Arekalar (2022) Movie Script

Where are you Sude? I'm afraid.
Where are you?
Where were you?
Why did you make me wait so long?
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
I had a nightmare. It was very terrible.
We were walking in the forest with Sude.
He came again mom. I was terrible.
What do you think?
Do you think we can get
the shot we want?
I don't know but we have to.
This documentary
is very important to my career.
We are working for 1 month.
We saw 1000 year old plane trees.
And we saw more but...
We still haven't found the best tree.
They said there was
a village just ahead.
There are 800 year old trees.
We can check if you want to see.
I don't think we should.
Let's not deviate from our course.
Our route is already bad.
Let's go there.
Okay boss.
come on, let's eat something.
She had nightmare again.
Should we talk with a hodja?
No, we don't need hodja.
She is already little.
Children can sometimes have
such bad nightmares.
Let's eat my girl.
You should eat too.
You must feed my sister.
Let's play some games outside.
Come on sister.
Come on my girl.
Play with your friends.
Girls, don't go to the forest.
Never mind.
Crazy Emin is coming, run away.
- Let's run away, he is crazy.
- He is not crazy.
He can't speak because
he used to fall from a tree.
-Selamn aleykum.
-Aleymum selam.
Selamn aleykum.
Aleykum selam, welcome.
-I want to ask something.
-Is Mukhtar here?
-He is inside.
I am the Mukhtar, welcome.
We come here for a documentary.
I'm director Selcuk Ozener.
And this is Ahmet.
What is this documentary about?
We are shooting a documentary
called Keepers of the Forest.
It deals with the cultures
living in various parts of Turkey.
We want to go to the whole of Anatolia.
Ahmet is cameraman.
There are 2 more people in our team.
They examine the trees
and determine their age.
Is there any place
where we can spend the night?
Never mind it. You are the guest of god.
Cemal, call Tahsin, he has visitors.
Okay Mukhtar.
He is crazy, just never mind.
Drink some tea and rest.
I'll take you around tomorrow.
Good idea. We are very tired.
This kid looks so bad Cemal.
She is just a child. Don't worry.
She had nightmare again.
She is not looking good.
Some tea?
I'm very tired.
Come on girl.
Come here.
Did you play?
Let's eat something and have rest.
You should eat somethings too.
Thanks, just a little.
I don't feel good for 2 day Cemal.
I hope we didn't bother you.
-You accepted us.
-Never mind.
I live with my brother.
Our family is dead.
We have space.
God bless them.
What did you do?
Did you take the girls to their rooms?
Yes boss, no problem.
I'll show your rooms.
Hace some rest.
You can sleep here.
And you, follow me.
I'm afraid mom.
My girl?
Come here sleep with us.
Come here.
Let's sleep.
You can't wake up mom.
He can't hear you, just never mind.
What happened?
I had a nightmare Cemal.
You didn't hear me.
-Just a dream, let's sleep.
-Come on, come on.
I have pain.
Take me to the bathroom.
I feel terrible.
Hurry up.
Are you okay? Need help?
I'm okay.
Are you okay Seher?
Why is the baby dead?
Everything was normal.
Should we go to a hodja?
This is a village.
We have lived here for a long time.
There is a menengic tree.
How old is it?
Have you ever researched?
No, it is very old story.
They say the forests are cursed.
Villagers don't go to the forest.
Very old stories.
What is that story?
They believe that a spiritual group
called the Arecas lived here.
The forests are their home.
They believe that,
the trees in the forest
are the spirits of their ancestors.
This is a village.
This is a place full of secrets.
They think they're cursed.
Some people have disappeared.
Can you take us to the forest?
We want to check there.
I'm sorry boss. I live in here also.
I don't believe in magic.
But we afraid of it.
It's hard to find someone
to go into that forest.
Tahsin, the boy you're staying
at home with.
If you give him money,
he can take you away.
Okay, we'll ask him.
-Let's show us menengic tree.
-Sure, come on.
Help me.
Do you know her?
No hodja.
Give me your hand.
Touch the water.
Ervah is a group of demons.
It infects pregnant women and children.
It can kill your baby.
-Is he dead?
I will write you a protective prayer.
This is our menengic tree.
We care for it every year.
But we never cut down these trees.
The villagers fear
the curse of the forest.
The imagination of the people
living here is very wide.
Trees can communicate with each other.
They can communicate thanks
to the fungi in their roots.
They can even go to war.
For example, the walnut tree secretes
a substance that kills its opponents.
But the distance is too much here.
It is very hard.
Let's take an example
for age determination.
Okay, we'll go on.
This is very simple place.
-Let's check this forest.
-Sure boss.
Hi Tahsin.
Can you take us
to the mysterious forest?
There is nothing there.
These are fake stories.
We used to have fun there
when we were kids...
but these are fake stories.
There are only a few old trees there.
It's okay, we want to see.
As you wish, we can go tomorrow.
Shall we get the equipment?
Not yet, let's check first.
Maybe we can't find anything.
Let's not bring equipment.
If you are ready we can go.
-Let's go.
-Come on.
Biggest tree I've ever seen.
Platanus orientalis.
Yes, yes it is.
It's body is quite large.
What do you think of Melis?
I can't say for sure without measuring.
We may have found the oldest tree.
I think so.
Look at that, it is very big.
So, oldest tree?
How old is it?
It would be wrong
to call it the oldest tree.
There are 80,000 years old trees
in America, Utah.
It depends on the type of tree.
Their lifespan is 1000 or 1200 years.
We should definitely look into it.
We'll start tomorrow.
Let's check other trees.
Okay I'll take some photos.
Don't afraid.
Weak puppies fall down.
Law of nature.
What is this? A cave?
As I know, no civilization lived here.
-What are these stones?
-It is impossible for them to be here.
Could this be a place like Gbekli Tepe?
If this is a temple,
there may be a settlement around here.
There is a one cave more,
you can check it.
Good idea.
Let's go.
Come on.
I have a shudder Ali.
I'm afraid of such things.
Forget them let's have some sex.
-Stupid, come on.
-Come on.
Nevin, what happened?
What happened?
I thought I saw something. I'm okay.
Okay let's go.
-Are you okay?
-I'm okay.
Are you okay?
Girls, where is your father?
He is praying at home mommy.
Take care of your children.
Here are some articles.
They must be very old. Strange.
They are like pictures.
There are 3 of them.
Very strange.
They didn't exist when we came here
when we were kids.
These seems like new.
What happened?
What happened Melis?
Did you hear?
Yes we did, we heard the demons.
Do not joke.
We have to go. It is getting dark.
It is hard to find our way.
My girl?
Where are you going?
Please help me God.
What is the story of this village,
What is Arekalar?
Does this forest belong to them?
This is very old story.
A demon group called
the Arekalar lived here.
They weren't human...
but also they weren't demon.
They were invisible to humans.
They were like humans.
They believe they live in a different
dimension, too, like Jinns.
That's very stupidly.
It can be.
This is not my profession.
In Hawking's string theory,
it was mathematically proven that,
there are 11 dimensions in the universe.
There may be aliens and different
creatures in other universes.
Thinking otherwise is
because people are selfish.
It is written in the Qur'an that
there are different universes.
For example,
we share this world with Jinns.
The Qur'an speaks
of 7 different dimensions.
Do you know Qur'an?
I used to work at the mosque.
It was not a suitable profession for me,
I left it.
But these are fake stories.
I don't believe them.
Anyway, I have to go.
I'll sleep.
We'll sleep too.
We will wake up early in the morning.
-Good night boss.
-Good night.
I'll sleep too.
Good night.
-Did you sleep?
I miss you so much.
We've been sleeping separately
for a long time.
I miss you so much too.
Come on.
To the car.
-Come on.
-No Ali.
-Come on.
Ali someone can see.
I miss you so much.
I miss you so much too.
God damn it.
I was so scared. This is crazy.
Who is he?
The sick brother of Tahsin.
-I should go.
-Nevin please.
-Please don't go.
-Good night.
God damn it. What a shit village.
we are alone again.
Come on.
I can't open the door Nevin.
Are you okay? What happened?
Melis, there is nothing inside.
No, no, there is something over there.
No please calm down.
I think I'm tired.
I'll try to sleep right away.
Okay honey.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Equipment are very heavy.
We can take Mukhtar's car.
Good idea,
equipment must not be damaged.
Guys, wait here. We'll bring the car.
Come on Tahsin.
Mukhtar, we have lots of equipments.
We need your car. My car is little.
Sure you can take the keys.
-The car is over there.
Nur, Nur has disappeared.
I've been looking for her since night.
I think she went to the forest.
We should go to the forest Mukhtar.
Nur is lost? Just a child.
It must have been hidden somewhere.
We can't go to the forest.
Everyone is afraid of the forest.
If she went to the woods, it's so scary.
I've been searching all night.
I saw her running towards the forest.
Forest is very big I need your help.
I can't do it alone.
I think you must go to the forest.
We are going there.
You can come with us.
God bless you.
No problem, we are all human.
Let's go to the Tahsin's house.
We should take our crew.
Come on Tahsin.
Where are they?
I don't know love.
They still haven't come.
Can you take my photo?
They are here.
-Give my bag.
-Take it.
Please take this.
Cemal's daughter has disappeared.
-I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry.
She must be in the forest.
We will help him. He will come with us.
Ahmet, we will help for searching.
Melis, you'll join us
after you're done okay?
-Okay boss.
-Let's go, come on.
We have to make 2 groups.
We'll check the cave with Ahmet.
Check other places with Cemal.
Okay, good idea.
We will meet here again.
You can work here Melis.
Why are we so unlucky?
I got so sad for the guy.
Let's finish this as soon as possible.
We should help them.
Arekalar lives here.
Welcome to Arekalar.
Ali, are you stupid!
You are very boring.
My daughter.
Where are you?
Where are you?
My girl.
Nur where are you?
Do you hear me?
Are you leaving?
Yes, I'm done.
I want to help them.
Join us when you're done.
Sure, we'll be there.
See you.
See you.
Where do we get the sample?
This part.
Where are you?
This village is the most strange village
that I have ever seen.
Don't talk like that. I'm scared.
Let's finish this and get out of here.
Which part?
This part.
Take this please.
This part?
They still haven't come.
They must be in the cave.
I'll check them.
Okay, I'm waiting you.
It may rain anytime.
Are you okay? What happened?
I'm okay.
Where are they?
We couldn't find anything.
Ahmet went to the cave to check others.
Okay let's wait them.
I'm so scared dad, take me away
from here. Please dad.
She is not here.
Did the others find her?
Let's check them.
You go Cemal.
I'll take some photos. I'll be there.
Okay boss.
Don't go dad, please don't go.
Dad, don't go.
Please don't go dad.
Let's go Ahmet.
It's getting dark.
Okay boss, they are waiting us.
Let's go.
Very cold.
Please don't give up.
She is just a child.
She'll come back, don't worry.
Think positive please.
Please be patient.
Did you find her?
Cemal, answer me.
Where were you?
I took some photos to work at home.
Where are others?
Where is Cemal?
He went to the village
to talk with Seher.
Okay, let's go.
What could have happened to her?
Sometimes children were lost
in this village.
Some of the villagers believe that...
children have been abducted by demons.
That's why they don't want to go there.
You mean, Arekalar did this?
I don't know boss.
As I said, these are fake stories.
This story has grown because so many
children have disappeared.
Could these events be real?
No boss, you saw everything.
There is no children, nothing.
The families of the children
are very ignorant.
That's why they're running.
Melis, calm down Melis.
What happened to them?
I think lightning struck here.
There are some rags in the car.
Ahmet, let's bring them.
-Let's get them out of here.
What happened to them?
Where are you my girl?
I'll check her.
Hello, welcome.
I'm sorry.
Do you know the man why lives
in the house on the hill?
His child has also disappeared,
like Nur.
We can ask him.
He may give some information.
They say he's gone mad ever since...
but he can understand you best.
Ahmet, take Melis to the home.
She must rest.
Let me organize a hearse.
I don't know what to say their family.
Nur, my girl?
My girl?
My girl?
My girl?
I wanted to come when I saw that
you weren't sleeping.
I couldn't sleep too.
I was searching the story of Arekalar,
but there is nothing.
It could be something that
hasn't been discovered before.
Very strange.
Yes, very strange.
-I'll bring tea.
Can I come boss?
Come Tahsin, come.
I sent the corpses.
Ali and Nevin's death is not normal.
We have to find truth.
These, circles around the sun.
I don't know boss.
They looks like star, or planet.
May be this is world.
66 planets orbiting the sun?
Could it be the earth that went
around the sun 66 times?
When had the previous child disappeared?
I don't know, we must ask to Mukhtar.
We can ask tomorrow.
Come on.
You were screaming boss, are you okay?
I'm okay Tahsin.
We have to talk with Mukhtar right now.
We can visit him when you want.
Let's go then.
Let me wake the others.
Forget it, we have no time.
Let's go.
How do I gather information
about missing children?
We have a book at the office.
The names of all those who died,
were born and disappeared are written.
There are very old records.
Okay, I've to see that book.
-Let's go to the office.
-Come on.
Is there anybody?
Don't touch it.
My daughter disappeared. Help me.
I can't help you.
Don't follow her.
She went where she belonged.
They took my Mustafa.
How do you know?
Who are they?
Every 66 years, a child goes missing
in this village.
It is connected with Arekalar
and images.
These are not fake stories.
Could it be the earth that went
around the sun 66 times?
Old tree.
We have to go that tree Tahsin.
We have to find Melis.
Don't search her.
Your friends are dead.
What are you talking about?
What did you do them?
Never mind him. He is crazy.
Leave me Tahsin. Leave me.
He is speaking for the first time.
When did he get better?
-Did you see Emin?
-No I didn't.
What will you do with him?
He is crazy.
Help me.
Help me.
Tell me where is she?
-Where is Nur?
Come with me.
What happened to them?
Arekalar didn't like your research.
You can't do anything for them.
But Nur has only 1 day...
so we have to finish this.
You're the only one left of the team.
They want to kill you too.
I know how to stop this.
We have to go to the forest
as soon as possible.
We searched before. She is not there.
She is there, there.
She is with Arekalar.
But you can't see her.
They are preparing a ritual,
she will die tomorrow.
How can we help her without seeing her?
Do you see jinns?
But they can see you.
People cannot see beings
in other dimensions.
I'll tell you everything about Arekalar.
But you'll not enter the forest anymore.
When you're done,
come to Tahsin's house.
I was child.
I fell from the tree.
I hit my head.
I'm broken all over.
I lost a lot of blood.
When I fell to the ground,
my blood got on the plane tree.
In order to communicate
with their ancestors,
the Arecas kill a child...
every 66 years.
My blood flowed at the wrong time.
But I didn't die.
The spirit of Arekalar's ancestors
was revived.
They healed me.
In fact they are good.
I am half of them now.
I can communicate with them.
Because my blood is on the tree.
I can feel and see some beings
in another dimension.
I can feel, they are coming.
It is time.
Why did we act now?
Because the next ritual
is 66 years later.
They will find a new child.
And if I die as a human,
these deaths will not end.
Because Arekalar have to communicate
with their ancestors.
I'll show you everything about Arekalar
in the cave.
You'll be out of here right after,
you've completed all your research.
You have to save Nur from forest.
-I'll stay there.
You wait at the entrance of the forest.
Pray for us for a while.
Go, go, go.
I can't understand. Is Arekalar jinn?
No, no, no.
They made a pact with a demon
to protect themselves from humans.
But why?
You'll see everything in the cave.
This is a cave, also...
dimension gate of Arekalar.
4th dimension.
Put your hand on the stone.
The Arekalar lived in peace
for thousands of years.
They lived in the 3rd dimension.
Then the people came.
The Arekalar changed dimension
and appeared to humans.
They thought people were friends.
But people did not
approach them friendly.
This is how the first war between
humans and Arekalar broke out.
People were afraid of them.
They thought they were magicians.
But actually they weren't really
wizards at all.
Like human.
People burned them inside this cave.
Three of them survived.
Children of fire.
Manu makes the paintings in the cave.
They were little.
They were very afraid of people.
But Hannas was intelligent.
It made a deal with them.
Arekalar had no access to mother milk.
Hannas deceived them with blood.
They believed they needed
the blood of innocent children.
They believed they needed
the blood of innocent children.
Because children are sinless.
Hannas used them. It disguised as fire.
That's why it kidnapped
innocent children and killed them.
Last child is Nur.
Hannas gave Nur to Arekalar.
Arekalar took Nur to their dimension.
They were here when you came.
They hid in fear of you.
They believe that people will do evil.
After you left,
the Arekalar spoke to Hannas.
Hannas had to keep people out
of the forest.
That's why it killed your friends.
But Sanju will kill Nur.
We'll stop it.
No more innocent children will die.
Because I'm here.
Are we the cause of all the problems?
Human is the most powerful being
in the world.
But you are worse than them.
We'll go to the cave with Tahsin.
I've to talk with Sanju.
You'll wait Nur at this gate.
When Nur comes,
take her and leave immediately.
Because Hannas doesn't like this.
When you hear a loud noise,
run to the cave.
Let Nur go.
-What is this Cemal?
-I don't know Seher, I don't know.
I'm afraid Cemal.
-I'm afraid.
-Don't be afraid.
My girl.
-My girl.
My Nur.
My girl.
My baby.