Alarum (2025) Movie Script

(stone scraping)
(air whooshing)
(dynamic music)
(film reel ticking)
(water splashing)
(seagulls squawking)
(light instrumental music)
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(glass shattering)
(music continues)
(door slams)
- Oh, shit.
(music continues)
(music intensifies)
(fists thudding)
(both groaning)
(gun cocks)
(shot firing)
(body thuds)
(both grunting)
(fists thudding)
(music continues)
(glass shatters)
(bodies thudding)
(both groaning)
(both gasping)
- What are you doin' after this?
- (exhales) No plans.
(dramatic music)
(music continues)
(music intensifies)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music fades)
(water rippling)
(birds chirping)
(intriguing music)
(music continues)
- Good morning.
(Joe sighs)
We're having lunch
with the Rousseau's.
- Who?
- The French couple.
We met them yesterday.
- Oh, great.
- What story should
we tell them?
- You invited 'em.
- How about the OCD story?
That one's fun.
We haven't used it in awhile.
- Okay.
(gun cocks)
But this time, you're
the one with OCD.
You're better at it.
- Why was I mad at you?
- Uh, I think it works
better when you don't say.
- Hm.
Come here.
I need help with my necklace.
(light music)
(music continues)
- Couldn't make these
things any smaller, huh?
- It'll be nice to have
lunch with another couple,
like normal people.
- That's us, normal people.
- Hm.
Are you feeling okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, just had that dream again.
- Oh.
- Hm.
- That was a fair fight.
- You sucker shot me.
- How do I look?
(Joe groans)
- Like you need to
come back to bed.
(Lara giggles)
(Joe groans)
(all laughing)
(light music)
- Joe is one of those
men who can't understand
how anyone could
ever be mad at him.
- She was probably
just sick of my shit.
- I was, I was.
I was sick of his
shit and I decided
that it was time for him to go.
- Mm hm.
- So she takes all my clothes,
she throws 'em on my bed,
tosses my suitcase at me.
- He's making me
sound irrational.
- Please.
- So, my favorite
part of this story.
- Lara has-
- Joe has OCD.
- [Roland] Oh .
(Bridgette gasps)
- I have OCD.
- That's a problem.
- Yeah, just a little bit.
- Mild OCD.
- Right.
- [Joe] Yeah.
- You're mildly
obsessive compulsive.
- Oh my God.
- Mm hm.
- I can see that a little bit.
- When he's packing, everything
has to be folded
exactly the right way.
I mean, one wrong crease,
and he's gotta start the
whole process over again.
- I do like clean lines.
- I know you do.
- Yeah.
- So it took you, what,
four hours to fold
all of your clothes?
And then by the end we
were just so exhausted.
- Yeah, we were.
- We just made up.
- We made up.
I mean, after she admitted
she was overreacting.
- I was really tired
and I just wanted
to go to bed, actually.
- Oh.
- So, where are you
from originally?
- I grew up all over.
- I actually was
raised in Brazil.
- Oh.
- My mom is Brazilian.
- What?
- Yeah, I swear to you.
So, you are from Brazil
and you are from?
- American.
- Okay.
So, how did you guys meet?
- Joe actually came to San Paulo
on business.
- Mm hm.
- And he didn't know
anything about the culture.
He introduced himself
to me in Spanish.
- Ooh.
(Roland speaking in
foreign language)
(Bridgette speaking
in foreign language)
- (laughs) He said he screwed up
in Portuguese.
- That's right.
- [Roland] Oh, yes.
- So, it seems you
were destined to meet.
Destiny is an old
French word, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Never heard of that one.
- Yeah.
- Roland, how's your leg?
- Yeah, it's a
sprain I'm afraid.
Quite painful, but...
- A mild strain.
Don't be dramatic.
- But at least I
don't have to go
on this little
trek in the woods.
- Roland hates nature.
- I just prefer not to
interact with it, right?
(plane engine whirring)
(light music playing)
- Well, you know, Bridgette,
you should come with us.
- [Bridgette] Yeah?
- It's a wonderful idea.
- Yeah.
- It would be lovely.
- [Lara] Yeah.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
- [Lara] Leave him at home.
(Bridgette laughs)
- Drink, don't be droll.
- I'll order room service.
(wind whistling)
- You should get ready.
Bridgette's gonna be here soon.
You still looking
for that plane?
Whoever it is, they're
not here for us.
It wouldn't be that obvious.
- Right.
I guess I'll just hang around
and pretend I have OCD all day.
- I'm sorry, it was too easy.
I saw your expression
when I invited Brigitte
to come with us.
- Oh.
Oh, you mean Destiny?
She's great.
The best.
- Okay, I'll take that
answer at face value.
- "Destiny.
It's a French word."
- I'll be right back.
- Brazil, huh?
(doorbell rings)
(hair dryer parts clattering)
(anticipatory music)
(device beeps)
(music continues)
Lara, how you doin' in there?
(door creaks)
(music continues)
- So it's not us,
it's a local issue,
but I'm on standby so
I can't go on the tour.
- Fine, fine, we'll
just go tomorrow.
- But then Bridgette
would have to go alone.
- Oh, you mean you can't
go, not we can't go?
- You should still
go on the tour.
- This isn't a vacation.
You're workin' a mark.
- Honey, it's both.
- Huh.
(door closes)
(Joe exhales)
- Fine, fine, I'll go.
I'll go (sighs).
(music continues)
(music continues)
(gun cocks)
(Joe exhales)
- I don't want to impose.
- Oh, no, no,
you're not imposing.
Joe's really looking
forward to it.
- Really?
- And I'm sure
I'll feel better after I
just have a little nap.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
- Good.
- All right.
- Oh.
- Mwah.
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Gloves on. Bye.
(door opens)
(door closes)
(anticipatory music)
(music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(Lara exhales)
- [Poppy] After World War II
Sobchak returned from exile
to live out his days
on his ancestral land.
It was in this modest house
that he wrote his
most renowned works,
including "Worthy Adversary."
(anticipatory music)
(patrons chattering)
(gentle music)
(music continues)
(plane engine whirring)
(suspenseful music)
(shot firing)
(pilot screams)
- [Pilot] No, no!
(shot firing)
(dramatic music)
(alarm blaring)
(indistinct chatter)
(plane engine whirring)
- [Poppy] Right this way.
- I didn't know there was
an airport close to here.
- There's not.
(explosion booming)
- Is that hail?
(music continues)
(pensive music)
(anticipatory music)
(device beeping)
(music continues)
- Lara?
That's near them, no?
The smoke and...
- I don't know.
(pensive music)
- Bridgette, you should
go back to the resort.
It's not safe.
- No, I'm a doctor.
I can help.
- Please, go back.
- [Bridgette] What is it?
- What the hell?
- [Bridgette] What the fuck?
(music continues)
(fire crackling)
(Bridgette coughs)
(music continues)
They got shot.
- Hey everyone, just go
back to the resort, okay?
- Yes, that's a good idea.
I will wait for the police.
- Come, I'll
get you to the resort.
- Joe, who did that?
Where's the person who did that?
- Yeah.
- Look at-
- Just be careful.
- What are these markings?
What is that?
- Oh, shit.
- He's a professional.
- Profession what?
(radio dispatcher chattering)
- (gasps) It's working.
Is that good?
- Yeah, not for me
it's not (grunts).
(music fades)
(birds chirping)
(door bangs)
- Oh, hey Joe.
Where'd you find this place?
(door closes)
What was this, a fuckin'
Toys"R"Us or somethin'?
- Shit.
- What do you got?
- [Kirby] We just
picked up a floater.
- Okay.
- [Joe] Okay, just be careful.
- [Bridgette] What
are these markings?
- [Joe] He's a professional.
- Yeah, and he's one of ours.
And he's been missing
for five years.
- Who's the Frenchie?
- Ah, she's no match.
- Where are they?
- Poland.
We just picked that up
off of a CESSNA Radio.
It's a DEA plane.
- Anybody from DEA
reached out to us?
- No. His voice ain't
gonna match anything
in their database.
Want me to send it over?
- Fuck no.
Get me the DEA
file on the CESSNA
and get me a list of the
closest arbiters, all right?
- Copy.
(anticipatory music)
(engines rumbling)
- What are you doing?
- He might have swallowed it.
- Swallowed what?
- Whatever got him killed.
- No, Joe!
(knife thuds)
(anticipatory music)
(music continues)
(flesh squelching)
- Come on.
Come on.
Go back to the resort.
- But I-
- Hey,
the shooter's still out here.
Come on.
- [Bridgette] What is that?
- Flight pill.
(music continues)
(gentle music)
- Look, there they are.
- [Roland] You see them?
- No.
But everything must be okay,
otherwise they'd be running.
- Yeah, you say it, but you
don't look very convincing.
(door slams)
- All right, we have five
arbiters in the region.
- Okay.
Who's senior?
- (exhales) Chester.
(pensive music)
- Who else?
- Chester.
- I don't want to talk
about Chester, okay?
Chester is messy.
- Well, he's
less than two hours out.
- Lemme tell you a story.
- Yeah.
- Guy on the tape,
five years ago he goes
to Warsaw, routine work.
Nothing exotic.
He gets shot, kidnapped,
never resurfaces,
never checks back in.
So, what do we do?
We list him as out of
the office indefinitely
like we always do
and boom, he's back.
- Do you think it's possible
that he may have joined Alarum?
(engines rumbling)
(motorcycles revving)
(pensive music)
(fire crackling)
- Just keep your mouth shut.
(music continues)
- We were waiting
for the police.
- There isn't any
need for the police.
(music continues)
What happened here?
- We were on the Sobchak
tour when the plane crashed,
came to see if they
needed any help.
- And did they?
- They were dead
when we got here.
- You are quiet.
Why would an attractive
woman like you
come into the woods
looking for a crash?
You must be a nurse.
(Bridgette speaking in French)
- I speak French, too.
But I know you understand me.
You looked annoyed when
I said you were a nurse,
and not a doctor.
(shot firing)
(pensive music)
Do you speak French, too?
- No. French, they say that's
- Ah, you're American.
- Yeah.
- Did you take anything?
- No.
(gun cocks)
- You don't think I
will shoot you too?
- Oh no, I think
you'll shoot me.
they'll just search
the plane first.
- And find what?
American stoicism.
I admire that quality.
What is your name?
- Joe.
- American Joe.
(Orlin speaking in
foreign language)
- [Orlin] Fire!
(shots firing)
(dramatic music)
(shot firing)
- [Roland] What was that?
- I'll be right back.
(device beeping)
(anticipatory music)
(music continues)
- We have to go.
Roland, now.
(Roland gasps)
Come on.
(bird calling)
(music fades)
(phone ringing)
- Yeah?
- [Caller] Call home.
- Alright.
(singer singing indistinctly)
(line trilling)
- [Secretary] Location?
- Slovakia.
Aren't I lucky?
- [Secretary] Status?
- I'm open for business.
- [Secretary] Excellent.
Please hold for the Director.
- Chester.
This is Burbridge.
We have a location on Archibald.
- Archibald? Wow.
We worked a lot together.
- Is that a conflict
of interest?
- No, it's okay.
- Good.
I would like you to
depart immediately.
- Okay.
- We think he's joined Alarum.
- Alarum?
Have you confirmed that?
- Well, it's not
confirmed, but...
Please terminate him.
- Right.
(phone beeps)
(Chester sighs)
(pensive music)
(door closes)
- Do you have anything
they can use as a weapon?
- No.
I don't know.
No, there's no
weapons here that...
(glass shatters)
- Okay, listen, you hold
the knife like this.
Roland, fuckin' pay
attention to me.
You're gonna hold it like this.
You're gonna jam the
knife right here.
You're gonna thrust it
in as hard as you can.
You're gonna dig it in,
you're gonna turn it.
You really wanna cut
the whole neck open.
- Whose neck?
- Whoever comes
through that door.
Lock the door behind me.
- What about Bridgette?
- If she's alive, Joe'll
take care of her.
Roland, you have to focus.
Think about Bridgette,
think about going home.
That's how you're
gonna get through this.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Lock the door.
- (sighs) Yeah.
(door opens)
(door closes)
(anticipatory music)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(motorcycle roaring)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(shooters groaning)
(energetic music)
(engine rumbling)
(firing continues)
(music continues)
(firing continues)
(music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(guns firing)
(engine rumbling)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(firing continues)
(music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(shots firing)
(glass shatters)
(tires squealing)
(music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(firing continues)
- We identified a yellow
jacket file, an assassin.
Codename Orlin.
- I've read that guy's file.
- Yeah, well, he
was on the plane.
The exact plane that
Archibald's voice showed-
- Why are all these
computers 25 years old now?
- Yeah, well, I just wanted
to put this out there.
I think they're
workin' together.
- No, they're not
working together.
Archibald never
works with anybody.
- Yeah, well, this
is what I'm thinkin'.
We have Orlin and
Archibald already there.
Chester is on his way, right?
- Yeah.
- Who the fuck knows
what the DEA is gonna do?
We have an arbiter.
- Uh huh.
- We have a yellow jacket
and a possible member of Alarum.
- Okay, yeah.
- Yeah, so I'm just thinkin'.
It feels like we're
building a bomb.
- Great, whose bomb is it?
- Ours.
- Your bomb, okay?
(anticipatory music)
(engine rumbling)
(music continues)
- You go any further,
he'll pick your men
apart one by one.
You run out of men before
he runs out of bullets.
- What should we do?
(pensive music)
(music continues)
- American Joe!
I think you understated
your military training!
I'm sending my
men to the resort.
I assume you did
not come here alone.
The person waiting for you
will be dead by morning.
(music continues)
(music continues)
Leave a few of your men
scattered as snipers.
You and the rest come
with me to the resort.
(Krol speaking in
foreign language)
(engines rumbling)
(car doors slamming)
(engines revving)
(helicopter engine whirring)
(alarm beeping)
- These are the location
coordinates you provided.
- Are we near the town?
- Just behind us a bit.
- You can put it down now.
- Copy that.
- Hey, what do your
wife and kids think
about you flying all the time?
Do they ever get nervous?
- No, Sir, I'm not married.
(anticipatory music)
(engine rumbling)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(latches clicking)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(device beeping)
(music continues)
(fire crackling)
(music continues)
(pensive music)
(engine rumbling)
(music continues)
- The American did
not return to forest.
We think he's
headed for village.
(device beeps)
- He's looking for
resources to fight.
Send some men.
Tell the rest of your men
to go from cabin to cabin.
Grab the guests.
Bring them here.
- The authorities have
probably been contacted.
- My employer will handle that.
Nobody is coming
for these people.
(fist banging)
- [Lara] Roland, it's me.
- Lara?
- [Lara] Hurry up, Roland.
- I'm coming .
- Okay.
Can you run on that ankle?
Come on, I need quick answers.
Yes or no?
- No, it's gonna hurt too much.
- Get under the bed.
Go on.
When soldiers come in here,
you don't make a sound.
You stay still.
Get down.
- What soldiers?
- Hurry up.
(blinds whooshing)
(light bulb spinning)
(bell ringing)
(engine rumbling)
(anticipatory music)
(music continues)
- Come on, come on, come on.
(man groaning)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(music continues)
(car doors slamming)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(door creaking)
(music continues)
(soldier grunts)
(shots firing)
- [Soldier] Hey, hey.
(both grunting)
(fists thudding)
(blood gushing)
(Lara panting)
(music continues)
(glass shatters)
(music continues)
(bag rustling)
(music continues)
(Joe exhales)
(music continues)
(Joe exhales)
(music continues)
(intercom beeps)
- [Secretary] Deputy Director,
we have somebody on
the house line for you .
Somebody named Archibald.
- Put him through.
- [Secretary] Go ahead
for the Director.
- Hello, Burbs.
- Hey, Archie.
What, it's been like five years.
You takin' the long way home?
- It's Joe now.
- Well, excuse me.
Where are you?
- Come on, you know where I am.
- So what's the play, Joe?
- What do you know
about the plane?
- Joe, gimme one second.
- Kirby, gimme the
yellow jacket file
on Archibald's last
target in Prague.
Joe, we are actually assembling
data on the plane right now.
- You know Orlin's here?
- You know he was on the
plane before it went down.
There was chatter here that you
and he might be
working together,
and of course I
reassured everyone that
that could not
possibly be the case.
- Well, it's not.
But I do know why he
was on that plane.
- And now you show
me your cards.
- You know I watched Orlin
gut one of the pilots.
- He pulled a flash drive
from a man's stomach.
- [Ronald] Okay.
Flight pill?
- I don't know what's on it,
but I do know if Orlin is
involved it must be important.
Who chartered the plane, huh?
- We're thinkin'
along those lines.
- Tell you what,
call off Chester.
Gimme a few hours, I'll
retrieve the flash drive.
- In exchange for what?
- I want you to forget about me.
- Yeah.
I tell you what,
we will forgive you your sins
in exchange for the flash drive
if you tell me your exact
relationship with Larissa Moss.
- I married her.
- You fuckin' what?
- Tell Chester to meet
me at Trekker Hunting.
It's down the street
from his hotel.
- Wait a second, you...
(phone dings)
(phone ringing)
(Ronald laughs)
(dramatic music)
(engine rumbling)
(door closes)
(music continues)
- Parked the Jeep in the
forest 10 meters due east.
If another Jeep pulls up out
front, they shouldn't see it.
If they come looking
for their men,
they're gonna see
the dead bodies.
Then they're gonna
assume that you took
the Jeep and you fled.
I don't know who's out
there or how many there are.
We should be safe here for now.
Get in the wardrobe.
You're gonna hide in there.
You're not gonna move.
You're not gonna make a sound.
- Okay.
- You got the keys to the Jeep.
We only use it as a last resort.
- Why are you helping me, Lara?
- That doesn't matter now.
- Archibald
married the assassin
who shot
- Oh, shit.
- and kidnapped him.
- Well, if that's true,
then she's gotta be there.
- Yeah, and guess what?
You get to call your
friends in the DEA.
- So you want me to reopen
the yellow jacket file?
- Absolutely. We have to find
out A,
who she's working for,
and B, if she in fact
is working Archibald.
- Well, maybe they're just
both working for Alarum.
(phone ringing)
(anticipatory music)
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
- Well, I think I
officially jinxed the trip.
Never should have said
literary museum sounds boring.
- Where are you?
- The town about 10 miles north.
- [Lara] Orlin's here.
- Yeah, yeah, Chester too.
What's the plan?
- Let's rendezvous
at the Sobchak house.
- Oh, you'll be underwhelmed.
- Can you go there now?
- I got somethin' to
take care of first,
then I'll come.
- Stay alive.
(line humming)
(music continues)
- [Ronald] Suspend your mission.
Give Archibald enough time
to retrieve the flight pill.
- Okay.
And after he retrieves it?
- [Ronald] Archibald
cannot come home again.
If Larissa Moss is
there, eliminate her too.
- You got it.
(phone beeps)
(soft music)
- What?
- How?
- What the fuck?
(bystanders chattering softly)
- [Bystander] Strange.
(chattering continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
- Oh.
How you doin', kid?
- This vacation's goin' great.
(Chester chuckles)
Burbridge send you
here to cheer me up?
- He did.
He said you're lookin'
for some stupid thing,
like a flight pill.
You haven't found
it yet, have you?
- Nope.
- Perfect.
I'll help you find it.
- Perfect.
- Yeah.
- You look tired.
- Hey, do not judge
your book by its cover.
So, you quit?
Did you join Alarum?
- Would it even matter?
- No, no, I'm just
being curious.
I'm just chit chattin'
and all that shit.
Whoa, vodka.
This is what the doctor ordered.
How 'bout we toast our
rekindled friendship.
Here we go.
A toast to hell.
May our stay there, be as much
fun as our way there again.
- That your work?
- It is, yeah.
- What'd you use?
- I cannot tell you
(laughs) my friend,
because you're not part
of the club anymore.
- Oh, right.
- Mm hm.
- Friendly on the helicopter?
That's gotta be some
kind of bad mojo.
- I don't think so. I mean,
he wasn't married and
there's no collateral damage.
- Hm.
- I wanna ask you somethin'.
Why are you trying so hard
to retrieve this flight pill?
You think it's gonna
be your ticket home?
- No.
- Good, you're smart
'cause it's encrypted.
You're never gonna crack it.
You, me, nobody.
- My wife's at the resort.
I need help.
- For what?
- Orlin's here.
- He's here?
That fool's still around.
Burbridge forgot that part.
I'm gonna have to
raise my rates.
Excuse me.
I gotta freshen up.
(door closes)
(Joe sighs)
(pensive music)
(air hissing)
(music continues)
(music continues)
- What is it?
- What is what?
I was in there freshening up.
- Oh, come on, Chester.
I'm not that outta practice.
What is it?
Is it new?
- Hm.
Yeah, it's definitely new.
That poor chopper pilot
was the test subject.
- And?
- It's the worst
stuff we've ever made.
Quick but painless.
Don't get stuck.
(glass shatters)
(glass crunching)
Was that necessary?
(tires squealing)
(pensive music)
(car doors slamming)
Hey, you wanna
put that gun down?
We're friends here.
I'm here to help you.
- Right.
(music continues)
(music continues)
(device beeping)
(music continues)
(beeping continues)
(music continues)
(gun cocks)
(music continues)
When I checked in here, the
old man at the desk said,
"What's in the bag?"
Hey, you're slippin'.
This is bad luck to
leave liquor in a glass.
- And you think it's a good
idea to drink before a shootout?
- I can't think of a
better time in theory.
- All right.
- Mm.
This is an AA-12.
Now, the only flaw
with this weapon
is that makes
everything too easy.
So, why don't you put
that peashooter down
and pick up one of these
and let's cause some damage.
There you go.
(gun cocks)
- Good to work with you again,
- Yeah, yeah.
(shots firing)
(body thudding)
(anticipatory music)
(Krol speaking in
foreign language)
(Krol speaking in
foreign language)
(Krol's throat clears)
(music continues)
- They refuse to
go after American.
- Why do they think it's
an option not to fight?
- He has heavy artillery.
(cigarette sizzling)
(cigarette tapping)
- Tell them I'm on my way.
(phone ringing)
- Hey, Chris.
- [Chris] Ronald, how are you?
- What's up, man? What do you
think of the new place?
- You've done a great job, man.
- (laughs) Thank you.
I did it all myself (chuckles).
Oh, you look good.
- Thanks, buddy.
But I need you to tell
me what information
you have on my 206.
- Oh. Well, what information do
you have on the flight pill?
- Buddy, I'm not that easy.
Ronald, why don't you start?
What kind of classified
bullshit triggered this meeting?
A loose arbiter?
We need that flash drive back.
Strictly DEA. Has nothing
to do with you guys.
- Oh, really? That will
be determined
when I get my eyes
on the flash drive,
and I've got people
looking for it right now.
And believe me, I will be
taking a close look at it
before I turn it
back over to you.
- Well, that's assuming
that you guys get it.
- Kirbs, gimme a second.
- Thanks, buddy.
- Chris, I was hoping you
and I could work
together on this.
- We can man, I'm here.
I'm listening, but you
gotta gimme somthin'.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Here's what I'm dealing with.
I've got an ex arbiter that
I think has joined Alarum.
- Are you tellin'
me Alarum exists?
Is that what the company's
feeding you guys?
- Yes.
- What are these guys?
- I don't know, maybe.
- Rogue spies, vigilantes?
- I don't fucking know.
- Who the fuck are they?
- But listen to me.
The intelligence indicates yes.
- Oh, that changes
the game, doesn't it?
- Yeah.
Basically it means I'm fucked.
Okay look, I can't tell
you everything I know,
but I will tell you
everything that I can.
All right?
- Sure.
- So I want you to
take a look at this
'cause I'm adding one
name to this list today.
- This is a Alarum's
suspected roster?
- Yeah.
- Fuck, man.
What do these guys want?
- Well, if you
believe the rumors,
they want to tear
down the tyranny
of the global
intelligence network.
(pensive music)
(shot firing)
(soldier groans)
(pensive music)
(hostage panting)
(soldier groaning)
(music continues)
- It's okay, I'm here to help.
- Oh, thank God.
- Be quiet.
I'll be back.
- You can't just leave us.
(Lara straining)
- Oh, there it is.
The English, unattractive.
- Yeah, well, you wouldn't
win the prize anyway, huh?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(objects banging)
Did you hear that?
(pensive music)
(Krol speaking in
foreign language)
- Someone cut off
yours Yuri's dick.
Someone cut off-
- I see that.
Someone's trying
to intimidate you.
(body part thuds)
- It's working.
(Krol speaking in
foreign language)
(suspenseful music)
(music continues)
(object thuds)
(soldier groaning)
(body thudding)
(music continues)
(music continues)
Go get hostages.
I will execute them one by one
until coward comes
out of hiding!
(music continues)
(music continues)
(soldiers groaning)
(dramatic music)
(shots firing)
(soldiers groaning)
- Hands up!
Turn around.
Check her.
(suspenseful music)
(soldiers grunting)
(dramatic music)
(Lara grunting)
(music continues)
(fist thudding)
(soldiers groaning)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(knife thuds)
(blood gushing)
(Lara exclaims)
(fists thudding)
(Lara grunting)
(feet thudding)
(Lara groaning)
(Krol speaking in
foreign language)
(Lara gasping)
(music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(music continues)
(tires squealing)
(music continues)
- Why are your men hiding when
I am paying them to fight?
- The American, he has help.
There are two in there.
- Two Americans
against all your men.
- And their weapons
are much better-
- Shh.
Bring your men here.
- Come, come.
- You are afraid of
what is in there?
Take your men.
Wait for me at the
hotel entrance.
(shots firing)
(shell casings clattering)
(pensive music)
Do you understand now?
You will die out here
if you refuse to fight.
Better to take your
chances in there.
(car door opens)
(shots firing)
(shell casings clattering)
I am what you must fear.
The American may
offer you death,
but I guarantee it.
- (groans) What's Orlin doing?
- He's killing his own men.
- That figures.
God, I'm hungry.
I don't know about you, but I
need some
pancakes, a French toast.
Fun food, something.
Who worked you the fuck over?
- [Joe] Got that five years ago.
- Well, I hope you killed him.
- [Orlin] All men, over here!
- Married her, actually.
- What?
Come on.
- It was before she knew me.
- Oh, guys, somehow
I feel happy for you
and bad for you
at the same time.
- We have a very good
marriage counselor.
- How do you know
she's not playing you?
Even though it would
be a perfect ending
that you're the dumb Pooh bear
who fell into the honey pot.
- Well, she was already a
double agent when we met, so.
At least it's not boring.
- Right.
And then she joined
Alarum, right?
- Yes.
- Hm, what about you?
- No, no, I wanted
out, so I'm out.
But here I am stuck in
this shit with you anyway.
- (chuckles) She'll
get to you kid.
She'll convince you for sure.
- Oh, yeah, well, she's tryin'.
Hm, I think it's time.
- What's he doin' now?
- Yeah, he hasn't
taken his position yet.
- Yeah, well, he'll let
his men be up front.
He is a coward.
- Yeah.
- Oh, God damn.
My back, my back is tight.
You do me a favor,
Arch, seriously.
It's embarrassing.
Could you pull me up
just a little bit?
It locks up.
Hate to admit that.
- Jesus Christ.
Come on.
- Thank you.
- Ah, shit!
(syringe squirts)
(pensive music)
You crazy bastard.
- Sorry, kid.
You got about an hour.
- Antidote?
- Not for you .
- Chester, you
said you'd help me.
- I'm here, right?
And you won't be able
to do this alone.
So, your wife's got an hour.
Don't waste it.
(shots firing)
Not for nothin'.
The final hour won't be boring.
(anticipatory music)
- When you go in, do not stop.
This is not your home.
Inflict as much
damage as you can.
If your bullets
do not kill them,
the shattering
glass will cut them,
or the exploding walls
will distract them.
If we have to, we will
demolish the building
until it crashes down on them.
Shoot the windows.
(shots firing)
(glass shattering)
These assassins operate
in controlled chaos.
We are not here to unleash
chaos, we are here to define it.
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(firing continues)
Go, go, go!
(energetic music)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(shot firing)
(soldier groans)
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(soldiers groaning)
(music continues)
- Get down.
(Joe speaking indistinctly)
- Time to move.
- More.
- More .
(shots firing)
(music continues)
- Go!
(wall clattering)
(music continues)
(Joe groaning)
- Ever use a frag grenade?
(Joe groans)
(grenade explodes)
- [Joe] Shit.
- What?
You had it the whole time, Arch?
- Chester, Chester.
(Chester groaning)
(fist thuds)
- (groans) No.
(music continues)
(indistinct singing)
- There.
(Lara coughs)
You Americans think
you're the only
well trained killers
in the world.
- I'm German.
- Oh.
- And I'm the best trained
killer in the world.
- Yuri was my friend.
- Who's Yuri?
- The man you mutilated.
(fist thuds)
(Lara gasps)
(pensive music)
What is this?
(Lara spits)
You can stop this
by calling American.
Tell him to turn
over flash drive.
- He's my husband.
- Oh.
- And nobody can
make him do anything.
(Krol chuckles)
(Krol speaking in
foreign language)
- Perhaps you can explain
situation to him in a way
that he will understand.
(knife scrapes)
- Okay.
Gimme the SATCOM and
I'll explain it to him.
- Show me before you send.
(device beeping)
(anticipatory music)
(device beeping)
(explosion booming)
(soldiers yelling)
(rubble clattering)
(shots firing)
(soldiers groaning)
(dramatic music)
(both grunting)
(fists thudding)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(chair thuds)
(grunting continues)
(music continues)
(knife scrapes)
(both groaning)
(blood gushing)
(Lara groans)
(pensive music)
(Lara gasping)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(Krol groaning)
(gun thuds)
- Who do you work
for (groaning)?
- (laughs) I'm not working.
I'm on my honeymoon.
- (grunting) You work for them?
(Lara gasping)
- Alarum.
- Alarum?
- It means to call to arms.
We don't work for a single
country or government.
We work for ourselves (panting).
- Is it too late to join?
(Lara panting)
(Krol groaning)
(pensive music)
(knife clinks)
(Krol groaning)
(blood spluttering)
(Lara exhales)
- Your application's denied.
- There is a French citizen
staying at the resort.
A Roland Rousseau.
His bank is suspected
of laundering money
for an arms dealer.
- Okay.
- He's pretty clean himself but,
you know Alarum. They could be
actively recruiting him to join
the group.
- That bolsters the idea
that Archibald and Moss
are working for Alarum.
- Maybe. But let's say
Archibald finds the flash drive,
turns it over to foreign
intelligence or Alarum.
What are we lookin' at?
Bottom line.
- Bottom line?
- Mm hm.
- Half of the network's
operation can get unmasked.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Say that again.
- You heard me.
Half of the network's
operation can get unmasked.
This flash drive needs to
come home or disappear.
You pick.
- Hey, guess what?
You get to target
Archibald's coordinates.
- Holy smoke, God damn it.
(shots firing)
(dramatic music)
(music continues)
(firing continues)
(soldiers grunting)
(music continues)
(firing continues)
(music continues)
(firing continues)
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(soldier grunts)
(grenade clatters)
(explosion booming)
(Joe coughing)
(pensive music)
(gun clatters)
(grunts) Shit.
- American Joe.
- You again (exhales).
- I underestimated you.
- Oh.
- What is your field name?
- A little weak comin' in
at the end, don't you think?
Never trade longevity
for bravado.
- Yeah, yeah.
I worked under Archibald.
- Yes, I've heard of you.
You disappeared.
- I quit (sighs).
- Bad timing
for all this then, eh?
- Yeah.
- Where is the flash drive?
- What's on it?
- What does it matter
to people like us?
- Chester, he has it.
- Chester.
He's a part of the Old Guard.
Why is he...
The Americans sent him
to kill you.
- Yeah, appears
that way (grunts).
- And now where will he go?
- Back to the lodge, try
to kill my wife (exhales).
- We're both double
crossed tonight.
It should have been
a simple exchange,
but an undercover DEA
agent overplayed his hand.
Thought he had me
trapped by altitude.
- Wait, wait, I'm sorry.
You shot down a
plane you were in.
- Why not?
I was the only one
with the parachute.
- (laughs) Shit.
- I have no use for
intricate strategies, huh?
Barbarism works.
- Yeah, clearly.
You can't leave without
the flash drive.
Job's binding.
You're gonna need
help with Chester.
Your local guys
can't handle him.
(pensive music)
(music continues)
- Not a full cease fire.
A recess, yes?
- Until the bell rings (groans).
- Yes.
- Yeah, yeah.
(fingers snapping)
All right.
Yeah, great.
- Yeah.
- Drone the strike is set.
Chris, thanks for comin' by.
I need a minute with
Agent Kirby here, okay?
See you guys.
- See you next time.
- See you guys.
- All right, take care. Yeah
Okay, we need a cleaning
crew on the ground.
I want to be first when
this thing is over, okay?
They don't get the credit
when we've done
all the dirty work.
- Got it.
I'll find a local company.
- Keep it simple.
- Yeah.
- If money's a problem, tell
them we write
the biggest checks.
If they need their asses kissed-
- We got the biggest lips.
- Look at you with the
fuckin' jokes, all right?
No U.S. equipment can
be used, all right?
- All right, cool.
Look, I've already
found a charter company,
Ascendia Charters.
- Excellent.
All right.
Tap into the sweetener fund
for our Polish friends.
It is very important
that our complete
is understood and appreciated.
Okay, you got that?
- Copy.
- All right.
- Hey, we need a cleaning
crew on the ground.
Yeah. Find out who in the
area can get us access.
(phone beeps)
- Yeah?
- [Secretary] I have Ascendia
Charters on the line.
There's a problem.
You have to hear
it for yourself.
- Okay.
Hello, this is Ronald Burbridge
with the National
Clandestine Service
of the United States of America.
What is the fucking problem?
- Just like I told your friend.
I have a team of local
cleaners and one helicopter.
- Fine, I only need
one helicopter.
- (laughs) Look, your name
alone isn't enough anymore.
- [Secretary] Sir,
the problem is that
we're not the only bidder.
- Excuse me?
- Four of you, one whirl.
I've got a guy from another
United States agency.
He won't even give me his name
or tell me where he's from.
- Okay, fine, we'll
outbid all of them.
- (laughs) That's what
you all are saying.
Look it up.
(receiver clicks)
(cleaner sighs)
- Oh, fuck!
Send Kirby in here.
Jesus Christ!
- [Secretary] Sir, there's an
Archibald on the line for you.
He says it's urgent.
His phone's about to die.
(Ronald chuckles)
- Yeah, he always says that
when he's gonna hang up on me.
Patch him through.
- [Secretary] Go ahead
for the Director.
- You lied to me.
- Hey, would you
hold on a second.
What's the status
of the drone strike?
- Strike's impending.
(button clicks)
- Hello, Joe.
You know how we
deal with traitors?
- No, I never
compromised my country.
- For a foreign agent?
- She follows the same code
as we do, you know that.
- Oh, yeah.
What code is that?
- (scoffs) Right.
You know what?
I really tried to stay outta
the fray on this, I did.
So I'll tell you what.
After I kill Chester,
I'm comin' for you.
- I happen to know that
Chester has the flash drive.
I also happen to know
that Chester gave you
a shot of KR-45,
and that you will be
dead before dinner.
(line clicks)
- He didn't take the bait?
- No, I didn't even
have time to give it.
- Just your location.
- Yeah, but that
doesn't do him any good.
He can't get men here in time.
He doesn't trust Chester
to bring it back.
He's gonna kill us all.
- He's in the village.
- Okay.
- He's gonna head
for the resort,
so have the drones light
up the travel routes.
- Yeah, we just got word.
The hostages escaped.
- (laughs) That makes
no fuckin' sense.
- Yeah.
- Or maybe, I guess
it does because it's
a whole fuckin shit show.
- Shit show.
- Yeah.
One more thing.
- Yeah?
- I want you to add a little
finisher to the drone strike?
- Copy.
- Let's light it up.
Make it a burn zone.
- Yeah.
(anticipatory music)
(music continues)
(cork pops)
(music continues)
(Lara gasping)
(Lara panting)
(music continues)
(table thuds)
(vase shatters)
(Lara coughing)
(music continues)
(Lara straining)
(Lara coughs)
(music continues)
(Lara groaning)
(Lara coughs)
(drones whizzing)
(Lara gasping)
(pensive music)
(music continues)
(drones whizzing)
(music continues)
(Lara coughs)
(dramatic music)
(drones whizzing)
(drones beeping)
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(dramatic music)
(explosion booming)
(drones beeping)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(drones beeping)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(glass shattering)
(music continues)
(Joe grunting)
- Shit.
Hey, they're comin' back.
- They are heat seekers.
- Fire, fire.
- Fire, yes, yes, yes, yes.
- His books, his books.
Come on.
Come on.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
You know, historically
this whole burn
a book thing doesn't
work out for people.
(anticipatory music)
(music continues)
Come on.
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(music continues)
See anything?
- No.
(music continues)
(drone whizzing)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(Joe groans)
(Joe groaning)
- Fuck!
(shots firing)
(music continues)
- We gotta get outta here.
We gotta get outta
this fuckin' house.
Let's go. Fuck.
Come on.
(dramatic music)
(Orlin coughing)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(drone whizzing)
(music continues)
(shots firing)
(music continues)
(drone explodes)
- Got him.
- Yes, you did, American Joe.
As I said before,
barbarism works.
(shots firing)
(music continues)
- Run!
(missiles whizzing)
(dramatic music)
(explosion booming)
(music continues)
(sullen music)
(fire crackling)
(music continues)
(music continues)
What are you doing' after this?
- No plans.
(music continues)
No plans.
- Yeah, me too.
(water splashing)
- (gasping) No, don't
look at me like that.
You're lying.
- All right, I'll accept
that answer at face value.
Let's get you down here.
Let's go home, okay?
Hey, you can shave
my head, ink me up.
Hey, hey, hey, you hear me?
Come on, come on, stay with me.
I'm in, okay?
- You're gonna need
references (chuckles).
- No good.
(Lara gasping)
- About time.
Took you long enough.
It's almost time, Arch.
- How much time do I have?
- Just about a minute.
It's not exact.
- Well, you mind?
- I need you to
throw the pistol.
- One more time .
- Clock's running.
(gun clattering)
- All righty.
- What, what?
- I (coughing)...
For awhile.
- Awhile?
- I lied.
- What does he mean
you only have a minute?
- Poison.
He stuck me.
- What?
Where is it?
- He thinks.
(Lara gasping)
- [Lara] What?
(Chester groans)
- How?
- You know, Chester,
I saw that pilot die.
(Chester exhales)
I knew it was some
kind of poison.
I really did (groans).
And then, you know,
I had time to go look
through your hotel room.
- Yeah, I knew that
stuff in the vial
looked like water when I tried
to put it in the syringe.
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck (exhales).
You put it in the vodka.
Good, smart.
- You never did leave
a glass un-drunk.
(Joe chuckles)
- Gimme the anecdote.
Come on.
- This?
- Give it to me.
- Oh, come on.
- Listen, you're
gonna need help.
If you're goin' to
war against Burbridge,
you're gonna need friends.
You don't have any,
I'm just saying.
Oh, God damn.
Look, Burbridge betrayed me too.
Be nice.
Give me the antidote and I'll
join the team, I promise.
I'll kill as many
of 'em as I can.
I'll kill 'em all.
You know, I mean that, Arch.
Come on.
Fuck it, I deserve it.
You win.
Just take off.
- You do deserve it.
You do, but I need you.
So you're gonna bring
every black bag there is.
- I'll bring 'em all.
Good move.
Good move, Arch.
(helicopter engine whirring)
- Ah, shit.
Here's the cleanup crew.
(Chester groaning)
- Help, help.
That's help.
- It works.
(alarm wailing)
(engine whirring)
The Edge performed by Mark
Rudin (feat. David Davis)
(song continues)
(song continues)
(song continues)
(song continues)
(song fades)
(sullen music)
(music continues)
(music fades)