Aloevera (2020) Movie Script

Ladies and gentlemen,
folks and folks,
children and children,
adults and adults,
birds and birds,
myself and myself.
Welcome to the yearly debate for children.
Today, we want to know:
the "aloe" and the "vera",
which came first?
- It is the aloe that came first.
- Vera is nothing without it.
Without aloe,
vera would have been a useless,
non-existing figment of our imagination.
No one in his right mind would think
aloe came before vera.
It is the vera that hatched and nurtured
the aloe to become what it is today.
It's only dumb and unintelligent people
like my co-debater that'd think otherwise.
What? You call me dumb and unintelligent?
You are such a senseless debater.
Your family should disown you.
You call my daughter senseless?
Your family must be ashamed
of a useless boy like you.
My son is not useless.
If you're the kind of adult
in your family,
I pity the hopeless generation
you come from.
- Madam, take that back!
- I won't take it back!
You are a useless
And that is how a simple debate
caused the greatest divide in Kelewele.
It was a fight amongst children,
families and the entire village.
From that day, all who said the
aloe came first, were called Aloe.
They chose the colour blue
and lived with it.
All who said the vera came first,
were called Vera.
They chose the colour yellow
and lived with it.
A border was created,
and nothing must cross.
Remember not to mix with an Aloe today.
Not today.
- Remember not to talk to a Vera today.
- Certainly not.
As you step out today, remember
that the Aloes are no good people.
Don't go close to them.
As you begin this day,
remember the laws and keep them.
The Veras
They are very violent people.
That's why they are our enemies.
If you see a Vera, or anything
belonging to them on your land,
remember to blow your whistle!
If you see an Aloe,
or anything belonging to them
on your land, blow your whistle!
This Aloe ball just came visiting us.
And as you are aware, this is not normal!
It calls for a fight!
He is our warrior,
and we're ready to stand firm!
We stand firm!
He is our warrior!
We are ready to stand firm!
We stand firm!
Lower the tie!
We stand firm!
We stand firm!
- We now have a new slave!
- Yes!
Take him away.
Raise the tie.
How many windows were you closing?
Pack these on the table.
Can I ask you a question?
Are the Aloes as bad as we've been told?
They are bad.
Very, very bad!
Everything we say about them is true.
They're no good people.
Can you think about my flowers
instead of Aloes?
What? Do you need to use the toilet?
No, Papa.
So, why do you look constipated?
Nothing. Sorry.
Is anything troubling you, my son?
I was wondering,
are Veras as bad as we're told?
Not a single one of them is good.
So stop wondering.
Is it also wrong to just talk to an Aloe?
Not crossing the border or anything,
I wouldn't dare do that.
But at a distance.
Far away. Far, far away?
- Let me tell you a story
- No, Paa, not this time.
It is wrong to talk to an Aloe.
Even in a dream!
You and an Aloe must never breathe
or blink at the same time!
It is unacceptable.
What will happen if we do?
Do you know why I'm this old?
- No, Paa.
- I never asked questions.
I just obeyed.
Now, go back to your room.
I'm sorry.
I tried to stop it.
Are you okay?
I'm just trying to be a Vera, you know?
I like the colour of your dog.
It's a Vera,
you're not allowed to like it.
Oh, yeah. I forgot.
What kind of dog is this?
Disgusting. It makes me want to puke.
I hate the colour, very nasty.
I hope it's not smelling!
My goodness! I need to wash my hands now.
You see what you've caused?
I'm just kidding.
I like the dog, and I mean it.
Maybe I could keep it for a day.
Looks like you don't like your life.
I would die for this dog.
You're beautiful.
Who? Me?
No. The dog.
I mean the dog is beautiful.
Can I hold it one more time?
You must never repeat this!
If your father finds out,
he will lock you up.
Where's your whistle? What happened to it?
- Sorry, Mama. It fell and broke.
- That's a lie.
I saw everything that happened.
The Vera crushed hers
and I assume he did the same.
Why are we discussing Veras in this house?
Can I know why they've become
a subject matter?
Aloewin, where is your whistle?
He crushed it.
I saw him talking to a Vera,
so he crushed it.
Talking to a Vera?
Is that true?
Go to your room!
I will lock you up!
You didn't have to yell at him like that.
He's probably going to cry.
Keep spoiling him.
I wiil lock him up for three days!
No, you'll not.
Yelling at him is enough punishment.
I like you.
What's your name?
My name is Veralin. What's yours?
I have decided to buy you
a new whistle that looks like this.
Do you like it?
I knew it.
I knew you'd like it.
I cheered him up.
I told him I'll buy him a new whistle.
He looks so happy now.
- He is?
- Oh yes, he is. You need to see him
- Really?
- Yes!
- You look happy.
- Yes Ma, I'm going to see Aloedin.
Is it because of the whistle
your father promised you?
I've never seen him this happy.
Are you sure it's because of the whistle?
No, I lied
- He was not happy when I mentioned it.
- So why did you lie?
I don't know It came naturally.
- Aloemay!
- Papa!
Come, come, come.
You see
Your brother is acting weird
and I want you to keep an eye on him.
No! You'll do no such thing.
- He needs it.
- What for?
He hasn't got a whistle.
What if he falls in trouble
or is attacked by a Vera?
How would he call for help?
Ah, that's true
I agree with him. We must monitor him.
You see, everyone agrees with me.
It comes naturally.
Such a genius
- She's quick-tempered.
- Don't mind her. It comes naturally.
I can hear you two. I'm right here.
Anyway, Aloemay
You see,
we have a special mission to undertake.
And nothing, nothing is going to stop us.
Where is he?
Aloedin Follow him. Go, go!
Aloemay, come!
- Remember, you're undercover.
- Okay.
Don't show your face.
Your pupils are good.
Oh, yeah When it comes
to Aloe Studies, they're incredible.
Mathematics is their problem.
Why is that?
I hate maths.
I've never passed that subject.
- I think I confuse the kids.
- You should get them a maths teacher then.
Yeah, I made the effort. The school
doesn't have money for another teacher.
I could come help you,
I'm on vacation.
I could have a discussion
with the head teacher.
I'm sure he'll be excited.
It's free, right?
Yes, community service.
Wow, that's even better news.
Yeah, he likes free things
Ah, you changed your mind?
I want to discuss something with you.
It's my top secret, and I want to trust
that it's safe with you.
It'll be safe.
I'm in love.
Ah, you're in love already?
- How old are you?
- 24.
Oh You've grown so quick!
Now you tell me,
whom you are losing your head over?
She's a Vera Veralin.
You're really losing your head, literally.
How can you be in love with a Vera?
So this is how everything we teach
in class comes to waste?
You have to stop thinking about this
It's not going to happen.
I thought I could trust you.
Of course. I'm not telling anyone.
That's all I wanted to hear,
that I'm still safe with you.
The Veras are no good people
You have to stop this feeling.
It's too late, Aloedin,
it's already entered my system.
I want to meet her and I want your support
as an uncle and a best friend.
Did you listen to that?
I teach the children
to fight the Veras with all their might.
And you want me to support this?
- Aloedin
- Say no more!
You fell in love, fine.
How you did that is up to you.
But just try to fall out of it.
Your father will be a different animal
if he finds out this nonsense.
Hey, Papa!
- What's chasing you?
- Aloewin has a top secret!
Top secret?
Tell me, tell me, tell me.
Aloewin is in love.
- You don't mean it.
- Woman, this is supposed to be top secret!
Oh well, I heard it.
Oh, my son is in love
That's good news!
My son is becoming a man.
Papa, is Aloewin not too young
to fall in love?
Aloewin is 24 years.
I married your mother at 23!
Now, tell me Who is he in love with?
I didn't hear.
I didn't hear A moment.
I want to believe
it's Aloebembe's daughter, Aloemaria.
She is such a beauty.
Oh, I see you've been looking
at the young girls, huh?
Oh yes, I've been looking at young girls.
I do it for my son.
I know his taste.
And you know I have eyes for beauty.
It comes naturally.
I wish I had money to build another house
One for my mother
I want to be independent.
When you move out, can I come in?
Independent, huh?
Papa wants to know
whom you're in love with.
- What do you mean?
- Nobody should lie here.
I was standing right behind your window.
I heard everything.
You have to stop talking about it.
It's not safe.
All your father wants is for you
to marry Aloemaria someday
Don't break his heart.
Excuse me, Uncle
Is there something I'm not understanding?
No one has asked you
to understand anything.
How are you?
Going through a moment,
but I'll be fine.
I saw your father yesterday.
He says you like me,
but you're too shy to say it.
- Aloemaria, you're a very beautiful girl.
- Thank you.
My father is hitting on you,
so keep a distance.
I'll see you around.
Yeah. Good.
Bring it in.
Woah, woah, woah!
Can't we just get a moment to ourselves?
Sorry, Ma
You are to apologize to me, not her!
- Why did you send Aloemay to spy on me?
- Me?
Never! What for?
Alright, alright.
I did that to ensure your safety.
- My safety?
- Yes, your safety.
You don't have a whistle.
How do you call for help
if you should find yourself in trouble?
You see? Papa has got your back.
Am I not old enough?
Looks like you don't even want me to grow
Oh, how? Grow?
- Look I married your mother...
- Married my mother at 23, I know.
- Yes.
- And what I get at 24 is a spy?
- You too? What now?
- Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Has he said everything?
Is it Aloebembe's daughter?
- Is she the one?
- Oh, shut up!
You were supposed to be undercover.
Secret agent!
How did he find out?
But you sent me without a plan.
So I had to use my master plan.
- Master plan?
- Yes!
Your master plan couldn't even outsmart
your kid brother.
I cannot continue this mission
if you won't support me.
And so?
Terminator! Terminate the mission.
Can I just have some peace of mind
in this house?
You can take your cheesy plans outside
and discuss it there.
Come with me to the market.
Veralin Are you okay?
You haven't eaten your food.
Mum I think I'm in love.
It is good to fall in love,
but it is not a replacement for food.
Whom are you in love with?
An Aloe
I will pretend I didn't hear.
Don't repeat anymore!
Maa, why can't I love whom my heart wants?
Oh, shut up!
You think you're the wisest
among the Veras?
You think love was made just for you?
Or the rules must bend for your feelings?
Is everything okay here?
Yes, we're fine.
Then why were you screaming?
She wouldn't eat.
Any problem?
Maybe she's not hungry
Give her time, she will eat.
But you don't look too good. Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Okay, good.
Can you hear that?
Yeah! Such a lovely voice.
Be honest
These colours,
Tearing us apart
Aloes are exceptionally talented.
The hardestpart is That we must
Finally depart
Anytime I play
I wish that you could
Play with me too baby
These rules They harm us
Harm us But we must
Keep the love in us
Anytime they say
- Are you sure he's the one singing?
- We cannot be together
We hide in corners
Maybe he's the one.
- No wonder it's this irritating.
- We're crossing borders
It's bad but we must
Finally depart
Why can I
- It's a Vera
- Only see you
But not feel
How could I be here
But still feel you?
- Better idea.
- Yes!
When the blue fades
I will move states
Just to see your face
Oh, Aloe
See, I will wait decades
Till the red fades
Then we will break through
All your gates
Love me, Aloe
Love me, Vera
Let it be said
That our love is stubborn
Love me, Aloe
Love me, Vera
Let it be said
That our love is stubborn
We're free
Stop the singing at once!
You cannot sing with a Vera.
How hard is it for you to understand that
you cannot do anything with them, huh?
Raise your head!
Shut the window!
Go to bed!
- The sun has not fallen, Papa.
- And so what?
The sun has fallen for you. Go to bed!
I don't want to hear of you again!
What did I say about the Aloes?
You've said a lot of things about them.
I mean the bad ones.
You said that they're no good people.
So you shouldn't do what?
I shouldn't breathe or blink
at the same time with them.
Not even in my dreams.
Now, the neighbors say
you were singing with an Aloe.
- Is that true?
- No, Paa. Not true.
I was singing my song before he started.
Did you at any point sing together?
I mean, at the same time.
- Just once.
- So, why didn't you stop?
You see
You have disgraced me.
I am trying to control a community here.
And now the people will say
I cannot even control my own child.
To make matters worse, I have to go from
door to door, apologizing to the people.
Do you know what that does
to my reputation?
Don't make my life more complicated
than it is already.
Be honest
These colours
Tearing us apart
The hardest Part is that we must
Finally depart
Anytime I play
I wish that you could
Play with me too baby
These rules They harm us
Harm us But we must
Keep the love in us
Anytime they say
We cannot be together
We hide in corners
We're crossing borders
It's bad but we must
Finally depart
Why can I
Only see you
And not feel
How could I be here
But still feel you?
When the blue fades
- Let's meet in the Greens.
- I will move states
Just to see your face
Oh, Aloe
See, I will wait decades
Till the red fades
Then we will break through
All your gates
Love me, Aloe
Love me, Vera
Let it be said
That our love is stubborn
Love me, Aloe
Let's do it now!
Let it be said
That our love is stubborn
We're free
See, we're free
My Aloe, My Vera
My Aloe, My Vera
My Aloe, My Vera
You got a new whistle?
Yes. My father got me a replacement.
Same here.
I couldn't step out without one.
I challenge you to cross.
I also challenge you to cross. Cross.
No, no, no, no!
You'll put me in trouble!
You thought I'd do that?
Who knows?
I'm not stupid.
Not when I'm on your land.
You may be full of surprises.
No, no Easy. I like surprises.
They're cute.
And beautiful.
I thought you were angry.
Almost. But there's so much anger
back at home already.
But we can be happy here.
Whenever we want, right?
Come with me!
Thank you.
Coming with me
I know the Veras are very rowdy,
rude and violent.
Oh, and very disgraceful too.
But you seem different.
I like different.
That's why my eyes caught you.
You like it?
I know the Aloes are no good people.
They're nasty and naughty.
Everybody hates them.
But I don't care.
Like the wind, you blow me away.
That's why my heart caught you.
You like it?
You've blown me away
And your heart caught me.
Did you write it yourself?
I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
It doesn't make sense.
So tell me.
The wind part. Did you mean it?
I feel a strange wind when I see you.
Your father
He always shows up at your window.
What does he say?
He's suspicious.
I think he had a more
adventurous childhood than mine.
- He knows I'm up to something.
- How?
He married my mother at 23.
Imagine when they started.
Yes, I'm 24.
Now starting what he completed at 23.
He's so hard to beat
Do it again, I wasn't ready.
Veralin! Don't go too far.
I can't hear you!
You said?
Can't hear you, what did you say?
I said, don't go too far.
- Why?
- You can't be on that side.
- Why?
- It's for the Aloes.
I don't care! I want to be your prisoner!
- Aloewin!
- Aloewin!
- God, where could he possibly be?
- I have no idea.
You go home now. I'll see you
tomorrow, okay? Run! Go! Run away!
- Do you...
- Aloedin!
- You scared me.
- Scared you?
Do you know the panic you've caused?
Everyone is scattered looking for you.
And you too.
Your parents are looking for you.
I don't know why you don't find
any of your men attractive.
You go home now.
I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
Don't! Don't try it!
Not from this side.
Look. Both of you, run to my house.
Hide. Until it's calm and safe. Hurry!
- Veralin!
- Veralin!
Maybe we're just wasting our time.
She's probably asleep in her room.
Where in her room?
We already checked.
Under the bed?
Take that as a joke, let's go.
Oh, my. An Aloe is also missing.
Why am I not surprised?
- Aloewin!
- Aloewin!
Those two have been acting strange lately.
Maybe our ancestors found out,
got angry and took them, poof!
- Just like that?
- Yes, just like that.
You seem to know a lot
about the ancestors.
You don't say. Let's go!
Veralin! This way.
I'm here.
Papa wants me to find out
if you've found him.
No. I'm searching.
Searching with a dead lamp?
My batteries are dead.
I came to get new batteries.
To continue.
Let me know when you find him.
Get off my bed!
You. It doesn't seem like
you're even bothered..
- I'm bothered, Uncle!
- In that position?
I'm not sure.
I've always told my people
that the Aloes are no cruel people.
Thank you for giving me hope.
Thank you!
I've never experienced that feeling.
I'm glad I took the risk.
It has awoken my love within.
Thanks for making me cross your border.
Would you like to do it again?
Just come to the window, if yes.
Let's meet again tomorrow,
Same time. In the greens.
You were missing yesterday.
Where did you go?
I was around.
I was bored,
so I took a lonely walk into the greens.
I got back quite late.
Took a lonely walk, huh?
No, no, no!
We found this in our territory!
In my daughter's room!
Of course, this is not from Vera, is it?
It is from your son!
Here is our warrior.
We are ready to stand firm!
We stand firm!
And this is our warrior.
And we are ready to stand firm!
We stand firm!
Drop the tie!
Raise the tie!
We have just lost one of our men.
They have more of ours
than we have theirs.
If we don't stand firm,
we'll lose everyone.
And we'll become like them.
I know you have a lot to say
about my son's behaviour.
He kept it all from us.
No one knew about it.
But, believe me, I will deal with him
and you'll be so proud of me!
Aloes and Veras don't mix!
That's the law!
You have let me down.
Dear Veralin,
I am very angry with you
for causing all these problems.
Dear Veralin,
I'm very dissappointed in you
for reporting me to your father.
I didn't know you were sent to trap me.
My father is angry and has locked me up.
I can't even open my window anymore.
Now, when Aloes decide to stand up
and support one another,
our community will develop and remain
the most powerful than any other.
Veras are the most intelligent and
most powerful species of humans on earth.
Our forefathers are said
to have come from the gods
Now, that is undefeatable in every way.
My dear Aloewin, the fight is over now.
Can I see your face again?
My dear Aloewin,
are you angry with me?
What's in your shirt?
I said, what's in your shirt?
I'm pregnant, so mind your own business.
Get back!
Dear Aloewin
I miss you.
Please, open your window.
Two years I've been trying
But my heart tries me
Father complains, Mother complains
But still I'm your lover
Cross red seas to feel you
Breathe all over my body
I say, you can tie my neck,
Tie my hands, nothing can tie me
Can't you see I cannot see
The colours you hand me
Aloe and Vera, we live together
We live too tightly
Don't give me, don't give me
Don't hear you, don't hearyou
There is no one, there is none,
Aloe is my lover
See you any day Any day
Skipping any day Any day
Even when I pray Any day
Because of you I pray Any day
Love it when you say Any day
You love meevery day Any day
Finally, it's grey
Wwe can freely play
See, you make me see
All the things I need
And it's you I need
Only you I need
We're the perfect team
We're the perfect dream
Let me be your dream
And you my dream
See you any day Any day
Skipping any day Any day
Even when I pray Any day
Because of you I pray Any day
Love it when you say Any day
You love meevery day Any day
Ffinally, it's grey
We can freely play
Can't you see I cannot see
The colours you hand me
Aloe and Vera, we live together
We live too tightly
Don't give me, don't give me
Don't hear you, don't hearyou
There is no one, there is none
Aloe is my lover
See you any day Any day
Skipping any day Any day
Even when I pray Any day
Because of you I pray
Is it true?
Love it when you say Any day
You love meevery day
- You've been reading his letters.
- Of course.
He's my brother,
I need to look out for him.
Somebody help!
Veras, help!
Were you falling?
Are you okay?
Have you received
any more letters from her?
No, she stopped sending.
I miss her.
Don't let your father hear you say that.
He'll hang you.
Do you have the letters?
Can I see them, please?
Veralin! Is it true?
Are you pregnant?
Veralin, will you please say something?
Is it true you're pregnant?
Who's the father?
Yes, shall we know the father?
Which of the strong
Vera men is responsible?
He's not a Vera.
He's an Aloe.
No, no, wait!
Please wait, I can fix this.
I promise, I can fix this!
It is a disgrace in the eyes of my people.
But you were my jewel.
You were my pride!
The Aloes must not hear of this pregnancy.
I forbid it!
The child remains a Vera.
From Mama.
- Did you read them?
- Just a few.
When they started coming.
You should step out a little.
I'll speak to Papa about it.
My dear Aloewin.
The fight is over now.
Can I see your face again?
Dear Aloewin,
I'm sorry I couldn't protect your letter
from my father.
I tried, but it was too late.
Please forgive me.
Dear Aloewin, I miss you
My Aloewin,
I've been falling sick every morning
for the past weeks.
Two months have passed.
I haven't seen my period.
I'm scared I could be pregnant.
I have found a father
for your unborn child.
Veramo here has agreed to marry you
and father the baby.
- Right, Veramo?
- Yeah.
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
Love, someone love, someone love
Someone, love me
My dear Veralin, I have read your letters.
I'm sorry to hear about your sickness.
If you're pregnant, do not fear.
Let's find a way
to make our families accept us.
Dear Aloewin,
sorry for the false alarm
I'm not pregnant.
My father is not happy
about me seeing you.
Sorry, we can't continue what we started.
I got married to a Vera.
We leave fortnight to a faraway land.
Do not send anymore letters,
because my father might find it.
Do you really want to marry
a pregnant woman?
Well, not really. But I don't mind.
I've been promised a payment
to marry you and father a bastard.
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
Do you hear the voice singing?
That's the father.
There's no bastard. You were lied to!
It looks like both of you
are getting on well.
I don't want to marry your daughter.
She likes you.
This girl, she likes you!
Well, apparently not.
I've lost interest.
Young man, wait.
Young men and impatience.
You lose interest so easily.
Please, reconsider your decision.
I'm sorry.
I can't.
- What did you tell him?
- We didn't talk.
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
Love, someone love, someone love
Someone, love me
My dear Veralin,
I'm sorry for all that I've caused you.
It's unfortunate we can't continue this.
I got married to an Aloe.
We leave fortnight to a faraway land.
Do not send anymore letters,
because my mother might find it.
I warned you that the Aloes are no good.
But you won't listen. You see?
I never liked that boy,
the very day I saw him.
I knew he will do a thing like this.
I knew.
Aloes will always be Aloes.
They begin from their mothers' womb,
they never change.
You see?
It's alright.
It's alright, it's okay.
You'll be fine. Okay? You'll be fine.
That's okay, I got you.
- Sorry, Paa.
- It's okay.
I just want you to believe
that I know what is best for you.
Listen, honey. Listen to me. Listen.
Look at me. Oh, poor girl.
It's alright, it's okay.
I will take you to the community midwife,
when close to labor.
You will stay there for sometime,
until after birthing.
Is that okay?
Good girl.
Almost done
Go get your bags.
- I have to go now.
- Where are you going?
I'm going to the community midwife.
Will you come back today?
No, not today.
But I'll see you soon, okay?
- Okay.
- It won't be long, okay?
- Veralin.
- Paa?
Get me the brake oil.
Have you found it?
No, I can't find it.
Where did you put my brake oil?
I've packed everything
into the box up there.
Thank you.
Ah, that's good.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
We don't have enough time.
Hurry up, eh?
Look behind this paper.
Tell me if you truly wrote that to me.
Tell me if you're truly getting married
to another woman.
Tell me if you've truly travelled
to a faraway land.
- Tell me if that is your handwriting.
- Go!
Your baby is almost due.
I want to see the father of my child
before it's born.
- No, no, no! We won't agree!
- He won, he won!
You raised your elbow
Didn't he raise his elbow?
- You raised your hand.
- It's fine, let's go again.
Let's go again!
- Full confidence!
- I will win!
Don't be afraid
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
Aloewin, focus!
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
Love, someone love, someone love
Someone, love me
Love me, love me
Love me, love me
What is wrong with you?
Are you crazy? Huh?
This is what's wrong with me!
How come I never got this?
I don't know where this is coming from.
He only sent a note that he was leaving.
Come, come, come It's alright.
My dear
He has moved on. So should you.
Look behind this paper.
Tell me if you truly wrote that to me.
Let's get going!
I'm sorry.
I miss you too.
This Vera boy was found on Aloe territory.
Playing football with our children!
That's unacceptable!
But, it appears both of us
are here to fight over the same problem,
caused by different people.
To cut a long fight short
we'll give you your son
and you give us ours!
Everyone is satisfied, life goes on.
If it were that simple,
I would be smiling by now.
We have fought you several times
and for many reasons.
But this very fight about to happen
is personal to me.
An Aloe has impregnated a Vera.
You are shocked.
He's one of you.
That's what you all do,
impregnating everybody and everything.
Aloewin has impregnated Veralin!
This is so unacceptable.
How can an Aloe impregnate a Vera. How?
As we all know, this calls for a fight!
Yes. I agree, this calls for a fight.
I don't know why a Vera
should allow an Aloe to impregnate her
That is so wrong!
You Vera women should learn how to
Is that a mockery?
Call it what you want.
If two adults decide
to do this to themselves,
disregarding all the rules,
and you think one person is to be blamed?
- Then, we are ready!
- Yes!
Aloes! Who is ready to stand firm for us?
Veras! Who is ready to stand firm?
And for the second time, Aloes,
who is ready to stand firm for us?
I will!
The impudence
Veras, who is ready to stand firm?
- I will.
- You can't.
Allow someone else to do it, please.
No one is ready and if there must be
a fight, someone must stand firm.
I'm here.
Young woman
This is impossible.
You can't fight
with your stomach looking like this.
For the first time, I agree with an Aloe.
May my ancestors never hear of this day.
You're not in a good condition, step back.
Well, since no one is ready to volunteer,
the fight between Aloewin and Veralin
is hereby suspended.
They will proceed after her labour.
In the meantime
the baby, when born, remains a Vera!
- Yes!
- No!
We shall keep the child as an Aloe!
No! It's my daughter's child
and he remains a Vera!
Unless you can prove that your
daughter impregnated herself,
we keep the child an Aloe!
Where will it be born?
I want it to be an Aloe.
No, it's not a good idea.
I'm feeling cold.
Let me get you some warm water.
How is she?
She's lying down.
I'm going to get her warm water.
Let me know if you need me.
I need help.
You'll be fine
It's going to be alright, okay?
Let's go. Push! Push, push!
Let's go again. Push!
Push, push, push!
Let's go again. Push!
Push, push, push!
Okay, alright. Let's go!
Push. Push, push, push!
Thank you.
- What do we have?
- A girl.
Aloe Vera.
She has given birth!
Veralin has given birth!
As you can all see, we have two doors.
In and Out.
We're all going to go in through Aloe
and come out through Vera.
This shouldn't be difficult to do.
Thank you.
Ah, no way.
You can all remain
in your respective lanes.
The families of the child
will go in first.
When they're done,
we'll bring the child out for all to see.
One Aloe, one Vera. In that order.
Thank you for understanding.
Entry may now begin.
Oh my God, this is beautiful
Anyway Her nose is like the Veras.
Her eyes Looks like the father's.
Looks like she has a bit of everyone!
We now have something in common.
And I guess at this point,
we need to lower the borderline!
This is the point
we remove the borderline completely.
And all slaves go back to their families!
This is a new beginning!
Oh, my ancestors
must hear of this day!
Slaves, come forth.
Peace be unto all of us.
We shall live together
as brothers and sisters.
And marry one another!
We now lower the borderline
I have always been admiring you
from afar!
You know what?
I'll take you as a second wife.
And so, the Aloes and the Veras
have become one family again.
Thanks to Aloe Vera.
- Thanks to who?
- Aloe Vera!
Two plus one plus three is equal to?
- Yes, Aloepita.
- Six!
Excellent! Clap for him!