A Perfect Day (2015) Movie Script

Stop, stop. Stop!
Come on, sneaky.
Hang in there. You can make it.
Are you okay?
Fat fuck.
He didn't go hungry in the war.
It might be his glands.
They're called glands, right?
Thyroid does not produce
enough hormones
so body does not assimilate fat.
My brother told me that.
Yeah, your brother is a doctor?
No, fatso.
What are they laughing at?
He's just saying
funny things, you know.
Yeah, I can tell that.
Ah, it's normal here.
This area is famous for that.
Yoghurt and sense of humor.
They always say funny things.
That's why people
invite them to weddings.
Trust damir,
when you get married
invite somebody from here.
They're always laughing.
Babies here are born laughing,
not crying.
Most famous comedian
in my country is born here.
You know petrovich?
No, I don't know petrovich.
He tells famous Albanian
in bathtub joke. It's great.
Mike 2, Mike 2,
this is Mike 1, come in.
He tells it for 30 years
and people always laugh
every time he tells.
30 years, always same joke.
Yeah, and that might be
him in the well.
Mike 2, Mike 2,
this is Mike 1, come in.
Mike 2, Mike 2,
this is Mike 1, come in.
Mike 2, Mike 2
this is Mike 1, come in.
Copy, mambru!
This is b! Go!
Uh, do you have any rope
in the car? Over.
I can't hear you.
Come back with that!
Do you have any rope
in the car? Over?
Negative. No rope.
No rope on board.
We'll be out of here in 15.
Over and out.
Copy that.
Over and out.
Ey, ey, ey, ey!
Watch where you step.
They want us to drive around it.
How do you know?
It's a trap.
See that grass there?
They dragged it here.
See, they put mines on one side
so that when you drive
around it, boom. Game over.
The question is which side?
Well, we'd better turn around.
- They would expect us to go right.
- You think so?
But if we were coming
from the other side, then..
...right would be left, so..
B, there was another road
back there.
Maybe they know.
- Maybe they know what?
- Maybe they know we know.
Yeah, but we don't know!
Unless they're fucking with us.
Well, come on, b.
Let's turn around. There was
another road back there...
- you hear that?
- No.
- That!
- What?
- Rpgs.
- What's that?
- Grenades.
- No, I didn't hear any grenades.
Oui, oui, oui, yeah.
No way we're going back
that way.
That's not gonna happen.
Mr. cow..
...is it to the left
or to the right?
You're asking the cow?
Let's go.
- Are we turning around?
- Rpgs.
It's all here in my logbook.
- What are you doing?
- I'm looking it up.
Mining protocol says
to turn around.
Mining protocol.
Don't believe everything
you read in mining protocol.
They write that stuff in Geneva.
They've never seen a mine
in their lives in Geneva.
Cows, yes, plenty of cows
but none with mines around 'em.
This is my protocol, not Geneva.
There it is.
Is that my handwriting?
What the fuck does that say...
but I don't know what it says.
- It says to turn around.
- No, look.
Look, right there.
What is that?
- That's a cow.
- It's a dog.
- It's not a dog.
- Yes, it's a dog...
dogs don't have horns.
That's a cow.
That's an arrow
and it says to go right.
Or left?
Oh, fuck it.
We're late.
- I'm sick of cows.
- No, no, no! What are you doing...
arrows and all
of this fucking bullshit.
No, no, no!
No, we have to go back, b!
Oh, no, please! We have
to go back! Don't you dare..
- ...catch a tiger by the toe.
- No, no, no.
- Oh, no.
- If he hollers..
Ah, putain! I hate you!
I just.. I hate you.
I hate you!
Fucking crazy!
They brought him
from somewhere else
and throw into well
to spoil water.
They hear them
when they came with car.
With loud music,
boom, boom, boom.
When they came out this morning,
fat guy was in well.
Well, huh.
He wants to know
where you're from.
- Puerto Rico.
- Uh, Puerto Rico. American.
Uh, piculin Ortiz.
Yes, piculin Ortiz...
great basketball player.
Yes, very good.
Piculin Ortiz, very good.
He asks why you're here.
Don't you have woman
who loves you at home?
Tell him I do.
That's why I'm here.
He says you're funny
like you're from here.
You know,
the same sense of humor.
I'll never get in a car
with you again, you got that?
- Never again.
- What happened?
He doesn't give a shit
about rules.
She wanted to go one way,
me, another.
It's always the same
with chicks.
You ran over a cow!
We could have blown up!
- I consulted my notebook.
- Your notebook?
You're not gonna say anything?
- Shit, b.
- Shit, b?
Is that all?
What do you want me to say?
I'm... I don't know.
You're in charge
of security here.
What will you do next?
Send him to bed without dessert?
I didn't know
there was dessert here.
everything was under control.
You know me. There was
nothing crazy about it.
Intuitive, maybe.
But not crazy.
He knew there was nothing
underneath that cow.
He was just...
Showing off for you.
Sophie, come on!
She's adorable!
And you are getting
no respect from her.
Did you know about this dessert?
Glad I only got
1 more week here.
Oh, putain!
- It's a dude!
- I know it's a dude.
You said a corpse on the radio.
- So?
- A corpse could be anything.
It could be a dog, a pig, a..
Sophie, a corpse is a corpse.
A dead dog is not a corpse.
She's French.
A dead dog is corpse..
- Is this her first?
- Yep.
He's gigantic.
- Is he from the village?
- No.
They brought this guy
from somewhere else.
I thought they do it
with animals.
Not in war. Nobody throws
an animal in a well.
Wasted food.
B, give me a hand with the pipe.
For how long
has he been in the well?
12 hours.
10, maybe.
So what's our expert say?
We have to get it out
and clean the well.
In 24 hours, it won't matter
what we pour in there.
We'll have to seal it.
We'll get the blue helmets
to help.
At least this one's
in one piece.
They usually chop it up,
you know.
It speeds up the decay.
It's disgusting, but..
...there's a good side to it.
It... it gets easier
to get 'em out of there
you know, when they're,
when they're in chunks.
- So, you know.
- Hey.
He says there's a small store
in drusina village.
It's nearby.
And they might have rope there.
Is, is he your first,
dogs aside?
It's important moment,
your first corpse.
You never forget it.
It's like your first girlfriend
or the first time you get laid.
I remember the first time
I got laid
but my first corpse, that shit
is burned in my memory.
I'll never forget
that face, man.
- Was it terrible?
- No, it wasn't terrible.
It was, it was nice.
She was, uh, 17
red head, nice body.
- The corpse?
- No, my..
The girl,
the first girl I slept with.
- What's wrong with you?
- Oh.
That's sick.
You're gonna ride with me
to the security briefing.
B, you're going with damir
to drusina.
There are 2 more Wells
to the west.
About 12 kilometers..
...in nisinje.
Yeah, they were both
mined last week.
We informed unprofor
but it'll take a while
to demine them.
Even if Wells are a priority
it's gonna take
at least a couple days...
- Oh!
- Oh, fuck!
Don't touch him!
Don't touch him!
Don't touch him!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Calm down. Calm down.
Calm down. Calm down.
Hey, hey, hey,
calm down, calm down.
- What?
- That's my ball!
That's his ball.
He's a little boy.
Give him his ball.
Give him back his ball.
It's his ball. He's a kid.
No, no, no, no, no.
Sophie, get back in the car.
We're friends, friends.
We go, we go, we leave.
Nema problema.
Nema problema, okay?
We go, we go.
- Get back. You wanna get killed?
- Hey!
Get in the car.
Get in the car.
- What's your name?
- Nikola.
Nikola, how about I get you
a new ball, brand-new ball?
Base camp.
Soldiers have ball. Deal?
You pick ball
and I drive you back.
That frenchy whatsome
has got a mouth on her.
Let me tell you.
Mambru wouldn't have
taken that shit
from anyone couple of years ago.
He would have thrown her
in the well with the fat fucker.
He's good at what he does
but he has not been
the same lately.
He... he's talking
about giving it all up.
You see, there's this girl..
...back home..
...waiting for him.
White picket fence,
homemade apple pie
swings set out back.
You know,
the whole kit and caboodle.
He's not the same. He's just like
he's here, but he's not here.
You know what I mean?
Wh... what I'm saying is
even though he's here,
he is not here.
He is somewhere else.
Women, damir!
They change you.
I got changed by one too.
- I wasn't always like this.
- Like what?
- Like I am now.
- Were you more articulate?
Shit, damir.
You're an interpreter.
Interpret me, for fuck's sake.
What the fuck.
Mike 2, Mike 2
this is Mike 1.
Come in.
Yeah, copy. What's up?
Uh, besides rope,
I need a ball. Over.
Uh, come back with that.
What... what was that?
Bravo alfa Lima Lima.
A soccer ball.
- Can you understand this guy?
- Perfectly.
He said ball, right?
Turn the car around!
There is no problem here.
Well, the front facing out,
ready to leave.
Come on, Nikola, get in.
I already have 3 kids.
You stay with eldar,
I go inside and get ball.
Who's leaving?
I just come from airport
to pick up new lady.
New lady?
- What's her name?
- I forget.
When I saw her,
I forget everything. Even war.
She hot?
How hot?
Out of 10?
Out of 3.
3 out of 3, huh?
She Russian?
I told you, I forget.
Okay. Turn the car around.
3 what?
Nothing, 3 days.
He hasn't slept in 3 days.
Fucking war.
We've registered very little
military activity
since the cease-fire
came into effect.
There've been..
...minor altercations..
...but I repeat,
the area is quite calm.
The conflict, as you know,
is nearly over.
Fucking idiots.
Peace agreements underway..
What's wrong?
...an obligation
for all parties
to facilitate
the location of mines
or any other threat
to humanitarian
and united nations' personnel
but as you know,
that isn't always easy.
Our sector is supplied
by 3 Wells.
Davari and nisinje
are still mined
but the third is functional
with enough capacity
to supply
the surrounding villages.
Excuse me, sir.
Negative. The third well
is not functional.
- We were just there.
- What's wrong with it?
Somebody threw a corpse in
it to contaminate the water.
Someone should remove it.
The mines are our priority.
But then remove the mines
from the other two.
Please identify yourself.
Sophie Richard
water and sanitation,
aid across borders.
According to my reports,
that well is clean.
Well, but according to my nose
there is a body rotting inside.
So it must be removed,
so we can purify the water.
Get out of there!
Get out of there!
You're gonna get
yourself killed.
What's she saying?
They ask her to stop
'cause there could be mines
in the field.
She says, "I have to go home.
There's no other way.
You think I can fly?"
But there is no problems.
I mean, she walks
behind cows, see?
Do you understand? Mines!
Yeah. She follows the cows.
Get out of there.
- It's dangerous!
- Smart.
"International humanitarian
law as established
"by the Geneva convention
"article 55
"using environmental
modification techniques
"with hostile aims
"in order to protect the health
of the population
during wartime."
I appreciate the reminder,
Ms. Richard
but that article,
as you correctly stated
refers only to international
armed conflicts.
Well, that's true, sir
but neither of us
has a Bosnian accent.
Our passports do not make this
an international conflict
despite your insistence.
Your request is duly noted
but leave it to the military
to establish priorities
during wartime.
As for the rest
the curfew will remain
in effect throughout the area.
All circulation
is prohibited between..
You're not gonna say anything?
Let it go.
They are in charge.
Sir, he's mined.
The corpse.
My colleague has reminded me
it might be..
It's not unusual. They do it
sometimes, as you know.
So we won t touch it.
Have you handled the body?
No, mining protocol
prohibits from doing so, sir.
That's your jurisdiction.
Fighting the un
is not gonna help.
Yeah, but they won't
listen to me!
Nikola! Come here!
This is goyo, my jefe.
- Shake hands.
- Hello.
- No ball?
- Sorry, Nikola, no ball.
The Spanish battalion
is 40 kilometers away.
They might have rope there.
Goyo, your escort request.
Were not going anywhere.
We're going back to the base.
What about the fat guy?
Fat guy stays, we leave.
But there will be an epidemic.
But with any luck,
I'll be gone by then.
Okay, beautiful.
Not our problem anymore.
They said not to touch it.
Tell your assistant
to take it easy, mambru.
I'm not his assistant.
We work together.
Maybe you shouldn't
have said he was mined.
Besides we have to take
the new girl to the base.
Go ahead and tell b we're gonna
drop the kid off at the well.
He should meet us there.
Go ahead.
This your girlfriend?
What? Don't joke like that.
Come on, get in the car.
You know you can't
transport civilians
in a conflict area, right?
We're not transporting him.
We're keeping him
out of trouble.
Some things never change.
It hasn't been that long.
Oh, it hasn't?
- How long?
- Uh..
2 years?
1 and a half.
You look different
from the last time I saw you.
Sure, I'm dressed.
That's right.
You are dressed.
But, uh..
...your hair was different.
My head is what was different.
Mike 2, Mike 2 for Mike 1,
do you copy? Over.
Mike 2, Mike 2 for Mike 1,
do you copy? Over.
Rope. Damir, rope.
What's the problem?
There is no rope.
What do you mean
there's no rope?
There's plenty of rope.
I'm... I'm touching it.
Uh, please don't touch
merchandise, he says.
Uh, he asked me
why we need the rope for,
so I explained him.
And he told me that
if somebody throw man in a well
he probably was no Saint
and it's better
to leave him there.
Never touch dead people,
he says.
How much? How much?
Money. How much?
Uh, he says that, uh
they need rope for hangings.
He's... he's kidding, right?
I don't know, uh..
Sense of humor
is bit different in this area.
How are things
with Sarah, mambru?
We ran into each other.
Did she tell you?
Incredible, isn't it?
After everything that happened.
In a showroom, furniture.
She was looking at bedrooms.
- She said you were moving.
- Yeah?
She was having doubts.
She was having doubts
about what?
Between the 2 colors,
salmon or beige.
- Which one did she finally pick?
- No idea.
She handles that part,
the color part.
But I am there if she needs
my opinion, of course
to support her.
That's what couples
are all about, right?
Of course.
I... I was actually looking
at bedrooms too.
Can you believe it?
Yeah, with bernal.
So you and bernal
are back together?
Mm-hmm. Looks like it.
What color did you pick?
Uh... Salmon.
Difficult to know.
Many problems here.
Maybe they're enemies
and they don't want you
to remove body from well.
Or maybe they put it there.
- You think?
- Could be.
You know,
things are complicated.
Whatever you think...
It's possible here.
Or maybe you are foreigner
and that's why
they don't sell you rope.
Many people hate foreigners
because they come with war.
You remind them
that everything is bad here.
You know, the bombs,
the, the deaths
and so they hate you for that.
What's that sign saying?
"Un convoy, stay..
You see the size of that escort?
Military target.
They're taking meat
to the refugees.
You might as well paint
a bull's eye on your chest.
The further away you get
from these guys, the better.
You get what I'm saying?
What's that?
I told her I was coming.
You told Sarah
we were gonna see each other?
Yeah, because of the evaluation.
You're not mad, are you?
- About which part?
- What evaluation?
Yeah. What evaluation?
We need to check if
the mission still makes sense.
- If the cost is justified.
- And that's up to you?
We don't have
unlimited resources, mambru.
Never mind your report.
Tell them we can't leave.
- But you're leaving next week.
- So what?
Me leaving is one thing,
all of us leaving is another.
This is almost over, mambru.
Peace is coming.
- Don't you watch the news?
- I don't.
I'm too busy pulling bodies
out of Wells.
But peace may come,
the problems don't disappear.
This is gonna be an emergency
zone for a long while.
What are you doing?
$6 each.
You know they need water.
You understand?
It's not... it's not fair.
You know they need water?
- You know it's not fair.
- Sophie!
They're taking advantage
of them.
Of course, they are.
This is war.
Come on,
let's get back to the car.
What bastards.
$6 for water
and that's how we help people.
We can't get the body out.
We have no rope.
You don't have any rope?
It broke.
We have to do
what we have to do.
Get the body out
and clean the water.
Sophie, we're not
allowed to touch it.
Yeah, what's wrong with you?
Weren't you in the room?
Mambru is right.
He's doing what he was told.
Please don't agree with me.
Tough shit.
If you're right, you're right.
They give you an order,
you follow it. Period.
Let me do the talking.
Don't say a word. You'll see.
Uh, this is storage?
Uh, supplies?
Storage, yes.
Uh, we are pomoc.
Uh, aid workers.
Uh, we have a problem.
Big problem.
We need a rope.
Do you have any rope?
Rope, like..
There's a... there is a,
ahem, there is a corpse.
Uh, a corpse.
Dead fucker in a... a well.
And, uh, we need to get it out.
So we need rope.
So the people
could drink the water.
You understand?
No water here.
Uh, war, sorry.
No, uh, no.
We don't need no water.
- Only.. What's rope?
- Konapac.
Kono... konopac, no water.
No water, no konopac.
No nothing. War, sorry.
- Uh..
- Should I?
Hey, hey!
You lend me this one.
2 hours.
No, no, no. Not possible.
- Not possible.
- N... n... not the flag.
- Just the rope.
- It's my... Country.
You take r... rope.
Flag down.
This is war.
Flag down, not possible.
We know, w... we know,
we know this is war.
We only want the rope.
Flag down, we surrender.
Me, kaput.
They thum-thum-thum me.
This is war.
Flag down, not possible.
You gotta make a choice,
flag or water?
Mike 1, Mike 1,
this is Mike 2. Copy?
Uh, Mike 2, this is Mike 1.
How did it go over there? Over.
Not good. There was rope.
But there's no rope.
Uh, I didn't copy that.
Uh, can you give that
to me again? Over.
No rope, no rope.
Okay, we'll wait for you here.
Over and out.
Maybe they throw man in the well
so they can sell water.
You need rope?
- Yeah.
- I know where you find.
Oh, yeah? Where?
In my house.
Not far. I'll take you.
And how long is this rope?
Show me.
Yeah, there was
a change of plans.
We're heading over to dukovo.
Apparently there's rope there.
- Who says?
- Rope?
Uh, local sources.
Over and out.
Aren't we going back
to the base?
Yeah, but first we're gonna
get our friend out of the well.
- You're not allowed.
- Says who?
The united nations.
They said you can't do it.
I don't take orders from them.
I'm not wearing a helmet.
It was just explained
to you by an official.
Who do we need to get
for you to understand?
- Butros ghali?
- Yeah.
Butros butros-ghali.
I want him to come here
and explain to me
why the hell we can't get
the body out of that well.
I can't talk to you.
I'm never gonna make my meeting.
You know it's a good thing
you're getting to see
what's going on here first hand.
- It is gonna help your report.
- Don't make this personal.
I was sent by headquarters.
It's always personal.
Mambru, you got 2 people
in the back seat.
Are you aware of that?
Nikola, left or right?
No rope around here.
Maybe there was a store before.
Maybe they made rope here.
There was a factory.
This could have been
the center of the entire
Balkan rope industry.
Everybody in the village
made rope.
Every year they'd split the
surplus at the rope festival.
People come from all over
the country to celebrate.
Singing, dancing.
At weddings, newlyweds
would give each other rope
and tie themselves together
as a symbol of their union.
- Who is this guy?
- Offerings were made..
He's part of our, uh,
integration program.
There were miracles.
Rope appeared out of nowhere.
Welcome to konopac,
the rope capital of the world.
Population, 5.
I'm b, I'll be your tour guide
for this afternoon
and I'm pleased to be
with y'all on this lovely day.
No, no.
Stay with Sophie,
stay with Sophie.
That's the kid's house.
He says there's a big chunk
of rope in there.
Where d'you get her?
Models without borders?
- Hi, I'm Katya.
- That's Katya.
Ka... Katya?
The Katya? Katya, Katya...
- yeah.
- What's she doing here?
- Is she here to see you?
- Can't get enough...
wait, wait.
It's tied up.
Nikola, stop.
That's the rope?
Our rope?
Nikola no lie.
Nikola no lie, but Nikola no say
the rope was tied
to a dog either.
I say I take you to rope
and rope is there.
Kid is right.
The rope is there.
And it's perfect.
It's not perfect.
Perfect would be
if there was no dog on one end.
Rope is there. Dog is
your problem, not Nikola's.
Nikola little boy.
Nikola little boy.
You come here to help, no?
Now you help.
You heard him, mambru.
It's your turn.
- You're the safety expert here.
- Exactly.
- We need the rope.
- Thank you, Sophie.
I know we need the rope,
but we need our hands too.
You want the kid to get it?
Great idea, Katya.
Great idea.
Don't we have anything
we can give him?
Valium? Percocet?
I'll check.
Where are you going?
You can't go inside.
It's not safe, come on!
I need my ball.
You see the roof?
It's falling.
It's too dangerous.
How about we get the rope
and then I go inside
and get ball?
Let's go help Sophie.
- He brought you to his house.
- He said there was rope here.
- And there is.
- He said?
I don't understand,
who's in charge here? The kid?
Well, sometimes we get
information from local people.
Local people?
You mean local kids?
Good doggie. Oh, yeah.
...good doggie.
- Good doggie.
- That should be enough.
- Careful, damir.
- Don't worry.
Tajsone crazy dog.
One day, he bite my father.
But my father
more crazy than tajsone.
He bite tajsone back
and since then
tajsone respect him.
So your dad... Bit the dog?
Everybody to hospital
that night.
Dog too.
He says
"what you do to me
I do to you."
And tajsone never
bite him again.
Where are they now?
Your, your mum and your dad?
They afraid something bad
happen to us here.
So they leave me
with my grandfather
and they go in donovich.
But he says they will
come back when war is over.
Oh, sure.
I'm sure.
He's even more awake now
than he was before.
This won't be easy.
He survived the war.
If your ball is in house,
where is?
- In garage.
- Garage?
Vamonos, Sophie.
Okay, let me go first.
Stay right behind me.
Oh, boy.
Where is the roof?
Out there somewhere.
They blew it off
from right there, you see?
They leave an open tank
of butane..
...they light a fuse..
...close the windows,
shut the door.
Half an hour later
Roof is gone.
Neighbors, probably.
But before the war
if you were a Muslim
and your husband a serb..
...or the other way around
it was no big deal.
Then the war starts..
...the lines are drawn.
And now it's too dangerous
to stay here.
...you leave the kids
with their grandparents..
...and you go
to the other side..
...where it's safer.
But while you're away..
...the neighbors blow up
your house
so you won't come back
after the war.
Hey, it could be worse.
What could be worse?
Putting a mine in the sofa
in case you do come back.
Let's move.
I got it.
He's gonna be a happy kid.
Wait! Wait! No!
- Sorry.
- Sophie, don't.
I'm so sorry.
Wait, Sophie.
Don't turn around.
- What?
- Look at me.
Look at me.
Don't turn around.
- It's okay.
- What...
look at me. Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Come here..
Don't! Don't! Don't!
Here's the ball.
Mambru needs you inside.
Long enough.
Let's do it.
There are soldiers.
Uh, copy that. Over.
Welcome to the Balkans!
Uh, hotel, hotel.
This is Mike 1, come in. Over.
Mike 1, this is hotel, come in.
Tell them not to wash the car.
We don't have any money.
They don't wanna wash the car.
I know they don't
wanna wash the car.
It's a joke. Tell them.
Tell them.
Uh, we've been stopped
at a local military checkpoint
on the road to bjelane about
30 kilometers east, sector 6.
- What's going on?
- We are 6 people.
4 expats.
Yeah, yeah.
What the hell was that?
Ask them what the problem is.
Uh, he says the road
is closed. We have to go back.
Uh, he says, uh,
because we can't go through.
That explains everything.
The road is closed.
Uh, Johnny cash?
Yeah, I think
it's something else.
I'm walking over.
Can they stop us?
Looks like it.
According to the peace
agreements, these guys
should have been
demobilized by now.
Oh, you wanna go and tell them?
Sophie, get behind the wheel.
If I put my hands like this
turn the car around
and get the hell out of here.
What's the problem?
Why can't we go through?
Tell him we need to go through.
We have to reach the base.
You can't.
Sorry, madam.
This is a war.
No, this is not.
War is over.
There are peace talks underway.
Cessation of hostilities.
Do you understand?
You haven't been informed.
Who's your commanding officer?
Are those prisoners
right behind me?
Do we know what
they're doing with them?
I wouldn't want to be
in their shoes.
Excuse me, uh..
Can you tell them, uh, if
they need a hand with anything
we are willing to help?
What did he say?
He says, uh, we have to go.
The road is closed.
Okay. Okay.
Ask them what time
do they open the road.
I can't.
- Why?
- I can't.
- Why?
- He say that he knows my family in dabrica.
Do you have family in dabrica?
My brother.
Okay. I'm sorry.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Okay. We go!
We stumbled
on to a little situation
on the road to bjelane.
20 prisoners, blue minibus.
Looks like
they're up to no good.
Inform the blue helmets,
tell them to go check it out
and make sure
everything is kosher.
Location 30 kilometers
east of dukovo. Over.
You know where we are?
I think so.
Mike 2, this is Mike 1. Over.
- Yeah, go ahead.
- Yeah. The road isn't here.
We should have seen it
4 kilometers back. Over.
That's not good.
Let's keep that hill
in the sight. Uh, over.
Oh, man!
That's fresh.
Fuck me.
What do you think?
Go to the left?
Or right?
Or over it?
This morning we went over one.
- It worked.
- What worked?
They always follow a pattern.
Maybe the pattern
is to change pattern.
And now it's underneath.
That's what I would do
if I were them.
If you were them,
maybe you're thinking
that we know
what you're thinking
and then you'd go on the side.
It was dragged here.
Excuse me?
The cow.
It was dragged from here.
You mean
it's from somewhere else?
Yeah, it was brought here.
- The cow?
- Yeah, the cow, the cow.
Okay, b, go ahead
and inform on our position.
We're gonna have to spend
the night here.
- With the cow?
- With the cow.
You're kidding me, right?
You're not going to
drive over this one?
No, this is a different
breed of cow.
Isn't there another way?
Also, it is a possibility
it could have just died?
Everybody, listen up!
We're gonna move the cars
back 10 meters
and nobody strays from the cars
without my permission.
Nikola, the ball stays
in the car.
We can't stop like this
in the middle of the night.
We have to keep going.
I'm already cold!
Can we go back
or something and make..
Go, get it.
If you don't blow up,
we keep driving.
Come on, get in the car.
We are in quadrant 3.
A country road
about 14 kilometers
east of dukovo.
We are 6 people.
4 expats and 2 locals,
the interpreter and a boy.
Do you have enough supplies?
Uh, Roger that, hotel.
We have enough water,
uh, some sardines
various other ngo
tin can delicacies.
We could really use
a pizza, however.
Do you happen to know of a
place that delivers? Over.
Can you repeat that?
I said we have
sufficient supplies. Over.
Okay, I'll..
How are you doing?
I can't stop
thinking about them.
The 3 of them.
I imagine them together
in that house.
Is that normal?
Forget them.
They're gone.
What are we going to do?
We keep going.
Don't think about it.
You'll end up going home.
Forget what's happened
or what's gonna happen.
Focus on what's happening now.
Have some.
The rest doesn't exist here.
Maybe back home..
...but not here.
Your girlfriend called the base!
Apparently it's urgent!
Mambru, did you hear me?
- Your girl...
- I heard. I heard.
You have to work on it.
Trust me.
Where do you think you are?
At a barbecue?
Hotel, this is mambru.
Did she say
why it was urgent? Over.
Negative. Just to call her.
Over and out.
What's going on, Sarah?
Yes, she is.
What a coincidence, huh?
Yes, she told me
you guys ran into each other.
So what's going on?
I mean, does it matter?
Either one.
The second one.
Uh, salmon.
No, it's not that I don't care.
I totally do.
I trust you, which is different.
Where is damir's coffee?
Thank you.
What about his parents?
Won't they be worried?
They won't be worried.
Well, he's just a kid and
you're keeping him all night.
He lives in bjelani with his grandfather.
He says it's no problem...
what he said doesn't matter.
He's a minor.
What would you say
if he were your son?
Some people take him
and bring him back the next day.
What would any
normal person think?
That there was a problem
at the checkpoint?
I said normal, b,
you don't count.
B, did you know that
Katya came all the way here
to close the mission
and send us home?
- What home?
- Exactly. What home?
That's the problem.
A home, b.
Normal with walls.
That isn't bombed out.
Have you got one of those?
Wife, children, friends.
A dog. Someone
waiting for you somewhere?
Yeah, I got plenty of people
waiting for me.
Plenty. How many?
Hookers don't count.
- Hookers don't count?
- No, they don't.
I mean, emotional bonds.
Have you got any?
Emotional bonds.
I'll have to think about it.
You guys spend
so much time around here
you forget what real
life is like.
Look, I don't wanna
kick you out of here.
I just wanna do my job.
For that,
I have to get to the base.
Is that too much to ask?
- Where are you going?
- I need to pee.
What did I say?
Nobody strays.
Damir, what are you looking at?
Show some respect
for your colleagues!
Internal affairs is moving.
You noticed, right?
- What?
- Her panties.
- They were black.
- So?
So nobody wears
black panties to a war
unless they're expecting
Where did you hear that?
You gotta bang her.
It's no big deal.
She'll soften up a bit,
she writes a favorable report
and everybody be happy.
Sophie agrees.
Oh, you two talked about it?
We don't even need to.
We understand each other
without talking.
It's non-verbal communication.
This morning your
communication was pretty verbal.
We're pass that.
And I have been tilling
the soil for you.
- What soil?
- With Katya.
I told her that, you know
from time to time,
you... Talk about her..
...all affectionate.
- That's not true.
- I know it's not true.
It's a trick.
We want her happy.
Can't you just slip her one?
I... it's not like
I'm asking you to fuck damir.
...i have a girlfriend.
- Yeah.
- She's hot.
You had a thing with her before.
It's a relapse.
It's like smoking again.
It's totally understandable.
Uh, she writes
a terrible report about us..
...we gotta go home.
What then?
Who helps the people then? Huh?
You even think about that? No.
You're being selfish.
You gotta fuck her..
...for the Bosnian people!
Make a sacrifice..
...for the humanitarian cause.
She won't say no.
Hey. Hey.
- I'm serious.
- Mmm.
Did he fall asleep?
He says when he grows up,
he wants to be an aid worker.
Tell him how much we make
he'll change his mind real fast.
Pay no attention.
He'll tell the soldiers
he wants to be a soldier.
These journalists,
he wants to be a journalist.
Have you guys seen my notebook
or did you throw
that away too, mambru?
He would tell Katya
he wants to..
Hey, Katya, what is it
that you do now exactly, Katya?
Conflict evaluation
and analysis.
Forget that. He don't wanna
tell anyone he wants to do that.
I don't even know what that is.
Is he hitting on you?
Watch out. He always hits
on the new ones.
I know that.
We all do.
You all know what?
That you always do that.
They warn us.
Was it in your mission briefing?
Under potential hazards.
Along with mines
and drunken soldiers?
Right above it.
You should read them.
I will now.
That's me a few years ago.
Does she have a boyfriend?
I don't know.
No, of course not.
How convenient.
Ask her.
Maybe she's got a photo
of him in her wallet.
Have you got one of Sarah's?
- What do you care?
- You didn't before.
How do you know?
You didn't.
- Did you look in my wallet?
- That's not the point right now.
The point is whether or not
you had one. And you didn't.
Did you look in my wallet?
So what if I did?
I was looking
for something else.
- Like what?
- Your passport.
- I don't remember.
- Unbelievable.
You looked in my wallet!
You hid that you had
a girlfriend from me.
I never hid anything from you.
It just never came up.
I never said
I didn't have a girlfriend.
I talked to you
about my boyfriend.
- Non-stop.
- I left him for you.
Nobody asked you to.
Did I ask you to leave him?
Did I?
What's wrong with men?
You know, it's normal.
You talk about your girlfriend.
You carry her photo
in your wallet.
What are you so ashamed of?
Is it that hard
to just admit it?
Okay! I have a girlfriend!
Yeah, I have a girlfriend.
Here is a picture
of my girlfriend.
Yeah, I have a girlfriend.
Go ahead and tell the world
I have a girlfriend.
Who wants to see
a picture of my girlfriend?
- Is she naked?
- No, she's not naked.
Normal people don't carry naked
photos of their girlfriend.
Damir does.
You looked in my wallet?
I... I was looking
for your passport, uh..
Can't see her very well.
It's blurry.
You can see her just fine.
What? You want me to carry
around a poster of her?
You tricked me, mambru
and I believed you.
It wouldn't have made
any difference.
You think I lied to you..
...but I didn't.
It was nobody's fault.
Our relationship...
Had a blind spot.
Yeah, like a car.
Something we couldn't see,
that's all.
You mean... Your wife?
Don't call my wife a blind spot.
- I didn't, you did.
- I didn't mean her.
I was just giving an example.
Besides she's not my wife.
We're not married!
You're denying here again.
Please, can you guys
go somewhere else?
I'm trying to go to sleep here.
No, we can't!
There are mines!
What? What? What? What?
What the fuck?
Oh, my god. Jesus.
Oh, shit, you scared me.
Mambru, wake up.
Wake up. Wake up.
Mambru, follow the granny.
Follow the granny.
Trust me, follow the granny.
10-4, b. 10-4.
It's just a cow.
Oh, my god, I'm sorry.
Not too close, not too close.
Just don't look.
Don't look.
I was right. It was left!
It's my grandfather.
Uh, b, tell damir
to get over here.
Oprostite. Excuse me.
It's our fault.
Tell him the road was closed.
We couldn't make it back
last night.
And Nikola behaved very well.
Tell him, uh, that Nikola
took us to his house in dukovo.
He asks
if boy went into the house.
No, he didn't. I did.
Ask him if he knows
what happened to his parents.
He knows.
When he will tell him?
When war stops.
When time comes.
Let's go, let's go.
Let's free some space here.
Okay, okay, okay. Let's go.
Make sure you send a postcard.
Oh, yeah.
Here we are!
The war plumbers.
Unclogging pipes!
You know, maybe I should be
moving along somewhere.
Maybe Katya was right.
I should find a wife
and have 2 and half kids.
- Settle down.
- Fuck all that.
This is your home.
I mean..
...or wherever,
people need your help, b.
That's your family.
The family that waits for you.
Misses you.
How many people can say..
...they are missed by people
they've never met before, huh?
Not many.
Not many.
Allez, come on up, Romeo.
Whoa, whoa! What?
What's going on?
Wh... what's the problem?
Are you in charge here?
Yes, I am.
Yeah, I have a request
from, uh, ri... richa..
- Uh, Richardson?
- It's Richard.
Oh, yes. Sophie Richard.
It says, "inspection request
uh, explosives."
You must abandon the extraction
of that corpse immediately.
- It could be mined.
- But it's not.
- May I?
- Sure.
That's a mistake.
We've searched that well
inside out.
There are no explosives
in there. It's all clear.
Well, you may not be aware of
it, sir, but this is a red zone.
There's been some changes
of jurisdiction
and we handed everything over
to the local authorities.
- So mined or not, removing that dead body is illegal.
- I can't believe this.
But it's a basic
sanitary service.
I mean,
with all due respect, sir
it wouldn't matter
if it were a pig.
Abandon the extraction
You need a judge present
to do what you're doing.
- A judge?
- Yes, a judge.
The area is now
under civil jurisdiction.
It's all here
in the peace agreements.
We must all respect procedure.
Where the hell
are we gonna find a judge?
We will provide a judge.
Just notify
the local authorities.
Respect protocol.
It's not your responsibility
to solve everything.
Can't you make an exception?
The people here need water.
Just abandon the extraction
from my request.
Let us do our job. You might
be generating a conflict.
But there already
is a conflict here.
If we do not clean the water,
we won't need 1 judge
we'll need 20 judges.
We cannot make
any exceptions, ma'am.
It's all written
in the peace agreements
and it must be respected
by all parties in conflict.
It's very simple.
You cannot touch dead bodies.
Give me that rope.
That's our rope.
Give it to me! Don't take it.
You do nothing here!
United nothing!
You're nothing!
I understand your reasoning
but there's nothing else
we can do.
We understand that your work
is very important here.
we are on the same side.
Stay out of trouble.
I'm sorry.
Psst! Psst!
Excuse me!
Excuse me.
May I see the ball?
Is that the ball?
Let me see the ball.
Let me see..
What's he doing?
No, I just wanna see the ball.
No, no, no, no.
This is not your ball!
Get out of my face!
He says, uh,
Nikola sold it to them for $10.
Hey, Nikola!
Did you sell the ball?
Does it hurt?
I thought you wanted that ball.
I need money.
What for?
To go and see my parents
in donovich.
I have a friend.
I pay,
he takes me where they are.
I have $40, only need 10 more.
- You can't do that.
- Yes, I can.
He has brother at checkpoint.
- You pay, you go.
- You can't.
It's too dangerous.
Not dangerous. You pay,
all is possible here.
You can't do that.
Here's a $100.
On one condition.
You take your grandfather
on this trip.
Now put it in your pocket.
Put it in your pocket.
Fat fucker.
Mike 1, Mike 1. Hotel here.
Come in, please.
This is Mike 1,
come in. Over.
We have a problem, mambru,
in karaula
at the refugee camp.
The latrines are flooded,
somebody should go
check it out. Over.
Uh, should we go
straight there? Over.
I think you'd better.
There are 8000 refugees there.
That's a lot of latrines.
Okay, we're on our way.
Over and out.
I'm sorry.
No problem.
I'm curious to see if you guys
actually fix something here.
That camp was built
in a big hurry.
They got the drainage
wrong there.
The ditches must have collapsed
and all the waste overflows
so we're probably looking
at a swimming pool of shit.
That'll make the well
look like a mountain spring.
- A perfect day.
- Yeah.
Hey, your first flooded latrines
are important too, Sophie.
You never forget them either.
Is it gonna be rough?
Nah, we'll be fine
as long as it doesn't rain.