A Touch of Zen (1971) Movie Script

Based on the story The Magnanimous Girl
by PU Songling
from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio
(Liaozha iZhiyi), 1679
Executive Producer
XIA-WU Liangfang
ZHANG Jiuying
YANG Shiqing
HSU Feng, SHIH Jun
BAI Ying, TIAN Peng
CAO Jian, MIAO Tian,
ZHANG Bingyu, XUE Han
Guest star: Roy CHIAO
as Abbot Huiyuan
Director of Photography
HUA Huiying
Assistant Director
Production Design: ZHENG Zhiliang
Art Director: CHEN Shanglin
Music by WU Dajiang
Martial Arts Choreography
HAN Yingjie, PAN Yaokun
Written and Directed by King HU
"Fort Jinglu"
"General Cheng Yuan's Residence"
"Letter writing and scroll painting"
"Gu Shengzhai"
- Welcome, sir
- Is this your work?
Just humble efforts
It's excellent
May I do a portrait for you?
All right
Please take a seat
May I know your name?
Ouyang Nian
Mr. Ouyang
You must have had a tiring journey
How do you know?
I know almost everyone in this remote town
I've just arrived
You've lived here all your life?
Ah... your hat?
And turn your head to the side
What's your name?
Gu Shengzhai.
Good morning!
You're early today
Can I offer you some tea?
Not now, you're busy. I'll come by later
See you
Mr. Gu...
- Who is he?
- They sell medicinal herbs
- What's his name?
- Lu. Why do you ask?
Is he local?
No, they came about a month ago
He's quite skilled
He has a stall near the temple
Why do you ask?
No reason
Mr. Ouyang...
I'll be back tomorrow
Mind the step!
Mr. Shi
You're back early, Mr. Gu
- Won't you stay a while?
- Another time
See you then
- Bye
- Goodbye
Mother, has someone moved in?
Who'd dare to live there?
Mr. Shi just told your fortune
You know what he said?
I've no idea
Come and eat
He said this is your lucky year
What makes him think that?
I told you, he worked it out
You should take the civil service exam
I'm not interested
Why not?
Why should a sighted man
take a blind man's advice?
Everyone except you wants
to be successful
You're hopeless!
Mother, we may not be rich...
...but we don't starve
When I've saved a little more,
I can open a school
Don't be silly!
You want to be a teacher?
You know the saying...
"Nothing compares to officialdom"
Actually, being a scholar is better!
Why study if you don't want to be an official?
We study to acquire knowledge
But you don't seem to know anything
You're over thirty now...
...but still not married!
Why not?
I'm waiting for the right person
What you mean is, you're too poor!
The Gu family line is going to die out!
"In troubled times, I choose safety..."
"...over jostling for rank and fame"
Don't quote at me!
Save your quotes for the exam!
Oh, you're hopeless!
What's going on?
I was looking...
...to see if anyone was there
Have you gone mad?
No-one lives here
Come home!
Come on!
You shouldn't be out at this hour
See how dirty your clothes are!
Mr. Gu...
May I ask something?
Of course
I hear that Fort Jinglu is near here
It is
Have you been there?
I live next to it
They say it's haunted
Only those who believe in ghosts!
Mr. Ouyang...
I'll mount the finished portrait
Please tell me tomorrow if you like it
Thank you
It's better to be wary of ghosts
Confucius says, don't speak of such things
I'm afraid I can't agree
"it's better to be wary of ghosts..."
"Taoist exorcism spells"
What's all this?
You're behaving like a madman
Let me introduce you
This is Miss Yang
This is my son
Miss Yang...
Just ask if there's anything you need
Who is she?
Our new neighbour
You terrified her last night
She scared me too
She's very brave to live there alone
Same as us, she pays no rent
Mother, why did you visit her?
I gave them some needles and thread
They have nothing there
Who else is living there?
Her bed-ridden mother,
who must be eighty
What's that stick for?
Oh, nothing
What do they do for a living?
Miss Yang sells funeral offerings
She can't be earning much
You're well over thirty...
Not again!
Don't interrupt me!
Miss Yang is single and in her twenties
Why shouldn't you marry her?
Don't "huh" me
They need someone to depend on
And you're not going anywhere
You'd make a good couple
But Mother...
Will she agree?
Why not? Aren't we
good enough for them?
It's all up to you
Isn't this just wishful?
Don't be silly, they have nothing!
She has nothing to lose by marrying
She'll agree
I'll talk to her mother tomorrow
Come back early today
You scared me!
Why aren't you at work?
What did she say?
Where are you going?
To the shop
It's going to rain, don't go today
What did her mother say?
She wants her to get married
But Miss Yang says no
She wouldn't say
She must think we're too poor
If only you had an official rank
Not that again!
Take the exam this year!
I've said many times...
If you had an official post,
she would have agreed
Go on painting all day and
you can forget about marrying
Excuse me...
No one answered,
so I took the liberty of coming in
Sorry, we were out
This is Mr. Ouyang. My mother
Please have a seat
Pleased to meet you
Do sit down
The place is in a mess
Please excuse us
It's a nice room
Very small
- It's quiet here
- Have a seat
Why weren't you in your shop today?
I had some family business here
I called at your shop this morning
Your portrait is ready
Give me your frank opinion
It's very good
You're too kind
A man of your talents
is wasted in this small town
I'm an ordinary man, not so ambitious
Why not take the county exam this year?
You think he stands a chance?
With his talent I'm sure he does
You flatter me
Didn't I tell you?
You must try this year
If you enter, I may be able to help
There's no need
I said you needed connections!
That's wonderful!
I'll be happy to help
I'm much obliged,
but I won't enter this year
Please ignore him, we're relying on you
Just be quiet!
Do think it over
When you've made up your mind,
tell me
A token of my respect...
It's not my best work
Please take it as a gift
You're giving me too much!
My set price is 5 taels
That's enough, Shengzhai!
Mr. Ouyang is a friend
Mr. Ouyang!
Good-bye, Mrs. Gu
I'll visit again
Mother, you...
Shall I add your name?
Please do
I'll pick it up from the shop
It's raining, take care
- Please visit anytime
- Goodbye
What a nice man
You should get to know him better
Who is it?
Who's there?
General Shi
The fortune-teller!
Mr. Shi!
Are you badly hurt?
It's all right
I slipped and fell
You're bleeding
Where's my cane?
Never mind that, come into the dry
Where's my cane?
My Cane!
Where's my cane?
You have a bad gash
My Cane!
I'll get some medicine
My Cane!
I'll look for it
See, Miss Yang
Fetch some firewood
- Ouyang Nian found out who you are?
- No
But who is that fellow?
Tell Lu Ting'an tomorrow
All right
"Lu Ting'an, Herbalist"
You've caught a cold, Mrs. Gu
It isn't serious
Yes, I was out helping
the fortune-teller yesterday
I got drenched in the heavy rain
Last night I had chills,
so I knew I was ill
Dr. Lu will give you medicine
You'll soon recover, Mother
What do you know?
Boil this twice and drink the liquid,
and keep warm
You'll be well in no time, don't worry
Let's go
The fee...
We can talk about it later
- No, we'd better...
- We'll pay next time
Dr. Lu is a friend, he doesn't mind
You can rest in my shop
No, let's go home
Miss Yang!
Don't you recognize me?
I just want to ask you...
Do you know
a blind fortune-teller here?
Take a little rest
Wait till we get home
Thank you, Miss Yang
What happened to your face?
Do you feel better?
I'm getting too old
Look at all this medicine!
Miss Yang...
Please take a rest if you're tired
Did you know the fortune-teller
Mr. Shi before?
Sorry to put you to all this trouble
You've been up all night
You must be exhausted
If only I had a daughter-in-law like you
But we're too poor
We're much poorer than you
I can't blame you for turning down my son
Get some sleep
Shengzhai has no ambition
He won't even sit for the county exam
He must have his reasons
He's as stubborn as my late husband
He's studied his whole life...
...but didn't want official rank
That's why we're living like this
You should be pleased to have
such a dutiful son
But what good has it done us?
He can't even get a wife
With his talents,
he'll surely find a good match
I've given up hoping
He's over thirty now,
and my health is failing
When I die, the Gu family line will die with me
How much do I owe you, Dr. Lu?
- Later will do
- I insist
Well, one diao and a half is enough
How is your mother?
Much better, thank you
There are agents from the
Eastern Group nosing around
I hear their second-in-command, Men Da,
is coming
Dr. Lu...
Do you know a man named Ouyang Nian?
Ouyang Nian?
No, I don't
Never mind, then
Grandpa, how did he...
"Don't trust Gu Shengzhai"
Mr. Gu...
Come to my home tonight
A jug of wine amid the flowers
Having no company, I drink alone
I raise the cup and invite the moon
With my shadow,
we form a company of three
But alas, the moon doesn't drink
And my shadow merely follows my body
Let the three of us commune,
however briefly
Drink and rejoice in springtime
The moon reels with my song
My shadow moves with my dance
While awoke let us seize the moment
For we shall part
after drinking our fill
Let us our friendship cherish
Till the next time,
should we ever meet again
Mr. Gu...
Mr. Gu...
You're a lucky man to have such a tryst
Come with me, Miss Yang
Mr. Ouyang!
Stay back!
Miss Yang!
You come from an honourable family!
You have done a shameful thing!
Let's go
Keep away!
Mr. Gu, what happened to you?
I slipped and fell
Mr. Gu
His Highness the Magistrate
wants to see you
What for?
You'll know when you get there
- Gentlemen...
- Hurry!
- Mr. Gu
- Sir
Please make ten copies of this
You'll be paid
Take a seat
"Yang Huizhen is a criminal at large"
"An imperial reward is offered for her capture"
What... what's this for?
Isn't it clear?
Her father was a high official in the court
He offended Grand Eunuch Wei
So his entire family is condemned to death
It seems his daughter
escaped with her nanny
But the girl...
What? Have you seen her?
No, I haven't
But if she's the daughter
of an honest official...
Never mind that
Just copy the notice
Yes, sir
Why can't they let her live?
The county has no say in the matter
Please start drawing, Mr. Gu
A Captain of the Eastern Group
is on his way here
We'd better receive him
Unlock the gate and let him in
Yes, sir
The Magistrate?
I'll tell him myself
They're arriving
- We're honoured by your visit
- Thank you
Your county is surprisingly lively
- Please forgive us
- Not possible
Your county is sheltering criminals
wanted by the Imperial Court
- The penalties are grave
- We are at fault
What do you plan to do about it?
Sir, I've received orders from the Ministry of Justice
to arrest Yang Huizhen
A wanted poster has been issued
Copies will be posted tomorrow
on the main thoroughfares
I will dispatch more constables
to find and arrest her
You fool!
You think your men can catch her?
We can raise the reward for catching her
Out of the question!
She'll be alerted and will get away!
But the Ministry...
I'm in charge now
Listen, the Commander will be here soon
You'd better tread carefully
Please advise me
Destroy the posters
Have your most able men on standby
Mr. Gu, stop copying! You'd better go
Yes, sir
- Mother! We must leave!
- What happened to your face?
Come on, hurry!
- Should I hide in the temple?
- Yes
- Be careful!
- I will
- Watch out for thieves
- Hurry!
Take care!
Miss Yang!
Miss Yang!
Miss Yang!
Mr. Shi!
Who are you looking for?
Have you seen Miss Yang?
No, I'm blind
I'm sorry
She and the old lady have left already
Mr. Shi!
She asked me to tell you
to run for your life
- Where did she go?
- I don't know
I must find her
Mr. Shi!
Mr. Shi!
Who are you really?
Well, I'm not blind
- Those people...
- Quiet!
Don't move
General Shi
Show yourself!
He knows you!
Mr. Gu
Stay away from these people
They're fugitives
I'm all right
- Why are you back here?
- Unfinished business
You're wanted! The agents from
the Eastern Group are chasing you!
What's your plan?
I'll be ready for them
You'll take on all of them?
You should go, Mr. Gu
I can't just leave
Why not?
We're almost like a married couple
We should help each other
That's all over,
don't mention it again
Then just think of me as
a friend who wants to help
This is a life-or-death fight
How do you think you could help?
It will take strategic planning to
win a fight like this
And you have a strategy?
We're outnumbered,
we need a strategy to win
If you'll just trust me, I'm sure I can help
I'm in great danger now
I have no choice but to trust you
- Then you...
- ...but I don't want to get you involved
Don't worry about me
Just tell me what's behind all this
"Know thyself and victory is thine"
Lu Ding'an...
Pay those scoundrels no heed
Two days ago I wrote to the Emperor
I sent the report of your investigation
It lists the 24 crimes of Eunuch Wei
And the illegal activities
of the Eastern Group
Here are some copies
Take them to our friends in Donglin Academy
Your report might not
reach the Emperor
Then I shall seek an audience
with His Majesty
That might work
But if the report falls into
Eunuch Wei's hands...
...he will be merciless
I won't let that stop me
An imperial envoy is here
with men from the Eastern Group
Prepare to receive him
Yes, sir
- Your Excellency
- A decree from His Majesty
Yes, sir
Shall we proceed?
All kneel to receive
His Majesty's decree
Long live the Emperor
"Yang Lian, you are hereby summoned..."
"...to an immediate audience
with His Majesty"
"By the Emperor's command"
Long live the Emperor!
Yang Lian
Is it correct that you
mentioned my name...
...in your report to the Emperor?
You've made false accusations
against Eunuch Wei
I reported only facts!
Very forthright!
But you have embezzled two million taels
from military funds...
What do you say to that?
It's outrageous
If you accuse me of such crimes...
...no-one will believe a word of it
So you won't confess?
You forged an Imperial Edict
to get me here
I'll inform His Majesty
Apply torture
My father suffered at their hands
They tortured him to death
Generals Shi and Lu...
...helped me to escape from the capital
That's Mr. Shi and Dr. Lu
But Eunuch Wei was relentless
He had Eastern Group agents
scour the land to find us
The generals took me to the
very border of the country
That way
Do not be alarmed
They will not dare trouble you here
Did you see three people passing this way?
Before he died, he told his disciples...
I'm talking to you!
What happened here?
A while ago your men
stooped to violence
Fortunately we intervened...
...and saved those people from grievous harm
You're a monk
You should practice meditation in your temple
Not meddle in worldly affairs
There is no reason to shed blood
in a Buddhist land
Master, they will surely go on
to make more trouble
You have travelled far
Please take some rest in our monastery
This way
We stayed in the monastery for two years
Abbot Huiyuan taught me
how to defend myself
The world may be vast...
...but there is no safe place for us
Maybe Abbot Huiyuan could help again...
He will not
What about Magistrate Xu Zhengqing?
A just man like him will surely help
They say Eastern Group commander
Men Da is coming
It's a purported military exercise
But in fact he and his deputy Nie Qiu
are after you
What will you do?
I want to ambush them en route
We must find a way to sap their strength
Here's a map of Fort Jinglu
You know the lie of this land
We should set a trap for them right here
I've been a student of military strategy
since I was a child
If they can be lured here...
...I can find a way to crush them!
Lu Qiong! What's the matter?
Miss Yang, Ouyang left for
Green Bamboo Hill this morning
Could he be retreating?
I think Men Da's men are arriving
We can't let Ouyang Nian make contact
They're Men Da's bodyguards
They're very highly skilled
Take them one at a time
Leave me alone
"Office of the Magistrate"
Bring a brush and ink
Write a letter for me
Yes, Captain
"To Commander Men Da
of the Eastern Group"
"Survivors from Donglin Academy lie in wait here"
"Halt your advance"
"Ouyang Nian"
Dispatch it immediately
He has already left the capital
If there's any delay,
I'll have your head
Yes, sir
Who was that?
Keep everyone out
Yes, sir, I've told the guards outside
Captain, your wounds...
I've taken medicine
Now I must lie still
I must have quiet
Yes, Captain
- General Lu
- Magistrate Xu
He's badly wounded
Who is it?
Captain, your wounds are grave
I've brought a doctor
I told you...
...to let no-one in!
Its you!
Captain Ouyang
Lu Ding'an...
You timed this well
I'm here to treat your wounds
We must lure Men Da here
Write to him!
A letter for His Excellency
Yes, sir
What is it?
Sir, a message from Ouyang Nian
What does he say?
"Everything is ready for your arrival"
He says they are fully prepared
Then let's advance
Men Da will set up base at Fort Jinglu
After he finds Ouyang Nian
How many men are with him?
Around two hundred
We're outnumbered
We start by sapping their morale
I don't understand
Spread the rumour that
Fort Jinglu is haunted
Surely that's too...
No, do it
I think my mother could help with this...
I've seen a ghost!
One night...
...I saw someone standing on the fort
He was this small at first sight
But when I looked again...
...he grew bigger and bigger
I tried to look more carefully.
What a shock!
My respects, your Excellency
Have you found Ouyang Nian?
Have you been to the fort?
Your Excellency...
We hear the place is in ruins,
ravaged by wars
Well then, clean it up
It's said that... the place is dirty
Meaning what?
It's rumoured that...
...there are ghosts
That's ridiculous
Don't listen to such talk
MOVE in there tomorrow
Yes, sir
Station a few men outside
Yes, sir
You four, stand guard
Yes, sir
Go in
You! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
What's going on?
Come on
What do you want?
There are ghosts outside!
Did this really happen?
Yes, I saw them myself
I've heard many tales about
ghosts and demons
BUt I've never seen one
I'd like to see for myself
Sir, you have the burden of command here
I don't think you should take the risk
Ghosts won't bother us
It's said they fear violent men!
Don't fall for this nonsense
The stupid locals spread these
rumours to make trouble
But our men believe the stories
Maybe this is all a plot
What do you think, Magistrate?
Yes, Your Excellency is surely right
He doesn't believe it?
It seems he's starting to
suspect the magistrate
No need for all this trouble
Let's just kill them in the
magistrate's office tonight
That would ruin our plan
We should lure them here tomorrow night
Then let's send Men Da a gift tomorrow
It's Ouyang Nian
Where was Ouyang Nian's body found?
Near Fort Jinglu
Captain Ouyang died in your area
Evidently he was murdered
What do you have to say?
I am to blame
Take him away and confine him
Your Excellencies...
I have something to report!
It's confidential, could you...
Now, speak
Yang Huizhen!
Isn't she Yang Liam's daughter?
She has two renegade generals with her
All three of them are here
Who else?
I heard they are gathering bandits
They plan to storm into town
to kidnap you
We'd better strike first
Sir, if you permit me to
command the troops...
...I can finish them all off tonight
We're ready, Sir
Don't move
What is it?
Sir, it's... true!
An ambush?
Two dead!
Sir, the rumours are true
Ridiculous! Be alert for an ambush
What is it?
Look, sir...
Sir, maybe we should...
Try to calm them down!
Hold your positions!
Please tell the commander...
Men can't fight ghosts
We should return in daylight
We're soldiers, we've done terrible things
Our deeds have spawned ghosts!
Sir, I think...
You're usually a sharp fellow!
Can't you see this is a plot to trick us?
Yes, sir
To make us fear we've
offended the gods
You've attained high rank
How can you believe such nonsense?
Sir, I've just talked with other officers...
What? Mutiny?
Don't panic! Protect His Excellency!
Don't let her get away!
It's Shi Wenqiao
Sir, they must be inside
Someone's there
I'll keep watch here
You two go in and search
Miss Yang, please spare me!
"A woman's empathy is her weakness"
"Funerary Tablet of Yang Lian"
Miss Yang!
It's you!
Miss Yang!
Miss Yang!
Master, have you seen Miss Yang?
Where is she?
Have you seen Miss Yang?
Have you seen Miss Yang?
Yes, I saw her
Where is she?
She asks you not to look for her
I must find her
"I have entered the monastery.
The Gu family has its heir"
Yang Huizhen, this matter remains unresolved
If I attain enlightenment, you will follow me
Gu Shengzhai is in danger
Go with General Shi
"Wanted: Gu Shengzhai"
That's him!
Catch him!
That's their commander-in-chief, Xu
General Shi
Miss Yang
I'm the new commander of the Eastern Group, Xu
My respects to General Shi
I am honoured
His Excellency Eunuch Wei orders me...
...to invite you to the capital for consultations
Please inform Eunuch Wei that
Miss Yang and I...
...have retired from service to the Court
We will not return to the capital
Then I should say that
you're to be put on trial
All the more reason not to obey
Then there is nothing I can do for you
I suggest you reconsider
You take the fat one
Stay back!
Commander Xu
You are Abbot Huiyuan?
I am
You are celebrated in monastic circles
Why are you harbouring criminals?
Isn't your reputation at risk?
I've not turned my back
on the secular world
General Shi once held high rank
Miss Yang is from a noble family
Evil men attacked them,
so they fled in despair
They wished to live in peace and seclusion
But they have been hounded
by agents of the Eastern Group
The agents do their duty
You know how unjustly the
Donglin Academy is persecuted
For Buddha's sake,
show compassion and mercy
A man cannot compromise
And the Emperor's edicts must be obeyed
Tell Eunuch Wei that they've entered the monastery
On my advice, they've renounced worldly affairs
It's beyond reason to hear a monk
challenging the law!
Commander Xu...
You were once a petty clerk
in the eunuchs' bureau
How dare you disturb our peace?
Now go
I will arrest you for sheltering criminals!
Get this evil creature out of my sight
Lay down your weapons
Stay back!
Stay back!
His evil is not yet expunged
General Shi!
Master, please take me in
You are not free of worldly bonds.
Go back
Master, I've killed many people
Phantoms haunt my dreams at night
Sometimes I have visions
Sometimes I feel gnawing pains
I wake in a cold sweat
I have no wish...
...other than to end my days
in the monastery
Good! If you repent, you'll be saved
Penitence is the answer
Master, take me in
or I shall kneel here forever
The sea of suffering is boundless,
come ashore