A Story of David (1960) Movie Script

CROWD: [CHANTING] David! David!
How long
must I listen
to these insults?
From the walls of the city to the walls of my house,
they sing the praises of David.
Do they think that he won the battle alone?
This foolish song is
not his doing, Father.
I had forgotten that
you are his champion.
And with good cause.
It was David who
fought through to my side
when I was
wounded and outnumbered.
Who became my shield against the Philistine steel.
I owe him my life.
Oh! Is there no end to this idolatry of David
even amongst my own children?
No one has served you
better than he has.
Not so well as
David has served himself.
Hold your tongue!
SAUL: Let him speak.
I have never doubted his loyalty.
The position of
David in your court
is a strange one, Sire.
Too exalted
for a shepherd, too...
Too lowly for a prince.
In rank
he is fourth
and who knows
of his ambitions?
And what of
your own ambitions?
It's lust for power that
makes you poison the mind
of my father against David.
I'll hear no more of
these evil insinuations.
SAUL: Then leave us.
Take Abner and disperse these caterwauling women outside,
then return here.
Some wine,
My Lord King?
[SIGHS] Yes.
To wash away the memory of this day.
How soon
some people forget.
The triumphs of Saul
were legend
long before this
shepherd slew a giant.
Slaying of Goliath would have stood for nothing
but for the army that I had trained and led
when I routed the Philistines that day.
But it is to David
they ascribe that victory,
and others since.
I sent him to do
battle with Goliath.
I created an idol for my people to exalt above me.
Idols can be destroyed.
He was always in the forefront of the battle.
It seems that the Philistines have no darts or sword
that can pierce the heart of David.
Idols should be destroyed
by those who create them.
My Lord is known
for his fearful rages.
A man is not
held accountable
for acts of violence
committed in
moments of madness.
It is well known that
you've suffered from
these dark moods
since the days of
Samuel's wrathful prophecy
that doom would befall the House of Saul and another rule in his stead.
The ravings of
a jealous old man.
I'll show the Prophet Samuel and the people
who is king here and who will remain king.
Well, did you see
the handsome hero?
Is he still smiling on the swooning maidens that serenade him?
David is with
Michal, Father.
My own daughter, too,
has fallen under the spell of this ambitious wretch.
Bring him to me.
Or will you
add disobedience
to your disloyalty?
My love is
a garden of delights.
Fragrance of spring apples
is in her hair.
Her eyes bright,
warm as the summer sky.
Her lips are the color
of rarest wine
and her kisses
taste of honey.
My Lord speaks only of food.
He must be hungry.
I am the most
envied woman in Israel.
There is not one who does not yearn to serve you thus.
Such service
should be rewarded.
To match
the color of the wine.
Can you match these?
What am I offered
for this?
You must come closer
so I can put it on.
To the victor the spoils.
Trinkets and treasures from cities stormed and battles won.
David, his 10,000 slew.
Ten thousand kisses
are his due.
Ten thousand kisses.
It's not wise
to sing that song
in this house, Michal,
not even in jest.
Does not my brother have
the delicacy to allow us
some small privacy?
This is no
idle intrusion.
The King has sent me
to summon David.
The King has had David by his side for months.
I will at least have this hour.
You may tell my father I will join him for the evening meal.
It's not a request, Michal.
It's a command.
What troubles you,
Ill tidings?
This foolish song
has driven my father
to the brink of
another fit of madness.
Is it foolish to sing songs to the man who led Israel to victory?
It's an affront to
a proud and sensitive man.
He's filled with rage
against David.
Perhaps I have shown an over fondness for the praises of the people.
The praises were richly deserved.
In his heart, he knows that.
You've dispelled his fears and rages before.
Go now
and soothe his injured pride.
It is to David
that I wish to speak.
How is My Lord?
My head is wrecked
with infernal pain.
It grieves me to hear this.
You said that to me
once before.
Do you remember the occasion?
How could I forget?
It was the first time
that they brought you
before me.
When all else failed,
you cured the raging storms in my head.
David, bring the lute.
Your songs may
soothe away the pain.
My Lord must remember
that on that other occasion, he was cured by the song of a simple shepherd boy.
A stranger brought before him by Abner from the flocks and fields.
I'm a soldier
long out of practice.
You refuse?
I am My Lord's servant.
So bring the lute.
Sit here, David,
at the feet of your king,
as you did that night.
What song will you sing?
One of your choosing.
No, let the choice be yours.
Would My Lord
enjoy a love song?
Have you not made up a song of victory,
O, slayer of
tens of thousands?
My Lord, we all know
there were not 10,000
Israelites and Philistines
in the battle.
Much less
that many slain.
The slayer of giants
and thousands is modest
in the company of others
who fought beside him.
He will not
sing of his victory.
Yours were the victories,
as you will remember, Sire.
And yet the people
babble of your glory.
You are called, "Conqueror
of the Philistines,"
"Hope of Judah."
Our victories are
God's victories,
My Lord.
By your leave
I'll sing of Him.
Oh, Lord.
In your strength, the King is glad.
In your victory, how greatly he rejoices.
You have granted him
his heart's desire.
You refused him not
the wish of his lips.
You've welcomed him with goodly blessings.
And placed on his head a crown of pure gold.
For the King trusts in the Lord.
And through the kindness of the Most High,
he remains unshaken.
May your hand reach all your enemies.
May your right hand reach all your foes.
This way, David!
In the name of God, run!
SAUL: Guards!
Doeg, seize him!
Through the window.
Search the gardens.
Search the palace
and the whole city
if need be.
I charge you to find
David and destroy him.
While he lives,
I am not safe.
You will
search the quarters
of Michal and Jonathan.
When a man's children
become his enemies,
they must be
treated as such.
Someday you will drink
as deeply
of the bitterness
of betrayal as I have.
Open, in the name of the King.
Oh, I beg
your pardon, Sire.
Captain of the Guard!
Captain of the Host!
Captain of my Scouts!
Is there not a man in your command, Jashobeam,
that can follow the trail of a traitor?
My Lord... Enough!
I've had my fill of excuses.
God must indeed be on the side of Israel
if he gives victory
to such as you.
The army can search for one man and fail,
but one man, the right man can succeed.
My Lord knows there is one man closer to David than any other.
Your own son, Jonathan.
This Edomite, Doeg,
not only poisons the mind of our father,
I fear he also
has us watched.
One false step and we'll play into his hands.
I feel like
an animal in a cage.
David will think
himself deserted
unless we act swiftly.
Be patient, Michal.
We can't even risk sending him word to flee until we're sure we're not followed.
But he cannot
give up everything.
Where will he go?
What will he do?
He will live.
But if he
returns here...
SAUL: He will be
welcome to my court again.
Father, come in.
Only a tender heart
could give me such
a welcome.
Last night...
How can I explain
last night?
It was the evil spirit, the old malady.
My soul is
full of sorrow
for the things
they say I said.
When I awakened,
it was as if from
some terrible nightmare.
Oh, when they told me
the things that I'd said
and the things that I did,
I wanted to
cry out, "Liar!"
I can recall nothing.
Oh, my Son,
humbly I ask forgiveness
for accusations
unjust and untrue.
But for you,
I might have
killed David,
who's been
as another son to me.
You must find him.
Bring him before me
at the forthcoming feast,
so that he
and all assembled
may hear me acknowledge
the great wrong that
I've done him
and my desire
to make amends.
I'll find him.
This way, Jonathan.
You're unharmed.
Thank God for that.
And you.
You met no ill treatment for your part in my escape?
Michal. How is Michal?
As eager for your return
as I am.
My father sent me to
bring you back, David.
at the Feast
of the New Moon,
he wishes to make public
his apology for the evil
he's done to you.
He's canceled
the search for you.
Last night I...
I had a dream.
In the dream,
I heard a voice.
Whose voice?
That of the Prophet Samuel.
It told me that I should go into the wilderness and hide.
And if I should return to the House of Saul,
there would be but a step between death and me.
That's the message
I wanted to send you,
until my father's words
convinced me otherwise.
But the warning of the
Prophet cannot be ignored.
Nor can the command of the King.
It was only a dream.
Yes. But was it?
Has his anger
really passed,
or is this
sudden repentance
a trick to lure you back?
There's little danger of anything happening while we're at the feast.
We'll both be on guard.
You mustn't return until
I'm sure you're safe.
I can test my father's
sincerity better alone.
If there's still evil in
his heart, I'll warn you.
In what manner?
I'll go to
the training ground
with a bow and arrow.
You hide in the rocks,
behind the target we used.
I'll shoot three arrows
and send a boy to fetch
them back.
If I call to him that the arrows are on the near side,
it will mean
that all is well.
And if it is not?
I'll say the arrows
are on the far side.
God willing, we'll be together again soon.
Take care, my friend.
Lord God of Israel,
hear thy servant.
Forgive my doubts,
heed my prayer,
for without you
I'm nothing.
Let not my danger
be his danger
and if there's violence,
let it fall on me alone.
Where is David?
In Bethlehem,
celebrating the solemn
rite of sacrifice
with his people.
Did you not tell him
that I had commanded
his return?
Does he realize that for this insult he could die?
Let the blame fall on me.
I gave him leave
to return tomorrow.
You gave him leave?
You defied my command?
But for you, he'd now be dead.
Because he is my enemy.
JONATHAN: He's the scourge
of your enemies.
He wants to tear
the crown from my head.
A fevered mind is easy prey
to the lies of evil-doers.
You have shown to all here
that you have chosen
David above your king.
To your own shame.
Don't you realize
that as long as he lives,
you could never
be ruler of Israel?
That's for God to decide.
Weakling! That is for me
to decide.
Go forth, find him!
Oh, this time
he shall surely die.
Your just commands
I've always obeyed,
but this is a sin
against innocent blood
and would
blacken the name of Saul.
Am I a child to be chided
or a king to be obeyed?
In a covenant before God,
I swore to defend the
name of David.
Then die yourself.
My Lord King,
in your own words, Jonathan's our future ruler.
Abner, Jashobeam, summon your men.
Search for David.
Doeg, follow me.
It's a bad hour of the day for the practice of archery.
The sun dazzles my eyes.
Fetch the arrows, Caleb.
The arrows are beyond you.
Stay back.
Doeg's watching.
What happened?
My father believes
you'll take his throne,
rob me of my birthright.
If you believe that,
draw your sword now
and kill me.
The words are his.
The words
of a man half mad with
fear of Samuel's prophecy.
The words of a man
who's resolved your death.
Then it was a trap.
And now you are followed.
No longer trusted
because of me.
Avoid the roads.
He sent the army
to search for you.
The ways of the world
are strange.
Yesterday I led the armies,
today they hunt me
like an animal.
David, you must go.
I can't even take
your hand in farewell.
We will meet again.
Tell Michal... There's no time.
Go quickly.
And may God
watch over you.
And over you,
my brother.
David is not
in Jerusalem, Sire.
Nor in Bethlehem.
Didn't you question
the people?
Yes, My Lord.
Some professed ignorance.
Some swore he has
not been in the vicinity.
Still others...
Well, go on.
Others refused to answer.
Asking, "For what reason does Saul hunt down the hero of Israel's victories?"
We'll see if the people
will ask such questions
of their king.
I shall command
the search myself.
JOAB: We have
found him at last.
DAVID: If it is God's will, I am ready to go with you.
We've come to
go with you, Cousin.
This place is
no longer safe.
Jashobeam and
the King's scouts are
only a short distance away
and the army
is not far behind.
Saul leads
the search himself.
And Jonathan?
Left behind
in disgrace.
Only Doeg enjoys
the King's confidence now.
Saul's hatred of you
is such that
he's ordered anyone who
gives you shelter put
to the sword.
Then I can no longer endanger those who would befriend me.
I must go into the wilderness.
We are yours to command.
Joab is my kinsman,
but you, Hezro,
you're of Saul's army.
The punishment for
desertion is death.
HEZRO: We're soldiers,
I, for one, have
no great fear of death.
Thank you.
They've eluded us again.
Are my scouts such sluggards
that they cannot overtake
this band of traitors?
JASHOBEAM: They're never
where we expect them
to be, My Lord.
You think you're
a strategist, Abner.
Well, which way did he go?
North? South? East? West?
My Lord already
has the opinions of
those he's questioned.
Some say
he's fled to Paran.
Others believe
he was headed in
the direction of Nob.
Paran. Nob.
And am I expected to
be in both places at once?
My Lord, an unwieldy force
is easily evaded.
Here, you're within
striking distance
of both places.
While Jashobeam and
his scouts search
the hill country,
I can seek out
men in Paran and Nob
who will inform us of
any sign of David
and his men.
Well, at least one of
my counselors has
a feasible plan.
Command the troops
to break camp, Abner.
And we'll see
if Doeg can succeed
where all the rest of you
have failed.
Never have I known such a scarcity of game in these hills.
Tomorrow I'll go down
to the village of Nob.
I'll go with you. And I.
No. Several strangers
might invite curiosity.
I have friends in Nob.
Perhaps they'll help us.
Any word from Doeg?
No, Sire,
from Gibeah.
Am I awaked in the middle
of the night to hear this?
JONATHAN: I've come on a mission of grave importance, Sire.
The farmers of Keilah report that
Philistine troops are gathered near their border.
They fear an attack.
How do I know that
you're telling the truth?
I know how close
you are to David.
This may be
merely a ruse.
If you don't believe me, send troops.
I will send nobody
until I am ready.
My first task is
to make my kingdom safe
from the dangers within.
The task that
I will never give up
until David is captured.
Now, we'll wait here until
Doeg comes back from Nob.
That man,
keep him always
within your sights
until I return
with the King's men.
The Lord be with you.
And with you.
I wish to see
the priest, Ahimilech.
My father. Who shall I say wishes to see him?
He will know me.
Summon him.
My father will see you now.
Wait outside for me, my Son.
Call to me if anyone approaches.
You're taking a great risk coming here alone.
It was necessary.
My men
now face an enemy
other than the King's army.
For two days,
they've been without
food and drink.
They're harried
and hungry.
Can you spare us
some food?
Our village is poor, David. We have barely enough to feed ourselves.
There is the holy bread.
But I will overstep the law by giving you bread from the sacred table.
Could you ask the Lord
to guide you, good priest?
We will let
the Lord decide.
These are the sacred stones.
If His answer is yes,
we shall get a sign by the stone called Thummim.
If no, by Urim.
The Lord has been good to you, David.
You shall get the bread. Abiathar.
Yes, Father.
Go into the Sanctuary and collect all the holy bread and bring it here.
Yes, Father.
Is it for him?
Quickly. Quickly. There's no time for questions. Go. Go. Go.
You must be proud
to have such a son.
Oh, he is very inquisitive.
Huh! So was I at his age.
There's something else
we're in dire need of,
There are
perhaps a dozen
in the whole village.
But wait.
This belongs to you by right.
The sword of Goliath!
There's none other like it.
After the battle, the Prophet Samuel entrusted it to my care.
If I had not slain Goliath,
I would not now be
a fugitive.
Your destiny was decided long before the battle, David.
You were but a boy when Saul proved himself unworthy.
After his disobedience to the will of the Lord,
it was made known to Samuel that you were to be His anointed one.
Use it to fight the Lord's battle, David.
Remember always that you are His chosen one.
Use it only for good.
Seek His will
in all things.
I'll dedicate it to the Lord.
Forty loaves, Father.
All I could find.
Goliath's sword.
My father said the only
man in Israel who could...
You are David?
You must tell
no one of this.Why?
Because it is dangerous
for David and his men
and for us.
He's being hunted
by King Saul.
Why? Has he done
something wrong?
No. He has done
nothing wrong.
Why then?
I told you there is
no time for questions.
David must
get back to his men.
Yes, before they eat
the bark off the trees.
You go with David, my Son, and help carry them.
No, no.
I need no help.
It would break his heart if we denied him this privilege.
But return promptly,
mind you.
I will, Father.
David. Yes?
I will not ask you where you plan to go.
To Paran, Maon.
Perhaps the border.
Any community where we can be of service and satisfy our meager needs.
Should it be Maon, seek out a woman called Abigail.
She will help you in your hour of need.
Abigail. Yes.
Thank you, Ahimilech.
David, come this way. You will encounter fewer people.
Again, my thanks,
good priest.
Bless you both.
These are my men,
The best in all Israel.
And this is Abiathar,
son of Ahimilech,
priest of Nob.
Recruits are getting
younger every day.
What is your reason
for joining us?
If I could, I would follow David.
What have we here?
Bread, eh?
Little enough
to sustain a man
after a forced march.
Meat and red wine
would be more to
my belly's liking.
Come along now,
one at a time.
There'll be enough
for everyone.
Your father wanted you
to return promptly.
You best go back.
I could come again.
I could bring some more bread tomorrow.
You're very generous,
But who knows
where we'll be tomorrow.
Goodbye. Thank the
good priest for me again.
May we meet again.
And soon.
Goodbye, David.
Joab, show him
to the path.
You are the priest,
Yes, My Lord King.
It's been reported to us
that David has visited
this place this day.
Do you deny it?
I do not deny it, My Lord.
For what purpose
did he come?
He needed food for his hungry men.
And you gave it to him?
I gave him bread, My Lord.
And also a sword.
You gave arms to
a traitor!
The sword will never be raised against you, My Lord King.
For who amongst your people is as faithful as David?
Well, we've searched
everywhere, My Lord King.
David's not here.
Nor do the people
know his whereabouts.
If they did,
would they tell you?
Where is he, Priest?
I cannot tell you that, My Lord.
You will tell me
or you will die.
You and all
your father's house.
I do not know, My Lord,
and if I knew, I would not tell.
Slay them!
Slay everyone here
as a lesson for those
who will defy their king.
These are innocent people, Father.
Their hands and their
hearts are with David.
They know
where he has fled,
but they will not speak.
Slay them!
You all
rebel against me?
I cannot order an Israelite
to slay a priest.
We're on holy ground.
I am not an Israelite.
Command me.
SAUL: Slay them!
Find Jashobeam.
I'll go follow the boy.
HEZRO: Hold it.
DAVID: What is this, Hezro?
The boy who
brought the bread.
Hezro, you go to the trail and make certain no one has followed.
Abiathar, what happened?
The King...
The King
and the soldiers
came to look for you.
But my father
wouldn't tell them.
So, the King...
They killed my father.
My father, my family.
They're all dead.
Because of me.
They died because of me.
Would that I could've died in his stead.
Where did he go? With David.
Good. Forward.
From now on, you will be one of us.
If anyone tries to kill you, he will have to kill me first.
Saul's men close by.
How many?
Two score,
perhaps more.
Led by Jashobeam.
Look after him, Hezro.
They're almost upon us.
You go ahead, David, while we stay and delay them.
We go together
or die together.
Disperse the men.
Have them take cover
and wait for my signal.
Disperse. Take cover.
Put the fire out.
Come on. Come on.
Quickly. Quickly.
Spread out.
Come on, come on.
March. March.
That's right.
Keep going.
Take up your positions.
Still warm.
They must be close by.
DAVID: Close enough to kill you where you stand.
You're outnumbered and surrounded.
If you try to fight, not one man will escape alive.
Surrender your sword, Jashobeam.
I will give you
my sword, David,
not in surrender,
but in support.
We have come
to serve you.
We can follow Saul
no longer.
His soul is
sick with hatred.
When Jonathan brought news
that the Philistines are
poised on the border...
Philistines? Where? Near Keilah.
The farmers
want protection,
but Saul refuses to
abandon the search for you.
He has only
one objective, David.
To destroy you.
If you follow me,
your lives will be in constant danger.
You'll be hunted, harried, homeless, often hungry.
If anyone wishes to return to Saul...
ALL: No! No!
Lord God of Israel, hear our prayer.
To you we lift up our souls.
In you we trust.
Let not our enemies exult over us.
Make known to us your ways that we may walk in truth and righteousness.
Deliver Israel from all its distress,
for you are our stronghold,
our strength and our shield.
take two men and keep us informed of Saul's movements.
We march to Keilah.
To Keilah? Why?
To do what we can to protect the people and their harvest from the Philistines.
But what of my people?
Aren't you going to use the sword my father gave you
to avenge their murder?
In the presence of
your father,
I pledged
this sword to the Lord.
It is not ordained that
I use it against the King.
But you're not going to use it for the King?
No, Abiathar, not for him.
For the Lord and
all of our people.
For Israel.
The Philistines crossed our border at Keilah today, My Lord King.
How many?
Where are they now?
In flight.
Ambushed by
soldiers of Israel.
SAUL: Soldiers of Israel?
Armed with
rocks and sticks
and a few weapons,
and led by David.
Soldiers of Israel?
JONATHAN: David never deserted you, Father.
You drove him from your court.
You pursue him like an enemy and still he fights your battles.
This should prove his loyalty.
Or his ambition.
Again, he's a hero
to the people.
How long will you continue to give heed
to the evil suggestions of this Edomite,
who poisons your mind with lies?
I have never had occasion to doubt his loyalty.
Good can come
from this, Sire.
There are but
two routes from Keilah.
Across the border
into Philistia,
a way they would
never dare to choose.
And here, to Paran.
If we act swiftly,
we can cut them off here.
JOAB: David.
The men cannot
sustain such a pace.
They must have rest.
They will rest for all time if Saul's army overtakes us.
Jashobeam and his scouts will advise us
when we can slacken our pace.
Continue the march.
They're spent.
Another hour and
there will be stragglers.
Would you
leave them behind?
Continue the march.
I can see by your face that our forced march was useless.
My Lord knows that
David is a master
of military deception.
Are all my captains fools?
Must they be forever outwitted by this traitor?
They are soldiers,
My Lord.
This is a task
for subtle men.
My men.
May I suggest we
proceed to Paran
and await word
from them there?
You may so inform the troops, Doeg!
and beyond the pass, Paran.
Feast your eyes on
that view, Jashobeam.
But covet not the sheep,
lest you be accused
of gluttony.
What news?
The King's scouts
have lost the trail.
The army has turned back.
Oh, thank God for that.
Hezro, did you hear?
We can stay a while. The men have earned a rest.
Joab, divide the men into groups and search for a stronghold.
Yes, David.
How fares our young recruit?
The priest's son,
he's a brave lad.
He keeps up with
the rest of the men
without complaint,
but his dreams
are troubled.
Yes, David.
The eyes of youth are sharp.
See if you can be the first to find us a suitable stronghold.
We will be the first.
Come on, Hezro!
Already, he gives
orders like a commander.
Deep and dry.
It'll make
a good shelter.
It's settled then.
Tell the others Abiathar has found our new home.
You miss your home, your father and your family.
That's only natural.
Do not dwell
upon your sorrow.
Try to seek solace in the Lord and you'll find comfort.
I will not find comfort
while their murderers live!
Oh, do not hate, Abiathar.
The Old Law says,
"Love thy neighbor
and hate thine enemy."
That was not the way of your father.
He sought the will of the Lord in all things.
With this.
Jashobeam returned to the temple to find it for you.
David, will their
deaths be avenged?
The Lord has said that vengeance is His.
Their deaths will be avenged, in His time and in His way.
In my time, in my way.
Look. Look, Abiathar. Look there.
Who are they, David?
What are they doing?
Brigands, about to
attack the shepherds.
They're heavily armed. The shepherds will be slaughtered.
Unless we help them.
HEZRO: Is that a command?
Those who have arms
will attack with me.
Those unarmed
will go with Joab,
joining the fray
as brigands fall
and weapons
become available.
Jashobeam, take two men and
drive the flock toward
the mountains.
That'll create
a diversion.
See to our wounded.
Remove them
to the stronghold
and tell me their number.
We owe you our lives.
Would that we could repay you,
but we are poor without a sheckel between us.
You owe us nothing.
But if it is gratitude you wish to show, there is a way.
My men are hungry. Let us have a few sheep that we may eat tonight.
I dare not.
They belong to
our master, Nabal,
and he will return from Paran for the shearing three days hence.
And if any sheep should be missing...
Is your master so poor that he sets such a high value on just a few sheep?
Six wounded.
Protecting you.
Let us take care
of the sheep.
SHEPHERD: No, I beg you.
For the sake of these good men and their families.
You don't know the wrath of our master.
This Nabal, he can't be
the monster he paints him.
I cannot take that chance.
Look at Abiathar and remember how his people
were slaughtered for giving us bread.
We will return to the stronghold.
This Nabal sets great store by his flock.
Perhaps he'll be pleased to have us protect it for him.
A sound idea.
When he returns,
we'll propose
a bargain.
Protection from the marauders and assistance with the shearing
in exchange
for food and money to
buy weapons and equipment.
When he returns.
What shall we do till then?
DAVID: Live off the land.
The brigands
might attack again.
Couldn't we?
It is not the way
of the Lord to steal.
It's not the way of
my stomach to starve.
[SIGHS] Perhaps work
will take our minds
off our hunger.
We haven't yet built
an altar to the Lord
to thank him
for delivering us
from Saul and his army.
When the men have
rested properly,
set them to work.
Your mind still
dwells on your home.
Do you always read people's thoughts?
It is not so difficult.
To each man,
that sight will
bring a different thought,
a different dream.
Joab would think
of the fine wine
he might find there.
Jashobeam would envision
the beautiful women.
And you, David, what do you dream of?
The water.
When I was a boy
tending my father's flocks,
the water of Bethlehem
was as sweet as wine.
I would think of my thirst
and I would dream of
the water in the garden.
NAOMI: They saved
all the sheep.
It must have been
most exciting.
I wonder who they were?
The shepherds
said the fighting
was fast and furious.
But the brigands were
driven off.
But at what cost, in dead and wounded?
Run, my lady!
He doesn't look very fierce, Naomi.
What weapon is this, young man?
A water container.
First, they try to steal our sheep and now our water.
I'm not of those who
tried to steal the sheep,
but of those
who drove them away.
I've come to get some
water for David,
our leader.
Search the grounds.
Surround the house.
Take him to my quarters. Hide him. Quickly.
KUDRUH: You come with me.
What is this intrusion, Kudruh?
Someone was
seen to enter here.
In the interests of
your safety,
we will search
to make certain.
There are brigands
in the area.
ABIGAIL: Do you dare suggest that a man, brigand or any other,
has entered the house in the absence of your master?
Take your men and be gone.
How are you called?
And this leader
who sends a boy on
so dangerous a mission?
He didn't send me.
He doesn't know
I've come.
Where we are camped
there is only branch water
and he thirsts for the fresh spring waters of his youth.
To serve David
is a great honor.
Such loyalty
deserves reward.
Naomi, fill the cask.
Why is it
such an honor
to serve this man?
You have not
heard of David?
Here in the wilderness of Maon, we hear little of anything.
Tell me about him.
Well, he fears nothing.
When he was not
much older than me,
he slew the great
Philistine giant,
and many more Philistines
who tried to invade Israel.
So he is that David.
Godspeed, Abiathar.
My thanks, my lady.
You are as kind
as you are beautiful.
Where is Abiathar?
I thought
he was with you.
No, he left me long ago.
These hills are not known to us.
It might be dangerous for a young boy to wander alone in the dark.
Find him, Hezro.
Thank you.
We have nothing to
sacrifice to the Lord.
We'll endure our
hunger in silence.
And give thanks
for our delivery
and our victory.
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
He maketh me
to lie down in
green pastures.
He leadeth me
beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
He leadeth me in
the paths of justice,
for His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil.
For thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
Thou preparest
a table before me
in the presence
of mine enemies.
Thou annointest
my head with oil,
my cup runneth over.
Surely, goodness and
mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life.
And I will
dwell in the house
of the Lord forever.
Our comrade has returned from a raid.
He stole into Nabal's walled garden to get spring water for David.
He was pursued by armed men.
How did you escape?
Well, there was a lady.
A beautiful lady...
Did I not say
he'd make a soldier?
His first taste of adventure and he spins tales of beautiful ladies.
Here's your
water, David.
Thank you, Abiathar.
We needed something
to offer for sacrifice.
Bless this water, Lord.
It's placed upon
thine altar.
What weapon have you chosen to master, Abiathar?
The weapon David used.
The sling.
The only giant
in the vicinity
is this one.
Who are you?
Does it matter?
I've come
to seek David.
And found him.
I wished to thank the man who saved the shepherds of Maon.
Now come on. That's it. Come on! Come on!
Are they your people,
the shepherds?
I have often watched over my father's flocks.
Even as I have.
I liked the nights best, when everything was dark and still,
and it almost seemed possible to reach out and touch the stars.
Night, when the heavens
declare the glory of God
and the firmament
proclaims His handiwork.
In His wisdom,
He has wrought
many miracles.
And of them all,
the most wondrous is woman.
Fairer are you in beauty
than all other women.
Grace is poured out
onto your lips.
All glorious are you
as you enter.
My heart sings,
because with you
comes gladness and joy.
The words come easily to your lips, My Lord.
They have been said before.
No, no, boy. Come here. Let me show you.
Find me a stone.
Here you are.
A man can love
more than once.
He can love
several women,
each in a different way.
You wait here for me.
Well, that was
more or less how
David slew Goliath.
Another shot in my direction, sir,
and you will all see, more or less,
how David slew Hezro.
On the mark
three times.
You've grown proficient.
I must.
Whatever they've done to me, I will do to them.
Abiathar, listen...
I bring tidings
and a very
welcome visitor!
Well, how did you find us?
When their army withdrew,
I stayed behind to search.
If it hadn't been
for the shepherds,
I would never
have found you.
Why is the son of Saul welcomed thus?
David chooses his friends
not for who they are,
but what they are.
But he was one of the murderers. I saw him there!
I, too, was there
when it happened,
I've come to
join you, David,
if you'll have me.
Well, we'll talk of that later.
What are the tidings?
Nabal has returned.
Good. We must send
a delegation to
call upon him.
Send me, David. DAVID: All right.
Can I go, too?
The decision is yours to make.
A boy might
soften his heart.
And then, too, Abiathar has
got a very beautiful
friend there.
Doeg claims
to have friends
in Paran and Maon.
It would be
better if David's name
were not mentioned there.
May the Lord make you eloquent with Nabal.
JASHOBEAM: Peace be to you and all in your house, Nabal.
Has your herder told you of the raid on your flock?
I bring a proposal from those who saved your flock.
We will protect you from such marauders and help with the shearing
in return for food and a few sheckles.
Another form of thievery.
Our men fought hard against the brigands.
Some lie wounded.
They have their bravery
to comfort them while
they recover.
Virtue, they say,
is its own reward.
That they do not go hungry, at least spare us a few sheep.
I have no sheep
to spare.
Dispose of
these beggars.
My lady.
What does this mean?
We came to offer help in return for food.
He called us thieves, beggars!
I will see
what I can do.
NABAL: I said,
dispose of them.
How can you treat them so rudely?
That's none
of your affair.
Have you not the decency to give them a few paltry sheep?
Silence, woman,
or I'll have you
whipped for your insolence.
I'm master here.
I wonder how long
you will be master here
when their leader
hears your insults.
Do you know who he is?
Does it matter?
Has the master of Maon heard of David of Israel?
You have defied me,
taunted me, tormented me.
But I will overlook it
this once.
Because you've
done me a great favor.
What favor?
That's no concern
of yours.
Go to your quarters, woman.
I must talk with Kudruh
of this matter.
And don't leave your room until I give you permission.
This David is
sought everywhere
by Saul of Israel.
Only yesterday in Paran,
I heard the King offer
great rewards
for information
leading to his capture.
We will see
that he gets it.
MAN: Hey, you!
Come here.
Come back.
You're prisoners. Get back!
Get back to David!
I must stay with the boy!
Are my guests safely housed in the dungeon?
The youth
and spokesman are.
The rest are still being
pursued in the forest.
If they should be allowed to escape...
All the better if they do.
They will tell David.
And the youth swears
he will come here to
set them free.
When he does,
imprison him.
How much greater the reward if I should hand David over as a prisoner?
Go to Saul at once, Kudruh.
But first, post a guard over our present prisoners.
Under no circumstances must the bait escape.
Mistress, they have
imprisoned David's men.
With them,
Nabal plans
to entrap David
for the reward
offered by King Saul.
By nightfall,
Kudruh will have
reached his camp in Paran
and will lead him here.
David must be warned.
But he will not leave Maon without them.
Do you know which passage leads to the dungeon?
No, mistress.
I've only been as
far as the wine cellar.
We will find our way.
Call my uncle, the chief shepherd.
We will need donkeys and food.
Meat, fruit,
cheese and wine.
Nabal called us beggars, thieves.
He had us flung from his house.
And this knife wound?
We were attacked by his men as we left the estate.
Benjamin was wounded.
Abiathar taken prisoner.
Jashobeam, too.
We will
pay them in kind.
Take up your swords.
I could swear
we had been here
a dozen times before.
It is hopeless.
We must find them soon before my uncle loses courage.
And if he does not wait?
Hush! Do not even speak of it.
We have found it.
But there is
a guard there.
What should we do?
Wait here.
[LAUGHS] Looking for something, my pretty?
I'm looking for the wine cellar.
I am lost.
Indeed you are. It is in the opposite direction.
My master
wants some more wine.
Please, would you show me
the way?
Follow me.
I shall expect a reward.
Some wine, perhaps.
Or a kiss.
My lady?
Follow me, quickly.
Are you all right, boy?
Yes. And you, you're not hurt?
Oh, a few
cuts and bruises.
You're sure
you're not harmed?
Yes. Thanks to my lady Abigail.
She freed us.
Why does the wife of
Nabal come here?
To spy on us?
Perhaps it amuses her to play games.
I came to bring
food for your men.
And to speak with you,
My Lord.
Hear me, please.
Hezro, distribute
some food.
Turn back, My Lord.
The shedding of needless blood will not wipe away the injustice.
Do not seek revenge that will harm the innocent.
Your plea for
Nabal is eloquent.
It is not for Nabal that I plead,
but for those around him who will be hurt for his evil.
I plead for you also, My Lord.
Nabal has sent for King Saul hoping to trap you.
So it starts again.
Why does the King pursue you?
To kill me.
But why?
Because the Prophet Samuel
has said that another would
someday rule in his place.
And you are that other?
Well, if you are
to be king, David,
you must not
avenge yourself on
the House of Nabal.
When you are king,
there must be no
grief in your heart,
either that you have
shed needless blood
or avenged yourself
on the innocent.
I will not
avenge myself.
The good priest,
Ahimilech of Nob,
told me
to seek out a woman
named Abigail of Maon.
We lived in Nob once, long ago.
Then my father moved on to Ziklag, to Syria,
then Maon, always searching for greener pastures.
And did you find them?
Here, the land
was owned by Nabal.
Soon, my father was in overwhelming debt to him.
I was the payment.
I must go.
And you must take your men out of Maon before Saul is upon you.
I was as a field
without rain until
you looked upon me.
It was no game,
My Lord.
I will remember
you always.
May we meet again.
Brazen, meddling drab.
You have
betrayed your husband,
consorted with outlaws.
I will kill you. [BOTH GASP]
Strike you...
Summon his physician.
He's dead.
We must leave
this place at once
before Kudruh returns.
Where will we go?
I will try to find David. If it is not too late.
I will make ready.
You will not
come with me.
But you cannot go into
the wilderness alone.
You have served me well, Naomi.
As God has given me my freedom this day,
so too will I give you yours.
More wine.
Let us drink to
the loyalty of Nabal,
to the wisdom of Doeg
who suggested that
we come to Paran,
to the victory
that will soon be ours.
The wine is not
to your taste,
my general?
Then summon the officers,
arouse the men.
We leave for
Maon at once.
Hezro, why do we run away?
Why don't we kill Nabal?
Saul and his forces are encamped in the pass to Paran.
Mountains to the north,
mountains to the south,
and Nabal's men to the west.
Our only way out is through the pass,
but that takes us directly into Saul's hands.
JOAB: We have the
advantage of the
high ground.
JONATHAN: Yes, but
Abner's a fine strategist.
You may need this
before long.
We will not move until nightfall.
Have the men get what rest they can. Give the order, Joab.
Then, under cover of darkness,
we'll try to find a way through the pass.
At all costs, we must avoid battle with Saul.
Because of Jonathan.
Here is your knife.
I didn't know.
I thought
it was Jonathan.
Hezro, look
after the boy.
Nabal is dead.
You are welcome here.
I have
little to offer you.
It'll be a lonely life,
an uncertain future.
It is enough that I should be with you in your dark days, David.
Fools! Bungling,
babbling fools!
With wild promises!
KUDRUH: The promises of my
dead master will be kept,
My Lord.
Even now,
the exit to the
west is blocked.
David is in your hands.
From this trap, there is no escape.
David, we've
held a council.
We want you to
leave this place tonight.
That is my plan.
Not all of us, David. You.
Jonathan can take you
through the pass.
No sentry would challenge the King's son.
No one here
is afraid of death.
But we must
die for something.
David, we want you to live.
You must go on and
fulfill your destiny.
Are you a part of this?
It's the only way.
Leave us for a little,
What about them?
What about all the people of Israel who need your guidance?
One must sometimes painfully sacrifice the few for the good of the many.
There were those who died at Nob in needless sacrifice.
From that day,
my father's leadership
is discredited.
The people turn away
from him and against
each other.
We're no longer united.
Will my running away
restore the kingdom?
But your death at the hands of my father
would surely be
the death of Israel.
Israel will not die.
Have the men
gather their things.
We'll march to
the pass at once.
There's no way
of escape.
Saul's sentries are
posted everywhere.
We're trapped.
Our only hope is to
fight our way through.
We have the element
of surprise.
I'm going down there.
Alone?Yes, alone.
I have a thought.
Perhaps it'll put an end
to this persecution.
It must be done.
Should I not return,
look after Abiathar.
Abigail sent me.
Sometimes, women are wise.
One stroke
and it's ended.
It's not the Lord's will that the first king of Israel
shall fall victim to a midnight assassin.
Saul, answer me!
Who is it calls
My Lord King?
DAVID: Doeg,
as the Lord lives,
you are worthy of death!
Look for his spear!
And the water jug
that lay at his head!
I have them here!
For tonight, the hunted
became the hunter!
I could have
destroyed you, Saul.
Why do you pursue me?
Is it that the Lord has stirred you against me?
Or has Doeg poisoned your mind for his own ambition?
As I held your life sacred tonight,
so should you hold sacred the lives of those about me.
David, my son!
Forgive me!
I am old.
In my madness,
I have sinned exceedingly.
DAVID: Then forgive us.
And allow us to pass.
I will do you
no more harm.
and there can be
peace between us.
However sincere his words may seem today,
I should be risking all of your lives to his fits of madness.
ABIATHAR: You should have killed Saul while you had the chance.
Are you afraid
of him, David?
I cannot fight against
my own king, my own people.
He killed my people!
There are many choices
in life between
good and evil.
You must
choose now, Abiathar,
between the way
of the weapon and
the way of the Lord,
between the
ephod of your father
and the spear of Saul.
Lord God of Israel,
guide me well now.
Shall I too take up the
spear against my king
as the boy has done?
Is this the way
to deliver my people?
A mountain goat?
Follow it!
The ways of the Lord
are wondrous.
That goat shall
lead us to freedom.
If it does,
I'll never eat
goat meat again.
The Lord has pointed our destinies.
I must return to my father.
Perhaps in these troubled times,
I can give him some comfort.
I understand.
You cannot run away
from what you are
or what you must do.
Go now and may
God go with you.