#AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead (2024) Movie Script

[static crackling]
[man] In life,
they are the G.O.A.T.
In business,
they are the G.O.A.T.
In family,
yes, they're the G.O.A.T.
And when it comes time
to chill the fuck out,
they only smoke The G.O.A.T.
-[goat 1] Yeah.
-[goat 2] We do.
[goat 1 coughing] Christ.
[static crackling]
[tape whirring]
[static crackling]
In a shocking discovery,
a group of seven
college students found
brutally murdered.
KarmaPalooza was promised
to be the dream come true
for music fans.
Instead, it turned
into a nightmare.
Seven bodies were
discovered, tortured,
and staged in various
depictions of what appears to be
the seven deadly sins.
[unsettling music playing]
The SDSK murders have
spawned a top-rated podcast,
"SDSK, from Concert to Carnage,
The Sounds of Sin."
This wildly popular docuseries,
"Friends Till the End,
The Hunt for SDSK,"
and the Box Office horror hit,
"Fear Festival,
The SDSK Murders."
Do you watch horror movies?
Are you one of the millions
who binge-watched the new series
based on real shocking events?
Well, chances are, you are
a dark tourist already.
And now,
on the 20-year anniversary
of the unsolved murders,
the KarmaPalooza
Festival returns,
and with it the reminder
of the grief, the terror,
and the longstanding
shadow of a vicious killer
who is still at large.
Detective Russell Daniels
remembers the events
of 2004 all too well.
It was 20 years ago today,
and I can still see it.
I still feel it.
Graphic details of brutality
and violence in...
KarmaPalooza 2024 sold out in...
The way they did it,
the symbols they used,
well, it wasn't for the victims.
It was for us.
To show us that this
kind of evil can exist.
...celebrates and leans
into tragic events.
And I hope that
the return of this concert
doesn't mean the return
of this psychopath.
[static crackling]
He can't hide forever.
He will misstep
and we will catch him.
[patriotic music plays,
[gentle music playing]
[woman] You may have heard
of a person like this before.
The friend who got
you like no other.
The one who was quick to defend.
[music turns unsettling]
[woman] The one who was
such a light for others.
It was an honor when they shared
their hurt and their fears.
Made you feel special.
And it was inevitable someone
would be drawn to that light
just to destroy it.
[Colette panting]
[woman] Maybe they hid
their pain
as long as they could.
[woman] Maybe we never deserved
such a light.
And we never know
what we could have done
or why such things happen.
[gunshot fires]
[woman] It will just happen
again to someone else,
somewhere else.
someone, somewhere
out there won't let us forget
and does something
that can't be forgotten.
And it will be
mistaken for hate,
but in the dark...
it would be taken for love.
-[music stops]
-[cell phone chimes]
-[unsettling music playing]
-[cell phone chimes]
-[music turns upbeat]
-[Liv over phone] Emergency!
-I need you to like my vid.
-What the...
Let's go
Homies, you're my onlies
you're my ride or die
Homies, you're my onlies
you're my ride or die
[message chiming]
[Liv over phone] Hey, guys,
it's Liv in the big city.
And guess what?
I'm going to KarmaPalooza, baby!
[man] Shut the fuck up!
When you say you need me
I don't ask you why
Don't care if you're dirty
a fuck girl or fuck guy
'Cause when we get together
we want it right
Friendship lasts...
-[song stops]
-[door banging]
-[Travis] Hey, babe, I'm home!
Oh, shit.
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go.
[cell phone chimes]
Lord, please help me
through this weekend.
[knocking on door]
-[Sarah gasps]
-Oh, my God.
-[both laugh]
[Liv] Hello.
Three days and nights
of sweats, long lines,
gropers, and the hopes
of not getting mauled?
Let's fucking do this.
Thank you. Thank you for that.
[both chuckle]
I'm sorry, I just, you know,
didn't think you'd ever be
up for something like this.
Like what?
Like something social,
borderline deviant.
Something fun.
Am I really that bad?
Yeah. But not today you're not.
You are Marcel out of her shell.
-Welcome to the world.
-Thank you. Girl, let's go.
-[Liv screams]
-[cell phone chimes]
Do you think Mona would let me
talk to her agent?
She said she would, right?
Yeah, but anything not
about Mona isn't anything.
I mean, more power to her.
The girl's taken basic
and turned it into goddess.
Ah, but at what cost?
[chuckles] Mona plays nice
and the whole world loves her,
and then she plays ice
and they love her even more.
I'm just trying to be a blip
on the radar so I can graduate
with more than crippling
debt to show for it.
Right, but like I said,
"At what cost?"
I mean, I got the right
amount of followers,
and any cost is worth it.
-[music concludes]
-[exhales deeply]
So, how are you feeling?
Kind of not here.
Like an impersonation
of myself, you know?
Like, "Hi, I'm Sarah,
and I'm just like a plucky,
bubbly go getter,
and I'm so excited
to spend the weekend
with a crew I barely even know!"
[chuckles softly]
How did I do?
You're killing it. [laughs]
Fuck yeah, I am.
-[cheery music playing]
-[engine revving]
-[Liv] Hello!
-[car horn beeps]
[Guy] A little help, brother?
[Will] You're doing great, king.
Ah, you guys didn't need
to bring us snacks.
I didn't.
Will, andale.
Rise, sloth, rise.
-Hi, Willy Will.
We gotta hang tight, Sarah.
Aaron's got some
rations for you.
-[romantic song playing]
You're always on...
-I can't ride with you guys.
At least I can be there
in spirit.
Oh, you really don't
have to do that, Aaron.
[Guy] Yes, he did.
Don't forget the pharmacy, bro.
I can't rob the pharmacy.
L.B. says you're not coming
if you're not bringing.
Pharmacy or FOMO.
[scoffs] Okay. [chuckles]
Well, uh, on behalf
of nobody but me,
thank you, I really
appreciate it.
And I hope you come tonight.
[exhales] Uh, yeah...
Yeah, I'll... I'll... I'll...
Okay, I'll... I'll be
there with bells on.
You know where that comes from?
Back in the wagon days,
they used to put these bells
in front of each of the wagons,
and if your party
were ever in danger
or... or being attacked...
...you know, you'd ring the bell
to... to signify that you
have gotten there safely
with, you know, without,
um, without incident.
That was weird, Aaron.
-I thought it was cool.
-[Aaron] Yeah,
-I mean, I read about it, so.
-[upbeat song playing]
Do it like this
Do it like this
do it like this
-Excuse me?
-[song stops abruptly]
This isn't the back
of the building.
This is the front
of the building.
-What the fuck?
-Should probably go.
-[Aaron] Yeah.
-But please come tonight.
As soon as I can.
I said the front
of the building.
No, you fucking didn't.
-[Guy] So rude, dude.
-Like daddy issues rude.
[Mona] Oh, guy, I missed you.
[Liv] Hey, Mona.
So any chance I can chat
with your agent this weekend?
Yeah, of course. Perfect timing.
'Cause you can do
something for me.
Where are you sitting
in this beast?
How bad do you want it?
Well, she was sort of
the copilot of this beast.
Well, you just got an upgrade.
-[cell phone chimes]
-[music concludes]
Why do you put up
with this shit?
[L.B.] We gotta go!
We gotta go right now!
-Start the van, start the van!
-[Travis] I'm gonna kill you!
[dramatic music playing]
What the...
Travis, don't hurt him!
[Travis growls]
-I love him!
Right now, move ass.
-[Will groans]
-What the fuck? [laughs]
[Travis growls]
Fuck butter. Everybody in.
You fucked my wife!
You fucked my wife!
-Travis, no, Travis!
-You fucked my wife!
-[engine revving]
-I'm gonna fucking kill you!
-[Travis] You fucked my wife!
-Come get it, fuck-o!
You're dead, you hear me?
You're fucking dead!
-[woman] Travis!
-You hear me, boy slut?
-You're fucking dead!
-[woman] Travis!
-[engine revving]
-Travis, I love him!
[engine roaring]
You're fucking dead!
I'll kill you!
-Sarah, I'm gonna be there soon.
-[music fades]
This has been Rekon,
your social survivalist,
putting out and getting out.
Until next time, always
get out the back door
before you come through
the front door. [laughs]
Yo, no posts without my consent,
credit or copy, got it?
-[Sarah] Got it.
-Let's road trip!
-[all cheering]
-[uplifting music playing]
-[cheering continues]
Oh, come on.
Wake up, bro.
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, Ricky.
-[gasps] Is that your agent?
Liv, pump my leg later, please.
-Are you in a-- a van?
Are you being
sex trafficked right now?
Say something racist
so I know you're okay.
Rick, I'm fine.
We'll be there
in a couple hours.
Oh, um, I'm Liv and, um,
do you wanna sponsor me?
Oh, are you also
interested in a free life?
-Well, I never heard of you.
Hit a thousand likes this
weekend, that could change.
-I don't know.
Be hot or interesting.
Or, better yet, be super hot.
Just do what people want,
can't do, dream about,
love, hate.
Get a thousand likes
this weekend
or just repost therapy quotes.
Well, so there
you have everyone.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
pan that camera back.
Who's that fresh-faced driver?
No, you wouldn't be interested
in Sarah.
[sighs] Zero social game,
nothing to exploit.
She who has nothing to share
must have something to hide.
Look, I'll be in
head-to-toe couture
atop the shoulders
of a music god in no time.
Thatta queen!
Own the weekend, younglings.
Oh, and remember,
if you get stabbed,
don't post anything about it.
Victims are so played out.
[tires screeching]
-[all scream]
-Oh, my God!
[tires screech]
-[all groaning]
-[breaks squeal]
[tire hissing]
-[cell phone beeping]
-[engine switches off]
-[birds chirping]
-[Liv gagging]
-[all groaning]
Ah, shit.
[Mona groans]
[Sarah sighs] I'm so sorry.
[Mona] No.
-Is everyone okay?
No. [groans]
-[grunts] No.
[Sarah] What was that?
[gasps] Oh, shredded.
We're gonna need a spare.
This didn't have one, I'm sorry.
-This is what triple A is for.
-[siren wailing]
[Guy] That's not triple A, bro.
[suspenseful music playing]
Do we still need to hide this?
-Oh, no, you gotta hide this.
-Oh, my God.
Stow that shit, L.B.
-[L.B.] Where?
-[Mona exhales]
-Improvise, bruh.
[Sarah gasps]
-[music intensifies]
-[indistinct radio chatter]
[Mona groans]
Looks like you guys
need some help.
Yeah, we have a flat
and no spare.
[indistinct chatter
over police radio]
I know a garage.
I can give 'em a call.
-Maybe they can help you out.
-What's happening?
Yeah, that would be great.
Thank you.
All right.
Trying to ass swallow
a baseball.
[grunts] How'd you do it?
-Shut up, that was only once.
-[L.B.] Mm.
[Guy] Oh, hello, officer lady.
[music fades]
You know you don't have
to hide this shit, right?
I mean, it's not
like it's cocaine.
Your van here is so cool,
it requires
a special kind of tire.
Leave it here tonight.
It'll be ready tomorrow.
No, not tomorrow, I'm sorry.
We need to be there tonight.
Where are you headed?
Uh, KarmaPalooza.
Yeah, you and everyone
else for 200 miles.
I suggest you find
somewhere to crash, pronto.
-Most places are already booked.
It's two hours away.
More like four with traffic.
-Nothing, dude.
-Holy shit.
-[L.B.] Sold out, everything.
-[Will] Oh, my God!
-It's cool, it's cool.
-No, it's not.
Wait, hey I got one.
Guys, I got one. [chuckles]
Okay, well, see, where is it?
Uh... I don't know, I think
it's like a few miles away.
You know what? No worries, okay?
The garage will give you
a call when the tire's ready.
I can give you a ride
if you like.
That would be awesome.
Thank you.
Assuming you don't have
anything illegal on you.
[suspenseful music playing]
Or in you?
Okay, let's go.
-[music fades]
-[mild tempo music playing]
So, Officer Shaw is it?
You gonna be working
the festival this weekend?
Perks of the job.
Let's just say I may
or may not be rocking
a rainbow colored
sundress and pink wig.
Undercover, of course.
Damn, that was gonna
be my first day look.
-Dude, that ink is dope.
-Well, thanks.
I'm thinking about getting
it turned into a sleeve.
I feel it.
Thinking about getting my first.
It's gonna say vibes
with a Y instead of an I.
The Y stands for YOLO.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
Might get it this weekend.
Do you wanna help me pick where?
-Oh, I'm good.
All right. [sighs]
This is you guys.
Well, if you change
your mind, girl...
Oh, I won't. Thank you.
-[music fades]
[Sarah] Thanks, Officer.
All right, you guys
be careful out there.
I don't wanna see any of you
getting your stomachs pumped.
Except for maybe you, Vybes.
Holy shit, Sarah.
-Dude, this place is dope.
Let's not speak too soon.
Appearances can be deceiving.
Oh, look who's talking.
-[Liv] I shot master bedroom!
-[Mona] No, fuck off, Liv.
[menacing music playing]
[Guy] Wowzers.
Move, I need
the fucking bathroom.
[Mona] Guys, something's wrong.
Where's the pool?
-[Sarah] L.B.
-[L.B. groans] What?
-Is it locked?
Then it's probably
supposed to be.
Damn it.
Dudes and ladies, dining room!
[Liv] Guys, look,
they left us a greeting gift.
And there's seven, just like us,
if you include Aaron.
Seven deadly sins shot glasses?
Oh, like the movie?
[Sarah] No, more like the Bible.
They used to imprint this shit
in Catholic school.
Owners probably just
left it to scare us
-into not breaking anything.
-Too late. TV's busted.
-Okay, wait, who's who?
Sarah got the house
so Sarah decides.
No. No, no, no.
I am not assigning.
-Mona, you're pride.
-Pride is not a sin.
-[chuckles] Case in point, dude.
-I wanted that one.
Oh, someone sounds greedy.
-How am I greedy?
-Is more ever enough?
Okay, more is never enough.
-Watch this.
What do you wanna do
with your life?
Memory escapes me.
[Mona] And here we have a sloth.
Uh-oh, Rekon's not
gonna like this one.
[L.B] I can hear you guys.
I'm not lust.
They lust after me.
That's bullshit.
That's a double standard.
-[Mona] Okay.
-Focus on your Kegels,
packed meal.
Guy, may I return the favor?
Well, as a glutton, might
as well have Aaron's, too.
His would be envy,
for FOMO is envy.
Oh, fear of missing Sarah.
No, come on, he's sweet.
But you, Sarah,
are you nice? Or...
It's okay, don't take
it personally, you know.
We all know that you're too soft
to hurt a soul.
Maybe you don't know me
that well.
[L.B.] Bottoms up.
[all retch, exclaim]
Guy told me to hide it.
[Guy] Yeah, dude,
like in a pocket.
-Fucking dick ass, dude.
It's okay,
we still have Guy's stash.
No, bro. Guy has Guy's stash.
Guy has The G.O.A.T.
-You have a Ziploc of ass candy.
[Guy] Harass Aaron
to resupply your fix, bro.
Cheers to old friends.
And new friends.
were we might come.
-[L.B.] Mm.
-[Liv] Cheers.
-[unsettling music playing]
-[all cheering]
[indistinct chatter]
Seven deadly sins and you.
Any upstanding member of society
abides by the law of the land,
but furthermore adheres
to an elevated code
of self governance
in keeping with the good old
Catholic morals and virtues.
Where do we look, however,
to inform this blueprint
of stellar composure?
It may very well begin and end
with the understanding and
being wary of seven deadly sins.
The seven deadly
sins sound foreboding
and indeed quite sinister
in nature,
yet to shy away from knowing
them is a mistake and a trap
all too ready to ensure
even the most well intentioned
man, woman, or even child,
those vulnerable minds
so impressionable
and left defenseless without
the fortification of knowledge.
Seven sins, seven key
temptations of the spirit.
We commence with pride,
or the glorification of vanity.
Nobody likes a braggart
and nobody enjoys the company
of those who flaunt
their successes over others.
Next we turn to greed,
or the insatiable
coveting of excess.
There is more than enough
to go around for all.
We are most certainly doomed
when we fall prey to our
most basic sexual desires.
No tongues wagged over
the conservative boy or girl.
A surefire way
to maintain respectability.
Then there's that green
little devil, envy.
It's hard to strive
without being inspired
by what others have
achieved or might have.
But caution oneself
against harboring
feelings of resentment.
We are all in competition, yes,
but the greatest competition
is the one we are
in with ourselves.
I'm sure that we are all guilty
at one point or another
of going in for a second
or third helping.
Knowing when one
is replete is an art
-and one close to godliness.
[announcer] You guessed it.
Here we refer to gluttony.
And no one likes to overindulge.
Quick temper?
You may be experiencing
our next sin, wrath.
Wars have been raged, lives
lost over the hot headedness
of the unable to keep
a handle on their anger.
Finally, we arrive at sloth.
You may be familiar
with the charming creatures
which gain their namesake
from this quality.
However, nobody
turned to a sloth
to get any job done
quickly, if at all.
Now, we have covered
what not to do
and how to identify
the shifting principles,
for if we don't encourage
the youth of today to abide,
what will we do
of the youth of the future?
[music fades]
[Aaron] Yeah, I mean, it--
it should be all right there.
-[cell phone ringing]
-Ah, oh, excuse me.
What is it now?
Stole the pills yet?
Okay, look, just because
I work at a drug store
doesn't mean I can
just take the drugs.
Sarah's here.
She wants to party.
You better get her
what she wants.
Oh, come on, man.
-Just do it, cunt.
-[cell phone beeps]
And what does Sarah want?
I don't know.
Hey, Sarah, wanna drink
and talk shit by the pool?
What pool?
[upbeat music playing]
[muttering] Did you get it?
-[camera shutter clicks]
-[Sarah] Got it, yeah.
Oh, good. [groans]
-Okay, let's see. [exhales]
-[Sarah] What do you think?
Oh, my God, fucking cute.
-Yeah, I love it. That works.
Okay, now we post
from our luxury resort and...
-[cell phone beeps]
-[Mona] Cute.
-You're up.
-[Mona] Yeah, of course.
So you just, like, travel
with the kiddie pool?
Fuck yeah,
I can make anything work.
[Sarah] Okay. Oh, my God.
-Like right here?
-[Mona] Yeah, like that.
-[camera shutter clicks]
[Mona] Oh, my God, you look hot.
-[camera shutter clicks]
What about your
old friends, Sarah?
Uh, I don't really talk
to the people
in my high school much anymore.
It's part of why I think,
like, you hanging out
with all these people
for so long is so cool.
Your tribe just grew apart?
-Not exactly.
-[camera shutter clicks]
Oh, my God.
You were held back?
-What? No.
-Oh, fuck, thank God.
I can't hang out
with people like that.
No, uh, I was just a loner,
Plus my aunt and uncle
kept me locked up
for most of my high
school experience, so.
-Honestly, college was like
the best thing that could
have happened to me.
You guys took me in
and the rest is history.
Yeah, you should have seen
who Liv was hanging out with
before I saved her.
You know,
all credit goes to moi.
-[camera shutter clicks]
-Okay, ready?
Now say, "Fake ass post."
-[camera shutter clicks]
-Fake ass post.
[music turns ominous]
-[music fades]
-[upbeat song playing]
-[Sarah] Hey, guys.
Need a drink or anything?
-All good, all good.
-[Liv] Damn, girl, look at you.
-[Sarah chuckles]
-[camera shutter clicks]
Wanna see Aaron freak out?
-[Liv] What is wrong with you?
-[music stops]
-[cell phone chimes]
-[soft song playing]
If you were any sort of friend,
you would back off.
Please don't bang her, comma,
with your dick, period.
-Thank you.
-[Siri] I don't understand
"Please don't bang
her with your dick."
Would you like me
to search the web?
-[woman groans in disgust]
-[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
Guys, who got this?
Mm, Cardinal Sin?
Boys, you shouldn't have.
-Believe me, we didn't.
-Let's pop this.
Liv, bikini up now.
Should we get wasted?
Where's the coke?
[both laugh]
[Aaron] I'm coming, Sarah!
[Mona] Okay, okay, fine.
I'll show you.
Sure, people will see
what you post.
It's about getting them
to like what they see.
Start with a cute pic.
-[camera shutter clicks]
-Ew, Liv, raise your head.
No one wants to see jowls.
They'll fucking gag.
[camera shutter clicks]
I wasn't ready.
[Mona] Find what's trending,
piggyback off that, post,
and ride the wave.
And you're welcome.
Happy to help get those likes.
999 to go.
Don't worry, honey,
you'll get there.
You just gotta find
something about yourself
that people wanna watch.
That's what I keep telling her.
Okay, herpes and plan B
don't need a sponsor, babe.
That's what urgent care's for.
-[cell phone chimes]
-[Mona] Oh!
-DJ Blazes, international DJ.
-Oh, privacy, please.
Liv, just because you have
a Spotify account
doesn't mean you're a DJ.
-Stop, he's really hot.
-[Mona] Yeah.
[Liv giggles, laughs]
Dude, The Womanatees are putting
on a secret show tonight.
It doesn't look so secret.
-[cell phone chimes]
-[Guy] No Ubers available.
All right, bro.
I'm gonna walk and see if
I can get a cab or something.
We gotta leave now, homies,
if I'm gonna get
there when I peak.
We're not going. [laughs]
Uh, make out?
-[Will] Safe travels.
-Whatever, brother.
I'll just assemble
my own vibe tribe.
[sniffs] Oh, fuck yeah.
Mm. Listen, if any of you
dudes decide to come meet me,
look for the giant banana
bouncing in the crowd.
-Got that, Sarah?
-Got it.
[Guy] Peace,
you beautiful bastards.
-[music fades]
[mellow song playing]
Fly high in the sky
So we never have
to say goodbye
So we never have
to say goodbye
Fly high in the sky
So we never have
to say goodbye
So we never have
to say goodbye
Let them chase you
Leave them behind
[inhales, exhales]
[squirrel] Oh yeah.
Dude, how much longer?
[Guy] Are you for real?
[squirrel] Is anybody real?
-Fuck, man, I'm tripping balls.
-Me too, dude.
-What do you hit?
-[squirrel] The G.O.A.T.
So how much longer?
I'm hooking up
with some prime tail later.
-Some of that skunk tail.
-That's tremendous.
[squirrel] Yeah,
I'm getting thirsty as fuck.
Where's that ride?
I don't know, dude.
First we gotta head
to the main road and flag one.
[squirrel] Fucking lame, bro.
I gotta jet.
-See you at the show.
-Wait, don't just leave.
You're like, my emotional
support in here--
-[taser buzzes]
-[intense music playing]
[Guy grunts]
What the fuck?
Where the fuck am I?
What? What is this?
Look, just talk to me for a sec.
Hopefully, she'll have to look
at the transfer or something.
[Guy] What's going on?
Wait, what are we doing?
This is pretty messed up.
-We shouldn't even post this.
Give it to me. I'll do it.
What is that?
Are you serious?
No, really, what is that?
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Stop, stop.
Just talk to me, please.
[machinery whirring]
[air hissing]
[light buzzes]
Hopefully, she'll have to look
at the transfer or something.
[Guy] Wait... [coughs]
...what are we doing?
Mona, here, drop me the video.
I'll post it.
-[coughs, groans]
-This is gonna be so bad.
You're the weakling, Guy.
Nobody even likes you.
[man] Everyone will know.
Look what you did.
[Guy] It wasn't me.
[man] I knew we couldn't
trust you, Guy.
[Guy] It wasn't me! [whimpers]
You're just as guilty as we are.
No, no, no!
No, no, stop!
[screams] Fuck!
-[machinery whirring]
-[air hissing]
[Guy] Fuck you. [screams]
[gurgles, grunts]
[intense music continues]
No, no, no, no, no!
Stop, stop!
-This is gonna be so bad.
-[Guy] Stop!
-[air hissing]
[screaming continues]
-[machinery rattling]
-[Guy continues screaming]
-[blood squelches]
-[music fades]
[gentle folk music playing]
Leave them behind
[crickets chirping]
-[music fades]
-[upbeat rock music playing]
-[Liv] Of course.
Can I spin again?
-I mean, I'm okay with that.
Are you jealous?
Ladies, there's enough
of me to go around.
-[coughs] Slut.
-Start the clock. Follow me.
-[music fades]
[unsettling music playing]
[music fades]
Hurry up,
we only have seven minutes.
Wait, that's not on right?
-[intriguing music playing]
-This is a first?
-Yes, it's just you and me.
[Mona] Turn it on.
[weapon clinks]
[Mona pants]
[eerie music playing]
I feel like it's been longer
than seven minutes.
-Shall we check up on them?
-Uh, no.
They could be creating
the most vapid douce child ever,
and we get to say
we overheard it.
So... threesome?
-Who tied this knot?
-[chuckles] Are you okay?
-[L.B.] Yeah, fine.
-[Mona groans]
[L.B. moans]
[table thuds]
-[intense music playing]
-[Mona] Who is that?
What? Are you role playing?
-We can role play.
No, I think someone
was spying on us.
-Guys, house meeting now.
-[music fades]
-That's it?
-[door closes]
Fucking cocktease.
-[mysterious music playing]
-[Liv] What's going on?
Just wait a minute.
[tape whirring]
[man] Is that you?
[woman] What came out
of you, dude?
[tape whirring]
I used to bathe with my mom,
like, well into high school.
[L.B.] So cool.
[tape whirring]
[Mona] Wait,
that camera's not on, right?
-[Mona] Really?
This is a first?
-[tape whirring]
-What is that?
-[unsettling music playing]
I fucking knew it.
There's a fucking creep.
Well, I mean, guys,
that's gotta be one of us.
Is that Guy?
What, has anyone heard from him?
No, he's probably passed out
in some crystal healer's tent.
-[cell phone chimes]
-[eerie music playing]
[cell phone continues chiming]
[Liv] What is this?
-Who sent this?
-Probably just some troll.
Not fucking cool.
Just-- We're ignoring it.
-[cell phone chimes]
-[unsettling music playing]
-Wait, wait, who is that?
No, seriously, I feel like I...
-Just fucking drop it!
She was a freshman with us.
She lived in Mona's dorm
when they became friends.
She was a part of our crew.
We spent almost every
sunset in the shack.
[Liv] We made this dump
of a cabin our clubhouse.
It was just off campus.
We'd bail on lectures, drink,
get high, make fun of shit.
It was our place to hide,
until she and Mo
had a falling out. [sniffs]
She got in between Mona and L.B.
Okay, so...
so she was into you, L.B.?
It was complicated.
One day she just randomly says
she's in love with me.
Okay, don't get me wrong,
I was flattered. I just...
I didn't feel the same way.
And then things got weird
after that
and I was just trying to be PC,
but she just wouldn't let it go.
[Sarah] So what happened?
You don't know
when to fucking stop,
do you, Sarah?
What in the energy here says,
"Keep asking the clearly
fucking pissed off person
-more fucking questions"?
-[Sarah] I'm sorry.
It's none of your
fucking business!
Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm just trying
to figure some shit out, okay?
Oh, sorry.
So many sorries from Sarah.
Look, I'm trying to figure out
why I have her on my phone, too.
Mona, for once
this isn't just about you.
-It's about all of us.
-Go fucking back to sleep, Will.
Someone out there
clearly wants us
to be talking about Colette.
There's nothing left to say.
Mona got real with her
and she couldn't handle it.
-It's not your fault, Mona.
-[sobs] I didn't know
that she didn't have
any friends.
I didn't know
that she didn't talk to anybody.
I didn't know what was going on
in her fucking head.
-No one could.
-We couldn't have.
They found her first day
of spring.
[gunshot fires]
She killed herself in the shack.
Fire started,
burned it all down.
That's what they say.
Except the only people
who know what really happened
-were the ones who were there.
-What the fuck
are you talking about, Liv?
The police said
it was a suicide.
All of a sudden,
the girl with a 2.0 GPA thinks
she's a fucking detective?
Okay, first off,
I'm fucking smarter than you.
And secondly,
this happened to me, too.
Yeah, in the past,
so fucking leave it there.
[scoffs] Whatever. I'm out.
I'm meeting up
with DJ Blazes anyway.
-That's it?
Don't forget
to face bang DJ Blaze
for a follow, Nancy Blue.
You know what, Mona?
-Fuck you!
-Fuck you!
[Sarah] Liv, wait!
Hey, are you really leaving?
[Liv] DJ Blazes
is sending me an Uber.
[music fades]
Okay, but do you know
his real name?
Or do I get to know
where you're going?
Trust me, I've tried, okay?
He said just to embrace it.
Done a lot worse for less.
Hey, Liv, look at me.
I just wanna make sure
you're, like, actually okay.
Honestly, he could be
a catfish psychopath.
I just need some fucking air
from these people.
-Okay. Sorry I pushed.
-[pensive music playing]
Look, that... that stuff
with Colette
didn't go down like that, okay?
-They're fucking with the past.
-What do you mean?
You can't tell Mona
I told you this, okay?
I won't.
Mona and Colette
used to have a thing.
Colette showed me texts.
She got played. It was awful.
And Mona got scared
and then cut her out.
And classic Mona doesn't take
fucking responsibility
for anything. [sighs]
Why didn't you do anything?
What was I supposed to do?
I also drank the Kool-Aid.
I mean, even now
I feel like I need her approval.
I thought it was gonna blow over
and it didn't.
Maybe it would've
if I had been there?
I mean, I just...
I can't believe Mona would do
something like that.
Trust me, you will.
Mona has anything on you,
she will use it against you,
You can't tell her
that I told you this.
[Sarah] I won't, I promise.
Be safe, okay?
[crickets chirping]
[music fades]
-[cell phone chimes]
-[cell phone keypad tapping]
-[tense music playing]
-[woman laughs] Liv.
-[woman laughs] Come here.
-Come on, Liv. [laughs]
-This is ride share bullshit.
-[woman] Come on, Liv.
-[music intensifies]
[crickets chirping]
-[music fades]
-[upbeat music playing]
How's Liv?
Uh, she's fine.
She's with DJ Blaze.
She didn't say anything?
No. Have you seen my necklace?
It's not that choker, is it?
Talk about cheugy.
No. Um, no, it's my locket
and I left it here.
No, I haven't seen it.
-[Will] Hey, dude.
-You good?
-Kind of.
Um, have you guys seen
my necklace, by any chance?
It was in the bathroom
last time I checked.
-What does it look like?
It's just like a chain
with, like, an oval locket.
[L.B.] We'll let you know
if we spot it.
Okay, thank you.
I appreciate it.
-[L.B.] Think about it.
If I took it,
I can be the one who found it.
-What about Mona?
-What about her?
[chuckles] Weren't you guys
just hooking up?
She's gonna be pissed.
We're not a thing.
Did you see that?
-She's a fucking psycho.
But Sarah, she's untouched.
I mean, I'd pause the apps
to hit that.
[both chuckle]
[Will] You're such a pig,
you know that?
[L.B.] Yeah.
[Will] I used to bathe
with my cousin in high school.
[L.B.] Was she cute, though?
-[Will] He wasn't.
-[L.B.] It's okay, bro.
-[music fades]
-[suspenseful music playing]
[pants] Hello?
-[music fades]
I don't get it,
I've been looking
for this necklace everywhere.
-[upbeat music playing]
-Could be anywhere.
Fuck, dude,
that's the fourth Uber
that's canceled.
What are you doing?
Get on your phone. Let's go.
Look, maybe
a Liv's DJ friend can help us.
-[music fades]
-[ominous music playing]
[whimpers] Hello? [gasps]
What do you want with me?
Please let me go.
-[static crackling]
Hopefully, she'll have to look
at the transfer or something.
No, no, no. No, that wasn't me.
Please, that wasn't me.
I swear I tried to stop them.
[cell phone chimes]
[voice] I'm Liv and I want
all of your attention.
It's time to play Liv or Die.
Play with me, please.
-[liquid burbling]
-[Liv] Fuck.
[voice] Like means live,
dislike means die.
If you can reach 1,000
points in two minutes,
Liv gets to live.
Two minutes starts now.
Come on, guys, love me.
We have two minutes
to get the votes.
Like is live, dislike is die.
If I get to 1,000 likes
before the time runs out,
I get to live, laugh, and love.
-[Liv grunts]
-[music fades]
-[upbeat music playing]
-[Will] Mona,
I just had a brilliant idea.
Come with me.
Wait, no, ignore them.
-Just trust me here.
-What's up with Liv?
She out banging
Big Time Rush or some shit?
Ah, I don't know, actually.
Let me check.
[cell phone keypad tapping]
-[music fades]
-[intense music playing]
[voice] Come on, guys,
time is running out.
[Liv whimpers]
[voice] It's getting close.
[cell phone chimes]
[voice] We have two minutes
to get the votes.
Like means live,
dislike means die.
Come on, guys, love me.
[votes dinging]
-[machine clanks]
-[liquid burbling]
-[whimpers, gasps]
It wasn't me!
Please, please, please.
Oh, my God.
Please, please, don't do this.
[voice] Time's almost up.
-[votes dinging]
-[Liv] It wasn't me, I swear.
[voice] If I get to 1,000 likes
before the time runs out,
I get to live, laugh, and love.
I promise, it wasn't me.
If I don't have 1,000 likes,
I scream and die.
[votes dinging]
[voice] 1,000 likes.
Liv gets to live.
-But the timer is still going.
-Holy shit, I did it. [gasps]
[voice] Three, two, one.
Out of time. Liv dies.
-Oh no.
-What the fuck?
-[liquid burbling]
-Oh, my God!
-[jolly song playing]
Oh, when the world
is so much
When is enough ever enough
Well, I've got a girl
you may think a million
Thatta girl, Liv.
Now you're cooking.
Keeping it goth.
[Liv screams]
There's nothing wrong
with me
[screams, groans]
That's the trouble with you
[camera shutter clicking]
There's nothing wrong
with me
-[music fades]
-[upbeat music playing]
This is gonna work.
I'm not sticking that in my bra.
Come on, Mo.
Security doesn't check chicks.
Sexual harassment or whatever.
Well, I'm not gonna be
eating anyways
'cause of the Molly,
and Sarah doesn't exactly
keep the food down.
You know what I mean?
-No, what do you mean?
-I mean, it's obvious.
How do you think
she stays so skinny?
Uh, high intensity workouts,
meal prep, Coke Zero,
actual coke.
I don't wanna stop
at a porta potty
every time she eats something.
It's, like, really gross.
-[Will] That's sad.
[Mona] Yeah, I think
she just wants attention.
That's why I don't say anything.
Mm, gotcha.
-[line trilling]
-Okay, it's ringing.
This is all you.
Desperate times.
-[music fades]
-[cell phone ringing]
-[romantic song playing]
[clears throat]
Hey, hey. [chuckles] Where we
meeting at the festival?
Aaron, huge favor to ask.
Okay, so Uber's
kind of dead around here,
so I was hoping that maybe
you could come and pick us up,
take us to the festival?
Uh, I'll ride shotgun with you?
Yes, yes, of course.
I'll... I'll, um,
-I'll be there in 20 minutes.
-Okay, thank you so much, Aaron.
-Get here with bells on.
-[chuckles] Ding, ding.
-She hung up? [chuckles]
-[music fades]
Oh, God,
I feel like such an asshole.
You gave his FOMO purpose.
[upbeat music playing]
come here.
[music fades]
-[lively music playing]
-[Aaron] Woo! Yeah, baby!
I'm in, I'm in.
You're in, man. You did it.
I'm yours
'till the day I die
[Aaron] Woo!
-[music fades]
-[Will] You ready to bounce?
Okay, I've got my phone,
wristband, power bank, ID.
Got everything. I just need
to go to the bathroom real quick
-and I'll be ready to go.
-Wait, Sarah.
You know that's gross, right?
-Um, are you 12? [chuckles]
-You don't need to do that.
Kind of do, actually.
Every time you pull a trig
after you eat,
-it makes you way less hot.
-Wait, what?
I'm just being honest with you
as your friend.
what are you talking about?
I just need to pee.
Oh, Mona said that you
"bleh" after every time...
Did you tell Will I was bulimic?
Forget I said anything.
-She's not?
Fuck you guys.
You... You fucking snitch.
-This friendship group's toxic.
-You sound surprised.
I'm gonna make her feel better.
[Mona scoffs]
[unsettling music playing]
-[knocking on door]
-[L.B.] Hey, Sarah, it's L.B.
Can I come in?
Got something
that I think you want to see?
Hold up one sec.
[music fades]
[hip-hop music playing]
Bitch, why the fuck your ass
fat, but your titties ain't?
Ain't no meal you are...
Hold on, sorry, one sec.
-[cell phone beeps]
-[romantic music playing]
I just wanna please you
No means no
Love you and I need you
Need you right now
But, I mean,
I just wanna know you...
Got something that I think
would cheer you up.
I miss you, wanna please you
You're sexy
Here I come.
Just wanna honor
your boundaries
-But baby
-I think I'll take my time
No means no
[suspenseful music playing]
Okay, guys, very funny.
You got me.
Where are the camera's at?
I know you got this
whole thing in 4K.
Delete it.
Ah, fuck! [groans]
[groans, grunts] No!
No, no, no, no! [groans] No!
-[music fades]
-[thumping on ceiling]
[suspenseful music playing]
-[music fades]
-[lively music playing]
Oh. Hey, Sarah,
how are you going?
Hug. I'm good.
[exhales] I'm strong,
I'm brave, I'm whole,
-and I have drugs, baby.
-[music fades]
[crickets chirping]
If they're making us wait
this long,
we should just have some fun.
But we don't even like
each other.
What's your point?
[mellow music playing]
[Aaron cheers]
[chuckles] Oh, man, Mo.
You got Will and L.B.
in the same week?
I'm just doing what L.B.'s doing
with Sarah upstairs.
What? No.
-Go take a look.
What? No.
-L.B.! I brought drugs.
-[unsettling music playing]
You were just hard a second ago.
Well, how am I supposed
to stay hard
-with Aaron in the room?
-[Mona] What the fuck?
-[Sarah] Aaron, what's wrong?
-[both scream]
-[music fades]
-[Aaron screaming]
What prank bullshit
is this, huh?
Sarah, you know
I'm allergic to blood.
[Sarah] What the hell
is going on?
-This isn't a prank, bro.
-Where the hell is L.B.?
-This ends now.
-We need to call the cops.
I thought L.B. was with you.
What? No, I didn't see him.
[Will] Sarah, what did you do?
[Sarah] What the fuck?
What do you mean, what did I do?
I was smoking a cigarette,
you jackass.
I didn't do anything.
[Aaron] Yeah, seriously,
back off, Will.
-Where the hell is L.B., huh?
-[Mona screams]
[screams, breathes heavily]
He was 36.
[Mona whines]
Oh, God, fuck.
[woman laughing] Come here.
[Guy] Wait... [coughing]
...what are we doing?
-[woman laughing]
Guy, is that you?
[Mona] What?
That wasn't open before, right?
-[woman laughing]
-Sarah, be careful.
-[woman laughing]
What the fuck is down there?
-Why would you go down there?
-Do you care about Liv?
So come with me.
I'm coming.
[unsettling music continues]
Someone's been watching us.
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.
[Mona] Who?
-You guys see what this is?
Hopefully, she'll have
to look at the transfer...
A sick fuck recreated the shack.
[Guy] Wait... [coughs]
...what are we doing?
[Aaron] Guys,
this is pretty messed up.
-We shouldn't even post this.
-[Mona] Don't.
[L.B.] You know,
just give it to me. I'll do it.
God, this isn't happening.
Are you serious?
-Liv, don't.
-[Aaron] Shit.
Shit, I knew that Colette thing
would come back and screw us.
Aaron, what the fuck
are you talking about?
[Aaron] Are you serious?
-Look at the video.
-No, that was her fault.
She killed herself.
Okay, what the hell
did you guys do?
They bullied her.
-[Mona] What?
-[Mona] No.
-What about you?
-[Aaron groans]
You were part of the whole
thing just like the rest of us.
Why, 'cause I drove you guys?
[fire crackling]
Oh fuck.
[Mona] Where did that video
come from?
No one else knew we were there.
-[Will screams]
-[Sarah screams]
-[TV crashes]
-[electricity crackles]
I knew I couldn't trust
any of you!
Who the fuck was watching?
-Who told?
-[Sarah] Wait, stop! Enough!
Someone please explain to me
what the fuck just happened.
I had to get her to stop.
What do you mean?
Uh, Colette sent Mona
a nude video on AboutMyFriends.
And then...
And then Mona just
screen recorded it.
But the private Snap story
was not my idea.
-You posted it?
-L.B. did.
And I only told a few people
and then we took it down,
but at that point, everyone
had the screen recording.
The fucking video
was everywhere.
[Aaron] Yeah,
and Colette's parents are, like,
really protective and religious.
-It was just so bad.
-Liv, don't.
[Will] Mona and L.B.
were supposed to meet her
at the cabin
where she killed herself.
When we got there,
Colette had our names carved
into the wood next to her body.
[unsettling music continues]
[vase crashes]
[flames roar]
What were we supposed to do?
How the fuck were we
gonna explain that?
God, just stop playing
the fucking victim, Mona.
It was your fault.
You made us torch
-the place, remember?
[Will] Yeah,
you got there first.
We had no idea what went
down before we showed up.
Would you just stop!
Fucking stop!
A girl killed herself
and you're just
pointing fingers?
You have absolutely no one
to blame but yourselves.
It was a mistake, okay?
Yeah, and now your mistake
is gonna get me killed.
So thanks for the invite,
What is that?
[unsettling music continues]
What the fuck?
[Will] What's with the pictures?
-It's the seven deadly sins.
-The shot glasses?
He's punishing us
based off of the sins.
What does that even mean?
I mean, what's happening to us?
-Am I envy? I don't...
-Shh, shh.
[whispers] We die like he wants.
No, no, no, fuck that.
I'm not standing around
waiting to be killed.
-Shh, Will, don't say...
-Get the fuck off me, bitch.
-[thumping in distance]
-[Mona gasps]
What the fuck is that?
Should've just fucking
stayed home.
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Mona whimpers]
-[suspenseful music continues]
-[all retch]
[door creaking]
[dramatic music playing]
No, no, no, no, no, no,
fuck this. No, no, no!
[Will screams]
-[Sarah gasps]
-[Mona gasps]
[Will pants]
[screams] Will, look out!
-[axe thumping]
-[flesh squelching]
-[all gasping]
-[Will grunts]
[screams, pants]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Sarah pants]
[Will] Help me.
-[breathes heavily]
-[Will grunts]
[blood squelching]
Help me.
-[bones cracking]
[Sarah pants]
[Will grunts]
[Aaron gasps]
[Will grunts]
-[boot thumps]
-[Will grunts]
[blood squelching]
[Will grunts]
-[flesh squelches]
-[Will grunts]
-[ax thumping]
-[blood squelching]
-[head splats]
-[Aaron retches]
[Mona pants]
[unsettling music playing]
[unsettling music continues]
[door thuds]
-[Mona screams]
-[glass crunching]
[Mona gasps]
[unsettling music continues]
[unsettling music continues]
-[intense music playing]
-[both screams]
[Aaron screams]
[suspenseful music playing]
Get there with your bells on,
Go, just go!
[suspenseful music continues]
Are you fucking kidding me?
We have to help Aaron.
You save Aaron.
I'm out of fucks, okay?
Go, let's go!
[suspenseful music playing]
Please don't hurt me.
I... I... I... think Sarah
probably likes me back.
Come on, I need this.
I can't die a fucking virgin.
[ax clangs]
Oh, oh, fuck!
[Aaron grunting]
[head thumps]
[screams] Open the fucking door!
[door thumps]
Aaron, are you okay?
Um, no, I don't think so.
He's coming!
Go, go, go!
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[bolt creaking]
[unsettling music playing]
[door creaking]
[unsettling music continues]
[unsettling music continues]
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Mona panting]
[Aaron gasps]
[Sarah panting]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Colette laughing]
-[boxes thudding]
-[Mona screams]
Fuck you!
[suspenseful music continues]
-[Mona screams]
-[Sarah gasping]
[Aaron] Sarah, come
on, give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
Come on, let's go!
[suspenseful music continues]
Where do we fucking go now?
What do we do?
I don't know how
to get that far.
[suspenseful music continues]
What do we do?
Oh, fuck, here he comes!
I'm sorry, Aaron.
For what?
You're on my mind
till the day I die
-[Aaron grunting]
-[flesh squelching]
I won't leave your side
For good, oh
[Aaron screams]
Fuck you!
[bodies thumping]
[Aaron grunting]
Mona, can you stop trying to
kill me, you fucking asshole?
[intense music playing]
-[eye squelches]
-[Sarah screams]
I'm yours 'till the day...
-[Aaron grunting]
-[flesh squelching]
I die
Oh, 'till the day I die
[innards splatting]
[Sarah gasping]
[intense music playing]
[Sarah gasping]
[Mona gasps]
[innards squelching]
[Mona screams]
[innards squelching]
[Sarah gasps]
-[Mona screams]
-[flesh squelches]
[suspenseful music playing]
[knife clanging]
[Mona grunting]
[Mona groaning]
Fuck him, I can't see!
[Mona groaning]
[knife clinking]
[body thuds]
Ah, fuck!
-[fists pounding]
-[Mona grunting]
[intense music continues]
[Mona screaming]
[boxes thudding]
[Mona screams]
-[foot pounding]
-[Mona grunting]
Come on,
get the fuck up, motherfucker!
[Lois groans]
Yeah, it's fucking me.
What the fuck is going on?
-The killer is the fucking cop.
-[Sarah] Huh?
The killer is the fucking
cop who picked us up!
-[Sarah screams]
-Why are you doing this?
We don't even know you.
Why are you doing this?
I know you.
And you deserve
everything you got
and everything that's coming.
Why did you kill my friends?
Because hurt people...
hurt people.
[Mona gasps]
[suspenseful music playing]
-[Mona grunting]
-[Lois grunting]
Do you fucking hear me?
This is where you fucking die!
Sarah, get the other knife!
-I can't fucking see!
-Fucking get it!
[Mona screaming]
[Sarah] I got it. I got it.
Hurry the fuck up
this bitch is a lot.
[Mona gasping]
[Sarah gasping]
[flesh squelching]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Mona gasping]
[Sarah] Stay alive, Mona.
[Mona wheezing]
I want to show you something.
Ah, this would be fucking
great for pride, wouldn't it?
Do you have my locket?
Yeah, L.B. took it.
I took it back.
[unsettling music playing]
Now, Mona,
you're probably wondering
why Officer Shaw's here.
[Mona wheezing]
I'll tell you.
Because of what you did...
I got low.
[unsettling music continues]
You killed my heart with her.
And the dead things
can't carry on living,
so I nearly took my own life.
She saw me.
Fate stepped in right before
I could step off that ledge.
I found someone who
understood why I was hurt.
And I realized...
I am not the only one
who wishes motherfuckers
like you weren't alive.
[Mona gagging]
[Sarah] The whole seven deadly
sins thing was her idea.
Well, I...
I can't take credit for it.
It's inspired by someone else
that's being investigated,
and their work.
It's still an open
case by someone
Mona doesn't care.
[gasps] Why?
[Sarah] Fair question.
[Mona] Why, why?
I'll show you why.
[unsettling music continues]
-[Mona choking]
If you're lucky, you would've
known a person like this.
Someone who understood
you, who loved you,
who was quick to defend,
someone who was such
a light to others.
That it was an honor when
they shared their hurt...
their fear.
It made you feel special.
And it was inevitable
that someone would be
drawn to that light
only to fucking destroy it.
You did this to yourself.
Do you know that?
When you hurt her, you broke me.
[Sarah screams]
When you burned her,
you forged me.
You were right, Mona.
I am wrath.
[intense music playing]
-[Sarah screams]
-[Mona coughing]
There's so much blood
in these fuckers.
[blood squelching]
Wait, wait.
Are you okay to set up?
[Sarah exhales]
[blood squelching]
[Mona choking]
Yeah, let's do it.
I just wanna take another look.
Maybe if you're lucky,
you get to meet someone
like this in your lifetime.
Someone who's quick to defend.
A person who really sees you.
[Sarah] Colette,
have you ever met someone
that just gets you?
Well, I did.
Her name is Lois Shaw.
And she helped me
every step of the way.
[Travis] You fucked my wife!
You fucked my wife!
Just needed a destination,
-a bump in the road...
-[tires screeching]
...a nice house
where the owners
were away for a while,
and all we had to do
was set the stage,
line up the players,
and settle the score, one...
by one...
by one.
[chuckles] I miss you, Colette.
[heartfelt music playing]
[Sarah] We planned your revenge
and it went off
with nary a hitch.
Not that there weren't
some surprises,
-those bastards.
[flesh squelching]
And they were such easy prey.
And Lois Shaw was there
every step of the way.
She really relished it.
-[screams] Fuck you!
-[flesh squelching]
And she saved me
so I could avenge you.
I think you'd really
like her, Colette.
And now we simply have
to wait for the world
to see the story
we left for them.
And things will finally change.
Maybe we finally did something
that can't be ignored.
Maybe, we did something
in the dark
that they would mistake
for hate,
and in the light only
we know it was love.
9-1-1, help me, please!
All my friends
have got murdered!
I don't know where he is!
He's coming to kill me!
I need your help!
[coughs] Fuck me.
[intense music playing]
[stern music playing]
[camera shutters clicking]
-[siren wailing]
-[radio chatter]
Is he tall?
I apologize,
I know this is tough.
I just, uh...
-Bald, anything?
-No, I don't know.
-I just need
another minute, okay?
[Lois] I think she needs
a break.
-Just a couple more questions.
-She needs a break.
Come, let's get you some air.
[siren wailing]
[wind chime chiming]
Wait, wait, are you okay?
Kind of like, I'm not here.
Like an impersonation
of myself, you know?
Like, I'm Sarah...
she's alive, but like,
she doesn't really know
who she is anymore.
[Lois grunts]
If that bleeds again,
we gotta cover that.
I'll be fine.
-[radio beeps]
-[Detective] Shaw,
remember that cold case
from '03?
Looks like it's the same guy.
The force is lucky
to have you, too.
-Remind you of anything?
-Sure does.
2003. The same MO.
You see?
They're picking up
the breadcrumbs,
just like I said they would.
Group of kids came up
to the valley for the concert.
Didn't make it.
Real biblical shit.
A copycat,
inspired by that film.
[sighs, breathes deeply]
Man, you should've heard
the things that they did to her.
I mean, they were her
best fucking friends,
and then just like...
Everyone trying to be loud,
make it viral.
Kids can be cruel.
No, it was more than that.
They were fucking scum.
Millennial bullshit.
Catholic school.
Scum of the earth.
She deserved better than that.
They're gone now.
Came back to damn them,
didn't he?
Champagne, the signed card.
-Seven Deadly Sins Killer.
-Signature looks identical.
-You can tell?
-Can't forget.
There is just one thing
that really struck me.
The thing I haven't quite
been able to figure out yet.
The video.
The one of them, uh,
torching the cabin.
They're all in it.
Who took the video?
What really happened
that night, Sarah?
-Sarah. Sarah.
Cardinal Sin,
the welcome note.
Details never released
to the public.
Twenty year anniversary.
Hell of a party.
[Lois] Sarah, what happened?
She wasn't
supposed to be there.
It was supposed to
be fucking Mona.
No one knew that I knew.
I knew everything.
So I hacked into L.B.'s
AboutMyFriends account
and I DMed Mona and
told her to meet me
at their old hookup
spot, the cabin.
And Colette found out somehow
and she came to stop me.
[stern music playing]
-[door creaking]
-[Colette panting]
[picture clatters]
[gun bangs]
[Sarah] Fuck!
They fucking treated
her like shit.
Like fucking shit.
After... After everything
they fucking did,
she still fucking
cared about them.
She still fucking cared.
[heartfelt music playing]
It was supposed to be Mona.
She was the one who was
supposed to fucking pay.
And I thought that I
was nothing like them,
but it turns out I'm
exactly fucking like them.
[camera clicking]
And I...
I wanted to tell you.
I wanted to be perfect for
you, but I'm not and I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
[camera clicking]
Anything interesting?
[Lois] We're gonna figure
it out together.
We just need to stick
to the plan, okay?
[Sarah] Mm-hmm.
[tape whirring]
"My world"?
Seen that tattoo before.
[suspenseful music playing]
It's just there's
one loose end.
[suspenseful music continues]
I think we're better
off as friends.
-[Lois] But wait--
-[Sarah giggles]
Sarah, what the fuck
are you doing?
-Give that back to me.
-No, no, we need it.
-The plan.
-What fucking plan?
Sarah, give me the fucking gun.
Give me back my fucking gun.
-Shaw, put it down!
-Put it down!
She's trying to kill me!
-Shaw, put it down!
-Wait, wait, wait!
-Wait, no, wait!
Please don't, please.
She's trying to kill me!
[suspenseful music playing]
Put it down!
Have you ever met someone
who is just a total cunt?
-Fuck you!
-[Sarah groans]
[unsettling music playing]
[Russell] Detective
Daniels coming around.
Scene secure.
Sorry, hon.
As you know,
we're just friends.
And unfortunately for you...
all my friends are dead.
All my friends are dead
Bathe the bodies in red
Tuck the memory in lead
Put them on the bed
Wish I could forget
One inside my held
Held to what they said
Ain't got no regrets
All my friends are dead
All of my friends were
assholes when they was alive
Now my friends are
passed on, no assholes
All my friends are dead
I ain't got no friends
Toxic loving trend
Fuck 'em
-[music fades]
-[static crackling]
We interrupt this
broadcast with breaking news.
We've learned tonight,
it has happened again.
KarmaPalooza returned
this weekend to Macomb,
and so did unspeakable tragedy.
We're getting reports
that seven victims
have been identified
within the basement
of a rural home
just beyond the outskirts
of the festival.
We are hearing reports that a
possible suspect has been shot
and there is hope for
answers from a lone survivor
of the horrific attack.
The past seems to have
reared its ugly head
in the quiet town of Macomb.
More on this as we
go live to the scene.
[radio chattering]
[siren wailing]
[cell phone chiming]
Sarah, please hold
for your new agent.
Rick, I thought you
didn't rep victims.
No, I don't.
I don't rep victims.
You're not a victim.
You're a survivor.
[chuckles] You just
hit the big time.
Do you even realize you have
over a million followers?
But I don't have any accounts.
No, I set it up for you.
You're bigger than Fentanyl.
Sarah, your life rights could
hit the trauma trifecta.
Podcast, documentary
series, and a movie.
Yeah, I'm not really sure
that's what I'm going for.
Well, but listen,
we may have to lay off
the antidepressants, okay?
'Cause if you chunk up,
your quote goes down.
Rick, I gotta go.
What the fuck?
[stern music playing]
In a nearly carbon copy
of the events of 2004,
this appears to be another
series of brutal murders
at the hands of the
person known only as SDSK,
the Seven Deadly Sins Killer,
who was believed to be in
hiding for the last 20 years,
until tonight.
We have confirmed reports
of seven bodies found
in this residence in
the city of Macomb,
mere hours after reports
of a domestic disturbance
made by concerned neighbors.
Now we urge members
of the public
to please report any
information they may have
to assist law enforcement.
More on this story
as it happens.
Law enforcement has
issued a mandatory curfew
and suggests adopting
a buddy system.
Details of which appear at
the bottom of your screen.
For up to date information,
ways to help, and stay safe,
please call the number below
or visit
And we would like
to formally issue
our deepest condolences
and sympathies
to the families and
loved ones of the victims
whose identities at this
time remain protected.
More on this story
as it develops.
It had been several days
since homeowner
Evan Michael Morris
heard from a group
of college kids
he was leasing his home to
through the popular
accommodation website Stay Away.
[cell phone chiming]
Rick, I told you
it's not a good time.
We'll talk about it
later, all right?
[caller breathing heavily]
-[caller] Who's Rick?
-[eerie music playing]
Who is this?
[caller] I'm the
guy you tried to copy.
But you did one thing wrong.
And what's that?
[caller] You
pissed me off, Sarah.
And for that sin,
everyone you know is dead.
[suspenseful music playing]
[tense electronic music playing]
[tense electronic music