Apocalypto (2006) Movie Script

"A great civilization is not conquererd from without
until it has destroyed itself from within" W. Durant
The heart....
...for Smoke Frog
Thank you.
This liver for Curl Nose.
Thank you.
Cocoa Leaf...
..the ears.
Thank you.
And for you Blunted..
..the balls.
Not this again!
Im helping you.
Then you eat them!
I don't need them. Neither do the rest of the fellows.
Do you fellows?
Of course not!
What do you think?
No, no!
But how many times does it take?
I have eight older sisters and one brother.
Father took tapir balls all ten times.
Shall i tell him?
I'm sorry. The balls are useless.
You never had them?
Couldn't tell you what they taste like.
None of you?
No, but it's been fun watching you...
This was your idea!
Get him off me!
Calm down!
Why do you let them
treat you like this?
Be strong.
Where is your pride?
It all works..... Yes?
...I just can't make children.
There is something i will tell you...
..but i warn you, it's very powerful.
What do you speak of?
The soanzo leaf.
The soazno leaf?
From the great marshes in the south...
This is what gave me my ten children.
No! No! Wait...
You have to rub them on...down there.
Just before your next try.
Apply it generously.
I don't know how to thank you.
If this works...maybe she'll stop bothering me.
Your wife?
No, her mother.
The old hag wants grandchildren.
Give me some meat.
Here, work on this...
...pure meat...
...ball breath.
What do you want?
What do you want?
I am Flint Sky. I have hunted this forest
from the day I came of age.
My father hunted this forest
with me and before me.
Jaguar Paw, my son.
He hunts this forest with me
He will hunt it with his
son after I am gone.
A good catch?
Good waters here.
The forest give much here.
We ask only to pass through.
Keep safe as you pass.
Let's go.
Our lands were ravaged!
We seek a new beginning.
Your lands were ravaged?
We seek a new beginning...
Be still!
My son!
Be still.
Back to the village.
I ask you not to speak of what you saw in the forest today.
You are troubled.
Yes, I am.
Those people in the forest, what did you see on them?
I do not understand.
Deep rotting fear.
They were infected by it.
Did you see?
Fear is a sickness.
It will crawl into the soul, of anyone who engages it.
It has tainted your peace already.
I did not raise you to see you live with fear.
Strike it from your heart.
Do not bring it into our village.
At first light we will
gather with the elders...
...at the sacred hill of our fathers.
There we will call on their spirits to guide us.
Oh here he is!
The big lump!
He's useless.
He can't do it!
You! Yes you!
With your height and your girth! You have deceived us.
Get inside!
Damn you! Get in there!
Old woman, please!
Move it!
You don't work!
What are you laughing about?
Give me a grandchild or I will have you replaced.
Mother, that's enough.
Do not come out until you make a child!
Two would be better!
Twins you oaf!
Can you go away? He says he can't with you sitting there.
Just get busy.
She's gone.
Mother, what do you say we should have at the feast tonight?
I have tapir...but I also found this boy.
I say boy.
The tapir smells better, I think it's more fresh.
No Dad! No! It's me! It's me!
I'll just hang the boy here in case we change our minds.
That's our Turtles Run. That's our eldest.
Yes it's me. It's your eldest!
In that case, a crush for my eldest...
...and a crush for my youngest.
Tapir it is.
One day, old man!
One day, you won't be able to run anymore!
And a Man sat alone,
Drenched deep in sadness.
And all the animals drew near to him and said:
"We do not like to see you so sad...
"Ask us for whatever you wish and you shall have it."
The Man said:
"I want to have good sight."
The vulture replied: "You shall have mine."
The Man said: "I want to be strong."
The jaguar said:
"You shall be strong like me."
Then the Man said:
"I long to know the secrets of the earth."
The serpent replied: "I will show them to you."
And so it went with all the animals.
And when the Man had all the gifts that they could give...
....he left.
Then the owl said to the other animals:
"Now the Man knows much,
he'll be able to do many things...
Suddenly I am afraid."
The deer said: "The Man has
all that he needs.
Now his sadness will stop."
But the owl replied: "No."
"I saw a hole in the Man...
"Deep like a hunger he will never fill...
"It is what makes him sad and what makes him want."
"He will go taking and taking...
"Until one day the World will say:
"I am no more and I have nothing left to give."
Come back to me...
Come back to me.
My son is dancing.
Your son is happy.
What do you want?
Now that you're up, can you please kill that dog?
The dog.
Get up! Get up! now!
Go to the forest.
Run! Do not look back.
No! No! I am afraid!
Look into my eyes. Look into my eyes.
Be strong...
I am afraid!
Be strong.
Tie him up!
The others. I have to help.
No, don't leave us!
I will come back, I promise.
Don't you leave.
I promise.
Stay, please stay.
Father, don't go!
Very nice!
Tie him up!
I want him alive.
Sorry father.
That's enough!
Stand him up.
Move away.
My son...
Don't be afraid.
...that's your name.
Our life is over.
Let's move!
We move out now.
They are back.
Get up.
Cut Rock, you forgot to duck.
Hold still.
Can you see?
Get back to your line.
Come with us...
Get up.
Leave him alone, "Almost".
I said get up.
Up, up...
...that's it.
Let's go!
This man is a good friend of yours...
Don't worry...
I'll take care of them...
They are mine now.
Gentle Ixchel. Tender mother of mercy.
Keep them from harm. Please. Keep them.
Hold on! Hold on!
...let's see what happens.
That's it!
Pull! Be strong!
Yes! You did it!
Good work!
Can you breathe?...Good.
Wait here.
What's become of my capture?
Dead weight.
He nearly took the rest with him.
I let him go.
You let him go?
Shall we now do what "you" want?
Let us try that.
Don't let any other go.
Let's move.
Get up "Almost".
We don't want to lose you just yet.
Stand up, boy.
You proved yourself today, my son.
Your're now worthy to stand with the rest of us.
Thank you father.
Take it...
...it's yours.
It has taken many lives.
Get some rest.
Resting brothers...
...fathers, mothers, wives.
You felt the cold of this day's early morning.
Now you cannot feel the coldness of its night.
She stopped screaming...
...too long before they returned, she had stopped screaming.
We saw how she fought them.
But in the final moments?
If she let them...
...the Goddess of the Scaffolds
shows no mercy for the weak.
Her soul waits for yours in the shade of the Ceiba Tree.
I need to know.
Before this day's end, when I leave this world.
I will take as many of these
bastard dogs with me as I can.
And I will gladly accept the tortures of hell...
...if I do not find my Sky Flower there.
Please don't rain.
I am walking here!
Keep away, she has the sickness.
Get back!
You fear me?
So you should...
...all you who are vile.
Would you like to know how you will die?
The sacred time is near...
Beware the blackness of the day.
Beware the man who brings the jaguar.
Behold him, reborn from mud and earth...
For the one he takes you to will cancel the sky...
...and scratch out the earth.
Scratch you out.
And end your world.
He's with us now.
...day will be like night.
And the man jaguar will lead you to your end.
Where are they taking us?
We tell stories of a place stone-built.
What happens there?
I do not know...
...but the earth bleeds.
We are near.
He has the laughing sickness.
He likes you!
Help me!
Save me.
Hey, don't touch.
Welcome back.
Have you been successful?
Ask my son.
How many captives?
Deal with my son.
A fair price.
As always, trust me.
How much will you give me?
Who will buy this woman?
No....she's too old.
She can be useful.
She can cook... clean...
Useless old woman!
No sale.
Go on.
These are the days of our great lament.
The land thirsts.
A great plague infests our crops.
The scourge of sickness afflicts us at whim.
They say, this strife has made us weak.
That we have become empty.
They say, that we rot.
Great people of the banner of the sun...
I say...
...we are strong!
We are a people of destiny.
Destined to be the masters of time.
Destined to be nearest to the gods.
Mighty KuKulKan!
Whose fury could scorch this earth to oblivion...
Let us appease you with this sacrifice.
To exalt you in your glory.
To make our people prosper.
To prepare for your return.
Warrior, unafraid and willing!
With your blood you renew the world!
From age to age.
Thanks be to you.
The heart of god!
Come back to me.
Journey well...
I can't go.
Not now...
People of the banner of the sun, do not fear.
Kukulkan has drunk his fill of blood.
We have sated his thirst.
Great god.
Show us that you are pleased.
Let your light return upon us.
What of these captives?
Dispose of them.
I need a finisher.
Release them.
You watch.
I'm ready!
There's your jungle, beyond the corn.
Go to it.
You're free...
....now run.
I said run!
Not bad.
Your turn.
Sleep now my son.
The pain will be no more.
He didn't come this way.
He's in the trees.
Spread out.
Keep your eyes open.
He's coming right at us.
He would have wanted me to have it.
The omen is bad...
Mighty Ek Chuah, we beg you...
Forgive us for this trespass
against your son, the jaguar.
The omen is bad...
Lift yourself up Drunkards Four...
...the omen was foretold...
...and now we have a fear more grave...
...today I saw the day become like night...
I saw a man run with the jaguar...
...we must not let this man make feet from us.
Your words mean nothing.
He runs, because he is afraid.
When I catch him, I will peel his skin...
...and have him watch me wear it.
We leave now!
The omen was bad...
He's fucked.
Hanging Moss...
...see him out.
Open your veins. It's quicker.
Travel well.
So much for you prophecies.
It's not over!
I am Jaguar Paw...
Son of Flint Sky!
My father hunted this forest before me...
My name is Jaguar Paw!
I am a hunter!
This is my forest!
And my sons will hunt it with their
sons after I am gone!
Come on!
Come on!
We are going over.
We climb down around.
We cannot let him get away.
We cannot afford...
We all jump.
I am Jaguar Paw.
This is my forest.
And I am not afraid.
You go i'll wait here.
Resting fathers, fly me your strength.
Get up here.
Go back!
Hurry up!
What are they?
They bring men.
Should we go to them?
We should go to the forest.
To seek a new beginning.
Come Turtles Run.