Anne at 13,000 Ft. (2019) Movie Script

Can I hold him?
Will you put him on me?
I want to put it on me.
- Can you put it on me?
- Just wait, guys.
- Wow.
Be very careful.
Close your eyeballs,
close your eyeballs.
My god, I
think it likes you a lot.
Oh, my gosh,
it's gonna climb on your eye!
You okay?
- Close your eyes... you okay?
You're good?
Get it off her.
- Don't scare him, don't scare him.
Did that butterfly just came?
- Go on, buddy.
You got him!
Oh, no!
80 your whole hotel room
is a clear plastic bubble.
It's heated, it's everything.
While you're sleeping...
Help. You look as beautiful
as the day I met you.
Even more, even more beautiful.
- Don't forget to tie your shoelace.
Oh, I have your truck, Isaiah.
Thank you.
- Okay. Good night.
- Have a good night.
- I'm going to the park.
- My dad is very late.
Can we come?
- No, your parents are here.
Daycare is closed.
See you, guys. Goodnight.
You are about to jump.
I haven't given them insurance.
Well, we signed off
all of our rights already.
All you have to do to not
break your legs is lift them up.
Oh, my god.
You are soaking wet.
Ting, ting, ting, yeah!
- Like one minute now.
Put your goggles down.
Here we go!
There's that fear!
- Okay. Fuck.
You're just swimming in your clothes?
I can give him-
- What is that?
- It's my shirt. It's pretty dry still.
Come here, up.
All right, get your stuff.
Thank you.
- I want you all to imagine this plane.
This tiny, tiny plane.
I want everyone to think about
a slight rumbling of the ground.
Come on back to us.
Oh, there, you're back.
And you feel the lift off the ground.
And you feel the plane climbing,
and climbing, and climbing into the sky.
Whoosh, the door to the plane is open,
and you're just hearing
all this rushing air.
You just hear...
And then they pull the parachute
and it goes.
Oh, my god!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We have a
better fort than you, boys.
- Ha ha!
We don't care.
Yes, you do.
What's the password?
What's happening under here?
We're just taking a mermaid nap.
- A mermaid nap, hm.
And mermaid bubbles.
- You know what? You have to be up, okay?
You have to be eyes on the room.
Can you please get out of there?
I miss mommy.
Bye bye.
- Anne, Anne?
Look, we gotta be role models
for these guys, okay?
- I'm playing with them.
- No, I know, I get that.
I just want you to know that I need
you on the floor, eyes on, okay?
You have to be able to
do the job at the same time, okay?
- So don't be weird.
Don't be weird?
- There's just some drawings on the walls.
- Drawings.
- The guy in apartment
three did all of this.
And the landlord got really pissed off,
and the guy was like,
"I don't know,
I think I made it look better."
And the landlord was just like,
"you just drew a bunch
of dicks on the walls.
Like how did you make it look better?"
But like, then he didn't
do anything about it, so.
So what do you think?
- I think it's nice.
- Mm-hm, the floors are fine.
Counter's good.
- Yeah.
- Stove's good.
You're warm?
- Mm-hm.
And the landlord said
that he can put in an air condition unit.
- Oh, good.
Yeah, that'll be great.
You feeling okay?
Yeah, I feel great, yeah.
How's work and stuff?
- Yeah, no, it's good.
It's like a little bit tiring,
but I think I'll get used to it,
used to doing the four shifts a week.
I just want to get the house like really
nice so that I can have people over.
Have you had people over?
- No.
Except for me.
- Right.
- I feel honored.
Moms don't count.
Yeah, I know.
No, it looks good, really good.
- I am drawing a fairy with curly hair.
- Can I keep the picture?
Yeah, who wants to
give her another eyeball?
I want to.
No, remember when she said...
Come on, let parmis and I
do some too.
It's fine.
It's fine.
Do you want to turn it into a boat?
- No.
Look, you just turn it into a boat, look.
Can I make some hair curls.
- Yeah, of course you can.
She can have curls for days.
Who has washed their hands?
I did!
- Do you guys want to come
with me to wash your hands?
Have you washed your hands yet?
Hey Sophia, why don't you
come sit at this table?
There's still spots over here.
- So as you know, I came
around this last week
and got everybody to sign
the new support plans,
and at the moment,
we have a couple of children
that are especially challenging.
I do wanna stress that I've had a couple
of the parents come forward to me,
and they're concerned that the staff
aren't being that supportive.
And what our role is,
from the city point of view,
is that we have to try everything.
That means that if we need extra support,
we try and get extra staff in,
or we try and do extra training.
So I know it's hard,
but we've got to work together,
otherwise we could have
a human rights issue.
And that would be awful
for the center and the families.
Does anybody have any questions?
- Well, you know,
I'm feeling really drained
because, for instance,
last week, I was doing snack,
and with seven kids,
and I get punched
in the center of by back.
My natural reaction would be like,
"what the hell is going on?"
But I have to be like,
"oh, please don't do that."
And I really don't feel like it's fair
that the city is putting this on us
to be able to deal with it,
and I feel like they have a mandate,
and this is what it is,
and we don't have a voice.
- I know it's hard, asina,
but we need to think of,
instead of the child misbehaving,
they're stressed.
They're not handling, so that's our role.
- I mean I don't care if a kid
is climbing all over me
or pulling my hair or something.
But what I have a problem with
is when there are different teachers
that are really judgmental
of the way you're dealing with a kid.
- Yeah, but some of us
have a lot more experience
and can see what's happening is not right.
- Some of the teacher
aren't trying to gently guide others.
They're like-
- Yeah, we actually are.
- Well, you know what, I think, sometimes,
people don't realize the entire situation,
and they're kinda like,
"ew, why is she doing that,"
or what, you know?
But we need to support each other.
And if come together as a team
and work together as a team,
then I think that would help.
Okay, so maybe
we can look at some courses
and maybe we can get some extra help,
but you have to keep talking
to the three of us
so we know what's going on,
and we can support you.
- Yeah, and work together.
- We all need to work together.
- Sarah.
One, two, three.
Whoo, Sarah!
How did you get up there?
- I flew.
Do you wanna come up here?
- Come up?
- Welcome to my palace.
- Whoa, it's so nice.
That's amazing.
- I like the wind.
Ever since we went skydiving,
I just want to be really high up.
I wanna work up until
being able to go by myself.
- I didn't feel scared at all.
- Really?
I was, yeah, I wasn't scared.
Just kidding, I was really scared.
Will you lift me?
You ready?
Does it feel the same?
- Anne? I'm pat.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you. How are you?
Nice to meet you too.
I'm good. How are you?
- I'm doing well, thank you.
- You look really different
than your picture.
I'm sorry?
- You look really different
than your picture.
- I do?
- Hope I didn't disappoint you.
- No, that's not...
You just look like
an entirely different person.
Is that a good thing
or a bad thing? I don't know.
- Not good or bad,
just disconcerting.
Well you look the same,
so when I saw your photo
I went to the right,
and you went to the right when
you saw mine, and here we are.
I'm going to have a beer.
- All right, I'm having a Miller lite.
- Miller lite?
- Yeah.
- I'll have the same thing.
- Okay. Cheers?
- Yep, cheers.
Your shirt is very well-ironed.
- Thank you.
I do my own ironing.
Well, I live alone so,
you know, I have no choice.
Right, I mean,
you could go to the dry cleaners.
- Oh, I could.
Are you from the area?
Sort of, yeah.
Yeah, I mean, west end.
- Yeah, and you're into...
You work with kids?
- Mm-hm, I work at a daycare.
Yeah, I'm not going to tell you which one
because I don't know you yet.
- Oh I mean, I understand, sure.
I mean, yeah,
we're basically two strangers.
This is the first time we met, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I know, yeah.
I understand, yeah.
I work for insurances.
Feel free to go on
I'm there. You'll see my photo.
You'll see what I do.
So we do everything.
You know, auto, boat, life insurance.
We do everything.
It's a good company.
Do you like to travel?
- Not really.
Do you like to travel?
Ah, I don't have the time.
- There you go. Perfect.
Okay, head up, just like that.
Go. Awesome.
Arms nice and even, right here.
Put pressure on my hands, just like that.
Head up.
Perfect, okay, and relax.
Couple steps.
And then at about 500 feet,
we're gonna stop.
We're gonna pull down again,
and we're gonna turn crosswind.
There you go.
And then hands all the way up. Perfect.
Now we're gonna fly
crosswind to the hangar,
so keep going, couple more steps.
There you go. Arch.
There we go.
All right, arch nice and hard.
There you go, reach back, and pull.
Fantastic. Good job.
What did I want to find?
My hands were empty.
Perhaps it's upstairs then.
And in the garden, he whispered.
Quietly, they said.
But it wasn't that you woke us. Oh, no.
They're looking for it.
They're drawing the curtain, one might say.
And so read on a page or two.
Now they found it.
One would be certain,
stopping the pencil on the margin,
and then, tired of reading,
one might rise and see
for oneself the house all empty,
the door standing open,
only the wood pigeons
bubbling with content,
and the hum of the threshing machine
sounding from the farm.
- Anne, is that hot liquid?
You know we can't have it in here, right?
Yeah, no, you're right, sorry.
Anne, the thing is,
like, if an inspector came in or something,
it's on both of us, right?
It's both of our faults.
- Okay, okay.
Can you take care of it, please?
- Yep.
- Seriously, why would you do that to me?
- It's an empty cup.
I was just showing you
that I dumped it out.
It's all gone.
Thank you
for dumping out the coffee,
but seriously,
don't throw things at me ever.
I wouldn't do that to you,
and I wouldn't do that to anyone else.
- I mean, you're welcome to.
No, that's okay.
It's extremely unprofessional.
- It's empty. I dumped it down the sink.
Yeah, but you know what?
I got water on me.
- I just want you to look nice,
I want you to feel good,
I want you to have a nice time.
I just want you to relax a little bit.
- I'm not here to play.
I'm here to do my job.
Anne, what can I do for you?
Because I think you're in trouble here.
- I didn't touch you.
I put the drink in the cup holder.
I put the drink in the cup holder.
- What is wrong with you?
I wanna help you,
but I can't if you're not gonna...
Do you need to go talk to somebody?
- You're so dumb.
You're so dumb.
You think I wanna work with you?
Hey there, who'd you find, huh?
- Good morning.
Good morning.
You okay?
- Mm-hm, yeah.
Do you want to
come stay for a couple days?
No, that's okay.
No, I just stayed for the night.
- Okay, okay, but anytime,
anything is ovennhelming,
or, I'm not saying it is,
but you know, it can get that way.
- No, I get it.
- Cold feet.
Anytime at all, any length of time.
- Okay, but I'm just saying this time,
I was just dropping in.
But if I need to stay longer,
I will let you know.
I know that I can stay
and I appreciate it.
And Ryan, do you take Sarah
to be your lawfully wedded wife?
To have and to hold,
to honor and to Cherish
as long as you both shall love?
I do.
Ryan, you may give her her ring.
It's my great honor
to pronounce you man and wife.
- She looked so beautiful.
- She did, I know.
- Are you enjoying your bubbly yet?
- Yeah, I'm gonna have to
go back for more because-
- I can see that.
Can you tell me, what is it like
to be young and beautiful?
- Oh, I don't know.
No, you're
living it. You must know.
- It feels powerful.
- Ooh, very good answer, very good.
And you know,
that's the best answer I've ever gotten.
- She's gonna run the other way now.
You've scared her.
Come here.
They're gonna have
a wonderful prosperous life.
They looked so matching.
- Hi, my name is Anne,
and I work at
the children's circle with Sarah.
When I first started
working at the daycare,
she made me feel really welcomed
and even when I made
lots of mistakes with the kids,
like when I left a kid in his snowsuit
for a few hours inside and he fainted.
Yeah, she didn't make me
feel like an idiot.
So that was, and she made the kid wake up.
She gave him some water, which was nice.
Sarah, you're, yeah,
you just make everyone
that's around you
feel really good about themselves.
And that they could do anything stupid
and that you'd probably forgive them.
Yeah, if I,
if I didn't have you
when I was at the daycare,
maybe, maybe I would have
gotten really in my head
and really scared that something
might happen to the kids.
And I might have thought
I was bad or something
and that I couldn't be around the kids.
But you made me feel that I was good
and that I could do my job
and that I could do a good job.
And, yeah, Ryan's really lucky.
And if you do anything
to hurt her, I'll kill you.
No, I think you think
you guys'll be really happy.
And I don't know Ryan,
maybe he contributes too,
I don't know.
Okay, I love you.
I love you too.
J" move over and let
some other woman that can j"
J " how you doin', baby j"
j " how you doin' j"
j " you're driving a good man insane j"
- I liked your speech.
J " when you needed help, baby j"
j " I was right there by your side j"
- really?
- Yes, I loved it.
In fact, I thought it was
the most sincere thing that...
I thought it was better than the vows.
I liked the snowshoe, the snowsuit bit.
I liked the you're gonna
kill the husband bit,
even though he's my best friend.
- That's a classic.
- Yeah, it always kills.
- I stole that from other weddings.
- Yeah, well, it always looks good
when the maid of honor
threatens to kill the new husband.
It's very animal kingdom.
Okay, I'm gonna go back to
the other side of the room and sit.
I just thought I'd come over
and see what this side
of the room was like.
- You're Matt, right?
- I know you're Anne.
Okay, so how do you know the bride?
- Didn't you hear my speech?
Okay, so that's
where you met her for real?
- Mm-hm.
- Okay, so wait a minute,
you've known Sarah three years,
and you're already the maid of honor?
Did you have to kill everybody else?
- Mm-hm.
- Hey, guys.
You guys are dancing?
Yes, I was telling her,
it was the best
bridesmaid speech I'd ever heard.
He said that
everyone hated my speech except for him.
- No.
- That's negging.
- That's what she said!
- I didn't even know hat that meant!
You okay?
J " it's in my soul j"
j I've got the feeling j
I think...
That's enough.
- Don't finish it.
- Oh, thank you.
I love the dress.
I wanted to say it earlier
but I was too shy.
I'm not good with...
So tomorrow, you're gonna
be cogent, no sunglasses.
- As long as the alcohol
is the clear kind,
like white wine, or champagne,
or vodka, it's fine.
I think it's because
I have Polish ancestry,
and if you drink the thing
from your ancestors
that your ancestors made
with their own feet,
then you're fine.
- Once you see me tomorrow,
I will be bright and sunny.
- Just start drinking and all good.
- Totally, it's a wedding,
and like, I think that, for the most part,
you can self-medicate
where you like, you have like
a glass of wine and you just-
- white wine, I'm noticing.
Lots of white wine.
My skill that I learned,
day drinking, okay?
Then night drinking.
Brunch drinking.
- Yeah.
- I'm trying to, whatever,
you know, connect,
yeah, that's the word.
Or no, I'm trying to be as sincere as you.
Not the exact same thing,
but when I was 16,
I went on antidepressants
because I, in my opinion,
well you know what?
I would get home from school
every day and go to sleep.
And my parents were like,
"oh, my god, you're depressed."
But really, I was just insanely
addicted to "everquest,"
which was an online video game.
Ask me about it later,
I will talk to you about it for days.
Imagine a world
thousands of player characters,
all existing in a role-playing game-
- you were just depressed
because you were a huge nerd.
- No, I was obsessed
because I was playing it nonstop
with my brother all the time
and my life fell apart and...
I'm trying to humble
myself before you here.
So got put on antidepressants
by my mom, who is a doctor.
- Do you still take them now?
- I'm just gonna go to the wash room.
Anne? Are you still in there?
It's Matt.
You were just talking with me.
We were falling in love. Do you remember?
I'm coming in.
Anne, you okay?
You awake?
Stop kicking me.
You want some water?
- Thank you.
I think I ate something weird.
Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, you know what?
A lot of the guests
I think ate the same thing
because it's just
a river of vomit out there.
- Don't say the word vomit.
- You know what?
Nobody knows that you
were sick except for me
and anybody within 60 feet of the door
who could hear everything.
Nobody heard anything,
I'm just teasing you.
Thank you.
- It's like you're a
prisoner and I'm a nun.
Are there still more people there?
- No, this is...
You've been here for like 30 minutes.
The place is like empty.
There's stragglers.
You're doing great, huh?
Okay, come on. Let's go.
Okay, so I'm remembering.
White wine, mezcal, vodka.
- No problem.
- No problem.
Was it that, my genes.
Hold them, hold them.
You good?
Sorry, bad Anne.
It is bad Anne, and she's back.
Bad Anne is back.
Sorry, man.
Nine steps.
Yeah, you're flying.
Yeah, okay, yeah.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, hey.
Excuse me.
- You're excused.
We're here.
Come on.
Okay, you're going up, I got you.
Ready? I'm gonna be right back.
I'm not abandoning you, okay?
Okay, ready, one, two.
Oh, please. Thank god.
Okay, here's the plan.
You are in the bed, okay?
- I don't like the person
who made the movie "jaws,"
but the person that wrote
the book, I like her.
It's about a great white shark
that goes on a rampage
because it has
an uncontrollable urge for human,
for human flesh.
- There's this girl, she's...
No, she's not in "jaws",
she's in "soul surfer,"
and she's like this girl,
she was surfing,
and the shark attacked her and-
- In real life or in the movie?
- I think maybe in real life
or maybe in the movie.
But it might be a documentary.
But the shark apparently attacked her
and took off this whole thing, go bye bye.
And she was walking around like...
If one shark bites your arm off, then more
come because you're out there bleeding.
Yeah, and then it
comes into a feeding frenzy.
It's literally-
- so you admit that
sharks want human flesh?
- I admit... yes.
No, I admit nothing!
- You admit that like the
blockbuster movie "jaws"-
- I admit!
- What are you doing, Oliver?
I'm trying to open this gate!
What are you doing?
- I'm trying to open this gate.
- What does it look like I'm doing?
- Because my dad is literally over there.
Hi, dad, can I have a little bit longer?
Okay, a couple minutes.
- Hi.
- Hey. How's it going?
- Good.
- Listen, about what
happened at the wading pool.
I was a little curt.
- Yeah, no problem.
Sorry that I got him soaking wet, so.
- It's okay.
Listen, he thinks the world of you,
and I know how much you care for him,
so if you're still willing
to watch him sometimes,
he would love that.
- Mm-hm.
- We'll have you come to the-
- yeah.
Maybe one night next week?
Like Tuesday, Wednesday, yeah?
- Mm-hm, mm-hm, yeah.
- Good. I should get him.
Ollie, let's go.
Bye, Oliver.
Let's go. Say bye.
- Bye.
- Hi, so your tag is still on your dress.
Do you want me to just
take it off for you?
- Yeah?
- Sure.
- I just bought it.
It's a nice dress.
- Thank you.
There you go.
- Hi.
Hi, oh, my gosh, how are you?
Oh, hello.
Hi, I'm Matt.
This is Matt.
- Hi, Matt.
- This is Matt.
Nice to meet you.
Lizzie, Barb.
- Hello, hi.
- He's just having
a lollipop, it's a treat.
Here you go.
- Thank you, thank you, that's very nice.
That's for dinner.
- Hi, I would get up
but I'm just, I'll just-
- hello, monty.
- Don't even move.
You're Anne's sister?
- What's your name?
- Lizzie.
- Lizzie, okay.
And who's this guy?
Sorry, we have
so many toys in the way.
No, no, I don't mind.
These are very elegant creatures.
- The dogs hate you.
Usually they're all over people.
They're just like completely
keeping their distance.
Oh, you know what? I don't mind.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, handshake, very professional.
This is Ben?
Yeah, Nathan and Ben
are getting to know each other.
It's your first
time meeting Ben, yeah.
- Oh, this is a good one.
Exposed chassis, exposed motor.
Beautiful. Are we really, really early?
Is that what's going on?
- No, no, not at all.
- We're just playing a bit.
We're just playing.
We've been playing all day.
- I didn't tell them you were coming.
- Okay, sorry.
Anne told me that we were
having dinner with her family,
and I thought that you guys
knew that I was coming over.
I would never have said,
"did we get here early?"
Yeah, no, I understand that.
Honestly, you're totally welcome.
Anne, why didn't
you just tell them?
- I just wanted to make her uncomfortable.
Isn't that face...
Isn't just seeing that face
worth every penny?
- Every penny.
- Every penny.
- Oh!
- Do I need to teach everyone
how to have a conversation?
- You came with such energy
and you really put us
in such a high tension situation, Anne.
This is your first grandson?
- Yes.
- Or first grandchild?
Always the best.
- Your name is Matt.
You got it, yeah, bingo.
You killed it.
Put her there.
You're so smart.
- You're so smart.
- Your name is Nathan.
- Uncle Matt, uncle Matt.
- Uncle Matt.
You two have a lot in common.
I'm sorry,
what is it that you do?
- I work at the science center.
Amazing, I love that place.
- Okay, have you seen the people
walking around in white lab coats?
That kind of give tours, that's what I do.
You know what?
He would be perfect on the second floor.
There's a place called kids park
where it's all...
You have to be under eight just to get in.
In fact, they don't let people in
unless they're accompanied
by a kid under eight.
So you guys have a pass.
- It's for the pervs.
That's not an official slogan.
You wanted to do-
- this is when you ask our guest
personal questions about himself.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- Where are you from?
What's your favorite color?
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
you don't have to,
you don't have to ask me anything.
You know what? I'm still-
- No, I'll ask you something.
Let's see, where are you from?
- Toronto. Not far from here.
How did you two meet?
- We met at Sarah and Jeff's wedding
about a month ago.
- Oh!
- Oh, okay.
- You're so weird.
- And she had lost her purse,
and I was the only person.
We were staying in the same hotel,
everybody was staying in the same hotel,
and so I helped her get back to the hotel.
I shouldn't say helped her
get back to the hotel.
Basically, she needed help.
What am I saying?
She needed help, and I helped her,
and we had been talking before that.
And everything was great.
Are you okay, Matt?
- Yeah, you know what?
It's, what's the word for it?
Thrown into a new situation.
- You're doing great.
- You're welcome.
- You're doing great.
It's just funny seeing you
thrive in this situation.
You guys are
making Nathan laugh too, look.
- He's laughing too.
- No kidding.
- So anyway, moving on.
Actually, Ben has a trick.
Ben, Ben!
- Ben's sleeping.
- Ben, come here.
Ben's having a nap.
I think that
he's all worn out. He's worn out.
- Go on his lap,
go on his lap, go on his lap.
Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben.
Come on his lap, get on his lap.
- Hey, Ben!
- Hey, Ben.
- Ben, now do the trick.
Paws, paws, paws, paws.
I don't think he'll do it
because he's really worn out today.
I think he's new, he needs
to really know someone.
Don't force him.
- Yeah, you know what?
Maybe after dinner, I'll get the-
- Aww, but look, he likes you.
That's very, I mean it must be
a good sign about you.
What a handsome pair.
Can you tell me
a bit more what happened?
Okay, so I'm not quite sure
why you can't tell me,
but I'll tell you what Suzanne said.
She said that you threw a cup at her,
and then you tried to
put it down her shirt.
And then on top of it,
it was in front of children.
- And she got pretty upset.
- I don't think the kids-
- And you got pretty upset.
- The kids seemed to notice anything.
So do you think
that was okay behavior?
- I was just showing her
that I'd done what she asked.
I was showing her that
I dumped out the tea.
Like I know if I had just gone
and put it in the garbage,
she'd just tell me
to put it in the recycling.
So I was just trying to get her
to like stop paying attention to me.
You know, pay attention to her own work.
I was just showing her
that I did what she asked.
- So I think Suzanne
has been here a long time.
I think she
takes the job really seriously,
so maybe when she's telling you
that you're not following the rules,
she's trying to help.
So maybe we need to step back,
look at what's working well,
and then come up with the solutions,
communications for when
things aren't working well.
So why don't we say every Friday,
we'll get together for maybe half an hour,
you'll both come to the meeting
with things that are working
and then come up with
something that's not working,
and then I need to see that
you're coming up with solutions.
- I just feel like
if we have weekly meetings,
that means that she's
gonna be observing me,
and I don't want her to be observing me.
- So I am totally not doing that.
Would you prefer that I not let you know
if you've broken a rule
and you don't realize it?
And then somebody
walks in and sees you doing it,
would you prefer that?
Because if that's
what you want, that's fine.
Yeah, tell me what you want from me.
Because it changes all the time.
- I just feel like she's
always picking on me.
Like, it wouldn't matter what I was doing,
she'd find something to correct me on,
and that makes me feel like,
like I don't have
freedom in the room to learn myself.
Like she's always kind of
breathing down my neck.
I'm just trying to help.
I really, truthfully am trying to help.
I would think you'd know that.
Ooh, that's a bears, that's great.
- Hi.
- Can you go get a coffee?
- Not right now.
This is very important business.
Have you seen this?
- My name's Anne.
Hello, Anne.
Hello, Anne.
We're doing the puzzle,
we're doing the-
- you guys wouldn't care if Sarah came
and got a coffee with me, right?
I would.
Yes, exactly. That's so nice.
- There's like four teachers in the room.
No one will notice
if you come get one coffee.
I know but there's like 90 kids.
It's not worth being caught.
It's not worth...
I have to be here, it's my job.
I can't go.
- Well, I'm not getting you anything.
What's that?
Who is it?
Who is it?
- Hey, yeah!
What are you doing this for?
You are very-
- remember, I told you this is what we did
for Sarah's bachelorette party.
- Okay, yeah.
- You look like bugs bunny.
Like a lot.
Then what?
What happens?
She pulls the parachute and what?
I obviously didn't react
the way you wanted me to.
I think the jump looks really great.
And it would be great
if I got to see the landing on the ground.
That's it.
- You just have to do it,
or you don't understand.
- I have to jump?
I don't know if I'm looking
for that kind of a thrill in my life.
I didn't even enjoy watching the video.
Like for me, a thrill is like, okay,
I'm kind of casually dating a girl,
and she takes me to
her parent's house unannounced
and says, "hey this is my boyfriend
and we're getting married."
That's enough, that is my version
ofjumping out of a plane.
What did they think about that?
Did you follow up with them?
Did your mom and sister say anything like,
"who was that guy?
"Why was he at"-
- Yeah, no, they really liked you.
- They did?
- Did you tell them that
we're only casually dating
and that it's not as serious
as you said it was in front of them?
- No, I didn't say that to them.
- Oh, you could have told me
that they didn't know I was coming over,
or you could have told me
that you gonna make these-
- No, it was myjoke.
I was the one doing the joke.
Why would I have told you?
Why would I have let you into the joke?
- I'm sorry, what's the joke?
The joke is we're not seriously dating,
and you're gonna tell them we are?
Hey, guys, what if we got married?
Everybody meet this guy.
Meet my future husband.
Oh, ps, I didn't tell you he was coming.
Ps, he doesn't even know.
Pps, this is gonna be
the most awkward five minutes of our lives.
I thought that you
would think it was funny.
- I'm not mad. I thought that...
Let's finish the stew.
- Next time, together,
we'll play a really,
really good joke on them.
And you can be the joke leader,
you can have the joke idea.
I'll just help you execute the joke.
Well, let's hold off a minute
before we start worrying
about a next time we go see your parents.
Hi, how are you today?
- Good, thank you.
- Do you need help finding something?
- No, thank you.
- That jacket looks
great on you, by the way.
Just let me know if you need help, okay?
- Oh, did you need a hand?
No, it's okay.
- Did you want us
to start you a change room?
No, that's okay.
Are you sure?
- Oh, here.
- That jacket is really hard to zip up.
Can I get-
- it's okay, I've got it. Thank you.
Here, I can find a hanger.
- Can you stop following me? Thank you.
Oh, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to do that.
- Thank you.
Mom, it can't go through the vent!
Look, mom!
You're playing stupid games.
I'm not gonna get caught up
in your stupid games, stop!
- Mom, mom, I'm at home!
- This is what people do at home.
They do stupid things!
It's a totally normal thing to do.
- it will catch on fire.
- Do you really...
Mom, it's won't catch on fire.
- Okay, this is destructive.
- Just cut it out.
- Mom, look, there's a vent there.
- You can't even put it inside.
Look, it's an Anne-proof fireplace.
Nothing bad is gonna happen.
Nothing bad is gonna happen to Anne.
She can hit it.
This is destructive, stop it!
- She can put...
It's not destructive!
- It's totally destructive!
- It's fake fire!
Stop it!
- It's not gonna catch on fire!
- It's not a game.
You're making my behavior seem...
- Okay, stop the game.
- Are you serious?
Look, look!
- Stop, stop this!
- It won't catch on fire.
It doesn't make any sense, mom.
- Okay, can you go sit down?
- Why are you being serious about this?
I'm obviously joking around, mom.
It's a fake fire. If I stick this in here-
- Can we not? Can we not?
- You know that it won't catch on fire.
I don't feel good in this house,
I don't feel good around you.
I don't feel good
because you don't understand
when I'm making a joke
and you're making this whole deal!
I need to be able to make a joke
without you going and thinking
I'm gonna set the house on fire
because the whole joke-
- Okay, okay, I know-
- the whole point of the joke-
- you've explained the joke 400 times.
You're upset.
- Mom, it's not you, mom.
- You're fine.
It's just being in this house.
Like I just don't-
- I know. Can we sit down and just talk?
- I'm gonna go home and I'm just gonna
not come here for a while.
- Okay, what if you just stayed tonight?
- Mom, no. Good night, mom, good night.
- No, all right.
- Don't go, okay, no, just...
- And it's quuidy.
- Oh, that's what it's gonna be.
What would a shark eat
out of these three things?
- Well, that one is poisonous.
- That one is too snappy.
And that one is too-
- delicious, oh.
What's stepping in on your phone?
- Matt's being an idiot.
Why? What's been?
- I think he's trying to do some kind
of distancing thing or something like that.
That sucks.
I just don't understand
why he's doing it now, you know?
Things were
so normal and friendly.
- We can't really talk
about this right now.
It's not the right moment.
But I mean,
if he was answering me,
then I wouldn't feel like
I had to think about it all the time.
- What are you guys talking about?
- Free hand wash.
Who wants a free hand wash?
- Honestly, the whole time,
the relationship's been so romantic
and like so open and so nice
that I never thought he was gonna start
pulling any of that kind of stuff.
You know what I mean?
Oh, you got bubbles in your hair.
- Treat me like I'm some kind of
weird criminal or something,
and he's just gonna start
ignoring all my text messages.
- But this isn't the right time to be even
looking at your text messages.
It's distracting because you're not, you
can't be thinking about it while you're here.
It's not really fair to me or anybody.
Whose bowl is this?
- You're allowed to tell me
one more thing about sharks,
and then you have to go to bed.
J " it's a stingray j"
Stingrays are very beautiful.
J " it's a stingray j"
- sting, sting, sting, stab.
The stingray buries itself in the sand.
- Pop quiz, pop quiz.
- Okay.
- This quiz 100% of your grade.
If you fail, you're gonna get an f minus
on your report card.
- If I guess the shark right,
you have to go to bed.
A hammerhead shark?
Wrong answer.
- Bull shark?
- Wrong answer.
You have three more guesses.
- Open mouth shark.
Two. You have two and then-
- great white shark.
One more.
Whale shark.
- You win, no!
Baby machine gun.
Baby machine gun.
- I gave birth to a stingray.
You tried to hold the baby in.
There's more babies, I think.
- Giving birth to 12 sharks is very tiring.
- Hi.
How did it go?
- Good, thanks.
Did he subject you to the great
whites or the hammerheads tonight?
- I don't even remember.
May I?
Can I top you up?
Yeah, sure.
Welcome back.
- Mm-hm.
- Thanks again for coming out.
Yeah, no problem.
- I kept threatening him all week,
tell him that if he didn't behave,
I was gonna call you and cancel.
Hopefully, this is the first
of many of your returns.
Next week, I might have another meeting,
Wednesday or Thursday, if you're around.
- Mm-hm.
- Okay, thanks.
What's wrong?
- No, I'm just gonna head home.
You're welcome to stay,
finish your wine.
- That's okay, I had like,
the whole bottle before you got here.
- Okay, can I pay you?
You're not working for free.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I'll call you about next week?
- Yes, bye.
- Did you tell me you were coming over?
- What's going on?
You're a weird little girl, you know that?
What are you doing here?
- Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Come on.
- Hello?
I mean, I made these plans a long time ago.
Maybe if you'd given me more notice,
I could have shifted things around,
but I'm sorry.
Excuse me?
What's up?
- I have to go to work. Dammit!
You said you had the day off.
- Someone called
and asked me to take their shift.
Can you drive me?
How far is it?
- Never mind, it's fine.
- I'm trying to tease you.
I'm saying yes, I'm driving you, come on.
You ready for your first day of daycare?
The other kids I think
are gonna be really nice.
Trust me, I talked to
some of the other parents.
They said that
they specialize in kids like you.
You don't like going to daycare?
- Whoa, you're really fast.
Well you said you were late.
- Thank you for driving me.
Don't worry about it.
Nyree, I'm here.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey, good, thank you.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah,
but you supposed to
be here half an hour ago.
- I mean you just called me,
and I came all the way across town.
I came as fast as I could.
- Okay, you know what? Thank you.
- Okay, why don't you go home?
- I'll take over your class.
- Great, yeah.
- Great.
- Okay, you signed in though, right?
- No, I'll sign in
when I go past the office later. It's fine.
- Actually, it's not fine.
It's okay. Okay, just go sign in
while I'm still here.
Just sign in quick.
Sign in really, really quick
and just come right back.
- Is this not the sign-in?
- No, remember we changed it?
I went over that
in the staff meeting the other day.
And then it's important that
you read the message book
so you know what kids are away
and who's kids not-
- What's that say?
- So that's Autumn and rain's nanny.
Look at you.
- Excuse me.
Isaiah, guys, stay in the classroom.
Okay, all right.
I'm signed in.
- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.
Guys, be good.
I will see you later, okay?
Okay, bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Can everyone, can you guys
please put these away?
If you want, you can go to your cubbies,
you can get your show-and-tell
that you were going to bring today.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Oliver.
You guys each get a basket.
Don't let anyone see your show-and-tell.
- So we went to the zoo,
and one of my favorite
animals there was a tiger
because they're amazing animals.
And one of my favorite animals
that you can actually
have as a pet is a cat,
and a tiger is a species of cat.
That's awesome.
What's inside
mystical box number one?
Is that a cat collar?
- Yeah, this was the collar
for my cat spiky.
So basically, what happened was
we had a thermometer
in the backyard of my house,
and it broke when nobody was home
and my little cat spiky
licked up all the Mercury.
So when we came home,
we couldn't get him to stop moving.
He was just running back and forth
and eventually he escaped out the window...
Until you couldn't hear the bell any more.
And so my dad had to go up
onto the roof and get him down.
Was the cat okay?
- No, he died.
- Yeah, she said she had a cat.
- Had.
- Was his mind messed up?
- Wouldn't you take him to a vet?
Well, we couldn't catch him.
- Couldn't you lure him in with food?
- No, couldn't lure him
in with food, Oliver,
because he went crazy.
He ate a poison
that made him go completely crazy.
Maybe he was thirsty.
- That was funny.
Well it couldn't have been
your fault because you weren't there.
you are now queen of the world.
And now you're queen of Mercury.
- Anne?
Anne, can you get that for me, please?
I can't get it for you right now.
Come here, come here.
I cannot with both your arms.
I'm like a butterfly, I emerged.
Arms, then I think
it's in the stomach.
- Anne, come see my trick.
- Anne?
- Anne.
Hey, what's going on?
It's okay.
I think she has a stomach ache.
Do you want to get some fresh air?
Can you hear me?
Are you okay?
You're okay, it's okay.
We'll just go home, okay?
We'll just go home.
- Where are we going?
- I just thought we would stop by
your mom's house for a second,
since we're in the neighborhood.
- What did you say to her?
- I talked to herjust briefly,
and she was totally cool about it.
She wasn't-
- fuck this.
- Sorry.
- She's not gonna-
- I don't want to go to her house.
- I know you don't want to see her,
but I think I need a little bit of help.
- I wanna get out of the car.
I wanna get out of the car.
- I can pull over in a second
if you want, but...
Anne, what the fuck are you doing?
What the fuck?
Close the door, Jesus!
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Nathan.
Wait, that's your foot.
Can I see your car?
This is the green car.
- The green car?
Do you wanna make the car drive?
- That's my car,
but I think you should go.
I got a red car.
- Red car?
- It's all red...
Red is my favorite color.
- Really?
- I just have the green one,
so green, them.
- Do you know what sound
a police car makes?
It's got good wheels.
- You're doing it.
- You're doing it.
- There you go.
I clouded you out.
- There you go.
- Good job.
- She's getting it.
- She's got it.
- We get it, you vape.
- You vape.
Cheers, guys.
- Are you nervous?
You're excited though, yeah? Right on.
And what are we gonna do?
Classic arch.
Classic arch.
- That was beautiful.
- Perfect.
Sharing is caring.
You should always do a gainer.
- Always do a gainer.
- Always.
- Anytime on a-
- Gainer and track.
And track, yeah, absolutely.
All the time.
Feeling it?
She's getting into it.
Little head rush?
A little bit.
Little head rush
before you feel the real rush.
- You guys do this before and after?
I just do it all day.
- And pull.
Slap it and tap it.
You gotta put the hang loose up.
Boom, boom, I'm not even looking at you.
We'll have him behind the pilot.
I'll give you a hand.
J " of course, I want you j"
j after everything j
j " it makes perfect sense j"
J " why can't love be like j"
j " in my dream j"
j " why don't you show up j"
j when I want you to j"
j " why can't it always be June j"
j why can't it be like j
j " that one time j"
j why do I have to try j
j" love should be effortless,
shouldn't it j"
j " or was it ever as easy j"
j'as I played it back in my mind j
j" I talk about love like I've felt it j
j" really it's just
a container for my thoughts j
j it's something to throw my loneliness j
j and fear into j
j" and my thoughts of you
and touching you j"
J I worry there's something
I could do better j"
j " or maybe I just worry j"
J worry is like water j
j trying to get to the lowest point j
j filling any container j"
j " always drawn j"
j" to the lowest point j
I always drawn to the lowest point I
j'and if displaced j"
j " it takes the same weight elsewhere j"
j " oh no, no, no j"
j' I can't believe I