A Tourist's Guide to Love (2023) Movie Script

Carry all the weight on your shoulders
Feels like tackle
Move a little bit slower
Asking when it's gonna be over
Good vibes
Blue skies
[Amanda] Hi, Amanda Riley here
from Tourista World Travel.
Yes. Yes, it's gonna be okay, Mrs. Smith.
Yes, I understand,
we are working as fast as we can.
God, I miss smoking in a crisis.
Ah, bingo. Mrs. Smith just sent a photo.
Well, well, well, what do we have here?
No, seriously,
what do we have here?
Ah, that's it.
Mrs. Smith, it is your lucky day.
We know where you and Mr. Smith are.
Ye... Yes, you have boarded
the wrong booze cruise.
Sure, I guess the tour group shirts
do kind of look alike.
Yes, we are rerouting the tour now
to pick you up immediately.
[Mona] Never a dull moment.
Well done, Amanda.
Our other Monday crisis, Vietnam.
It's on this year's list
of top ten dream vacations.
We keep losing clients to other companies
because we don't have
one tour bus on the ground there.
I like this tone of intrigue.
What have you got?
Saigon Silver Star.
It's a small, family-run tour company.
The owner's thinking of selling.
It's a little under the radar,
but it's got fantastic online reviews.
Who do we send as a secret shopper
to see if it's worth bidding on?
Well, I would like to send you, but
I've a feeling you're about to be busy.
- Busy?
- Mm-hmm.
John called. He wants to make sure
you come home early, not working late.
He's clearly got something planned,
so I booked you a 4:00 p.m. manicure.
Manicure? I'm... I'm not following.
You're not following?
You two have been together forever.
But... I mean,
five years isn't "forever forever."
And he wants you
to come home earlyall of the sudden.
The man is clearly putting a ring on it.
I've been married nine times.
I know the signs. Don't question me.
[indistinct chatter]
What color goes with potentially
one of the most exciting nights
of my life?
- So you're saying it's a special occasion?
- Potentially.
It's your hand.
My boss Mona thinks
that my boyfriend is proposing tonight.
- Wow. Sounds exciting.
- [Amanda sighs]
I think, I thought...
I don't know exactly what I thought,
but I kind of feel like this day
was never gonna come, you know?
John and I have both
been really focused on our careers.
- He has a job? That's cool.
- Yeah.
He's an accountant.
He's been on this really complex
tax fraud case.
- My boyfriend was in one of those.
- Oh.
But not as an accountant.
Do you wanna talk about it?
- No.
- Okay.
Can't. Court order.
Also, my bosses said
manicure time is the customer's time, so
Tell me your big love story.
Our first date
was at a paint and sip art night.
John paid with a coupon, which was cool.
And then we painted sunflowers.
Well, actually, it turns out
we're both really terrible at paint,
but very good at sip,
so at least we had that in common.
But I really knew
that he was the one a couple weeks later
when he offered to do my taxes.
It's his love language. [chuckles]
So he's like a real, grown-up man.
And we're just...
We're so comfortable together, you know?
It's just... It's really good.
I cannot believe that a year from now,
I am going to be hitched.
[chuckles] And I, like, I work in travel,
so I will have hopefully
planned and executed the ideal honeymoon,
and we'll justbe
settling into our new normal.
Maybe even looking for a house.
Oh my God.
Did you decide on a color yet?
Oh, right.
What about red?
Red's a statement. It's fiery, you know?
Who doesn't like a fiery statement?
Or something different. More likea...
Oh, a blue.
Something borrowed, something blue.
I don't follow.
It's an expression. Doesn't matter.
This one. This is it. It's a classic.
That's the color you wore in.
Exactly. It is neutral, it is reliable.
It goes with every outfit.
I mean, this color is your wing woman.
Hey, thank you for listening.
No worries.
Doing nails is just a side hustle.
I'm actually a life coach.
Helping people
find their passion is my real passion.
Well, I'm sure that you're amazing at it,
but I feel like
my life is finally on track
and things are only getting better.
- Stop doing that.
- Sorry.
[whimsical music playing]
- [biker] Watch out!
- [gasps]
["Forever and a Day"
by Jeremiah Burnham playing]
We will be toge...
[song stops abruptly]
Nope, just a devastatingly
handsome intruder raiding the wine fridge.
[Amanda chuckles]
I don't think
my boyfriend's gonna be too happy.
Oh, well you should invite him.
I apparently got enough sushi
for all of your boyfriends.
[both chuckle]
So, uh [clears throat]Mona told me
to make sure I was home early.
What are we celebrating?
Let's sit.
[John chuckles]
Amanda Riley.
Here. [chuckles]
Look at us! Five years.
- We did it.
- Yeah, that's a lot of mileage, you know?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, but there's... there's still
a lot of tread on thesetires, you know?
- Good tread.
- Because they're sturdy tires.
So sturdy.
And that's kind of how I think about us.
We're like a reliable American car.
Uh, Blue Book never dropped,
solid trade-in value.
That's not the right metaphor.
I'm nervous. Sorry.
You're doing great, sweetheart.
[sighs] Amanda.
There are
so many different types of poultry...
John, I'm gonna stop you. Okay?
Uh [clears throat]
Look, you're just not a big
romantic gestures kind of a guy, so I am...
I'm gonna spare you the trouble
and I am just gonna say,
I'm saying yes
to what I think I'm saying yes to?
You're moving to Ohio?
Uh, so Reed called me the other day.
- Reed?
- Grad school roommate Reed.
- And he's got a massive firm in Ohio
- Mm-hmm.
and he asked me to head up
the entire forensic accounting division.
It's like a huge opportunity for me.
So, am I moving?
Technically, yes, "I'm moving,"
but like, I don't know for how long
or what I'm gonna do,
and I'm not gonna ask you
to wait while I figure all that out.
- Oh.
- I'm asking for a hiatus. That's all.
Everything stays the same. We're the same.
That's why I was doing
the whole sturdy car thing.
Your, uh
Your manicure looks
really nice, by the way. Um...
They say that self-care is important
when you're on your own.
Not that you're on your own,
just, you know, you should do it for you.
[slams door]
Okay. Amanda, I do...
I recognize I probablycould have
handled that a little bit differently,
and I'm sorry, I just...
You know that confrontation
gives me anxiety.
Amanda, I'm sorry.
I... I... I really didn't mean to hurt you.
[cries softly]
[John] I do love you, you know.
[bittersweet music playing]
I mean,Amanda Riley
does not get put on hold.
- Not this woman.
- Amanda Riley does not get put
- on the back burner like a side dish.
- Not her style.
Amanda Riley does not get postponed
like some weird elective surgery
people are too polite to ask about.
Oddly specific, but I'm following.
You need to get out of town.
We are sending you to Vietnam.
Right, just take a dream vacation
right after I get dumped.
Exactly. Explore a beautiful country
to forget somebody ripped your heart out
into a million little pieces.
- [sighs]
- You go be our undercover secret shopper.
The next tour leaves in two days
from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi for Tet,
the Vietnamese new year.
New year.
New year, new me,
starting with putting Tourista
on themap in Vietnam
as a tour company to be reckoned with.
- I like your bounce back.
- Totally faking it.
I have assembled
the dream Vietnam itinerary.
Every site a tour needs
for a five-star experience.
You go and be
our eyes and ears on the ground.
What sort of company are we purchasing?
Get back out there
and show the world who is Amanda Riley.
[emotional music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[speaking in Vietnamese]
[Amanda] Hi. Uh
[in Vietnamese] Do you know my suitcase?
Hnh ly'?
- [in English] With the... Hnh ly.
- Oh, hnh ly.
- The hnh lys, and then they go around.
- Oh, baggage claim.
You speak English.
- Yeah.
- Right.
- Wanted to see how far this was gonna go.
- [chuckles]
Saigon Silver Star.
I'm Sinh. Sinh Thach, your new tour guide.
I feel like you could've opened with that.
[indistinct PA announcement]
Just to confirm,
are you certain that's not your bag?
[man] Next.
Just so you know,
there's a better way to do this.
I know a guy who knows a guy.
Wait, you know a guy who knows a guy who...
Who can get your bag back.
[chuckles] That's okay.
I think we should just leave it
to the airline professionals.
[man] Next.
Hi, I'm Amanda, and you are?
Really great at your job.
Employee of the month every month, I bet.
Why did I do that?
Anyway, hi, I seem to have lost my bag.
It is a silver bag, it is a roller bag,
and I really need to get it back
as soon as possible...
We will call you.
Oh, okay, great,
like in an hour? Maybe two...
Thank you so much.
[Sinh] Hey!
Hey, finally.
I was about to give up on you two.
Amanda, my cousin, Anh.
Her dad, my uncle,
owns Saigon Silver Star.
Oh, so that kind of makes you Sinh's boss.
[Anh, chuckling] Hey.
I like your style.
Um, no luggage?
It seems like the airline
might have lost my bag.
Don't worry, Sinh knows a guy.
So I've heard.
[woman speaking Vietnamese]
Corporate tour groups.
Joke's on them.
They're not gonna experience
the real Vietnam,not like you.
Do, uh, do you guys happen
to offer welcome water?
We'll get some at the hotel.
Could we go over the itinerary on the way?
Just relax and enjoy the view.
Sinh handles everything.
Okay, and, uh, what do you do?
What I do best.
I drive.
["GPS" by Pixel Neko playing]
Thank you.
Wow, this is a great view.
[Sinh] It's even more
amazing from the roof.
We have a group meet and greet
at seven o'clock.
Are we gonna go over the itinerary then?
There's just so much to see.
I mean, Notre Dame,
Saigon Central Post Office...
Slow down, slow down.
I decide the schedule.
You chose a tour, remember?
That means no homework.
Does that mean you're not even gonna peek
at my beautifully prepared agenda?
It has tabs.
Is there anything else you need
before your bag arrives?
Let's see if it arrives.
Oh. You have zero faith.
No, you're right, I absolutely do not,
which is why I always pack
both my toiletries and
[sighs, kisses]
a clean shirt in my carry-on.
- I'm impressed.
- Well, what can I say. I was a Girl Scout.
Thin Mints or Samoas?
- Samoas, of course.
- Samoas?
- Yeah.
- No, Thin Mints all the way.
What? Silly me over here
thinking we could be friends.
So, how do you know so much
about Girl Scouts?
I spent a big part
of my childhood in the US.
Many Thin Mints were consumed.
I'll see you up there. Oh, and,
whatever you do, don't nap.
Fight it at all cost.
It's the only way to survive jet lag.
Scout's honor.
Don't nap.
[door closes]
["Cho Khng" by Suboi playing]
Someone napped after all.
[sigh] I I know you said not to.
I woke up.
I felt like I didn't even know
my own name.
- I can help you with that. Amanda Riley.
- Mm.
I can also help you with a drink.
Does it have a name?
Uh, white wine?
Group's right over there.
Hi, I'm Amanda.
Hi. I'm Sam. Thisis my wife, Dom,
and our daughter, Robin,
and these are their phones.
Excuse me? We flew
halfway across the world for this trip.
Oh, I have to get off my phone
but Mom doesn't?
Hey, Mama's right, this is family time.
Thank you,
says my wife who is still
sending work emails under the table.
I'm sorry.
We're very civilized, I promise.
I will pocket mine in solidarity.
Hi, guys. Meet my live stream.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Look, hon, someone your age.
He's allowed to use his phone.
Hi, I'm Alex. The phone's for vlogging.
I've got folks on Facebook Live
along on the adventure with me. Hi.
Alex, come on, sit down with us.
Tell us about yourself.
Well, I'm taking a gap year
before I start at Iowa State
for agricultural engineering.
- Go Cyclones.
- [Sam] Oh, wow.
[Brian] Hello there.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Sorry we're late.
Someone "accidentally" took a nap.
We're the Conways, Brian and Maya.
- Hi, welcome.
- Hey.
- [Sam] Nice to meet you.
- So, uh, what brings you to Vietnam?
Well, it's it's our honeymoon.
[Brian chuckles]
Your honeymoon? That's so romantic.
Well, we got married 40 years ago,
but we were broke then,
but now we're retired, so here we are.
- Better late than never.
- Oh.
[Brian chuckles]
And what brings you to Vietnam?
I just needed to get away.
Yeah, just... [exhales] You know?
You just got dumped, didn't you? What?
I... What makes you
What makes you say that?
I mean, you're traveling alone,
making smart alcohol choices.
Obviously a man very foolishly
allowed you to slip through his fingers.
I just really needed a vacation. You know?
Just anything
to get away from work, right?
What is your line of work?
I have an idea. This will be fun.
How about we don't talk
about work at all, and at the end,
we can all guess what everybody does?
- Oh, no work talk.
- Okay.
I like the sound of that.
I bet you don't wanna
talk about it 'cause you can't.
You're detail-oriented.
You've got travel experience.
Let me guess.
- You're an assassin.
- [all chuckle]
Stylish fugitive.
I can confirm or deny nothing.
[all chuckle]
It'll all come out in the end.
Welcome to the SaigonSilver Star Family,
which happens to be my family.
You're especially lucky
because your trip lands on Tet,
which, if you read your guidebooks
like someone here...
You would know that it is
the most important celebration
in Vietnamese culture.
[Sinh] That's right. It's a time
for letting go of the past year
and opening yourself up
to new possibilities.
Is there like
a traditional Vietnamese toast?
We usually say, "mot, hai, ba, yoo,"
which is sort of like,
"One, two, three, go."
[all] Mot, hai, ba, yoo!
[all laughing]
[Sam] Cheers.
Guess what just arrived for you.
Really? The suitcase, right?
- We're both talking about the suitcase?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Told you I knew a guy.
Mr. Saigon Silver Star
has some tricks up his sleeve.
I can confirm or deny nothing.
[Amanda] Then I ended up
miming a baggage carousel,
which is harder to do
than you'd think by the way,
before he revealed
that he speaks perfect English.
You cannot stop
talking about this Sinh character.
But is he yummy?
Okay, we are grown women.
Why do you use words like that?
[Mona] Oh, whatever.
I just am excited about the prospect
of you getting back into the saddle
after a big breakup.
All right, fine, he's very handsome,
but Sinh, his family
owns Saigon Silver Star,
so he is a terrible candidate
for a vacation romance.
[Mona] Oh, don't be such a prude.
Anyway, fill me in.
We are going on a cyclo-tour
of Ho Chi Minh City this morning.
That sounds more fun than my night.
I'm trying to spring
one of our clients from a Paris jail.
What ding-dong shoplifts at the Louvre?
Good luck.
[gentle music playing]
So, never heard the real answer.
Why Vietnam?
Oh, it's the number one
tourist destination.
Beyond the obvious top ten list,
why Vietnam for you?
- Uh
- All right.
It's gonna be you and me
stuck here together all morning.
Might as well get to know each other.
You know, just going through
something kind of personal,
had to get out
of my regular routine, right?
Traveling's good for that.
It forces us out of the comfort zone.
I, uh
Yeah, I used to travel a lot for work,
but now I'm mostly chained to my desk.
- [bang]
- Oh!
- Uh, you okay?
- Yes. Yeah.
Um, well, if you must know,
- I've been doing my research on Tet.
- Mm.
- No, no, no, no!
- No, no.
Put that guidebook away.
- Why?
- It's for tourists.
- I'm a tourist.
- No, you're a traveler.
What's the difference?
A tourist wants to escape life,
a traveler wants to experience it.
What's bad about occasionally
wanting to escape your life?
You never know how long life's gonna be.
Why waste it on escape?
Spend it on experience instead.
Marketplaces like this
are the center of commerce in Vietnam.
It's also the focus of community life.
Now, you could buy anything here,
from local artwork,
to the latest design, to fresh fish.
Now, who likes to shop?
Trick or treat bags.
Oh, yay!
Here you go, here you go.
I'm gonna do some major damage today.
Thanks for the dough, Mom.
Wait, what?
How much money did you give her?
- Thank you.
- [Dom] I don't know.
How much is ten million dong?
What? That's ridiculous.
["Tnh Mo" byPhuong Tm playing]
[indistinct chatter]
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
All right, here we go.
[Alex] It's really yummy.
- Alex, what do you got there?
- Here, smell.
- [coughing]
- [laugh]
It's durian. So popular in Asia.
- It's famous because of its aroma.
- Mm.
You can really smell it.
You should see your face.
I can rewind it if you want.
No, please don't.
It stinks, but it tastes so good.
It's tasty, for real.
Try it, please.
Try it.
I I'm okay.
Try it.
Okay. Sure. Looks
- Just pick it up? Just pick it right up.
- It's big.
It's like a banana
[clears throat]
I don't know how,
but it's actually really good.
- Yay! Wow!
- Yay!
She likes it!
The Phoenix.
It's a sacred creature in Vietnam.
It symbolizes regeneration
and new beginnings.
- It's perfect. I'm gonna get it.
- Yeah?
[in Vietnamese]How much for the scarf?
- Ten dollars.
- Ten.
- [in English] She says it's US $10.
- Great.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?
Buying a scarf.
No. You gotta bargain first.
We'll say five dollars.
It's just a couple bucks. I can pay.
It's not about the money.
She's trying to play you.
First, you bargain.
[in Vietnamese] Excuse me.
How about five dollars?
- I can't sell it for five dollars.
- [Sinh] It's only five dollars.
[in English] If she doesn't accept
the price, we walk away.
They always give in before we get too far.
Ah, so if you really love something,
give it away, and if it comes back to you
at a cheaper price, then it's fate?
It's all about the walkaway.
Okay, let's do it.
No, thank you.
[playful music]
- She's not calling after us.
- [Sinh] Keep walking. Just keep walking.
[Amanda] Okay.
She didn't give in.
Some sellers are stubborn.
Hey, it happens.
Next time.
Hey, I'll meet up
with you guys outside, okay?
Where you going?
I'm getting that scarf.
Okay, see you outside.
Hey! We're over here!
Hi! I see that.
Where's the crosswalk?
[Sinh] No, there's no crosswalk.
Just stick your hand out
and walk nice and slow.
You'll be fine, come on.
[Sinh] Yeah.
Uh no. I don't want to do that.
- You'll be fine, come on.
- [Amanda] I...
I'm fine here.
I like it here. This is good.
[playful music]
What... What are...
[chuckles] How did you do that?
The trick to Vietnamese traffic,
always forward, never back.
Come on.
Let's go.
Trust me.
I got you.
- Yay!
- Yeah!
- [Sam] I knew you could do it, girl.
- Amazing.
Thank you. I never could have
done that on my own, ever.
Do you always sell yourself short?
[scoffs] I'm not selling myself short.
I just... I know my limitations.
So don't limit yourself.
Hoi An, here we come!
[uplifting music playing]
[phone chimes]
Here you go.
Thank you.
Hey, um, about tomorrow.
Wild guess, you have an exhaustive list
of tourist sites for me to take a look at.
Uh, I wouldn't call it exhaustive,
I would call it comprehensive.
- Okay.
- It's right here.
You can just scroll.
There's no waywe'd be able to see
everything on that list.
You're the one
who told me not to limit myself.
I've been leading tours for a while,
and there's things abouttravel
you may not understand.
Oh, really?
Vietnam, it's hot, it's crowded.
You could easily burn out.
Part of the Saigon Silver Star experience
is seeing where the day takes you.
Where I would love
to see the day take all of us
is to a bunch of places on my list.
You never do anything unexpected, huh?
Be impulsive? Go with the moment?
The last time I went with the moment,
I grossly misread it
and someone moved to Ohio.
That's oddly specific.
I just would like to stick with a plan.
Hey, everybody, unfortunately the temple
is closed right now.
They are practicing for Tet.
[group groans]
Practicing what?
[Anh] A lion dance.
It's part of the temple's
annual Tet celebration.
That's too bad. It sounds amazing.
[Sinh] Hang on, guys.
I may know a guy.
Let me see what I can do.
[gentle music playing]
[Amanda] I'm impressed.
You really did know a guy.
[Sinh] You gotta have your connections.
Like this bridge.
It's calledCha Cau.
Japanese traders built it
to connect with Chinese neighborhoods.
It's beautiful.
You're very good at your job.
- Was that a compliment?
- Yes.
What are you doing?
Savoring the moment.
My first Amanda Riley compliment.
Feels nice.
Okay, well, don't get used to it.
Oh, so it is a rare and special thing.
I'm even more honored.
As you should be.
[Sinh chuckles]
Come on.
[Amanda] That is cool.
- They just leave it burning like that?
- Yeah, they just redo it over again.
[gentle music continues]
- I love this whole color scheme.
- Right.
I think it's really gorgeous.
This store is just...
Hey, can I get something made for me?
I'm sorry, are you actually
asking our permission for something?
Well, I was actually thinking
we could get matching outfits.
You know, as a family?
Sounds like an amazing idea.
Cool, I'm gonna look around.
- Who is this child?
- I don't know.
Okay, let me help you,
Mr. "Same shorts and t-shirt
three days in a row."
I change my t-shirt every day,
I just packed eight of the same ones.
I like you in this orange.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Get a shirt made.
Is that really my style?
You do not have style. [scoffs]
We're starting from scratch here, pal.
[Sinh] No custom clothing for you?
Oh, you know, I think I've packed plenty.
What about Tet?
What about it?
I thought you were the guidebook expert?
It's tradition to wear
new clothes for the new year.
Bright colors invite luck and prosperity.
Huh. In that case, where do I start?
All right.
That's the one.
[gentle music playing]
Are you sure? I mean,
that's just not what I usually wear.
That's why you should wear it.
Get out of your comfort zone.
He's right, for once.
Stop it.
[indistinct whispering]
Okay, guys, let's get to the hotel
and chill before dinner.
- [Sinh] We'll see you guys there, okay?
- Oh, okay.
[phone vibrating]
[tense music playing]
We're not chilling.
We're not?
I got something to show you.
[phone continues vibrating]
Wanna get that?
Not at all.
[Sinh] All right.Let's go.
Since we didn't get to see
all the sites on your list today,
I wanted to make it up to you.
By walking me down this dark,
deserted alleyway? Hmm?
I thought you were a fugitive or a spy?
Where's your sense of adventure?
My sense of adventure is on hold
until you tell me where we're going.
That's literally the opposite
of a sense of adventure.
[gentle music playing]
I'm speechless.
That's a first for me.
I knew you'd like it.
You know, this city is more thana list
of tourist attractions to be checked off.
Sometimes traveling
is soaking in the atmosphere.
All I can say is just wow.
And hey, that's two
Amanda Riley compliments for you.
"Wow" is a compliment?
"Wow" as in,
"Wow, I think you actually really knew
what I needed to see before I did."
All right. That is a compliment.
[exhales] I better pace myself.
So, uh how long have you been doing this?
I mean, leading tours?
Despite my expertise
- Five, six years. Not very long.
- What'd you do before that?
Well, my mom wanted meto stay
in the US, get a suit-and-tie job.
But I came back here after college,
worked at my dad's restaurant inHue.
One day, Anh called,said her dad
needed help with the tour business.
I mean, I was hesitant to take the offer.
Why? I mean, you're such a natural.
The pressure to show visitors
the best possible version of Vietnam.
I mean, I was born here,
but a big part of me is American too.
And it feels so amazingto share Vietnam
with the rest of the world.
Once I did my first tour, I was hooked.
Never turned back.
Well, I'm glad.
I mean, look at me.
Who knows where I'd be without you?
Still waiting to buy that scarf.
Why did she hate me so much?
I think she sensed
a master bargainer in you.
She saved herself.
[Amanda] Yeah, that's it.
[Sinh] There's one more thing
I want to show you.
[gentle music playing]
[Sinh] Now, make a wish.
What did you wish for?
I can't tell you, or it won't come true.
[chuckles] You really believe that?
- Maybe.
- [chuckles]
Apparently you don't,
so tell me, what did you wish for?
Top secret.
See? You believe the same thing.
It's good to cover my bases.
Just in case.
[gentle music continues]
[Robin] Not like that, hold it higher.
For a super camera dork,
you know nothing about taking selfies.
I prefer photos of things that aren't me.
Especially not photos
I'm taking of myself.
That's because you don't know
how to take one. Okay, look.
Put it over your head. Look up.
Almost, and there, go for it.
[camera shutter clicks]
- Whoa!
- Oh! Yeah, that looks good. See?
[Alex laughs] Thank you.
Oh, that guy says he'll teach us
how to row the round boat. Come on.
[sultry music playing]
[Sinh] Oh, what's this?
Amanda Riley doing nothing?
Doing nothing feels, uh, very weird.
- Keep practicing. You'll get better at it.
- Right.
[Alex] Hey! We're in the boat!
- It's kind of scary!
- It's not scary. Don't be a baby.
- They look like they're having fun.
- [Sinh] Yes.
Let's go.
In In the saucer?
[Sinh] Mm-hmm.
So, when was the last time you did this?
- Never.
- Never?
[Sinh chuckles]
That's why I wanted to try.
Okay, in that case,
may I offer up a suggestion?
I think just try to...
Just try wiggling it.
- Wiggle?
- Like a rudder.
- All right, you wanna try?
- Yeah.
- Wiggle, wiggle. No.
- You don't do that.
What I'm gonna do is more of a...
Okay. Yeah, yeah.
Okay, we are truly getting nowhere.
[Sinh laughs]
And don't say something
deep and metaphorical about that.
Nope. Never. You're just bad at paddling.
Hey, here. Let me try.
- No, I've got... I said I've got it.
- No, let me.
[Amanda yelps]
[Sinh] Woo-hoo!
- I can't swim!
- [Sinh laughs]
- I got you.
- Just kidding!
[both laughing]
[indistinct chatter]
[phone chimes]
[Anh] Hey, guys!
Sinh, bad news. There's a three-hour wait
for the Golden Hand Bridge tickets.
[group groans]
Three hours?
You don't know a guy for that?
Hang on.
Hey, guys, new destination.
One even better
than the Golden Hand Bridge.
Better than the Golden Hand Bridge?
Yeah, way better.
[girls] Okay.
Yeah, where are we?
- Has anyone ever told you you're im...
- Impatient?
Yeah, my boss says
that's why she hired me.
Welcome toMy Son Sanctuary.
[poignant music playing]
These are ancient Hindu temples
built over the course of a thousand years
by the ancestors of the Cham people.
The Champa Empire
ruled parts of Vietnam for many centuries.
Their kings built these temples
to worship the deity Shiva.
Feel free to explore, guys.
[reflective music playing]
It's a wonder, right?
I mean, how did they build this?
There are many theories,
but no one knows for sure.
Embrace the mystery,
being a woman of mystery yourself.
So, My Son isn't on the usual tour?
[Sinh] No.
Everyone wants to go and see
the Golden Hand Bridge, which is awesome,
but this place, it's something else.
[gentle music playing]
I can feel it.
It's kind of like I'm
transported to another time
and place, you know? It's...
It's not just another tourist site, it's
it's an experience.
I can't believe I'm about to say this,
but I want more of this.
I want experience.
I don't want something in my guidebook.
I want off the beaten path.
Is Amanda Riley being impulsive?
Let's see.
Shall we?
- Morning, fellow travelers.
- Hi.
- Guess what? Change of itinerary.
- Ooh, where to?
We're taking
an off-the-beaten-path detour.
We at Saigon Silver Star
take our customer suggestion box
quite seriously.
["Heart Light" by Jamra playing]
Dazed and hazy
Lost my way
Through the mazes
I don't care, I don't care
Days are dragging
Waving my white flag
Throw my hands in the air
They say that I take too long
I don't commit
My parents' shoes don't seem to fit
And sometimes I'm just over it
Just let it go
And take it slow
Keep my head high
Keep my heart light
Keep my heart light
Welcome to a very special place,
Thn Chng, our family village.
We will walk the rest of the way.
- Okay.
- I can't wait to see this.
[in Vietnamese]
I didn't tell her we were coming.
I did.
Further cementing your place
as the favorite grandchild.
Who is this guy? Don't know him.
It hasn't been that long.
Give me a hug.
Oh, my God! It tickles!
You need a haircut.
Nice to see you too, Grandma.
Ah, my good grandchild.
The one who visits.
Hey, I'm busy with work.
I'm busy too, but I still find the time
to visit and watch The Bachelor with her.
She thinks I would be
perfect for the show.
Even during university in Australia,
she called me every day.
[in English] Suck up.
Hey, guys, this is our grandmother.
You guys can call her B Noi.
[all] Hello.
[in English] Welcome.
[all laughing]
Uh [clears throat]
[in Vietnamese]We are honored to be here.
- [in English] Was that a sentence?
- That was good.
[in Vietnamese]
You like this one, don't you?
Finally, you bring
a girl around for my approval.
Come on, Grandma! We have guests!
[in English] Sinh and I are basically
related to everyone in Thn Chng.
Which makes sleeping arrangements easy.
Brian and Maya, you'll be with Uncle Hoa.
Robin, Sam, and Dom,
you'll be with Auntie Diem.
Alex, you'll be with...
[in Vietnamese] Tell Google Translate Lady
she can stay at my house.
[in English] Yeah.
Amanda, my grandmother
invited you to stay with her.
Oh, great.
Yeah, this one's good.
This is called "Kho Bo."
- Kho Bo?
- Kho Bo.
Try some. Alittle bit.
Try a little. It could be a little spicy.
[indistinct chatter]
Yeah. Do you?
[indistinct chatter continues]
[John] Hey, so you're probably
not listening to this voicemail,
but just in case you are,
I just want to let you know
that I get it. I'm an idiot.
- I messed up big time
- Hey.
How you doing?
Good, good.
So [clears throat]
when you said detour,
you were not messing around.
- It's worth it though, right?
- Oh, absolutely.
I mean, it's everything I ever imagined
the Vietnamese countryside could be.
Plus it has strangely fast Wi-Fi.
- Grandma loves her Candy Crush.
- [chuckles]
You know, village life
has changed since I was kid.
But a lot of the old ways
stayed the same, though.
I know some Americans
think of Vietnam only in terms of war,
but it's just
a small piece of our history.
So, um, how long will we be here?
Until Tt, which is two days away.
It's traditionto head back
to your village for the new year.
Ah. Well, I know your grandmother's
thrilled to have you and Anh visit.
Anh, yes. Me?
And she'll keep me guessing as punishment.
[both laugh]
B Noi is a tough cookie.
- You're afraid of her, aren't you?
- Yes, 100%.
She's all bark, no bite.
Yeah, but her bark is pretty scary.
What? Does Amanda Riley
need me to protect her?
Really? Protect me from B Noi?
You think you got what it takes?
Truthfully, no. [laughs]
Sinh! I'm not cleaning up by myself.
Come help. Now!
Ah, so close to sweet freedom.
- Sorry.
- Goodnight, Amanda.
Goodnight, Sinh.
Sleep well.
[romantic music playing]
[door bangs against wall]
B Noi's an early riser.
I figured you'd be up.
[Amanda] Um
- Are, uh are those for me?
- Yeah.
We clean out the old year
before the new one comes in. Fresh start.
You said off the beaten path.
["Em Cho Tet" byBch Phuong
& Co.Opmart playing]
[speaking in Vietnamese]
[Alex] Wow.
So cool.
[indistinct chatter]
- Yeah?
- Wow.
B Noi reminds me a lot of my grandmother.
She was a tough cookie also.
So that's where you get it.
Definitely not as strong as she was.
[sighs] She, uh
she passed two Christmases ago now.
[softly] Sorry.
You miss her a lot, don't you?
Then this Tt, you send her a message.
Pay your respects.
I think she'd like that.
The spirits are always listening.
[tender music playing]
What is this?
Burning offerings,
sending them to our ancestors,
asking for their blessings.
So I have B Noi's grocery list.
Let's hit the road.
What, on that thing?
But it has no airbags or doors,
or anything preventing us
from hitting the actualroad.
Then you better hold on tight.
[upbeat Vietnamese song playing]
Oh, wow. What is this?
Young bamboo shoots.
You can eat this?
I mean, it's very cool-looking.
[Sinh] It's delicious.
You know, this off-the-beaten-path detour
has given me new ideas.
Yeah? How so?
My uncle's retiring soon.
I'm hoping to take over the business.
I wanna take Saigon Silver Star
in a whole different direction.
Challenge travelers' perceptions.
Open them up to unforgettable experiences.
I, uh I think that's a great idea.
Yeah? You do?
Yeah. I'm having the time of my life, so
Me too.
So, um [clears throat]
has your uncle ever mentioned
Hold that thought. Baby jackfruit.
B Noi will kill me if it sells out.
possibly selling the business?
[Sinh speaking Vietnamese]
[Anh] Hey.
Just came to check whether you're okay.
Yes. Great, thank you.
[in Vietnamese]
I want to talk to our visitor.
- Are you planning to interrogate her?
- No. Now ask.
[in English] She wants me to translate.
Oh, yes. Please, go for it.
[in Vietnamese]What did she say?
Ask her if she has her eyes on our Sinh.
Don't laugh! This is important!
[in English] She wants to know
your intentions with Sinh.
Are you single?
Did she definitely ask that last part?
- Nah, I did. I'm curious.
- [clears throat]Right.
Um [clears throat]
Yes, I am single.
And as for Sinh, he is
I mean, he's so smart and funny
and insanely handsome,
but, uh, I live in California,
so my intention
is to be his friend.
[in Vietnamese] What did she say?
She says he is handsome
but she only wants to be friends.
I don't believe her!
This girl makes Sinh smile.
I like it when Sinh smiles.
[in English]
Yeah, she doesn't believe you.
You make her grandson smile,
and she loves when her grandson smiles.
You do like him, right?
I just wish it wasn't so complicated.
Why does it have to be?
This trip just, uh just unfolded
a lot differently than I'd imagined.
Yeah. It would suck if it's our last one.
What makes you say that?
My dad wants to sell the business.
An American company is interested.
No one knows, not even Sinh.
But, um, shouldn't he know?
I'll tell him after the tour ends.
Tomorrow's too big of a day.
Listen for a knock on the door
in the morning.
The first personto come to your house
on Tet is a big deal.
It will foretell your fortune's path
for the entire new year.
That seems like
a lot of pressure on one door knock.
Our traditions don't mess around.
[bittersweet music playing]
[phone chimes]
[greeting in Vietnamese]
- [in English] Happy new year.
- Happy new year.
Are you here to foretell
my fortune's path for the new year?
No. I'm here for B Noi.
Oh, do you want me to get her, or...
She's probably eavesdropping
behind the door.
["Changes" by Emily Vu playing]
You convince me
To maybe spend another day
Right here in your arms
But I can't stay
I'm not the same
Same girl you knew before
I'm not the same
Lately I've been going through changes
I know it, I love it, and I hate it
Sometimes you gotta see
Some different faces
Sometimes you gotta move
To different places
I've got nothing to lose
Wish that you could see the view
I've been going through changes
Okay, they're serving food so,
okay, I'm gonna go out.
I'll talk to you guys later. Okay, bye.
Okay, we're legit friends now, so tell me,
who can you possibly
be nonstop streaming for on Facebook?
Oh, it's for my grandpa, actually.
Yeah, he can't really travel anymore,
and he always wanted to see Vietnam,
so I thought I'd show him.
He and his friends at the retirement home,
they're hooked on my adventure.
It's like appointment TV for them,
so I don't know.
I know it's kind of silly,
but yeah, he means a lot to me.
That's incredibly cool.
Thank you.
- You look beautiful.
- Oh!
I still can't believe we're here.
I'm sorry I never took you
on more trips like this.
I never cared where we were
as long as we were together.
Now and forever.
[in Vietnamese]
It's good to have you home for Tet.
How about I make a habit of it?
[agree in Vietnamese]
[in English] I'm not the same
Same girl you knew before
Lately I've been going through changes
I know it, I love it, and I hate it
Sometimes you gotta see
Some different faces
Sometimes you gotta move
To different places
So [clears throat] what do you think?
I think you're gonna have
a very lucky year.
["i u ua i" byBch Phuong playing]
Stop it! Stop!
- I'm gonna try it.
- [Sinh] Try it.
Go Grandma! Yeah!
[laughs nervously]
That dinner with your family
was so special, thank you.
I had no idea that this tour
could include something like that.
Like I said,
when you open yourself up
to new possibilities,
you'd be surprised
where life can take you.
I do feel like this trip
has completely changed me.
I'll take credit for that.
As you should.
I mean, we've completely thrown out
the guidebook, and I love it.
So, no more coloring within the lines?
I wouldn't go quite that far.
But there is just so much
to be said for spontaneity,
for throwing away your plans,
for leading from the heart.
But, uh, listen, the truth is that
I didn't just randomly take this trip,
and there's something that I wanna say,
that I need to say.
Is it, "Kiss me"?
Yes, kiss me.
[romantic music playing]
Goodbye. Thank you
for looking after us so well.
You're so kind.
Such a beautiful
- Thank you.
- Uh [clears throat]
[in Vietnamese]
Thank you for your hospitality.
Oh, oh my.
I hope you come to visit again.
- [in English] What does that mean?
- She hopes you come back to visit her.
I hope so too.
Thank you.
[in Vietnamese]
Take good care of yourself, Grandma.
B Noi.
[tender music playing]
Don't mess this up.
I won't, B Noi.
I won't.
- [in English] Wasn't that so awesome?
- It was crazy. I know!
Oh, I like that one better.
[Sinh] Hey, guys,
we're gonna be at Hanoi in a few hours.
There's gonna be plenty of time
to relax and explore once you check in.
Tonight, we're going
to Thang Long Water Puppet Theater.
- [Dom] Woo-hoo!
- [Sinh] Yes.
Followed by a late-night,
authentic street food dinner.
- Awesome.
- [Sinh] We're also gonna be picking up
a new tour guest at the hotel.
More friends.
[gentle music playing]
[Amanda] No, go ahead.
- Fancy camera and everything?
- Yeah, I got you, girl.
Alright, see you soon, babe.
[phone vibrating]
[John] Hey!
[John chuckles]
So you know Amanda?
Uh, I do.
Hey, well, any friend of Amanda's
is a friend of ours.
[John] Thank you.
Technically, I'm not a friend.
I'm, uh
I'm her boyfriend.
Ex-boyfriend. We we broke up.
Yes, yes, we did. We broke up,
which is actually why I am here.
[chuckles] To to win you back.
[bittersweet music playing]
So, uh, h-how did you find me?
Just followed my heart.
No, really.
I just called the tour company.
Fifty thousand rewards points later,
I had a plane ticket and a bus seat.
I'm a forensic accountant,
so we're sort of like
the "James Bonds" of finance.
Right. Well, speaking of James Bond,
I am doing an undercover shop
of the tour company,
so do not mention
to any of the others why I'm here.
Oh, yeah, no, of course. It's so hot.
I can't believe soup is so popular.
And what's up with that boho hotel?
It's not the usual Tourista vibe.
It's cozy, and it's personal.
I like it.
Maybe it's the new Tourista vibe.
So, uh
So, listen, there's
There's obviously
an elephant in the room here,
and I have spentway too much time
ignoring that elephant.
Wait, am... Am I the elephant?
No, you're... No.
The, um... The elephant, it's
You know, I...
Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself.
I only just got hereand I'm sure
you're probably still upset with me.
That's a good guess.
I just want you to know
that I have been doing
a lot of thinking about, you know, uh,
riding off into the sunset with you, so
On our huge pet elephant, of course.
Just... Just think about it, okay?
- John is what?
- [Amanda] Here.
As in like, here-here.
[gasps] This is all such
a super swoon-worthy moment.
I guess it is kind of romantic.
You guess?
That's not
the heart-fluttering answer I expected.
Yes, because
because I met someone else. Sinh.
Ah! This story finally got good.
Not that it was boring before,
but it was, you know,
your average, "My friend got dumped
and went on a vacation" story.
But now it's you and two hot men
in a love triangle, and it's in Vietnam.
Okay, I feel like you're getting
slightly carried away.
It's just a way more fun story to tell.
Not that I'm telling anyone.
At least anyone that you know.
What are you gonna do?
I'm... I don't know.
I mean, Sinh is just...
He's so adventurous and exciting.
But John and I
are just so comfortable together.
- Boring.
- And Sinh lives in Vietnam,
John lives in Ohio,
which is, I guess, still the same country.
- Is it?
- John and I were together
for such a long time,
and what if Sinh's
just a vacation romance, you know?
Not a real-life one.
Let alone what he might think
when he finds out what I'm doing here.
Speaking of, I submitted our proposal
for Saigon Silver Star Tours.
Okay, wait, so is that why
you're in the office at 2:00 a.m.?
My God, yes, you know that I live here.
The security guard calls me Mom.
Okay, "Mom."
Tell me when the Saigon Silver Star deal
goes through, okay?
We are the right company for them.
If it goes through, will do.
Good luck out there.
I'll talk to you soon.
Water puppetry has a long history
in Vietnam, going back centuries.
When rice fields would flood,
the villagers wouldput on puppet shows
to entertain themselves.
Oh! Sinh, right?
Yeah, you guys know so much about Vietnam.
I know nothing about Los Angeles.
It's literally our job.
What's your line of work?
Ah, uh
Forensic accounting. It's, uh...
It's complicated.
You use accounting
to investigate fraud and embezzlement,
and to analyze financial information
for use in legal proceedings.
See? So not that complicated after all.
Okay, let's go.
Thank you, Sinh.
I just want to explain about John.
You owe me no explanation.
We kissed, so I do.
We did kiss.
It meant something to me.
To me too.
So you can imagine why I'm a little
thrown by the arrival of your ex.
That makes two of us.
The show's starting.
Let's go sit.
[traditional music playing]
[audience applauds]
[traditional music continues]
[audience applauds and cheers]
[Maya] I loved the fire and the dragons.
I don't know how they do that!
Those puppeteers were brilliant!
Oh, it was so beautiful,
and the music was wonderful, wasn't it?
- Yes!
- Baby, have you tried this?
Oh my God. That is amazing.
- Oh, okay, that looks good.
- Oh, it's good.
eating like this when I already do feel
I'm not gonna puke or anything.
[Alex] Oh, it's been amazing...
My dad sold the tour company.
Your dad sold Saigon Silver Star?
To who?
An American company called Tourista?
Amanda, why didn't you tell me?
Why would she know?
- I'm sorry. No, I'm...
- I'm
[Amanda] Uh [clears throat]
I'm a
I'm a travel executive with Tourista,
and it is not what it looks like.
I mean, it is, but it's not,
and also, I can explain, all right? So
Sinh? Sinh.
Sinh! Sinh!
So this was all just business?
Sure, it started that way,
it did, but I had the trip of a lifetime.
And all I want
is for other people to experience that.
Why would I believe
anything you say now? Huh?
- I feel like such an idiot.
- No, no, I am the idiot. I am the idiot.
I wanted to come clean and tell you,
- but I didn't know if it was gonna happen.
- Stop.
Just stop.
What does it matter now?
[bittersweet music playing]
[John] I mean,
aside from the Tourista drama,
last night was so much fun.
You know, the puppetsand the crazy food
on the tiny little chairs.
Everything's so authentic
and adorable here.
But the best part was being here with you,
which is lucky for me
because Reed only needs me
'til the end of the year.
So, we just do long-distance 'til then,
I'm back in LA,
and we can start looking for houses
like you, uh like you keep wanting to.
House hunting?
I think that's quite a turnaround,
because two weeks ago,
- you were excited to be on a hiatus.
- [scoffs]
Yeah, no, I...
Look... I mean,
I would pay a fortune to take that back.
But you can't and you shouldn't because
we are where we are.
It's funny, I think I was so horrified
by the idea of marriage
that I ran all the way to Ohio
just to avoid it, but then I realized,
if it's that important to you,
I should be willing to make the sacrifice.
But it shouldn't be a sacrifice, John.
Look, if you wanted to be with me,
it wouldn't even feel like a compromise.
Hell, if you wanted to be with me,
you would have asked me to move to Ohio.
When you left, I was lost.
I was so comfortable
in our little corner of the world
that I never bothered
to look around outside of it.
And as deeply corny as it sounds,
this trip has shown me that
I wasn't actually lost, I just
I just wasn't where I was supposed to be.
It's, uh
This feels like
it could have been an email.
[Amanda chuckles]
Possibly, yeah, but, uh
[sighs] You know, I'm
I'm so glad you're here.
I really am, truly,
because I don't wanna have
this conversation with you through a door
or over email because five years
deserves better than that.
Yeah, it does.
Okay. Uh
I, uh I should...
Probably book a flight home,
and fast, you know,
before I'm sitting in the middle seat
for 20 hours.
[gentle music playing]
You take care, John.
You too.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you before
about my dad selling the company.
Are you mad at me?
Look, I was chicken.
That's not like you.
I worry about my job too.
I thought if I could ignore it,
it would go away.
That's more like you.
I feel like I'm losing everything.
The job I love.
My dreams for the company.
Why are you giving up so easily?
[in Vietnamese]I thought the new year
would bring meaningful changes, but...
I need to go clear my head.
I get it.
I'll drive the group
to the airport tonight.
Thank you, Anh.
[in English] No, but it was
absolutely incredible.
B Noi, the grandmother,
she had me
scrubbing these incense holders and...
[Mona] Wait, I'm lost.
You were cleaning a stranger's house,
but this is the best trip
you've ever taken?
By far.
I just... I felt likeI was truly
in the middle of it all, you know?
Like we had a very authentic
cultural experience,
and I could tell the entire tour group
felt the same way. We were
We were changed, we were connected by it,
and I I just know
that our clients will feel the same.
Sinh is the right person
to lead us in Vietnam.
Mona, are you still there?
[exhales] That sounds perfect.
I think we should go for it.
Yes! Really?
- Really.
- Thank you.
Thank you, Mona, truly.
No, thank you.
But what I really wanna know is,
now that John's out of the picture,
what's the deal with your tour guide?
That's what I'm gonna find out.
I will keep you posted.
May the force be with you.
[Anh] You guys have a free hour
before we head to the airport,
so stay safe and I'll meet you all here.
Sorry, where's Sinh?
He left. He needed to get away.
Where did he go?
- To be with his dad.
- What?
He's taking the overnight sleeper bus,
but he left this for you.
["Miss You" by Kleo playing]
I wish you could be here right now
'Cause it gets worse
When the lights are out
And I miss you, miss you
Is it too late to get to him?
[Anh] The bus leaves in 30 minutes
from the opera house,
but that's across town.
- But if anyone can get you there, it's me.
- Yay!
My heart is young and broken
You're right there where it's open
- The cracks let the light through
- Woo!
With the movie scenes about you
My heart is barely beating
- You're right where it's bleeding
- Yeah!
The cracks let the light through
To the places I can go to miss you
The opera house is just ahead.
Thank you.
You can do it!
Run! Run!
And I miss you, miss you, miss you
I wish you
Wish you could be here right now
'Cause it gets worse
When the lights are out
And I miss you, miss you, miss you
I wish I could hold on
To you right now
'Cause all of these feelings repeating
Feelings repeating
My heart is young and broken
You're right there where it's open
The cracks let the light through
With the movie scenes about you
My heart is barely beating
You're right there where it's bleeding
The cracks let the light through
To the places I can go to miss you
Where did you go
I don't know
I don't know if I can do this
This without you
Where did you go
I don't know
I don't know if I can do this
This without you
You don't mess around
with your "walk away" theory, do you?
I'm sorry I lied to you.
I came to Vietnam
for something that I thought I wanted.
To be the person
that I thought I should be.
But you taught me
an entirely new way of living life.
You taught me a new way for me to be me.
Tourista will be
Saigon Silver Star's partner.
The business is still yours to run.
With Anh, of course,
because we agree that she is the boss.
Thank you for the scarf.
I'm sure you'll look good in it.
Even though I had to pay full price.
What did you wish for inHoi An?
I just wished for a happy life.
How you gonna make that happen?
I think I know a guy.
We're falling into place
Falling into place
We're falling into place
Falling into place
["Falling Into Place"
by Leah Nobel playing]
We've waited our whole lives for this
Just wishing on stardust
Held patience is timewise spacing
We made it too far
And the sun comes out
And the light shines in
And the moment we dreamed of begins
And the sun comes out
And the light shines in
And the moment we dreamed of begins
We're falling into place
Falling into place
The magic is worth the waiting
Even indoor curtains
The pieces just fit together
Finding a way
And the sun comes out
And the light shines in
And the moment we dreamed of begins
We're falling into place
Falling into place
We made it
We made it
We made it
We made it through
We made it
We made it
We made it
We made it through
[gentle music playing]