A Merry Christmas Wish (2022) Movie Script

So, we make it to shore, finally.
Bill, this is the first time
I've ever been in a kayak.
So, I am trying to get
out of the thing
and my foot, it gets...
it gets caught on the side
of the boat.
- Hmm.
- And we go over.
Keep in mind this is David,
he is the head
of the Water-Sports company,
he goes under in front of all
of his employees.
I know, I know, it's not
my shiniest moment.
Needless to say,
that was the first and last time
I ever took a client kayaking.
Janie's marketing genius
led to the company's best
quarter in five years,
so David was quick
to forgive her.
Quite the story.
Lucky for you, I don't kayak,
I just don't kayak.
Thank you Bill!
No kayaking!
Alright everyone,
let's get to it,
we haven't closed for
Christmas quite yet.
- What are you doing here?
- Oh, well, I thought
I could take you out
for a romantic dinner.
What? Does a guy need
an ulterior motive
to pick up his girlfriend
from work?
And you know,
if you happen to know
any wealthy clients who may need
help with their finances...
I will slip him your card.
- Janie, do you have a moment?
- Oh, yeah, oh,
you remember my boyfriend,
Of course. It's good
to see you again.
- You too.
- And this man
we're schmoozing
is Bill Rivers--
President of Dinosaur
Energy Drinks?
That's right.
I'm pretty sure the schmoozing
will soon be over
now that I've become a client.
- Well, it's nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
You know,
Janie loves your products.
Before spin class,
she always chugs a Green Tea-Rex
to help her power through it.
Always happy to meet
a satisfied customer.
That's me.
I must say, I like
the team you have here, Elle.
I could use more sharp minds
like hers.
Hmm. Well, Janie, before you
leave for the day,
can I steal a quick moment?
- Yeah, of course.
I'll be back.
- We'll just be a minute.
Bill, Charles Miller,
Miller Investments.
Miller Investments?
Can I talk to you
about your portfolio?
That true what your boyfriend
said back there?
You actually drink this stuff
before you work out?
No, you know me,
when am I gonna work out?
Okay, have a seat.
Janie, you were amazing
in that room.
Bill took such a shine to you.
I want you to take point
on his campaign.
Are you serious?
Okay, great, thank you.
No need to thank me,
you earned it.
In fact, you know what?
I'm gonna get started
right away.
Hold on.
I thought you would say that.
But listen, I know
that you're headed tomorrow
back upstate to...
- Woodland Falls.
- Right.
I'm sorry about your uncle.
Randall, right?
He was my great uncle.
But thank you,
he was a really special man.
Take as much time as you need
to get his affairs in order.
Bill's out of town
until Christmas,
so we've got a couple of weeks.
Well, I only need a few days.
However, when I get back,
I am going to LA
with Charles for a week
for a vacation, so.
Good. I cannot remember
the last holiday where
you didn't at least
drop by the office.
Seriously, enjoy your time off.
- Okay. I will.
But I am gonna bring
my computer.
Figured as much.
I am proud of you.
It was a good day for me too,
I talked Bill into letting me
look at his portfolio.
You and I make quite the team.
Yes we do.
Speaking of which, have you
thought anymore about coming
to Woodland Falls with me?
You know I would love to,
I just have so much going on,
and now I've gotta meet
with Bill--
Hmm, okay.
Could you seriously
see me on a farm?
No. But you know what?
I haven't been there
since I was ten years old.
I mean, maybe it's not
a farm anymore.
Maybe it's a resort with a spa?
Oh, you know, I promise you...
It sounds like that,
it's gonna be exactly the same.
You know what's so weird, though?
It's that it's only
three hours away
but it just feels so far for me.
Good news is you're only
gonna be there for a few days.
I mean, seriously, how long can
it take to pack up a farmhouse?
Alright. I'm going to leave,
get out of your hair so you can
actually finish packing.
But I will see you
in a few days.
Okay, I can't wait.
And then a week
of poolside lounging.
Ah, yes!
- See you soon.
- Good night,
thank you for dinner.
- Of course.
Joy to the world
The Lord has come
Let Earth receive her King
Welcome back, Janie.
Let every heart
Prepare him room
And heaven and nature sing
Janie Collins.
How long's it been? 20 years?
Ugh, yeah, I guess so
Mr. Reynolds,
although you have not
changed a bit.
Well, I'll try
and take that as a compliment.
And please, call me Sidney,
you're not 10 anymore.
I know I mentioned this
over the phone,
but I can't tell you how sorry
I am about Randall.
He was more than just a client,
he was a dear friend.
Thank you. That means a lot.
Anyway, better
take care of business.
Randall provided a list
of the valuables
he wished to bequeath
to his friends in town.
As executor of his estate,
everything else is up to you.
Right. And I'll be here
for a few days,
I'm gonna pack up his things
and then, I'll decide
what to do with the rest.
Sure. And, of course,
your inheritance.
I'm... I'm sorry,
my inheritance?
I didn't know
I had an inheritance.
Yes, I know. Randall,
he insisted I deliver
this news in person.
You know, Janie, I fear
you may not be prepared
for the magnitude
of what he left you.
He left me the farm?
That's right.
The land, the equipment,
the farmhouse,
everything other
than what he specified
in that first document,
it's all yours.
Okay, but what am I supposed
to do with a farm?
Whatever you want. It's yours.
Keep it, hire someone to run it,
sell it,
which I'd be happy to
help you with, if you'd like.
Can I ask if he confided in
you why he gave me the farm?
Perhaps this can shed
a little light on things.
Randall gave me that,
asked me to make sure
it got into your hands.
What is this?
My guess:
answers to your questions.
Hello, what are you doing here?
What... Ugh.
Did you just throw
a snowball at me?
Yes, I did, I was trying
to get your attention
to ask what you're doing here.
I can't hear you!
I was just...
Could you take those...
Could you just turn
the tractor off?
I'm gonna turn
the tractor off!
Good idea.
Are you here for the eggs?
- Am I... What?
- The fresh eggs. You want some?
Uh, no. I don't want any eggs,
I don't need eggs.
I'm just wondering
what you're doing here.
- Yes?
- Are you Janie Collins?
- Yes.
- Wow.
I mean, I haven't seen you
in forever!
You don't remember me, do you?
- Hm, no, should I?
I mean, you spent literally
like every day
at my house as kids,
you and my sister
were inseparable.
Are you Nicole's brother?
- Dylan?
- Dylan, yeah, right.
Wow, you...
You don't look the same.
Well, I mean...
Well, of course
you don't look the same.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Oh, wow, oh, I am so sorry
about that,
I apologize, the snowball--
Is that your go-to opener,
just kind of launch
a snowball at somebody?
Is that how you roll?
No, I was just trying
to get your attention,
to ask what you were doing here.
I was just taking out
the tractor,
a little winter maintenance.
Right. No, I know what
you were doing, it's just,
what you were doing here,
on this farm.
Oh, no, I work here
on this farm.
Last few years,
I've been working here
with Randall.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Actually, co-running it
pretty much.
I stay right there
in the guest cottage,
I live here. Yeah,
I've been just
kind of keeping an eye
on the place, he asked me to,
until the new owner
figured out what
they're gonna do
with it, which...
Which I'm guessing is you?
- Yeah.
Temporarily, anyway.
Um, you gotta be freezing,
let's get you in the house--
Oh no, no, no. You know what?
No, I can do it, you're fine,
you just do whatever
you were doing,
I know you've got
a lot of work to do, I'm sure.
I will... go in and get
myself settled, no problem.
Absolutely. Of course.
Yeah, you go get...
acclimated to being back
and then, I'll just come by
in the morning
and I'll tell you everything
you need to know about the farm
and... I don't know,
maybe we'll grab
a bite to eat or something.
Oh, the...
That would be great, thank you.
Alright, well, I'll be in
the workshop if you need me,
you just... Yeah, just knock.
Snowball not required.
No, no, of course, yeah.
No more snowballs, I promise.
Alright, well...
Good to see you again.
Yeah. Yeah, really good
seeing you too.
My darling Janie,
I imagine you must be pretty
confused right now.
"Why would Randall
leave me his farm?"
Well, I'll tell you.
In the years I've lived here,
I never saw anyone
light up at this place
more than you did.
I know you haven't seen it much
since you've grown
and made your way in the world,
but there's never been
a doubt in my mind,
the farm belongs to you.
I know it's unlikely
you'll decide to keep it,
if anyone knows how difficult
it is to run this place,
it's yours truly.
But I do have a favour
to ask you.
I'd love to see the old barn
host Winter Wonderland
one last time
and give this beloved
town tradition
the send off it deserves.
It's a lot to ask,
and I know you're so busy,
but if you have the time
and inclination
to stay through Christmas
and help make it happen,
it will mean a lot.
Know that I am
very proud of you
and the person you have become.
Whatever you decide,
I understand.
With love, Randall.
I was hoping I'd here from you.
I'm sorry,
I missed your call earlier,
I've been in meetings all day.
That's okay, I was just
wanting to let you know
I made it here in one piece.
I miss you today...
I'm actually
at your place right now,
dropping off an early present.
- You are?
- I am.
It is a postmodern
Christmas tree.
Well, that's very festive.
No, I thought you might like
a little holiday cheer
when you get back
in a couple of days.
Uh, yeah, well...
about that, I don't know exactly
when I'm gonna be back.
Really? Is everything okay?
Yeah, no, no, no,
it's fine, it's just that...
Well, Randall left me something.
Something big.
What? Like a horse?
No, like the farm.
- The farm? The whole thing?
- Yeah.
Okay, uh,
so what are you gonna do?
I mean, I'll tell you
what I'm thinking,
I'm thinking I can't run a farm
from 200 miles away, right?
You know,
a fully functioning farm
can sell for a lot
of money, Janie.
Yeah... Yes, there is that.
But... there's also
something else.
You see, Randall left me
this letter,
and in the letter, he asked me
if I could put on
the town festival.
A festival?
Yeah, he held it every year
at his farm
and it's called
Winter Wonderland,
and it's like this three-day
Christmas market
that the whole town
participates in.
It's kind of a big deal
out here.
so what does that mean?
Well, uh...
It would mean that I'd have to
stay here until the festival
is over, which is...
Christmas Eve.
Oh. So, LA...
I know, I know. Listen,
I know that you really
wanted to go to LA, but...
Look, I'm not saying
I've made up my mind,
I'm just thinking out loud.
Um... Hey, I actually
have to run,
I'm meeting Bill for drinks.
- No, wait a minute, hold on--
- I'm fine.
Look, a couple of days
on the farm,
you'll be dreaming
for a real vacation,
I'm not too worried.
Okay. I love you.
I'll talk to you soon.
So, how's it feel being back?
Strangely familiar.
Though definitely different
from Manhattan.
Yeah, well, I bet.
Randall mentioned
that you ended up there,
not too far from home.
Yeah... Yeah, but it feels
like a different planet.
You know, the culture,
the architecture,
the food, the energy, everything.
Well, I don't know
about the culture,
but the eating here
is pretty good, case in point.
- Oh. Is this the old Pit Stop?
- Yeah!
Oh, yeah, Randall and I
used to come here
every Saturday morning,
we used to... we used to get
the short stack.
Wow, good memory.
Unfortunately, there's not
as many greasy diners
in Woodland Falls
as there used to be,
but the food here is so good,
you're gonna love it.
Thank you.
Hope you're hungry.
You're right,
food's incredible.
Aw, good, I'm glad.
I'm glad you like it.
I mean, you should be here
during harvest,
because that's when it's...
it's literally farm to table.
It's even better,
if you can believe it.
No, nothing, it's just that...
I don't know,
this is a little funny for me,
you know, I haven't seen you
since I was ten years old
and here we sit, just chatting
away like old friends.
Hmm. Yeah.
I mean, we are kind of old.
Hey, no, no, no,
don't put me in that category.
No, all I mean is
you're just easy to talk to.
- Huh.
- Yeah.
That's really nice of you
to say, thank you.
Can I ask your advice
on something?
So, Randall left me
this letter,
and in the letter,
he asks me to put on
Winter Wonderland this year.
- Really?
What do you mean?
Well, you remember
how big a deal
Winter Wonderland is, right?
Yeah, I mean, it's a festival.
No, no, it's so much more
than a festival.
There's so many people,
are you kidding me now?
And not just because we're crazy
about Christmas around here,
but because... I mean, people
really rely on it,
you know, the tourists come in
and they're buying the goods
and they're shopping on
Main Street, it's a real boost
to the local economy
every Holiday Season,
Randall knew that,
that's why he put it
on every year.
It's a lot of work, I know
because I helped him do it,
but I don't think people
are really expecting it
to happen so, if you go home
and don't do it,
you don't have to feel guilty
about it.
Except for the fact
that I'm ignoring
my great uncle's last wish.
Hmm. Except for that.
Well, if you do decide
to put it on, um...
I'd be happy to help you.
Thank you,
I appreciate that.
Just think about it
for a little while,
and not too long,
'cause there's like,
about a week left
to throw it all together, so.
No pressure, right?
Whatever you decide,
I understand.
You've reached Charles.
Leave a message
and I'll hit you back.
Hey. It's me. Uh, I know that
you're probably working,
but I just had to say something,
and I know this means
cancelling LA and I'm sorry,
and I hope that you understand,
but... I'm gonna stay here
for Christmas
and I'm gonna put
on Winter Wonderland.
Janie, what do you mean
you're staying?
I know this ruins your plans
and I'm sorry,
but it's important.
I don't understand.
Why do you have to stay,
can't someone else do it?
No, Charles. He asked me to.
Besides, why don't you just
cancel your reservation,
you can come down here,
it'll be fun.
It's too late to cancel.
Also, I set up a few meetings
out there.
Trying to expand my client base.
And there's the real reason.
So, is it safe to assume that
you are still going?
I have to.
You know, Charles, I don't
understand why you can't
come down here with me,
but yet you can take
a big trip to California?
Look, I'll be in LA
for a week.
If you come to your senses,
there's a room waiting for you.
Okay. Alright Charles,
I'll talk to you later.
Hey, city girl!
Oh, hi. Didn't even see
you there.
How are you settling in?
Are you uh...
You need anything?
Uh, well, I was actually just
gonna come over
and talk to you, just to--
Wow, that's... strong.
No, I was actually gonna
come over and talk to you later
and just tell you that...
I've decided I'm gonna stay.
Yeah, I'm gonna put on
Winter Wonderland.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah.
That's fantastic!
I'm so happy to hear that,
I was really hoping
that you would.
Oh, well,
can't really let down Randall
and the entire
rest of the town, apparently.
So, you... you said that
you have some experience
putting this thing on?
- Every Christmas
since I've been working
with Randall.
Um, great. Great.
Well, where do I start?
Come with me.
Aren't you cold?
Come on in here.
Ooh. It's not quite as...
magical as I remember it.
Well, that's because
it's usually cleared out by now.
That's the first order
of business,
we've gotta clean
this place up.
Right yeah. Yeah.
Then we gotta decorate.
And we've gotta set
the vendors' stands up,
not to mention the petting zoo
and the carnival games,
we gotta hire a Santa.
- Wow, okay,
that's... that's a lot.
It's really grown that much, huh?
Oh, every Christmas
it gets bigger and bigger.
You're not feeling in over
your head already, are you?
No, not at all.
Everything is manageable
with a plan in place,
we just have to follow it
step by step,
and the first step is
letting everybody know
that the festival is on.
Yeah. Absolutely.
That was Randall's area
of expertise,
so I'm not exactly sure how much
I can help you with that.
No, no, no, it's totally fine.
This is what I do, trust me.
- Ah.
- However, I may need your help,
because I'd like to get
a few more photos
for the festival to post online.
Oh. Yeah, yeah, my sister
could help with that.
Nicole's got like albums
full of photos from years past
and I'm heading over to her
house tonight for dinner.
- She still lives here?
- Yeah.
You should come tonight.
- I would love to see Nicole.
Yes, I am in.
- Great.
There's a bit of snow here.
- Oh!
- Whew!
- Oh, no! I have heels on.
There you go.
- Thank you.
Think they're gonna
recognize me?
Well, I kinda texted everybody
and let 'em know
you were coming,
so don't be surprised if--
Janie Collins?!
It is so good to see you!
- You too!
- Wow.
Hey, brother.
- Hey, hey.
- Come on in!
- Okay.
I can't believe
that you're a deputy!
Yeah, so after high school,
I went straight into the academy
and I've been making
Woodland Falls
a safer place ever since.
And clearly we need it,
it's got one
of the lowest crime rates
in the county.
But how do you think
it got that way?
Fair enough.
Um, along the way,
I married Rick and we had a kid.
What, wait a minute.
You married Rick?!
- Yeah, we're still together.
- Where is he?
Well, he's on the road
for work until Christmas,
but he's working with Santa
to bring back Gracie
a special present to open
on Christmas morning.
- Oh, that's nice.
- Yeah.
So, what about you, Esther,
are you still painting?
I am.
Mom opened up a gallery,
right in town.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I would love to see it
before I leave.
Oh, any time my dear,
you come on by.
So, what have you been up to
all these years, Janie?
Dylan mentioned that you're
in the Big Apple now.
Yeah, I am. I am.
Uh, I am working for a company
called Knit.
We do marketing and
brand management for products,
place them with influencers,
increase their online presence,
things like that.
I have no idea what most
of that means,
but it sounds really interesting.
Oh, it is, it is, I promise.
It's stressful and there's
not a lot of downtime,
but it is what it is,
I just wish I could pick
the products that I try to sell.
I mean, trying to sell
energy drinks,
sometimes it's not that fun.
Well, I hear that
you are putting on
the Winter Wonderland this year.
And I cannot tell you how much
the town is going to
appreciate that.
Yeah, Dylan said
you need pictures?
I mean, I have tons.
Why don't we go
through the album
after we're done eating?
- That sounds great.
- Great.
- This looks amazing.
Thank you so much.
- Enjoy everybody.
- Yes!
- Okay.
Well? Two full days back,
what do you think?
It was great.
Great. I mean, it's hard to beat
Christmas in Woodland Falls.
- Right?
- Yeah, I'll admit that.
I mean, you should give
the rest of the year a shot.
Fall here is so spectacular.
You probably don't even
remember that, do you?
Plus, you could help out
with the harvest.
[{I mean, assuming
you don't sell the farm.
- Right.
Uh, you know, I want to be
completely transparent here,
I did ask Sidney
to put the farm up for sale.
Well, um...
I kind of thought it was just a
matter of time, I guess anyways.
Hm. But it's not like
we're saying goodbye.
You know, we're still gonna do
the festival.
Yeah, no, no, no.
Of course not. No.
- Great.
Well, I should probably
get to bed,
because we still have
tons of work left.
Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
Yeah. Me too, me too.
Good night.
- Good night.
Oh. Ooh.
Good morning.
Good morning.
You look, um, tired.
Thank you.
Thank you. Yeah, I was up
all night working on posts
for Winter Wonderland.
Come on in.
Yeah, close the door.
Close the door.
What is this?
Oh, I had to do a little
grocery shopping for myself
this morning,
I figured Randall's fridge
was still pretty bare,
so I got you some groceries
while I was at it.
- That's sweet.
- Yeah. No problem.
I also got you some great stuff
from the farm.
Now this brings back memories.
You know, Randall used to
walk me around this farm.
He taught me how to do everything.
And I am embarrassed to say
I can't remember
how to do any of it.
I can show you a few things
if you want.
I'm not doing
your chores for you.
I would never ask you
to do that,
but you do happen to own
the place, albeit temporarily.
You might enjoy it.
Plus, the sooner
I finish my chores, the sooner
I can help you
with Winter Wonderland.
Yeah, there it is,
there it is, quid-pro-quo.
Yeah, something like that.
Okay. Alright, well,
what's first?
We start by you
getting dressed.
Oh, yeah. Oh, sorry,
I'll be right back.
I can't thank you enough Earl, honestly,
your trees are always
just so beautiful.
But this one has to be the best
tree ever, it really does.
Well, we always save the best
for Randall.
Hey, Janie, come here.
Meet Earl.
Earl's family has the Christmas
tree lot across town.
Everybody in Woodland Falls,
I mean,
everybody buys their trees
from this man and his family
at the Wyatt Farm.
Yeah, the Wyatts.
I remember you guys,
didn't you sell honey?
Oh, we're still doing
the honey.
But when my daughter
Julie got married,
we expanded the operation a bit.
Nice. Well,
it's nice to see you again.
You too.
Seriously though, folks are
awfully happy to hear
the Winter Wonderland
is back on.
It's a big part of this town,
something we really
can't afford to lose.
The fact that it's good
for business doesn't hurt.
Yeah, I hear that.
I'm glad it's helping.
- Hey, Earl.
You guys ever thought about
having a second location?
Here you go.
Need any help with that?
I got it,
what are you talking about?
- Ah!
- This is a tree.
This is a tree.
Right here okay?
- Yeah, that's fine.
- Okay.
Oh, here. Let me move
these boxes.
What do you think?
That's the spot.
Right there for sure, yeah.
Hey, that was
a really nice thing
that you did for Earl,
I gotta say.
Can I have some scissors?
- Yeah.
He's probably gonna sell
twice as many trees
when people show up
at Winter Wonderland,
they see a whole forest
of Christmas trees out there.
It's just good for business.
Plus, it means more traffic
for both of us and we have
this pretty little display
of Christmas trees
right in front of the barn,
all free of charge.
Thank you very much.
You actually made a profit
on the deal,
somehow when they gave you
this tree.
Well, what can I say,
I'm a genius.
You do have
a good head for it,
you would make a decent farmer.
I'm serious!
People think it's just like
waking up at the crack of dawn
and doing some heavy lifting
or whatever,
but you need to have a good
business sense and you do.
And by the way, I gotta say,
you're not as useless at
farm work as I thought you'd be.
Thank you?
I guess you can't take
the farm out of the girl.
This work, yes,
it is exhausting.
But I don't know,
I'm really enjoying it,
and it's...
somehow satisfying.
That looks great.
- That's a nice tree.
It's a good tree, it's...
It's not a Christmas tree yet.
You know what?
There's some boxes
in the basement
labelled "Christmas".
I mean, the tree needs
some love.
I'll go check.
I can't believe you've been
here an entire week
and you're just putting up
the Christmas tree now.
Well, in my defence, I mean,
I was only supposed
to be here a few days.
Well lucky for us,
those plans fell through.
Man, that's pretty perfect.
Yeah, it is.
Here you go.
Hey, um, have you heard from
Sidney about selling?
Oh, I'm actually supposed
to meet with him tomorrow.
You know, I'm hoping that
we find a really good buyer.
Oh, I hope so. I mean,
Randall would have loved
to keep this farm up
and running,
he really would have.
I don't know why he gave it
to me, I mean,
I haven't stepped foot on a farm
in like 20 years.
Um, but listen, I am being
serious about it,
because I know that
your home and your job
is all tied up in what happens
to this place, so.
- Yeah, no, I know.
- Yeah.
Still, I just don't know
why he gave it to me.
Of all people.
- Wait.
Really? You don't?
- No, I don't.
- He was crazy about you, Janie,
he talked about you
all the time.
- He did?
- Yes, he was...
He was so proud of you.
I mean, I know you only lived
here for 10 years,
but those 10 years
that you spent
visiting him at the farm were...
They were like
everything to him.
I think you were the closest
thing to a daughter he ever had.
It's Charles.
You, um...
you gonna answer that?
I haven't decided yet.
That doesn't sound good.
Well, it's just that...
The last time we spoke,
things got a little...
And, yeah.
Uh, you know what? I should
probably call him back.
Yeah. Right. I'll...
I'll head out,
leave you to it. Um, hey.
It's been really nice
reconnecting with you.
Yeah. It has.
And thanks for the tree,
I love it.
Good. I'll see you tomorrow.
- Okay.
- Okay. Bye.
Janie, this is such a good idea.
- Thank you.
- I can't believe Randall
never thought to do it,
it just seems so obvious now.
What about this one, Mom?
Oh, Gracie, that's perfect.
Is that the one you want?
You sure?
Okay, I'll ring it up.
Mrs. Wyatt.
We can ring up a six-foot tree
for 50 bucks.
No way.
Mrs. Wyatt, you can't keep
giving away free trees,
it's bad for your business.
Please call me Marjorie.
And there is no way
I'm gonna make a deputy
pay for a Christmas tree.
Especially when she's your
best friend, Janie.
And anyway, the trees
are my son-in-law's business.
Earl and I make our money
selling honey.
That's right.
You know what? I have still yet
to try your honey.
In fact, you know what?
Dylan should be back any minute,
he's probably got some
on his truck.
Well you don't have
to wait till then dear,
I brought some with me...
...for my lunch.
- Ooh.
Now, you just give me
your hand.
- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.
Marjorie, dare I say
that might be the best honey
that I have ever had?
Oh, that's our Apple Blossom,
it's one of my favourites.
But just you wait till you try
the Rosemary.
We've been perfecting
that recipe for 30 years.
It's all natural, mind you.
Wait a minute, it tastes
like this and it's organic?
Okay, so, why don't you sell
this in health food stores?
We don't get too far
out of Woodland Falls.
But that's just fine with me,
because I get to see
the joy on people's faces
as they taste it.
And you can't put a price
on that.
Yeah. I guess you're right.
Oh, there's uncle Dylan.
- Hey, hey!
- Uncle Dylan, look at my tree!
That is a beauty! Whew!
Okay, here you go.
- Hey there.
- Hey.
- How'd it go?
Great, great. I feel like
I saw half the town
this morning.
That's just the first load.
- Wow.
- Uncle Dylan!
Is the petting zoo ready?
As a matter of fact,
the last animals
were dropped off this morning,
the only problem is
we're looking for somebody
to give them all
a nice warm welcome, but...
- Hmm...
- Who could do that?
- I don't know.
Mom, can we? Please?
I suppose I ought to make sure
these animals aren't ferocious.
- Yay!
- You wanna come?
I was just gonna actually...
I was gonna check out the barn--
Yeah, no, I don't think so.
No. Just keep walking.
There they are!
- Careful!
Bring some food,
let's feed the camels.
Aw, look, it's so cute.
- Aren't they so cute?
Yes. Aw.
So, how have you enjoyed
being back?
Oh, it's been amazing, yeah.
I have to say, I have loved
putting on this festival
and being here on the farm,
working with Dylan, it's just...
It feels like for once,
I'm doing something
that matters.
- Yeah, because you are.
- Yeah, I know.
And then... there's Charles.
And I mean, we get along.
Most of the time.
I guess it can't be butterflies
all the time, right?
Anyways, what I'm trying to say
is that this trip
has just opened my eyes,
you know? And maybe,
when I get back
to New York City,
I'll be able to see things
a little more clearly.
Yeah, yeah. I hope so.
So, you want my two cents?
I don't think it gets much
clearer than Woodland Falls
on a starry night.
How's it going over there,
city girl?
These guys are hungry.
- You're very popular.
Look at that.
Ah! Ah!
Oh my gosh.
They can tell you're
from New York.
- Here you go.
- Here you go.
- Okay, alright Gracie.
- Wow.
Wait until you see
all of this...
- Look at this!
- Look at this,
this is your grandma's
And we've got some hand-made
originals right over here.
That's right.
And we got Wyatt's honey.
Oh, so much more too.
Wow, Mom, look at
all the cookies!
Wow, Gracie. Hey,
speaking of cookies,
don't we have a special project
we need to get home to?
Yeah, yeah. We do.
But you'll be back tomorrow to
help finish setting up, right?
- We'll be here.
- You better. Okay.
- Good night you two.
- Good night.
- Bye Gracie.
- Bye!
Now, as nice as this looks,
there's something else
I want to show you.
Upstairs? Finally!
I get to see it?
Let's go.
Close your eyes at the top
of the stairs, though.
Hey, hey, alright.
You can't see, right?
You can't see through
my fingers right now?
I can't see, that's why
I'm walking like this.
- Am I going too fast?
- No, you're okay now.
- Alright. Okay, stop here.
- Okay.
Now I'm gonna take my hand...
Well, no, I don't want you
to open it.
I'm gonna take my hand away,
don't open your eyes, promise?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Um, alright.
So, I'm gonna be right back--
Wait a minute,
where are you going?
I'll be right back,
you're safe. It's fine.
And I'm gonna count to three,
when I count to three,
um, you're gonna open your eyes.
Okay? On three.
- Okay.
Ready? One, two...
I can't believe this,
this is incredible.
Did you do this all by yourself?
Yeah. Yeah, I just kind of
kept it a secret
and wanted to surprise you.
- Wow.
- You like it?
- Yes. I love it.
Of course I forgot the radio
was on--
- Oh!
- Let me just, uh--
Oh, no, no, no,
wait, wait, wait.
Oh, that song.
Randall and I used to dance to
it when I was a little girl.
And he used to tell me
it was our song.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay I just...
I miss him.
Well, obviously,
I'm not half the dancer Randall
was, but...
I'd really love to fill in,
if you'd have me.
Yeah. That would be nice.
I think we should
go unload the truck.
But you did a really
good job in here.
Hmm. Thanks.
And thank you for the dance.
How'd I do?
You're not as good as
Randall, but...
Hey, Marjorie! Didn't Dylan
already do a pickup for you?
How much honey do you have?
Well, 30 years' worth.
Thought I'd bring
just a few more.
You should see the cellar!
Might as well live in a hive.
Uh, can you take those
to the booth for me, please?
Yeah, I think
I can handle that.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey, hon.
- Hmm!
The place looks great, Janie.
Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Hey, are you ready
to play Santa tomorrow?
Oh, you bet.
Luckily, I fit the part.
I got the belly of a man
who stopped farming
but kept eating honey.
Spitting image.
Oh, we'd better
go help Dylan set up.
- Shall we?
- Mm-hmm!
Hey, what's wrong?
Poor Gracie spent all day
yesterday making cookies.
She wanted to sell them to raise
money for school, only...
They're disgusting.
Well, I mean, I'm sure
they're not that bad.
May I?
I knew it!
No, we can fix it.
No, we can't! Mom already
tried helping me
and look what happened!
I think I made things worse.
I can barely boil water.
I know what we're gonna do.
We're gonna start over
and we are gonna make
the best cookies
you have ever tasted
in your entire life.
Okay! This batch is cooled,
I think it's time
for a taste test.
Ooh, ooh, ooh!
- Right.
- Thank you. Ready?
Hmm! Hmm.
Now, that's a cookie.
You know what we call them?
Do you remember?
I don't.
Friendship cookies.
Oh, right, friendship cookies!
I'm gonna make so much money
for school!
Yes, you are!
Janie, you in there?
Yeah, door's open.
Excuse me.
- Sorry.
Whoa! You guys have been busy.
So, how's everything coming
along at the barn?
Good. Starting to wind down,
but pretty much ready
for tomorrow.
Uncle Dylan, come try one.
Yes! Yes.
So good. And by the way,
exactly how I remember them.
You don't remember them.
I do so!
Oh, really?
What are they called?
You don't think I know.
Friendship cookies.
Okay, I'm impressed. Yeah.
I love these, you kidding me?
So good.
Oh, it's Mom.
Just give me one second.
Hmm! Oh!
Put me to work, what can I do?
You could roll out
some more dough.
Yeah, I can.
Absolutely. Bring in the muscle
to roll out the dough,
I see how it is over here.
Can I eat the dough?
Mom says it gives you worms.
I will not be eating
the dough.
Okay, good news.
Just got off the phone with Mom.
She has some old paintings
to donate to Winter Wonderland.
- Great!
- Yeah, and apparently,
you didn't answer her text?
I did forget that, didn't I?
Anyways, she wants someone
to swing by the gallery
tonight to pick them up.
Okay, I'll fire up the truck.
Unless you want to go?
Oh, we still have
these cookies to decorate.
I can handle the cookies,
you take a break.
You know, I could go with you.
I'd love to see
your gallery anyway.
We can make it a fun
girl's night out.
You know, that does sound
kind of nice.
Okay! I mean, I'd be crazy
to turn down free babysitting.
Thank you!
- You're welcome.
Bye, honey.
Alright, let's go
before he changes his mind.
Let's go!
That did not take long,
that decision.
Alright, you and me, you ready?
Alright, what shape?
- Candy cane.
- Candy canes.
Oh! This is great, Esther,
I can't believe you painted
all of these.
Yeah, it's a couple
of decades' worth.
Yeah, but I've been meaning
to clear up more space
in the gallery for a while now.
The gallery only features
work from local artists.
Mom loves to give them a home.
I think that is great.
Are any of these your favourite?
Ooh! Well... This one.
Oh... That's beautiful.
Thank you.
I finished it about a week
before you arrived.
Where I painted it isn't far
from your farm.
Well, I suppose I should start
arranging things in the booth.
Would you girls bring
the rest of them in?
Right behind you, Mom.
And I'll bet you thought
this town had no culture.
This is nice.
Oh, it is.
You know, I can't remember
the last time I went
out with a friend.
Oh! Me neither.
- Really?
- Yes!
You know, I guess it's my fault.
I haven't really made time
for friends.
Well, thank you for making
the time for me.
This has been so nice.
Oh, it's my pleasure.
Although, you should really
be thanking Dylan,
because he's watching Gracie.
Yeah! Yeah, he's okay,
I guess.
For an annoying older brother.
He seems like he's really good
with kids though.
Yeah, yeah, he is.
Have you ever thought
about having kids at all?
I mean, yeah. Yeah,
definitely thought about it.
And I am approaching
the age at which it gets
a little bit more pressing.
And then,
there's moments like today,
when I'm baking cookies
with Gracie and I remember
all those moments
with Randall and I think,
"Yeah, that's exactly
what I want."
I see it so clearly.
And what does Charles want?
Oh. I think he doesn't want
to talk about it.
And he always changes
the subject
and turns it back to our careers
and how much it costs and...
I don't know,
maybe it's a moot point.
Well, it shouldn't be.
I mean, it's something you want.
It should at least
be an option, right?
Janie, you deserve
to have the life you want.
Wherever that is.
Good morning!
You're just gonna stand there
or you're gonna have
some breakfast?
I'm sorry, I just need
a moment to process the fact
that you actually got up
before me.
Making sure I wasn't dreaming.
Uh, this is what
you dream about?
Ah! I have to tell you,
I had the best sleep
that I've ever had.
Like, in my entire life.
Because you've been working
so hard!
It finally caught up to you.
Oh, I don't know.
I think it's more than that.
I think it's...
when you spend your day doing
something meaningful,
you just... you just
sleep better.
You know, for instance,
I would never be able
to do this in New York.
It's just go, go, go.
In fact, I don't even eat breakfast.
And somehow, this just seems...
natural for me.
Hey! Any interest in checking
the moisture levels
of the grain silos with me?
Uh... Now, that does sound
like fun.
Uh, but I have a better idea.
Why don't you have breakfast
with me?
Consider it like the calm
before the storm.
Hmm. Grain silos
can probably wait.
I honestly don't think
the first day
of Winter Wonderland
has ever had
such an incredible turnout.
It is! It's incredible.
No, I mean, Winter Wonderland
is incredible.
You just had to spread the word
a little more effectively.
Oh, speaking of spreading
the word.
I think Marjorie needs
a little help.
I'll be right back.
Yeah, you go work your magic.
Morning, Marjorie!
How are you doing?
Hi, Janie. I'm doing good.
Having a bit of a slow start.
- Oh.
Must be too early in
the day for honey.
Oh, no, it's never
too early in the day for honey.
It'll pick up soon.
Do you mind if I expedite
things a little bit?
No, I suppose not.
But please don't go to any
trouble on my account.
Oh no, no trouble.
Hey. Hey, do you have
any crackers
or something like a baguette
or something you can just
cut up for me really fast?
Yeah, I can put something
together. Sure.
Oh, Marjorie.
Okay, can you put some honey
on this cracker for me?
Load it up. Wow! Okay.
There you go.
Mm! Oh!
Is that rosemary honey?
Oh yes, it's one
of our specialties.
Oh! It's incredible.
This rosemary honey is just...
Oh! How are
you doing? You should try this.
Get in there.
Oh, yes.
Try them all, in fact.
Oh, wow. You're not kidding.
And this is rosemary?
Yes, and that's Apple
Blossom, Clover and Lilac.
You guys should try this.
Okay, uh...
That was really,
really impressive.
I mean, I didn't do anything.
She has a really great product.
Basically sells itself.
I guess it's easy to market
something when you love it.
Don't you sell
yourself short.
Look at her.
Look, she's so happy,
she's busy now.
And by the way, she deserved it.
You're gonna let yourself
feel good about that.
All in all,
I'd say that was
a pretty good first day.
Pretty good first day?
That was the best first day
of Winter Wonderland
I've ever been to.
And tomorrow, it's gonna
be even better.
did amazing.
I'm not... It's not just me,
this was a group effort.
The town, you guys,
especially you.
Well, I don't know
about you guys,
but I need to get home.
Yeah, me too.
So, I'll see you guys tomorrow?
- Absolutely.
- Okay.
Great job, today.
- Good night.
- Night!
Seems like you had
a pretty good day today.
Oh yeah?
And what is that
supposed to mean?
Nothing! Nothing, no.
Just, well, you and Janie
were basically joined
at the hip, and not just today.
It's been like
that for a week now.
I am just doing my job.
Tough to avoid,
living on the farm.
Oh, it's not what I mean
and you know it.
What's going on between you two?
Oh, Dylan, come on!
You're my brother.
I know when you like someone.
And Janie, I mean...
There's never been
a Janie before.
There really hasn't.
But in two days,
it's gonna be Christmas Eve
and the festival will be over
and Janie will be
on her way back to Manhattan, so...
And you're fine with that?
What am I supposed
to do about it?
What, am I supposed
to get her to stay here
and keep the farm?
Okay, well,
what's the alternative?
You say nothing and then
probably never see her again?
Dylan, you have
two more days with her.
Do you really want them
to be your last?
I know it's a little kitschy.
Oh! Charles!
Sorry. The door was unlocked,
I let myself in.
What are you doing here?
I know I should have called.
But after our last talk,
I decided I didn't want
to wait so long
to see you again.
So, I cut the trip short
and booked a flight up here.
Are you happy to see me?
Yes, of course
I'm happy to see you.
I'm just... I'm surprised.
Well, if you think
that's a surprise,
wait until you see this.
What is this?
That's an offer.
For the farm.
You're not gonna believe this.
One of the guys I met
in LA is a developer.
He builds condo developments
all over the country.
I happen to show him your post
about Winter Wonderland
and the real estate listing,
and he said it was interesting.
Is that the right number?
Way above asking.
He's highly motivated.
That's a cash offer, Janie.
He's looking to move ASAP.
Uh, sorry, this is just...
It's a lot to take in.
I know, right?
We should get this
over to Randall's lawyer
first thing in the morning,
have him have a look at it.
Do you think I could just
have a little bit of time
to think about it?
Uh, sure. Yeah, of course.
But I mean, this is what
you came here for.
Right? To sell the farm,
get Randall's things in order.
Except for finishing
the festival,
which I am totally willing
to stay for, by the way.
Your work her is done.
You're right.
This is a lot to process.
You've had a big day
with the whole Wonderland thing.
When don't you sleep on it, yeah?
I'm sure in the light of day,
things will be clear.
And then, we can finally
get back to our lives.
You want a tea?
Yeah, thank you.
Oh, hey! We got a couple more
boxes that just arrived, okay?
There you are!
I've been trying to call you.
Yeah, I was just...
I was getting
a little worried.
I mean, missing out
on some farm work is one thing,
but when you were late
coming here...
Everything okay?
Yeah, yeah, I just need
to talk to you for a minute.
Me too, actually.
So, come with me.
First, you have to open this.
Okay, Dylan--
I know it's a couple
of days early, I get that,
but it's really
gonna help illustrate
what I have to say to you.
But I really need
to tell you that--
- There you are.
- Hi.
Hot apple cider, as requested.
Thank you. Um...
Charles, this is Dylan.
Dylan, this is Charles.
Dylan works on the farm
and he's really helped me
put together Winter Wonderland.
Oh, great.
Nice to meet you, Dylan.
Well done with everything.
It's... beautiful.
Must be bittersweet though, huh?
One last hurrah.
You know, bittersweet
is actually
a really good word for it, yeah.
Charles, do you mind
if I speak with Dylan
in private really quickly?
We just need to discuss
some farm things
and I'll be right back.
Yeah, sure.
I'll hang out here.
What do you think?
Is this...
Is this happening?
Well, I don't know.
I just got the offer
yesterday from Charles.
Trust me, I didn't sleep
all night thinking about it.
This is...
This is for condo development.
Look, I know it's not ideal.
You know, and that it puts you
in a bit of an awkward position
with your job and your cottage.
Janie, I'm not
thinking about me here,
I'm thinking about you.
Is this really what you want?
Well, let's be realistic here.
I think it was always
a long shot that I was
gonna run a farm.
You know, I think even
Randall knew that.
But cashing out like this,
do you really think this
is what Randall wanted?
Hold on, cashing out?
No, wait a minute.
I didn't ask for this farm
to be just dropped in my lap.
It actually really
complicated my life.
I was perfectly happy
in New York before any of this.
Are you saying that
you haven't been happy
since you've been back?
Are you saying
that you haven't
felt anything...
It's not that simple.
You know what,
you're right. This is...
This is your decision,
I got no right.
I got no right to be like this,
I really don't.
I know you're really interested
to get back to New York,
I understand that. So...
Don't worry about the festival,
because I can finish
that up myself.
- I can help you...
- No, I'm serious, Janie.
I'm serious. Really,
don't feel badly about this.
You go.
You can go home.
Come and get your cookies!
Do you want some cookies?
Janie, look how many
cookies we sold!
Hi! Is everything okay?
Yeah, I just have to leave.
Oh, that's alright,
Dylan can help us pack up later,
but see you tomorrow, right?
Where are you going?
I just got to go home,
but I live close from here.
So, I'll come back and see you, alright?
Come here.
Sell a ton of cookies, okay?
I miss my friend, okay?
So, we need to keep in touch.
Don't worry, I won't
let you get away again.
Remember, I'm the deputy,
I can find you.
Come here.
Call me when you get home, okay?
Bye, Gracie.
Alright. That ought to do it,
Miss Collins.
You're no longer the owner
of Collins Farms.
You know, the deadline for
getting this to the buyer
isn't until January 1st.
If you like, I could take
my sweet time making a visit
to the post office.
No. Make the deal.
Alright. Well, then it was
a pleasure doing business
with you Miss Collins,
hope we see each other
again soon.
You too, Sidney. Take care.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Yeah. Talk then.
I take it you don't want
a cappuccino.
Keeping you...
I would like the peace
and quiet I had at the farm.
Shoes off, please.
How very Zen of you.
I just wanted to swing by
on my way to work, say hi.
I brought you breakfast.
I'm starving.
It's a yogurt bowl
with Chia seeds and blueberries.
Hey, do you have
any plans today?
Yeah. Yeah,
I'm gonna stop by the office
and see what I missed.
You know, I was thinking
of grabbing lunch
at that Thai place
around the corner.
You want to meet back
here say, one?
Yeah? Alright.
I'm off. I'll see you soon.
Thanks for the...
Hey, Frank! Thanks
for returning the call.
Ooh, whoa there, son!
Where are you off
to in such a hurry?
I'm sorry, Sidney,
I lost track of time, I got
to go open Winter Wonderland.
I've just been...
I've just been a little
distracted lately.
I understand. Lot of changes
coming your way soon.
I was actually about to drop
Janie's paperwork in the mail.
All I could tell you,
it was not an easy decision
for her to make.
I know, I know, it's just,
the thought of her running
a farm, it was a bit of
a long shot anyway.
I just... I really hope
that she doesn't regret it.
You know?
Well, anyway,
I got to get going.
- See you soon.
- See you soon.
This is a big one, Janie.
Dinosaur's a premium client.
And this new line of drinks
is hoping to expand
into a completely
untapped market.
A whole new set of flavours
aimed directly at kids.
So, I guess juice boxes
are going extinct, huh?
Oh, that is why you
were on this account!
I am gonna pitch
that as a possible
tagline to build.
What's wrong? I thought you'd
be over the moon about this.
Yeah, no, I'm fine,
I'm just...
getting acclimated
to being back, that's all.
Of course.
Go have a good Christmas Eve.
The little dinos
will be waiting for you.
"Janie, whatever you decide,
I know Randall's proud of you.
I hope this helps you remember
the best Winter Wonderland
Woodland Falls has ever seen.
Merry Christmas, Dylan."
Hey, sorry I'm late.
Ready to go?
What's all this?
It's a Christmas
gift from Dylan.
That bad, huh?
No, actually, it's...
It's perfect.
Charles, would you
come sit by me, please?
You know what,
if it's alright by you...
I'm gonna stay here.
Charles, I need
to be honest with you.
I got to be honest with me.
Three years ago,
when I moved here to the city,
I loved this place.
I loved hanging out with you,
working for Elle,
the hustle and bustle of it all,
it just... It fuelled me.
But I think it's that pace that
didn't allow me to see that...
None of that is making
me happy anymore.
And it wasn't until
I got back to Randall's farm
I understood that...
...that's what makes me happy.
And I respect you, I do,
I respect your work ethic
and I don't want to change you,
because I know
that someday,
some woman is gonna come
and she's gonna want
to do all of the things
that you want to do
and be your partner.
But that's not me.
I'm moving back
to Woodland Falls.
Throw away your career,
become a farmer?
Maybe, I don't know.
But I don't feel like
I'm throwing away anything.
I just...
I'm rebranding.
You've been pulling away
for a while now.
I don't want to change
you either, Janie.
Go on, get out of here.
If you're lucky, you might
be able to get the farm back.
Thank you, Charles.
You've reached
the law offices of
Sydney Reynolds, Esquire.
Apologies for missing your call,
but leave a detailed message
and I'll return it
as soon as I'm able. Thank you.
Hi Sidney, it's Janie, again.
Please do not mail those papers.
Repeat, do not mail
those papers.
Thank you, bye.
What? Oh, you serious?
I don't have time for this.
Where's the registration?
Oh, where is it?
You have any idea how fast
you were going?
Oh, Nicole!
What are you doing back here?
I know I never
should have left,
I don't know what
I was thinking.
It just took me going all
the way back to New York City
to finally figure out it doesn't
feel like home anymore.
Are you saying
that Woodland Falls
does feel like home?
Yeah. And look,
I know I was speeding
and I'm sorry,
but I'm just trying
to make it to Winter Wonderland
before it closes, because...
I need to speak to Dylan.
I mean, I could let
you off with a warning.
And it'd be a real shame
for you to come all this way
just to get there too late.
And I do have a responsibility
to serve and protect
my community.
- You need a police escort?
- Yes!
That's what I thought.
Thank you!
Love you!
Merry Christmas.
Uncle Dylan, look,
there's no more cookies!
We're sold out!
Hey, are you okay?
I'm so sorry.
Are you still thinking
about Janie?
No, of course not.
I was just thinking
about all the...
Yeah. I was still
thinking about Janie.
It's okay, Uncle Dylan,
it's okay.
You're the best.
There's the official end
of another Winter Wonderland.
You were amazing!
Ladies and gentlemen, can I...
Can I have your attention, please?
You all look so fantastic,
you really do,
I love seeing the smiles
on your faces.
Thank you so much for coming
and supporting
another Winter Wonderland!
So many of us have had
so many memories coming here
year after year and we're gonna
hold on to those memories
really... in our hearts.
Because unfortunately,
this year...
Dylan. Hold on, excuse me.
So sorry.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Hi. Um, can I borrow that?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Yeah.
- Do you mind... Thank you.
Oh, and here. Just hold that,
don't open it.
Hi, everybody. Uh,
for those of you who may not
know me,
my name is Janie Collins
and this farm was
my great-uncle Randall's.
And he loved Winter Wonderland.
So, I just wanted
to take a moment
just to say thank you
to all of the residents
of Woodland Falls
and to all of you visitors,
because we can't
do this without you.
So, thank you.
And you know, it might only
happen just one time a year,
but isn't it nice
just to slow down
and think about the things that
are really important in life?
And speaking about important,
I have to say thank you to...
someone that kept
my great-uncle's dream alive
and who helped me every
step of the way,
who loves this town
more than anything
and just made me realize
how wonderful it is.
How wonderful you all are.
Thank you, Dylan.
From the bottom of my heart.
Alright, everyone.
Well, I guess the only thing
left to say is...
Merry Christmas
and I will see you all here
next year for Winter Wonderland.
I'm a little confused.
I know, I know you must be.
Guess you came back.
Yeah, because I went back
to the city and...
I thought about a lot.
And I just, I thought about
what I wanted my life to mean
and then, I just... I realized
that I've been living a lie.
I mean, I don't do any
of the things
that truly make me feel good,
you know?
That make me happy.
It's not until I came here
to this farm and you know what?
You were the one who helped
me see that my life has all
of this untapped potential.
And I finally realized
what I want in my life.
And not only that,
but who I want in my life.
And I want to be on this farm.
And I want to be here with you.
Because you make me happy.
Well, uh...
There isn't anything that
would make me happier than that.
But I can't let you walk away
from everything
that you worked so hard on.
Oh, no, no.
Don't worry about that.
I've thought about that.
Just hear me out.
So, I've always wanted
to work for myself.
And you know, I want to have
clients that I'm proud of.
So, I'm sure there are tons
of people in Woodland Falls
that could use my help.
But I think the most important
thing is I'm finally doing
this on my terms.
What... But what
about the farm?
Well, I just happen
to have the best lawyer ever.
Sidney didn't turn
in the papers.
Because someone tipped him off
that I might regret it one day, so...
But I think the most important
thing is that I'm gonna
be really busy,
starting this
new venture of mine.
So, I'm gonna need
someone to run the farm
and I was just thinking that
maybe, that person could be you.
Nothing would make me happier.
I think it's time
you open that present.
Show you how this works.
Alright, we got us a farm!