A Hollywood Christmas (2022) Movie Script

I think I outdid myself
with this one.
Thank you for agreeing with me.
Oh. Hi, there!
Welcome to Chloe's Cakes!
- What can I get you fellas?
- I'm looking for the owner, Ms. Chloe Donner.
Well, that is me.
- Hello, my name is Jeb.
- Hi, Jeb. I'm Chloe.
- I work in the city for Landmark Real Estate.
- Mmm-hmm.
You have 30 days
to vacate these premises.
No. That can't be right. You're
evicting me at Christmas?
This building is being repurposed
to maximize financial positions.
Look, it's nothing personal,
it's just...
- Seriously?
- I'm sorry.
That's okay,
I will just take it back.
No, that can't be right.
You're evicting me at...
- I'm Sorry!
- Oh, dude! What?
Oh, my God.
Okay, let's cut!
That's a cut.
What is this guy,
allergic to Christmas?
I need a block.
Want me to handle it?
No, I got it.
All right, everybody, take five!
Hey, are you all right?
I'm sorry.
I'm allergic to dogs.
It is specifically noted in the
casting call: no dog allergies.
I really needed this job.
- All right. Can we get you an allergy pill or something?
- I took two already.
Okay, take a break. And...
Bless you.
Get a snack
at the craft services table.
And we'll use you later.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
- Um, Jessica?
- Yes.
- I have a quick question.
- Sure.
When Zooey barks, how do
I know what she's saying?
You don't actually.
Okay, so,
I don't speak dog language?
It's more like Zooey reflects
your inner feelings back to you.
Mmm. Mmm-hmm.
So, she's a psychic dog?
She is a little bit psychic.
- That's wild.
- Right?
Okay, cool.
Okay, let's try this again.
Back to one, everyone!
Wait. Jeb needs three lawyers
with him.
- It'll work with two.
- It needs to be three.
- Sorry.
- Okay. You! Go outside!
Come fill in here.
- Me?
- Yes, come on.
- Let's go.
- You want me to... What?
- What's your name?
- I'm Christopher.
are you allergic to dogs?
- No.
- Great. You're in the scene now.
- Come on.
- Okay.
I'll hold these.
Let's get you in there.
So, you follow those guys, Christopher.
You are one of the lawyers now.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I always thought
I'd be a good lawyer.
Let's put a pin in that,
and just...
break a leg.
Costumes, can we have the jacket
flown in for our new lawyer, please.
Let's make this happen, people.
Thank you.
Oh, no, don't do that... Yeah, just
blend into the background, yeah.
Okay, new guy.
Yeah, okay, over here. So,
this is how it's gonna work.
He's gonna open the door.
You're going to file in fourth,
and you're going to land back left.
- Cool.
- You clear?
- Yeah.
- All right. Let's go.
Clear the set.
Everyone in first positions.
Ready, Jess?
Call it, Daniel.
Roll sound! Roll camera!
Scene three. Take two. Mark.
- Right here.
- How many singers do we have for the caroling scene?
I asked Daniel for 12
like you said, so we got six.
I sent you my notes
on the bakery logo, Cooper.
I got them.
Uh, making the changes.
Excuse me, Jessica?
Lawyer guy. Christopher, right?
Did you not get your chips back?
I grabbed another bag.
Great. Well, thanks for jumping in there.
The second AD can sign you out.
I'm not an extra.
Well, you weren't the lead.
No, I just started working with the network.
I came by the set today to introduce myself.
I'm sorry, I...
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
And miss out on my big break?
Sorry. Uh, it's just, you know,
the suit, kind of, threw me.
But it's really nice
to meet you.
You too.
Oh, and I'm supposed to tell you we're
shutting down the Christmas Movie division.
That is a funny joke, Christopher.
You do make a good lawyer.
I'm afraid it's not a joke.
What? Uh...
Does Kelly know about this?
She's no longer
with the company.
- What about Steven?
- He's moved on, also. Theresa is in charge now.
- Who's Theresa?
- It's a whole new team. Massive shake-up.
Geez. You guys should really think about
putting out a newsletter or something.
The market is dominated by
the two "Christmas channels."
It's not a financial win
for us to compete,
so we're trying a whole new
direction for programming.
- Which is?
- Thrillers, mostly.
Women in peril, ripped-from-the-headlines,
that kind of thing.
So, you want the cupcake girl
to be abducted by terrorists?
That's actually
a really good idea.
- I have a contract for three more Christmas movies.
- Not with the new team.
Everyone loves Christmas movies.
Do they? Aren't they all
a little predictable?
That's a feature, not a bug. That's
the whole point of Christmas movies.
Tell him, Reena.
Big city boy meets small town
girl, they have conflict.
Small town charm wins out over the
cruel unfeeling corporate world.
The lovers use Christmas magic to save
the day and fall hopelessly in love.
Oh, and, if he's secretly
a prince, it's a double whammy.
Aren't you bored
just talking about it?
It's not boring,
it's comforting.
It's curling up
with a cup of hot cocoa
or snuggling in front of
a fire on a snowy night.
- Are those things boring to you?
- Those things are simple.
That's why they're comforting.
Our movies need to be complex.
They need to have layers. They
need to surprise the audience.
This is my brand, Christopher.
I'm good at this.
Do you know how hard it is for a female
director to build a reputation in this town?
I'm gonna finish this movie
on my terms,
because apparently after this,
I'm out of a job,
because some suits don't
believe in Christmas magic.
Christmas magic is like snow
in LA. There's no such thing.
Okay. Thank you
for the heads up.
We can talk more
about it tomorrow if you want.
- What's tomorrow?
- It's day two, right?
I'm going to be on set
for all of production.
That's not necessary.
The network wanted me to keep a
close eye on the budget spend.
I guess some of their
recent movies went way over.
I'm from finance.
Numbers are kinda my thing.
Well, making movies
is kinda my thing.
But you can't make movies
without money.
- Come on, we can work together.
- Super.
- Have you worked on a lot of movies?
- This is my first.
- Lucky me.
- Oh, wait.
If I had some ideas about the script?
Do I talk to you about those, or...
Let's just put a pin in that.
Where are you headed?
Oh, I'm that grey
little number out...
Excuse me.
You okay?
Okay, that my life just
got turned upside-down?
No. I need a moment.
It's gonna work out.
Why are you smiling?
- This is a Christmas movie.
- Yeah, that nobody cares about.
Not the movie, this. This whole
thing is a Christmas movie.
What are you talking about?
You're the lead, like Chloe, trying
to do this special Christmas thing,
and Christopher is Jeb, the big city
hotshot, trying to shut you down.
- I'm a big city hotshot, too.
- Not in this case.
You're the small town girl who
knows what makes Christmas special.
I know how to make
Christmas movies special.
Same thing.
Well, big city hotshots who don't
know what they're talking about
are not limited to Christmas.
- There's me too.
- You?
Your plucky, young sidekick
trying to talk sense into you.
Classic Christmas
movie character.
Can I trade you in
for a talking dog?
Not according to my contract.
You're missing one thing.
- What's that?
- It's July.
You can't always contain
Christmas magic to December.
Hey. Which way to set?
- Up on the left.
- Thanks.
So, now we have to make sure
this movie comes out perfect.
So, I can get the network
to reconsider Christmas movies.
Shouldn't be a problem.
Did you say there's a problem?
Oh, good. You're here.
No. There's no problem.
We have a problem.
- She doesn't wanna come to set.
- Of course, she won't.
- I'll go talk to her.
- Yep.
Yeah, we should go talk to her.
So, how do you wanna play this?
Good cop, bad cop?
No, I can handle this.
Hey, Ashley, hon?
You okay?
Did you see what Michael posted
on Instagram?
I did not.
My co-star hates
working with me.
Do you know
how many followers he has?
- That's not nice.
- No, it's not, and he's a jerk.
You know, I think he was
probably just trying to be funny
and generate some likes.
At my expense?
I don't think so.
- Just give her some time. She'll come around.
- There is no time.
Every day is precisely planned
out from start to finish.
Every 15 minutes that goes by
is a shot lost from the movie.
Can't you just replace her?
What are you talking about?
Hey, if your portfolio
has a dud, you sell it,
buy something new,
stay on top of the market.
We would lose the entire day, and we have
to re-shoot everything from yesterday.
I don't think she's a dud.
- I think she's quite talented.
- Hmm.
Do you mind if I? Thanks.
Hey, Ashley. It's Christopher. I'm
the network executive on the movie.
You know it's so great to meet you.
I loved your part on Euphoria.
- You saw that?
- My college roommate actually wrote the episode.
- He was lucky to have you.
- Really?
between you and me,
you can act circles
around Michael.
I can see why he's so jealous.
- Do you think he is?
- It's kind of obvious, isn't it?
Don't let a fragile male ego
rob you of another
incredible performance.
You got this.
Oh, my God. You're so right.
Wow, it is so good
to connect with you.
Pleasure's all mine.
Okay. Um.
I'm pretty good at this, huh?
Oh, yeah, flattering an actress.
You really cracked the code.
Mmm-hmm. He's your antagonist,
but he's got a helpful side.
- Checks that box.
- Not now, Reena.
I'll be in the trailer
if you need me.
Okay, everyone let's get ready
to shoot this.
Okay, we're second away, people.
Just waiting on lighting.
Where's the dog?
He should be in the scene.
He's cute.
He's a she. And she's expensive to
have around. So, we use her sparingly.
Oh, yeah, if she's expensive, we
should use her less. Save the money.
You know, this was all planned out before
you and Theresa came around, right?
Right, right.
- Okay, stop. That's so hard.
- Okay. Ready, Jess.
Okay, everyone, let's make
some Christmas magic.
Quiet on set.
- Roll sound.
- Speedy.
- Roll camera.
- Rolling.
Is this one for me?
Scene 13. Take one. Mark.
Okay, action.
Coffee's here.
Will you help me over here?
Sure. What can I do?
You know, I'm really
starting to like this town.
Oh, good. You're here.
- Is something wrong, Chloe?
- Oh, Jeb.
They're just not decorating the tree
the way that they used to, and...
The old way was perfect.
- I think it looks very nice.
- Well, what do you know?
Well, I know the bakery
isn't making enough dough.
Get it? It's bakery... Dough.
You're closing me down
and now you're making jokes?
- Yeah, I'm sorry, I...
- It's not funny, because that place is everything to me.
- Yeah, I shouldn't have...
- You think you are so much better than me.
And that just because you're a
man, you can trash my reputation?
- Because I'm a man?
- I see you. I see you.
And I know what you're doing,
so just back off!
- Yo, Jess. Are there new pages or...?
- Cut!
That's a cut.
Background, back to one...
This is so hot.
Can you just take this, please?
Okay, okay, go, go.
- Oh! I was just trying something new.
- I saw.
Okay, um,
are we allowed to improvise or?
I'd prefer not.
Oh, but I was
really feeling that.
- I totally saw that.
- Yeah.
But, you know, I just think
it's a little strong
for where Chole is
at this point in the story.
Mmm-mmm. No, no. Chloe needs
to stand up to Jeb.
- Okay, my question is, are we doing the scene...
- We're doing the scene. Yes.
- As written. Okay?
- Yeah. That would be great.
Can you give us a moment?
Female time... Yeah.
I really like what you're doing.
Okay. Thank you. Nice!
But remember, Chloe doesn't
overpower Jeb by arguing with him.
- No?
- No, no.
Chloe just has to stay true
to what she believes in.
- Mmm.
- That's what inspires Jeb to have a change of heart.
- I think I get it, yeah.
- And, between you and me,
Christopher was right. You
are acting circles around him.
I get it!
- Let's try it again, yeah?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Last looks.
- Why don't you just go talk to him?
- This is better. Trust me.
How long do we give him?
As long as it, and he's doing
such amazing work.
Oh, hey.
I was just talking about you.
- Can I walk with you?
- Sure.
So, I really love the tension between
your character, Jeb, and Chloe.
- I can really feel it.
- Yeah, it gets pretty intense sometimes.
- So I wonder if I can maybe harness your superpowers here.
- Mine?
- Yeah, you have such a natural charm and magnetism.
- Right?
I wonder if you could get a little
more friendly with Ashley, off set.
Maybe you can, I don't know, bring
another aspect to her performance.
Just make her feel like
you really see her, you know.
- I think that will help us in the later scenes.
- For you, anything.
- Thank you, Michael.
- I got it, Jess.
Can I give you these?
Come in.
Hey, there you are. You kinda
snuck out on me back there.
- Did I?
- You know, I have learned so much.
I'm so glad.
Do you wanna join me for dinner?
I would love to pick your brain, get to
know you and this movie stuff better.
I have a lot
to prepare for tomorrow.
- But you gotta eat.
- Well, I have a bar.
- Like, with scotch?
- No, a protein bar.
Oh, well, that's not dinner.
It is, tonight.
- It's Reena, right?
- I'm not here.
Reena, what would you say
is Jessica's biggest flaw?
I would say
she doesn't have any.
That's a good answer.
But, really. What would
bring her to the next level?
I think she's doing great work.
Yeah, her Christmas movie work,
sure. But...
What's holding her back?
Well, now I'm kinda
curious myself.
Her perfectionism
gets in her way.
- Boom.
- My what?
- I'm sorry.
- No, don't be sorry.
- I think we're on to something here. I think...
- You know...
Let's go get that dinner.
Great. Awesome.
- I will meet you on the soundstage in ten.
- And then?
And then,
I'll take care of the rest.
- My perfectionism gets in the way?
- That's all I could think of.
Why not just tell him I still wet my bed?
It would be less embarrassing.
You still wet the bed?
No, Reena.
Now I have to get dinner
with him.
Right on schedule.
I'm sorry?
For the Christmas story
of all this.
You two get to know each other. You
see a side of him you hadn't before.
He finds a new appreciation
for what you do.
What if I murder him at dinner? Is
that part of your Christmas movie?
Then you'd be making one
of the network's thrillers.
That I could probably live with.
I'm right back here.
Honestly, I did have to
put out a few fires.
It's good I got here.
We did lose a shot.
No, we'll work it out.
Oh, hey, Jessica's here.
Yes. Yes, of course.
Oh, say hi to Theresa.
- Hi, Theresa.
- Did you hear her?
Theresa says "hi."
- Great.
- Okay.
Okay, bye.
We got the whole place
to ourselves.
I didn't know this set
had a working kitchen.
No, one of our other movies
was serving dinner, and,
wait, no, they...
They went into second meal.
That's a thing, right?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- So, I grabbed these.
- Fancy.
Not bad.
Thank you.
So, Ashley seems
to be doing better.
She killed it today.
Maybe Michael is the problem.
Don't worry about Ashley
and Michael any more.
Why not?
It's the formula. Boy meets girl.
They have conflict.
Christmas magic brings them together,
makes them fall hopelessly in love.
Trust the formula.
Oh, I got 'em.
Thank you.
- Hey, I liked your ad lib today.
- Yeah. It got kind of hot.
- Yeah, it definitely got intense.
- Yes.
- What are you, like, a Leo?
- Aries.
I knew it.
You're total fire sign.
- What are you?
- I'm a Libra.
- Okay, that makes sense. We're complete opposites.
- We're complimentary!
- We're polarizing!
- We provide balance for each other!
- Oh.
- Yeah.
It's, kind of, cold.
- Here you go. Nice and warm.
- Thank you.
Did you see my Insta post?
- Yeah, yeah, I did!
- It was so funny, right?
Yes, it was so funny.
- I know.
- Yes.
Hey, do you wanna take
a selfie with me?
Oh, yeah. Yes.
What's your good side?
- This one.
- I was gonna say that one.
Really? Oh, thank you.
Oh, my gosh, okay.
- Let's break the Internet.
- Oh, please.
- Rawr.
- Be a cat.
So, when you say you come from
finance, what is that exactly?
Uh, mergers and acquisitions.
Venture capital.
And who it is you do that for?
Wherever my skills
have taken me.
Wall Street, a couple of start-ups,
a hedge fund out of Kansas City.
From hedge funds to Hollywood?
- That's a leap.
- Not really.
Movies are crazy expensive.
To be honest,
I don't really know
where all the money goes.
We do have a budget.
Yeah, I was looking at that.
It is very complex.
I mean, there's
so many line items, but,
I'll figure it out.
But what made you choose movies
as your next job?
Oh, I went to
the same prep school as Carl.
You know Carl?
- The CEO of our network?
- Yeah, he's a great guy.
He thought I'd be a good fit
for the new team.
- So now you just suddenly work at a major network?
- Yeah.
What Ivy League school
did you go to?
- What makes you think I...
- Which one?
- Princeton.
- Couldn't get into Harvard?
I did. I chose Princeton.
Yeah, okay. You don't live in the
same world as us regular folk.
The world just rises up
and gifts you a place in it.
For the rest of us,
we have to carve out a place.
We have to plant our flag
and defend our land.
And your land
is Cupcake Christmas?
My land is...
warm, comforting,
predictable entertainment.
Why did you pick
Christmas movies?
This lady.
We always spent Christmas
at my Grandma Pearl's.
And every year, she and I
would snuggle up on the couch.
And binge watch
Christmas movies together.
I'm sure I've seen at least
a hundred of them in my life.
It's what made me
want to get into filmmaking.
Wait. Not The Godfather?
Or Citizen Kane?
- Oh, no. Too complex. Too many layers.
- Ah.
I do this because I chose it.
Not just because it was my next stop
on "wherever my skills will take me."
I binged watched all
of your six Christmas movies.
Starting with the first:
Perfectly Christmas.
That movie put me
on the Christmas map.
Wow. We basically had no money.
I made so many mistakes.
But people loved it.
They did.
How are we supposed
to be able to quantify that?
It's not an equation,
Princeton. It's an art form.
Ooh. That was deep.
For you.
Where did you guys eat?
In an airplane?
And, how did it go?
It was good. Fine.
So that's all you're going to say?
Did you guys hit it off?
Well, we're
very different people.
- How so?
- Well, for one thing, he's a Princeton grad.
- A what?
- A Princeton...
- A what?
- A Prince...
A Prince?
- Ton grad.
- Big city hotshot is secretly a Prince?
It's a Christmas movie
double whammy!
That is a stretch.
You can't write this stuff!
Eventually, someone will. Reena,
can we get back to work, please?
Let's go a little lighter.
Do you wanna do a 24 or 35?
- Thirty-five.
- Okay, I'm on it.
Let's get the dog in.
We have a problem.
So, she was in there with you...
I put her wardrobe on,
you know, like I usually do.
She was definitely fussy.
I was getting these vibes from her,
like, I've never gotten before, you know.
- Maybe it was the vegan kibble I gave her...
- And then?
Well, and then, I went to grab
her treats for the next scene,
and I turned around,
and she was gone.
- She was gone!
- Okay, well, she can't get off the lot, so...
Wait. You think
she got off the lot?
No, no, no. No one's going to let a dog
dressed like an elf off a studio lot.
- We need to start shooting, Jessica.
- We gotta find Zooey first.
- Yes, we have to find Zooey.
- Yes.
Zooey! Zooey, come to me!
It's a dog dressed
like an elf, people.
Shouldn't be too hard to spot.
Everyone, fan out and keep
your walkies on Channel one.
This shouldn't take too long.
I hope not.
Let's do it.
Let's go check
with other productions.
Oh, good idea.
Yes? No?
Okay, thank you. Uh, well...
But if you do see her,
this is my cell.
Do you think
maybe you're a jinx?
In what way?
Well, everything that can go wrong
on this movie is going wrong,
and you're always around for it.
Hmm. That's interesting.
Or, these things are going
to go wrong anyway,
and it's great that I'm here
for it. Think about that.
Hey, excuse me. Have you...
seen a dog?
I'm sorry, no.
This isn't gonna work.
Wait, wait, wait.
Grease meets The Walking Dead?
Are you kidding me?
Why didn't I think of that?
Oh, I've an idea.
- Well?
- Okay.
- This is a dog call my dad used to use on his fox hunts.
- Oh, stop.
Let me try it. It might work.
I guess Zooey isn't a
descendent of British royalty.
Maybe I didn't do it right.
Hold on. Let's try this.
We can spread it far and wide.
Hit it, Prince Harry.
Sorry, your highness.
It wasn't a terrible idea.
We got the dog!
Okay, everyone, back to set.
I think a thank you is in order.
The walkie was my idea.
Yeah, but the whistle was mine. It
wouldn't have worked without the whistle.
Yeah, well. The whistle wouldn't
have worked without the walkie...
- I drink away too much coffee.
- You look really good.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Look at your little hat.
All right, everyone.
Let's get ready to shoot.
- Do we look cute together?
- You do.
You guys all set?
- Yo, Jess, can you take a photo of us, please, real quick?
- -Please.
- You're killing me.
- Here.
Hey, when my four million followers
watch this movie, you're gonna thank me.
- You're gonna thank him.
- I got it. You go.
Hey. Okay.
Count to three. One...
She's blocking my face. Hang on.
She's blocking my face.
All right. Okay.
One, two, three.
- You guys look so beautiful.
- Oh, yeah.
- Okay.
- All right, everyone. Quiet on set.
Say, "That's my Mommy
and Daddy."
How'd you know
that dog whistle thing?
I didn't. Christopher did.
- Mmm-hmm. Team work...
- Don't.
I will be in the trailer
if you need me.
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry.
- Making movies is exciting.
- If you mean stressful, then, yes, I agree.
You know, it's really neat the
way everyone got on board to help.
It's their job.
Okay, everyone, quiet on set.
It's nothing like the world
that I come from.
This is cool.
Time to work.
Let's lock it up.
Roll sound!
- Roll camera!
- Rolling...
- Scene 28.
- Take one. Mark.
And... action.
Sprinkles, or no sprinkles?
That's what I was thinking.
And let's remember
to check on the band
for the Christmas
Celebration scene.
On it.
Hey, Jess.
Can I give you
a lift to your trailer?
No, it's right over there.
Come on. Hop in.
Time for a sleigh ride. Check.
Where to, milord?
Once around ye olde studio lot,
my lad.
Giddy up!
What have you done?
I am embracing
the Christmas movie.
Just had to deck out
the transport.
This is a lovely
golf-cart sleigh, Christopher,
but this is not what makes
a Christmas movie.
- Why not?
- Because all the things in Christmas movies,
the sleigh rides, the caroling,
the tree lighting,
it's just the window dressing.
If that's all it took, then Die
Hard would be a Christmas movie.
That is literally
the best Christmas movie.
Okay, well, the heart of my
Christmas movies is the love story.
It's finding true love through
the magic of the Christmas season.
You're saying I spent all this
money on holly for nothing?
It's not holly.
It's mistletoe.
Maybe I should have done
a little more research.
I can walk from here.
Wait, I have an idea
for Chloe's Cupcakes.
Okay, so, right now,
the bakery gets saved
because love is the main
ingredient in the cupcakes.
- Did I read that right?
- You did. It's part of the magic.
Okay, well, I was just thinking,
what if, to save the bakery,
Chloe does
something more active?
- Like what?
- Like she creates something new,
and then it gets more attention
for the bakery.
It just feels a little outside
of the formula.
Oh, okay.
Uh... Will you think about it?
Yeah, I will.
And thanks
for the sleigh ride.
I'll see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Did you get my script changes?
Yep, props will have them ready
for this afternoon. Not a problem.
Okay, great.
- We've got a problem.
- What is it?
- Someone changed the cupcakes from the bakery scene.
- I did that.
You shouldn't mess
with the Christmas formula.
It was a note from the network.
Have you seen Christopher?
He's not here. Do you want me
to get a hold of him?
No. I can text him.
Let's do it, Daniel.
- Picture's up.
- Picture's up.
Background, to first positions.
Okay, everyone, quiet on set.
Let's get ready to shoot.
Roll sound.
Roll camera.
Scene 31. Take one. Mark.
Yeah, the tree looks great.
Um. Yeah, it does.
You were right
about the ornament.
Just because something is
different doesn't mean it's bad.
And what did you hang there?
That's my mom.
She started Chloe's Cakes
20 years ago.
And now I'm shutting it down.
What if you create something new
to get your bakery more attention?
Hadn't really thought
about that.
Yeah... I wonder if, um,
I helped out, we could think
of something together.
You'd help me save my bakery?
I feel like I would...
do almost anything
to help you out, Ms. Donner.
There you are!
I've been looking all over this
crappy little town for you!
Nadia, what are you doing here?
What? I can't surprise my fianc
as an early Christmas present?
Uh... Yeah.
Uh, sorry.
Do you want us to cut, or...
Are we, like, walking?
What are you...
Oh, cut. Yeah, cut!
That's a cut!
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- That was so awkward.
- Yeah.
You guys can stop hugging now.
- Uh... Is everything okay?
- Yeah.
Hey, yeah,
you guys are killing it.
Um, it's just a...
You know, it's just the lighting
issue we're trying to work out.
But you keep doing
what you're doing.
- That's good, right?
- Yeah, really good.
Jess, Jess, Jess. Uh, so I
just have a quick question.
When I hang the ornament
on the tree,
do you want me to cry a little?
Do you want to cry a little?
I can cry a little.
I can do it whenever I want,
I can cry on command.
- Well, let's try it. It could be nice.
- Okay.
- Okay, everyone, let's reset.
- Yeah
- Let's try it again.
- What is she doing?
- You okay?
- Yeah.
All right, back to one,
Roll sound.
Roll camera.
Are you going to lunch or do you
want me to grab you something?
Still no word from Christopher.
Hey, Jessica.
There's someone here to see you.
She's over on the office set.
The office set?
I'll just take this out of your way.
It's gotta be dry by now.
- Jessica, hi.
- Yes.
- I'm Theresa Frost.
- I'm the New Network president.
- Great to finally meet you.
- You too.
We're really getting a lot of
attention from you guys lately.
Yes, we've been in such a twister
with this whole Christmas movie thing.
Well... This thing?
We're going to dial back
your budget to completion.
In the middle of production?
Oh, you have no idea the
over-spending that we inherited.
We're tightening the belt
across the board.
Wow. Okay.
- Does Christopher know about this?
- Um, it was his idea.
So, clearly.
I'm sure he told you
that we're shutting down
the whole
Christmas Movie division.
He did. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There's just...
so much better content
available out there.
Right? I mean, no offense.
You know what I mean.
Anyway, I will leave you to it.
It was so nice to meet you though.
- So vibrant.
- Thanks.
Christopher knew about this?
Something's not right.
Theresa shouldn't
be cutting your budget.
She should be the girlfriend
that's wrong for Christopher.
I'm texting Christopher.
This is because you changed the script!
It's spilling over into your story line.
I don't have a story line,
This is my life,
and it's falling apart!
I got it.
You better have a real good
explanation for this.
What did he say?
I'm not dealing
with this right now.
Ugh. Is this how he's climbed
the corporate ladder?
He has a girlfriend. Did you
know he had a girlfriend?
- No, I just found out she is his wife.
- No! He said girlfriend.
- Christopher told you he has a girlfriend?
- Who is Christopher?
- Who are you talking about?
- Stupid sexy Michael!
- Michael has a girlfriend?
- Yes!
And that's made you
this mad because...
You slept together?
Yeah. You told me to make
her feel like I see her.
- By complimenting her.
- I did.
Well, it worked too well!
I feel like it kind of worked
just the right amount.
She said you have a girlfriend.
Yeah, I do,
but she's an actor, too.
And, she and I have this deal that
sho-mances don't count as cheating.
So, your girlfriend
is fine with it?
Yeah, it was her idea!
Did you ever think that Ashley might
not be fine with being a sho-mance?
I mean, we didn't discuss it.
Well, you might have a girl
who's falling for you here.
Oh, boy.
listen to me, uh...
You can't play games
with people's hearts.
And you can't predict when and where
someone might find a true love story.
Even on a movie set, it happens.
Okay, I'll talk to her.
Thank you.
It just helps me relax.
Have you seen
the new budget numbers?
I've heard some things.
Mmm-hmm. What? We're gonna have
to make some cuts...
No. I'm not compromising one frame.
I need to talk to Christopher.
- Okay, but we should start thinking...
- I will handle this.
- We should start thinking about it now.
- I will handle this!
What the...
Did Zooey come by here?
- That way.
- Oh!
Do you need some help?
No, I got her!
- Jess.
- Yeah.
Christopher has
been looking for you.
- And...?
- And he's here. In our trailer.
What just happened to me?
I'm so sorry.
Was this the plan all along?
Just pretend you care and then
pull the rug out from under us?
I do care.
Is that why you suggested
cutting our budget?
- Is that what Theresa said?
- Yes.
Did she also say that they were
gonna stop production all together?
Jessica, today I was told
to shut you down.
Shut us down?
It's my fault.
I didn't understand some of the
finishing cost in the budget,
I didn't realize we needed
that much money
for the completion of the film.
You're supposed to
be the numbers guy.
I know, I know.
And I'm so sorry.
But when Theresa saw the
correct amount, she freaked.
I had to convince her
we could still finish but...
with what we have left.
It can't get finished
for less, Christopher!
Our budget was perfect!
Well, now you have a new budget.
So... Okay. So what?
It's either this or nothing?
Okay, everybody,
we're back from lunch.
I'm gonna finish my damn movie.
Excuse me.
Daniel, did we change
the cupcakes to keto cupcakes?
Loading them up now.
It's not too late to change them
back to cupcakes made with love.
Just get everyone ready
to shoot.
Pictures up.
Whitney, keto cupcakes?
Seconds away.
Keto cupcakes.
I like it.
- Was that the surprise you texted me about?
- Get out.
- What?
- Go on. This is now a closed set.
Can you please escort our
network executive off of the set?
We are on a very tight budget
and I can't afford
any distractions.
I'll go.
I'm just relieved that
this is still happening.
Clock's ticking.
Good luck.
We say "break a leg"
in this business.
is the dog here yet?
Flying in.
Big gesture.
What's that?
That's how you get
her past this.
- I do?
- Yes.
Big city hotshot screws up,
but then makes a big gesture
because he has
come to appreciate
what the small town girl
believes in.
I tried. What else
am I supposed to do?
You'll figure it out.
We're here!
We're here! Zooey's here!
I got her! She's fine!
She's absolutely fine!
She is fine! Zooey flying in.
Excuse me.
I think that's everyone.
Do you want
to roll sound on this?
Not on this.
It's for the montage.
Okay, sound stand down.
Everyone else, let's do this.
Quiet on set.
Roll camera.
- Rolling.
- Stop the MOS.
Okay, cut!
All of this and rain?
We made it to the last day.
What time tomorrow?
1:00 p.m. crew call.
How many townspeople do we have?
I told you we're gonna have
to make cuts along the way,
and you didn't want to,
so now we have
no money for extras.
A town-wide celebration
with no townspeople?
We have a Santa.
- How many kids to meet Santa?
- Oh, God, no.
- You know how much onset teachers cost.
- How about a band?
- No.
- A singer?
No, nothing.
Christmas Celebration has
to be big and magical.
It's where the lovers kiss
for the first time!
It's Christopher.
He says he has an idea
for the Christmas Celebration.
- Oh, that's a good timing.
- Call him.
- No, we don't need him.
- It wouldn't hurt to talk to him.
- He's still around.
- What? Where?
Oh, boy.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
You never said I couldn't be
involved, just not on the set, so...
Brett's been letting me
watch the dailies.
About the Christmas Celebration,
I have some really...
Don't you think you've
caused enough problems?
Hear me out.
Uh, my nephew is in a summer
theatre program at his high school.
It is 15 kids.
They could be in the movie
for work-study credits.
We don't even have to pay them.
Fifteen high school kids?
That's not a town-wide celebration,
that's a tenth of a senior prom.
We can throw big hats and coats
on them.
We need bodies,
that's what matters most.
We already had
the perfect background actors.
Well, now we don't.
I also go
to First Presbyterian Church,
and they have a 25-member choir
plus musical accompaniment.
I made a deal with the pastor
that they could be in the movie
as part of a community
outreach event,
so, we don't have
to pay them either.
Amateur musicians, great.
- What is going on with you?
- We're just plugging holes.
What other options
do we have right now?
these are great ideas.
Do you have time to draw up
the paperwork with me?
Only if it's okay with Jessica.
Everything doesn't
have to be perfect.
Okay, good.
Let's just spend
the final day herding cats.
Make it happen.
Well, that was it.
This is our last day.
The bakery is officially closed.
The Christmas Celebration?
I'm not really in the mood
for celebrating.
I don't care that Jeb's going
to be there.
I never want
to see his face ever again.
Christmas is ruined.
Okay, cut!
- That was good.
- That was great.
- Good shot.
- Good?
We got it. Moving on.
All right,
that's lunch everyone.
Next scene is at the Town Square
for the Christmas Celebration.
I don't ever wanna see
your face again.
- Look, I just wanna show you something.
- What?
- Look.
- Oh, God.
- What filter is that? Clarendon?
- Yeah.
- Could you be any more basic?
- Hey, look at the likes.
Notice anything different?
I have 400,000 new followers.
I have 400,000 new followers.
She's got 400,000 new followers.
- Okay, uh...
- We broke the Internet.
Let's go take photos wearing
each other's wardrobe.
- It's brilliant.
- Let's go.
I'm obsessed.
Well, thank you
for letting us know.
We have a problem.
The paperwork didn't go through
for the church
to be able to participate as
community outreach.
So, now we have...
no choir
or musical accompaniment.
Oh, no.
Maybe the theatre kids
will be enough.
15 teenagers
representing an entire town?
Well, we can, we can...
We can reuse them. We can stack
'em, shoot 'em, move 'em around.
So now we have to lose
the musical part of the scene.
I think so.
This ruins everything.
Daniel, I needed this.
How can I get the network
to reconsider Christmas movies
if this one looks like a joke?
I'm sorry.
No, it's not your fault.
It's... mine.
I ruined Christmas.
We can fix this.
We need to follow the formula.
- What formula?
- Is Christopher here today?
- He's in editing.
- Get him.
I'm sorry
about the church extras.
Forget that. This isn't about
the Christmas movie right now.
It's about Jessica.
- Me?
- Yes.
You need to confront
your character flaw.
That's what
needs to happen right now.
- Wait. Like, in a Christmas movie?
- Yes.
Do you have a better idea?
Then let's get to it.
That's what I've
been saying this whole time.
You know what you need to say.
So just say it.
- So, you want me to say my perfectionism gets in my way?
- Yep.
- That's it.
- I'm afraid so, yeah.
Okay, then.
So, let's unpack that.
Where do you think
that comes from?
I don't know.
Jessica, think.
Haven't you ever been
to therapy?
It's always a tether
to your childhood.
What was it for you?
I guess my parents fought a lot.
- I'm so sorry.
- Shh.
And I always just tried so hard
to be perfect, you know.
just so I wouldn't give them
another thing to fight about.
But every year when we went to visit
my Grandma Pearl at Christmas time,
everyone would be
on their best behavior.
Cuddling up with Grandma Pearl
and watching people fall
in love at Christmas time.
That was, um...
That was my safe space.
That's the feeling that I
always wanted to create
with my movies, you know.
To give everyone else
that feeling.
if I can't get it perfect,
I just...
feel like I'm just letting
everyone down.
There it is.
You can't make a perfect movie,
I bet all those movies
the two of you watched together
weren't perfect either.
No, not by a long shot.
Um... Neither was my movie,
Perfectly Christmas.
And people loved it anyway,
Because it had heart.
It's not an equation.
It's an art form.
It's an art form where all these people
get to come together and contribute
to make this one special thing.
And that is what's
on the screen. It's the love.
You guys are right.
Everything does not have
to be perfect.
Okay, boom. There it is.
We have addressed
your character flaw.
Now the final resolution to the
main conflict can present itself.
Can present itself.
Ho, ho, ho!
Where are all the children?
I heard there was a Christmas
Celebration happening here.
Yes, I am sorry.
I can get you signed in, Santa.
Santa doesn't sign in.
Santa comes down the chimney!
Were you able
to find parking all right?
Oh, no trouble at all. I've got
the reindeer up on the roof.
Of course.
Just what we need,
a method Santa.
Where are my elves?
- I can lead you to your trailer.
- Okay.
Music! There must be music!
I can play you music
on my guitar, Santa.
- Daniel, wait!
- Yeah?
Can you play Christmas songs
on your guitar?
I can play the chords
to just about anything.
It won't be perfect, though.
Doesn't matter.
Does anyone else on the crew
play an instrument?
The editor does.
How do you know that?
I spent a lot of time
with him in there.
He's a little weird.
Well, maybe we can put together
a band after all.
Let's ask everyone on the crew
if they play an instrument.
If they do, they're in
the band, if they don't,
then we'll use them as
townsfolk for the celebration.
We'll still need a singer.
You got it.
Just follow me this way, sir.
All hands-on deck,
and maybe with the help of
a little Christmas magic...
Love can save Christmas!
Hey, fellas, bring it in. Bring it in.
Over here. Let's go.
Quick little team meeting.
Guys, I need your help.
Hey, Brett.
Any chance you got your violin?
Who wants to be on camera
for once?
I have an idea for you.
Who wants to be in a movie?
Look at that.
Oh, that's good...
- Chloe.
- What do you want?
I have something to show you.
Your bakery doesn't
have to close.
You two seem good.
- Yeah, we're great.
- Yeah, we're really good.
- We're so good.
- So, his girlfriend actually met someone
on the movie that she's doing
and dumped him.
- So, it's like perfect timing.
- Perfect timing.
I love you.
- You're so hot.
- You're so... hot.
Shut your beautiful lips. Stop.
Christmas miracles everywhere.
Did you call our Santa to set?
I did, 20 minutes ago.
He's not in his trailer.
But Christopher's out looking
for him now.
Okay... Well...
Hey, Daniel!
The dog pooped on set.
Did the dog poop on set?
Bob, don't... Bob!
- We have a problem.
- Yeah, we do.
Theresa! Hi!
Uh, what brings you to set?
Christopher insisted
that I come see this...
- Christmas Celebration shoot.
- Oh.
He did? That's, that's...
That's great.
Okay, but when is it
gonna start?
'Cause I haven't got all night.
We're just about ready to shoot.
Shouldn't be too long.
What in the world is
that supposed to be?
We couldn't afford to have any
actual children in the scene...
for tonight.
- It looks ridiculous.
- We'll make it work.
Will you?
It's gonna look great,
once the lights come on and...
- our lenses.
- And Santa?
What about Santa?
He is on his way.
Little reindeer here
about this big?
Yeah, like this big, and I also
wanted you to name it Lima.
- What are you doing?
- Oh!
These wonderful children just
needed a little Christmas magic.
They're ready to shoot.
I have to get you to set.
No, no, no, I need a few more minutes
with these delightful youngsters.
Hi. We don't have
a few more minutes!
Every 15 minutes that ticks by is
another shot lost from the movie.
Santa, you're coming with me.
We're just waiting for the sun
to go down a little bit more...
- For the shot.
- Mmm.
- It just needs to be... just right.
- Right.
I wonder maybe if this is why
our movies go over budget.
On Dasher!
I just read this article.
This woman whose husband locked
her in the basement for six months.
That... would make
a great movie.
Careful now.
Well, I think I've seen enough.
Have Christopher give me a call.
He and I have a lot to discuss.
All right, we're here!
- I've got Santa!
- Ho, ho, ho.
- Theresa, hi.
- Ho, ho, ho.
Now this is a celebration!
Oh, hello. Have you been
a naughty girl this year?
- Daniel!
- Yes.
- No, no, no. Santa, how are you?
- Hey.
- It's nice to have you back on set.
- Okay.
Let me escort you
to your throne.
Um, I am leaving.
No, no, you can't go.
You gotta stay for
the Christmas Celebration.
I think I've seen
what I need to see.
Come on, everybody on this movie has
worked so hard to make this special.
Special? There's crew members in the movie.
There's sandbags dressed up as children.
At least I know now that I made
the right decision
shutting all of this down.
What a Grinch.
Her heart
is two sizes too small.
Ms. Frost... Wait!
- You can't go.
- Why not?
By any chance,
is there something
that happened to you
to make you hate Christmas?
What? Don't be ridiculous.
Nothing from when you
were a little girl?
Did you enjoy Christmas
when you were young?
Yeah, I enjoyed it enough.
there is something.
Well, I was finally going to be
the lead in our Christmas pageant.
And then, the choir director's
transferred into our school
and she got to do it.
And you...
Oh, there weren't any other
parts left for me to play,
so, I sat in the audience and
watched her sing the final song, and,
get all the attention.
You were meant to be our singer.
- For what?
- For our Christmas Celebration.
- Oh...
- You were born to play this part.
Oh, no.
No, I'm not a performer.
You were and it was taken away
from you.
But I can give it back to you.
Me? Singing in
a Christmas musical?
I got you. I believe in you.
- Just take some breaths.
- Oh...
And tonight, you get to share your
gifts with the entire world, at last.
I would really like that.
I mean...
- I guess.
- Let's do this.
Call it, Daniel.
All right, party people.
It's celebration time.
Roll sound.
Roll camera.
Scene 68. Take one. Mark.
And... action.
- Chloe. Hey, Chloe.
- What do you want?
- I have to show you something.
- What?
Your bakery
doesn't have to close!
Why not?
Our parent company
also owns Landmark Foods.
I brought your cupcakes to them
and they were a huge hit.
- The keto cupcakes?
- No, no.
You were right all along.
It was your original cupcakes.
Well, yeah, that makes sense.
They're made with love,
and nothing is better than that.
Look. This is a contract
for Chloe's Cupcakes
to be sold worldwide.
"Chloe's Cupcakes
will all be made and shipped
from the original Chloe's Cakes
kitchen that your mother founded."
- Right here?
- Right here.
I don't want you to have to
leave this beautiful town, and,
I mean, frankly,
I don't wanna leave either.
Will you let me stay
and help you?
Wait. What about Nadia?
I broke it off with her.
I should have done it
a long time ago.
Okay, so, you want to stay here
and help me sell cupcakes?
Nothing would make me happier.
Yeah, I think you're right.
Oh, we are going to need
a bigger kitchen.
Welcome, everyone
to the Christmas Celebration.
This song goes out to all the
Christmas lovers out there.
The ones who love Christmas,
- and the ones who find love at Christmas.
- Aw!
Oh the weather
Outside is frightful
But the fire
Is so delightful
And since we've
No place to go
Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
It doesn't show
Signs of stopping
And I've bought
Some corn for popping
The lights are turned
Way down low
Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
When we finally
Kiss goodnight
How I'll hate
Going out in the storm!
But if you'll really
Hold me tight
All the way home
I'll be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And, my dear,
We're still goodbying
But as long as
You love me so...
Oh, Jeb. This is
the best Christmas ever.
- Cut!
- That's a cut.
Where's the snow?
We can't have the kiss
without the snow.
I'm sorry, Jessica.
I don't know what's wrong.
Give me a minute.
Sorry, guys. That was great.
Just chill for a second
while we get this situated.
- Okay.
- Uh...
Let's go rehearse the kiss.
I thought that was going
pretty well until the snow.
We'll get it. I'm not worried.
I wanted to tell you that I
tried to convince Theresa
that we needed your Christmas movies
for our international streaming launch.
I thought that going worldwide,
Chloe's Cakes,
would save the day.
And did it?
It did not.
Because that's not how it works.
What? Why not?
You saw the scene.
Logic doesn't save Christmas.
Love saves Christmas.
It always does.
Well, love can save cupcakes,
but maybe it can't save
a movie deal.
Oh, my! That was
so exhilarating!
- I loved it!
- You were amazing!
- I was okay?
- Amazing.
I was amazing? Oh, gosh,
I just...
I forgot the feeling, you know,
that you get from
Christmas movies.
And that our network needs this.
It... does?
Nobody wants to watch
women-in-peril at Christmas, right?
We need these kinds of movies
to hold onto our audience.
I feel like I said
something like that.
I completely agree with you.
I am going to honor
your contract
for three more Christmas movies.
I am officially reopening
the Christmas Movie division!
As long as I can be in them.
Just kidding. I mean, I might.
Guess we'll find out.
Love saved Christmas.
Of course, it did.
do you remember
when you were talking
about planting your flag?
This is where I want
to plant my flag.
Right next to yours,
if you'll let me.
What about your career
in finance?
I am done with that.
I want to be the guy
who helps create this...
this warm, comforting,
safe place
that the world gets
to live in at Christmas time.
Do you need a producer, maybe?
I don't know. I mean...
uh, a producer...
You probably gonna have to be
on set with me every day.
Nothing would make me happier.
Wait. Stop.
What about your wife?
My what?
Your wife. Theresa.
- Theresa?
- Yes.
Why are you calling her my wife?
Because you did.
- When?
- In your text.
Oh, stupid voice-to-text.
It's keeps dropping words,
not my...
Not my real wife.
My work wife.
There it is. Classic romantic
How did I not figure that out?
Right, guys?
That goes way back to,
like, Shakespeare, and,
He's Just Not That Into You.
- Reena?
- Yes.
Can you give us a moment?
In the trailer?
No, just like, a step
or two off to the side.
I mean, okay...
what do you think?
I think...
This is the best Christmas ever.
I knew it.
Well, look at that.
Okay, save some snow
for the movie.
That's not me.
Snow in LA.
I guess you just can't
contain Christmas magic.