American Blackout (2013) Movie Script

We need to get out of here.
When this stuff is over,
we're going to be looking
back on this and think,
dang, that was some crazy stuff!
Dad, somebody just,
somebody just broke in.
What? What?
Go back to the house.
Can anybody help us?
It's the end of the world.
Let's go.
Why is nobody helping us?
Where are you, Daddy?
All right, so we're coming
off the bridge into Manhattan,
and lo and behold, the lights
have failed on the train,
and we've been riding
in total blackness,
but everyone seems
pretty cool about it.
No one's robbing anybody,
and it's getting darker now.
It looks so cool.
It's like a disco party.
Look at the jewelry boxes.
Look at the jewelry cases.
This is crazy.
What the hell is going on?
Oh, really?
Reports are coming in
of a massive grid failure
that has taken power out along
the East Coast of the United States.
I was in the middle of a shower,
and all of a sudden,
it went completely black.
Gosh, it looks like there's lights off.
I understand everyone
would like to move, so would I.
I have no time estimation also
as to when we will be moving.
The power's gone out,
so no Internet, computer doesn't work.
Mr. A, is it true that power
in the city went out?
Yeah, it looks like it did.
OK, what are the odds
that Gemma is going to
explode the entire apartment
by pressing the wrong button?
And there's no proper instructions, even.
So far, we have no confirmation on what
is causing this devastating outage,
but rumors of a cyber attack
are already being mentioned
by authorities.
- Go on!
- One more!
There you go! Lilly did it!
Mommy, I'm scared.
It's OK, we just lost power.
We now have reports
that Texas has also lost its power
in what appears to be
a cascading domino effect.
Check this out, guys.
I've never seen our power
act like this before.
It's so fricking creepy.
Oh, my God!
So the lights just went out
in the middle of class.
We were just taking science notes
and everything,
and people are freaking out.
The power is out.
It's weird because, when the power
goes out during the day,
you can't really tell a whole lot,
because, you know,
you got the sun coming in,
but seriously the power went out
and everybody is like panicking.
They don't know what to do.
Twitter is blowing up, I mean exploding.
There's reports of blackouts
happening all over the East Coast.
They're going in New York City,
so I don't know,
this thing might be bigger
than I think it is.
Hi, Chelsea, doing nothing?
Are you doing nothing, too?
Nobody's doing anything today
'cause there's no power right now.
- No power.
- This is great!
It's only thanks to emergency generators
that we are able to say good afternoon.
Unconfirmed reports say
that electrical transformers
are literally bursting into flame.
Oh, my God!
This is like a big deal right now.
We need to get out of here.
God. You can feel the heat
through the window.
Holy shit.
Oh, my God.
With as many
as 100 million people now affected,
authorities in the West
are bracing themselves
as they fear the blackout
will continue to spread.
Well, this is my "End of the World
As We Know It" video.
So we still have power,
but Dad says it's not for long.
So what's happening, Dad?
Bugging out, son.
Come on, Sarah, grab this one here.
This is the real deal.
It's calm right now,
but you know what that means.
It's going to get crazy,
with riots, and we're going
to have everything.
It has been an extraordinary last hour.
The entire East Coast went out,
Texas followed.
Officials confirmed a cyber attack
is the most likely cause
behind this catastrophic failure.
Aww, does poor Cheryl
not want to go
because she doesn't want
to leave her boyfriend?
Go help Dad pack.
Do we have to go today?
Yes, honey, we have to go today.
Remember, we got to stick to the plan.
We talked about it.
But Jason's parents
come back this weekend.
Why can't we wait till then?
If he wants to come along with us,
he can.
If not, we'll drop him off somewhere.
He's on his own.
This hopefully is the last video
before my new baby brother
comes out of my mommy's stomach.
Are you recording this, Molly?
It's moving quite a bit.
He's really moving.
He's moving.
Mommy, what happened?
Forgive me,
I'm, I'm being told right now
that Los Angeles, Las Vegas
and San Francisco,
they have all gone out as well.
It's like a horror movie.
It's looking like a total power outage
across the entire country.
A colossal and history-making blackout.
The likes of which
we have never seen before.
OK, in case we die,
let me get this on video.
Hey! So we are stuck
in the elevator at our dorms.
we are two days fresh
off of the college season,
I mean, the semester just ended
two days ago, and we are stuck,
the four of us.
And your name is?
Ken! Nice to meet you, Ken. I am Matt.
And you, Miss, are?
Uh, I'm Dee.
Dee, and you are studying?
Gender studies.
Gender studies!
Yeah, so yep.
Studying gender studies. Nice.
And you, my large friend,
you are who?
I'm Lance.
This afternoon,
millions of Americans
are without power.
Thousands are stranded
in subways, elevators,
and the federal government
is telling people
in the affected areas to wait
for emergency services.
Stay with us if you can.
All the street lights are off.
I thought these street lights
were supposed to have battery backups
or some sort of backup
that saves the world
and all these idiot drivers
that don't know how to use a stop light.
That's for the street light right there.
Citizens across
the country continue to struggle
with gridlocked roadways
and offline public transportation.
Without electric traffic controls,
the number of collisions
has skyrocketed,
making some routes completely impassable.
I've been sitting in traffic
for approximately 35 minutes
and have made it
from Santa Monica to this point,
and we've moved about four miles.
Look at how many
cars are doing that.
Oh, my goodness,
everyone in front of us is doing this.
I don't get it.
Where's a cop?
Police, firefighters,
and medical personnel
are now saying that they are
struggling right now
to keep up with the volume
of incidents and emergencies
caused by this ongoing crisis.
Phones aren't even working.
I have full battery,
thank goodness.
Cell phone service is down, too, now.
Our cell phones,
when we try to make calls,
have horrible reception,
and it usually says like
"Emergency calls only"
or "Congestion."
Ken, you were headed?
My brother's coming over from California
to pick me up.
OK, so...
So he knows
we're at the campus, right?
Not exactly.
I told him I was staying at a hotel.
I didn't want my family
to worry about me.
So what you're saying
is they don't know we're here.
My brother doesn't know we're here.
Does anybody else have anybody?
I don't know.
Dee? Where were you going?
Well, I have to take a flight
back to Delaware.
OK, that's a no.
How about you?
I'm driving home.
I have a two-hour drive.
Where's, where's home?
I have a two-hour drive from here.
The most immediate
concern for authorities
here in New York City is what's
happening in the subways.
Thousands are trapped
in the underground system.
We're going into the abyss.
Maybe, maybe.
Don't step in water.
Don't step on anything metal.
When the power comes back on,
we don't want people
electrocuted down here.
evacuations are under way,
but with only limited backup lighting.
It's a slow and frustrating process.
Travelers evacuated from subways
and trains now find themselves
searching for alternate transportation.
To your right!
I came out here to see
if any of the neighbors had power
or if they knew what was going on.
I brought the fob, and guess what.
It doesn't work when you're out of power.
Oh, the electric key. Right?
This doesn't work.
You have that key,
and I left mine inside!
You're listening to KMY-FM.
We're now four hours
into this extraordinary
national power outage,
and it is gridlock.
A little freeway football.
Signal failures, auto accidents,
and gas stations that are unable
to pump gas without electricity
have left hundreds of thousands
of drivers stranded on freeways
across America.
Why are we going so slow?
Well, honey, the power's out,
so none of the street lights are working.
Has it happened before?
I don't know.
It'll be on soon,
so we just got to to be careful.
I want to stop and get some cash.
OK, honey.
Are you getting
any good stuff for your brother?
I think the freezer's probably out
and it's melting right now.
No! Ice cream.
I know, you'd better go
home and eat it all, huh?
Yeah. Hurry up, Daddy.
I know.
Everything OK?
The ATM's out.
Come on, come on, come on.
I can't.
Come on, wait.
There's no light, dude.
There's nothing!
We're on the express, you guys.
Wow, OK.
There's not
going to be doors for floors.
Lance, save your strength, OK?
I think I have a flashlight
on my phone.
As the sun goes down tonight,
America is still in the dark.
The government has now
confirmed that a cyber attack
has taken down our entire
national electric grid.
But who is responsible?
Well, that remains a mystery.
Power companies say they are working
to fix the problem as quickly as they can,
but at this time we have no timeframe
for when the lights will come back on.
Um, these are 99% of the reason
why I'm not walking down the stairs.
I don't want to walk down 46 floors.
And I don't even have
any money on me.
I can't even go get a latte.
But I could find you, maybe,
but I don't know where you are.
Hello, this is Jackson Burns
reporting to you
from a third world country,
Houston, Texas.
Batteries, more batteries,
all these batteries,
and just in case
those batteries run out,
where is it around here?
I've got my handy-dandy
solar charger right here.
So now we are going to walk
through a darkened house.
There it is, I got a lantern.
I got a lantern, guys.
We're going to be saved.
Don't burn yourself,
don't burn. OK. Don't...
Ow, that's hot!
Look at that beautiful candle.
A lot of people are kind of panicking.
And it's a big deal because
a lot of people aren't prepared.
You know, I have a couple
oil lamps, candles.
I never thought these Ikea candles
would be worth anything.
Can't tell you how happy I am
to have these things.
Sugar britches, I'm going
to head in a little bit early.
All right, Mom, I'm kind of
the middle of something right now.
Can you please just, you know.
I'm sorry. I got to get going.
Don't... Be good.
Don't break anything,
don't burn anything down.
I won't break anything.
It's all good. Have fun.
Love you. All right, bye.
I love you, too.
I guess I have to start this
all over again.
It's not all bad news tonight
as spontaneous blackout parties
take place across the state.
What are you doing, Mrs. G?
We are cooking all of the food
because the freezer doesn't work.
Leftover pork chops and a little,
some hamburgers that we're cooking up.
My baby brother's in there.
You know, I'm two days overdue.
At this point, I mean, I just don't know.
It's pretty uncomfortable.
I don't envy you, with this heat, I mean.
I know.
The power's going to
come back on soon,
so hopefully I can just talk him
into staying in there
a couple more days.
Experts are already predicting
a blackout baby boom
in nine months' time.
The motto this evening?
Make the most of it while it lasts.
Blackout! Blackout!
I just received a full briefing
from our emergency response
teams, including FEMA,
the Department of Energy,
the Department of Transportation.
Right now the public should anticipate
that it may take time
for the power to get back on,
but the good news is
we will get through this.
Hundreds of people are still trapped
inside of elevators more than eight hours
after this blackout began.
I have a spokesman
from the fire department.
Sir, can you tell us
what is taking you so long
to get to these people?
We are
at full stretch right now.
Some elevators will have
returned to lower levels,
but if you know that there are people
trapped in your building,
then reassure them and contact us.
We will get all these people out
We're gonna get there, all right?
But I need you not to freak out,
'cause you freaking out
in this small space,
I mean, you're gonna,
we're gonna lose it here.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
You don't have to apologize.
You're fine, OK?
Oh, no, oh, no.
Please, please be careful.
Just slide it or something.
Oh all right.
This is crazy.
Be careful.
Don't grab on to this thing
or you will fall.
Do you need a light up there, Ken?
It's like pitch black, OK?
OK, give me some.
Ken! Ken!
I have, here, here hold my phone.
OK, here, give him this.
OK. Oh, my goodness.
Go, go. You can do it.
Help him.
What do you guys see?
You see anything?
There are no doors
up or down anywhere close.
OK, so we can't go up,
we can't go down.
No, Lance,
look, look, look, look, look.
Shine the light over there.
Look it.
There's a vent!
A vent?
We see light.
There's light, yeah!
How far away is it?
Five feet, like not even.
No, that's like 25 feet, man.
No, no, it's not that far.
OK, so here we are
and finally got here
to our bug-out house,
so here is all of our stuff.
We could use your help.
- Dad, I'm tired.
- I know.
Yeah, come on, Cheryl, come on.
Jason, why
don't you come on up here?
I got some stuff I need you
to help me with.
OK, this is our, our sleeping
accommodations, OK?
This is mine and Mom's room.
And then, Hank Jr.,
your room's down at the end.
And this is your two rooms
right here.
Jason, you ever
pumped up a bed before?
OK, that's going to be your bed.
- OK.
- Cheryl, that's yours, OK?
And I want to see plenty of
space between you two, all right?
I know.
OK, if I, if I get up on this ledge,
I can make that jump.
Did he just say jump?
I don't think jumping right across
is the smartest thing to do.
If you miss...
Its not far. I'm not going to miss!
I say we should think
of a smarter way
to try to get around it,
to kind of climb more.
You can't just jump!
I'm going to do it now
with or without the light.
Ken, please don't do this.
We're better off figuring
a way out to do this.
He is jumping!
He's really gonna jump!
Oh, my God.
I can't see him!
What do you mean,
you can't see him?
Lance, just come down here, OK.
Just take
it one step at a time, buddy.
Here, here.
You need to..
Oh, my God.
Hey, hey, buddy, sit down.
I told him not to jump.
What do we do now?
I cannot believe
this is actually happening.
Oh, my God.
Lance, let me see your arm.
Oh, my God.
What is it?
What, I'm cut? Oh, I got a cut.
Yeah, that's pretty gnarly, dude.
That sucks.
OK, just keep your arm elevated.
I'm gonna figure something
to clean it out with.
Guys, guys,
we need to get out of here.
As America begins
its second day without power,
engineers are now saying
that the damage to the grid system
is like nothing
they've ever seen before.
We are currently running
on emergency generators.
We cannot say how much longer
we will be able to
continue broadcasting.
It's dawn in Times Square.
There's not a single Jumbotron running.
The only lights are the lights
of emergency vehicles
and news media.
They have their own generators.
This is the Renaissance Hotel.
And as you can see, a lot of their guests
slept outside last night.
hi, my name is Andrew Payton.
I'm in 4601. My girlfriend Gemma
is filming this.
The point of the video
is to document everything
that's gone wrong in the apartment
we just purchased.
While we understand that,
you know, the city's had a blackout,
the, the, the issue we're facing
is that there are literally no
fail-safes or contingency plans.
There's no backup generators.
To be frank, that's, that's unacceptable.
Toilet doesn't work.
Water doesn't run.
Elevators aren't working.
I live on the 46th floor!
Lights, there is no AC, our freezer,
$17-an-ounce swordfish just rotting.
There is a substantial level
of liability here.
And we're, we're going to file a lawsuit.
And I'm not, I'm not
a lawsuit-happy kind of guy,
but I think this is,
in this situation,
I think that's appropriate.
The blackout crisis continues,
with no clear end in sight
and a growing number of people
increasingly concerned
about their personal
food and water supplies.
It's day two since the power went out,
and I'm here by myself.
We have a food crisis.
It's already defrosting.
I don't think I'm gonna be able
to eat this at all.
I'm by myself, if I get E. coli
that's not gonna be good.
I haven't been able to keep
in contact with my mom,
and I haven't heard from her,
she's out on duty being a nurse,
as you guys know.
When this stuff is over,
we're gonna be here and we're
gonna be looking back at this
and be like, dang, that was
some crazy stuff.
The few stores
that still have backup power
are reporting massive demand
for bottled water,
canned foods items,
batteries, and candles.
But with no ATMs working,
most people have whatever cash
is left in their wallets
to buy supplies,
and many are no doubt wishing
they had been better prepared.
OK, that's on.
You got that running right now?
Yeah, yeah, it's on.
All right, OK, Jason.
This is the tour of the house
of our compound, OK?
First off, this is where we get
all of our power from right now,
since we're off the grid.
Basically, we've got two months
of power right here.
We've got 250 gallons of potable water.
Potable, what does that mean, son?
I don't know.
It means it's drinkable.
Enough canned goods to last
us basically four months.
That's called decoy food.
If somebody was to come in here
and ravage the place,
hold us hostage for our food.
They can take all that
that they want. OK?
All right.
We don't mind, we don't care.
I got a camera up there
and a weather station.
That camera, I can see everything
that happens on my compound.
360 degrees.
All right, watch your fingers.
That is our bunker.
Why don't you step back for a second?
All right.
Here you go, all right.
All right, Jason, when we come down here,
that means it's hostile
or unfriendly topside, OK?
Right over here we've got the real food.
OK, this food right here,
we've got enough food
here for two years.
Isn't that awesome?
Right here, these are our
secondary bug-out bags
in case for some reason
we get compromised here.
Everybody has an assigned bag.
There's enough in there for us
to last at least two weeks, OK?
Is there a bag for me?
Americans are certainly showing
their ingenuity today,
finding all kinds of
alternative power sources
they never knew they had.
So I'm sucking all the energy
out of the computer
and into our phones.
Instead of high definition,
we resorted to a wind-up radio.
What is that thing?
Phone charger.
Phone charger? Is it working?
Lance is waking up finally.
I need water.
You need to take just enough
to wet your mouth. OK, buddy?
Seriously, just enough.
OK, I understand,
I'm not going to be selfish.
Lance, no!
America is running on empty.
With gas supply trucks delayed
and refineries shut down
by the blackout,
we're witnessing unprecedented
scenes of chaos
at the few gas stations still open
and able to pump gas.
I had no choice!
With millions of Americans stranded
and unable to commute without fuel,
the economic cost of this crisis
is already running
into the billions of dollars.
This is reporter Molly
interviewing everybody
in the neighborhood about the blackout.
Why are all the grownups
staying at home?
Well, there are
a lot of different reasons.
The traffic lights aren't
doing so well right now.
They're not working too well,
and there are a lot of accidents
and people are getting stuck in traffic.
So that's kind of hard to get to work.
What are you doing?
Just trying to stay cool.
You just can't survive
without AC anymore, you know.
You make the best you can.
What is that?
We're trying to see if we
can find something, some news.
Find something.
As America
now enters its second night,
there's growing fear
that criminals could take
advantage of the blackout.
Gas stations are closed down.
Grocery stores are closed down.
I'm hoping this doesn't
become a situation
where people start looting.
Police say they are adding
extra patrols across the city,
but with no street lights
or security cameras in operation,
assaults and robberies
could be inevitable,
and they are now advising
people to stay indoors.
We're having kind of
a little blackout date.
I'll show you the setup.
First, say hi!
We ate all the good food.
We've got... What is that?
Warm champagne, yeah, and caviar
that your assistant gave you
like a million years ago.
Happy blackout.
Oh, my God.
That's close.
We have to go down there.
- We can't go down there.
- We have to help!
- It's 46 flights of stairs.
- OK.
What are we gonna do
when we get there?
We can't call anybody,
we can't do anything.
You don't know, right?
We don't know what's...
We don't know what's down there,
we don't know who's down there.
This is bad.
Good morning, everyone.
I'm feeling very optimistic about today.
I have a feeling
that the power's back on.
Dum duh duh duh
Hold up, um...
You hear that, too, right?
Maybe it's like trying
to communicate with us?
Do you think it's the,
do you think it's running,
do you think
the elevator's running?
Hold on, listen, listen.
It's like a tapping noise.
Can you hear us?
It's coming from up there.
From outside the shaft?
No, no.
Up in the shaft?
No, where the vent was.
Maybe someone is trying
to communicate with us
or somebody
who came back on campus.
I don't know.
I'm going to figure it out.
Hey, help me get up there.
Hold this.
Be careful.
OK, watch yourself.
I can hear it.
Maybe it is Ken, I don't know.
Ken, is that you?
As the blackout
crisis enters its third day,
millions are this morning
without running water.
No running water and no toilet.
I did something I've never done
before in a field yesterday.
A little waterless shaving right now?
Yep, the knees are the hardest.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,
ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Southern California,
Georgia, and Texas are among
some of the worst hit areas,
where backup generators
for the electric pumps have now failed.
In many cases,
the fuel needed to power them
has simply not arrived.
I'm reporting to you
from one of the food and water depots
that the Red Cross and authorities
are setting up
to help people in need.
Police recommend that you
locate your nearest depot.
who still have a supply,
they're being asked
to keep usage to a minimum.
All right, guys, so this is
my first-ever shower from a bucket.
It looks like I've got about
maybe two and a half gallons.
That's kind of going easy on myself
and see if I can do it with less.
Here we go.
Do you want to be on camera?
There you are.
Hey, calm down, all right.
He's a little mad at me,
'cause, you know,
the water's gone and everything
and he's kind of been just
drinking the soda with me,
and his cat food's gone.
I've been kind of scouring
around my house, you know,
looking for any kind
of water source,
anything that could help,
anything lingering behind the pipes,
but obviously, as you guys can see,
to no avail.
I wish that I had taken
several gallon milk jugs,
cleaned them out properly,
and stored water in them.
That would have given me
water to drink.
I wish I had a can opener.
And of course, you know,
the obvious one,
I wish I had a generator,
which I don't.
You on that right now?
So. Yeah, what are you doing?
OK, watch this.
This is the inaugural initiation
of our bicycle generator.
Been wanting to use this.
I brought this up.
Jason, do you know anything
about bicycles?
For the most part, yeah.
All right, well,
you're going to like this, then.
Stick this back here.
Um, can I help?
Straighten it out.
We slip that up like that.
Did your dad ever do anything
like this with you?
Not like this, no.
It should be charging,
we're at 51%.
Should I go faster?
That's doing it.
Look at that, Hank.
We're already up to 59%. Isn't it?
- You're doing a great job.
- Thank you.
Keep going for another hour.
That way, you can have
a fully charged phone.
There you are.
All right.
Where's it coming from?
OK, it's...
I hear it, but let me listen.
All right, all right.
I don't know.
What's going on up there?
It, it also sounds
like a pecking or something,
like, like, like it could be birds.
- Birds? Really, Matt?
- Birds, really?
Wait, what is that?
Hold on.
Just hold on a second.
I think I see daylight!
We are finally
getting out of the house.
We've got a bit of cabin fever.
Right, babe?
That's right.
Well, he actually does
have fever, I think.
You don't feel very good, babe?
I'm fine, love. Thank you, though.
His tummy's sick.
I'm probably only so chipper
because we're only like one floor in,
but going down, this seems
like a piece of cake.
Right? Oooh, cake!
What are the odds
that there is going to be cake
at the corner store?
Hon? This video...
Oh, my God.
Oh, babe!
Do you want to stop?
I'm fine, I'm fine.
We can go back up.
No, come on.
Just, just stop, OK?
Just stop recording. Just turn it off.
This lunchtime,
America's food supply chain is in crisis.
These people here are
willing to pay $10
for a bottle of water.
$20 for a single jar of baby food.
Stores are struggling to restock
as the food distribution
network is hit hard by the blackout.
From the cranes in the shipyards
that rely on power
to the trucks which rely on gas
to carry goods to warehouses,
America's food supply network
has practically ground to a halt.
Anyway, I went to the corner store,
the only thing I could get
from there was a banana.
Now we're on our way to the store.
Now this is really going to be fun.
We're going to be in there
with the crazies.
They're gonna be grabbing everything
off the shelf that they can find,
including crap that they would
never eat in a million years.
The lines are
around the block, and uh.
Going into the real world
since the blackout started,
and it's looking pretty grim.
I don't have any money, man.
You know me, you know me,
I've been in this neighborhood for years.
What do you got to trade?
Gasoline? I'll give you gas.
I'll give you ten bucks
for a gallon of that water.
Wait your turn, man.
Andrew, Andrew,
this is making me nervous.
Fella, I'll give you $30
for a gallon of that,
I'll give you 40 bucks
for a gallon of the water.
Back up. Back up.
I'll buy everyone in here
a gallon of water for $40.
- Get away.
- $40 for a gallon of water.
- 40?
- 40.
- You got cash?
- I got a credit card.
Credit card? Can't you read?
All right, hold on, my watch.
I have a designer watch
for a gallon of water.
Are you kidding me?
Come on, that's not going to be
worth anything, get out of here.
- Get your hands off me!
- Get out of here!
You're out of your damn mind.
Let's go!
Now we've received
multiple unconfirmed reports
of food-related riots and looting.
Police are struggling now
to keep up with the volume
of incidents
caused by the ongoing crisis.
The government has said it is
working closely with suppliers.
But with a growing sense of uncertainty,
basic needs for food and water
may well lead people
to commit acts of desperation.
Anything you can find,
like shoelaces, belts.
I've got a belt.
OK. You have
a laptop charger, right?
Yeah, I have, I have two.
I have one and a backup.
that's elastic would help.
Everything that we could use
to build a harness and get out of here.
The most important message that I have
for the public right now
is please listen
to what your state and local
officials are saying.
I have a scarf.
OK, that could help us out.
We have to make something
very sturdy and elastic.
Will, uh, , some pantyhose work?
OK, I think we have everything
we need right here.
Let's start off with the belts.
If the public's not following
that makes it more dangerous for people,
and it means that we
could have fatalities
that could have been avoided.
Hey, Mommy.
Hi, honey.
You OK?
Yeah, I am.
Your brother's just coming.
He is making a lot of
movements in there.
At least there won't
be any traffic, right?
We are a little low on gas.
Oh, come on.
So these two strap belts
are going around the legs.
This will go around the lower back.
This white part right here's
gonna go around our chest
to keep our chest tight.
And these two straps right here
are going to go around
our shoulders
and we're gonna propel ourselves up.
Steve, I need to you to hurry up.
I need you to go faster, Steven.
I'm going as fast as I can.
It's going to be OK, honey.
We're gonna be with the doctor soon.
If you guys get out of here safe,
you guys get somebody
back out here to help me
and get me the hell out of here.
Yeah, I'm a little too healthy.
That's why I don't want
to make this climb.
Just listen, and let's
get this show on the road.
I can't make that climb.
I won't make that climb.
Steve, please.
There's no stop lights,
so I got to be careful.
We've got to get there safe.
Go faster, Daddy. Come on.
You'll be just fine.
OK, Matt, how
about if I just go first, OK?
Yeah, I'd be OK with that.
Are you sure, Dee?
Oh, Steve, I don't know
if I'm gonna make it.
I'm scared.
It's OK, baby.
This is how it's supposed to be.
We need to get to a hospital!
It's not going to wait.
It's not going to wait?
What do you mean?
Can't you hold it?
- It's coming now.
- Now?
It's coming now.
My wife's in labor!
Can you help us?
It's OK, it's OK.
Mommy, are you OK?
I don't know what's wrong.
It's OK, baby.
OK, lady, how you doing?
Sweetheart, do you mind
putting the camera down
and just holding
your mommy's hand for me?
- Mm-hmm.
- OK.
Right here, right here. This, this.
This, this, this.
Yeah, let's make sure it's tight.
Everything's going to be OK,
all right, Dee?
You're going to make it up there.
It's far, but it's not that far,
far up there, OK?
Just look at the light, listen to me.
Whatever you do,
don't look down, all right?
Make sure it's tight.
All right, OK.
OK, take the first step.
I'm right here behind you.
I'm gonna support you.
OK. All right, I got ya.
Oh! Oh, God, I can't do this.
Dee, yes, you can.
Come on. You can do this!
This afternoon,
the President has declared
a nationwide state of emergency.
And that means people
in all of the impacted areas
will be eligible for federal aid
and assistance.
Until power is restored,
U.S. banks and investment markets
will remain closed.
So as you can imagine,
the impact is being felt worldwide.
There we go, right.
He's here.
Can you say hi?
He's so cute, right?
You were a little tricky,
weren't you, buddy?
Is he one day old?
Not quite.
Ha ha! He's what? It's what?
I don't know what time it is.
Probably half an hour old?
I love you.
Yeah, Dee.
I made it to the top.
There's, there's this ledge up here.
Oh, thank God!
Can you see any way out?
I see the light,
but there's some sort of like,
like grid or something in the way.
A grid?
What does that mean?
I can't get through.
If I get up there,
do you think I can get through
with my knife?
OK, we're gonna try
and get up there, Dee.
Hold tight, Dee.
I'm throwing down the harness, OK?
Hold on.
Let us get out of the way.
OK, watch out!
The blackout crisis continues
with no clear end in sight.
Urban centers have been
the hardest hit by the blackout,
but suburban and rural areas
have not been immune to the crisis.
Dad! Dad!
There's someone at the fence.
At our fence?
Yeah, they want food.
How many people?
Are they on this side of the fence
or the other side of the fence?
The other side of the fence.
Are they armed?
No, I don't think so.
Slow down.
Hey, hey, how you doing, neighbor?
What are you looking for?
Look, you probably don't know me.
I'm your neighbor.
I just live over there.
Well, look, we're kind of running
short on, on supplies,
so, food, water, we were just wondering
if you can help us out
with a little, a little something.
Maybe, maybe just
something that will get us
through the day, you know.
What's happening?
There's a neighbor, wants food.
I have nothing to offer you.
I got, I got kids, man,
and a wife and we just...
Yeah, I do, too.
What are you doing?
But you guys have been
coming up here all the time,
and I know you got to have
something you can spare.
Hey, we have a couple
extra cans of food.
We have a two-year supply.
What the hell
are you doing here?
Get back in the house.
Get back in the house, Jason.
We have things to spare, Hank.
Just keep your mouth shut.
Just keep your mouth shut, Jason, OK?
Look, I'm going to be very clear
about this, OK?
I don't have anything for you
or your family.
He even said it.
He even said you got stuff to spare.
I don't have anything for you.
I'm sure you can go into town
where there's the Red Cross,
and you can go in there
and they'll give you
some supplies, OK?
We just need something
for today, man.
You're not going to get anything
from me today, OK?
The best thing for you to do right now
is to go back to your family
and take care of your family.
I have nothing.
You're wasting your time here.
Back off from that fence.
Would you please
back off from that fence?
All right, all right.
All right, you keep those hands up
and you start walking.
All right, all right, man.
Jason, I need you to get
in the house right now.
You just remember this, man.
What goes around comes around.
Don't threaten me.
Do not threaten me.
I ain't threatening.
That's a promise, man.
Hank, has Jason gone?
OK, I want you to slowly go
back to the house, OK?
OK, it's right there.
You OK?
I'm OK.
All right, just, all right,
just lean back, just lean back.
I made it.
OK, OK, I found the saw.
How we gonna get through that?
I don't know.
Hey, cover your eyes.
Oh, my God!
Are you OK?
This is gonna take all day.
We're not going anywhere.
Earlier today, the President declared
a nationwide dusk-to-dawn
curfew effective immediately.
Leaders in Washington hope
to get a handle on the looting
and the widespread crime
that's now being reported
all across the country.
The number of gun-related incidents
continues to rise as well.
Expect to see the National Guard
in the streets very soon.
Please remember
that all laws remain in effect,
and criminal behavior will be prosecuted
to the fullest extent.
Hey, guys, VJ here.
Out in the streets.
Man, I don't know what's going on,
but there are a ton of cop cars
out right now.
Yeah, heard people talking about a lot
of break-ins happening
in a whole bunch of stores around here,
and someone got shot.
I don't know.
There's a lot of bad vibes out here,
and I got to get out of here.
Ladies and gentlemen,
at this point our generator
is nearly out of fuel.
Now, in the days to come,
we hope to be able
to resume broadcasting
and find you and your family
safe and secure.
Come on!
Open it!
I'm trying!
Oh, my God. Oh, no!
Come on, come on,
come on, come on!
Come on, come on, come on!
Come on, come on!
Help us!
Please, anybody help us!
Where is everybody?
There's nobody down there!
Oh, my God!
There's nobody down there!
What? What?
Help us! We're right here!
Last night I heard
some pretty interesting things.
There's people out there
in a bad situation
who aren't prepared,
and they're, you know,
bad people do bad things.
You are listening to KMY-FM,
your national radio station
for all the latest updates.
After a night of rioting and violence,
President Obama is calling
for rationing and fair allocation
of resources across the country.
The federal government
is now overseeing
the nation's food, gas,
and water supplies,
with priority given
to the emergency services
and armed forces.
As angry scenes continue this morning,
FEMA has assured the public
that food and water
is being distributed
to the general population
as quickly as possible.
Police chiefs have appealed
to the public to remain calm,
expressing concerns over
the alleged number of civilians
who are now armed.
Found this little bad boy
in Mom's closet.
Show this off to you guys.
A little preview.
All right, guys, I'm gonna take
my camera out with me,
gonna see what's going on.
have continued this afternoon.
Riot police are now at a number
of city center locations
to contain and control
this volatile situation.
You know, we're just in the park,
you know, trying to get some water.
There were people waiting
out there for hours,
probably all night.
All hell broke loose,
people started pushing,
and the cops came,
and they were herding us like cattle.
I know my rights!
Pushing us around,
and batons and guns,
almost like we were animals.
Stop, stop, stop.
I can't believe that just happened.
It's so bad out there,
I can't believe it.
What is that?
Peaches? You, you stole peaches!
I just grabbed what was there.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.
I should have got some, like, water.
I can't believe you stole it.
I'll buy you a whole case of peaches.
I want an apology.
Gemma, stay back, stay back.
Oh, my God.
Give me that can.
You serious?
What are you doing here, man?
What are you doing?
I've got kids. They're hungry.
Babe. No.
You're gonna mug me
for a can of peaches?
If I have to, I will.
I don't want to do it, but I have to.
You don't understand.
No. No. No, this is all we have.
You've got enough.
Look, look, look, look, take my wallet.
You can go out and...
The ATMs aren't even working!
I don't want to do this with you,
all right?
I really don't.
OK, I understand you're in
a hard spot. We are, too.
Put that camera away now.
Gemma, keep recording, Gemma.
Stop! No!
Andrew! No!
There's more and more
people on the street,
and there's more and more fear
in people's eyes and violence
as I experienced today.
And uh, I'm scared.
I'm so hungry.
I'm so hot, I'm so frustrated.
I just want this all to be over.
Lance, buddy!
Can you hear us?
I'm gonna drop down the harness.
Here it comes, buddy.
I've got it.
Is he mad?
He's just a little sad right now.
It's OK.
Want to try feeding him?
Hey, listen, I'm gonna go,
I'm gonna try and find us
some food, OK?
'Cause I know you're pretty hungry.
Listen, I have an important job
for you while I'm gone.
OK, an important job.
I have for you
a box full of batteries
that fit right in your camera.
OK, so I want you to use these
and make sure
that camera's always on.
Don't miss anything.
So when I get back,
I can see everything that I missed.
OK, you and Mom and Jack.
Got it?
Can you take that mission?
Do you promise you'll come back?
I promise. Promise. OK?
Bye, Daddy!
See you soon.
I'm gonna open the peaches.
I can't open them, electric.
I didn't even think about that.
Is it working?
No, it's not.
I'm just gonna get metal
in the peaches.
Oh, my God, let me see!
Oh, God.
Can you wrap it?
Oh, my gosh, that needs stitches.
It really does.
Just, just...
Here, tight.
Here, eat this.
I'm in my closet right now.
I can hear people outside,
and it sounds like these voices
are getting closer.
I can hear, I can smell burning,
I think people are setting fire
to buildings.
I'm getting really, really nervous.
I'm not quite sure
what I should do.
Mommy! Mommy!
Why, what happened?
Fire! Fire!
Fire, there!
My God. Stay here.
I have to get your brother.
Don't move.
Stay there, OK?
Oh, my God.
Mommy! Mommy!
Mommy, are you OK?
Molly, come here,
Molly, come here.
Oh, my God.
Get us out, Mommy, get us out,
get us out, get us out!
I'm trying, hold on.
Mommy, hurry!
I know, honey, I'm trying!
Is there anything there? No.
It's, it's quarter to 1,
and Dad has finally let
me do night patrol,
I have...
30 more minutes until Dad takes over.
I've seen an owl, seen a bat.
It's a little boring, but, I mean,
it's OK.
I think that's all.
Let's keep this between the two of us.
Yeah, thanks, thanks a lot.
Jason, I got it all on film.
Dad's gonna kill him.
Out of here!
I'm trying to open it!
Come on, come on, out!
Get out, get out, go!
Are you OK?
Mommy, I'm sorry. I did it, I'm sorry.
All that matters is that you're OK.
We got to get your brother
to the hospital, OK?
OK. OK, Molly,
I need you to stay right here, OK?
Stop, please!
My baby, my house,
I got to get to the hospital really fast.
Molly, come on, get in the car.
We got to go! We got to go!
We got to get the baby
to the hospital.
What about Daddy?
He's gonna find us, baby. We got to go.
Are you sure he'll find us?
Baby, he'll find us, OK?
We got to go. Your brother's
really sick right now.
Here at KMY-FM,
we've heard that hundreds
of house fires
are burning out of control
across the region tonight.
Candles, gas stoves,
and home generators
have all caused accidents,
which fire chiefs say they are
unable to bring under control
due to the ongoing problems
with the water supply.
EMTs and hospital staff have
been working round the clock
to deal with the number of casualties,
but with reports that the city morgue
no longer has a working generator,
the question for authorities now is
what will happen to the dead
as the blackout body count
continues to rise?
So I've been out all night checking
just about every hospital I can find,
and there's still no sign of my mom yet.
Hey, you with the camera!
Oh, crap, I got to get out of here!
Gosh, there are way too many gangs
down here.
Oh, my God. All right.
What the...
Police car.
What, what the hell?
Geez, oh, my God.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Oh, geez. Body bags.
Get the hell out of here.
Dad, where are you going?
What are you...
Jason, did you give some food away
last night?
Jason, did you give away any food
last night?
No, sir.
You're lying to me.
I know for a fact that you
gave some food away.
Some neighbors did come by.
Some neighbors came by?
I didn't give them a lot, though.
It doesn't matter how much you give them!
You listen to me!
If you ever do that again,
if you ever compromise
my family, the food!
That's not compromising,
that's helping out.
It's not helping out, you understand?
It's hindering us.
Don't you understand what you've done?
You've compromised not only
the supply of food,
but now we're gonna have...
Dad, what's going on?
Do you have no morals
Please, sweetheart, please just...
What's happening?
Honey, I've got this
under control, OK?
Can he, can you just stop?
No, no, don't turn that off, son,
you keep that on.
I want proof that I told you, OK?
Do you want...
Shut your mouth, OK?
Way to be a crappy person
keeping it for ourselves.
Let me tell you something...
Dad, calm down!
If you ever do that again,
I will lock you up, do you understand?
This is not how this
was supposed to go.
We have got to stick to the plan, OK?
Now we're going to bump it
up to level two.
Oh, my God.
This was kind of cool in the beginning.
You know, we threw a lot of parties.
We had a lot of fun,
but I'm getting tired of it.
This is
a public service announcement from FEMA.
If you are having problems with
the water supply in your area,
please avoid drinking
from unfamiliar sources
as there is a risk of contamination.
Report to your nearest
Red Cross center
where safe supplies will be
provided as soon as possible.
Hospitals continue to provide
emergency services only,
due to the limited gas available
for backup generators,
so please do not seek medical assistance
unless your condition
is life-threatening.
Just got back from the hospital.
I was asking around, the guards,
hey, you know, this is
the hospital my mom works at,
do you know if she's here?
I want to see her, she's a nurse.
And they end up kicking me out of there
because they said,
oh, there's only urgent,
urgent cases only in here.
They told me to go to one
of these Red Cross camps
or something.
But I feel safer here.
I didn't want to go to anywhere
like that and just...
I miss my mom so much.
FEMA is working in partnership
with law enforcement agencies
to ensure that aid is distributed fairly
to all citizens.
If there are delays to supplies
in your area,
we ask that you remain patient
and respect the police
as they try to do their job.
By order of
the city of Pittsburgh Chief of Police,
you must leave.
If you do not disperse,
you may be arrested
and/or subject to other police action.
We just got back from Central Park,
and we got some supplies.
but it's a...
it's a mob scene.
I know people say that word all the time,
but it truly is a mob scene out there.
I've never been so scared
for my life, ever, ever, ever.
Look at what has become of us.
Why is nobody helping us?
What are we supposed to do?
Police chiefs
and the National Guard have again
called on the public to respect
the curfew and obey the law.
There will be zero tolerance
for both criminal and vigilante gangs
who seem intent on breaking the curfew.
People are seriously acting
like animals now.
This cop came up to me
and tried to take my camera off me,
like I was some kind of criminal
or something.
I mean, what is this world coming to?
When you think of a cop,
you think that they're
trying to help you,
they're trying to be civil.
Nothing's safe anymore,
I don't even know.
Nothing's safe.
Oh, my God, I just heard something.
I swear I just heard something.
Thank God.
If this is help, I swear.
Oh, my God.
It's hard to see out here,
and I'm a little scared, it's so dark.
I can't see anything.
Oh, no! Oh, God.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.
No, no.
No, no.
No, no!
No, no, no!
Message to all ham radio operators
and true patriots tuning in.
Today, there is talk of martial law.
This means you no longer have
any constitutional rights.
The government can take your fuel,
your food, your water,
they can take the guns and ammunition
that are your God-given right,
and they can shoot you
if you don't comply.
I urge all true patriots to resist
these measures at all costs.
Stay patient, stay secure,
and stay armed.
So what's going on?
What's going on like outside?
Outside of here and everything?
What's happening?
It's getting worse, son.
People are rioting, looting.
All the food supplies
and the water supplies.
There's people out there
right now that are starving.
We're going to have to fight
for whatever food
those people out there want to get,
'cause they didn't prepare like us.
Jason, you gonna eat your food?
No, I'm not that hungry.
You better finish that food, son.
I don't feel good.
Eat your food!
What if I throw up?
Then you'll eat that. I don't care.
What did I just say?
I'm not hungry.
Give me that.
We're still here.
Not much has changed,
except I made that sweet pigeon trap.
Um, which will definitely work.
I found this lighter, though.
Oh, and I still have my battery charger.
And we found this guy.
So, well... he's, he's not doing good.
Then we got rain water,
which is freaking disgusting,
but you know,
you got to drink, right?
Oh, Mr. Sun, where did you go?
Come out to play on this nice day
So the world ended,
and actually it's probably
the first time in a really long while
that I have been this at peace.
You see, I, I had debt, I had a lot of it,
and debt doesn't exist
when society no longer exists,
so I haven't been getting
any more harassing phone calls
from bill collectors.
Reports just into us at KMY confirm
that the President today
made a historic request
for aid from the international community.
He said it was humbling to admit
that, without electricity,
America simply cannot
provide its citizens
with sufficient fuel, food,
water, or medical supplies
to keep society afloat.
He added that he was confident
that the international response
would be both generous and swift,
and that the assistance would arrive
before these vital resources
completely run out.
See these batteries?
These are my last two batteries
for my camera.
Mommy, is baby Jack OK?
Baby, he's going to be just fine,
all right?
But I need you to be strong for me, OK?
Do you know how much I love you?
- Mm-hmm.
- Come here.
These people aren't very well.
There's one of the lights that's working.
A doctor told me there are generators,
but the generators run on fuel,
and there's not much fuel left.
Where are you, Daddy, and when
are you going to come to get us?
To the parents of Lance...
I won't ever meet you,
you won't ever know me,
but I knew your son.
He was,
he was one of the good ones.
We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.
OK, so
there's the moon right there.
There we go, there's the fence,
and yeah...
There's two of them.
Oh, God, oh, God.
Oh I got to go tell Dad.
Oh, my God!
Quiet! Quiet!
Take us to the food,
and you won't get hurt.
Turn that thing off!
Go in.
Where's it at? Where's it at?
This way.
It's in there.
It's been eight days since Mom left,
and I haven't heard from her since.
I've noticed lately there's,
there's been a lot more people outside.
I'm never, never going outside again.
Dad, Dad. Somebody just...
Somebody just broke in.
- What?
- What?
- Somebody just broke in?
- Yes.
They wanted our food.
Go wake up your sister and Jason.
We're going down to the bunker.
We're going down in the bunker.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
It's OK. Are they still in the house?
No, I don't, no, I don't think so.
Cheryl, Cheryl, wake up!
OK, OK, I'm waking up!
Jason, come on.
Dad wants you to wake up.
Come on.
Are they still in the house, son?
No, I don't think so. They, they held me.
OK, follow me, OK?
Careful, Hank.
But you don't know
if they're in the house?
I, I thought they left.
They held me until they got all the food.
Are you OK?
Yeah, they didn't hurt me.
How many were there?
I don't know, like two, three.
They took all of our stuff.
I'm sorry.
OK, all right.
Get in the bunker right away, OK?
Cheryl, Jason!
Come on.
Come on, get down here,
we're going to the bunker now!
Let's go!
You guys get down there.
All right, all right.
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go, let's go.
Watch your step here.
I've got the light.
Come on.
Son, I need you to get in the bunker.
I know.
Let me know
when they're all in there.
Get hunkered down, OK?
All right.
Need a light?
Do we have light? OK.
Well, now what?
Now we just wait.
Luckily, I still got light on this camera.
Been saving the battery
ever since the...
It's been about a week and a half
since we had power.
We're all, we're all worried
about what's gonna happen next.
You're listening to the World Service
broadcasting from London.
The United Nations has launched
the largest coordinated
aid mission in its history.
Shipments of supplies
from Britain, Japan, Germany,
and many other countries
are now being delivered
to America's shores
in an effort to relieve
the devastating effects
of the nationwide blackout
now entering its tenth day.
The U.S. government
says engineers are close to isolating
the malicious code
that took down the grid,
and a system-wide reboot
could see power restored
to some areas today.
But who is responsible
for this catastrophic cyber attack
is still not known,
and repairing all the physical
damage to the grid
could take months or even years.
For the millions of people whose lives
have been devastated by the blackout,
the homeless, the sick,
the missing,
and relatives of the dead,
all are now wondering how they
will put their shattered lives
and separated families
back together again...
We've been at the,
the Red Cross campsite
for a whole night.
It's different and scary.
A lot of people, a lot of strangers.
What are you doing?
Baby, I'm going to see
if we can't find out
about some food and water, OK?
OK, I mean, I don't have a picture.
I don't really know,
I don't really know what to do.
He's 35, he has brown hair.
Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
Mommy, look!
Mommy, look, Daddy's here,
he put our picture up.
Mommy, Daddy's here, Daddy's here!
He's here, he's here, Mommy!
He's here, Mommy!
He's here! He is here!
Mommy he put, he put.
Molly, Molly, I need you to stop.
It doesn't mean that he's here, OK?
It just means he might
have been here. All right?
Take a deep breath,
we're gonna go ask.
OK, so welcome to my bunker video.
There's Cheryl, and there's Jason.
Playing some odd game.
Been down here for about
two days now, so, yeah.
There's Mom.
You still, you still reading that book?
Yep. Look.
Dad, what are you doing?
What's happening?
No, no, no. We've got some
people out on the compound.
- What?
- What?
No. One, two, one, two...
I don't believe it.
No. OK, all right,
that's too many people.
That's too many people,
so we got people.
Oh, shoot!
They've discovered the fuel.
What? What's going on?
That's gonna cripple us,
that is gonna cripple us.
- What's going on?
- No, I don't believe it.
Look how many people
there are out there.
What are we gonna do?
We got to stop them,
'cause if they, they come back for that,
they're gonna come back for more.
They're gonna keep coming back.
OK, I got to go out there.
No, no, you guys just stay here, OK?
Dad. No. Please?
I don't want you
going out there. No.
Don't worry about me, OK?
We'll lose everything
if I don't stop them right now.
They've got to know
that they can't get away.
How are you going to stop them?
What are you going to do?
What can you... Dad?
Now they're coming back, see?
I don't want you to go up there.
Why are you doing this?
You guys stay here.
Dad, Dad, come on, no, don't.
Please, can you go
back over to the table?
No, I don't want you to go up there.
I want you to go back to the table, OK?
Honey, please?
It's too risky.
- It's not.
- No.
What if you don't come back?
I'll be back, OK?
I don't want you to go up there.
Just go back there.
I'll be back. Don't worry, OK?
I'm not sure about that.
Just stay down here, OK?
What is that?
I think it's coming from the basement.
What are we gonna do?
He can't just be up there.
Well, we just stay put like Dad said.
Just, just wait.
No, no! Where is he?
Just wait.
What are we gonna do?
We're not going to do anything.
Dad's up there.
He already, wait. Where is he?
There he is, OK?
There he is. Wait, wait.
Oh! Who has him?
Oh, my God.
What's happening?
Somebody has him with a knife.
He's gonna get killed.
I'm going.
Jason, do you even know
what to do with that gun?
Come on, baby,
we got to get some water.
We need some water, too.
Hold on. No. sir, hold on.
Please, sir, get back!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Mommy! Mommy!
Mommy! Mommy!
Molly? Molly?
Molly? Molly!
Have you seen my daughter?
Have you seen my daughter?
She's eight, she has red hair, please?
Please, have you seen my daughter?
Have you seen my daughter?
She's eight, she has red hair.
Please. Molly!
Put the knife down.
Jason, son.
Put down the knife.
Jason, son, what are you doing?
If you guys wanted food,
you should have prepared, OK?
Take it easy, son.
I don't want to hurt him.
Jason, let them have whatever they want.
There's too many of them.
If you don't put the knife down
in three seconds,
I will shoot you.
Who's there?
I have a gun.
What the heck?
Oh, God!
The power's back on.
Thank God!
- Hank?
- Jason?
Sarah. It's all over.
Mom, I'm all right.
I'll call you later, I swear.
We're gonna be OK.
I love you.
We're gonna be all right.
Oh, God.
Steven? Steven!
Matt! Matt!
Matt, you got to come see this.
Come here, come on!
You're gonna want to film this.
The lights are coming back on.
They're on. They're on!
They're actually on.
I've got service! I've got service!
Yeah, yeah.
There were four of us.
You're coming.