Anna Nicole (2013) Movie Script

Welcome to Mexia, Texas,
my hometown.
Most people pronounce it "Mex-ia,"
and it's not.
It's "Me-hay-ya."
This here is the chicken stand
where I used to work.
And it's where I met my first husband.
Oh, shoot.
I don't wanna talk about him.
Cut. Cut. Ha-ha.
- Anna, come here.
- Anna!
- Yeah!
- Anna!
You want a little fun?
- Here!
- Anna!
Here I come
Oh, you want to go wild
You want to set this off
Hold onto your glass
'Cause your world will rock
We might get crazy
Hey, baby, don't fear
Get ready to party
The party's here
I'll be buried as international
celebrity and balls-to-the-wall party girl,
Anna Nicole Smith,
but I was born Vicky Lynn Hogan.
Vicky Lynn.
Your hair looks like
something nested in it.
Did you brush it?
I forgot.
Don't forget tomorrow, okay?
I'll see you later.
My mama married four different men.
None of them, as far as I could tell,
were worth two ugly craps.
I don't know why
Mama's younger sister lived with us.
Thanks for the ride.
See you tomorrow.
But I know it would have been
a whole lot worse for me if she hadn't.
Clean your room today?
Let me see.
- I told you not to lock your door.
- Go away.
Unlock your door.
Go away.
Get away from me.
Stop it.
Hands off.
Get off me.
I always felt like
if I hadn't met Marilyn.
I never would've become Anna.
- You better run.
- Yeah.
You get out of here
and never come back, do you hear me?
You scumbag.
Vicky Lynn.
Vicky Lynn.
Vicky Lynn.
Who are you?
I'm Anna.
Anna Nicole.
You're so pretty.
When you grow up,
you're gonna get earrings just like mine.
Vicky Lynn.
Are you really sure
you need all that?
Everybody's wearing makeup now.
I suppose so.
You going bowling, little girl?
Is that what you told me? Mm.
Sounds exciting.
Guess there's gonna be boys at the alley.
There always are.
And with you dressed like that,
gonna get yourself some attention.
Even if your makeup's a mess.
Oh, I'm just playing.
You want some hot chocolate?
Believe me
I have no interest
in locking my daughter in her room.
But when you start dressing like that,
that's what good mama needs to do.
It takes no genius to figure out
it's leading you
to balling some boy in back of a Buick,
which will lead to an unwanted baby,
which I have interest none
in taking care of.
I just wanna go bowling. Pretty please.
Don't ruin this for me.
I'm not ruining nothing.
It's men that ruined my life.
And I don't wanna see you
making the same mistakes I did.
I didn't have anyone
to help me make right decisions.
Mama, why don't you trust me?
I shouldn't have gotten married at 16.
Please, Mama.
Had a baby right off.
Let me out of here.
Nobody should.
And I'm doing this for your own good.
Honestly, I am.
I ain't gonna have a baby, Mama.
I just wanna go bowling.
Mama, let me out of here.
Mama, please.
I just wanna go bowling.
Please. Mama.
Well, go ahead, leave.
I won't know you're gone.
Whatever crap hole you end in,
they won't know you got there.
That ain't even nice.
It's okay, pumpkin.
I told you not to marry the cook
at Crispy Carl's Fried Chicken.
And I told you and I told you
and I don't know how many times
I told you not to have a baby so young.
Danny is the best thing
that's ever happened to me.
Fry cook throw you out?
No, he didn't throw me out. I left.
Well, aren't you the cat's meow?
I'm not gonna take care
of what you can't.
Mama, you ain't gonna have to.
I can take care of Danny just fine.
We ain't got nowhere to go.
The best lessons, Vicky Lynn,
are the hardest.
My advice is to get back in that car and
figure out how to take care of yourself
because that's all you got in this world
Don't worry, pumpkin.
I'll figure something out.
They say mothers
have a natural instinct
to protect their offspring.
Well, they never had my mama.
Well, it's your lucky day.
Eighteen dollars!
Over here. Come on.
What you doing?
Come on. Right here.
Well, the truth of it is, sugar,
we're all full up on waitresses right now.
But, now, if you're not too shy,
what about performing?
Give you a look-see
on the pole-dancing side.
You make me say La la la la
How's the pay on the pole-dancing?
Even without much on top,
10 times as much.
Heck, sky's the limit.
La la la la
From dusk till dawn
World go round
And, baby, that ain't nothing new
And so we shake up the day
And we kick into play
Until the night turns into day
Push up the beat, keep it movin'
And we let our hair loose
Try this.
Having trouble stepping up?
This might help.
The pill's Xanax.
It'll help you forget about yourself.
And the champagne?
Well, that just tastes good.
I got you.
Vicky Lynn.
Hey, we don't have all day out here.
There's only one thing left to do
Push up the beat, keep it movin'
Shake up the day
And we kick into play
Until the night turns into day
Push up the beat, keep it movin'
I'm nervous and it shows
I wanna make you proud
I've got a crush on you
You know it
I'm nervous and it shows
I wanna make you proud
I've got a crush on you
- Thank you.
- Come on.
- All right, then.
- Okay.
- Hey, what's going on?
- Yeah?
All right.
Hey, please.
Settle down, please.
Love, my love, your feeling
Is all the lust I love
Love, my love, your feeling
Is all the lust I love
Is all the lust I love
Love, my love, your feeling
Love, my love, your feeling
Is all the lust I love
Oh, come on.
Hey. I ain't finished yet.
I kinda like a crazy, crazy, crazy boy
I kinda like a crazy, crazy, crazy boy
I kinda like a crazy,
crazy, crazy boy
Come over here, please.
- Come on.
- Come here.
Tickle, tickle, tickle.
Tickle monster's gonna get you.
Tickle monster.
Oh, yeah.
Now the newest and red-hottest,
dance-alicious, Vicky Lynn.
So how big are we thinking here?
Would you like peaches?
How about as close to what usually lives
in this bag?
Bowling balls?
Yes. Jesus Christ.
I came here with a goal
No senses
Always believed I'll get ya
No clue in where to go
Maybe out of control
Believe I'll get ya
To get back into
Forthcoming, yeah, rolling open
Believe I'll get ya Come in
My valley
These arms are waiting
- Move your head.
- Put it in. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It ain't fair
I give you my all
No, you won't fall Yeah
Welcome home.
This is our new home, buddy.
Yeah, it is.
Don't hurt yourself, Mama.
Well, don't climb any higher.
You buy this for us?
Well, I'm just renting it for now.
But it's got three bedrooms,
so you get your own and I get my own,
and we can turn the third bedroom
into our own private playroom.
You're the best mama, Mama.
And I hope you remembered
to pack your bathing suit.
What for?
Well, that would be owing
to what we got in our new backyard.
We don't have swimming pool
in our backyard.
Yeah, we do.
Let's go. Whoa!
Girl, I'm so sick of these cheap men.
My God.
I gots to get paid.
Got to get that money.
Oh, you know, rumor has it,
Playboy's scouring for local talent.
You know how much you make
in a centerfold?
Hell, who cares about the money?
I'd do it for the exposure.
My customers were happy,
club owner was slap happy.
Only being who wasn't tickled pink
was Anna Nicole
who had bigger plans.
Vicky Lynn.
Oh. Oh, that's something.
Give me something. Get down there.
I just got static cling. Mm-hm.
We're gonna impress
the heck out of Playboy.
All right. Oh, I like that.
You know, my time's free,
but, you know,
there's the cost of film stock,
development, printing. It ain't cheap.
How are you gonna pay for this?
We'll figure something out.
Come on.
I wanted to go
to the country club.
I got you.
Can't spring wood anymore.
What do I need to go
to a strip club for?
The ambience.
Come on. You'll love it.
It'll be like old times.
I found my angel
I found my angel
I found my angel
I found my angel
Can we go now, Ben? Let's go.
Where you think you're going,
And now Miss Lady-Love, Vicky Lynn,
looking, oh, so very good in red.
Oh, there you go
Walking through that door
And you act like
You've done nothing wrong
Say you care for nothing but me
Burn a hole in my hand
You want to take the roof
From my head
Want to take my heart and soul
But I owe you nothing
So this is really all yours?
And a house in Houston,
a couple of others here and there.
You like this stallion?
Oh, he's beautiful.
Yeah, well, that's good,
because he's yours.
He is?
Provided you fulfill the obligations
of the Anglo-Saxon bequeathment
ceremony, he is.
The what?
It's pretty intricate, actually.
You have to, uh...
You have to say "thank you."
That's it?
That's the whole ceremony?
All right, I guess.
Thank you, Paw Paw. Ha-ha.
Look what you've done.
You've not only fulfilled the obligations.
You have excelled at them so much,
I'm beholden
to bequeath upon you
my entire ranch.
The whole ranch?
Not a question of whether I want to or not.
By virtue of your thank-you,
I'm required to.
Well, sounds like you're gonna be
expecting a lot in return.
I expect you to come here often enough
so that the horses know you.
And I expect you
to wake up early enough
to watch the sun come up
over those hills.
And if you want to do more than that,
just be intimate.
And that's the whole trifecta.
I mean, let me tell you something.
Just being around you is good enough.
You make me feel like I'm 75 again.
You wanna ride that stallion?
Well, yeah.
Well, good.
Bill, saddle up Big Boy.
Lady Love here
might take him for a spin.
There's another man in my life.
Nobody said anything about monogamy.
That wasn't what I meant.
My son.
He's always gonna come first.
Well, that's fine.
I like Danny.
And if you and I ever find our way
to an altar,
I'll take care of him too.
Well, I don't wanna be taken care of.
I want people the world over
to know who I am.
To whisper to their friend
when I walk in that, "That's her."
I wanna grace the pages of magazines,
printed in 60 different languages.
Star in my own TV show.
Stand 50 feet tall
on that silver screen.
I got big dreams, J. Howard Marshall.
Well, I don't think
your having a sugar daddy
with lots of money
who's fine with all your big dreams
is gonna hurt your chances one bit.
Ha-ha-ha. They were so close.
Did you see that?
Oh. Come on.
Goes back to pass. He brought...
Again at the seven.
And, again, in for a touchdown.
Touchdown! Yeah!
Yes, finally! Yes!
Did you see that?
I love you.
I love you too, Paw Paw.
Let me put it on this finger.
No, Paw Paw. On this one.
J. Howard may not have looked it,
but he was an honest-to-goodness
Prince Charming.
Yes. I like them.
We'll take these.
And Paw Paw and me,
we were good for each other.
Let's put that on, please.
Look at that.
Makes you shine even more.
I like it. We'll take it.
This is E. Pierce.
I think we have a problem
with your father.
Partially of my own making.
A female problem?
Very big female problem.
I'm afraid your father thinks
that he's in love.
Okay. Thank you, Ben.
I'll handle it from here.
Ooh. Heh.
Mom, what's he doing here?
Shut up and smile.
Well, look at you.
You look like a movie star
in that suit, Daniel.
I hate suits.
Well, how do you like motor scooters?
They're pretty cool.
Get out of that suit.
Check what's in the garage.
Hey, say "thank you."
Thanks, Paw Paw.
Why do I feel like I'm looking at jackals
ready to tear me a new one?
Because you are.
Relax, Lady Love.
You're a lioness.
Excuse me.
- Hey, Dad.
- Vicky Lynn,
E. Pierce.
Fine son, but prone to making it harder
than hell on every woman
I've ever courted after his mother.
E. Pierce, meet Vicky Lynn,
the woman who's given me reason
to keep breathing.
Charmed, Miss Vicky.
Likewise, E. Pierce.
Well, it's been a long day,
and I'm feeling a little tired.
So, if you don't mind, I'll excuse myself.
Not at all, Dad.
- Ben.
- Yes, sir.
See you around.
All right.
- Good night, Dad.
- Good night.
So, uh, J. Howard,
E. Pierce.
You Marshalls are big on initials, huh?
I guess.
Call me V. Lynn,
if it makes you feel
more comfortable.
Well, Dad didn't tell me what it is exactly
that you do.
I'm a model.
And an actress.
A model-actress.
Oh. How exciting.
So can I get you a drink?
No, no, no.
I don't drink, and I won't be staying.
Model-actress, huh?
That's funny. I heard you were nothing
but a pole dancer from Harris County.
And just an FYI, V. Lynn,
it isn't your liquor,
and this ranch is not your ranch.
My dad's money is not your money,
and it's never gonna be.
I know you got him by the balls
but you can save
a whole lot of time twirling
those phony boobs in his face
and get your ass out of his life
That had a nice rhythm to it.
Sounds like you've been practicing.
Here's an FYI right back at you,
E. Prick.
Your daddy's already asked me
to marry him.
Is that so?
More than once too.
But I told him no.
And as far as phony goes,
these may be build-ons
but my feelings for your father
are as real as rain.
Dick wad.
How's your big coming-out going?
I feel like poop.
Hey, hey, hey. I got something
that'll brighten up your night.
I got some Xani, a-many.
I got some of that white stuff too.
Blow this off.
Let's go see Howard's fancy
marble bathroom, I'll set you up.
And then I'll tell you why I'm holding.
Wanna know why I'm holding?
Because you're a stoner?
No, Miss Smarty-Pants.
Because I just got a call from Playboy.
That's right.
Are you serious?
Let's go party.
She's the kind of lady
The way I see it.
God kind of played a dirty trick
on people.
When they're doing things
that ain't good for them,
he shouldn't have made those things
so gosh-darn fun.
Hey there, cutie. Come on, baby.
Show me your goods.
Vicky Lynn! Vicky Lynn!
How are you, Vicky Lynn?
Been better.
Let's get you back to the ranch.
The car's there.
Wreck that convertible
Paw Paw gave you?
Don't worry. Your mother's well-being
is all we should be thinking about.
That man you were with,
he all right, Miss Vicky?
Ben Walker,
please keep your pie hole shut.
"Occupation" means where you work.
Shots have to be
all the way buck-naked?
That's about the size of it. Yep.
Might help you relax.
I quit drinking.
You're gonna have
to lose that robe.
Chin up. Movie star.
Beautiful. Right at me.
Right leg a little higher.
Gorgeous, Vicky Lynn. Right at me.
Ha-ha-ha. Whoo.
Feet together.
Right down that lens. Here we go.
Where is the new girl?
The fat one?
The Playboy bunny?
She does not even look like a model.
She looks like the girls
I used to dream of when I was 14.
What's your name?
Anna Nicole Smith.
You are every man's fantasy.
I want you to become
the next face of Guess.
She's Playboy's Playmate of the Year,
she's the Guess jeans girl,
she's Anna Nicole Smith.
From waitressing at Red Lobster
to Larry King Live, hey.
This is Mexia High,
home of the Black Cats
and this is where I went to school.
I wasn't very popular in high school.
I was flat-chested.
But now I have curves.
Ooh la la, oui, oui.
And this is the house that I grew up in.
But I don't live there anymore.
I think I laid a curse on me
when I decided I wanted to be
the next Marilyn Monroe.
Or maybe it was when I talked Paw
Paw into renting me 5 Helena Drive,
the home Marilyn Monroe
used to live in.
Thank you.
- Exactly.
- Whoo!
You're having fun?
Oh, yeah. Hordes of it.
You know,
fun is a big part of why we are here.
But this is a big trip for Guess.
We have investors here.
There are publicists.
Being the face of a company, Anna,
is a full-time job.
You are responsible
for making Guess look good.
And I'm doing something
that's not doing that?
Your fun can sometime
get a little out of hand.
Keep your nose clean, huh?
Thank you.
Thanks to the
sponsors of today's race.
- Anna Nicole!
- Hey!
We're all honored to have
Playboy's Playmate of the Year,
Anna Nicole Smith,
to present the winner's trophy.
Anna Nicole.
He's the winner!
Why do you get four and me two?
Come on, Mama. Let's go.
Shut up, man.
We're having a good time.
Shut up.
Hey, Danny.
You wanna go back to the hotel?
Uh... Hey, William. You mind
taking Danny back to the hotel?
Not at all.
I love you.
Don't forget to brush your teeth, okay?
Come on.
Oh, yeah.
Whoo! Whoo! Ha-ha-ha.
Anna! Anna!
- Hey!
- We love you, Anna!
Hey, show them! Show them!
Show them!
Show them! Show them!
Show them!
Show them! Show them!
I love you!
What are you doing
with those, Danny?
What do you want to start with today,
Red ones or blues?
Danny, put those down.
I see what you do when you do these,
what happens.
You want me to be like that?
Danny, give me the pills.
Why, so you can do more of them
Danny, give me the pills.
Give me the pills!
Danny, give me the pills.
Danny, give me the pills!
You suck at being a mama, Mama.
So it's gonna be all different now,
isn't it, Mama?
Every time you puke your guts out,
you say that.
This time, they are.
I wanna make you proud
to call me Mama.
I mean, come on, Dad.
How would you feel if your father
was dating someone young enough
to be your great-grandchild?
I love fried clam,
especially when you get it at a price.
You're not listening to me.
These were taken a few days ago.
I thought you should see them.
She is a photogenic girl, isn't she?
Look at that. My God.
It's not just your name you're sullying.
It's mine,
your grandchildren.
Your legacy is at stake here.
Hell, son, you're my legacy.
One thing I wish I'd learned
earlier in life
is not to worry
what people think about you,
or start judging them
for what they do.
I'll be meeting
the big judgment maker pretty soon,
and until I do, I'd appreciate your
keeping your opinions to yourself.
Now get the hell out of here.
You're stinking up my seafood.
Okay, Dad.
You need to see this.
Oh, yeah.
Come on. Come on, you can do it.
This is Anna Nicole.
It's your agent, Anna.
I got word from Marciano at Guess.
It seems he heard about all
that crazy crap you did at the hotel.
They were spying on me?
They didn't need to.
You weren't discreet.
It seems they've decided
not to pick up your contract.
Well, forget them, then. Just find me
something bigger, something better.
Actually, we've decided we're terminating
our relationship with you too.
You are no longer our client.
Hey, Mom...
What's wrong, Mom?
You liking it here, Danny?
You work me too hard, but it's fine.
Well, you know, I've been thinking.
Paw Paw's asked me a few times now
to marry him.
I've been thinking it might be best
for both of us if I quit saying no.
What do you think?
This is the time
That I've been waiting for
We're going to make our way
Out onto that floor
I just want to hear
Another slow dance
I didn't think you were gonna show.
Well, you didn't RSVP.
Well, it just slipped my mind.
Oh, come here.
There's my baby.
Well, you wore white.
You know, you could've done worse.
I mean, sure, he don't look like much
and pushing him around
is gonna be boring
but, you know,
he's gonna take care of you.
You won't have to do another day's work
in your life.
A very important phone call.
Don't mind me.
Danny, come dance with your grandma.
Oh, there's my pumpkin.
Hey, baby. Come here to grandma.
You are so handsome.
I know where you got your looks.
Well, it's my wedding day, and the last
I heard of you, my butt was too big,
and my brain was too small,
and I was no longer your client.
You got an offer to model
in the Greek islands.
It's not a small one.
There is one bugaboo, though.
They want you to start tomorrow.
That's the deal, but it's a good deal.
If you wanna revive your career,
I wouldn't dream of passing this up.
I'll only be gone for 48 hours
but I'll be thinking of you
for every one of them.
Don't cry, Paw Paw.
I'll make it up to you
when I come back.
Let's hope I'm still warm.
Oh, don't be silly.
Don't do anything in Greece
you shouldn't, Mom.
We better get going.
Love you, pumpkin.
Okay, here
we go, ladies and gentlemen.
Top 10 Anna Nicole dating tips.
Number 10, forget the personal ads,
try the intensive care unit.
Number nine, wear something that,
even to his failing eyes, will look slutty.
So we'll start on
the cliffs and then move down
and do the topless stuff in the water.
Oh, uh...
I wasn't under the impression
there was gonna be any nude stuff.
Anna, the client needs sexy.
If you can't bare your top,
I don't think I can make this work.
Price of fame, huh?
Mind getting me some champagne,
handsome? Think it's in the next room.
Somewhere in my standard contract
came to be an unmentioned mentioned.
That there would be certain items
I didn't ask for the Xanax,
quaaludes and Dom
to be waiting on me in Greece
like long-lost pals.
They just were.
Hi. I'm Howard K. Stern,
And I need a discreet table.
I'm meeting Anna Nicole Smith.
Actually, Miss Smith is already here.
- Mm.
- Man.
That is good. Mm.
That's a nice piece of meat.
Hey, look, Anna.
I feel I need to be forthright
about something, Anna.
Give it a rip.
Well, here's the thing.
My law firm isn't gonna be able to...
Isn't gonna be able to represent you.
I was kind of thinking
about leaving anyway.
So I didn't have to focus
on any other clients,
and I could just focus on you.
It would be an honor
to take you straight back to the top
where you belong.
You really mean that?
About it being an honor?
Yes, I do, Anna Nicole Smith.
I do.
So you're asking me
to hitch my wagon to yours,
but the question is, Howard,
can your wagon handle the ride?
What's that?
Fun. Ha-ha-ha. Mm. Mm.
- She's actually...
- Howard.
- Anna.
- Where have you been?
I'm schmoozing
with my new best buddy.
This is Sali Elaha.
He's an indie producer with a killer,
killer action script that's...
It's almost financed, right?
SALl: Yes.
- Almost, yes.
- Yeah. Almost financed.
And you're...
It's basically you in a helicopter...
You've got guns. You're the hero.
It's you. It's the Anna Nicole movie.
SALl: Yes, yes.
Sali. Sali Elaha,
Meet Anna Nicole Smith.
I have been fond always of your
celebrity, Miss Anna Nicole.
Howard has been telling me
by looking for my Skyscraper actress...
The movie's called Skyscraper.
It takes place in a skyscraper.
That's the type of movie
we've been looking for.
That's what we've been talking about.
Mr. Elahaha.
No, no. Just one "ha." Not "haha."
Word up, the boys arrived
And the lips start moving
When you walk in the room
Your eyes, your style, your smile
Got a sky high, supersize
jonesin' for you
So come and give me
Animal, chemical, visceral, physical
Marilyn got Joe DiMaggio
and President J-effing-K.
And I got the two Howards.
Hey, Dad.
How you feeling?
Not so good.
What you got?
I need you to sign some papers for me.
And what would I be signing?
Oh, nothing of any real substance.
Just usual business stuff.
It's all right.
Just right here.
And one more right here.
I'll call you tomorrow, okay?
Hi. This is Anna Nicole Smith.
I need to speak to E. Pierce
and I need to speak to him now.
Hello, Anna Nicole.
And how are you today?
My check just bounced.
Oh, yeah. I suppose it did.
I probably should've informed you
that I now have total control
of my father's estate.
And just an FYI.
If you don't like it, you can shove it
in whatever orifice you see fit.
J. Howard promised me 50 times he was
gonna take care of me and Danny.
Not to mention what it could do
to our company.
I mean, worst comes,
we got to finance our own movie.
We can't do it without J. Howard's
And he always said he wanted
to help me with my career.
If you don't have some evidence
to back up what you're saying,
it really doesn't matter how sincere it is.
You know,
it's not gonna mean anything.
Paw Paw?
I just need you to tell me what you've
always been telling me, Paw Paw.
Can you do that for me?
Tell me how you're gonna
take care of me and Danny?
Just speak the words.
You've missed your big rosebuds,
haven't you, Paw Paw?
Oh, yeah.
Just talk about me and Danny.
Is that you, Mother?
Where have you been, Mother?
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Was blind, But now can see
That was a beautiful service,
J. Howard would've loved it.
I've had a writ printed up
to begin proceedings
to get you the money that you need
to support you and Daniel.
All you got to do is sign.
Jeez, Howard.
Look, Anna,
E. Pierce is already moving
on the legal front.
And if we don't, you and Daniel
are gonna be left out in the cold.
I guess being a wife
don't account for much.
For the next 10 years,
E. Prick kept fighting Howard
with all those lawyers
and made damn sure Danny and me
never saw one red cent
of Paw Paw's billions.
Thanks for talking to me today.
So I've been spending a lot of time
with Anna Nicole recently.
I don't know how much you know,
but I handle her legally. Heh.
And her life, it's pretty interesting.
You know, she certainly speaks to men.
She doesn't even have to speak. Heh.
We have funny, heh,
banters and things.
Danny, her boy, is great.
He's terrific, and he's real funny
and just a sweet kid.
Not camera-shy at all.
They have a real funny...
And then you have just... You have a dog.
Anyway, he's... She's...
He is great.
Not an overstatement to say
you'd have the next Osbournes.
With Anna as the Oz.
Busty Oz.
Anna, Anna, glamorous Anna,
Anna Nicole
This is it, J. Howard, our new home.
You want to show J. Howard
our new house?
No, I don't, and I'm not doing this.
Cut. Cut.
Are you gonna talk to him or am I?
Yeah, I'll talk to him.
We need to have more cooperation
out of you.
This is bogus. Mom,
I don't want to do this.
Get that thing out of my face, okay?
I'm talking to my son.
- Come on, come on.
- It's not that big a deal.
You were walking around
with J. Howard's remains.
Talking to him like he's still alive,
and we look like a bunch of freaks.
We do not, and I love Paw Paw.
They got us this house.
They're giving us money.
What do you want from me?
Then do it, but just do it without me,
Danny, that's not really an option.
Because Howard already told them
that it's me, you, and him.
You know, we're an eccentric,
lovable family.
And, you know, Howard thinks
this show could get me a star
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Okay, but Howard just tells you
what you want to hear, Mom.
Oh, come on, Danny.
That's not true. I tell him what to do.
Do you realize you and a camera
are like a moth and a flame?
What are you talking about?
What does that mean?
I'm sorry. He's shy.
Look, Anna, it's gonna be okay.
I promise.
Maybe Danny's right.
Little much with the ashes.
Anna, you got to trust us on this.
Nobody wants normal.
Your life,
the audience wants it bigger than life.
Funny, outrageous, the foibles of life
that someone as glamorous as you
that reached the peaks
you've reached
can have moments that are
as down-to-earth as any of us.
- That's what they wanna see.
- Remember in the pilot
when you got your fanny stuck under the
table like Winnie the Pooh? Adorable.
That made me look like a porker pig.
No, Anna. Camera loves you.
It always has.
The goofy thing, that's just another side
of the small-town girl
from small-town Texas
that everybody fell in love with.
Because I'm goofy.
Let's create some movie magic.
Got cheese for you.
Got some drinks with it.
- You want pizza?
- Yeah.
- Hot.
- I win.
All right, you win.
I have to pee.
Yeah. I'm sure you have to pee.
Oh, what, you don't trust me, Howard?
No, no. Go pee.
You think I'm cheating?
A coincidence that you're getting up.
Howard, you're stupid.
Calm down.
That's just an eating contest.
When you've got your foot jammed on
the self-destruct pedal hard as I did,
warning signs, even from yourself,
often go unheeded.
I talked to the doctors and they say
your mom's got something
called borderline personality
"Borderline" my butt.
So are they gonna keep her in there
a while?
Well, I think they wanna do
a full detox,
you know, so that could be
like eight weeks or maybe more.
Yeah. I bet that'll do wonders
for your TV show.
You know, Danny,
I'm really sorry that this is going on
with your mom, you know?
Yeah, well, she was messing herself up
long before she ever ran into you, so...
We don't allow smoking
in the meeting room.
Well, you should.
Well, we don't.
You know, I am not the one
that is locked in here.
She doesn't look like my daughter.
Doesn't have my daughter's name,
doesn't talk like my daughter.
And she does not behave
the way I raised my daughter.
I mean, do you have any idea
how hard it is
for me to sit here next to my daughter,
knowing what my daughter has come to?
Oh, don't you dare talk about me
like I'm not here, Mama,
like I'm not noticed.
Because guess what, Mama,
that's the one thing I am now, is noticed.
Good or bad, I am noticed!
- I said no smoking.
- God!
So, what do you wanna tell your mother,
Well, there's no sense in you
just slobbering through it.
Go on.
I just want you to love me.
I loved you.
And I loved her way more
than my mama ever loved me.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Are you serious?
You look like
you're gonna vomit right now.
Oh, I can't.
That wasn't even a full lap.
Danny, we did the whole half-circle.
That was not the whole half-circle.
Come on. Come on. Let's go. Let's go.
You know why I'm doing this to you,
Because you love me?
Because I love to see you in pain.
That's not nice, Danny.
Like my body? Want my body?
TrimSpa, baby. TrimSpa, baby.
Want my body? TrimSpa, baby.
TrimSpa, baby.
I can't sleep. I get everything
I need to get done by noon
so I'm just kind of sitting here
waiting for the phone to ring.
But I'm almost afraid if it does.
My pursuit of fame and fortune
hasn't exactly helped keep me straight.
And Danny still lives with me,
but he's almost already out the door.
I know. That leaving-the-nest thing
sneaks up quicker than it seems right.
Wait till you get to be my age.
You don't know what lonely is.
Oh, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Well, I don't know exactly
what you're gonna do either, baby.
But you were happy at some point,
weren't you?
Yeah, I guess.
Well, then, little girl,
maybe you're gonna find it again.
What's going on?
Well, I was just thinking,
maybe we should.
Anna, what's really going on?
I wanna make a baby, Howard.
Yeah. Yeah. I don't... I don't...
Anna, I don't know
if now is really a good time
for you to be getting pregnant,
you know? I don't think we can...
You know, with your career and...
I barely have a career.
Before Danny leaves me,
I wanna make a baby.
I don't wanna be alone.
Anna, you're never gonna be alone.
I'm always gonna be here.
I know. I just... The only time
I've ever really been happy
is when I've had someone
who needed me.
And I want my little girl, Howard.
I just don't know if now's the best time
for you to be getting pregnant.
Welcome to a beautiful
day at Churchill Downs
and the running
of the Kentucky Derby.
The track conditions are vast improving
from muddy to drier conditions.
The sun has finally come out.
The clouds are parting.
It's a clear and beautiful day for a race,
ladies and gentlemen.
And the lineup today
is unusually strong.
Aren't they beautiful?
And the horses are
now entering the track.
Miss Smith.
I'm Larry Birkhead.
Oh. Hi.
You look lovely today.
Anna. Anna.
Supreme Court.
They agreed to hear our case.
You think Anna Nicole is entitled
to any compensation?
My father was 86 when he got married.
I'm afraid not of sound mind.
There's no way this case
should ever have made it.
Do you think you'll be vindicated?
There she is.
Anna Nicole...
Are you nervous, Anna?
What do you think your chances are?
Your face.
Do you think a Playboy bunny
will bring down American judiciary?
What do you say to those who claim
you're nothing but a gold digger?
Guys, Anna just wants to honor
J. Howard's wishes, okay?
He promised her 20 times
that he'd take care of her and Daniel.
Now excuse us.
Mrs. Smith went to Washington
and won.
Former Playboy playmate
Anna Nicole Smith's bid
to get part of her husband's fortune
has new life.
Thanks to a very unlikely group
of allies: The Supreme Court.
Here's NBC's justice correspondent,
Pete Williams.
Supreme Court's ruling doesn't award
Anna Nicole Smith a nickel,
but it does allow her to go a few more
rounds in a legal battle for millions
that's already 11 years old.
All right.
What is it?
Danny said he was gonna be here.
Well, I'm sure he's gonna be here.
we may not have won the war yet,
but we did kick E. Pierce's butt
in the battle, so congrats.
To Anna, huh? To Anna.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
I just wish it would
all just be over today.
Why do I got to fight
for money that's mine?
This is a good thing
what happened today.
It's gonna go back to the lower courts.
We really stand a shot at this thing.
Come on, now.
Give me a little of that, huh?
No, Howard.
Oh, come on.
I've been sober for months.
Ain't no way in hell I'm gonna binge
while I'm pregnant.
Don't make me feel like a leper
at my own celebration.
All right.
Just a sip. Sippy.
- All right. Yeah.
- Here, here.
All right, well, come down.
I don't want you to...
Oh. Oh! Ha-ha-ha.
Oh, let's just do it again.
Don't even think.
Okay. All right.
I'm gonna do it back to you.
How about that?
It was like this:
Take it?
All right.
- Mm.
Mom. Mom.
All right.
What are you doing?
Hey, give us a second, please.
Come on.
You're late.
Yeah, I got...
I got on the wrong metro from the hotel.
Are you okay, Mom?
Uh... No. I'm not okay.
Danny, I'm great.
Danny, don't look at me like that,
because I'm fine.
And we're fine.
We're just having fun,
and I promise I'll be back
in Sober Castle tomorrow.
I promise, okay?
You need to come home with me.
Let's get you down from here.
Danny, it's okay.
No, Mom.
You are not fine.
You need to come with me right now.
We're gonna go back to the hotel, Mom.
Stop it.
I'm fine, okay?
You know what? It's like "screw you"
to me when you say stuff like that.
We're having fun over here.
God, you're so mean to me.
Just go. You know what? Go.
Just go home. We're gonna have fun.
Okay, Mom.
Guys. Oh.
- There you go.
- Excuse me.
Dr. Rosen, pick up line
four, please. Dr. Rosen, pick up line four.
My baby.
I'm worried about my baby.
Pain Management, 316.
Pain Management, 316.
Hey, Danny.
Hey, Mom.
Give me a hug.
How are you?
I'm good.
What's wrong with your eyes?
Oh, I'm tired.
I haven't really been sleeping
much lately.
I've been really worried about you.
Danny, are you taking something?
What are you talking about?
Danny, your eyes,
they seem really messed up.
Why are you laughing?
Because you are lying there
with an IV in your arm, Mom.
You're pregnant,
and you're telling me
that I'm messed up?
Wake up and smell the flowers, Mom.
Come on. Come on, guys.
Make some room, okay?
She's pregnant. Let's make a little room.
Going to Bahamas for maternity laws?
Who's the father? Is
the baby Larry Birkhead's?
- Let me get in front, guys.
- Are you the father?
Who's the father?
Anna isn't answering questions.
Anna isn't answering questions.
I'm not answering any questions.
How are you feeling? Are you sober?
- Why Bahamas?
- So many questions.
Who's the real father?
Will the centerfold
get the billionaire's money?
Had the mother-to-be
really cleaned up?
Reality show
may have been cancelled,
but it never went off the air.
Is that your new makeup artist, Anna?
My neighbor's daughter
Hanna and I always got on.
We got along better when I wasn't
zooming on things I oughtn't to.
I wish you can go on the water slide.
I wanna go.
You can't.
Why can't I go?
You can't because of your baby.
My baby is over there.
This is gonna be worth some money.
Not that baby.
Your baby down there, in your belly.
Oh. It's just gas.
Look, it's just a battery baby.
Don't open her skin.
She'll die.
She's having brain trouble.
Brain trouble.
I think she's hungry.
Are you hungry, baby?
I'm gonna go feed the baby.
Oh. Let's go get you some food, baby.
Major brain trouble.
I think she has to go to the hospital.
You hungry, baby?
I'm gonna feed you some poop.
We're gonna get you a baba.
I told God after
that clown show from hell,
if he let my baby daughter
be born healthy,
I'd never do a drug
or drink a drink again, ever.
Scout's freaking honor.
I heard somebody had a baby.
Hey, Danny.
Hey, Danny.
You came. You look so good.
Yeah, of course, I came.
I had to see my little sister.
Hi. I'm guessing that's you.
Look, it's your big brother.
He's come to see you.
You're good, right, Danny?
Yeah, I'm good, Mom.
You look just like your dad.
Uh... By the way, who is your dad?
So, what are you gonna name her?
After her big brother.
Dannielynn Hope.
She's beautiful.
Come on. Sit down.
Howard, will you take a picture?
I wanna remember this moment.
It's okay.
Look up. Everybody, smile.
Can you get the baby to smile, Danny?
Howard, just take the picture, please.
That's pretty good.
Hi, Dannielynn.
Oh, you're ready to start the day,
aren't you?
Cardiologist to 2 West.
Cardiologist to 2 West.
It's time to start the day, Danny.
I am the resurrection and the life.
Grant this mercy, oh, Lord,
to thy servant departed
to Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
I wanna see my boy.
- Open the casket.
- Anna, come on.
Open the casket.
Come on, Anna. Anna.
Open the cas... Danny.
My beautiful boy.
Oh, Danny, I'm sorry.
I love you, Danny.
- Danny. Danny.
- Anna. Anna.
Anna. Come on. Shh.
No. I wanna be with my boy.
Come on, come on.
Danny. Danny! No!
Anna, come on.
There are a thousand
people I could try to blame.
Howard K. Stern for putting me
on that stupid reality show.
My mama,
for not letting me go bowling.
My dad, for knocking down doors
he shouldn't have.
E. Prick for being a prick.
I could try pointing a finger at Hefner
for founding Playboy,
or Letterman for mocking me.
Kodak for making a camera.
The doctors who prescribed
all the pills I took.
I'd love to call them all guilty.
Let myself off the hook.
But if I'm looking for the real culprit
for what I let happen
to my own flesh and blood,
mirror's where I got to begin,
middle and end.
You remind me so much
of your brother.
At 2:49 this afternoon,
we were advised by hospital personnel
that Anna Nicole Smith had died.
Lately, I've been thinking,
maybe the best mothering
I'm capable of
is just letting Anna Nicole fly
straight into the damn flame.
Anna, you're so beautiful!