A Savannah Haunting (2021) Movie Script

Hold me in your arms
You're so big and strong
Lay me on the ground
That's where I belong
Place my hand in yours
They won't know I'm gone
I feel safe with you
That's where I belong
I'm Alexis Nelson
and I'm the producer of
A Savannah Haunting.
I would come and visit Mark
here in Savannah
when he moved back.
We realised that there were
so many supernatural things
that had happened here
in the past that we should
write a script
based on that story,
so um, Mark went to work
on writing the script
from all real experiences that
people have had in the home.
This happened all the time.
I would be downstairs sleeping,
and uh,
a noise would wake me up.
It was a... a banging noise.
Someone walking, distinctive,
someone walking with boots
on a hardwood floor
directly above me.
I have chills.
I I'd lay there,
not wanting to wake dad up
wanting, you know,
just lay there
and then it would get to me.
It would just be too much,
and it would continue,
it would get louder.
I'd finally go wake dad up,
run in his room and... and...
And tell him
there's somebody upstairs.
He uh, would grab his gun
and run
up the stairs uh,
and never saw anyone.
Mama, help me!
Where are you?
Mama, where are you?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Another nightmare?
Well, I can't wait for you guys
to see the house.
It's in the middle of nowhere.
That's part of the charm.
Oh dear God.
Hey, watch your step.
Is this cool or what?
You have got to be kidding me.
April, enough.
I think it's cool, dad.
Thank you, buddy.
Do you like it?
It's filthy, but gorgeous.
I love it.
I promised you
a beautiful house.
Not a clean one.
Hey, why don't you guys
go check out your bedrooms?
Through that door,
immediate right,
at the end of the hall.
I'm gonna show
your mom upstairs.
Can we see upstairs?
Uh, not yet.
Still got some work to do,
make sure it's safe.
So this could be game room.
Put a pool table over here,
maybe a table for board games.
That sounds good.
- Yeah?
- Hmm.
Alright, come on, more to see.
You know, with a little TLC
this room will be beautiful.
It'll take
a little more than that.
And since we're starting
from scratch,
you can design it
however you want.
It's freezing in here.
Once we get the insulation
put in, it's gonna be fine.
But it's a hundred degrees
It's an old house.
Old houses have cold drafts.
Once we get a little work done,
it will be perfect.
This is going to cost a fortune.
Honey, you don't get
a four-bedroom house
on our budget if it doesn't need
a little bit of work.
Why didn't the last owners
finish the house?
Hmm. Who knows.
Ran out of money.
Their loss our gain.
Ooh, you're sexy
when you're heartless.
Oh boy.
I'm sorry I don't have
a nicer breakfast
for my big strong men.
But I promise,
as soon as I am done
unpacking this kitchen,
I am going to make you
a giant stack
of blueberry pancakes.
Hmm, that sounds wonderful.
I like burritos.
And I'm gonna try to get home
as soon as possible,
help you unpack.
No, don't rush.
Just focus on making
a good impression.
And you, young man,
you better behave yourself
at school today.
Honey, don't you wanna get
a little dressed up today?
You might meet some cute boys
at school.
Everyone says that
boys from Savannah
are real gentlemen.
- Doubtful.
- I'll be in the car.
Cute boys?
We don't have enough problems
as it is.
Mmm, what uh?
Get to work. Thank you.
You, let's go.
Get your bag.
Alright, come on.
Have fun.
Alright, I have heard
some really great things
about this school.
And I think you guys are gonna
make some good friends here.
I already have great friends.
Back home.
I already made a friend.
Alright, come on, get to school.
Oh, fellas.
Hey buddy, glad to finally
have you on board.
- James Wellen.
- Eric Rancourt. Appreciate it.
Heard you're coming to us
all the way
from sunny California.
What, you got tired
of all the fruits and nuts?
No, not exactly.
Uh, work dried up after
the housing market took a shit.
This was the best offer I got.
Well, you'll definitely have
your hands full
with all of the historical,
societal regulations
of this place.
City's not too fond
of changing things.
Yeah, yeah.
It'll be a challenge.
But I really like fixing up
these old houses.
Well, good thing
seeing as I heard you just moved
into that old place on uh...
What, Fort Argyle Road.
Yeah, it's a little rough
around the edges,
but it's a nice house.
I'm just glad to see
someone's finally in it.
Been empty
as long as I can remember.
Dr. Pettimore referred me
to someone here in Savannah.
Said he was really good.
So I made an appointment
for later this week.
That's great, honey.
I have really good feeling
about this move.
Me too.
Me too.
Sweetie, time to get up.
Dammit, Andrew!
Stop taking things
out of the trash!
- Bye, sweetie.
- Have fun at school.
Yeah, right.
She'll come around.
- I hope so.
- I love you.
I love you.
Hey, sweetie, I love you
and I'm sorry that
I yelled at you.
She doesn't like the dark.
Would you hurry up!
Bye, mom.
You know the difference between
a city boy and a country boy?
A city boy walks up
and sticks it in.
Whereas a country boy
sticks it in and walks up.
That's not funny.
Then why are you laughing?
Okay, it's a little funny.
But it's certainly
not appropriate.
Oh, it ain't known
to be appropriate.
You got any plans tonight?
Other than watching
American Idol reruns?
Why don't you and your wife
come over for dinner?
Rachel needs to meet
some women here and
give you a chance
to see the house.
Sounds good to me.
- Hello.
- Hey, babe.
Hi, um...
Look, I invited a friend
and his wife to dinner tonight.
Yeah. Um, the house is a mess.
No, the house is fine.
And you know, I have
my doctor's appointment
- this afternoon.
- It'll be fine.
- Alright, we need to meet new people.
- Yeah.
I can... I can pull something
together, no problem.
Okay. Just honey, a little
more notice next time.
Okay, babe, sure.
Okay, thanks.
Alright, I love you.
Love you.
Rachel, what brings you
to Savannah?
We were looking for
a fresh start.
So, when my husband
was offered a job here,
we thought "Why not?"
Fresh start usually has more
to do with you as a person
than where you're living.
I suppose.
We suffered a tragedy
in our old home.
And it just reached a point
where I...
I couldn't stay there any
What was the tragedy?
We lost our little girl.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
We have...
We had twins, Andrew and Alice.
She had just turned 7
when it happened.
Loss of a child
is a devastating event.
How is your family coping?
The last six months have been
really hard.
Everything changed
after she died.
It's understandable.
How have things been
since the move?
Things seem better.
Rachel, listen,
I don't care what Eric
says about you,
you are a great cook.
Do you have any idea
how hard it is being married
to a comedian?
A bad one at that.
Oh, burn.
Well, I think you are
a very lucky woman, Vanessa.
- Huh?
- Now, you hear that, babe?
She said, you basically
hit the lottery
when you caught me.
- Caught you?
- Yeah.
Um, as I recall, you chased me
down for three months
before I finally decided
to go out on a date with you.
Some details.
So Vanessa, James says
you have a very colorful family.
Oh yeah, uh well, they're black.
I didn't mean that,
that's not what I meant.
I'm kidding, man.
Well, my family was brought here
from West Africa.
And damn good recipes
for black-eyed peas
ain't the only thing
they carried with 'em.
What do you mean?
Oh, they brought
their ancient African religion.
Oh yes. And it is still here.
My grandmother,
she's a Hoodoo priestess.
She has what they call,
"the shine".
The shine?
That crazy old woman thinks
she sees things.
Like things that ain't there.
It's true. She can see
into the spirit world.
That's cool.
You don't... you don't...
You don't believe that stuff,
though, right?
I don't believe it, I know it.
Vanessa, babe, don't start.
He asked.
Okay, yeah, 'cause she think
she got them
magical powers, too.
Okay, they're not
magical powers.
I'm just more spiritual.
So, I can sense things.
Not like my grandmother,
but little things.
Like what?
Well, that's hard to describe.
Um, you know, how sometimes
you think you might see
something move
out of the corner of your eye?
- I guess.
- Sure, yeah.
Well, my grandmother taught me
to look at it.
To actually see it.
You know how some men say that
their wives are crazy.
Mine's is like actually crazy,
like actually.
No, I don't think it's crazy.
I actually think
it's kind of beautiful.
Oh my God!
- Oh.
- Oh, buddy.
Come here, here.
Come on.
Okay, sweetie, come on.
Are you feeling better?
You made her angry, mama.
Who, baby?
How are you doing, sport?
I'm okay, dad.
- You up for dessert?
- Yes, sir.
Thanks you for coming over.
Absolutely, man.
Vanessa, it's a pleasure.
stay out of the basement.
There is a darkness there,
I can feel it.
I think you heard
too many ghost stories.
I mean, we don't even have
a basement.
Yeah, babe, let's save
the Voodoo talk
for your superstitious
Yeah, sorry.
No worries.
Have a good night.
You too.
I don't wanna come back here.
Are you sure
you don't want to come?
There's so much to see here.
It'll be fun.
No thanks.
I'm gonna read my book
and pretend I'm back home.
April, this is home now.
So what are we gonna do
about her?
There's not much we can do.
You can pray for her soul.
Who are you?
I'm Lilath.
I live around here,
so I thought I'd say hi.
Uh, hi.
I'm April.
Room for me?
Um, uh, sure.
I am so glad you moved in.
It gets lonely here.
Tell me about it.
Well, no more being lonely.
Hey, I'm gonna get us
a surprise, okay?
So hang here with mom,
I'll be right back.
- Oh.
- Okay.
Remember what you said
in the car about praying?
You know we're not really
the kind of family that does
the whole God
and religion thing, right?
I know.
That's part of the problem.
If someone dies
and their soul is broken,
they don't get to go to heaven.
They have to go
to the dark place.
Hey, sweetie,
I don't know where
you're hearing this stuff,
but it's not true.
Yes, it is.
You know it is.
There is no dark place.
And when someone dies,
and none of us have to worry
about that for
a very, very long time.
But when they do,
they just go to sleep.
But sometimes they wake up.
Damn it, Eric!
You scared me.
I'm sorry, babe.
This make up for it?
Cotton candy!
Come on,
there's a lot more to see.
You should relax a little.
I am relaxed.
It's such a pretty day.
You should feel the sun
on your skin.
- What are you...
- Shhh. It's just us.
Doesn't that feel nice?
Uh, my folks are home.
I should probably be going.
I'll see you at school tomorrow.
I don't go to school.
- Uh.
- See you around.
Uh, yeah.
Uh, definitely okay.
Rachel, Rachel.
Wake up.
Bad things happen
when you sleep.
Eric, I need to talk to you.
Damn it, Vanessa.
I told you don't come up
on the job like this.
- Hey, what's up?
- I spoke to my grandmother about your house last night.
Eric, you need to be careful.
Careful about what?
She told me the history
on your house.
It is not good, Eric.
What are you talking about?
She said your house was built
over a foundation
of an old plantation home
that burned down
during the Civil War.
Former slaves, they passed down
stories about
the terrible things
that happened
down in that basement to them.
Unspeakable things.
I mean, thank you
for the history lesson,
I just don't see
how this affects me.
The slaves revolted.
They locked the family
in the basement.
And then
they burned down the house.
There are very evil forces
at work in your home.
You and your family
are not safe.
Sorry, I just... I think
this is all a little ridiculous.
Vanessa, go home.
Alright. You're right.
I'm leaving.
I shouldn't have bothered you,
Yeah, it's okay.
Hey, sweetie.
What are you up to?
And you're my best friend.
No one would ever be that.
I hope so.
That's not true.
I just wanna be friends
with you.
Who are you talking to?
No one.
Do not take this thing
out of the trash again.
Go to bed.
You shouldn't do that.
Please don't be mad at her.
She doesn't understand.
But she will.
I promise.
- Mm, thank you. Love you.
- Love you.
Alright, let's go, kiddos.
Breakfast was delicious, mom.
Love you.
Love you.
Bye, sweetie.
Sometimes they wake up.
I'm being ridiculous.
- Hey, honey.
- Hey, babe.
I'm... I'm sorry to bother you,
I... I just keep hearing
noises upstairs.
Sounds like
someone's walking around.
A squirrel probably just found
its way in.
I'll take a look
when I get home.
Yeah, yeah.
That's probably it.
Um, alright,
I'm sorry to bother you.
I'll see you later.
Love you.
I'm losing my fucking mind.
What the hell?
You have to be kidding me.
Damn it.
Looks like you got
a little car trouble.
I... I don't know what's going on
and of course,
I have an appointment
I need to get to.
Pop the hood.
- Really?
- Mmhmm.
Oh, okay, great.
Thank you.
Give it a try.
Thank you so much.
Happy to help a neighbor.
Glad to hear y'all moved in.
Houses ain't meant to sit empty.
Especially that one.
Yeah. Uh, well, thank you again.
I have an appointment
I need to get to.
Let me offer you
a little neighborly advice.
Don't listen
to the niggers around here.
They tell lots of lies.
I... I... I have to go.
I just feel so guilty.
Guilty about what?
Many parents who lose a child
have feelings of guilt.
That's normal.
But it's not your fault
that your daughter died.
Actually, it is.
Why do you feel that way?
It was a Saturday.
Eric had taken April and Andrew
to the zoo that morning.
Alice wasn't feeling well, so
we stayed home.
Go on.
I was so sleepy that morning.
I put Alice in her room and I
went to lay down to take a nap.
I told Alice
if she needed anything
to come wake me up.
What happened, Rachel?
When I woke up,
I went to check on Alice,
but she wasn't in her room.
I looked everywhere.
And I couldn't find her.
It's okay.
Tell me what happened next.
I ran into the back yard.
And I saw her
floating in our pool.
She drowned while I was supposed
to be watching her.
You can't blame yourself.
Who else is there to blame?
Go. It'll do you guys good.
- Sounds good.
- God, Andrew will be safe with me.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
- Mmhmm.
- Yes.
Have fun!
We will.
Let me sing you a lullaby
Let me beg you to close
those pretty eyes
So you'll fall right
fast asleep
And have lovely sweet dreams
of me
Wow, you look nice.
Not exactly the look
I was going for.
What I meant, I just...
I meant like you look you know...
I get it.
So, do you have a boyfriend?
Uh. Not really.
Not really?
I mean I had one back home.
Did you guys ever do it?
Do it? Like sex?
Uh, uh no.
- Uh...
- Have you ever been with a boy?
Uh, no.
Have you ever been with a girl?
Uh. Of course not!
Have you ever been curious?
Uh, I mean, I don't know.
Maybe, I guess.
I just...
When are mom and dad
coming home?
I don't know.
They went to a late movie,
so it'll be a while.
I'm bored.
Can you come read to me?
No, I'm busy.
Doing what?
Uh. Just talking.
You should come read to me.
I said I'm busy.
If you don't wanna come
read to me, just say so.
Oh my God.
He can be
a little annoying sometimes.
Let's go somewhere
a little more private.
My brother is not allowed
Your brother shouldn't
bother us here.
You are a beautiful girl.
You really think so?
I do.
Oh my God.
God has nothing to do with this.
Kids are sleeping.
I hope so.
I'm gonna go check on 'em.
Wait for you in bed.
Stop it.
You shouldn't be sleeping.
Bad things happen
when you sleep.
Morning, sweetheart.
Hey, baby.
I was just calling to make sure
you're feeling alright.
I'm fine.
I love you.
Thank you.
I'll get the kids,
so we can eat.
Andrew? Sweetie?
What were you doing
in the closet?
Playing hide and seek.
Well, that game only works
when you have someone else
to play with.
I know.
Okay, baby.
Time for dinner.
Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily
life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream
Try to make it back to shore
before your body sinks
Row, row
Row your boat
gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream
Sshh. Come with me.
Andrew, sweetie.
Merrily, merrily, merrily
life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Life is but a dream
Andrew, sweetie.
Our class needs three chaperones
for the field trip.
I was thinking
you might wanna be one.
What do you think?
It might be fun?
What might be fun?
Hey. Come back.
Where are you going?
Come back.
We're not supposed
to be out here.
Help! Help!
- Got him.
- Hey, you okay?
What were you thinking?
You should never go outside
at night.
You know how dangerous
the pool is!
You could have drowned!
- That's enough.
- No, but he would have...
He's heard enough, Rachel!
You really scared us.
Now you gotta promise you're
never gonna do that again.
Alright, go get some sleep.
Come here, come here.
I... I haven't been so scared
Hey, hey, it's alright.
I know tonight was scary,
but Andrew's fine.
I'll put some childproof locks
on all the doors.
Okay, come here, come here.
Come here.
I'm sorry I yelled at you.
I think you made her angry.
Who, baby?
You know who.
Things don't feel right
in this house.
It doesn't feel safe.
I know tonight scared you, but...
I think I want the pool
filled in.
Do you know how much value
that brings to the house?
I don't care. I want it gone.
If it makes you feel better,
I'll get somebody here
as soon as I can.
The sooner the better.
Andrew, time for breakfast.
Mom's been really off lately.
She's just tired. That's all.
I don't wanna go through
what we went through before.
Me neither, baby.
Me neither.
Your family hates you.
That's not true.
They want you to be all alone.
Stop saying that!
Your mother doesn't love you.
Stop it!
She is not a good mother.
You should come live with us.
I don't want to.
But it's so nice down there.
Andrew, time for breakfast.
We'll be waiting for you.
I have to go.
It's your fault.
You did this.
You killed me.
Excuse me a second, guys.
Hey, honey.
I'm in the middle
of an important meeting.
Eric, I need you to come home.
Okay what... what's wrong?
I can't stay here.
This place is...
Hey, calm down.
What's going on?
I have something to show you.
Something I can't explain.
Okay, listen, I'll be home
as soon as I can, alright.
But I have to finish this up.
Never mind!
I know this is going
to sound crazy,
but I think I'm being haunted
by Alice.
You don't really believe that,
do you?
I keep seeing things
and hearing things
I can't explain.
Scary things.
These are just manifestations
of grief.
No, no, doctor,
I... I have proof.
Listen to this.
That's not true.
Stop saying that.
I don't want to.
Andrew, time for breakfast.
I have to go.
That sounds like a young man
with a vivid imagination.
No, I don't...
I don't understand.
I... I... I heard it.
It was a little girl's voice.
She was talking to my son.
Sometimes our minds
make up things that
we want to hear.
No, that's not what's happening.
I... I don't wanna hear anything.
What you're seeing and hearing
is your subconscious
trying to deal with your grief.
But it all seemed so real.
It's completely normal.
Tell me, what have you
and your family done
to come to terms
with your daughter's death?
Nothing, really.
We just pretend like
it never happened.
That's not healthy.
Embrace that your daughter
was a part of your life.
Do you still have
some of her things?
Yeah, but they're all
packed away.
Create a special place
where the family
can remember Alice.
Put some of her things there.
Think of it as a memorial
to her life.
In the meantime, I'm going to
write you a prescription
for some medicine that
will help alleviate any anxiety
that you may be feeling.
Okay, thank you.
Can I come in?
Yeah, but you have to be quiet.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to see you.
I don't want to play anymore.
No, really, I'm serious.
No, I don't want to play
with them either.
Just leave me alone.
- Yeah.
- I think it's delicious and then my other favorite.
Do you guys like
dairy-free things?
- Yes.
- Like, you know how there's like almond milk, oat...
Look at me, mommy.
Turn around and look at me.
Um, may I help you?
I'm Josephine Williams.
Vanessa Williams' grandmother.
We need to talk.
I fear for your safety.
Your family's safety.
Mrs. Williams, what exactly
are you talking about?
Savannah has a history
you can read about
in the textbooks.
But there's another history
most folks ain't privy to.
A dangerous,
otherworldly history.
Voodoo, magic, demons.
Only a select few know
the truth.
I'm sorry, but why exactly
are you telling me this.
I heard stories about this piece
of land
when I was a little girl.
I was told never to come here.
You're starting to scare me.
You should be scared.
Long before this house
stood here,
there was another house.
A slave owning house.
My great granddaddy
worked the fields
that used to grow outside.
He and the other slaves
heard rumors about
what was under here.
What are you talking about?
You've seen things, haven't you?
Dark things.
I know you have.
You fancy white folks
like to pretend
like it doesn't exist.
But deep down, you know it does.
There are many names for it.
The abyss, gehenna, perdition,
the pit.
Most folks today call it,
If you're trying to convert me
to Christianity
or whatever it is,
you're wasting your time,
because I'm not really
the religious type.
The fallen ones aren't meant
for this world.
Hell's walls are supposed
to protect us from them.
There are breaches
in the walls of hell.
One of them lies
beneath this house.
This is crazy.
The fallen ones change people.
Changed the family that used
to live here.
They got out
before it consumed them.
You know, I think
I've heard enough
of this nonsense.
And it changed that first family
that used to live here
over a 150 years ago.
The fallen ones drove them
to commit unspeakable horrors
against their slaves
down in that basement.
That white family thought
it would appease them.
Didn't work.
Never does.
My children are going
to be home soon
and I don't want you
scaring them,
so I need you to leave.
They'll change you, too,
unless you get out
while you still can.
Please go.
Whatever you do,
stay out of that basement.
You've got to be kidding me.
He's the only friend
I've made here.
You sound like a 14-year-old.
Yeah, well, you're acting
like one.
The woman was offensive.
I don't want her
or her kind around my family.
Her kind?
Oh... oh my God,
you know what I mean.
I... I don't want my children
exposed to all that
weird voodoo shit.
They're not welcome in my house.
Oh, so now it's your house?
Who the fuck is working
every day to pay for it?
So, what I do doesn't...
Just grabbing something
to drink.
Y'all can go back
to arguing now.
Mommy, mommy.
I'm sorry I said those things.
I didn't mean it.
I miss you.
See I told you
I could find the path.
I've got a surprise for you.
How much further?
I'm not a woodsy kind of girl.
We're almost there.
What the hell.
Isn't it sexy?
No. Not at all.
Why is there a cemetery
in the woods in the back
of my house?
There used to be
an old plantation near here.
This is where they buried
the family members
and the slaves.
How creepy.
It makes me wet.
Uh, it doesn't do that for me.
Can we just get out of here?
Come on, just give it a chance.
At least,
let me show you around.
But we have to be quick.
May I help you?
Nice to see you again.
Your husband asked me
to stop by.
Well, he won't be home
until later.
Oh, I ain't here to see him.
He said somethin' about doing
a little work upstairs.
About a little girl's room?
Oh yes!
Yes, let me show you
where it is.
About the other day,
I'm sorry how I left.
I just needed to get
to an appointment.
Ain't a problem.
We all got places
we tryin' to get to.
I mean, to be honest,
I was a little shocked
by the language you used.
For African Americans.
Oh, niggers.
I didn't mean to offend you,
that's just how I was raised.
My daddy called 'em that
and his daddy called 'em that.
Well, just because your family
used that kind of wile language
doesn't give you an excuse
to use it.
The world has changed a lot
since your grandfather's time.
And for the better.
You know what they say
about the South.
"The times may change.
But the people don't."
But if it makes you feel better,
I'll refrain
from using that word.
Thank you.
So, what do we do
with this room?
We'd like it to be
something special.
A place for
our youngest daughter's things.
Few sheets of drywall,
a little paint.
You'll have a pretty
little girl's room in no time.
That is the best news I've heard
Well, since we moved here.
I'll grab my tools,
a few supplies,
and uh, I'll get to it.
I'm ready to go now.
Not yet.
I've always wanted to fuck
in a cemetery.
That makes one of us.
It'll be hot.
No. This is creepy. I just...
Trust me.
You're gonna like it.
Get off of me.
Are you out of your mind?
I'm sorry.
I thought you'd like it.
Well, I don't.
Hush little baby,
don't say a word
Momma's gonna buy you
a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird
don't sing
Momma's gonna buy you
a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring
turns brass
Momma's gonna buy you
a looking glass
And if that looking glass
gets broke
Momma's gonna buy you
a pretty coat
Hush, my darling,
go to sleep
Good morning.
Where have you been?
I was being a mother
to my child.
- Okay.
- That's very nurturing of you.
So, I was thinking
maybe we could just
stay in bed today, play around.
I'm taking the children
to the park this morning.
Her soul is broken, mama.
Andrew, I don't know
where you're hearing
these things.
That's why she came back
from the dark place.
There is no dark place, sweetie.
I'm scared.
For all of us.
There's nothing to be scared of.
She didn't come back alone.
Hi, Lilath.
Um, I'm really sorry
I freaked out the other day.
I really miss you.
Will you please call me back?
Whoa! Oh shit.
Hi, Mr. Rancourt.
I... I'm sorry.
I didn't know anyone
was out here.
What exactly are you doing
out here?
With no clothes on?
I was hoping to get wet.
Who are you?
I live close by.
I'm Lilath.
I've been watching you
since you moved in.
I've been waiting for you
to be alone,
so I can introduce myself.
You shouldn't be in the pool
with me like this.
You don't like me being
in the pool with you?
This isn't right.
You should leave.
Mom, I really need to talk
to you about something.
I met a girl. And I like her.
What I mean is like
I really like her.
More than as a friend.
And I don't really know
what to do about it.
I just...
Oh my God!
- Where is she?
- Where is she?
What were you thinking?
Andrew, what were you thinking?
You... you...
What is wrong with you?
Look at me!
What were you thinking?
- Look, you just...
- You need to go.
Okay, I can't believe...
just go.
You're no fun.
Come back in the water.
You need to leave.
What a shame.
I'm all wet.
Please, just go.
You need to leave.
Are you really not going
to fuck me?
No, I'm not.
I have a wife, I've a family.
This is wrong.
Please, please just go.
Alright, Mr. Rancourt.
I'll leave.
I'd hate to do anything
to mess up your precious family.
Is she okay?
Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there.
- Hey, I'm Rachel's husband, Eric Rancourt.
- Mmhmm.
What happened?
Is she okay?
Physically, she's fine.
We called you, because we were
concerned about
her driving home.
What happened?
Your wife claimed she saw
your son push a young girl
into the lake.
She dove in to save her.
Mr. Rancourt, there were a dozen
other witnesses out here.
No one else saw
this little girl.
Is your wife taking
any medications?
No. Uh, she's just...
She's just been under a lot of
Thank you.
Hush, my darling,
go to sleep
All around you angels weep
In the morn
and through the day
They will keep
your fears at bay
Rest now, darling,
I love you
Angels watch all o'er
you do
I love you, mommy.
But they don't.
They wanna keep us apart.
Sleep, my darling,
don't you cry
I'm going to sing you
a lullaby
Dad, she's starting
to do it again.
Sleeping all the time.
Acting weird.
I know.
I'm gonna talk to her.
Who is it, daddy?
Uh, it's just someone from work.
I don't know how you got
this number,
but I don't want you
call or text me ever again.
Do you understand?
Well, I would have
called Rachel,
but I didn't want to
wake her up.
Fuck you!
It would be a shame
if Rachel knew about
our little pool party.
She's so fragile.
Alright, alright.
Leave my wife out of this.
What do you want?
Do you know what would be
really hot?
If you tied me up and fucked me
in your basement.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
- I have to warn him.
- Damn it, Vanessa!
You can't keep coming
on the job site like this.
Vanessa, if this is about
your grandmother,
I'm really just not interested.
It is not my grandmother.
It is about me.
I have been having visions
about your house.
Really, I don't care.
I have seen some of the most
disturbing images.
Terrifying, sinister things.
I'm just... I'm just not in the
mood for your ghost stories.
Eric, what's in your basement,
it is not a dead human.
It is not a ghost.
It is something darker,
something dangerous.
I don't have a fucking basement.
I don't have a goddamn basement!
There's nothing evil
about my house.
Haven't you wondered
why your house
was never finished?
Enough, Vanessa.
Just go.
What are you talking about?
Don't you wanna know
why the last owners left
without finishing the house?
No, this has gone too far.
Vanessa, go home.
I'm sorry, man.
Dr. Livingston?
I was calling to check on you.
You missed our last appointment.
Just making sure
everything is okay.
Everything is perfect.
Really? That's great.
We followed your advice.
My husband decorated
one of the bedrooms
just like the one Alice had
when she was alive.
Well, that's not exactly
what I advised.
But I'm glad you're doing well.
When can we reschedule
your next appointment?
I don't need
any more appointments.
I'm doing much, much better.
But thank you for all your help.
Rachel, I don't think that's...
It's time.
This way.
Follow me, mommy.
Almost, mommy.
What are you doing?
I thought I heard something.
I wanted to make sure
Andrew is alright.
Why do you have a knife?
Oh, I... I don't know.
Come on, come on let's go
back to bed.
Sorry, sport.
We didn't mean to wake you up.
So, April, SAT's are coming up.
You start studying?
Yeah, dad.
What about you, buddy?
School going okay?
Yes, sir.
Okay, we should probably
get going.
Bye, babe.
May I speak with Dr. Livingston
Hi Lilath.
Uh, this is April.
Um, things are really weird
at home right now.
And I need someone to talk to.
Could you just meet me
at the cemetery after school?
Have a seat, Mr. Rancourt.
I'm really worried about Rachel.
I think she might be dangerous.
Rachel hasn't handled the death
of your daughter very well,
but I see no indication that
she's dangerous.
What did you say?
Rachel hasn't coped very well
with the death of Alice.
Who the fuck is Alice?
Rachel said your daughter,
Alice, drowned in the pool
at your last house.
And that's why you moved
to Savannah.
I have to go.
Hey, this is April,
leave a message.
April, I need you
to call me back
as soon as you get this, okay?
It's important.
James, hey, I need to speak
with Vanessa.
Uh, yeah, sure.
Just a second.
Vanessa, Eric wants to
talk to you.
Why did they leave the house
The family that lived there.
What happened?
Uh, the family moved in
when the father
was still working on the house.
Strange things started
to happen almost immediately.
When their daughter drowned
in the pool
in the middle of the night,
they knew they had to leave.
Oh my God.
Damn it!
Hush, little baby,
go to sleep
- Your precious soul
- I'll always keep
Don't start...
Hey, where are the kids?
I'll be with you
until we're dead
Where are the kids?
It's okay.
They're playing.
Where are they playing?
With their friends.
In the basement.
What basement?
Where is the fucking basement?
Don't worry.
Their friends are so nice.
How do I get to
the goddamn basement?
Andrew is such a good boy.
He talked to them first.
Come play with me.
Come play with me!
Oh, go... what the fuck?
I'd like to make a toast.
This party has been a long time
in the making.
I want to thank all of you
for being here tonight,
in my home, to help celebrate.
I especially want to thank
my beautiful daughter, Lilath.
She has worked so hard,
so many years,
to protect this house
from the interlopers
and the carpetbaggers.
Unfortunately, there is someone
among us tonight
who is not invited.
Someone who is not like us.
Someone who is a trespasser.
But worse than that,
he's a nigger lover.
Not only did he invite
their kind into my home,
he let them sit
at the dinner table and eat
like regular goddamn people.
I... what are you talking about?
I've never been here before!
Why are you in my house?
This ain't your house.
It's my house.
What do you... what do you want?
Momma's gonna buy you
a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird
won't sing
Momma's gonna buy you
a diamond ring
Go to sleep.
Andrew, Andrew.
Little baby, don't
you cry
I'm gonna get you out!
Little baby, go to sleep
Hush, little baby
Do you know what would be
really hot?
If you tie me up and fuck me
in your basement.
I have so enjoyed playing
with you and your family.
I can't decide
who tasted better.
You or your daughter.
I'm always so wet around you.
Mommy's so fragile,
you shouldn't do bad things
behind her back.
Time for you to pay
for what you've done.
Rachel, I can't help you
if you won't talk to me.
I'm on your side,
but I need to understand
why you did what you did.
What did you do
with their bodies, Rachel?
Where did you put their bodies,
We'll talk again tomorrow.
And I woke up at 2:30
in the morning to the sound
of a young girl
whispering my name
outside the window.
And I... I was lying there
and my whole body went cold
and she just said my name
over, and over, and over.
I laid there for few minutes and
she said my name over and over.
And finally I... I... I sat up
and I walked out of the room.
And as I was leaving,
I literally heard her calling me
all the way out of the room
And I have never slept
up there again.
I would see a shadowy figure.
Almost shaped like a person,
but I couldn't tell
if it was a man or a woman.
You could still see the light
from outside,
streetlights, moonlight,
that kind of thing
coming through
the entire window.
Except in this area.
It was always seemed to be
just waiting on the other side
of the door.
I never felt safe with it
on the other side of the door.
I always felt like
it was just waiting
on an opportunity to come in.
You hear 'em walking up steps
and you can always hear
when somebody takes
that last step
onto top flat floor.
But they always stop
at that top step for a while.
You always hear 'em
walking up steps,
then they would stop.
Then it got to where
now you hear 'em walking around,
like they're going
through the doors,
but when you come and check,
there's no one ever here.
It... it jilted me up,
because I felt like
someone was there staring at me
in the corner of the room.
I can just feel something
right in front of me
at the end of my bed.
I watched all of the bed
comforter sheets, everything,
just dropped down around my feet
and my ankles.
And then it comes up
right to my bedside
and it screamed at me so loud
piercing right next to my face.
I'd never seen anything
like that in my life.
And it was after that
that we... we... you know,
we called a medium
and we started talking
to exorcists and trying to
figure out what to do,
because Mark lives
in this house.
His you know, family's
lived in this house.
And I don't want anyone
in danger.
So, when I came to this house
uh, to do a cleansing,
about 2 miles before
I even got here,
I was completely overwhelmed.
The energy was so heavy,
it was a very scary feeling.
And then I went up to the door,
and I didn't wanna
walk through it.
I honestly, I honestly
just wanted to jump in my car
and get the heck outta there.
It was that disturbing.
There's something out there
that can hurt us
that is invisible.
There's something out there
that can hurt us
that we cannot defend against.
So if the question is
how powerful can they become?
There probably isn't a limit.
And then you're dealing with
the strongest, fiercest,
most determined entity
in the area.