A Wicked Eden (2021) Movie Script

Come on in, sit down.
You can just sit
on the floor.
It's fine. You look better
down there anyway.
You wanna
experience me again?
Just tell me
what you're into.
Alexandra Snow,
she's a very
well managed brand.
She's a professional person
and she's very good
at her craft.
The moment she came onto
our site, we're very honored.
She's a very big name.
Mm, you love this.
I always admire women
that have a good hustle
and do really well
very quickly,
and she had that, like,
right outta the gate.
What's wrong?
You don't wanna disclose
all your deepest,
darkest fantasies?
Take it down.
There we go.
You're doing dirty, filthy,
kinky, wonderful things,
and it gives us
the spice that we need.
It's weird,
you sit online
and you, like,
humiliate guys, that...
wanna lick
your dirty feet.
We payout a model just
shy of $35,000 for a month.
I can't
guarantee that I'll take
good care of you,
but I will be
exceedingly thorough.
It's making, you know,
a lot of girls
successful and happy,
and it's making
a lot of guys realize
that they need
to bow down.
I'm gonna break you into
the smallest little pieces
and reassemble you
as something else entirely.
Goes something like that.
All right,
please say again.
All right.
Uh, custom JOI CEI clip.
"Please make me follow
your instructions as I jerk off
to you with some humiliation
about what I'm doing for you.
Uh, depending on how
cruel you're feeling,
it's up to you whether or not
I have to ruin my orgasm.
Um, either way, please
make me eat my cum for you
while you give me
a bit of humiliation.
Please make me thank
you afterwards, thank you.
Um, and if possible, please
also blow a kiss at the end."
So thank you and the
blowing a kiss at the end
-is what you have to remember.
I'm super in love
with this lens.
I have this, like,
little ritual that I do
that I get set up,
I look in the camera,
I'm like, "Okay, we're good."
I go and I
turn the camera on.
I go back, I throw my hands
to my hair, I look down
and then it goes.
I-- I have no prep,
there's no nothing.
I've gotten it
down to a science.
You look so cute over
there with your cock so hard.
She draws a lot of it
from herself
and her own experiences,
but, like, she articulates it
in such a way
that makes it fantastic
and draws you
into the fantasy.
I did want to pursue, uh,
an acting career
at some point,
and I decided to pursue
psychology and IT instead.
I'm really glad that I did
because now I do get to act
and make
way more money
than most actors
will ever get to make.
You like it?
So obviously
a female domination is
the role
of a female
in the dominant
position, right?
There will be
no cumming at all...
until I say otherwise.
Femdom is at its heart.
The empowerment of--
of a woman to be able to have
her pleasure and power,
have the way that she wants
to have it first and foremost.
Uh, slow.
I would have said
it's gonna hurt more.
It's a bit of a misnomer
because it's like,
the-- the idea is that somehow
femdom is-- is very selfish.
And-- and the reality
is-- is that it's not,
it's just that that's the other
side of masculine culture
that said male
pleasure comes first.
for latex Goddess.
Your rubber Queen.
I'm Alexandra Snow.
I'm a professional dominatrix,
media producer, um,
visionary entrepreneur
and I believe that all of this
is just a grand adventure.
Good boy!
Down, down, down.
Fucking bug.
There's Dominus Snow
and there's Goddess Snow.
Dominus Snow
is the real life dominatrix.
She is the real deal.
Does sessions,
interacting with slaves,
like hands on
dominant woman persona.
And then
there is Goddess Snow
who is more of a, like,
almost a religious deity.
You want us to look
into your future
and by looking
into your future
I became it.
Guys don't have to actually
physically feel their--
her hands on them,
like when they're--
when she's peering
magically into their mind
and making them
jerk off or whatever.
I'm selling
through several different
pay-per-view platforms.
Things like Clips4sale,
Kink Bomb, iWantClips.
And, uh, each one
takes on average, like,
between 40
and 60% commission.
I have six
unique videos per week
therefore I'm less concerned
about how much one video sells,
I'm more concerned
about how all of them sell.
You're ready
to choke it down?
Are you ready to slobber
that whole face full of juice?
I bet it's
right there, isn't it?
Should we give 'em
a countdown?
I think we should.
There are so many
different reasons why someone
might be into kinks
and fetishes
and power exchange.
Uh, and it's all,
for the most part, healthy.
-Aw, there we go.
It can also be
very cathartic.
Um, a lot of people
work through trauma
and work through difficult
experiences that they have.
It can also be a way to
deal with stress and anxiety.
And again,
it's just fucking sexy.
-Two. Thank you God--
One of the biggest
stumbling blocks for folks
is that they have this fear
that if they see a mistress
that, "Oh, this is--
I'm-- I'm seeing a prostitute.
I'm-- I'm--
I'm seeing a sex worker.
And what if people find out
and-- and this is just bad.
This is dirty."
And, you know,
which goes back
to this really old
belief system
that women's
sexuality is dirty
and that women's sexuality
is threatening and dangerous
in some way.
Which, you know,
was a really wonderful way
to keep women at bay
and-- and keep them in their
place by not allowing them
to assert their sexuality
and their sexual power.
We could be more careful.

I was third generation
animal person, right?
My grandmother bred
horses and then dogs
and my mom bred dogs.
And-- and so I was like
raised in a kennel, literally.
Like, that's what--
that's what I did for fun.
Like we-- we went to
dog shows on the weekends.
So first grade,
my grandmother
gets called to the school.
I'd gotten in trouble,
I was in the principal's office
and my grandmother comes in
and she goes,
"What seems to be
the issue?"
And the principal
gets up in huff and she says
"Well, she was out there
calling little girls bitches."
And my grandmother
looks at me...
and she's like, "What?"
I was like,
"We were playing dog show
and I had them all
on all fours
as dogs running around me
in a circle
'cause I'm the judge."
And my grandmother is like,
"Do you have
a dictionary?"
And, you know,
the principal's like,
all, huff and huff,
gets the dictionary.
"Like, I'd like
to show you that bitch
is the correct term
for female dog.
This is a school
and we're we supposed to be
educating our children."
My grandmother
pulled no punches, right?
And then my grandmother
turns to me and goes,
"Well, who was gonna win?"
And I was like,
"I hadn't got the judging yet."

When I first identified
as being
a dominant female,
I thought there was
something wrong with me, right?
Like I--
I genuinely thought there
was something
wrong with me.
I'm having this like,
um, like therapy session
which I'm like pouring
my heart out to this guy.
I thought maybe I was
having an-- an identity
with my gender, like,
I was identifying with
all these very masculine,
you know, characteristics,
but yet, um,
still thought I might have
sexual attraction to both.
And I had this--
this doctor laugh at me
and it was just like,
just thought it was so funny.
He was like, "There's
nothing wrong with you.
You're not broken.
You're not
having a gender crisis.
You're just rare.
You know, dominant
women tend to be fairly rare
and you don't have
a model for it in society."
There was this,
like, a strange dichotomy
of femdom in which that you're
supposed to feel powerful
wearing hyper
feminine clothing,
but exhibiting
hypermasculine attributes.
I was like,
"Okay, well I suppose
if that's the name
of the game,
I already have a lot of these
characteristics and fuck it.
I like--
I like the clothes."
As a femdom we're definitely
giving more scope to gender.
You know, you can play
with these different roles
and experience
the loss of control that
that role provides.
There we go.
That looks better.
The femdom creates a space
where there's no judgment.
They create a space
where there's no shame.
So the person
has the opportunity
to explore
and create and go, "Huh!
This is what I'm
missing in my day to day,
and this is
what I want here."
And it's
a turn on, right?
Because imagine being able
to be in a space
where you can
truly be yourself,
where the person across
from you isn't judging you,
there's no shame or blame.
That's the sexiest place
you can be.
I actually
got into the adult industry
through dancing,
through erotic dancing.
I took all of
the money that I made
from being a stripper and used
to bankroll my whole business.
I sat down probably
for three or four months
and created a business plan
and then
completely broke apart
everyone's business models
and said, "You know what?
None of you
are doing it the way
that I would wanna do it,"
and I wrote a new one.
I'm a big fan
of medieval bondage
and medieval torture devices,
and I wanted to take
some of these really cool
old medieval plans
and modernize them.
This is my whipping post.
I could really pull someone up
and even off the ground.
I was talking to
a friend about the nature
of opening a dungeon
and she said,
"Wow, it's kind of like
you're creating
this Garden of Eden thing."
And I said, "Ugh.
Yeah, A Wicked Eden."
And she was like,
"That's brilliant!"
And I was like, "Yes,
it absolutely is brilliant."
That's-- that's it.
That's the name.
The training process
at Wicked Eden was intense.
We had to know
how to use every toy
in that dungeon
ten different ways.
We had to know
sanitation procedures.
We had to know,
uh, medical procedures.
Everything that
I teach the girls,
I break into modules.
I have an entire
training program.
There is an actual
curriculum with lots of tests.
They have to actually
be able to go through beginner,
advanced bondage.
BDSM is bondage
and discipline, sadomasochism.
Those two people,
they come to the table
as sexual equals, they come to
the table with mutual consent.
Then they have the opportunity
to explore a role
that they may or may not live
in their day to day life,
and that gives them a sense of
not only sexual satisfaction,
but also release.
I forget
sometimes that for someone
walking in the door
for the first time,
this may be
the most terrifying thing
that they've ever--
they've ever done, and,
you know, that I need to honor
that bravery a little bit.
I don't think there are
actually any vanilla people.
I think that there
are people who have not been
introduced to the right
kind of kink for them yet.
Thank you.
I started
my business in Columbus
because that's where
my now ex-husband was.
So my original
business partner is--
is Joseph,
who is also my ex-husband.
Joseph was very adamant
with me that I couldn't be out.
He had children,
they were my stepchildren,
and that it would be
a threat to-- to them,
it could be
a threat to, you know,
the-- their custody
battle and it was a threat
to how we were perceived,
you know, in the regular world.
He was very obsessed with
how others would perceive us.
I wanted to be outspoken.
I wanted to be
proud of what I did,
and I didn't want to feel
ashamed and have to hide it.
And then after I--
I had separated from--
from my ex-husband,
um, I thought,
"Okay, well here's
my chance."
Alex is determined to come out
and I think
the reasons are right.
I think her heart
is in the right place
and I feel like
it'll be a good move.
But it doesn't mean
I'm not worried about her.
What if this is just
another tool that people use
to exploit her
or to put her in danger?
I think the public at large
has a lot of misconceptions
about not just kink and BDSM,
but sex workers.
And the more we can
talk candidly
about what we do
and have real conversations
about those things, the better
it's gonna be for everyone.
Come on, stand up.
-Come on, pussy.
Oh, see
this little bitch, huh?
So how I got started
was I was 17 years old
just filling out
social media profiles
and, uh, I would get
random guys messaging me.
And one guy in particular
started to message me
and he had
a fetish for getting peed on.
That was his thing.
And then,
so eventually he was like,
"You know,
I really think that your piss
should be bottled
and sold."
And so I was like,
"Okay, then buy it," you know?
And two weeks later
he sent me $250.
I started doing
webcam and videos
and here I am today
as a cyber dominatrix.
Now look at that camera
and say, "Thank you."
-Thank you Princess.
I met Ceara Lynch, uh,
through a chance meeting.
We, um, went
bowling together.
She's telling me about how
she sells her dirty underwear
to perverts online
and I was like, "What?
This sounds amazing.
How can I get in on this?"
I was kind of a starving
college student at the time
and to be able to make money
off something you wear
every single day,
that just was like,
you know,
the American dream.
We all just
started filming these
very naive
fetish clips at the time.
It was really funny.
You know,
we'd wear our sunglasses
and be popping our bubble gum
and be like, you know,
talking about loser
and stuff like that.
I filmed
every single day when I began,
and I posted videos
every single day.
And I've seen so many girls
get into this industry
and they couldn't
cut it.
They didn't
make the money
they weren't hardworking.
My name is Raevyn Rose
and I've always kind of been
into porn and,
you know, watched--
watched all sorts
of kinky porn and stuff.
I grew up 50 minutes
south of Seattle.
It was a small town.
It's like
a white redneck country down,
I don't know,
it was pretty trashy,
AKA meth central, you know?
That's what they called it.
I don't know.
It was okay.
I'm glad I-- I'm glad
I don't have to work there.
I'm glad I don't
have to work in essentially
where I grew up
because I don't wanna
have to see anybody
that I ever knew ever again.
I was only
the odd one out, I guess,
because I was religious.
I was raised
Jehovah's Witness and that,
you know, I didn't
get to do a lot.
I never went
to any school dances.
I didn't get to
do any sports.
I didn't really get to
express myself a whole lot.
I just wasn't allowed.
I-- I got caught sneaking out
once and they basically put me
on like kid probation,
this thing called
'youths at risk'.
And I just, like,
followed the rules
and did
what I had to do,
and I was only on it
for like two months
and then I got off of it
and I kind of just
did the same thing again.
I was just
smarter about it.
I've been involved in the kink
scene for, I'd say two years.
I was, um,
just going to play parties
and I didn't think
I'd have any, you know,
I guess professional
involvement or,
you know, turn it into
something I'd make money from.
When I first met Astro it was
at a play party and she was--
she was in all leather and
she had a slave with her and,
you know, she was just
telling him to do stuff.
She used him
as a footrest
and she was just,
like, really powerful.
And this was, you know,
my first time seeing her
and I was like,
"I should go talk to her.
I should see
how she does this."
I saw that she's, like,
this really keen, young,
warm-hearted, um, woman.
She's a little,
I'd say like, not lost,
but adventurous and wants to
learn a lot about the industry.
Astro asked me
to do a video,
just a-- a simple
fetish video, which was fun.
My first time in front
of a camera it was a foot video
and yeah, that was--
that was pretty much my start.
Hey. How's it going?
I got into bikini coffee
about a year and a half ago.
One of my vanilla friends
had been doing it a while
and she said it's the best
money she's ever made.
Um, let's see.
I have hot coffee,
iced coffee, energy drinks,
we have Monster
and Red Bull
and I can make
anything blended.
Uh, tea, smoothies.
I've had customers
tip me $50 to $150,
for just looking nice.
And then I had one come through
because he follows my Snapchat.
He's like,
"Well, I watch your--
your Snapchat all the time
and it's really good
and I feel like I should be
giving you more money for it."
I see him maybe
once a month
and he'll tip me, like,
about a hundred bucks.
This area's pretty good.
It's pretty innocent.
They don't-- I rarely get
shows or asked for shows here.
In my couple years
of doing this,
I haven't had any really,
really scary, uh, instances.
But about two weeks ago
I did and I--
I just-- I was working,
doing my thing.
I had this guy come
through and gave me a $10 tip,
which is nice, and then,
um, you know, I was done
and-- and then he's like,
"Here's a $20 for a show."
I was like,
"I don't do shows."
He's like, "Yes you do.
All the other girls do."
I'm like, "I'm sorry, I don't.
Not my style."
And he's like,
"You have to do a show."
And I'm like,
"I'm not doing a show."
And I walk away and I'm like,
"You have to leave now."
I'm just cleaning up
and doing my thing
and then I walk back over to
talk to him and his dick's out.
And I was just like,
"That's disgusting.
You have to leave,
you have five seconds to leave
or I'm gonna throw
hot water on you."
And he's like-- and then
he's just going off on me
and calling me names
and just flipping out.
So I'm, like,
pouring this hot water
and I was like,
"I'm gonna count down now."
And I'm--
I'm counting down slowly
and he's just calling me a cunt
and a bitch, just going off.
So I get closer and closer
and he starts moving.
He's like,
"If you throw water on me
I will fucking shoot you."
I'm like
So I didn't think
anything of it
until he came back,
like, within two minutes
and-- and parked his car
and starts banging
on my windows and my door.
And, uh, I had a customer
in front of his car
and I was like, "Can you wait
here while I call the cops
'cause I don't know
if he has a weapon,
and whether or not he does,
he's banging on my windows."
So I called the cops,
filed a report.
He came back one more time,
kept doing the thing
and-- and like kicking
rocks at the building.
And like, I mean,
after arguing that much,
like even before
he got out of his car,
like, why would I
wanna flash somebody
that's fucking
yelling at me?
This hot, sexy coffee
is nine dollars.
It was fun dressing up
all the time at first,
but now that
I have to, like,
some days
I don't feel like being naked.
Like, some days I don't
feel like being stared at
and with the job I'm entering
now I get to choose
when I get to do that,
I get to choose
when I'm getting
the attention
or when I wanna address
the attention.
You know, I've only--
I've only been camming
for a few months,
maybe-- maybe five-ish times.
It's been fun. I talk and--
and I even had locals on there.
They'll watch me and then
they'll come visit me at work.
The next thing
they're like, "Wow!
Your cam show
is awesome."
So that always
feels good.
I have 11 people
on here right now
and six of 'em are guests,
so that means
they don't have accounts.
Tipping is always
an option
and private rooms are,
you know,
paid for
by second or minute.
Being that I'm working
a day job already,
that kind of
takes away from, um,
camming and making my own
videos because I'm on call.
My schedule is all over
the place, but everything--
all of my work,
all of my income is,
um, sex work related.
So I can-- I can
advertise myself in many ways
through, you know, each of
these work outlets, I guess.
So that was a tip.
Yeah, it was
100 tokens, uh,
"Just found you.
Would love to be
added as a friend.
Hello from East Coast USA.
Kiss, kiss."
When I started
doing this it was just me
and my webcam,
me and my camera.
I would get guys
who had fetish requests.
You're my little
cum eater.
You're my little bitch.
Suck it!
The fee and be bossy to me
and-- and be mean to me
and I thought,
"Oh, this is kind of funny."
I wanted to
be a bitch.
Like, that's how
I'm in real life, you know?
Do you want me to take control
of that little mind of yours?
Do you need me
to make
all of your decisions?
I knew that I was
making money 'cause I was--
I was sexualized,
but I didn't feel like
I was doing anything sexual.
So in the beginning
I didn't-- I didn't care.
I just wanted the money.
I love the internet
in a lot of ways
when it comes to folks
that have sexual preferences
and proclivities
that are outside of average,
because for so long they
haven't necessarily been able
to connect
with other people
that have preferences
like theirs.

Well, I've been a pervert
since I was
five years old.
It's been, yeah,
pretty much a lifelong thing.
Uh, the femdom, um, thing--
part of, I think,
I didn't come into it
until about I was 13 or 14
and then I discovered
my first dirty magazine,
femdom magazine.
In the early days it was--
it was a little more difficult
because obviously back then we
only had like 14.4- bit modems.
There was no
HD 4K video.
You know, this is,
like, all on usenet groups
and bulletin boards
and ASCII text porn.
Ten point bonus.
You had to pay for the,
like, the membership sites
to get like videos
because it was
really expensive
back then, of course.
And when the internet
speeds caught up, uh,
then of course people were able
to make their own videos
and sell them online
and you could see it instantly.

I'm not gonna
fuck you right now.
I want things
to be a little spicier.
Like I said,
I've been planning.
Hey. All right.
So I was an exotic dancer
and someone came up to me
in a club
and was kind of a--
a mild mannered guy
with glasses.
And he is like,
"So how do you feel
about like being mean to guys,
like yelling at them?
You know,
like being a bitch?"
I was like, "Why is this
so hard to explain?
Like, yes.
Yes, I'm into that."
He'd pay us,
like, a lot at the time
just for a whole day
of like, "All right,
get in
your brattiest outfit, um,
and imagine
you're a sorority princess."
We found out
where he was putting the videos
and we were like, "Is he just
jerking off to this?
It seems bigger than that."
So we found it
and we found clips for sale
and we were like,
"Shit, we can do
this ourselves!"
I think, yeah, clips
and indulging in your fetishes
instead of like looking
for instance, uh,
through a whole DVD
of regular porn
just to see a foot.
You're able to find
exactly what you need.
Our world is busy.
You've got ten minutes on
the subway real quick, I guess.
But like, um, don't jerk off
on the subway though, please.
There is like a driving
change in the porn community
and fetish porn allows
people to access some desires
that they might not be able
to access in real life,
to fantasize about stuff
that they thought was too evil
or sick or weird
to fantasize about.
And I feel like there's
a lot of self-acceptance
that comes with,
like, accepting one's fetish.
There's always been perverts,
there's always been,
you know, these kind of
groups and the internet
obviously helps
people find each other.
A lot of people will associate
this with like sort of dark--
dark web sort of thing.
And it's not, it's just regular
people who for obvious reasons
don't want to go public
with their deepest fantasies.
We have a lot of cam girls
coming into the industry.
We have a lot of porn stars,
um, coming into the site
now that are shooting
content for themselves
rather than for
a production company,
um, where they never
get royalties,
where they never make money
after that one shoot.
They think it up from
start to finish, they shoot it,
they angle it,
they make it how they want,
and you're getting a connection
with the artist and, you know,
I think that really
goes far with the consumer.
I remember the first thing
I watched was,
like, the very stereotypical
like, uh, someone fucked my,
like, stepsister and like,
she's like extremely, like,
dolled up and like--
like, very effeminate voice,
"Eh," type of thing.
And from there
it got really dull,
I guess, like,
very quickly for me.
At first I didn't, like,
understand that there was
this like whole
underground sort of-- like,
I would even say, like,
punk scene of, uh, porn
where like it's self-produced,
uh, self-promoted.
And I guess that's what--
that's what keeps me coming.
Uh, no pun intended.
I do a lot of research
in how our clips are selling.
Um, I do-- like,
I run the analytics
on what categories,
uh, what clip titles.
Um, video lengths, like,
the difference between
doing a full length video
and then doing
part one and part two.
And, like, we-- like,
there's a full, like,
analytics system that
happens that determines
what our schedule is going to
look like for the next month.
So we're gonna do
some stuff around, like,
kind of just be worshipping
my-- my legs
and we're kissing
and doing kind of
stuff like that.
And then we're gonna do,
um, the face sitting part.
When we do the face sitting,
I'm gonna have her
flip around
so her head is here.
-And for--
I want to get some
very specific shots
of like here with--
of like looking up my ass.
You're gonna wanna try to
get an angle from underneath.
If you're doing it, like,
right where you are standing--
Okay, like go down.
Go down further.
See-- see that's
much better?
Do not stay in the same place.
Um, ready? And....
Oh, this looks nice.
-They are very cute.
That's so cute.
Oh, I know.
It's like a
reinforced toe here.
are defined as any sort of,
um, sexual attraction
to a non-human object
or a body part specific, so not
the totality of a human being.
We don't really know
what causes fetishes.
You know, we have all sorts
of anecdotal stories as to why.
We know that when
you look at, um,
FMRI studies and you look at
the brain that the turn on
that they get from--
and the dopamine burst
that they get from seeing
their fetish object is the same
as the dopamine burst
that someone gets when seeing
their romantic partner
that they're attracted to.
I'm a lifelong foot guy.
And women's feet
in particularly, obviously,
that men's feet
are kind of gross
to me.
But, uh, I think
they're just amazing and--
and pretty and they're really
underrated part of the body.
They're very sensual
and there's been a lot of
just, like,
scientific research, you know,
in it where the feet
and the genitals
and the brain
are very close to each other.
There's like
possible connections there.
There's different
experiences you have
that inform your fetishes
and things like that.
And I have often thought
about those things
and actually thought about
a lot of the things
that have happened
in my life that I definitely
probably gave someone a kink
or gave someone a fetish.
You know what?
I'm not, sorry.
Not-- not sorry.
This online world
of fetishes has exploded.
I think probably
before the last decade
somebody with a fetish
really wanted to be closeted.
It was taboo,
it was weird.
Now, um,
it's just all over.
It's so popular.
It's kind of amazing.
You start getting
these communities
of people online that are
into all kinds of crazy things.
You know, clown fetish
and fart fetish
and wedgie fetish
and balloon popping.
Um, certainly
without the internet
I don't think
that would be the case.
So I'd like for you
to tell me a little bit about
where you think you wanna take
the Raevyn Rose brand
or like what-- how you
would describe, you know,
the-- that persona?
Yeah, I really am
curious and open
to trying
all these new things.
It's-- it's truly
a new life for me.
All right. So cu-- curious
is a good keyword.
-So we're-we're gonna--
-I met Alexandra
through a mutual friend's
birthday party.
The way I was coming
into the industry,
I was taking it
very slow.
I was only,
you know, doing camming
and considering doing videos.
Which fetishes
really speak to you right now
that you could--
you could kind of see yourself
marketing like more than--
than other things?
-Humiliation would be one--
--just 'cause it's--
it's very exciting.
Or public stuff,
I really like public stuff,
-figuring it out.
-That's a really good one.
You know, Astro had
told me, "This-this chic's
really rad and you're
really gonna like her."
And-- and I was like,
"Okay. Okay."
So I messaged her
and I was like,
"Hey, you wanna do
some weird stuff in Vegas?"
And she's like, "Uh...
yeah, let's get weird."
I am queen
of Khanum...
I've come from a planet,
that's very far from you.
But unfortunately
I have been unable to find
a suitable host
for the perpetuation
of my race.
I did set up
the filming that day,
um, for her to be essentially
submissive in the first half,
and then I brought in
a film slave and had her be
dominant to him
in the second half.
I watched her go from one
to the other pretty seamlessly
and work with me in both roles
and was like, you know,
excited to learn sounds
and excited to learn bondages.
And she was like,
"Cool, we're gonna dump
this guy's cum in his mouth?
All right, let's go for it."
That's so, so rare
to find someone to--
to really be like that.
No matter what kind
of video you're doing,
even if you're doing
a foot fetish video,
an ass worship video,
like a masturbation
on anything,
put your face in as much
of the shot as you can
because that's actually
what's selling your videos.
I have turned away
probably the last 200 people
that have come to me
and asked me to train them.
I definitely
had some individuals
for whom they were not
as morally and ethically sound.
I feel like at this point
I've become a much better judge
of character and I no longer,
"I'm interested
in teaching someone
who's only motivated by money."
Okay, so,
when you're setting up,
you're gonna
set your lights up--
There's a big difference
between selling a persona
and selling yourself.
People will always
try to pay you for more
than you want to do.
The best way
to combat it is to not--
to not be offended, to not
be aggressive about it
and to-- like,
to the line just, like,
we were doing before
where you're like,
"Nope, that's not
something I offer," right?
But there may come times where
someone badgers you enough
or offers you
a lot of money
and you're on
the fence about it.
I want you,
and I really, really want you,
that if you begin
to feel even the slightest bit
uncomfortable, you know,
like-- like feeling like--
I'm getting goosebumps
thinking about
this 'cause it's such a-- such
a powerful thing.
If you feel in any way
that you are going to start
to compromise any part
of your morals or ethics
to get paid,
don't fucking do it.
Don't-- don't do it,
because it's never worth it.
Because afterwards
you feel like you gave
a piece of your soul
that you didn't need to sell.

There's a certain
quality that you need
as a sex worker
to kind of believe
that what you're doing
is inherently good.
We live in a society
that people still tell you
that being
a sex worker is--
is like dirty or gross
or it's immoral, or--
or that, you know,
"You should be ashamed of it."
And it's hard
to get that dialogue
outta your head, right?
But if you inherently believe
that the thing
that you're doing is positive,
it does good for other people,
it does good for you,
like being able to express it
and participate in it
and all those things
actually has some
real intrinsic value,
then it's just very,
very nourishing.
I've been taking
these big steps and it's all,
you know,
towards a career,
which is a great
feeling for me.
With the training I'm going
to go through with Alex,
eventually producing
my own content
is going to be
my-- my job
and I'm not gonna
have a day job.
It's just, like,
very surreal to me
that I've been
making these moves
all within
the past six months.

We're shooting
in Mistress Tia's mansion
her place
here in Vancouver.
What I think we should do
is it's gonna be--
like, you have to
work late on something
when it's kind of
a thinly veiled threesome
with your boss
and your hot coworker.
You need 25 videos
to launch your store.
-Okay? 25 videos shot.
If you can't release
a video every single day,
then you're gonna lose all
the traffic in the beginning
and you're gonna get a bunch
of traffic in the beginning.
And all these websites
feature you as a new store,
and if you are uncomfortable
with whatever you're saying
or you're like,
"Oh, this sounds stupid,"
I don't care how stupid it is,
just keep on going.
Many times I'm like,
"This is-- this is moronic,"
and the guys are like,
"I love this too much."
So don't worry about it.
I would try to do
a nice product mix
of solo, like, switchy stuff,
as well as dom stuff.
So if they only see one type
of-- of a particular fetish,
then they may not
come back.
I mean, I could terminate you
for cause right now.
Or do you think you feel like
you really need this job?
You know,
a pervert like this,
what do they value?
All of this time in
the office has been so devoted
to his colleagues,
his female colleagues.
I'm definitely nervous
having a little bit of a crowd.
And it also being
my first time having
a whole lot of
improv dialogue,
I'm a little--
I'm a little warm.
Yeah. My-- my grandmother
used to say that
I was such a ham that when--
when the refrigerator
light came on
I did a number.
And I was like
"That's not true."
Oh, my God,
this porn
is so fucking hot!
You know what?
I don't see your pants
growing yet, why?
There's nothing going on here.
You want a better look?
You're gonna
start making a lot of money.
The money feels
really good.
But once you get to
the point that you're being
able to cover all
of your own expenses,
try to keep your cost
of living at 50%
or less of
what you're making.
Because no matter
how much money you make,
this is-- you-- you cannot
do this forever, right?
Aw, you're so--
you're so weak and sensitive.
Good enough.
Good enough, I guess.
You know, I think I'm
gonna get myself some toys
and, uh, and please
myself a little more.
You can clean up.
Good job.
-Cut it.
So next time you do
more small penis
stimulation stuff,
talk more about
the size of the dick
-and how the dick doesn't--
Um, especially 'cause you do
solo masturbation stuff--
not many people combine
small penis stimulation
with like,
nudity and masturbation.
So maybe
you're gonna be like,
"This is the kind of
cock that pleases me.
Your cock
doesn't please me.
Well, I guess you can watch
what it would look like.
Ha, ha.",
you know, and then--
and go from there, it's
really-- it's a good angle.
-Okay, cool.
-I'd definitely do that.
-Good job.
-Yeah. Thanks.
She comes from
a generation that has--
has the least amount
of stigma attached to sex work
that's ever happened, right?
She's not having
to unpack the baggage.
My mom
first thought I was a stripper
and I was like,
"Mom, I can't dance.
Like, there's no
fucking way I'm a stripper."
And then-- and then
she thought I was escorting
and I was just like,
"Maybe if I'm completely honest
with her,
she'll feel like I'm safe."
Mm-mm, what really
fucks you up
the most?
She thinks if I'm nude,
it's the worst thing ever.
So I try to
explain to her like,
"Guys are still jerking off,
but I'm clothed
and I'm at home
and I'm safe and I'm happy."
And I try to
give her detail
and she just
doesn't wanna hear it,
but she's okay with it.
My brother
and my dad know and, um,
I had to wine
and dine him first.
I kind of I had to,
you know, make sure
that they're
drunk for the, uh, reveal.
And, um, my brother
had already known
for three years, he was just,
like, keeping it a secret.
He gave me this burst
of laughter and then just,
you know,
"I-- I've already known and--
and I'm cool with it."
My dad held my hand,
gave me a stern, serious look
and he said,
"It doesn't matter what
your occupation is,
you're still my daughter."
So some of my family knows
and most of
my friends know.
Uh, like some of the older
members of my family,
I'm waiting
specifically until
I'm in a pretty good financial
position to tell them.
I feel like people judge you
less about what you do
in this industry if you're
making enough money to,
like, do well for yourself
and to do well for your family.
I feel like once
I'm pretty solid and like,
"Oh, I've been
here for three years.
Oh, by the way I've been
editing porn this entire time.
Don't be mad at me."
I-- I had a thing that
I could tell people
in the vanilla world.
When people
asked me what I did,
I could say,
"I breed cats,"
if I knew that they really
would not be okay.
I broadcasted my kittens
from the time they were born
until they--
until they went home and uh,
the cats were very popular
and my stream, you know,
used to get a million views,
uh, on average.
I found out
about Alex's double life,
so to speak, probably
when I was like 19.
A part of me was like,
"Is this safe? Is this okay?
Should I, you know,
not be as close to you
when you're doing this?"
Like, I just didn't know.
She kind of appealed
to my science side
and knew how much I loved that
and would talk to me
a lot about
the psychology of this
and why people feel this way
and why this stuff exists.
And if you approach me
from that way,
I'm a lot more receptive
to that understanding.
She'd show me things online
or she would explain
why that
this fetish exists
or why these people
did this profession,
and it helped me.
It helped me a lot and
it also opened me to a concept
that there were more
than traditional types of porn.
And once that
kind of hit for me,
I really didn't--
I never became
judgmental again, really.
I do see a connection
between her childhood
and what she does
for a living,
and in the ways that
she has a self-importance
in real life just as
she does in these videos.
And I think that
happened because she was raised
in a situation
that required that for her.
Growing up was not something
I'd like think about much
or talk about much.
My mom had-- had her
many mental issues and--
and I came to
find out some, you know,
drug related issues
as well.
Alex was
essentially my mother
and I've actually bought her
Mother's Day gifts
and I've called her
my mother-sister hybrid.
You know, she--
she was that person to me.
The things that my mother--
that my mother did throughout
the course of my childhood,
I should have been
fucked up.
To understand
as a kid,
I used to have
to take money
out of her purse
when she was sleeping
to pay the bills so that
we would have hot water
or that we would
have food or things like that.
Like-- like, she'd had
no functional way really,
or functioning, honestly,
after-- after addiction.
I always went through
some anger, I know, over it.
She saw a lot more
than I did.
You know, when my parents split
I went with my dad,
and she wasn't, um,
my dad's daughter
so we didn't really have the--
an ability to see each other.
Um, I know that I was
really attached to her so,
you know,
I remember it hurting.
I remember
it being really hard
and uh--
Oh, geez, I don't wanna cry.
The one thing that our--
rather tumultuous
childhood taught us
was if you hold
on to things from--
from your past,
it takes up room
where love could go.
After I had my son
and she flew me up here, um,
and we were just hanging out
and she kind of started to
casually line up her business,
and um, you know, I didn't--
I don't think I got the full
scope immediately as she--
I think I was definitely
fed in a little bit of it.
So I think it was a way to kind
of reconnect us all together
and-- and be honest,
you know, about what she did.
But I feel like the women
who really thrive in femdom
are women who have either
been through adversity
or have been through
situations that have,
like, tried to
beat them down
and have become
stronger for it.
Because you're not
a woman in any business
without having
a thick skin
and without having a kick ass
attitude and surviving.
So I have these guys send me
a list of pirated videos.
When they find them,
they'll send 'em to you.
-Right, Right.
-Anytime you find....
I do a thing
called DMCAs, which is, uh,
a privacy protection
and I have to contact,
um, the heads of these sites
that are illegally taking
her videos and using them
for their capital gain,
um, and kind of send them
a request to take it down.
Alex described it as,
um, you know,
mushrooms after the rain.
You're constantly
chopping 'em down
and they're gonna come back.
But it's about controlling it.
This industry porn
in general is going
more towards
bespoke or custom porn.
Porn has to change
because it will die
if we depend on
the same model
because they're stealing
from us.
Like, people think, "Oh, yeah,
they'll always make porn,'
but it
will be shitty porn.
Just like
they'll always make music,
but it will be shitty music
because you stole it all.
So it's definitely
going more towards
amateur custom porn.
But I remember
the first few times
and it was the same-- same
producer that kept taking it,
or same uploader.
And I was like, "If I ever
saw this guy in public,
I would definitely punch him,
like, straight in the face,"
'cause it's really
disrespectful, you know?
Thank you Goddess.
First or second date
is when I tell people
about my job.
You know, guys
that are my age
are not the most confident,
especially with the kind of
work I'm doing, a lot of
the time they're insecure.
You know, they think
that they're not good enough
and it's-- it's like,
you know, it's work
and it's personal relationships
and they-- you know,
guys don't really
understand how that is.
Everyone knows
that you're with me
even as I put my hands
between a strange man's legs
right in front of you all.
I've seen girls have
their stuff taken down
that they've done
for years and years
because their
new boyfriend wants them
to do something else.
Red flag number one,
"Stop doing what you're doing
for me,"
and it's a guilt thing, like,
"Oh, well if you love me,
do you care about
that more than me?
Do you care about everyone
else's dick more than me?"
Like, that's
a really manipulative way
to approach that.
I used to call it
stripper boyfriend
because that's
where I used to see it.
They would
spend their money
and play with the Xbox
that they bought them,
but then call them
a whore at the same time.
And it is so common
and a lot of people
are just like,
"I don't date till I retire."
It's quite challenging,
actually, 'cause you don't know
if-- if they are
interested in you
because of your--
of what you do,
or if they're
really dating you
because of who you
really are as a person.
And I have
a really strict
'no dating a client' policy.
Very, very strict.
I have never
broken that rule ever
since I started
in this business.
But, you know, when it comes
to me having casual sex
and, um,
just being me as a girl,
it-- it's so much fun--
it helps.
Them knowing
that I'm a FemDom and that,
you know, it'll be
a fun sexual experience,
it's always, uh--
it always comes in handy
when I try
to pick up men.
I was actually, uh,
I was going on a second date
with a guy that I kind of,
you know, I kind of liked.
You know, I hadn't really
made up my mind about him yet.
And he brags to me that
he's told all of his friends,
"Oh, I'm going on a date
with a dominatrix."
And I was like,
"And now we have no more date."
And he's like, "Why?
Well, I just find you
really interesting."
And I said,
"You have distilled me down
to my profession,
but I am not my job, okay?
I put--
I breathe life into my job,
my job does not
breathe life into me."
When''s the last time...
you were truly happy?
Alex likes
to care for others.
Alex loves to give back
to others and support others.
Um, but it's a--
it's a major problem for me
with a lot of the people
in her life
who don't care for her
and support her enough.
I fit into Alex's life
as her creative other half.
Alex and I are each
one piece of a happy soul.
She's somebody
I love so much
and to see
somebody that you love...
heartbroken or struggling
and there's nothing
you can do to fix it,
is really difficult.
After Alex left
her marriage,
uh, she also left
the studio
and we didn't see her
for long periods of time.
And when that happened,
things really
started to change.
I would say they really
started to go downhill.
The way that we'd
split the business was that
I still maintained
ownership of the dungeon.
Like all-- all the content
in the dungeon and its name
and the training program
that I developed,
and that he would operate
its day-to-day activities.
We were still
working the same amount,
but we were
making a lot less.
And I would say
we were actually
even working harder,
putting in more hours,
taking more sessions.
And I'd look at the schedule
and I would see like--
like there'd be
nothing for few weeks,
and then there'd be
all these sessions
and nothing
for a few weeks.
And I'm like, "God,
that's gonna be so difficult
for the girls to do."
Like, I mean, it's-- like,
it just seemed to be--
it seemed to be a lot of work.
Joseph is a very
charismatic individual.
I met Joseph
right off the bat, um,
when Alex and I were starting
to get to know each other,
and he is an engaging
He's-- uh,
on the surface,
he seems to have it all
put together.
He seems to be
very coordinated.
He seems to be
very on top of it.
If we had a problem,
it was Alex
who would go
and talk to Joseph
and, you know,
fight the fight.
You know,
we lost our advocate
and Joseph has
a very loud voice
in a lot of ways
and, um, we--
we weren't able to stand up
for ourselves as well.
I sort
of felt worried.
I started to go,
"Okay, well,
if I get a phone call tomorrow
that, you know, like,
the lease hasn't been paid,
what am I gonna do?
Like, if I get
a phone call tomorrow,
like, well, about--
about, you know,
one of the girls
wants to quit."
And I was realizing
I didn't want
to run the dungeon
the way that I had before.
It was exhausting.
You know, I'm gonna,
unfortunately, have to continue
to untie things
from him legally.
I had kind of left
some things here and there
because I was like,
"Hey, we trust each other and--
and, you know,
divorce sucks and it's messy.
And, like, unraveling
a business is messy."
And now
I have to be aggressive
about unraveling
these things.
I'm gonna
have to go in and either
exert control over it
and reclaim it
or decide
what's gonna have to go
and what's gonna stay.
I do feel like,
sex work is work...
you know that people are gonna
say you're a whore.
"Like you're a fucking whore.
Like, oh, you can't--
You're so stupid.
You-- you can't
use your talent.
So, you--
There's nothing going for you.
It is where you have to use
your body to make money
or you have to use
sex to make money."
And I think that,
yes and no, because
I feel like I'm smart,
because I figured out that
I can use this to make money.
I built a business.
I, you know,
I-- I pay my taxes.
I-- I'm a--
I'm a legit company, you know?
It's not that all sex work
is empowering because it's not.
But it's not empowering,
not because it's sex work,
it's not empowering
because we do not empower
sex workers
in our institutions.
Let's begin.
I want you to take
a nice deep breath.
These are
some of my favorite.
These subliminal style videos.
Um, they sell
really well and, uh,
they're a lot of work to make,
but they're, like,
really trippy to watch.
When it comes to
what we can and cannot say
when we upload clips, um,
what we can and cannot use
in titles
and in descriptions,
um, it has more to do
with the banks
and the credit card companies
than it has to do with, um,
how we believe
the content actually is.
The best ways
you can serve me
is with your
financial worship.
You're putting them
into a mind state,
um, where they don't have
control over their bodies,
and then
you can make them--
make them do things
that they don't wanna do.
Which isn't real, which isn't
a true thing about hypnosis.
It is a perception
about hypnosis
that banks
and credit card companies
don't wanna be
associated with.
You want to see me--
Have everything
my heart desires?
They work
in a certain way.
I know because, uh,
I fall asleep sometimes
while, um,
editing them.
I can't edit
hypno videos after lunch.
Good boy. Good boy.
There's sort of that myth
of the ''captain save a hoe'--
-With sex workers that--
that, "I-- I will
save them from themselves.
These girls, they don't know
what they're getting into.
They're being
taken advantage of."
Are-- are there
women and girls
being taken advantage of
in the world?
Some of it
is through sex work.
Uh, most of it
is through our everyday
interactions and institutions.
Today we bring,
Mr. Speaker, HR 1865
It allows states and victims
to Fight
Online Sex Trafficking Act
or FOSTA to the floor,
For too long,
bad actor websites
have operated with impunity
in selling young women
and girls forced into
the commercial sale of sex.
They have misused
the Communications Decency Act
as a shield to avoid
criminal liability
in state courts.
The intention
was to limit the avenues
in which people could use
the internet
for sex trafficking,
but what actually happened
was that
it made websites liable
for the content
that independent people
put onto those websites.
All of the clip sites and all
of the social media sites
were immediately
very, very frightened.
Alex lost her
60,000 follower
Instagram account
pretty much immediately.
So on its face
seemed like
a very good idea,
but as with most things
that affect sex workers
it's often
rolled up in something
that everyone universally
thinks is terrible,
such as sex trafficking
or child pornography.
And what it ever fails
to address is that
people who-- who do trade
any type of sexual services,
legally or illegally,
are-- are marginalized in it.
The biggest thing was
that many-- many sex workers
who had-- had transitioned
to online or, um,
indoor locations for--
for sex work,
now were forced outdoors.
They're now
forced in the street.
Prosecutors tell
me that they would oftentimes
prefer to use
prostitution laws
instead of
sex trafficking laws,
when charging
these websites.
FOSTA gives prosecutors
the freedom to use both.
So one of the pages or websites
that was shut down
because of SESTA and FOSTA
was Backpage,
which is an advertising site
and a blacklisting site.
That is also where,
um, adult workers
write reviews of clients.
You know,
people that have been abusive
or have harassed them
or blackmailed them, so that,
you know, no other sex workers
have to work with them.
And now
all this information is lost.
A lot of escorts
and, you know, doms,
or people
that are-- you know,
do that kind of exchange
on that site,
they're going out
with new clients
that they've
never met before
who may have had
a bad review
and now they're
totally in danger.
FOSTA combined with
the SESTA Walter's amendment
that adds back
in victim-centered provisions
from my original language,
will finally create these
serious legal consequences.
That's kind of the--
one of the foundations
of working
in this industry.
Things will change,
because the rules
change all the time
and you don't get a say
in whatever is happening
at any one point in time.
Sites can change
what they allow,
what fetishes they allow.
Um, other sites can change
what kind of content
that you can talk about
in your messages.
And sometimes
the laws change
and unfortunately,
because we are not
a protected class of anything,
we just have to pivot,
we just have to switch
and we just
have to keep going forward.
We're not easy people
to stand up for.
Why in the world do we have
an entire class of people
for whom it is very
easy to consider them
less than human
because of their life choices?

I love it. It's so cute.
I've had the most insane
past ten months
of my life ever,
and it's all
thanks to the industry.
I've done more traveling this,
you know, past ten or so months
than I have in my entire life.

How are ya?
Good, how are you?
-How was your flight?
-Oh, it was great.
-It was very warm.
I slept the whole time.
The main goal that we had
after Vancouver was 25 videos.
We're only
about halfway there.
Just, you know,
life got in the way.
My other job,
I requested to work,
you know,
three or four days a week
and they were
still continuing
to schedule me
for six or seven.
To her 30 videos sounds
like an astronomical number.
I shot 17 videos
last week when I was in LA.
Yeah, yeah,
that looks great.
She doesn't
yet conceptualized
how much content
she has to have
and how much content
she has to make
on a regular basis.
It's been
a little overwhelming.
I know I can do it, I just
haven't really applied myself.
You know,
I have all of the materials
to do what I need
and I'm stalling myself.
Um, it's just a matter
of putting my own foot down
and really doing it.
She didn't realize
how much work there was.
She started
to get really overwhelmed
and a little bit discouraged
and a little bit
depressed about it.
And, you know, that's my job
to go in and be like,
"Nope, you're doing great.
You're doing great.
Keep your head up.
You know, everyone's done this.
I'm not gonna let you,
you know, drown.
Don't worry.
But I'm also not gonna
give you a free pass."
I have a daughter
I can give
all of my clothes to.
-Just kidding.
Thanks sex mom.
What's interesting is that
the-- the best content
that is made by--
by male producers,
at least,
specifically inside femdom,
seems to be
made by-- by guys
who are inclined
to be submissive.
And that's just really because
they get the kink, right?
For the same reason
that, like, we get the kink.
But honestly, they get the kink
better than I do
because obviously,
the person who's
watching it the most often
is a male submissive, right?
I'll show you what my site is,
what it's about
and how the shoots
generally work.
The storylines
mostly come from my head.
You know, as I said,
I'm a sub and-- and, uh,
I enjoy
these types of things,
so I spend a lot of time
coming up with ideas
and, uh, I get a lot--
a lot of great clip ideas
from the members
of the site.
And generally what I do is
I come up with a list
of ideas and, uh,
I'd like you to go over
and look at them and pick out
which ones you like.
''Cause obviously,
the ones you like more,
you're gonna be
able to speak better about.
You're gonna
have fun doing and--
He had a lot of good ideas.
He had, uh, a huge list
of prompts to pick from.
We're rolling with,
"I love knowing that
you're sitting at home
jerking off alone in your room
about to eat
your own cum for me."
Take one.
So you've come to the end
of a very long day,
haven't you?
And you've come to me,
to my videos.
Like, he's still there
behind the camera,
and as I'm rattling off
and I'm talking
and he's shaking his head
and giving me
a thumbs up and--
or he's, like,
laughing a little bit.
So that--
that really encourages me
when I'm in front of the camera
and I'm, you know,
just making the words.
Let me get
that little last bit.
Just keep going
until there's just
a little left right here...
and you lick that.
That felt good, huh?
A lot of girls say
they can just
do this by turning
the camera on themselves
and not having
anyone around, and--
so why would they need
to go shoot in front of a guy?
So it is hard, you know,
and I spent
a lot of years
really trying
to build my reputation
as someone that girls
could feel comfortable around.
-That was great.
it was really, really good.
By the time
I'm-- I'm done and I edit it
and put it all together,
it'll have nice transitions,
it'll flow.
One thing
I've always need to work on
when it comes to performing
or presenting
is talking slower.
Actually, your--
your pace was pretty good.
-Oh, okay.
Your delivery was actually--
is actually very, very good.
Raevyn is
a natural pervert, right?
She's gonna conceptualize
the-- the scenes
a lot differently
than-- than someone
who is really playing pretend.
Uh, and I think for her,
the physical activity
of doing things
comes a lot easier than just
talking about doing things.
Okay, uh,
we're rolling with, uh,
"Satanic blasphemy."
Take one.
I met Alexandra Snow,
uh, I am pretty sure
it's been a few years,
but I'm pretty sure
I reached out
and contacted her.
Um, she has always been
one of the top three
Clips4Sale girls,
um, you know,
and someone I highly--
you know, I-- I knew
would do very well on my site.
Were you a good,
good little church boy?
Did you always do
all the right things?
All that morality didn't
make you very happy, did it?
No, it didn't.
Very good.
And tell me,
it does feel good, doesn't it?
Touch your cock for me.
They told you to beware
of women like me.
And cut it
and move here.
-Yeah, go ahead.
Oh, cut it first...
''cause I'm gonna
go get a Bible.
She gets the mind game.
You know,
she knows what to say.
She knows
how to play to the camera.
I mean, she--
she's the whole package.
You know, and not only that,
but as-- as being a top seller,
you know, uh...
you know, I just saw it
as a complete win for--
for my website to have someone
who had a big name,
um, and who, you know,
had lots of followers.
I'll read you
a little passage right here.
"She's a tree of life to them
lay hold upon her
and happy is everyone
that retaineth her"
Worshiping me?
This is your new salvation.
That's gonna do
really well for me.
-That was fantastic.
-Yeah. Yeah. Good.
Watching Alex shoot
and, uh,
perform for him,
that helped me a lot.
She's-- she's great.
She's very fluid
with what she does,
so I-- I took
a few mental notes.
I always felt, like, sometimes,
when you go down the route
of-- of religious videos,
it collects
a little bit of bad karma,
you know what I mean?
Like, I get a lot of requests
where people want me to, like,
to piss on the Bible or,
you know, to like,
rip up pages out of,
you know, the Quran and stuff.
And I get it.
I understand it.
It's definitely not for me.
It's mostly just because I--
I really
don't want to downplay
anything positive that--
that group's culture
has ever done for it.
And I feel like a lot of--
a lot of religion
makes you feel ashamed,
so maybe that's
a good thing to get away from.
Also, I just wanna
spank people with this bible.
Some people
wear that amount of makeup.
-Do you like?
-That's what I'm saying.
Yeah, normally.
Alex wanted to keep
things very cordial, and, um,
open with-with her divorce
and-- and with her ex
she was trying very hard
to not rock a boat,
to do things smoothly.
Um, still owning
a business together and still--
I mean, they all shared
the same friends, you know?
Like, it--
it's a big life change
so I know that
she wanted to be as, uh,
mature and smooth
as possible, initially.
So, you know, I-- I--
I have been really careful
up until this point
about not wanting
to badmouth Joseph.
Mostly because it's really easy
to look like a vengeful ex
and there's kind of no way
for me to be able to describe
so much of the things
that have happened,
that I let happen and,
you know,
I participated in
and all that stuff.
He wouldn't even let me
meet the new staff,
let alone train them.
I'm not gonna have my name
attached to any of that.
Like, I've worked--
worked too hard,
uh, to build--
to build the--
the ethical foundation
that the whole place
has been run on, right?
When Alex was gone, um,
where we were
encouraged to take
sessions that we
wouldn't normally take,
um, indulge in fetishes
that were
not necessarily our bag, um,
film custom videos
that weren't
necessarily something
that we would normally do.
And I think a lot of that
had financial reasons.
You know,
we-- we were encouraged
to not ever say no.
I'll put it that way.
The entire arrangement
that we had was that,
you know, I-- I was--
I was going to help
transition the business,
the-- the one portion
of the business over to him
and then,
you know, go into my--
into my business, um,
and still stay involved,
you know,
with the dungeon and stuff.
And-- and he just...
Things with Joseph now
are quite--
quite odd.
Um, Joseph on the surface
will tell Alex one thing,
but then his actions will say
a different thing.
Joseph on the surface
will say,
you know, "Hey, I'm going to
sign these papers,"
or, "I'm going to do this, this
and this for the business."
And Joseph on the other hand,
will not do any of those things
and continue to put things off
and delay as long as he can.
Even when Alex asks him,
you know?
You know, he started
lying outright to me about--
lots of things that changed,
the passwords locked me on.
Like, I-- I was
half expecting to, you know,
go in and find
that the dungeon door's locked
or something like that.
A lot of us were
being played off Alex
and, um...
I think that was
very carefully crafted.
I think that was
a calculated move,
and that's really where
I started to question things.
Um, I dunno
what's gonna happen with--
with-- with the dungeon
in its current form,
but at this point,
the point
that I'm currently at, um,
I-- I might just
fucking close it.
I'm usually
the one who's directing it
as well as being in it.
If I have you in a position,
I have you doing something
and like something doesn't
feel right or, you know,
like, something
that's going wrong,
-just speak up and tell me.
Um, in the videos, you know,
call me-- call me Goddess,
or call me Ms. Snow
or call me, ma'am.
And if we need to stop rolling
for any particular reason,
you can always say stop,
or just talk to me.
-I-- I'll manage it for you.
-Okay, cool.
-Sound good?
I first
discovered femdom,
basically it was--
it was a gradual shift
in, like,
how I browsed porn
and sort of discovered
my sexuality.
First my mind was blown,
I was like,
"Wait, like,
the roles could be reversed,
Like the man can be dominated
in-- in these scenarios?"
And my first thought was like,
"That's not okay.
That's not
how like things should work.
Uh, I want to grow up
to be this, like, tough,
strong, like,
dude figure that just, like,
reams his penis
into everything."
Uh, uh,
thank you Goddess.
Delving into that
was cool.
And then I stumbled on
an instructional video.
Slow, slow...
It was, like,
more interactive, I guess.
It was more stimulating
for my brain.
I'd be instructed on like,
I guess, how to masturbate,
which I thought
was kind of cool.
And from there I ended up
on one of Domina Snow's
hypnosis videos.
And it just ended on,
like, me having to eat my cum
and it was just like,
"Wait, what the fuck
is happening here?"
The crisis that I had
after I discovered
that I, like,
really enjoyed this content
and I would watch it
at least once or twice a week,
was like, how would I ever
find someone in my life
that would, like,
think that this is, like,
an okay thing
for me to do?
Telling friends like,
"Oh, this is what I'm into
and this is, uh,
how I express
my sexuality."
Uh, will I be hooded
for the scene itself?
-Would you like to be hooded?
Okay. Absolutely.
Just like, I-- it's mostly,
like, family worries like that,
like, it'll, like,
make it to them somehow,
that it's,
like, obviously me.
I was doing,
like, my usual, like,
Saturday night after-party,
like, popping on my, like,
specific Domina Snow Twitter
and just
scrolling through it.
And I saw the blog post,
like, "Hey, if you're in LA
or San Diego,
we're doing shoots.
Uh, applications for this
wonderful opportunity."
And I was like,
"Hell fucking, yeah."
Like I get to meet
my favorite dominatrix,
I get to shoot with her.
There was no, like,
real second thoughts at first,
but when she responded
to me affirmative,
I'm like, "Wow, this is--
this is really happening."
Tell me when you're ready.
I'm both extremely excited
with a tad of, like,
just extreme, like,
butterflies in my stomach.
I'm-- I'm very like, nervous.

You gonna be good for me?
-Yes, Goddess.
You wanna
make sure that you'll...
obey every command?
Yes, Goddess.
And Domina Snow's content,
it really feels like
it's really been practiced
and there's been like research
into how the psyche works
and how certain triggers
are used in sexuality.
And I would say
it feels like there's intention
in like every shot.
It-- it just feels like...
-high quality content.
Good boy.
Like you kept your arms there.
Oh, I'm so impressed.
Scoot over here.
They come in
and have this,
kind of, like,
they put me on a pedestal
and I'm larger than life
and I wanna live up to that.
But I also wanna
live up to that in a way
that shows them
that I'm a real person
and I care about them,
not just I'm this fantasy
that they've,
you know, kind of concocted.
So do you have
any ideas for things
that you really like to--
like to do or try?
I wanna
try some CBT,
definitely want
to do that.
So CBT stands for
cock and ball torture
or cock and ball torment.
So these are
instructional videos
often along-- like,
masturbation instructions too,
where I have them
assemble things
from around the home and then
instruct them on how to do it.
I'll even have like a dildo
that has like balls on it
and like "here's how
you wrap this,
and do this thing,"
and I kind of help them
to lead along with it.
What do we have in here?
So have you done,
like, self-bondage?
So, like, cock-ball-bondage?
How do you--
how do you fare there?
I-- I was trying it again,
like, last night before this.
Stick your tongue out.
Let's see.
Oh yeah.
I've like been able to
tie the entire thing up.
I've done the rubber band one,
where, like,
you're basically, like,
your cock is just encased
in like rubber bands.
That was pretty intense.
I've gotten to, like,
maybe seven close pins
on my balls.
It's a pretty good number.
There's not
a lot of room there.
You say
you got to seven before?
Yes, Goddess.
Oh good,
''cause we're getting to eight.
-Thank you, Goddess.
-Yeah. There we go.
Although, um, I'm--
this is all gonna be
authentic and real, um,
because I don't have
a history of playing with you,
I'm gonna probably
increase the severity as we go.
And so it's gonna be
really important
that you
communicate with me.
It's better that you
communicate with me
even if you feel like
it's gonna somehow
screw up
the video rather than--
than just, like,
hold it and take it.
The thing that I really
don't wanna happen is like,
don't do the typical,
like, guy thing of, like,
"Oh, I'm just gonna take
whatever you have
and I'm gonna be stoic and--
and-- and non-responsive."
the more responsive you are,
the better
I'm able to reach you.
-There we go.
I'm like a cat.
If-- if it
doesn't make noise
then I'm just
not very interested in it.
Some of the slave content
was a little hard
for me to edit at first,
um, because I'm kind of an--
like an empathetic person,
so it's like, "Oh, uh, uh,"
you know?
But eventually,
like you kinda get over it.
And especially
talking to these guys
after they do sessions
like that and they're like,
"Man, that was great!
That was something
I totally wasn't expecting."
Or like, they've got
this sort of high afterwards
and that's what they look for
in that fetish.
So, I know that this is what
these guys are looking for,
so I don't feel bad
editing it anymore.
He did such a great job.
He-- he really
did a great job.
And then he was young
and he was a college student,
and either
they're like super gung ho
and like really,
really into it
or they're
absolutely terrified,
have no experience whatsoever.
And I was really excited
when he arrived that
it seemed to be the former.
Cut. Good job.
How're you feeling?
-How're you doing?
-All right.
That was an experience.
I am so happy
and when
I go on with my day
and, uh,
I feel glowing, basically.
One of the many
considerations that I have,
like, going through my studies
and, like,
looking at my future careers,
uh, outside of, like,
food, housing,
a happy family,
is like being able
to afford to visit
a professional dominatrix
and have experiences
like these.

do I love...
being a man eater?
You wanna take
a big cock like this
because I told you to?
It just turns me on
so much
to think of you
with another guy.
You know,
come to think of it,
maybe you should
get on Grindr right now.
I can tell
after opening my stores
I was-- I was able to upload
a clip every single day
for about two weeks.
I noticed that, you know,
if I were to upload
every single day,
five or six days a week,
I'm gonna do great.
I can see that
in my sales
and, you know, it shows me
all these graphs
and it helps things
make sense to me.
Have you ever been
to a Bikini Barista before?
Well, they're one of my
favorite places
to go get coffee.
I mean,
why wouldn't you wanna
-come get coffee from me?
So tell me how it's going.
Um, let's see.
I actually haven't filmed
in a couple weeks.
I did go to Portland
and I filmed
-With somebody down there.
I know I'll do--
I'll do well
as long as
I fully dedicate myself,
and I can't even
dedicate myself halfway
when I'm spending four days
a week working coffee.
I'm-- I'm just a little nervous
about leaving a job.
Like, you know, being--
I'm going to do it.
I just--
it's a little scary.
Well, of course
it's scary, but this--
but you already have a job,
this is just
investing more time in a job
that you own...
-...versus, you know,
a job that somebody else owns
and you're working for them.
If it was me, I could--
I could do both jobs...
but I don't know
the me at 22
could have done both jobs.
She's proud of me,
she tells me
she's proud of me all the time,
which helps me a lot
and makes me feel good
and I appreciate that.
That's pretty much
all I really need,
is to, you know,
keep getting encouragement
from the people I'm close to.
I did notice your--
like your staging looks better
and, you know,
like the stuff you shot,
uh, in,
a nice hotel room.
I still don't know if
I'm going to be strictly dom,
so we will--
you know, I-- I don't know--
I don't know
what I'm gonna look like.
And the great thing is--
is that you can grow
-and evolve and change.
-Like, no one's gonna stop you.
I hope
to have empowered
an entire
generation of women...
who choose sex work
because it's
the vocation they want,
not because
they felt like they had
no other options in life.
That's what
I really wanna see.
Certainly that's
probably the reason
that I'm training Raevyn
the way that I am, right?
Like-- like I wanna see her
take on the mantle
and be
the next generation
and then
I wanna see her
do what I'm doing
and train someone else.
Nip slip!
We rented
the Stimson-Green Mansion
and we did photo shoots.
-I like that.
-Yeah, yeah.
We had Sarah Skinner
as the photographer,
who is
an amazingly talented artist
and also really hardcore.
She's just
really, really intense.

she was the right person
to wrangle all these doms
''cause, you know,
she's like, "All the things
you think you know,
we're not doing
any of them.
You know, we're gonna make
really different things."
I think
this industry is incredible.
The women and men involved
that I have been exposed to
and-- and have actually
become friends with
are an incredibly diverse
cast of people.
They're all incredibly
well-spoken and intelligent.
Um, they're very well read.
It's kind of
a breath of fresh air
because they're all kind of
taking the world
at their own pace.
They're doing
what they want in the world.
They're shaping their life
to be exactly
what they want it to be.
And that's-- that's
it, girl, come on.
I grew up
with very bad skin
and very flamboyant
fashion sense.
So I was known
as the weirdo.
I didn't know
where I belonged,
didn't have
a lot of friends.
I don't feel
like you need these.
And then
I find out everybody loves
that I'm weird,
and that I open my big mouth
or I stand up
for people or whatever.
This industry
is a really good reminder that,
"No, we like you
''cause you're you."
That's the best.
-Yeah, come on. Come on!
Because of the way
this society
is organized
of the .
Bring your head--
I want you to look at her.
Look at her.
It's a labor of love,
being able to serve
amazing women,
being able to play a part
in amazing things
such as this event
and hopefully make--
make them happy.
Real fucking hot and um--
I feel like this is, like,
a-- a Dolce and Gabbana.
You know,
this is about enjoying
what you enjoy and turning
into good work and--
and just making everything
nice for everybody else.
Yeah, good job guys.
It's a group of strong
independent women
who are kinky
and very liberated
and free spirited
at the same time,
and it's a good mix.
-Thank you.
We''re in a really unique,
weird industry
and I think that
if you don't have
friendships within it,
you're gonna go
fucking crazy.
It could be really,
really lonely.
The umbrellas?
I was going to get food.
I'm very thankful
that I do have
these women that even if
we don't see each other,
but once a year,
I can still message them.
Or when I see them, it feels
like no time has passed
and we have this connection
and they advise me on things.
And I value
their opinion on everything
''cause they
understand completely what--
what we're all
going through.
Get ready for
the internet to hate you guys.
I believe
when the majority of the people
in the industry
have passionately,
you know, confidently
chosen what they do,
then the landscape
of that industry
changes radically.
that's what I really--
I really hope to see.
I don't want you guys
holding your backs.
You know,
at the end of the day,
we're people
like anyone else.
So, you know,
most of the women
are really cool,
down to earth
and just
rad human beings.
I mean, that's the least
I could say about Alex.
Alex is fucking awesome
in-- in so many ways.
-No rules!
No-- no rules?
that means you say it.
I love
the women in this community.
They have made me
feel so accepted
and so loved
just because they see in me
the same kind of qualities
that drive them
as like business women,
and they've really
accepted me into the group
and I love them a lot.
They talk about being goddesses
''cause they are.
They're powerful women.
I have such
an incredible
sense of belonging.
I've never
had that before.
You know,
I've never had a group
that I fit in with
and I've never had my people,
and-- and these are my people.
I have the best
support system imaginable
and all of--
all of these people
are really close.
You know,
it's not just, like,
they're friends on-- online
or they're friends
for-- for the photos.
You know,
we all have
really strong
close connections.
The only people that do lobby
for sex work--
sex worker rights
tend to be
other sex workers.
And it's too easy
to label us
as being
the undesirables of, you know,
of-- of society,
and therefore our voices
don't make a difference.
The thing I had wanted to do
for some time was
I wanted to build
a-- an independent
collective model--
business collective model
in which that
all of the--
the people inside that
as-- as sex workers
were all their own
individual businesses
and that they got to
make the decisions
for themselves.
When Alex was, like,
in the final stages
of her divorce,
like we had--
we had summoned him
to court many times.
He didn't show up
and so finally the judge was
just like, "All right,
Alex, you're divorced."
"You get all the stuff
that you want in the divorce
because Joseph
never showed up."
In the process
of leaving Wicked Eden
in the place
that it was before with Joseph,
we started
The Wicked Collective together.
Um, both her and I
are equal share owners
in the Wicked Collective
and I am the director
of operations there.
I think the collective
will continue to grow.
Uh, I'm excited
to teach other girls
the things that I know
and the things
that I've learned
through my experiences.
We just had to dismiss
one of our sad little slaves.
-Mm. Yeah.
-Didn't we?
I'm excited
to grow my business
in production.
I hope the people
watching this documentary
are inspired
to go home
and do some
kinky dirty shit.
It will be
a different dungeon,
uh, when we buy
our new place,
um, but the collective will--
will persist
no matter what
Wicked Eden ever looks like.
Wicked Collective
will always be the group
that, um, is--
it is formed around it
and empowers
and upholds each other.
Since starting the documentary,
one of the things
that I promised myself
was that I would stop--
I would stop lying to people,
um, that I didn't know well.
You know, like when--
you know, like you--
there's lots of people that
you're gonna be faced with,
that, um, that, like,
you know, ask you,
"Well what do you do
for a living?" sort of thing.
And I always gave them a very,
like, acceptable answer.
You know, "I work
in a production company,"
or you know, like, whatever,
"I do life coaching,
you know,
I breed cats."
Um, and I just stopped.
I like just stopped trying
to protect people's feelings
and just be authentic.
And I thought,
I'm gonna deal--
I'm gonna be dealing
with a lot of shit this year.
I'm just gonna deal
with a lot of people's--
a lot of stigma
and their stereotypes
and everything else,
but you know what?
I've really encountered
very little of it.
I've encountered
so much support
and acceptance
and people being, like,
"That's amazing.
I have some questions for you."
And, like,
and then calling me
and asking me
things about their lives
and, like,
their kinks, and like,
it just felt so good
to just be able
to just be you, you know?
So I'm--
I'm glad you're doing it.
Doing this basically means
that I'm gonna have to be
somewhat public
about how I feel about this.
Like my best friends
and roommates need to know
about this at the very least,
I can't just
keep up this facade
about like who I am
and how I enjoy
my sexuality and pleasure.
Look at your face.
It makes such a good
foot stool, doesn't it?
Wearing a mask
is uncomfortable
and it was probably,
um, obscuring his ability
to like, to see me
and, like, interact with me
in a way that felt--
like, felt more-- more natural.
He just said, "I'd preferred
to-- to do it with it off,"
and, uh, and I said--
I said, "Is it just
uncomfortable?" and he goes,
"I just feel like
I don't need it."
And we had also just
kind of had a conversation
about the fact that,
you know, um,
I was kinda
coming out with my identity
as part of--
as part of the documentary,
and I feel like that may have
inspired him a little bit
to feel like, "Hey,
if you're doing it, I can too.
I can-- You know,
if your face is on this thing,
I can do it as well."
I wish
our society at large
was more comfortable
being honest
about their
sexual desires.
America's porn watching habits
or their search history
is it tells
a totally different
story from what we would show
to our friends
or show to our partners.
Thank you, Goddess.

I really think
if we''re gonna move
America forward
to be more sex positive,
then what
we need to do is, one,
integrate this
into our education system.
We need
a comprehensive sex ED system
that goes
K-12 and beyond
and really talks
about just consent
and communication
and, you know,
ownership of our own bodies
and our own selves
and gives us agency
to say yes or no.
-Happy Pride!
-Happy Pride!
I want people who are
thinking about
getting into sex work
or early into sex work,
to know that there are
other people out here
doing this thing
and in groups.
You don't
have to be alone.
Uh, you don't have to
do it all on your own.
And uh, there--
there's a safe way to do it.
There's a safe way to do
sex work and-- and it's okay.
I think this country
sees the women in the industry
as deviants and degenerates,
when they're real people
doing real jobs.
And sex workers
are real workers.
Sex work is real work
and sex work
should be empowered.
They shouldn't be
persecuted for what they do.
And I feel like very soon
there may be a time
where the world looks
at sex workers and goes,
"You know, hey, maybe--
maybe we've been
wrong this whole time."
I make a great living
off of this character,
this persona who embodies
a lot of my own traits,
but also,
you know, has to,
like, make them
larger than life.
I feel like
the big thing is--
is that your clients,
your fans,
they are so--
so convinced
that your life and your--
and who you are
needs to be exactly
this fantasy archetype.
That you are not a real person,
you are a comic book character.
I love people
who like think that I-- I--
I might wear something
like this around my house.
I had to bring this,
I had to bring
all this stuff from my studio,
bring it here, and this
doesn't even live here.
None of this stuff
lives here.
I-- I don't want it to.
I want my normal clothes.
I want my-- my normal life
with sweaters and shit
to live here.
See this? This?
This is amazing.
This is a dress
made out of unicorns.
Yep, and I can't wait
to wear this in a picture
and someone--
and someone say,
"Oh, but Goddess,
I miss you were in--
you were wearing latex
and leather and stuff."
And I'll be like, "Bitch,
I'm in my unicorn dress.
I look amazing."
Alex is going to be
coming out with her name
on the documentary
and that's going to be
a step
in normalizing sex work,
so people don't think
that they have to use
stage names and they can
use their real name
because it is a job
and this is something
that a lot
of people could do.
Who makes things legitimate?
It's not some magical,
like, external force,
it's the people
inside that industry.
Inside of that field who say,
"We will legitimize ourselves."
And the only way
to do that is to present
to the outside world
that you are worthy of it.
My name is Jamie,
but it's still
Goddess to you.