Addicted to Sexting (2015) Movie Script

Some new words out there you probably
need to hurry up and get hip to.
- Okay.
- Uh, sexting.
Sexting is out there now.
You familiar with that?
Explain to those
that may not know...
...what sexting is.
Sexting is when you text sexy.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Like what?
Like, "Boy, what you got on?"
"Ooh, I got on something,
you know?"
It's your favorite big booty,
Alexis Texas,
and I wanna sext
with all of you.
The reason I think
people engage in sexting
is the reason
that people engage in
all sorts of electronic
communication behind the screen.
There's immediacy to it
that's great.
It's like window shopping.
All you do is kind of like,
"Oh, I like that.
I like that." You know.
It's like, "Oh, I'm just gonna
go ahead and try that on."
It gets me through the day.
It makes me feel good about myself.
- It's a form of seduction.
- Exactly! That's what I said.
"I'm thinking of you.
"I want you right now,
but you're not here.
"Can't wait till you get home."
You know, it's not like,
we met in an airplane,
and now we're in the bathroom fucking.
It's all about the build.
There's a sense of safety.
There's a glass screen in front of you,
and you don't see the person
at the other end.
So what you see
is a reflection of you.
It's sexy.
Who doesn't like
hearing or seeing something sexual about
somebody that they're interested in?
The idea of lovers communicating
secret little messages
is as old as writing.
Sexting, first of all, can be
either verbal or visual.
I kinda have a different feeling
about both of them.
From the verbal side,
sometimes I think it's good for
people to be able, behind a screen,
to say things they might not be
able to say to someone's face.
Most of the sexting
that's going on
tends to be healthy,
in my opinion.
I think a lot of people are doing
it to keep their love lives active,
and to let their partners know
that they're interested
and aroused by them.
So I think,
absolutely, it's healthy.
Since I just moved
from Virginia to here,
I don't have the connection
with the person that I was
dealing with at the time.
So we're constantly, always,
sending little things back and forth
to each other every day.
I learned about sexting through
my friends in high school.
It was, like, not really
an adrenaline rush, I guess.
I mean, maybe a little bit,
but more of like an approval, too.
Like, I send a photo,
and they send back,
um, which means
that they're interested.
There's an anticipation
aspect to it.
The back and forth exchange
instead of having everything
so instantaneous.
I think it builds arousal
to have that anticipation.
The idea that men
are more visual
and that women need to be
stimulated through their mind,
is completely a stereotype.
Of course, there are women that prefer
to be stimulated more emotionally,
and there are men that
prefer to see a sexy picture.
But there's also
the opposite situation as well.
It's really a per person
and preference based situation.
I'm not really dating or doing anything,
so it's necessary right now.
'Cause I'd be so lonely
without it.
I haven't been out on a date,
a real date, since 1984.
Do you have any advice
that you can offer me
before I put myself out there?
Sexting is out there now.
You familiar with that?
I've heard of it, yes.
- You've heard of it?
- Yes.
You're gonna
have to participate.
What's interesting is they're not
finding any profile of the "sexter."
It's not particularly
one kind of person.
It seems to cut across
many ages.
It cuts across
ethnic backgrounds.
It cuts across everything.
It's really an activity that I think is
going to start to increase more and more
as people feel more of a
connection through their devices
to the rest of their world.
There's something really fun
and sexy
bringing sexting
into a relationship,
and teasing the person while
they're not allowed to get to you.
If they're stuck at work,
or something like that.
And then you waiting in an outfit,
you know, when they come home.
It's... That's a really nice way
to spark up a relationship.
The most appealing thing
about sexting is maybe, um...
It's kind of like going
to Costco and getting a sample.
You know, I don't wanna buy
the entire Hungry-Man meal,
but if I can get a little taste of the
macaroni, a little taste of the turkey,
then, okay, I think I like this.
We both know it's going to
end up here.
We're going to end up on bed,
doing it. Got it.
What mood will we be in
when we get there?
Is it pursuit and capture?
Are we gonna be two goofy young kids?
Are we two sophisticated
people of the world?
Am I gonna be a World War II spy,
you're gonna be an officer?
In what way are we gonna go
where we're gonna go?
When I open the door,
it's like, "Whoa!
"This amazing person who showed up at
my doorstep is gonna take me away now!"
And you get to walk in and be
the guy who takes her away now
because all that boring... The important
yet dull stuff has been handled.
If you're a really shy person but you
wanna learn how to dirty talk in bed,
start doing it over a text.
You know, just little things
like that.
If you're not so
confident in the bedroom,
you wanna be
a little more confident,
doing your own little personal selfie photoshoots
is a great way to do that, you know?
See, this is an art,
and this is a relationship that
men and women have had since the
beginning of mobile devices.
I don't quite know
when I learned about sexting.
Or when it began.
Shoot, when did
cellphones start?
Back when I was 14,
I was on my Internet all the time.
And it would start
with chatting,
but it would end up
going to sexting,
and I didn't realize
it was that.
But definitely IM chatting
turned into some sexual stuff.
I was really naive at first.
You know, taking photos.
I just thought I would take a photo,
I would send it to this person
and that was that.
Only their eyes would see it.
I think I was 17
when I first started sexting.
I wasn't completely
comfortable with it just yet.
Like, he would say things,
and it would, like, turn me on,
but I never knew
what to say back.
I was a teenager when it
became a prevalent thing.
Um, it's kind of like a rite of
passage with teenagers, I guess.
I have a funny feeling that someone said,
"Send me a sexy pic."
You know, and being a girl,
and being young and in her 20s,
I'm pretty sure that I was
just flattered by the attention
and wanted to impress
whoever it was asking.
Really, I first learned
about it through my children.
My first time was a photo because
I didn't know how to do it.
I didn't know what to say,
or what would be appropriate to say
until I sent the photo and there
were words sent back to me,
and then I started.
I had a cheap, uh, I think
it was a Motorola Sliver phone.
So, uh, you know she couldn't really see the
intricate veins and details of my penis,
uh, which is probably
a good thing.
There are ways that something
like sexting could be healthy.
You know, phone sex
has been going on a long time.
Think about long-distance relationships
where couples might call each other
and have a sexy conversation.
It could be arousing.
It can be bonding.
So sexting can be
the same thing.
It's just a different
form of medium.
It's a different medium.
It's a different way to communicate.
I'm a big fan of using sexting
as a tool.
It's a new and most modern form of
flirtation if it's used correctly.
Basically, I think the best way to send
a sex message is to be blunt about it.
The most bluntest thing
that you can say,
you say to see the reaction.
I'm trying to.
Dot, dot, dot.
First of all,
we'd like to talk about
St. Louis region
of the first quarter sales.
Last quarter,
the sales were up...
First, we started with
the answering machines,
which was kind of good because if you
really didn't wanna see somebody again,
you didn't have to
call 'em back.
Then there was caller ID,
and that was especially good.
And you really didn't have to
talk to them if you wanted to.
We didn't have technology,
but we had more personal interaction.
Let me give you the history
You think sexting,
nobody did this before in the old days?
I'll tell you.
First of all, with the pictures.
This is what you did.
When you were a kid,
there was no digital film.
You couldn't just like, you know,
take a picture of yourself,
put it on the computer,
something like that.
It went on a film which means you
had to bring it to the photo matte.
You bring it to
the neighborhood drug store
and you give it to the lady
behind the drug store
where you buy all the cold medicine from,
and all that other stuff.
And you give it to them,
and you just hope that they don't look
at it before they give it to you.
And when you go to pick up your pictures,
you are worried.
And the women at the back,
they go...
And you know that they
just saw your dick.
To fully understand
the evolution of sexting,
we have to go all the way back
to the beginning.
30,000 BC.
The earliest known example of transmitted
sexual imagery date back to cave paintings
created in paleolithic times.
1150 AD. The preferred method
was the carrier pigeon.
It's not a stretch to imagine two
young lovers exchanging naughty words
by means of
an unsuspecting fowl.
Although, the months long wait
for a response,
might have doused the
flames of love just a bit.
1909 AD.
A clear proponent
of the long-form sext,
James Joyce was quite well-known for his
saucy correspondence with his spouse, Nora,
in which he employed similar prose
found in more modern sext messages.
"Nora, my love for you
allows me to pray
"to the spirit of eternal beauty and
tenderness mirrored in your eyes.
"Want to fling you down under
me in that soft belly of yours,
"and fuck you up behind
like a hog riding a sow."
1948 AD.
With the advent of instant film
and the Polaroid camera,
the sexter's cause
was greatly advanced
not only by the amount
of time saved,
but also by the lack of smirks
from photo lab workers.
1970 AD.
A certain numerical sequence
enjoyed prolific use
with the invention
of the pocket calculator
beginning in 1970,
and was popular with adolescents
and less than mature
The cleverly crafted sext,
8-0-0-8-5, AKA, BOOBS.
1990 AD.
Although the technology
has existed since the late '50s,
it wasn't until the '80s and
'90s that pagers became more widely used.
And not just for emergencies,
lustful companions often used them to trade
sexts of the alpha-numeric persuasion.
1992 AD.
22-year-old engineer,
Neil Papworth,
is noteworthy for having sent the
very first text message in history.
Using his computer to transmit the
message to a colleague's phone,
he typed "Merry Christmas."
It's rumored the very next
message was "naughty or nice?"
But this is unconfirmed.
2000 to 2002 AD.
Even though MMS wouldn't be
invented for another two years,
consumer electronics
manufacturer Sharp
released the first cellphone with a camera,
the J-HSO4 in 2000.
2004 AD.
An article aptly named "Textual
Gratification" appearing in "Globe and Mail"
is believed to contain the first ever
documented use of the term "sext."
As well, the term was officially
added to the Oxford dictionary.
In September 2011,
two Stanford University students
launched the popular app, Snapchat,
which allows any picture to be
sent to and viewed by friends,
but only for a pre-determined length
of time before being deleted.
The mobile phone app, Snapchat, is proving to
be massively popular amongst young people.
The Electronic Privacy
Information Center claims
Snapchat deceives users
promising to delete photos
but, really,
leaving them available.
At this point in time, Snapchat has
attracted an estimated 82 million users,
with the majority of them
between the ages of 13 and 25.
It's the beauty of what you call,
you know, disposable media.
That's what these
instant apps are.
Snapchat, you know, Secret,
everything like that.
There's protection in anonymity.
Snapchat's probably not for me.
So I don't think
I need to do that.
I'm already Instagramming,
sexting, texting, e-mailing,
sometimes Facebooking,
old school.
I don't use Snapchat.
Let the kids have it. It's all for them.
I receive a lot of sexts
through Snapchat.
Like what?
Uh, you know, dick shots.
Kind of stuff like that.
That would be typical
frustration, wouldn't it?
You finally get the picture
from the one girl,
and it's the perfect picture.
You're like, "This is awesome!"
Then it's gone.
That's the story of my life.
I was married for 11 years.
I know all about that shit.
When you send a Snapchat,
you can only open it once
for as many seconds.
Like, I can take a picture and choose
how long people can view it for.
Like, I can do it for one second
or like ten seconds,
and then they can never ever
see it again.
First, Mike, have you ever
sexted on Snapchat?
I'm afraid I can't
answer that question.
What do I think about Snapchat?
Now that's the thing
where your dick erases.
Ain't that the thing, like,
where you put your dick on
and then it just vanishes?
Hey, you can't do the time,
don't do the crime.
That's the way I feel about it.
You know? Look, it's awfully convenient
for you to just, you know, be...
There are consequences
to everything.
You know, just think if Anthony Weiner
had used Snapchat instead of Twitter,
we might be calling him
Mayor Weiner.
- Might have. Might have.
- That's it?
I don't do it too much through text
messages, like actual pictures,
because then they
have it there forever.
They can show
whoever the hell they want.
Snapchat is my best friend,
you know?
Ten seconds or lower, you know.
I kinda give them a glimpse,
three seconds.
And they be like,
"Oh, send me more."
And I'm like,
"Well, you gotta send me some."
Snapchat is definitely
one of the more intense ones.
'Cause it's gone,
so I guess people feel more comfortable
and are willing to do
more things.
Whenever I get
a Snapchat picture,
I don't screen-shot it
because you can't.
Then the girl can see
that you screenshot it.
So, therefore, if she sees that,
then she won't send you another one again.
See, I need these things, and sometimes
when you can't find your glasses...
You know what I mean?
It's no good.
I get a great picture. Now you're telling
me it's gonna disappear in five seconds.
Takes me 20 seconds
to get my glasses.
Use the app
for what it's intended for.
For pictures of sunsets
and sexting.
But a selfie on Snapchat,
that "ish" disappears. Okay?
So, like, I really don't get
why you're sending it.
So that I can go, "Yo. Yo, yo,
remember that one time you looked good
"for seven seconds?"
I'm actually a Tinder fan.
Well, I don't use Snapchat.
Mostly, it's Tinder. It's usually
Tinder that I usually go through.
I always get my numbers
from Tinder,
and then all of a sudden,
start sexting from there.
Sometimes it'll be a fail, sometimes it'll
be a positive, and we'll see what happens.
A new app called Tinder
is quickly gaining traction.
For those of you who are a little shy
and need some help breaking the ice,
this app just might be for you.
Is Tinder a dating app?
Is that what we're
gonna "pretend"?
Tinder is a "dating app?"
All right.
I like the idea of just like, hot,
not, hot, not, hot, not, you know?
I think random, like,
"Hey, you're five miles away from me.
Let's meet up and fuck" thing
is kind of crazy.
I'm on Tinder right now.
Like, while I was waiting.
Oh, I shouldn't say that.
What do I think about Tinder?
I think Tinder's great.
It's awful.
Uh, Tinder has taught me
that I'm hideous.
Yes, I'm on Tinder.
I've gone on a couple of Tinder dates,
and they've been fine,
and gone nowhere.
How are things with you?
The applications itself
is not dangerous.
It's how people exercise
their behaviors with the app.
If somebody uses Tinder and meets
somebody right away from the Tinder app.
They meet at a bar
and they have unprotected sex.
Is Tinder dangerous?
Is their behavior dangerous to themselves?
There are people that get
relationships off of Tinder,
but it's an immediate
gratification application.
An application that caters to people
that wanna meet up right away.
What does that tell you
about our culture?
Okay, so you like this girl?
- Yeah.
- You want her.
She wants you back.
You're gonna sext her what?
"I'm gonna shove nine inches
of limp dick in your ass."
"Your giant tits
make me rock hard."
How about,
"You make me think dirty thoughts"?
The dirty thought
"I wanna fuck you tits"
- is still in there.
- Okay.
But she can be like,
"What kind of dirty thoughts?"
She says,
"You're making me hot, too."
See? Think dirty things
and text naughty things.
All right.
Okay, well, let's wait.
- The waiting part is the hardest, isn't it?
- Yeah. Oh, it's so hard.
I mean, you know, yeah.
Give her 20% and make her do 80.
- Okay, Uh...
- So you give her that thought
and it gets her involved. As opposed
to just being the canvas, it's a...
- It's a give-and-take. Okay. All right.
- Yes.
Keep that shit to myself.
She's clearly is into you
having dirty thoughts about her.
Okay. Okay.
So, now you just want to keep the
"your tits" or "your ass" here.
"I wanna paint your vagina
like the Texas tunnel."
She said, "Are we gonna have dinner
and dessert?" Dot, dot, dot.
Shit! Yeah.
I sent it.
- You did not.
- I sent it.
You did not send her a dick pic.
"I'll be wearing a carnation..."
"And you'll be wearing
a smile."
"And you'll be wearing
a smile."
She says, "Yes, I will be wearing a smile,
and so will you."
Thank you.
Now I'm sending the dick pic.
You have to use
proper punctuation.
Capitalize your first letter.
In a sense, use a period.
Maybe it's an age thing.
I want complete grammar in my sexting.
That lets me know that the person
who's sexting me has a complete mind.
Less is more.
That's what I say.
People always try to go on
and keep going for it.
And also, here's...
When I say something clever and sexy,
when you use it back to me,
I'm like, "I just fed you material."
That irritates
the shit out of me.
Come up with your own stuff.
Keep it tight and simple,
and always throw in
a compliment.
Words are good.
Words are powerful.
You don't need a picture.
Words are good.
If you're a creative writer,
you can definitely make someone,
you know, get into it.
I find sexting to be
a very powerful foreplay tool.
Very powerful.
Almost too much.
Almost to the point where it's like,
this is so good,
the actual act can't hold water,
which is why I don't really even
do it as much anymore.
'Cause it's like, this reality is
disappointing. You know what I mean?
Sexting is like foreplay.
It's foreplay with your words.
It's the best way you can verbally turn
someone on without physically being there.
I would say if you're new to sexting,
don't, like, go really crazy.
Like you're gonna choke her, slap her,
spit on her, all those things.
'Cause you might scare
someone away.
I would lightly, uh,
tread first,
and then, uh, work your way into
those really dirty, dirty messages.
I think girls are
a little hesitant
to be forward about sexting
and stuff.
They don't wanna be seen
as a slut, or too forward.
So if you make her feel comfortable and
give her the go ahead, and tell her,
"I think it's really sexy when you
sent me back the little flirty text."
She'll feel more inclined
to keep going with it.
Well, I don't send nude.
Um, I don't send my vajayjay.
I use my assets to just...
That's mainly me.
I'll just send you a ass shot.
Like, "Oh, look at these new jeans,"
or, "Look at these panties."
And flirt like that.
Like more of just my ass,
or me just being cute and freaky,
like recording something.
Oh, the guy? Oh, yeah,
you can send me whatever.
Oh, yeah.
I wanna see it all.
Yeah, there's a certain method before I,
uh, go straight into the dick pics
and filthy erotic stories.
Um, you gotta, you know,
kind of test the ground first.
You start complimenting her
a little bit.
Start with the mind.
Work your way up to the physical.
And then, uh, hopefully she
gives you something in return.
You know,
"Oh, I think you're cute."
"Uh, I think you got
a nice little figure."
"Oh, yeah. I think you are
kind of hot too."
And that's kind of like,
you know, that's a green light.
I'm a pretty dominant,
aggressive person.
So I'm initially gonna ask you,
"What do you want to do to me, or what
have you thought about doing to me?"
And if you don't give me a good
enough answer to come off with,
then I'm gonna stop the sexting
from there.
I have no idea how to maintain a
relationship without texting, you know.
Especially sexting.
It's got pacing to it.
You have to keep up the pace.
You have to be creative. You can't use
the same words over and over again.
You know, you can't stop
in the middle.
I might do a boobie,
or maybe, you know, a butt shot or
something like that real quick.
And if he's asking for more,
then I'll go through some other
avenues and do some other things.
Yeah. Different angles.
I have like... I have like a...
It's not really even a sexting thing.
It's just like
a language right now.
It's like,
"You gonna be up for a while?"
"Yeah, you wanna come through?"
And that's, uh...
Now we know what's happening.
And it's just, you know,
very understood.
It's very grown, so to speak.
But I reserve my sexting
for the people that I'm boning.
I like butt.
I like men's butt.
So, they'll send me like...
Nice little picture
of the frame.
Yeah, I like that.
I mean, to me,
that's really like, "Oh, sexy."
It gives me a turn on.
I like that.
Is there something
about sexting that annoys me?
Yes. It doesn't happen enough
in my life.
Uh, other than that girl who
sends me pictures of her boobs.
Those are really good
boobs, though.
She likes to send me pictures
of herself naked with the cat.
Like, she's got this
really hot picture she sent me
where she's like arched up,
and her cat's just lying
in the middle of her.
She's like, "Where are you?
My kitty misses you."
Normally, you know,
she'll send a picture of her tits.
I'll send back, you know,
one of my pussy.
It's really hot. I keep 'em.
I masturbate to 'em.
Very few people
know how to sext.
That's just the fact of it.
People who don't know how to talk
dirty also don't know how to sext.
I wanna turn this TV off
and turn on your vagina-vision.
I used to try to get guys
I used to date to talk dirty,
and, um, you'd be surprised
at how...
If that's not something
that comes to you naturally,
it's a flop every time.
Don't get me wrong.
Some people have the talent to do it right,
and some people don't.
There are some moments when I'm
reading through a text and I'm like,
"Okay. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Oh, yeah."
And then it's like, wait, what?
Okay, that really threw me for a loop.
Like, that really turned me off.
And then you have other people that like...
It's like reading "50 Shades of Grey."
It's just like a crazy, fuck, sex, romance
novel. And you're like, "Oh, my god."
There are some buzz words,
and not in a good way, that I can't handle.
Like, "suckle."
You wanna suckle my breast?
Uh-huh. You're not my child.
That's not gonna...
I can't...
"I wanna watch you pleasure yourself
while I suckle on your breasts."
That's the worst sext
ever in existence.
There's a time and a place
to understand
somebody could be doing something.
I'll give you an example.
Couple of weeks ago,
I was flying home from a gig.
I'm in first class,
sitting next to an older dude
I've never met before.
And of course,
as soon as we land I'm turning on my phone,
and he's looking at my phone.
Which I think is rude, but whatever.
I don't say anything to people.
I never look at
anybody else's phone.
And, of course, it was
one of those moments
where one of my dudes thought it'd be a great
idea to send me a picture of his big black cock.
So I opened the picture.
And I leave it open 'cause I know
this old guy is looking at my phone.
He's now horrified.
He'll be like, "Oh, my god."
That was not
the time or the place
because that guy knew
I was traveling that day,
and I really didn't need to see
a cock shot.
Just had four-hour layover.
Our other flight was delayed.
It was brutal.
So you have to know
time and place.
It has to be
in something engaging
where how you got to this point
where you feel it's necessary
right now to send that cock shot.
There's absolutely nowhere
I wouldn't sext.
I'm gonna be honest.
Um, because the more inappropriate
the location, the better. You know?
Like, if I'm on a thing with someone,
like, if we're having a sex thing,
like put me in church.
Um, oh, okay.
Giving birth.
If I'm giving birth and the head of
my child is crowning out of my pussy,
I probably wouldn't sext then.
I will say that the most mundane moments
in life are the best time to sext.
You can make
any monotonous job fun
just by sneaking a couple of
sex texts from your phone.
My favorite time and place
to sext
is probably while at home
by myself.
My favorite time to sext,
is late afternoon into evening.
When I'm drunk.
Um, yeah.
Here's what I say.
You never go
to the grocery store hungry,
never text horny.
I sext any time of the day.
In the morning,
in the afternoon.
While I'm in the shower.
It's cool too,
'cause my phone case is waterproof.
So I can, like, just take
my phone in the shower
and send snaps in the shower
to whoever. It's funny.
I get a lot back.
Like, immediately right back,
I'll get snaps. Like, whatever.
I don't, like, designate
a time or a dojo to sext in.
I just kinda sext
whenever I want to.
We're really...
It's kinda on his lead.
He'll hit me up, or, you know,
talk to him on the phone.
He'll be like, "Baby,
send me a little something later on
"while I'm at work, so I can look at
it when I'm on my break, or whatever."
So, he'll usually start it out
and it'll get me through the day.
And then I'll start sending
just random stuff just for fun,
to see what his reaction
is gonna be.
And do it randomly, pretty much.
Maybe like...
I have no limits.
I don't care where I'm at, really.
I don't know.
I probably would in a lot of places.
I mean, the only place, probably church
'cause I try not to look at my phone.
I mean, I suppose if you go to church,
you shouldn't sext in church.
But I'm not really a regular attender,
so that doesn't work for me.
But if I'm there at home, oh,
yeah, it's going down. Mm-hmm.
I think you shouldn't...
Maybe when someone's on stage,
and you're supposed to be supporting
someone, or something like that. Maybe.
I don't wanna talk no more
once you say that right.
And I get that little feeling
in my body and it goes up...
Yeah, she tingling.
Oh, it's time to go down.
But other than that, I feel like,
yeah, you can probably get it in.
Depends on how fast you are.
I have gotten surprise
dick pics. Yeah, I have.
It's shocking in the worst ways.
I wanna see your dick for sure,
but sometimes, the poses, one,
or the places, two,
are the most horrendous things.
Or sometimes the way that your
dick just looks in the picture.
I think it would be funny
to send my flaccid wiener.
Would I do that? Just to everyone?
I would do that to everyone.
Dick pics are like
the modern day flashing.
So, usually flashers
are like turned on
because they know
that they've got something,
you know, between their legs
that they're like,
"There's nothing up here. There's nothing
here. There's nothing in my wallet.
"So let me show you, you know,
what god gave me."
If you leave, I'll send everyone
your nude photos you sent me.
You wouldn't dare!
Oh, look,
you as a sexy Ash Ketchum.
What would your mother think
if she saw your Pokeballs?
Damn it, Claire!
That was our little secret.
I'm in a phase right now where I
have been masturbating to dick pics,
but, like, huge ones.
Like, eight-and-a-half,
nine inches, and, like, thick.
Like... Like that,
and like that.
You know what? I would take a picture
off the Internet and send that
instead of my thing,
and just let them be disappointed
when it's too late and they
can't do anything about it.
I don't need a picture
of your cock.
It's not all that.
When I see it in person, that's awesome.
But I also don't send
any graphic photos of myself.
Because I know what
guys do with them.
They just show 'em
to their friends.
And you can get enough photos
of me online.
I just say, be like everybody else.
Google me.
I don't think that pussy shots or
dick pics are necessarily sexy.
You know, genitals are the weirdest
looking things I've ever seen.
Probably 80% of women are like,
"Don't send me a picture of your dick."
And then the size queens are like,
"Yeah, send me a picture!" You know?
Men are out there texting women
photos of their penis,
all the time.
You wanna see something amazing?
Watch this.
Clap if you are a woman
in the audience.
Okay. Now clap if a dude has
sent you a dick photo before.
Was there even any difference
in the applause?
Now, dick pics...
Dick pics are a whole other thing.
As a woman who's had a lot of sex,
I can look a dick and go,
"Oh, my gosh. I would do this position, that
position. This would be perfect for that."
So I can tell
how you're gonna...
I can tell, from looking
at an erection,
how I'm gonna like
having it inside of me.
I had a dude, one time,
get a nut.
I mean, show me
before it even busted.
He was talking to me.
"It's coming, Kim. It's coming."
And I swear to god,
through the whole thing, pop, pop, pop.
I had three or four pictures
of an exploding penis. Yeah.
So that was kinda surprising,
'cause I didn't think you can
hold a phone at the same time
while you're jacking off.
I didn't think you could do it.
But it can be done.
So here are my tips
as to how to take
a good dick picture.
First one being,
make sure you have good lighting.
Just make sure you look
presentable down there.
You know, not all guys
like to shave.
If you guys just trim,
trim it up a little bit.
Three, is it's all about the angles.
Just like on MySpace.
I like to get it from like down here
at the base, you know what I'm sayin'?
So even if you're not big,
it just looks triumphant and powerful.
You never know when
you're gonna get a picture.
And I'm not really big on
the pictures to be honest.
Like, if you ask me
for a picture, I'll send it,
and I'd like
the same courtesy back.
Which means that
if I'd like a picture, I'll ask.
Why are you sending me
all these dick pics?
Like, I had this guy...
I do not know who this person is.
And they send me this pictures,
and this guy has this dick, it's this big.
Not exaggerating.
Whenever it starts to
get into that realm,
I always get scared.
Like, when's it coming?
When's the dick pic coming?
You know?
And, you know, to be honest,
they're never good.
He drew a spider web
on the head of his cock,
and he's like, "Look at this funny
little dick. Isn't this hilarious?
"Isn't this blah, blah, blah?"
And I open it,
and it's this dude's dick.
And I'm like, "Oh, my god."
For the most part,
it's an unflattering picture
of something
that I typically enjoy.
I'm as self-conscious
as any other guy out there.
Um, I want to have
a little bit of assurance
that she likes what she sees
before she sees it in person.
I would just send
dick pictures to...
Dude, I would just send them up a storm.
That's the thing to do.
It's like, it's either a body picture or
a dick pic. It's gonna be one of the two.
The Captain Morgan picture.
It's my favorite stance,
the Captain Morgan.
I don't know. Now that I think
about it, it's kinda shitty.
'Cause all of my junk
is just out there.
When you send your junk
through Gmail, for example,
the NSA got a copy of that.
The good news is there's no program
named the Dick Pic program.
The worst is when they, like,
take dick pics on the toilet.
Do not take dick pics
on the toilet.
Like I think, like, "What are you
doing that you have to do that?"
Men who are not gay
are socialized to only think about
their dick as a source of pleasure.
Giving or receiving.
A guy sending a picture
of his dick going,
"Me happy. Share fun you?
Me toy fun share?"
And the woman goes,
"Eek, what?"
You know, men want in.
Hi. My name is Janet,
and everybody is talking
about dick pics.
I've never received a dick pic.
Uh, so my friends put together
this slide show of 89 dick pics.
And, uh, we're gonna
take a look at them.
I'm gonna see
what this is all about.
So here we go.
This does not look like a person,
I don't think.
And this is a... Okay, so I know
this is an uncircumcised one.
I don't know if this is erect.
This is like
a sort of moodier one.
I'm not a size queen or anything,
but this is very short.
This is a big,
round lollipop dick.
It's like...
Yeah, he's like, bleh.
I don't know what this is.
I mean, I guess he could be
tugging his own ball sack, right?
Or... But it seems he maybe
fingering his butt hole.
Hmm, makes me wonder
what you could do with that.
Yes! Yes!
This is the one
I would wanna receive.
I don't... And I add,
I don't believe it's real
because it's too good.
This one, I'm sure, is real.
So, guys, women are complicated,
and even though you think you're just
sending a picture of your penis,
we're constantly trying to put
together the clues about you,
the man behind the dick.
But your wieners are fine.
Put your dick out there
and be fucking proud of it.
If you sent it, you meant it.
I'm gonna text my ex.
Probably shouldn't, right?
I'm gonna do it anyway.
Could we get some blow?
I desperately need some blow.
But first,
let me take a dick pic.
Let me take a dick pic.
Mystery's gone.
I guess people don't want
mystery anymore.
I'd rather be surprised.
Should the elderly sext?
Yes, but keep it to themselves.
People still want to have sex
at 50, 60, 70.
So it's kinda natural that
that would happen.
I wouldn't do it myself.
No. Nope, Let's just nip that right there.
No. They can send e-mails.
I mean, come on.
It's been my experience
with elderly people
that they really can't even
get to their contacts,
you know,
and their phone very well, so...
Fuck yeah.
Hell yeah!
They need it more than anyone.
Who the hell wants to
look at an elderly...
No. Nope.
E-mail. Stick with e-mail.
I don't know if Viagra...
You know, people should've been
not having sex for a long time.
Like, should've been done, retired from
having sex, all of a sudden, having sex.
And you know,
they leave things around.
You know, so their phone's gonna be left...
You don't want, like,
the grandkids to find the phone,
and then it's like, ugh.
If you're an old person,
and you have a cellphone,
and you know how to text,
uh, yeah, go ahead,
knock yourselves out.
Look, we got parental blocks
all over the world.
I think it's about time we put some
grandparental blocks on some things,
and sexting might be the first
and foremost to put it on.
Some guy's going,
"Hey, look at this.
"It's going to work.
It's going to work."
The woman's going, "That might be
going to work, but my pussy's retired.
"So, I'm sorry.
It's gonna have to call in sick."
E-mail at maximum.
Maybe a family picture sent.
But sexting, no way.
No one wants to see those wrinkle sticks.
You can't make "Don't sit under the apple
tree with anyone else but me" sexy.
You can't.
Well, you know, with Viagra,
I suppose, you know,
why should they be left out of it?
But that's like putting a new
flagpole on a condemned building.
I mean, what the fuck?
Breaking news just in to our
newsroom in New York City.
The New York mayoral candidate,
Anthony Weiner,
now admits he sent additional explicit
photos and texts to a woman online.
For the past few years,
I have engaged in several
inappropriate conversations
conducted over Twitter,
Facebook, e-mail,
and occasionally on the phone
with women I had met online.
What about the gods opening up the
clouds and giving us that one?
But it was just so easy,
you couldn't even touch it.
No pun intended.
Anthony Weiner, perfect example.
Sent a picture of himself
to somebody
he really didn't know,
and had conversations with that
person electronically he didn't know.
And look what happens.
He tried to...
As far as I can remember,
he tried to deny
that it was him.
Then people were,
"It's kind of a big dick.
He goes, "Oh, yeah. That is me."
The craziest part of the whole
Anthony Weiner thing is...
the guy never met you
No, he never met me.
But I've had more contact
with you already.
You had to say to yourself
"This guy is one sick puppy," right?
Oh, totally. Especially after the
first scandal had already happened.
Brett Favre, the same thing.
Jen Sterger,
the New York Jets TV host
caught up in a sexting scandal
with Brett Favre.
It was all investigated
by the NFL last fall.
They concluded
Jenn did nothing wrong,
but fined Favre $50,000
for failing to fully cooperate
with the probe.
Oh, my god.
You guys saw Brett Favre's dick pic?
He had fucking Crocs on,
and his dick was not even hard.
That's the worst thing
you can do,
is to be wearing Crocs
and have a small dick.
Before sexting,
Congressman Foley had
an instant message conversation
with a page,
where he said things.
Stupidly thinking that
instant message conversations
just sort of disappear
when you're done.
Not knowing that the person was copying
and pasting everything that he said.
He lost his job.
It turns out that James Franco
was trying to pick up a teenager on
Instagram, in case you haven't heard.
The Oscar-nominated actor was busted
for flirting with a 17-year-old.
You can hear him saying
to the girl,
"Tag me on Instagram" in that.
'Cause he, obviously, thought
she was hot,
and wanted to be able to find
where this person was.
Then they Instagram messaged back and
forth, and then it flowed into texts.
And then he said, "Well,
do you want me to come over?"
Uh, you know, I'm embarrassed,
and I, uh...
I guess I'm just a model of,
you know, how social media is tricky.
I used bad judgment,
and I learned my lesson.
I think we need to manage
our expectations
of celebrities and politicians
a little bit better.
The reality is that
these people are humans.
They're people.
We need to have realistic
expectations on their behaviors.
I think we expect people
in those positions
to almost be inhuman sometimes.
And then we shame them
for these behaviors.
And I think this should be looked
at as a symptom of our culture.
Hollywood actress, Eva Longoria,
caught her NBA husband sexting.
Sexting can lead to divorce just
like cheating leads to divorce.
And as a matter of fact,
sexting might be used
as evidence in a divorce case.
Sure. Sounds good.
How does eggplant Parmesan sound?
Okay. Shit.
LOL. Whatever you like.
Ah. This just doesn't work.
Come on, that is a foul.
Eggplant is fine!
Again with the eggplant.
Um, yes, eggplant is fine.
Wait, wait.
"At attention"?
At attention?
Uh, yes it will.
Oh, sorry. Too late.
I think I just started
my period.
Hmm, okay.
It's gonna be fun
to deal with that later.
One of the things
we've already started to see
in this era of electronic
is that some people,
for some reason,
don't pay attention to the
possible problems that can crop up
from sending something
from your phone to someone else.
I think that one of the problems
of this being such a great tool
is that then people
will rely on it too much.
And then you find that people will end
up having almost entire relationships
just using this.
You lose so much in just sexting
because you don't have the tone
of somebody's voice,
or you can't tell
what someone's feeling.
And so those really simple
subtleties are lost.
Things get just misconstrued,
where, you know, someone
says something.
You get a text and you're like,
"What did that mean? Did he mean it like
this? Or did he mean it like this?"
And then, something gets taken
completely out of context
and a fight gets started just
because of how something's said.
You lose the art
of actually socializing.
You know, people aren't
going out as much.
You know, you end up
doing this really weird thing
where you're at home isolating
to find somebody.
The exhilaration, the excitement
from a possible encounter
or to see where something goes,
far outweighs
the threat of danger.
Today, a Nova Scotia woman
is speaking out
about a tragic tale.
She shares her story of her
teenage daughter's suicide,
and the bullying
she encountered.
Rehtaeh's mother says Rehtaeh
experienced months of torment
after a revealing photo
was circulated.
That night, she says,
four boys raped her daughter.
While one of the guys
was having sex with her,
another guy said, "Take a picture.
Take a picture."
And she heard the picture click.
What did it show?
It showed a guy
having sex with her.
It's scary.
Her story is similar
to the case of Amanda Todd.
The BC team who put up
a video on YouTube
detailing how she was bullied
over a graphic photo.
A lot of the messages
are not just confined to
one person's phone.
There may even be
a group of people
who are sending the messages
back and forth.
And you don't know, really,
who you're talking to.
I was talking to a guy that I met
at a high school football game.
And we would just text,
like every day.
Like, flirt and whatnot.
And, um, one night,
we were texting,
and like in the middle of the conversation,
I got a random text.
And it was back when I was younger,
so I had the flip phone.
And I opened it, and it's like, "Would you
like to download the picture message?"
And so I was like, yeah.
It totally downloaded,
and I just got a picture
of his dick.
Just a full shot of the dick
and everything.
And I was, like, traumatized
and shocked.
'Cause I was
only in seventh grade,
and it was the first time
I'd ever seen a dick.
And it was just like
gnarly for me.
If you're, say, a teenager
or even a pre-teen,
your brain is not
completely developed
to the sense that you can
make a good decision there.
And so, the kinds of decisions
you make are faulty.
And so, you go ahead and go,
"Oh, I think I'll take this picture
and send it to somebody." Boom.
And it's gone
before you've thought about it.
I really don't think the parents are
getting involved as much as they should.
And I think you have to
start young.
Like, nine and ten, and say, "Look,
just don't set yourself up."
Especially for women.
They're jeopardizing themselves.
I wish younger people would not send sex
pictures of themselves to each other
because of the consequences
they cannot yet understand.
I'm not a parent,
but I used to be a teenager,
and I totally get
the desire to...
"Am I attractive?"
What kind of, you know...
"Am I sexy?"
I mean, 'cause when
you're body's changing,
you wanna know, "Am I sexy?
What is sexy?"
And you're still
discovering that.
My father used to tell me
actions have consequences.
And when it comes
to teenage sexting,
actions have consequences
they can't even contemplate.
They don't have any experience.
It's not that they're not smart.
They just don't know enough to
know what the consequences can be.
Forget Mom being mad at me.
And yet, all the horror stories,
that this picture got spread around,
the girl got slut shamed.
It still doesn't seem
to stop young people.
Because it's not gonna
happen to them,
the magical thinking,
the invincible shield of being 16.
It's gotta sink in
that people don't care,
and they're gonna send those
pictures to whoever they want to.
And that's what sets people up
for bullying.
You really don't want kids under the age of
18 sexting because it's child pornography.
And that's illegal.
And it's also not healthy because they
are not at a developed mental level
to be able to handle it.
And also, kids younger than 18
tend to be much more free about
distributing messages to
everybody, all their friends.
And you really don't want
naked pictures of you,
or nasty talk to get spread
to a bunch of teenagers.
It's probably not a good thing.
If you take a clever picture,
and it's one wrong button,
then you're in big trouble.
I mean, it doesn't even go
to the NSA.
It goes to your Aunt Lorraine
who doesn't like those pictures.
You know, I think that any time we talk
about teenagers or children and sexuality,
it becomes such a taboo subject.
But the reality is,
our sexuality develops
since we were
very small children.
Some people really have difficulty
talking to their children about sex.
And that's a cultural issue
as well.
We need more
support with parents.
We need to teach them how to
talk about sex to their kids.
How to appropriately
give their kids technology.
Are these kids being monitored?
You know, a lot of kids
come home from school
and they sit down on their
computers with no supervision.
They have cellphones.
The parents aren't watching.
And then trouble happens.
Well, especially to the girls.
Um, I don't think the message
is communicated enough
that they can say no.
You know, I think that
the emphasis of abstinence
or abstaining from sexualized
conversation with teenagers and children
only hurts us.
It doesn't help us.
So let's talk about it.
Why are these kids doing it?
Their sex drives are going up.
They're going through adolescence.
The reality is that they're
becoming sexual humans.
How do we deal with that
and teach these kids
responsibility with
what they're doing?
Are their parents monitoring
their phones?
You know, it's up to the parents
to monitor and teach
these children
how to conduct themselves.
That's the issue.
Parents have
called it dangerous,
and new tonight,
a west Michigan sex offender
is speaking out
about the app called Kik.
Wow, I can be
whoever I wanna be.
I can get anybody I want.
I can achieve my sexual
glorification through this app.
That's when I said, "You know what?
I have to stop this."
Please make sure to take
Kik off your kids' phone.
Our thinking is still stuck back
in the pre-Internet days,
that if we say something
to somebody,
if we send
a picture to somebody,
it's private
between the two of us.
It's not private.
In fact, nothing's private.
We have a really sort of uneasy
relationship with this concept of privacy.
It's sort of an exchange here.
We've exchanged privacy
for the ultimate connectivity.
We're willing to give up privacy so that
we can stay connected anywhere, anytime,
to whoever, whenever, whatever.
That's the new Worldwide Web.
If you post something
on Facebook
and you decide five seconds later,
"Oh, I shouldn't have said that,"
and you delete it,
somebody may very well
have copied it down
tweeted it, re-posted it,
shared it, whatever.
And there's no guarantee
of privacy.
In fact, one of the rules in this
world right now is nothing is private.
My advice to a friend sending a naughty
picture would probably be not to do it.
Um, it's not really a good idea,
especially if it's not
someone that you know.
Like, I've only ever sent pictures
of myself in a revealing situation
to my boyfriend. Someone who I know
is not gonna share that with anybody.
She's not gonna share that with
someone she trusts that much.
Don't do it.
It's not worth it.
Don't put your face in it.
'Cause you don't know
where it's gonna go,
and seriously, think about...
And no identifying features.
So if you have very distinctive
hand jewelry, take off the jewelry.
Make sure you're in front of a plain
background that could be any place.
Not, "Oh, my god.
That's Sally's kitchen.
"I totally recognize that magnet her
mother brought her back from Barcelona."
Make her send you
the picture first.
Easy as that.
So make sure she sends you
the picture first.
Because if she sends you
the picture first,
and he sent her a dick pic,
and if she tries to go viral
with that,
you got some back up plan.
You go viral with her naked picture.
Easy as that.
Often what happens is
you break up with someone,
the breakup is nasty.
The person who's hurt the most
then sends off
the nasty pictures,
and boom,
you're in real trouble.
I come from a really small town,
and things got around
really quickly.
And, um, I just remember one
girl sent a photo of herself.
Like, a full nude
with her face in it,
to a guy that she liked
in our high school.
And immediately, like,
that morning, everyone had it.
So, I kind of like learned my
lesson vicariously through her.
Then I was like, "Maybe I should
be more careful about this."
That cock shot, or those nude
shots can incriminate you later.
So if someone
breaks up with you,
wants to show it
to all their friends,
or send them to your job,
or anything like that,
you've gotta be concerned
with that.
I mean, I know some people
would say, like,
"Well, don't let him,
you know, film your face."
You know, but that's hard
when you're giving a blowjob.
You hear a lot of stuff about
people's pictures getting put online,
and things like that. Actually,
somebody stole some of my pictures
and put them on
a Craigslist thing.
And they were trying to act like
they were me with my pictures.
A friend of mine showed it to me.
I'm like, "Wow, that is me."
But they blacked out my eyes with
a black bar. It's interesting.
My first piece of advice
would be, don't show your face.
'Cause you could end up
on a website.
Ex-girlfriend Revenge.
The dirty... I mean,
you'd end up somewhere you don't wanna be.
So always make sure
when you're sexting
to maybe not show your face.
When you put these photos
out there,
there's a chance it's gonna
end up on the Internet.
And I've had a bunch of girls
send me some naked photos.
I've even recorded a sex tape,
but I've deleted them now
because I don't want the stigma
of being responsible for a girl,
uh, having her naked photos
posted on the Internet.
I mean, it's one thing for me
to look at it,
but a million horny guys
looking at her,
I don't think that's what she signed
up for when she sent me her tits.
A man accused of setting up
a revenge porn site
is now facing extortion charges.
It's a site where, basically,
people would put up
like, inappropriate pictures
of their exes.
Like, sex texting
and that kind of thing.
Hunter Moore is a 26-year-old
web renegade,
and his website, isanyoneup,
was designed for public
humiliation on a scale
only the Internet can offer.
They can come to my site, submit all
the pictures you sent, um, in a "sext,"
along with your Facebook,
or you Twitter, your Linkedln,
or any kind of social networking
profile that you have,
and we would link it directly
to that.
Officials released a 15-count
indictment against Moore
that said he and a co-conspirator
hacked into victims' computers
and stole nude photos.
A month before that,
the FBI arrested Kevin Christopher Bollaert
who operated
He was charged with conspiracy,
identity theft and extortion.
She had never sent the picture
to anyone.
She had taken the pictures alone in her
room with her cellphone in the mirror,
and sent them through her e-mail to get them to
her computer 'cause she wanted to save them.
And one was topless 'cause she had over
100 clothed pictures in that batch.
The photos came from
ex-boyfriends or were hacked.
All of them included
the woman's full name,
location, age,
and Facebook profile link.
When women would complain,
they were sent to Bollaert's other site.
Bollaert then charged women
up to $350
to have the photos removed through his second
website called
There was a situation where,
um, I was in a long...
Well, not a long-distance relationship,
but I was traveling a lot.
And, um, we had
a very rocky relationship.
There wasn't a lot of trust,
and, um, we would just, sort of,
breaking up on and off all the time.
It wasn't the best.
Our relationship
was lacking a lot of,
you know, love, passion
and respect, unfortunately.
Um, I wish things could've been different,
but they weren't.
Um, however, every now and then,
he would ask me to send
a picture of myself to him.
And I'd just be like,
"Oh, babe, I look like crap.
"I don't have makeup on.
I look gross.
"I feel gross. I'm tired. I'm just
gonna go to bed." Something like that.
And then I would get
a text message back saying,
"I know that you're probably...
You probably just don't love me.
"You're probably
with somebody else."
And that was the kind of
guilt trip I would get.
And I just like,
click, you know.
"Here you go, babe."
I was dating a guy for a year.
We moved really fast.
I moved in with him,
um, and, you know,
even we didn't sext before
we even got into
the relationship.
That wasn't even, like,
part of it.
Uh, we didn't even have sex until a
few months into our relationship.
Once I felt more comfortable,
I was like, "Eh, why not?"
You know, I literally sent him just
of ton of, you know, photos of me
while he was at work
and stuff like that.
I ended up on a revenge site
for exes.
It's one that's specifically designed for
people to submit pictures of their exes,
or people that, you know,
they have beef with.
And of their private parts.
Your social media addresses
are up there.
They can't put
your phone number.
They can't put your address,
and things like that up there,
but they can put photos
of your face.
Photos of your body.
And then they can give
a little description,
say anything that
they want about you.
Anything at all.
After we broke up, um,
he made a fake profile of me online,
and actually showed all of my nude
photos and sent them out to everyone.
My family members, my friends.
Basically, just
everyone on there,
It was just really
humiliating for me.
Especially after
finding that I...
I was getting texts from
different people saying like,
"Oh, we received your,
you know, photos and stuff."
I was in love with this guy.
I trusted him with everything
when I sent
those photos as well.
I didn't even think that
after we broke up
that he would, you know, make that
profile and put those photos up there.
At the time...
At the time, I was out of town,
and when I kept getting all
these links from people,
these strange men on Facebook.
And they were telling me
my pictures were up there.
I, um... I wanted to die.
Like, I just couldn't believe
that this had happened to me,
and now my life was over,
and people were, you know,
not gonna take me seriously.
I won't ever have, like, a future with
a guy who'll take me seriously now.
I called a couple of friends
and talked to them
so that they could
talk me off the ledge.
Not that I was actually gonna
kill myself,
but it was something
I was contemplating.
I, honestly,
after that situation,
I locked myself in my room
for days at a time.
I didn't wanna go out
and stuff like that.
But I think if, you know,
you're in high school or junior high,
um, you have to show up to school
and you have to face those people.
That emotional toll,
I can't even like wrap my mind around that.
How am I gonna find love
when the man that would want to marry
me or be with me has to see that,
or has to deal with it, too?
"I have a lady coming to paint kids'
faces and do balloon anals.
"I mean, balloon animals,
not balloon anals. OMG.
"I don't want a balloon anal."
You know, you can have a really
good job doing a balloon anal.
From Mexico to Utah.
This one, it's a good one.
"You should come over
and play with my titties."
"I'm coming over."
Five exclamation points
and a big, old smiley face.
"Kitties. I meant kitties.
"Damn, Autocorrect,
you just ruined my life."
That's a big-time failure
of Autocorrect right there.
Got his hopes all up,
next thing you know,
he's got kittens
instead of titties.
See, that would be
my sexting experience.
I'd get it all wrong.
I'd get all excited about the titties,
I end up with the kitties.
That's why I'm not
big into sexting, right there.
"My god! All I can think about is
nuzzling my nose and mouth in your pussy,
"and plunging my coco
in your honey bowl."
I like that "coco"
is the problem they had with this one.
Like, "honey bowl,"
no problem with that.
"Nuzzling my nose
into your pussy"?
"Plunging my cock
into your honey bowl"?
Honey bowl?
Honey bowl? I can't...
"No, seriously, tie me down.
"I also want some sort of pie.
"Like, dessert pie.
Can we also have some whipped cream?
"I'll tie you down and rub
cherry pie all over you.
"I'm gonna shove a cheesecake so
deep inside of you, you'll moo."
"Now I realize why
I feel off kilter."
"My office cock has not been
adjusted for the time change.
"OMFG, my office dock.
Ha, ha, ha."
"Mom's cell.
"Hi, Dan, guess what?
"The deer are in the back yard.
I just fed...
"I just fed one of them
out of my vagina."
"Ignore that last sentence.
"I just fed one of the deer
out of my vagina.
"Out of my veranda.
My phone won't let me spell it."
"LOL. Be careful, Mom."
Uh, okay.
A couple of things about this one.
Uh, she typed it twice.
She meant to say vagina. Right?
Two, no one says "veranda."
This isn't 15th century Italy.
You don't have a veranda.
You have a fucking porch.
"Don't do too much today.
Stay home and rest.
"I left orange juice
and chicken soup in the fridge.
"And I put tissues by the bed in case
you need to blow your load. Love, Mom."
God, that is just such a great mom.
Happy Mother's Day to her.
I do. I please myself
when I interact with my fans.
I use social media, and I take
pictures on my cellphone for them.
You use Twitter?
Absolutely I use Twitter.
I get the most comments and interaction
with my fans when I take selfies,
as opposed to professional
pictures from my shoots.
Hey, guys, it's Summer Brielle,
and I'm here on set
shooting some brand-new
sexy stuff for you.
Hope you like my little outfit.
You know, if I'm on set
or if I am out of the shower,
I like to take
little teaser pictures
and, you know,
post them on Twitter.
You know, I like to get in on...
What is it?
Thirsty Thursdays and, you know,
Wet Wednesdays, and all that fun stuff.
I noticed there's something
about the personal interaction
of the selfies. Guys love them.
I mean, I hope they beat
their little brains out to them.
I mainly get asked for selfies
by fans.
No one who knows me in person has ever
been like, "Hey, can I have a pic?"
And, you know, for a fan,
it's personal.
It's something that
I probably made just for them.
I feel like social media,
are haters against us girls
in the adult industry
because of the racy things
that some people...
They don't follow
guidelines and stuff.
But then you get fans
that have like,
either me getting fucked,
or something as their avie.
And I'm like,
"How can you get away with this?"
Or they'll send you
a dick picture.
I'm like, "How do you get that,
and I get flagged or reported?"
Life of a pornstar.
What're you gonna do?
I think that cellphones
have impacted...
And Twitter, and Instagram,
and Facebook have impacted
the adult industry
in a huge way.
And I think, definitely,
having personal interaction with our fans,
and them feeling like they can
connect with us more personally
is more important than ever.
And it's only gonna be
more important.
It's not gonna back away
from that.
A more intimate relationship with
our fans as a result of cellphones,
and I think it's only gonna
grow more in that direction.
I have Snapchat I've used.
Um, it's fun to send
little videos,
but I actually work
with a company
that sells access
to my Snapchat.
So that was my first time
ever using it.
Hi. Does this make you horny?
Are you gonna come
play with me later?
You know, I try to create
content that goes with that.
Half kind of getting to know me
better and half "this is dirty."
Um, it's kinda hot.
It's kinda hot being able to take
your phone and being able to be like,
"All right, I got 10 seconds to waste.
I'll do 10 seconds on my phone."
Yeah, InstaDM has definitely,
um, made a lot of dick pics
happen in my life
the last couple of months.
So, um, I've seen some interesting
things to say the least.
And the funny part with that
is that
they can actually see
when you see their picture,
but I never comment back,
which is hilarious.
And they're always like,
"Come on, I know you saw it."
And I'm like, "I don't care.
I'm just laughing at you."
Sometimes you may correspond
with someone you may never meet.
So it's really fun to have that person
you text once a day something dirty.
And then, you know,
you go on with your life.
You're not expecting
to actually meet this person.
You don't have a planned date where
you're gonna meet this person
and have sex with this person.
But you might have a couple of times
a day where you text this person.
You maybe in another country.
You know, she maybe
in another country.
Always constantly posting pictures
on Twitter and Instagram,
but mostly Twitter, nude ones.
Especially before I'm gonna do
Skype shows,
or I'm gonna jump on cam
and stuff,
but I'm always posting
sexy pictures.
I'm just in the shower...
The bathtub.
I'm gonna get all nice
and wet for you.
Just thought you'd appreciate
a little video.
I had Snapchat before,
but I got rid of it
'cause, um, the only person that was
Snapchatting me was my best friend.
And she was Snapchatting me
pictures of food all the time.
So it didn't work out.
There's no more, uh, innuendo.
There's no more, uh,
real man's flirtation.
It's right in your face. It's right on
your phone, and you can show your buddies.
We've just evolved, you know.
Evolved to a Retina Display
that can show intricate details,
and you can really make out what a penis
looks like and what comes out of it.
A new app called
Sex With Google Glass
is set to hit your face
in the near future,
and the makers hope you'll indulge as a
way to see sex from a new perspective.
- What are those things on your face?
- These? This is Google Glass.
You want to try 'em?
- Absolutely.
- Okay.
That's pretty cool.
What type of apps
are you guys doing for this?
Pornify everything.
Our obsession with
imagery right now is 10X.
It's why we have to make such grand
experiential things and go bigger and bigger.
Because with the consumers
expecting more and more of that,
they want to fall into fantasy.
And so we have to build
the construct in what they live.
I mean, it's very Matrix like
if anything.
Giving out tips.
Are you kidding me?
- I know.
- It's more than just that.
I can see all sorts of stuff.
In my fucking cunt.
- Oh, the definition of cunt just popped up.
- Oh, wow.
Even Ashley Madison has it's own
casual sex finder app.
And I think what that shows
is a shift in
the online dating market.
So is it gonna be too much
of a surprise
to see eHarmony, to see Match,
or even JDate
start their own
mobile dating apps
based off of location
and NFC capabilities?
Not at all.
In order to keep paid users,
they're gonna have to evolve to
where their users are now going.
I think I read recently that it's
one in eight couples that marry
meet on online dating sites.
Which is pretty extraordinary.
Literally, there is something
for everybody out there.
There are so many people
that are out there
that felt like there was
something wrong with them,
because they felt like there was
no one else like them out there,
and now they can go online
and they can type in whatever
their fetish is,
or their kink, or something,
and they can find
like-minded people.
Hinge, Skout, and even Pure
allow people to find casual sex,
BDSM hookups, threesomes,
and a host of other things
that fit their sexual needs.
You know, the recession is over.
The economy is coming back.
People have been restricted in what
they spend, what they indulge in.
And we're about to get a little
bit more hedonistic these days.
Technology and sexuality
really go hand in hand.
And I think the bigger question
is, the chicken or the egg?
Is the technology there and it causes
people to behave more sexually?
Or are we sexual people
and that technology is being
created to cater to our sexuality?
When we used to look at
technology use,
um, we used to think that
they would eventually...
Any technology there
would become a backlash,
and people would start
to use it too much,
and then go,
"Oh, no. That's enough."
And yet, we haven't seen that with
any of the major technologies.
I text with a lot of people.
Women have never
sent me, like...
What are they called?
Emoticons or emojis?
Is that what they're called,
Women don't send emojis.
Dudes send emojis.
Which is really disturbing.
I don't like them.
Um, I think they're weird,
and they definitely should not
be involved in a sext situation.
Like, um,
my boyfriend sends me eggplants.
Purple eggplants,
as if he has a big black dick.
It's like,
you don't have an eggplant.
I like you and everything,
but you're Canadian. Like, there's
no eggplants involved in this.
Okay, so this is like
the Rorschach test of emojis.
"Let's get drunk, and make out,
and listen to music at the beach"?
I don't know what that is.
It's like, "I'm gonna get you drunk and
take you to a Micheal Bolton concert
"and fuck you while
the sun goes down."
"Let's drink.
Let's fuck to music till the sun comes up"?
"Don't whine while
I'm having sex with you."
Sexy time?
That's what I said.
That, that's a "sexy time"?
Why don't they just write
fucking "sexy time"?
Sexy time. Okay.
Oh, I get it.
Well, where's the wine?
That's a lot of blowjobs.
All I can tell
is that's a lot of blowjobs.
Is that what it is?
It's a lot of blowjobs?
Oh, that's an "O" face.
You had five orgasms. Good for you.
"Five faces of people..."
You know what?
I know what that is.
You see what that is?
Five people with their mouths going...
"What the fuck
are you talking about?"
"I can't believe...
This is horrifying."
That's what that says.
It's a fucking job
to figure out what that says.
All right. Now, I see
those two peaches again.
It's somebody clapping.
"Make it clap."
"Make it clap."
That thing where they
put their butts together.
Uh, the single butt.
One butt. Is that it?
Okay. Double ass...
Double penetration.
Double... Oh, oh.
"Let's DP and then pray."
Okay. Now,
this is two peaches and a fortune cookie.
Is that a fortune cookie?
Two hands?
Oh, those are two hands.
Um, you know,
who the fuck thought that up?
I mean, Jesus, second base.
Why don't just put
a fucking baseball diamond
and put a base in second base?
I mean, why two peaches?
It's the end of the world,
you know.
Is that a piece of pizza?
'Cause if it is,
I'm in with the purple dick.
I would eat the pizza before I took care
of the dick. That's what I would do.
Now, here's my old friend,
the eggplant.
"Every time's a good time
when your shit's out"?
Good sex.
Good sex?
Do people believe this?
Good sex.
Okay. You know what?
Some people keep it simple,
you know?
Seems like it would be quicker
to write "good sex."
That's a smiley happy face,
but also, the tongue
looks like a lady's vagina.
So, I...
Eating a girl out?
It's eating five girls out.
It's five happy vaginas.
That one says
"Make sure you bathe before we bump,
"and bathe afterwards again."
They must be Catholic.
"Wash your pussy
"before I stick my eggplant
"in that big fucking tub
of yours."
You know what? "I'm gonna take a
bath with an eggplant up my ass."
Tub, dick, pussy, shower.
Um, oh!
"Piss on me."
All right.
Now you're getting into my wheel house.
There's a hand clapping
and a horse.
This is some Alabama shit.
Um, nope.
Whatever it is, I'm not doing it.
Looks like there's a horse
in the situation.
There's an eggplant, a peach,
a party hat, a star...
You know what?
I'm gonna tell you what this means.
This means
"I'm so fucking stupid
"that I can't call
somebody up and say,
"'Listen, I wanna
have sex with you.
"'I have to send you a bunch
of fucking hieroglyphics
"'hoping that you can understand
what I'm saying to you,
"'and if you do,
then you're just as fucking stupid as I am,
"'and we should not have kids.'"
I would say now that I've
started to enjoy sexting,
I'm definitely well on my way
of becoming addicted to it.
I am addicted to sexting.
I am.
Why do you think that?
Because I do it a lot,
and I have fun with it, and I enjoy it.
I'm not addicted,
but I'd probably do it once a week.
I probably actually do it once a week.
Is that an addict?
I think so.
If there's a term of addiction,
and if it's not drug,
it would be that.
So would you say
you're addicted to sexting?
- Absolutely?
- Yeah.
If so, why?
Why would you say that?
It's easy money.
I wouldn't say
I'm addicted to sexting.
Um, I think there's
a lot of people out there
who have worse addictions
than I do.
I'm not addicted to sexting.
I can go without sexting,
but I definitely couldn't
tweet without sexting.
So, I don't know.
I guess I might have to admit my addiction,
right here, now.
Addiction is
a bio-chemical issue.
It's the brain's need
for dopamine.
And so, we see it, for example,
with video game players
that they play to get a squirt
of dopamine in their head
to make them feel pleasure.
The Internet itself
is neural stimuli.
It can ensnare you
in a dopamine loop.
Whether you're on something
as simple as Pinterest,
which you pin and pin and react
and act and act,
and you're falling down
a rabbit hole
because it's stimulating
your mind.
An addiction is only
an addiction
if it's interfering with
other parts of your life.
When we talk about sexting
or any technology,
there's really no, uh, disorder
for technological addiction.
We suggest that people
take breaks from their devices.
Even turn them off for a while.
Definitely not have them on
in the middle of the night,
so that you're not getting alerts and
rings, you know, while you're sleeping.
And during the day,
try to minimize
the number of times that
you're checking your phone.
If it's not a problem,
don't treat it as a problem.
So if people are sexting and there's
no negativity about it in their lives
and they're happy about it,
it's something they don't
need to be focused on.
If sexting makes you
feel pleasure
and you're doing it because you constantly
need that replenishment of pleasure,
but you can only get it through sexting,
then it's problematic.
And so, if you're addicted to the
sexting part, that's not a good thing.
Because that means you're not carrying
it over into your sexual relationship,
and it's a tool
in and of itself.
For many people, particularly their
smart phone is an object of obsession.
We're noticing in our research,
more and more people are carrying their
phone in their hand all day long.
Not relegating it
to their pocket anymore,
but carrying it close at hand
so they can feel that buzz,
that vibration.
So they can get it immediately.
What we're really seeing,
as a race,
being totally consumed
by our ability to connect
to another person
through a little box
we carry 24/7, 365.