A Stitch in Time (2022) Movie Script

Alfred, coming
in for a beer, mate?
No, not tonight, I'm going home.
Where's Kenny?
He's in Europe,
climbing a mountain.
Why do you know him?
I'm a regular, I'm here
with Duncan the singer.
He's good.
What's your name?
- Liebe.
- I'm Charlie.
And the emptiness
And the emptiness
If I give you this $1.50,
could I have that $5 note?
Yes, sure, of course.
I collect $5 notes.
Cheers, see you.
Not supposed to
sound like that, sorry.
Try it again.
When I washed away
the tears of my life
On the road again
Coming ready or
not to the river
The storms grow louder
as the sun goes down
And the clouds go gray
Here the mysteries of
heaven will have to wait
Why there ain't no answers
When the church bells ring
And all my words are
scattered time after time
When I'm on the road to you
I'm on the road to you
Your songs were very
beautiful tonight, my love.
Go and wait for me in the car.
I heard you coughing
on stage, mate.
Are you okay?
Yeah, sorry, should
have brought the medicine.
It won't happen again.
I think you should take
a couple of weeks off
and recover properly.
It's okay, I'll be all right.
No, seriously, I think
you should take a break.
And I want you to have a
think about your legacy.
My what?
Well, we want to
build a hall of fame,
and we want people to remember
you as something special.
I see.
Gary used to say you were the
heart and soul of this place.
Yeah, well, he was a
special guy, wasn't he?
He really knew how
to promote an act.
Well, I'm sure it must've
been easier back in those days.
I'm sorry?
You firing me?
I mean, have the guts to say it,
if that's what it's all about.
We're just not
getting the numbers anymore.
And if we're not careful,
it'll be the end of all of us,
and then none of us
would be working.
I see.
Look, times are changing, man,
and we've gotta change with it.
We've gonna start looking
to attract a younger crowd.
With what?
A different act, a young band
that'll make a lot of noise
and bring all of their friends
to come and watch them play,
friends that will spend
money and buy drinks.
And that's your
marketing strategy?
Pretty much, yeah.
I mean, you've got Liebe
who buys one fucking drink,
and makes the place look
like a retirement village.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Look, I'm sorry, that
was unfair, I'm sorry.
Well, when Gary was here,
and it wasn't being
run by a fucking idiot,
it was full every night,
and you're blaming me?
Well, I know it seems harsh.
Well firing me
won't hide the fact
that you haven't got a fucking
clue what you're doing.
Well, you know what?
You are fired.
Well fuck you.
'Cause you're a
boring performer,
you're a fucking asshole.
And we don't want you back here,
unless it's afternoon bowling
with the rest of the geriatrics.
Well, fuck you,
and fuck your
stupid hall of fame.
I'll make sure your final
payment goes through tonight.
Go to fucking hell.
I made some
lemon and honey for you.
For God's sake,
if I wanted your help,
I'd ask for it.
I'm sorry, it's my
chest and my head,
they're killing me.
There you go,
that'll be $15.20, thank you.
Now if I give you $20.20,
could I have a $5 note?
You sure can.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
You're very kind.
So I like it in the pink,
and then we could
drop by Douggie.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
Wait, give me a sec.
Why don't you try it on?
I think it belongs
on someone beautiful.
And you're not?
I've seen better days.
Why don't you try on this one?
It'll let everyone see
you're a real class act.
Oh my goodness,
you're very kind,
but I'm only looking really.
I used to make clothes
and sell them here
when I was young.
Oh, you must have
seen a lot of changes.
Yes, but most things
are still the same.
Where are you from?
The Chinese were very
good to us during the war.
The Australians?
The Jews.
You're Jewish?
Well, technically I am, but
I was raised as a Christian.
Have you been there, to China?
No, but I heard the stories.
I was sent from
Germany to England
on one of the kinder transports.
And I only came to Australia
after I finished my schooling.
With your parents?
They were murdered by the Nazis.
Sorry to hear that.
It's okay, I was only
young, and I don't...
You know, you remind me
a lot of my grandmother.
Is she a nosy old
chatterbox like me?
No, not at all.
She's lovely, and
I miss her a lot.
I'm sure she misses you too.
I'm sure she's very proud.
Well, I'd love to
know what you think,
if you'd care to try it on.
I don't get much of a chance
to work with any mature models,
certainly not as elegant as you.
Oh please.
Hey, you look great.
Come and look at yourself.
I'm not doing your dress
much justice, I'm afraid.
Well you're not here for dress,
the dress is here for you.
Okay, turn around.
Stand proud, know
that it lifts you.
Okay, how clever.
To find yourself you
must lose yourself
in the service of others.
What a beautiful thing to say.
Mahatma Gandhi said it.
Where's the bacon?
We have to be careful now
you're no longer playing.
We can't have it every day.
It was such a beautiful morning
and I was walking through...
Honestly, what's a man's life
if he can't have a bit of bacon?
We'll have it again
tomorrow and every second day.
It'll make it more special
when we do have it.
That's ridiculous,
and you don't have to speak
to me like I'm a child.
I was thinking of
making clothes again
to bring in some extra money.
I beg your pardon?
I was thinking of
making clothes again
and selling them at the markets.
Why would you do that,
you didn't make any
money last time?
I did make some.
No, you didn't.
You were too slow, and your
material was too expensive.
The whole thing was
nonsense, I remember.
Well, I want to
give it another go,
and this time it
might be different.
I can use my $5s to get started.
Oh, that's lovely, isn't it?
We're rationing bacon,
and you want to spend
money on your silly ideas.
Well, they're my special
$5s to do with as I please.
Yes, but hoarding doesn't
mean you earned it, Liebe,
and it's a pretty selfish
attitude even if you had.
I just want to do
something to help.
Well you'll not gonna
become the bread winner
at the sudden whim
of a bloody hat.
All I want is a bit
of peace and quiet.
Anyway, young people want
simple clothes these days.
They're not interested
in all that fancy stuff.
How do you know?
You don't know a damn
thing about fashion.
All I know is I don't wanna hear
that bloody machine
chattering 24 hours a day
while I'm trying
to write my music.
Justin, yeah,
it's me Duncan.
Yeah, how you been?
Yeah, it has been a long time.
Yeah, I've heard you've made
quite a success out of
your life, that's great.
Yeah, that's really great.
Yeah, I'm doing well,
had a regular gig at
the RSL for some time,
but now I'm getting ready
to record an album, yeah.
So I'm quite busy.
Yes, it has been a
long time coming.
Yes, I'm still with Liebe.
Gosh, she's like a stray
dog that one.
Latched on for life,
you know what I mean.
What was that?
Oh, you're still in
love with Christine.
Wow, that's great,
that's wonderful.
Yes, I think they would
love to see each other.
Certainly been a while.
Yeah, okay.
Hang on, what's the address?
Right, yeah, okay.
That sounds good.
All right, well, I'll
speak to you then.
Yeah, great to speak
to you, Justin, bye.
You don't have to
ask Justin for money.
I can give you all my $5
notes for your recording.
I don't want your $5 notes,
Liebe, it's the attitude,
if you wanna help, put
some bacon on the table,
and make sure you get
along with Christine.
But we always got along.
It's gonna take a lot more
than a bunch of $5 notes
to make a successful album.
Oh my goodness, Liebe,
is it really you?
it's really me.
- Liebe.
- Oh hello, Justin,
it's wonderful to see you.
Look at you, look at us.
We've turned into a
couple of old ladies.
Oh, but very graciously.
The girls seem happy to see
each other again, don't they?
Shame our differences
kept them apart.
This is for you.
Oh, Liebe, why did you do that?
Let's go inside.
Care for a beer?
Wouldn't say no.
Oh, Liebe,
this is the dress I tried on
all those years ago.
It is.
You remembered?
And you kept it for
me all this time.
I remember how
much you loved it,
and how beautiful you
looked when you tried it on.
I did love it, I loved it a lot.
So I could never
sell it to anyone else.
Silly girl, we didn't have
a lot of money back then.
And you tried to give it
to me for free, I remember.
And I wouldn't accept it.
Well, I hope you accept
it now as a special gift.
I do, but now I can
afford to pay you.
Oh no, Christine, please don't.
Yes, I insist.
This is way too much.
No, it's not, it
includes inflation.
I pay twice as much for dresses
that are absolute rubbish.
This is an absolute bargain,
and I'll hear nothing
more about it.
I have been thinking
of making dresses again,
and selling them at the markets.
You should.
You don't think
that's a silly idea?
Of course not,
don't know why you ever
stopped in the first place.
I fell in love.
Yes, you did.
But that made you
happy, didn't it?
It's been a struggle.
Look, let me get
this off my chest,
so we can both move
on once and for all.
I just wanna say it.
I forgive you.
Oh, thanks, mate.
I forgive you for
quitting the band
when we were just about to sign.
Oh, come on.
And I forgive you
for not understanding
what that did to me personally,
and to all our careers.
Well you should have moved on,
stopped using me as an excuse.
Yeah, but you made
us look uncommitted,
and ruined the
only chance we had.
But I forgive myself
for thinking badly
about you and Christine,
and attacking you
for selling out,
when you had every right to
go off and do your own thing.
You finished?
Yeah, that's all
I wanted to say.
Are you expecting me to
apologize along with you?
No, I'm not.
I came here to offer
you billing on the album
as a token of peace.
You want me to
play on your album?
Yeah, I want you
to be part of it.
Yeah, but I haven't
played in over 40 years.
Yeah, but it's
nothing complicated.
It's just a couple
of simple tracks.
Then we can finally
say we did it.
This is a surprise.
Who did you sign with?
Ah, no one officially as yet,
but I've got a whizzbang
producer lined up
who wants first pick.
Right, so you're paying for it.
It's an investment.
Look, don't make a decision
until you've had a listen,
but these are some
of my best songs
and I'm getting some
amazing feedback.
Why don't I let
you hear something,
so you know what
I'm talking about?
Then you can come in
on it if you want.
I'll give you 50%,
or anything you want.
Main thing is to get
the album out there
and not worry about the details.
We gave up everything
to support our men.
You're no different,
Liebe, we all did it.
But he's certainly
not happy about it.
Tell him to bugger off
and do what you like.
Can you hear him singing?
It is beautiful, isn't it?
It is.
I guess you could say I've
been lucky in other ways.
Any better at all
So on and on you
walk until you fall
Holding on
He was singing at the RSL,
but suddenly that job has gone.
And he's become
impossible to live with.
It was his only gig for
years, and now he has nothing.
At least he has you.
But I never made him happy.
But he loves you, doesn't he?
He's never said that.
What's out there
Well, what do you think?
How old are you?
I'm the same age as you.
We went to school
together, remember?
Watching you chase
childhood dreams at your age
is not inspiring to me.
It's exhausting.
I mean the game's over
I would have thought,
you're an old man.
Were you listening to the song,
or just waiting to tell me that?
Mate, I don't
like it, I'm sorry.
I'm sure there's someone
out there who probably does,
but I don't.
And I'm not interested
in playing music anymore.
I have everything I need.
But you didn't come here
because you wanted me
to play on your album,
or to make everything
good between us,
you came because you needed
the money to do it, didn't you?
I meant it as an
investment, that's all.
I'm not begging.
Don't enjoy the
moment too much, mate.
You know why I left?
Because you were drugged
out, fucking around,
and completely off the rails.
And I couldn't believe
in the dream anymore,
and wanted a life.
So fuck you for
laying it all on me.
Seriously, and you
would've replaced me
the second you had a chance.
Who said that, her?
But, no, I don't want
to see you begging.
It's pathetic.
I wish you'd come straight
out and say how much you need,
$20,000, $40,000, it
makes no difference to me.
But if it keeps Christine happy,
and gets you off my back,
you can run around all you
like playing the big shot,
I don't care.
But don't look me in the eye
and call yourself an investment.
That's the biggest
joke I ever heard.
You are an asshole.
The best thing you ever
had going for you was Liebe.
And you treated her like
shit, and probably still do.
But hey, that's none
of my business, is it?
So let's transfer some
money, and then we can eat.
I'm fucking starving.
How much do you want?
Yes, you do, that's precisely
why you're sitting
here in my house.
You're selling out, Duncan.
There's no difference
between us.
Liebe, we're going.
What's going on?
Can you get Liebe
for me please, we're going.
But what about dinner?
What did you say to him?
Come on, we're not
staying around here
a minute longer with
these dickheads.
Come on, we're going.
Come on, Liebe, we're going.
Justin, say something.
Duncan, you're an idiot, a
deadbeat, and a fucking loser.
For God sake.
I'll call you soon.
We'll stay in touch.
No, you won't, you'll stay
out of our fucking lives.
I'm so sorry.
What's wrong with you?
You've already ripped
her away from me,
now you bring her
back into my life,
and you ripped her away again.
This whole thing was a mistake.
Can I help you?
I'm a little bit lost.
It's quite a while
since I've been here
and everything's changed.
I'm looking for the
beaded appliques.
Sure, I've got plenty of those.
You just head down
there to the right.
Do you want me to show you?
I'd be grateful.
Mrs. Greenfield,
how wonderful to see you.
Where have you been, Liebe,
we missed you so much.
Oh thank you.
I didn't expect to see you,
but this is marvelous.
You're looking so well.
I'm okay, how are you, darling?
I'm so-so, I'm surviving.
That's already half the battle.
Okay, so that'll
be $335 and 55 cents.
300 and 50.
That's right.
Will you turn that
bloody thing off please,
I'm trying to
concentrate down here?
Oh man.
south in New South Wales,
and there's that
stormy weather...
it's a fairly chilly
start, a touch of fog around
through the south especially
with that high really moving in.
I wonder if I may bother
you for your opinion.
Sure, you helped me, didn't you?
I did.
It's just that one
gets carried away
when one's on one's own,
until one sees the results.
It occurs to me I might
be a bit out of touch.
All I need to know is
if I'm wasting my time.
Sure, I understand.
It's not a typical
dress, I know.
No, it's not.
A bit old fashioned?
Yeah, in a way.
Summerly, could you
try this on for a sec.
I'm sorry about this.
That's fine.
It's fine, she'll be all right.
It's beautiful, Hamish.
Is this our new dressmaker?
The craftsmanship is beautiful.
This is Liebe Miller, Summerly,
the dress is entirely hers.
Wow, you're like a
real couture dressmaker.
Thank you, how nice
of you to say that.
She's going to come back
and sell dresses
here at the market.
You should take
the stall next to us.
It's beautiful.
I don't think we're gonna
let you out of our sight.
And where have you been?
I went for a walk.
With a garbage bag?
I took the dress to the markets
to show a nice young designer
who's been very supportive,
who thinks it's
beautiful I might add.
Well, she would, wouldn't she?
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, you don't expect
it to be honest, do you?
Why would anyone lie to me?
Well, because no one
wants to upset an old lady.
That's ridiculous.
Look, if you want a
professional opinion,
talk to professionals,
not some deadbeat down
at the bloody markets.
Try walking into Westfield
with your garbage bag,
see how ridiculous
you look then.
Well, if you think it's rubbish,
throw it in the bin.
Just forget about him,
he'll never support you.
I know.
That's just what men are like.
If you succeed, what
does it say about him?
What does it matter
if it helps us both?
You're so innocent, Liebe,
just do what you want, and
don't let him get to you.
I think what he thinks
is that what I'm doing
means I don't believe
in him anymore.
Well, that's not true, is it?
No, but even if his
record came out tomorrow,
it would still take a
long time, wouldn't it?
Yes, it would.
And there's nothing you
can do to help that.
No, well, this is
giving me something to do,
rekindling something
I'd forgotten about.
It's exciting for me.
That's probably what
he hates the most.
Oh gosh.
What should I do?
Just tell him to bugger off
and mind his own business.
I'm sure that would
go down very well.
Oh, hang on.
Who you talking to?
I'm just talking to my friend.
You haven't got any friends.
Are you gossiping
with Christine?
Give me the phone.
We weren't gossiping.
Are you seriously that paranoid,
a girl can't even
have a bit of privacy?
Not to gossip with
the likes of you.
I thought I made myself clear.
Oh for God sake, Duncan.
The band was torn apart,
careers were left in tatters
because of you,
because all you wanna do
is talk, bitch, and gossip.
She didn't do that,
she was being nice.
When are you gonna
accept responsibility
for yourself, Duncan?
You're so focused on
being hard done by,
you can't see when someone's
trying to help you.
Is that what you
think you're doing?
I told Justin to give you
that money, whatever you wanted,
and you just threw
it back in his face.
Bye, Christine.
Oh for God sake, Duncan.
I don't want you
talking to Liebe,
and I can assure you she won't
ever want to talk to you.
I will talk to you, Christine.
You're an asshole.
I'll call you whenever I like.
Still cheating on her, are you?
Give me the phone.
How dare you, you know
how I feel about Christine,
and suddenly you're the
best of friends again.
Where's your loyalty?
I'm not your stray
dog, I deserve a life.
That's Christine talking.
She's my friend.
You haven't spoken
to her in years.
Only because of you.
Look, Liebe, she's playing
you like a little child.
That's her way of getting to me.
Don't be ridiculous.
She enjoys it,
twiddling things and meddling
in other people's lives,
it's her way of having fun.
She's not like that.
She's kind and she's generous.
Well, you're not talking
to her, and that's it.
And if you don't like it,
there's the bloody door.
Go and see if she'll
put up with you,
and see how long your little
friendship lasts then.
I'm sure you'd be glad
to see the back of me.
Actually, I would.
I'll be very happy indeed.
Why do you hate me so much?
Don't play that game, you
latched onto me, remember,
and never let go.
I deserve some credit
for not throwing you
out on the street, okay.
I gave you some
tremendous loyalty.
I expect a little bit in return,
and for you to stop
driving me insane
with that wretched
bloody machine.
And now I'm to have nothing?
If that's the way you feel,
that everything I've given
you isn't good enough.
But I'm not good enough.
What on earth are you doing?
I'm leaving you.
But this time I'm
not coming back.
Is that actual promise?
Yes, I'm relieving you
from the burden of having me.
So that you can reach your
dreams and finally be happy.
Well it'll be nice to have
a bit of peace and quiet
around here for a change.
Well I've made the breakfast,
there's lots of bacon.
It's getting cold.
And I've left the $5s for
you to do with as you please.
I see.
So, goodbye then, Duncan.
Is all this drama
really necessary?
Liebe, where do you
think you're going?
I'll see you in a couple...
a couple of days.
Oh Christine, it won't fit.
Okay, put it in the front.
No, don't close the
door, it closes itself.
I'll take it in
the front with me.
No, put it in the front.
Hang on, no, you have to
open that one yourself.
Where's the engine?
Don't worry about it.
No, you have to close
that one yourself.
You have to push this one,
you have to push it hard.
No, harder.
Good, let's go.
Where's the handle?
It's very complicated.
I know.
Okay, let's go.
Thank God, this is the last lot.
You okay?
God, I've got muscles
where I've never
had them before.
This could be the death of me.
So heavy.
Are you sure
Justin doesn't mind?
God, no, he set this
up as a guest room,
but no one ever visits us,
because we're a million
miles from anywhere.
He also built himself a
pool, which he never uses.
He thinks it's just
there for show.
How anyone ever thought he
was going to be a rock star
is beyond me.
We're supposed to be retired
and traveling the
world in luxury,
but all he ever does is work.
He doesn't like to have a break?
God, no, he wouldn't know
what to do with himself.
He is the most incredibly
boring human being.
But at least I have you now
so we can hang out together
and have a bit of fun.
We don't need these bloody men.
You are so good
to me, Christine,
but you must tell me how
much I have to pay in rent.
I'll be able to pay as soon as
I start selling the dresses.
Don't be silly, oh
my dear old Liebe,
you don't have to
pay me for anything.
It's just wonderful to
have someone to talk to.
Oh, you know what, we
should take the Thunderbird
and drive to Fremantle.
You want to drive to Perth?
God, yes.
But it's a long way.
It would take us a week.
I know, and we won't tell
anyone where we're going,
we'll just go, straight
through the bloody outback.
It'll be outrageous fun.
Can you imagine?
I'm going to get a bottle
of champagne to celebrate.
Christine, my hands are
still shaking from all of this.
Oh Liebe, you poor old thing,
come and sit down, come on.
Oh my God, your whole life
is spinning on its head,
and I'm just rattling on
at a million miles an hour.
It's all too much, isn't it?
I just need a few moments
to rest and breathe.
Of course you do.
Maybe we could
celebrate tomorrow.
Tomorrow would be perfect.
Thank you, Christie.
Well, you have
everything you want,
and all your things?
I think so.
It all seems surreal,
like a dream.
Well it isn't, and you know,
if you want to you can stay
here for the rest of your life.
Oh, Christine.
What the hell is that?
Oh my goodness, Justin.
It's five o'clock
in the morning.
Did I wake you?
I didn't realize you
could hear anything.
Well, we can.
I'm so sorry.
The bones in this old machine
are as rickety as
mine, I'm afraid.
Well if you could refrain
from using it until 8:00 AM,
it would be greatly appreciated.
Of course.
I'm terribly sorry.
Right, okay.
Oh, I must be late.
Ah, my past has come
back to haunt me.
Yes, I know exactly
where she is.
I'm not going to
tell you I'm afraid.
She's very happy.
Well go and see a doctor,
what do you expect
her to do about it?
No, you had your chance, Duncan,
now bugger off and
leave her alone.
Why don't you let them
talk it out for themselves?
What, and let him suck her back
into that toxic relationship
when she's finally broken free.
Why are you interfering?
That's the whole point
of an intervention.
Look, he might
be a lot of things,
but he'd never hit her
or harm her in any way,
I'm sure of that.
You seriously
don't get it, do you?
As far as I'm concerned,
the sooner they sought
this thing out, the better.
Only for your sake.
Well, do you want
her living upstairs
for the rest of our lives?
Yes, as a matter of
fact, I wouldn't mind.
And this is what
you want for our life?
I don't have a life.
Of course you don't.
You look gorgeous.
Well, it's your creation.
I heard the machine stop, I
thought you might be finished.
I've only finished the sewing.
Oh, well, Justin
will be pleased.
I still have a lot of work to do
with the finishing touches.
Is it really necessary,
they look good?
Well it's what makes
each dress unique.
It's all part of
the bigger vision.
Well I have a vision.
We are going to go
and have a manicure,
and then we're going to go
to a very posh women's lunch
at a posh restaurant.
Oh, come on, Liebe,
you haven't been out
of the room for a week.
But I have to finish them.
No, you don't.
I do.
I can take care of you now.
I know you mean that,
but I can't be a burden
on anyone anymore.
Oh, God, don't be so silly.
I can't, and I won't.
Are you seriously going
to sew all that on by hand?
I have to.
They're not going to
stay on by themselves.
No, I mean, can't you
get a machine to do it?
What sort of machine?
I dunno, we're not living in
the dark ages though, are we?
You just have to be patient,
and besides I enjoy it.
Oh, well I suppose
I'd better go off
to the ladies brunch on my own.
I'm exhausted just watching you.
I'm sorry, Christine.
This might be
fun for you, Liebe,
but it's not a
lot of fun for me.
I respect that you need to
get this out of your system.
Look, I do, and I support that.
Thank you.
Hey, Liebe.
Good to see you.
Good morning, Hamish.
Hey, come on,
let me take these off you.
Thank you, you're very kind.
What a relief to get here.
How long did it
take you to get here?
Oh, I came in by train,
and I had to get up so early.
So you using old
patterns or new ones?
Did you make them yourself,
the patterns?
Yes, I have to.
Why, is something wrong?
No, not at all.
It's just hard to find somebody
who can make a good pattern,
seriously impossible.
I'm full of confidence
when I'm on my own.
But now I'm here,
I'm full of doubt.
Well you just have to be
a bit patient, that's all.
The owners are out
there somewhere, Liebe,
I'm quite sure of it.
I didn't think
I'd have it so beautiful,
and my who family's coming
and it means so much to me.
Well it looks so good on you.
Thank you, Liebe,
you're the most wonderful
person I've ever met.
You're very welcome.
Hey, your first sale?
Well I sort of gave
it to her for free.
You did what?
She couldn't afford it?
That's her problem,
Liebe, not yours.
I mean, you're not a charity.
How do you expect
to make any money?
Hamish, I think this whole thing
has been a terrible mistake.
I've been standing here all day,
and no one's even looked at me.
And if a poor young girl
shows some appreciation.
No, Liebe, don't
even start going there.
Stop being so negative.
You just have to stand
there, that's all.
And be a bit patient, okay.
And stop throwing away any
more of your money, that's it.
Excuse me, what
sort of material is this?
It's a silk chiffon.
It's beautiful to wear.
I can imagine.
Do you mind if I try this on?
Yes, please.
Liebe, where have you been?
I went to the markets.
Oh God, how did it go?
Absolutely marvelous.
I sold two dresses
on my very first day.
You're kidding me,
you should have told me,
I would have come
and picked you up.
It's okay, I took the train.
Well, we are going to drink
cocktails tonight to celebrate,
and I won't take
no for an answer.
I can't, I've gotta go to
Surry Hills in the morning,
and buy more material.
What on earth for?
I've got to increase my range.
I've got so much work to do.
Don't you think you've
already proven your point?
I'm not trying to
prove a point, Christine,
I'm trying to make a living.
Liebe, you really
are impossible.
Well, I'll drive you to
Surry Hills in the morning,
but tonight you're gonna have
a glass of champagne with me,
and we're gonna watch
"Thelma and Louise".
Well, okay, as long as I
can put my feet up and rest,
I've had quite a big day.
How's your day been?
Good, very good.
I'm retired so I
can do what I like.
Sounds wonderful.
Except I don't have anyone
to do what I like with.
Can you see my dilemma?
I'm sorry, Christine.
Duncan called again.
What did he want?
Nothing, he caught
a cold or something
and went off to the
clinic with a headache.
Maybe I should give him a call.
God, no, that would
be the worst thing
you could do for both of you.
You don't think ringing him
would be the right thing to do?
Liebe, how can
you start a new life
when you're running
backwards and forwards
every five minutes
blowing his nose?
You're not his minder, he
can look after himself.
I guess so.
He's not ringing you
because he cares about you.
You know that don't you?
Fuck you.
I don't think he's
gonna apologize.
Nah, I don't think so.
Stupid bitch.
Yeah, I'm aware of what I said,
but 2.5 is still a great deal.
Either that or we buy it
off of the bank for 1.5
in a couple of weeks.
Now I've gotta go.
Can you tell her to
turn that machine off,
it's driving me crazy.
Are you serious?
This is our home,
not a bloody sweatshop.
Shouldn't you be at your
office annoying your staff.
Oh, for God sake,
Christine, sort this out.
Oh Christine, I'm so
sorry about the noise.
Close your eyes,
I bought you a gift.
You did?
Close your bloody
eyes and turn round.
But it's not my birthday.
I know it's not your birthday,
but I bought you
something anyway.
You can't do this,
you've already been
too kind to me,
you have to stop this.
Open your eyes.
I asked for the Rolls
Royce of sewing machines,
and they gave me a bloody
Toyota, can you believe it?
What's wrong?
I was worried my old machine
wasn't going to make it.
And I was worried it
was never going to stop.
So now we can all
stop worrying about it
and get some peace.
Shall we open it?
Right, the first thing we
need's a bottle of champagne.
Champagne is not actually
mentioned in the manual,
but it is strongly implied.
I'm back.
I did it.
Oh shit.
My goodness.
Can you hear that, my darling?
Hear what?
I do hope you enjoy wearing it.
It's the only one of its kind.
I never make the
same dress twice.
Ah, precious.
I'll have to get one next time.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Do you want a coffee?
Thank you, that would be lovely.
Oh no, don't worry
about it, I got it.
You're so lucky to have Hamish.
He wants to ask
you to make a pattern
out of one of his designs,
but he's too afraid
to ask you about it.
He should just ask.
He thinks it'll
be too much trouble,
with all your other work.
Oh, that's silly.
I'll talk to him
when he gets back.
I'm just around here.
Who the hell's that?
So the idea is to make a dress
that's actually a
skirt and a jacket
but it's all made from
the same material.
But why don't you just
make a standalone jacket
that can go with lots of things.
Why would you want
to tie them together?
No, so you can
take off the jacket
and change your
entire appearance or...
Or demeanor.
Look, I wanna give a
girl the same power
a man has with his suit.
You know, when he
takes off his jacket
and then puts it back on,
it can really mean something
and change the
dynamics in a room.
But obviously I still want her
to be flirtatious and sexy,
and feel like she's wearing
a dress if she wants to.
And you really want
a neckline this wide?
Yeah, and the lapel
to frame the breasts
as something to be proud of.
Gosh, Hamish, you're taking
it in the other direction,
if you want her taken seriously.
Come on, why should a
girl have to choose between
being sexy and being
taken seriously?
A woman shouldn't have
to pretend to be a man
just to earn the same
level of respect.
It's in the face of that
whole level of conservatism.
And it makes you think, you
know, it's sophisticated,
and why not let her use
that discrimination
to her advantage.
I can keep the length
and shorten it later,
that's better than having
it too short to begin with.
Can I keep hold of these?
Yeah, of course.
You don't seem to like
it very much, do you?
It's not that, Hamish, it's just
who's going to want to wear it
with their breasts poking out.
Hi, how did it go?
Oh Christine, this is Hamish.
I'm not interrupting
anything, am I?
No, no.
No, don't get up.
No, no.
I wasn't expecting you'd
be in here entertaining,
certainly not someone
so young and attractive.
Thank you.
This is my very best
friend, Christine.
It's nice to meet you.
Very nice to meet you too.
Hamish has been helping
me set up at the markets.
I didn't do much
really, it was...
Nonsense, you
were my inspiration.
Well Liebe's creating a
pattern for one of my designs.
Going to give it a go.
Wow, you're turning
this into quite a venture.
Well, just a little
one-off, that's all.
Come on, now,
we'll see about that.
Her work's impeccable.
It is, isn't it?
So you're?
A fashion designer.
Of course, how wonderful.
Would you like a drink?
Why not?
I've come for Liebe,
and if you try and stop me
I'll knock you off
your bloody feet.
Oh, come in, you
grumpy old dickhead.
Where is she?
It was pretty damn good.
Oh, for God sake.
What the bloody
hell is going on?
Is everything okay?
Leave her alone, Duncan.
She doesn't want to see you,
it's over, finished, okay?
Why did you bring him in here?
What do you bloody think?
She's through with you, Duncan,
don't you bloody get it?
Is it possible you can stop
interfering in other
people's lives.
Not if it concerns my friend.
You have to let them
sort it out themselves.
Um, go out the back way.
I'm sorry.
Oh fuck you, Christine.
Hey, I'm trying
to help you, mate.
I know how you treat her.
Liebe, are you talking
about me behind my back?
No, she isn't, Duncan.
She never mentions you,
you're complete history, okay?
And who the fuck are you,
you gotta thing for little
old ladies, have we?
Excuse me?
Yeah, I saw you
flirting with her today.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
And now you're up there
doing God knows what.
Duncan, leave him,
he's a very nice man
who's helping me at the markets.
Is that what this is about?
You can have a little affair
with this Asian bastard.
I don't wanna
start anything, mate,
but I'll finish it.
Hamish, leave.
You can't answer, eh?
Not everyone just wants sex.
You're unbelievable.
I think we can safely
say they're just friends.
Can you shut the fuck up?
Calm down, Duncan.
And Christine, stop
putting yourself
between a man and his wife.
If that's what he thinks,
he should have married her
and stopped screwing around.
I'm fucking warning you.
Stop it, Christine.
You used her like a
dishcloth right from the start.
Stop it.
And all the while fucking
around with any woman
you can get your hands on
with no respect for anyone.
That's right, I did fuck
around with a lot of women.
You should know, you
were one of them.
Exactly, now shut the fuck up.
You're insane.
You gonna stand
there and deny it,
while dare judging me.
I don't know what
he's talking about.
Yes, you do, you betrayed
Liebe more than anybody.
She doesn't care about you.
All she wants is revenge,
that's all she's ever wanted.
Are you fucking kidding me?
She's a vindictive little bitch,
and she'll stop at
absolutely nothing.
It's not true.
So what do you think of
your perfect world now,
you stupid dumb fuck.
No, Liebe, listen.
It was nothing like that.
Now get out of my house.
I care about you,
I care about you
more than anything.
Go away, please.
I don't ever want to see
you again, Duncan, ever!
Liebe, this is
share accommodation
studying at the university.
Why is it written in Chinese?
Don't they speak English?
So only Chinese
people can read it.
That's what they're looking for.
Why wouldn't they want
it a nice English lady?
I don't know, and they
only want a student.
And it's talking about a garage,
I mean, do you really
want to live in a garage
with no windows?
Liebe, are you there?
I'm down here,
Hamish, come on down.
What on earth's that?
It's a housewarming,
I got you a cutting
board for the table.
Can I put it there?
Oh, yes, I'll clear it.
Great, it's only secondhand,
but there's not much to a
cutting board, is there?
No, no, it's marvelous.
Thank you.
Oh, it's got measurements,
it'll make everything
so much easier.
So this is the new home?
It is, who'd have imagined
I'd wind up with having so
much space, isn't it wonderful?
What happens when you get cold?
I have plenty of
blankets and a heater,
it really isn't that bad.
Well, so long as
you're comfortable.
I am, and the
students are lovely.
Did you see them while
you were up there?
I did.
So this is it?
Well, yes.
It looks good.
Hah, however, I did
know you wouldn't do it.
Oh, Hamish.
It's really what I want.
Well I'll have to
pull the neck out wide,
like the drawing in the design.
I thought you'd come to
your senses when you saw it.
Sorry, I haven't.
I know.
Look, I appreciate the concern
and we need to bring the
hemline up to around here.
I'll just put in a pin.
I'm gonna get 80 of
them made in China.
All exactly the same?
No, as two different
color combinations,
with polka dots and
two types of lapels.
It's still quite a
lot, though, isn't it?
No, it's limited edition.
People respect that
and it's the only way to
make money these days.
Ah, it's a shame it always
has to come back to that.
Here it is, Liebe,
nobody's bought it for years.
It's all we've got left.
Look at this, Hamish,
it's jacquard damask brocade,
which has a very long history,
which started in
the Middle East,
and traded in Damascus.
The only people to wear
it were kings and queens,
and very wealthy people.
Well, have you seen the price?
Well, they'll
give me a discount,
they're always very
kind to me here.
Where did she go?
You know, with the
amount of money and time
you spend on these dresses,
it's no wonder you don't
make any money at all.
I don't need much to survive.
But you can cut a few corners.
There's cheaper fabrics
that are just as good,
and no one's gonna
know the difference.
If people want cheap,
they could go to Kmart.
I have integrity.
Is that what do you
think I lack, integrity?
Don't be silly, you're
just trying to help me.
But you can't, I'm just saying
that beauty resonates
from integrity,
and you have no alternative
but to consider whatever
you can do to carry it,
to carry that resonance.
That's what it's all about.
Well, I think it's a
nice ideal, but if you...
It's not a matter
of opinion, Hamish,
it's scientific.
Of course, oh, I
wish I could have seen
Professor Julius Sumner Miller.
One night I saw him with two
sets of musical instruments,
which were not touching,
but when he chimed
the first set,
the exact same note
reverberated in the second set.
That's how resonance works.
Okay, but how does
that relate to dresses?
You're asking the
wrong question, Hamish.
You should be asking,
"Why is it so?",
that's what he used to say.
Okay, right.
Why is it so?
It's not about the
dresses, it's about me,
I am the instrument, as are you.
If I can't see beauty
in the clothes I make,
how can I expect
anyone else to see it?
That photo I took,
and posted on Facebook
calling you Grandma Couture,
it's gone viral with
over 10,000 hits.
Goodness, is your computer
okay, can it be fixed?
I don't think so.
Isn't that what happens
when you're cyber attacked?
Not exactly, no.
Here's your receipt.
Thank you.
Cool, thanks.
Ah, thank you, Hamish.
Thanks for everything
today, Liebe, seriously?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine,
just need a bit of a lie down.
Well, I'll talk to you soon.
Hamish, here.
Hey, you okay?
Look at me.
Oh, Hamish,
I was having such a funny dream.
I thought I was on the boat
going across to England.
Well you're here with me now.
You were just having a lie down.
I remember being
so sick on that boat,
it was so cold, and I
missed my parents terribly.
But look at me,
oh, I'm so sweaty.
I'm so sorry you should
see me like this.
No, you're all right.
You look fine.
Oh, we'd better go,
get ready for the markets.
We'd better set up
before everyone comes.
The markets are over, Liebe.
Did something happen?
No, it's five o'clock.
Is it?
Yeah, they finished an hour ago.
Oh, I must have been
lying there all day.
Come on.
But all around me
are ordinary members
of the German public
who have come here,
some of them carrying
bags of soft toys,
which they intend to hand
to the refugees
and their children.
Interestingly too, the
welcome that the public
are offering, is very much
echoed by the German government,
which has attracted criticism
for its very open
policy towards refugees.
I left that place
on a kinder transport,
and I never went back.
It's strange how I can
only forgive them now.
Where's your food?
I told you.
I can only find noodles,
is that all you've been eating?
That's all those poor
students are eating,
so if it's good enough for them.
They're only students, Liebe,
they're not refugees.
They're wealthy Chinese kids
whose parents are
paying a lot of money
for them to educated,
who don't know how to
look after themselves,
and shouldn't be eating
that sort of rubbish either.
It's no wonder you're so sick.
Are you coping okay?
I thought,
I always thought if I
was just a good person
God would look after me.
It sounds so childish
saying it out loud.
you hungry?
Well the students made you
some noodles with chicken.
Oh, did they do that for me?
Ah, goodness.
You're all very kind.
It was a big team effort,
we even called Tanya's
mother in China to help
to tell us what to do.
Thank you.
It's all right.
He gets you a fork.
Thank you.
So we had a house meeting
while you were sleeping,
and we've come up with a
pretty special proposition.
If the students
were to provide you
with all the
ingredients you need,
they'd be very interested
in you being the cook
for the entire house.
They want me to do that?
They do, even Tanya's
mother, apparently.
Then everyone could eat
better, including you.
And it won't cost you a thing,
and then you'll always get
to eat good food for free.
Oh thank you.
You are welcome.
this is absolutely delicious.
Thank you, Hamish.
It's all right,
now you do know how
to cook though, right?
Of course I do.
When I was young,
women weren't even
supposed to leave the kitchen.
Well, that's good.
Cause I kinda told them
you're like the "Iron Chef",
and they're all very excited.
Oh, Hamish.
It's an e-commerce website.
So now you can buy our dresses
from anywhere you want.
Oh, Hamish, look.
How many people can see it?
It's on the Internet,
the whole world.
That's incredible.
Yeah, well we do
live in amazing times.
Thank goodness
you're still here.
My Auntie Tridara asked
how I could afford
such a beautiful dress.
And I told her that you
gave to me for free.
So she painted you
this picture it.
It's magnificent.
Oh, please tell your
auntie I love it.
I will.
Is that Tridara Brisba?
Yeah, she's my auntie.
Wow, she's famous, Liebe.
Be worth a fortune.
You can sell it if you like.
Don't be silly, I could
never do anything of the sort.
I'm going to hang it on
a wall somewhere special.
She said she's never seen anyone
look more beautiful
in her life before.
Well you tell your auntie
my dress had very
little to do with it.
Thank you, Liebe.
Oh, it's astounding.
Do you speak English?
So how's everything going?
And you and Justin?
Oh, we're fine,
really we're fine.
Good, I'm glad.
Liebe, what happened with Duncan
only ever happened once
and it was a long time ago.
Were you in love with him?
I dunno.
I was young and stupid,
and I always knew he was yours.
Liebe, I've come to tell you
that he's in a hospice
at St. Vincent's,
but it doesn't look good.
Did you see him?
What about his brother?
I don't think so, I doubt it.
How long has he been so sick?
Quite a while I think.
I'm not sure when
he was diagnosed,
in fact, I don't actually
know much about it at all.
Only that he called the
house again the other night.
Anyway, I'd better go and let
you get on with your dinner.
I just thought you should know.
Yes, thank you.
You can go out this way.
Why are you so upset about it?
It's not that, it's just
it's so sad seeing
you living like this,
lonely and living in a garage.
It breaks my heart.
But I've never been
more happy in all my life.
Yeah, I just had
a few questions for you
with regards to antibiotics.
It said three times a day,
but it's only twice a day,
I was just wondering...
Oh, okay, yes.
Yes, they've arrived, they
arrived at lunchtime today.
Just hold on a sec.
Hi there, are you all right?
Can I help you?
I'm here to see Duncan Miller.
Oh, official visiting
hours finished at 4:30.
Are you family?
No, but we lived
together for 50 years.
I'll call you back.
Come round.
Thank you.
You look beautiful.
Are you in pain?
No, I feel good, they're
pumping me full of morphine.
That's good.
Would you come over
here and sit beside me
and hold my hand?
I'm not here to
come back to you.
You should know, I haven't
come here for that.
Well if you've come
to speak your mind,
you better not hold your
tongue for very long.
I saw you at the markets.
I've spoke to my lawyer,
made sure that the
house and everything
goes to you in your name,
you can move in
whenever you like.
I won't be going back.
I don't care about the house.
Then sell it, use the
money, it doesn't matter.
It's all yours now.
And I left the
$5s under our bed.
But that was for your recording.
That was for your
dreams, not mine.
My only dream was
for you to be happy.
I'm sorry, Liebe,
for so much that I did,
I wasn't very good to you.
Who are you?
I'm Jordan, I'm the filmmaker.
I'll be recording your voice.
This is Jordan, he's
going to record you singing.
I'm using a Rode NTG3 mic.
It's really professional.
It's great for the human voice.
It was actually made by
an Australian company.
I can't play piano anymore.
My arms, they won't
work properly.
Not even after your rest?
The fingers, I just can't do it.
My brother can
play the keyboard.
He's great, he
can play anything.
Oh, will he be
happy to come here?
How much are you paying him?
It's fine, give it to me later.
I'd better go find him.
Thank you.
How are you feeling?
You ready?
Is he ready?
You ready?
How about that?
That sounds good, Harry.
All my life I was trying
to find my audience,
it's only now I realized
my audience was you.
I love you, Liebe.
I'm here to see Liebe.
The video's online,
it's just gone viral.
It's got over a million hits.
My computer outside, come see.
What's happening?
We're watching a video.
I'll put in the wi-fi first.
Go on YouTube, yeah.
I'll set up.
Thank you.
It was around midnight
you came to my house
And sat on the porch
And you told me
You were glad to be back
There's been so many
years so many tears
When you couldn't reach out
So I could hold you close
Tell you it's all right
Now my heart aches
To hold you
Come close to me
You're like sunlight
Yeah, my heart aches
To hold you
Come close to me
Like you used to do
When you were so young
When we were so young