Amira (2021) Movie Script

- Hey!
- Hi.
- How are you?
- Good.
Is this really me?
Do I look that old?
I made you ten years younger.
Why'd you put me on the far end?
Grandma, I put you first.
Hurry Amira, we're late.
- Goodbye!
- Good luck.
I don't want to be far from Nawar
in real life and in pictures.
Fine I'll fix it.
- Bye mom.
- Good luck, son.
Tell him I said hi and
enough hunger strikes.
Let's grab something to eat.
I already ate.
Send him our regards!
Say hi for me.
Taxi! Downtown?
One sec,
Don't tell him what my mom
said, ok?
Are you the wife of that terrorist?
You mean prisoner of war.
What's your relationship to him?
Her uncle.
He's not your father?
What does my ID say?
Don't touch.
This way.
Are you okay?
It's hot anyways.
People are staring...
Enough Amira.
Enough dear.
Almost done...
That's good enough.
There he is!
Dad, can you hear me?
I missed you.
We missed you too.
You lost so much weight.
Think of it like a diet.
How's everything?
How's my mom? Bassel? Saeed?
They're good. They say hi.
We don't see Saeed that much.
Since they bombed his car,
he moves around a lot.
He still called to send you his
You can reassure everyone...
they agreed to some of our terms.
So we're ending the
hunger strike.
- Thank God.
- Thank God.
I was so worried...
for both of you!
She also stopped eating.
Didn't I say no?
You promised not to do that!
Didn't you?
How can I eat
while you're starving?
That's why we settled with them.
So no one outside joins us
and gets harmed.
They also agreed to more visits.
Just for the time being.
Better than nothing.
You took us to Hawaii!
I take better pictures
than you now.
Look at her comparing herself
to her old man!
My old camera versus
your fancy technology.
That's not fair!
Excuses, excuses...
Next time, let's go to the Bahamas.
Warda, wanna join us?
She won't put me in any pictures!
You're always with me.
Can't I have some
father daughter time?
Just this once, let her join us.
Make it romantic.
Romantic? Like make
you kiss each other?
Why not?
By the way...
there's a chance we can
have another kid.
The Israelis will
let that happen?
After hunger strikes, they
relax security measures.
But after all these years?
This opportunity may not come again.
How would we register the
baby this time?
Under my brother's name.
Bassel or Saeed.
Sure, if that's what you
wish. Right?
No, dear.
It's Warda's decision.
Only she can decide.
Amira is more than enough,
isn't she?
As you wish.
Call your uncle.
You call him.
We're here, where are you?
Rima, darling, can you
please help us?
- Hi mom.
- Hello.
- Let me help you...
- I got it.
Tell me Amira, did
they really end the strike?
Yes they did.
Here, turn that thing off!
Tell me everything he said.
You need to go to bed now.
Time to sleep.
What the hell...
You recorded on the wedding tape!
Who did this?
I warned you not to mess
with the VCR remote!
Who did this?
It was me by accident.
No, it was one of them.
It's ok, Amira.
No, it's not!
Rima, put the kids to bed.
Big smile now.
Awesome, next.
I need a favor...
I won't photoshop your face.
Do us all a favor
and crop her out.
No, put me next to Tom Cruise.
Who's Tom Cruise?
Make me look good, ok?
Yes, sir.
Can you move to the other side?
Gather up, please.
Sir, come forward.
Mr. Hani?
We're ready.
- What did he say?
- Who?
- Mr Hani?
- About what?
Dad wanting to have a baby...
Are you interrogating me?
If you don't tell him, I will.
I know you trust him.
You think I don't want a kid?
I just can't do this alone again.
Dad is alone.
He'll be alone forever.
How else can we
make him feel better?
What about me, Amira?
Don't you think about me at all?
You think about yourself enough.
Where's Amira?
What's wrong?
What's wrong, Warda?
"Amira Nawar"
Draw that on my jeans too.
So my Uncle Saeed
finds out about us?
He won't.
That "N" looks like a "Z" to
me. "Z" for Ziad.
And the "A"?
It's a joke.
Your name's in Arabic anyways.
Let him find out!
We'll get married, have a kid,
and make your dad happy.
You know what, your mom's right.
Imagine naming your kid
after someone else.
So it's better to have the right name
and no acknowledgement from Israel?
Living with no ID, no travel,
and no prison visit rights.
You hear that?
- A drone.
- Where?
- You can't see it.
- Will it drop a bomb?
Sometimes it just takes photos.
What are you doing?
Smile for the picture.
Come on!
I know how you feel about
bad pictures.
Come on!
Foot off the pedal!
Enough! You drive!
Just take it easy...
This is embarrassing!
Excuse us, student driver
coming through!
Thanks, sir.
Pray for us!
I said drive, not shake.
Foot off the pedal!
- Now the gas pedal!
- We're gonna crash!
Away from that car.
They're staring at me
No, at me! Probably thinking
crazy taxi driver.
When someone is worried
we should put them at ease...
not force them to do what
they're not ready for.
You know, your mom asked
to marry your dad after he was imprisoned.
They didn't even know each other.
Your mom is living half a life.
Well my dad isn't living at all.
We should sacrifice for him.
He's sacrificing for us.
Uncle Saeed's here?
"Our Freedom Fighter
Saeed Hassan Auda"
I missed you.
Amira, my princess.
How are you?
Saeed we're making you
your favorite dish.
Thank you mom.
Look at her.
Go easy on your mom.
I told her I'm willing to register
the child in my name.
Or my name and Rima.
You didn't even ask me.
Why would you object?
It's done. Nadia and
I agreed on it.
You saw the new ID camera?
It's incredible.
I saw it online.
Start looking for a camera bag.
I asked a friend coming from Canada
to buy it for me.
But first, clear things up
with your mom.
Hi, honey.
How are you dear?
I gave it a thought and I
want what you want.
A baby.
You sure?
What changed your mind?
Amira will be on her own soon
and I don't want to be alone.
I gotta go, I gotta go!
The money will be paid
on delivery.
We gotta move... the Israelis
can locate you like this.
My brother Bassel will meet you
to take the sperm.
Once, there was a man,
sleeping peacefully...
suddenly a snake came out!
Again, again...
One minute...
You there?
- Just a sec.
- Ok.
You have mascara on?
Is your hair loose?
I feel like I'm talking to myself.
No, I'm here.
I can just send the semen
without doing this.
I want our child to be conceived
from real feelings.
Then what's wrong?
I'll hang up then.
I'm just confused...
I want this, but I'm scared.
I know dear.
It's your decision.
No one else's.
Can I ask you something?
Why do you want to have kids?
I mean...
You'll never really experience what
it means to be a father.
Don't get me wrong, I just...
You know what,
just forget about it.
Don't get upset.
Don't get upset.
When I was in school,
I had a huge crush on you.
You were the hottest freedom fighter.
I used to stalk you at the bakery.
Once I was standing in line behind you,
and you bumped into me and I almost fell.
You grabbed my hand.
I stopped washing that hand.
Are you serious?
We actually touched each other before?
I want to have kids because...
every part of me that escapes
this prison...
feels like a part of me is free.
If I was...
next to you, what would
you do to me?
I'd kiss every inch of you.
I'm ready now.
Me too.
You think you're Messi!
We extracted the eggs
and we're ready.
- Where's Dr. Faris?
- He retired almost 10 years ago.
He was amazing.
He delivered you Amira.
Don't worry, you're
still in good hands.
First, we check the sample,
Then match it for DNA.
Once all is checked,
we do fertilization.
Do I need to take a needle?
Don't worry,
the DNA test is oral.
Not so tough, are we now?
Where are you, Bassel?
I'm here.
We're here.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Congratulations darling.
God bless you.
Is that the baby my uncle sent?
Shouldn't it be in your belly?
Guys, we need to clear the room.
Did the doctor say that?
Was it this awkward
when I was born?
The kids are bored.
We're in a hospital!
What's going on?
Nawar called twice.
I don't know...
Go ask over there.
- Excuse me, what's taking so long?
- There's the doctor.
Sorry for the delay.
I had to double check the results.
Can I speak to Mrs. Warda privately?
My dad's on the phone.
I need him too. Please
give her the phone.
She's my daughter,
I want her with me.
I'd rather not, it's a
very sensitive matter.
Put me on speakerphone dear.
There's no secrets
between us. Amira, stay.
Ok, this way.
What's wrong?
We can't use this sample.
Did it get ruined on the way?
No, but...
Mr Nawar suffers from...
He's sterile.
He "became" sterile?
In his case, it's a congenital
defect from birth.
What the hell?
Are you even a doctor?
The sample got ruined!
This is nonsense!
How is that possible?
I'm his daughter.
That doesn't make sense.
No you don't make sense!
It's not my opinion.
It's the test results.
We checked multiple times...
got the same results.
The DNA test!
It'll prove you wrong.
Ok, but we'll also have to test his mom.
In case she doesn't match.
Which means you have to...
tell her.
What's wrong?
When will we get the result?
Two days at least.
Would you step over here please?
Open your mouth, please.
It's clear the sample got ruined
on the way.
Don't pay them again.
We pay per child, not per trip.
They say they put something
in the food to make us sterile.
Come towards the rising sun
Your genesis was a phenomenon
Now up on the plank, you rise on.
Oh Child of Mary, you are the one.
Who is the poet?
You weren't paying attention
at all today.
Sorry sir.
I had a headache.
You don't have to worry.
I know.
I'm sure it's a mistake.
Did she tell you?
Your secret's safe with me.
If you need anything,
I'm here for you.
We sent the sample to five labs...
got the same result.
The sample is definitely Nawar's.
It matched his mother's DNA.
Which confirms he's sterile.
And my DNA?
It didn't match.
Something is wrong!
I'm sorry, I can only imagine
how hard this is.
No, we're taking this to another lab.
Come on, mom.
Can you keep this between us?
Unfortunately, Mr. Nawar's family...
came in an hour ago.
Thank you.
I don't get it!
Why don't we go to another doctor?
Maybe the sample was bad
because he was on a hunger strike.
We can get the doctor who
delivered me to vouch for you.
It's dad!
Shall I answer?
- Amira?
- No, it's me, Warda.
What happened?
Just saw the doctor.
It's the same results.
I'm sure the sample got ruined.
I'll send you another one.
Nothing will change Nawar.
What do you mean?
Call your mom.
My uncle's here.
Nawar's not sterile, right?
- Warda?
- Mom!
- Stay!
- No I'm coming.
You can't come.
Bassel, for God's sake!
How should we handle this?
It doesn't make any sense.
If she's innocent,
why isn't she defending herself?
Are you there?
No one is allowed.
Leave her.
What are you here?
So your mom...
doesn't escape.
You know?
All of you?
We're used to keeping secrets.
No one will find out.
Who's Amira's father?
Maybe it's hard for her to speak
in front of her brother.
Can I talk to her privately?
There's nothing to hide.
Warda will speak...
whether she likes it or not!
Calm down Suliman!
- You shouldn't be here.
- What will you do to her?
If she wants to live,
she must speak.
You really think my mom
would do such a thing?
It's Nawar.
Warda, to hell with all the tests!
Just say you didn't do anything.
I'll fight the world for you,
just say you are innocent!
Mom, tell them!
Your daughter wants to know!
Is Nawar her father?
I want to talk to him.
Amira wants you.
I am so sorry!
It's not your fault.
I still can't believe...
Are they treating you well?
What am I supposed to do?
I don't know.
If your uncle lost his temper,
he could hurt Warda.
If you really want to help her,
tell Saeed...
who you suspect...
Is your father.
I have to go, someone's coming.
I'll drop you off first.
But Saeed said take her home.
Your house is here.
Hers is on my way.
It's just around the corner.
Please get out.
I won't leave you.
It's over for us.
Let's get engaged now,
then married after college.
I am not getting married.
You loved the daughter
of a hero.
Now I'm a nobody.
All I care about is "Amira".
Not your last name.
Mr. Hani?
Where have you and
your mother been?
Why aren't you married?
You're not married.
That's no one's business.
Is that him?
- What's going on?
- You're coming with us.
You have to take a DNA test.
Hold on, hold on!
Easy on him!
I don't see any resemblance.
Same skin tone.
Are you my dad?
Amira wait outside.
Tell him to untie me.
Can you untie him?
After the test.
You hang out with my mom,
and always treated me like a daughter.
Is that a bad thing?
Why don't you want to take the test?
Why not test the principal? Other
parents? The carpenter? The blacksmith?
Tell me if you are my father?
Your father is the one who raised you.
I was raised by many people.
So what difference does it make?
Bassel, get her out.
You didn't answer me!
Let's go.
Go ahead, doctor.
Open your mouth.
Open your mouth.
It's not him.
How so?
He's not into women.
Not his type.
When we were young,
every girl crushed on him.
He could care less.
He only stuck to his friend
who lives in Germany now
and has a very gay
facebook profile.
You mean he's...?
Aren't they testing everyone
who was around your mom?
I don't know.
What about Bassel?
People will wonder why not Bassel.
He's Nawar's brother...
who lives with Warda in
the same house!
Amira, they'll listen to you.
You can suspect anyone.
He always favored you over us.
Out of love for his absent brother.
Or out of love for Warda!
You have to make sure.
Isn't that what Nawar wants?
Doctor, wait!
What is it?
Go ahead Doctor.
Can you do another test?
On who?
My husband.
Are you insane?
What the hell are you saying!
He was the closest person to her.
Are you accusing me of betrayal?
Pack your bags and get out!
One more word, and we're done.
Go ahead doctor.
- No wait doctor.
- What is it?
We have to test you.
- You too!
- Bassel!
So the freedom fighter doesn't cheat,
but the taxi driver does?
I wanted to be like him
but he made sure it never happen.
I'm the one who told
Saeed not to take you!
I lost one son,
isn't that enough?
Fine, we both do it.
I am not doing it.
The whole school knows
about your mom.
We're all coming to support you.
When are you gonna talk?
The whole world now knows.
Who is my father?
You need to leave this place.
Go to Egypt, I will help you.
Who's daughter am I?
I'm not leaving until I
know the truth.
I'm not asking,
I'm telling you to leave!
I'm going to the doctor who
conceived me.
You won't be able to find him.
- I'll ask around.
- Amira, Amira!
Fine, I'll go with you.
- I want to go alone.
- No.
He's in a refugee camp,
you'll get lost.
You gotta know the place,
I'll take you.
No way.
That doctor knows something.
If she escapes, I'm screwed!
She won't!
It will be a quick trip.
No one will notice.
I'll figure it out.
I'll have to handcuff her.
Get her to the roof of the next
building and I'll meet you downstairs.
You'll be the end of me.
Sorry for tying you.
Why are you helping her?
You don't have the right
to ask anything.
I'm asking him.
I love her and I want to marry her.
Right or left?
Which way?
I'm not sure.
Turn left, I think.
The road is closed!
Back up now.
Are you trying to get us lost?
Is that why you came?
I told you his place is hard to find.
Let me ask that guy!
If you really love her,
find any excuse and take her home.
Don't go through with this.
I'm her mom, I know what's
best for her.
Turn right, then take the third left.
What's wrong?
Turn right.
His name is Hassan!
He used to be Nawar's cellmate,
but got released.
When they prohibited visits,
he helped us communicate.
He relayed messages between Nawar and I.
We met up a lot...
we fell in love.
Why are you saying this now?
I'd rather you hear it from me
than the doctor.
He'll tell you I wasn't a virgin
when I was inseminated.
He covered up for me.
I knew it was wrong...
but what could I have done?
I am human.
I wanted to be held,
to be touched...
Where is this Hassan?
Israelis killed him.
I was going to divorce Nawar
and marry him, but he died.
It's not your fault... it's mine.
Amira please.
We saw this coming.
I didn't...
that cheater!
Let's go home.
I'm not going in the
same car with her!
What's going on?
Get over here now!
Are you Dr. Faris?
Who are you?
I am the scandal you covered up.
What are you talking about?
Remember my mother?
Warda Ali Fouad.
Ziad, make her come over here!
She was pregnant from a man
that wasn't my dad.
I remember her.
But she did get pregnant
from your dad.
Are you sure?
Of course.
It's not everyday I artificially
inseminate a virgin.
My dad can't have kids.
He has some birth defect.
Then he can't be your father.
You said you used his semen...
I used what I received.
Maybe it wasn't his.
Didn't you do a DNA test?
We didn't have DNA tests
at the time.
Who else handled the sample
before it got to me?
My uncle... and...
Just him. That's it.
And the guard who smuggled it.
- This trip never happened.
- No, it did.
No, it didn't.
You're better off being a bastard child...
than Israeli.
This case must be closed.
Otherwise they won't stop
until they find out.
How's it going to get closed?
Where were you?
I wanted to escape.
She wouldn't help me.
You want to destroy us all?
Enough is enough!
You're right.
Gather up the family and I'll
tell you all the truth.
I'm a cheater and a liar.
You know,
you still look like me.
I'll always look like you.
Did you bring a picture?
I wasn't sure if you'd want me
in it.
Any news on the DNA tests?
Your brothers fought about it
but eventually did it. They're negative.
Who else handled the sample
used to conceive me?
That's it.
Mom is going to say she cheated on you
so no one finds out the truth.
Are you going to let her do that?
You're asking me to pick who's life
gets destroyed, yours or hers?
She's your wife. She sacrificed
a lot for you.
And you...
you mean nothing to me?
Just like that!
I am...
I'm Israeli.
You're my daughter!
My daughter.
Are they all there?
Will you be okay?
Hassan Wakil is Amira's father.
Nawar's friend?
He was our messenger.
But things got out of hand.
Hassan and Nawar
were like brothers.
I know.
That made it harder.
Leave now!
You're going to pay for this!
You're going to get what you deserve!
- My mom is innocent!
- Shut up!
Don't you dare!
Leave now!
The Israeli guard swapped the semen!
That's nonsense!
Don't listen to her.
I cheated on Nawar!
Hassan's the father!
You can ask Dr. Faris...
even ask Nawar!
Don't believe her!
I'm a cheater!
I cheated on Nawar!
I did!
It's true! She's Hassan's
daughter, not Nawar's.
Believe me...
What are you doing?
I don't want to cause you any harm.
What harm?
I don't know.
Let's think this over.
You have kids here,
you can't risk that.
Where are you going?
- I can handle myself.
- I can take you...
There's no need to.
I called you a million times,
your phone was off.
They let you go?
Nawar and the doctor confirmed
what you said.
You shouldn't have done that.
You must leave.
- And go where?
- Any country far from here.
Come on.
I'm staying.
You can't.
Many people here have
a vendetta with Israel.
What are you trying to get at?
Someone can harm you.
Amira, come here!
I'm talking to you!
You got a problem?
No, why are you saying that?
What are you looking at?
What's wrong with you?
Stop it! Stop! Enough!
Amira, come here now!
Come with me.
Do you want them to hurt you?
- If they lay a finger on you, they're suspended.
- Why?
I am the child of their enemy.
Even if you were Jewish, it doesn't
mean you're the occupation.
Why are you defending me
after what I did to you?
Someone has to... if you won't.
Aren't you the same Amira?
I'm this Amira because I was born here.
If I were born there,
I'd be someone else.
So everyone born here's the same?
Everyone born there's the same?
It's all strictly a matter of DNA?
So we don't have free will?
How could you let me
put you through all that?
I was afraid the truth would
kill you.
And you think lying didn't?
How can I live with myself now?
I'm the one who made everyone
suspect me.
- Can I ask you something?
- Anything.
Amira must leave the country.
The graffiti was probably some stupid kids.
No one would hurt her.
I'm not gonna take a risk
with my daughter.
So I won't see her again?
She refuses to leave.
She won't listen to me.
You're the only one who can talk to her.
I'll have Saeed arrange the trip,
but one condition...
You'll go with her.
I'll help her settle down,
then come back to you.
You go and stay with her.
Start a new life.
- No, Nawar.
- If not...
I won't convince her.
- Nawar...
- I won't convince her.
Wait, wait! Please don't!
Amira, you have to leave the country.
If I leave, I'd look like I'm guilty
of something.
I'll stay here and show everyone
who I really am.
It won't work that way.
You're always going to be a disgrace.
My mom told you to say that.
No, I was just not thinking straight...
No matter what...
you'll never be one of us.
This is only going to get uglier.
Eventually people will think you're a spy.
I'll rid you of all my problems.
What are you going to do?
I'll figure it out.
I will never forgive you
if you hurt yourself.
that would only make things worse.
The best thing is to leave
right away.
Pack up your things...
If I mean anything to you...
do it.
And never come back.
Put this on your eyes.
- What is it for?
- You know why.
- She won't do it.
- What?
Why are you doing that?
He wanted to blindfold her.
Who told you to do that?
- I was afraid she'd report your location.
- Get out of my sight. Now!
You're going to Egypt.
You could've just sent them to me.
I wanted to see you, before you leave.
You're not just my daughter on paper.
So, it finally came.
I was nine when your grandpa
gave me my first camera.
Nawar was still young.
He pretended a shoebox
was his camera.
He used to copy me.
Pretend to take the same
pictures I took.
Dad used to say "You don't make
one mistake, you make two.
'Cuz whatever you do,
Nawar will also do."
I always tell myself one day,
I'll go back to photography.
I want to stay.
It's not possible.
Some people will never accept you,
no matter what you do.
There is a way I can
change their minds.
You know the old guard
who did this to us, right?
What do you mean?
I want his address.
I'll cross the border and...
kill him.
Amira just leave with your mom.
Where to?
You think I'll be happy leaving
my life behind?
One of us can do it.
I'll do it.
I have to do it myself.
That's the whole point.
There's no need to do that.
If I leave...
I'll never be okay.
I'll just be dying slowly.
I still feel guilty about Nawar.
I can't handle any more guilt.
If you don't help me,
I'll cross the border,
and attack every soldier
I see until they kill me.
You try to live with that.
Are you crazy?
You want to kill?
I'm out of options.
To hell with people!
- And your family?
- It doesn't matter.
I'll leave with you.
I can't do this to you.
You don't need to prove
anything to anyone.
I need to do it for me.
You're the same girl.
The one I love.
Pack warm clothes,
Alexandria is colder than here.
You look pretty in every picture.
I think she changed her mind.
Ziad, try one more time.
Let's go.
- Do you know how to use a gun?
- I tried a couple of times.
Where's the address?
I'm coming with you.
Hurry up!
I'm not leaving you.
Come on!
Help me.
Come on, go!
- Lift it up for me.
- Why?
I am crossing too.
I'll get more planks and come back.
You won't find me.
Look, over there!
I'm here, I'm outside.
I'm detective Izhak Naftali.
What's the story?
We need you to identify a body.
Why me?
She was shot crossing the border...
She had a piece of paper
with your name and address.
No, I never saw her before.
Her name's Amira Said Auda. She used
to visit a terrorist at Meggido prison.
You worked there, right?
I quit long ago.
So you're sure you don't know her?
Itai, do you know her?
Come towards the rising sun,
your genesis was a phenomenon.
Now up on the plank, you rise on.
Oh Child of Mary, you are the one.
Rise up, rise up...
But never leave us.
You're the light in the darkness of life.