Anima (2019) Movie Script

Who are these people?
I'm in black treacle
Cue sliding violins
In sympathy
I'm not running
Enough of broken glass
Enough so I can eat
My dancing feet
My dancing feet
A fortune teller
With sea bird feathers
Cue the sliding violins
In sympathy
I'm not running
Enough of broken glass
Enough so I can eat
My dancing feet
No body
No body
It's not good
It's not right
A mirror
A sponge
But you're free
Show me the money
Party with a rich zombie
Suck it in
Through a straw
Party with a rich zombie
Crime pays
She stays
In Kensington and Chelsea
And you have to make amends
To make amends to me
I can't breath
I can't breath
There's no water
There's no water
A drip feed
Foie gras
A brick wall
A brick wall
But you're free
Back up the Cul-de-sac
Come on do your worst
You quit your job again
And your train of thought
If you could do it all again
A little fairy dust
A thousand tiny birds singing
If you must you must
Please let me know
When you've had enough
Of the white light
Of the dawn chorus
If you could do it all again
You don't know how much
Pronto pronto
Moshi mosh
Come on chop chop
If you could do it all again
Yeah without a second thought
I don't like leaving
The door shut
I think I missed something
But I'm not sure what
In the middle of the vortex
The wind picked up
Shook up the soot
From the chimney pot
Into spiral patterns
Of you my love
You take a little piece
Then you break it off
It's a bloody racket
It's the dawn chorus
If you could do it all again
Big deal so what
Please let me know
When you've had enough
It's the last chance
OK Corral
If you could do it all again
This time with style