A Picture of Her (2023) Movie Script

Well, you mapped out
a great day for us.
Yeah, betting on
the eastern bank paid off.
Fish are running strong
out there.
Time and tide wait for no man.
That is why
you gotta keep up with me.
Spoken like a true Plimsoll.
Someday, you're gonna make
a fine skipper.
I don't see you
going anywhere, Captain.
Can't do this forever.
Hey, Shutterbot?
Hi, Janice.
Guess who just sat down
for brunch at La Reina,
and not with his wife?
You're not gonna guess?
Who is it?
Just get down here.
It's big.
I'm on my way.
Not today, little buddy.
I can't wait
to get back out there again.
- You and me both.
- Freedom.
The open seas.
Nothing like it.
I gotta be honest,
it would be nice
to not constantly
smell so fishy.
Well, it's better than
being cooped up
in an office somewhere
like a parakeet
in a plastic cage.
I don't know how people do it.
I used to be
one of those people, remember?
So you know.
It ain't so bad
smelling like a fish.
Ain't that the truth?
All right, so...
what's the big deal?
Right over there.
Big as life.
Well, if it isn't
our beloved bad boy
who just lost a record deal.
You think his wife knows?
I doubt it.
She's probably at home
painting the nursery.
Some guys...
I know.
Hey, Shutterbot.
How's it going?
Until you showed up.
Oh, I didn't know
this was by invitation only.
I'll be sure
to get out of your hair, okay?
That'd be wonderful.
Always a pleasure, Jaypeg.
Pleasure's all yours.
For your vital contribution
to photo journalism.
The scandal-loving population
thanks ya.
I do what I can.
Bye, Jaypeg.
Make sure when it's time
to roll up the nets,
you keep them straight,
they're gonna pinch and bind.
That's bad, right?
Let's just say whoever did that
should remember that
there are sharks out there.
So how long you figure
you're gonna be laid up?
Well, doctor says weeks,
but I'm really okay.
At least that gives us
some time to arrange
someone to be with you.
Look, I'm fine.
Don't worry about me.
Oh... Mark?
Goodness sakes,
I'll call you tomorrow.
What's up?
Your Aunt Dody.
Seems she was out
walking Goldie...
took a spill.
Is she okay?
Well, she's nursing
a compound fracture,
and that's gonna take some time
to knit back together.
She's gonna need someone
to look after her.
I... I don't think
I know anyone in L.A. anymore.
Well, there's gotta be agencies
that take care of
that kind of thing, right?
I.. I'll make some calls tomorrow.
We'll find someone, don't worry.
What about you?
Dad, have you forgotten about
what happened
when I moved to L.A.?
I actually thought
I could flash my degree
in environmental studies,
join a high-powered
watchdog group,
and then change the world.
Little did I know
I'd end up feeling like
a tiny fish in a gigantic pond.
Ah. Well, no shame in that.
You were young.
You had stars in your eyes.
maybe it's time
to get back out there
and see
what you've been missing.
You think I'm missing something?
No harm in finding out.
That's true.
Besides, someone definitely
has to keep an eye on Aunt Dody.
Who better than me?
I mean, I'm family.
And maybe you're right.
Maybe it is time
for me to get back out there.
That's the Plimsoll spirit!
Your mother would be proud.
But I am not saying
that I will stay.
If it turns out you're wrong,
I'm getting right back
on that boat where I belong.
And we would be happy
to have you back.
Cheers to that.
- Thank you.
- L.A., baby.
Are you sure
you're gonna be
okay while I'm gone?
Don't worry about me.
You're the one
that needs to be careful.
Those people drive like maniacs
down there.
Yes, Dad, I will be careful.
And you...
tell the crew to go easy
on my fishing nets.
Roll 'em straight on the drum
like I showed 'em.
I will.
I should go, it's a long drive.
All right.
I love you!
I love you.
Hey, Beth!
How do you know
if a guy's a real fisherman?
He leaves his calling cod.
But never on porpoise.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Whoa, whoa, whoa
We have
our regular feature columns.
Restaurant reviews.
Celebrity news.
You mean gossip?
Oh, no.
Gossip's a bad word around here.
We prefer to think of it
as "celebrity profiles".
Hey, how are you coming
on that "Springtime
in the City" issue?
Flowers are blooming.
Birds are chirping.
If there's any romance
left in this ol' town,
we'll find it.
Hey, how about we do a piece
on that farmers' market on 3rd?
Pretty people out and about.
Yeah, pawing through
all that fresh produce?
Sounds pretty romantic to me.
I love it.
If you're a Brussels sprout.
Been waiting long?
Just getting started?
Been working since breakfast.
The real eyes and ears
of the city.
Oh, kitty up a tree?
Oh, that's rich.
Coming from the feature editor
of a publication that runs
such serious journalistic items
"Celebrity Pet Diets".
Very nice.
I wonder what that's about.
What do you got for me?
Please tell me
it's an actual assignment?
An actual assignment.
You'll love this.
"Springtime in the City".
Vern wants some shots
of the 3rd Street
Farmers' Market.
Thinks it's very romantic.
It's a modern-day Green Acres.
When do you need it by?
Can you have something for me
by Thursday?
For you?
That's yours.
Thank you.
Oh, I am so glad
you came to visit,
you're a tremendous help.
Well, somebody has to
keep you out of trouble.
Darling, grab
one of those boxes.
Okay, let's see...
Now, we'll grab
a couple of Cattleya...
a Vanda, or two.
Here's a nice one.
Oh, those yellow ones
are gorgeous.
What are they?
dancing-lady orchids.
They're my biggest seller.
So much personality.
That's funny,
that reminds me of someone.
Okay, now, let's see.
What else would Hiro like?
Have you always liked orchids?
Well, I started
with African violets,
but I got bored.
And then I graduated
to anthurium,
but they were persnickety.
And then, I discovered orchids.
And what makes them so special?
Well, they're like
little people...
with faces.
Don't pansies have faces?
Ah, see, now that's different.
Now, a pansy face
can just smile at you,
but an orchid face...
well, it's like a person
wearing a costume.
Kind of like a kabuki mask.
I'm so grateful
you're here, Beth.
And not just for the help.
To be honest,
I was a little surprised
when I heard
that you were coming back here.
I didn't think
you much cared for L.A...
Well, wasn't just the city,
there was other stuff, too.
I know.
That boy broke your heart.
Nearly broke my heart.
Yeah. Good ol' Captain Dad
to the rescue.
I needed to go home,
and he needed another hand
on the "Maria Elizabeth".
It was only supposed to be
for a season,
but, once I got there, it just...
It felt like it was
exactly where I was...
I was meant to be.
You know?
And you've been there
ever since.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
Oh! There we go.
All right, that should do it.
- Okay.
- All right.
It's so cute in here!
Isn't it lovely?
Hiro's my best customer.
All right, so besides orchids,
what's your favorite?
Ooh, that's easy, foxgloves.
Your grandmother
always planted foxgloves.
What's your favorite?
red, long-stemmed roses.
Those were
your mother's favorite, too.
Hmm, like mother like daughter.
Good morning, Hiro!
Oh, good morning, Dody.
I brought you
some dancing ladies.
Oh, no.
Don't tell my wife.
Hey, I got a new shipment
of flowers, just came in.
I think you're gonna love them.
Don't tease me.
There she is...
in all of her candid glory.
The Flower Girl.
3rd Street Market.
All right, what are we taking?
We're taking...
and this one, this one.
Oh, that's good.
I'll take that.
So, how's the catch?
Oh, pretty good.
Coming back full.
Well, most runs, anyway.
And the crew?
Oh, they're all right.
They miss you.
And they hate the new cook.
They say he burns the coffee.
What do you mean?
Who's the new cook?
So, how's Dody?
Yeah, she's okay.
It certainly hasn't,
uh, put a damper on her spirits,
I will say that.
I don't know. I just...
I think she's moving slow,
it's a little frustrating
for her.
So what's the doctor say?
He said that as soon as
she can handle the steps
on her own,
I can come home.
Probably, like,
two weeks from now,
she'll be as good as new.
All right.
Well, the crew wants you back.
They're threatening
a mutiny, so...
Well, tell them
I miss them, too.
All right.
- I love you.
- I love you, too, sweetheart.
Bye, Dad.
I got your folder.
I hope there's
some good stuff in there.
Yeah, I think you'll be happy.
I actually had fun
on this assignment.
Speaking of fun assignments,
I need you to do me a favor.
I'm at a conference
this afternoon.
Would you check in on Princess?
Stop by, take her for a walk?
There's a dog park
at the end of the street.
Sure. Yeah, absolutely.
I don't think I've met Princess.
She's a cutie, you'll love her.
I'll leave a key
with the doorman.
Well, let's get you paid.
Thank you, ma'am.
Come on, Goldie.
Come here!
Let me see.
Bring your ball.
Good girl.
So smart, Goldie!
You ready?
Gonna go again. Go!
Go! Get your ball!
All right, little girl,
let's see if you've got
some legs on ya.
I'm gonna keep your leash on,
but I'm gonna let you go,
'cause I don't know you
that well.
You ready?
There you go, get it.
Good girl. Good girl!
You ready?
This is a big one!
And... go!
Oh, no!
Sorry, sorry.
I wasn't looking.
Oh, hi!
Excuse me.
Who's this?
Is this a French bulldog?
I... I don't know what that is.
That's a...
I really don't know.
But her name is Princess.
Oh, she's cute.
Uh, she belongs
to my friend of mine.
I just took her for a walk,
'cause my friend's
at a conference.
I love all breeds of dogs.
Back home, it's, like,
there's Labradors,
Golden Retrievers,
German Shepherds.
That's about as exciting
as it gets.
Where's back home?
James Harbor, Washington.
I'm Beth, by the way.
- I'm Jake.
- Jake.
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- Yep.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet ya.
- Nice to meet you, too.
Goldie, take that
out of your mouth!
Don't be ashamed
if the ball isn't your thing,
it's okay.
Goldie... Goldie!
Come here!
Oh, yeah.
What are you doing?
This is... Sorry, again.
- Goldie?
- Yeah, this is Goldie.
Oh, good.
I think she likes
you and Princess.
- Yeah.
- Come here, girl.
She's trouble.
How are you doing?
So what brings you
to our, uh,
little, sun-drenched paradise?
Oh, my aunt, actually.
Yeah, she fell
and broke her leg.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, no, no, totally fine.
I just need to be here
to look after her
for a few weeks.
And after that?
Right back to working
on my dad's fishing boat.
You work on a fishing boat?
I do, yes.
The "Maria Elizabeth".
She is gorgeous.
What about you?
You, uh...
What do you do for work?
I'm a freelance photographer.
Are you one of those guys
that, like, hides in the bushes
to take photos of famous people?
Uh, hmm...
No, I do, um...
news features.
Yeah. Like,
human-interest stories.
The kid that grew
the biggest pumpkin,
that kind of thing.
- Cool, I love that.
- Thanks.
Way better than
those guys I see on TV.
Yeah, there's
a lot of them here.
What do you think of L.A.?
Oh, it's not my first time.
Yeah, I used to live here.
Unfortunately, I haven't
been able to get out much.
I can't be away
from Aunt Dody too long.
Oh, right, 'cause of her leg.
I can borrow her bike.
- Oh, you ride?
- Yeah. Yeah.
I love riding.
Where do you ride?
San Vicente.
I love San Vicente.
We should go riding sometime.
I'd love that.
Yeah. Maybe sometime, yeah.
Tomorrow... that's...
that's sometime, right?
It depends on my aunt.
Of course. Of course.
Yeah, I get it.
Strange guy in a dog park
with an even
stranger-looking dog.
I get it.
It's a lot.
You can never be too careful.
No offense, Jake, but...
I have wrestled
a few 80-pound salmon
to the dock.
After doing that,
you and Princess
don't seem too scary.
Good. Good.
Is that a yes?
It's a yes.
San Vicente tomorrow.
What time?
I'll meet you at, uh...
Third Street and San Vicente.
- Bye, Jake.
- Okay, bye.
Come on, Goldie.
- Good girl, come on.
- Bye, Goldie.
Goldie, come on,
we're gonna go this way.
- I'm telling you, this dog...
- I know.
Goldie. Goldie. Goldie.
I'm very sorry.
She wants to stay with you.
- That's okay.
- Goldie.
We can stay together.
Come on, Goldie.
We can live
a life together, Goldie.
Let's go this way.
Goldie, come on. Good girl.
Bye! Bye, Princess.
Bye, Beth.
I'll see you later.
Bye, Princess!
I've done a little bit
of internet research.
And I've prepared
a few questions.
All right, what you got?
is a sloop?
A sloop is a square-rigged
sailing boat with one mast.
Okay, Is it like a... a ketch?
No, no. No.
A ketch has two masts.
Two masts.
The mizzen
in front of the helm...
That's what makes it a ketch.
Of course. Of course.
Is yours a ketch?
No. No, no.
A ketch is a sailing boat,
ours is a fishing boat.
- A gill netter?
- Exactly!
- Yeah.
- See, you get it!
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, let me get this straight...
you're just out there
in the middle of the ocean,
bobbing around...
throwing nets?
That is what the crew does.
Me? I am the first mate.
Oh, you're upper management?
Oh, yeah.
Those glasses are for you, then.
Thank you.
Hast ye ever run into
that great white whale,
Moby Dick?
But we have seen
a bunch of orcas.
They're beautiful.
I bet.
Excuse me, miss?
You were going to pay for that?
Pay for what?
The scarf that you just
put in your purse.
Are you...
Are you accusing me of stealing?
Do you know who I am?
I just saw you put
the scarf in your purse.
- Oh, come on. You are...
- Excuse me, ma'am...
You up for gelato?
Oh, always.
Let me guess.
Something red.
How did you know?
You just seem like
a strawberry kind of girl.
Two strawberries, please.
Keep that change,
if you don't mind.
So, does L.A. seem different
from the last time
you were here?
No, not really.
I mean, if anything,
it seems to be raining
more than I remember.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Yeah, you may have brought
the weather down
from Washington.
Okay, sure.
You know, I have to say,
I think the traffic
has actually gotten worse.
If it weren't
for Aunt Dody's bike,
I don't think
I'd ever make it anywhere.
Also, it's nice to offset
my carbon footprint
for a few weeks, though.
You're an environmentalist?
Now that I've gotten
used to waking up
to the sun
peeking through the fog
as it wraps around the mountains
and the sound of water
lapping at the shore,
how could I not be?
I mean, this sounds
very romantic.
it is magical.
It does kinda feel like
I'm playing hooky, though.
It's been a long time since
I've been away from the crew.
But it's gotta be nice,
you know?
Taking a little break
in the L.A. sunshine,
I haven't taken a break
in a while from the hustle.
You mean you don't
do this every day?
I do eat things
other than gelato.
Oh, you do?
I'm sorry, do you mind
if I take this?
No. Go. Go.
- You sure?
- Go ahead.
It's a very Los Angeles
thing to do.
Hey, Shutterbot.
Someone just got busted
for shoplifting,
and it's none other
than the media darling herself,
Devon Davies.
You'd better hurry.
You don't need
to check my stuff!
- No, we need to check.
- No! Get your hands...
I can't make it.
I'm, uh...
I'm busy at the moment.
Busy? Jake, are you serious?
The cops aren't even here yet.
It's an exclusive
for our taking.
Montrose & George.
7th and Montana.
All right, I'll be right there.
Get out of my bag!
- Thanks for the tip.
- Call the police.
This is ridiculous!
- It's the same one that...
- This is absolutely ridiculous!
Sorry about that.
Um, something's
kinda come up at work.
Would you mind terribly if I...?
Oh, go. Go.
- You sure?
- Of course.
- Can I call you?
- Please.
Okay. Enjoy the sunshine.
Stop! Get off of me!
Get off!
This is ridiculous!
- I was gonna pay for it!
- Oh, yeah, I'm sure of it.
Do you know who I am?
I wanna talk to my lawyers.
Guys, come on!
Let me out!
Such a shame.
A million a movie just
isn't enough for some people.
For you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
So, have you been enjoying
your time back in L.A.?
Yeah. Yeah.
Just, uh, exploring, you know?
All by your lonesome?
Oh, Beth Plimsoll,
you know that
you can't keep a secret.
It's the family curse.
Try to lie and those ears
light up like a barber pole.
Okay. Well, I might have
met someone.
See, I knew it!
I was wondering why you wanted
to rush out of the house
to that bike ride today.
Why didn't you say anything?
Well, I didn't wanna make
a big deal out of it.
We just met.
- He's nice.
- Mm?
Actually, he's really sweet.
He's funny.
And he has this weird knack
of knowing just what to say.
We met at the dog park,
of all places.
He was walking this little pug.
And we just started talking,
and it turns out
we actually have
a lot in common.
We both like the same trails,
we both love
the farmers' market,
he guessed my favorite
ice-cream flavor.
Actually, it's kinda weird.
What is?
Well, we just met,
but it feels like he's known me
a lot longer.
So does Prince Charming
have a name?
He does, yes. Jacob.
- Uh-huh.
- Call him Jake.
Jake Myer.
And when do I get to meet
the illustrious Mr. Myer?
Well, Aunt Dody, I just met him.
Oh, right.
Okay. Mm-hmm, yeah.
Ooh! Here's what we'll do.
See how the next couple
of bike rides go.
If he still makes you
smile like that...
then we invite him for dinner,
and I will make
the special chowder.
That will tell us
exactly what we need to know
about Mr. Jacob Myer.
She wants to do what?
Meet you.
I may have very casually
mentioned you in conversation.
All right.
And now she is insisting
on making you dinner.
Wow. When?
I love it.
- You do?
- Of course.
Good, 'cause I got
the shopping list right here.
- Great.
- It's very detailed.
She's leaving nothing to chance.
As she shouldn't.
She's actually making
her famous clam chowder.
Now, I shouldn't be
telling you this,
but it would help if this was
the best clam chowder
you have ever tasted.
This sounds concerning.
Is it not?
No, no, no, it's good.
It's good.
She claims it has
a secret ingredient.
I think the secret is she uses
double the cooking sherry.
I can deal with sherry.
Good. Good.
Okay, cauliflower, leeks.
Let's do two onions, please.
Two onions.
Coming up.
- Done.
- And three potatoes.
Three potatoes.
Big ones.
- You're so strong.
- Thank you.
- Right this way.
- Yes, ma'am.
So, when'd you get
your first bike?
Uh, I was six.
Didn't know how to ride it
until I was eight.
All that time,
you were on training wheels?
Mm-hmm. I was, yes.
I was too busy
learning how to find
the best spots
for fresh-water-salmon fishing.
Of course, you were.
What am I thinking?
Yeah, if you ever wanna find
the fattest salmon
in peak season...
I'm your girl.
Good to know.
Good to know.
And what about you?
When'd you get your first bike?
First bicycle when I was five.
First bike when I was 16.
Oh, do you mean,
like, a motorbike?
- Yeah, I do.
- Nice.
I worked every summer
for my uncle to pay it off.
So, you're one of
those "cool" photographers.
I'm full of surprises.
Oh, I'm out of water.
I'm gonna need to stop
and get more on the way home.
Yeah. I'm right around
the corner.
You can fill up there.
Come on.
- Come on in.
- Ooh!
Hey, don't judge.
All right,
make yourself at home.
Don't mind me,
I'm just gonna hide
the incriminating evidence.
Your dirty clothes...
Not that incriminating.
Did you take these?
Yeah, a long time ago.
Jake, they're beautiful!
Why didn't you tell me
this is what you do?
Well, 'cause it's not.
Not anymore.
Yeah, it's kind of
a lost art form, anyway.
I used to think the desert
was so lonely.
I don't know.
Since I work on the water,
I think they're kinda the same.
Not lonely, they're peaceful.
The light in that one
is gorgeous.
You do that on the computer?
No, I did it
with this right here.
What's that?
It looks so old.
Easy. She can hear ya.
- Sorry. Sorry.
- She's got feelings.
This used to be
the best there was.
Still is.
They took this
to the moon, you know.
It's loud.
It's 'cause it's not
some wimpy click or beep,
it's a good,
old-fashioned ka-chunk.
Hold on, who's that?
- Beth?
- Me? It is.
- On the runway?
- It's me, Beth.
Who's she wearing?
Work it, girl.
Look at me go.
- Wow...
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Whose collection is that?
This is from my house.
Hold on.
Hold it right there.
That's lovely.
Yeah, yeah, don't move.
The light is perfect.
I'm embarrassed.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
I get carried away
when I'm behind the lens.
I apologize.
Can I see?
- Yeah, you wanna try?
- Mm-hmm.
Come on.
- Two hands.
- Yep.
- Looking through the top.
- Okay.
How you feel about these,
uh, shadows right here?
- You wanna frame that up?
- Mm-hmm.
Wait, why does it look blurry?
Oh, yeah, this lens is...
- Do you mind?
- Oh, yeah. No, please.
Okay. So, right here's
your focus.
Down here...
this is where
you take the picture.
- You feel that?
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
So, on this lens,
focus is crucial.
How's that?
You see how the, uh,
light is playing with
the shadows, constantly moving?
A lot of possibilities,
so just take your time.
Frame it up.
When you feel it...
hit that button.
But how do I know when?
You'll know.
I did it.
Aunt Dody, are you okay?
Yeah, yeah, I'm, uh...
I'm with him right now.
Okay, we'll talk later.
Okay, bye-bye. Bye.
I have to water
my aunt's orchids.
She like orchids?
Oh, loves them.
So, say six for dinner?
- Yeah.
- You have the address?
- I do.
- Great.
Yeah, thanks.
- Shall I bring anything?
- No, no. No.
Thank you.
Now, what do we have here?
Hey, Vern, do you have a sec?
What is it?
I've got a meeting.
What do you think of this?
Yeah, it's not bad.
Not bad?
It's gorgeous.
This is exactly what we need.
It's one of Jake Myers'.
He's a freelancer.
One of our best.
I think we should run this.
Your call.
Come on in.
Wow, she really likes orchids.
Aren't you going
to introduce us?
Sorry. Aunt Dody,
this is Jake Myer.
Jake, Aunt Dody.
- This is for you.
- Oh!
I'm just gonna place it
over here
with the many others
that you also have.
A frivolous Phalaenopsis.
That's one of my favorites.
How did you know?
Lucky guess.
Well, uh, we don't need
to congregate here.
Why don't you come in?
After you.
Thank you.
Oh, start, you two!
Please, don't wait for me.
Okay. It smells delicious.
It's incredible.
I've never had
anything quite like it.
Yeah, that is
a Plimsoll family recipe
passed down from
my great-great-grandmother.
That is lovely.
I'm gonna have to cook
for you sometime.
You cook?
Don't judge a photographer
by his camera.
- Okay?
- All right, okay.
This also has
a secret ingredient.
Oh, yeah.
She wouldn't even tell me
until I swore on
a stack of Bibles.
Of course.
Come on, let's hear it.
Oh, what good's a secret
if everyone knows?
I double up
on the cooking sherry.
Aunt Dody!
You just gave it up like that!
Don't worry,
I won't tell a soul.
Now, Beth says that you are
a wonderful photographer.
Do you do that for a living?
Um... yeah.
I'm a, uh...
what you call a "stringer".
I take photos
for different outlets.
News. Feature pieces.
That kind of thing.
I, uh, was telling her
about the pictures
in your apartment.
They're so beautiful.
They should be in a book.
Thank you.
They are, actually.
Or, they were.
I published a collection
years ago.
Wasn't exactly a best-seller.
Why not?
I just don't think
it's what people want anymore.
You used to have to wait
for hours
to take the perfect photo.
everything's digital...
All you need
is a phone and a computer.
I don't think people
see the beauty
in the little things anymore.
In what's
right in front of them.
I think you're very talented,
and I am gonna order that book.
I think that might be tough.
I don't think there's any left.
I sold five.
Uh, Mom got three.
And the rest ended up
on some bargain table
where books go to die, so...
Well, I've successfully
killed the vibe here.
Apologize for that.
All right, let me
get these out of here.
Oh, darling, let me help you.
- Can I help?
- No, no, no. You're good.
- Are you sure?
- Thank you for offering.
- Yeah, of course.
- Here you go.
what are your intentions
with my niece, if I may ask?
Well, everybody's
got intentions.
Nothing wrong with that.
What are yours?
I really like her.
Well, of course you do.
She's an absolute treasure.
No argument there.
Jacob, you are a charming boy.
It is no wonder that my Beth
is fond of you.
But there is something
that you need to understand.
Beth has been hurt before,
so she doesn't let
her guard down easily.
She's only ever really
fallen hard for one boy, but...
once was plenty.
She thought that he was the one.
So, like I said,
everybody's got
their intentions,
and yours are to be
an honorable gentleman,
and mine are to do
everything I can
to make sure
that nothing like that
ever happens to her again.
Not if I have something
to say about it.
Do I make myself clear?
Yes, ma'am.
All right, you two.
What'd I miss?
Oh, nothing serious, darling.
We were just getting acquainted.
A little chitchat
between friends.
Did you always know
you wanted to be an artist?
Uh... I mean, yeah.
Always tried to capture
the beauty of things
in a certain light,
so that I can share
what may otherwise
be overlooked.
I mean, I hope that my art
encouraged people
to see things that way.
What about you?
Always want to save the world?
I've always loved nature.
I've always wanted
to protect it.
But I don't really wanna be
the poster girl for that,
you know?
Make it all about me.
I think change can be
just as powerful
when it's done
on a smaller scale.
So, I still advocate
for living in harmony
with the environment,
just, like, in a different way
than I used to.
This is incredibly admirable.
Thank you. Thank you.
Also, I just like
being out on the water,
so there's that, too.
Yeah. I used to always think
I'd end up somewhere quieter
than L.A., but...
my life is full of changes.
I think I'm learning
to go with the flow.
Sounds like the sea.
It does sound like the sea.
This better be good.
Oh, it's better than good.
It is the best.
Look who made the front cover.
Where'd you get this?
What do you mean?
It was with all the others.
No, no, no, no, no.
You weren't supposed
to have this one.
This is a mistake.
This is a terrible mistake.
I thought you would be thrilled!
When does this go out?
It already has.
It hit the newsstands
an hour ago.
Wait, where are you going?
- To warn her.
- Who?
Aunt Dody?
So, Goldie was a runt.
But you know what?
I'm all for the underdog,
so I took a look
at those puppies,
and I saw her.
We connected eyes, and I went...
Excuse me.
Darling, that's you!
What is happening?
Darling, I think
we should get going now.
Come on.
Hi there.
Everybody's here.
Oh... Nice. Uh-huh.
Oh, selfies.
Look, everybody, all around.
Okay, that's enough!
Everybody, out of the way,
girl's coming through.
- Oh, excuse me.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Excuse us!
Okay. She says,
"Go to the Google."
I am on Google.
He is on...
He is on Google.
Okay. Now type in
the "Flower Girl".
"Flower Girl."
Like daisy,
not like whole wheat.
Guys, guys.
Are you focused?
Holy cow.
There's dozens of them.
There it is.
All the socials.
Click on one.
Which one?
It really doesn't matter,
they are all the same.
Beth, that...
that's beautiful.
You say this is in a magazine?
Dad, it was on the cover.
And now it's everywhere.
It was like
I went to sleep last night,
woke up this morning,
and walked out on some stage
in front of the whole world.
So you're saying
that somebody
can just take your picture,
splash it all over creation,
and not ask your permission?
Like, what kind of a person
does that?
I don't know.
But I'm gonna find out.
It's you!
It's me. Hi.
Who did this?
That would be me.
Wow! So you're the cover girl
live and in person.
Yes, it's me,
and I'm trying to find out
who did this.
All it says is "Shutterbot".
Well, I'm afraid
I can't give
that information out, Ms...?
I didn't give anyone
permission to print this.
Well, that doesn't
really matter.
As long as it's not
for commercial exploitation,
and was taken in a public place,
it's perfectly legal.
Happens all the time.
it's called...
An invasion of privacy!
Well, we prefer
to call it photojournalism.
Listen, it really
doesn't matter what it's called.
Who is "Shutterbot"?
I'm afraid
I can't tell you that.
Why not?
Look, if he wanted the public
to know his real name,
he would have used it.
But I can tell you this...
he does specialize
in shooting celebrities,
so you are in great company.
But here's what I can do.
If you'd like to leave
your name and number,
I can try to get
a message to him.
Well, I said I can try.
Can't promise anything,
so don't get your hopes up.
And, uh, your name again?
My name is Beth.
Beth Plimsoll.
Beth Plimsoll.
And the number
where you can be reached?
Why so glum?
We should be celebrating,
cover boy.
Oh, you go ahead.
I'm okay.
I'm, uh...
I don't think I'm in the mood.
Come on.
Cheer up.
Thanks to your little snapshot,
we're gonna generate
more downloads
and more ad revenue
than anything we've ever run.
All thanks to you.
Don't thank me, thank her.
You mean Beth Plimsoll?
How do you know her name?
Because maybe Ms. Plimsoll
showed up at the office today.
Looking for, of all people, you.
Only she didn't know it was you.
You didn't tell her?
Of course not.
And spoil all your fun?
She does wanna meet you, though.
Only, I wasn't sure
which you she wanted to meet.
Jake Myer,
lovable boy next door,
or the dark,
mysterious Shutterbot...
ruthless digital assassin?
Please don't.
I don't get it.
It was a mistake.
A glorious one.
Why don't you just tell her?
Oh, and she just walked in.
Hold, please.
Beth, you're wanted
on the phone.
Hurry, it sounds important.
Come on, girl,
let's clean you up.
Come on.
No, I'm sorry,
I think you have the wrong n...
Oh, um...
Yes. I, uh...
I just need to think about that.
I'll let you know tomorrow.
Okay, bye-bye. Bye.
That was the Claire DeLido show.
They want me on as a guest.
Of course, they do!
And you're going
to tell them "yes".
There is no question about it.
One question.
Why me?
Because you're the girl
in the picture, silly.
Welcome back!
We are coming to you live
from Santa Monica
at the 3rd Street
Farmers' Market.
Now, the whole country
has been looking
for our next guest,
but we found her.
You may know her simply
as the "Flower Girl,"
but please welcome Beth Plimsoll
to the show.
Beth, welcome.
It's nice to meet you.
Have a seat.
Oh, thank you.
How does it feel to be
an overnight cyber celebrity?
It's overwhelming.
I can imagine.
So, for those of you
who don't know,
Beth was the unwitting subject
of a photograph that appeared
in a weekly magazine
here in Los Angeles
that has since gone viral.
This was just
a candid shot, correct?
Totally candid.
You didn't even know
that it was being taken?
You didn't know
the photographer?
No, I still don't, actually.
And nobody
has come forward to say,
"Hey, I'm the one
that made you famous"?
No, but I wish they would.
I would really
like to talk to them.
So would we.
Hey, are you catching this?
It's incredible.
How did they find her so quick?
Mm... maybe they had
a little help.
Oh, you gave them her number.
I did.
Listen, we'll talk later.
Now, celebrity photos
going viral
is very much
a Los Angeles thing,
but you don't even live here,
do you?
No. No, I actually work on
my dad's fishing boat up north.
What is it about this picture
that you think has captured
everyone's imagination?
I mean, it is a beautiful shot.
Thank you.
But, there's gotta be
more than that.
What is it?
I think it is a private moment
of a person appreciating
something beautiful.
A private moment...
now shared
by millions of strangers.
Maybe only semi-private.
Have you received any offers?
I mean, you can't even appear
on a surveillance video
in this town
and not get offers.
And do not ask me
how I know that.
I have had a couple, yes.
Not for a talk show,
though, right?
Please, we have
enough competition already.
We will find out that answer
when we come back.
what's it like
being your very own meme?
It's, like, since that show,
my phone hasn't stopped ringing.
There's this florist guy
that wants to use my picture
for his billboards,
and this talent agent
is calling.
It's wild.
No sign of Shutterbot?
It's weird.
I don't know
what he's so afraid of,
I'm not gonna bite.
Maybe he doesn't know that.
Maybe he thinks
that you might blame him
for all this hoopla.
After you.
Oh, I love this place.
Get you a little pillow here.
That's very chivalrous of you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I, uh...
I got you a little something.
You did?
It's not much, but, um...
Ohh, Jake!
Oh, that is beautiful.
Where'd you get this?
I took it.
No, I did.
I took it off the internet
like, um, everybody else,
I just did
my little magic on it.
I also took the liberty
of giving it a proper title.
"Beth. Flower Girl".
You think ol' Shutterpuss
would mind you
changing the name?
I won't tell if you don't.
Really, that is so lovely.
Thank you.
Of course.
Now, listen,
everybody's trying to get her.
Agents. Managers. Everyone.
Oh, I'm just gonna tell her,
"You sign
with any of those people,
you'll fall through the cracks.
You need someone
who's willing to work for you.
I mean, really work for you.
Make you
their number-one client."
Oops, she's here.
Wish me luck.
Ahh! The face that launched
a thousand clicks.
- Oh, hi. Hi!
- Hi.
- Richie Rosebrook.
- Beth Plimsoll.
Please... join me.
- Thank you.
- Oh, Ma'am!
Could we get some menus
over here, please?
Been a wild ride, I bet,
the past couple weeks.
It's crazy, all of this
from one picture.
It's not just the picture.
It's you.
You have been blessed
with the perfect look.
Natural. Outdoorsy.
Listen, I'm gonna be
upfront with you.
I've got three ad agencies
right now...
right this very minute,
that are looking
for the next fresh face.
And all I gotta say is,
"You want the Flower Girl?
You got her!"
That's so exciting.
I know.
- Aunt Dody?
- Out here!
In the greenhouse!
What are you doing here?
Well, I live here,
according to the name
on the gas bill.
No, no, I mean you came
down the steps all by yourself!
I'm so proud of you!
Don't be so surprised.
While you were out romancing,
I was working the steps.
You didn't think
I was gonna be helpless forever?
Well, I just...
Ooh, but enough about me.
How was lunch?
It was good.
Yeah, he, um...
He says he wants to be my agent.
Does he think
he can get you work?
I don't know. Apparently.
Well, you're gonna
have to make up your mind.
I was actually hoping
for some advice here.
I think this is something
you are gonna need to decide
for yourself.
Are you home for dinner?
Oh, uh...
It's all right.
Have a very good time.
Just don't wake Goldie
when you tiptoe in.
Right, I won't.
Sorry about that.
Have fun!
That was...
Go ahead.
It was delicious.
You mean that?
A hundred percent.
Yep, I like picking up recipes
everywhere I travel.
Where was tonight's from?
- Tonight's?
- Mm-hmm.
this one was from a...
road trip down to Baja.
I was shooting
coastal landscapes,
and a local from La Paz asked me
to shoot his restaurant,
and after having
the meal you just had,
we agreed...
that his recipe
would be fair exchange.
Oh yeah, I'll say.
Most people collect souvenirs,
I collect recipes.
They're a lot more...
Exactly. Cheers.
So, did you, uh,
talk to that agent?
Yeah, I met with him today, actually.
He has a bunch of ideas
about what I can do,
meetings lined up.
Something you wanna do?
Well, I can't believe
I'm about to say this, but...
might be kinda fun
to live in the big city again.
Obviously, I know,
than working on the boat.
I mean, slightly.
You wouldn't miss it?
Of course.
What if I'm getting
a little too comfortable at sea?
I think it might be good for me
to do something different
for a while.
I mean, yeah. Why not?
This... This life
that this agent is selling you,
does this feel like it's...
I don't know.
But I'm not afraid to find out.
Anything that keeps you here
is just fine by me.
How do you feel
about tonight's festivities?
You wanna get out of here?
Yes, please.
Jake Myer!
What is this place?
This is my buddy's place.
He lets me come here
whenever he's out of town.
Look at the stars.
No one ever told me
you could see stars
like this in L.A...
Maybe they're not looking.
Or they just can't see
the beauty
that's right in front of them.
It's kinda like
being out on the ocean.
Oh yeah... kinda.
It's close.
Okay. I tried.
I thought
it might be nice for you
to have a little slice of home
in all this madness.
Want to have a seat?
Thank you.
You know, maybe there's
more to the city than I thought.
What if I was wrong?
What if this is where I belong?
Thank you.
I think you can belong
wherever you'd like to belong.
You just gotta look up.
It also helps if you know
a few places like this one, eh?
It really...
really doesn't hurt.
Thank you.
So, what about you?
Does L.A. feel like home?
I don't know that anywhere
really feels like home for me.
Is that why you travel so much?
That's probably
a big part of it.
I mean, this city did give me
the one thing that I think
I'm born to do.
But, even when you find that,
it can still feel like
something's missing, you know?
Yeah, I don't know
if something's missing for me.
Or maybe I have it all.
Whatever you decide to do
with all this,
just don't lose yourself in it.
'Cause yourself
is what everybody's falling for.
It's crazy.
All this from one picture?
You know what?
I think...
people are just seeing
what I'm seeing.
You are a whole lot more
than just a "Flower Girl".
Thank you.
Yeah, so this agent says
that I have a natural look,
and he loves
that I work on a boat.
Well, what does Dody think?
Oh, she's thrilled.
Says we should go in together.
She thinks
we could pass as sisters.
Oh, sorry. All right.
I know they're crazy down there,
but I don't think
they're that crazy.
I heard that!
Hey, go back to your orchids,
you aging flower child!
Beth, just be careful
down there.
Thank you, Dad.
Beth! Over here!
- Hi.
- Hi!
I'm glad I caught you.
We'll have to go somewhere else.
Isn't this your office?
Yes, absolutely.
But you'll never
guess what happened.
Oh, uh, roaches.
Total infestation.
Crazy, huh?
You know the kind of rent
they get for this place?
And I asked specifically
for an office
next to the cafeteria.
Thought it'd be
convenient for clients.
You know?
But, listen, enough about that.
Just wait
until you hear the news,
you're not gonna believe it!
You ready?
I got you a national spot.
What is a national spot?
It's a TV commercial
that will play on every set
in the country.
You'll be everywhere.
What would I be selling?
It's a new
financial services company.
They want a strong,
confident, working woman.
Someone who you can trust
on how to handle your finances.
Yeah, I don't know if that's me.
Well, they wanted
someone fresh...
When I told them
I could get the "Flower Girl",
they absolutely flipped.
The agency guys
had seen you on TV.
They said you'd be perfect.
Okay. Would I be playing myself?
You'd be playing
a version of yourself.
Your character is down to earth.
The girl next door.
You're at a party.
It's elegant...
You're at the height
of your career
as a professional woman.
And that's when you tell
the audience
you could do this forever.
Or something like that.
Does that sound cool to you?
Oh! I almost forgot...
some paperwork
for the commercial.
Oh, right. Right.
Your contract.
Oh. Um, can I actually
look this over first?
Sure. Take your time.
- Okay.
- It's a big opportunity.
Could be life-changing.
All right,
I'll let you know tomorrow.
Make it first thing!
They're waiting for an answer.
I mean,
it seems pretty standard.
Boilerplate, mostly.
Who can do what to who, and why.
You think I should sign it?
You're asking me?
Wait, shouldn't you
ask your agent that?
Oh, this...
this is your agent.
There you go, Jake.
Of course. Of course.
It's, like, tides and currents...
That, I can do, but this...
I just... I don't wanna get in
over my head.
When have you ever
been in over your head?
Ooh, you haven't asked me
why I left L.A...
Why did you?
I was seeing this guy.
He was smart, funny.
Don't worry, you're funnier.
Thank you.
He was an environmental lawyer.
I was a witness
in one of his cases.
And together,
we were gonna change the world.
Did you?
My world, maybe.
Turns out, there was
a lot about himself
he wasn't willing to share.
Promises that were never kept.
So what you see
isn't always what you get.
I'm sorry.
Oh... ancient water
under a very,
very distant bridge.
Should I trust this guy?
Reveal my smiling face
to the world?
I think you should do
whatever you wanna do.
But if it helps,
I can tag along.
- Oof.
- Keep you company.
Please. Yes, thank you.
Help me face the storm.
Spoken like a true sailor.
You know what? Actually,
there is one more thing.
If you could just come here.
What was that?
It's what the fishermen's wives
would do
before they went to sea.
I mean, for good luck.
That's it.
They're not coming.
They said
they'd be here at 7:00.
Sweetie pie, it's only 7:05.
That is still considered early
for around here.
Now, just relax
and have some tea.
I'm just a galley wench
on a boat,
I'm not a model.
There's your ride.
Now, remember what I said.
You go out there and show 'em
what us Plimsolls are made of.
Okay, bye, Aunt Dody!
Hang on a second.
- Good luck.
- Okay. Thank you.
Oh! Thank you.
My clients deserve the best.
Somebody will come and get you
when it's time for make-up,
hair and wardrobe.
This... This is you.
I get my own trailer?
That's so cool, thank you.
Hey, you're gonna be great.
Enjoy the moment.
Break a leg.
Oh, the girl in the picture!
You're Shutter...
Jake's friend.
Do you know Jake?
Sweetheart, everyone knows Jake.
I'll be back with your wardrobe
once your hair and makeup
are done.
Oh, okay.
Oh. Oh, don't worry.
I'm not done yet.
Hey... Jake.
What are you doing here?
Oh, I met that "Flower Girl"
friend of yours.
Yeah. How's she, uh...
How's she doing?
Oh, she's loving it.
Good. Good, I'm glad
to hear that.
Yeah, I gotta go,
but, uh, she should be done soon
if you stick around.
- See you later, Janice.
- Mm-hmm!
There she is, the star!
Well, what do you think?
I thought we were going
for real and natural.
Oh, no, come on.
You are, but in
a new and different way.
Richie, this is not
what I signed up for.
Oh, no, no, no.
I... I like it.
And trust me...
it gets better.
Now, come on,
they want you on set.
Richie, I'm so sorry.
Whoa, whoa.
What's going on?
They need you on set right now.
I know. I know.
It's just... It's too much.
You're right.
Trust me,
I didn't know
that they would go so far.
So let's just get you
back in the chair...
No, no, no, no, no.
It isn't right.
The hair. The makeup. The dress.
It just... It isn't me.
Look, why don't I talk
to the director,
see what we can do?
Does that sound cool to you?
Richie, you're not
listening to me.
I don't wanna do this anymore.
Well, how do I fix the problem?
Work with me here.
- Please, listen to me!
- Hey, Beth!
I am listening to you.
What's happening?
Everything okay?
Oh, everything's cool.
We're just gonna get back...
Back in her chair...
Thank you,
just give us a minute.
- Are you all right?
- Mm-mm.
Okay, you wanna get out of here?
You don't have to do this.
Hey, uh, guys,
we're a little pressed for time.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Let's get out of here.
Hey, Shutterbot!
You working this shoot, too?
We gotta do
that coffee sometime.
You been holding out on me, man!
I'm not asking you again!
You're Shutterbot?
I can explain everything,
if you just...
you'll understand.
I understand.
You lied to me.
Beth, where are you going?
I'm going home!
And you lied to me, too!
Here, darling.
Oh, thank you.
Tough day?
The worst, actually.
You put yourself
out there today, darling.
You tried.
I'm proud of you for that.
You know, the grass
isn't always greener.
And that's okay.
Even if it hurts?
Oh, one day,
you will look back on this
and laugh.
Wonder what the big deal was.
Yeah, I wish
I hadn't gotten swept away.
And that's okay, too.
Thanks, Aunt Dody.
I love you.
You'll be okay.
All right.
Well, it looks like
it's back to the salmon.
Are you sure
you're gonna be okay?
Oh, I've been okay
for a while now.
It was just so wonderful
having you here,
I haven't wanted to let on.
Are you sure
you don't want to stay?
Yeah, I just wanna go home
where it's quiet,
no one's lying to me,
and I can be myself.
Well, I don't blame you.
And if anyone
should come looking for you?
Just tell them,
"She was here but she left."
That's all anyone needs to know.
Goodbye, darling.
Thank you for everything.
Take care.
Hi! Is Beth home?
No. Okay.
I've tried calling
and leaving messages.
Um, could you do me a favor
and please give her
these for me?
I left my number on the note.
If you could please
get her to call me
as soon she gets back,
I'd appreciate it.
Oh, dear Jacob.
She isn't coming back.
She went home.
Back to the "Maria Elizabeth".
I asked you
what your intentions were
and you said
that they were honorable.
And I believed you.
But that wasn't exactly true,
was it?
I understand.
Believe me,
this thing was a big mistake.
But I couldn't help but see her.
Truly see her.
And to be honest,
I'm glad
that I'm not the only one.
She's not just
a girl in a picture.
I never thought
in a million years
that I'd be lucky enough
to fall in love with her.
I had high hopes for you, Jake.
But she trusted you,
and you betrayed her.
Goodbye, Mr. Myer.
So, um...
I was thinking,
maybe we could try
the narrows next time.
I heard another skipper
on the radio
talking about
how he was doing so well there.
We could set the nets here,
and then just...
drift with the tide.
What do you think?
Maybe we could try over here.
Or maybe over here.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Or maybe we could just run
her aground on this island
and chop her up for firewood?
Mm. Mm-hmm.
the streets are blue
where the crowds are few
where no one knows our name
Somewhere I can be with you
where the air is new
Maybe we could feel
good again
Wind the windows down
Put on your favorite song
We'll escape this town
Find a place
where we belong
Somewhere on the avenue
We could rent a room for two
Just to lie
and listen to the rain
Wind the windows down
Put on your favorite song
We'll escape this town
Find a place where we belong
Hey, Dad.
Do you have a second?
Sure, what's up?
I was just looking over
the charts from last week,
and I think we can make
a few adjustments.
I... I used to know this girl.
She was always joking around,
always smiling.
Always sticking her nose
into things.
Including the roses.
I wonder whatever
happened to her?
She went away
and never came back.
Well, I'd sure like
to find her again.
You think maybe
she left her calling cod?
If she did,
it wasn't on porpoise.
You miss that boy, huh?
He used me, Dad.
He used me,
and then he lied to me.
Yeah, that may be...
but he also created
something beautiful...
and anyone who can see you
in this way...
the way
that I've always seen you...
can't be all bad.
It's good to be home, Dad.
It's "Captain Dad" to you.
Oh, right! Right.
- Get it right.
- Won't happen again.
- All right.
- All right, Captain Dad.
Let's have a look at these...
- Yeah.
- charts.
Say what you will...
that boy has an eye for beauty.
Aunt Dody.
Hello, Jacob.
Please, won't you join me?
It was most considerate of you
to meet me on such short notice.
Of course.
It sounded urgent.
Well, maybe not as urgent
as all that,
but it seems that
I do have something of yours.
This just came.
Look familiar?
How did she find this?
So you didn't send it?
No. No, it, uh...
this wasn't me.
So it was her.
I guess when you want
something bad enough,
you just keep looking until,
you manage to find it.
Jacob, this creates
a huge problem for me.
It does?
It most certainly does.
How exactly am I supposed
to get that to her?
Have you ever tried to have
something delivered to a boat?
You might as well try
to deliver it via flying fish.
I was wondering if maybe...
you might be willing
to deliver it.
- You want me to do what?
- Deliver it.
In person.
The directions are there.
Might wanna bring along
your camera,
there's some beautiful country
up there.
What makes you think
that she'll even see me?
Well, I guess that all depends
on who shows up.
A sensitive young man
with an eye for beauty,
or a scandal-sniffing
Hollywood type
who's just in it
for a quick buck?
Thank you.
Good luck.
Candace, hi!
You barely caught me,
I'm just headed out.
Jake, something
wonderful's happened.
Oh, yeah?
How soon can you get here?
Not soon.
What do you mean?
You mean now?
I mean right now.
Why? What's up?
I can't say,
but someone important said,
"Get me the guy
who shot that photo."
So, you're
the infamous Shutterbot.
Jake. Jake Myer.
It's good
to finally meet you, Jake.
Thanks for coming by.
Yeah, of course.
Please, have a seat.
Sure. Anywhere?
I'm Vern Valene.
Huge fan.
Always loved your work.
Now, you may not know it,
but you're a very important guy
around here these days.
I am?
That one issue
has generated
more online traffic
than anything we've published.
And more traffic
means more advertising.
Ad placements are up
by a third this month alone.
Your "Flower Girl"
has been shared, linked, pinned,
liked, and dug
more times
than anything we've ever run.
Her name's Beth.
Right, Beth.
Anyway, here's the deal.
Based on the response,
we've decided to devote
an entire issue to you.
It's about time your talent gets
the recognition it deserves.
If only someone had said
something sooner.
Wow, a... a whole issue.
To me?
To your work.
Yeah, we'll pick a day.
Turn you loose.
Let you do your thing.
An entire issue
dedicated to Shutterbot.
Shutterbot's retired.
Then maybe you can do it as you.
You can do it
as whoever you want.
The important thing is
that you're the guy
that captured the shot
of this magnificent girl.
And that's
what people wanna see.
So, what do you say?
This is a huge opportunity.
Jake, this is everything
you've ever really wanted.
You're right.
You're absolutely right.
Then why did you put him off?
He wants you
to start right away.
What do I tell him?
Tell him
I gotta do something first.
I hurt somebody very special.
I need to make that right.
I hope you know
what you're doing.
Vern's offer
isn't gonna last forever.
I know.
Thank you, Candace.
I appreciate it a lot.
I should've noticed sooner
I've been away for longer
But now the worst is over
I can begin
to make it better
Now all my time is for you
Are you expecting someone?
No, why?
Looks like
someone's expecting you.
Nothing's impossible these days.
Go on.
Go and show him
how a real sailor does it.
Where's your camera?
Packed away.
No one lurking
up there on the dock?
No. Just me.
What's in there?
I found a copy.
Apparently, my mother
wasn't the only one
who had one after all.
Did you come all the way
out here just to give me that?
It was Dody's idea.
She insisted.
She said if I didn't come,
that, uh, she'd have to use
a flying fish.
Classic Dody.
You really didn't have to go
through all that trouble
to find that.
I know, but I wanted to.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Please believe that.
I get that you believe that.
Would it help if, um,
I told you...
Hey, first mate!
You, uh...
You planning on snubbing up
that line anytime soon,
before we drift back out to sea?
What are you talking about, Dad?
She's secure.
Hey, you...
young man.
Yes, sir.
Be advised,
distracting a crew member
and interfering
with the safe operation
of a commercial vessel
is a serious crime.
Punishable by, uh...
Aye, aye, captain.
I don't get it.
Why didn't you just tell me?
I wanted to.
I even tried to.
I was afraid
that if you knew
about Shutterbot,
that it would change everything.
And how long were you planning
on stringing me along for?
I guess
until you knew me well enough
that it wouldn't matter.
Jake, I knew you well enough
from the moment I saw you.
how long you think
you can stay for?
At least until
I run out of film.
I got a lot of film.
Well, unfortunately,
that is not gonna take you long.
You can point your camera
in any direction
and see something beautiful.
I noticed that.
No, not me, the scenic beauty.
I noticed that, too.
It's good for me here.
It's not glamorous,
I know, but...
this is where I belong.
You're beautiful
wherever you are.
And wherever you are...
that's where I wanna be.
I don't know how it happened.
I managed to capture
all of you...
in that one photo.
Your courage.
Your kindness.
Your soul.
You made me want to be
an artist again,
just by being you.
that's pretty sweet-talking
for a city slicker.
I was laying it on thick.
- Yeah.
- Too much?
No, I liked it.
You think you could learn
how to trust me again?
You know what they say?
They say, "Time and tide
wait for no man."
And if these past few weeks
have taught me anything,
it's that we really have no idea
what could possibly
happen tomorrow.
being with you
makes me so excited
to find out
what's gonna happen next.
I feel good
when I find a friend
And they let me in
I feel at home...
I'd say
that's a pretty good start.
...I'm by the ocean
The breeze a-blowing
The stars a-glowing
Just in time
I'm thinking I'm home
Just in time
I'm thinking I'm home
I feel love
I watch the sunset
from my apartment...
All right.
- Comfy?
- Yes.
Got your camera packed?
Of course.
All right.
...The place that born
Just in time
I'm thinking I'm home
The sun is shining
feeling like home