Arima (2019) Movie Script

Mark a little more here.
You can doub.
We'll continue in the next
session. Nadia, you can take a break now.
- Is that me?
- Yes.
But I'm not blonde.
Then it's Julia, the teacher.
Julia isn't blonde, either.
Then it's mom.
Come here, Olivia!
We have to go.
How was the session today?
Fine. As always.
- Are you coming today?
- Sure.
Come here. Get down.
By the way, I'm glad I bumped
into you. I have something for you.
What is it?
I have it here. Come!
What is it?
You won't know unless you come here.
Don't cheat, huh!
You can't look.
I have it in one of my hands.
If you guess which one, it's yours.
You're not answering?
She must be worried.
Louder! She won't hear you.
Are you sure?
Are you OK?
You scared the hell out of me!
She must have gotten lost.
I went everywhere trying to find her.
Thank God you found her.
- Thank you.
- It's OK.
You're going to make me fall!
Olivia, leave Julia alone!
Why were you hiding the other day?
Me? Hiding?
It wasn't her.
Yes, it was!
It was that girl that works
as a model in class.
We saw her the other night.
She was with a guy.
It's like they were hiding or something.
It was, like weird.
I don't know. It was hard to see.
I was trying to be quiet.
I didn't want to interrupt.
I bet you didn't.
Olivia, stay close!
Well, see you.
- Bye, Olivia.
- Bye.
Go away!
Go away!
You should keep your dogs on leash!
- Have you seen someone running this way?
- No.
Male, tall as me.
I said I haven't.
I didn't mean to scare you,
but you should be careful. He's dangerous.
Who is dangerous?
You're bleeding.
Let me help you.
Bring me the first-aid kit.
It's in the cupboard.
You need to see a doctor.
I'm alright.
You should have some rest.
Set the table.
What's that?
Something to help him sleep
in case he is in pain.
Come on.
Thank you.
Have some rest.
You shouldn't touch that, you hear me?
It's dangerous. You'll hurt yourself.
Bye, Nadia.
See you!
I ran away.
I've been waiting for you all night long.
What are you doing here?
I told you! I've run away.
I thought you were alright.
How can you know?
You never came to see me.
I didn't know where to go.
I was dead.
I don't know what they were doing to me,
but suddenly I couldn't feel my body.
I think I even stopped breathing.
How did you get here?
I walked.
20 km?
I didn't know where to go,
I started walking
Come in!
You must be freezing.
It looks like a cat.
It's a wolf.
It's a snail.
Now, it looks like a boot.
And now, it looks like a giant.
Olivia, let's go!
Mom, I've met a ghost.
He told me that he lives underground.
And that he can go anywhere,
but no one can see him
because he's invisible.
Mom, you're not listening
to what I'm saying.
Yes, I am.
How could you see him if he's invisible?
Olivia, look out!
Don't worry,
they're not going to hurt you.
Get down!
I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye.
I hope you're OK.
Yeah, I'm feeling better.
See you.
See you.
I'll clean it.
It's OK.
- I dropped it.
- It's OK.
I called, the other day.
You called?
They put me in a car and took me
to a house in the middle of nowhere.
Inside the house, I saw three more girls.
They were my age.
One of them was your age.
They made me wear a mask
and guided me to another room.
It was dark in there.
I'm not sure how many people
were in there, but it was crowded.
Weren't you scared?
There was a man sitting on a couch.
He wouldn't stop staring at me.
I loved that.
He had his eyes on me all night long.
Excuse me!
I'm coming!
I'm coming back next Saturday.
Join me! You'll like it.
No way!
The Portuguese wants to pay for this.
- Tell him it's not necessary.
- Too late.
Excuse me.
Please, come in.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Can I bring you something to eat?
What's in there?
What's that?
Give me 5 minutes. I'm calling Julia,
maybe she can stay with Olivia tonight.
How was school today?
You seem to be a good student.
Mom, I don't want to go to Julia's.
Why not?
Because I don't.
Olivia! Don't be like that.
You always have fun at Julia's.
The ghost said David is dangerous.
Olivia, please!
It's just one night.
- What can I get you?
- A tequila.
Beer for me.
She works as a model at our art class.
I could draw her with my eyes closed.
Nadia, it's going to be
a tequila for me, too.
Do I know you?
From the art class.
Are you Olivia's mom?
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
"The little girl was having so much fun"
picking flowers
and hazelnuts in the forest.
That's why she was a bit late.
When she got to the house,
she knocked on the door.
Who is it?
Squeaked the wolf.
It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
I brought a cake and some butter for you.
"Oh, how lovely! Do come in, my dear."
Who's the boy in the picture?
It's Angel, my brother.
You have a brother?
He left long ago.
We ran away one night to play in the park.
We were playing together
and suddenly he disappeared.
He must have gotten into the woods.
For days we looked for him,
but he never showed up.
He was about your age.
Here it is.
"When Little Red Riding Hood
entered the cottage,"
she could scarcely
recognize her grandmother.
Grandmother! What big eyes you have.
All the better to see you with, my dear.
But grandmother! What big ears you have.
All the better to hear you with.
"But grandmother! What big mouth you"
What is it? Are you alright?
He found me.
But I do not intend to come back.
Tell him to go away.
Relax, mom. No one's looking for you.
He's there, hiding, behind the tree.
He thinks I haven't seen him.
He's watching me from there.
Believe me!
He's waiting for me to leave the house.
He's been there for hours.
You're safe. No one's looking for you.
I called myself the other day
to tell them that you were with me.
It's him.
You don't believe me, do you?
Cut it out, mom!
I'm telling you it's not real.
It's a delusion.
And what is a delusion?
Olivia, what are you doing here?
Go to bed! I'll be there in a minute.
But what is a delusion?
When you see things
that don't really exist.
Let's go to bed.
It's late.
Run! The dogs are coming.
Are you alright?
Get up.
You mustn't run from them.
If you run, they chase you.
You shouldn't be scared of them.
They're not going to hurt you.
You've ran away again, haven't you?
Let's go home, come on.
- Who're you saying goodbye to?
- The ghost.
He told me he knows you.
He knows me?
He said that he loved
when you went together to the park.
That he loved pushing
the swing for you.
He said that he's sorry
for having ran away.
That's not funny.
Get down.
I've been looking for you everywhere.
She was in the park.
I was reading.
I thought she was playing in her bedroom.
Don't worry.
Julia! Is everything OK?
My vision is blurry.
It's OK. Don't worry.
Just breathe. Take a deep breath.
There you are. Breathe.
See? It's alright.
Better now?
Olivia, sit down correctly.
I don't want.
Aren't you hungry?
- No.
- Come on, eat something.
Just try it, you're going to like it.
You're staying with David tomorrow.
I have to run some errands.
I can wait for you on my own.
You're too young.
No, I'm not.
- Don't worry, it's a common thing.
- She's obsessed with that ghost.
What ghost?
An invisible man who lives in the sewers.
She has a wonderful imagination.
It's a phase. She'll go through it.
- You're early. We still haven't finished.
- It's alright. I can wait.
I have to use the restroom.
We're taking a 5-minute break.
I know who you are.
I'm sorry?
I know who you are.
And, who am I?
You don't remember me?
Maybe if I take the robe off
and cover my face with a mask?
You must be mistaking me for someone else.
I'm pretty sure it's you.
I remember you.
You know, I heard
Is it true that you saw him at that place?
I was kidding.
Nadia! Are you alright?
What happened?
It's the ghost.
What is it, darling?
Please set the table.
Dinner will be ready in a minute.
No, I'm not Julia.
Please excuse me.
I thought you were my daughter.
She hasn't come home yet. I'm worried.
Something must have happened.
She's always home at nine.
I don't know why she's not here.
It's not normal.
I was worried and thought it was better
to leave the house and try to find her.
She's always home by nine.
Something must have happened.
When she was a child, she used
to run away. I always found her here.
She used to run away a lot.
Are you alright?
Are you alright?
Hey, what's the matter?
It's alright.
It's alright.
Everything is going to be alright.
Everything is going to be alright.
I need help.
Say something.
David sleeps in my house
and he's hurting my mother.
Please help me!
If you help me I promise
I'll never run away again.
Olivia, wait!
You're all soaked. Let me take you home.
Keep the noise down,
I gave them the pills.
- What pills?
- The sleeping pills.
Elena, wake up!
Don't tell mom I ran away.
I'll keep my mouth shut.
How are you?