AristoCats, The (1970) Movie Script

Which pet's address
is the finest in Paris?
Which pets possess
the longest pedigree?
Which pets get to sleep
on velvet mats?
The Aristocats
Which pets are blessed with
the fairest forms and faces?
Which pets know best
all the gentle social graces?
Which pets live
on cream and loving pats?
The Aristocats
They show aristocratic bearing
When they're seen upon an airing
And aristocratic flair in what they do
And what they say
Aristocats are never found
in alleyways
Or hanging 'round the garbage cans
Where common kitties play
Oh, no
Which pets are known
to never show their claws
Which pets are prone
to hardly any flaws?
To which pets do the others
tip their hats?
The Aristocats
Marie, my little one.
You're going to be
as beautiful as your mother.
Isn't she, Duchess?
Careful, Toulouse.
You're making it
very difficult for Edgar.
Whoa, Frou-Frou, whoa.
Steady, girl.
Thank you, Edgar.
Oh, of course, Frou-Frou.
I almost forgot.
Madame... may I take
your parcel, Madame?
It really is much too heavy
for you, Madame.
Now, tut-tut, Edgar.
Don't fuss over me.
Berlioz, come back here.
Haven't you forgotten
something, darling?
Thank you, Miss Frou-Frou, for
letting me ride on your back.
You're quite welcome, young man.
How was that, Mama?
Very good, darling.
That was very nice.
Come along, Duchess. Kittens.
Come along.
Oh, and Edgar,
I'm expecting my attorney,
Georges Hautecourt.
You'll remember him, of course.
Of course, Madame.
How could anyone forget him?
Not as spry as I was when I was 80, eh?
Oh, good day, sir.
Madame is expecting you, sir.
Evening. Evening, Edgar.
Another ringer, sir.
You never miss.
Come on, Edgar! The last one
up the stairs is a nincompoop!
Could we take the elevator
this time, sir?
Oh, that birdcage? Poppycock.
Elevators are for old people.
May I give you a hand, sir?
You haven't got an extra foot,
have you, Edgar?
That always makes me laugh, sir.
Every time.
Let go of my cane!
Careful, sir. Please.
Frightfully sorry, sir.
Don't panic, Edgar.
Upward and onward!
Am I going too fast for you, Edgar?
Please, sir, hold...
There now, Duchess.
That's better.
We must both look our best
for Georges.
He's our oldest
and dearest friend, you know.
Come in.
Oh, my goodness, Edgar.
I know Georges.
Adelaide, my dear.
So good to see you, Georges.
Still the softest hands in all Paris.
You're a shameless flatterer, Georges.
Adelaide, that's music.
It's from Carmen, isn't it?
That's right. It was my favourite role.
Yes, yes.
It was the night of your grand
premiere that we first met. Remember?
Oh, indeed, I do.
And how we celebrated your success.
Champagne, dancing the night away...
Oh, Georges.
Thank goodness.
Just in time.
We're just a pair
of sentimental old fools.
Now, Georges, do be serious.
I've asked you to come here
on a very important legal matter.
Splendid, splendid.
Who do you want me to sue, eh?
Come now, Georges.
I don't wish you to sue anyone.
I simply want to make my will.
Will, eh? Will...
Now, then, who are the beneficiaries?
Well, as you know,
I have no living relatives.
Naturally, I want my beloved cats
to be always well-cared for.
Certainly, no one can do this better
than my faithful servant, Edgar.
Adelaide, you mean to say you're
leaving your vast fortune to Edgar?
Everything you possess?
Stocks and bonds?
This mansion? Your country chateau?
Your treasures, jewels, and?
Oh, no, no, Georges.
- To my cats.
- To your cats?
Yes, Georges.
I simply wish to have
the cats inherit first.
Then, at the end of their lifespan,
my entire estate will revert to Edgar.
Cats inherit first?
And I come after the cats.
I, me, after...
It's... it's not fair.
I mean...
Each cat will live about 12 years.
I can't wait...
And each cat has nine lives.
That's four times 12...
Multiply by nine times...
No, it's less than that. Anyway,
it's much longer than I'd ever live.
I'll be gone.
Oh, no. They'll be gone.
I'll think of a way.
Oh, why, there are a million
reasons why I should.
All of 'em dollars.
Those cats have got to go.
Wait for me, wait for me!
Me first, me first.
Why should you be first?
Because I'm a lady, that's why.
You're not a lady.
You're nothin' but a sister.
I'll show you if I'm a lady or not.
- You're tickling.
- Get her, Berlioz, get her.
Fight fair, Marie.
Females never fight fair.
Now, that hurt.
Mama! Mama!
Marie, darling, Marie,
you must stop that.
This is really not ladylike.
And Berlioz?
Such behaviour is most unbecoming
to a lovely gentleman.
Well, she started it.
Ladies do not start fights.
But they can finish them.
Now, don't be rude.
We were just practicing
biting and clawing.
Aristocrats do not practise
biting and clawing
and things like that. That's horrible.
But someday we might meet
a tough alley cat.
That will do.
It's time we concerned ourself
with self-improvement.
You want to grow up to be lovely,
charming ladies and gentlemens.
Now, Toulouse, you go and
start on with your painting.
Yes, Mama.
Mama, may we watch Toulouse paint
before we start our music lesson?
Well, yes, my love, but... must be very quiet.
It's Edgar.
Yeah, old pickle-puss Edgar.
"Old pickle-puss"?
Now, now.
Berlioz, that is not kind.
You know Edgar is so fond
of all of us
and takes very good care of us.
Rock-a-bye, kitties
Bye-bye you go
And I'm in the dough
Oh, Edgar, you sly old fox.
Oh, dear.
Slip of the hand
and it's off to dreamland.
I say, that's not at all bad.
Slip of the hand... dreamland.
Let's leave Toulouse to his painting.
Now, dear, you go to the piano.
Run along.
Both of you, go ahead.
Yes, Mama.
Yes, Mama.
It's time to practise
your scales and your arpeggios.
I'm ready, maestro.
Mama, he did it again.
Now, Berlioz.
Now, please darling, settle down
and play me your pretty little song.
Yes, Mama.
Do mi so do
Do so mi do
Every truly cultured
Music student knows
You must learn your scales
and your arpeggios
And the music ringing from your chest
And not your nose
While you sing your scales
and your arpeggios
If you're faithful
to your daily practicing
You will find your progress
is encouraging
Do mi so mi
Do mi so mi
Fa la so it goes
When you do your scales
and your arpeggios
Do mi so do...
Do mi so do
Do so mi do
Do mi so do
Do so mi do
Though at first it seems
as though it doesn't show
Like a tree, ability
will bloom and grow
If you're smart
you'll learn by heart
What every artist knows
You must sing your scales
And your arpeggios
Oh, good evening, my little ones.
Your favourite dish,
prepared a very special way.
It's crme de la crme la Edgar.
Sleep well...
I mean, eat well, of course.
Good evening, Duchess.
- Hello, kittens.
- Hello, Roquefort.
- Hi, Roquefort.
- Good evening, Monsieur Roquefort.
Something smells awfully good.
What is that appetising smell?
It's crme de la crme la Edgar.
Won't you join us, Monsieur Roquefort?
Well, yes. I mean...
I don't mean to interrupt.
But it so happens
that I have a cracker with me.
- Come on, Roquefort, have some.
- Oh, thank you.
Don't mind if I do.
Just a few dunks.
Very good.
My compliments to the chef.
This is yummy.
Double delicious.
This calls for another cracker.
I'll be right back.
So that's...
...crme de la crme...
... la...
Lafayette. Hey, Lafayette.
- Well, I'm right here.
- Listen.
Wheels approaching.
Oh, Napoleon, we done
bent six tyres today.
Chased four motorcars,
a bicycle and a scooter.
Hush your mouth.
It's a motorcycle.
Two cylinder, chain drive,
one squeaky wheel on the front,
it sounds like.
You go for the tyres
and I'll go right for the seat
of the problem.
How come you always grab
the tender part for yourself?
'Cause I outrank you, that's why.
Now, stop beating your gums
and sound the attack.
No, that's mess call.
Yeah, made a mess of it, huh?
You can be replaced, you know.
OK, let's charge.
Wait a minute. I'm the leader.
I'm the one that says when we go.
Here we go.
Nice doggy, nice doggy.
Heel, roll over, play dead!
This sure beats running, Napoleon.
Step on the gas, Napoleon.
I got 'er wide open.
Oh, where am I?
I'm not at home at all.
Children, where are you?
Answer me.
Toulouse, Marie, where are you?
Here I am, Mama.
Marie, darling.
Well, are you all right?
I guess I had a nightmare
and fell out of bed.
Now, Marie, darling,
don't be frightened.
Mama! Mama!
That's Berlioz.
Over here, darling.
Berlioz, here we are.
And don't worry. Everything's
going to be all right.
I'm coming, Mama.
Gee, I'm cold and I'm wet.
It's only a little frog, my love.
He had a mouth like a hippopotamus.
Oh, what's so funny?
Not now, darling.
Darlings, you just stay here.
I go and I look for Toulouse.
Toulouse, where are you?
- Toulouse!
- Toulouse!
Hey! What's all the yelling about, huh?
Why didn't you answer?
Mama, he's been here all the time.
Oh, thank goodness.
Are you all right?
I was having a funny dream.
Edgar was in it.
And we were all riding
and bouncing along...
Uh-oh, it wasn't a dream.
Edgar did this to us.
Oh, darling, why, that's...
Why, that's ridiculous.
Yeah, maybe you fell
on your head, Toulouse.
Mama, I'm afraid.
I wanna go home.
My darling, don't be
frightened. You'll see...
Oh, dear. Let's get
into the basket, all of us.
What's gonna happen to us?
Well, darlings, I just don't know.
It does look hopeless, doesn't it?
I wish we were home
with Madame right now.
Oh, poor Madame.
She will be so worried
when she finds us gone.
Duchess? Kittens?
Oh, my gracious.
I had the most horrible dream
about them.
Thank goodness it was only a dream.
Oh, dear, what a terrible night.
Now, now, my darlings.
Don't be frightened.
The storm will soon pass.
Oh, no!
They're gone.
Duchess! Kittens!
Duchess! Where are you?
They're gone.
They're gone!
Duchess? Kittens? Gone?
Why, that's terrible.
But where? Why?
Good heavens.
Anything could happen to them
on a night like this.
Get washed down a storm drain,
struck by lightning...
Oh, they'll need help.
I've just got to find them.
Duchess? Kittens.
I like a chee-chee-chee-rony
like they make at home
Or a healthy fish
with a big backbone
I'm Abraham de Lacy
Giuseppe Casey
Thomas O'Malley
O'Malley the alley cat
I've got that wanderlust
Gotta walk the scene
Gotta kick up highway dust
Feel the grass that's green
Gotta strut them city streets
Showin' off my clat, yeah
Tellin' my friends of the social elite
Or some cute cat I happen to meet
That I'm
Abraham de Lacy
Giuseppe Casey
Thomas O'Malley
O'Malley the alley cat
Oh, my. Monsieur,
your name seems to cover all of Europe.
Of course. I'm the only cat of my kind.
I'm king of the highway
Prince of the boulevard
Duke of the avant-garde
The world is my backyard
So if you're goin' my way
That's the road you wanna seek
Calcutta to Rome
Or home sweet home in Paris
Magnifique, you all
Oh, boy, an alley cat.
I only got myself
And this big old world
But I sip that cup of life
With my fingers curled
I don't worry what road to take
I don't have to think of that
Whatever I take is the road I make
It's the road of life
Make no mistake
For me
Yeah, Abraham de Lacy
Giuseppe Casey
Thomas O'Malley
O'Malley the alley cat
That's right.
And I'm very proud of that.
Very good. You are a great talent.
Oh, thank you.
And what might your name be?
My name is Duchess.
Beautiful. Love it.
And those eyes.
Why, your eyes are like
sapphires sparkling so bright.
They make the morning radiant.
- And light.
- How romantic.
Sissy stuff.
Very poetic.
But it is not quite Shakespeare.
Of course not.
That's pure O'Malley, baby.
Right off the cuff.
I got a million of them.
Oh, no more, please.
I am really in a great deal of trouble.
Helping beautiful dames...
damsels in distress is my specialty.
Now, what's the hang-up,
your ladyship?
Well, it is most important
that I get back to Paris.
So if you would be just so kind
and show me the way...
Show you the way?
Perish the thought.
We shall fly to Paris
on a magic carpet,
side by side.
With the stars as our guide.
Just we two.
Oh, that would be wonderful.
Oh, yes, Monsieur O'Malley.
These are my children.
Oh, how sweet.
Do you really have a magic carpet?
- Are we really gonna ride on it?
- Now, now, Marie.
Mama, do I have sparkling sapphire eyes
- that dazzle too?
- Did I say that?
Yes, right off your cuff.
And you said we're gonna ride
on your magic carpet.
Well, now...
What I meant... You see, I...
No poetry to cover the situation,
Monsieur O'Malley?
What I had in mind was
a kind of a sports model, baby.
- You know, one of those...
- Perhaps a magic carpet?
Built for two?
I wouldn't take up much room.
I understand perfectly,
Monsieur O'Malley.
Well, come along, darlings.
I'm a tough alley cat too.
Hey there.
You're coming on. I bet you're
a real tiger in your neighbourhood.
Yeah. That's 'cause I practise
all the time.
Now, now, Toulouse.
Toulouse, come along, dear.
Yes, Mama.
See you around, tiger.
Now, that's quite a family.
Come to think of it, O'Malley,
you're not a cat. You're a rat.
Right? Right.
Hey, hey, hold up there.
Yes, Monsieur O'Malley?
Now look, kids,
if I said magic carpet,
magic carpet it's gonna be.
And it's gonna stop for passengers...
Oh boy, we're gonna fly after all.
Another flight into the fantasy,
Monsieur O'Malley?
No, no, no, baby.
You just hide over there,
and you leave the rest
to J. Thomas O'Malley.
- Quick, Mom, get in here.
- But, children...
Hurry up, Mama, hurry.
One magic carpet, coming up.
That's a magic carpet?
Sacre bleu!
Sapristi! Stupid cat. Brainless lunatic.
All right, step lively.
All aboard for Paris.
Why, Mr O'Malley, you could
have lost your life.
Oh, I've got a few to spare.
It's nothin'.
- How can we ever thank you?
- My pleasure entirely.
Aloha. Auf wiedersehen.
Bon soir. Sayonara.
And all those goodbye things, baby.
Sayonara, mister...
Marie! Marie!
Oh, Marie, are you all right?
- Yes, Mama.
- Haven't we met before?
And I'm so very glad we did.
Thank you, Mr O'Malley,
for saving my life.
No trouble at all, little princess.
And when we get to Paris,
I'll show you the time of your life.
Oh, I'm so sorry, but...
...we just couldn't.
You see, my mistress
will be so worried about us.
Well, humans don't really worry
too much about their pets.
Oh, no. You just don't understand.
She loves us very much.
Poor Madame,
in that big mansion,
all alone.
In all our days, in tender ways,
her love for us was shown.
And so, you see,
we can't leave her alone.
She'd always say that
we're the greatest treasure
she could own.
Because with us she never felt alone.
Oh, Roquefort, I've been
so worried about you.
Did you have any luck at all?
Not a sign of them, Frou-Frou.
And I've searched all night.
I know. And poor Madame
didn't sleep a wink, either.
Oh, it's a sad day for all of us.
Morning, Frou-Frou, my pretty steed.
Can you keep a secret, hm?
Of course you can.
I have some news straight
from the horse's mouth,
if you'll pardon the expression,
of course.
Look, Frou-Frou.
I've made the headlines.
"Mysterious Catnapper
Abducts Family of Cats."
Aren't you proud of me?
So he's the catnapper.
The police say it was
a professional, masterful job.
The work of a genius.
Not bad, eh, Frou-Frou, old girl?
Oh, they won't find a clue
to implicate me.
Not one single clue.
Why, I'll eat my hat if they...
My hat!
My umbrella!
Oh, oh, gracious.
I've got to get those things
back tonight.
But... oh, you...
Why, that...
...sneaky, crooked, no-good butler!
Anyone for breakfast?
What breakfast?
- Where is it?
- Right under that magic carpet.
But now we have to cook up
a little spell.
You know. Ready?
All right.
First, to make the magic begin,
you wiggle your nose.
And tickle your chin.
Now you close your eyes.
And cross your heart.
Then presto, breakfast la carte.
- We did it.
- Look, Mama, look!
Why, Mr O'Malley, you are amazing.
Sacre bleu!
Thieves. Robbers.
Mangy tramps.
Take that and that.
Oh, what a horrible, horrible human.
Well, some humans are like that,
I've learned to live with it.
I'll show him.
Hey, cool it, you little tiger.
- That guy's dynamite.
- But he called us tramps.
Oh, I'll be so glad
when we get back home.
That's a long way off,
so we better get moving.
Gee whiz.
Look at that bridge.
Come on, let's play train.
Now, be careful, children.
Marie's the caboose. All aboard.
- Oh, no.
- Don't panic.
Down underneath here.
- Mama!
- Marie!
Oh, Marie!
Keep your head up,
Marie. Here I come.
Thomas! Thomas, up here.
Gee, Marie, why did you
have to fall off the bridge?
Thomas. Oh, Thomas! Take care.
I'm all right, honey, don't worry.
I'll see you downstream.
What beautiful countryside, Abigail.
So much like our own dear England.
Indeed, yes.
Amelia, if I walk much farther
I'll get flat feet.
Abigail, we were born with flat feet.
I say. Look over there.
Oh, how unusual.
Fancy that. A cat learning how to swim.
He's going about it all the wrong way.
Quite. We must correct him.
Sir. Sir?
You are most fortunate
we happened along.
Yes. We're here to help you.
No, no. Back off, girls. I'm doing fine.
First, you must gain self-confidence
by striking out on your own.
Go away. I'm trying to get to shore.
You will never learn to swim properly
with that willow branch in your mouth.
Indeed, not. Snip, snip.
Here we go.
Don't do that.
You're doing splendidly.
And don't worry about form.
It will come later.
Oh, he takes to water
like a fish, doesn't he?
A very enthusiastic pupil.
No, no. This is no time
for fun and games.
Gracious, Amelia.
- You don't suppose...
- Oh, yes. Yes, I do.
Bottoms up.
Look, Ma, there he is.
You really did quite well
for a beginner.
Oh, Thomas. Thank goodness you're safe.
- Keep practicing.
- And toodly-pip.
Can I help you, Mr O'Malley, huh?
Help? I've had
all the help I can take.
Oh, mademoiselles, thank you so
much for helping Mr O'Malley.
Of course, my dear.
But first, introductions.
Yes, we British like to keep
things proper.
Now, I am Amelia Gabble
and this is my sister...
- Miss Abigail Gabble.
- We're twin sisters.
You might say we're related.
How nice. I never would have guessed.
Look, they've got rubber feet.
- We're on holiday.
- For a walking tour of France.
- Swimming some of the way.
- On water, of course.
Thomas, this is Amelia
and Abigail Gabble.
Yeah, honey, get those two
web-footed lifeguards out of here.
Now, now, Thomas.
OK, OK, baby.
Hiya, chicks.
How awful.
We're not chickens. We're geese.
I thought you were swans.
Oh! Oh, flatterer.
Your husband is very charming
and very handsome.
You see, I'm not exactly
her husband.
Exactly? You either are or you're not.
All right. I'm not.
- It's scandalous.
- He's nothing but a cad.
Absolutely. Possibly a reprobate.
A rou. His eyes are too close together.
- Shifty too.
- Look at his crooked smile.
His chin is very weak too.
Obviously, a philanderer who trifles
with unsuspecting women's hearts.
How romantic.
Please, please, let me explain.
Thomas is a dear friend of ours.
- He's just helping us to get to...
- Come on, Duchess.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Well, girls, see you around.
- We're on our way to Paris.
- Oh, how nice.
- We're going to Paris ourselves.
- Why don't you join us?
I think that's a splendid idea.
Oh, no.
Now, you stand here, dear.
And let's see.
You take this position.
- Duchess, you'll do nicely here.
- Very good.
And, you dear, you take this place.
Now, that leaves Mr O'Malley.
We can't leave him, can we?
Mr O'Malley, I think you
should be the rear end.
Ready, everyone?
Now, think goose.
Forward march.
Mama? Do we have to waddle
like they do?
Yes, dear. Think goose.
When we get to Paris,
you must meet Uncle Waldo.
Yes, he's our uncle.
We are to meet Uncle Waldo
at Le Petit Cafe.
Le Petit Cafe?
Oh, that's that famous restaurant.
C'est magnifique.
Sacre bleu! Oh, he bit my finger!
Get out. Go! No, get out. Scram!
Good riddance.
Why. Why, it's Uncle Waldo.
Uncle Waldo.
Abigail! Amelia!
My two favourite nooses.
Uncle Waldo,
I do believe you've been drinking.
Oh, dear. What happened
to your lovely tail feathers?
Girls, it's outrageous.
You won't believe what they tried to do
to your poor old Uncle Waldo.
Look. Look at this.
"Prime country goose la Provenale
stuffed with chestnuts?
And basted in white wine."
Basted? He's been marinated in it.
Being British, I would have
preferred sherry.
Sherry! Sherry.
Oh, Uncle Waldo. You're just too much.
You mean he's had too much.
- Abigail, Abigail.
- Yes, dear?
We'd best get Uncle Waldo to bed.
I say, there...
...what's all the whispering about, huh?
Now, now, now, girls.
Girls, don't shush your old Uncle Waldo.
Why, you'll wake up
the whole neighbourhood.
- No!
- Neighbourhood!
Come along, Uncle Waldo.
Oh, jeez, I think we'd better be going.
Right-o, girls.
Birds of a feather must...
That's "stick together".
Oh, stick.
You know something?
I like Uncle Waldo.
Especially when he's marinated.
Frou-Frou, here comes Edgar.
Hurry, Roquefort,
hop aboard the motorcycle.
And for goodness sakes, do be careful.
Frou-Frou, tonight
Operation Catnapper will be completed.
Wish me luck.
Fisherman's luck.
Bye, Frou-Frou.
Lafayette. Lafayette.
Oh, shucks, Napoleon, that ain't
nothin' but a little old cricket bug.
It's squeaky shoes approaching.
Oh, cricket bugs don't wear shoes.
Hush your mouth.
Let's see.
They're Oxford shoes.
Size nine and a half.
Hole in the left sole, it sounds like.
- What colour are they?
- They're black...
Now, how would I know that?
Hey. Now the squeaking has stopped.
I still say it was
a little old cricket bug.
I'm the leader. I'll decide what it was.
It was a little old cricket bug.
I'll see ya in the morning, Napoleon.
That's my hat. I'm the leader.
Well, shoot fire. Don't get sore at me.
I ain't done nothin'.
That feels good, Lafayette.
That's all right.
A little lower and faster there.
I'm scratching as fast as I can.
Right there. That's good.
It's so warm and cosy.
What's going on? Lafayette, what
in tarnation you trying to do?
I get blamed for everything.
Wait a minute.
Where's my hat?
What? And somebody stole
my "bumbershoot".
Where's my beddy-bye basket?
Whoever it is, is gonna get it
and get it good.
This time I get the tender part.
Hush your mouth. Now, come on.
Hey, Napoleon, it's them shoes again.
Yeah, yeah, I hear 'em.
Napoleon, I'm goose-pimply scared.
Now, this is no time to turn chicken.
I got a feelin' this case
is gonna bust wide open.
Did you see him?
No, no, he sneaked up behind me
and tailgated me.
Well, he didn't hurt me.
He hit me on the head.
Sounds like a one-wheel old...
A one-wheel what?
You're not gonna believe this.
But it's a one-wheeled haystack.
Hey, there it goes. Come on.
After it!
I got him!
That's me.
Get him, get him.
Well, c'est la guerre, Napoleon.
I guess you can't win 'em all.
But, Thomas, Madame
will be so worried.
Are you sure we
can't get home tonight?
Mama, I'm tired.
Me too, and my feet hurt.
Look, baby,
it's late and the kids are bushed.
I'll bet we walked a hundred miles.
I'll bet it's more than a thousand.
Now, now, darlings, cheer up.
Mr O'Malley knows a place
where we can stay tonight.
How much farther is it, Mr O'Malley?
Keep your whiskers up, tiger.
It's just beyond that next chimney pot.
Well, there it is.
My own penthouse pad.
It's not exactly the Ritz,
but it's peaceful and quiet.
Oh, no.
Sounds like Scat Cat
and his gang have dropped by.
- Oh, friends of yours?
- Yeah, they're old buddies.
They're real swingers.
"Schwingers"? What is a "schwinger"?
You know, not exactly
your type, Duchess.
Maybe we'd better find
another place, huh?
Oh, no, no, no.
I would like to see your pad
and meet your Scat Cat.
Well, OK.
Hey, Scat Cat, blow some
of that sweet stuff my way.
Well, lookie here.
Big man O'Malley's back
in his alley.
Swing on down here, daddy.
Lay some skin on me, Scat Cat.
Buona sera, paesano.
Welcome home, O'Malley.
Duchess, this is
the greatest cat of them all.
Oh, I'm delighted to meet you,
Monsieur Scat Cat.
Likewise, Duchess.
You're too much.
You are charming.
And your music is so...
So different,
so exciting.
It isn't Beethoven, Mama,
but it sure bounces.
Say, this kitten-cat
knows where it's at.
Knows where what's at?
Why, little lady,
let me elucidate here.
Everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat's the only cat
Who knows where it's at
Tell me, everybody's pickin'
up on that feline beat
'Cause everything else is obsolete
Strictly high-button shoes
A square with a horn makes
you wish you weren't born
Every time he plays
But with a square in the act
You can set music back
To the caveman days
I've heard some corny birds
who tried to sing
A cat's the only cat
who knows how to swing
Who wants to dig a long-haired gig
and stuff like that
When everybody wants to be a cat
A square with a horn makes
you wish you weren't born
- Every time he plays
- Oh, a rinky tinky tinky
With a square in the act
you can set music back
To the caveman days
Oh, a rinky tinky tinky
Yes, everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at
When playin'jazz
he always has a welcome mat
'Cause everybody digs a swingin' cat
Oh, boy, fellas, let's rock the joint.
Groove it, cat.
Shanghai, Hong Kong, egg foo yung
Fortune cookie always wrong
That's a hot one.
How about you and me, Duchess?
Yes, let's swing it, Thomas.
Groovy, Mama, groovy.
Blow it, small fry.
Blow it.
Boy, he blew it.
But he was close.
If you want to turn me on
Play your horn
Don't spare the tone
And blow a little soul into the tune
Let's take it to another key
Modulate and wait for me
I'll take a few ad-libs
and pretty soon
The other cats will all commence
Congregatin' on the fence
Beneath the alley's only light
Where every note is
Out of sight
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
I'm tellin'you, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Yeah, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
- Hallelujah
- Everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat...
Everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat's the only cat
Who knows where it's at
Oh, yeah
Happy dreams, my loves.
I'll bet they're on
that magic carpet right now.
They could hardly keep their eyes open.
Such an exciting day.
It sure was and what a finale.
Thomas, your friends
are really delightful.
I just love them.
Well, they're kinda rough,
you know, around the edges,
but if you're ever in a jam,
wham, they're right there.
And wham, when we needed you,
you were right there.
That was just a lucky break
for me, baby.
Oh, and thank you so much
for offering us your home.
Oh, I mean, your pad.
It's very nice.
Well, now, wait a minute.
This is the low-rent district, remember?
No, no, no, I like it.
Well, all it needs
is a little tidying up
and maybe a little feminine touch.
Well, if you're applying
for the job, well...
Goody. Mother's going to work
for Mr O'Malley.
Boy. Your eyes are like sapphires.
That's pretty corny though, huh?
Oh, no. Not at all.
Any woman would like it.
Oh, I mean...
...even little Marie.
All those little kittens, Duchess.
I love 'em.
And they are very fond of you.
You know, they need... A sort...
Well, a sort of a...
Well, a father around.
Oh, Thomas, Thomas,
that would be wonderful.
Darling, if only I could.
But why can't you?
Because of Madame.
I could never leave her.
But... But Madame's...
Well, she's just another human.
You're just her house pets.
Oh, no, no.
We mean far more to her than that.
Oh, I'm sorry, my dear.
We just have to go home tomorrow.
Well, I guess you know best.
But I'm gonna miss you, baby.
And those kids...
Gee, I'm gonna miss them too.
Well, we almost had a father.
Let's go back to bed.
Good night, Duchess.
Good night, Thomas.
What a classy neighbourhood.
Dig these fancy wigwams.
Are you sure we're on the right street?
Yes. Yes, let's hurry.
We're almost home.
Duchess. Kittens.
Hallelujah, they're back.
Oh, no. Edgar!
I've got to do something, quick.
Edgar, old chap, get used
to the finer things in life.
Someday they're all going to be yours,
you sly old fox.
Oh, he got me.
Hurray, we're home.
Wait for me, wait for me!
Me first, me first!
- It's locked.
- Come on.
Let's all start meowing.
- It can't be them.
- The kittens.
Don't come in!
Go away!
- Away!
- Look, there's Roquefort.
Hi, Roquefort!
He's glad to see us.
I don't know what to say.
I only wish that I...
Maybe just a short, sweet
goodbye would be easiest.
I'll never forget you, Thomas O'Malley.
So long, baby.
Don't come in. Look out for Edgar!
Duchess, wherever have you been?
Look out for the...
Well... I guess they
won't need me anymore.
You came back?
It just isn't fair.
Edgar? Edgar, come quickly.
Coming, Madame, coming.
I'll take care of you later.
Oh, Edgar, they're back.
I heard them. Hurry, hurry, let them in.
Duchess? Kittens?
Come here, my darlings.
Where are you?
- Come on.
- Allow me, Madame.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
His name is O... what?
His name is O'Malley. O'Malley.
Abraham de Lacy Giuseppe Casey...
Marie, never mind. Go get him.
Yes, yes, I'm on my way.
I told you it was Edgar.
Shut up, Toulouse.
Oh, it's no use, Edgar.
I'm afraid it was just
the imagination of an old lady.
But I was so sure that I heard them.
I'm so sorry, Madame.
Mr O'Malley!
Hey, stop!
Duchess. Kittens. In trouble.
Butler did it.
Duchess and kittens in trouble?
Look, you go get Scat Cat
and his gang of alley cats.
Alley cats?
But I'm a mouse.
Look, I'm gonna need help.
- You mean, you want me?
- Move!
Just tell 'em O'Malley sent you
and you won't have a bit of trouble.
No trouble, he said.
Well, that's easy for...
for what's-his-name to say.
He's got nine lives. I've only got one.
What's a little swinger like you
doing on our side of town?
Oh, please, I was sent here
for help by a cat.
This is outrageous. It's crazy.
But honest. He told me
just to mention his name.
So start mentioning name, rodent.
Oh, no, wait a minute, fellas.
Don't rush me.
His name is O'Toole.
I don't dig him. Strike one.
Oh, oh... O'Brien.
Strike two.
Oh, boy.
You believe me... don't you?
Keep talkin', mousey.
How about O...
Mousey, you just struck out.
Any last words?
Why did I listen to that O'Malley cat?
- O'Malley?
- O'Malley!
- O'Malley?
- Hold it, cats.
This little guy's on the level.
You're darn tootin' I'm on the level.
We didn't mean to ruffle you, squeaky.
Don't worry about me.
O'Malley needs help.
Duchess and kittens are in trouble.
Come on, cats, we gotta split.
Hey, wait for me.
You don't know the way.
Now, my little pesky pets,
you're going to travel first class.
In your own private compartment.
All the way to Timbuktu.
And this time... you'll never come back.
Oh, no, we've got to hurry.
The baggage truck will be here
any moment now.
Over there. They're in the trunk.
Everybody out of here, fast.
You are going to Timbuktu,
if it's the last thing I do.
Well, Mac, this must be the trunk, eh?
Yup. And she goes
all the way to Timbuktu.
Now, my pets, a little closer together.
Good. Good.
Look, Georges. What do you think?
Very good, very good.
But I think we should
get on with the will.
Yes, yes, of course,
but you know what to do.
Very well. Scratch one butler.
You know, Georges, if Edgar
had only known about the will,
I'm sure he never would have left.
Duchess, it's wonderful
to have you all back.
And I think this young man
is very handsome.
Shall we keep him in the family?
Of course we will.
We need a man around the house.
And Georges, we must be sure to provide
for their future little ones.
Of course. The more the merrier.
Now, don't move.
Say "cheese".
Did somebody say "cheese"?
Thank you.
Now, run along downstairs.
There's a surprise for you.
Adelaide, what's that music?
Sounds like a gang of swinging hepcats.
That's exactly what they are, Georges.
They're the start of my new foundation.
What foundation?
My home for all the alley cats of Paris.
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody wants to be a cat
Everybody, everybody
Everybody wants to be
A cat
Hey, Napoleon, that sounds like the end.
Wait a minute. I'm the leader.
I'll say when it's the end.
It's the end.
Oh, yeah