Ape X Mecha Ape: New World Order (2024) Movie Script

Mission logs
confirm all commands.
Software updates,
accurate and complete.
Last uplink, standard
memory load package
10 days ago, 13:30 as scheduled.
Copy that.
Transmission interrupt.
We've lost contact
with the Elba capsule.
Capsule life support systems,
oxygen, temperature,
holding at normal range.
All right people,
Abraham's depending on us
not to leave him
lost out there all alone.
I need an ETA to reconnect ASAP.
Flight control trajectory,
is Elba still on course?
DSN has zero navigational.
The capsule's missing.
DSN has picked up a faint
carrier signal from Elba.
Elba signal very faint.
Sensor readings detect
a large object
falling away from the capsule.
The broadcast feeds are down.
Contact severed.
Elba's suffered
hardware failure.
We've lost Abraham.
NASA Inter-department
report 04956.
Test subject:
Abraham. Primate.
Returned to Earth, showing
increased size, height, weight,
a result off unknown
extra-terrestrial bio-substance
ingested by subject
and additional creature.
Conflict escalated
to Homeland security.
Ape moved to Santa Fe,
New Mexico
for further study.
Subject of study group
RKO dynamics research division.
Defense contractors designed
and constructed a
MechaApe Weapons System
give green light to proceed.
Valadrezjkan paramilitary
group seized MechaApe
target Chicago with
nuclear payload on board.
Abraham released in the city.
Final strategic option
to stop the weapon a success.
Action taken:
Abraham moved to Watkins Island
for further study.
Subject continues to
increase in size.
It's nearly 18 minutes now.
This is his longest tantrum yet.
Last one only lasted six.
I mean, something's got him
really worked up out there.
Nothing strange detected?
No, nothing I'm seeing.
I mean, what do we got?
Some birds, some feral pigs
in the nearest zone
this morning, but that's it.
Abraham's heart rate's
still elevated.
We should call this in.
No, no, no.
Stand by.
Marina, the more agitated
that he gets...
As I was saying.
Look, he's only become more
erratic as he's grown.
I'm just concerned that
he's going to become a danger
to himself instead of just us.
He's got 10 square miles
of terrain
to get it out of his system.
We need to establish
more behavioral patterns.
He probably is just going to
tire himself out like last time.
But last time, last time
he wasn't digging holes
in the ground and showing
unprovoked aggression.
He's getting more and
more unpredictable
with each of these episodes.
And the passion flower
growing on the island
seems to be the only thing
that's calming him down now.
Yeah, well, Abe's eating way
too much of that lately.
I'm starting to think he's
developed a dependency on it.
As much as I hate to do this,
we have to cut the passion
flower out of the equation.
Got to know what's triggering
him out there.
I mean, look, we can
start pruning it.
He's not going to like it.
Yeah, well, we can't get
an accurate baseline
if he keeps self-medicating
out there.
No, look, you're right.
And we'll make it easy.
We'll go, you know,
zone by zone.
We'll start over here.
We can start in zone bravo.
He's eaten pretty much
everything around here as it is.
It's not like,
you know,
there's going to be much
of it to chop down.
Look at that.
Batteries are still working.
All right, I'm going
to get the trimmers.
The MechaApe Mark II is not
a weapon of war
or conflict but, instead,
a way to help
save lives.
Can you believe this?
After everything that happened
with the first MechaApe?
They're still deciding
to move forward
with building a second one.
I mean, look, you know
how this goes, right?
I mean, they spent hundreds
of millions of dollars
on a defense system
that went on a rampage.
And now they've got to
do something else with it
to justify those kinds of costs.
And now look,
they've got this PR miracle.
They've got themselves
a first responder tool.
Try slinging that nonsense
to the people of Chicago.
And that is the purpose of
the mechanized ape
and the primary extraction
to save lives.
On this day, we honor
those who lost
in the great
Kanto Quake 100 years ago.
But we also look ahead
on this centennial
to heed the lessons
learned from this tragedy
and avoid repeating
the mistakes of the past.
I am proud to introduce
the head of his design team,
Riomoto Dynamic Systems,
supervised by Rio Tsukumoto,
the former first lieutenant
of the 305th Tactical
Fighter Squadron.
Thank you, Prime Minister.
The MechaApe Mark II
will save lives
in the aftermath of
the next earthquake.
Survivor's trapped
beneath rubble
can be extracted in minutes.
The lift capacity of
the MechaApe Mark II
is 10 times greater than that
of standard cranes and lifts
and report to a quake
site in half the time.
The world watched as
a MechaApe went on a rampage
in the U.S. city of Chicago.
However, we can
assure the public
that building another MechaApe
will not put us at risk.
What we witnessed in
Chicago was tragic.
That's why my team and
I redeveloped
the operating system.
The previous MechaApe had
too many design flaws
to exploit and was
equipped with
multiple destructive
weapon systems.
The Mark II does
not have any
and requires a human
pilot to operate.
And with these changes,
I feel we are ready
to meet the challenges to come.
Whatever they may be.
Well, I'll just call
him back later.
I'd like to take a
look at your notes.
I need to start
making an outline
if I'm going to make
tomorrow's edition.
Yeah, yeah.
I have it in here.
Oh, there you go.
Are you happy to
be settled back in D.C.?
I'm sure you'll find it
just as exciting
as all those war
zones you've been to.
Civil war in Somalia
isn't exciting.
It's horrific, Sarah.
Naomi, everything alright?
It's one of my contacts
at MDPC, Harbor Patrol.
There's been a Coast Guard
incident alert issued, but...
Naomi, what happened?
The Starlight Dream.
It's a cruise ship.
My parents are on it.
It's gone missing.
No one... No one has...
Mom, it's me.
I'm worried that your phone
is going to voicemail.
You and Dad,
are you okay?
Please give me a call back
to let me know you're okay.
Please, call me.
Dad, it's Naomi.
Please call me
when you get this.
Why are both
of your phones off?
I need to know that you and
Mom are okay, all right?
They've been on that
cruise a few days now.
I mean, I just talked to them
the day before yesterday.
Is there anything
that I can do?
I'm calling Harbor Patrol.
Get on the phone with
Starlight Cruises,
they have a direct line
for emergencies.
Hello, can I please
speak with Officer Davis?
This is Naomi Harper.
Yes, I'll hold.
Oh, she is?
Okay, well, if you could, please
let her know that I called.
Yes, I'll call back
in a few minutes.
The Starlight main number
is busy, but I'll keep trying.
The switchboard is probably
getting overloaded.
The ship is assumed
lost with no survivors.
The President
expects the Navy
to take point
on recovery efforts.
I've been advised that
Starlight Cruises
is running analysis on the last
communications from the ship.
I'm approaching
the White House now.
Hello, everyone.
The President has ordered
P8 Poseidon Naval Patrols
to establish a wide search
perimeter for any wreckage.
At this juncture
international, maritime,
and law enforcement agencies,
along with merchant vessels,
are all involved in the search.
I want full coordination
with those entities.
All briefings and updates
on your progress
go through this office.
Folks, we don't
know what this is.
If it is terrorism,
we'll figure it out quickly,
or else more American
lives could be lost.
Now, I just came from
my niece's birthday party.
What kind of world are
we leaving that generation?
Stop the bad guys.
Let's end the suffering
for everyone.
Am I clear?
If we don't find this ship,
we'll have an
activation of
the International Charter of
Space and Major Disasters.
That's all for the moment.
Let's get to work.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to interrupt.
What do you want?
Oh, sorry.
What is it, Sarah?
I got some data on the ship.
They were all up to date on
all maintenance inspections.
No VSP violations.
I mean, the ship didn't hit
bad weather,
but it's 162,000 tons,
so it's built to withstand
all weather conditions.
The ship's disappearance
is breaking news now.
It's all over the news.
I'll meet you back up
in the office.
I'll be there in a minute.
Negative Object Detection.
Adjusting Sonar
Marine Records data sets.
How do you lose track
of a ship that size
with that many lives on it?
Yes, I realize
there was a storm.
That still doesn't explain
how all communications
were cut off from the ship.
Yeah, well, the last known
communication was at...
24 degrees
and 52 minutes north,
so it could just be severely
bad cell service.
That's way out in the Pacific.
But even if cell
service was weak,
the ship's satellite comms
would still be functional.
There is something in that
vicinity, a small landmass.
Watkins Island.
-Damn it, that's the...
-Yeah, that giant ape.
You think he had something
to do with this?
We're gonna find out.
Marina, Marina, come in.
Is everything all right, Hank?
You gotta see this.
It's Abraham.
I'm in Zone Alpha.
Hank, what happened to him?
What is that all over him?
I don't know.
The way he's got it draped
over his chest and shoulders,
it kind of looks like padding
or protection, doesn't it?
How would he even know to
do something like that?
He's been in two fights now.
I mean, he knows where
he's most vulnerable.
Innate survival instinct.
Then who's he fighting now?
Because both his heart rate
and his respiratory rate
just shot up.
Hank, do you read me?
Come in!
I'm here, Marina.
Get out of there now!
Come in, Hank!
What are you looking
for up there?
Naomi Harper, Washington Globe.
Just want to get my
facts straight
on port security at
the Starlight Dream,
and your agency is
listed on record.
I'm not here to blame, but a no
comment will make it difficult.
One minute of your time,
that's all I need.
Give grieving families
a chance at closure.
Ms. Harper, Susan Bannon.
I'd like to speak to someone
in charge of daily operations
for ship security
at the terminal.
You can speak with me.
And what is your role?
In-house public relations
and communications manager.
Ms. Bannon, I'm not here
to play nice
with the company spin doctor.
I am trying to find out
what happened on that ship.
And I can appreciate that.
But I'm sure you can understand,
our office has been inundated
all day with these questions.
Is this the part where you
tell me all the prepared answers
cleared by your legal team?
Because we can skip that part.
Look, I'm happy to answer
any questions you have.
Our security personnel,
they undergo extensive
background checks.
They have trainings
that far exceed
any government or
industry standards.
Tell me about the check-in
process for the ship.
Is it similar to the airlines?
Boarding passes are required.
IDs are required.
Anything that's prohibited,
we confiscate it.
Firearms, knives, explosives.
And the process for
security boarding.
Every passenger is subject
to metal detectors
and all the luggage
is x-rayed.
We use handheld magnetometers.
Not walkthroughs?
That is at the discretion
of the client.
And Starlight, they choose
to do handheld.
So they chose
handhelds instead?
Starlight cruises won't have
armed security on their ships.
They believe the look of it
will tarnish their image
in the eyes of some
of their passengers.
So that's part
of the reason
that they chose
to have handheld.
So then what happens if
there's a threat on board?
I can't comment on the cruise
line safety policies.
All I can offer is what
we've been hired to provide.
But you're telling me that
if something
were to happen on
the Starlight Dream,
that the security personnel
would be forced
to rely on
non-lethal measures.
So that morning at the port,
were there any
incidents reported?
Weapons confiscated.
Anyone detained?
Well, I'm not able to disclose
any of those details,
but I can tell you it was pretty
much an ordinary day.
And what is an otherwise
ordinary day at that terminal?
It could be that
someone accidentally
had pepper spray in their purse.
It could be that a tourist
has a decorative knife
that they bought at a gift shop
they accidentally brought on.
Then what happens?
It's confiscated at checking,
or it's handed over to security
personnel for safekeeping
until the ship reaches
the final destination.
Well, the ship didn't make it.
Look, Miss Bannon, what
I am getting at here
is whether or not this was
a terrorist attack,
is it possible that someone
got on the Starlight
that wasn't supposed
to be there?
Could they have planted a bomb
or caused harm because they
knew the protocols in place?
Look, it is too early for us to
know any of those details yet.
How thorough are
these checkpoints?
You're saying it was just
an ordinary day,
that someone could have left
pepper spray in their purse,
but you could have
missed something.
We don't know yet what
happened to the ship,
but jumping to any
major conclusions
is just going to
confuse things even more.
Is there something
you're not telling me?
There is still a lot
that we don't know.
Our team is in constant contact
with the cruise line,
and just like you, we too are
waiting for more details.
Starlight Cruises
plans to address the media
within the hour.
We're hoping by then
we're going to know more
about what happened
and how to proceed.
That's not good enough.
I'm sorry, but I've told
you everything I know.
If you have any
further questions,
feel free to address it
to Starlight Cruises.
But until then, that is all
I can offer you right now.
Something's not right here.
Someone got past those mags,
and I will find out.
You can bet on that.
When Abraham went charging
to the water, right,
it was as though
he saw something
and he really wanted
to get at it bad.
So what was out there?
I mean, did you see
anything along the shore,
like a pod of whales?
Anything overhead
above the water?
No. No.
Honestly, all I can tell you
is that he was super pissed.
And then he went
straight back to his holes,
started digging all over again.
So he put on all that
padding, grabs a tree limb,
and then he just went back
to digging holes?
Yeah, and he never took
any of that stuff off,
but he definitely
was not after you.
I'm gonna have to take
your word for that,
because when I saw him
coming at me,
I just hit the dirt,
jumped out of the way.
Wasn't very scientific, but...
What can I say?
It was terrifying.
This behavior he's displaying,
it could be a
traumatic stress response.
And I'm worried,
what is all this anxiety
doing to his mental and
physical well-being?
Maybe we could talk about
putting him on psychotrophics.
Maybe like
haloperidol, diazepam.
We would have to talk
to Langley about that.
I mean, you and I can't make
those kinds of decisions.
I really don't want to do that
to Abe, but you might be right.
That might be the best thing
for him right now.
If he keeps exhibiting this
kind of aggressive behavior,
might not have
any kind of a choice.
Just we've got to
figure out what it is
that's triggering him.
Did you see him out there?
No, but it sounded really close.
I have never heard him
vocalize like that before.
I can't find him
in any of the zones.
There he is.
He's right here in Zone Bravo.
What's he doing up
by the cliffs?
I don't know, but he's
not digging anymore.
He's showing severe
elevated signs of aggression
out towards the water.
And it's not a pod of whales.
I think...
We need to go now!
Don't go out there!
Run, run, run, run!
Take cover over there?
Don't look back!
Don't look back!
What is that thing?
Go, go, go, go!
It's coming!
It's coming this way!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
He's alive.
-He's alive.
His pulse is low,
but it's steady.
Put me through to Andrew Drake.
This is Hank Singer
at NASA Watkins.
Hank, what happened?
The island was attacked.
You need to listen to me.
Abraham needs immediate
medical attention.
That "it," it just,
it just attacked him.
Watkins station is gone.
It's gone.
What happened?
Andrew, scramble the
medevac transport for Abraham.
We need fire protection to
send immediate ATG to Watkins.
It was taller than Abraham,
it had these massive tentacles.
I'm sending you
surveillance records
right now, from the island,
so you can see what
it looked like.
It came out of the water!
And it just destroyed
everything in its path.
-Send help now.
-Is he sending help or not?
Send the medevac, Andrew.
Right away, I'll have
him air lifted out of there.
Medevac's on its way.
Did you tell him
it was an emergency?
-Abe's hurt really bad.
He's fighting, he's fighting,
his pulse remains steady.
Hank, what is that?
Port Security Solutions,
the firm that handles boarding
for Starlight cruises.
Every passenger would
have been subject
to search by magnetometers.
Some small like restricted
items confiscated,
pepper spray,
decorative knives,
but nothing out of the ordinary.
Oh, also, I found out the ship
doesn't allow armed security.
The Starlight policy
states non-lethal measures only
for onboard personnel.
Okay, well, that is
interesting to know
because check this out.
The AIS data, it shows
the ship's speed decreased
at least 15 to 20 minutes
before it disappeared.
Well, that's because of the
storm, wouldn't that explain it?
The AIS shows there were
drastic shifts
in speed, course, direction,
all leading up to the ship's
last known transmission.
Look, their trajectory suggests
that they turned into
the storm on purpose.
Suggesting maybe that
it was hijacked?
Someone forcing them
to go off course?
But if that were the case,
who was it?
You got the manifest.
Where did you get it?
From one of the ports along
the Trans-Pacific Group.
I had to get creative,
find the one with the
weakest firewall network and...
You hacked it?
Well, you left it to me and
I wanted to make sure
it didn't get traced
back to you.
I'll cross check these names
and see if there's any leads.
Well done, Sarah.
I searched the papers
archives to cross reference
the names and the manifest.
Not much came up through D.C.,
Virginia and Maryland Metro.
Then I found this.
Daniel Riggs was a passenger
on the Starlight Dream.
Okay, who's he?
Dan Riggs was the
Mission Control Director
for the Elba Project.
The Elba Project was the
top secret space program
between the United States
and Soviet Union.
They launched a space capsule
with the primate inside
that literally grew up
into a 90 foot monster.
Most of the mission had left,
retired or passed on.
But Andrew Drake,
he's the Director
of the Office of Safety
and Mission Assurance at NASA.
-He'll talk to me.
-He will?
We've met on a number
of occasions.
He was the only one at NASA
who would talk to me
after the Chicago incident.
Madame Secretary.
Director Drake.
What is it?
I just received
these surveillance records
from our research facility
at Watkins Island.
When was this footage taken?
This occurred within
the past hour.
The past hour?
Well, does anybody
know what this is?
Has anybody been
tracking this thing?
Yeah, this is Eve.
Yeah, I need to
brief the President.
Yeah, it's undetermined
whether it's related
to the Starlight situation.
Okay, I'll be up
in five minutes.
I'm heading to the Oval.
He might be taken to
a separate location,
but he might intend
to come here instead.
Who else has seen this footage?
No one yet.
I've received it.
I immediately placed it
on encrypted servers,
which the President can access
through his normal
security channels.
Our research personnel
at Watkins Island
witnessed this firsthand.
Watkins Island?
Where we study Abraham
the Ape in private.
Well, that creature came
out of the ocean,
attacked Abraham,
badly injured him.
I've authorized a move
to our Biomed facility
in San Diego for the ape.
So now we have a gigantic ape
on the mainland?
Badly injured.
I'm awaiting a medical update
on his medical status.
Injured, wounded or dead,
is irrelevant.
It means that the gigantic Ape
is in a major American city.
This is NASA Medevac B574.
We have Abe and are on approach
to NASA biomedical facility.
Commencing examination.
Patient has sustained
blunt force trauma,
first and second degree burns,
torn lacerations
approximately two and a
half feet in depth
along the upper extremities
and chest area.
These appeared to have been
made by claws or nails,
presumably in the course
of the fight
with the assailant creature.
Patient has a foreign viscous
substance in his fur,
green in color,
slick texture.
Sample tube?
Pulling five CCs of substance
for further testing.
-Here you go.
Surgical pouch.
Abe's in critical condition,
and I found this in his fur.
It looks exactly like
the substance we saw
dripping from the tree
back at the station.
I want to run some tests on it,
but let's tell Drake
what we found.
Yes, connect me with director
Andrew Drake, please.
I'm here with Eve Lemuria,
the president's
national security advisor.
Marina has been working
on Abraham
and she's found something.
I'm going to let
her tell you about it.
I'm texting you a photo now.
I pulled trace amounts
of this from Abe's fur.
You found
this in Abe's fur?
Yes, and near the station
after it was destroyed.
On Abe it was around his wounds
and on his chest and neck,
so I'm going to
run some tests on it.
Don't, don't, don't touch it.
The capsule was covered in it.
It is definitely not
of terrestrial origin.
This is the same substance
found on the exterior
of the Elba capsule
when it landed back on Earth.
The substance that accelerated
Abraham's extreme growth cycle.
That's the alien DNA
that made Abe bigger?
That's what happened
to the millipede.
How do you know?
I was the comms officer
on the Elba program.
The capsule's missing.
We lost contact with the Elba
capsule for about 90 seconds
and then when it reappeared,
we detected that something
had attached itself
and then fallen away
from the craft.
Sensor readings detect
a large object
falling away from the capsule?
Now whatever it was,
the impact had destroyed all
the communications antennas.
All contact was severed.
Abe was gone.
Eventually the program
shut down.
When Abe returned to Earth
with the Elba capsule,
he was still alive,
I authorized the remains
of the capsule
to be transferred to JPL
where we studied and
tagged all the samples.
Sample 7.
And that alone was enough
to initiate
a rapid growth acceleration
for the onset of gigantism?
Yeah, our studies showed
the substance
posed such a significant threat
to the general public
after what it did to Abraham,
we have it under high priority
biohazard storage.
It's tagged for destruction.
And the thing that fell from the
capsule when you lost contact?
Well, as far as we could tell
then, it burned up on re-entry.
But if you found more
of Sample 7
in Abe's fur after the attack...
Then whatever fell
from the craft was a life form
and it survived.
Landed in the Pacific.
It's been sleeping dormant
at the bottom of the ocean
for close to two decades.
All personnel, report to
basement sub-levels at once.
All personnel, be advised...
If that substance
is responsible
for Abe's transformation,
then it must share the same
DNA as that creature.
The alien DNA is its bond.
It must know that Abe's here.
Why else would it target
the specific region
of the coast of all places?
So what do we do?
We can't move Abe.
If we disconnect him from
his ventilators,
from his hemodialysis,
that'll kill him.
We just have to protect Abe.
We resume surgery until
we can safely remove him
from the equipment and then
we can transport him.
Come in, control.
I'm picking up
a massive object.
It appears to be approaching
the West coast.
This thing is huge.
I've never seen
anything like it.
How should we proceed?
Awaiting orders.
We can mobilize air
and sea defense
out of naval base
Point Loma and Navbase Coronado.
The response will be
quick and decisive.
So if POTUS grants immediate
military authorization,
our forces can
intercept the creature
before it hits landfall?
A combat alert can be issued
to put those forces
in position and on standby.
Incoming unidentified creature,
man battle stations.
Red alert.
Deploy all forces to intercept.
Ma'am, Miss Lemuria.
We can't proceed
with military response.
Standby to get Abraham
emergency off-site transport.
Soon as I finish the procedure
and have him fully stabilized,
we can move him.
The Pentagon has been
in contact with POTUS.
He's granted
military authorization.
Naval battalions are
prepared to engage.
That creature
cannot be fired upon.
Under no circumstances
can conventional weapons
be used against that thing.
Nothing that will
cause it to bleed
or any other sort
of tissue damage.
And why not?
He turned from a
normal-sized primate
into this 90-foot-tall giant
that we know now.
The substance that changed
him is what that creature bleeds
when it's injured.
If that substance
comes into contact
with any other sort
of living tissue,
that animal, vegetable,
lizard, insect,
it's going to suffer the
same accelerated growth cycle.
And what do you suggest?
We already know what happened
here in DC and Chicago.
If the military
can't fire on this thing,
you better come up
with another option.
Mr. Prime Minister.
Oh, yes?
We must dispatch the Mark II
to the United States.
MechaApe Mark II
is not an armed weapon.
It has been designed only for
disaster response and recovery.
We need to provide
help when we can.
If that creature isn't killed,
it'll come to our shores next.
When we fail to act,
it puts us all in harm's way.
The MOU between the Pentagon
and the Ministry of Defense
explicitly restrict Mark II
on American soil.
There are strict
mandates in place.
We can have the Mark II
on U.S. soil in a matter
of hours with its
thruster capabilities.
Understand we would be risking
an international incident.
The Pentagon forbids a
second MechaApe on the street
of another U.S. city.
But perhaps
I could sway
National Security
Advisor Lumeria,
convince the Pentagon
to grant an exemption.
Until that time,
authorization is denied.
DVI, Activate.
Navigation, activate.
Navigation activated.
FMS. Activate.
FMS now active.
Primary stage ignition thrust.
Ignition thrust initiated.
Lieutenant, bring
Mark II back at once.
Authorizations denied
and you left me no choice
but to alert the Pentagon
and NASA's safety and
admission assurance
of this reckless
action of yours.
Prime Minister, when you do,
please tell them
I'm on the way to assist.
If we don't, we are complicit
in the aftermath.
I will return.
Listen, Rio!
-Director Drake.
-I'm headed back to Langley.
You don't need me here anymore.
No, you're not.
I've just learned that
Japan's MechaApe
has been commandeered
by a pilot
and is on its way to
Southern California.
And the memo of
understanding is explicit
about another MechaApe on
U.S. soil.
Yeah, the agreement
expressly forbids it.
That's the only way DOD
and NASA would agree to this
joint venture with Japan's
self-defense forces in JAXA.
Yeah, stick around.
I might have
some questions for you.
Prime Minister.
Ah, Miss Lemuria.
Prime Minister, another
MechaApe on American soil
is absolutely unacceptable
and expressly forbidden as
per the memo of understanding.
That action was not
authorized by me or my office.
Miss Tsukumoto acted alone
on her own authority.
I don't care why or
how it happened.
This is a breach
of the MOU
with consequences of
legal and financial.
This is Director Drake.
Rio, is that you?
Director Drake, it is good
to speak with you again.
Just unfortunate
it's due to the current crisis.
I believe the Mark II can be of
assistance in this emergency.
Rio, the Pentagon
has restricted MechaApe
from entering
U.S. airspace, period.
They'll consider this an act
of unprovoked aggression.
I couldn't stand by any
longer doing nothing.
That creature will wipe out
all life on this planet.
Do you know what it is?
It's called Khlul'hoo, a being
the ancient civilizations
believed to be a world destroyer
among their oldest and
most studied mythologies.
Benefits of having parents
who taught anthropology
and engineering in Osaka.
That creature will bleed
a toxic substance if wounded.
Do not engage.
The Mark II is equipped
with a triple ion thrust
acceleration system, right?
Yes, sir.
If you can grip the creature
and I mean physically grab it,
thrust into the space
and release it
past the planet's atmosphere...
The Mark II has a computerized
hydraulic Metacarpus system.
Both hands possess a grip
strength of 1,715 kilograms.
That should do the trick.
We are reaching
critical decision point
for mission success.
The longer we wait,
the more variables we
face as it makes landfall.
We have got to do something.
Admiral, Miss Lemuria.
I'm about to make a
very important request.
The MechaApe.
He can grip the creature,
ascend at extreme speed, and
send it beyond our atmosphere.
We wouldn't have
to fire a single shot.
Who are you talking to?
It's Rio Tsukumoto.
She's piloting the MechaApe.
She is not authorized
to be in our airspace.
We didn't ask her
for assistance.
If it sits foot on U.S. soil,
she is facing
criminal prosecution.
We can't risk
a military engagement
if there's a danger that
things blood being spilled.
I know it's a breach of the MOU,
but we can use
all the help we can get.
Let me talk to her.
This is National Security
Advisor Eve Lemuria.
You are denied authorization.
Did you get that?
I strongly advise you to leave
American airspace at once.
Miss Lemuria, the plan that
Director Drake has can work,
and we can destroy the creature.
This is your final warning.
If you fail to leave American
airspace, you will be targeted.
That creature is about to
make landfall in San Diego.
You'd rather she retreat and
let that thing kill millions
of innocent civilians?
Yes, Mr. President,
I understand.
POTUS has given us authorization
for MechaApe to proceed.
Despite a clear violation
of international agreement,
why would he authorize that?
To warrant our purpose.
Manual control
support system activate.
Warning system activated.
Digital voice input activate.
DVI activated.
Thrusters activate.
Thrusters activated.
All units, the creature
is in the air.
Stay in pursuit.
Reports are coming
in of mass hysteria
in downtown San Diego.
We have to get out
there on the scene.
I'll drive.
I'm on ascent now.
The Metacarpus grip is locked.
- Warning, warning...
The creature is fighting.
Thrust acceleration
can't reach full burn
because of the extra weight.
Keep going, you should
reach velocity parameter
to take you past that...
Oh no!
I have no control over
the Metacarpus grip.
It's losing strength.
The arms are slowly releasing.
Manual support
system activate.
If you lose grip,
you release the creature.
So send it somewhere where
it isn't likely to survive.
Away from the water.
The desert. You're not far
from Nevada or Arizona.
Metacarpus grip should
be locked in on DVI mode.
You'll need to repair
the DVI coupling.
Warning, DVI not responding.
The Hydraulic Metacarpus
grip command relay is fried!
It's not responding to the DVI.
I'm working on manual control,
but it's not responding.
I'm losing the creature!
Dr. Drake, it was no good.
I lost manual control of the
upper extremities during battle.
I have no use of
its hands or arms.
You're retreating?
You lost use of
the hands, arms?
I've already sustained
serious damage
to the shell and hydraulics.
The comms are barely functional.
Took some hard shots.
I need to find a place to
do some temporary repairs
to the damage.
Damage? Did you say the
MechaApe is damaged?
Yes, I need to
make some repairs.
The closest option might
be Edwards Air Force Base.
Can you get there?
I'm down to two thrusters,
but it should be
enough to get me there.
Okay, I'll let
them know you're coming.
Can we get eyes on the creature?
Have we located
where it dropped?
Get me satellites,
surveillance, camera footage,
a visual to confirm.
Did they kill it?
This is rescue one. I've never
seen anything like this.
Andrew, what's the status
of that creature?
The fall must have
killed it, right?
Marina's working with
the surgical team,
and they're going to get Abraham
back on his feet in no time.
We don't have confirmation yet,
but NASA globesat
imaging has found its location,
and it's not moving.
All right, yeah, no, it
had to be the fall
had to have done it in.
The MechaApe was 10,000 feet
in the air
when it lost its grip
on that thing.
They're tapping us
into the live link.
Put it up on the screen.
MechaApe bought us some time,
but that creature
is still alive!
Abraham's out of surgery.
We've taken him off
most of the equipment.
I'll start prepping his
remote IVs for transport.
He needs more recovery time.
I'm afraid we're just moving
him way too soon after surgery.
He needs rest and meds,
not more stress.
Look, we're out of options.
If he stays here, we're putting
everyone at this campus at risk.
I know, but we have to take
into consideration
the risk to Abraham, too.
The iridium in his bloodstream,
it could be fatal if his body's
not healing fast enough.
Hey, what about
the Sample 7, right?
I mean, that accelerated
his growth
and his healing processes.
But if he ingests any more of
that, it could be toxic for him.
Yes, it might heal him faster.
It might be just too much for
him to tolerate right now.
Let's just prep him
for transport.
Okay, but where do we take him?
I mean, we put him
on the medevac,
but there aren't a lot
of alternative accommodations
for a 90-foot ape.
He's too big for his
old containment unit at Langley
and Watkins is out
of the question now.
So where do we land?
We don't.
We keep him in the air.
The medevac has his full medical
suite already set up for him.
We just keep him airborne until
we've found a secure location.
Have Drake fuel up the medevac,
but let him know
Abe's condition.
It's crucial to his well-being.
Hank, everything
okay down there?
We're moving Abraham out
of the Biomed facility.
I need that medevac prepped
and ready to go now.
Where are you planning
on taking him?
There aren't any
other facilities
that can accommodate him.
It's not safe for him
or anyone else here
so long as that creature
can get to him.
And Andrew,
we have other concerns.
The surgical team,
they did tests
on that metallic material
they found.
Blood sample analysis
is coming through
and it looks like there was
iridium in Abraham's wounds
and there were slight traces
in his bloodstream.
No, that can't be.
That's an extremely
rare metal,
as low as 0.001 parts
per million in the earth.
Watkins Island
isn't categorized
as a rare earth metal deposit.
I'm telling you, Marina found
some of it in his claw wounds.
We need that medevac prepped
and ready to go now.
It'll be ready ASAP.
How do you know he's here?
Call it a journalistic hunch.
Andrew Drake is
the director of
the Office of
Safety Admission Assurance.
He was on the Elba mission,
which turned that ape
into Mighty Joe Kong.
And the OSMA, a division
that was responsible
for the creation of
Japan's MechaApe,
which just landed
in San Diego,
breaking a long list
of federal regulations
to fight that creature.
He's not in Langley, Sarah.
He's in D.C.
I'll bet my career on it.
This is Director Drake.
Director Drake, Naomi Harper,
Washington Globe.
I have a few questions
for you about
your former colleague,
Daniel Riggs.
4,000 people from the
Starlight Dream are dead,
including Dan Riggs,
who was one of the passengers.
When was the last time
you spoke with
your former
Mission Control director?
Naomi, I can't talk right now.
That massive creature
climbed out of the ocean
only a day after the Starlight
ship was destroyed,
including Dan Riggs,
who was one of the passengers.
Look, I only have
a couple of questions,
and we can speak off the record.
Are you here in D.C.?
I think we're really on
to something with this idea
of using the Sample 7
to help ape heal faster.
It's too risky, Hank.
Look, hear me out, okay?
The published journals that
were done on Abe
after he survived Chicago
were widespread, right?
Okay, so, his healing
processes and
his growth acceleration
were tied together.
There was a ratio of 38 to 1.
I know, and that's what
I'm worried about.
How much more can his body take?
We did a series of
neurological studies
on Abe when he was
still at Langley, okay?
And his neuro scores
were through the roof,
even though he had grown,
and the size differentials,
everything, it should have
been a downward trend.
He's already outgrown
two NASA facilities.
There's only one medevac
that can even accommodate him.
If he gets any bigger,
than what?
So even if it helps
him heal faster?
Well, that remains to be seen.
But for now, we have
other methods
that will keep him safe
and healthy.
Fair enough.
I don't have a lot of time.
I'm sorry.
Did you know you was on that
ship, the Starlight Dream?
Used to think Dan Riggs
was a cranky little drunk
who was angry
he got pushed out of NASA,
So he found purpose
chasing conspiracy theories.
He joined this so-called
think tank,
the Varda group.
Who were they?
Well, he was very
guarded about it,
very secretive, but
at the same time,
he kept trying to convince
me to join.
Said they were going to need
the best and brightest minds,
physicists, engineers.
Need them for what?
To rebuild it all
from the ashes.
A new world.
The great sacrifice he kept
calling it.
So they were going to awaken
the Old One
to bring about the end
of mankind's suffering.
The Old One?
To end what?
I had the same response.
But the less I bought into it,
the more he tried
to convince me.
To join the Varda group?
Naomi, I'm sorry.
I really have to get to Edwards.
Andrew, I need to know.
I just have a
couple more questions.
The Varda group, who are they?
One night Riggs is loaded,
and he starts telling me
about this ancient god
that they worshiped
through human sacrifice.
Believed it would bring
about an apocalyptic age.
It didn't make any sense.
That's when we suspected
that he was stealing
volatile government
property from NASA.
What did he steal?
I told him I thought
it was time for him
to finally get some help.
He threatened me.
Said I needed to join Varda
or face the wrath of Khlul'hoo.
The ancient god they worshiped?
Yeah, I thought
he finally lost it.
Then he said he was going
to go on this cruise.
Starlight Dream?
The ship went missing.
And this creature emerged
from the deep.
You knew this?
And you didn't think
to stop him or warn someone?
Naomi, wait.
Form of human sacrifice
to bring that creature to life.
Oh my God.
That thing killed my parents.
How do we kill it?
That's why I'm in a hurry.
Come on.
-Prime Minister.
-Miss Lemuria.
I understand that MechaApe
has been sent to
Edwards Air Force Base
to conduct repairs.
That is correct.
The attempt at flying
the creature
above the Earth's atmosphere
was a failure.
MechaApe sustained serious
damage from what I understand.
Surely you're aware of
the problems this causes.
The MechaApe contains
classified technology.
I expect the White House
would express the same concern
were the situation reversed.
Go ahead.
Rio, the creature has
been gravely injured.
When the metacarpus
grip dropped,
Khlul'hoo plummeted
to the ground
and it's badly wounded.
I'll speed up these repairs,
get out of here,
and we can take a second attempt
at taking the creature
beyond the atmosphere.
Okay, let us know
when you're ready.
It's injured,
but it's not dead.
What we're dealing with here
is an extraordinary being.
You know what that is?
It's a rare metal.
What about it?
Well, we found it
in the claw wounds
in Abraham's bloodstream
from his first battle
with Khlul'hoo.
The creature attacked him
on Watkins island.
The medical team found
iridium in its bloodstream.
A rare similar structure,
that very same metal,
was found after Earth's fifth
great extinction event.
Extinction event?
The dinosaurs?
It wasn't Chicxulub asteroid.
The Alvarez paper
made that assertion
because the amount
of iridium found
in the Earth's crust
after the impact.
But Dan Riggs believed
it was something else
that killed off the dinosaur
60 million years ago.
He believed it was the arrival
of the first Great Old One.
Dan Riggs believed that
the Chicxulub asteroid
was actually a chrysalis.
A chrysalis, like a butterfly?
Yeah, containing an
entity powerful to bring about
Earth's fifth great
extinction event.
He even wrote a paper about
the last Great Old One
that had gone through
a transformation stage.
But if you believe that,
why would he need
those vials of Sample 7?
The what?
Sample 7, the substance
that made Abraham larger.
As far as we know,
Khlul'hoo hasn't entered
any sort of chrysalis stage.
But if it does, what then?
The ape may want
a second chance at it.
I don't know if Abraham
would survive that.
Not by himself.
Come on.
But all we're hearing is
that the creature is dying.
Abraham is still recovering
from his injuries.
I don't want to put him
in harm's way again.
And the MechaApe fought it off
already once before.
Once Rio finishes her repairs,
she'll take the MechaApe
to locate Khlul'hoo and
send it back out in space.
Took some heavy damage,
but I was able to do some
repairs here at Edwards.
Director Drake,
when this is over,
I'm facing serious charges
of treason in my country
and federal prosecution here
in the U.S.
I'll be ready to fight,
but if I'm to be taken
into custody after...
Listen, I will do everything
in my power
to protect you as
best I can, Rio.
You have my word on it.
Once I have the
console reassembled,
I can move out, find Khlul'hoo,
and finish what we started.
Yes, sir. We have confirmation
the creature
has succumbed to its injuries.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
Yes, but I need to be back at
my niece's birthday party.
I promised.
Yes, sir. I'll send you
a piece of the cake.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Director Drake, I finished
my repairs, ready to move out.
I'm bringing up NASA globesat.
We can locate its position.
Is that the creature?
What happened?
It looks different.
North American airspace
has been ordered ground stop.
No flights except government,
military, and medical.
That means we have 30 minutes
to get airborne
or we miss our window
to get to the west coast.
Khlul'hoo has entered
the chrysalis State in Arizona.
The Derringer Crater.
That's not far from a
field of dormant volcanoes.
If Riggs thought the first
creature arrived in an asteroid
and this one produces a
similar exterior material,
I think we may be too late.
Well, that's why we need
both the apes to attack
and destroy it before
the chrysalis opens.
One of them may not be enough,
especially since
neither is at 100%.
When I was a kid,
I remember that
if you break open a chrysalis,
you either kill what's inside or
at least very badly damage it.
Anything that goes through
a major transformation
is going to have its
vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
But when it emerges,
it's reborn at its most
powerful and evolved.
We can't let that happen.
And since the Varda group still
has all those vials of sample 7,
we're still in great danger.
Are you going to answer that?
Who's calling?
Eve Lemuria.
As in the
National Security Advisor?
They want you
back in the Situation Room
to talk about the...
Eve Lemuria is part
of the Varda group.
What? How do you know?
When I asked Dan Riggs
why he wanted me
to join the Varda group, he
said "to warrant our purpose."
That's their maxim.
Their presiding rule
above all others.
She said the very same thing
in front of me in
the situation room.
She's a part of this.
The National Security Advisor
wants us all dead?
Who else in the government
is involved?
There's no telling.
For all we know there
may be other players
on the world stage.
The medevac just arrived.
They're ready to take Abe
to the Derringer Creator.
Okay, let's get him
rolled out to transport.
I'm going to need
to sedate him
so he's calm
enough for the ride,
but not too groggy for
when we get there.
I don't want to put him
in any more danger.
All personnel report to
the operating theater
for patient transport
The NASA Jet is on
standby for Arizona.
Director Drake is on his
way to Derringer's Crater.
He's been more than
useful keeping the military
from attacking Khlul'hoo
for fear of spreading
this sample serum in its blood.
I did not expect
the Japanese MechaApe.
We should anticipate
further efforts.
I can have another P8 Poseidon
in the air in mere minutes.
Fully armed with
anti-service ordnance.
Protect the chrysalis
at all costs.
When I was first recruited
by the Varda Group,
we were less irrevocable
in our ideologies.
Well, our mission statement
has remained the same
from day one
of this campaign, Admiral.
Digital voice input, activate.
DVI activated.
Navigation, activate.
Navcom activate.
FMS, activate.
Primary stage ignition thrust.
Five minutes away.
Initiate descent procedures
for two point landing.
Two point landing sequence...
We're approaching
the crater site.
Let's ease him back
into consciousness.
We're already putting him
in the middle of
a high stress situation
without easing him into it.
We've begun our descent.
Prepare for landing.
I really don't want this to
trigger any extreme responses.
Dial his drip down by half.
All right.
Let's get ready to disembark.
View screen bright, 18%.
Engage shock absorption
landing pads.
Rio, this is Marina
in the medevac.
We've disembarked Abraham,
but he's still sobering up
from the sedative.
Please understand,
it may take him some time
to fully comprehend
what's happening. Over.
Copy that.
I'll do my best.
But we both should keep
the main objective in mind
and do all we can to achieve it.
The world is at stake.
We have something that
will help to calm him down.
You know him better than I do.
All non-essential air travel
has been grounded,
so you can't miss
the private flight
headed westbound
out of Virginia.
This will be
the only plane landing.
Primary is named
Andrew Drake.
He must not leave the airport.
Dan Riggs always
spoke so highly of Drake.
Always wanted to recruit him.
Said he was a valuable asset.
Riggs fulfilled his role
in the great sacrifice.
That's enough.
Abraham and MechaApe should
have arrived by now.
There it is.
When we get to the crater,
we can't trust anyone,
not even Hank and Marina.
I don't know who's been
compromised, not even at NASA.
Drake? Drake!
Sarah, stay down.
Do you hear me?
Stay down! Don't move!
Drake, hold on!
No, no, no, no, no...
Drake, Drake, Drake!
Sarah! Get down!
I'm going to get the keys.
Okay, on the count of three.
We're going to get in the car.
I'm going to drive, all right?
One, two...
Drake's dead. We don't
know where we're going.
I think I have an idea.
We have to find Eve Lemuria.
It might be the only
way to stop this.
Sarah, Eve Lemuria's number
is in Drake's phone.
Can you track her location?
Sarah, look...
just take a breath.
Eve Lemuria's location,
we can track it in his phone.
I think I got it.
Now that Drake is
out of the picture,
all we have to deal
with is that giant ape.
And the MechaApe?
Took care of that at Edwards.
Miss Tsukumoto
thought they would help her
repair the damage.
She's about to discover
why I sent her there in
the first place.
Scramble the Poseidon.
Congress should have put
that ape down years ago.
All right, we've got
the Passion Flower crate
open and ready for you.
Now, if Abraham lashes out at
you, grab some of this stuff,
because once he smells it,
that's all
he's going to care about.
Read you loud and clear.
Extending the
figurative Olive Branch.
Rio, are you there?
I'm here on approach
to the site.
Manual control
support system activate.
Don't attack me,
we're teammates here!
No, Abe, no!
No! Don't attack!
What are you doing?
We're on the same side!
He's going berserk!
No, Abe, no!
Rio, the Passion Flower, use it!
I don't want to hurt you.
Digital voice input activate.
Toolkit package activate.
Let's smash it!
Come on, Abe!
You and me!
We can destroy the
creature before it hatches!
Viewscreen dim 40%.
System temperature rising.
Viewscreen bright to 30%.
We've broken the shell.
MechaApe, self-destruct.
Reactors, armed.
Approaching Derringer crater
at reduced cruising altitude.
Prepare arraignment
stations 2 and 5 on my mark.
Prepare to fire on assailants.
The MechaApe just exploded!
Rio! Rio, come in!
Eve, what has happened?
The Great Old One has
What have we done?
There has already
been so much death!
The Great Old One
brings with it
unspeakable destruction,
Hiru, this is what
we've been working for,
what we all envisioned.
Why the Varda group exists.
And what is this?
You're having second thoughts?
Death toll protections...
it's staggering.
It's monstrous.
We've crossed the Rubicon.
The Great Old One
has finally come!
Wake up!
Wake up Abe!
Oh my God!
You gotta wake up!
Oh God.
Marina, are you okay?
Is anything broken?
No, I'm okay.
How about you?
Are you all right?
There he is!
He's down there!
The chrysalis!
It hatched!
I don't see it anywhere.
Do you see it?
No, we have to help Abe!
Come on this way!
The Mark II is completely
The chrysalis hatched
it's airborne.
We have to stop it before
it destroys everything!
He's alive!
He's breathing!
We have to get him
back in the fight.
How can I help?
He's hurting.
What if we're pushing him back
into the fight too quickly?
We don't have a choice, Marina.
He's our only hope.
Then we need a plan.
Something to give
him an advantage.
How do we expect him
to fight this thing
if he's already
so badly wounded?
There's too much at stake, okay?
That creature is going to
destroy everything in its path.
This isn't a fair fight.
He's not going to survive this.
Well, we're in a desert, okay?
There's just nothing around.
What I would give
for a gigantic tree
or something that he
can defend himself with.
Like that one
he grabbed back at the island.
The passionflower!
The vegetation!
That all got incinerated
with the chrysalis!
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Remember when Abe put on
all other trees
and branches when he
thought that that creature
was going to come
out of the water?
Yes, of course.
We can protect him
much better here this time.
Abe! Abe!
Look, look,
look at this, remember?
Protect armor!
I know you remember!
I know, from Watkins!
You did it before!
Protection! Remember?
Rio, do what I'm doing.
-Show him. Show him.
-Put it on like this!
Your turn!
-Yes, Abe!
-Yes, yes, yes!
Put it on!
You got this!
-Put on the armor!
-Do it! Yes!
Do it! You got this!
This is the location.
Same IP address
and it's identifying
the same Wi-Fi network.
It's the cell number
for Eve Lemuria.
Is she in there?
Phone is.
Let's go.
I don't see anybody
around here.
The IP address matches
and the phone traces back
to this location.
Okay, well, stay low.
Be careful.
I'll take the lead.
Oh, I'm so scared, Naomi.
My hands are shaking.
It'll be all right.
All right.
-That's it!
-That's it, Abe!
Whoa, wait!
Don't shoot!
And the decay spreads
across the tottering
cities of men.
Whoa, wait!
The Great One!
Receive me!
The vials of Sample 7
that were taken from NASA
must be around here somewhere.
Oh, Sarah!
I think I got something.
These must be the Sample 7
vials Dan Riggs stole.
Let's get these in the car.
Be careful.
Don't drop them.
Take this.
Safety's on if you need
to use it.
Switch is next to the trigger.
Whatever you do,
don't spill those vials.
Okay, I know.
You're going to be okay.
We're going to be okay.
There they are, stop the car!
Hey, get in!
-Get in!
We lost a hub cap.
There's Abraham!
Go! Go after him!
Look up ahead there.
You see that? That's steam.
That's coming from the
Starrett Plateau volcanic field.
The seismic activity
from the chrysalis explosion.
It must have damaged the upper
layers of the volcanic field.
Above what? Lava?
It's taking Abraham there.
It's gonna try to burn
him alive in the lava.
Go, go, go, go real fast.
The roads are all clear
from the evacuations.
Just drive as fast as you can.
Abraham's hanging from
one of its wings.
Up ahead, it's
the Starrett plateau!
Okay, take it, take it!
Run, run, run, run, run, run!
The Sample 7, it will
help Abraham heal faster.
How do you think
he's lived this long?
This alien DNA,
it speeds up
the healing processes
at a cellular level.
And right now,
it's our only shot.
Come on, Abe!
Eat it! Eat it!
That's right!
Let's go!
No! Abe!
He's gone!
We lost him!
Don't look,
don't look.
He's alive! He's alive!
-He's alive!
Abraham's alive!
He's all right!
You did it, buddy!
You did it!
You did it, buddy!
Just a little something
to help him sleep.
When he wakes up, he'll be home.
When he wakes up,
tell him it was an
honor to fight by his side.
And I would do so again anytime.
But I think Abe's fighting
days are finally over.
At least we hope so.