A Small Town in Texas (1976) Movie Script

Ah-ha, whoa, you son of a bitch!
You son of a bitch.
The last time you're gonna throw me.
Who is that over there?
Come outta there so's I can see ya, Turkey.
You want a drink?
Yeah, right.
Well, here you go.
It ain't the best, but it's all I got.
Here, have a slug.
What's the problem, what's the matter?
What are you shooting your truck for, hmm?
Son of a bitch been screwin'
around with me for 20 years.
Hey, did you just get out of the pen?
Mm-hmm, how'd you know that?
'Cause I recognize your tailor.
Yeah, white socks, huh?
Yeah, no, fits funny,
you know what I mean?
That's okay, I've been there
a couple of times myself.
Oh yeah?
What's your name, partner?
Mine's poke Jackson.
Buford Taylor.
All right, Buford, howdy.
How'd you like to take a shot at it?
You mean you want me to shoot your truck?
There you go!
Um, here.
Bless your heart.
Shoot that son of a...
Shit, man!
Do it again!
I always wanted to shoot a truck!
Boy, that felt good.
You bet!
You damn straight.
That was all right, Buford.
I like shooting trucks.
Well, you stick with me, cowboy,
we'll shoot up half the county.
As a matter of fact...
Uh, Buford?
Buford, here comes my bus.
This is probably my bus,
here comes my bus, I gotta roll.
Know what I mean?
Oh, and thanks for letting
me shoot your truck.
You bet.
Hey gunfighter.
You say your prayers, you son of a bitch.
Hey Lenny!
Damn, Duke, you almost
scared me half to death.
You know something, man?
One of these days, that guy in there,
he's gonna shoot your balls off,
if you don't beat him to it.
Hell, anything else I should know about?
Pain in the ass?
No, nothing much, just a quiet morning.
You get the, that sheriff
over in pima county,
he ever send me that fishing magazine?
Never did.
Well, remind me to arrest
his son for drunk driving.
Why don't you get us a cup of coffee?
Why don't you get us a cup of coffee?
Go on you son of a bitch.
Duke, Lenny!
Duke, this is junior.
Yeah, go ahead.
Now, I'm out at
the widow pegway's place,
and she's got me pinned down.
She's done gone and taken a shot
at the county tax assessor.
Me and that damn lady's gonna...
Duke, what am I gonna do?
Junior, now don't you do a damn thing.
I mean don't move until I get there,
I'm on my way, all right?
Do anything, what
the hell am I gonna do?
That crazy widow, she's
gonna kill somebody
one of these days, bigger 'n hell.
God damn, I wish she
would have got married.
Here, forgot the badges.
Well, bring 'em.
Hey, what's up sheriff?
Not now, homer, not now.
I want you to go on out
to the widow's house,
and I want you to take that
damn gun away from her.
And Lenny, I don't want her hurt.
You understand?
I got a bus to meet.
Take the gun away from
little dumb.
Well god damn, it it
ain't old poke Jackson.
Well, you the official welcoming committee,
or you just hanging around deputy?
Oh, a little bit of both.
Of course I'm sheriff now.
Oh yeah, how'd you swing that one?
Duly elected by the people.
How long's it been poke?
Five years.
Five years?
Yeah, it's a long time,
especially when you put me there, Duke.
Hey poke.
How ya doin'?
How's it goin' Lucy?
Come and see me sometime, hear?
I will. - Bye, bye.
Boy, you sure got a way
with them women, ain't you?
To tell you the truth,
I've got several ways, Duke.
You'll learn.
Well anyway, small town like this.
It don't change, poke.
They don't like to be reminded
about that goddamn marijuana shit.
Oh yeah, that dope and all.
Well I wasn't plannin' on
hangin' around here, sheriff.
I was thinkin' about going to California.
Oh yeah?
But I get me a couple of
things I gotta do first.
What's that?
Well one of them's you.
Well poke look,
I was hopin' you wouldn't
hold that against me,
'cause I was just doin' my job.
Yeah, well I do.
Well, that's too bad,
'cause you ain't no high school hero now.
You step out of line, I'm
gonna bust your ass.
I'll see you around.
Didn't I tell you to never turn your back
on a gunfighter, boogie?
Poke Jackson, you son of a bitch.
Hey poke, you like you lost some weight.
Yeah well that bus ride
was a little tight if you know what I mean.
Well, I've got something
to fix that up right now.
What's that?
A couple of long necks.
Looky here.
Oh lord, high class.
You know this is a little too high-class
for you, you jerk-off monkey, you.
What are you talking about?
You big red-shirted Bob,
the only time you're ever
gonna see her on the highway
is from her big red behind.
Is that right?
That's right.
Oh yeah.
Hey, who you callin'?
Mary Lee.
Hey poke, I got something to show you.
Oh, you put it back together.
After you scattered her
halfway around the county, I did, yeah.
Well, let's give it one more try.
Go ahead, kick her over.
Hey, white trash.
Y'all want a transmission
that's worth a nigger's bones?
Hey, who that yonder?
Who dat?
Poke Jackson?
Damn my black ass.
Come here.
It's good to see you.
They're still lettin' you
run around loose, huh?
Poke Jackson, boy this town
ain't been the same without you,
and that's the gospel truth.
Cleotus, you want a beer?
Beer, what's you talkin' about, man?
When we gotta celebrate
poke Jackson's homecoming?
Thank you.
Cleotus, what is that?
Just the best, poke.
Nothin' but the best.
It's good to be home!
You see Mary Lee?
How's my boy?
Yeah, fine fine.
Hey, this old man's got to go.
I'll see y'all tomorrow at the barbecue.
Okay, cleotus.
Hey, how about you and me
goin' cruisin', boozin',
and coozin', huh?
Come on.
Afternoon, sheriff.
Where you goin'?
Oh, into town, do a little shoppin'.
Oh, you need some money?
Here's 20, get you some groceries.
Oh, okay, thank you.
Mary Lee around?
Yeah, she's up at the house.
I'll see ya, probably later this weekend.
Y'all drive careful now, here?
Sure will.
I don't want to have to
arrest you for speedin'.
Guess who?
Oh god.
What are you doing here?
Oh, just passing by.
Oh, just passing by. - Mm-hm.
Hey, sport,
guess what I got.
You guess every time.
Tell you what,
why don't you take that over there,
and play on the swing for a while, okay?
All right, come on now.
There you go.
You know.
Shouldn't take candy from strangers.
Well, you know I was just thinkin',
your boy, he looks as pretty as you do.
He sure do have a tough-lookin' mama.
Get away from me.
I have chores to do
before my mama gets back.
And I don't have time for
your foolishness, so quit it.
Damn right.
How would you like to get hustled, punk?
Boy, ain't you ever gonna learn?
Boogie, they had me workin' in the joint
behind one of them license plate presses.
You know what them things look like? Huge.
They had me behind that
steamin' hunk of junk,
10 hours a day,
in 110 degree heat,
and I'm telling you all I can think about
is a ice-cold beer.
And purring.
You must've been hornier
than a three-balled tomcat.
Let me tell you something boy,
I was climbin' the tallest tree.
Why don't you, why don't you?
Howdy darlin', I'm home.
No it ain't your guy gal, it's your man.
Hey, what's the matter, you been runnin'?
yeah I just, I just been
puttin' things out,
out in the backyard.
What you doin' here?
Where are you?
Honey, I'm home.
How ya been?
I ain't been too good.
Well, how's the little baby?
He ain't your baby.
He's five years of age.
Oh, and if you're interested,
his name's Kevin.
Well, I want to see him right now.
well you can't, you can't right now.
It's too bad, I'm home
and I want to see ya.
You know how my mama feels about you.
God damn it, Mary Lee, I'm home.
I'm home and I want to see ya,
and I'm home and I miss you bad,
and I want to see you and I love you.
Why are you giving me all this shit?
Will you quit hollerin' at me?
You have no right to holler at me.
You understand?
Now I gotta go now and take care of my boy.
Mary Lee, it's my boy too.
Now I want to see you both.
Okay, you just gonna be home?
And I'll be there.
You want to be there?
I'll be there.
Don't you let me down Mary Lee, you hear?
Like I said, I'll be there.
I mean it, bye.
Well, I was gonna tell
ya, I seen that old...
When was ya gonna tell me?
You told me just a little
bit late, didn't you?
Mary Lee, that poke is no good for you.
Yes, but you reckon you are?
And Mary Lee, poke's just gonna
get himself in trouble again.
He's gonna get himself busted,
and you're gonna be with him,
and then who's gonna take care of your boy?
I'm gonna take care of my boy.
And talk about gettin' busted,
poke never did anything
you ain't done yourself,
and you know that.
Okay, now this is the
regional, the regional,
we're playing sequin up here, you know,
they're supposed to be bad.
All right, it's kickoff
and we got the ball.
We take it to the 32.
All right, go to the huddle,
I look across the huddle,
and there's my old buddy, Dan.
You remember Dan?
Dan, Dan Dixon, he was about
that big around, all over.
And we break the huddle,
snap that ball on one.
Roll down to the right, there goes Dan.
And I threw that ball as hard as I could.
And I watched it fly.
And I watched it fly.
And it dropped.
You know he caught it.
Dan caught that ball, Dan crossed the line,
wiped their ass off the board.
Poke's a good old boy.
Somebody oughta kick Duke's ass,
because he's been humpin'
with poke's old lay.
Hey, hey what did you say?
What'd you say?
What'd he say, what'd he say?
What did he say?
Boogie, what the hell is goin' on?
Mary Lee's been sleepin' with Duke.
Oh man.
Hey, come on poke.
What is the matter with you?
Afraid somebody might drop on by?
You know what I've been
thinkin' about, Mary Lee?
No, what?
What you been doin', while
I've been doin' time.
Duke calley?
God damn, Mary Lee!
Try it.
That's right, you got it.
Mary Lee,
come on, come here.
Oh, Mary Lee, Mary Lee.
Mary Lee, I still love you.
just tell me that you love me.
Will you kiss me?
God damn you, poke Jackson.
What you thinkin' about?
Watchin' the sun risin', and
thinkin' about my son, Kevin.
Does he look like me?
He sure don't look like nobody else.
Well, what do you think
about what I said,
about California?
How the hell are we goin' to California?
Where there's a will,
there's a way, right?
That's what my daddy used to say.
You sure are a dreamer.
A dreamer.
Ain't that what it's all about?
I won't dream alone again.
Good morning, angel.
Hey baby, what you doing up?
Come see me.
Come on.
Come here, come on.
What's the matter?
Come on, sit up.
Now, I want you to say hello to someone.
Hi, partner.
Put her there.
Hey, you like football?
Sure you like football.
When I was a little boy, I
always wanted to play football.
Look at that.
When I got to be big, I played football,
and that's what they gave me.
You wanna have it?
That's yours.
That's yours.
All right then, tell him you
like it, say "thank you.'
thank you.
Mary Lee?
Kevin in here with you?
Yeah, he sure is.
Good, I'm gonna go fix some
breakfast now, so get up.
Okay, mama.
Okay, I won't be long.
Hey, you'd better get your
ass out of here, quick.
I don't want her to catch me here again.
Mary Lee!
Mama, I'm comin' right out.
I'll just be a few minutes, okay?
What'd you do with the baking powder?
I put it in the pantry.
You be careful now, poke.
With your help, we're gonna
make this barbecue and rally,
the biggest thing that's happened
in this part of the state.
And I just know it's gonna go a long way
to gettin' Jesus Mendez over the top
for that congressional seat in Washington.
Now Jimmy, what about
those campaign placards,
and the bumper stickers,
and all that stuff?
Is that taken care of?
Placards are all ready sir.
We got the sticks being cut now.
All the kids are just standing by waitin',
to stick one of these on
every bumper in the country.
Hello, mister Duke.
How you doin', Ellis?
Everybody's in the living room.
I'm late.
And all the beer that
all the men can drink.
I think it'll do.
Mornin' Duke,
mornin', mornin'.
I'm sorry I'm late but I
was over at the grounds
going over with some extra security people,
just to make sure they understand
their positions for today.
Mm-hm, there's your man.
Stick with him.
He's your personal responsibility.
Well, just about the only
other thing I got to say is,
if they don't pick up on Jesus,
maybe they'll go along with Jesus.
This place has got everything poke,
booze, broads, and barbecue.
Looks like everybody's here.
Listen now, we should go over there
and get some free beer,
and sorta get, you know,
sorta get wound up.
No thanks, boogie.
I got a friend I gotta go see first.
Whatever you say.
All right now, everybody listen.
The one who catches the
pig, gets the gobbler.
Cooter, you ready?
Yo buddy, if you're waitin'
on me, you're backin' up.
Well then let her go!
You got it, you got the Turkey.
No, don't tie it, I'll
just take it like that.
Be a quarter.
Thank you very much.
Well good afternoon,
mister sheriff calley.
Poke, why don't you get
the hell out of here?
Oh come on now, that
ain't friendly, Duke.
I'm gonna have to apologize for Duke here,
he forgets his manners sometimes.
I'm telling you, get
your ass out of here.
Duke, you're just full of talk.
His bark's worse than his bite.
The truth is, Duke here he don't bite,
he's just a little pecker.
You know, like a chicken.
Like a chicken, Duke.
Duke here's a chicken who
thinks he's a rooster.
Excuse me ma'am.
Poke, I oughta bust your
head open, but I'm not,
because it's such a nice day,
and bein' as I'm in such a good mood,
but I just want to remind
you about that bus.
I don't want to see the sun
risin' on your ass, boy.
You know what I mean?
I don't want to see the
sun rise on your ass,
you know what I mean?
How are you?
Well you look great, it's
nice to see you here,
and the first think I want to know is,
are you gettin' enough to eat?
Well that's fine, that's fine.
Now, I wanted to interrupt
you just long enough
to say, to introduce you to the man
that's responsible for
bringing us all here together.
Come on.
Here, come on, try again.
Hi, here.
Go ahead, play it.
Sure do grow up fast, don't they?
Yeah, that's just what I was thinkin'.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it gives me a great deal of pleasure,
to introduce our next
United States congressman,
Jesus Mendez.
Thank you, thank you.
My dear friends, how long ago, it seems.
You know,
in a year that boy's gonna be runnin'
right over the top of his mama.
He's gonna be needin' a daddy full-time.
You been thinkin' about last night?
Yes, I have.
It's been so long, I almost
forgot how good it was.
How about California, huh?
You're stupid.
And ain't nothin'.
Ain't nothin' here.
Mary Lee, I think it's about
time we get somethin' to eat.
You heard me, now come on!
Bye Kevin.
And so my friends, I leave
here today with open arms,
and with open eyes.
And when I am elected,
my door will be to you forever open.
You know, that sure was
a heap of speech-makin'
mister Mendez. - Thank you, thank you.
Sure been some wingding, ain't it?
Yes indeed.
You know, I tell you, I
think you're gonna make it.
That's fine, that's fine.
It really did go well, I think
the same thing's gonna happen
over in new braunfels.
What time's that rally over there?
Three o'clock.
Three o'clock.
Sheriff, you take him on over there.
I'll see you guys in
about 30 minutes, okay?
Where's my briefcase?
Oh damn, I forgot it.
I'l go back and get it.
Go with him Lenny.
He don't need me, Duke.
Go with him, Lenny.
All right, hold it.
Stay back, stay back,
there's nothing to see.
Oh Jesus god.
What happened here?
Son of a bitch opened up on
him, he didn't stand a chance.
Well don't just stand
there, get an ambulance.
He don't need no ambulance.
He's dead.
Well this sure as hell doesn't
say much for your security.
You just don't know who
you're hiring these days.
My god, what's this country comin' to?
God damn it.
Nobody could have seen a
god damn thing 'cause...
Son of a bitch!
Lenny, come in.
Yeah, Duke.
I want you to pick up poke Jackson.
What's the charge?
Same damn thing, possession.
Poke, you gonna tell me why
we're in such a god damn hurry
to get this car together?
I mean you've been actin'
crazy ever since...
Listen up boogie.
Now Duke didn't just shoot
that boy, oh no, not Duke.
What do you mean?
I know nobody thinks Duke
is any kind of hero.
No no, that ain't what I mean.
I mean he killed him, he murdered him.
Cold blood.
Somehow those two boys was in it together.
What kind of shit you tryin' to hand me?
I ain't handin' you no
shit, 'cause I saw it.
Duke no sooner plugged that boy,
then he took something off him,
'cause he knew it was there!
Jesus, what was it?
It was this.
25,000 dollars.
Jesus h Christ.
Jesus, what are you gonna do with it?
I'm gonna buy this car,
gonna go get Mary Lee,
I'm gonna get my boy,
and I'm gonna get out of here.
How was it?
About 11.6.
Hell, I can do better than that.
Howdy sheriff.
What brings you out here?
Got anything new on that Mendez killing?
Well, we ain't got no new leads,
looks like he was working by himself.
You bring that money with you?
Well not exactly.
Not exactly?
What's that mean, not exactly?
What's that mean?
he didn't have it on him.
You wouldn't bullshit
old cj, would you Duke?
No sir, I ain't bullshittin' you.
He must have left it somewhere.
I gave you 25,000 dollars,
and I'm gonna hold your
ass responsible for it.
You understand?
Yes sir.
I want to find it just as bad as you do.
I'll be in touch.
Buster, put another'n in the chute.
Yeah Lenny, what is it?
Hey Duke, I'm at boogie's.
I think we got poke.
All right Lenny, I'm on my way.
Yes sir, chief.
Is it Duke?
It's Lenny.
Why don't you go out
and just talk to him?
Just be real nice.
Go on, go out and talk to him.
Hey Lenny, what you doin' around here?
Nothin' much.
What's you doin', boogie?
Well you see, I got
me a lady inside and...
Your radio making her a little nervous,
you know what I mean?
She thinks the place is gonna be raided.
She must be a pretty kinky lady.
Well do you usually make out
with a wrench in your hand?
What do you think, I'm dumb boy?
What's poke's motorbike doing over there?
Hell, that's been here
ever since poke left,
you know that, Lenny.
Well I don't know that, boy.
Where's poke, inside?
No, no. - Where is he?
I ain't seen him since this afternoon
at the picnic, Lenny.
I'll kill you, boogie.
Chase their butts off.
Duke, poke got away but I'm on his tail.
All right Lenny, you stay on his butt.
Yeah Duke.
All right junior,
I want you to set up a roadblock
on black bull Avenue.
You got that?
All right Duke, I'm on my way, 10-4.
Emergency unit come in, come in.
Shut up!
Who's out there?
Me, poke.
Get back!
Dumb son of a bitch.
Poke Jackson, I might
have known it was you.
Come on in, boy.
What the hell you doin' out here?
I need your help, cleotus.
Poke, you're always gettin'
in some kind of trouble.
Hey man, Duke's just out to bust my ass.
And it ain't just the same old shit.
Cleotus, I gotta get out of here.
I want to take Mary Lee and my boy with me.
And Duke's watchin' 'em.
I don't know.
I just don't know.
There ain't nobody else I can ask.
Cleotus, you gotta help me.
Ah, come on poke.
You know what you askin' me to do, boy?
You askin' me to get my ass shot off.
There ain't nobody else.
All right, suppose I do want to help you.
How you figure on gettin' in
there and gettin' them out?
I don't know,
but I ain't leavin' here
without Mary Lee and my boy.
That you?
Hey Duke.
How you doin' Mary Lee?
You seen, seen old poke Jackson?
No, I ain't, why?
Oh nothin'.
Because of him,
two of my deputies were killed.
Wife, kids, both like that.
I just thought maybe you
might have seen him,
since I seen some motorcycle
tracks out there.
I don't know nobody else
ridin' a motorcycle, do you?
I don't know what you're talkin' about.
You don't, huh?
No I don't.
Well when's the last time you seen poke?
At the barbecue.
At the barbecue?
That's cute, that's real cute.
I'm gonna say this, and I'm just
gonna say it one damn time.
Now tomorrow morning they're
gonna be burying a man.
There's gonna be some kids there
watchin' him go down in the ground.
And you know what that means?
I told you.
I don't know.
You think I'm playin' with you?
No, I told you I don't know.
Get outta here.
I'm gonna give you a
little piece of advice.
Don't you be caught with him.
You think this is just another
chickenshit arrest, boy?
See that?
See what that says?
That's a warrant for poke Jackson's arrest.
Murder one, and that makes you
an accessory after the fact, boy.
Hey, you even hit the big time, boogie.
But, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna fix those front headlights,
and I'm gonna fix that dent,
and I'm gonna let you go home,
have a nice big old bowl
of black-eyed peas,
and some hot cornbread with your mama.
Where's poke?
I don't know Duke.
Hey boogie, you remember
them times you and me played pool?
Huh? And then went out
and got drunk together?
Why I even let him come through town
a couple of times in this car,
and I didn't stop him one
time, now did I Lenny?
Never did.
That's right, and you know something?
Things have changed since old poke Jackson
got back into town.
That right, boogie?
Now, where's poke?
I don't know, Duke.
I told you!
Don't hit me!
Boy, you know I don't
like losin' my temper,
because when I do I get indigestion,
and that makes me very angry.
All right, he ain't gonna talk.
So I'm gonna take him downtown.
Now you stay here,
and if poke shows up,
you call me right away.
I'm gonna send junior back here
in about 20 minutes, okay?
Come on.
Damn boy, get along with.
Come on, boogie.
Straighten up, here.
There you go.
Come on.
Come on, boogie.
Get in there.
Somebody at the door. - Huh?
There's somebody at the door.
Boogie, lord god almighty.
Come on, let's get him inside.
Yeah, what happened?
All busted up inside.
Old man calley,
beat me ass not more than
half a mile from here.
He didn't know it,
and I didn't say nothin'.
You don't have to pay me
nothin' for that car, poke.
I want you to have it.
I want you to have that car.
He's dead, cleotus.
Duke killed him.
I'm gonna kill that son of a butch.
God damn, I'm gonna have to kill that man.
I'm gonna kill that man right now.
Hey, now you hold on.
You get outta my way!
Now get outta my way!
Hold it, hold it right there.
What about your son?
Here you go, hon.
Now don't touch it now, 'cause it's hot.
There you are.
What you fellas doing out here?
Never mind what I'm doing out here,
what the hell you doin' out here?
Well I saw missus Carter in town,
and she told me she had some good old junk
just layin' around.
Yeah, well get the damn junk and get out.
We're on a stake out, you know.
Who you lookin' for?
Poke Jackson.
Lord have mercy, that
boy in trouble again?
All right now, come on,
get out of here, get out.
Cleotus, what the hell do
you do with all that junk?
I kind of make something out of it.
What the hell
could you make out of that?
Well you have use your
imagination, you know.
Might be able to make a
Swiss watch outta this.
You can't make
no Swiss watch outta that.
You ever tried it?
You don't know then, do you?
You sure don't.
How about a pinkie ring for
the jolly green giant?
Now I'm curious,
now I want to know what you
gonna do with that stuff?
Well, I thought I'd sell it.
For how much?
Oh I get about
10 cents a pound's worth.
So what happens
if you come up with say,
six, seven thousand pounds of that stuff?
Well, I'd buy me a jug
and just forget about the rest of the week.
Tell me, what did poke do?
Aw, come on.
Are you crazy?
Lenny and junior are out there.
What are you doing?
You and me and Kevin,
we're gonna get in that truck,
and we're gonna go to California.
Hear that Kevin, we're gonna
take you to California.
Oh no, you killed someone.
Poke, they told me you killed someone.
Baby I didn't kill nobody,
I wouldn't kill nobody.
Well how come Duke
calley's looking for you?
He even came here looking for you.
25,000 dollars.
Duke calley took this off the
man he killed at the picnic,
and then he hid it.
Oh Mary Lee, Duke calley
was in on the killing.
He set that Mendez up.
Mary Lee I saw him do it,
and that's why Duke
calley wants to kill me.
But I came back for you Mary Lee.
I came back for you too, partner.
I want you to come to
California with me, Mary Lee,
'cause I love you.
I love you too.
So come on.
Let's get goin'.
Come on.
Just leave all that
stuff, come on, come on.
Just get your clothes.
Mary Lee?
Better answer.
Gotta come in and make my rounds.
Lenny, I'm not dressed right now.
I'll be out in a minute.
Let's go, come on.
This is the best way.
Mary Lee?
Okay partner.
Don't be scared, we're just
gonna take a little ride, okay?
Mary Lee?
Now I want you to stay down,
stay low, get on the floor.
All right?
I'm a son of a bitch.
That's a transmission
for a '62 Ford pickup.
That ain't no Ford, mister junior.
That's a dodge.
Cleotus, I know
a '62 Ford transmission
when I see one.
Well it looks like a dodge to me.
Well how much you want for it?
Uh, 10 dollars.
Who is it?
Looks like poke Jackson.
Son of a bitch stole my car.
Junior, we are in trouble.
Step on it.
Wait, you're in trouble.
He didn't steal my car!
Just step on it!
Where's Kevin?
Junior? Lenny?
If Mary Lee and Kevin
don't come out of there,
get your ass in the water.
Where is he?
Where is he?
I got ya, it's okay.
Oh Jesus.
No Kevin.
Feel better son?
Lenny, let me have a cigarette.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Yeah, that's another thing
we'll get this old boy for.
He did kidnap you didn't he?
No, I went with him.
Then you're a damn fool,
you could have got yourself
and the kid killed.
Let's talk about killin', huh?
Hey Lenny, Duke ever tell you
about what a big man he is?
Did you know that he murdered
that guy who killed Mendez?
Just outright murdered.
Hush up will ya?
Peckerhead, he was
shot trying to get away.
Oh Lenny, he's always feedin' you
the hind ass of everything.
He murdered that guy.
Shut up!
Only Duke messed up this
time, because I saw it.
Ain't that right, Duke?
What the hell's he talkin' about, Duke?
Lenny, why don't you ask
Duke about the 25,000 dollars
he took off him after he killed him?
Hush your mouth, please.
He hid it, only I got there first.
That's right, Lenny.
Listen, you shut up huh, just shut up.
I've got the 25,000 dollars.
Shut up!
Who you workin' for, Duke?
Who'd want Mendez dead?
Who'd pay you 25,000
dollars to do that, Duke?
You stay here.
Where you takin' him?
Shut up!
He's gonna get what he deserves.
Where's he takin' him?
You stay back!
He's tellin' the truth Lenny.
He's tellin' the truth, Duke'll kill him!
Where's the money?
Look for it.
You know somethin' poke?
You always did have a big mouth.
You know somethin' else?
Always didn't know how to shut it.
You almost killed a kid and Mary Lee.
You killed a deputy.
That's murder boy.
He'll kill him Lenny, he'll kill him!
Ain't no killin' happenin'.
He'll kill him!
I want you just to be a dead body.
I want you loose boy.
Mommy mommy mommy mommy!
That's enough, Duke.
Don't try it, Lenny.
Now, give me your gun.
Lay down, Lenny.
Poke, no.
Poke, no.
Son of a bitch.
Don't move, Lenny.
I got ya.
I got ya.
Let it alone, baby please, let
it alone, leave it, come on.
Come on.
Get in the car baby, get in the car.
It's only about a mile from here.
Okay, let's go.
Up you go.
Watch out for that barbed wire, huh?
Okay, there you go.
Come on.
I want roadblocks set up on
every road in this county,
including the main highways.
And junior, don't let him get through.
Don't worry about it, Duke.
I'll be with you as soon as I dress.
Yeah Duke.
Now Lenny, I'm gonna tell you somethin'.
I want an all points
bulletin on poke Jackson.
Armed and dangerous.
Duke, he didn't take our weapons.
Lenny, are you hard of hearing?
Armed and dangerous.
Well god damn it let's get out of here.
What the hell you lookin" at?
Howdy Duke.
You look like you had a hard day.
How's it going, cj?
I had a hard day.
What the hell's on your mind?
I used to have high hopes for you, Duke.
But you just never could cut it.
Yeah, well maybe that's
because I didn't kiss your ass.
And I'll tell you somethin' else, cj.
I'm gonna get poke Jackson,
and I'm gonna get him in my own way.
And this time I don't want
no meddlin' from you.
Now get your fat ass out of my chair.
You're through, Duke.
Well I'm gonna tell you somethin' cj.
If I go down, you're gonna go with me.
How do you figure that?
The eyeball witness is on you,
not me.
Now I'm gonna tell you something else
you never could seem to get through
that thick head of yours.
I always kept my fences mended,
and my tracks covered.
Now who do you think they're gonna believe?
Some piss ant sheriff, or cj crane?
I'm tired, my feet hurt.
Ain't gonna be much further, baby.
Get down.
You son of a bitch, poke Jackson.
I thought you said he knew who you were.
Shut up, Mary Lee.
Uncle bull!
I ain't your uncle.
I ain't nobody's uncle.
I ain't got me no relatives.
You remember me, you used
to run with my daddy in 1957.
You Leslie Jackson's boy?
Damn right.
How did you think I'd know you was here?
I'll tell you what,
you walk around out there in the open,
so's I can see you.
Mind you now.
You so much as move so
you're scratching yourself,
I'm gonna open a hole in
you, you can walk through.
Good job beauregard,
you're one hell of a hound dog there.
Good watch dog, worthless son of a bitch.
By god, you are Leslie's boy, ain't you?
I wouldn't lie to you, bull.
Yeah, you look just like him.
Hey, good to see you, boy.
Mary Lee, Kevin, come on out, it's okay.
Bull, this here's Mary Lee, my wife,
and my little boy, Kevin.
Hey, you're pretty, lady.
She pretty.
Yeah, you're a pretty
handsome dude, young fella.
Looks just like me.
What'd I tell ya?
Huh, huh?
What you doin' here, boy?
Duke calley wants to kill me.
Duke calley?
What's that punk mad at you, for?
It's personal.
We need a car, mister.
Missy, I ain't got no car.
I do have me one hell of a truck.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, I told you.
Take care of
things now, beauregard.
Worthless god damn hound dog.
Hey uncle bull,
how are we gonna get out of this county?
We gonna take the back road down 68?
Hell no we ain't
takin' no back roads.
We're goin' through the middle of town.
Ain't nothin' stoppin' us from
gettin' out of this state,
accept god almighty, and a lightnin' bolt.
All right, move 'em on.
Here, hit her a lick.
You okay, baby?
That's got some pop, bull.
Uncle bull,
uncle bull.
Uncle bull, that's a roadblock.
We're gonna bust that sucker through.
Don't fire!
Don't shoot!
Here you go Lenny. Get that
god damn thing out of my way.
For god sakes!
Let him drive.
Who in the hell we chasin' Duke?
Looks like old
bull Parker's cut the meat,
and you know who the hell he's kin to.
I'll tell you somethin' Lenny,
I should have busted that
old son of a bitch's head
when we got him out there with that still,
I shoulda done it. But you
can't be nice to people boy,
don't you ever forget that in life.
You can't be nice to 'em.
Tiny, this is sheriff calley.
I'm headin' over your way.
I'm chasin' a black '64 Chevy pickup.
I want a roadblock on this
side of the wimberley bridge.
All right, bite his butt.
Get him on both sides.
We can drop that oil, right?
Where's the 0il?
I'm gonna hit that oil when
I get ready to hit that oil.
Look at that smart Alec son of a bitch.
Wait'll he sees what this 427 can do!
That old son of a bitch.
What in the hell's makin'
that truck go so fast?
Well, I think they worked on the motor,
don't you Lenny?
Must have.
Do the ail, right now!
Bad accident, two of 'em,
get an ambulance out here,
and get 'em the hell out here now.
The boy's hurt bad.
Guess it's all gone now, boy.
Look out!
Hang on, hang on.
Well that son of a bitch.
We'll just head that Turkey
off on the other side.
Son of a bitch.
Uncle bull?
Oh shit!
Lenny, you all right?
Shut the door.
You're on your own boy, hit it!
Go on, get out of here!
I hear 'em, go blue.
Oh shit!
Oh poke.
Come on.
Come on, honey.
Well, we're gonna go back,
so's I can clear myself.
And then we're going to California.
Come on, darling.