Absolute Anger (2023) Movie Script

Attention all units, be advised,
suspect from convenience
store robbery has a hostage.
Detective O'Brien is in pursuit on foot.
Oh, fuck.
We have a teenage male down at 321 Parkway.
Requesting medical.
No, no!
Come on you son of a bitch.
Pick up the phone.
- Yeah?
- It's O'Brien.
I got a caller
ID, you son of a bitch.
We're not all hicks out here.
Jesus, big city, you take a hit
to your sense of humor or something?
Sorry, didn't mean to.
It's been a rough day.
Yeah, yeah, I figured you
weren't calling to reminisce.
There's a bottle waiting
for me in the other room.
What the hell
did you go and do that for?
I don't know, it was on
the way home, I just...
I don't know.
Well, rule one, don't keep
anything around to tempt you.
Or at least that's the rule, isn't it?
It's been a year, since it all
went down at the warehouse.
Then buy some fucking ribbons and a cake.
You're up in that place
on your own all the time,
it's not healthy.
It's better this way.
This dark, mysterious thing
isn't working for anybody.
Look, we have a meeting tonight.
That's three hours away.
Then get your ass moving.
Nothing keeps you away
from liquor like being in a room
full of addicts judging you.
Sounds delightful.
Does the trick, doesn't it?
Okay, I'll...
I'll be there.
Hmm, before you leave, dump the bottle.
I got a better idea.
That is a hell of a story,
thank you for sharing.
Thanks for inviting
me, I'm way happier now.
Erm, does anyone wanna go next?
It's not
really anonymous, is it?
I mean, you see me every day.
And, well, you were my principal.
Small town doesn't allow
for a lot of anonymity,
but everyone here can relate
to what you're going through.
So I'm just supposed to talk?
Share what you want.
And I've got to
admit that I've got a problem.
Isn't that the key to all this?
It's a big one.
I've got a problem.
I'm tired of...
Get that shit-eating grin
off your face, Anvil.
Hey, she's still gotta follow the rules-
- Guys.
- Anvils's not even
your real name.
- Come on.
- Fine.
- Go ahead.
- I've got a problem.
Couple years back, I don't
know, I started drinking again.
Yada, yada, yada.
I'm not much of the sharing type.
Is that enough?
It's a start.
Thank you.
You're that cop that
shot that guy, right?
I didn't shoot him.
That's what people say.
If I shot him, he'd be dead.
I just...
What'd he do?
For someone who doesn't like to share
you sure ask a lot of questions.
Fine, sorry I asked.
You know the worst thing
about not being in Toronto?
It's the coffee.
Oh, yeah?
No one cares about the beans, you know.
It's like they just
crack open an instant tin
and pour in some tepid water-
- Coffee's, coffee.
Tastes like it does every morning, Janie.
It's not as fresh as I usually make it,
but I had to improvise.
I didn't realize... Mm.
You were just talking about
how us lowly, non-Torontonians
drink swamp water every day.
I didn't know you made it.
You owe me an answer.
You don't get to insult my
coffee and ignore my question.
It would only take a few breakfasts
for me to spread the news
about what an asshole you are.
Blackmail, huh?
Girl's gotta make a living.
The guy robbed a convenience store,
took the kid behind the
counter hostage, killed him.
I responded.
So how'd you wind up out here?
I drove.
They're gonna love hearing
about you at the diner.
Oh, yeah?
What does that mean?
I told you it'd be
good to come out tonight.
Hey, what the fuck?
Hey, asshole!
What the fuck?
Let it go.
Let it...
The guy nearly hit you.
Do you know him?
Stop being a cop for
one minute, will you?
Is somebody there?
It's the only brew in town,
might as well get used to it.
I'm not gonna lie, you don't look so hot.
Thanks, Janie.
Guess we didn't introduce
ourselves last night.
Is that a rule,
that all grizzled cops have
to go by their last name?
It's a hard habit to shake.
Well, O'Brien, when
you know what you want,
just call my name.
You know, you should slow down a little
when you're driving around at night.
I do something to you, buddy?
Just a little advice.
I'm a concerned citizen.
All I see is a nosy jackass.
He didn't mean anything by it.
You have a nice day.
Fuck you.
Don't start any trouble with him, okay?
Yeah, okay.
Figure out what you want?
Uh, combo three looks pretty good.
Just, er, listen, I gotta think about it.
I'm gonna need 10 coffees to go.
What the hell is going
on up there, Riley?
Maybe a glass of water first.
I just...
I've never seen anything like it.
What did they find?
A body.
Up in Hoodoo Park.
A body?
This sort of thing just
doesn't happen here, right?
Who is it?
Ronald Chauncey.
God damn it.
You can't come in here.
You need to get back behind the line.
You family?
You don't wanna see this.
Get back behind the line, we
got guys who can talk to you.
Yeah, well your guys are
walking over potential tracks.
It's gonna snow again in about an hour,
it'll cover anything useful.
Bill, get away from the body.
Did you even look for footprints?
Sorry, Sheriff.
For fucks sake, get looking.
You're that cop from
Toronto, lives up north?
Unless there's another
guy, that's probably me.
He was my sponsor.
You here for the AA meeting last night?
Yeah, there were a few of us there.
Chauncey said he was gonna
have some company that night.
She might be the last
person to see him alive.
She have a name?
Not one he gave me.
Last murder we had up here
was about five years ago,
domestic dispute gone bad.
This is-
- Ritualistic.
How so?
Looks like the killer cut was the throat.
If I had to guess,
I'd say the killer
wanted to drain the body.
You're saying we're dealing with a cult?
Well you wanna see if
there are multiple lacerations,
multiple knives.
If not, then, yeah, group killing.
But I don't think so.
Serial killer?
Well, I wouldn't jump to that conclusion.
But doesn't look like
someone got mad at him
for a gambling debt.
You see anything else out there?
This whole area is surrounded
by a chain link fence.
Didn't come from that way.
Seems obvious, but the killer
came down the same road
everyone else did.
You know, we could use your help on this.
Police work doesn't agree with me.
Still, it would take
my guys hours to come up
with what you just said in seconds.
It's just common sense.
If Ronald was a friend,
I'm guessing you want
this bastard to pay.
You know why I left the force?
I heard the rumors.
Sure it's a good idea to put
me on a case this personal?
Come in for the autopsy tomorrow morning,
give us an extra set of eyes.
You'd have to put me up for the night.
We can do that.
Cobbler's Motel has vacancies.
Oh, pass the puck.
Hey, what time you guys
close up shop around here?
I tried to get a room last night,
ended up sleeping in my car.
Yeah, well it was dead last
night, so I closed up early.
Can I get a room for tonight?
Got one left on the end.
How long you wanna stay for?
Couple nights, maybe more.
Got ID?
Trying not to be.
Yeah, well don't be like
the rest of them pricks,
leave your garbage up in the mountains.
This is our home, we did fine without you.
Well if someone pissed in
my toilet and didn't flush
I'd be pretty upset.
Yeah, right.
No loud music past 10.
Oh, come on, the wife used
to give me till at least 11.
Do you want the room or you wanna sleep
in your car again tonight?
Do you know if you're gonna stay or go?
I shouldn't be doing
anything, but can't walk away.
He didn't deserve this.
No, he didn't.
Before I came out here,
my wife, she decided
she'd had enough.
I was already drinking
and hitting the pills,
and other things, so it
wasn't really a surprise.
I thought coming out here it'd be easy.
I'd just...
Just quit.
We all think that, right?
But, you know how it is, got worse.
This one time I crashed my car into a fence
after about 10 too many.
That should have been it for me,
but Ronald Chauncey was walking home,
like a fucking night in shining armor.
When the guy came out screaming
he took the blame for everything.
He said he was driving my drunk ass home
and took his eye off the road.
I never met the guy in my
life, but he saved my ass,
made me promise to go out
to a meeting and that was that.
I think recruiting was his passion.
He convinced you.
He convinced everyone that showed up.
Get the asshole that did this.
I'm just consulting.
The law around here isn't gonna do shit.
Biggest case they've ever handled
is Mr. McGinty's stolen cows.
Hey, I thought you said
no loud music after 10.
I did.
Was I the only one who
heard the party last night?
Told you no loud noises after 10,
they can do what they
want, they're townies.
Are you ready to start?
What did you find?
Well someone didn't like our victim
because this was vicious.
Don't get stuff like this in Slocan.
That's east of here?
It's about 20 miles north.
Is there a
burgeoning crime scene up there?
Sir, I am the only
pathologist in the region.
I don't wanna be making
regular trips down here.
So what did you find?
Deep incisions on both
ulnar arteries, the wrists,
and one on the external
carotid and basilar.
Three cuts?
Like a hunter.
One who knows human anatomy.
This one doesn't fit.
He fought back.
Mm, looks like a defense wound.
Cause of death?
Death by exsanguination.
Bleed out.
Means the victim was alive
when the incisions were made.
This was probably a surprise attack,
someone came up from behind maybe.
The killer stabbed the
victim's torso repeatedly,
before and after death.
There doesn't seem to be as much blood flow
in these wounds here.
The killer simply wanted
to mutilate the victim.
Deep cuts, angry cuts.
Same knife?
I see no reason to suggest otherwise.
Rules out the cult.
You've got bruised
ankles, and bruised wrists.
Was he tied up when
his throat was slashed?
It certainly looks that way.
So that means he was
grabbed and taken somewhere.
Did you see any signs of
a struggle at his house?
His car was there, door
was locked, nothing else.
So he was grabbed
outside, taken somewhere.
Any other cases like this in the region?
No, nothing.
Any reports of knife attacks?
Not in this town.
Anything else unusual about the body?
Chloe, we really should talk.
Just you and I?
What about these?
Blue paint.
And here?
Are you sure this is paint?
I'll run some tests and find out.
How the hell did you miss this?
I didn't miss it.
Biggest murder case
in this town's history
and you, what, rush through this?
I didn't just rush through this,
it was covered by blood.
You and I are gonna go
through this whole canvas
and make sure you didn't
miss anything else.
Why don't you start by figuring
out what chemical compound
this blue shit is!
Chauncey would buy
the whole softball team
a case of beer after the games.
What position were you?
I've got a mean fastball.
Chauncey gave me some pointers.
He was always the first to
congratulate us when we won,
and the first to criticize us.
He was that upstanding.
You know the butcher?
The paint job on his
delivery truck, it's blue.
So what, you think the paint is his?
I don't know.
Couldn't hurt to ask him
a couple of questions.
Blue paint, it's circumstantial at best
till we get results from the lab.
The night that Chauncey...
Evans was riding around in
his truck, he almost hit him.
He knows a thing or two about anatomy.
I'm sure he's got more than
a few knives lying around.
Besides, who else in town
knows how to drain a body?
Okay, so what's his motive?
I dunno.
That's why we need to speak to him.
I'm telling you, he's clean.
Then let him be clean.
But you don't just leave that
much blood laying around,
you need a way to dispose of it, right?
To drain it.
What do you want me to do?
Break down his door.
I don't know.
Do a DNA swab of his residence.
You're not even gonna check this out?
Give us more to go
on, something tangible.
It's a catch 22, you
want something tangible
you don't have the guts
to go looking for it.
I need more.
I don't, I'm not a cop.
Not in this town.
I go off book, we have
a tough time in court.
I don't need you harassing the entire town.
I still have to live here
and deal with everyone.
We're good people here.
Look, this could be a drifter,
or someone just passing through.
Yeah, and if it's not?
Like I said, I'll need more to go on.
Then I've done all I can here.
I'll head home in the morning.
You change your mind, you
know where to find me.
Listen, do you have anything...
Do you have
anything stronger than Tylenol?
But you can go where the whores are.
They carry stuff I don't.
What whores?
You haven't heard about 'em?
Thought you'd know about 'em by now.
Show you here, there's a...
You know the highway?
There's a house on the highway,
it's got red, glowing lights.
Surprised you haven't heard about it.
Yeah, bunch of flunkies there, you know?
They say it's a black market,
but it's nothing but junk really.
You know?
But, you know, some of my...
Some of my liquor deliveries
have been going missing,
and I think those little
shits have been taking it.
But that's okay.
It's okay, because they're
supplying the townies
with some entertainment.
What about the cops?
They don't care, they're not raiding?
I don't know where you're from,
but around here, that ain't a crime.
You know?
I mean, it's just grass,
they're not killing anybody.
So what, are you
getting a referral bonus?
Glad you're the town crier.
Yeah, well, you know,
info ain't free, you know.
Are you lost or something?
You know, Ed was complaining
about some missing liquor.
What a coincidence.
I got these as an early release gift.
Who the fuck invited you?
I did.
The owner said no loud music after 10.
Yo, that rule's for tourists, dog.
Dean loves us.
This is our house on Fridays.
Where'd you get the pills?
You a cop?
I asked...
I asked you a question.
Those pillys ain't mine,
someone else brought 'em.
I didn't ask you whose they were,
I said where'd you get 'em?
A little birdie.
This is our Friday
entertainment from the tourists.
It gets better.
Not much better than that.
You're trying to compete
with the whore house
on the edge of town?
Man, that crib is mine.
It's for my family.
Pretty good family.
We look out for each other.
An hour with my girls is only two bills.
Yo, Shay, Mya.
Clock's ticking, cowboy.
No, no, no, I just want some company.
Look, the clock's ticking.
That's okay, I'm paying for your time.
What do you wanna talk about?
Tell me about Ike.
That sounds like
a question a cop would ask.
That makes me all tense.
I'm not a cop.
Still, I'll relax when you relax.
Ike's family, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
And besides, the rip he gives the girls
is better than they get anywhere.
And we have the house.
The house?
Some people call it the Black Market,
but it's just a house.
Tourists pass through.
That's about it.
A stream of usual suspects.
I wouldn't call them suspects.
Not with a psycho killer on the loose.
Suspects is a bad word.
What about...
How about misfits?
That's exactly what they are, misfits.
Misfits with benefits.
Ike has a lot of girls?
You ask too many questions.
You're not afraid?
Of what?
Of something happening.
Like, to that guy.
You ever think Chauncey had it coming?
You knew him?
He was a regular misfit.
But one night I couldn't
take his bullshit anymore.
You sure we're talking
about the same guy?
Ronald Chauncey?
Everyone has their secrets.
He was the kinkiest.
Loved the BDSM room.
Oh, where's the BDSM room?
You have to earn your way there.
Ike doesn't let anyone in there.
Only those he trusts.
But you can trust us.
We love tourists who come to party.
Couldn't be further from the truth.
Oh, yeah?
I bet your wife won't
like what you're doing.
She wouldn't care, we're divorced.
Well, separated.
Oh, what'd you do?
I met a beautiful blonde.
And a gorgeous brunette.
A sensual Filipino.
Kinky Asian.
One meaningless naked body after another.
One day I woke up and she was gone,
took a job in the States.
I ruined it.
It's time you moved on.
No, no!
Thought you were headed home?
Turns out Chauncey wasn't
as clean as we thought.
I got a lead on his late night visitor.
How long's your list of
suspected prostitutes?
I know there's a guy who
runs a small business
outside of that motel.
Yeah, I met him last night.
You guys just let him do his thing?
He's small time.
He sells pot and throws parties.
We let him do his thing,
keeps locals on our side.
Avoids a riot.
What another?
Let me get there before your
men contaminate the scene.
How far is it?
Be right there.
Oh, Christ.
It's John Herold.
He have any enemies?
He ran the gas station.
I don't think he said more than five words
to anyone around here.
Similar wounds.
Any sign of a struggle?
Plenty, I mean his nose
looks broken for starters.
His pockets are emptied.
What's that supposed to mean?
It could mean anything.
Maybe nothing.
Maybe the killer emptied his pockets
of any valuables before he dumped him.
Maybe not.
You wanna theorize that he was dumped here?
Why not?
I mean, it's good as place as any,
there's nothing around here for miles.
If his throat was
cut here, where's the blood?
Mark this as a contaminated scene.
It's not contaminated.
General orders.
General orders?
Procedure states that
anything considered tampering,
such as the murderer
wiping away fingerprints,
is considered contaminated.
Jesus Christ, what the hell do you guys do?
Just sit around watching
"Little House on the Prairie" all day?
Watch it.
This is my town and I'm
still in charge around here.
Roger that.
Figured you'd call
sooner rather than later.
You said Chauncey was bled out,
would it help if he was upside down?
I suppose.
Bruising on the wrists and
ankles could definitely
be in line with hanging.
He have any valuables on him?
Wallet, jewelry?
But we got the results of
the blue dye, it is paint.
You think he was working on a car?
Well it is car paint under the nails,
but on his fingers,
the dye is the stain of a cheap, gold ring.
Two different dyes.
The horseshoe ring stain on his pinky,
must have had it on there a while.
Check his place for a horseshoe ring,
and check his shoes.
Get 'em out of evidence and check 'em.
You wanna explain what's going on?
There's no blood on those shoes.
That means the stream of
plasma went up instead of down.
This man was hanging upside down.
Perfectly untouched.
I've seen it before.
Victim was found in a
slaughterhouse hanging upside down
like a carcass.
It's the same thing.
We found him at a rail yard.
You have a slaughterhouse in town?
Evans' slaughterhouse.
You check Chauncey's house.
Nothing found.
No horseshoe ring?
We turned the place upside down.
So whoever did this took
everything he had on him,
wallet, money, ID, jewelry.
Hey, care to let us country
bumpkins in on the reason?
Chauncey was...
Chauncey was involved in some kinky shit.
Maybe whoever did this
felt like they were taking
what they owed.
You know that's circumstantial.
Yeah, we're investigators,
we should investigate.
Now, I don't know much about Evans,
except that he had the opportunity
and he meets the profile of a killer.
It's a pretty short list.
Feel free to add to it.
I've studied the profile of killers.
Okay, it goes a little something like this.
No one over the age of 60,
they have low mobility.
This being a retirement
community, that narrows the field.
A sadist, someone with the
tools, weapons, the knowledge.
That's the profile of a killer.
Evans has the knowledge and the weapons.
What about Anvil Brentwood?
He knows his weapons.
He did 30 years in the Navy.
- Brentwood's harmless.
- What does he do?
He lives up
north, loves the woods.
Wait, if he did 30 years
in the Navy, he's what?
Pushing 50?
- 55.
- Too old.
I want Ike on here.
The kid with the whores?
Ike Clark.
He's young, he's got a couple
hunting rifle permits, but...
He's also got short man complex.
When we arrested him, he pissed himself.
Know anything about knives?
He knows how to use
'em to butter his bread.
How'd you find out about him anyway?
I had to tell him to turn down the music.
Anyone else?
Okay, get me profiles on these guys.
They're bit players.
I'm sure Ike doesn't have
what it takes to kill someone.
It doesn't matter.
All right, they might know something.
The markings, the weapons, the paint.
Yeah, I know, it's circumstantial, but...
But where there's smoke, there's fire.
It's not enough.
Evans is a respected
member of the community,
and Ike is a little shit.
This stuff isn't enough
to get a search warrant.
I need something stronger.
What the fuck you doing on my property?
Who let you on here?
Easy, old timer.
I just wanna talk.
I understand you're
working with the police.
That's what I hear.
You know law allows me
to shoot any trespasser?
If your brains end up
spattered all over the snow,
you don't have a warrant?
Ain't nobody gonna care.
Why don't you just talk to me like a man.
If you're innocent, you
got nothing to hide.
All right, you win.
I'm going.
Don't you worry, I'll be
sure to let your police friends
know about our little visit here.
Arms out.
This prick again.
Why is he a prick?
He's a whiner.
He complained about the diners' coffee.
We don't serve coffee here.
He's harmless.
You can get anything here,
which is why they call it the black market.
Everything has a price,
guns, knives, even lamps.
Girls, furniture.
There's an old car in
the back if you have 600.
Oh, yo, a returning customer
is my favorite customer.
Two bitches again?
Maybe this time in the BDSM room?
No, man, just...
I have to stay sharp, so some ritalin.
All right, how much?
Your most powerful.
You know the good
shit costs money, right?
This ain't for weekend warriors.
That's absurd, you're 50 overpriced.
I'm overpriced, 'cause
this shit is the bomb.
120, non-negotiable.
You're still making a profit on 100.
Yo, I told you, 1-fucking-20, man.
You think you're the first person
to ever pull a knife on me?
Only difference is, I use it.
There you are.
So can I get you anything else?
Some pussy, little body armor?
I can even get you some blood, Type A, B,
and that coveted O-Negative.
Actually, I was interested
in your knife collection,
but you got one missing.
That ain't for sale.
I thought everything was for sale.
What's it to you?
Looking to snatch up another victim?
You're the one with the missing knife,
I should ask you the same thing.
I've been expecting him for a while.
Besides Chauncey's an asshole,
I ain't gonna miss him.
I ain't gonna shed a tear
for a dead principal,
especially one that expelled
me from high school.
Mm, how vindictive of you.
Yo, Chauncey never gave
me a shot to be someone.
That's why I do what I do.
I'm making more...
Fuck, I made more than him.
Probably drove him crazy.
I could have been a contender.
And the fucking hypocrite not only comes
and fucks the girls he's expelled,
but then he's got the balls
to stiff 'em on my money?
Is that the morals of
principals these days?
You ask me, he got what was
coming to him and that's karma.
Yeah, I get it, Ike.
You're spitting venom.
Nah, I spit the truth, fam.
That man cared more about
his jewelry than his students.
Yeah, what do you know
about Chauncey's jewelry?
You'd be surprised at what I know.
Right, cop?
I'm not a cop.
That ain't what I hear.
Now check this white boy for a wire.
I didn't have a problem with you
until you started asking questions.
You don't think my homies
are gonna hit me up
when the cops start
working with someone new?
Yeah, all right, let's cut the shit.
You were sick of him stiffing
you, so what, he buys a girl,
you send someone to kill him, is that it?
Oh, this motherfucker's
killing my buzz, man.
Get him the fuck outta here.
And what you have against John Herold?
You ask too many questions.
All right, I'll come back.
We'll bring you in for
some real questioning,
and you can piss yourself again.
Yo, fuck you bitch.
I'm gonna tell the local
judge about your entrapment.
When I asked if you were a cop, remember?
Then I'm gonna tell 'em about
the pills and the pussy.
Proceed with caution, officer.
Yeah, you did it, didn't you?
You were sick of him stiffing
you, so you killed him.
Yeah, yeah, keep talking piggy.
All right.
Stone, did you miss me?
Are you crazy?
What the hell were you doing
trespassing on Evan's property?
You wanted something
stronger to go on, I went and got it.
Anything else illegal
I should know about?
Because this is insane.
I'm investigating.
All right?
This is why you asked me to stay.
Not illegally.
That's not what we do around here.
Do you even wanna know what I found?
Evans has a horseshoe ring,
the same horseshoe ring that Chauncey had.
Now if you're too stubborn to
go and get a search warrant,
I'll leave tonight.
You screwed us.
He knows we obtained the
information illegally,
it won't hold up in court, we can't use it.
Oh, horse shit.
While you were out
breaking 100 different rules,
we were doing actual police work.
Turns out a murder with
the same MO just happened
down in Washington state.
And Evans hasn't left town,
so your prime murder
suspect wasn't anywhere near
the murder you're accusing him of.
Where was it?
Ross Lake, about 10 miles straight south,
just past the border.
That's easy, just check the
tape and question every car
that crossed the border.
There is no tape.
There's no border crossing
at Ross Lake, O'Brien.
It has the longest stretch
of unprotected border
with the US.
Then how do you get across?
You could get into a car
and drive to Abbotsford.
Or you connect through the mountains.
How long would that take?
From here?
Couple days.
Well what about the horseshoe ring?
Are you just gonna discount that?
First I've gotta figure out what to do
with your trespassing thing,
then I'll deal with the jewelry.
You wanna help?
Make some calls, figure
out what you can find
about Ross Lake.
It's a mess.
He's a fucking asshole.
Agent Smith.
- Yeah, I know who it is.
Why are you calling me here?
It's about Ross Lake.
How do you know about it?
I'm north of the border
investigating something similar.
I thought you quit?
I'm consulting.
Well get somebody else to call me.
Look, hold on, okay?
You're supposed to be the mature one.
You know how hard this is?
This isn't hard,
because you haven't tried
to call me for weeks
and suddenly a case is
making you contact me?
Jesus Christ, you can't even
see how selfish you are.
You're right, okay?
Look, I'm selfish.
I never helped you.
I never believed in you.
I messed up a good thing,
I'm the one who has to live with that.
You didn't take my job offer seriously.
This is the FBI for Christ's sake,
I'm not gonna turn them down.
Look, I'm not looking to be vindicated.
I'm just looking for a little civility.
If we can get back there,
I'll be happy with that.
Well, you should have
said something before.
Not that it would've
mattered, you were screwing-
- I know.
Look, baby steps, Gail.
I'm trying.
This isn't easy.
Well you have to hear it.
Yeah, I have to live it.
So do I, and it's embarrassing.
Look, I'm the embarrassed one.
Everyone knows what I did.
You're the angel, I'm the devil.
Fuck, Gail, that's why I'm
out here in the first place.
Well we haven't got much to go on,
just a couple of cuts and bruises.
Any leads?
We found some blue paint
under the first victim's fingernail.
Second victim had identical lacerations.
You know, I can get in
shit by even talking to you.
You don't think I'm in the same boat?
All right, but this
didn't come from me, okay?
The body shows weeks of decomposition.
So it's not recent.
How many weeks?
Two, three, four?
What about his shoes?
What about them?
Were they bloodied?
No, they're clean.
Find out if he had any jewelry on him.
Cheap gold, tight rings,
that kind of thing.
We faxed through the reports and photos.
Yeah, I'm not in the office right now.
Jesus, you're going to get me fired.
Check your phone.
Four clean cuts, just like up here.
It's the same guy.
There were pills lodged
in the victim's throat.
Undigested anticoagulants.
You mean like at a slaughterhouse?
Hold your fire!
Fuck, hold your fucking fire!
I need info.
On what?
What the hell happened?
It's fine.
It's fine.
Look, can we talk, alone?
I think you're the only one I can trust.
I'm closed in 30.
We'll talk then.
It's fine, it's fine.
Let me get the first aid kit.
So here's how it went down,
Chauncey was involved in some kinky shit.
Got him killed.
Is that a what about Chauncey,
or what about the fact
that everyone in this town
has their money in drugs and hookers?
Chauncey told everyone to stay away
from that part of town.
Well, I guess he was
keeping it for himself.
How do you know John Herold?
Herold did some work out of
his house a few years back.
Nothing more than that though.
Did he have similar tastes?
Rumor had it that he
liked things a little rough.
That's the connection.
What do you know about Evans?
You're asking me like
I'm involved in this.
I got shot, okay?
This isn't how it looks.
Mm, hell it isn't.
You look like you've been
on the bender from hell.
How much you had to drink today?
And don't lie to me.
I haven't had anything to drink.
Okay, wait...
More than I should.
Don't drag me into your shit.
Janie, don't leave me alone tonight.
I need to be with someone, okay?
Give one of those hookers a call.
I'm sure they're better company.
No, that's...
That's not what I need.
I'm not drinking with
you, I'm four months sober
and I'm not breaking that 'cause of you.
I'm not gonna ask you to, just...
Please just sit down, okay?
I feel like I've been fighting
this shit my whole life.
I have been.
I started drinking when I was 14.
Smoked pot through high school.
Join the club.
I always thought it was enough.
But then...
Did that once.
Point is, kept trying
to fill something inside
and it would work, but then I'd wake up.
And feel the crushing weight of reality.
And that hurt the most.
And I still feel it every
fucking day I'm sober.
But less and less each day.
You know, I've gone so
far in the other direction.
I don't know if I feel anything anymore.
You're gonna ruin the moment.
I make you feel something?
Is that what you're going with?
You know how empty it all feels.
Look at this thing, it's like a ring.
You like?
Do it for the boys, right?
I like when guys pull on them.
Oh, yeah?
But not too hard.
I could get used to that.
I feel like this has to go first.
It's not that simple.
It's got to do with
the murders, doesn't it?
The murders?
We haven't had a murder
like that in 50 years.
It's a loss of our innocence.
We can't go back to the way we were before.
You know, might be the pills talking,
but that was pretty profound.
Well if you're not looking
back then you don't need this.
Don't look back.
You can never look back.
Perfect match.
Keep it.
On one condition.
I know you're lying, about Evans.
I saw your picture at his place.
Why are you so focused on him?
Well, for one, I got this little injury
thanks to his shotgun.
Must have had a reason.
You know him
pretty well, don't you?
He's our butcher at the diner.
Butchers don't
keep pictures of their customers
on their mantle.
It's a small town.
We ran around for a while,
it was nothing serious.
Ran around?
What does that mean, like you had sex?
Off and on before his wife died.
That would've made you quite young.
I'm past it and sober.
Do you ever really get
past something like that?
You can't talk about fucking in America
or people think you're dirty.
You talk about killing
someone, that's cool.
Richard Pryor.
I guess we all have our secrets.
You're different.
Most people just...
I had a streak.
Evans has the farmhouse,
and a storage room for
cured meats and sausages,
and the slaughterhouse.
A slaughterhouse.
You've seen it?
It's got cow carcasses, goat carcasses.
It's got everything in there.
You think something
else could be in there?
I'm not joining your crusade
just because Evan's pulled a gun on you.
He shot at me.
Right, I went in his place
and he fucking shot me.
You wanna defend this guy?
You don't need me.
Get a warrant.
Get the SWAT team.
I can't.
Cops can't know about this right now.
You were trespassing, weren't you?
I did what I had to.
Okay, yeah, maybe I crossed the line,
but I'm not gonna stand by
while another innocent bystander
dies at the hands of a fucking maniac.
What am I gonna do?
Bobby, it's me.
What do you want?
I thought...
I thought about this thing
that's going on in town.
It makes you realize how fragile life is.
And I've been reflecting on us,
thought maybe we could see each other.
Just like old times?
Yeah, like old times.
Bob, Bobby?
Shit, he hung up.
You think he's on to us?
I don't know why I did this.
This was a stupid idea.
And now your main suspect is wary of me.
- Okay, relax, all right?
- Jesus Christ.
You'll be safe, I'll protect you.
You're gonna protect
me from a psychopath?
That's just great.
You can't even take care of yourself.
I'm going to the cops.
Is it him?
Answer it.
Go on.
Yeah, it's me.
Who's with you?
No one.
You still finish at nine?
Do you know how hard it
is to see you every week
and not be able to touch you?
I spend all week thinking
about those five minutes
during the delivery when I get to see
your beautiful freckles.
I can't unsee you.
Really see you.
Our usual spot.
I haven't been there in a long time.
His place.
Not at Ike's.
Anywhere but there.
Come out to your place?
10 o'clock?
Okay, yes.
Yeah, okay.
I miss you.
It's been a long time.
Don't hurt him.
Make sure you're within shouting range.
Faster, I need to get
there before he does.
I know, we'll get there.
You drive like my stepmom.
Trust me, faster.
Far too long.
You said you'd never want to
have anything to do with me.
I can't tell you how it warmed my heart,
and other places, to hear your voice
on the other end of the line.
How you been?
Very lonely.
You been keeping busy?
Yeah, you know me.
Raise a calf, kill a calf, sell a calf.
Same old shit.
What about you?
Trying to get outta this town.
This town?
All these years.
What are you doing?
Hey, hey, what's wrong?
Isn't this what you came here for?
It's just me.
It's me.
The same as before.
Please, just stop it.
Why'd you invite me here?
To hurt me?
To hurt me?
Don't you forget how I make you feel.
Drop the knife.
Hey, I'm not screwing around.
You didn't answer my
question, who are you?
Listen to him, Bobby.
Now turn around.
Turn around.
What'd you do with the blood?
Drain it?
Sell it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You love this girl?
From the first time she
touched me with those soft hands.
Watch it.
What the fuck is this?
I hunt.
Oh, yeah?
We'll see about that.
No, no, no, no.
Come on, there's a storm coming,
I gotta get the calves in the barn.
Shut your mouth.
What the hell are you doing?
This is our guy.
We can hold him for 24 hours on this stuff.
I'll get him to confess.
On what grounds?
He had a knife to her throat.
Are you pressing charges?
Say yes, and we've got this guy.
I don't think he did it.
Are you pressing charges?
Janie, if he hurt you and
pulled a knife on you,
don't let him get away with that.
I did my detective work.
Go home, Evans.
Give him back his stuff.
Are you crazy?
That could be the murder weapon.
He ran all this stuff by us months ago.
It's for the business.
I'm gonna need a ride back to my place.
Come on, Bob.
I'll give you a lift.
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I see no major bruises to prove assault.
We have nothing to hold him on.
Janie, you gotta say something.
Look, I know you're trying to help,
but I asked around about
you, I know why you quit.
I'm worried you're slipping again.
Fuck you.
You know what?
You've given us plenty to go on.
We'll take it from here.
Next one's on you.
Janie, you could still change this.
Janie, Janie.
You're not safe, he'll come back.
Don't touch me.
I just think the Sheriff's right.
You need to go home.
Look, Janie, come on.
Hey, she said hands off.
It wasn't necessary, but thank you.
More coffee?
Yeah, twist my arm.
It's almost curfew time.
Can't believe this is happening.
Yeah, me neither.
Hey, you okay?
Get him outta here.
You had him!
You fucking had him!
You let him go.
Don't do this, O'Brien.
I didn't do anything.
You're killing him!
I didn't do anything.
She's dead because of you!
Don't act surprised,
you sick son of a bitch!
No, I would never hurt her.
We did some pretty
fucked up things at Ike's
but we never killed anyone.
Who's we?
Me, Anvil, Chauncey, Herold.
Thought it'd be Anvil or
me he'd take care of next.
We pissed him off.
We thought we deserved a
deal, we spent so much money
up there but, you know, pissed him off.
How the hell am I supposed
to make a case outta this?
Get Ike to confess.
Riley's bringing him in now.
Good, I'll get it from him.
You're lucky I'm not throwing
you in a cell right now.
Hopefully you scared Evans enough
that he won't press charges.
But I swear, if you screw
this up for us I'll come down
on you like a fucking hurricane.
Get the hell outta here.
- Hold it.
- Holy shit.
What the fuck are you doing here?
It's about Ike.
Why'd you haul him in?
Are you nuts?
Are you delusional?
He's innocent.
Yeah, they all are.
How the hell did you get a key to my room.
Dean loves us.
Why do you think we get
away with all the parties?
Ike didn't do it.
Yeah, you protecting your family again?
It's because I saw one
of our regular misfits
with Janie last night.
I don't know, I think
they call him Anvil.
Yeah, your family doesn't
let you talk to guests.
I don't know your name.
Where were they?
At the diner.
Big deal, he's always there.
Last night they stayed past closing.
That doesn't acquit your pimp,
he could have died afterwards.
Ike was fucking me last
night, he didn't kill anyone.
That's why he sent me
here, to give you this.
I'm taking you to Ike's place,
and I've got the key to the phone.
I'm not working the case anymore.
I know.
How do you know?
Ike might look stupid, but he's not.
They haven't got a warrant yet,
and they don't know about the fun house.
Get dressed.
Put it away, you're with me.
Over my left shoulder.
The bald guy, with the tattoos.
It's him.
It's fucking him.
Are you sure?
He has Janie's ring?
What ring?
She had a nipple ring.
How many exits?
Two, front staircase and
out back by the DJ booth.
I have to grab Mya.
No, wait, he'll get suspicious.
Trust me.
And that was Candy,
and we're gonna take a five minute break.
Hey, Caesar.
Hey, make it a virgin.
It seems like our girls
are fond of each other.
Hey, asshole, I said I wanted a virgin.
Don't we all.
Everyone's a fucking comedian.
I'm for fucking, not talking.
Oh, yeah?
There's a sauna upstairs.
Yeah, I don't go that way.
It gets better.
You'd be surprised how many
military brats roll through here
end up in the bathhouse.
I know it's not the worst you've ever done.
Oh, yeah?
And what do you know?
I'm pretty sure I know
where you got that ring.
Oh, this?
Yeah, it's a memento.
She was a terrible lay.
What the fuck?
Which way?
Riley, it's O'Brien.
I'm in pursuit of a red
muscle car heading south.
No, west on...
Heading towards the silo.
Looks like Evans' place.
Stone, come in.
We just got a call.
Looks like O'Brien's chasing
Anvil up to Evans' farm.
Copy that.
Fucking took you long enough.
Exactly alike, O'Brien, you and me.
I'm nothing like you.
We like our vices, we like our girls.
Anger issues, public drug use.
But he attacked me at the club, officer.
Everyone saw him.
Why don't you tell me, why
did you viciously murder Janie?
Fuck you!
And Chauncey.
Ah, fuck!
Janie was a terrible fuck.
But killing her?
Mm, so good.
You're just a sadistic fuck!
You're too far gone from
the drugs and the seclusion.
So poor at his job.
He didn't know the fine
line between life and death.
Play time's over.
It's over.
Do it.
See how good it feels?