Actual People (2021) Movie Script

So are we going to Manhattan tonight?
OK, so, there's this cute guy I met
on a shoot
who I'm kind of trying to fuck...
He is either fucking dumb as hell
or he fucking blew his brains out on acid.
Either way it does not matter
because he invited me to a party
in Bed Stuy tonight and we're going.
Last time we went to one
of your fancy fashion parties
- I got my fake taken.
- Well, they're not going to card, so
That's what you said last time!
Besides, I told you
Fred's here for that art opening tonight.
I thought that was a joke.
Wait, what are you talking about?
So there's this really cute
guy in my life drawing class
and he's going to this
gallery's opening tonight.
A bunch of people
from his studio are going
and he was like, "We should
totally get together later."
We should totally get together
and fuck on the Chinatown bus back.
Ew! I would never do that.
I feel like you'd do it if he asked,
like, maybe once. And really nicely.
Fuck you!
Well, I'm not going to Manhattan, anyway.
Are you serious?
- None of the trains are working.
- Wait...
I do know of one party.
It's not going to be amazing
but it is, like, a grad party.
There will be alcohol.
- Let's call Fred and go.
- Okay.
- Hey you!
- Hey Anderson!
Wait, come hang with us, please.
- Anderson, let's party.
- We wanna braid your hair.
Guys, stop.
He's thirty years old,
like, get over it, bro.
Whatever. He's being a baby.
- He sucks.
- Like I just wanna hang out.
Stop it. Fucking stop it!
He doesn't know that.
So, is that them?
Yeah. That one's Fred.
He's the one with the glasses.
- Hey.
- What's up?
- Michaela?
- Oh, my bad.
This is Fred.
This is Gabby, Riley.
We went to high school together.
Hey what's up. We didn't want
to go inside before you guys got here.
Oh, yeah, that's cool.
I don't know them either. Riley does.
Yeah, they're just some
random people from school.
- Can I bum a cig?
- Yeah for sure.
- You want one?
- No, I'm good.
Riley doesn't smoke.
Word. That's very commendable.
I shouldn't smoke either.
Smoking is bad for you.
Yeah, obviously.
- Wait, so you're from Philly too?
- Yeah.
I'm just going to school here,
studying Philosophy.
- That's cool.
- She's also super smart. It's crazy.
- It's crazy.
- I'm really not, no.
It's super cool you go to school here.
I'm super jealous.
It's cool, yeah. It's been
a good experience so far.
Can I have a sip of that?
Do you have more?
Okay, cool. Thank you.
So are you also a sophomore?
No, Riley's really old.
Ugh, yeah. I'm about to graduate in like,
a week, actually.
- Holy shit.
- Yeah.
Are you scared?
Absolutely terrified.
So you're not from Philly?
No. I'm from Lancaster?
I know where it is.
Riley and I went there
and we dressed up in these
like, colonial dresses
and took pictures churning butter.
It was hilarious.
- Oh, yeah?
- Are you Amish?
Because I don't think you're
allowed to have sex if you're Amish.
Katie, stop it!
I'm so sorry.
I'm not Amish.
Have you ever seen an Amish Asian?
- Asian Amish?
- I don't know!
Okay, I'm gonna get another beer.
- Do you want anything?
- No. I'm good.
Okay. Katie? Yeah, okay.
Yo. I came.
- Oh yeah. What's up?
- I just need to get in here.
I just saw some friends
of yours a second ago.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah. They're pretty funny.
They showed me this dance
you came up with in high school.
Uh huh...
Oh my God, stop. No.
They're so ridiculous.
So, who is that guy you're with?
His name is Leo.
He's from Philly.
Are you, like, dating?
Um, I don't know.
I mean I just met him...
But, he's really cool.
- Are you okay?
- Mhmm... yeah.
I just realized something.
Everyone in movies dies the same way.
They're like
But in real life they're just still.
They just die.
Do you want to, like...?
Yeah, sure. I just...
I could, like... use my tongue?
I mean, I could use my mouth...
like I could give you a blowjob.
- Um, you don't have to...
- No, no, no
It's cool. I want to.
Oh, I'm on the pill, so...
Yeah, but... I just want
to be safe, you know?
So what are you going to do after?
I don't know.
I was going to move to Seattle
but that isn't happening anymore.
And I haven't thought
of anything cooler to do.
Why Seattle?
My ex is from there
and his parents are there
and he wanted to be close to them.
How long were you guys together?
Since freshman year...
so like, more than three years.
That's so unimaginable to me.
What? How long we were together for?
I had a boyfriend for
most of high school too, so.
I guess I'm very relationship-y.
I don't know,
that sounds so intense to me.
I don't know.
It's better than what I'm doing now...
which is... like, not much of anything.
What happened to you guys?
I cheated on him...
with this, like, really hot
male model... who...
No. I'm sorry.
I don't know why I said that.
No, the truth is that
actually he cheated on me.
He, like, left me.
Is this weird to talk about?
No. I mean, I don't care.
Well, okay. I mean I can
tell you what happened.
So, we were in
our senior year, first semester.
And he took this finance class.
I guess he wanted to
do something practical
because he was a
Comparative Literature major.
At the beginning
it was just this weird inside joke we had,
that he was turning into
this alt-right frat guy.
I don't know, he starts
getting really into it.
He's talking about the stocks and the Dow
and he's going to these lectures
and meetings and I don't know.
It was so weird
because I never saw him
hanging out in this world.
And then he started
hanging out more and more
with this one girl.
And I don't know.
Maybe in retrospect I felt uncomfortable
but in the moment
I don't remember
feeling anything but fine.
And then
one day he's like,
Riley, I just..."
"I don't..."
You don't have to talk about it.
No no no,
the thing is I do.
Because it's like this story
that's still interesting to me
because I can't quite make sense of it.
But he said,
"Riley, I met this other girl
and I swear to you that
nothing has happened yet
but I think something will,
and I think I need to pursue it."
I mean what do you say to that?
And that was it..
What an asshole.
I mean, yeah, duh.
But I don't even completely blame him.
Because this girl is going
to make so much fucking money.
And she goes on runs
and plants trees for the community
and... I have nothing going on post-grad.
I'm even getting kicked
out of this fucking apartment.
I don't know.
Now I'm thinking I just
need to get out of here.
Maybe I'll be lame
and move back to Philly.
That would be cool.
It feels so sad to move back home though.
You could get your own apartment.
That's true.
I guess I hadn't thought about that.
I mean, it's no New York,
but there's a lot of cool shit going on.
Yeah, that's true.
And my family's there...
and Gabby and Michaela...
and you.
That's true.
I'll be there.
Sorry I had to dip early.
I had to catch a bus back.
No worries.
When are you going to be back in NYC?
Lol. I don't know.
Probably not for a while.
I've got mad work.
Okay, do you see that?
That, like, V-shape her stomach is making?
That's because she got her ribs removed.
I mean
It's, like, what everyone's
doing right now.
I feel like she might just work out a lot.
No, I'm telling you, it's
physically impossible
to have a body like that.
Riley, do you know Tasha?
Yeah, I met her once at a party.
Oh my God, she's so pretty...
Wei? Mama?
Hi. Yeah. Okay, so... yeah.
I have that yeast infection again.
It just came back.
Yeah, it's really bad.
I don't know,
because I'm stressed or something?
I don't know.
Yeah, I tried to get an appointment
but they're really full.
Can you write me
a prescription for that cream,
that steroid cream, again?
No, I know, okay?
Please, can you just do it?
It's really bad.
Yeah, for the pharmacy
at the university hospital.
Yeah. Yeah.
Thank you. Alright. Bye.
Hello! Hello!
- Hi!
- Sorry I'm late.
What's up?
Um... I somehow have the world's worst
yeast infection?
Yeah, I can smell it from here..
Fuck you!
It's because you eat too much bread.
Literally what?
All that yeast.
Okay, I know what you're thinking
- and it's not the same kind of yeast.
- Yes it is!
There's a woman at MIT who is literally
making yogurt with her vagina yeast.
Okay, I read that same article
and it's not the yeast,
it's the cultures or whatever.
Would you eat it?
Vagina yogurt?
I don't know.
Maybe if you didn't tell me beforehand.
I don't know actually...
because it's just like
the cultures, right?
Like, how big are they?
I think they're, like, really small.
Like, they're pretty much unseeable.
I saw David today.
- Did you say anything?
- No
We just ignored each other.
Or maybe I saw him and he didn't see me.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah!
Yeah. I'm fine.
It's, like, what you expect, right?
Sorry. Someone's texting me.
- What's up?
- Hm?
Who are you texting?
Just this guy Tom Wachowski?
He's in my Philosophy cohort.
Do you know him?
- Wachowski?
- Yeah.
He kind of wants to
hang out if you're down.
Depends. Where?
Bed Stuy?
- No. That's too far.
- Okay. Yeah.
You're right. You right.
Well, I'm starting
to get kind of hungry...
What if we just met up in the middle?
Why does everyone always say that?
It's more inconvenient for both people.
No, okay, you're right.
where do you want to get food?
I don't know. The bar he's at has food.
Riley. Who even tries to fuck someone
at the end of their last semester?
That is like, beyond...
- Desperate?
- Desperate?
I don't know.
I guess we're both just
really bored or something.
I don't know...
So what you're saying is Asians
shouldn't be considered
for affirmative action?
I mean, I guess I've been
skirting around it a little bit...
Skirting around it?
I'm just saying that
I think they've been afforded
a lot of opportunities already...
Opportunities? To do what?
Be in internment camps
and build railroads?
Oh, don't bring up stuff that happened
- like a hundred years ago to a tiny subset...
- Don't bring up literal history
and generational trauma?
You know what I mean!
No I don't. So why don't you tell me?
- In our society...
- Okay,
so if an immigrant comes here
and has to work super hard at like,
a fast food restaurant
and their kid has to learn English
they should be denied
the benefit of affirmative action?
Like, they haven't already
been given enough?
That's such a niche example.
It happens all the time!
Yeah, but there are white people,
poor white people,
in literally the exact same
- socioeconomic situation.
- Everyone
- always wants to bring up white people!
- That have to work hard too to overcome...
yeah because if you do
it weakens your argument
whereas if you don't it lacks inclusivity.
White people are already included!
Oh shit. You okay?
Hey, do you want to go home?
I can take her home.
No, no, guys.
It's, like, totally chill.
I'm just going to use
the bathroom really quick...
if you want to scooch out.
I'm just going to use the bathroom
and I'll be right back.
Seriously. Yeah.
Hey. Where's Tom?
- I told him to go home.
- What, why?
Because you need to go home.
I need to go home.
We need to go home.
I still have to pay though.
I already did.
What? Katie!
- I'll request you tomorrow.
- Thank you!
You are the best!
I know. I know...
- Hey!
- Yo!
- How's it going?
- I'm, like, so fucking hungover.
- How are you?
- I finally finished.
- Wait, what's today's date?
- The fourth.
Give me that. What did you write about?
I wrote about the principle of bivalence,
comparing it to...
And you picked the hardest prompt.
- Fuck you, man!
- Hey! It's not the hardest prompt.
It does have the most sources.
Oh my God! What the fuck is wrong with me?
- Seriously! I'm so screwed.
- Hey!
You've still got a few hours.
Yeah, so?
I have my intro and conclusion done.
You've still got time!
I heard you the first time! So...?
Have you heard of this really
cool thing called Adderall?
Hey. Can you Venmo me
when you get the chance??
I accidentally gave
you a 25 milligram pill,
so it might be a little strong.
Just FYI.
- Hey Riley.
- Oh my God. Hi!
- What's up?
- How are you?
- Good. How are you?
- Fine.
I was sort of hoping you'd come by.
- Oh, yeah?
- Do you have a minute to chat?
Oh, yeah, sure.
Do you want to go to my office?
Oh, okay. Yeah.
Have a seat wherever.
Do you want water or anything?
A gross Keurig coffee?
- No, I'm good, thanks.
- Are you sure?
- It's no trouble.
- No, I'm really good. Thanks.
I don't know why it's still
so hot in here all the time,
it makes me feel like I'm having
heat flashes twenty-four-seven.
- That sucks.
- Yeah...
OK... well...
so I just... this is sort
of difficult to talk about.
But, I'm a little worried.
I just read your last paper,
and because it was late,
and because of the quality,
I had to give you a failing grade.
Oh. I guess I didn't think
my argument was amazing, but-
Well, I have to be honest, it seemed like
you used more of the Sparknotes
instead of finding the actual
nuances of the essays.
- Oh, I read the essays.
- Okay.
I definitely wouldn't do that.
I wouldn't do that.
I believe you. And I know,
I know you've had a tough semester.
But, at the moment, you're barely passing.
I'm worried.
What will happen if I don't pass?
You'll have to repeat the course
for credit over the summer,
which I teach at the Brooklyn campus.
- Can I still walk?
- Excuse me?
Like, will I be able
to walk at graduation?
My parents are going to be
really upset if I can't do that.
I think that's something
to discuss with your academic advisor.
But what I'm more concerned about
is the fact that you don't seem
passionate about this material.
I remember you as a freshman.
You were so vibrant and talkative and...
I just would hate to see this
stupid adult stuff beat you down.
I'm not beaten down.
Right, of course,
that was a poor choice of words.
- What I mean is...
- Sorry.
I just turned in my essay, right?
And I think it's pretty good.
I mean, maybe not great.
But I think it's good enough to pass.
I look forward to reading it, then.
So, to change the subject...
What's post-grad looking like?
- Oh, ha.
- What?
I don't know. I guess just the way
you were talking about it
made it seem, like,
this exciting prospect.
Well, did you apply to
any of the fellowships
or the post-grad programs
I put on the listserv?
Remember we were talking about
you applying to that fellowship in Denver?
I was going to apply...
but then... short answer
for all of that: I didn't.
I was going to apply. But I did not.
There's always next year.
Yeah, totally...
So I actually have a seminar starting,
like, right now. So I have to get going.
I'm sorry. I'm just in a rush.
Can we continue this
discussion some time, Riley?
When you have more time?
Yeah, yeah. For sure.
Thank you for letting me know.
I'll see you in class.
- Okay. Bye.
- Bye.
I loved that painting you posted.
It's super cool.
Sorry, I just saw this.
Thanks. It turned out super cool.
Yeah. It's awesome.
How are you doing?
So we don't handle graduation tickets,
that's this guy Marty Doyer.
D as in dog,
O, Y, E, R.
Yeah, exactly.
So you need to email him
about getting more tickets.
His e-mail is m.doyer...
not a problem.
You as well. Bye bye!
- "Bye bye!"
- You're so dumb.
I am so bored.
I will do any job
after I graduate
as long as it doesn't
involve looking at Gmail
for the entire day.
That's any job we're ever going to get.
Do you wanna get boba after work?
I mean, sure.
Since when do you like boba?
I don't really know if I do.
But I see every other Asian person
on campus drinking it
and I feel excluded.
It's really bad for you.
How is that even possible?
I had a dentist who was Chinese
and he could literally tell when one of
his patients had too much bubble tea
because it would literally,
like, rip out their molars.
That sticky stuff.
- What, the tapioca?
- Yeah.
Maybe not then.
I just remembered.
My brother and I used to call him
"Doctor Wonton."
My brother and I used to call
that dentist Doctor Wonton.
I was trying to remember his real name
and I couldn't...
Why do you think you called him that?
I dunno...
I guess 'cause he was Chinese.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I didn't know you were home today.
My boss is letting me edit from here.
Our side of the office is getting
a new coat of paint today.
Hell yeah for telecommuting.
Oh, yeah.
Are you still working on that thing
about the cult in Bushwick?
No, we just got
picture lock on that.
We're moving onto the future
of weed lubes.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
Hey, I think we should talk.
Yeah? What's up?
I've been trying to think about
the right way to bring this up, but...
Yeah. What's going on?
I just need to come out and say it.
Okay, so say it.
Okay. I'd appreciate it if
you weren't just around
in your underwear anymore.
Wait, what?
I know we said that nothing
should change after we...
you know...
- Had sex?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?!
- But...
I guess it's kind of confusing for me now
because I...
I don't know. It's just confusing.
It feels like maybe you want
to have something happen again.
What about me,
like, slumped over after not showering,
equals I'm trying to fuck you again?
Not necessarily-
Like, I didn't even know
you were home today, right?
Yeah. I'm not talking about right now.
It's other times.
- What other times?
- Like, all the time!
Like when you're going to the bathroom...
Okay, why are you
looking at me like that then?
I don't want to make this a big deal.
I was just thinking to myself...
what if I brought a girl over
and she sees you
all around the apartment
in your underwear.
It's not the most ideal image.
What girl?
A hypothetical girl.
A woman.
Think about it.
She just sees you, like,
laying around in your underwear
and you're all cool
and casual about it like,
"Hey, I'm Riley. I'm Anderson's roommate!"
She'd probably be like,
"Who's that girl?
You know?
Yeah. I guess.
Is that cool?
Yeah sure.
So, you want me to put pants on,
like, this instant?
That would be preferable.
Excuse me.
You must, like,
really think a lot about yourself.
Excuse me?
You think that because we had sex one time
that I'm now in love with you
and everything I do
is an attempt to like, woo you
I don't think that.
You obviously think you're hot shit
if you see me in my two-year-old
sagging granny panties
that my grandpa literally
sent me from China
and you're like,
"Wow, Riley is so horny for me."
I literally didn't say any of that.
But that's what you're implying!
You're really blowing
this out of proportion.
No. I'm not!
I knew you wanted to sleep with me
before David and I even broke up
and I was just like, doing some
fucked up wish fulfillment for you
and now you're, like, actually delusional.
- Actually delusional.
- You're really...
That's really...
You're such a...
Such a what?
This is your last month!
- Wait, what?
- You heard me.
You gotta move out.
I... I can't live with you anymore.
You're such a... millennial!
You're kicking me out
because I'm a millennial?
I'm kicking you out because of your energy
and your constant partying
and thinking nothing,
like, has any consequences.
You treat everything
as if it's disposable.
You make me feel disposable.
No, I mean,
I obviously don't think you're disposable.
I'm sorry.
- I just said that out of anger.
- Yeah.
But that's the problem.
You just lashed out at me.
And honestly, like,
I let you live here because of David,
and his brother and I
don't work together anymore
and you two aren't even friends so...
I don't have any loyalty to you.
Okay. Fine.
Look, I'm sorry it had
to be like this... but...
- But what?!
- I don't know.
I don't know how to finish that sentence.
I just started it because
it sounds like something people say.
I'm going to go put some pants on.
- Oh my God.
- Sorry.
No, no, you're cool.
You just spooked the fuck out of me.
That was supposed to be a little smoother.
No, I'm good.
I'm just, like, skittish.
Hey, what's up? Hi.
I haven't seen you in forever.
What are you listening to?
No, don't! Stop!
It's so embarrassing.
That's so degrading.
Well, don't listen
to it if it offends you!
It should offend you.
I guess I don't mind being offended.
- Do you want one?
- Nah, I'm good.
I always forget that. You don't smoke.
What are you doing out here then?
You shouldn't have to
smoke to take a break outside.
You have any big summer
plans after graduation?
You going anywhere?
No, I'm just moving.
So, packing, etc.
- Moving sucks.
- Yeah.
My roommate like, freaked out
because I didn't become obsessed with him
after we had sex one time
and he was like, Get out.
I can't take your energy.
- Damn!
- I know.
What are you going to do?
I don't know... squat at
Katie's parents's place
on the Upper West Side?
Or move to Philly for a bit.
I don't fucking know.
Didn't someone tell me
you were going to Seattle?
Yeah... that was when David and I
were still together
- because his parents are from there so...
- Shit.
- My bad.
- What? It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't
have brought it up.
No, seriously. It's no big deal.
I don't care at all.
- Sorry.
- Stop apologizing.
- Sorry, I mean...
- I'm still going to move though.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Because if I don't
I'm just standing around
waiting for real life to begin.
This isn't real life?
I hope it's not.
Anyways, I'm going to go finish my paper.
But I'll text you.
- Let's get coffee or something?
- Yeah, for sure
- Okay. Bye.
- See you.
I guess it just feels like
every person I talk to is like,
"Oh, I'm going to grad school post-grad"
Or, like,
"I'm going to work at this online magazine
Or this start-up"
and I'm just doing
absolutely nothing.
Do you have any goals post-grad?
I know you're feeling overwhelmed
But sometimes it's been
helpful for people graduating
to look a few years out instead
of the immediate future,
but a few years out.
- How old are you?
- I'm twenty-two.
Okay, so maybe we could
think about when you're 25.
Do you see yourself in grad
school, or maybe traveling?
Traveling could be cool, maybe. Yeah.
Okay. What about your
interpersonal relationships?
Do you see yourself
fostering new friendships,
or maybe getting closer to your family
since you've been away
for such a long time?
I mean, all that sounds good to me...
So I know we've talked
about your relationships,
how you're always in
really long relationships.
Do you think that's
something you want again,
that type of stability and support?
Is that something I can, like,
ask the universe for though?
I don't know about the universe.
But if you want to, you
can ask it for yourself.
If you think you deserve it
then sure, make it a goal.
Are you still interested
in that boy you met?
Yeah, I am
I don't really know what
he thinks of me, though.
We talk and then...
I don't know. It's like,
I'm here, you know?
- What is it about him?
- Hm?
What is it about him
that makes him different?
You've had a lot of different experiences
and partners over the year.
But nobody has seemed to have made
the same type of impression as he has.
Do you have any feelings as to why?
I don't know if this is weird to say,
but I think it's because
he's also half-Asian.
I've never been with anyone
who was half-Asian before
and I guess there's just
this sense of belonging.
Like, I feel like I go through
a lot of weird bullshit
because I'm half.
And it's nice being with someone
who I assume shares those
same feelings and experiences.
That's actually really great.
And it makes a lot of sense.
Alright. Well, our time is up.
So, it's been really
great working with you.
And good luck with graduation.
Wait, what?
This is your eighth session.
Wait, I thought I had one left.
Hm. Let me check.
So you can see here
you've had all eight of
your allotted sessions.
Oh. Okay.
I'm sorry. I know, it goes so fast
but you really have come far.
I really don't feel like that at all.
Can I just like,
text or call you
maybe once or twice before graduation?
Just for a few minutes to check in?
Unfortunately, Riley, that's not allowed.
Is there a ten, fifteen-minute
time block I could take?
Like, at any time. I'll take it.
Unfortunately, all the
slots have been filled.
We have a lot of people to see.
Yeah, I know.
It's just that you've gotten to know
me and my situation really well and...
And I've really enjoyed that.
A lot of my friends text their therapists.
But I'm not your therapist anymore.
Hey. I just thought I'd call you
because you said that
you were going to be free
around now.
So I just thought I'd call.
I'm just going to be
home working on stuff.
Um, yeah. I found your chain as well
when I was cleaning my room
so if you were wondering where that was,
it's here. I have it.
Okay, cool. Give me a call back.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Did you go out tonight?
I just went to this bar, like,
down the way.
I don't think it's lame to
go to a bar by yourself.
Do you?
I failed.
My final paper.
It sucked.
I have to take a summer class.
Oh. Shit.
I don't know how I'm
going to tell my parents.
You'll figure it out.
They're nice.
I mean, they seemed
nice when you moved in.
I'm going to ask you something.
Why do guys, like,
ignore girls
after they sleep with them?
Maybe because they realize
they're not what they're looking for?
I don't know.
But what if they are?
How would you know that?
they had a mutual connection.
Like, they had a mutually good time.
Yeah. Or he's just a dick
who just manipulates girls
into thinking he's nice
when he really just wants to fuck.
Were you ever like that?
Probably more so in college.
But that seems a little heartless now,
don't you think?
I don't think he's heartless.
I think something else is going on.
The answer is probably
simpler than you realize.
That he's...
madly in love with me
and everything he's doing is
to hide the intensity of his emotions?
Yeah. For sure.
That's it.
I'm like, really sorry
about the way I treated you, Anderson.
That really
wasn't right of me.
It's cool.
No, it's not.
You were like, such an amazing...
you were the best roommate I've ever had.
Well, thank you.
You're welcome.
Stop, come on.
No, Riley. This is fucked up. Alright?
You're leaving at the end of the month.
Like, that is final.
And I already found another roommate so...
I don't know.
Go figure your shit out.
Good night.
And drink some fucking water.
Yeah. Hey. I just wanted
to let you know I found like,
the most perfect apartment in Philly.
- Cute!
- Yeah, it's on Passyunk.
It's right by that place we used
- to do karaoke every Wednesday.
- So cute!
Wait. Come back this weekend for a party.
Yeah. That sounds cool.
And you know, Leo is
definitely supposed to be there.
Yeah. I'm totally down.
Okay, cool. I'm pregaming
before with these girls
from my class but they're really cool
- if you want to come.
- Yeah.
- Can you text me the details?
- Yeah. I'll talk to you later.
- You good?
- I'm just about to go on the subway.
- Okay. Bye.
- Bye!
Ah, fuck!
I thought that was you.
It's the hair.
I thought you didn't have
class on this campus anymore.
I don't.
I was here visiting an old professor.
How's everything going?
Fine. I guess.
I saw that same guy on the Q train.
The one we saw drop the baby.
He was with his wife
on the train with the baby
and I think he recognized me
and I was just staring at him
and I couldn't stop laughing.
It was really funny.
Did the baby look okay?
Mm, his head was definitely
a little squashed looking...
but still cute.
Oh my God.
I heard you're moving out of Anderson's.
Yeah. We slept together.
I heard.
What was your reaction?
I don't know.
It was kind of weird to hear.
But, I always sensed a vibe with you guys,
so, you know, I wasn't shocked.
There wasn't a vibe.
It just happened.
Listen, I wanted to tell you that
I'm not going to be
moving to Seattle anymore.
What, why?
Jess got a job here.
Jessica. Yeah.
She got a job in the city
so we're going to be staying in the city.
Why does this concern me?
I don't know.
I thought it'd be kind of weird
if we bumped into each other on the street
and you'd thought that I'd
moved and I hadn't moved.
And I just thought I should let you know.
Well, I'm not staying here, so...
Where are you moving?
I'm going back to Philly.
I'm, like, getting my own apartment.
- That's cool.
- Yeah.
I'm kind of seeing this guy there.
He doesn't want to do
the distance anymore.
Well, that will be good for you guys
to be closer together. That will be nice.
So as usual you're making
a really big deal out of nothing.
I mean, if you feel that way...
Like, are you trying
to rub it in my face?
No, Riley. I would never do that.
I swear. That's not what this is.
Then what are you doing?
I don't know.
I still care about you.
I still feel love for you.
- I just wanted to be honest with you.
- Don't say that.
Say what?
That hippy-dippy bullshit.
Don't say you feel love for me.
That's like some weird
fucked-up consolation prize.
Because you have it in your head
that if you loved me you
wouldn't have cheated
and since you only feel love for me
you're still a good person.
Riley, we've talked
about this a million times.
I swear, nothing happened when
you and I were together with Jessica.
Whatever! Emotional cheating!
All those nights when you were, like,
late to come home
or you wouldn't text me till morning
and you were always like, Jessica and I
went on a run,
and Jessica and I did this,
and Jessica says I should
eat more fermented foods
and oh my God! Fuck you!
I can't believe I am out here yet again
letting you waste my time!
And honestly,
even if we did see each other in the city
I'd probably walk right past you
and say to whoever I was with:
"There's the asshole that cheated on me
and the stupid bitch he's with now."
Okay. Please don't
talk about her like that.
- It's got nothing to do with her.
- Okay!
Listen, I just think if we kept talking
we could be friends.
And I do miss your friendship.
I miss you as a person.
I don't.
I don't miss your constant
whining and complaining
and talking about how smelly the city is
and how you like, literally root
through my garbage to find the recycling
like some fucking weird psychopath,
- like who even fucking does that?
- So sue me
for thinking recycling's important.
- Fuck you.
- What are you doing?
Riley! Stop it!
Oh my God, are you okay?
Do you need me to call somebody?
- Call somebody? She's...
- Am I talking to you?
Seriously, I can walk you somewhere.
I can get you a cab
Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
No we're...
We're really good.
I'm sorry. I'm good. Thank you.
- Okay.
- Seriously, thank you.
Riley, what the fuck was that?
I can't believe...
she thought...
I, like, needed back up!
Hey. Are you going to that party in center?
I was thinking about it.
Why? What's up?
I think I'll be there. We should meet up.
Actually, yeah, I'll definitely be there.
When do you think you'll be there?
Hi! I'm glad you came.
- This is fucking crazy!
- I know, right?
- Come on. Let's go.
- Okay!
Sorry, excuse me.
- Where are we?
- I don't know.
- So I saw that Fred was here.
- Yeah.
How is everything?
It's good. Really good. Yeah.
You guys have?
Damn, how was it?
It was very sexy.
Shit. Fred?
- Yeah. It was hot.
- Damn!
- Oh my God.
- Yeah.
Wait, is Leo here?
Yeah, I think so. He's
probably looking for you.
- Yeah, maybe.
- You should go find him.
Oh, hey, what's up...
Hey, what's up?
Were you just watching me?
What? No! What?
I'm fucking with you. What's up?
Oh. Hah.
I just wanted to know where Leo went?
Yeah, it was really crowded inside
so we went to this pop-up shop.
A pop-up shop?
Yeah, they don't really
card so we go there a lot.
Just search "Kamihira."
Sorry, sorry.
Oh my God, Riley?
Oh my God! Hey, Juliet. What's up?
Aren't you supposed to be in New York?
- Yeah, I am...
- I haven't seen you since,
like, high school.
That's crazy.
Is your life, like, a TV show now?
Because I saw this picture of you
at this party or something,
and I was just like, oh my God,
I knew that Riley was this cool,
different, kind of quirky girl
but you looked like a fucking celebrity.
Like on that roof?
Was that in Brooklyn?
Yeah, I think so. Yeah.
And I've just been, like,
chugging away at Penn.
I'm a Comcast intern.
And I'm also head of my sorority,
which I know is so like...
I never thought I'd be the
head bi-atch you know-
Yeah, no, totally.
Do you know this guy named Leo?
Leo? Sophomore in studio art?
Yeah. Do you know my brother, Peter?
He's friends with him.
They film skate videos together
on this little camera they
got from the thrift store!
Which is so adorable.
We're kind of hooking up.
No way. Are you serious?
He is really cute.
That's exciting. He's cute!
Oh my God.
So I'm going to go find him.
Wait, tell me really quick:
What are you doing after grad?
I'm not doing much of anything.
I'm just sort of having
a mental breakdown.
Same. Don't you love how now
you can just be having a mental breakdown?
Yeah. Totally.
Okay, well, I'll see you later.
Alright, well, take a
shot with me later, okay?
- Okay, I will.
- Bye!
Oh, shit!
- Hey.
- Whoa.
Hey. What's up?
I've been good, chilling,
working in the studio
every day on this painting.
- Cool.
- Yeah, it's been a time.
- I'd love to see it when it's done...
- Pussy!
Yo, chill!
What were you saying?
No, yeah. I'd just love
to see it when it's done.
For sure.
It's going to be another month, but...
Yeah. In a month, then.
Yeah, for sure.
I'm going to go inside and grab a beer.
- I'll see you around though, yeah?
- For sure.
Maybe tomorrow
we could, like, grab dinner or something?
I don't know...
I got a shit ton of work that I
should be doing right now, honestly.
Okay, so do it in the morning, then.
It's kind of like an all-day thing.
Okay, yeah.
Are you okay?
Yeah, um...
I don't know. I'm sorry.
I just thought that
because we slept together...
I don't know. You'd
think this is more special.
But maybe that's my bad.
No, I mean, it was special.
It was super special, like, in the moment.
I just feel like it wasn't significant.
I just feel like those
are two different things.
I don't know.
I saw you as a prospect?
I don't know. I'm sorry.
I'm super high
and not really communicating properly.
- I'm sorry.
- No.
It's cool, it's cool...
You don't have to apologize.
So I'm going to go.
I'm going to go back to
that party Fred was at.
Yeah. That party was fun.
I would really like to see you again.
Yeah, just text me.
I mean, I know I've
been slow with the texts.
I just have class all day
and then I forget to respond.
I just figured I'd see
you when I'd see you.
- Yeah totally.
- Yeah, just text me.
Okay, I'll text you.
- Alright, bye.
- See you.
I'm going to be moving to Philly soon, so
I don't know, it just feels like...
He doesn't really know what I'm doing.
I just feel like an idiot, right.
Okay, thank you.
I just feel like I really don't know
what I'm doing because I'm, like, here.
And he said that he really liked me.
And I don't really understand...
Okay, sorry.
And I just don't understand like,
why I wanted to be here.
Yo. What the fuck are you doing here?
Do Mom and Dad know you're here?
No. They think I'm
sleeping over at Jenny's.
They're so gullible.
Don't talk about them that way.
You act like you're so
much smarter than them.
But you're not. I promise you you're not.
Why are you even here anyways?
I'm moving here.
What am I going to do in New York?
Um, get a job?
But I have, like, no skills.
What have you been doing
in college for four years?
Thinking, I guess.
I have some coke. Do you want some coke?
Where did you get it from?
My friends gave it to me.
Have you done it before?
Yeah. It felt so good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
It felt like every part of my body
was exactly where it was supposed to be
and doing exactly what it needed to do.
So I hooked up with a
really hot boy tonight.
Oh yeah? What was his name?
I think his name was
Leo. He was mixed, also.
Did you see him?
No. I wasn't there for that long.
Are you sure this
party's going to be better?
Yeah. Who the fuck
makes a pop-up shop a destination?
- Dude!
- Get in the car.
Hey, can you open the door?
Thank you!
Hey! Make a wish! Happy birthday!
- It's melting!
- Oh, shit!
- Oh my God.
- Hey, what's up?
You brought your little sister!
That is so responsible of you.
- Did you see?
- No!
We'll talk about it.
- Is there more jungle juice?
- Yeah, it's in the bathroom.
Stop. I don't think you
should drink any more.
What, why?
- You're too young.
- Come on!
I'm serious.
If you keep doing that
people will think you're
this crazy slut or something.
Are you serious?
Okay. Maybe not, like, that.
But people will take advantage of you.
People will think you're a ditz.
What's the matter with you?
Oh my God. Nothing.
I'm just trying to help you. Jesus.
I'm going to go find my friends.
Fuck it.
- Oh hey. What's up?
- Oh, shit, hey.
How was the other party?
Ugh, fucking sucked.
- Is there any more in there?
- Oh, yeah. There's, like, tons.
Actually I'll come in
with you and get some more.
Whoa, okay.
- So I did see Leo tonight.
- Yeah?
He's, like...
kind of a huge asshole, isn't he?
Why do you think that?
I don't know. I just think
he's kind of a huge asshole.
He said you guys had a lot of fun.
Probably because he, like,
doesn't know how to have sex.
Well, he said... you guys ugh...
- I mean never mind. Whatever.
- What?
No. It's weird.
Come on. Tell me.
I won't, like, get offended.
I, like, never get offended.
He said that you were pretty good in bed.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
What did you think
when he said that?
What do you mean?
is that what you expected?
I thought... I guess that made sense.
Riley! Riley!
- Hey, what's up?
- I think your sister needs you.
She's super wasted in the kitchen.
I didn't know if I should call someone,
- your parents...
- Yeah, yeah, no you're right.
- That's the right thing to do.
- Everything okay?
What's going on?
Oh, nothing, we were just
having a drink and talking for a sec.
I'm gonna talk to Valerie, okay?
One sec.
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Holy shit. Valerie.
What's going on?
Hey. The car was 25.
Pay me when you can.
Hope Val's okay.
What are you doing here?
I told you,
I was sleeping over
at Jenny's.
I came home early
- because I wasn't feeling well.
- Stop lying!
Then why you wearing
those sorts of clothes?
Don't lie to your mother!
You were out!
can you not speak Chinese right now?
It's just difficult to
process it right now.
Because you're hungover?
Riley, can you please
just tell us the truth?
I'd like to be left out of this.
- Are you kidding?
- No!
You arrive here, unannounced,
you have vomit all over you-
I told you guys, I'm
sorry I forgot to text you.
I'm here to see that apartment.
What apartment?
What are you talking about?
I'm moving here after graduation.
Why not?
What are you going to do here?
What am I going to do in New York?
But why didn't you call us?
It's not like you to just show up-
None of this is making sense.
Can someone please start
telling me what is going on?
Oh my God! I'm an adult!
I'm allowed to come home whenever I want!
Right? Isn't that what
you guys said to me?
Come with me. Come!
Riley, what is going on with you?
I don't know.
What do you mean?
Tell me.
I can't believe I have
to keep saying this.
I'm. Here. To. See.
An. Apartment.
But why would you move here?
You don't really have
any friends left... and...
I don't know. What about
your friend Katie and
all your other friends?
I don't know! I guess I
just want a change, okay?
Why don't we talk about
this after graduation?
That's the other thing.
I think I might have
to take a summer class.
I don't know. I just think I do.
I just didn't really
have my shit together.
Why do you keep saying that?
What does that even mean?
It means I messed up.
And to get my diploma
I need to take this class.
And then you'll get it?
And then you're done?
- Yes.
- How much?
It's four credits.
So however much that costs.
I'll pay you back.
I don't know. After I
get a job or something
I'll be able to pay you back.
Let's do a deal.
You tell me what happened
last night with Valerie,
and it's fine,
I'll cover the costs.
I just need to know
what's going on with her.
- What?
- That's what I need.
You know it'll help Valerie too.
She's obviously going through something.
Her rebellious stage.
Mom, you're not serious.
Valerie is always lying to me.
She's always sneaking out.
And she thinks we're dumb.
She thinks she can get away with it.
I just need to know.
I can't help her if I don't
know what she's doing.
Last night...
Are you kidding me?
Drinking alcohol? Partying all night?
Why are you doing this?!
Why would you ever think
of doing anything like this?
- Aren't you ashamed?
- Mom!
You're grounded! I
don't know for how long!
Why are you doing this?
What did I do wrong as a mother?
- I'm so disappointed
- Riley,
I can't even look at you!
You let this happen?
I can't believe you told on me!
They wouldn't pay for my
summer class if I didn't, okay?
- What summer class?
- And I'm taking away your cell phone.
I am taking away your cell phone.
You greedy bitch!
Riley, what summer class?
Aren't you graduating next week?
So Riley just gets away with everything?
- She did the same shit I did!
- No.
I'm taking away your credit card!
Excuse me? Mom, you didn't say that.
I don't know why you
think you deserve that
after what you did!
You should be glad that's all!
You're a terrible sister! I hate you!
- You don't hate me!
- Yes, I do!
You're a bitch with no
sense of loyalty and honestly?
No sense of self!
- Excuse me?! Fuck you!
- Riley! Stop!
What the hell's the matter with you?
She's crazy!
She's crazy! She's going out of her mind.
You are insane! No wonder David left you!
What! What did you say to me?!
Riley! Calm down!
Okay, calm down.
Take some deep breaths.
Get her a glass of water.
- No, use the Brita.
- It doesn't fucking matter.
I don't know why you'd bring up David,
Valerie, because you
know how much he hurt me.
We were together for three years and
he just stopped, like, loving me.
I don't even know how that happens.
How does a person stop loving you?
And now I just feel ugly all the time.
And I feel like no boy wants to date me.
And I don't know what to do anymore.
I just know
this can't be the rest of my life.
It can't be.
I just keep searching...
in the dark for some kind of light
or something to click and tell me
that everything is going to be okay
and what kind of person
I'm supposed to be.
And it just never happens.
Riley, try to calm down, okay?
I'm sorry, okay?
Please don't be mad at Valerie.
I should've stopped her.
She's just a dumb kid
and I should've stopped her.
I'm sorry, okay? I'm really sorry.
I'm just being so stupid, Valerie.
I'm sorry. I'm just being so stupid.
Group hug, okay? Come on.
Group hug. Valerie.
Group hug.
Hey. Are you awake?
Sort of.
Mom made you these noodles.
They're really good
There's a lot of sesame oil on them.
I just wanted to come say bye.
I'm going back to New York in a sec.
I thought you were
touring an apartment here.
No. I'm not.
That was, like, so weird of me.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
I actually have a meeting
with a professor later
because I failed her class.
That sucks.
But I deserved it.
Stop throwing yourself a pity party.
How long are you going to be this sad for?
I don't know.
Because I'd be bored of it by now.
I think I've been bored of it for a while.
- Are you still mad at me?
- Yes.
Alright. I'll leave you to it.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Text me... oh wait.
Fuck you.
- Riley!
- Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Riley!!
- Sorry!
Alright I'm going. Bye!
I'd like to think that I'm not cold
Pretend I'm not afraid of
growing old
Sadness hidden behind bad jokes
I made it rain love letters
They made their way into landfills
I guess I learned my lesson
So lucky heartbreaks can't kill
I swear she was like, six years old.
She was so little.
I was pretty drunk.
I mean, it's a graduation.
It's a ceremony.
It makes sense to be drunk.
Hey, what's up?
Gabby's not coming?
No, I don't think so.
She was like,
I need a little bit of a break, so...
No, yeah, it's cool.
Like, I can't even think about it.
Yeah. It's overwhelming.
Very overwhelming...
I'm actually kind of sad.
I can't believe it's the end.
It's not the end.
I won't let it be.
You know that global warming
is just a temporary thing.
The Earth, when it
reaches its breaking point,
is going to reverse its charge,
like a battery
and then destroy everything
and the world resets.
Like back to its factory settings.
But it's not
instantaneous, you know?
It takes a while.
So we're definitely still going to have to
deal with global warming
and the O-zone being fucked up
and there being no polar bears.
Yeah, I mean, but I'm
saying it doesn't matter
because the Earth, like, knows what to do.
It's going to happen way after we die,
but it's going to happen.
Okay, but that's like a
really irresponsible way
to think of your role as
a conscious human being.
But it's just what the science says.
Where did you even read that?
I read it in an article.
- I think I saw that.
- Yeah?
Okay, you guys.
You can't believe everything
you read in some article, anyway.
Yeah. But you can't just live
your life like the world's going to end.
Holy shit.
You need to stop scaring me, seriously.
But that felt good though, right?
- Um, maybe.
- Here.
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, I see that.
Can I kiss you?
I don't think that's such a good idea.
Yeah okay. I feel that.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Don't. My dad's gonna kill you.
No, he said I could finish it.
We were working on it
this morning together.
Put on the line in quotes.
Starting with A.
It's six letters.
It's in quotes, yeah.
Air dry.
Yes. I think that's it.
Okay, do you wanna finish it with me?
I feel like I'm so stuck
on a few of these.
I can't. I have to go.
Oh my God!
Good luck!
I'm gonna be such a
good artist's assistant...
You're gonna be such a
good artist's assistant...
See you later!
Bye, weirdo!
- Have a good day.
- Bye!
Hi, this is Professor Hung's class, right?
- Yeah, it is.
- Cool.
- What's your name?
- Hi, I'm Riley.
- I'm Charlie.
- Nice to meet you
Good to meet you.
So why are you taking this class?
Because I failed it last semester.
So now I have to retake it to graduate.
- Oh my God. That sucks.
- Yeah, it's okay.
I'm, like, very excited to be here.
Are you, like, a senior?
Or would you have been a senior?
Like, I walked at graduation.
So now this is the last step.
Then I'm a real person.
Then I'm an adult.