known
for a long time.
One, two, three!
Hey, Skip, over there!
-Let's go!
Guys, Justin Beckett has a gun.
Did you guys hear that?
Justin Beckett has a gun.
Oh my God.
You know
you had this coming, Zdinzki.
I was messing around.
It was a joke.
Do I look like I'm laughing?
It's gonna stop now.
He's not worth it, okay?
Can we just talk?
Now you wanna talk?
Justin, please.
It's okay, I'm right here.
- No, no.
- No!
Any minute now.
Just wait for it.
You've been saying that
for the past 20 minutes.
Well, it's been five minutes.
I think your concept of time
is a little off.
You say we're gonna see one
every time we do this,
and yet we never see one.
Have I ever told you
how impatient you are?
Did I ever tell you that?
Really? Okay.
Ugh, I'm so thirsty.
Okay, which one's mine?
- Nice. Wow, J, wow.
- Shut up.
-It's all over your chin.
-Oh my God.
-I know. Oh my God.
-You're such a slob.
This is my only shirt.
This is the only shirt I've got.
You got something?
You want this?
Only if I get that shirt.
- This shirt?
- Mm-hmm, even swap.
How is it an even swap?
- You don't even like sports.
- Because.
-Why'd you want the shirt?
-But I like the shirt.
You like the shirt?
It's so hard
to talk to you
-with soda all over your chin.
-Shu-- Don't--
Oh my God, ugh!
-Did I get it?
-Yeah. Give me the shirt.
Fine, you can have the shirt.
I don't even want this anymore.
Are you kidding me?
-I love that you're a slob.
--Yeah, it's--
It's a really cool shirt.
Yeah, it's 'cause it's got
my name on it.
Oh, I definitely got
the better end of the deal.
This is nice.
This is real nice.
What's up, Grey?
Come on, let's take a walk.
You hear that?
I never hear quiet like that.
You hear quiet?
Come on, you know
what I mean, dude.
Um, do you ever think about,
like, who you are
or, like, being with someone?
You know, like that?
"Like that"?
What do you mean,
like, a girlfriend or, like, a--
Like, you know, "that" that.
I don't know.
Too much stuff in my mind,
I guess.
There's nothing
off limits with us.
Come on. Tell me.
I'll tell you one day,
but, for now,
I gotta keep it locked up,
keep you guessing.
Makes me mysterious, right?
Well, I've waited 14 years.
I'm sure I could wait
a little longer
for the deep, dark secrets
of Lena Grey.
Did you see that?
I told you.
You know what?
I was thinking, this afternoon,
maybe you and I
can do a little bit of
back-to-school shopping.
No, I'm going to Noona's.
Well, I already talked to Noona,
and I told her
we'd just be
a little bit late, it's fine.
It'll just be really quick,
just a couple hours,
even one hour,
just a couple of T-shirts,
something just to start
the school year, please.
Every time we go
it's a disaster.
Well, maybe this one won't be.
It could be fun.
It'll be short...
and potentially fun.
Well, make sure
you wear something nice
when you visit Noona,
not like
you just rolled out of bed.
Where'd that shirt come from?
It's Justin's.
Today should be interesting.
School shopping.
That's gonna be fun.
I have no idea how
this school year is gonna go.
I try to have a positive
attitude about it
so it won't suck as much,
I want it to be different,
I don't know how.
If I don't...
start being who I am...
I don't wanna be here.
I guess, um, I'll just pretend.
I'm good at that.
I didn't even know
you knew about this store.
How did you know this--
Oh, my goodness,
that is adorable.
Is that a-- Just--
Oh, my goodness gracious,
look at that.
That is just beautiful...
...just with that little belt.
Oh, it'd be so cute on you, no?
-I don't like it.
-No? Okay.
Okay, well, you know.
Well, and solid
might be a little more,
you know, it's not quite
so loud, you know?
Ooh, look at this.
You like boots.
I know you like boots,
and these have a tiny heel,
-so that's--
-No, but I like these.
That's what
construction workers wear. No.
That's cute. Do you like that?
- No?
- No.
Well, we'll find something.
I like this one.
It looks great on you.
Yeah, it does.
Okay, can we get it?
You know what would look
so good under it...
is this pink V-neck--
-So cute. No?
Okay, well,
can't blame me for trying.
Can we make one last stop?
-Yes, yes.
-Yeah, of course.
See, I told you
shopping could be fun.
I told you that.
-Okay, so just a trim, right?
I'm gonna grab a couple
other things, I'll be back.
Okay. Bye.
Don't wear a tensor bandage
for more than a few hours.
Oh, my God!
I don't understand how you made
that decision by yourself.
I mean, why didn't you
say anything to me?
You know your father's
gonna have a fit.
What is going on?
Go get ready for Noona's.
What did you do?
What did I do?
I took
our daughter to the mall
for some bonding time.
I would recommend it.
You let her do that?
She looks like a boy!
I didn't let her do anything,
James, okay?
She asked for a trim,
I took her to a salon,
I stepped away,
I did a couple of errands,
I came back, and she looked
A trim? That's not a trim.
First, the clothes,
now the hair, what are we doing?
Please, tell me again
how this is a phase.
I don't necessarily think
this is a phase,
but, I mean, screaming about it
is not helping.
It's certainly not helping her.
I don't want her to hear.
It's okay, honey.
Just go to see Noona.
She's got to explain herself!
She doesn't need
to explain herself
while you're screaming.
She hates it.
Sounds like
she didn't leave a tip.
Do you hate it?
Do you?
I love it.
Okay then, kiddo, own it.
Life is too short for you
to wear somebody else's hairdo.
A nickel for your thoughts.
Isn't it a penny?
It's nothing.
I don't think I've ever showed
you this before, but...
I think you'll like it.
So, I have this dear friend
named Norene Mangina.
Yeah, I know, I know, I know.
Used to take me to these really,
really far-out hippie parties
where people dressed
how they wanted,
they loved whom they wanted,
and we called them
judgment-free parties,
and the drugs were free too,
which really lessened
our judgment,
but that's
for another intervention.
Anyway, these men and women,
they were,
I mean, they were
absolutely fabulous
in their fashion sense.
Just look at these boys.
These are boys.
I mean, come on.
Look at this. And the girls?
They were so handsome.
This was a real thing.
It's just that, back then,
you didn't talk about it
outside the company you kept.
They look so good.
Why are you showing me this?
Because, love, I know
it's not nothing.
Judgment-free party.
I don't even know
where to begin.
Well, that sounds like
a good place to start.
I don't fit, anywhere.
I just feel like I'm pretending.
I'm what everyone
wants me to be.
I think Mom knows,
but I'm just too scared
to say anything.
I don't wanna hurt her,
but I can see it in her eyes
that it's hurting her.
I don't wanna hurt anyone,
but in the meantime
it's me I'm hurting.
Being true to yourself...
is crucial in this life,
my love.
The rub is
not everyone wants the truth.
Sweetie, did you know
that left-handedness
was once considered evil?
I mean, can you believe that?
There's a word in Italian.
The word in Italian for "left"
is sinistra, sinister.
Let me
tell you something.
I remember every morning in
the first grade I would walk in,
I would sit down,
and I would copy my alphabet
with all my classmates,
and then Miss Neville
would waddle up to my desk,
and she would smack me
on the left hand with a ruler,
I mean, whack me
right across the knuckles,
and thanks to her,
my cursive, yeah, my cursive,
it looks like chicken scratch
- in a food processor.
- Yeah.
It does.
Ah, stories like that,
they're still happening.
People are smacking our hands
and smacking us around
just because we're trying
to find a way to live
that feels natural.
I know what you're going through
is not fair, but we all grow
because of courageous souls
like you.
You help us to evolve.
I love my beautiful grandchild.
I love her oh so much.
He is my precious soul.
My heart is moving.
I will always
be by your side.
You will never be alone.
Hey, Len--
Oh my God.
You, uh, you cut your hair.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, no, I--
It's really, um,
it's really short.
I like it.
Yeah, looks good.
It's just different, I guess.
So, um--
So Coach was talking to us about
the game against Wilchester
next Friday.
We're pushing the running game
'cause their defensive line
is weak as hell.
Look, you know I love
and support you,
but I don't speak sportsball.
You're not into sports at all,
but you're this tomboy.
It just-- I don't know.
It doesn't make any sense.
Please don't call me that.
Um, I-- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean anything by it.
I just, I don't like it, okay?
I expect it from other people,
but not from you.
Okay, I won't ever do it again.
It's not just that.
What are you talking about?
I'm different.
And I hide that.
I guess I've known
for a long time.
I'm nonbinary.
No, no, I've heard of that.
Isn't every celebrity that
right now, right?
Don't you see me?
I thought, out of everyone
in my life,
that you would be able
to see me.
God, I'm so stupid.
You know what? Forget it.
Doesn't matter.
It's not your problem.
Hey, you can't throw
all this out there
and then say that it's
not important that I get it.
I do see you.
I've always seen you.
I promise.
So, what's gonna change?
You're into girls?
You turn into a guy?
Do you-- Do you like girls?
I don't-- I don't know, Justin.
I guess I'll figure it out.
Uh, why can't you just be you
and, you know, and be...
I don't know, bisexual or--
Justin, are you listening
to me right now?
I'm telling you that I
don't think I'm one gender.
If I could make it any easier
on you and everyone else,
then don't you think I would?
Okay, I'm going to the bathroom.
Break, ah!
Let's go, guys.
Let's go.
That's rad.
It's just a tie.
Come on.
Okay, I killed it.
That's amazing.
I hope you all
had a nice summer break
and are ready to jump
into the exciting world
of world history.
Please grab your books.
We'll just start
with a quick overview.
If you don't
have one yet, just pair up.
Simon, what are you waiting for?
Lena will share her book
with you.
Nah, I'm good.
Simon, just sit down.
Is this why you were late today?
Look, if you're
gonna give me a hard time,
it's been hard enough today.
You're just making it
so easy for 'em.
I just don't understand
why you don't wait
until you're out of
this shithole place to do this.
Because I'm not gonna live
for their acceptance anymore.
So, you're gonna put yourself
through more hell?
- J, I'm gonna be late.
- No, Len, come on, hey.
No, it's fine.
It's so nice to see
so many smiley faces back.
Welcome back.
All right, first day,
I know you got the jitters,
so how about we do
a little icebreaker?
It's not gonna be
that bad, I promise.
Just come sit up here,
tell us who you are,
something cool
you did this summer.
Who's first?
Come on. Gotta be a brave soul
amongst one of you.
I'll go.
All right,
great, come on up.
Hi, um, my name is...
Lennon Grey...
and I'm a junior this year,
and, uh, a cool thing
that I did this summer
was hang out in my backyard tent
with my best friend, Justin,
and we saw a shooting star.
You did?
That is so awesome.
I've never seen
a shooting star in real life.
Has anybody else seen one?
It's so cool.
How-- Was it super cool?
Yeah? Oh, one second.
What pronouns would you prefer?
Oh, man!
Oh, um,
no one's ever asked me that.
Um, I think...
Okay, do you mind if I share
that with the group?
Yeah? Okay, stay here.
So, from this point forward,
we will address Lennon
by his chosen name
and preferred pronouns
of he/they.
Is that laughter I hear?
Is that what you
would wanna hear
if you were up here?
Lennon deserves our respect,
just as each one of you does.
And if you
were standing up here,
we would be giving it to you.
And in my class,
Lennon will receive
that respect, okay?
Lennon, thank you
for sharing your story.
All right, who's next?
That laughter showed me
a lot of bravery in this room.
Come on.
Who's next?
Waters, wait up.
I'll be right out.
What's up, Beckett?
Hey, man, look, um,
I was thinking,
some of the guys around here
need to study the playbook
a little bit more.
We gotta get tighter
than last season.
Getting together off the field
is better too, right?
Yeah, I don't know
about getting together
too often, buddy.
Why? You were
all for it yesterday.
Well, originally, I thought
that you just had
the shittiest taste in chicks,
but then I realized
that your girlfriend
grew a dick over the summer.
Mm. Save it, look, from here on,
you're gonna shower
separately from your teammates.
I'm not gonna compromise
the team environment
for somebody
that might pop a boner.
'Cause that's what
makes you a fag, right?
Everything okay?
Yeah, just typical Zdinzki.
He's a dick.
He'll never change.
Can I ask you something, Len?
Did you ever think about how
this would affect me?
All my life.
So why?
Why not now?
It's just--
it's a lot to deal with,
you know?
Because of Zdinzki?
We've been dealing with
his bullying bullshit forever.
-I have.
-I know.
It's just different
because I don't know
how to defend you like this.
I don't need you to defend me.
Okay? I need you to support me.
I-- I am.
I do.
It's just--
It's coming my way now.
Look, I'm gonna catch a ride
home with Waters, okay?
We're gonna go over
some plays tonight.
I'll talk to you later.
Becky Beckett.
The school's newest fag.
-Becky Beckett.
-Let's go.
Let's roll.
How was your
first day of school, Lena?
I actually go by Lennon now.
Did I ever tell you about
how I chose your name at birth?
What I'm doing,
it has nothing to do with you.
Well, it doesn't not
have to do with us,
because we love you, and--
I don't understand
why you would choose
to make your own life harder.
I'm not choosing anything.
Sweetheart, you're 17 years old.
You have so much more
to experience and to live,
and a year from now,
you may think and feel
completely differently
about all of this.
Well then, we'll be having
another conversation then.
I'm just saying to you
that maybe
now is a good time
to take a beat
and think before you act.
I have been acting
for 17 years, Mom.
I'm tired of acting.
No, we're not done.
Come back here, young lady.
Yes, yes, you're all artists
and amazing photographers
on your socials.
In this class,
you will be learning
real photography.
We will be developing our photos
in a darkroom, not on a phone.
We will be meeting weekly.
This is an optional class,
hence why it takes place
after your normal school hours.
As you may know, vulnerability
is a very important part of art.
So, your first assignment,
you will be capturing
what matters the most to you.
It can be, what,
anything or anyone.
You'll work in pairs.
So, go ahead.
Find a partner.
Hey, man,
decent run tonight.
How's your boyfriend?
Waiting for those little bubbles
to appear can be a bitch, right?
You gonna ignore me, Becky?
You know, I wonder...
is her dick bigger than yours?
Excuse me.
Is someone you know buried here?
Not exactly.
Do you have that questionnaire
we need to fill out?
Oh, yeah.
Okay, so...
The first question. Why did you
choose this place?
It's okay if you don't feel
like sharing.
You're gonna run
for the hills anyway.
Everyone does.
Try me.
I started hanging out
with the wrong crowd.
Someone handed me something
that I took,
- and--
- Like drugs?
I don't know why I did it.
To escape, to fit in.
but as I got clean, my mom
thought we needed a new start,
so we left Chicago
and came here.
So, why the cemetery?
When things got real bad,
my mom did something crazy.
She gave me the address
to a cemetery to meet her,
and when I walked in,
there was my mom
and some friends from childhood.
My mom gave a speech
that broke my soul...
where she blamed herself.
I got to see my own funeral...
and understood
that if I didn't change,
that would be
where I was headed.
Sorry, that was a lot.
I don't
normally tell people.
No, no, it's okay.
I'm glad you did.
gonna snap this photo, or what?
Right, um...
So, Lennon, what's your story?
Well, it's more like "who."
Tell me about it.
Come on.
I'll show you.
Oh my God, to what
do I owe this lovely visit?
We're doing
an assignment for school.
This is Stefanie.
-Hi, Stefanie, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Listen, kid, you caught me
at tea time, so, kaboonga.
Unless this assignment entails
the eating habits of old people,
I'm not sure I can be
of much help.
Well, actually, we're just gonna
take a picture.
It's about what, or who,
means most to us.
Well, considering we just met,
Stefanie, thank you very much.
That's an honor.
Mwah, okay,
how are we doing this thing?
- Uh, just strike a pose.
- Okay.
- I like your camera.
- Thank you.
Okay, now vamp, we gotta vamp.
Okay, now wait a minute.
I'm gonna get this straight.
Is that any good?
- So nice.
- You better take a second one.
Take a second one.
Take a second.
You guys are too much.
Oh, that was perfect.
You guys are so cute.
Okay, Stef and I
should get going.
-That's it?
-It was fast.
You're leaving?
All right, off you go.
It was an absolute pleasure
to meet you.
It was so nice to meet you too,
and I can see why
Lennon loves you so much.
-You have a good one.
-You too.
- Your grandmother...
- Ciao.
...is too cute.
Yeah, she is a hot mess
in the best possible way,
but she's my mess.
Hey, Stef?
What's up?
You didn't make me wanna run.
Thank you for being open
with me.
It's something that I'm trying
to do more of myself,
and I know it's not easy.
Um, can you hold this for me?
Um, what is it?
It's nothing gross, I promise.
Come on.
Look, I'm sorry
about what I said.
It's okay.
I'm just glad you're here...
and I got your text,
but I was doing something
for photography,
so I got home late.
Well, that's fine.
Are you gonna eat those?
Apparently, I'm not.
Well, thank you.
A little special sauce
from the chef,
just how you like it.
Todd, you're such
a fucking asshole.
What you gonna do, huh, what?
Go see Principal Sanchez.
Yes, ma'am.
-Are you okay?
Justin isn't.
I'll check on him.
Todd, go.
It's so dark in here.
It is called a darkroom.
Oh my goodness, look how nice
this came out.
Isn't that great?
Noona's gonna love that.
Oh my god, you're adorable.
Let me see.
Okay, so you pop it out
like that.
-Okay, um, thanks.
I saw you liked my picture.
I, um...
It's okay.
Ugh. Come on, girls.
I said one.
Oh, I was just showing him--
I don't care what
you were just showing her.
We've been at this
three weeks already,
and you should know better.
-Let's go.
You know, while you're
dishing out compliments,
why don't you save some
for your son
for taking yet another step
in screwing up his life!
Skipping school?
Ditching practice?
Wait, when was the last time
you went to a football game?
Go get another drink
and shut up.
He's not a man.
He can't even play football.
Let's, uh, let's talk out here.
My parents are doing that--
that thing again.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Justin, are you okay?
Never been better.
You're my best friend, butthead.
I wanna help you.
Why won't you let me?
We're good, Len, I just--
I miss you.
How's sportsball?
How's photography class?
It's good.
I actually met someone.
Her name's Stefanie.
She's amazing.
I like her a lot.
I see you figured it all out.
That's good.
Is this that photography thing
you had to do the other night?
Are you two, like, a thing?
I'm not sure.
You know, for the first time
in my life,
I'm scared of getting hurt.
Not at all.
-Are you okay?
-Mm. Yeah.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, I'm fine.
Hate people.
Um, the stars, right?
Yes, tell me about the stars.
And then all of a sudden,
it was just so much.
It was insane. Hey.
Hey, what's up?
We were just talking
about shooting stars
and how you and I
saw one this summer.
-This is Stef.
-Hi, Justin.
Wanna join us for lunch?
Um, actually, no, I gotta go,
I gotta go.
So, I'll see you later.
Is he okay?
I don't know.
Hey, Lennon,
I'm so glad you came.
Come on,
we've gotta get started.
Hey, Lennon,
where are you going?
Oh, just a meeting.
You wanna come?
Oh, I'm not LGBTQ.
That's okay.
All are welcome.
Hey, I'm an ally.
I can come with you.
Go, go, go.
what are you watching?
Just-- Just tapes
from when you were little.
When we were just happy,
you know?
Are you okay?
The thing is, I just--
I, um, I'm worried.
And I'm, uh, I'm worried
all the time now.
I'm not worried about you.
I'm not worried about anything
that you do.
I'm worried because the world
is not nice right now.
People are very mean right now.
People are very judgmental.
And they fight you
on who you love.
And so, I just worry.
I worry that this world
is gonna hurt you...
and I don't know
how to protect you.
So, every time
you leave the house,
you take my heart with you.
I just-- God, I wanted it
to be easier for you.
I wanted this world to be safer
and easier...
and it's just not.
But the one thing that I want
more than any of that
is to tell you...
that you matter.
you matter.
No matter what
anybody does or says
to make you believe
that you don't, you matter.
I love you.
I love you.
Thank you.
You look good on my car.
Is everything good?
Yeah, just checking in.
Making sure I'm good.
And are you good?
Thank you for the inspiration,
by the way.
I didn't do anything.
You did, because I'm here.
I get it if it's too much.
You keep saying that,
but it's not.
Lennon, I'm a recovering addict.
You look at me like
I'm something I'm not.
I'm not perfect-- far from it.
I don't see perfect.
I see you.
Hey, so when you said
you were straight,
does this mean
I am successfully
giving off dude in this outfit?
Come home with me.
- Hi, mom.
- Hi, honey.
This is Lennon.
- Lennon.
- Hi.
I've heard
so much about you.
It's so nice to meet you.
It's a pleasure to meet you too.
Oh, sorry, uh, we're huggers.
It's okay.
I'm gonna take a picture.
- Mom, no.
- Yes, yes.
Here, stand right here,
come on, come on.
-I'm sorry.
-It'll be quick. It'll be quick.
-Put your arm around him.
-You are too close.
-This is a horrible angle.
-No, it's cute.
One more, one more, come on.
Oh my gosh,
that's the cutest ever.
-That is not cu-- Sure.
-Come on.
Um, I ordered food, Thai.
I hope that's okay.
Um, I have to run out
really quick though.
So, Stefanie, be a good host
and show him around, okay?
I will.
I'm sorry.
She can be a lot.
No, she's great.
so, you wanna see my room?
Come on.
You have
an amazing room.
Thank you.
Your mom didn't misgender me.
It makes me feel
like I'm not different.
I just want you to know
that you're safe here...
and I really adore what we have.
Come closer.
I, um, feel the same way, but...
I feel confused
about what this is.
You said you weren't LGBTQ.
I also never said
I was straight.
I guess, I'm still
figuring out who I am.
I'm more, like, fluid.
It's about souls
and connection for me,
not so much labels.
But what about you?
Um, yeah.
I think...
I think I feel more connected
with my masculine energy
than my feminine energy,
but I still want to embrace
I love that.
I haven't done
any of this before.
Have you?
Truthfully, I've never done this
with anyone I love.
I want you to feel me.
Becky, Becky, Becky,
Becky, Becky.
Fucking dick.
Hey you.
I wanna talk to you
about something that happened.
It doesn't feel real
until I tell my J.
Miss me?
Yeah, very much.
I just really
have to tell you something.
After school?
What happened to your head?
Oh, don't worry about it.
After school, yeah?
Justin, what are you doing?
Go have a seat.
All right, guys.
Today we're gonna be learning
about space and time.
Todd, do we have
a problem back there?
Uh, no, ma'am.
My dad's gonna kill you
that you took his guitar again.
Well, it's kind of worth it.
So, um-- So you
gonna finally tell me, or?
It's not
that easy to say,
but I've been wanting
to tell you.
So, just tell me.
-Yeah, yeah.
I've been going through
all of these emotions lately
with Stefanie,
and I was gonna tell her
how I felt,
but then she told me she had
only ever been with guys.
I mean, that's okay though.
I mean, hey,
she's still your friend.
-I think she's cool.
No, no, no, wait, um.
We kissed.
Actually, we...
We had our first time,
like, together.
It was unbelievable.
I mean...
...it's like nothing
I'd ever felt before,
and now I know what
all of those gushing movies
-and books are talking about.
-Are you kidding me?
This is what you
wanted to talk about,
that you got it on
with some girl and now, what?
You're-- You're all in love?
What is your problem?
I've been asking you
for weeks now,
and you give me nothing, okay?
So, what is it? You tell me.
What the hell
is your problem with me?
Don't act like you don't know.
Know what?
Do I really have to spell it out
for you?
Yeah, I guess you do.
I mean, you--
You just come out of the blue
with this "I'm nonbinary,
I'm now more a guy, and--"
"Oh yeah, I'm in love
with this girl
that I don't even know."
Oh, that is so not fair.
Oh, fair.
You know what's not fair?
The fact that I've been in love
with you all of my life.
Dude... we're best friends,
like, like, brothers.
We are not.
We are not brothers.
I'm just some asshole
who's been following you around
like some lost puppy.
Wow, all right.
So, you've just been
friends with me
because you thought that one day
-something was gonna happen.
-Don't-- Don't--
Do not put all of this on me.
You knew exactly
what you were doing.
What do you mean?
You know what?
Have a nice life, okay?
Hope you fall in love, be happy.
When you get your heart broken,
don't come looking for me,
because for the first time
in your life,
I won't be there.
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
Break down low, low.
Bring it down.
Yeah, whoo! Whoo!
Let's go, right here,
right here, right here.
Hey, 36 power,
let's go, run it.
What the hell are you doing?
Get up there.
My ass lining up
in front of you,
don't take that
as an invitation.
What's the goddamn problem?
-You'd know all about it.
I would know about it?
I would, I would.
Yeah, yeah.
Whoa, whoa.
You're out of here, Beckett!
This whole school
fucking sucks!
Fuck this place!
Hear me now.
I love Justin
like he were my own,
but Justin's feelings
and his reactions to you
are not your responsibility,
nor your fault.
Honey, you can't change him
any more than he can change you.
So, big party tonight.
Yeah, yeah.
-Yeah, I'm-- I'm excited.
It's my first one ever.
Here's to you
having a great time.
Yeah, I am nervous though.
I could use
some of your good luck.
Darling, all appendages crossed.
Watch this.
Oh, I bless you.
I wish you good luck.
I just wanna be left alone.
Team's meeting up.
Isn't that what you wanted?
I'll see you later.
Hey, man, what's up?
Whoa, leaving so soon?
You wanted to talk,
so let's talk.
Oh, Becky.
Yeah, you got
your pop in today, buddy.
Good for you.
Everybody saw.
- Good?
- Yeah.
That was a really
stupid mistake by the way.
Do you know that?
You got yours back, huh?
You gonna get it back?
You are such a pussy, oh my--
Hold him up. Squeeze him.
-Fight it.
-Fuck you, Todd!
You're a fucking coward!
- I'm a coward?
- Yeah.
Do you wanna play cheap?
You love playing cheap,
don't you?
Now it's my turn.
It's my turn.
You know what you are, Beckett?
You are a total pussy,
and everybody on this team
wants you gone.
Why don't you just quit?
Fuck you, Todd.
Fuck me?
Fuck me, you know?
Fuck you. You don't know
what you want.
Let's go. Come on.
Your call has been forwarded.
Your call has been forwarded.
Everything good?
Yeah, um...
Okay, good.
So, I'm really into this game,
and I think we need to play it.
Okay, can I get you
a drink first?
I would love a drink.
-Okay, I'll be right back.
Hey, I've been
texting you for hours.
What are you doing here?
I'm here to talk to you.
I have nothing to say to you.
Hey, no, I need to talk.
Don't touch me.
Have you been drinking?
Justin, go home.
So, are we playing next?
Yes, I-- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
- I'll be right back.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
What makes you think I'm okay?
What happened to your face?
Don't worry about it.
Justin, who did that to you?
-No one.
-No one what?
No one cares.
Who doesn't care? What?
She doesn't care.
Justin, you know
that's not true.
He misses you.
- Justin.
- Stop!
you're a fucking asshole!
You're a fucking asshole!
Get the fuck away from her!
What do you think you're doing?
Isn't this what you wanted?
Isn't this what you wanted?
This is what's important
to you now?
Are you fucking kidding me?
You don't even know her!
She doesn't know you!
This is some bullshit!
Fuck you. I fucking hate you.
I fucking hate you.
I stood up for you.
No, no, you were never
my friend, okay?
You never
fucking stood up for me.
You never stood up for me!
Not fucking once!
You didn't care about anything
that I went through.
You only ever fucking cared
about yourself.
You're a fucking dick.
Get the fuck away from her.
What was that?
What was that?
-I'm going home.
-I'll drive you.
There is so much
that you need to deal with
and come to terms with,
and so do I,
but I don't know
who that was in there.
That is not the person
that I fell in love with...
and it really scares me
to see you like that.
Just give me space,
I don't wanna be the one to come
between your relationship.
Are you serious?
You think there's something
between Justin and I?
That's insane.
There's never ever been
anything between us,
-and there never will be.
-That is not the point, Lennon.
He is in love with you.
Can't you see that?
Maybe it was too soon.
There's just too much
going on around us.
-Maybe it's time
we take some time apart.
-I'm sorry.
-Stef, no.
-I can't-- I cannot do this.
- Honey.
- Yeah, I know it's late, okay?
- But I'm about to head home.
- It's Noona.
She had a heart attack.
Dad's at the hospital now.
They're only letting one of us
in at a time,
so he's going to call me
and keep me updated.
I just want you to come home.
You fucking--
You're a fucking asshole!
Get the fuck away from her!
-You're a fucking asshole!
- Get off me!
Get the fuck off me.
Get the fuck
away from her!
Are you fucking kidd--
You can't leave me, Noona.
I feel like I just don't know
what I'm doing,
and I'm losing everything.
I shouldn't have been
at that stupid party.
I should've
just stayed with you.
I'm sorry that I left.
I love you.
I'm right here.
Justin Beckett has a gun.
Did you guys
hear that?
You look like shit, Beckett.
You just had to
keep picking at it, didn't you?
Torturing her
for all those years...
and now me.
I was messing around.
It was a joke.
Do I look like I'm laughing?
Justin! He's not worth it, okay?
Can we just talk?
Now you wanna talk?
It's gonna stop.
It's gonna stop now.
Okay, I'm right here.
I'm sorry.
Look, I know you're upset
right now, okay,
with everything, but this--
this isn't the answer, okay?
I can't do it anymore.
-I know.
-I can't do it anymore.
Look at me, okay?
What are you-- No, no!
No! Len!
Help me.
Help! Help me, somebody.
Please, help me.
I'm so sorry. Please.
I didn't mean to.
I'm sorry.
I should have been there.
I should have been there.
You're looking
at counts of reckless handling
of a firearm leading to injury,
criminal negligence,
and possession of a firearm
on school grounds.
Okay, so Justin Beckett
brings a gun to school,
points it in my face,
and tells me
he's gonna fucking kill me,
and you're gonna sit here
and talk about bullying, really?
You know what I think?
I think that's the biggest crock
of fucking bullshit
I've ever heard in my life.
I mean, Coach,
can you back me up here
or what?
I'm so sorry.
where's Justin?
- ...backwards.
- Look who's here.
Then you can get closer
to Noona.
It's beautiful.
-He's finally here.
-Is that good?
Is that good?
Is that close?
Yeah, that's good, thank you.
All right, did you
take your medicine?
What do you think?
- Boing.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Okay, darling.
I'll be back
in a little bit, okay?
Paging Dr. Stateman.
Dr. Stateman, please?
- Hi.
- Hi, hi, baby.
Yeah, you had to
steal my thunder, huh?
Ah, me.
Are you okay?
It's okay.
Are you okay?
I'm just grateful.
I want three more decades
on this earth at least.
- Yeah?
- I do.
Feeling very grateful.
We're in it together.
Look at us.
Look at us, sharing a hospital.
Who would have thunk it?
When are you going home?
Hopefully not soon.
I really love their pudding.
I don't know
what I would do without you.
Well, you don't have to know.
No, I don't.
I love you.
- I know.
- Yeah.
Oh, da, da, da, da.
I've got the best chocolates.
Salted chocolates with caramel.
This is Stefanie.
It's so good to meet you.
It's really nice
to meet you too.
There are other ways
to get my attention, you know.
You really scared me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I ran.
I know I always talk about
everyone running from me,
and I'm the one who ran.
Things got too intense for me,
but I'm not going anywhere,
never again.
Oh, oh my God, baby,
oh, I'm so sorry.
It's okay, it's okay, thanks.
I love you so much.
I'm sorry.
And I love you too.
I missed you.
I missed you so much.
Hey you.
I was coming here
to have an epic belching battle,
but then I realized
I might have to reschedule.
I'm so sorry.
You okay?
I'm okay.
Will you be?
They suspended him.
Your teammates,
they stood up for you,
told 'em what was happening.
I did too.
Thank you.
It means a lot, Len,
but I fucked up.
I just
wanted to scare him.
I just wanted him to feel
as small as I did.
And it was so stupid.
And you--
Us, I--
I ruined this.
J... come on.
We've been best friends forever.
I am right here.
I will always be here, okay?
You're the strongest person
I've ever known, Len--
Look what I've got.
I am different.
My family is different.
My orientation is different.
My gender identity is different.
Maybe I'm different
because I'm supposed to be.
Get a room.
Get an executive suite.
The one thing
that I've realized
is we label ourselves
way too much.
I don't wanna live
in anybody else's box.
I choose not to.
I choose to live
the most authentic version
of myself.
We're all different.
Our uniqueness
should be celebrated,
not judged.
We all want the same thing.
We want happiness and joy...
and love.
So... I think I'll be me.
The world needs me this way.