American night (2021) Movie Script

to see you again, shakey.
This is your last chance.
Don't screw up
the delivery again.
The courier's name is Vincent.
From the airport, you will
take a taxi to the corner
of Pearl and Fletcher.
Right on the corner
is a martial arts gym.
Enter the martial arts gym
from the back
and make sure no one sees you.
Inside of the locker room,
there's a courier's bag.
Hide the painting
inside of the bag
and then get out
as fast as you can.
This is your last chance.
No more mistakes.
I'm all better now.
not a problem anymore.
I hope so, shakey.
This package is worth a fortune.
Now this is a much
more effective stance
for killing a man
with a golf club,
which is completely different
with the proper stance
with killing a man
with a baseball bat.
Fuck off, man, I fucking paid
for that fucking drink!
I can stay for as long
as I fucking want!
Get out!
I'll kill all you
fucking assholes!
Okay, let's assume
that this is the golf club.
However, the handle's all wrong.
No, it's not wrong, it's
the right way to kill him quick.
The key to a quick death
is all in the stance.
Matter of balance, all right?
It's the angle,
speed of the swing.
Not to mention all
the different types of impact
and their effect.
We're talking a hit
to the temple, to the jaw,
to the neck and so on.
I'm clear on the style
and elegance in your swing,
and I do not doubt
your technique.
I'm just saying one stroke
won't kill your adversary.
It's gonna take a few strikes
to finish him off.
You have no idea what
you're talking about.
It's time. They're all here.
You don't believe me.
I have to tell you.
Listen, I'll tell you.
Then he starts
shooting in the yard
like some kind of cowboy.
He's not shooting,
he's painting.
Well, the time of
the rubinos has come...
To the end.
My condolences.
Michael, sorry for your loss.
May his memory be a blessing.
Jesus, what a tragedy.
He was a father to all of us.
Mikey, I've been
talking to the elders.
They accept you as the new boss,
but on one condition:
This Picasso artsy-fartsy
painting thing of yours,
they just can't stomach it.
Try and understand.
To them,
it just says... weakness.
Now promise me
you're gonna stop, okay?
You wouldn't wanna
make them angry.
- My condolences, Michael.
- Thank you.
Today is your birthday,
and so I wanna
show you something.
You see, Michael,
Marilyn is watching you.
She is the symbol of our empire,
and our protector.
This painting is something else
you will inherit from me.
One day it will be yours,
along with everything else
that is mine.
It's time.
Give the courier a nice welcome.
This is a security announcement.
Please do not...
Manhattan it is, sir.
I know where it is,
I will drive over there.
Let's move it, please. Let's go!
A gentle breeze, a hammock,
the sound of the waves.
I deliver it,
and then I go home.
I deliver it, and then I go,
Can you go faster, please.
Faster, faster.
- Faster, go faster.
- What?
Faster! Faster!
What the fuck! What's going on?
Oh, my god.
What's going on?
Get the fucking
out from my taxi!
Get out!
- Move it, move it!
- Okay, okay.
Now the word "shuriken"
literally means
"hidden hand blade."
It was originally designed
to distract during combat
and for the most part
used by samurai.
Now, let's get back
to our martial arts star,
one of the greatest
fighters in the world...
Using non-telegraphic
moves in perfect balance...
Look, this gallery
is my entire future.
It's opening in two weeks.
I don't care if you've gotta go
to the head of the fund.
I want that money now.
I went by the bank. Here.
I took out the last of it,
but, John, we're in the red.
Place the painting
inside of the bag
and then get out
as fast as you can.
You mean I
shouldn't wait for the money?
These are your instructions.
Please don't argue.
This package is worth a fortune.
This is your last chance.
No mistakes.
I would like to buy
one of your gym bags.
Fucking psycho, man?
Get the fuck out!
Fuck off, man! I fucking
paid for that fucking drink!
I can stay for as long
as I fucking want!
Go on, get out!
I'll kill you all,
you fucking assholes!
Okay, let's assume that
this is the golf club.
However, the handle's all wrong.
No, it's not wrong.
It's the right way
to kill him quick.
The key to a quick death
is all in the stance.
It's a matter of
balance, all right?
It's the angle,
speed of the swing.
All right, one huevos rancheros.
- And your fork, sir.
- Thank you.
We're talking a hit
to the temple, to the jaw,
to the neck, and so on.
You never had
huevos rancheros before?
Don't they got Mexicans
where you're from?
Very few.
You know what?
They coming, homie.
And they taking
all your worst jobs.
What brings you to New York?
Ah, man, can't be easy
being away from family.
Yeah, yeah.
Got any kids?
A girl.
Wow, must be proud.
Yes, I am.
Enjoy that, man.
Best whiskey in town.
You hate me, hence you're
the only one I can trust.
Everyone in New York
has a problem.
- I don't know how to thank you.
- Save it.
I gotta go.
Let me ask you
something, Johnny.
You sleep through the night?
No, no. No, no. Please, please.
Where is it?
I... I... I don't know.
Give me the package now.
- Huh?
- I don't know. I don't know.
Freeze, police.
Finish him.
The fuck!
All the worst jobs.
Come on.
Welcome to america.
Let's go after them.
It's authentic.
I'm... I'm calling on behalf
of the erwin panofsky museum.
I'd like to express
our heartfelt condolences.
Your father was a generous man.
We would have preferred
thanking him in person
for his last donation,
of course, but...
What painting
are you talking about?
I'm sorry, I thought you knew.
The Mario schifano.
Mario schifano's "Coca-Cola."
Not Mario schifano's
"Coca-Cola" too.
What a fucking asshole!
You've got one of the biggest
collections in the city.
What are you getting
so worked up about?
You know how bad
Nazi soldiers are, right?
Now imagine
not just an ordinary Nazi,
but a fucking Nazi general.
A fucking ruthless assassin
trained to command
thousands of other fucking
ruthless Nazi assassins.
Picture the most evil
motherfucker you can think of,
and I will tell you
the real-life story
of how this evil motherfucker
put his life at stake
for a fucking bridge.
You follow me?
During the second world war,
the anglo-American troops
had invaded southern Italy,
and they were marching up north
and passing through Tuscany.
So Hitler gave the order to bomb
all the Bridges in Florence
to stop the advancing army.
But he failed to take
into account the power of art.
What do Bridges have
to do with anything?
Our ruthless Nazi general
was in charge of Florence.
He carried out the order to bomb
all the Bridges in the city,
but when he got
to ponte vecchio,
the beauty,
the fucking beauty of
the bridge cast a spell on him.
The only bridge in the world
with shops and homes...
A renaissance masterpiece...
And he stopped.
He chose to disobey a direct
order from the fuhrer,
do you understand?
A crazy thing to do, suicidal,
capable of changing
the outcome of the entire war.
And that day...
That general
decided not to block
the enemy advance...
For a fucking work of art.
Why did he care so much
about that fucking bridge?
You don't understand.
Because he understood the value
a 500-year-old bridge
in Tuscany had...
For all mankind.
A mirror can show you your face,
but art can show you your soul.
That's the power,
that's the value of art.
But how valuable could
it be possibly be?
Fuck the "Coca-Cola."
That's just another way
my father screwed me.
But trading away
the pink Marilyn...
That's my inheritance.
My father promised it to me,
and I want it back...
Because it's mine.
You never told me
what you think.
Your paintings?
Sorry to bother you, sir.
There's been a setback.
The dead rockstars diner was
a fucking bloody shit show.
Five shot dead.
Slick Jake
and Billy were killed.
Who did it?
Still don't know.
We think others
were there waiting,
others who knew
about the painting.
My father, your grandfather,
came back after a long day
in the coal mines.
He was a big man,
feared by everyone.
That day, his face
was completely black.
All I could see were his eyes
and his large hands,
and he was holding a knife.
And I saw there was blood on it.
He had killed a man, understand.
When we came to america
on my birthday,
my father gave me
that knife and told me...
"The dog licking your hand
can't see the knife
you are hiding in the other."
In that moment, I felt
that the power of steel
and the honor of being a rubino.
Your grandfather created
our empire with that knife.
And so I am giving you
the very same knife.
Enough with the crayons.
And now, the courier
is nowhere to be found.
You're gonna be
nowhere to be found too
if you don't bring me
the pink Marilyn right away.
Tell me the truth, John.
Those men were there
for you, weren't they?
They were looking for some guy.
All those people
who were killed.
Yesterday, they
were humdrum people.
Today, everybody's
calling them heroes.
Better alive than a hero.
What about the gallery?
I got a plan.
You keep playing it cool
like it's nothing.
You have a gift.
You're the best...
You're gonna have to trust me.
I'm dealing with lord Morgan.
He's out of our lives forever.
The gallery is gonna work.
I'm doing all this for us.
I'll come back for you,
you know I will.
Open your eyes, John.
Open your eyes.
One, the first thing
is my name, John.
Two, the second
thing is her eyes.
And three...
Her smile.
One, the first thing
is my name, John.
Two, the second thing
is her eyes.
Three, her smile.
And four...
The smell of toast
in the morning.
I will not
feel this pain.
You're a great forger, Johnny,
but you sold your fake
to the wrong guy.
I count the punches.
I taste my blood.
I am crying.
Yes, I am crying.
I might faint.
I might die.
I will resist.
Okay, okay, okay. Let's go.
Eat shit and die.
Eat shit and die.
He's here.
Please, Mr. Rubino,
don't hurt me.
My Marilyn...
She's coming home to me today.
She's like a woman
who's cheating on you.
She always knows when
she has to show up.
Days of death are over now.
I will be reborn with art.
Sit down.
I don't know anything.
I'm just a courier.
Fixing die.
Come here, little parrot.
Fixing die.
Boss, you okay?
How you feeling, New York!
Yeah. Yeah, okay, yeah.
May I use the phone?
And a vodka shot, please.
You got it, kid.
All right, all right,
let's stand back, folks.
There he is.
- Hey, John, just one photo.
- Before you go in!
This way, pal.
- Hey, John!
- Just one photo!
I heard about that.
A new, new artist
I've been hearing about.
Fuck off.
I've gotta talk to you.
What's on your face?
Don't ask.
A pleasure to see
you again, shakey.
This is your last chance.
Don't screw up
the delivery again.
You mean...
I shouldn't wait for the money.
These are your instructions.
- Please don't argue.
- Yes.
The package is in transit.
Oh, fuck!
Cut. Fuck it!
I'm sorry.
Uh... it wasn't my fault.
That fuck-up,
he messed up again.
It's just I'm having a mo...
Can-can someone...
Can you take me down, please?
Do we have it? I don't know.
I'm sorry, maestro.
It wasn't my fault,
the wire, it-it, uh...
You're fired.
I'm not... just... one more...
Can I get another chance here?
- One more shot?
- You're fired.
And this is the last one.
It's from Jack's neon signs.
They promised the front sign
would be installed
and working tonight.
I know, I know. I...
I didn't know where else to go.
How you doing?
Being alone is
excellent company.
Look, I can see
that you're pretty busy,
so I'm gonna cut to
the chase, all right. I...
I need some money.
It's just a loan, just to...
Get out of here.
You know...
Risking my fucking life
for my brother
was not a part of the deal.
I'm sorry, John.
Please forgive me,
all right? I fucked up.
It's just a loan. It's a loan.
I promise you.
You're out of luck.
I don't have anything.
Yeah, wait.
Okay, I'm gonna see
what I can do.
Meet me at the dead rockstars
diner in an hour.
And, vinny,
this is the last time.
After this, you're on your own.
Okay, thanks.
Empty your mind,
be formless,
shapeless like water.
Now, you put water into a cup,
it becomes the cup.
You put water into a bottle,
it becomes the bottle.
You put it in a teapot,
it becomes the teapot.
The water can flow
or it can crash.
Be water, my friend.
Vinnie, you're late
with your gym fees.
You know that I'm good for it,
I'm gonna pay you.
Listen, can we talk
in private for a second?
I got a little bit of a...
You must close your eyes
and feel with your inner eye.
I'm fine with my eyes open,
thank you very much.
Listen, I got a problem.
- Dizzy spells, I know.
- Yeah.
Dizzy means you must
find your balance.
Eyes closed is the key.
- You must try and try again.
- Right.
Your body must develop eyes,
your hands must become eyes.
You understand?
Not really.
This is profound teaching.
Practice you must,
with your eyes closed.
Thank you, sensei.
I went by the bank, here.
I took out the last of it,
but John we're in the red.
Do you want me to take
it to Vincent, or...?
No, I'll go.
Okay, tomorrow
Mr. Yang is confirmed.
Holy fucking shitballs.
Oh my god.
Whoo! Oh, my god!
Whoo! Yes!
Congrats, John.
Thank you.
- See you later.
- Yeah.
You all right?
- Are you hurt?
- No.
So what's a nice girl like you
doing in a place like this?
I just couldn't take it anymore.
It's been going on for years.
Have you ever risked
everything for someone?
So what's a nice boy like you
doing in a place like this?
It's been quite a day.
Empty your mind.
Be formless, shapeless...
Like water.
May I?
I'll be right with you, frank.
I'm sorry, this is
a restricted area of the museum,
and no visitors are allowed.
I imagined you older.
Yesterday, on the phone.
Oh, you're Tony rubino's son.
I'm sorry.
My mind is elsewhere
with all the new paintings.
Your schifano is one of them.
Right, the schifano.
To tell you the truth,
I'm here for another painting.
Surely a person dealing
with cezannes and michelangelos
will have no problem
with a minor artist.
I need a professional opinion.
Let me see.
The style is crude, primitive.
The paint was thrown onto
the canvas with great force.
And these holes. Bullets.
Yeah, .39 caliber.
So, it isn't worth
anything, then?
Conceptual, duchamp.
Polysemy, breaking off
from convention.
The canvas is cut
like a Fontana,
nothing we haven't seen before.
Got it. I won't buy it, then.
But this work goes beyond
what the others have done
in the past.
It's new. Powerful.
No doubt about it,
it's a good investment.
- Seriously?
- Mm-mm, yeah.
Even better
if it's a young painter.
It will be worth
even more in a few years.
I did it.
I told you I wanted
an objective opinion
without any bias.
Your father must have
appreciated your talent.
Just the opposite.
Fontana, Picasso.
These were great artists
for my father.
I hid that side of me from him.
I'm sorry.
Would you mind me asking
something indiscreet?
What do you say you stop hiding?
I'm curating my first
exhibition. We open tomorrow.
I would like you
to be part of it.
There was an artist.
He was a drunk.
Had no effect on his talent,
but he was a well-known drunk
and a famous artist of his time.
One day, the emperor called
this painter to the palace
for a competition.
He was anxious to meet
this elusive painter
that everyone had
been talking about.
And where was he?
He was late because
he's a drunk.
Eventually the doors
to the chamber opened up
and in staggered this shlumpy,
scruffy, unkempt little man.
As you can see in 500 years,
we don't change that much.
The man entered the room,
and underneath his arm,
he had a roll of rice paper,
brushes in one hand
and in the other,
three chickens...
Dangling by their feet.
Just like you are now,
the court burst out laughing,
but the painter
paid them no mind
and set about his work.
He unrolled the rice paper,
picked up one of his brushes,
and began to paint it blue.
You're crazy.
There's an audience
full of people.
I don't care.
Hey, promise me this is forever.
The emperor watched
closely as the painter
picked up the chickens,
dipped them in yellow
and red paint,
and then had them scuttle
about on the rice paper
one by one.
And when he was done,
he turned to the emperor
and announced:
"Maple leaves
on the yellow river in Autumn."
The crowd burst into applause.
The emperor Rose
to his feet in awe
and declared this painter
the champion of the competition.
Nothing is what it seems.
The artist is the madman,
the drunk, the genius.
Art and life are like the story.
A story within a story.
A dream within a dream.
John, you're my dream!
You're my dream!
He wasn't painting for fun.
He was painting
because he had no choice.
Humans need to create art.
Not for fun, not by chance...
But because we must.
We have no other choice
because this...
Is what makes us human.
Who wants to know how
this painting was stolen?
Can I call you back?
I was waiting for you for
two hours, where are you?
You can't even call
to tell me, right?
The mayor's wife sent flowers.
She's quite excited
about our opening.
And there's a man
who said he's an old friend.
Have him wait in the lab.
He's already in there,
making himself at home.
Olivia, would you
take an hour off?
- John.
- Mm-hmm.
More bills.
What do you want me to do?
I'm on it.
Hello, lord Morgan.
It's a great day.
This is a fantastic place.
Must have cost you a lot.
Let me guess,
you snatched the financing
from some arrogant
trust fund kid.
Or is that just a vicious rumor?
You know, I've been told
that you're still affected
by the numerous misfortunes
you've had to weather
during your long career.
It's almost as if your face was
mistaken for a punching bag.
People love to talk, you know.
They even make up stories and
they say all kinds of things.
I hear, you know,
that you've gone crazy.
You're convinced that
you'd become so powerful
that you can open up
your own gallery
without even coming to me
and say a single word
to me about it.
And so you ran right over.
Actually, I thought of you
because I had a feeling,
a feeling I haven't had
for a very, very long time.
Somebody gave me something,
something of great value,
something very beautiful.
And I realized that
what I really need from you
is your opinion.
I took the Liberty
of putting it on the easel
right over there.
Italian futurism, 1939.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know all the classic themes
of futurism and machines
and motors and explosions
and the roar of machine guns
and all that, yeah.
The brush stroke corresponds.
You can almost hear
the deafening noise
of the plane's propeller engine.
Signature corresponds.
Look at how the buildings
almost explode.
They're all blowing up
around the pilot
who's overwhelmed by
the thrill of the tilt.
Date corresponds,
subject is typical of crali.
I'm sure the original's
a masterpiece, Sam,
but this is a fake.
Crali used paints made
in the 1920s.
They were made by lechler
paint company of lake como.
In point of fact, the same
paints as Picasso used.
The paints used here were made
by Shiva oil paint of Wisconsin.
They didn't start
making paint till 1941.
Well, Johnny, you just
saved me a shitload of money.
Well, it wouldn't
be the first time.
How are you gonna
put it on the market?
I mean, you're
having a big meeting
with the Chinese investors.
Now you are aware
that I don't do that anymore.
Well, I mean, I've heard
that you're going around
with some goody two-shoes
who thinks she can drag
the devil into paradise.
And I don't think she realizes
that the whole thing
you're playing is a rigged game.
Now, let me get
straight to the point.
You see, your
investors have asked me
to do a risk assessment
of the gallery,
and it turns out to them
that it's too much of a risk.
Too much of a risk...
Or just not worth it to you?
The problem isn't the gallery.
There's no easy way to say it,
so I'll get straight to the
point: They're pulling out.
They want their money back,
and they want their money
in 48 hours, John.
Out of the question.
You think about it.
Mr. Kaplan.
Cancel all my
appointments for today.
I know it's not
a good moment, John,
but Sarah's here.
- Fuck!
- She's waiting for you.
- Mr. Kaplan.
- Hey, not now!
I'm sorry, not now.
No more excuses!
No more excuses!
No more excuses!
No more excuses!
No more excuses!
No more excuses!
Have you been drinking?
Come on.
Look, lord Morgan
just pulled the plug.
- If I don't figure it out...
- Him again.
I know, Sarah.
You and your promises.
I'm sorry.
Always an excuse ready.
Your pretty words
are not enough anymore.
I understand.
I don't want to be understood.
Okay, I'm listening.
I'm tired.
I can't take this anymore.
- We have no future, John.
- Oh, come on.
- It's over.
- No, it isn't.
I'd like you...
Shit! Wait here.
Hey, what the fuck?
To move your stuff out.
Down with the man!
Down with the man!
Hey. Hey!
Down with the man!
Down with the man!
Down with the man!
Down with the man!
Sarah! Sarah!
Come on.
Down with the man!
Down with the man!
We're gonna Bury the old guy,
and then we're gonna
send Michael to join him.
I'll take him and Mary
out to dinner at Rudy's
after the funeral.
All right. And we'll
take care of the rest.
Okay, we'll...
We'll come by Rudy's
later for dinner.
Thank you, Donnie.
He don't suspect a thing.
To a new beginning.
Deliver us
from the shivers of darkness.
Fill the bitter emptiness
of the lonely
with friends and loved ones.
Snuff out the embers of
nostalgia in voyagers' hearts.
And forsake us not
in the dark of night.
the dog licking your hand
can't see the knife
you are hiding in the other.
In that moment,
I felt the power of steel
and the honor of being a rubino.
Empty your mind.
Be formless,
shapeless like water.
You put water in a cup,
it becomes the cup.
You put water in a bottle,
it becomes the bottle.
You put water in a teapot,
it becomes the teapot.
Water can flow, or it can crash.
Be like water, my friend.
Powerful people
from every century,
from every part of the world,
have even gone to the length
of killing to obtain
a masterpiece.
Tell me, Katie, do you know
how the louvre was founded?
Napoleon stole hundreds
of statues and artwork
from Egypt and Rome,
put it all in a building,
and called it the louvre.
But the point is... why?
The same reason you're here.
Art is the most valuable
thing you can possess.
Napoleon needed art from
previous empires
to give weight and status
to the brand-new
empire he was building.
But to build your empire,
Michael, you need money.
And a lot too.
You've always been
fairly well compensated,
as far as I can recall.
As a matter of fact,
I'm looking forward
to working with you again.
So what is it?
A painting of mine that was
wrongfully taken from me.
Andy warhol's "pink Marilyn."
I want you to find it
and bring it back to me.
Like old times?
Like old times.
Same price?
I'll let you know as soon
as I find something.
Does this bag...
Mean anything to you?
Nope, what is it?
I'm taking up martial arts...
So I can pound the shit out of
whoever stole my painting.
Hello, neighbor.
- Hey.
- Going in or going out?
How about going out instead?
Maybe some other time.
Come on, it's a secret gig...
And I really wanna pay you back.
So you coming?
Mirror on the wall
will we rise or fall?
It's a miracle
it's a beautiful thing
it's so magical
how you make my heart sing
am I wastin' time
looking for the sun
where do we go from here
it's not really clear how
such a winding growth
I just need to know now
but you're
hanging out a sign
getting lost
in American night
and I'm waking up to find
well, I'm falling
I keep falling
for you
for you
I've always heard
about these secret gigs,
but I always thought they were
one of New York's urban legends.
So, we'll short break right now,
but we'll hang around
for the next guest.
You made art sexy.
You did.
- No, I didn't.
- You made it rock and roll.
The stories you tell
and the things you write,
they make people wanna
live in this world,
and they don't even care
if it's true or not.
How dare you!
I'm sor... I'm sorry.
I'm joking.
What do you say we
get out of here.
Holy is art,
holy is the adventure,
holy is giotto tinged with gold
while the people were
starving to death.
Holy is Allen Ginsberg
who recites the kaddish
for his dead mother.
Holy is pier paolo pasolini
who projects the gospel
according to St. Matthew
on his shirt.
Holy is Marco Polo,
the explorer,
at the court of the kublai Khan.
Holy are the cloistered
monks who chopped
and then ground gold with salt
to extract
the precious pigments.
I am me, and I am the painting,
and I am the gaze.
I am the canvas,
white, stretched,
forced down onto wood by nails,
and I'm the color on the canvas.
No wonder time magazine
published this, John.
It's amazing.
- Fuck.
- Sarah!
Sarah! God, Sarah!
Come back!
I'm sorry!
It's a difficult time.
It's okay. I have to go anyway.
Here you are. Thank god,
I couldn't find you.
What happened? You look awful.
Thank you.
Do you want me
to go on with you?
No. Don't ever let me
do this again.
Mr. Yang.
I'm sorry for being late.
Are you a man of your
word, Mr. Kaplan?
Mr. Yang, my client
is a very reserved person.
He doesn't like to waste time.
Neither do I.
In China we say,
"a journey of 1,000 miles
begins with a single step."
Lao tzu.
Mr. Yang, my client
is willing to sell you
a very exclusive piece
at a negotiated price.
Italian futurism.
The piece currently resides
in a safety deposit box
of a numbered account
in Switzerland.
Thank you, Olivia.
Mr. Yang.
What's the procedure?
May I?
Mr. Yang.
The piece my client
is willing to sell you
is officially listed
as... missing.
Therefore... there are
some formalities.
I'll make
the arrangements today.
- I've been thinking...
- Mm-hmm?
About your proposal
concerning the gallery.
Forgive me, Mr. Yang, my gallery
is no longer for sale.
What if I told you
I was intending
to open another two John kaplan
galleries in China?
I would have to
tell you that I have
two more offers on the table.
Mr. Kaplan, I just bought
a very beautiful
painting from you.
You wouldn't wanna be
impolite now, would you?
Mr. Yang.
This is my final offer.
Still feel like
showing me your paintings?
Mr. Yang is a man of his word.
- Thank you.
- Cheers.
Cheers to you.
I knew you'd do
it even this time.
Not yet.
I'm gonna call lord Morgan.
- I'll run to the back.
- Please.
Come on.
Hey, I got it.
What the hell was that?
Saabtytelz are stowlen
from e-k-sploseeveskaal.
Here you are
fucking me over again.
How you are feeling, New York?
Mr. Kaplan. John,
over here, just one shot.
Mr. Kaplan, just one photo.
- Over here, man.
- Just one quick shot.
One more, over here, pal.
It's very unique.
Another round?
I'm not sure we'll
find him here.
There's no doubt in my mind.
Let's go look.
- Bravo.
- Fuck off.
I've gotta talk to you.
What's on your face?
Don't ask.
To the woman
who made this all happen.
John, this is the artist...
Michael rubino.
You will be hearing
a lot about him.
The pleasure's mine, Mr. Rubino.
One more.
Fred, give me a vodka on ice.
Give me one.
- This is a great show.
- John.
Could you excuse me
for a moment.
You son of a bitch.
I don't want any part
of your fuckin' dirty business,
all right?
What the fuck
are you talking about?
What am I talking about?
The thing you put in
my bag, all right?
Stop screwing with me.
- So...
- Crystal.
What's the difference
between American and night?
You'll have to find
that out yourself.
I like it.
What the fuck. Hey!
That's the guy from
the diner, let's go!
Son of a bitch!
Where is the painting?
Meet me in the parking lot.
Bastard, where's the painting?
Oh my god.
- Hey!
- There they are.
Let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
Let's go. Come on.
Who the fuck was that?
We're gonna be filthy rich.
Oh my god!
Who the fuck are you?
Are you guys all right?
Oh my god, oh my god,
are you okay?
You shouldn't be driving drunk.
You shouldn't be driving drunk.
Wake up, come on.
Stupid shakey, come on,
let's get you out of here.
to see you again, shakey.
You're telling me that you had
nothing to do with this?
How did you get this?
Hell, I don't know how this
fucking got into my bag.
Believe me.
- Who...
- Hey.
Is it authentic?
Is it worth a lot?
Well, I know someone willing
to pay a fortune for it.
Oh, yeah?
Just look at her eyes.
She looks like she's just
had her brains fucked out.
Yeah, if you ask me,
it looks like a 5-year-old
could have done it.
But I want a bigger cut
'cause I found it, all right?
Now, is it worth a lot?
- Yes.
- Yes.
I know two things for certain.
The painting is real...
And someone's
trying to set me up.
Michael. What, are you crazy?
- What, are you stupid?
- I demand an explanation.
Let go of her right away.
We were all just following
your orders, boss.
She knows everything
about the painting.
It's true. Last night
we saw her boyfriend leave,
and Katie was there too.
John, don't listen to them.
Meet us at noon
outside Judy's bar and grill.
Bring Marilyn,
and we won't hurt her.
I can help you,
I know who took Sarah.
Who is this?
Yeah, who is this?
Sarah! Sarah!
- Sarah!
- John!
What's going on here?
What's happening?
He's got a gun.
No, don't hurt my baby!
He's over there.
John! John!
- Sarah!
- John!
John! John!
Sarah! Sarah!
He's upstairs.
Where'd he go, where'd he go?
He's up there!
Oh, my god!
Look out!
They're still shooting!
You can't stop water.
Deliver us from
the shivers of darkness.
Fill the bitter emptiness
of the lonely with friends.
With great pain,
I am burying my father.
My mother is crying,
the priest is praying.
The kingpins of all
the most powerful families
came to pay their
respects to my father.
Here they all are,
they look at me.
I can feel the weight
of their stares
from behind the dark windows.
They are weighing me.
I know it, I feel it.
They're probably wondering
if I have the cojones
to hold power and handle
my father's empire.
Why did I do it?
Because I never
could stand them.
First, I never
believed in oligarchy.
I prefer old school.
Just one ruthless leader.
I don't wanna hear
anyone criticize my art.
Now you know why I paint.
Just let me go.
Please, let me go. Please.
Stay here with me.
We'll travel the world
collecting art.
Forget about it.
I'll give you
the position you deserve.
I'll make you happy.
You're sick.
Believe me, I never wanted
this to happen, Sarah.
There are over 1,700 species,
and while most of them
just bite you...
Some of them
can put you to sleep,
but only 20
or so of them can kill.
Did you ever hear the story
about the scorpion and the frog?
A scorpion asked
a frog to take him
to the other side of the river,
but the frog said no,
he didn't want to be stung.
But in the end... ooh...
The frog agreed
because he figured that
if the scorpion stung him
in the middle of the river,
both of them would die.
Needless to say...
No, no, no, no, no, no.
When they got
to the opposite bank,
the frog felt a stabbing pain,
deadly sting.
No, no, no, no, no.
Please, please, please.
No, no, no, no, no.
Scorpion couldn't help it...
Because it was in his nature.
Please, please,
please, no, no, no.
Take this scorpion off me.
Untie me.
I did everything
I could to be an artist
and a rubino at the same time,
despite my family,
despite my father.
And now, right when I
finally feel free to choose,
destiny is making a fool
of me by bringing you here.
You are the only person
who ever believed in me...
Even more than my father.
You saw the artist in me.
You're no artist.
You're a killer.
You're free.
Untie her, let her go.
It's all my fault.
- No, it isn't.
- Of course it is.
And god only knows what
they're doing to her right now.
You got the painting?
You got a plan?
I'm gonna give them
what they want.
Oh, no.
Don't tell me you are
asking me to do this again.
I'm not in.
Thank you.
Shalom, angel of death.
Shalom, angel of fire.
Shalom, angel of peace.
It was easy to get in here.
There's a reason
why it was easy.
- You armed?
- Does it matter?
There's no salvation
in this world.
Yeah, no salvation
for people like us.
You got talent.
Thank you.
You know, Sarah talked
a lot about you.
She was even thinking
of entrusting me
with the sale of your artwork.
Do you know what that means?
Let Sarah go...
And we can get back
to talking about business.
Who knows? If things
had turned out differently,
we could have cut
some good art deals.
Seems to me we already are.
Don't you think?
This was supposed to be
a trade between gentlemen.
I'm gonna choose
my words carefully.
Go fuck yourself.
My god.
Oh, my...
Oh, my god.
Hang it up.
Fuck, yes.
Time for a toast.
Yes, it is.
You're back at home at last.
Now leave me with Mr. Kaplan.
Drop it.
You can't stop water.
Who the fuck is this guy?
Goodbye, John kaplan.
You know, I would have
really liked...
A friend like you.
Whoo! Ohh! Whoo!
Fucking shot!
Go, go find Sarah.
- Sarah?
- Go.
Sarah! Sarah!
Sarah! Sarah!
Sarah, wake up.
Sarah! Sarah!
All right, fuck.
Come on.
Are you here... for me?
I'd die for you.
You look good.
Vincent's still inside.
Vincent, we're getting
the fuck out of here.
Come on!
Come on.
I got you.
- I got you, buddy.
- Thank you.
You saved me.
John. John!
John, what happened?
Get some help!
John, don't worry.
Everything is going
to be all right.
What a beautiful American night.
So many stars.
Do you take this man...
- To be your...
- Yes.
I do.
Yes, I do.
I love you.
I love you so much.
You can't come where I'm going.
The night is falling...
And I'm going into the night.
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes.
John. John?
It's the original.
John wanted you to have it.
This is your last chance.
No more mistakes.
The package is in transit.
The package is in transit.
Set everything up
for the forgery.
Follow her.