Adverse (2020) Movie Script
So, how's your temper lately?
You have any recent outbursts?
What about stress?
Only when I come in here.
Look, I'm trying to make this
as painless as possible.
And may I also remind you
that these evaluations
are part of your parole
Now, are you going
to answer the questions,
or do I have to write down that you
are being uncooperative in my report?
Right. Ahem.
Now, let's get back
to your personal life.
What's going on there?
And Mia, how's she doing?
She's fine, I guess.
What's she up to?
Just usual stuff, you know?
No, I don't know.
Hey, you mind not leaving
your ashes in front of my door?
Fucking unbelievable.
- Ethan, 'sup?
- Oh, hey, man.
What the hell is going on?
Uh, this is my boyfriend Lars.
Lars, my brother Ethan.
- How's it going, man?
- Get your drugs and get the fuck out of here!
What, are you serious, bro?
- Ethan, don't be a dick.
- Now!
What the fuck's
your problem, man?
You're my fuckin' problem, man.
Okay, let's just calm down.
- Whoa.
- What the fuck?!
- Easy, man!
- What the fuck, bro?
Get your shit
and get the fuck outta here!
The same goes for you, ladies.
Get the fuck outta here!
- Okay.
- Jeez!
You don't have to be
an asshole about it.
Bye, guys. Sorry.
Bye, Mia.
I don't want them here. I don't
want them doing their drugs here!
Fucking relax,
it's not a big deal.
Mia, you don't need to be
hanging around with trash like that.
You're not even 18.
I mean, how old are they?
- You're not my fucking father.
- Yeah, thank God for that.
Fuck it.
Your responsibility
to make sure the hotel
reservations were set.
Don't blame this on me!
All you do is text
God only knows
on that cell phone all day long!
Go! Go! Go!
I think I'm going to be sick.
Don't throw up in my car.
She's not going to throw up
in your stupid car.
You Ethan?
Yeah. Kaden?
Ethan, I need to getto 37 Mission,
downtown. How long will it take you?
This time of night,
about 30 minutes.
Where you going?
This is a shortcut to the 110.
Well, you keep
pretty late hours.
Yeah, I got insomnia.
Yeah, I know all about that.
What do you do?
Need some water?
I lend people money.
Well, now I know
where to for a loan, huh?
You seem like a nice guy.
If I was you, I would...
I'd-I'd go to somebody else.
You're not much of a salesman.
Just looking after your health.
How we doing on time?
Maybe another ten, maybe less.
You looking for
any full-time work?
This is it.
I work when I want.
My mom gave me this car,
so, easy money.
Hey, whatever rocks your boat.
All right, we're here.
All right, let's do it.
Ah, here, take this.
Thanks, man.
Well, you have my number.
Hey, Frankie.
Ethan, sit, please.
I've been meaning
to talk to you.
What's going on?
What do you mean?
Well, got some negative reviews
about you tonight.
One girl says, uh...
She some wrote comments
that you intentionally took
an extra-long route
so to screw her
outta some money. Hm.
No, I took a shortcut
to get her there faster.
Besides, you know the fee
is destination-based,
so what does that matter?
So you didn't maybe drive her
somewhere private,
so you could, you know,
score up a little somethin'?
- No.
- No?
I mean, I know you lowlifes
like to hit on all the girls,
but that cultural shit,
that doesn't work here.
What are you trying to say?
Here's another report.
Woman claims that you
were sexually harassing her
and her friends.
She make that up?
She was drinking
with her friends
and she threw up
in the back of my car,
and I had to clean up the mess.
Well, be that as it may,
I'm still gonna have
to follow protocol
and run this by corporate.
Wait, are you firing me?
No, I'm suspending you.
Now, I'll let you know
when it's all cleared up.
Well, can I get paid now?
You owe me over ten grand.
I cannot pay you.
I cannot pay you until
this whole thing blows over.
That is company policy.
I'm sorry.
What, Ethan?
I gotta go to the bathroom.
- Dinner's about ready.
- Okay, can I pee first?
Hey, wait a second.
Come on, let's sit
at the table for once.
Pretend we're a family.
Just give it a shot.
This is stupid, I don't want...
Have a seat.
Por favor.
- You okay?
- Fine.
Hey, what happened to your ring?
I lost it.
You lost Mom's ring?
Are you serious?
It's not a big deal. I'm sure it's around
how's school?
School is school.
- But you're going?
- Duh.
That's funny, 'cause I got
a letter from them
saying how you've been
absent for weeks.
It's just not my thing.
You know what happens
if you stop going, right?
They could take you away
and put you in a foster home.
Are you in some kind of trouble?
No. No.
It... I just don't see
the point much in going.
I mean, you never finished.
Yeah, and that was
the mistake that Imade.
It's just not for me.
Oh, so what then?
You just hang out
and you get high with Lars?
I'm telling you,
you don't need him.
This is how it starts.
I've seen the way he treats you.
Will you lay off of him?
You don't see mesticking my nose
in your shit!
The guy's bad news.
He's affecting...
Fucking drop it!
Jeez, the fuck you want from me?
I want you to use
your fucking brain for once.
Yeah, this coming
from a fucking cab driver.
Don't you disrespect me
like that.
I do that job and pay the bills
so you can go to school!
You think Mom
would just let you...
You're not Mom!
You're not my fucking father!
You're not even
my full fucking brother,
so stop fucking acting like it!
But I'm still
your guardian, huh?
You'd be in a foster home
if it wasn't for me!
Yeah, but at least I wouldn't
have to listen to your shit!
Yeah, you keep it up,
and you see how far
that mouth of yours
will get you, huh?
I see you're still leaving your
cigarette ashes everywhere.
And you're still being loud
as fuck in there.
Well, fun chatting
with you, as always.
She'll grow out of it, you know.
Your daughter.
She'll grow out of it
at some point.
Oh, she's my sister.
Makes sense why you guys
argue so much.
Yeah, well, I guess
I better get back inside.
Yep. Later.
I'm gonna go try
and talk to Dante.
Mia! Finally!
- You made it!
- Hi.
You stillsticking that shit
up your nose?
I went off
those fuckin' painkillers.
Fuck up my head.
You're fucking up, Dante.
You know that.
Listen, Mr. Storme.
- How this is...
- Listen, you little weasel,
we have heard
everything you've been...
- Fuck you, Jan!
- Oh, fuck me?
Hey, shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up!
This is your last chance.
Look at me.
You understand me, Dante?
You understand me?
No more... No more product
for this... cocksucker.
You're lucky I don't shoot
your fucking ass!
Shoot your ass!
The fuck do you want?
You got my money?
I got some of it.
Where's your girl?
She's here.
Well, go get her.
The fuck you waiting for?
No, I know, it was...
Dante wants to talk
to us, now! Come on!
What've you got for me?
Got some cash...
some phones...
and some jewelry.
The fuck is this?
Okay, put your hand
on the table.
- Dante, please...
- Don't make me ask you again!
Hey, you...
I want you to see this.
So pay attention!
Put your hand back on the table!
Just so we have
an understanding,
I don't give a shit
how young you are,
just get me the fucking cash.
Oh, you must be hurting.
Here, try some of this.
Ethan, promise me.
I want Mia to have it.
You give it to her
after I'm gone.
You're all she's got left.
Mia, you okay?
You had a bad trip.
Hey, what kind of trouble
are you in?
And tell me the truth.
Come on.
I owe some money.
How much?
Tell me.
Twenty grand.
What? To who?!
Me and Lars, we were gonna
run away together,
start a new life or something.
But we needed money,
so we ended up borrowing
from this guy, Dante.
It started off as ten grand.
We were basically gonna use
itto start a business or something.
But that never happened.
We... we ended up
spending it all on drugs.
And... then Dante tells us
that he's gonna be
charging interest.
And that ten grand went to 12,
then to 15 and now 20.
Who is this Dante?
He works for some big drug lord
or something, I don't know.
And where do I find him?
Why? What are you gonna do?
You let me deal with that.
Ethan, he's dangerous.
I saw him shoot Lars' hand...
Where is he?
Give me my phone back.
I'm gonna call Lars,
I'll ask him myself.
He's at the Velvet Room.
What are you doing? Ethan.
You stay here.
Give me my money.
I told you, I can't just
give you your money.
I said, give me my money!
I'm not asking!
All right, Ethan, relax.
I could sue you
for not paying me,
but I don't use lawyers
to handle my business.
- Where's Dante?
- Downstairs.
Yeah, fuck are you?
I'm here for Mia.
Come again?
Mia, Mia...
Oh, yeah, her.
I don't know
where that fuckin' bitch is.
Mia's my sister.
Hey, look, man,
your sister and her boyfriend
owe me 20 grand.
It's nothing personal,
but they owe.
Yeah, with all the tax
you're tacking on,
you're making it
impossible for them.
Hey, listen, man,
last I checked,
we're living
in a capitalist country.
You know it's more Lars
that owes you than her, right?
Fuck, I don't give
a shit who it is,
as long as
I get my fucking cash.
I got ten grand right here.
You take this and she's done.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Mia's done with everything.
Just so you know,
Lars isn't off the hook.
Yeah, good.
If you know what's good for you,
you better not show
your face here again.
Hey, Lars?
If I see you again, you're dead.
You're welcome.
You know, for as long
as I've known you,
I've never understood why
you like this place so much.
Well, I'm just
a creature of habit.
I like simplicity.
So we need to go over the list.
According to Dante,
we've got three this week
who are past due.
Give me the sugar.
Am I speaking Chinese to you?
Look, I need you to listen to me,
all right?
I know you don't respect
or understand my business.
Jake, I've never liked much of
what you've had to say, okay?
As a matter of fact,
I don't even like you.
Well, you see,
the thing is my operation
still gives you
half your customers.
don't blow...
smoke up my ass.
You do what you gotta do.
- I will.
- Well?
Well, what else?
Just get out of my face.
I need to call and check to see if
Dante's collected those debts for you.
Dante is irrelevant.
- Here you are, dear.
- Oh, you're so good.
I know.
Dante, are any of this...
This week's debts been paid?
Get the fuck off me.
- Uh...
- What are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
Um, no.
Well... It's my fault
that I'm stuck with a
piece of shit like you.
Just get the debts paid, okay?
Hey, baby,
wanna smoke this joint?
Hey, weasel, you know who it is.
I need to collect the information
on the outstanding debtors.
Um, yes, there's Lars.
Lars Mitchem.
Lars Mitchem, and the other one?
- Um...
- The other one?
That's-that's it.
No, no,
Kaden said that there was another one.
No. No, no, that's it.
Fine, then you're gonna
take responsibility for it.
It's gonna be your fucking life.
Oh, wait, um,
I-I made a mistake.
There is a second one.
Last name?
Locke. Mia Locke.
Have a great fucking day.
Looks like you
beat me out here this time.
I guess so.
So, uh,
can I bum a cigarette? I'm all out.
I never caught your name.
You never asked.
Well, I'm asking now.
I'm Ethan.
I didn't ask.
Just fucking with you.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, shit, I gotta get back
I'm making dinner.
- What're you making?
- Spaghetti.
Well, if I'm being honest,
it's really the only thing
I know how to make.
Hm, well, enjoy.
Hey, why don't you maybe
come join us for dinner?
Thank you. I'm cool, though.
No, it'll be fine. Come on.
- All right.
- Come on.
Oh, that's good, thank you.
I, uh... I like your choker.
Yeah, she never seems
to take it off.
- So, Chloe, is it?
- Mm-hmm.
So you're our neighbor, huh?
Yeah, that's right.
I've seen you around.
Cool. I haven't seen youaround.
Mia here tends to be
a little absent-minded.
You're one to talk.
No, it's cool. I can handle
a dis here and there.
So how old are you, sweetie?
- You're 16.
- Twenty.
She's 16.
How old are you again?
Very nice. Um...
How awesome is it to havesuch
a cool brother look after you?
Half-brother, and he thinks
he's cooler than he is.
So your parents live near here?
They're dead.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Why? Did you kill them?
I think Ethan's dad's
still alive...
English, please, for our guest.
Mm, you must like her.
Stop trying to embarrass me.
I was just asking my brother
if he was treating you well.
Busted! Ethan,
she's a keeper. I like her.
Mia here really loves to push
people's buttons at first.
But, listen, once you
get to know her,
you realize she's
a real pain in the ass.
Where does this go?
I told you, you don't have
to clean up. You're our guest.
It's okay, I like keeping busy.
I like your sister.
She reminds me of me
during my rebellious years.
Yeah, I'd hate to imagine
what youwere like back then.
I wasn't that bad.
I put on a front at first,
I'm not always that way.
How'd you end up
taking care of her?
Well, her father died when I was
which left my mom
to take care of Mia and me,
which was pretty tough
on my mom, especially 'cause...
Actually, that goes
in the cupboard up there.
- Here?
- Yeah, on the left.
And so after that, I decided I'd
do what I could to take care of Mia.
Cleaned up my act, stopped
hanging out with the wrong crowd and...
I don't know, just didn't want
her to end up in some foster home.
So I did what I could
to keep her out,
even though I don't know
shit about parenting.
Well, it seems that, although you may have
fucked up in the past,
you're getting
your shit together now.
Yeah, well, I have to keep my
shit together while I have Mia.
Otherwise, I could lose her.
Sorry, we've had
all these cutbacks.
I don't even really
get a lunch break anymore.
It's fine.
What'd I tell you
about your cell phone?
It's off.
So, how are things
since the last time we spoke?
It's better.
Uh... At least...
Well, my sister and I
started talking again.
That's good.
How'd you two
start communicating?
I don't know,
we just started talking again.
I think part of it is that she
broke up with her boyfriend.
Where are you?
Where are you?
You're makingsome real progress.
I'm glad to see it.
- Get her!
- Get in the truck!
Shh! Come on!
Hey, it's Mia, leave a message.
Hi, yes, I think
my sister's in trouble.
No, no,
I can't get a hold of her.
Okay, how old is your sister?
Well, she's-she's 16, and...
Has she been missing
for more than 24 hours?
- No, listen, she's only 16.
- Okay, sir, stay calm.
Ethan Locke?
Is that your sister?
How did she die?
Unfortunately, it looks like
she died of a drug overdose.
I doubt she suffered.
We'll give you some privacy.
I'm sorry
I couldn't be there for you.
I'm very sorry to hear
about your sister's death.
Do you wanna talk about it?
Why? It's your fault.
I'm sorry?
You should be.
If you hadn't made me
turn off my phone,
then I could've
gotten to her in time.
- All right, now listen.
- No, I'm done listening to you.
That's all I've done,
is sit here and listen to you talk,
and you've got nothing to say.
I'm not listening to you
What, you thinkyou're the only person
who's ever lost someone?
You think you've got it so much worse
than everyone else?
Let me tell you
something, Locke.
All day, every day,
I deal with someone
just like you,
who feels like they were wrongedand
that the whole world owes them something
because they wereraised underprivileged.
Just another average Chicano.
Only you don't see thembreaking into homes
and stealing stuff.
- This is bullshit.
- Bullshit, hm?
Let me tell you
what's bullshit, Ethan.
The fact that you get
opportunity after opportunity,
and you squander them endlessly.
You wanna blame someone
for your sister's death?
Then blame her for taking
the drugs in the first place!
Blame the ones who put
the drugs in her hand!
But do not blame society...
You're absolutely right,
Dr. Cruz.
Hey, where are you going?
My sister's dead!
Who killed her?
I don't know.
It was Kaden.
I couldn't give it to...
You didn't give them the money,
did you, you fuck?
I couldn't!
Who the hell are you?
Hey, what's your name?
Put that away.
- What?
- I said put that away.
Why are you here?
I know your face.
Yeah. Yeah, you do.
- What's your name again?
- Ethan.
You just did
half my job for me, Ethan.
You want a job, Ethan?
- Yeah.
- Cool.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Don't be late.
Why didn't you let me smoke him?
He's already dead.
Haven't seen you
out for a smoke lately.
I, uh, saw the pigs
here earlier today.
Wanted to make sure
everything was okay.
- Where...
- Yeah, yeah.
Where's Mia?
She, uh...
She's not here any longer.
Is she coming back?
No, she...
Wait here.
What do you think
you're doing at my house, eh?
- Hey, I'm off now, see you later.
- Bye, Dad.
- You got a nice...
- What the fuck are you doing at my house?
- Kaden told me...
- No, I mean, what the fuck are you doing at my house?
Don't you ever cometo my house again,
you got that?
I don't want you ever near,
anywhere near my fucking kids, all right?
Just doing what the boss
told me to do.
Shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up!
Fuck Kaden!
You know, Kaden may be the boss,
but he's sick and I'm the one
that's next in line.
You understand that?
See, I've got my eye...
We just gonna talk all night?
2701 Hawthorne Place.
And do yourself a favor.
You try and keep that
littlemouth of yours shut, all right?
Smile and drive.
Smile and fucking drive.
Smile and drive.
Sorry, guys, we're closed.
Hello, Craig.
Hey, Jake. What a surprise, man.
- How are ya?
- Me?
- Yeah.
- Fine.
Right on! How's-how's Kaden?
He still doing
his baseball routine?
Of course, what else?
Who, uh, who's this guy?
I don't think
I've seen him around before.
Yeah, never mind about him.
Where have you been, Craig?
Oh, I, um...
I was down in Florida.
My folks got really sick,
so I had to go down there.
Um, but I just got back.
I was gonna give you a call.
I see, I see.
'Cause I heard different.
I heard you've been back
for over a week.
Uh, who told you that?
No, no, no,
I-I, like, just got back.
I was gonna come see you.
Ahem. So you've got
Kaden's money then?
Uh, no, not yet.
You see, this is the problem
with degenerates.
No, no... No, no, no,
I'm-I'm gonna have it very soon.
- Um, I'm expecting an inheritance.
- An inheritance?
- Yeah, from my grandmother.
- From your grandmother, really?
Well, yeah. She just died.
That's-that's why I had to go to Florida.
It was a family emergency.
It was a family emergency,
nice, yeah.
You getting this? Mm-hmm.
Okay, fuck sakes, I'm gonna bury you.
Oh, fuck. No.
No, no, no, no, no.
Just a second,
let me talk to him.
- You take your hand off me.
- Just let me talk to him.
- What the fuck are you gonna say?
- Just let me talk.
You gotta come up with something now,
or he's gonna kill you.
- I don't have anything.
- Just come up with something.
Fine, it's not on me.
- I have my money in an account.
- Where?
Uh... Here, it's a debit.
He's got money.
How much?
There's like, uh,
ten grand in there.
Uh, nine, one, three, two.
Okay, that's good.
Thank you, Craig.
Come on, smiley.
You didn't have to kill him.
Oh, what do you care, eh?
And let me tell you something.
If you wanna make it
in this business,
then you have to learn to kill.
Because the people that Kaden hires,
they're actual psychopaths
who enjoy killing and
torturing. And if you don't,
then Kaden doesn't have any
use for you and neither do I.
- Jake.
- Yeah, it's taken care of.
Head over to...
Got it.
Boss has a job for you.
You're dropping me off
on the way. Drive.
So, uh, you're
our chauffeur tonight?
- I guess so.
- Huh.
Wait here.
Come here.
Get him in! Get him in.
Hit him!
Hey. Kyle.
It's nice to... meet ya.
Yeah. Yeah, and this littlescam artist,
shithead is Lars, isn't that right?
All right, come on, head south.
Where to?
Don't worry,
we'll get there. Now go.
So you're
Kaden's new driver, huh?
Apparently, Kaden wants to send
someone along with us,
'cause it's not like we haven't
been doing fine for years.
Yeah, we've been
doing just fine.
So how hard was it to grab him?
Uh, let's just say that
his little... his little girlfriend
was-was twice as hard
as this little scum sucker.
It's kinda funny, Lars.
We shot your girl
full of so many drugs,
her little heart exploded.
Oh, oh, um, make a left
and then pull over.
Let's go.
- Yeah?
- Jan, did you get there?
- Yeah, we're here.
- Get him on the phone.
Okay, hold on.
Listen, you cunt,
your whore
of a girlfriend is dead.
- Where's my money?
- Wasn't my girlfriend.
Just needed more time.
Just trying to take care
of my baby.
Just needed more time!
Mia was gonna get it
from her brother.
You talk too much.
You just get this wrapped up.
Do what you gotta do. Ethan,
when you're done, you pick me up.
Wait, Eth...
Let's get outta here.
Come on!
That was fun.
Well, I gotta go
pick up Kaden, so...
Yeah, well, we've gotsome other business
to take care of anyways, too.
Yeah, got-gots the next
on our list.
All right, we'll, uh,
see you later, driver.
Nice to meet ya.
this is a .38.
It's got six shots.
You point it,
you squeeze the trigger.
A fucking idiot
could use it, right?
You ever shoot a gun before?
Well, there's always
a first time.
McMillan didn't have anything on her.
- What do you want us to do?
- I want McMillan taken care of.
Oh, you got it.
- You call me when it's done.
- Okay, boss.
Let's go, uh, grab a coffee.
Hey, listen, don't get all
fucked up in the head
over that shit you had to do.
I mean, you did it, it's done.
- It was the best you can.
- For...
Forget about it.
There ain't no accidents
in this life.
There's a reason for everything.
I'll pick you up
another gun, if you like.
It's your choice.
- Wait, where are you going?
- Nowhere.
- Well, what-what's in the backpack?
- Get outta my way, Mom.
- No, what's in here?
- Nothing.
- What is that? No, what is that?
- No.
What is this?
Give it to me, give it to me.
- Let go of it!
- Give it to me!
Let go of it!
Why do you kill?
Just business.
You know, sometimes there's
a lot of foolish people.
They hit the jackpot with money,
they come to me.
I give 'em what they need.
And then there's the...
the silly bastards
that think they can take advantage
of you and not pay you back,
and that's when things get ugly.
It's nothing personal.
Just strictly business.
Yeah, well, seems like
Jan and Kyle...
Those two fuckers are just bugs.
Just evil cocksuckers.
All they care about
is money and power.
You take the girl, for example.
You know, I told 'em
just take care of business.
I didn't tell 'em
to torture the poor thing.
Ah, fuck.
You okay?
I'm here and I'm not here.
Adriamycin. This is...
This is for cancer.
My mother,
she used to take Adriamycin
to help it stop from spreading.
Well, when your clock's
your clock's punched.
You know how long you have?
I don't have all the answers.
They'd give me more time,
they said.
Six months, a year.
Two years if I take
the chemo treatments.
I don't reallywanna walk around,
drooling all over myself,
having some hospice nurse I
don't even know her fucking name
wiping my ass, you know...
I'm not afraid of...
I'm not afraid of death...
but I am afraid of dying,
you know.
How do you get involved
with all this?
I don't talk about it much,
I wanted to be a ball player.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And, uh, you know, I got, uh...
I had a... a pretty good shot.
You know, I got drafted
out of high school at 17,
I was playing double-A,
single-A ball for about five years.
And you know, it didn't work.
I just... I wasn't
good enough, I guess.
So, uh...
I had to find
something, you know?
This is not how I...
This is not how I planned
my life to be.
You know, I never wanted to
be a bad person or, you know...
I just... I just wanted
to play ball, man.
You know,
I guess when your dreams don't come true,
you know, you never forget
about them. You just...
I really, really wish things
would've worked out differently.
The girl, for example.
I didn't tell 'em
to torture the poor thing.
We shot your girl
full of so many drugs,
her little heart exploded.
- Hey.
- Come on.
Come on!
I'm assuming you're here
on orders from Kaden.
Nice to see you again.
Yeah, have a seat.
So what-what can we do for you?
Hey, I'm just curious.
Where do you guys
get your drugs from?
I mean, you ask Kaden
that question?
Not yet.
I guess we can tell you.
We got a little spot
over on Grand Avenue.
They got a whole operation
over there.
This shit is...
They gots the good stuffs.
That shit ain't cheap.
But we got a little homie
hookup if you need something.
All right. Thanks, man.
I like you. I like... I like him.
We can be best friends now.
You want a beer?
Yeah, sure, man.
Hey, Jan, let me
ask you something. Is he...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know
what you're thinking.
He's got a few screws loose.
But he's fucking loyal.
Now he's excited
to have another friend.
That is, if you don't
piss Kaden off.
Yeah, that's why I'm here.
To see that the job's
done right.
Hey, Kyle. Hey.
Now Kaden is sending people
to our house to check on us.
Told you that shit
was gonna happen after Lars.
You know what? I'm ready.
Ready for what?
You watch what we do here
and you go tell the chief, okay?
I don't fucking care anymore.
Let's do this. Let's do it.
Let's get this show on
the road. Are you hungry?
Man, get us some...
Get us some snacks.
Come on.
I'm gonna introduce you
to our guest.
Get up. Come on, man,
let's do this.
So this is a new gig for you?
Yeah, man, Kaden,
he's a little uptight,
but at leasthe pays on time,
you know?
So let's, uh,
let's check her out.
Here's McMillan. I told you,
nothing to worry about.
Dumb ass woman.
Yeah, we're gonna take
care of you real soon.
Quick. Y'all
end up here, don't you?
I got some snacks.
Please, I thought
that we were friends.
You killed my sister.
We're... not... friends!
Hey, hey, hey,
I'm not going to hurt you.
Hey. Hey,
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Okay, you understand me?
I'm not gonna hurt you.
You're Mia's friend.
You're... you're her brother.
You gotta get out of here
right now and never look back.
Hey, do you hear me?
You gotta leave right now.
No, I can't...
I can't leave without her.
They have her.
Who? Where?
My sister.
She's inside there.
I can't go in there. Please,
please don't make me go in there, please.
Hey, hey, hey.
You don't have to go in there.
What's her name?
You wait here.
Jake wants us to deliver the
drug shipments out by end of week.
Also, kill the girl
Jan brought. Got that?
Scott, I'm really
liking the outfits
these other girls you...
Hey, Jen, is everything okay?
Please. Please, don't hurt me.
I won't, I'm with your sister.
You made a big mistake
coming here.
That's all you got?
Get up, get up!
Did you find her?
My sister.
She loved you.
She never wanted you
to get involved in this.
She gave me this
to give to you...
in case anything
happened to her.
You need to get away from here.
Don't look back.
Ethan, help.
Leave me alone.
Where are you?
if you're reading this,
then I'm probably dead.
I don't think I'll ever be able to
get out of the path I've chosen.
I want you to know that
none of this is your fault.
I'm really happy that we got to
spend some nice moments together.
I'm thankful to you that I
finally feel like myself again.
Now let me return the favor.
I know that you blame
yourself for Mom's death.
It's not your fault,
and my death
isn't your fault either.
Live life to the fullest,
and try not to fuck
things up with Chloe.
I like her for you.
I want you to be happy.
And it's what Mom
would have wanted, too.
Listen to me, Ethan.
I want you to change your life.
No more guns, okay? Promise me?
You already took my gun
from me, remember?
Now go make us some tea,
will you?
Remember Jake?
All right, let's go.
Take us to 1879 Harbor Lane.
It's Jan.
Have a great fucking day.
Any luck?
What the fuck is going on?
Nobody's returning calls.
They probably just got wasted
at some bar.
Just stay on their ass.
Who's next?
Uh, girl named Chloe.
Owes 30 grand, had seven months
to pay it off.
She used the money to pay
for her father's medical bills.
Went into hiding,
but we found her.
We're here.
All right, let's go.
All right, Jake, stay here.
Um, see if you can
get 'em on the phone.
What the fuck
are you looking at?
Yeah, keep smiling.
It's Jan.
Have a great fucking day.
Yeah, it's Jake.
Ethan, what the fuck
do you want?
- Come on! Come on!
- What... What the hell?
I see you two have met.
- Oh, God.
- What, you didn't think I was gonna find you?
Come on, this way!
Cut through here!
Go up!
Hey, you guys
can't be up here! Hey!
Now what the fuck do you want?
Get out of the way, fucker.
Are you willing to die
for that bitch?
Yeah, same as I was
for my sister.
Her name was Mia.
Shit happens.
Well, I paid off
her debt to Dante.
He stole her money!
I'm not gonna ask you again.
Get out of the way.
Fuck you.
This is okay like this.
It's okay. It's...
No bullets.
Hey, come on.
It's okay, it's over now.
I'm surprised to see
you're back.
When last we spoke,
things did not go so well.
Yeah, I guess so.
However, in light
of your sister's death,
I figured you were
going through quite a lot.
So I didn't report you...
this time.
Thank you.
I'm hoping you realize
I'm trying to help you.
Not everyone is against you.
You know that, right?
So, how's your temper lately?
You have any recent outbursts?
What about stress?
Only when I come in here.
Look, I'm trying to make this
as painless as possible.
And may I also remind you
that these evaluations
are part of your parole
Now, are you going
to answer the questions,
or do I have to write down that you
are being uncooperative in my report?
Right. Ahem.
Now, let's get back
to your personal life.
What's going on there?
And Mia, how's she doing?
She's fine, I guess.
What's she up to?
Just usual stuff, you know?
No, I don't know.
Hey, you mind not leaving
your ashes in front of my door?
Fucking unbelievable.
- Ethan, 'sup?
- Oh, hey, man.
What the hell is going on?
Uh, this is my boyfriend Lars.
Lars, my brother Ethan.
- How's it going, man?
- Get your drugs and get the fuck out of here!
What, are you serious, bro?
- Ethan, don't be a dick.
- Now!
What the fuck's
your problem, man?
You're my fuckin' problem, man.
Okay, let's just calm down.
- Whoa.
- What the fuck?!
- Easy, man!
- What the fuck, bro?
Get your shit
and get the fuck outta here!
The same goes for you, ladies.
Get the fuck outta here!
- Okay.
- Jeez!
You don't have to be
an asshole about it.
Bye, guys. Sorry.
Bye, Mia.
I don't want them here. I don't
want them doing their drugs here!
Fucking relax,
it's not a big deal.
Mia, you don't need to be
hanging around with trash like that.
You're not even 18.
I mean, how old are they?
- You're not my fucking father.
- Yeah, thank God for that.
Fuck it.
Your responsibility
to make sure the hotel
reservations were set.
Don't blame this on me!
All you do is text
God only knows
on that cell phone all day long!
Go! Go! Go!
I think I'm going to be sick.
Don't throw up in my car.
She's not going to throw up
in your stupid car.
You Ethan?
Yeah. Kaden?
Ethan, I need to getto 37 Mission,
downtown. How long will it take you?
This time of night,
about 30 minutes.
Where you going?
This is a shortcut to the 110.
Well, you keep
pretty late hours.
Yeah, I got insomnia.
Yeah, I know all about that.
What do you do?
Need some water?
I lend people money.
Well, now I know
where to for a loan, huh?
You seem like a nice guy.
If I was you, I would...
I'd-I'd go to somebody else.
You're not much of a salesman.
Just looking after your health.
How we doing on time?
Maybe another ten, maybe less.
You looking for
any full-time work?
This is it.
I work when I want.
My mom gave me this car,
so, easy money.
Hey, whatever rocks your boat.
All right, we're here.
All right, let's do it.
Ah, here, take this.
Thanks, man.
Well, you have my number.
Hey, Frankie.
Ethan, sit, please.
I've been meaning
to talk to you.
What's going on?
What do you mean?
Well, got some negative reviews
about you tonight.
One girl says, uh...
She some wrote comments
that you intentionally took
an extra-long route
so to screw her
outta some money. Hm.
No, I took a shortcut
to get her there faster.
Besides, you know the fee
is destination-based,
so what does that matter?
So you didn't maybe drive her
somewhere private,
so you could, you know,
score up a little somethin'?
- No.
- No?
I mean, I know you lowlifes
like to hit on all the girls,
but that cultural shit,
that doesn't work here.
What are you trying to say?
Here's another report.
Woman claims that you
were sexually harassing her
and her friends.
She make that up?
She was drinking
with her friends
and she threw up
in the back of my car,
and I had to clean up the mess.
Well, be that as it may,
I'm still gonna have
to follow protocol
and run this by corporate.
Wait, are you firing me?
No, I'm suspending you.
Now, I'll let you know
when it's all cleared up.
Well, can I get paid now?
You owe me over ten grand.
I cannot pay you.
I cannot pay you until
this whole thing blows over.
That is company policy.
I'm sorry.
What, Ethan?
I gotta go to the bathroom.
- Dinner's about ready.
- Okay, can I pee first?
Hey, wait a second.
Come on, let's sit
at the table for once.
Pretend we're a family.
Just give it a shot.
This is stupid, I don't want...
Have a seat.
Por favor.
- You okay?
- Fine.
Hey, what happened to your ring?
I lost it.
You lost Mom's ring?
Are you serious?
It's not a big deal. I'm sure it's around
how's school?
School is school.
- But you're going?
- Duh.
That's funny, 'cause I got
a letter from them
saying how you've been
absent for weeks.
It's just not my thing.
You know what happens
if you stop going, right?
They could take you away
and put you in a foster home.
Are you in some kind of trouble?
No. No.
It... I just don't see
the point much in going.
I mean, you never finished.
Yeah, and that was
the mistake that Imade.
It's just not for me.
Oh, so what then?
You just hang out
and you get high with Lars?
I'm telling you,
you don't need him.
This is how it starts.
I've seen the way he treats you.
Will you lay off of him?
You don't see mesticking my nose
in your shit!
The guy's bad news.
He's affecting...
Fucking drop it!
Jeez, the fuck you want from me?
I want you to use
your fucking brain for once.
Yeah, this coming
from a fucking cab driver.
Don't you disrespect me
like that.
I do that job and pay the bills
so you can go to school!
You think Mom
would just let you...
You're not Mom!
You're not my fucking father!
You're not even
my full fucking brother,
so stop fucking acting like it!
But I'm still
your guardian, huh?
You'd be in a foster home
if it wasn't for me!
Yeah, but at least I wouldn't
have to listen to your shit!
Yeah, you keep it up,
and you see how far
that mouth of yours
will get you, huh?
I see you're still leaving your
cigarette ashes everywhere.
And you're still being loud
as fuck in there.
Well, fun chatting
with you, as always.
She'll grow out of it, you know.
Your daughter.
She'll grow out of it
at some point.
Oh, she's my sister.
Makes sense why you guys
argue so much.
Yeah, well, I guess
I better get back inside.
Yep. Later.
I'm gonna go try
and talk to Dante.
Mia! Finally!
- You made it!
- Hi.
You stillsticking that shit
up your nose?
I went off
those fuckin' painkillers.
Fuck up my head.
You're fucking up, Dante.
You know that.
Listen, Mr. Storme.
- How this is...
- Listen, you little weasel,
we have heard
everything you've been...
- Fuck you, Jan!
- Oh, fuck me?
Hey, shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up!
This is your last chance.
Look at me.
You understand me, Dante?
You understand me?
No more... No more product
for this... cocksucker.
You're lucky I don't shoot
your fucking ass!
Shoot your ass!
The fuck do you want?
You got my money?
I got some of it.
Where's your girl?
She's here.
Well, go get her.
The fuck you waiting for?
No, I know, it was...
Dante wants to talk
to us, now! Come on!
What've you got for me?
Got some cash...
some phones...
and some jewelry.
The fuck is this?
Okay, put your hand
on the table.
- Dante, please...
- Don't make me ask you again!
Hey, you...
I want you to see this.
So pay attention!
Put your hand back on the table!
Just so we have
an understanding,
I don't give a shit
how young you are,
just get me the fucking cash.
Oh, you must be hurting.
Here, try some of this.
Ethan, promise me.
I want Mia to have it.
You give it to her
after I'm gone.
You're all she's got left.
Mia, you okay?
You had a bad trip.
Hey, what kind of trouble
are you in?
And tell me the truth.
Come on.
I owe some money.
How much?
Tell me.
Twenty grand.
What? To who?!
Me and Lars, we were gonna
run away together,
start a new life or something.
But we needed money,
so we ended up borrowing
from this guy, Dante.
It started off as ten grand.
We were basically gonna use
itto start a business or something.
But that never happened.
We... we ended up
spending it all on drugs.
And... then Dante tells us
that he's gonna be
charging interest.
And that ten grand went to 12,
then to 15 and now 20.
Who is this Dante?
He works for some big drug lord
or something, I don't know.
And where do I find him?
Why? What are you gonna do?
You let me deal with that.
Ethan, he's dangerous.
I saw him shoot Lars' hand...
Where is he?
Give me my phone back.
I'm gonna call Lars,
I'll ask him myself.
He's at the Velvet Room.
What are you doing? Ethan.
You stay here.
Give me my money.
I told you, I can't just
give you your money.
I said, give me my money!
I'm not asking!
All right, Ethan, relax.
I could sue you
for not paying me,
but I don't use lawyers
to handle my business.
- Where's Dante?
- Downstairs.
Yeah, fuck are you?
I'm here for Mia.
Come again?
Mia, Mia...
Oh, yeah, her.
I don't know
where that fuckin' bitch is.
Mia's my sister.
Hey, look, man,
your sister and her boyfriend
owe me 20 grand.
It's nothing personal,
but they owe.
Yeah, with all the tax
you're tacking on,
you're making it
impossible for them.
Hey, listen, man,
last I checked,
we're living
in a capitalist country.
You know it's more Lars
that owes you than her, right?
Fuck, I don't give
a shit who it is,
as long as
I get my fucking cash.
I got ten grand right here.
You take this and she's done.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Mia's done with everything.
Just so you know,
Lars isn't off the hook.
Yeah, good.
If you know what's good for you,
you better not show
your face here again.
Hey, Lars?
If I see you again, you're dead.
You're welcome.
You know, for as long
as I've known you,
I've never understood why
you like this place so much.
Well, I'm just
a creature of habit.
I like simplicity.
So we need to go over the list.
According to Dante,
we've got three this week
who are past due.
Give me the sugar.
Am I speaking Chinese to you?
Look, I need you to listen to me,
all right?
I know you don't respect
or understand my business.
Jake, I've never liked much of
what you've had to say, okay?
As a matter of fact,
I don't even like you.
Well, you see,
the thing is my operation
still gives you
half your customers.
don't blow...
smoke up my ass.
You do what you gotta do.
- I will.
- Well?
Well, what else?
Just get out of my face.
I need to call and check to see if
Dante's collected those debts for you.
Dante is irrelevant.
- Here you are, dear.
- Oh, you're so good.
I know.
Dante, are any of this...
This week's debts been paid?
Get the fuck off me.
- Uh...
- What are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
Um, no.
Well... It's my fault
that I'm stuck with a
piece of shit like you.
Just get the debts paid, okay?
Hey, baby,
wanna smoke this joint?
Hey, weasel, you know who it is.
I need to collect the information
on the outstanding debtors.
Um, yes, there's Lars.
Lars Mitchem.
Lars Mitchem, and the other one?
- Um...
- The other one?
That's-that's it.
No, no,
Kaden said that there was another one.
No. No, no, that's it.
Fine, then you're gonna
take responsibility for it.
It's gonna be your fucking life.
Oh, wait, um,
I-I made a mistake.
There is a second one.
Last name?
Locke. Mia Locke.
Have a great fucking day.
Looks like you
beat me out here this time.
I guess so.
So, uh,
can I bum a cigarette? I'm all out.
I never caught your name.
You never asked.
Well, I'm asking now.
I'm Ethan.
I didn't ask.
Just fucking with you.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, shit, I gotta get back
I'm making dinner.
- What're you making?
- Spaghetti.
Well, if I'm being honest,
it's really the only thing
I know how to make.
Hm, well, enjoy.
Hey, why don't you maybe
come join us for dinner?
Thank you. I'm cool, though.
No, it'll be fine. Come on.
- All right.
- Come on.
Oh, that's good, thank you.
I, uh... I like your choker.
Yeah, she never seems
to take it off.
- So, Chloe, is it?
- Mm-hmm.
So you're our neighbor, huh?
Yeah, that's right.
I've seen you around.
Cool. I haven't seen youaround.
Mia here tends to be
a little absent-minded.
You're one to talk.
No, it's cool. I can handle
a dis here and there.
So how old are you, sweetie?
- You're 16.
- Twenty.
She's 16.
How old are you again?
Very nice. Um...
How awesome is it to havesuch
a cool brother look after you?
Half-brother, and he thinks
he's cooler than he is.
So your parents live near here?
They're dead.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Why? Did you kill them?
I think Ethan's dad's
still alive...
English, please, for our guest.
Mm, you must like her.
Stop trying to embarrass me.
I was just asking my brother
if he was treating you well.
Busted! Ethan,
she's a keeper. I like her.
Mia here really loves to push
people's buttons at first.
But, listen, once you
get to know her,
you realize she's
a real pain in the ass.
Where does this go?
I told you, you don't have
to clean up. You're our guest.
It's okay, I like keeping busy.
I like your sister.
She reminds me of me
during my rebellious years.
Yeah, I'd hate to imagine
what youwere like back then.
I wasn't that bad.
I put on a front at first,
I'm not always that way.
How'd you end up
taking care of her?
Well, her father died when I was
which left my mom
to take care of Mia and me,
which was pretty tough
on my mom, especially 'cause...
Actually, that goes
in the cupboard up there.
- Here?
- Yeah, on the left.
And so after that, I decided I'd
do what I could to take care of Mia.
Cleaned up my act, stopped
hanging out with the wrong crowd and...
I don't know, just didn't want
her to end up in some foster home.
So I did what I could
to keep her out,
even though I don't know
shit about parenting.
Well, it seems that, although you may have
fucked up in the past,
you're getting
your shit together now.
Yeah, well, I have to keep my
shit together while I have Mia.
Otherwise, I could lose her.
Sorry, we've had
all these cutbacks.
I don't even really
get a lunch break anymore.
It's fine.
What'd I tell you
about your cell phone?
It's off.
So, how are things
since the last time we spoke?
It's better.
Uh... At least...
Well, my sister and I
started talking again.
That's good.
How'd you two
start communicating?
I don't know,
we just started talking again.
I think part of it is that she
broke up with her boyfriend.
Where are you?
Where are you?
You're makingsome real progress.
I'm glad to see it.
- Get her!
- Get in the truck!
Shh! Come on!
Hey, it's Mia, leave a message.
Hi, yes, I think
my sister's in trouble.
No, no,
I can't get a hold of her.
Okay, how old is your sister?
Well, she's-she's 16, and...
Has she been missing
for more than 24 hours?
- No, listen, she's only 16.
- Okay, sir, stay calm.
Ethan Locke?
Is that your sister?
How did she die?
Unfortunately, it looks like
she died of a drug overdose.
I doubt she suffered.
We'll give you some privacy.
I'm sorry
I couldn't be there for you.
I'm very sorry to hear
about your sister's death.
Do you wanna talk about it?
Why? It's your fault.
I'm sorry?
You should be.
If you hadn't made me
turn off my phone,
then I could've
gotten to her in time.
- All right, now listen.
- No, I'm done listening to you.
That's all I've done,
is sit here and listen to you talk,
and you've got nothing to say.
I'm not listening to you
What, you thinkyou're the only person
who's ever lost someone?
You think you've got it so much worse
than everyone else?
Let me tell you
something, Locke.
All day, every day,
I deal with someone
just like you,
who feels like they were wrongedand
that the whole world owes them something
because they wereraised underprivileged.
Just another average Chicano.
Only you don't see thembreaking into homes
and stealing stuff.
- This is bullshit.
- Bullshit, hm?
Let me tell you
what's bullshit, Ethan.
The fact that you get
opportunity after opportunity,
and you squander them endlessly.
You wanna blame someone
for your sister's death?
Then blame her for taking
the drugs in the first place!
Blame the ones who put
the drugs in her hand!
But do not blame society...
You're absolutely right,
Dr. Cruz.
Hey, where are you going?
My sister's dead!
Who killed her?
I don't know.
It was Kaden.
I couldn't give it to...
You didn't give them the money,
did you, you fuck?
I couldn't!
Who the hell are you?
Hey, what's your name?
Put that away.
- What?
- I said put that away.
Why are you here?
I know your face.
Yeah. Yeah, you do.
- What's your name again?
- Ethan.
You just did
half my job for me, Ethan.
You want a job, Ethan?
- Yeah.
- Cool.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Don't be late.
Why didn't you let me smoke him?
He's already dead.
Haven't seen you
out for a smoke lately.
I, uh, saw the pigs
here earlier today.
Wanted to make sure
everything was okay.
- Where...
- Yeah, yeah.
Where's Mia?
She, uh...
She's not here any longer.
Is she coming back?
No, she...
Wait here.
What do you think
you're doing at my house, eh?
- Hey, I'm off now, see you later.
- Bye, Dad.
- You got a nice...
- What the fuck are you doing at my house?
- Kaden told me...
- No, I mean, what the fuck are you doing at my house?
Don't you ever cometo my house again,
you got that?
I don't want you ever near,
anywhere near my fucking kids, all right?
Just doing what the boss
told me to do.
Shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up!
Fuck Kaden!
You know, Kaden may be the boss,
but he's sick and I'm the one
that's next in line.
You understand that?
See, I've got my eye...
We just gonna talk all night?
2701 Hawthorne Place.
And do yourself a favor.
You try and keep that
littlemouth of yours shut, all right?
Smile and drive.
Smile and fucking drive.
Smile and drive.
Sorry, guys, we're closed.
Hello, Craig.
Hey, Jake. What a surprise, man.
- How are ya?
- Me?
- Yeah.
- Fine.
Right on! How's-how's Kaden?
He still doing
his baseball routine?
Of course, what else?
Who, uh, who's this guy?
I don't think
I've seen him around before.
Yeah, never mind about him.
Where have you been, Craig?
Oh, I, um...
I was down in Florida.
My folks got really sick,
so I had to go down there.
Um, but I just got back.
I was gonna give you a call.
I see, I see.
'Cause I heard different.
I heard you've been back
for over a week.
Uh, who told you that?
No, no, no,
I-I, like, just got back.
I was gonna come see you.
Ahem. So you've got
Kaden's money then?
Uh, no, not yet.
You see, this is the problem
with degenerates.
No, no... No, no, no,
I'm-I'm gonna have it very soon.
- Um, I'm expecting an inheritance.
- An inheritance?
- Yeah, from my grandmother.
- From your grandmother, really?
Well, yeah. She just died.
That's-that's why I had to go to Florida.
It was a family emergency.
It was a family emergency,
nice, yeah.
You getting this? Mm-hmm.
Okay, fuck sakes, I'm gonna bury you.
Oh, fuck. No.
No, no, no, no, no.
Just a second,
let me talk to him.
- You take your hand off me.
- Just let me talk to him.
- What the fuck are you gonna say?
- Just let me talk.
You gotta come up with something now,
or he's gonna kill you.
- I don't have anything.
- Just come up with something.
Fine, it's not on me.
- I have my money in an account.
- Where?
Uh... Here, it's a debit.
He's got money.
How much?
There's like, uh,
ten grand in there.
Uh, nine, one, three, two.
Okay, that's good.
Thank you, Craig.
Come on, smiley.
You didn't have to kill him.
Oh, what do you care, eh?
And let me tell you something.
If you wanna make it
in this business,
then you have to learn to kill.
Because the people that Kaden hires,
they're actual psychopaths
who enjoy killing and
torturing. And if you don't,
then Kaden doesn't have any
use for you and neither do I.
- Jake.
- Yeah, it's taken care of.
Head over to...
Got it.
Boss has a job for you.
You're dropping me off
on the way. Drive.
So, uh, you're
our chauffeur tonight?
- I guess so.
- Huh.
Wait here.
Come here.
Get him in! Get him in.
Hit him!
Hey. Kyle.
It's nice to... meet ya.
Yeah. Yeah, and this littlescam artist,
shithead is Lars, isn't that right?
All right, come on, head south.
Where to?
Don't worry,
we'll get there. Now go.
So you're
Kaden's new driver, huh?
Apparently, Kaden wants to send
someone along with us,
'cause it's not like we haven't
been doing fine for years.
Yeah, we've been
doing just fine.
So how hard was it to grab him?
Uh, let's just say that
his little... his little girlfriend
was-was twice as hard
as this little scum sucker.
It's kinda funny, Lars.
We shot your girl
full of so many drugs,
her little heart exploded.
Oh, oh, um, make a left
and then pull over.
Let's go.
- Yeah?
- Jan, did you get there?
- Yeah, we're here.
- Get him on the phone.
Okay, hold on.
Listen, you cunt,
your whore
of a girlfriend is dead.
- Where's my money?
- Wasn't my girlfriend.
Just needed more time.
Just trying to take care
of my baby.
Just needed more time!
Mia was gonna get it
from her brother.
You talk too much.
You just get this wrapped up.
Do what you gotta do. Ethan,
when you're done, you pick me up.
Wait, Eth...
Let's get outta here.
Come on!
That was fun.
Well, I gotta go
pick up Kaden, so...
Yeah, well, we've gotsome other business
to take care of anyways, too.
Yeah, got-gots the next
on our list.
All right, we'll, uh,
see you later, driver.
Nice to meet ya.
this is a .38.
It's got six shots.
You point it,
you squeeze the trigger.
A fucking idiot
could use it, right?
You ever shoot a gun before?
Well, there's always
a first time.
McMillan didn't have anything on her.
- What do you want us to do?
- I want McMillan taken care of.
Oh, you got it.
- You call me when it's done.
- Okay, boss.
Let's go, uh, grab a coffee.
Hey, listen, don't get all
fucked up in the head
over that shit you had to do.
I mean, you did it, it's done.
- It was the best you can.
- For...
Forget about it.
There ain't no accidents
in this life.
There's a reason for everything.
I'll pick you up
another gun, if you like.
It's your choice.
- Wait, where are you going?
- Nowhere.
- Well, what-what's in the backpack?
- Get outta my way, Mom.
- No, what's in here?
- Nothing.
- What is that? No, what is that?
- No.
What is this?
Give it to me, give it to me.
- Let go of it!
- Give it to me!
Let go of it!
Why do you kill?
Just business.
You know, sometimes there's
a lot of foolish people.
They hit the jackpot with money,
they come to me.
I give 'em what they need.
And then there's the...
the silly bastards
that think they can take advantage
of you and not pay you back,
and that's when things get ugly.
It's nothing personal.
Just strictly business.
Yeah, well, seems like
Jan and Kyle...
Those two fuckers are just bugs.
Just evil cocksuckers.
All they care about
is money and power.
You take the girl, for example.
You know, I told 'em
just take care of business.
I didn't tell 'em
to torture the poor thing.
Ah, fuck.
You okay?
I'm here and I'm not here.
Adriamycin. This is...
This is for cancer.
My mother,
she used to take Adriamycin
to help it stop from spreading.
Well, when your clock's
your clock's punched.
You know how long you have?
I don't have all the answers.
They'd give me more time,
they said.
Six months, a year.
Two years if I take
the chemo treatments.
I don't reallywanna walk around,
drooling all over myself,
having some hospice nurse I
don't even know her fucking name
wiping my ass, you know...
I'm not afraid of...
I'm not afraid of death...
but I am afraid of dying,
you know.
How do you get involved
with all this?
I don't talk about it much,
I wanted to be a ball player.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And, uh, you know, I got, uh...
I had a... a pretty good shot.
You know, I got drafted
out of high school at 17,
I was playing double-A,
single-A ball for about five years.
And you know, it didn't work.
I just... I wasn't
good enough, I guess.
So, uh...
I had to find
something, you know?
This is not how I...
This is not how I planned
my life to be.
You know, I never wanted to
be a bad person or, you know...
I just... I just wanted
to play ball, man.
You know,
I guess when your dreams don't come true,
you know, you never forget
about them. You just...
I really, really wish things
would've worked out differently.
The girl, for example.
I didn't tell 'em
to torture the poor thing.
We shot your girl
full of so many drugs,
her little heart exploded.
- Hey.
- Come on.
Come on!
I'm assuming you're here
on orders from Kaden.
Nice to see you again.
Yeah, have a seat.
So what-what can we do for you?
Hey, I'm just curious.
Where do you guys
get your drugs from?
I mean, you ask Kaden
that question?
Not yet.
I guess we can tell you.
We got a little spot
over on Grand Avenue.
They got a whole operation
over there.
This shit is...
They gots the good stuffs.
That shit ain't cheap.
But we got a little homie
hookup if you need something.
All right. Thanks, man.
I like you. I like... I like him.
We can be best friends now.
You want a beer?
Yeah, sure, man.
Hey, Jan, let me
ask you something. Is he...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know
what you're thinking.
He's got a few screws loose.
But he's fucking loyal.
Now he's excited
to have another friend.
That is, if you don't
piss Kaden off.
Yeah, that's why I'm here.
To see that the job's
done right.
Hey, Kyle. Hey.
Now Kaden is sending people
to our house to check on us.
Told you that shit
was gonna happen after Lars.
You know what? I'm ready.
Ready for what?
You watch what we do here
and you go tell the chief, okay?
I don't fucking care anymore.
Let's do this. Let's do it.
Let's get this show on
the road. Are you hungry?
Man, get us some...
Get us some snacks.
Come on.
I'm gonna introduce you
to our guest.
Get up. Come on, man,
let's do this.
So this is a new gig for you?
Yeah, man, Kaden,
he's a little uptight,
but at leasthe pays on time,
you know?
So let's, uh,
let's check her out.
Here's McMillan. I told you,
nothing to worry about.
Dumb ass woman.
Yeah, we're gonna take
care of you real soon.
Quick. Y'all
end up here, don't you?
I got some snacks.
Please, I thought
that we were friends.
You killed my sister.
We're... not... friends!
Hey, hey, hey,
I'm not going to hurt you.
Hey. Hey,
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Okay, you understand me?
I'm not gonna hurt you.
You're Mia's friend.
You're... you're her brother.
You gotta get out of here
right now and never look back.
Hey, do you hear me?
You gotta leave right now.
No, I can't...
I can't leave without her.
They have her.
Who? Where?
My sister.
She's inside there.
I can't go in there. Please,
please don't make me go in there, please.
Hey, hey, hey.
You don't have to go in there.
What's her name?
You wait here.
Jake wants us to deliver the
drug shipments out by end of week.
Also, kill the girl
Jan brought. Got that?
Scott, I'm really
liking the outfits
these other girls you...
Hey, Jen, is everything okay?
Please. Please, don't hurt me.
I won't, I'm with your sister.
You made a big mistake
coming here.
That's all you got?
Get up, get up!
Did you find her?
My sister.
She loved you.
She never wanted you
to get involved in this.
She gave me this
to give to you...
in case anything
happened to her.
You need to get away from here.
Don't look back.
Ethan, help.
Leave me alone.
Where are you?
if you're reading this,
then I'm probably dead.
I don't think I'll ever be able to
get out of the path I've chosen.
I want you to know that
none of this is your fault.
I'm really happy that we got to
spend some nice moments together.
I'm thankful to you that I
finally feel like myself again.
Now let me return the favor.
I know that you blame
yourself for Mom's death.
It's not your fault,
and my death
isn't your fault either.
Live life to the fullest,
and try not to fuck
things up with Chloe.
I like her for you.
I want you to be happy.
And it's what Mom
would have wanted, too.
Listen to me, Ethan.
I want you to change your life.
No more guns, okay? Promise me?
You already took my gun
from me, remember?
Now go make us some tea,
will you?
Remember Jake?
All right, let's go.
Take us to 1879 Harbor Lane.
It's Jan.
Have a great fucking day.
Any luck?
What the fuck is going on?
Nobody's returning calls.
They probably just got wasted
at some bar.
Just stay on their ass.
Who's next?
Uh, girl named Chloe.
Owes 30 grand, had seven months
to pay it off.
She used the money to pay
for her father's medical bills.
Went into hiding,
but we found her.
We're here.
All right, let's go.
All right, Jake, stay here.
Um, see if you can
get 'em on the phone.
What the fuck
are you looking at?
Yeah, keep smiling.
It's Jan.
Have a great fucking day.
Yeah, it's Jake.
Ethan, what the fuck
do you want?
- Come on! Come on!
- What... What the hell?
I see you two have met.
- Oh, God.
- What, you didn't think I was gonna find you?
Come on, this way!
Cut through here!
Go up!
Hey, you guys
can't be up here! Hey!
Now what the fuck do you want?
Get out of the way, fucker.
Are you willing to die
for that bitch?
Yeah, same as I was
for my sister.
Her name was Mia.
Shit happens.
Well, I paid off
her debt to Dante.
He stole her money!
I'm not gonna ask you again.
Get out of the way.
Fuck you.
This is okay like this.
It's okay. It's...
No bullets.
Hey, come on.
It's okay, it's over now.
I'm surprised to see
you're back.
When last we spoke,
things did not go so well.
Yeah, I guess so.
However, in light
of your sister's death,
I figured you were
going through quite a lot.
So I didn't report you...
this time.
Thank you.
I'm hoping you realize
I'm trying to help you.
Not everyone is against you.
You know that, right?