Arif V 216 (2018) Movie Script

[generic music plays]
[generic music continues]
[generic music continues]
[Arif] Sir... My brother, come on.
[Arif laughs]
Is it okay dear... No no... No no... No brother, no.
No bro, I 'm looking at it as win win .
My name is Arif.
Everything happens with us, there is nothing wrong with space.
I will give it to my aunt from the best place, brother.
Sure, in the Ursa Major, of course, from the south side,
I will give it from a sunny place.
She's a beautiful star. Those will be very valuable.
Brother, let's say it's a fault, it's not wrong.
Yes... Shall I present a book of mine as a gift to you, brother?
Introduction to the Atmosphere , from Uranus Publications.
Yes, "anus"... Okay bro, don't upset your brother.
I'm sending the certificate right away. Okay daddy, let's kiss.
-My son. What are you doing? -What have I done, master?
Adamn karsyla manitasna ayn yldz vermisin.
Kuafrde piti olmular!
-Dikkat birazck. -[telefon alar]
Efendim... Evet, Ay ta m?
Karanlk yznden var ama sen nereden istiyorsun?
ey var bak, Ay'a ilk ayak basan adamn ayak izi var.
Tek ayak!
Ka giyiyorsun sen?
44 var bende, senin iin byk bir adm olur.
[fon mzii, hafif darbuka]
Sen siteye yaz siteye, mail at. Admine mail at.
Tamam, hadi, hadi.
Paran yoksa ne giriyorsun bu ilere? Olum yle deil, yle deil.
u, u lan, u.
Gel, buraya gel. Aydasn, Ayda.
Altda bir orannda. yle hayvan gibi deil bak.
Astronotsun olum, altda bir orannda bak u, u, u...
Brak imdi bunlar, sen u sertifikay al,
Muzaffer abinin ofise git, tamam m?
Al bunu teslim et, hadi canm.
Zarfa koy, stne ey yaz, "NASA".
[hafif fon mzii devam eder]
Nasl geti habersiz?
Hop, I'm here!
Who am I?
-Emel Sayin. -No, Tarkan.
Brother, what man are you?
what's up?
[Garavel] Of be!
Mr. Garavel, welcome.
Or per second.
-Thanks. -Health...
-[Garavel] Son, read something. -[Arif] You're embarrassing, brother.
[Garavel] Let's find our joy.
How about that hair
Flowers I crowned
Where are those beautiful eyes
Fountain of gazelles
- You know birds and trees -[phone vibrates]
Brother, I have to get this.
Sir dear?
[Ceku] We received thanks, we received thanks!
-My lion son. -Daddy, look!
Honey, should I call you in two minutes?
We are sitting with my Garavel teacher.
I will call right away, I say halal, halal.
I kissed...
The boy is reading strangely, mashallah.
Hello, same me.
My son should jump in and come.
I don't understand what's so much in the world.
Brother, I'm depressed too, how will you let go? So how can I come?
What is he doing, what is Bob doing? 216?
Good, good, everybody good. Heh, look what happened the other day?
216 came to me. He's out of his head. I said the world...
Garavel Teacher, if it doesn't work, you won't drink.
What's going on?
My God, let it not be an adventure, please!
[car alarm]
Is it science fiction again?
[enters credits]
[generic music continues]
[generic music continues]
[generic music continues]
[mysterious music]
[keying sounds]
Fuck your mom!
[cat voice]
[Arif laughs]
[keying sound]
Let me see.
[key tone]
2nd generation. 16th segment. Developable intelligence.
-[Arif] Ya! -[216] A-ah!
Look at my brother!
How? Have I changed?
You are the same. I?
Hmm, some weight?
Damn boy, all of these are edema. I'm good.
You are fine. Of course you're fine.
That's why I came.
[Arif] My brother!
Arif, has the piece increased?
-No, I put them all on. -[cat voice]
Is there a cat at home?
Who said, no, I don't have a cat.
There were gifts in the suitcase, of course I didn't come empty-handed.
I didn't see it.
It was right in the middle.
No, I did not see.
Sucuk, Bob Marley sent Faruk.
Our aunt made that too, Ceku, jam.
huh! I bought it from Duty Free, it's original when it comes out.
My favourite.
[man] Arif brother, Arif brother, are you okay?
-Who is our brother? -My soldier friend.
From the fourth mechanic.
my master...
This is Gora sausage, you'll eat your fingers.
Oh man, the world at least.
I wish I had come earlier, Arif.
Oh Rendroy. I hadn't seen this before.
I followed my dreams too, Rendroy.
I'm so tired of being a robot, Arif.
Sometimes I say I take that battery out.
-[216 singles] Ge... ge... gegev... -[Arif] What?
Let's go everywhere, okay Arif? Sultanahmet, Fairy Chimneys,
poles, Pamukkale, Yedikule.
Of course dear.
From there Paris, London, the pyramids...
Of course, India via the Cape of Good Hope, give your hand there Great Wall of China.
Long live Arif. -Son, are you crazy?
The Great Wall of China seen from space. What's the need to go all this way?
Why did you come? Tell me about it.
-I came to be human, Arif. -I swear?
I came to be human too. -Really?
Oh, but that's it.
has it?
-It didn't happen. -It doesn't happen if it doesn't.
Give me the sausage.
Oh Arif, this is hard.
[television sounds]
I don't want to be a robot anymore.
I want to love and be loved like you, Arif.
God, give me bread from here.
Heh look, like them.
[216] My favourite.
So I don't know, for example, if I were the bad boy of the neighborhood,
Like Sezercik, like Yumurcak.
It's too small for you.
If I were a sweet bum, like Turist mer.
-[imitate] Halal! -It's a big income too.
Our robot brother is also very emotional, master.
Of course dear, you cry.
Arif, bak.
elik... Of course, even elik got married, people are emulating.
Oh, look at these feelings.
If only a single tear fell from my eye, if I were in love.
Arif, I want to run hand in hand on Kilyos Beach like Ediz Hun and Filiz Akn.
Running in Kilyos with Ediz Hun and Filiz Akn?
It doesn't have to be Kilyos.
My son! Boy, don't pull these. It's a protected area. It goes to someone's ear.
This is not me, Arif.
I want to live what is written here, not what is written here.
Son, did your 40 thousand care come?
Put this in its place.
What person will you be? That's what Pinocchio said, the wood came, the wood went.
Put this in.
Arif, you don't understand me.
Master, once we put the robot on the internet, we can sell it for two million dollars, brother.
Look, the toxic boy is selling you online for two million dollars.
-Sit down instead! -Sit down!
Come, come here. My coach is going to run in Kilyos, come here.
-Are you going to help? -I will make.
Look, I can't promise Ediz Hun, but I'll run around Kilyos.
My brother. Come here, come to your brother.
[glass breaking sound]
[Arif] What's going on?
[tense music enters]
"Go home"? go home. I'm at home already.
[neighborhood] We don't want aliens in the neighborhood!
Things are boiling.
Master, check the news.
Arif, you're on TV.
[neighborhood] ...we don't want it! We don't want aliens!
We don't want aliens in the neighborhood!
Look, it's coming late, look.
This is how I do it, it's coming late.
Brother, what are we going to do?
[announcer] For what purpose did the alien come to our world?
[yabanc spiker] ...has been taken hostage by Arif Isik. Now some of...
[announcer speaks German]
Arif, we are everywhere.
We became famous from day one.
Are we famous? Memo, walk. Go! Go! Go. Walk.
[moving music enters]
What's going on Arif?
Memo, take 216 to the coop now. Wait there. Okay? Walk.
- Poultry, come, brother. -[Arif] I'm coming.
[neighborhood] ...we don't want it!
We don't want aliens in the neighborhood!
We don't want aliens in the neighborhood!
What's going on?
What is happening?
[neighborhood] Alien in the neighborhood...
What's going on?
No such thing, where do you get it from?
Let it go, for God's sake.
Tell me one by one, I don't understand.
There is no peace in the neighborhood. It is enough!
Children are afraid.
Are these children afraid?
The whole world is afraid of them. I'm scared too, oh my god.
-We are afraid too. -Do not be afraid.
Of course we are afraid.
Ya Nihat, don't do it, for God's sake.
I say there are no aliens. -Hoot!
-Look at these, look here. -Hoot!
Let it go, for God's sake.
- Yuh! - Oh Allah.
[tension music enters]
Why are you breaking the glass?
-Tell me who threw the first stone. -Arif Light!
-No, what's the point? -CIA.
-MI6. -KGB.
-Food Basket bro. - You wait a little bit.
You will come with us to the embassy.
Is that so? What if I don't come?
Look, he's still talking!
He finished himself, and he brought a creature.
[Arif shouts] Enough!
It's a shame.
Am I any X person?
Either I'm your neighbor or your neighbor, your brother,
I'm your friend Arif!
What about intolerance to these differences?
What if all five fingers are one?
What do you mean alien, hand next to realm?
We need to be united right now.
Does the meat leave the nail?
You made the whole neighborhood stand up.
Sometimes you don't pee on a cut finger!
What kind of society have we become?
[knife sound]
We talked among ourselves, okay. You go.
Mr. Arif, don't give us any trouble.
What are we going to do, are we going to be beaten here?
Bir soru, what's my name?
[moving music enters]
Let's say it together, my name is Arif Ik.
-[Neighborhood applause] -Good luck to my brother.
[asker ngilizce anons] Clear the area. Nobody move!
[automatic gunfire]
[soldier in English] Freeze!
[soldier in English] Move, move!
[moving music continues]
[asker] Go, go, go!
[asker] We are in!
-What happened, master? -Zero problems with neighbors.
We have been like this with the whole world. Memo, don't stay around the house,
-Go ahead, I'll call you. -OK.
[chicken sounds]
If a person wears black, be afraid of him, Arif.
You had baby ideas, here's the world. Get out of here.
Will we stay here?
Yes, five years.
We will also get a pair of each kind of animal.
We will marry after the Flood.
-Who is Flood? -I'm the flood, fuck it.
[216] Oh, the Flood after me.
[moving music]
I made this place for the hard times.
Let's hurry so they don't find this place either.
I'll go and talk like a human.
No. Are you ready bro?
-Whereat? -I need to find Ceku's time machine.
We haven't used it since her dowry.
Why is that? What do you need, Arif?
Son, they won't let you live here.
I will send you to the time you arrived last night.
When you hit the oblique over Venus like this without entering the atmosphere, you are directly in Gora.
I came to Earth. I will be human. I will not go.
Damn boy, come here!
[neighborhood] SWAT don't be surprised, don't lose your patience.
[asker] Move, move, move!
[local] ...our patience...
You are very rude, Mr. Arif. I will not go even if I die. I will not go.
Is this friendship? Is that what happens in the movies?
Did Ayhan Ik ever do this to Sadri Alk?
Did Zeki ever sell Metin?
-Stump Necmi, to Saban -Cut it off, cut it off. What are you talking about?
You've heard and heard about movies. The world is that world?
They will not find your dust here, your dust.
Don't give me nostalgia by making it up your ass.
Damn boy, I went to a space, my mother cried.
I don't have one friend.
The man has no tolerance for his own kind, who fucks the robot here?
Don't ever look at me. Sit over there. Gee.
I didn't think there was such a thing as friendship.
Robot. Look, don't abuse me with your two-megabyte mind.
I'm here trying to save your ass.
Who are we talking to, huh?
You will also be human.
Who is it that will be you, huh?
He had seen it in a movie and it was like that. Which movie is this?
-I watched it... -Kezban is in Rome!
Watch some Zeki Demirkubuz. Look how lonely there is.
-Nuri Bilge Ceylan? -What?
[door opening sound]
Repent, my Lord.
Arif, there is something I want to tell you.
216, look, my dear brother,
This is not the Turkish movie we watched, okay?
The men after us are not inspector Hulusi Kentmen.
Let me love your eye, return to Gora.
-Live peacefully for a thousand years, okay? -Let me live a thousand years, huh?
Forget black and white movies too. I already forgot.
-[asker 1] All out, we're clear. -[asker 2] Pay attention.
Here, press it when it's hot, okay? I set the time.
-[Arif] Okay, okay I'm coming. -[asker] Open the door!
[Arif] Okay, I'm opening.
Bas, bassana olum. Bas. I'm opening. Okay, okay.
Shut the fuck up, you motherfucker.
Piece of fuck, fucking face,
face of a cocksucking piece of shit, God damn it!
Son, did you see how it fit in my mouth?
-[216 mutters] -[Arif] Press, push!
-Head to head! -Am I pressing these two...
Bas lan!
[asker] What the fuck was that?
-Arif, are you okay? -What did you do? Where did you press?
I just translated it.
Damn boy, why are you adding me, why are you teleporting me, huh?
Give it! Look there, wallet, phone...
Dude, why should I freeze? Did you play with something?
I did not do anything.
I adjusted it to cotton, this is probably synthetic.
Son, I'm black and white.
People are swimming in the Bosphorus, where are we?
The modest district of Istanbul, Saryer... '69?
You did it on purpose, didn't you? You did it on purpose, you played with history.
[sci-fi effect]
It's the same you if it's colored.
Are you saying so? I can't travel like this.
[old Turkish movie soundtrack]
You did it on purpose, donkey, donkey, you did it on purpose.
What do those guys want from you? They are so rude.
Excuse me sir. With your permission.
Come on.
Have you heard? What a kind person.
I heard, I heard.
Oh look mom, clown!
Tuna, what a shame. It is not displayed manually.
Excuse me, are you a clown sir?
Clown sir, yes.
I am the woman with the mustache, I am her aunt.
We are at ehzadeba, we are at Medrano Circus. Please wait.
Is that so? We hope to participate.
-Have a nice day. -Have a nice day. Here you go.
Thanks clown.
No son, no. Come, come here.
Son, don't deal with people. What are you doing? Don't play with history.
You're getting too much attention, don't do it.
They never surprised me. Even the kid loved it.
Oh photographer...
[old Turkish movie soundtrack]
How happy are people.
There is peace, peace.
A place for myself.
Arif, I wish we could stay here for a while.
Hee, we watched these movies a lot, my lion.
Fly fly.
-[kids] Uncle, help. They shoot... -Stop, stop.
You don't know how good these are, brother.
Little boy, are you crazy?
Leave me alone, my handsome brother.
Don't fight, son.
My beautiful brother, is it bothering you, brats?
They fight with little kids.
-Gee. - He took the clock.
Brother, they went this way. Come to hop mandepsia.
[moving music enters]
[moving music continues]
-Where are they? -According to my intuition, this is the side.
Take it slow bro.
You hit the yogurt shop just for nostalgia, right?
There's no other man left, is there?
-Run! -Excuse me a lot, yoghurt maker.
[moving music continues]
Hold, hold. He's the thief.
Open it, open it.
Master, master, what's going on?
There is a thief! Includes entry!
No bro, such things happen in our neighborhood.
Oh, it's done!
Isn't it shameful? You raised the neighborhood.
And is it ever called a thief?
What shall we say? Gee!
Open it up bro!
If you open.
[216] We live for our dignity.
We have no eyes on anyone's money or honor, sir.
Bulb, what are you doing there? Come over here.
[door knocking sound]
What's going on, for God's sake, what is this like a creditor?
My brother, the kid's clock rang, he just went in.
Bring the clock!
Nobody steals here.
It's okay. Also, don't you have that homogeneous neighborhood tribune?
What are you talking about, lady? No clock, no. Look, its place is clear here, its trace is clear.
Can not you see?
I don't see it.
[dramatic music enters]
Of course I don't see it. I do not see!
[brake sound]
[bumping sound]
[romantic music enters]
Are you okay?
I am good.
I'm fine.
[female] Pink Candy!
Look ahead! Are you blind?
Leave this to me.
Don't you see the big car, bro?
My dear!
I said, 'I'll add some color, too.
[from the neighborhood] Halal bro. Good luck!
Helal olsun be Arif Abi.
How did you infect your man, but...
Violence isn't the solution, but it's her own itching.
- Hop, it's hours. -Thanks.
- Enjoy your meal, pasha. -What a hassle.
Miss, don't you have me?
I got it from my neighbor. Two came out. Here you go.
-I'll pass. -I'll take it.
Pink sugar is our dear.
We cannot live without it.
We die, my God.
Bir tanemiz o.
[together] He is our soul!
Huh, this thing. You know, the libido-less neighborhood trio of the 60s.
Everyone is sick of the girl, that's it. You understand?
I do not understand.
Sir, let's not stay long, if you'll excuse me.
No no. Arif, there's something I need to talk to you about.
Brother, what are you busy with?
-I uh... -Well, friend is a clown at the Medrano Circus.
Yup. She is a method actress, she never takes off her make-up and costume.
His nose fell on the way too, while he was chasing the boy.
I mean, it was just like that, normally.
So he is arrogant, he will not take it if he falls to the ground.
[laughs together]
[Pembeeker] Hey you?
-He says to you. -No, he's telling you.
I thing, carpet, rug, travel...
Well, well, same circus, same circus
games with bovine and ovine animals. With animals.
Me too, Tonoz Hayri.
aka Wooden Ass. This is my lady.
-Meditation sister. -This is Handsome too.
- Relatively. -I'm Hackberry.
-Namiother -The thief.
This is my uncle Kemal. I'm Pink Candy.
[embarrassed] Pink Candy.
Nostalgia hit me old man. I'm running.
How are you more?
[coffee slurps]
-Arif -Son, let's go, come on.
-Arif, I fell in love. -Son, are you surprised, huh?
Over there, don't you see where it's going?
Damn boy, the girl is blind.
If we stay here for ten minutes, the girl's surgery, I don't know what... We will be 100 thousand.
Are you kidding?
Pink sugar. My dear. Something moved here, Arif.
-Let me ask for a Phillips screwdriver. -Numb!
Let me have these feelings, Arif.
I boiled the soup, will you drink it?
If it's poison, I'll drink it from your hand.
[embarrassed] Let there be love.
The soup has boiled, the flower of my two eyes.
[emotional music enters]
E, come on, pass the plates.
A little forward, forward.
Okay anyway, okay.
-Bon Appetit. -Thanks.
Well done Pink Sugar. I have never had such soup in my life.
What are you doing, cow? You will break the machine.
[Virtue] Ah, my beautiful daughter.
My son who sees more beautiful than those who see.
[Kemal] Let's call it fate, what shall we say? But of course we will open your eyes.
What day are we waiting for, of course we will open it.
We will open it, we will open it, evelallah.
We will do whatever it takes, we will open those eyes.
Fuck it, everybody's a doctor now.
-Ha? What do the doctors say? -one hundred.
No need to go outside.
The surgery was performed here as well, but they say 100 thousand liras.
What happened?
Come on, let it go, for God's sake.
Are you kidding? Fuck the things we know.
Let's get the girl operated on, let's shrink Tonoz's stomach too,
Let's put a platinum on Chitlembic's foot. Will this neighborhood's surgery be over?
Things we've always known. Walk. Gee.
-Arif -Hadi, hadi.
[keying sounds]
We were in Gora once. do you remember
Ceku was my soul mate.
Shut it down.
You were all alone there.
Arif, I said. Love it, I said. I praised you.
Now you have a child, you are living happily.
Good, isn't it?
Donkey donkey.
-Go away. -[216 grins]
My soft-hearted Arif.
-[man] I loved it. -[woman] And that?
[man] He didn't know. Maybe if he knew, who knows?
[Arif] My son. Son, this handsomeness is not such a visual thing.
-This! [digital voice] -Brother!
Allah Allah.
Brother Arif, I found this, but I don't understand what it does.
Son, everything finds you, huh.
God, show me the mirror number, take a look.
[216 coughs]
Heh, heh, heh. You were an artist while drinking soup.
I'm good.
-Maybe it's a subtle disease. -Hey, it's done.
[phone vibrates]
Sir? Sir?
Didn't they go? OK. Shut it down.
This is the front of the house.
OK, we're not coming back.
I'll give you 24 hours, okay?
Do you live your love, live what you live. 24 hours!
-Bye Arif. -We didn't say live with me!
-Goodnight. -[Handsome] Good night bro.
Turn off the light, the light.
[clicks fingers]
You're getting too much attention, don't do it.
[emotional music enters]
[emotional music continues]
[moving music enters]
["You Aside" playing]
[child] Show us, too.
Son, clown, come on in the cafe.
Now I believe in my luck
He brought you in front of me
I'm madly in love with you
You aside, this world aside
You aside, this world aside
Let the reeds play nonstop
Come on guys
Come guys, we have a wedding in our hearts
Let it ring
Let the reeds play nonstop
Come on guys
Come guys, we have a wedding in our hearts
So when will the song end?
Good morning.
Come on Pinkcandy.
Just come with me.
Well, I guess he didn't sleep well, huh?
What is the name of this giant musical?
-"Pembeeker'le 216". -Arada "v" yok mu?
Son, did you experience your love or something? Okay? We're going look!
We were rehearsing.
What rehearsal?
We're going to a big party tonight.
We are not invited, you know, for the program.
What program?
Circumcision wedding of Sadri Baba's son, brother. Everyone will be there.
Ayhan Ik, Filiz Akin.
Colpan Ilhan, Ekrem Bora, Cneyt Arkn.
Sadri Baba, is Sadri Alk?
Of course. Circumcision wedding of his son Kerem.
I'm looking for what?
Omer, Cambaz Omer.
Cambazm ama aksak cambazm.
-Greetings, folks! -[together] Aleykumselam.
Hey baby, hey. I see you are all ready that way.
Hey, there are also clown friends from the circus,
they were going to do a trick too.
I made a deal with six people. What a circus, what a clown?
What trick was the friend from the circus doing?
[Pembeeker] E, Ali said we will come.
He even said that we will draw a number with Arif.
Ali kim ya?
He Ali, aka 216.
Did you make your name Ali?
Should I do Commander Logar?
[whispers] I'll fuck him.
Well, is Sadri Alk coming himself, brother?
Dude, are you a tourist man, did you come from outer space?
Guess he got it.
Powdered sugar. I say circumcision wedding of the son of the man, circumcision.
Of course he will get there, where else will he go?
So we're going to see it live? OK, we're coming.
Long live Arif. -Good luck.
["Love's Law" plays]
Chitlenbik, come on, son.
If I write the law of love again
Some hopes wind and go
Is that blonde, Filiz Akin? Look.
Pink sugar.
...if I write again
It's like he's telling you.
...hopes wind and go, Kimi...
-Yes bro? -Come on, coach, it's your turn.
-I don't drink bro, thank you. -I say stage, stage.
We're going to the stage, Arif.
-Are you nervous? -I am not.
Heh, it did. Also, lubricate it.
will this happen? Give me the microphone.
-[chickberry] Here's daddy. -What are we going to do?
-Arif, Usta Priva. -You're giving birth to a cow.
[Arif beatboxes]
Sta Usta priva nati kovala
-What are they doing? -Something unseen.
Let's go to the police station, to the center
Let's go to the police station, to the center
I want it every night, every night
I want it every night, every night
Sta Usta priva nati kovala
Oka-tukalama you give birth privately
Chick will come out, bird will come out
Wait, what's going to happen tonight?
Chick will come out, bird will come out
Wait, what's going to happen tonight?
[216 grins]
[audience] Bravo, bravo.
-Thank you, thank you very much... -Very nice circumcision weddings.
Are you circumcised, Arif?
Hey, all the newspapers wrote, didn't you hear?
On this beautiful day when our little baby stepped into manhood,
Thank you very much for not leaving us alone.
Who is missing among us tonight, dear Ajda, would you please excuse me?
Ajda pekkan.
Shall we say I gave up on the world, Ajda?
[plays "I Forget The World"]
July, August, September In all seasons...
I'm going to have a drink over there.
Hayat inan ok ksa Belki kmayz yaza
Hayat inan ok ksa
[kadn] Merhaba efendim.
Arif Bey, deil mi? Filiz ben.
Filiz Akn. Bilmez miyim efendim? En az 400 filminizi izledim sizin.
Latife etmeyin canm. 40 filmim yok daha.
Filiz Hanm, hepsini onar kere izledim.
Bo vermiim, bo vermiim Dnyaya ben bo vermi
Vallahi aldrmyorum El lem ne sylermi
-Mthisiniz sahnede. -Sa olun.
Ben yakn zamanda bir filme balyorum.
Birazck aksiyon da var.
Acaba sizlere dansam. Bir, iki fikir verseniz, mmkn m acaba?
Tabii efendim. Onlar yaplr, ne olacak?
Onlar film hilesi. Cneyt Arkn gerekten surlardan atlyor mu yani?
Atlamyor mu yani?
Cneytciim, merhaba.
Cneyt Arkn m? Atlyor abi. Atlamaz olur mu hi?
My dear Arif, you were at Medrano Circus too.
I work horses for Malkoolu there. Why didn't I see you?
Cneyt brother, I was right behind the horse,
maybe you haven't seen it.
Is that so?
[Arif makes fighting noises]
OK, I am very sorry. If it were done to me, I would be angry too.
Forget the past day Every evening they are beautiful
My sprout.
... every day, every evening, they are beautiful
Brother? Isn't that Cneyt Arkn?
Cuneyt Arkin. I almost thought he was going to beat me up!
I'm sorry bro. Let him beat me, but come and beat me.
-Go, beat him. -Cneyt brother.
I swear I don't mind what Al-Alam would say
I swear I don't mind
Besim brother? Ajda sister, brother. He is dancing.
With one of your Kestrels.
You're welcome, brother.
They call me Cambaz mer, my name is my name
-Wow... -Thank you, Omer.
We had so much fun.
Thank you dad, God bless.
Just have fun.
Son, give me your hat so we can use it in a movie.
Wow Sadri Baba, are we stealing from you?
Or are you stealing from us, I don't understand, is it good?
Halal, take it daddy, take it. It's only two and a half liras, let me tell you.
-Good job. -Thanks.
-Baba! -Hop...
You know, there is death, there is life. See you again, we can't see each other.
Make it right, father.
Good luck, Omer.
Then I entrust it to God, I say, is it okay? Thanks.
[Omar sighs]
Let's see, the money has arrived, it has not been opened.
Vault, here you go, take it.
-Get. -Thanks.
Arif, this is your recipe.
No bro, we came to have fun. We don't take money.
Take it son, come on. Where will you find it again? Just put it in your pocket.
- Powdered sugar, take it, take it. -No, we don't.
Save money for Pink Candy.
Wow. If we do three things like this with Ali brothers...
Is not it?
[Cambaz Omer] Come on guys, the minibus is over there. Come on, let's pack it up. Let's.
[216] I'm taking them.
-[man] Hush! Moon piece. -Did you tell me?
Is there anyone else but you? Come here!
Yeah, well.
[light rhythm music]
[man] Finish it!
Why are you hitting me?
[Arif] Heyt, wait man.
Ah! Don't miss this jump, is that okay?
[man] Come on guys.
What is it?
Get in the car.
[Arif] Let go of the robot.
Wait, let me close this one too so that it doesn't sing for nothing.
-[Ayhan Ik] What's going on, celery? -Is it Ayhan Ik?
[Sadri Alk] It's a joke.
-Yeah. -[man] Take care of it.
[Sadri Alk] Wait a minute. Do not spoil your brother Ayhan's hair.
Aa, what did James Bond say? He said, "Don't send those who come to the wedding empty-handed."
Choose, like, buy Ayhan.
[Ayhan Ik] Let it be red, let it be mine.
[Ayhan Ik] Hoppa. Come here.
[Sadri Alk] Hop! Let go.
Let go. Am I your mother or father? Ayhan!
-I'm taking a photo, smile. -I swear?
-Aa, it came out blurry. -Go away.
I guess the car doesn't start, itak?
[engine cranking sound]
[Ayhan Ik] Actually, it works if you put it in two and hit it.
[engine cranking sound]
-[Ayhan Ik] Are you okay bro? -Ayhan Ik?
Sadri Alk? Come on, don't be silly.
Brother, I adore you. Stop.
I swear I would be angry if someone else did it, I have to buy this bro.
[takes pictures]
God! Hashtag, shall I write "kings", kings?
-What is he doing? -Ayhan brother, I'm writing something, old friends.
The most valuable antiques are old friends.
Well, there was an invulnerable body, I have an immortal soul.
Cingz Recai.
Yes, the movie starts next week.
-How do you know that? -Brother, who doesn't know him.
-[Virtue] Arif! -[Pink Sugar] Ali!
Where is -216, 216? -216?
Robot, there was a robot next to me.
I guess they put it in the car and took it away.
-The car that went? -Yes brother.
Android, it was at the wedding. He has such a piece on his head.
He is my friend. Robot it.
We were together in Gora, he came and said,
Brother, I'm human How they hit my head.
Come on bro, come on. Let's go.
Look, I wouldn't leave here if they gave me a million dollars.
Friend brother, I can't leave it alone.
Really, you know friendship best, brother.
- Yes ? - Yes , of course.
Take a look. Put this on film, Turist mer is on Star Trek . How?
No, they say Sadri has flown. [Laughs]
-No robots, robots. -[Virtue] Ah!
[tense music enters]
Normally, I hang people around Ajda from the ceiling by their balls.
[tense music continues]
But you are different.
Who? Say, the Germans?
I do not understand?
So realistic.
Let me see your arm.
This is Besim Toker. I am the owner of Pertev Toys.
-216, 2nd generation, 16th segment. -Okay okay. Drop them now.
Now that you're here, that's enough for me.
Look at me, get out.
Why did you beat us? Where is Arif?
Jealousy, madness, whatever you say.
Let me apologize.
Do you know what is love?
-I know, of course. -I do not believe!
I'm in love with him.
I'm like a toy in your hand.
Every night without sleep.
Now let's leave that and talk business.
I have been in this industry for forty years.
I have never seen anything so magnificent in my life.
Please follow me.
Brother, I don't know, maybe he's back at the circus.
Is it vinegar?
-Are you okay, Arif? -I am not.
By God, you don't know what will happen to us.
By Allah, it's confusing here.
We have men everywhere, we can find them.
Where do you find it?
Wait a minute, calm down.
Look, my brother is childish, anyone can deceive him.
By God, look. Why did I faint there?
-Where is this pimp? -OK baby.
[joyful melody]
Request! What have we done from the wind-up car to the battery-operated baby?
Pertev brand is the favorite of children right now.
Don't forget the toy.
We are addressing here.
Come on, let's work together, huh?
My engineers are at your disposal.
Let them rip you off. Let them get their schematics out, huh?
-All my schematics are registered by me. -AA!
Look. Let's produce hundreds, thousands of you.
Let's multiply you. You become everyone's lover.
You get into people's hearts.
In people's hearts?
Are you kidding me?
Even the purse-seine broom sold over a million copies last year.
Let's clean up. Think about it.
Lover of children, teenagers and housewives.
Friend, friend.
-I? -What do you say?
I don't know, my friend Arif knows.
You need to talk to him.
Arif? Of course. Who is Arif? Let's talk.
It's okay, we'll handle it.
-Do you think everyone likes me? -They die!
I'm offering you 500 thousand liras.
500 thousand?
Well dear, this is just the beginning.
Then, of course, we make a detailed contract.
Come on please. Please accept, please.
What is that?
pervin. How is my new project?
[Besim Toker laughs]
Everyone's favorite is a robot.
Is it a robot? Is there a man in it?
Like the man, right?
No, we looked everywhere. We toured the whole Yedikule.
Arif, I made a sketch of Ali.
Let's hang it everywhere. The finder brings it to the coffee, huh?
Where did the robot come from? Where did the robot come from?
Did something like a robot come out of my mouth?
[horn sound]
I guess it came.
Are you Arif Ik?
Which one of you hit me? Where is 216?
-[Handsome] Brother! -Don't worry, your friend is fine.
What happened Arif, who are these friends?
Don't worry, we'll understand now.
Besim Bey is waiting for you at the mansion.
Mr. Besim?
-Who is playing Besim Bey? -Glory bro.
-Y, Ali? -Don't rush. I will come and get it.
[children's voices]
How would we work together? Were we going to save money or something?
-They're gone. - Maybe they'll come.
[party music]
[Besim Toker] Ladies and gentlemen, attention now!
Pertev, this jump is for you.
[216 grins]
-You're amazing, brother. -My dear, thank you.
where are you? What's on it?
Does it fit?
Don't be silly. Who are these guys? Walk, we're leaving.
Arif, wait two minutes. There is a great offer.
Besim Bey offered exactly 500 thousand liras.
I will be everyone's lover. Don't be prejudiced.
Are you a maniac?
-500 thousand? -Yup.
Not Pink Candy, we can have the whole neighborhood operated on.
Are you crazy?
I told the guy I'm a robot, right?
I did not say anything. He understood himself.
I told you, don't play with history.
We code in our minds as Arif, rich. They're actually good people.
-Hi there. I'm Pervin. -Arif.
Let me ask you something, do your eyes see?
Look, there are those who see it like this, go there, you must...
Hah, my brother came too.
Mr. Besim, Arif.
Mr. Arif, welcome. Please feel comfortable.
Your friend killed us with laughter. What was that?
Fire, water, earth, wood.
[Besim Toker laughs]
Oh, and you're making my jokes too, are you?
He's making up elements out of his ass.
My friends, I invite you all upstairs.
I have a big surprise for you.
-What do you drink? -Do something. Surprise me.
Look at me, don't go anywhere, okay?
We're leaving right now. Mr. Besim!
Look at me, does it make you a little jealous?
-Why is that? -I do not know.
I just threw a tequila, a wolf fell inside me.
[moving music enters]
Aylin! Darling.
Mr. Besim! Mr. Besim! Mr. Besim! Mr. Besim!
-[woman] Pertev. -[216] Nalan.
[216 grins]
Is it Pertev? Where did Pertev come from?
Enjoy? Surprise, we said fuck it, we didn't say put him in a coma.
You must be Besim's new friend.
-Yes, hello. -Hi there.
Can I ask you something?
Of course miss.
[216 grins]
Excuse. What's your name?
- Asshole! - Exactly!
Ah, Zeki Muren!
Sir, where and how a person will behave
must know.
-As they say, stone is heavy on its place, sir. -[laughs]
Sir, I don't think every joke is made in every neighborhood.
Otherwise, there are neither bad jokes nor anecdotes, sir.
Ay, tell me, Mr. Zeki.
Oh, sir, he's with the gentlemen now.
Tell me, tell me. There is something, "Will Zeki Mren see us too?"
What is this now?
Well, there was something in the movie, Ylmaz Erdoan's movie,
It was a very catchy joke. Vizontele!
Vizontele? Tuba, who is this impertinent one, for God's sake?
Zeki Bey, the bandits did not rob us either. We come from another time zone.
Sir, I hope in another time period...
Here is an anecdote for you.
They're walking around like a joke, sir.
Welcome, my dear friends.
Today is the happiest day of Pertev Toys and me.
Where you play and have a good time all day long
My dear friend Pertev has a surprise for you.
Let me see, baby. Pertev!
-Where are you going, man? -Besim Bey is calling.
Will you excuse me dear?
Here is the latest wonder of our company.
Friend of people, soulmate.
And I detonate the bomb.
-He's a robot! -[guests are surprised]
Neither Pertev nor his robot? What are you talking about? Come over here.
[Besim Toker laughs]
You didn't believe it, did you?
Here is the latest wonder of our company.
Pertev robots.
[guests are surprised]
It is an invention that will change the world.
You thought it was human, didn't you?
-2nd. generation, 16th segment... -Not him, not him, honey.
Hi, do you wanna be friends?
There is no such thing. There are no robots!
What toy are you playing like? There is no robot.
What project are you talking about? Come over here!
-Arif, will you calm down? -What will I be calm about?
Gentlemen, would you please take Mr. Arif to my room?
Come on, let's talk.
Okay, let's talk. Come. OK.
A somewhat excited guest.
Let me check late my dear. Distribute some of these as well.
Let's be friends?
My friends, all the detailed information about our investment is in these brochures.
Please come in.
Is it a robot, sir? Isn't that an empty dream?
What, you don't like the name?
Pertev is my late father's name.
216 seems so cold to me, like a door number.
Look, master. Do you think you can fool the child into being naive?
Cunning with the extension sandals!
How much money do you want?
Take five.
Damn pink panther!
The mint has not yet minted the money to buy us, what are you talking about?
The pink panther? Very good idea!
You're a tradesman, ten thousand more.
How many are there? Are they hundreds?
These are 100, 10, 15. OK 50.
50, 60, 65.
65? What's in it, 50?
I'm offering 100,000.
-one hundred? Then one minute. -50, 100.
Brother, 15 is here. Two fives is 115 then.
-A minute. -200? How many are you offering bro?
I'm offering 100.
You gave -15, this is 215. -215 more.
Take it bro, let it go.
-100 of the 500's? -Yup.
Okay then, this is 100, this is 200. Look, this is 15!
-15'i al. -Arif!
Arif Bey and I agreed on money. Everything is OK.
-216! -Shit!
-216! -Shame on you.
Son, son, stop. You got it wrong, are you crazy?
I was going to enter the Yaar Usta tirade.
Look, sir, I was going to say...
You got me wrong.
Hot side of money huh?
What does it matter? All old money. What will it do for me?
I was going to throw it in your face. It happens in the movies, son, it throws it in your face.
I'm excited.
Good luck Arif, thank you.
You know I'm here for the pink candy.
So, we accept Besim Bey's offer.
-If the money is ok for you. -Son, don't be ridiculous!
Take them off, we're leaving.
-We're not going! -Look, robot, don't bother me.
Let go of my arm.
Oh friends, let's celebrate this beautiful day with dance.
-Son, come and look. -I am a robot.
This is my dance.
Enough! Enough enough!
-Enough. -Look at me, Polished Igbo!
Be smart, this isn't a barn!
If not a barn, what are all these cattle doing here?
Is Zeki Muren released? No shame because.
Take off that outfit you're wearing, we're out of here.
Arif Bey, whatever he says. Because he will be my father.
[216 grins]
Son, did your battery break, ibis?
Then what are you messing with if you're not my father?
Son, look, don't make a scene here in public.
Ay, they fight a lot.
Very sweets, ayol.
Sorry, are you a robot too?
Yes, my robot. My name is Terminator.
You throw an iron 2.5 liras, you bend down, I take care of the rest.
[guests laugh]
[man] Awesome!
E, you extended it, but no more! Get out of my house.
Cut it out. Is this child your toy?
What are you getting into for fame?
Are these things we don't know? Is this why we came here?
Don't touch it. I'm staying here, Arif.
Son, look, I'm talking to you like a human.
Like human huh?
I would love to be able to talk like a human.
But up to here.
You have always been jealous of me, Arif, from the very beginning.
Of course, you will always be the lead, you will make jokes, we will both laugh.
What about emotions?
When I became the star of this place and won the love of two people, you lost your temper.
Your job is to pass the balls.
Get out of here, Arif, before you embarrass yourself any more.
Wow my coach. Does the dress make you talk like that, huh?
You're throwing a brush at your friend for making sprats with two men?
How much is your weight?
You know money matters better, Arif.
Tell me, how much did he sell me for?
You are not really a person to be addressed.
Ha! You're a bunny running on two batteries.
Go to that girl, just say it like that. I'm a bunny too.
-Arrogant! -[guests are surprised]
[emotional music enters]
You hit me, huh?
You hit your friend Arif, huh?
What privilege do you have, Arif?
Well done... Good luck to you.
Now you're human.
You used to say, if the piece is missing,
what do you have a heart to carry our friendship
nor did he have the balls to refuse the offer of these snobs.
No, no! No! No.
-We'll handle it. -Good luck to you.
Pay him immediately, let him go.
Take this and get the fuck out of here.
I can't see you.
See your good.
But you will remember me very much.
Have you heard? Mr. Arif.
Open up.
I want my contract done immediately.
Advance is also deposited.
Let's not let anyone spoil our fun, friends.
[Pervin] Sprat, he says, simply.
Then we call it sprat. Sprat too sprat! Sprat too sprat! Sprat too sprat!
So he won't come, Ali? Will he not return?
Mankind has sucked raw milk.
-Can this be done to us? -We loved Ali, be Arif.
Is it worth upsetting that girl, dear?
Hackberry, are you saying something?
-Well, can this be done to us? -It was said, follow a little.
Guys, I'm not good at romantic conversations like that.
I came to say goodbye to you.
[emotional music enters]
Pink sugar, there are exactly 100 thousand liras here.
You can open your eyes with this. Get.
Hop! Allah'ma 100 bin, ha.
Mr. Arif, my brother.
-Why are you doing this? -Let's say it's a disgrace.
What do you mean, why are you doing it?
Kemal, did you see? What did I tell you?
There is hope, isn't there?
People's hearts are not so dark.
What's going on?
Mr. Arif, thank you very much for the check, but unfortunately I am not blind.
Doctor Flame.
We have been working with Kemal Hoca for a social experiment for a while.
Let me introduce you, Professor Kemal Beler.
How? Do you see now? What experiment?
Aa Arif Bey, "Do good people only exist in movies?"
for a long time to question your thesis
We are doing a research together with Alev.
Thankfully, Tonoz Hayri opened his house to us at last.
[Virtue is surprised] Aa!
I was going to tell you, but there was no opportunity.
We have accumulated a lot of data in this poor but honest environment.
but unfortunately the situation is not very encouraging.
As you see.
Will it happen again?
And when you're both gone
Kemal Hodja said, "See, it means there are no good people!" said.
But now this gesture of yours. What do you say, Kemal Hodja, is there any hope?
Isn't Pink Sugar Blind?
For God's sake, are you watching these movies with your ass?
Are you seeing it for the first time? He's never been blind before or anything.
Honey, if you can see, can I have the check?
So you're writing a book, huh professor?
Wow. So write me in the book, too.
Say he's a good person. And say something, he didn't value money.
Professor Kemal, I'll get my bag right away, let's go.
Ok darling.
-Lady Flame! -Ha?
You gave a secret, let me give you a secret.
There is no Ali, he is actually a robot.
His name is 216. We come from another time zone with him.
Is it a robot?
Mr. Arif, when I say I am not Pink Sugar now, I am Doctor Alev
I'll make up something weirder, I hope you don't?
Otherwise, I'll laugh at it, in fact. Shh, no one will hear.
What are you saying girl, what does it have to do with it? We are from 2017.
Here you go, our tool is here.
Girl, here's the time machine, you're stepping there.
Is there such a thing as a time machine, for God's sake?
I'm talking about concrete science here.
What am I talking about?
You set the time from here, you go from here.
[laughter] How was it going, like this?
-[Flame screams] -Yav girl, don't press that.
-What happened, what happened? -Oh my God.
Girl, it's a time machine. Don't play with it!
Is this real? Arif!
What if I have to stay in underwear every time I press it?
Where are we? Arif.
[mysterious music enters]
Oh my God. Maiden's Tower!
-The Maiden's Tower? -This is the Maiden's Tower.
What year are we in?
Is it 2017? Wait a minute.
Arif! Arif, don't leave me.
[mysterious music continues]
Did you see?
"Good People Only Happen In The Movies"?
Trousers 34-32, jacket 52?
-Sorry? -Don't make me look like a Terminator.
-I do not understand? -You got it, you got it.
Arif, where are we going, where are we going?
Pink sugar can you walk, please?
Look at me! I'm not Pink Candy.
My name is Flame.
Honey, the audience's head is on a potato right now.
They don't get hung up on such things.
What Pinkcandy, Flame? Look around, huh?
You call me Sami too. Sam too.
I'm not offended, I'm not offended.
Because I'm going crazy. I am Sami.
No, Arif is better. Wait!
itlembik, Kemal Hodja, Handsome.
-Meditation sister. -Come on!
What the hell is going on? What's wrong with you?
Where is Pink Candy?
Ali brother fixed the faade.
Pink Sugar went with Arif brother.
[sad music]
Arif'le mi?
Come on, my lion, Mr. Besim said, you can come to the factory from there.
Let's go, Eryetis.
Let them tear me apart.
If there's anything left of me, of course.
"For figures like these, for all their flaws, are glorified in movies.
heroized, and true goodness is nothing more than a mockery."
Aman ya Rabbi!
Why, why did he write such things? It is impossible to understand.
You said you came from 2017.
-Is this the future? -Of course not.
There's a lot of shit here.
But my name is Arif, I will break this game.
[female voice over] Pertev Toycilik proudly presents.
Hello. Let's be friends?
-[female voice-over] Pertev, Pertev -Pertev.
[female voice-over] Pertev! The joy of your home, the latest marvel of technology.
Throw away your battery dolls. A friend, a friend is coming to your house!
In play, in joy, in laughter, in chores.
Hello. Let's be friends?
[female voice-over] Pertev, Pertev
[Besim Toker laughs]
Awesome Awesome. Bomb. Bravo.
Let's be friends, huh? Very good.
Did I do my hand, my arm too much, like this?
Do not talk nonsense. We have already received five thousand orders. Bride...
[machine sounds]
Mr. Besim, the schemes are quite complicated. Our time is limited...
It will, it will. OK, that's great.
We'll clean up, I tell you.
The Americans will go to the moon next week.
What if we don't make a lot of noise from them!
[sad music]
Pertev, what's going on, for God's sake? Your mind is elsewhere.
I'm good. I am very good.
We will grow, Pertev. We will be the biggest.
You will thank me later.
Arif said, "Even the most innocent people can become ugly for their own benefit.
Man is inherently vulgar and evil."
What did Kemal Hodja write like that?
Anyone reading this is in despair.
-Arif, look at this. -216. Come.
[tense music enters]
[electronic sounds]
[enters electronic music]
-Let's be friends? -No, no, bro.
Look ahead, cow!
Arif! Protect me. Arif, I'm afraid.
Come like this.
My God, look at this.
It wasn't that much, there was some rudeness, but not that much. What happened?
Come with me.
Hah, the chicken returns.
Remember, where there is chicken doner, there is hope, come.
-Master, hello. -Aleykumselam.
Make us two pitas. Chicken, right?
No, but let me do it.
[female voice-over] If Pertev Group hadn't worked with the Germans fifty years ago
maybe it wouldn't be like this.
But now they are huge.
The big boss asked Pertev, "What about the human factor?"
when we say, "Less people, less problems." says.
- Now it's time for the documentary and the closing. - Germans huh! Master this friend?
Pertev. They're so big, they're everywhere.
But of course, robots are also given a lot of opportunities.
[Arif and Alev are surprised]
-Everywhere is full of robots. -Sorry?
No, no, nothing. There is nothing.
Shall I suffer?
No, you already put what you want, thank you.
Arif, I'm afraid.
I want to go back. Take me home, please.
I cannot allow such a thing. There is no such future, understood?
No such thing. Good people happen in movies, there is no such thing.
This book is a lie! You will rewrite this book.
Understood? No such thing. Have a man, fuck his midwife...
Don't make me talk. I wasn't going to leave that pimp there anyway.
Do you have to use this language, man?
Pink sugar, I'm begging you, look. When I'm done
everyone will talk like Ediz Hun.
Kind, decent, okay? But when I'm done.
- Handle me for now. -Arif Light!
[tense music enters]
[216] Arif Ik. Carpet, rug, travel.
And betrayal.
Ali. Did you not recognize me?
I know. Your eyes are open, but this time I don't see it either.
[216 grins]
What did you do like that? Was it worth it at least? Walk, we're leaving.
I knew you would come. How? Have I prepared a good future for you?
Pertev Group is currently the world giant. We quit the toy business.
transportation, energy. We are everywhere.
Managing the world is not child's play, Arif.
You have built yourself a beautiful building. It never closes.
Could you be everyone's lover?
Became. I became more.
I've given up on movies that open the eyes of blind girls.
Love it Ali, do I have any memories too?
I'm not Ali! You should have thought of him while you were running away with Arif.
What escape? Are you crazy?
I didn't run away, you misunderstood.
A question for you. Does a heart that doesn't exist break?
I loved someone for the first time. I lost both my love and my friend.
It's almost a Turkish movie, isn't it?
[216 grins]
216, brother, didn't you say you want a Turkish movie when you come?
You have turned all sides towards Emmerichs and James Camerons.
You were saying Ediz Hun, my son, you were saying Filiz Akn, man?
You made Christopher Nolan yourself.
Can't you see that there is not a single person left in the world?
Of course I don't see it, I don't see it!
There are no humans, but there are very good robots that I know, Arif.
Look, robot, I'm going to give you a trust from 50 years ago now.
-Behave yourself! -Arif!
Ceku, honey!
[tense music enters]
I have a short job, we'll be leaving right away.
-I'm ready in five minutes. -Okay, Akitikom.
Ceku didn't recognize me. Ceku!
E, you were not going to play with history, Arif Efendi. The first to go to Gora takes the princess.
I will kill you. I kill!
[Flame screams]
It's too late to die, Arif. I died years ago.
-Lan! -Arif!
Where did you come from? Imbecile!
Besim Toker! What's up? Are you in the steel cookware business?
Pertev! Kill him!
-Shut up, damn it's the fryer. -Ah!
Son, look, these are not our things.
It's not our stuff.
[action music]
[Flame screams]
Stop, don't fight.
Fuck it, there are two already.
Wise! Wise!
Nazar nazar.
What are you hitting the girl, ibis?
Come on, evil eye bead.
You're right, I couldn't be with you on your good day. I was jealous of you.
I also damaged your antiques. Forgive!
The most valuable antiques in the world are old friends, Arif.
Fly fly.
I'll fuck your job.
[tense music enters]
Arif! Donkey!
[Flame screams]
-Thank you very much! Thank you very much. -We are living!
Arif, freeze again.
Honey, do I want to be like this?
Where are you
Galatasaray Hamam is undergoing renovations.
[women scream]
[Arif] No. There is nothing! No no. There is nothing! There is nothing.
[Flame] By Allah, there is nothing. Get out Arif! Get out, get out!
But Master Kemal, please! You must believe!
Don't do it, Alev, for God's sake.
What time travel, what teleportation?
Are you riding, my dear?
And how can we take you seriously with these bullshit talks?
The girl is the end of the world, says the professor. So what did you not understand?
Ya Arif Bey, what are we discussing with those clothes you are wearing?
Are you also being elitist?
What are you looking at my outfit?
Focus on what I said, focus on what she said.
Besim Toker will disrupt the future by using the robot.
-We should do something! -Arif is a very good person.
Maybe even better than in the movies. Do not publish the book like this, please.
Do not instill despair in people.
But my scientific studies do not say so.
The book will come out like this, Alev, it's over.
The man to be beaten with a full T ruler. What is this?
Is this our mentor or is this ours? Is this the man we're talking to?
Afakes pressed on me.
Isn't there a person to consult, the Ummah of Muhammad?
Isn't there a person to talk to? Who are we going to consult?
Moon neighbors! Is there anyone?
-Who are we going to talk to? -Hop! I am her!
[Flame gets scared]
Sir Garavel! Sir Garavel!
How am I here?
-In seconds! -Oh, fuck it!
What happened, professor? I see your tongue is open.
-Welcome, teacher! -Arif, where are you son?
My mind is out.
[Garavel koklar]
Who is this? Is this the girl?
-I'm the flame. -Your mother...
Sorry, I'm blind too.
Such things happen. He is used to these things, brother. These things are in order.
216 is crazy bro. We have to stop him.
-You came, it's over. -What are you saying?
Flame, are you ready to be Pink Sugar again?
We will hit 216 in the heart and Besim where he is most vulnerable.
Looking into someone's eyes and loving them
Can you say it effectively?
For example, look into my eyes and call me Arif.
[sexy] Arif.
-Well done! -Very nice. That's it.
Come on, professor, watch it. How do we rewrite that book?
Ads got a lot of attention.
nsanlar gzlerini am byle bekliyorlar.
Haftaya kyoruz, deil mi Kmil?
Besim Bey, bu ilk partide robotun kafasn... Kafasn demeyelim...
Yahu brak imdi kafasn.
-Konuuyor mu? -Konuuyor. Hem de Almanca.
-Hallo. -Hallo.
Entspann dich, Bono.
Hier ist mein assaport.
Turungil ham ham.
Vay eekolueek. Sevdim.
Besim Bey, doru yoldayz. Dili de oturttuk mu tamamdr.
Besim Bey, Almanlar teleks ekmi, ortaklaa yapalm diye.
Robotu bize verin, siz ortak olun diyorlar.
Canm, brak imdi Almanlar. Almanlarla bizim ne alakamz var?
Kskanyor ibneler.
[Pervin] Hayrola Firuz, kim bu hanm?
Malumatm yok efendim. Besim Bey'i sordular.
Ali! Nasl minnettarm sana ben!
Nasl derim sana borcumu?
Bak, gryorum.
Ver, ver o ellerini peyim.
Gencecik bir kza k oldun sen.
Ne iyi bir insansn yle. Gryorum artk ben Ali.
How were your eyes opened?
What's going on Pervin? Who is this woman?
What do I know?
Arif brought the money, you sent it.
Take it, open your eyes, you said. How glad everyone is!
Meriziyet sister, Vault, Citlembik. It was as if their eyes had been opened.
What happened? Aren't you glad to see me?
Did Arif say?
Did he say I sent the money?
-Hey. -Where is Arif?
Arif left, he didn't say anything to me either.
Won't you hug me?
-Pembeeker. -Ali'm.
Aa, are we making a photo novel, brother?
Wait a minute. This is awesome!
Our robot with a human, huh? Pertev, what's going on?
Mr. Besim, I love you very much, Mr. Besim. You understand this best.
Wonderful. No such thing!
From now on, you will live your love to the fullest.
In front of everyone.
Our robot is having a great love.
How big of an ad could this be?
can you guess, Pervin?
You will be on the front pages and headlines of newspapers.
Pertev and his great love.
Robots love it too!
Now that you know everything, there is no point in hiding it.
I'm a robot Pinkcandy.
All right, Ali, your pure heart is enough.
squeak tsk tsk Pertev.
[Pertev ad soundtrack]
Mistik brother, did you hear, they were making robots for everything.
Is that so?
Let me get one and put it behind the wheel.
Let him shake the steering wheel until the morning, and your brother Mistik will weed out the girlfriends.
Exactly and of course.
[female voice-over] Pertev, Pertev Your family friend Pertev.
Pertev, Pertev
-[With a Greek accent] Here you go, my pasha. -Thanks.
[With a Greek accent] Don't drink, my dear, don't drink! You will shame yourself. Drinking.
Let me ask you something, is your name Yorgo?
I see it in every movie, you always say that you don't drink.
If they don't drink, how will this shop turn out, brother?
-Come on. -He's right, boy.
-Bon Appetit. -Thank you dear.
Finally. I miss Istanbul.
About 60 years.
Good news bro.
Hearts are okay. They were taking the robot out in a week.
The man is very strong, his word is mentioned everywhere.
Ads pattern, blast.
-What are we gonna do? -Don't worry about it.
We'll show you a plug, we'll say, what the hell are you?
Give me the robot, we say. Vn tourism as we took 216.
-But how? -But how?
So we have to do a social event. That's a big event.
E, the lamb is not going to give the lamb, but the robot to us.
Lamb Lamb?
-Yeah. -Are we thinking the same thing?
In a week I'll make you so
Everyone will stare into your mouth.
With one word, the world will shake.
[Garavel koklar]
-See those brochures? -Yup?
I just don't see it!
Excuse me.
If I had, everything would have been easier.
-Garavel Teacher. -Ha?
Smell that check. Let me see.
[Garavel koklar]
-100 thousand liras! -Yeah...
[joyful music enters]
[joyful music continues]
[joyful music continues]
[joyful music continues]
He writes, he writes! Pertev is breaking sales records!
[Eryeti] Good news, brother.
Get a loan.
[Besim Toker laughs]
There are thousands of demands from Anatolia. Society is in a frenzy.
Some people ask if you can get mine gold plated.
My heart is already gold.
I am my lion. Get ready, we're going to the factory.
[emotional music enters]
-You're not tired, are you? -I am good.
It's not easy to be everyone's lover.
Eryetis. Come flower!
-He can't see. -Can he see it if he wants?
[tense music enters]
Sorry, is this number 102?
-AA! Emel Sayin. -[doctor] Emel Sayin?
Multiple vision. Walk, walk, Ms. Eda.
Brother, do you see?
-Who are you? -Brother, I'm Arif.
Was that your type?
What should we do, I have some edema, brother.
Never mind.
-Do you see this, Arif? -I already saw it.
Our current stop is the Kay Kay Club.
Perseverance, will, timing!
Kay Kay Club?
How much is this?
Twelve! How do I see it?
[saxophone plays Rock 'n Roll]
We used to come here in our twenties. The man is weird.
I'm telling you beyond the times. Perhaps the first disc jockey of the time.
-Garavel Teacher! -Ha?
Can I bend it?
I see that light in you, Arif. Finished!
[moving blues player]
[host] Ladies and gentlemen.
-[host] Are you ready? -What's going on?
[host] The first and only disc jockey in our country.
Here comes Ersan Kuneri!
[70s music]
Eran Kuneri mi?
[Eran Kuneri] Shall I rock?
[kalabalk] Kay, kay, kay, kay, kay!
Shall I rock?
[kalabalk] Kay, kay, kay, kay!
Let's go.
-What's your name? -I'm Sezen.
Which one should I fuck with?
look at me! Are you a member of this club?
We've been members for eight years, bro.
Take it out. Blue, okay.
Sorry. Say hi to your dad.
Eran, hello, I'm Hursit.
We talked during the day, this is Arif.
Beautiful. I do not have much time. Let's go to the office.
Do you slide?
-Yes bro? -I'll wait if you slip.
I don't understand bro?
I say skate. I'll wait if you slip.
No, no, I don't slip. I don't slip.
-Brother... -We're going to explode, I'm telling you. Walk.
Here, let's not explode. I say it too.
From there, Dnence, Osman.
[Eran Kuneri] Here you go, relax. What's up, my peacemaker? What is he holding?
Kul Ahmet's jacket.
You are going to Anatolia right away. Take that money.
-Give me some! - Where is your hometown?
Sorry bro, my friend is a donkey.
-Mirror belt. -Slim waist.
Sit down for two minutes, I'm coming.
-[Bar Mano] With wheat, ears? -I'll send it by truck.
Hursit, I'm listening.
Eran, we have a project that will shake the whole of Turkey in a week.
Are you saying so?
If you listen to my brother Arif. I'm sure we'll make a mess.
Oh, you mean urban transformation.
Slow down, don't grind your teeth, baby. Slow.
We look forward to your support.
Don't worry, Hursit,
Ersan brother is always behind you.
You can come to me as much as you want.
[Eran Kuneri] Slow baby.
Sound, compositions, event. You need to listen.
I'm coming in ten seconds, Hursit.
Sir Garavel! Look, it was in the movie.
- All right, baby, thanks. -Look, it's burning the fireplace.
Son, don't play with that.
[Eran Kuneri] Gentlemen.
Are you ready?
Pop sings boy?
-Pop sings. -Read it.
-[community] Bear! -Not you!
-You read. -Come on, coach.
Here comes the lamb lamb I fell to my knees as I wished...
-Promise, whose music is it? -My brother.
Very good, come in again.
I set it on fire, I burned it and I came
Stop. Enter again.
I set it on fire
No. Not quite my tempo. You're pressing your voice. Print.
Read as yourself. Enter.
This. Read with your own voice. Don't be someone else, be yourself.
Hit, hit this foolish head, hit the walls, the stones
[Eran Kuneri] Very good, very good.
And listen, Eran.
Here comes the lamb, I came as much as I wanted, I closed my knees this time, my pride...
Very good. How many songs are there like this?
-There are many, brother. -What did you think of the name?
By God, we thought it was Tarkan at first.
No, it's been done before.
It was Arif, wasn't it? Arif Light!
-The man knows the business, son. -We'll clean up.
Here comes the lamb lamb I fell to my knees as I wished
This time I set my pride on fire I burned it and came
- Throw me or kiss me -Open, open.
But listen first, believe my eyes
This time I understood the situation, I repented
Very good, very good, very good.
[journalist boy] He writes, writes.
Arif Ik, the lamb lamb has arrived.
My heart is like the moon E, naturally I'm following
Ah if I could unravel this fate
Wait, I'm coming my love My heart is like the moon
I'm naturally following you
Oh if I beat this fate I love you my love
My heart is like the moon
[Zeki Mren] Improper!
Imitations keep their originals alive.
Do not deal with this man.
...wait I'm coming my love. Bandra eat me
You can never get enough of my taste .
-What news are they awake? -Wow, my brother Arif!
What are you doing anywhere else? Eat me with a Bandra flag
You can never get enough of my taste...
I tricked the coy half with crazy words at last
I finally tricked my beautiful eyes with games
It's a quarter to love
She has a car, beautiful or beautiful
Does it have a driver, is it special
Does it go to gas ?
Unfortunately he has no soul
There's no chance for him at all
She has a car, beautiful or beautiful
Does it have a driver, is it special
Does it go to gas ?
Mistik brother, your robots are coming out.
-Does he have a soul? -Is it his soul?
E, he has no chance at all You drop the robot, son.
Look at this song, let your brother Mistik play these songs in the car,
Let all the chicks catch fire.
-Exactly and of course! -Walk.
Will he go? Unfortunately he has no soul
There's no chance for him at all
What a crazy man. He made a good song though.
[emotional music enters]
Do not be sad. Maybe he's not telling you.
I don't understand what he's trying to do. He's trying to upset me.
Let go of that idiot for God's sake.
Everyone is talking about us right now.
Arif kim be?
Get ready, I'll take you to the club in the evening. Let's change our weather a little.
OK. Let's. Let's. Mr. bye.
-Garavel Teacher. -I am her.
The girl called.
He says, robot, he says he is sad, he says. He says don't do that much.
Robot master, you wanted a Turkish movie, here's a Turkish movie for you!
-Beautiful. -They were going to Ajda in the evening.
We set.
Six is too many. I can only eat one.
Left, la, si, do, mi, fa, re Look one, two, three mice
They are sitting somewhere millionaires
Sol, fa, do, re, mi, fa One bald head
Put it on the shelf, millionaire
Don't bother, don't run after me
You eat stick, then millionaire
We didn't swallow the game, wait for the end, you three
I'm going to go talk to Master Garavel.
Now is not the time.
Where is the million?
Bravo! Bravo!
What a nice surprise is this? Who is with us tonight?
Arif Light!
Arif, can you sing us a song with your beautiful voice?
-Ajda, my voice. -Arif.
But I'm not prepared, I'm not prepared at all.
Ms. Ajda, we came to listen to you.
Arif, will you hurt me?
Arif Light!
Be disgraced.
[The Nutcracker Ballet starts playing]
You nutcracker. You go.
[murmurs song]
["Nutcracker" starts playing]
He's got a scientist on his arm He's cracking me up in the middle
He blows the gum in his mouth and pops it cheeky
Maybe that's why I got shot
I couldn't be your owner
Has this world changed?
Don't rub it on your scaly eyebrow Lips are crunching crimson
And he has no shame in front of me, he's grinning out of spite
Is this how we saw it from our father? We were disgraced for the day
Woe to the old village where the new custom has come Friends, we are ruined
You nutcracker who got the snake out of his hole
My fate is my tasseled trouble If I catch it
-The last one... If I get caught... -What are you doing Arif?
Here I am saving the world.
Come on, why doesn't the robot accompany us?
Last, that three!
Arif, are you trying to embarrass me?
Just wait, you'll get the fame slap. Mr. Besim, what is this?
So this is the robot you've been advertising so much?
Can't sing, can't dance, what is it?
What kind of robot is this? It never happened.
It's programmed to be spoiled.
[crowd laughs]
Is it okay dear? He sings and dances.
-Come on son, tell me. -I don't know that song!
Friends, don't you want to hear a song from the robot?
[community] Yes! Yeah!
[community] Robot, robot, robot! Robot, robot, robot!
-Arif, please! -[community] Robot...
Do you see what you did? I'm so ashamed, Arif.
[Arif laughs]
[Arif] Aa, what kind of rudeness is this?
I am saying as Arif Ik, I would not buy it if they were given for free.
Shame on you!
[community laughs]
-[216] The exit is on the right after twenty meters. -[Arif] Whoops!
[Arif laughs]
[Arif] Last, which is three, four.
You nutcracker who got the snake out of his hole
My fate is my tasseled trouble
Muah if I catch it
[clapping sounds]
[man] Hide it so he doesn't see it, it'll cut me off.
[Zeki Mren] What is that?
-[Zeki Mren] How can that be? How -Excuse me?
How is that? This costume has not been rehearsed yet!
Arrogant! Traitor!
I will control my nerves.
Prepare my fasting meal,
I'm going to buy a sauna and take my meds like everyone else and go to bed.
Like everyone?
I'll let him know.
Thank you Khalil Ibrahim.
[Kamil] There are many complaints, Besim Bey.
People say it wasn't like what I saw in that ad or something.
It was as if we were selling defective goods. Party by party returns.
Besim Bey, there is someone who sells to the scrap dealer.
And this "Arif Ik disgraced the robot." news.
Pertev, come here.
Where did we go wrong? Didn't we copy everything from you?
It's done and it's empty. I have so many experiences.
What should I do if your excellent engineers couldn't do it?
Gebertirim art rean. Gebertirim.
You will walk like this. Did you understand? like this.
You shall not wave your hand or arm in the air.
When you do it like this, it becomes very robot-like.
Besim Bey, the Germans called. They were coming to Izmir Fair at the weekend.
They said that we want the original of the robot.
[tense music enters]
[emotional music enters]
I came to be human.
[emotional music continues]
[door knocks]
[Flame] 216.
Go Pinkcandy, I'm ruthless.
I'm a stupid robot who doesn't know what to do when.
Nobody loves me anymore.
Listen to me. I know everything.
-You do not know. - Please open the door.
You don't know anything, Pinkcandy.
Nobody knows anything. I'm dying.
[emotional music continues]
I'm dying.
My battery is running out. Look, one percent.
Please do not do it.
For forty years I lived happily in Gora.
Then there was news everywhere.
They said the 216 model will no longer be produced.
Spare parts will not be made.
I said wow robot, that's it.
Then let me go to the world, to Arif, to my friend.
I said, "Even though he can't do anything, I can live there like a human for three or five days."
But I couldn't tell, so that he wouldn't be upset.
I'm dying, Pink Candy. My battery is running out.
[emotional music continues]
- Pink sugar, I wish you... -Stop, don't talk.
-Garavel Teacher! -Ha?
I want to have a women's matinee on Wednesdays. What do you say?
It's possible.
How is the costume?
[together] He is worthy.
-It didn't happen. -Why, too much belt?
-The belt is too much. -Don't do it.
Did you see the news? No one else will buy this robot.
We finished Besim!
[Arif and Garavel laugh]
My brother Arif slipped into the margin of the robot so much that
this is nothing more, huh. This is more head.
[They all laugh together]
I'll finish it, did I say I'll finish it! Let him think about Turkish Pop from now on.
[They all laugh together]
-You're not ashamed, are you? -Oh, Pink Candy, because of the belt?
[dramatic music enters]
We were supposed to come here and stop the bad guys?
Where would the good guys win?
Look at you.
Dying robot.
-It's running out of battery! -What are you saying?
How did it end? When does it end?
from the beginning.
He didn't tell you so you'd be sorry.
So that's why he was acting so silly?
-Garavel Master? -Let's go and get back, Arif.
Besim is going to give the robot to the Germans.
Remember, we worked with the Germans first, he said.
This means that Pertev Group was established like this.
We have to do something, Arif.
Wow my brother. 216 die, huh?
No, it cannot die. He can't die while I'm here!
Okay? No one will die while I'm here, understood?
Don't let the robot die bro!
Let's plug in my battery if necessary, but that robot doesn't die.
[dramatic music continues]
Wow my brother.
[dramatic music continues]
[phone rings]
[Flame] Hello. 216?
Come to Lovers' Hill at two o'clock.
I'm going to tell you the most important thing in my life.
-Rosecandy? - I beg you, come.
You mean Lovers' Hill, huh? You'll see.
Let's move forward as we got it, okay Arif?
I'll take care of the battery shaft in Gora.
Okey brother.
Arif Abi! Arif Abi, yours is coming.
Hah, he's coming.
Wow Pertev robot, isn't it?
-[guys] Pertev, Pertev! -[216 grins]
[children] Pertev, Pertev!
Pertev, hold on, let's have a look. Shall we race bro?
Press it. Let's see the nape shave!
Guys, don't you have a home?
Do you shoot from anywhere, Pertev brother?
Does it come out in your head?
[children laugh]
Guys, what a ridiculous question these are.
How old are you? What?
Brother, what's going on, why are you upset?
-What's going on there? -Ha?
[man] Hop hop! Break up.
Get off, walk, donkey, donkey.
[tense music enters]
[Arif] Run bro, run!
-[Arif] Wait! -[Chickenbug] What the hell is going on there?
[Handsome whistler]
[Arif] Hackberry! Stop the car! Stop the car!
[Arif] Handsome! damn!
damn! Check out PinkSugar!
-Who are these guys? -Scraps bro.
I know where they went.
-Arif, bikes. -Take us there.
Okey brother.
-[Chickenberry] Pink Candy! -[Handsome] Pink Candy!
[moving music enters]
-Is it here? -Yeah, here it is.
Oh, my heart is broken right now.
Get out.
Hop! what's going on bro?
-What is this now? -Wait.
-216! - [Garavel] 216!
Her bag is here.
Arif, is that it?
Brother, how can I know from there, for God's sake?
[Garavel] Of be!
His clothes and stuff... 216, bro!
- [Garavel] 216! -216!
A minute! He couldn't resist when he heard Mezdeke.
Bum bum damtirim gulu gulu
Bum bum damtirim from daga
Gunlaka gillin...
Bambirin gala gala
Gullaka gillin salin sava Dampirin gulu gulu
Bum bum damtirim from daga
Bum bum damtirim gulu gulu
-Look, he's laughing. -My brother.
[Arif] Let go bro. Let me go. Leave.
It's very loaded right now, it's burning the battery.
We will reset it to factory settings.
I'm going to turn the capacitor on and reboot, do a scan, then it's gone.
-But how? -How, but how?
-I'm taking out the battery, brother. -OK.
[electronic sound effect]
I'm going to warm up the battery and put it back in. Come on coach, come on lion.
[electronic sound effect]
I came to you Arif. I came to be human.
My brother.
How did you not tell me such a thing, huh?
How can you hide such a thing from me?
I couldn't tell, Arif. I didn't want you to be upset.
I shamed you so much, Arif.
No, I did you wrong, forgive me.
We'll get out of here, come on coach, come on, my coach.
You made me experience the best of Turkish movies.
I wish I could tell Pink Candy that I love her.
-Pink... Sugar... Pink... -No! No no!
-Arif, let's close it so it doesn't burn in vain. -OK.
-Walk, let's go. -[Child] Wow.
A robot fell in love with a normal human huh? Look at the topic! It's weird.
Young man, we got you astray too, thanks.
-You're a shame, brother. -What's your name?
Faruk. Bob MarleyFarouk.
Bob Marley Faruk in?
Come here, do you recognize me?
-I'm Arif. -No bro, I didn't know.
I'm Arif I'm Arif Ik. 216, Master Garavel.
Bob Marley Faruk! how old are you?
Dude, look Faruk is here!
-We're closed, son. -He.
Well done to you.
[tense music enters]
Where were these pictures taken?
On Lovers' Hill.
Where is the robot?
I don't know, I said!
Let me go, you bastards!
Aren't you going to meet on the Lovers' Hill, villager of God?
Become a sacrifice to the peasant.
Besim Bey, the Germans entered the Izmir Fair. When the robot...
I'll start with your Germans huh!
That's enough! Enough! I kill you!
[suffocation sounds]
-Now get the fuck out of here! -I'm gone, sir.
Did it hit me?
Why are you so bad?
I'm not bad young lady, you are idiots.
You give me the opportunity, I get excited too.
Let's jump and go, Arif. It doesn't take two minutes in Gora.
We're not going anywhere! No such thing.
We're not going anywhere until you say you love it.
First he will say he loves you. Where is the girl actually?
[phone rings]
[phone rings]
-Hello? -My dear Arif, what's up?
-I'm five. -Oh, what's up, how are you?
-Well, it's always the same. I kiss. -Come on bye bye.
Mr. dear.
What was that?
-[phone rings] -Hello?
You will bring the robot to the casino for the matinee tomorrow at noon. Otherwise, the girl dies.
In what sense does it die? Do you mean if we don't bring it?
Hello! Hello!
What is he saying?
It is very complicated. I did not understand anything.
[moving music enters]
Mr. Besim, welcome.
[moving music continues]
[announcer] At a Veteran race...
Arif Bey, Besim Beys came.
OK, we're coming. Sir Garavel, are we ready?
We are ready. This is OK.
Come on, toymaker. We're coming to play with you.
In spades!
[moving music continues]
Have a nice day.
Arif, don't do what they say.
How beautiful is my flame today, isn't it, Sir Garavel?
Mashallah, she looks so beautiful.
Cut the shave. Did you bring the robot?
Baby, I'm gonna beat you so soon
You will say, I wish my mother had taken me away.
Speaking of birth control, excuse me for the gun I kept under the table.
coincides with your balls, Arif.
- Let's be a little quieter if you want. -Is that so?
Then let's center it like this so it doesn't cause a headache.
How are you ma'am?
-I'm fine, you? -Thanks, I'm fine.
For a moment, I compared you to something.
-To who? -Wait, what was it? Hah, Omar Sharif.
Is that so? I also liken your brother to something...
-Sabri from MF. -Who is he?
I don't compare it to a piece of shit, that's what I'm saying. Plaster.
You are surrounded. I will burn you for the slightest mistake.
Arif, please!
Look, Besim, you give the girl, you forget about the robot or something.
Then you spin a spinning top in your own world,
Are you playing with the wire car, just keep going, okay dear?
I said bring the robot here.
Ah, Zeki Muren.
[moving music enters]
Aa, he didn't see me waved.
Yes. He did it to me once too. He has such a habit.
[Zeki Mren] I'm really going crazy now. Did you see her outfit?
Oh, Mr. Zeki, please.
No sir.
Now it has come to a point that exceeds the limits of tolerance.
Look at me, shorlo, you will bring the robot here immediately.
Eryeti, take care of Arif Bey, my dear.
Lan Karacaoglan, put that gun back.
I'll give you a shot, you start acting in the movie next door huh!
-I will. -Chic. But squeeze through the middle.
C'mon squeeze. Frequent, often. Squeeze it.
-Arif, please. -Brother, please.
I beg your pardon, sir, without limits!
[Gun sound]
[Arif] Brother, look at the girl!
-[Flame] Arif, 216! -Okay me too!
-[man] Stop! -[Gun sound]
-Eryeti, Arif! -Okey brother.
-Arif! - Late, late!
[Besim Toker] Hold all the doors!
I want that robot!
Even if you go to the center of the earth, I will find you, sir.
Arif! Girl in my hand, Arif!
God damn it.
Lamb lamb Interesting.
[tension music enters]
Don't move, camel.
Ah! I was shot.
Is it Zeki Muren? Whose loom is this?
Zeki Bey, aman ya Rabbi, Zeki Bey, kalkn ltfen.
Neden, neden beni taklit ediyorsun?
Dedi mi btn bu olanlara?
Zeki Bey, affedin bizi.
Her eyi ak iin, sevda iin yaptk.
yi misiniz?
Afiyetteyim efendim.
Topuumdan vuruldum lakin mantar topuk olduu iin ziyan yok, gayet iyiyim.
k yz metre sonra sada.
216, kardeim.
Zeki Bey, affedersiniz, karmadan pili stmam gerekiyor da...
Ben de o ekilde telakki etmitim efendim.
-[Alev] Arif! -Aman Ya Rabbi!
Robotumu getirin!
[barr] Getirin robotumu!
Brak kz, yoksa vururum lan!
[Arif] Beyler, kimse kmldamasn!
Vallahi bak ana kofraya byle bir akarm, robot falan kalmaz!
-Brak kz, brak! -216.
Eer robotumu vermezsen kz vururum.
Vallahi bak robot kalmaz. Vallahi bak, brak dedim!
e kadar sayyorum.
Bak buraya akarm diyorum.
-Bir! -Garavel Hocam.
Brother, shoot them for God's sake.
-Three! -[Zeki Mren] Nobody should move.
Who are you?
Drop your gun or I will rise here like a sun.
Zeki Bey, I beg you not to get involved in this.
And who are you, for God's sake?
Who are we? Ah.
Who am I, right?
I am the nobody of the orphans, I am the orphan.
I'm alone, I'm alone.
I am the love of lovers, my lover.
My name is Mesut, my middle name is Bahtiyar.
You've known that for years.
You listened to songs from Mesut Bahtiyar.
[shouts] Well, that's enough!
[Arif] No!
-Besim, 216! -They fled.
[Arif] The media again hid the events.
- Zeki Bey, are you okay? -I'm fine, sir.
I was shot in my hip.
My cuties protected me again, sir.
Where did they fly to?
[Pervin] If he goes, he will go to Izmir.
Because he will meet the Germans.
- He'll escape by plane! - By plane? How will we grow?
Sir, allow me to give you my airplane.
Yeilky Airport is the fifth apron, its name is Bahtiyar.
-Pilot? -Oh that pilot...
Pilot Major Hurit is ready for your orders, sir!
Smart Mr.
Not for lovers, from my shoulder,
I accept to be shot in the deepest part of my heart, sir.
However, I have a small condition first.
You're not going to copy me anymore, are you?
I consider it an order, sir.
Estagfurullah sir. Look how cute it is.
They planted one shinik in a field.
In another field, they planted one shinik in a row.
A chinchilla planted in this field
gray ala gray capped gray badger haunts...
AA! I will repeat, sir.
[moving music enters]
[moving music continues]
-Can you use it bro? -Do not worry.
Let me see!
[Besim Toker laughs]
Look what I found.
Give it to me, let's wear it.
Where are you getting it from now?
Come on.
[Flame] Look.
Clever Muren...
[Zeki Mren - playing "Howling Tunes"]
[Garavel and Flame] Howling tunes
It engulfed my soul
A dream that's always there
There were songs
-Abi ... -He?
You don't obey the song. You bass, bass.
-Arif, are you sure son? -Bass bro, bass.
[moving music enters]
Bas abi, bas.
Beautiful. Pink sugar, you go this way.
-Hold tight. -OK.
Arif, watch out!
Arif, what are you doing son?
-Brother, right on top of it. -There are six planes. Which one is this?
-Middle! -[Flame] Arif, be careful!
Master Garavel, on the count of three!
-How much? -Three, three.
How many sons? Oh fuck!
[Flame] Arif!
[Arif shouts]
God damn you. Get out!
[Flame] Master Garavel!
Ok, he survived.
You see now.
-[phone rings] -Idiot.
[Arif] Cookies cooked, huh?
So twenty-five minutes have passed now in the parallel universe.
Its a bit, its.
[moving music continues]
[warning sound]
Download on the right, captain.
Now I will drop you off at the last stop.
-[Garavel] What's going on? -Arif!
[suffocation sounds]
We've been shot! Master Garavel, we've been hit!
-Parachute, parachute! Quick! -A parachute?
Mr. Besim.
[warning sounds]
No parachute!
No parachute.
Sleep when you need it most, okay?
There is one exit on our plane.
Come here.
Master Garavel, we will die!
Smoking is not allowed on our flights.
You're going down safely, okay?
Master Garavel, I'm so scared!
Do not be afraid. Come come.
I am her! No, it didn't.
Wise! Wise!
I am her.
What are we doing, Master Garavel?
Perseverance, will, willpower!
Come on! Come on for once!
I am her! I am her!
Here I am! I am her!
[Garavel] We are saved!
Aa, look at the maniac.
[moving music continues]
[Besim Toker shouts]
[Besim Toker] Don't touch me, don't touch me.
[slow music enters]
[Garavel] Remove it, quick. OK.
Master Garavel, it's nothing, is it?
[moving music continues]
[Besim Toker shouts]
[Besim Toker] Ah!
You hugged me! You hugged.
I didn't want you to die.
As long as you understand what it costs and I wanted to come back to yourself.
No one has ever hugged me like this before, you know?
Oh, so the reason is lovelessness, is it?
Maybe so.
We're falling, you know?
Yup. Won't you open the parachute?
We fall together, if you understand the metaphor I will open it.
I got it bro.
If you are not a man, we will fall more like this.
Word bro. Promise.
Modern man, from ancient times...
[emotional music enters]
[crowd rejoices]
Helal be Arif abi be. Helal be.
[emotional music continues]
We made up, okay?
To be the friend of the enemy? okay?
-Okey brother. -Let me see your brother late.
[Besim Toker] Pervin, my brother.
How bro?
I guess it's completely finished.
Arif, you are fine, aren't you?
I'm fine, don't worry.
Oh, everybody's here.
There is an air of tirade.
So listen.
Dear 60's, my friends,
I was cynical to you when I came here.
The robot loved you.
He was talking about black and white movies.
True, we knew you in black and white.
What a colorful people you are.
You're also naive.
Even your worst man is like a baby, look at that, for God's sake.
Come here, you asshole.
He was going to take over the world.
In my time, they take your panties off your feet in Taksim Square.
While on pants. Instead of late.
The poor, my brothers, forgive me. I said to your love artificial,
A plastic doll woke me up.
How ironic, right?
Don't call yourself poor either.
Don't be the type, be the character.
If you say poor, they will say poor.
You are an artist.
Professor Kemal, scientists are over our heads.
You're not joking, are you?
And rich people, I posted you guys too, it's true.
But not because you are rich, but because you are unscrupulous.
You can do anything with money, but then anything can do you.
These things are in order, you know.
And the giants of the cinema.
Sadri fathers, Ayhan brothers, many more We saw them here.
Some people think that we call them giants because the cinema screen is big.
No, what's that movie screen to them?
They are also in our hearts.
Oddly enough, we're on a movie screen right now.
Doctor Flame. Alev, write this book so that it can be a lesson to everyone, will you?
Let's be people who look into each other's eyes, love and be loved.
Let's not be one of those people who turn their ass and take a selfie when they love it, okay?
[Flame] Arif, I found how to write you in the book.
A brave, brave hero.
-216 will be alright? -Do not worry.
-Master George! - [With a Greek accent] Here you are, my pasha.
[emotional music continues]
Plus minus... Run it, sir.
[electronic sound effect]
2nd generation, 16th segment... Pink Candy.
[emotional music enters]
Come on lad, you've got the ball.
[emotional music continues]
-I... -Son, come on, potatoes are running out.
I loved you so much, Pinkcandy.
-I love you too 216! -[crowd] Uh...
Dont forget me.
When you look at this, you will remember me.
Oo ...
Goodbye my first love.
[emotional music continues]
Come on guys, we escaped.
Only what happens here stays here, okay?
No telling to anyone.
Especially to the Germans. Come on bye bye.
-[216] Goodbye. -[Besim Toker] Don't forget us.
-Take care of yourself. -[Chickenbug] Master Garavel!
Sir Garavel.
Let me see!
[emotional music continues]
Master, your coffee.
So that's how this book was written, huh?
Arif, I congratulate you wholeheartedly.
-Thank you, Ediz. -How true is that, you know?
Indeed, good people are everywhere, all the time, not just in the movies.
-Well done, Arif. -Thank you, sir.
Arif, who came?
Ediz Hun!
Oh, didn't I tell you that the day will come when everyone will talk like Ediz Hun?
Teacher, shall we go out after coffee?
-Of course. -[Where Arif?]
Did you think this movie would end here?
-Which movie? -Arif V 216.
[dramatic effect]
[Farah Zeynep Abdullah - playing "Milyonzade"]
There, it is done.
You know, solar energy is the cleanest energy.
Of course. No more battery trouble.
Wonderful. It was marriage.
Thank you, Mr. Ediz. [grins]
Are you ready lad?
-[What Arif? -How, where are we?
in Kilyos. Why did we come here?
Am I going to run with Ediz Bey?
Baby, I ran a lot.
Ceku has a surprise for you.
Ta ta ta tam!
It's pink sugar!
You did the same, Arif.
-Hi there. -Hi there.
I'm 232. Let's be friends? [grins]
-Can't we, can you hold my hand? -Uh-huh.
Ediz Bey, Arif, Ceku, Master Garavel!
Arif dear.
I always say, romance is important.
Now I believe in my luck
He brought you in front of me
I'm madly in love with you
You aside, this world aside
You aside, this world aside
Let it ring
Let the reeds play nonstop
Come on guys
Come guys, we have a wedding in our hearts
Let it ring
Let the reeds play nonstop
Come on guys
Come guys, we have a wedding in our hearts