A Stalker in the House (2021) Movie Script

I can't do this anymore.
I can't deal with your
craziness, your jealousy.
You're literally acting like
a psycho. You're psychotic.
Look, you meet up
with your ex-boyfriend,
and when I'm supposed to
be all happy go lucky,
nice guy about it?
I need to break up with you.
Oh, don't start.
You don't respect me. I
need someone that respects me.
I do respect you!
No, you don't!
We're done for good.
No, no, we're not done, okay?
Because I love you!
how do two people that fight
all the time love each other?
We don't fight all the time!
Then what is this?
This is a conversation.
No! This is a breakup.
You're not dumping me.
Oh, so you're telling me
what I can and cannot do.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
You're manipulating. You're controlling.
It's not normal! You need help!
You don't want normal.
I want normal.
It'd be a relief!
No, come on.
I know you!
I know you. I know you,
and you don't want normal.
You, You
I know.
I know.
You don't know me.
I know you!
Calm down.
No, I don't want to calm down, okay?
You get me all worked up,
you turn it around on me,
and you call me crazy, and I hate that!
You're scaring me.
I wanna be with you forever.
I wanna be with you
always, and if it's just,
if I don't have you, if I don't
have you, then I'm nothing.
Okay? I'm dead.
I don't know what to tell you.
I don't love you anymore, okay?
I'm sorry.
I did everything right by you!
And this is what happens?
You turn it around?
You turn it around and
you break up with me?
Okay, I'm gonna go.
No, no.
Okay, okay, okay.
Let me just- Mike,
Let me just get a breath.
I'm leaving. I'm leaving.
Okay? No, I'm not letting you leave.
You need to get out of my way!
No, I'm not letting you leave!
Are you kidding me? You hit me?
I didn't mean
for it to be like that, okay?
I'm sorry. That'll never
happen again, okay?
This can work. It can work.
No, you just hit me!
Okay, if you don't get out of my way,
I'm gonna call the police.
The police? What do you mean police?
What do you mean police? You're
gonna call the police on me?
I don't even know you anymore!
You're a bad person!
Screw you!
I don't ever wanna see you again.
Now get out of my way or I'm
gonna tell everyone what you just did.
And if you do that, it will be very bad.
I am going, Mike.
If I can't have you, I will kill you.
I know I'd rather be dead
than deal with you for
the rest of my life.
So be it.
Stop! Stop!
You made me do this!
No, no, no, no, no, no. I don't want it.
Come on, I'm horny,
and I know you are, too.
I'm not!
You said you were.
I didn't say it like that.
Look, I like you, and
you're super hot.
We just met. You don't
know anything about me.
I know that this is a very sexy body.
Let's just hang out.
I don't wanna have sex on the first night.
Let just take a breather.
We are hanging out.
This is fun.
No, no, no. No, no, no.
Hey, hey.
I like when you're mad.
No, this isn't a joke.
Come on.
Stop. Stop!
I think you should just go.
Wait, are you serious?
I really think you should
just get your stuff and go.
Wait, are you crazy?
You know, it's women like you
that drive me insane, okay?
Well, you lead me on and
get all hot and heavy,
and then, what, you just change your mind?
It's unfair.
It's called controlling
yourself and not being a jerk!
Ah, fuck.
Okay, okay, I'll leave.
I don't wanna...
Mike, it's just not gonna
work out, okay? Sorry.
I'm tired, and I just
really wanna go to bed.
I'll text you.
No, don't. Just...
I'll text you.
No, don't!
Hi, you've reached Jen's cell.
Please leave a message and I'll get back
to you as soon as I can.
Jen. Jen, hey.
What happened? We were
having a good night.
What was wrong? What changed?
Nothing's wrong with
me. You were all over me.
We just met. I'm not that kind of girl.
No, I know you're not.
I was not saying that, okay?
I just, I like you.
I like you, and you said you liked me, so.
I did until you got all crazy.
Okay. I'm sorry.
Look, can I just come back in
and talk to you really quickly?
It's late, and you're wasted,
and the last thing I want
is you inside my house.
No, I'm not wasted, okay? Please?
I don't want you coming here.
Okay, well you can come
out to me. I'm still here.
I'm right out front.
You're still here?
Yeah. I mean, yeah.
I didn't wanna drive, so yeah.
I'm just out front. Look, please.
Just come out and talk
to me for a minute, okay?
I have nothing to say to you.
Okay, please just, pretty please,
'cause I just don't wanna leave and feel
like I've just been the most total weird,
worst creep in the world kind of thing.
And you won't have to
think of me like that
for the rest of eternity.
I don't care that much to think
about you for the rest of the eternity.
Okay. Well fine.
Okay, well then you just
come out here please,
and then you'll never
have to see me ever again.
Fine, but just one minute,
one minute.
All right, all right.
Thank you for coming out.
Well, you practically begged, so-
Yeah, no, I just wanted
to apologize in person.
You know, you should know
when a girl's not into it.
You're old enough.
Yeah, I know.
I know, and I'm sorry.
Please, can I make it up to you somehow?
Whatever it takes, please.
I don't wanna see you again, okay?
Honestly, that's why I came
out here is to tell you that.
It's not gonna work out.
Why not?
Why not?
Because you're too much.
You're aggressive, and
that's not what I want.
I like sweet. I like nice.
What? No, no, I'm not aggressive.
I am sweet. I am nice, okay?
I just, I'm sensitive, okay?
I care, and I just, I hate that you think
that I'm not that person,
you know what I mean?
We could be friends.
Oh, geez, okay.
You know what, you're
a good looking guy.
I'm sure there's a lot
of girls that want you.
I don't want other girls.
We met online
on a dumb dating app, okay?
There's millions of other girls out there
that would sleep with
you on the first date.
But this conversation's over,
and I'm gonna go back inside, okay?
I'm sorry.
It's fine, okay?
And I'm sorry to ask this.
This is so embarrassing.
Can I please quickly use your bathroom?
You're asking me this?
I know.
I suck, I suck, I suck.
I don't wanna do anything
illegal, and I'll be super quick.
Pretty please?
Okay, fine, fine. Come on.
You're like a little kid,
seriously so annoying.
All right, thank you. I'll be so quick.
Thank you, thank you.
Make it quick.
Yeah, of course.
Back to the right.
Back to the right, okay.
Door code, 3341.
Gerry Dilts.
Who the dell is Gerry Dilts?
Thank you so much. I needed that.
Yeah. Okay.
Can I actually just grab
a quick glass of water?
Sorry. I got a massive headache.
You serious?
It's the alcohol. I'm dehydrated.
Can't believe I'm pouring
you water, but okay.
Thanks. Ah, you got chips?
This isn't a free cafeteria.
Oh my God. Thank you, you're sweet.
I'm not sweet, I'm annoyed.
You're very demanding.
I hate that you think of me like that.
So you wanna hang out again sometime soon?
You're kidding.
Well, there has to be a
reason you let me back in here.
And now I regret it.
Look at me, I'm normal. I'm a good guy.
I'm eating normal.
Yeah. Yeah.
You're persistent, I'll give you that.
Okay, well that's a good trait.
I guess. I'm tired, okay?
No, I'll leave. I'll leave.
Okay, can I text you?
Text me?
If you text me and I do not text you back,
you can't send me more messages.
All right, so email, telegraph,
snail mail, smoke signal.
Oh, you're funny.
There's a smile.
'Cause you're
completely ridiculous.
Okay, all right. I'm
gonna leave you alone.
But I'm just gonna quick peck on the cheek
and apologize one more time, that's it.
You've apologized a
thousand times, okay?
I know. Okay, I'm gonna take this.
Uh huh.
But I'm gonna text you.
Okay, bye. See you.
Thanks. I'm gonna text you.
"Got a second today? Just wanna talk.
Text me back please."
"Sorry I was a jerk last night.
How about we start over? XO, Mike."
Wow. What a total loser.
And the idiot just keeps texting me.
You need to block
him. What are you doing?
I might have to.
You need to block him now.
Oh my gosh. He's calling me.
Mike is calling me right now.
What? Give me your phone.
What do I do?
Hey, it's Lisa. Yeah, I'm Jen's friend.
Hey. So, listen.
I think you should stop calling
Jen. She's not interested.
Bugging her and bothering
her and it's not okay.
She doesn't like you that
way, you understand me? Hello?
He hung up.
You know what? Who cares?
Yeah, I mean like onto
better guys anyways.
Babe, no more of those
creepy losers. Oh, gross.
But what's more important
is my best friend,
you need to find a good guy and
I know the good guy for you.
So he's a chef and he works
at a really, really expensive restaurants.
Chef, huh?
Imagine all the great
food you can eat for free!
Are you kidding me?
You left your watch here.
Did you leave it on purpose?
No, I swear.
No, please, can I just stop
by real quick and pick it up?
Yeah, I'll leave it out back for you.
Can you not, please?
Look, it's a $5,000 watch.
My dad gave it to me before he died.
Can you just not leave it outside, please?
Okay. Then come get it.
Yeah. I will be over
there as soon as I can.
Hey. Thanks.
Hey, I got you this gift, a
token of, it's an apology.
I was a jerk last night,
and I got way too drunk,
and I'm sorry, and I was just hoping
that maybe we could've a fresh start.
So you brought a bottle of wine?
Yeah, I figured we could've a glass.
Do you not see the irony of it?
Yes, I do now, actually,
but it's a really nice bottle of wine.
You are the most
persistent guy I've ever met.
So it's not a no.
I don't drink in the middle of the day.
Oh come on. It's not
the middle of the day.
Besides, what else do you have going on?
I have to study. I have homework.
I'm in school. I'm
trying to better myself.
You don't need to better yourself.
I mean, that was corny, I know, but-
The answer is no.
Just one glass.
It's not gonna kill you.
Did you leave your
watch here on purpose?
What? No, no.
I swear. That's weird.
Then why did you leave
it in the bathroom?
I was washing my hands?
So you take your watch
off to wash your hands.
That's a thing?
Yeah, I mean, it's a
really expensive watch, so.
Look, one glass of wine.
It's rush hour right now.
I'd really prefer to have a glass of wine
with you rather than being in traffic.
Fine, one tiny drink, but
you are terribly exhausting.
One drink.
Just one.
One, all right.
You're such a screw ball.
Hey, did I tell you you
have a really nice place?
Thanks, just moved in.
Yeah, it's like a minimalist vibe.
Well, I don't like clutter.
Where do you live again?
A little ways from here, yeah. Not far.
Hey, how about a toast?
To new beginnings?
That is so corny.
I really like you, and I would really like
to take you on a real
date, you know, dinner.
Well, as charming as you
are, Mike, you're not my type.
Why not?
What? Because I don't
like you like that.
There's no chemistry between us.
Yes, there is. I can feel it, okay?
It's there.
Not for me.
I got you flowers and a card.
And I threw them out.
Look, I'm a good guy, okay?
You don't have to convince me.
This is not how you win over a girl.
Well, how do you win over a girl?
Well, you don't win me
over. You lost.
You know what? I think we
should just forget the drink.
I think it's time
for you to go.
No, just relax!
No, just get out.
I just, I can't believe I
even let you convince me
to let you in here.
Like this is crazy.
No, no, look, look.
Just relax, okay? Please.
Okay, just listen.
No, I'm over this.
Get out!
What, no! Just come on!
Get out!
Don't do that!
I'm calling the cops.
What? No, stop, stop!
Give me my phone back.
Stop, okay. No.
I'll scream and the neighbors will hear,
and then they will call the cops.
I don't think that that is a good idea.
Are you threatening me?
No, no, no, no, no, look, no.
I don't wanna hurt you, all right?
I just wanna hang out.
Look, let's drink some wine.
I don't want any more
wine. I want you to go!
Look, please. Stop yelling at me, okay?
Don't hurt me.
Oh, I would never hurt a female, okay?
Okay, then go because you're scaring me.
Okay, I'll leave. I'll leave.
It's just that we didn't hang out.
You didn't give me a real chance.
Because you're crazy, okay?
Just go! Just get out!
I think now is the time for you to go.
Okay, I'm going. I'm going.
Who the hell is that guy?
It was the worst
online date I've ever had
in my entire life.
I heard you guys yelling and screaming.
I mean, that's why I came over.
Otherwise I wouldn't have.
I just wanna make sure you're okay.
I'm glad you came over.
It was actually really, really scary.
What happened?
What a creep!
I swear if I see that guy on the street,
I'm gonna have a few words
with him, maybe a fist.
Ugh. I just wanna forget
about that guy altogether.
Yeah, well at least he
brought some wine, right?
So I guess you and Gerry
are no longer together
since you're online dating.
Yeah, well, it's complicated, but yeah.
Well, you do happen to
have a nice guy neighbor
who's always had a little
bit of a crush on you.
I live right next
door, too, just saying.
I don't know.
I just don't know if
right now is a good time,
and I just don't think it's a good idea.
I can respect that.
That's cool, that's cool.
Well, I guess I'll let
you get back to studying.
Psychology, right?
You remembered.
Of course. I love psychology.
I think the mind is fascinating.
Me, too.
It was good to see you.
I'll see you around, I guess.
Yeah, see you.
That's okay.
I'll walk myself out.
I don't know. He seems so nice.
Maybe I should've given him a chance.
Who? Patrick?
Babe, you don't wanna date a neighbor.
I mean, think about it this way.
What if it turns out ugly?
Then you're stuck with a dude
living right next door to you.
I never thought about that.
That could get weird quick.
No, Rick.
Ooh, yeah.
Has he texted you yet?
Did you give him my number?
Yeah. I thought
you said it was okay.
Geez, no! I wish you
would've asked me first.
Okay, fine. Sorry.
It's okay.
Wait, why didn't he text me then?
I'll make sure he does.
No, no, no, no, no.
I don't wanna seem desperate.
Who cares anyways?
It doesn't matter if he texts you or not
because your bestie, IE me,
just met Mr. football
coach's younger brother.
He's so hot.
You're terrible.
Sweetie, I'm just looking out for you.
I mean like, hey, now you have options.
If Rick the chef doesn't work out,
at least you got the hot doctor
waiting right in the wings,
all thanks to moi.
Wait, can I just skip the
chef and go right to the doctor?
Mm mm. Babe, chefs actually
make good money, too.
You can date 'em both.
You're terrible. Terrible,
terrible, terrible.
Oh yeah? Well how's the
psychology going, doctor?
In two years time, I will
be a licensed therapist.
Two years? That's it?
You know what? I think
you'll make a fine therapist.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Ooh, is that Rick?
I think so.
What did he say? What did he say?
Okay, he said, "Hey,
Jen. It's nice to connect."
Lisa speaks very highly of you
and was kind enough to
show me your photos.
You are absolutely stunning.
"I would love to take you out for a drink."
What'd you say?
I officially have a
date with Rick the chef!
I take all the credit,
thank you very much.
Yes! Okay, I
have so much homework to do.
I have a huge test coming up.
Are you okay to drive?
Sweetie, always good to drive.
In the car.
Don't move or I'll kill you.
Good. Thanks, Lisa.
It didn't ring. You're outta luck.
How do you know my name?
We spoke on the phone.
Mike? You're Mike?
Hi. It's nice to meet you.
You're insane, man. You're
not right in the head.
Jen and I are perfect together, okay?
I sense it. She could be my wife.
You're insane.
No, I'm not insane, okay?
Everyone around me is insane.
You leave Jen alone. Get outta my car.
I have a knife.
What are you gonna do, kill me?
Well, you haven't really left me
with much choice, have you?
You know, you're kind of beautiful.
That's it, that's it, that's it.
You know, it's
really pretty outside.
Hey, thank you so much
for walking me back.
I just wanna let you know
that I had a great time.
You're a cool girl. I'm
really glad Lisa introduced us.
You're a cool guy.
That was sweet.
It was.
Hey, do you wanna maybe
come in, have some wine?
Sounds like a great idea. I'd love to.
Lead the way.
I really like you.
What do you like about me?
You're hot.
Is that all?
No, of course not.
You're smart, you're sexy.
You're the full package.
Mm, good answer.
What is it?
I don't have sex on the first date.
Is it okay if we just kiss?
Yeah, I'm cool with that.
Where were we?
So when do I
get to see you again?
When do you want to?
How about I come by
tonight and cook for you?
Are you playing
the chef card on me?
It's a very strong card, you know.
People say I'm really good at it.
Okay, chef boy. Come by tonight.
What's up, man?
Hey, what's up, bud?
You waiting on a ride?
Yeah. How did you know that?
So how was she?
Excuse me?
You know Jen?
You guys did it, didn't you?
I don't really wanna talk
about it. It's kind of weird.
Why does she like you?
Why does she like you, man?
Look, man, this is
getting a little weird.
You have a good day.
No, no.
I'm out.
Tell me, tell me!
Hi, you've reached Jen's cell.
Please leave a message and I'll get back
to you as soon as I can.
Hey, Rick. So much for cooking tonight.
Guess you're just one
date wonder kind of guy.
Hope you had fun, jerk.
Hey Rick. So much for cooking tonight.
Guess you're just one
date wonder kind of guy.
Hope you had fun, jerk.
What are you doing here?
I thought I told you I never
wanted to see you again.
Well, I was in the neighborhood,
and I saw your light on, so.
What are you doing, stalking me?
No, I just thought maybe
you could use some company.
And what makes you
think I want your company?
Must be tough being
so harsh all the time.
Try being nice.
What do you want from me huh?
You wanna get lucky, sex?
I actually really like
you, really like you,
and, I don't know, been
thinking about you a lot,
and I don't know, maybe
I'm like falling for you.
Falling for me? You
don't know anything about me.
Okay, so maybe I'm crazy.
Yeah, I would say, like
actually mentally ill.
You're nuts.
Okay, all right.
Well, I can't be that nuts
because I do all right for myself.
Oh wait, wait, wait, wait.
What is it that you do
when you're not stalking?
Okay, I'm not stalking you.
You know, talking to
you is very exhausting.
Okay, well, how about you let me in,
and we can just relax, not
even talk, and no touching.
We just relax.
You know the only reason
why I'm gonna let you in
is because I don't want
my neighbors to see this
like they did last time, remember?
And that was very embarrassing.
Just get in.
Do you mind if I pour myself a drink?
Cool. Thank you.
So what's wrong?
I mean, besides me being
here because I'm the worst.
I'm a jerk. I get it. No, what's up?
I'm not gonna tell you my problems.
I have a therapist, thank you very much.
Okay, well, I can just listen
and then won't charge you.
Well, for one, I
was supposed to be cooked for.
Like the date?
Yes, the date. Stood up.
Well, you know, it's
his loss, or, you know,
it could be the universe
sending you like a sign.
Yeah, you know, like, the perfect
man right is front of you.
It's funny.
'Cause it's really corny.
But, you know, I can cook
for you. What do you got?
What do you got?
Good luck finding anything in there.
Okay, I'm sure I can find something.
Not much. Okay.
Frozen nuggets. Yes.
Those have been in there forever.
Well, they're frozen,
so they're still good.
I'm gonna nuke 'em.
Sorry about blocking you.
Whoa. Did you apologize to me?
No, I regret it.
I think you-
No, I'm just, no, I just,
I think I'm a little tipsy.
Mm. How is it?
Pretty good.
You seem tense. Come on.
How's that?
No, no.
Why not?
I can't.
Just relax.
'Cause you remember
what happened last time.
Just relax, okay?
This is such a bad idea.
How about here? This is good.
You are the most beautiful
thing I've ever seen.
I told you to
stop. Don't.
Okay, I'll shut up.
Yeah, shut up. No more.
Oh my God.
That was incredible.
Lisa's gonna kill me.
Lisa? The friend that chewed me out?
That's the one.
You know, I don't think
she'll kill you, all right?
You don't know here.
Yeah, I guess we weren't
officially introduced.
Can't believe I just
slept with my stalker.
Oh my God. I'm not your stalker.
You got what you
wanted, Mike. You happy?
What are talking about? I like you.
What, you wanna be my boyfriend?
Yeah, yeah.
Is that what you're-
I'd like to be boyfriend.
I'd love to be her boyfriend.
You know, maybe I can
even be more than that.
You know what? I'm tired,
and I think should go home.
You're kicking me out even
though we just made love?
Love? That was not making love, okay?
You know what? I hate that expression.
Please don't ever say that again.
Okay, so what was it then?
Honestly, a mistake.
All right.
So I'll text you then in like a day
or two days or when the timing's right.
Now you're getting it.
Hey, it's Lisa.
I'm not available, so leave a message.
Okay, okay.
How are you?
I'm good. How are you?
Good, good. How's work?
Good. So how about you?
How's the psychology going?
Good, I guess.
Well, I'm really glad
to see you following through with it.
Here's your mail.
So how you been?
You mean since you dumped me?
I did not dump you.
Then what would you call that?
I would call it that I had
to leave the country for work.
I was gonna be in London for six months,
and I didn't think it
would be fair to you.
So you broke up with me for my own good?
Jen, six months is a long time.
I didn't want you to
be lonely and I thought
for sure you'd be with someone by now.
Wait, are you with someone?
Well, I've been on a couple of dates,
but no, I'm not with anybody.
No Prince Charmings.
That's funny.
No, no Prince Charming.
What's so funny?
I don't know.
I have this stalker guy that
thinks he's Prince Charming.
Did you just say you have a stalker?
That was delicious.
I missed you so much.
I missed you.
You know I
thought about you every day?
Same. So hard when you left.
I cried everyday for months.
You and I, we belong together.
I just wanna move back in,
pick up where we left off,
but better than before.
I don't wanna get hurt again, Gerry.
I never meant to hurt you.
But you did.
I know, and when I think
about it, I feel awful.
You didn't deserve that.
You deserve so much better.
I'm really happy about this.
I'm gonna go to the
hotel and get some stuff,
take care of a few things, and
then I can come back tonight.
I'm ready to make us work.
I wasn't before, but I am now.
I love you.
Your call has been forwarded
to an automated voice message-
Your call has been.
I'm coming, I'm coming,
I'm coming.
Mike, what are you doing
here? This has to stop.
There was never anything between us.
You know, Jen, you deserve to be happy,
and if this Gerry guy,
if being with his Gerry
guy makes you happy,
then you should be with him.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
But you should also know
that this behavior is disgusting.
You're a slut, but for some reason,
What are you doing?
I love you.
I love you with my whole
heart. This is what love-
Get out!
I'll call the cops and file
a restraining order on you!
You wanna take it there,
huh? You wanna take it there?
You think you can just walk into my life,
turn it upside down, and then leave?
Please get out. You're scaring me.
I'm leaving.
You know, I will get that
restraining order, okay?
And then if you ever back
here, you will get arrested.
It's really nice, Jen.
Sleep with someone, get a
restraining order. Classy.
Go to hell.
Hi, I would like to file
a restraining order. Mm-hmm.
Okay. Okay.
Thank you.
So I guess they're gonna
call me back in the morning
so a detective can talk to me.
Hey, babe, listen. I'm here.
I'm not gonna let this Mike guy near you.
Thank you.
Of course.
I mean, when you said you had a stalker,
I had no idea it was this serious.
Well, it wasn't, and
then he just shows up
out of the blue uninvited and he explodes.
Just I'm so angry.
You know what? Maybe I should
go to a kickboxing class.
I feel like I need a hit something.
Well, you can hit me
right here. Go ahead.
No, I don't wanna hit you.
I wanna hit him, like just,
in the face.
Nice combo.
Thanks. Don't mess with me.
I really should go, though,
and it'll make me feel a lot better.
All right.
Well listen, if it makes you
feel better, you should go.
And hey, it's only an hour, okay?
So make yourself at home, wine, whiskey.
Hi, you've reached Jen's cell.
Please leave a message,
and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
What's up, Gerry?
Who the hell are you?
I'm Mike. I'm with Jen.
Right, Mike. You're the stalker.
How'd you get in here? You
watched her enter the code?
I'm not an idiot.
I didn't say you were.
You realize what you're
doing right now is illegal.
Breaking and entering? It's a felony.
Is that what you want, to go to jail?
I don't see how that would work.
You got my phone?
Yeah, I got it. I also have this.
You're gonna shoot me?
You think if you kill me,
Jen is gonna come crawling back
to you? Think about it, man.
You've been stalking her.
She thinks you're crazy.
There is no path to victory here for you.
The best thing that you
can do is leave, now.
You know, I understand
why she would like you.
You're a pretty good-looking guy, Gerry,
yeah, pretty well put together.
Nice ride, great career, I bet.
Older guy, more money,
but you broke her heart.
You had your chance.
You don't just get to come back
into her life and ruin it again.
I will leave her alone if
that's what you want, okay?
You can have her.
Leave her alone.
That's how it's gonna work, smarty pants?
No, man. We're drawing a line in the sand.
What does that mean?
We've come too far.
I have to fix this.
You've become a liability.
Come on, man. You're not
gonna really shoot me, are you?
I can't shoot you. That
would be way too loud.
So I'm just gonna do this.
Can't believe you forgot about me.
I would never forget about you.
What did you do to Gerry?
Nothing. No, he decided to go home.
Yeah, yeah, he understands
that we're together now,
and he accepts it.
He's a really good guy, Jen.
Why don't you take a seat?
Yeah, look, the problem solves,
So this is a good thing.
What do you mean?
You know, coming back into the picture.
Now he's back out of the picture.
So we can focus on us.
Did you hurt him?
No, no, no. He went home.
Just us so we can focus on us, right?
You have a gun.
Yeah, but that's not the answer
to the question I was asking.
What do you want?
What do I want? You don't
know what I want by now?
I want you, Jen. I want your love.
I want your smell,
your taste.
I want your mouth,
I want your skin.
I want everything from you.
I love you, Jen.
And do you feel the same?
Yeah. Yeah, I do.
You're lying. You're lying.
I don't like it when you lie to me.
No, I'm not lying, Mike.
You know, Jen, I'm not an idiot, okay?
You don't wanna be with me.
No, that's not true.
That's not true.
Remember the night that we
first met and we were at the bar
and then we came back here and we kissed?
But I felt the connection.
You felt it?
You're a good guy.
You're just misunderstood.
I am.
I am just misunderstood.
The safety was on. You
just tried to shoot me!
I can't believe you
just tried to shoot me!
You could've killed
me! What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
Now I gotta punish you!
Okay, come on. Shh shh, easy.
Okay. All right, sit down here.
Sit down. Sit down!
I didn't wanna have to do this.
I don't wanna have to do this, okay?
Put your hands behind your back.
Don't move, okay? You'll hurt yourself.
Stay there! See, now you have
to have to be punished now.
You know, hands back.
Don't move. Don't move.
Okay. Okay.
Let me out. Please.
I didn't wanna have to do this, okay?
You did this. You did this.
Shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh.
No. Please, no, no, no.
Okay, it's all right. There we go.
Shh, shh. What if you shot me?
You went to shoot me.
You made me do this, you know?
I didn't wanna hurt you.
I didn't wanna hurt you.
We're meant to be together, you know, Jen.
We're supposed to be together!
I know it, I know it.
We could have a house together, you know?
Oh mean, that'd be so
nice. That'd be so nice.
Okay, I think you just need to sit there
and reset this temporary situation, okay?
Then you'll see what I'm
trying to achieve, okay?
Just gonna give you some time, okay? Okay.
I made you a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich.
You know, it was my
favorite, or unless you want,
I can do the chicken
nuggets again if you prefer.
I nuke 'em.
Okay, I'm just gonna...
I guess you can't really...
Okay, okay. I can't
understand what you're saying.
If I take the tape off,
are you gonna scream?
Are you gonna scream?
Ooh, ouch, ouch, ouch.
Want some water? Here, have some water.
Have some water. There
you go, there you go.
I have to go to the bathroom.
I swear. I really have to go.
The old bathroom trick.
You know, I did that on
you. I really need to go.
Yeah, no, you're right.
I just wanted to plant my
watch so I could come back.
You're smart, you're
smart. It's kind of scary.
It's not a trick. I really have to go.
Okay, I can escort you, all right?
But you're gonna have to
go with the door open.
You're gonna have to go, and
I'm gonna have to watch you.
I'm gonna have to watch you go, okay?
You still wanna go?
If you pull anything, I got a gun.
So if you do anything, I'll
hurt, Jen. I'll hurt you.
I understand! Please.
Okay, all yours.
Uh uh!
I can't go with it open.
Yes you can.
It's a psychological
thing. I get really tense.
Please, just can I shut it?
Okay. You got 30 seconds, okay.
30 seconds!
Okay, okay.
That's enough, all right?
Come on. You're welcome.
Okay. Go to the pole.
Yeah, see? Easy.
That feel better? Drink this, drink this.
That's it, that's it. Yeah, nice.
Okay. Good.
All right, hands behind your back.
Hands behind your back!
Do it. Okay, good, good, good.
That's it.
All right. That's it.
You're doing so good.
You're doing so good.
So good.
Okay, okay. Shh, that's it.
No, no, no. No, no.
It's all right. It's all right.
No, no, please, please,
please, please. I won't scream.
I won't scream, Mike. Please.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Don't you wanna kiss me?
Yeah, Mike. Touch me.
Sneaky, sneaky! Come on, Jen!
Now I'm gonna have to kill you.
We're gonna have to kill you.
Ah, sneaky, sneaky.
That's bad. That was bad, okay?
Come on.
Come on.
You almost got me. It's not good.
I'm gonna have to kill you now, Jen.
No, you'll never get away with it.
They'll take you to jail.
Please, please. If you
leave, I won't say anything.
No, no, okay?
I'm just gonna make it
as if Gerry killed you,
and then he killed himself.
Think of it. There's a
heap of reasons from guilt.
Yeah. Just think of all the reasons why.
He loved you, but you
didn't love him back,
so there's motive right there.
No. No.
Oh, Gerry's dead.
I killed him.
No! No!
Does it make you sad?
Does it make you sad?
Does it make you sad that
the love of your life is gone?
You're mad, huh?
Oh, you're mad, you're mad, you're mad!
You're just so mean, huh? You're mad!
You're raging!
What does your psychology
classes say about that, huh?
You're gonna befriend me,
get my trust, and then what?
You're gonna hurt me? No,
that's bad teaching, Jen.
I don't think you're gonna be
a good psychologist anymore.
I hate you!
Oh, come on. That's weak!
You're insane!
It's a diagnosis.
It's a diagnosis. I've had
that a few times, you know.
You know, I was in the inpatient,
one of those psych wards
for the criminally insane,
and they said that I had the hypomania,
tendency to have psychotic episodes.
Do you think this is a
psychotic episode, Jen?
Do you think so? Speak to me!
I don't know what you would call that!
You know what? Don't speak to me.
Shut up!
Shut up.
Excuse me, all right? I'm
gonna craft a suicide note.
How do you think it goes?
Dear Jen, this is all your
fault, all your fault.
I like it. I think it starts off nicely.
I think that's right, okay?
You said we could be together
forever, but you lied to me.
Similar. You lied to me.
So I had to find a way for
us to be together forever,
and I found it.
And this way we can both
be in the same place,
a better place.
I love you all the world. Love from Gerry.
It's kind of poetic,
right? It's kind of poetic.
I like it, I like it. But
how's he gonna kill you?
Does he stab you?
Does he choke you? Does he shoot you?
I don't know.
He could bludgeon you, hit you,
stab you, slit your
throat, break your neck.
Just ask. How do you wanna go?
Why are you being so difficult?
This love affair is over, okay?
Now I've just gotta clean up this mess.
Okay, let's do this.
Looks like slit throat it is.
Huh? Huh?
Slit throat it is. You're right.
911. What's your emergency?
Can you just come as soon
as you can? It's a long story.
What is your address?
5542 Sycamore Lane.
Please, hurry.
And as your therapist, I'll
always be here to listen.
I know life can get you down some times,
and people can make you
feel bad about yourself
and do all sorts of crazy stuff.
But no with courage and strength,
life can be a wonderful experience.
And listen, there's always
gonna be bad people out there,
of course, but guess what?
There's good people too are
filled with light and love
and joy and who really want
the best for you, I promise.
You're gonna be just fine, okay?
And I so look forward to working with you.
Okay, see you tomorrow.
I found a way to fly
Higher than a balloon
Oh I am over the moon about you
Our genesis of love
Through the rivers blue
Sees your light with its shadows, too
Oh, I am over the moon about you
Stay close to me
Every second, every minute of the day
I found a way to fly
Higher than a balloon
Oh I am over the moon about you
Our genesis of love
Through the rivers blue
Sees your light with the shadows, too
Stay close to me