Always Amore (2022) Movie Script

Andiamo alla campagna
Andiamo con il sole
Stendersi nell'erba
E anche sulle stelle
Andiamo tutto insieme
Lontano della citt
Dimenticare tutte
Queste cose brutte
Mangiare e bere il vino
Ballare e cantare sempre
Mangiare e bere il vino
Ballare e cantare sempre
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Nonna
Happy birthday to you
Oh... grazie!
Buon compleanno, Nonna Campisi.
This is so nice.
Antonio, the pasta was perfetto.
Just like my Marco used to make.
He taught you well.
- Bravo!
- I am so glad
you like it, Signora.
It means the world to me.
And look at this cake.
Make a wish.
Did it work?
You've always been
young at heart, Nonna.
I tried.
Well, happy birthday, Nonna.
Enjoy your cake.
Buon compleanno, Nonna.
I made you
some giandiotto chocolates
with fresh hazelnuts
from my family's orchard.
Grazie, Ginny.
Your friend
is always so thoughtful.
I don't know
what I would do without her.
And I don't know what I would do
without you, Nonna.
Marco was so happy
when you decided to follow him
from Italy to open Cibo.
And I am so grateful
that you stayed,
even after he passed away.
Well, you are my family.
I am not going anywhere.
Your pastry chef really
outdid herself on this one.
Christina called in sick today,
so I made the cake myself.
It's so good!
I had no idea
you could bake like this.
Remember, I told you
I used to bake all the time
with my mom back in Connecticut.
I really loved it.
Why don't you do it more?
I don't know,
I don't really have the time.
Managing the restaurant,
Sofia, life...
Richard! You made it.
We saved you some cake.
Thank you.
Happy birthday, Signora Campisi.
Can we talk privately?
Of course.
I'll be right back.
Thank you.
Doh je.
Doh je.
Doh je.
Doh je.
I can never
thank you enough, Ben.
You brought us back
from the brink.
Just doing my job.
Hey, Jared.
We're all set here.
So I heard.
Great job, as always.
So, now you want to take
a little time,
see Hong Kong before you leave?
Didn't come to Hong Kong
for a vacation, Jared.
Came to turn around
a restaurant.
I did that.
Everyone needs a break
at some point, Ben.
Where to next?
I just got a call
from Richard Maitlin.
He's majority owner
of Il Cibo Vita
on Bainbridge Island,
near Seattle.
They opened up the place
about ten years ago
after discovering
this incredible chef
from Italy,
and instant smash.
Two Michelin stars
within the first year,
six-week wait for a table.
Doesn't sound like
they need my help.
Well, that was before
Chef Campisi passed away.
It's been about
th ree years now,
and they're struggling.
Yeah. That's a tough one
to come back from.
He's hired us to see if we can
still salvage what they have
before he has to sell.
I'll see what I can do.
I assume everybody involved
is on board with the process?
Of course.
Hang on. Hang on.
So we're gonna let this person
who we've never met,
who never met Marco,
just swoop in here,
and turn everything upside-down?
No, he's gonna
turn things around.
This guy has got
a 100% track record.
He's the best in the business.
You should be excited.
Well, if by "excited" you mean
"sense of impending doom,"
you bet.
I'm sorry, Elizabeth,
but I don't have a choice.
Cibo has to start
turning a profit again,
or I'm gonna have
to sell my shares.
It's a business decision.
This is not just a business.
It's a family.
And it's a family
you helped create
when you brought Marco here
all those years ago.
I know.
Watching the restaurant
take off,
seeing you two fall in love,
have Sofia...
I'm so proud I even had
a little to do with that.
And you know
I've done everything I can
to keep these doors open.
I know. I do know that.
And I appreciate it.
But I'm a real-estate investor,
I never planned on
owning a restaurant,
but I took a chance because...
I knew Marco was special.
He was.
And everything he created
is still here.
What if this person
wants to come in here
and take all of that away?
He's not the enemy, Elizabeth.
He's coming to help.
What's that?
Peach and almond crostata.
That's a solid "yum."
When are you gonna make it?
One day, I will find the time.
The good news is,
I made sure
we had plenty of time
to go to
the Artisan Festival today.
I thought
we could get there early
and do a little shopping,
then go visit Ginny
at her booth.
What's wrong?
Don't you want to go?
It's not
that I don't want to go,
it's just Anna texted me to see
if I wanted to hang out
with her and Mia there,
and then go
to Anna's house after.
Are you mad?
No, I am not mad.
Of course, you should go
with your friends.
The festival goes for two weeks,
so we can go another time.
Thanks, Mom.
I am so sorry, sir,
but your room won't be ready
for another hour.
Oh. That's okay.
While you're waiting,
might I suggest walking over
to the Artisan Festival?
It's a wonderful event
and today's the first day.
Okay. Yeah.
I'll check it out. Why not?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I just wanted to see
how it was going so far.
Great. Everyone really seems
to like the new fudge.
Where's Sof?
She's off with her friends.
Didn't want to come with me.
Don't worry.
She'll magically reappear
once she gets hungry.
I know it's hard, El,
but she's getting
more independent...
It's a good thing,
means she's growing up.
You are a good friend.
- Hi there.
- Hi.
Would you like to try a sample?
This is our new hazelnut fudge.
Every ingredient
comes right from the island.
This is literally the best
chocolate in the entire country.
Ginny's family's been
making this since the 1920s.
- Mm-hmm.
- Wow.
Hundred-year-old chocolate?
Looks great.
It's a life-altering experience.
Okay, might be overselling it
a little bit now.
You are being kind of pushy.
I'm just trying to help.
No, no. It worked.
Just fair warning,
I'm not a "hazelnut" guy.
Until now.
- Can I get a bag?
- Yes.
- How much do I owe you?
- Ten.
Did I tell you,
or did I tell you?
You told me.
I hope you're paying
your friend a commission.
Of course.
Mm. Winner.
You grow up here?
Ginny did.
Actually, we met as freshmen
at UConn.
Loudest roommate ever.
Well, I had to be loud
to drown out your ukulele.
No, you didn't.
Oh, it's okay.
No shame. No shame here.
I, too, also went through
an ironic-ukulele phase.
How many songs you learn?
Uh, one.
"What a Wonderful World."
How did you know that?
It's the only song I learned.
Hey, Ginny.
Wow. This is
a friendly place, huh?
Yeah, that was one of
the first things I noticed
when I came here to visit Ginny
on a road trip 13 years ago.
It's a really special place.
Pretty much
as soon as I got here,
I knew this is where I belonged.
The free chocolate
doesn't hurt, though, right?
Well, obviously.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Oh, keep that.
Oh, thanks.
Just try not to eat all that
in one sitting.
Oh, I absolutely will.
Oh. Ginny?
I gotta go.
I got a meeting.
I got a meeting, too, actually.
It was a pleasure meeting you.
Yeah, you too.
Thank you for the chocolate.
Of course.
- You guys take care.
- Bye.
Okay. Wish me luck.
I have to go meet
with this restaurant consultant
that Richard recommended.
You can't leave yet.
We haven't even talked
about ukulele guy.
There's nothing to talk about.
I was trying to help
my best friend make a sale.
If we have to close Cibo,
will you hire me?
Yes. But I know
I'm not gonna have to.
Good luck.
Me again.
You look lost.
Yeah. Yeah, I got
a special talent
for starting out
in the wrong direction
using this walking app.
Well, I can probably help you.
Where are you going?
Uh, Il Cibo Vita.
You know it?
Of... course I do.
Everyone does.
I mean, it's probably
the best Italian restaurant
in the Pacific Northwest.
I mean, maybe even
the entire country.
Okay. Well...
I was told it used to be.
Straight down that way,
turn left,
two doors down on the right.
Can I help you?
You're Elizabeth Campisi.
I am.
And Marco Campisi
was my husband.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
There's nothing harder.
Thank you.
And I want to apologize
if I was harsh back there.
I didn't mean to imply
that Cibo was not good.
Well, you didn't imply it.
You flat-out said it.
To be fair, you could've
told me who you were.
I guess I wanted to see
what I was up against
and now I know.
Ms. Campisi?
I'm here to help.
Believe it or not,
I'm on your side.
Together, you and I can
help Cibo find its way again.
By changing everything about it
that made it great?
By identifying the things
that might be holding you back.
And what if, when you're done,
there's nothing left?
I promised Marco that I would
keep his vision alive,
and keep
our Cibo family together.
Everyone here is counting on me.
Look, I've been doing this
a very long time.
Believe me when I say
that I understand
that the restaurant
is not just brick and mortar,
it's your heart and your soul.
And so is everyone inside it.
I won't forget that.
So, do I just tell my staff
you're in charge now, or what?
No, no. You just keep doing
what you normally do.
I'll be observing the front
and the back of the house
until I get an understanding
of what I'm dealing with here.
What you're "dealing with"
is the vision of Marco Campisi,
the greatest chef to ever
come out of Northern Italy.
Ben, this is, uh, Chef Antonio.
He came here to Bainbridge
with Marco all those years ago,
as his protege.
It's a pleasure
to meet you, Antonio.
I've heard wonderful things
about you from Richard.
I gotta say,
I admire your willingness
to stay faithful
to Marco's original recipes...
It's a stand-up thing to do.
Everything I am,
I owe to that man.
It's the least I can do.
Well, I am very excited
to try everything for myself.
What do you say we start
with three of
Cibo's best-selling dishes?
- Yeah?
- Right now?
Right now.
No time like the present.
I'm not sure we'll have time
before the dinner rush.
I wouldn't call it
a "rush."
You know, I think
we can make that work...
- Good.
- If we start right away.
Good afternoon, everybody.
My name is Ben Elliott,
and my job is simply
to help restaurants
reach their full potential.
Now, without sounding too proud,
I have had some success
all over the world,
and there's no reason why
we can't do the same thing here,
with a beautiful place
like Cibo.
Is he waiting for us to cheer
or something?
I can hear you.
Uh... I think he might
actually be here to help,
so, let's give him a chance,
okay, guys?
Thank you.
you want to get us going?
Okay, everyone,
we'll start with the antipasti...
Go prepare the bruschetta.
I'll get started
on the carne cruda.
I want everyone else either
on prep or out of the way.
Let's go!
Thanks, everybody.
I appreciate it. Thank you.
Coagulated before
you put it in the pasta, okay?
Most of our guests
begin with the antipasti board...
Bruschetta, carne cruda,
piave cheese.
Here is
a butternut squash risotto...
All of the squash
is sourced locally
here on the island.
Next up,
we have a customer favorite...
Fresh lobster ravioli
with crabmeat cream sauce.
Marco's signature dish...
This is tagliolini with
a sun-dried tomato pesto.
It's an homage to his roots
in Northwest Italy.
Mm. Hmm.
It's incredible, isn't it?
Yeah, it's delicious.
The tomatoes are flown in,
direct from Piemonte.
That seems incredibly expensive
for something
you can source locally, no?
Well, the thing is, this dish,
these particular tomatoes,
this is what made Marco famous.
So we can't change it.
Promise me
you won't ask me to change it.
Well, I can't make any promises,
but I'll do my best
to make it work.
The other thing here
is I see that the tomatoes
are being used on...
five other dishes
that aren't selling
nearly as well.
The best thing we can do here
is to simplify this entire menu.
Or maybe we can just get rid
of the whole thing
and serve spaghetti
with sauce from a can?
That would save lots of money.
We will take a look
at our sun-dried tomato
Thank you.
Is this the way the tables
have always been arranged?
What are you writing?
It's just shorthand,
so I remember my thoughts.
So you're having thoughts
that you aren't sharing with me?
Because I would like
to hear them...
if we're "in this together."
We are. We are.
I've just found it best
not to hit my clients
with all the ideas at once.
Tends to make 'em
feel overwhelmed.
I've already been overwhelmed
for the last three years.
Elizabeth, can you and I
go talk somewhere alone?
- That's a good idea.
- Okay.
This way.
Oh, Nonna.
This is Ben Elliott.
He's the restaurant consultant
that I was telling you about.
This is Marco's mother,
Signora Campisi.
It's an honor to meet you.
I'm so sorry
for the loss of your son.
Not as sorry as you will be
if you try to change
the tagliolini recipe.
You heard us talking about that?
I won't change it.
You have my word.
Well, enjoy your dinner, Nonna.
So I thought you said
you couldn't make promises.
I know.
But that was kind of scary.
Can we just start over?
Let's go for a walk.
So, how did you end up
doing this for a living?
Uh, in college,
I worked at a restaurant
that was struggling
to keep its doors open.
I came up with a few good ideas.
They listened, it worked.
The success
got a lot of attention,
and I guess I found my calling.
Did you ever want to open
a restaurant of your own?
Uh, yeah. Yeah. Almost did.
Yeah, San Diego.
Didn't work out.
Listen, um,
as far as Cibo's concerned,
we're just gonna concentrate
on the things
that, uh, that made it special,
you know?
You're speaking
in the past-tense again.
It is special.
Yeah, listen.
You're absolutely right.
We just need to get people
to find a reason to come back,
see it for themselves.
Well, then let's get started.
Good. Come on.
Your turn.
Come on.
No. You can't wish away
the bad things
that happen in life.
Doesn't stop some people
from trying.
There's a lot of hope
in these coins.
Doesn't hurt to put it out
in the universe.
There. Did it.
- You happy?
- Yes.
So happy.
Unless you wished for me
to get sucked into a black hole
or something awful like that.
You know what,
I thought about it.
But then how would I explain
that to the authorities?
Yeah, how would you?
Nah. I just wished
for everything to be okay.
Well, there.
Now your wish got some backup.
Thank you.
Just here to help.
What's the matter?
Sweetheart. I can tell
there's something's wrong.
Come here.
Come talk to me.
It's just...
I found out that Anna and Mia
didn't really want to invite me
to the festival.
Anna's mom made her
because she still
feels sorry for me.
For us.
Oh... Sof.
And the worst part is,
I don't even know if I want
to be friends with them anymore.
What? Why not?
We sit together at lunch,
and she and Mia don't even
look up from their phones.
And the dumbest part is,
they're texting each other.
I just wish everything
was the way it used to be.
I know.
I wish that, too.
But things don't always go
the way we planned.
I think you and I know that
better than anyone, don't we?
I bet there are a lot of girls
at your school
who would love
to get to know you better.
Yeah, until I tell them
about Dad,
and they give me the "sad" look.
Then we are just gonna have
to show them we are doing fine.
We should also consider
starting an aperitivo hour
with wine pairings.
But I thought you wanted
to streamline the menu.
Yes, to make room
for new specials
that are easy to promote.
And before you go blind
trying to read what I wrote,
what I wrote was,
"open-concept kitchen... "
question mark.
Open-concept kitchen?
- That's right.
- Marco used to say
open kitchens make him feel like
an exhibit at the zoo...
Like a monkey with knives
and a white hat.
Okay. Well, look.
I've had the pleasure of
watching you cook, Antonio...
And you've got
a rhythm and a flow.
It's like watching a conductor
with a symphony.
Why not let people be a part of
something beautiful like that?
It's just not what Marco wanted.
Excuse me,
I need to get more olive oil.
Hey, what do you mean?
Where's the rest of it?
Well, I was supposed
to get it yesterday,
but after making
the menu samples for Ben,
I didn't get the chance.
Who's your supplier?
Signore Petrunti.
He's not an official supplier,
per se...
He's a friend of Nonna Campisi's
from the old country
and his olive oil
is the best of the best.
- I'll run out.
- Actually, no.
It's almost your break.
Um, we'll just go.
Are you sure?
You know what you have to do?
I know.
I'll be fine.
Come on.
what exactly do you have to do
to get this special olive oil?
Well, Signore Petrunti has
his own unique way
of doing business.
It's a very delicate
- Okay.
- Just come with me.
- You got to do something.
- Signore.
How are you?
Ah, fine, fine.
Where's Antonio?
He's at the restaurant.
I'll be handling
the order today.
Who's this guy?
I'm Ben. How're you doing?
Nice to meet you.
He's just observing.
You know how this works, huh?
The lower your score,
the more you pay.
- Capisce?
- Of course.
Is she winning?
I'm just getting lucky.
Here's your price.
That was the price last time,
and I know Antonio didn't win
as many rounds as me.
You're good at this, huh?
Go get her a case of olive oil.
Elizabeth, it's a pleasure
doing business with you.
We'll see you next month.
Is this gonna be enough?
- Grazie.
- Can we have the rest delivered?
Of course.
- Grazie.
- G razie.
- Ciao.
- Ciao.
That was
a little bit impressive.
Scopa's not that hard to learn.
Not the game!
- The way you charmed those guys.
- Charmed them?
And stood your ground
with Signore Petrunti,
and worked him over for...
For his olive oil.
Can you do the same thing
with tomatoes, though?
See? That's your trouble, Ben.
You still think this is
about overhead and profits.
Unfortunately, when it's all
said and done, it is.
The question is, is how do
we get to where we need to be?
Well, whatever we do,
it can't come at the expense
of what made Cibo great.
It's the relationships.
Everything we do
comes from the heart,
and I don't want to lose that.
what are we even doing here?
Aside from basking in the glory
of your sweet, sweet victories?
You know what I mean.
I do.
All right. These bad boys
are nice and safe.
Thank you.
Do you want me
to drop you off at home?
Or your place,
wherever you're staying?
Yeah, the Bainbridge Pines Inn.
If you don't mind.
I just realized, I don't even
know where home is for you.
I don't have one of those,
I don't think.
I do have an apartment
in New York,
where I leave all my stuff
when I'm gone.
Does that count?
Don't you ever want
to settle down somewhere?
I came close once.
When I was engaged.
Didn't work out.
Oh. I'm sorry.
Oh, it's fine. It's okay.
It's in the past.
Don't you get tired,
moving from place to place?
No, no. I love what I do.
There are few things better
in this world
than seeing your client realize
that everything's gonna be okay.
Or maybe your job
is just an elaborate ruse to get
free food all over the world.
Uh-oh. She's on to me.
Sofia, you're gonna
be late for school!
I don't feel good.
I don't think I should
go to school today.
Oh, no.
Do you have a cough?
A sore throat?
Let me see if you have a fever.
It's just a stomach ache.
I just don't want to go, okay?
Sofia, did something happen
at school with Anna and Mia?
No. I totally avoided them.
I think maybe
something happened.
Lunch was hard.
Mm, yeah. I bet it was.
Who did you end up sitting with?
I went to the art room
and painted.
Sweetheart, I'm sure
there was someone you know
that you could have
had lunch with.
But what if nobody wants me
to sit with them?
Okay. I know this is scary,
but, sometimes,
if we want things to change,
we have to be the one
to make the first step.
Good morning.
Good morning!
I'm at the restaurant.
It's locked.
Well, that's because
we're closed on Mondays.
We give the staff a day off,
because they all work weekends.
Well, that's very kind of you
to be giving up
15% of your potential profit.
This is the way
we've always done it.
It's part of why
the staff is so loyal.
We're like a family.
In fact,
a lot of them come to my house
for Monday Dinner.
Everyone is invited,
and you can...
uh... you can come,
if you want.
No, no, no.
I wouldn't want to impose.
I was just
throwing it out there.
Then again,
it might not be a bad idea
to get to know the staff
a little bit better.
Never know where a good idea
might come from.
it's like a business dinner.
Yeah. Exactly.
What can I bring?
Pants with
a forgiving waistband.
Hi, Ginny.
What brings you in?
So I was going
through my drawers,
and I found
this old recipe of Nonna's,
for Torta alla Monferrina.
Apples, pumpkin, figs, brandy...
And chocolate is the one thing
I don't have.
Do you happen to know
where I could find some?
I think I have you covered.
Look at you...
Baking twice in one week.
When was the last time
you did that?
I can't even remember.
It had to be
before Marco and I opened Cibo.
It's good to see you
finally finding the time
to do something you love again.
That's just it...
I don't have the time.
I just forgot to assign someone
to bring dessert tonight,
and I already happened to have
most of the ingredients.
Except I was thinking about
adding just a hint of espresso...
- Mm!
- Just to give it
my own twist.
And I'm gonna make sure
that Ben knows
that I used local figs,
because I want him to see
how much we value farm-to-table.
That's why you suddenly
found the time to bake
a special dessert.
You invited Ben tonight!
In a professional capacity.
You know, no one would judge you
if you started dating again.
We all want you to be happy.
I will be happy
once I know that Cibo is okay.
That's not what
I'm talking about,
and you know it.
Well, that doesn't mean
that I want to talk about it.
Marco's legacy
is all that matters.
That's not the only thing
that matters.
It's your life, too,
and you're allowed to live it.
I am.
You're living Marco's life.
Well, it was our life.
But what do you want?
You know what I want?
I want to have one day
where I am not worried
about the future
or thinking about the past.
That's what I want.
Hard to do when you're still
wearing your wedding ring.
Can we go back to just
talking about chocolate?
Take whatever you need
from the stock in back.
Hi. What are you doing here?
I was just getting, uh,
some wine.
That's a great choice.
We actually have that
on our wine list.
Did you have to beat the owner
at Scrabble to get a case?
I think it was Parcheesi.
All right, I better
get back to work.
I can't have my client thinking
that I'm gallivanting
around town.
I feel like you don't do much
gallivanting in general.
Everyone deserves
time for themselves.
Is that what you're doing?
Me? No, no. I'm just
picking up supplies for tonight.
I don't really make time
for time.
Well, it sounds like
we should both attempt
to go a minute without work.
Right now?
Phones away.
Okay. Go.
What do you think about
live music at the restaurant?
See? I knew you couldn't do it.
I know, I've got a problem.
Come on. What do you think?
[ukulele playing[
Red roses, too
And I see them...
Did you set that up?
No. No.
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Uh, I've got to get
everything ready for tonight.
I should go.
Yeah, I should do some work
before dinner.
- Okay, I'll see you later.
- Bye.
Wow. Hi.
You found it.
Yeah, got rid of the app.
Followed my nose.
Come in.
Yeah. Sure.
Thank you for this.
It's a potluck,
so everyone brought something.
Oh, good, thanks for telling me.
I appreciate that.
Ben's here.
- Ciao!
- Hi, Ben.
- Ciao!
- Buona sera, Ben.
Grazie. I appreciate you
guys letting me join you.
It's very kind.
I'm surprised
anybody's happy to see me.
That's nice.
It's Monday dinner.
We leave the outside world
at the door.
This is Mr. Elliott.
He is a restaurant consultant.
For Cibo?
Why? What's wrong?
Nothing's wrong.
I'm just here
to help out a little bit.
It's nice to meet you, Sofia.
What's this?
Oh, I'm just doodling.
No, no, no.
This is not a doodle.
This is, uh...
this is beautiful.
she's a really good artist.
Sofia, can I ask you a question?
Would you be comfortable
if your mother used this
in one of her menus?
That's a great idea.
I'm disappointed
I didn't think of it myself.
What are you making tonight?
Ravioli al baccal
con crema di bufala,
cipolla rossa
e pomodorino candito.
It's a, uh...
cod ravioli with buffalo cream,
red onion,
and candied cherry tomato.
It's a... piattino.
A small plate.
Here. Try it.
- Oh, you want me to try it?
- S.
This is stunning.
Why have I never seen this
on a Cibo menu?
Oh, it's not.
It's, uh, just my twist
on a recipe I learned
growing up.
Yeah, this is very good.
Uh, my concierge at the hotel
mentioned something
about a chef's competition
at the Artisan Festival?
What of it?
Well, I hope you're entering.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
We should at least consider
adding this
to one of the specials.
Refreshing the menu's
one of the most important things
we can do here.
Ben. You stir.
- Stir?
- S.
Thank you.
Let me show you something.
Okay. Sure.
You should do... like this.
You want me to lift it up
like that?
Okay. I got that.
I can do that. No problem.
Just do that.
- Bring it up like this, right?
- Mm.
She's messing with me?
Okay. Good.
Appreciate that.
It's okay.
You want me to stir this or not?
- No.
- No?
No, I know what you're doing.
those are very long pieces.
Oh... ha, ha.
What am I missing here?
Nothing. Nothing.
Elizabeth here committed
one of the biggest sins
in Italian cooking.
Is that right?
What'd you do?
- I did not.
- Did you use sauce from a jar?
What could be worse than that?
Nonna, come on.
Do we have to talk about this?
It was ten years ago.
Oh, I think this is the perfect
time to talk about this.
What do you guys think?
- Uh, yes.
- Mm-hmm.
I do!
She's in. Here we go!
Okay. Fine.
So... it was Nonna's
first time visiting
and I wanted to impress her...
Oh, you impressed her,
all right.
I could help in the kitchen...
So when it came time to put
the spaghetti into the pot,
Elizabeth took the pasta...
She held it over the pot...
And before any of us
could stop her...
I... broke the spaghetti
in two.
Oh, no!
Even Sofia knows
you don't do that.
Sofia's half-Italian.
Oh, the cracking sound...
It was terrible.
I almost fainted.
I'll bet you did.
Well, needless to say,
I learned my lesson.
I cut my spaghetti
with scissors.
Okay, okay.
Here. Have a little more
No, no, no.
Grazie, grazie.
Yeah, yeah,
you like the potatoes.
This is where I draw the line.
There's no more room in there.
The secret is to say you're full
one helping
before you actually are.
I wish I'd known that
an hour ago.
I'm... I'm gonna start getting
everything ready for dessert.
It's okay to start, Ben.
- Mangia.
- N onna.
Finally. All right.
- Nonna?
- Mm-hmm?
This might be one of
the best desserts I've had.
Now I know
where your son gets it.
I did not bake this.
You've been holding out on me.
You bake?
I used to, when I was little.
I'll try it.
Now it's just sort of a hobby
that I never seem
to find time to do.
Elizabeth! Ooh!
Whose recipe is this?
You know, actually, it's
a twist on your recipe, Nonna.
I hope you don't mind,
I changed it up
just a little bit.
Of course, I don't mind.
change makes the things better.
You made it your own.
Ben fatto!
Excuse me?
"ben fatto,"
it means "well done."
Well, in that case...
Ben is a fatso.
Come here.
No, I can't.
I can't have any more.
You guys are gonna
have to roll me out of here.
However, I am very glad
that you made time
to bake this today.
We all are.
Not a bad way to spend
a Monday night.
No, it's not.
I can't remember the last time
I felt this way.
About a meal, I meant.
I can't even describe it.
We call it,
La gioia della tavola.
"The joys of the table."
That's lovely.
That's lovely.
You guys have
a wonderful family.
I hope you know that.
I didn't have a big family
growing up.
Did not realize
what I was missing
until I came here.
That means so much.
Thank you.
that was, without a doubt,
the best business dinner
I've ever had.
I almost forgot
that's what it was.
Thank you.
Thank you for tonight.
- Uh, goodnight.
- See you tomorrow.
Oh, Richard. Hi.
I'm so sorry.
I thought our status meeting
was this afternoon.
I needed to see you sooner.
Things have changed.
Well, they're about to...
Isn't that the whole point
of all this?
the other restaurant group
moved up the deadline
on their offer.
They need an answer
in three weeks.
Three weeks?
That's not enough time
to turn Cibo around.
Even if we followed
all of Ben's suggestions,
that's not enough time.
I know.
Which is why
I'm going to take their offer
while it's still on the table.
I have no choice.
I'm sorry.
You can't do this to us.
After everything
we've been through?
I mean, what am I...
What am I gonna tell everyone?
What am I gonna I tell Sofia?
You're taking away
the only thing
we have left of Marco.
Believe me...
I have no choice here.
Times are tough for everyone.
How much are they offering?
Well, I don't want to sell.
I will take out a loan
and buy out your share.
If you could do that,
nothing would make me happier.
it's not realistic.
Why not?
I've been in business
a long time
and no bank
is going to lend money
to a business
that's already on the brink.
I truly wish
things were different.
It has been a tough year...
and I really have no choice,
I understand.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
So make sure you get room 206
room service...
Continental breakfast.
Thank you.
Good morning, Mr. Elliott.
Good morning, Charlotte.
Early start today?
Yeah, I thought
I'd walk around town
before I head into Cibo.
Huh. The island's really
growing on you, eh?
Yeah, I suppose it is.
Have a good day, okay?
Don't work too hard!
Thank you.
Hey, Jared. What's up?
I heard about the offer
getting moved up,
that Richard's taking it.
So I guess that means
you're out of a job.
I'm not worried about that.
I'm worried about you.
I'll be fine.
I just need $125,000
in the next three weeks.
You speak to the bank?
Apparently, it will take
some kind of miracle
for them to loan me
that type of money.
No, no, no.
They just need
a compelling reason.
We can still give them that.
Aren't you moving on?
Never left a job
until it was done.
We're not done yet.
I can't pay you the type
of money that Richard did.
It's on the house.
Do you do this
for all your clients?
.,'re the first.
Good morning.
You're here early.
I, uh, picked up
some fresh salmon
from a friend of mine
this morning
and thought I'd play around
with some recipes.
Well, if it's anything
like you made the other night,
I would be honored
to be your test subject.
What do we got?
We have, uh, pan-roasted
salmon puttanesca...
Pan-roasted salmon
with herb gnocchetti
in an olive vinaigrette...
And salmon alla stimpirata.
Antonio, I've had some of
the finest cuisine in the world.
These three rank right up there.
Thank you.
So we'll put them on the menu.
Antonio, you're killing me here.
Look, I understand
why Elizabeth is reluctant
to make changes
to what Cibo did in the past,
but you seem just as reluctant,
my friend.
Why is that?
Don't you want to make
a name for yourself?
Don't you want more?
What I have here
is already more than
I could have ever dreamed of.
Back in Italy,
I was always getting myself
into trouble.
I knew cooking was my way out,
I made some mistakes.
I lost the money for tuition
at culinary school.
When Marco found this out,
he paid my way.
When he asked me
if I'd come to the U.S.
to open Cibo,
it was the easiest decision
I ever made.
Everything I have
is all because Marco Campisi
believed in me.
My way of thanking him
is to keep his legacy alive.
I understand.
But isn't your talent...
part of that legacy, too?
This is my decision, Ben.
This is how
I've chosen to honor him.
You can't honor him
from a closed kitchen, Antonio.
Listen to me.
You are the key
to everything here.
Your food
is how we bring Cibo back.
Thank you for saying that, Ben,
but I don't think Mrs. Campisi
would ever be okay
with changing the menu.
I would never ask her to.
It's her link to Marco,
just like it is for me.
Okay. Well, let me talk to her.
What if she says no?
Don't worry about that.
just be ready.
Okay, pal.
All right. Progress!
You couldn't have
just said, "Ben?"
Guy asked for a name
for the cup.
I think I would've gone
with "Steve".
Nah. Cuppy's cuter.
So, I'm guessing
you didn't want to meet today
just to talk about
paper products, did you?
No. There's something else.
Of course, there is.
What is that? What's wrong?
Did something happen?
It's just, no, I'm...
I'm just starting to see
the writing on the wall,
and it's a sign,
and it says, "for lease".
Not if I can help it.
I talked to my friend, Gail.
She's the loan officer
at the bank,
and Richard was right.
They are not
going to lend us a dime
unless we have the same type
of buzz we did before.
Let's be honest, Ben.
It's impossible to get that kind
of buzz in three months,
let alone three weeks.
Not impossible.
Hard, but not impossible.
Look, Elizabeth, you have
everything that you need
to get back on top,
right in front of you.
You got the best chef
on the island,
maybe even the entire region,
in your kitchen,
and all you have to do
is give him the freedom
to show everybody else
what we already know.
And what we know
is that he's a culinary genius.
Mm-hmm, well,
he learned from the best...
and, honestly?
He might be even better.
But I asked him, two years ago,
if he wanted to put his dishes
on the menu,
he said no...
He wouldn't even discuss it.
I think, if you asked him again,
you might get
a different answer.
But first, you need to give him
your blessing.
He needs to know
that you are okay
making this change.
Everyone keeps telling me
to move on, let go, change.
It's not that easy.
It's not like
I can just flip a switch.
I know.
Believe me, I know.
Buon pomeriggio, Nonna.
Mm. Mwah.
Tch. Eh?
I thought
the double-cheek-kiss thing
was reserved just for family.
Campisi rule...
You have
a family dinner with us,
you are family, so.
Ah, ecco. It's done.
- Grazie, Nonna.
- We'd love to join you.
We have to talk to Antonio,
so we'll see you in a bit.
She doesn't know what's
going on with the business,
- does she?
- I'll have to tell her soon.
She's not gonna like it
when she finds out
Antonio's making
his own recipes, though.
Antonio is going
to be making his own recipes?
let me explain.
No need to explain.
I always hoped you would
give Antonio a chance.
I thought you would be upset.
I'm just surprised
it took that long.
Marco never would have wanted
his protege, his protetto,
to be making the same recipes
for his whole career.
He would've wanted him
to leave the nest and fly.
Why didn't you
say something sooner?
I mind my own business.
Pretty good
for a mother-in-law, no?
I don't know
what I'd do without you.
Okay. Let's go
tell Antonio it's a "yes,"
shall we?
Thank you, Nonna.
I made a promise to Marco
to keep things as they were.
So did I, Antonio,
but I think we were wrong.
I don't think this is
what Marco would have wanted
in the long run.
I can't just forget
about him, Elizabeth.
I create a new menu,
there's nothing left.
The menu's gonna have
a "Campisi Classic" section...
All of Marco's best dishes,
just as they were.
The rest is up to you.
This is how we honor the past
and embrace the future.
Mrs. Campisi...
if you and Nonna
don't want me to do this,
I won't.
Nonna and I both think
that you deserve the chance
to shine.
I know that's what
Marco would've wanted
and I'm just sorry
that it took me
so long to realize it.
I've got this guy
to thank for that.
Just doing my job.
Thank you.
Both of you.
Of course.
The only trouble
is we have just three weeks
to get the word out,
and it would usually take months
to generate
the type of buzz that we need.
Not if this man enters
the Battle of Bainbridge.
The team from Coastside
in San Francisco,
they've won seven years
in a row,
and they just received
their third Michelin star!
I don't think I'm ready.
I know you're ready.
And so am I.
It's time we turned the corner.
Thank you.
I just heard about the festival!
Congratulations, Antonio.
- Grazie.
- I'm so happy for you.
Thank you.
This smells amazing.
What is it?
And can I have it all
and not share it with anyone?
It's a seared scallops
with corn pudding
and wild truffles,
over a roasted chicken broth.
Please, enjoy.
Antonio, this is incredible.
I've never tasted
scallops like this before.
This is definitely
the recipe you should use
in the competition.
Oh, I can't make this
for the competition.
Why not?
I'm out of the truffles.
Let's go buy some more.
On me.
I appreciate that,
but there is nowhere
to buy them.
These truffles are
only harvested on this island,
and once they're gone,
they're gone.
Unless we want to go hunt
for any stragglers ourselves.
Talking about a truffle hunt?
I thought this only
happened in Italy.
Uh, actually, the latitude
of Washington State
is the same
as the best truffle-growing
regions in Italy.
And probably
a tenth of the price.
What? It's a win-win.
- You're hopeless.
- I know. What do you want?
let's go find some.
Ben, why don't you join me?
Oh. Uh...
Ginny, do you want to join us?
I have to get back to the store.
Okay. Then it's just us three.
So, now you know
what to look for,
let's hope
we have some luck, huh?
Okay, you two try
this section over there...
And I'll look up here.
- Good luck.
- You too.
All right, let's see
what we can do here.
Hey, look,
I want to say thank you.
Why? For what?
For being so open
to all these changes.
The hardest part of my job
is getting someone
to be open to change
so that they can
help themselves,
that and knowing when to push,
and not to push too far.
You've been really courageous
and I want
to thank you for that.
Well, I don't know.
I wasn't really open
to any changes at first.
Yeah, you were guarded.
Understandable, given everything
that you've been through.
Not everybody's
as strong as you are.
I didn't really have a choice.
I had a lot of people
counting on me, and...
then I realized
I could count on you.
Yeah. Absolutely.
Ben! Elizabeth!
Come. I found them.
Should we go?
We're coming!
This is beautiful.
I wonder if my dad
would've liked it.
I'm sure
your dad would've loved it.
From what I'm told,
your dad was a true artist,
and so are you.
You're keeping his legacy alive.
You should be very proud.
There's one more box
in the back.
Yeah, okay.
Keep going.
I am so glad you're finally
entering the competition.
What took you so long?
Uh, I just wanted to make sure
that I was ready.
That we all were.
Mm! Well, I'm sure
people will be very excited
to see what you can do.
I know Cibo needs a comeback.
I truly hope this is the start
of something big.
Thank you. So do we.
and what will you be offering
for the dessert portion?
We haven't decided yet.
Okay, yeah, well, let us know
as soon as you can.
Absolutely. Yeah. Thank you.
Is Christina gonna make
her zuccotto cake?
No, she just texted me.
She's already baking something
for Joli Plat.
Can she do that?
Yes, we're not her only clients.
I am surprised you guys never
had an in-house pastry chef.
Well, we talked about
bringing someone in,
but then Marco passed,
and we were just trying
to stay afloat.
Can you think
of anyone else in Seattle
who might be able to do it?
Why are the two of you
looking at me like that?
Because you should be
the person to make this dessert.
- Yeah.
- Those two cakes you made
were better than anything
Christina ever did.
They're so good, Mom!
And professional quality.
No. I'm not
a professional pastry chef.
That's okay.
No, the future of our restaurant
cannot hinge on something
I do as a hobby!
Isn't that how Marco
got started cooking?
For his friends,
in his free time, just for fun?
You can do that, too.
can I talk to you for a sec?
- Sure. Yeah.
- Okay. Come on.
What if...
this is actually
what you're meant to do?
It's so clear to me
that everything's
been leading to this.
You can do this.
Come on.
It's gonna be fine.
Sofia, what are you
still doing up?
It's so late.
I was working on the menu board
for tomorrow.
That is beautiful.
He's changing a lot at Cibo,
isn't he?
Well, I think in a good way,
but yes.
Does that make you upset?
Because you know
that none of this means
that we're forgetting
about your dad, right?
I'm not upset, Mom.
I'm happy.
And Dad would've loved
how happy this makes you.
Well, you know what
really makes me happy
is seeing what an amazing person
you are turning out to be.
And your dad
would be so proud of you.
Now go to bed!
Glad to see you
coming into your own, Tony.
Well, someone has to beat you
one of these days.
So, what are you making?
Grilled Bay Shrimp
with some Cajun-glazed jam...
Are you sure about this?
Deep breath.
You got everything you need.
Well, folks,
it is going to be hard
to top yesterday's
four entries, but...
these four teams
are going to try!
You have two hours
to complete your entrees
and desserts,
and present it to our judges.
And please join me
in welcoming this year's
very special guest judge,
Carmen Costa!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Okay, I'm way more nervous now.
I'm not.
Okay, maybe a little.
Thank you for
making the dessert, Elizabeth.
It really means a lot to me.
I'm honored.
Let's go win this thing.
For Marco.
And for ourselves.
All right, it's time!
Let's begin!
Uh, problem!
What's wrong?
The burner's not working.
What's going on?
- The burner's not working!
- Okay, okay. All right.
Well, can we... can we fix it?
These things
are kind of finicky.
- You gotta take 'em all apart.
- Well, we don't have time!
I still need
to finish the sauce.
Yeah, I know.
Hang tight. Stay here.
Here, let me look at it.
Hi, Chef.
My name is Ben.
Okay! Grab the sauce.
Let's go over.
- Switch places?
- Yeah. Go ahead.
It's all yours.
I can't thank you enough.
- Yeah.
- Thank you so much.
We're already done
and your friend explained
what's at stake...
We're happy to help.
Thank you. Thank you.
Okay. Almost there.
Good luck.
- Okay, I'm gonna go finish.
- Sure.
This looks wonderful.
- Grazie.
- Thank you.
This looks amazing.
Did you try...
Would you like to try
Chef Antonio's
Seared Scallops...
Here you are, sir.
- Thank you.
- Enjoy.
Who's that?
My friend from school.
We've been working on
a graphic novel during lunch.
I'm gonna bring her a piece
of your torta. Be right back.
all this time, I thought she was
just hiding from her problems
in the art room.
Turns out she was just finding
where she really belongs.
Yeah, I think
that's going around.
Cheers. Enjoy, my friend.
This has been
the most competitive year
we have seen in a long time,
but we can only crown
one winning restaurant's
culinary team.
For the eighth year in a row,
the grand prize
goes to Chef Hill
and Pastry Chef Levitz,
from Coastside San Francisco.
It's my fault.
I'm so sorry.
- It wasn't good enough.
- No. No.
your dish was perfection.
It's just my dessert,
it wasn't up to par.
Oh, yours was great.
We did the best we could.
Your dish
was extraordinary, Chef.
Grazie. Coming from you,
that's a huge compliment.
And I loved your dessert.
Thank you.
I thought you should've won.
You had my vote.
I can't wait to try
the rest of your menu.
I'll be sure to come in soon.
Thank you.
Well, the only problem is,
there probably won't be
a restaurant for her to come to.
We didn't win.
The bank has nothing to go on.
I'm sorry.
It's over.
I'm so sorry, guys.
I... I can't even believe it.
I was sure you would win.
We were really hoping
that we would.
Are you seeing this?
Look at this!
Oh. "Il Cibo..."
best food in Washington."
It gets better.
Look at the hashtags.
"Il Cibo Vita is back!"
I don't understand
How is this possible?
We lost.
Maybe Carmen posted something?
I don't know, if she did,
I can't find it.
There's too much
going on here. Look.
This is all from regular people
trying your food.
Mamma mia!
It's better than winning.
This is exactly what we needed.
This is, uh, word of mouth.
At the speed of light!
- That's right.
- Guys, we're almost full
for tomorrow night!
How is that possible?
Okay, look,
we need to squeeze in
as many people as we can.
Also, let's get
a multi-course tasting menu
for the whole weekend.
- Okay. Let's get started.
- Let's do it.
And you...
will be making the desserts.
Desserts. Plural?
You have so many recipes, Mom!
You can do it!
- I can...
- Yes.
But I think I'm gonna
need a little help.
I don't know.
This might do it.
I don't think
you need me anymore.
But that doesn't mean
I don't still want you there.
These are little...
I was going to say
I'm down to do strawberries.
High five.
Do this one
with the powdered sugar.
How are things?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Those look great.
Beautiful, Nonna.
My goodness, my goodness.
- Very complementary.
- Thank you.
That's a pasta plate.
Are you enjoying
the food, everyone?
Eh, look who it is!
The food is good?
That's great.
So happy to hear it.
everyone loves your food.
I'm so happy for you.
When the dessert course
is served,
they'll go crazy for that, too.
Thank you.
I think Marco would have loved
the new layout.
- You think?
- Mm-hmm.
I just feel like
they're part of a big family.
I just want everybody
to feel what I did
at Monday Dinner.
And what did you feel?
Like I was home.
Who's that?
That's Gail, from the bank.
I didn't know that
she was gonna be here tonight.
This is a very good thing.
This is exactly
what she needs to see.
Here, look, why don't you
go talk to Gail?
I'm gonna get some more wine.
- Okay.
- Okay.
And I called and called
and called
until I finally got through
to make a reservation.
I'm so glad you did!
Everything so far is amazing.
And I love that there's still
a spot on the menu
for Marco's classics...
It's just perfect.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
what do you think?
Do you think we have a chance
at getting that loan?
I think you can be
cautiously optimistic.
Whoa. You have no idea
how happy that makes me.
Cautiously! Cautiously happy.
There is one possible bump
the bank might have.
Sure, yeah. What's that?
We understand you used
a professional consultant
to spearhead this turnaround.
Ben Elliott. Yes.
Since Richard is also
not in the picture,
you'll need to reassure
the bank that, going forward,
you'll be able to maintain
all this on your own.
Ben inspired so many
wonderful changes around here,
and I will be forever grateful
for that.
He pushed me to my limit,
in the best way possible,
but... his job is done.
I have it from here.
We've just been through so much
upheaval in the last few years,
and it's time
for some stability,
and I'm ready.
Music to a banker's ears.
Give me a call on Monday.
I'm sure we can
work something out.
That sounds wonderful.
Can I get you more wine?
- Yes.
- Okay. Be right back.
Where are you going?
Greece, actually.
I'm on the red-eye
out of Seattle.
Oh. You have to go tonight?
I do, Signora.
I've done everything I can here.
The restaurant's in great hands.
You guys have a lot
to celebrate.
And we want you to stay
and celebrate, too.
Don't you and Elizabeth
have more to talk about?
I think it's time for me to go.
we are family, remember?
Of course.
It's truly been
my honor, Signora.
Nonna. Have you seen Ben?
He had to go.
Go where?
To run an errand?
Catch a plane.
He left?
Without saying goodbye?
I just don't understand this.
I thought you and Ben...
I thought so, too,
but we never really
talked about it.
Guess he didn't feel
the same way.
Of course, he did!
There was something special
happening between you two.
We all saw it.
Well, he left, Ginny.
That tells me everything
I need to know.
The desserts look
beautiful, Elizabeth.
- Thank you.
- I am so proud of you.
Oh, mia cara.
I don't think Ben wanted to go.
Wait. When we... When we were
looking for truffles,
he told me
that he always does
what he thinks
is the right thing for someone,
even if they don't understand it
at the time.
Do you think
that could that be it?
There's only one way
to find out.
I have to go find him.
Go. We got this.
Thank you. Thank you.
Mrs. Campisi.
Congrats on the battle.
Everyone on social's
still talking about you.
You know, I can't even
get a reservation.
Thank you. Yeah.
We're still catching up.
just out of curiosity...
Would you have any idea if
Ben Elliott has checked out yet?
You know I can't share
that kind of information.
It's a privacy thing.
Right. No.
Of course not.
oh, wow.
Look at that.
There was just a cancellation
for tomorrow night.
Of course, if a guest were
to check out this late,
they'd probably already be on
the ferry back to the Mainland.
Okay. Thank you, Charlotte.
Thank you.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Okay.
Any requests?
"What a Wonderful World."
I see trees of green
Red roses, too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself...
You're still here?
Yeah, I am.
...What a wonderful world
I don't understand.
Why did you leave?
I see skies...
I thought I could do
what I normally do...
Help someone and move on.
Couldn't do it this time.
What changed?
I think to myself...
What a wonderful world
But then
why did you still walk away?
I, uh...
I heard what you said to Gail,
about everything
that you've been through,
about not needing me anymore,
you all needing stability...
You're right.
You deserve that.
Ben, I was talking about
the business.
No, I know that.
I know that.
But, um...
I understand
what you're going through,
more than you realize.
Well, then help me understand.
I told you I was engaged, right?
I don't think I mentioned
that she died.
Oh... Ben.
That's okay.
It was a long time ago.
But I've been thinking
and, uh...
I think I realized
that, when I started this job,
I got a lot of joy...
from helping people
get their lives back,
but I think
that's maybe because, um,
I couldn't have mine.
Then I met you.
I saw you go through
the same thing.
You stayed.
You stuck around,
you stuck to it.
You fought for your future.
You helped me realize,
in order to move forward...
I had to release
some of my past.
I haven't felt like this
in a long time.
Neither have I.
I can't ask you to change more
than you already have, okay?
That's not right,
no matter how I feel.
Well, I think that's up to me.
You're right.
Maybe it's time
you take your own advice...
and make a few changes yourself.
I wouldn't know where to start.
Well... you could start
by telling me
how you really feel.
I have something
I'd like to say.
Thank you
for all of your hard work,
your dedication,
your love,
over the past three years.
None of this
would be possible tonight
if it weren't for each
and every person
here at this table.
For a long time, I felt like
I needed to be the one
to hold everything together,
but you showed me
that you've been holding me
all along...
thank you and I love you
and I'm gonna sit down now.
We love you.
Ti amo.
a toast...
To Il Cibo Vita.
- Saluti!
- S aluti!
I wish to bring you
Far away with me
I wish to give you
everything, my love
A little flower
I want to bring
a new game, ma chrie
The game of love
Where you walk on
with me forever
Only me, only me
Don't you ever say
you ran away
Only me, only me
You're the best one
I say
Baby, you know
I'm getting crazy
Baby, you are
the most amazing