Apflickorna (She Monkeys) (2011) Movie Script

Produced by Atmo Productions in
association with Film I Vst and SVT.
Atmo presents
I'm coming.
Are you Emma?
We've been expecting you.
Yes, down with the right. Right...
The ensign.
Stretch out.
Turn your hip.
And now do the "mill".
Lift high, stretch your legs!
Stand on your shoulders.
One minute starting from...
Ten. Stretch your legs.
Welcome to the team.
Round up.
-You too Emma. In line.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight...
Hard training from
here on now.
The selection is approaching.
-Looking for something?
-No, I was just looking around.
You're upsetting the horses by
sneaking around like that.
-Are you afraid?
-Give me your hand.
There. He smells you.
That's how you greet a horse.
They can't see straight ahead.
-You will turn great at vaulting.
-You think so?
I can help you. I can train
anyone to become anything.
Come on.
You have to go all the way.
Let's try the other one.
The scissor.
You got to curve more.
Work with your hips.
Charisma. Always!
Don't show any weakness.
Was it okay?
What did you think?
It was okay, I guess.
Good night. Good morning.
-Look at the horse.
-Later. Let's sleep.
Please, daddy.
-It will disappear when you bathe.
-It's waterproof.
-If you go to sleep afterwards.
Do you think Sebastian will like it?
Sara, I don't think Sebastian
fancies you the same way-
-that you fancy him.
Can you scratch me?
-Can I try?
-Okay. -Sit.
-How can he know?
-I've taught him.
Click means "right", and he repeats.
One shapes a behavior.
Before you proceed to the
hall, wash yourself thoroughly.
Under your arms, in the butt,
between legs and feet.
We'll put on a new tattoo
once we're back home.
...three, four, five, six, seven.
Relax. Well done.
Eight, nine and ten. Well done.
-I spy with my little eye...
Fishes diving below the surface.
So come on then!
Move. There you go.
You all did great. Well done.
The girl with the blue bathing trunks...
-Don't you have a top?
Why doesn't she wear a top?
She's a child.
-Age doesn't matter nowadays.
-What are you saying?
That girls in her age are
becoming grown women.
It's difficult for me to discuss now...
We've had issues with men sneaking about.
It's your decision.
Not her, or anyone else.
Your decision. Right?
Come here, Sara.
You don't have to hide.
Where is your sister?
I decide myself and I
want to sit right here.
Fine, you can sit there until she
returns. You can't go anywhere.
Let's count to five and jump. Ready?
One, two, three, four...
Let's do it again, yeah?
Well come on then!
-What's so funny?
-I don't know.
I'm turning dizzy.
A bit too old for the child pool, yeah?
I've got back issues and I
need to stretch.
Our physiotherapist tells us to
to keep at it on a daily basis.
My name is Tobias. And you?
-And you?
What are you laughing at?
-Can you give him your number?
-No, but he can give me his.
-But will you remember it?
-I remember everything.
-alright then.
See you.
Whom will you dine with?
With Lena.
-Did you do good at swimming school?
-How nice.
But I want Sebastian to come
with me next time.
We'll have to ask him about that.
Daddy, I want a bikini.
But you already have a pair of
bathing trunks, almost new.
I want a real bikini for my boobs.
Sara, you don't need that.
They are for adults.
-What is it?
-What are you thinking about?
-How do you mean "myself"?
-Myself and nothing.
-Where are you going?
-To my bed.
-Are you leaving?
-Yes you are.
-No, Sara.
Give it to me.
Emma, please stay.
-Go to sleep, Sara.
-I hate you.
Good night.
Stand still!
Give me your hands.
Both your hands.
Make a cup of them.
And hold still.
I love you.
-Wouldn't it be fun to call that Jens guy?
Alright. See you later then.
See you.
They will come to us.
Shit, they're messed up.
I told him we're hungry and
that we don't like beer.
Good, right?
-Do you want him?
-No, do you?
-How are you?
Can I borrow you shoe?
-What are you doing?
-You'll see.
Emma, want some real food?
Fuck, you're so gross!
Fuck this, seriously.
-I'm out.
-Yeah sure. See you.
-Want to go for a swim?
I'm coming.
I didn't expect you to
remember my number.
-Come on then!
-Do you want?
Yes. Do you?
Want what?
How is it that you're so awesome
at memorizing numbers like that?
I associate numbers with symbols...
-...so that I remember them.
-I'm crossing the river then.
-Symbols? Zero for example?
-Zero is a rock.
A rock? And a seven?
-A seven is a tree.
-A tree?
That I can relate to.
It's pretty cool.
-What is it?
-You don't have to be embarrassed.
-I'm not.
Can I lick you?
Come on, what is it?
Oh come on, what is it?
Am I interrupting you?
-Answer me!
-Yes, somewhat.
Are you going to have sex?
Then why don't you undress?
So take off your clothes.
-Emma, remove his pants.
They come off too.
-I said run!
-What the hell are you doing?
-I'll report you for rape.
-But I haven't done anything!
-Run Emma!
-Come back, god damn it!
Emma, wait!
-Do you want to sleep at my place?
-I have to get home.
-Take this.
-I don't want it.
Take them I said!
Take your positions.
Three, two, one, go!
-Come on now! Run!
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Good job, Emma.
-You've become much better.
-Thank you.
I didn't know your stamina was so
high. You're stronger than most.
-Nervous for the competition?
What is it?
Let's see here...
Let's begin with this.
A tube top with embroider stars.
-Do you like it?
This is a classic with valance
at top and bottom-
-and pantie with fodder.
And we have this.
This is really something for
cool girls as yourself.
-The leopard one.
-It's too expensive.
Isn't a swim suit better?
The bra will just get lost.
We don't call it bra. It's a top.
You promised.
Want to try it?
Please keep your panties on.
-Sara, can I see?
You can't come in.
Check this out.
You open here... and
put the bullet here.
-And you close here.
When you aim you try to get
the small prod to fit the view.
-Then you aim.
-Wait, let me try.
-Hi, what are you doing?
-Can I have some?
-Your soda is in the kitchen.
Go, Sara.
I'll put on some music.
Come here.
We shouldn't be competing.
The two of us should
always be together.
So tell me yes!
Yes, I say yes.
I need to go to the bathroom.
Stop it, I'll pee in my pants.
Stop! Let go of me!
Did you pee in your pants?
Are you all right?
You're really pale.
Come here.
What is it?
What is it that you want?
You got to want something.
I want to be my old self again.
A bit more.
Good, Emma.
-There are no horses here.
Where are they?
I've decided the team line-up.
Malin, you're in.
Thank you.
Hanna, so are you.
Thank you.
Ida, you're in.
Cassandra, you are also in.
Sofia, sorry. But you already knew.
Alice and Elin, you're also in.
-Thanks a lot.
Emma, you are talented. But this
is not about stamina and control.
This is show. Do you understand?
Work on your display.
-Coming to the party tomorrow?
-Are you sad?
You looks like that...
like you're sad.
I'm not sad.
You have to float as well.
Close your eyes.
I'm sorry. Did you get scared?
I am not scared.
-Hi, Sebastian.
-Hey, Nikita. Hey.
-No jumping.
Don't jump!
-What is that?
What are you doing?
It's a surprise.
Do you want to know what it is?
Then it is no longer a surprise.
Do you want to know what's
in my pants?
-It is for you.
-From dad and I.
Want to come to my room?
But we decided that we
would watch a film together.
But I also want to go to my room.
-Give me that.
-Weren't you going to a party?
Go to Sebastian.
I don't think he is in love with me.
Of course he isn't. You can't
date your cousins.
-You will give birth to freaks.
-You have to be tough. Understand?
Never show your emotions.
You will wind up getting hurt.
-Bye, Sebastian.
-Bye, Emma.
Tough. Tough.
What are you doing?
What are you up to?
Give me that...
It's a surprise.
I will dance for you.
Alright then.
I will put it there.
Can you lay here until I fall asleep?
You are so soft.
You're the softest of all.
Can you scratch me?
Why? Why not?
Because I say so.
-Please, it feels so good.
-I said no.
-Is it because we're cousins?
-What do you mean?
Like you're not in love with me.
If we wouldn't have been cousins,
I would not even be here right now.
-Do you understand?
I want you to leave now.
-Do you need any help?
-Why didn't you show up yesterday?
-I had to babysit for Sara.
What are you doing?
-You got something there.
-Don't touch me.
-I said don't touch me!
-Calm down.
I am calm.
I said move. Get out of my way!
You going to hit me or what?
So hit me then!
Hit me.
I said hit me.
Did you see what happened?
He kicked me.
Turn off the TV if you're
not going to watch it.
Give it to me!
-Give it to me!
Give it to me!
Let me have it!
You old devil!
Emma, you don't talk to me that way.
Shut up.
Take it.
I made the team.
How nice! Congratulations.
I am so proud of you.
-What are you doing?
-A hole.
-Don't twist them too hard.
-I'm not.
-Are there many left to go?
-Not too many.
Lean your head forward.
-Are you ready?
-Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Thanks for helping us out, Emma.