A Kismet Christmas (2022) Movie Script

Merry, merry, merry
Merry Christmas time
I hope you've been
Thinking of me
I'm back where
I want to be
What do you say?
Merry, merry, merry
Merry Christmas time
Throw another log
on the fire
Satisfy your heart's desire
Take it hot
Hot, hot
This could be
The best
"Hand in hand,
Isabella and Roger
run into the park,
not two steps behind Dagmar.
But when they get
to the stone wall,
two things happen
at the same time...
Doyle steps out of the shadows,
looking for a fight...
and Isabella
feels her kismet fading."
That's it!
Your exclusive sneak preview
of book two.
You're the first
to ever hear it.
I know, I know you're so eager
for the next book,
but all I can say is...
it's coming soon.
If I say any more,
that man over there,
my agent, Benny,
will yell at me.
She's right. I will.
But I'm not all bad,
I have
some very exciting news about
the Isabella Christmas contest.
So many of you guys wrote in
and I'm thrilled to announce
that Sarah has chosen
a winning letter.
She'll be traveling
to the winner's home town
to announce their name,
so, people of...
New Britain, get ready,
because Sarah Grace
is coming!
New Britain? Maine?
New Britain. Maine.
Okay, if anybody wants
their book signed,
come on up here!
What's your name?
Thank you so much.
We had a blast.
Okay, I saw your face.
What's with New Britain?
How big of a problem?
Uh, it's kind of a big problem.
New Britain is my hometown.
Sort of.
Well, you've never said
anything about this before.
Well, it ended badly.
How badly?
Are you sure
you want to hear this?
Oh, I think I need to hear
every last juicy detail.
It was Christmas...
...and, like always,
I went to my grandmother's
in New Britain.
I was... a late bloomer,
but I had a deep, deep crush
on the boy next door.
Ooh! I love
where this is going.
Miss Raylene!
A kismet cookie?
I thought you were married.
Wait! Wait, wait, wait.
Are you saying
kismet cookies are real?
I'm telling you
this story once.
You can listen,
or you can interrupt.
Sorry, sorry.
Keep going.
I'll have you know,
this cookie is for my niece...
who can't see a good man
if he's standing
right in front of her.
What Raylene means is,
she's sticking her nose where
it doesn't belong... again!
What about you, Miss Patsy?
No cookie for you?
Sarah Collins,
you just arrived,
and already with the sass?
We missed you, Sarah.
Now, get inside.
Your Gramma Mia's been
baking all day,
and she needs you.
Sounds like you need
some silicone spray
on those hinges,
You know what?
You could stop calling me that
at any time,
'cause I knew it was a dog,
not a bear.
Oh, sure you did.
That's why you broke
the land-speed record
getting inside, screaming,
"Bear! Bear! Bear!"
You done?
How's your best-seller going?
Oh, it's...
you know, whatever. I...
Well, if you need any help
brainstorming ideas,
you just holler at me, okay?
Wait, no way!
You're selling Night Runner?
Time to grow up,
get something
a little more practical.
You? Grow up?
That'll be the day.
Hey, Sarah-Bear.
I'm onto you,
Travis Walker!
Gramma Mia!
- Hello!
- Oh, ho, ho!
Welcome home, darling!
- Merry Christmas.
- Oh, Merry Christmas!
Okay, well,
don't just stand there.
Get yourself an apron
and help me with all of this.
- Okay.
- Oh!
You can start
by taking those out
and put the fresh ones in.
- Okay.
Have you called the police?
'Cause this place
looks like a crime scene.
Oh, you know that it's only
on Christmas Eve
that my kitchen
looks like this.
How long
do I set the timer for?
Read the recipe!
The recipe says "take them out
when they seem done."
That's right.
You know how this works.
The kismet doesn't happen
unless you really believe
in the magic.
Oh, no, no! Don't peek!
Use your heart,
not your eyes.
Okay. Sorry.
I saw Travis on my way in.
Did he tell you his news?
Yeah. I can't believe
he's selling it.
That car's like his baby.
I'll get it!
Hi, I'm Helen.
Hi. I'm Mia,
and this is
my granddaughter, Sarah.
Are you here
for a kismet cookie?
I guess so.
My friend Angie says...
I don't know.
I'm not a big believer
in this kinda stuff.
Well, why don't
I tell you the legend,
and then you can decide
for yourself?
Okay? Come on in.
So, a hundred years ago,
my great-grandparents
moved here,
and they bought this house,
and before long,
there was a wealthy man in town
who wanted to marry
their-their daughter...
my Nana Sue.
Now, the man was very nice,
but Nana Sue didn't love him.
And Nana Sue promised
her answer by Christmas,
and on Christmas Eve,
she bumped into this wall
and discovered
this hidden cabinet,
and, inside, she found
the recipe for kismet cookies.
It said, if you follow
the recipe exactly,
you'll dream of your true love.
So she made the cookies,
and wrapped one
and put it under her pillow,
just like
the recipe told her to.
And that night, she dreamt
about the grocer in town
who always made her laugh.
So the next morning,
she marched into town
and she knocked on his door,
and she wanted to know if
he had anything to say to her,
and it turns out, he did.
He'd always loved her...
...But he didn't think
he could compete
with the wealthy man.
So, then, two weeks later,
they were married...
my Nana Sue and my Grampa Joe.
And ever since then,
the cookies have worked.
I'm sold.
It goes under my pillow?
Uh-huh. Tonight.
You'll see.
- Mm-hmm.
What's Travis
up to out there?
Nothing. I don't know.
Just, I guess fixing my car.
Well, um, this is the last
kismet cookie of the year.
Are you looking for love?
Oh! No, honey.
No, you know your grandpop
was my one-and-done.
The cookie just helps me
dream about him.
I wish you'd let me try it.
I know you do, sweetheart, but...
...it's too soon.
This is the time of your life
when you should be writing
about crushes
and sweeping romantic stories
in your journal.
it doesn't matter.
We've given away
all the other cookies.
Tomorrow's Christmas!
Oh! Sarah! Merry Christmas.
What would you
like for breakfast?
I can make you...
Don't be mad, but I saved
a kismet cookie for myself.
I put it under my pillow
last night...
...and I know
who my true love is.
Oh, Sarah. Sarah, wait!
Hey, Sarah,
what are you doing here?
I need to tell you something.
Can it wait?
You know the kismet cookies?
Yeah, well, last night,
I put one under my pillow.
I know I wasn't supposed to,
but I did,
and I dreamt about you...
and that means
that you're my true love,
and we're supposed
to be together,
and I know how that sounds,
but I...
You're getting married?
Look, I'm sorry,
I should've told you,
but... this is a good day
for me, okay?
B-Be happy for me.
I'm sorry, honey.
Sarah, I-I understand.
I do.
And I hate that
it broke your heart, but...
...be absolutely sure
that you don't believe
in the kismet anymore
before you do that.
So kismet cookies are real?
No. Clearly, they're not.
It's a fairytale
I believed in as a kid,
and it gave me the idea
for the book,
but instead of predicting love,
in the book,
the cookies turn you
into a mini-superhero.
'Cause that's what I needed
to be at the time...
strong and confident.
So what happened?
The next time you saw
the boy next door?
Oh, I didn't.
My dad got there soon after,
I begged him to take me away,
so we went to a ski lodge.
Gramma Mia says they moved
to Florida a few years ago.
And you haven't been back
to New Britain since?
Okay. As your agent,
I'm going to advise you
never to tell this version
of the kismet story to anyone.
Can we please pick
a new winner?
No. It's too late.
We've already told
the mayor of the town,
and he wants to announce it
at some "Christmas in the Park"
"Dickens in the Park."
A Christmas Carol?
New Britain? Get it?
Everyone dresses up!
- Love that.
- Wait.
Do they know that
Sarah Grace the author
is really Sarah Collins?
Well, I haven't told anyone,
so, unless Gramma Mia has...
Gramma Mia doesn't tell anyone
anything, clearly.
So there's no problem.
You... can go do
the Dickens thing on Saturday,
you can head over
to Gramma Mia's place,
lock yourself in,
she can feed you,
and you can crank out
book number two.
I know. I know.
First draft by January third.
Don't make it
sound unreasonable, my friend.
They have given you
two very generous extensions.
And I'm close. I swear!
I'm 80% done.
I just...
need to figure out the ending.
Sarah, is that you?
Oh, my gosh!
Welcome home.
Thank you.
And thanks again
for keeping this low-key.
- Is that our girl?
Oh, look at you!
It's so many years! Oh, my g...
You've got to come
by the candy shop
and see all the changes I made.
And I haven't been able
to tell any of my customers
I know the great Sarah Grace.
- Oh...
- And you know how hard it is
for me to keep a secret.
I've been in such a state!
You, I mean...
It's officially a time capsule.
Sarah! Get dressed.
We're leaving soon.
Here we go.
Oh, my gosh. Oh, wow!
Oh, it looks incredible.
It's exactly the same.
We're here!
We couldn't get my hat
to stay on!
It kept flying off
like a Frisbee.
So, are you ready
for this?
Me? No, I'm never ready. No.
But my alter-ego Sarah Grace
is just fine.
Which reminds me,
I need to take a photo
for Benny.
- Oh!
- Everybody, get in!
Patsy... get in there!
Thank you. Perfect.
Is that Mayor Schebly?
Oh, yes. That's our mayor.
Right, Patsy?
Hello, hello, hello,
ladies and gents!
Cover me.
I'm going in.
Merry Christmas!
And now the moment
you've all been waiting for...
here she comes...
Sarah Grace,
author of
Isabella's Kismet Cookies!
We are so excited to have you
here in New Britain.
And you came all dressed up!
Of course!
Thank you so much
for the warm welcome.
I'm so pleased to be here.
is that...
what I think it is?
It is.
As you know, children
from all over the country
wrote in,
telling me about projects
they wanted to do
that reflected
Isabella's spirit...
and the winner's name
is in this envelope.
Would you do the honors?
I would love to.
Ahem! Are you ready?
And the winner is...
Jasmine Walker!
- Yes!
Come on over here!
Hi, Jasmine!
I loved your letter,
and your book project
sounds like it embodies
I hoped Isabella would mean
for kids your age.
I love you so much!
Jazzy's had
her fingers crossed
ever since we found out
the winner was from New Britain.
Father Christmas
is my dad.
Sarah Grace, Jazzy,
would you be willing
to pose for a picture
for our local paper?
Of course!
Jasmine... wait,
do you go by "Jazzy"?
Well, you first, Jazzy.
Come on! Let's go!
settle in...
All right, camera's over here,
Father Christmas, okay?
All right, and everybody say
"Merry Christmas!"
Merry Christmas!
Thank you, Sarah Grace,
and thank you, Jazzy.
Good job, Jazzy.
Oh, thank you, thank you.
I remember that smile.
Hey, Sarah-Bear.
Oh! Sarah, please don't leave.
you said
you'd stay for Christmas.
And you said
they were in Florida!
No, I said Mr. and Mrs. Walker
were in Florida.
Can you split that hair
any finer?
Sarah... Sarah, I-I realize
you're still upset,
but, darling,
it was a lifetime ago.
If it makes you feel better,
Mia didn't even tell me
about the wedding either.
I get not telling Raylene,
but me? Ha!
Say what, now?
Sarah, wait.
It was Travis's story to tell,
and he should have told you.
He had a lot on his mind,
and probably had no idea
you were nursing
a little crush on him.
- Okay...
- And, plus,
I didn't expect you
to hide that cookie, a-and...
It's all in the past, darling,
and this year,
more than any other year,
I want to have Christmas
in this house.
W-What do you mean,
"more than any other year"?
Come in!
Where'd you go so fast?
I can't believe
we're neighbors.
We are?
Oh, that's news to me too.
Yeah, I bought the place
from my parents
when they retired.
It's just the easiest thing
for all of us.
Is that yours?
Are you leaving already?
No. No. Um, I...
I... haven't unpacked yet.
Yeah. I have to carry this upstairs.
I can help you.
Oh! You... I...
Okay, Jazzy. Jazzy.
I got that.
You take the little one.
There you go.
This is really unnecessary.
Roasted chestnuts
still your favorite?
They are. Thank you.
Go ahead. You can ask her.
Ask me what?
Would you help me
with a book project?
The one
that I wrote to you about?
Books for kids?
That's one of
my favorite things.
I go to the library
every week.
Did you used to go there
when you lived here?
The library?
All the time.
But I didn't live here, Jazzy.
I just visited for Christmas
and in the summers.
I stayed here with Gramma Mia,
and because she was a teacher,
we had the same time off.
Where was your mom?
She died
when I was very young.
that conversation we had
about other people's business
not really being yours?
That's okay.
Hey. Do you want to show me
the way to your project?
When you were little, did you
and my dad play together?
but your dad
is a lot older than I am.
Four years is not a lot older!
It's a lot.
He looks way older than you.
He does, doesn't he?
But, to be fair,
the beard isn't helping.
Too early for wine?
That's a rhetorical question, right?
Red, or white, or...
- Yeah.
Come on.
Everything's in here.
Nice save with the suitcase...
but I get it.
I don't blame you
for wanting to leave.
I'm sure this was all
a bit of a surprise to you.
But thank you for staying.
It means a lot.
To Jazzy.
Jazzy's mom?
Oh... well...
Come on, you two!
Okay! Just a second!
Just gotta get out of
these scratchy
Father Christmas duds.
What? Don't look at me
like that.
Let me try it.
How do I look?
What do you think?
Runway model, hmm?
Oh, it looks better
on you, even.
Daddy, when you were little,
did you really
let a skunk in the house?
I sure did.
Right through the front door.
Beats me.
Who knows why
eight-year-old boys do anything.
The skunk
was on the front porch,
I opened the door,
he strolled right in.
And that skunk
was the worst thing
I've ever smelled
in my entire life.
But that wasn't our only
close encounter with nature,
was it, Sarah-Bear?
Why do you call her that?
Hey! Let's work
on your project first,
and then we can tell
more embarrassing stories.
Okay! If I remember
from your letter,
your project makes it easy
for families
to donate books at Christmas.
Yep. It's called
"Let's Read at Christmas."
- Good name!
- The kids of New Britain
donate books to kids
from our sister city,
who aren't as lucky.
They don't have
a huge library like we do.
And what are these ornaments
we're cutting out?
Kids decorate them,
and put the name of
their gift book on the back.
And then they hang them
on the Christmas tree
in the community center.
Families can pick one.
Or two.
Or three!
And buy the book to donate.
The books get wrapped
and donated on Christmas Eve.
And who's wrapping
all these books?
Well, Jazzy is very good
at volunteering my time.
No, I noticed that,
Father Christmas.
And where are you
getting all the books?
Are you working
with Miss Raylene?
Mm-hmm. Miss Raylene's
already picked up
a bunch of
the most popular titles,
and she'll grab some more
once she finds out
what the kids ask for.
She's selling them all at cost,
which is great, so...
Well, I can talk to
my agent, Benny.
I'm sure he can overnight
a stack of books.
Really? That would be great.
Well, it's good to be
Sarah Grace.
Do the book people
know your real name?
They do.
But why do you use Sarah Grace
instead of Sarah Collins?
Oh. Um, well,
when people ask me that,
I tell them that Sarah Grace
just sounds more...
but the truth is,
I first had the idea
for the book when I was only 17,
and I was very...
And very lonely, and...
I just wanted
to be someone else...
...someone who went through life
with a lot more grace
than I did,
so I created an alter ego
so I could pretend to be someone
who was confident
and funny and graceful...
and just not at all lonely.
But why were you lonely?
A... a lot of reasons.
But here's the funny part.
It all worked out.
And without it,
I never would've
written Isabella.
up, Benny.
So the boy next door
is still next door?
Is he still
breathtakingly handsome?
Even more so.
Oh, and you'll never guess
who his daughter is.
The contest winner?
Of course she is.
Well, this just gets better
and better.
I'm gonna need to see pictures.
No. I cannot make that promise.
All right, I gotta go.
All right.
Well, I'm here if you need me.
Would you like to stop
at Patsy's shop with me?
Is that even a question?
Ho, ho.
Oh, it looks exactly the same!
And everything tastes
just as good as it always did.
Well, I don't know
if I trust you on that.
I think further testing
might be required.
Chocolate peppermint fudge.
I tweaked my recipe
last Christmas.
This one may be
my favorite yet!
Oh, ho. Darling, you have
said that about every one.
And I've meant it!
Miss Patsy,
nothing compares to your candy.
Come on, spill.
What's your secret?
Oh, that's easy.
I use the best chocolate,
real vanilla,
and, of course,
my secret ingredient.
What's your secret ingredient?
That's your secret?
When people cook
or bake these days,
they've gotta do it
as fast as possible
so they can
get to the 20 other things
that need doing, right?
But not Patsy.
She has
a close personal relationship
with everything she makes.
Especially the fudge.
Well, there is love
in this cookies-and-cream.
I can tell you that.
Believe me...
if there's love,
there's no magic, honey.
Just like the kismet cookies...
well, that and the fact
that there's, you know,
something a little mysterious
about you Collins women.
Or maybe
magic just doesn't exist.
Honey, just because
you had a dud batch
doesn't mean that other people
haven't found true love.
Maybe you were just too young,
or maybe...
because you weren't exactly
honest with your gramma,
you neutralized
the magic somehow.
Well, whatever happened,
it's gone now.
So, uh, you two ready to meet
Raylene for a little tea time?
"God bless us, everyone."
- Very Dickens.
- Classic.
All right, ladies.
Let's hear it.
What is the dumbest thing
you ever did for love?
Sarah, you can sit this one out,
because we already know
about you already.
Oh, everyone's favorite
wedding crasher, that's me.
- Oh...
- Okay.
I went up to a boy
that I barely knew,
in front of his friends,
and I told him
that he's gonna marry me
because I put a cookie
under my pillow
and then
I had a dream about him.
- Oh...
- Gramma,
that same move
didn't exactly work for me.
Well, these cookies
don't come with a guarantee.
I don't think I've ever done
anything really stupid for love.
Don't worry about that.
There's still time.
Hello, ladies. Ahem.
- Oh!
- Hi.
Speak of the devil.
Sarah Grace...
you're just
who I've been looking for.
I come, hat in hand,
to ask if you would mind
being part of our holiday
scavenger hunt tomorrow.
Scavenger hunt?
Oh, yes! You could be
the answer to one of the clues!
- People get a list
of riddles to solve,
and then they take a picture
of the answer,
and the first person to take
all the correct photos wins.
Fun! I'd love to help.
Where should I hide?
Well, my bookstore
isn't on the list yet.
Can you be there at ten?
- Absolutely.
- Thank you.
Oh, Albert, before I forget...
I've got your favorite...
cookies and cream.
Thank you.
That's, uh...
I really need to figure out
a way to pay you back
for all the sweets
you give me.
Maybe you could invite her
to dinner.
All righty, then!
See you
at the scavenger hunt tomorrow.
See you.
You guys!
Stop it.
We have a definite "maybe"!
To the dinner!
- Dinner!
- To the dinner.
In my defense, Jazzy,
it was very dark,
and Boomer was
a large black dog,
so he looked just like a bear,
and he was running
directly towards me.
I have seen
Olympic-qualifying track meets
where people did not run
as fast as Sarah did, okay?
Is that where you got the idea
for the bear character in
It sure is.
I can't wait for you to finish
the next Isabella book.
You and me both.
Who's that?
She's new in town.
I'm gonna go say hi.
Do you know who that is?
You don't suppose
she's telling her
that I'm Sarah Grace
and my grandmother
lives across the street?
seeing as how she's told
everybody else in town.
You know, maybe you should
start wearing sunglasses
and then...
I can walk in front of you
and be like...
"Excuse me, excuse me.
Miss Sarah Grace has no comment
at this time."
That would be perfect.
That'll be really good.
So, Jazzy has been
writing Isabella stories.
Look, I'm just glad
that someone's giving
Isabella some new adventures.
Is that okay?
To write stories?
I mean,
no one else reads them.
Of course!
It's called "fan fiction."
I used to write a lot of it
when I was your age,
especially about
my favorite book.
A Wrinkle In Time.
how do you remember that?
I was your sounding board, remember?
Well, yeah!
When Sarah would get stuck,
we'd go to the end of the pier
and just talk the story out.
We spent a lot of time brainstorming.
Did you help
write the stories?
Me? No, no.
I just listened.
That's not true.
You gave suggestions sometimes.
Yeah, but you would never
take them.
Well, I didn't say
they were good suggestions.
- Hey...
- Wait.
How do you know
that I never took them?
Because I read every single one
of your stories.
Yeah, don't you remember?
You kept 'em in a notebook
in that tree in the backyard.
You mean the book marked
"Private, keep out...
especially Travis"?
That's the one.
I thought you meant
some other Travis!
Oh, I see. Uh-huh.
Sarah, are you coming
to the scavenger hunt tomorrow?
Well, I'm in
the scavenger hunt,
so I'll see you there.
If you can find me.
All right, kiddo,
it's getting pretty late.
Why don't you head home,
get into some PJs,
and I'll be right there, okay?
Can we have book time?
One chapter.
Look both ways when
you're crossing the street.
Got it, Dad.
You say that every time!
When she started
reading on her own,
we kinda missed
our nightly book time,
so now we...
we read side by side.
That is unbearably sweet.
Yeah, but we blow through books
at a crazy rate.
Thank goodness
for library cards, huh?
Yeah, if only
you'd used the library
instead of reading my notebook
when it was very clearly marked
"Not for Travis."
You wanna know the crazy thing?
Your fan fiction was so good
that I ended up
checking out the original books
at the library.
You are actually the reason
I got my first library card.
Oh, um...
You know, Sarah,
I just wanted to say that...
Come on, Dad!
These books aren't
gonna read themselves!
Who is this kid?
Don't ask me.
She's all you.
Yeah, I know.
I'll see you tomorrow?
Yeah. Yeah.
'Cause I live...
I'm staying here...
- Right.
- And you're, uh...
- Okay.
- Okay.
Hear ye, hear ye!
to the Christmas Scavenger Hunt!
Hurry up
and grab a piece of paper,
if you don't already have one.
Now, you know the rules.
Follow the clues,
take a picture of each answer.
Where's Sarah?
Well, she could be anywhere.
That's part of the fun.
Okay, look at the first clue.
"The teller of stories..."
- That's her.
- Mm-hmm.
"...in the place
filled with stories."
She's totally there.
The first team back
with a complete set
of photographs...
...wins a pound
of assorted fudge
from the Candy Corner.
I want that fudge!
That fudge is ours.
On your marks...
We got this.
Get set!
Okay, okay, I'm coming,
I'm coming, I'm coming.
Knew I'd find you here.
Where's Jazzy?
She's looking for you,
tearing the place up.
It's just as good
as I remember.
Ah! Looking for
a little inspiration?
But I do have a few ideas,
which is exciting.
That is exciting.
I mean, it makes sense.
When you were in New Britain
last time,
you got inspired
for the book,
so now that you're back in town,
maybe it'll inspire you again.
Take our picture, Dad. Please?
Okay, good job.
Well, get the whole team.
All right.
Say "cheese"!
Did you let them follow us?
Have I taught you nothing about
competitive scavenger-hunting?
I'm sorry.
I tried to throw them
off our trail.
All right, well,
you're grounded.
Okay, what's the next clue?
"A red wreath where you
might find a spotted dog."
Fire station!
Shh, shh. Fire station.
Go, go, go, go, go!
- Good luck.
- Bye!
Come on, Dad!
Nice mini-van.
Hey, now!
Moon Boat is a great ride.
"Moon Boat"?
'Cause she's the color
of the moon,
about as big as a cruise liner,
so "Moon... Boat."
Get it?
Mm. Mm-hmm.
Hey, are you coming
to the community center later?
Father Christmas
is gonna be there.
Then I'll definitely be there.
Plus, I have to see
how Jazzy's book tree's going.
Oh, yeah.
She is convinced that, out of
all the ornaments on that tree,
you are going to pick hers.
Well, I will do my best.
Good. Here's a pro tip.
Hers has a big glittery "J"
on it.
That should do it. Thanks.
Hey, Sarah-Bear!
I'm still onto you,
Travis Walker.
One thing they don't tell you
about owning a house
is that you will be constantly
cleaning the kitchen.
I mean, even if no one's home,
you'll be cleaning the kitchen.
Well, I've heard that,
in some parts of the world,
people can leave a dirty spoon
in the sink
for up to 30 minutes,
and the Earth just continues
to spin on its axis.
That is absolutely not true.
I mean, civilization
as we know it would end.
Uh... are these your cookbooks?
Oh, yeah. Uh, yeah.
Take whichever ones you want.
Well, why are you decluttering?
I just...
I have too much stuff.
So, are you rekindling things
with Travis?
There's no rekindling.
Something has to be kindled
in the first place
before it could be rekindled.
Hey, Sarah!
Please thank your agent for me.
Five monster boxes of books
arrived today.
Oh, good.
I'm glad a lot of them are Isabella.
Now that everyone knows
that Sarah Grace
is our hometown hero,
they're even more popular!
Do you want to come by later
and sign some of them?
- I can do that.
- Oh, that's--
Miss Raylene?
What's the story with the mayor
and Miss Patsy?
Those two.
They were
high-school sweethearts,
and then Patsy left,
went off to college,
started her career.
The mayor lost his wife
a few years back,
so he came home
to New Britain.
There's serious chemistry there.
That's the problem.
They're such great friends,
I think both of them
are worried
about torpedoing
their friendship.
I tell you what...
I wish there was some way
you Collins women
could make those kismet cookies
again this year.
Then maybe we would find out
once and for all.
- Mm-hmm.
- Ah. Excuse me.
Oh. Your tree is a hit.
I want to give someone
a book for Christmas.
Can I pick one?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
I think...
this one!
That's mine.
Is it, seriously?
Let's see what book
you asked for
for Christmas.
Isabella's new book?
I know you can do it.
You're the best writer
in the world.
"...and it was
always said of him
that he knew how
to keep Christmas well,
if any man alive
possessed the knowledge.
May that be truly said of us..."
"...and all of us.
And so,
as Tiny Tim observed..."
"God bless us... every one!"
Merry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho.
Excellent work.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you.
- Great work, Daddy!
Thank you, Jazzy.
And that concludes my duties
as Dickens Day
Father Christmas.
I will be very happy
to let somebody else
wear this itchy thing
next year.
But you've become
so civic-minded.
Parenthood, man.
All right,
I'm gonna go get changed.
I'll catch you later?
Hope so.
My name's Helen.
You probably don't remember me.
No, I remember you.
You came by for a cookie.
You know, I was skeptical
about the kismet.
Sleep with a cookie
under my pillow?
That's just goofy!
But I did it.
And I dreamed
of my husband that night...
...so when I met him
the next year,
I knew he was the one.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
And you have a little one?
Two children!
in the candy shop with my mom.
And that's July.
Thank you.
I cannot believe
that crazy cookie worked,
but it did.
It was magic.
I just wish your grandmother
hadn't stopped making them.
We need all the kismet
we can get.
Thank you.
Come on in.
Oh, what are you doing?
Oh, these are some...
not even all...
of the books that Jazzy
brought home for her project.
She was bravely
trying to wrap them,
she got about three in,
and then fell fast asleep
on the table.
I just put her down, actually.
Oh, okay, well,
give me some paper.
I can help.
- Okay. Great. Thank you.
- Yeah.
We don't have
the Isabella books yet
because Miss Raylene said
you were going over tomorrow
to sign them.
Yes. I am, I am,
but I need to talk to you.
What am I supposed
to do about this?
Jazzy wants to gift
the new Isabella book,
and I don't know,
wrapping up a little "I.O.U."
feels like
a major Scrooge move.
Okay, well...
this may be a radical idea,
but hear me out on this.
Jazzy doesn't always have
to get exactly what she wants.
I know, I know.
Crazy idea.
But I don't want
to disappoint her.
Honestly, she was probably
just trying to encourage you,
not put pressure on you.
It just feels like pressure
because there's already
so much on you.
No, here's the thing, Travis.
I don't feel inspired
much anymore,
and if I'm not a writer...
I don't know who I am.
I can't believe
I just confessed that to you.
I'm your oldest friend.
If you can't tell me,
who can you tell?
Bet you probably never
thought of it that way, huh?
No, I didn't.
so, listen.
I've got this pound of fudge
that we won
from the scavenger hunt...
Wait. You won?
Yeah, of course we won.
What, did you doubt us?
No, of course not.
You want to break into it?
I'm good, actually.
- Oh, really? Okay...
- No, I'm good...
yeah, good at breaking into it, yeah.
It never ends.
I, um, I'm gonna go to town
to run some errands.
Do you need anything?
No, I'm good. Thanks.
Gramma Mia?
Do you remember Helen?
She was the woman
who came by for a cookie
the last time we made them?
Was she the one
that was really skeptical?
She was.
I-I saw her at
the Dickens Festival yesterday.
With her husband.
The man she dreamt of
that night.
So, um...
...what do you think
that means?
I mean, if her kismet worked
for sure...
Then maybe the cookies worked?
And I wish
that I had never...
I feel like...
when I ripped up that recipe, I...
broke a connection
to this town
and our house,
and even to you.
Oh, ho, ho, my Sarah.
Are you kidding?
Oh, darling.
You could never
break a connection to me.
I love you
for ever and ever.
And ever.
But still...
don't mess up my kitchen
while I'm gone.
Nice picture.
Jasmine is adorable.
But listen.
We gotta talk shop.
I had a meeting with Hal today,
and he said
if you don't
meet the deadline this time...
...I'm sorry, but he's gonna
bring in a ghostwriter
to finish the book.
It's our brainstorming spot.
I know.
I thought I'd find you here.
All these years,
and this view hasn't changed.
Also, why are you
wearing that uniform?
'Cause I work
for the forestry service,
for six years now.
- Oh.
- It's my day job.
It's how I make a living
in between
all the volunteering gigs
that Jazzy signs me up for.
- Huh.
- Man, Gramma Mia
really didn't tell you
anything about me, did she?
And I think Gramma Mia's
keeping more secrets.
Is that why you're here?
I heard from Benny.
It's not good.
They might hire a ghostwriter.
Ooh. That is not good.
How close to being done
are you?
I'm pretty close.
I'd say 80%,
but the ending
does not make sense,
and I can't just find it.
So, let me get this straight.
You decided
to tackle this issue
by walking down here
and not writing?
Well, escape has always been
my favorite form
of self-preservation...
as you well know.
Oh, I remember.
You know...
way back then,
if you had asked me to predict
what your life would become,
I could've nailed it.
Successful writer,
traveling around,
But my life?
This is not
what I would've predicted.
But I'm good... you know?
Christmas always makes me sentimental.
I'm sorry.
How long
did your marriage last?
Not very long.
Where is she now?
Crystal is traveling around
with her band.
Living the life she loves...
so am I.
But she checks in a lot.
Jazzy knows
her mom loves her.
There're no bad guys here, Sarah.
There's just a lot of people
who care about
one amazing little girl.
You turned out to be
a good dad, Travis Walker.
But sometimes
I think I try too hard.
I mean, I don't have to be
"Father of the Year" every year.
Right. Well, you have been
known to be competitive.
Only since birth.
Okay, so here's the deal.
Jazzy's been invited
to a sleepover.
It's her first one,
and I don't think she should go,
'cause she's too young,
but she desperately wants to go.
You didn't do sleepovers
at that age?
Yeah, of course I did,
but this is
completely different...
except for I know it's not.
All right.
They don't pay me to sit around
enjoying the view
with a beautiful woman.
I'm outta here.
Hey. Thanks for the lollipop.
Oh, yeah. You bet.
Oh, and if you're around later,
you could come with
as I surrender my innocent child
into the hands
of complete strangers?
I'll be your rock.
Thank you.
Are you kidding me?
Man, some people never grow up,
I guess.
that's me.
Okay, Jazzy.
This is a big moment
in your life...
Okay, bye!
Okay. Well, have fun.
But don't be afraid to call me
if you feel sc...
- I will. Promise!
- I love you!
Hey! I am so excited.
This is gonna be
the best sleepover ever.
They're nice people, right?
Oh... I ran a background check
on the family.
- No, you didn't.
- I did.
I did,
and then I ran their prints.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
The entire family's
squeaky clean.
No parking tickets?
Then I called up old friends
where they used to live,
and I got
personal recommendations
for all of them.
Thank you.
She's not gonna last all night.
I'm gonna call me around 10:00.
- Travis?
- Yes?
Start Moon Boat
and get out of here.
You can't stay parked here.
It's very creepy.
You're right. Okay.
I gotta pick up that tree anyways.
- What?
- You didn't get a tree yet?
N... my Father Christmas responsibilities
were greater than expected,
so I didn't have time.
I'm gonna go get it now,
but first,
I'm gonna drop you off at home,
so you can write.
Okay. Fair enough.
Wait. Hold on.
I need you to drop me
at the Bookmark instead.
I need to sign those books.
- Oh, fine.
I don't know what I'm gonna do!
I'm here! I'm here.
What's going on?
Slight situation.
The mayor invited Patsy
to Christmas dinner.
Oh, sweet!
I mean... not good.
Very bad.
Well, Albert and I
have been best of friends
for years now.
Okay, well, maybe
he's inviting you to join him
as a friend,
because you're alone
and he has a whole turkey.
Do you know Ethel Kaye?
Owns the jewelry shop?
Well, she's good people.
And she told Mary Alice,
who told Carol,
who told me
that our mayor was shopping
for an expensive necklace.
And... that's a bad thing?
Well, a necklace
is gateway jewelry.
I'm sorry... what?
It's gateway jewelry!
He gives her the necklace.
If she likes it,
he tries a... bracelet...
- Mm.
- ...or maybe he ups the ante
and goes straight
for the diamond ring.
You could be engaged
by New Year's!
Oh! Raylene...
I just...
I need to know
if-if Albert is-is "The One,"
or if I'm just
some crazy old lady
with delusions of
finding true love again.
Patsy and I were hoping
Mia could
bake kismet cookies again...
just one batch...
so she could be sure
before she heads over there
for Christmas dinner.
I just can't do it from memory.
I mean, that was
a very complicated recipe.
I'm sorry
I ripped up the recipe
when I was a teenager.
Oh, no, that's okay.
That's okay, sugar.
We know your feelings
were bruised,
but kismet cookies
are a part of Mia,
a part of your house,
a part of this town,
and like it or not,
a part of you.
I know!
But they're also not real.
We all know that. Right?
Mia? What do you think?
I think...
...our house gave Nana Sue
that recipe a hundred years ago
for a reason.
And I think
if we're supposed to have
that recipe again this year,
we will.
But right now, you have
a big box of books to sign,
so come on, you get started,
and the rest of us
will wrap as you go.
- We will.
- Okay. Uh...
Right here.
"What should we do, Isabella?"
everyone asked.
Isabella said...
...I don't know.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Christmas crisis.
Oh, what's wrong?
Uh, Jazzy wants a sweater
for Christmas.
But I'm pretty sure
the window of time
in which, I, as her father,
can successfully
select her clothing,
or anything else,
is rapidly closing.
Soon, I will know nothing...
about sweaters
or anything else.
Yeah, that's probably accurate.
- Yeah. So...
- Okay.
Option... one.
- Meh.
Okay. Okay. Okay. That's fair.
Number... two?
nice sweater.
- Yeah?
Atrocious color.
You could put
a golden retriever puppy
in this sweater...
and it wouldn't look cute.
we're down to... number three?
And the third one
was just right.
- Yeah?
- Yeah!
Great. Okay. Thank you.
All right, I'm gonna
return these other two
before the store closes.
Thank you.
Uh, you know what?
I... I'm not getting
any work done here,
so I could... come with you?
- Okay.
- Okay.
I mean, returns are, like,
they could be
really challenging.
Thanks again for this.
Of course.
And you're sure
about the scarf?
100%. She'll love it.
But keep the receipt
just in case.
Oh, did she text you?
Not yet.
Well, she's not going to.
She's having fun!
Christmas trivia.
Oh... that gift certificate
would make
an excellent stocking stuffer
for a certain bookworm
I know.
Okay, well...
should we go win it for her?
Next category is...
Christmas movies!
- Ooh!
- Number one...
Christmas isn't Christmas
until Hans Gruber falls
from Nakatomi Plaza.
Name the movie.
Die Hard.
So, did you get your tree yet?
I got caught in sweater limbo.
It's so weird
that you don't have a tree.
Are you judging
Father Christmas?
No, I'm judging a guy who works
in the forestry service.
I don't know, I feel like
maybe you saw a nice tree or two
in the past few weeks.
I feel like
you're taking a tone here.
I'm not taking a tone!
I think
you're taking a tone.
Question two...
a young boy tries to obtain
an article of clothing
for his sick mother.
Name the movie.
Oh, um...
The Christmas Shoes.
Are you sure?
Isn't it the one
where there's, like...
Are you...
questioning my Christmas movie
expertise here?
Mm. You're right. You're right.
I'm sorry.
- Thank you.
- Never.
Thank you.
Ah! Here she is.
Text from Jazzy.
You ready to go pick her up?
"Can I go skating with them
Are you laughing at me?
I'm just saying, you know,
at the risk of
stating the obvious...
you've raised a happy,
well-adjusted kid
who's starting
her second decade of life,
in which her main purpose
is separating from you.
Was that intended
to make me feel better?
Look, I'm just saying...
with all the expertise
that comes from, you know,
never actually
having my own kid...
maybe you could just...
relax a little?
I don't know, you're a good dad,
and the criteria for that
changes over time,
and maybe
this is one of those times?
Okay! Here we go.
In this modern-day Dickens tale,
Bill Murray plays
the star character.
It's definitely Scrooged.
...something cool.
What's up?
Oh, good,
you're awake and dressed.
It's nine in the morning.
Yeah, but I know how
you creative types are.
Up all night,
living on coffee and chocolate.
Oh! Well, I know
how small towns are.
You better be dressed by nine,
with the front room
picked up.
- Hmm!
- Hmm.
Okay. You're gonna need
your coat and your boots.
- Wait, what?
- Let's go.
Where are we going?
Well, it's Christmas Eve tomorrow.
Well, remember that whole
"Travis doesn't have
a Christmas tree yet" fiasco?
Let's go cut one down.
What, are you working?
- Sort of!
- Uh-huh.
That's what I thought.
- Yeah.
Come on.
You can help me pick one out.
We'll put your boots on
on the porch.
This is very abrupt.
We left town
at least half an hour ago.
We're passing lots of trees!
Lots of trees.
I'm just saying.
there's a science to this.
So, how does this choppy-down
tree thingy work?
Do we just pick one?
"Choppy-down tree thingy"?
Writers have a way with words.
you're gonna need gloves.
Look at that.
You actually keep gloves
in your glove compartment.
Yeah. You don't?
I live in New York.
I don't even have a car.
Oh... wow.
Travis, this is gorgeous.
Yeah, it's nice, huh?
Oh. Yeah,
and everything's so quiet.
Well, if it makes you feel
more at home,
I could honk the horn,
yell at you
to get out of the way...
Hey! I'm walkin' here!
That do anything for you?
I'm good, thanks.
Are you sure
whoever owns this cabin
is cool with us cutting down
one of their trees?
'Cause I've seen scary movies
that start this way.
Oh, yeah. We go way back.
He doesn't mind.
Come on.
Let's go cut down a tree.
And, uh, what's
the bear population like here?
Asking for a friend.
Uh... there's a few.
Oh. Do you always
cut down your own tree?
No, but I started
so late this year,
I figure
I better finish strong, so...
Ooh! Oh. That one. Over there.
You okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
So, uh, which tree
did you risk your life for?
That one.
You sure?
A hundred percent.
All right.
Have at 'er.
You wanted...
I just...
I don't know if I mentioned, but...
in New York, I kind of, like,
do writing-based activities--
All right, all right.
All right. I see.
You sure?
It's perfect!
It really is a great tree.
When my writing career dries up,
I could be a lumberjack.
Or is it "lumberjill"?
Can I show you somethin'?
The reason I know
the owner doesn't mind
us chopping down a tree
is because my great-uncle Steve
used to own this place.
So, my uncle Steve passed
two years ago.
Two years?
He must've had
a great housekeeper.
Uh, well...
here, can I take your jacket?
Okay. Yeah.
Here. Thank you.
What's going on?
Well, um...
I inherited the place.
This is yours?
It is.
But I don't remember you having
a family cabin as a kid.
Well, my uncle Steve
wasn't the friendliest guy,
but he worked in forestry,
so when I joined up,
we became closer,
and he left the place to me.
Jazzy must love it here.
Yeah. She does.
Oh, that reminds me.
Can I see your phone?
Thank you.
May I have that back?
No, you may not.
What are we doing here?
I need to get back and write.
Okay, look.
Look, look, look.
Last night, I was thinking
about your writer's block,
and I was driving myself crazy
trying to think
of a way to help you,
and this is
what I came up with.
I don't understand.
Look, obviously, I can't
finish your book for you,
but I can...
clear the road.
I can feed you,
and I can be here
to bounce ideas off of,
just like we used to.
I just figured this was...
a lot warmer
than our brainstorming bench.
But what about Jazzy?
Jazzy? She's ten!
She can fend for herself.
Gramma Mia's gonna pick her up
after her sleepover,
they're gonna do
some last-minute shopping,
and they're gonna help out
at the Candy Corner.
This whole thing
is a group effort, Sarah.
But... I don't have my laptop.
Well, you didn't have a laptop
when you wrote before.
I bet you didn't even have it
when you wrote Isabella.
Well, you're right.
I didn't.
We're going old-school here, Sarah.
And... I picked this up.
So we're stocked.
What are you doing?
Oh, um...
I'm making
a garland for the tree.
It's kind of a family tradition.
You're making a garland?
Yes, Sarah,
I have a daughter now,
and I... I do crafts.
This... this is me.
But quit stalling!
Tell me what you got so far.
Come on.
- Okay, okay!
I left off when Roger
was having some issues, um...
Roger helping Isabella
find her kismet was genius.
Thank you.
No. Are you kidding?
All right!
Yes! Yes!
You did it. Congratulations.
No. We did it.
Thank you.
I'm gonna type this up
when I get home
and send it to Benny
in the morning.
Oh, um...
...it's my daughter
texting from Gramma Mia's phone,
asking me politely
where her Christmas tree is.
We should to go.
Yeah, okay. I'll get the fire.
- I'll clean this up.
- Okay.
It's Christmas Eve, you know?
I have a life.
No, you don't.
Besides, I have
a Christmas present for you.
You can open it early.
What is it?
Check your email.
Oh, if you were here right now,
I would hug you!
Can you read it right away?
Because I think it's good,
but I'm a writer,
so I'm also needy
and thin-skinned.
Yes, you are,
and yes, I can.
Okay, bye.
Wait, wait, wait!
Did Travis help with this?
He took me to a charming cabin
in the woods,
confiscated my phone,
and fed me fudge and coffee
'til I was done?
That man is
a walking, talking chef's kiss.
So maybe that cookie
was right after all.
Read the book, Benny.
Reading! Right now.
You should see our Sarah.
You'd be so proud of her.
And she's here for Christmas.
Oh, I miss you every day.
good morning, darling.
Morning, Gramma.
I get a little sentimental
on Christmas Eve.
Um, listen,
I have some errands to run,
but I won't be gone long.
Oh, Raylene called.
Patsy's in a tizzy.
She doesn't know what to bring
to the mayor's house,
so, uh, duty calls.
Okay, see you later.
See you.
You amazing, amazing house...
I'm in a pickle here.
It's Christmas Eve,
and I want to give my grandma
the one thing
that she really wants,
which to dream
of Grandpop again.
And Patsy needs help too.
And this might be
our last chance,
because I think my grandmother
is leaving us both.
And, if I'm being honest,
I want to see
if I dream of Travis again.
Okay! Okay.
Can I see
if Sarah wants to help us
put the angel
on top of the tree?
Yeah. Seems only fair,
since she picked out the tree.
In the kitchen!
Sarah, do you want to help us
with the angel on the...
You made... kismet cookies?
I did.
Are those
the true-love kinds?
Yes. They are.
I'm going to deliver one
to a friend.
I'll catch up
with you later, okay?
Half a pound
of peppermint crunch.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
You look like someone
who could use some more fudge.
Merry Christmas.
Oh, my...
It looks exactly
the way I remember it!
Oh, honey!
But how did you...?
Well, Gramma Mia was right.
We are meant
to have that recipe.
Sweet dreams, Miss Patsy.
Thank you, honey.
I might have a service issue
in the square or something.
If you squeeze that phone
any tighter,
it's gonna turn to dust.
Well... I just don't know
what's taking Benny so long.
I feel like
he really must hate it.
Oh, yeah, that's the only
possible explanation.
Unless, of course,
he's already here,
and you just happen
to randomly bump into him.
What are you doing here?
I have to meet family tomorrow,
so I added a stop...
because we need to talk.
I read the manuscript.
And it's...
I'm sorry.
That was so mean.
It is every bit as good
as the first.
Dare I say... better?
Oh, oh. So sorry.
Travis, Benny.
Benny, Travis.
Hi. Nice to finally meet you.
You too.
Benny, I cannot believe
that you're here.
Do you need to stay with us?
No, I booked at the B&B.
I have an early flight.
I just wanted to see your face
in real life when I told you.
And I wanted to see...
this town.
And maybe finally meet
Gramma Mia?
Oh, okay, well, um...
I think that could be arranged.
Come, come, come.
Come on.
So, wait, did you actually
bake kismet cookies?
Yeah, I did.
But I thought the recipe was...
Don't even.
I can't explain it.
Well... did you
save me one?
Seriously? You want to try it?
Jaded literary agents
need love too, you know.
you know, I'm gonna
go back to the B&B
and make some calls.
I'll text you later.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Gramma Mia?
Hey, darling.
- Hey.
- Hi.
I found the recipe.
I know.
Hey! Where are the cookies?
Oh, they're gone.
I mean, you told Patsy,
so Patsy told Raylene,
and Raylene told... everyone...
Yes, it was...
it was like old times again
for a few minutes.
I mean, there was...
there was a line out the door.
I forgot how much I missed it.
Well, we can do it
next year, right?
We can bake all day.
You're selling the house,
aren't you?
That's why
you're sorting everything.
Yeah, I am.
Are you okay?
Please be okay.
I really need you to be okay.
Oh, my gosh, I am so okay!
I... oh, I'm fine, darling.
I-I-I'm fit as ever.
I just...
I just miss teaching.
I miss...
I miss helping children.
So I've signed up for, um,
for a program for seniors
teaching English abroad.
I just didn't know
how to tell you.
What about the house?
Oh, it's...
it's just too much for me now.
But the kismet needs
a Collins woman here.
- Well...
- I think.
I suppose you're right, but...
...maybe this really is the end.
I guess...
Patsy will have
our last kismet cookie.
I saved one for you...
in case you wanted it.
No. You keep it.
I made it for you,
'cause I want you
to dream of Grandpop again.
...are you sure?
I'm sure.
Thank you, darling.
I love you.
Did you know that she
was planning to sell the house?
Well, I suspected,
but I didn't know
she was gonna go teach.
That's kind of excellent.
Well, I know, but...
What about the kismet?
When I was little, I knew...
I just knew...
that it was all real...
like, the cookies,
and that we were special.
But when I...
You had the dream about me.
Yeah, it all...
pretty much crashed down.
And I started thinking
that it was just some fluff
that my family told,
and the whole town
went along with it.
But... now?
I don't know what to think.
I mean, this town...
and the cookies,
and, I don't know,
all the people, like...
...it feels like home again.
Travis, I don't even
want to tell you
how long I spent struggling
to write the second book.
Like, struggling.
But I come here and... wow!
there are ideas in here
that I've written down
for the next three
Isabella books.
I don't want my grandmother
to sell her house!
I don't want
some stranger living there.
I don't want some stranger
living there either.
I want you living there.
I bet Gramma Mia'd give you
a great deal on the place.
Oh, well...
I'm leaving soon, so...
My life's in New York.
But, Sarah...
...what if...
that cookie was right
all those years ago?
If I promise not to marry anyone
tomorrow morning,
would you stick around, and...
and maybe we could find out?
I-I... I cannot do this
right now.
I don't, um...
good night, Travis.
- Sarah? Sarah!
- No. Good night.
Sarah, wait!
So we're back
to believing that kismet's real?
I don't know.
Maybe? Uh...
But all the cookies are gone,
so you can't prove your theory?
Is it too late
to bake another batch?
1:15 a.m.
Merry Christmas.
Well, seems like
you have two choices.
One, you come back to New York
and make your agent very happy,
you stay single,
and maybe get
writer's block again,
and some stranger moves
into Gramma Mia's house.
Or two...
you move here,
to this cute town
that inspires you,
in a house that you seem
to share DNA with,
and the handsome guy
you've loved
since you were a kid,
who clearly
feels something too.
It's a cripplingly difficult
decision, I know.
But, Benny...
But, Sarah.
What if none of it's real?
Oh, but what if it all is?
Ooh! Merry Christmas,
darling Sarah!
Merry Christmas!
Gramma Mia...
I have two questions for you.
Did you dream of Grandpop?
All night.
- Then the recipe worked.
- Yeah.
Okay, second question, then.
How many cookies
did you give away last night?
All of them.
But how many?
Um... seven or eight.
Well, I made 12.
So one for you,
one for Patsy...
But that means that there were
ten of them on the counter.
Oh, no, there were
definitely not that many.
Well, I just found one
under my pillow...
And if there were two of them
missing, then...
that means...
Did you dream about Travis?
It worked!
Oh, that's fantastic!
Mia, have you come clean
with your granddaughter yet?
Oh, she has.
Wait! You have, right?
There's not more, is there?
Because I can never tell
with you.
No, that's everything!
I just wanted to come by
and thank you.
I'm so relieved.
And happy!
And excited!
Oh, I want
to see that necklace!
Oh, I'll come by later.
I promise!
Merry Christmas!
Okay, so...
before we open presents,
let's go next door
and give Gramma Mia her gifts,
all right?
And then when we're over there,
I'd like you
to apologize to Sarah
for putting that cookie
under her pillow.
Hey. Jazzy.
You don't
have to give me sad-face.
I just want you
to take responsibility, okay?
Merry Christmas.
Anybody home?
Yes! In the kitchen.
Merry Christmas, Gramma Mia.
- Where's Sarah?
- Jazzy. Oh, she's not here.
What's that?
Oh, that's the second
Isabella book.
First draft,
hot off the presses.
She used her real name.
Yes, she did!
And she left that for you.
She left it?
Mm. Yeah, before
she went to the airport.
The airport?
Daddy, is she leaving
because of something I did?
Oh, no, no, no, sweetie. No.
I think she left because of
something I didn't do.
Come on!
- Daddy, we have to catch her.
I know! Let's go!
Wait! Wait,
you don't underst--
Sarah, I'm so sorry
about the cookie!
Please don't leave!
I'm not mad at you, Jazzy.
It's okay.
Gramma Mia said you were
going to the airport,
so I thought...
Oh, I... I gave Benny a lift.
He had an early flight.
So you're not leaving?
No, I thought
I'd stick around.
Do some more writing.
Maybe buy Gramma Mia's house.
Unless you got married
while I was at the airport?
No, ma'am, I did not.
Jazzy? Come on.
Why don't you and I
go make some breakfast?
But I already ate.
Did she put a cookie
under your pillow, too?
Oh yeah!
And did you dream about me?
It doesn't matter.
Look, I don't
need a cookie to tell me
that I'm in love with you.
It doesn't matter
what I dreamed.
You totally dreamt about me,
didn't you?
All night long.
Did you?
You want to know
what I remember
about that infamous
not-really-a-bear attack?
locking the deadbolt?
Before that!
There was a split second
where you didn't know
it was a dog either.
And you stepped in front of me.
You remember that?
You stepped between me
and the bear.
That was the day I fell in love
with you, Travis Walker...
...and it's been
every day since.
Of course I dreamt
about you again.
It's kismet.
Merry Christmas, Sarah-Bear.