Aladdin 3477: The Jinn of Wisdom (2025) Movie Script
Madam Darshana Shailaja,
Venkata Gatekeeper.
What is this device?
Madam, this is
just a mapping tool
to helped us find you.
If you use such a device again,
it will be you
who finds fate with fire.
Uh, my name is Harshad.
I come seeking
the Jinn of Wisdom.
Pradeep here is a thief,
and my sacrifice for the loan.
Is he aware of your intentions?
-Are you lying?
Oh, hi, Jahla.
Jahla? It's Jahli,
you arrogant piece
of freighter scum!
You disappeared, no goodbye,
and you stole my vintage
holo projector!
Jahli, I'm so sorry,
I can explain everything.
I, I've actually be-- been
trying to get a hold of you.
- Yeah, you and your
stupid radio-head robot.
Hey, now you're
just being mean to Fidgi.
I like to recycle.
Recycle? Stolen trash!
-He can't even talk!
-Hey, Fidgi can speak just fine.
I just prefer
the Phonic Harmonic setting.
I find that melodic tones
give Fidgi a lot more
personality to his character--
Hey, hey, no-- no reason
to call the police!
Can't we just talk this through?
Jahli, it's been real,
it's been nice...
It hasn't been real nice.
And as for freighter scum...
- Actually, I don't think
that's freighter scum.
Time to move, Fidgi!
Fidgi, come on.
Well, that was
an unwelcome thumb in the butt.
Jahli had it coming.
You would have done the same.
Oh, real classy, Fidg.
What about the hover chopper?
- No, I hot-wired
the hover chopper!
Look, it was your idea
to steal Jahli's
holo projector
in the first place!
Fidgi! Get out of here!
Hey, hey, I don't want
any trouble.
Hey guys, is there any way
to get through here?
Not today? Got it.
No, no, no, wait! Jahli!
I, I miss you.
No! No, no, no, wait!
Jahli, we can talk about this!
Guys, I just want
to get through.
No one asked you. Buzz off.
Don't ask.
Yeah? Well,
sometimes you don't smell
so great yourself, Fidgi.
- What do you mean
this isn't water?
Chetan. Always nice
to see my Grand Vizier
promptly answering my call.
Of course, my Sultan.
It's, it's my duty to serve--
Tell me, your personal ship,
normally you have it docked
along the rear gateway.
It's not there at the moment,
but I see you're here.
Well, where is your ship?
Vishal, where's Kamala?
-She's missing, my Sultan.
Chetan, any idea
where she might be?
-My Sultan, I can assure--
-Where is my daughter?
You're the Minister of Security,
and somehow my daughter managed
to walk out of here.
And not just steal any ship
but yours?
Vishal, what city
are we over right now?
-Ah, Jaipur.
And, Chetan,
what city are you from?
Jaipur, my Sultan.
Jaipur. Excellent.
Chetan, this will be good news
to you and your family.
You're relieved
of your position today.
-You get to go home!
-I've failed you, my Sultan.
Guards, escort Chetan to
his ship off the rear gateway.
My Sultan, but,
but my ship isn't here.
Oh, that's right. What a shame.
Escort him off
the rear gateway anyway!
My Sultan,
would it now be appropriate
to solicit the code?
I don't like it.
But I do think it's time.
I think I've got it now, Fidg.
Alright! An XR Viewer.
And it works!
Stop following me.
We're better
than this, Fidgi.
We belong up there.
- Not with the crap scrap
down here.
Pich? What are you doing here?
As a hologram?
- So, Pich,
where are you living now?
In a giant storage container,
just like you!
I, I mean,
my mind is all over Hong Kong,
but I'm still down the corridor.
And you're alright with that?
I mean,
how do you know if you're okay?
Do you go check on yourself?
No way, it's the Astral Rule.
You can't watch yourself.
People go crazy doing that.
So how do you know
someone doesn't try
to kidnap you or something?
Get past the security system?
You're the one
that built it!
But honestly,
it's the last thing on my mind.
I mean, the fantasy I can live
through the NanoNet is crazy!
- Just last week,
I slept with three celebrities.
All at the same time!
Yeah, but, Pich,
it's all in your head.
You look ridiculous
all interlaced like that.
Trust me, just because
Hong Kong law says
I need to look like this to you,
- everything is crystal clear
in my world.
And I know a guy
who can get me "tangible."
I don't know.
You should be careful with that.
I never understand her.
I give her my trust
and she abuses it
the first chance she gets.
I'm sure she is safe
with the security team
you have provided for her.
There should be six of them
and they have sworn
their life on it.
Nah. What of the Vizier test?
Any luck?
Actually, only one candidate
was able to crack the code.
His methods may be sacrilegious,
-but times like these
often call for--
-Where is he?
I want to meet him. Immediately.
My lord,
it appears he's here already.
Sultan Ajit Gopala of Shivali.
A Hologram?
Do you have any idea
how insulting this is?
I come only to serve
and mean no disrespect.
I'm currently
in Jupiter's orbit,
but I am on my way back
to Earth.
I would be there in person
if I could.
We cannot detect
the signal's origin.
-If he was on Earth,
we would know it.
It is likely
he's telling the truth.
You seek the position available
for Minister of Security.
Grand Vizier.
You were able to crack our code.
- How?
- -I'm aware of your feelings
-about illegal technologies--
Most of my family was killed
during the last Cyber War.
I've built India
from the ground up,
stronger than ever.
And I did so without the HoloNet
or the NanoNet.
Having you present yourself
digitally is--
My Sultan,
I couldn't agree more.
But laws don't make
these devices obsolete.
Corruption. Gangsters.
The underground filth
looking to overthrow you
grows stronger each day,
and they capitalize on power
you refuse to take
advantage of yourself.
I'm extremely fluent
in utilizing
these technologies you prohibit.
You can punish me as necessary,
or accept my allegiance to you,
letting me use my skills
to serve.
A final test. My daughter
managed to sneak off
in one of our Sentry ships.
- Do you know where she is?
- No.
But with my methods,
I can promise to have her
back to you within 24 hours.
Twenty-four hours it is.
If you can bring her back,
...the job is yours.
Consider it done, my Sultan.
Prepare the Ro-Mows.
She's headed to China.
Way to be discreet, Pich.
What, you wanna
go check up on him?
Be my guest.
Hey, good looking.
Gives me a kiss!
It's a pleasure to be back,
Lien Hua.
Excuse me, sir,
have you ever seen
oil lamps this exquisite?
Not interested.
Not even if they represent
the seven Jinn?
The finest Jinn Lamps
you have ever seen.
All seven with intricate detail!
So these have Genies in them?
Of course not.
But these are exact replicas
of what the seven
Jinn Lamps look like.
This one is the Jinn of Health,
and this lamp is
the Jinn of Wealth.
Ooooh, that one is the Jinn
of Sexuality!
The Jinn of Sexuality? Really?
So if I were
to just rub it right here--
That's blasphemy, boy.
Jeez, I'm sorry. Here.
You can have
your sexuality back.
Come on, Fidgi. Let's go.
- Some people really take
that Genie stuff seriously.
Sounds perfect.
Anything to elude
the convention of it all.
Oh, sure.
Regal monarchs and maharajas
hand-picked by my father?
My life is brimming
with romance.
Sir, you must
be looking for something.
Daw can get anything.
What is it you seek?
Can you get parts for a SkySail?
Sure. But why would
you want those?
SkySails are illegal.
They 're illegal to fly,
not illegal to own.
Indeed. Well, zip zam.
What do you need?
-A power key.
-For a SkySail?
- Wow, you just named
the one thing I can't get you.
That's what I thought.
Fidgi, I'm not gonna
get you an extra phonic detector
until we have something
to put it in.
First things first.
I'm just so glad
to be out of there.
Yes, but when you live there,
and you travel in it,
it's just so... symmetrical.
What? What do you want?
That's the model you want?
Alright, fine.
Let's make this quick.
- So you are sure
we can get through this way?
You're welcome.
And you can help me find
my queen someday.
Hey, Fidgi,
you ever see security like that
in front of a spa before?
I wonder what's in there?
Who is in there?
The XR Viewer! Great idea!
I did grab it this morning.
Let's circle around back,
give it a whirl!
Let's try this thing on
for size.
Right in front of a tree.
I do see some people, though.
Shiva to believa!
Fidgi, you, you're
not gonna believe this!
It's the Princess of...
India, I think.
And she's naked!
Get out of here, buddy.
Get back.
I don't need your Auto Detector.
I know a Princess
when I see one.
Ugh. She's beautiful.
If I was her prince...
- You're right.
- You can record this, can't you?
Take it, Fidg.
What do you see?
It's her, right?
Argh. Damn it, Oomi!
What's the matter with you?
You bring me nothing
but bad luck, Oomi.
And by the way,
what is that thing on your head?
And who did you steal it from?
And here it is, Oomi.
Bad luck times three.
Is it too late for a pedicure?
Fidgi, I don't think this visit
comes with a happy ending.
Alright, guys
Easy on the face.
Think I should help?
You know, Oomi,
you don't really have to do this
to try to impress me.
I had this
completely under contr--
- Okay. I think
I'm going to stay right here.
What? So you think
you can beat these guys up
and I'll want you
hanging around?
Oomi, none of this
would have happened
if it wasn't
for your homeless ass.
Get a life,
and stay out of mine!
Well done. Escort the Princess
back to the Taj Mahal.
Leave no witnesses.
Fidgi, wire that footage
to the projector.
No, definitely don't upload it
to the HoloNet.
We've had enough trouble
for one day.
Not tonight, Fidg.
I'll work on it tomorrow.
In fact, why don't you send
Brej a message to see
what he's doing tomorrow?
Maybe he can come over and help.
What in Kali
did they want with my daughter?
My Sultan, one can only guess.
Gangsters? Assassins?
She is Princess Kamala Shivali
after all.
Not only the
"Royal Sapphire of India,"
but a celebrity known
for her beauty
around the world.
Did these low-lives
see my daughter... indecent?
I'm not aware of any privacy
that has been violated.
If there had been,
the entire world news would be
gossiping about it by now.
you can ask your daughter
of her safety in person,
as she has just arrived.
-Who's this?
-This is Lochan Shyamal.
He's the new Grand Vizier,
and responsible for saving you.
Saving me?
Where are my personal guards?
They were killed
by someone looking to harm you.
Kamala, I can't give you
the freedom that you crave
if you can't--
That'll be all for now, Lochan.
As you wish, my Sultan.
Well, well, what we have here?
The wanted historian
from Hong Kong has surrendered.
Harshad, what brings me
the honor of your presence?
Lochan, I know it's been years.
I came so close, I even saw it.
Yet you knew failure
was punishable by death.
Stupid to turn yourself in.
-Goodbye, Harshad.
-No, my lord! Wait!
I can still get it for you!
A new opportunity has risen!
As you can see,
my ability to walk
through the Holo,
the Nano, and the living
leave me with nothing
you have to provide.
With all due respect, my lord,
you'll never be able to access
any of the Jinns.
You need their power
to make your
godly transformation complete!
Say I find mercy
and give you another chance.
Obviously, you need something
or you wouldn't
have contacted me.
-What is it?
-I, I need a power key
for a SkySail.
That's it.
To sneak into Cambodia?
And a willing thief?
Yes. Aladdin Bhaskara
in Hong Kong.
Well, isn't this interesting?
I was just about
to sentence the boy to death
for being a Peeping Tom.
Sacrificing him to the Venkata
kills two birds with one stone.
- Hey, thanks
for coming over today, Brej.
No problem, I always love
sifting through
your collection of girls.
No, no, trust me, Fidgi.
You definitely don't want it
to have dual thrusters.
This holo projector
is so old school.
Don't you think it's time
for an upgrade?
It's vintage. And besides,
keeps me off the radar.
You know, you'd make
your life a lot easier
if you just went under.
Are you kidding? Never.
And guess what?
I saw Pich yesterday.
He's been under
for almost a year.
Good for him. He's probably
getting so much butt.
I would, too,
if I could afford more
than five minutes at a time.
Princess Trishna...
What, what's up
with all the princesses?
Hmmm. There's only one
I've been thinking about.
The Princess of India.
Kamala Shivali?
Oh, yeah, Aladdin, she is hot!
And a perfect reason
for you to go under.
You should totally get
a slice of the Hindu honey!
Yeah, Brej, I'm not interested
in the fake version.
Fake? You'd never know,
it's so real!
Trust me, I was with
this princess a month ago...
-Alright, Brej, you know what?
It's been great
having you here, but--
- I've got goals to set.
- Oh, goals!
A prince isn't made,
dumb ass, they're born.
Out! Now!
Aladdin, you wouldn't even be
able to contact Kamala Shivali.
And, if you're
caught in India...
...the Skan-- the Skanda Mafia
is gonna kill you.
-They're gonna kill you.
-Later, Brej.
Whoa! Ah! Uh, hello, creeper!
Later, Aladdin.
-Get lost. Not interested.
-Not even in one of these?
Come on in.
Have a seat.
My name is Harshad.
A vendor in the marketplace
told me
that you might be interested
in a power key.
Not sure they'd know
where I live.
What's your offer on the key?
It's very simple.
We fly into Cambodia,
retrieve an antique oil lamp,
and fly back.
And then, the key is yours.
SkySail Power Keys
aren't easy to come by.
What's the catch?
No catch.
All I want is the lamp.
-Where'd you get the key?
-Does it matter?
-I'd like to know.
-I'd like to leave.
-I'd like to leave.
-Good, I'm flying.
-Wrong. I'm flying. I'm flying!
-I'm flying!
-No! No!
-Yes! Yes!
-It's my power key!
-It's my SkySail!
-Fine! Fine!
But you help me retrieve
the lamp.
And we get it my way,
end of discussion!
Then what are we waiting for?
Shiva to believa! Yes!
Here goes nothin'.
Yes! It works! Woohoo!
Do you know how many years
I've been wanting to fly this?
Don't attract
too much attention.
Right. I'm on it.
We can get there by nightfall.
No. Stay low, not too fast.
No crazy maneuvers.
If we can avoid the authorities,
we'll make Angkor Wat
by midday tomorrow.
Aye, aye, captain. Fidgi.
Set course to Siem Reap,
Lien Hua.
Yes, I am safe.
Have you found any of my guards?
I disagree.
Alright, Fidg,
let's go nab a lamp.
No! The robot is not allowed
beyond the temple walls.
We'll be back soon.
He can come with us to Venkata.
We do it your way.
Whoa, whoa! What are you doing?
I need to know I can trust you.
Fair enough. I need to know
I can trust you, too.
- Stay put, Fidg.
- Back in a flash.
Stay close to me.
One wrong turn
can lead to death.
On that note,
I think we're being followed.
Pay no mind
to the Shailaja Sentries.
Their concern is only
to protect the Darshana.
If the lamp isn't here,
then what are we doing?
This wasn't part of the deal.
We need to get permission
before we enter the Venkata.
Let me do the talking.
Pfft. Fine by me.
Madam Darshana Shailaja.
We meet again.
You've retraced your steps in hopes of gain.
An advantage you've exploited.
Madam, I seek
the Jinn of Wisdom.
Aladdin here
will share in the task.
Aladdin, are you aware
of this man's intentions?
Do you conceive the dangers
you'll face?
Oh, yes, madam!
I accept full responsibility
for my actions.
Let's go, Fidgi.
So let me get this straight.
The lamp that you're looking for
- this whole time, it's a Genie?
- -Say what you will, it means a lot to me.
- Shiva to believa.
- Fidg, you hear this guy?
It's 3477. People still believe
in fairy tales.
You must place your hand
on the center panel.
Sorry, Fidg. You go first.
You see anything inside there,
Don't mind Pradeep
if you see him.
He didn't follow the rules.
-What happened to him?
-He fell.
He's not as agile as you
of course.
Check his bag.
The lamp may be inside.
No lamp.
There is a tracking light,
Eh, just as well.
You can use it to guide you.
-Now remember,
you can only grab the--
-Yeah, yeah. I got it.
You have it!
Now, hurry, throw it to me.
What kind of idiot
do you think I am?
Throw me down
the SkySail's Cell Junction,
- and you can have
your stupid lamp.
The Cell Junction does you
no good down there.
Yeah, and you can't
leave Cambodia without it.
I also can't leave
without the power key,
which you have!
Now throw me the lamp!
Aladdin! You must throw me
the lamp at once!
Wait, this what happened
to Pradeep?
You screwed him, didn't you?
There's no time to argue!
You'll die, too!
Fidgi, of all the messes
we've been in,
this one takes the Jhalebi.
I've got a bad feeling
about this.
I mean, yeah, you're going
to run out of power
in, like, a day or two.
I get a week
to die a slow death.
Rub, rub the lamp?
Are you kidding me?
Oh, yeah, 'cause if I do,
a Genie is gonna come out
and save us.
when I hot-wired your brain,
did I melt the common sense
out of it?
Ah, English. Thank Vishnu.
One less language
I'll have to learn.
-I'm sorry, are these all yours?
- Just the one you threw
to the ground, of course...
...and it's yours now.
What in Kali's name is that?
Good Gods, this is probably,
what, the 35th century?
How long have you been
down here?
Forever and a day!
But no matter,
where I come from,
time does not exist.
I apologize,
where are my manners?
You didn't come all this way
for tea, did you?
I am Manish Rishi Sumantra,
the Jinn of Wisdom,
at your service.
Great. You're a Genie.
Lad! That's derogatory!
Careful what you say in here.
Jinn is the proper term.
And it looks like
we're all here at the moment.
Probably a good thing.
Today, however,
you seek the Jinn of Wisdom,
and might I say,
you've chosen... wisely.
The only thing I seek
is to get back to my Sail before
Mr. Sphincter Smile takes it.
Not a problem,
as I can certainly
make that happen.
A quick disclaimer, if I may.
While I am a Jinn
that can handle any wish,
paradox induced withstanding,
my forte of course
lies with wisdom.
Most don't take it,
yet I am compelled
to at least offer.
Listen, Jinn.
Can I call you Jinn?
I appreciate the wisdom,
but I have no idea
how long we'll be down here.
So, unless you can get me
like a glass of water...
Dear Lad, I don't think
you understand
the potential power
you have at your disposal.
Yeah, I understand
holo technology very well, so...
Seeing that fake glass of water,
not gonna make me
any less thirsty.
That's pretty good!
-Wait. That, that's real?
-Now that I have your attention,
let me offer you
this morsel of wisdom.
No wish that I fulfill
will bring true happiness,
for that comes from within.
Any desire you seek,
you have the power
to achieve yourself,
and the journey is
its own reward.
Understood? Bravo.
Now, what is thy wish
that I may manifest for you?
You know what I wish?
I wish I was out
of this blue cave.
Lad, I'm the Jinn of Wisdom.
I'd rather not go down
in history as having serviced
the stupidest wish of all time.
Furthermore, didn't you notice
the rear entrance down that way?
Uh, namaste.
Thanks for the tip, Jinn.
Don't mention it.
I suppose you'll be wanting
to go back to the temple.
If we follow this tree line,
it'll take us straight there.
Don't even think about it.
Turn around.
No idea, Fidg. But I swear,
if Harshad is by the SkySail,
I'm gonna beat him
to a bloody pulp.
I'm sorry.
I... I shouldn't have tried
to kiss you.
I should go.
So, so let me get this straight.
You're saying I can have
any wish I want,
and you'll instantly
make it come true?
That's right.
One wish. No paradoxes.
-What do you mean, paradoxes?
-You can't wish for more wishes.
And you can't wish
for more Jinns.
Your wish can
in fact be an act of God,
but I cannot turn you
into a God.
So if you're going to make
a wish, make it a good one.
Okay, so you're
the Jinn of Wisdom,
what separates you from,
say, the Jinn of Wealth?
My wish has to be
Lad, wisdom is my specialty,
and I offer that for free,
should you choose to take it.
But your wish can be
about anything,
-big or small--
-Whoa, whoa.
Ah, never mind.
This equipment's useless.
It's not even worth the scrap.
-What is it?
-It's some kind of
virtual reality unit
that someone probably stole,
came out here
to give it a whirl.
They never looked back.
And why is this attached
to his nether region?
Why do you think?
I, I touched it.
What in Naraka
is she doing here?
Aladdin, if you don't mind,
it would be customary for me
to give thanks to the Darshana
-for letting us pass.
-Yeah, go ahead.
Oomi, have you seen a creepy
looking guy with a crazy beard?
He's got my Cell Junction.
A warning, Manish.
Should you find an opportunity
to follow the past,
you may not like answers
you will have to live with.
Yes, madam. My intention is only
to carry out the thief's wish.
In the event of trouble,
would you like reinforcements?
Madam Darshana Shailaja,
one should never bring weapons
to someone else's party.
That's an invitation
for trouble.
It's like I'm standing
in the sky!
Hey, Jinn,
you want some nourishment?
Are you kidding? I'm famished.
On second thought,
I think I'll wait for real food.
I'm curious.
We seem to be heading north
along the Thailand border.
I could've sworn that
Chong Mek was right over there.
Wow. You really have been
in that cave a long time,
haven't you?
I think Chong Mek is somewhere
in... Russia at the moment.
At the moment?
They moved the entire city?
You've never seen
a floating city?
Oh, Vishnu help me.
What's going on
with the United States nowadays?
Oh, the U.S.C.?
They're still around.
The U.S.C?
Yeah. United States of China.
I think Khong Chiam is just over
those mountains over there.
We should rest for the night.
I think it's time
I paid a visit.
No, thank you.
Not interested.
Jeez, I don't have any credits.
Buzz off!
No passion for the arts I see.
Right now...
...I have a passion for sleep.
I've got one stop
in the morning...
...then it's Hong Kong or bust.
-Why the chain?
-It's an anchor.
So the SkySail
doesn't float away?
So no one steals it.
While you're sleeping on it?
Fidgi, you should recharge.
Oomi, if you want a ride
home tomorrow,
you can stand guard tonight.
Good night, Jinn.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Alright, I'll be back
in an hour.
Fidg, Oom, stay with the Sail.
I mean it, Oomi.
No matter what,
stay with the Sail.
Well, it's good to see
the arts are still celebrated
in the 35th century.
The arts?
Those were horrible wars.
What? Star Wars is a movie.
It, it's a motion picture.
Yeah, there are like 300 films
documenting the battles
that took place
a long time ago--
In a galaxy far, far away.
Yes. They're stories,
uh, created by George Lucas.
Sure they are. That's exactly
what the Thai government
would want you to think.
So what is it that
we're we doing here, exactly?
These are my old
stomping grounds.
-Ah, visiting family.
-You could say that.
What's left of them.
When was the last time
you were here?
I was a kid.
Well, when was the last time
you saw your family?
I was a kid.
Law enforcement.
That's a good thing, isn't it?
Not in my line of business.
And what is it
that you do, exactly?
We're illegally parked.
Come on, let's make this quick.
Shiva to believa,
these hallways are--
-Smaller than I remember.
People actually lived
in these hallways?
I'm sure some still do.
It must have been hard
growing up here.
Eh, it wasn't so bad.
As a kid,
this was my playground.
This is it.
Are you sure you want to see it?
- You may not like
the memories it stirs--
What happened here?
Nothing happened here.
Aladdin, the past
predicts the future
only for those who believe
they cannot change it.
What's your dream?
Not this.
All I know is the slums.
I want to be
something important.
I want to be king.
Is that your wish?
I don't believe in wishes.
What in Ganesha's
good fortune is that?
Thieves with no honor.
There are actually thieves
that have honor?
-We better get outta here,
before more show up!
-Aladdin! Quick!
Do you wish us out of here?
-Shiva to believa!
If I had a wish, it'd be
for you to shut the hell-- Oooh!
Ooooh! Oh, oh!
I think there's an exit up here.
- Yes, yes.
- And why
would I do that?
Serve a butt wind bag
KleptoKing like you?
Oh, I don't expect one to serve.
But I do demand respect.
I used to live here.
We were on our way out--
I'll take that respect
before I take your life!
You look just like the Bhaskaras
that lived in T Wing.
What worthless pieces
of nano trash they were.
Wait, was that your mother?
She was beautiful.
I mean, she was always under...
But I remember visiting.
- Look, we weren't here
to steal anything.
- We?
Do you know what kleptorunners
do with a mouth like yours?
After trying to steal from us?
Do you know what these are?
Yeah. Canibombs.
You wanna be careful with those.
Oh, we'll be real careful.
We'll put one of these
in each of your orifices
and make each hole
just a little bit bigger.
Now might be a good time
to make that wish.
I think I got
some KleptoKing in my mouth.
Wait, who's watching
the SkySail? Fidgi?
Pardon me, but how many more of
these kleptorunners are there?
In an underground complex
like this?
Could be dozens.
Could be hundreds.
And they won't be too excited
when they find out
you exploded their king!
Okay, now we really
need to get out of here!
Oh, oh!
Go, man! Go, go, go, go, go, go!
The other way!
-Aladdin! Aladdin, wait!
-Wait for what?
-Oomi might be in trouble.
-She'll be fine!
-She just saved your life.
-Ugh. Alright.
-Fine. Then take this.
-What am I supposed
to do with this?
Get back to the SkySail.
Shoot anything
that gets in your way!
-But I couldn't possibly--
-If you want me to help Oomi,
you have to pave the way
to the SkySail! Now get--
Aladdin, make the wish!
Make the wish!
Make the wish.
Or that. That works too.
Oomi, I totally had him.
Thanks, Jinn. Now go!
Oh, bugger.
Thanks, Fidgi.
How... do you... like it?
-You, you just...
-Do or die, Jinn.
-Now get on board.
Wait! What about Oomi?
She can take care of herself.
Fidgi, let's get out of here.
Wait. There she is!
That's my sidekick!
No pun intended. Come on.
Let's get out of here!
Bye, Oomi. I'm sorry.
Now might be an appropriate time
to mention you still have
the 'Sail anchored.
Shiva shit in his shorts.
Jeez, guys.
Can we go now?
Princess Kamala?
What are you doing
on this level?
I was hoping
to find you here, Amish.
M-- My name is Anish.
I know your name
is Anish, but...
...I like calling you Amish.
Is that okay with you?
You, you want me to be Amish?
It's like a nickname.
Nick is a name?
It's like a pet name.
It's like a secret.
Can you keep a secret?
Mmmm. You like
being Amish, don't you?
Kamala, I love being Amish.
Well, that was fun.
It's not the kind of actions
I would condone,
but that was amazing.
Aladdin, you were meant
for amazing things.
You have a wish.
Use it for something...
Be the change
I want to see in the world?
Be the person
you wish to see in the world.
Oh, hey,
is that Pich down there?
Lad, are you blind to devotion?
- You haven't had to live
with the curse.
But relax, Jinn.
You've inspired me.
Namaste, Aladdin. Pfft.
Still mad I banged
your princess?
Nice. Hey, do you wanna
make some credit?
-I need your hack magic.
But I gotta warn you,
this could get dangerous.
Ooh, so mysterious. Sounds fun.
Count me in, Aladdin.
Will we win?
Where should I begin?
There was that time
we did that crime...
-But, Brej--
-...we got that loot, Ala D,
we knocked some boots,
Brejjie B.
Them girls are fine,
like Luna Wine.
-Ah, Brej, Brej--
-Never regret it,
I get that credit,
I'm always respected
and never indebted.
I've saved your fattoush
on many vendettas,
I've said it, I've said it,
I've said it before.
-The notorious infamous
Chinese outlaws.
-Alright, moving on--
- Fidgi in the mix,
I make the NanoNet sick.
-My hot, hackin' skills
on the HoloNet make me rich.
-But Brej--
Remember that time
we double-parked
in that port in Singapore?
Yes, yes, yes, I guess!
- No--
- Ichi, Ni, San. Yes, all three!
Always on the hunt
for Hindi Honey.
I'm the Ying, you're the Yang,
yeah, we're doin' our thang.
Brejjie B on the mic,
with the Underground Slang--
Alright! Sounds like Brej is in!
That person is coming with us?
-Fidgi, I need you
to do some legwork to see
if you can find
where Keeta Ratana is.
Look. I'm on a mission
to make my dreams come true.
You help me with my princess,
and I promise the second
we come back through this door,
I'll help you with yours.
Princess Kamala,
what a welcome surprise
to find you in my quarters.
Oh, Sultana, were you expecting
to find a vacant ship here?
Hmmm. I can only surmise
that it was indicated as such
in the Taj Mahal directory.
But that would mean someone
is purposely toying with you.
Kamala, you do realize
I'm a hologram, don't you?
Even in person,
it would take more
than a taser to electrocute me.
But I'll be there soon enough
and you can try it then.
However, there is no escape.
Kamala, you and I
may started on the wrong foot,
but once you get to know me,
I expect we'll become
really close friends.
Alright, Brej!
Looks like you're ready
for an adventure.
I'm ready for some credits,
What, no Fidgi in the mix?
I just talked to Fidgi
and he's found
our first destination.
So, we're good to go!
No. No.
Well, are you gonna
stand there all day?
Get on!
But I'm warning you, Oomi,
if you screw things up
or the SkySail gets too heavy,
you're the first one
I'm booting off.
Madam Darshana Shailaja,
Venkata Gatekeeper.
What is this device?
Madam, this is
just a mapping tool
to helped us find you.
If you use such a device again,
it will be you
who finds fate with fire.
Uh, my name is Harshad.
I come seeking
the Jinn of Wisdom.
Pradeep here is a thief,
and my sacrifice for the loan.
Is he aware of your intentions?
-Are you lying?
Oh, hi, Jahla.
Jahla? It's Jahli,
you arrogant piece
of freighter scum!
You disappeared, no goodbye,
and you stole my vintage
holo projector!
Jahli, I'm so sorry,
I can explain everything.
I, I've actually be-- been
trying to get a hold of you.
- Yeah, you and your
stupid radio-head robot.
Hey, now you're
just being mean to Fidgi.
I like to recycle.
Recycle? Stolen trash!
-He can't even talk!
-Hey, Fidgi can speak just fine.
I just prefer
the Phonic Harmonic setting.
I find that melodic tones
give Fidgi a lot more
personality to his character--
Hey, hey, no-- no reason
to call the police!
Can't we just talk this through?
Jahli, it's been real,
it's been nice...
It hasn't been real nice.
And as for freighter scum...
- Actually, I don't think
that's freighter scum.
Time to move, Fidgi!
Fidgi, come on.
Well, that was
an unwelcome thumb in the butt.
Jahli had it coming.
You would have done the same.
Oh, real classy, Fidg.
What about the hover chopper?
- No, I hot-wired
the hover chopper!
Look, it was your idea
to steal Jahli's
holo projector
in the first place!
Fidgi! Get out of here!
Hey, hey, I don't want
any trouble.
Hey guys, is there any way
to get through here?
Not today? Got it.
No, no, no, wait! Jahli!
I, I miss you.
No! No, no, no, wait!
Jahli, we can talk about this!
Guys, I just want
to get through.
No one asked you. Buzz off.
Don't ask.
Yeah? Well,
sometimes you don't smell
so great yourself, Fidgi.
- What do you mean
this isn't water?
Chetan. Always nice
to see my Grand Vizier
promptly answering my call.
Of course, my Sultan.
It's, it's my duty to serve--
Tell me, your personal ship,
normally you have it docked
along the rear gateway.
It's not there at the moment,
but I see you're here.
Well, where is your ship?
Vishal, where's Kamala?
-She's missing, my Sultan.
Chetan, any idea
where she might be?
-My Sultan, I can assure--
-Where is my daughter?
You're the Minister of Security,
and somehow my daughter managed
to walk out of here.
And not just steal any ship
but yours?
Vishal, what city
are we over right now?
-Ah, Jaipur.
And, Chetan,
what city are you from?
Jaipur, my Sultan.
Jaipur. Excellent.
Chetan, this will be good news
to you and your family.
You're relieved
of your position today.
-You get to go home!
-I've failed you, my Sultan.
Guards, escort Chetan to
his ship off the rear gateway.
My Sultan, but,
but my ship isn't here.
Oh, that's right. What a shame.
Escort him off
the rear gateway anyway!
My Sultan,
would it now be appropriate
to solicit the code?
I don't like it.
But I do think it's time.
I think I've got it now, Fidg.
Alright! An XR Viewer.
And it works!
Stop following me.
We're better
than this, Fidgi.
We belong up there.
- Not with the crap scrap
down here.
Pich? What are you doing here?
As a hologram?
- So, Pich,
where are you living now?
In a giant storage container,
just like you!
I, I mean,
my mind is all over Hong Kong,
but I'm still down the corridor.
And you're alright with that?
I mean,
how do you know if you're okay?
Do you go check on yourself?
No way, it's the Astral Rule.
You can't watch yourself.
People go crazy doing that.
So how do you know
someone doesn't try
to kidnap you or something?
Get past the security system?
You're the one
that built it!
But honestly,
it's the last thing on my mind.
I mean, the fantasy I can live
through the NanoNet is crazy!
- Just last week,
I slept with three celebrities.
All at the same time!
Yeah, but, Pich,
it's all in your head.
You look ridiculous
all interlaced like that.
Trust me, just because
Hong Kong law says
I need to look like this to you,
- everything is crystal clear
in my world.
And I know a guy
who can get me "tangible."
I don't know.
You should be careful with that.
I never understand her.
I give her my trust
and she abuses it
the first chance she gets.
I'm sure she is safe
with the security team
you have provided for her.
There should be six of them
and they have sworn
their life on it.
Nah. What of the Vizier test?
Any luck?
Actually, only one candidate
was able to crack the code.
His methods may be sacrilegious,
-but times like these
often call for--
-Where is he?
I want to meet him. Immediately.
My lord,
it appears he's here already.
Sultan Ajit Gopala of Shivali.
A Hologram?
Do you have any idea
how insulting this is?
I come only to serve
and mean no disrespect.
I'm currently
in Jupiter's orbit,
but I am on my way back
to Earth.
I would be there in person
if I could.
We cannot detect
the signal's origin.
-If he was on Earth,
we would know it.
It is likely
he's telling the truth.
You seek the position available
for Minister of Security.
Grand Vizier.
You were able to crack our code.
- How?
- -I'm aware of your feelings
-about illegal technologies--
Most of my family was killed
during the last Cyber War.
I've built India
from the ground up,
stronger than ever.
And I did so without the HoloNet
or the NanoNet.
Having you present yourself
digitally is--
My Sultan,
I couldn't agree more.
But laws don't make
these devices obsolete.
Corruption. Gangsters.
The underground filth
looking to overthrow you
grows stronger each day,
and they capitalize on power
you refuse to take
advantage of yourself.
I'm extremely fluent
in utilizing
these technologies you prohibit.
You can punish me as necessary,
or accept my allegiance to you,
letting me use my skills
to serve.
A final test. My daughter
managed to sneak off
in one of our Sentry ships.
- Do you know where she is?
- No.
But with my methods,
I can promise to have her
back to you within 24 hours.
Twenty-four hours it is.
If you can bring her back,
...the job is yours.
Consider it done, my Sultan.
Prepare the Ro-Mows.
She's headed to China.
Way to be discreet, Pich.
What, you wanna
go check up on him?
Be my guest.
Hey, good looking.
Gives me a kiss!
It's a pleasure to be back,
Lien Hua.
Excuse me, sir,
have you ever seen
oil lamps this exquisite?
Not interested.
Not even if they represent
the seven Jinn?
The finest Jinn Lamps
you have ever seen.
All seven with intricate detail!
So these have Genies in them?
Of course not.
But these are exact replicas
of what the seven
Jinn Lamps look like.
This one is the Jinn of Health,
and this lamp is
the Jinn of Wealth.
Ooooh, that one is the Jinn
of Sexuality!
The Jinn of Sexuality? Really?
So if I were
to just rub it right here--
That's blasphemy, boy.
Jeez, I'm sorry. Here.
You can have
your sexuality back.
Come on, Fidgi. Let's go.
- Some people really take
that Genie stuff seriously.
Sounds perfect.
Anything to elude
the convention of it all.
Oh, sure.
Regal monarchs and maharajas
hand-picked by my father?
My life is brimming
with romance.
Sir, you must
be looking for something.
Daw can get anything.
What is it you seek?
Can you get parts for a SkySail?
Sure. But why would
you want those?
SkySails are illegal.
They 're illegal to fly,
not illegal to own.
Indeed. Well, zip zam.
What do you need?
-A power key.
-For a SkySail?
- Wow, you just named
the one thing I can't get you.
That's what I thought.
Fidgi, I'm not gonna
get you an extra phonic detector
until we have something
to put it in.
First things first.
I'm just so glad
to be out of there.
Yes, but when you live there,
and you travel in it,
it's just so... symmetrical.
What? What do you want?
That's the model you want?
Alright, fine.
Let's make this quick.
- So you are sure
we can get through this way?
You're welcome.
And you can help me find
my queen someday.
Hey, Fidgi,
you ever see security like that
in front of a spa before?
I wonder what's in there?
Who is in there?
The XR Viewer! Great idea!
I did grab it this morning.
Let's circle around back,
give it a whirl!
Let's try this thing on
for size.
Right in front of a tree.
I do see some people, though.
Shiva to believa!
Fidgi, you, you're
not gonna believe this!
It's the Princess of...
India, I think.
And she's naked!
Get out of here, buddy.
Get back.
I don't need your Auto Detector.
I know a Princess
when I see one.
Ugh. She's beautiful.
If I was her prince...
- You're right.
- You can record this, can't you?
Take it, Fidg.
What do you see?
It's her, right?
Argh. Damn it, Oomi!
What's the matter with you?
You bring me nothing
but bad luck, Oomi.
And by the way,
what is that thing on your head?
And who did you steal it from?
And here it is, Oomi.
Bad luck times three.
Is it too late for a pedicure?
Fidgi, I don't think this visit
comes with a happy ending.
Alright, guys
Easy on the face.
Think I should help?
You know, Oomi,
you don't really have to do this
to try to impress me.
I had this
completely under contr--
- Okay. I think
I'm going to stay right here.
What? So you think
you can beat these guys up
and I'll want you
hanging around?
Oomi, none of this
would have happened
if it wasn't
for your homeless ass.
Get a life,
and stay out of mine!
Well done. Escort the Princess
back to the Taj Mahal.
Leave no witnesses.
Fidgi, wire that footage
to the projector.
No, definitely don't upload it
to the HoloNet.
We've had enough trouble
for one day.
Not tonight, Fidg.
I'll work on it tomorrow.
In fact, why don't you send
Brej a message to see
what he's doing tomorrow?
Maybe he can come over and help.
What in Kali
did they want with my daughter?
My Sultan, one can only guess.
Gangsters? Assassins?
She is Princess Kamala Shivali
after all.
Not only the
"Royal Sapphire of India,"
but a celebrity known
for her beauty
around the world.
Did these low-lives
see my daughter... indecent?
I'm not aware of any privacy
that has been violated.
If there had been,
the entire world news would be
gossiping about it by now.
you can ask your daughter
of her safety in person,
as she has just arrived.
-Who's this?
-This is Lochan Shyamal.
He's the new Grand Vizier,
and responsible for saving you.
Saving me?
Where are my personal guards?
They were killed
by someone looking to harm you.
Kamala, I can't give you
the freedom that you crave
if you can't--
That'll be all for now, Lochan.
As you wish, my Sultan.
Well, well, what we have here?
The wanted historian
from Hong Kong has surrendered.
Harshad, what brings me
the honor of your presence?
Lochan, I know it's been years.
I came so close, I even saw it.
Yet you knew failure
was punishable by death.
Stupid to turn yourself in.
-Goodbye, Harshad.
-No, my lord! Wait!
I can still get it for you!
A new opportunity has risen!
As you can see,
my ability to walk
through the Holo,
the Nano, and the living
leave me with nothing
you have to provide.
With all due respect, my lord,
you'll never be able to access
any of the Jinns.
You need their power
to make your
godly transformation complete!
Say I find mercy
and give you another chance.
Obviously, you need something
or you wouldn't
have contacted me.
-What is it?
-I, I need a power key
for a SkySail.
That's it.
To sneak into Cambodia?
And a willing thief?
Yes. Aladdin Bhaskara
in Hong Kong.
Well, isn't this interesting?
I was just about
to sentence the boy to death
for being a Peeping Tom.
Sacrificing him to the Venkata
kills two birds with one stone.
- Hey, thanks
for coming over today, Brej.
No problem, I always love
sifting through
your collection of girls.
No, no, trust me, Fidgi.
You definitely don't want it
to have dual thrusters.
This holo projector
is so old school.
Don't you think it's time
for an upgrade?
It's vintage. And besides,
keeps me off the radar.
You know, you'd make
your life a lot easier
if you just went under.
Are you kidding? Never.
And guess what?
I saw Pich yesterday.
He's been under
for almost a year.
Good for him. He's probably
getting so much butt.
I would, too,
if I could afford more
than five minutes at a time.
Princess Trishna...
What, what's up
with all the princesses?
Hmmm. There's only one
I've been thinking about.
The Princess of India.
Kamala Shivali?
Oh, yeah, Aladdin, she is hot!
And a perfect reason
for you to go under.
You should totally get
a slice of the Hindu honey!
Yeah, Brej, I'm not interested
in the fake version.
Fake? You'd never know,
it's so real!
Trust me, I was with
this princess a month ago...
-Alright, Brej, you know what?
It's been great
having you here, but--
- I've got goals to set.
- Oh, goals!
A prince isn't made,
dumb ass, they're born.
Out! Now!
Aladdin, you wouldn't even be
able to contact Kamala Shivali.
And, if you're
caught in India...
...the Skan-- the Skanda Mafia
is gonna kill you.
-They're gonna kill you.
-Later, Brej.
Whoa! Ah! Uh, hello, creeper!
Later, Aladdin.
-Get lost. Not interested.
-Not even in one of these?
Come on in.
Have a seat.
My name is Harshad.
A vendor in the marketplace
told me
that you might be interested
in a power key.
Not sure they'd know
where I live.
What's your offer on the key?
It's very simple.
We fly into Cambodia,
retrieve an antique oil lamp,
and fly back.
And then, the key is yours.
SkySail Power Keys
aren't easy to come by.
What's the catch?
No catch.
All I want is the lamp.
-Where'd you get the key?
-Does it matter?
-I'd like to know.
-I'd like to leave.
-I'd like to leave.
-Good, I'm flying.
-Wrong. I'm flying. I'm flying!
-I'm flying!
-No! No!
-Yes! Yes!
-It's my power key!
-It's my SkySail!
-Fine! Fine!
But you help me retrieve
the lamp.
And we get it my way,
end of discussion!
Then what are we waiting for?
Shiva to believa! Yes!
Here goes nothin'.
Yes! It works! Woohoo!
Do you know how many years
I've been wanting to fly this?
Don't attract
too much attention.
Right. I'm on it.
We can get there by nightfall.
No. Stay low, not too fast.
No crazy maneuvers.
If we can avoid the authorities,
we'll make Angkor Wat
by midday tomorrow.
Aye, aye, captain. Fidgi.
Set course to Siem Reap,
Lien Hua.
Yes, I am safe.
Have you found any of my guards?
I disagree.
Alright, Fidg,
let's go nab a lamp.
No! The robot is not allowed
beyond the temple walls.
We'll be back soon.
He can come with us to Venkata.
We do it your way.
Whoa, whoa! What are you doing?
I need to know I can trust you.
Fair enough. I need to know
I can trust you, too.
- Stay put, Fidg.
- Back in a flash.
Stay close to me.
One wrong turn
can lead to death.
On that note,
I think we're being followed.
Pay no mind
to the Shailaja Sentries.
Their concern is only
to protect the Darshana.
If the lamp isn't here,
then what are we doing?
This wasn't part of the deal.
We need to get permission
before we enter the Venkata.
Let me do the talking.
Pfft. Fine by me.
Madam Darshana Shailaja.
We meet again.
You've retraced your steps in hopes of gain.
An advantage you've exploited.
Madam, I seek
the Jinn of Wisdom.
Aladdin here
will share in the task.
Aladdin, are you aware
of this man's intentions?
Do you conceive the dangers
you'll face?
Oh, yes, madam!
I accept full responsibility
for my actions.
Let's go, Fidgi.
So let me get this straight.
The lamp that you're looking for
- this whole time, it's a Genie?
- -Say what you will, it means a lot to me.
- Shiva to believa.
- Fidg, you hear this guy?
It's 3477. People still believe
in fairy tales.
You must place your hand
on the center panel.
Sorry, Fidg. You go first.
You see anything inside there,
Don't mind Pradeep
if you see him.
He didn't follow the rules.
-What happened to him?
-He fell.
He's not as agile as you
of course.
Check his bag.
The lamp may be inside.
No lamp.
There is a tracking light,
Eh, just as well.
You can use it to guide you.
-Now remember,
you can only grab the--
-Yeah, yeah. I got it.
You have it!
Now, hurry, throw it to me.
What kind of idiot
do you think I am?
Throw me down
the SkySail's Cell Junction,
- and you can have
your stupid lamp.
The Cell Junction does you
no good down there.
Yeah, and you can't
leave Cambodia without it.
I also can't leave
without the power key,
which you have!
Now throw me the lamp!
Aladdin! You must throw me
the lamp at once!
Wait, this what happened
to Pradeep?
You screwed him, didn't you?
There's no time to argue!
You'll die, too!
Fidgi, of all the messes
we've been in,
this one takes the Jhalebi.
I've got a bad feeling
about this.
I mean, yeah, you're going
to run out of power
in, like, a day or two.
I get a week
to die a slow death.
Rub, rub the lamp?
Are you kidding me?
Oh, yeah, 'cause if I do,
a Genie is gonna come out
and save us.
when I hot-wired your brain,
did I melt the common sense
out of it?
Ah, English. Thank Vishnu.
One less language
I'll have to learn.
-I'm sorry, are these all yours?
- Just the one you threw
to the ground, of course...
...and it's yours now.
What in Kali's name is that?
Good Gods, this is probably,
what, the 35th century?
How long have you been
down here?
Forever and a day!
But no matter,
where I come from,
time does not exist.
I apologize,
where are my manners?
You didn't come all this way
for tea, did you?
I am Manish Rishi Sumantra,
the Jinn of Wisdom,
at your service.
Great. You're a Genie.
Lad! That's derogatory!
Careful what you say in here.
Jinn is the proper term.
And it looks like
we're all here at the moment.
Probably a good thing.
Today, however,
you seek the Jinn of Wisdom,
and might I say,
you've chosen... wisely.
The only thing I seek
is to get back to my Sail before
Mr. Sphincter Smile takes it.
Not a problem,
as I can certainly
make that happen.
A quick disclaimer, if I may.
While I am a Jinn
that can handle any wish,
paradox induced withstanding,
my forte of course
lies with wisdom.
Most don't take it,
yet I am compelled
to at least offer.
Listen, Jinn.
Can I call you Jinn?
I appreciate the wisdom,
but I have no idea
how long we'll be down here.
So, unless you can get me
like a glass of water...
Dear Lad, I don't think
you understand
the potential power
you have at your disposal.
Yeah, I understand
holo technology very well, so...
Seeing that fake glass of water,
not gonna make me
any less thirsty.
That's pretty good!
-Wait. That, that's real?
-Now that I have your attention,
let me offer you
this morsel of wisdom.
No wish that I fulfill
will bring true happiness,
for that comes from within.
Any desire you seek,
you have the power
to achieve yourself,
and the journey is
its own reward.
Understood? Bravo.
Now, what is thy wish
that I may manifest for you?
You know what I wish?
I wish I was out
of this blue cave.
Lad, I'm the Jinn of Wisdom.
I'd rather not go down
in history as having serviced
the stupidest wish of all time.
Furthermore, didn't you notice
the rear entrance down that way?
Uh, namaste.
Thanks for the tip, Jinn.
Don't mention it.
I suppose you'll be wanting
to go back to the temple.
If we follow this tree line,
it'll take us straight there.
Don't even think about it.
Turn around.
No idea, Fidg. But I swear,
if Harshad is by the SkySail,
I'm gonna beat him
to a bloody pulp.
I'm sorry.
I... I shouldn't have tried
to kiss you.
I should go.
So, so let me get this straight.
You're saying I can have
any wish I want,
and you'll instantly
make it come true?
That's right.
One wish. No paradoxes.
-What do you mean, paradoxes?
-You can't wish for more wishes.
And you can't wish
for more Jinns.
Your wish can
in fact be an act of God,
but I cannot turn you
into a God.
So if you're going to make
a wish, make it a good one.
Okay, so you're
the Jinn of Wisdom,
what separates you from,
say, the Jinn of Wealth?
My wish has to be
Lad, wisdom is my specialty,
and I offer that for free,
should you choose to take it.
But your wish can be
about anything,
-big or small--
-Whoa, whoa.
Ah, never mind.
This equipment's useless.
It's not even worth the scrap.
-What is it?
-It's some kind of
virtual reality unit
that someone probably stole,
came out here
to give it a whirl.
They never looked back.
And why is this attached
to his nether region?
Why do you think?
I, I touched it.
What in Naraka
is she doing here?
Aladdin, if you don't mind,
it would be customary for me
to give thanks to the Darshana
-for letting us pass.
-Yeah, go ahead.
Oomi, have you seen a creepy
looking guy with a crazy beard?
He's got my Cell Junction.
A warning, Manish.
Should you find an opportunity
to follow the past,
you may not like answers
you will have to live with.
Yes, madam. My intention is only
to carry out the thief's wish.
In the event of trouble,
would you like reinforcements?
Madam Darshana Shailaja,
one should never bring weapons
to someone else's party.
That's an invitation
for trouble.
It's like I'm standing
in the sky!
Hey, Jinn,
you want some nourishment?
Are you kidding? I'm famished.
On second thought,
I think I'll wait for real food.
I'm curious.
We seem to be heading north
along the Thailand border.
I could've sworn that
Chong Mek was right over there.
Wow. You really have been
in that cave a long time,
haven't you?
I think Chong Mek is somewhere
in... Russia at the moment.
At the moment?
They moved the entire city?
You've never seen
a floating city?
Oh, Vishnu help me.
What's going on
with the United States nowadays?
Oh, the U.S.C.?
They're still around.
The U.S.C?
Yeah. United States of China.
I think Khong Chiam is just over
those mountains over there.
We should rest for the night.
I think it's time
I paid a visit.
No, thank you.
Not interested.
Jeez, I don't have any credits.
Buzz off!
No passion for the arts I see.
Right now...
...I have a passion for sleep.
I've got one stop
in the morning...
...then it's Hong Kong or bust.
-Why the chain?
-It's an anchor.
So the SkySail
doesn't float away?
So no one steals it.
While you're sleeping on it?
Fidgi, you should recharge.
Oomi, if you want a ride
home tomorrow,
you can stand guard tonight.
Good night, Jinn.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Alright, I'll be back
in an hour.
Fidg, Oom, stay with the Sail.
I mean it, Oomi.
No matter what,
stay with the Sail.
Well, it's good to see
the arts are still celebrated
in the 35th century.
The arts?
Those were horrible wars.
What? Star Wars is a movie.
It, it's a motion picture.
Yeah, there are like 300 films
documenting the battles
that took place
a long time ago--
In a galaxy far, far away.
Yes. They're stories,
uh, created by George Lucas.
Sure they are. That's exactly
what the Thai government
would want you to think.
So what is it that
we're we doing here, exactly?
These are my old
stomping grounds.
-Ah, visiting family.
-You could say that.
What's left of them.
When was the last time
you were here?
I was a kid.
Well, when was the last time
you saw your family?
I was a kid.
Law enforcement.
That's a good thing, isn't it?
Not in my line of business.
And what is it
that you do, exactly?
We're illegally parked.
Come on, let's make this quick.
Shiva to believa,
these hallways are--
-Smaller than I remember.
People actually lived
in these hallways?
I'm sure some still do.
It must have been hard
growing up here.
Eh, it wasn't so bad.
As a kid,
this was my playground.
This is it.
Are you sure you want to see it?
- You may not like
the memories it stirs--
What happened here?
Nothing happened here.
Aladdin, the past
predicts the future
only for those who believe
they cannot change it.
What's your dream?
Not this.
All I know is the slums.
I want to be
something important.
I want to be king.
Is that your wish?
I don't believe in wishes.
What in Ganesha's
good fortune is that?
Thieves with no honor.
There are actually thieves
that have honor?
-We better get outta here,
before more show up!
-Aladdin! Quick!
Do you wish us out of here?
-Shiva to believa!
If I had a wish, it'd be
for you to shut the hell-- Oooh!
Ooooh! Oh, oh!
I think there's an exit up here.
- Yes, yes.
- And why
would I do that?
Serve a butt wind bag
KleptoKing like you?
Oh, I don't expect one to serve.
But I do demand respect.
I used to live here.
We were on our way out--
I'll take that respect
before I take your life!
You look just like the Bhaskaras
that lived in T Wing.
What worthless pieces
of nano trash they were.
Wait, was that your mother?
She was beautiful.
I mean, she was always under...
But I remember visiting.
- Look, we weren't here
to steal anything.
- We?
Do you know what kleptorunners
do with a mouth like yours?
After trying to steal from us?
Do you know what these are?
Yeah. Canibombs.
You wanna be careful with those.
Oh, we'll be real careful.
We'll put one of these
in each of your orifices
and make each hole
just a little bit bigger.
Now might be a good time
to make that wish.
I think I got
some KleptoKing in my mouth.
Wait, who's watching
the SkySail? Fidgi?
Pardon me, but how many more of
these kleptorunners are there?
In an underground complex
like this?
Could be dozens.
Could be hundreds.
And they won't be too excited
when they find out
you exploded their king!
Okay, now we really
need to get out of here!
Oh, oh!
Go, man! Go, go, go, go, go, go!
The other way!
-Aladdin! Aladdin, wait!
-Wait for what?
-Oomi might be in trouble.
-She'll be fine!
-She just saved your life.
-Ugh. Alright.
-Fine. Then take this.
-What am I supposed
to do with this?
Get back to the SkySail.
Shoot anything
that gets in your way!
-But I couldn't possibly--
-If you want me to help Oomi,
you have to pave the way
to the SkySail! Now get--
Aladdin, make the wish!
Make the wish!
Make the wish.
Or that. That works too.
Oomi, I totally had him.
Thanks, Jinn. Now go!
Oh, bugger.
Thanks, Fidgi.
How... do you... like it?
-You, you just...
-Do or die, Jinn.
-Now get on board.
Wait! What about Oomi?
She can take care of herself.
Fidgi, let's get out of here.
Wait. There she is!
That's my sidekick!
No pun intended. Come on.
Let's get out of here!
Bye, Oomi. I'm sorry.
Now might be an appropriate time
to mention you still have
the 'Sail anchored.
Shiva shit in his shorts.
Jeez, guys.
Can we go now?
Princess Kamala?
What are you doing
on this level?
I was hoping
to find you here, Amish.
M-- My name is Anish.
I know your name
is Anish, but...
...I like calling you Amish.
Is that okay with you?
You, you want me to be Amish?
It's like a nickname.
Nick is a name?
It's like a pet name.
It's like a secret.
Can you keep a secret?
Mmmm. You like
being Amish, don't you?
Kamala, I love being Amish.
Well, that was fun.
It's not the kind of actions
I would condone,
but that was amazing.
Aladdin, you were meant
for amazing things.
You have a wish.
Use it for something...
Be the change
I want to see in the world?
Be the person
you wish to see in the world.
Oh, hey,
is that Pich down there?
Lad, are you blind to devotion?
- You haven't had to live
with the curse.
But relax, Jinn.
You've inspired me.
Namaste, Aladdin. Pfft.
Still mad I banged
your princess?
Nice. Hey, do you wanna
make some credit?
-I need your hack magic.
But I gotta warn you,
this could get dangerous.
Ooh, so mysterious. Sounds fun.
Count me in, Aladdin.
Will we win?
Where should I begin?
There was that time
we did that crime...
-But, Brej--
-...we got that loot, Ala D,
we knocked some boots,
Brejjie B.
Them girls are fine,
like Luna Wine.
-Ah, Brej, Brej--
-Never regret it,
I get that credit,
I'm always respected
and never indebted.
I've saved your fattoush
on many vendettas,
I've said it, I've said it,
I've said it before.
-The notorious infamous
Chinese outlaws.
-Alright, moving on--
- Fidgi in the mix,
I make the NanoNet sick.
-My hot, hackin' skills
on the HoloNet make me rich.
-But Brej--
Remember that time
we double-parked
in that port in Singapore?
Yes, yes, yes, I guess!
- No--
- Ichi, Ni, San. Yes, all three!
Always on the hunt
for Hindi Honey.
I'm the Ying, you're the Yang,
yeah, we're doin' our thang.
Brejjie B on the mic,
with the Underground Slang--
Alright! Sounds like Brej is in!
That person is coming with us?
-Fidgi, I need you
to do some legwork to see
if you can find
where Keeta Ratana is.
Look. I'm on a mission
to make my dreams come true.
You help me with my princess,
and I promise the second
we come back through this door,
I'll help you with yours.
Princess Kamala,
what a welcome surprise
to find you in my quarters.
Oh, Sultana, were you expecting
to find a vacant ship here?
Hmmm. I can only surmise
that it was indicated as such
in the Taj Mahal directory.
But that would mean someone
is purposely toying with you.
Kamala, you do realize
I'm a hologram, don't you?
Even in person,
it would take more
than a taser to electrocute me.
But I'll be there soon enough
and you can try it then.
However, there is no escape.
Kamala, you and I
may started on the wrong foot,
but once you get to know me,
I expect we'll become
really close friends.
Alright, Brej!
Looks like you're ready
for an adventure.
I'm ready for some credits,
What, no Fidgi in the mix?
I just talked to Fidgi
and he's found
our first destination.
So, we're good to go!
No. No.
Well, are you gonna
stand there all day?
Get on!
But I'm warning you, Oomi,
if you screw things up
or the SkySail gets too heavy,
you're the first one
I'm booting off.