Around Robin (2021) Movie Script
She's the one
Who makes things fun
She's the one
Who gets things done
She comes out
and it's like the sun
That's Robin
That's Robin
I wanna b e
You wanna be
We all wanna be
Around Robin
I Wanna Be
You Wanna Be
We all wanna be
Around Robin
[all] We all wanna be
around... Robin!
[cheerful viola music]
[viola music continues]
[narrator] Obsessive love
gets a bad rap these days.
But I say
"Look on the bright side."
For one thing, obsessive love
isn't listed yet in the DSM.
That's the diagnostic
and statistical manual
of mental disorders.
Which means
if you're love obsessed,
you're not crazy.
At least
until they change the manual.
The most common form
of obsessive love
is celebrity obsession,
which affects nearly one third
of the adult population
of the world.
From a personal perspective,
I have to say
there's comfort in numbers.
Who was I obsessed with?
Who was everyone obsessed with?
Cat Cruz, of course.
Also known as Robin,
the star of the Around Robin
television show,
once the most popular show
on the planet.
Oh... the gentleman
climbing the stairs?
That's not me. That's Harry.
And you think I'm obsessed.
[Harry] Using
pasture raised eggs,
because I know
how virtuous they make you feel.
But... remember,
some by virtue fall,
while some by sin rise, so...
You'll be careful
and I'll be hopeful.
Now... I'm gonna butter
your gluten-free toast
with the fake butter you like.
Even though you like
things that aren't fake.
Which begs the question:
why you dated that stalker
in the first place?
Do you know...
he colored his eyebrows?
He did.
Sam colored his eyebrows
You know who told me that?
Same woman who colors mine.
So, no wonder
he's still stalking you.
That man cannot be trusted.
Buenos das, seorita.
[Harry] Knock-knocketee
You look
absolutely positively...
[Harry taps and mimics beeps]
Or as I say
in English... hot.
What? Cat got your tongue?
- [Cat taps]
- [Harry] T...
[continues tapping]
[Harry] H...
And... spells "than".
[Cat continues tapping]
[Harry] K...
And... S.
Oh, you're welcome.
- [Cat sighs]
- Oh, she's alive.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Cat Cruz is alive.
[yawns] She most certainly is.
At least from the waist up
in another moment or two,
if I can move these two corpses.
[Harry imitates a trumpet]
Oh, for cupcake.
Yes, for your half birthday.
- [Cat sighs] So it is.
- [Harry chuckles]
We should go to Santa Barbara
for half a weekend.
One day, one night.
This psychological thriller
is gonna take me six weeks
including weekends,
so, I don't think.
How does it end?
Tell me, tell me, tell me!
There is a life and death trade
on between a hero and a villain
and then an unexpected twist
you didn't see coming,
and if I can pull off
another twist,
we might have something.
[Cat appreciates]
Thank you.
[Cat] Bastard...
- It wasn't me.
- You should be supporting me
in my new lifestyle.
Good friends do that.
Well, the actual problem
with our relationship is that...
you treat me like a friend
and not a boyfriend.
- You know I love you, Harry.
- And I love you.
But you are a friend
and not a boyfriend.
I burn, I pine, I perish.
No, you learn, you dine,
you cherish.
You just won up Shakespeare.
Shakespeare, smakesmeare,
what's he written lately?
You know,
I have so much in common.
Shakespeare never sold
a real estate.
That is true.
I do have doubt on him at least.
And... he never had me
as a friend either.
No, no. He missed out...
my number.
[beeps for number 1]
Actually, I don't...
I don't want to be
your number one, Harry.
Look, when we worked
on that script together...
- How many years ago?
- Five years, three months.
We became best friends
and whoever is your number one
got demoted to number two.
It means two, three
and four also got demoted.
And poor number five...
where the person is no longer
even in the top five.
So, instead of whining
all the time,
if I'm gonna lose the top spot,
I'd rather be somewhere
in your top five
and that way I can relax.
You know
there's never been a top five.
- [doorbell rings]
- Not even a top.
He's early.
I'm nervous.
Don't be nervous,
he's a great guy.
The greatest, real sweetheart.
[Cat moans]
- [Cat] Wa...
- [Harry] Whoa, not yet.
[Cat sighs] Thank you.
What should I tell him?
Uhm... tell him I'll be there
as soon
as my better half wakes up.
[knocking on the door]
- [soft viola music]
- Coming!
[Harry] Dr. Merrick!
Wasn't sure if I was
in the right place.
[Harry] I suffer
from that feeling too.
I can refer you to someone
and you could sell my house.
Ah... so you can split
the commission.
I'm on to you, Doctor.
Cat will be out in a minute.
- Okay.
- So...
Coffee, tea, water,
little... bottles of ice tea?
One of those little bottles
sounds great.
[Doctor] Place has
a cool vibe, Harry.
[Harry] Thank you.
I get that a lot.
And I appreciate it,
I really do.
But... in the interest
of full disclosure,
I should tell you
I actually live across the yard.
- Oh, so this is...
- Cat's place.
But it's like
an extension of mine,
so I accept any compliment.
How is she doing?
Physically the same as before,
but she's in good spirits.
She's writing
this big Hollywood movie
I'm not allowed to talk about...
So, what's
the first thing he does?
He talks about it.
[Harry] Only because
I cannot be trusted.
On any level.
I'm Dr. Merrick.
And I recognize you.
You are Robin, on...
- Around Robin.
- Yeah.
That was a lifetime ago,
ten years.
With all the daily reruns,
you are now immortalized.
- Down for all eternity.
- You never wanted to act again?
Have you watched
television lately?
Gone to the movies?
They're writing
a scatological one. Not moronic.
I became
a screen writing protest.
[Harry] Cat is one
of the best paid screenwriters
- in Hollywood...
- Whose movies are never made,
because female characters
are considered too intelligent.
Harry's been singing
your praises...
[Doctor] Was that before
or after I hired him
as my real estate agent?
[Harry] Oh, after.
The man's honest at least.
I would go and, if you're due
for a proper consultation...
[Doctor] Proper consultation
will take place in my office.
- This is just a conversation.
- [Cat] Yes, stay, please.
I can't refuse this woman,
especially when she begs.
Just change my mind.
- You can go.
- No, too late. I'm staying.
[Harry] Something to drink, Cat?
[Cat] Mineral water
would be lovely
some gluten-free cookies.
And who was
your slave last year?
[Cat] You. And you were so good
I decided to keep you on.
- [oinks]
- [Cat giggles]
- [Cat] Take a seat.
- [Doctor] Thanks.
[narrator] I was thrilled to be
in Cat's apartment,
but I kept it to myself.
[Cat] That's the vortex chair.
It will suck you in for days.
Your wife will call
asking where you are.
That would be amazing,
I've never been married.
Just to play it safe.
[narrator] I put on
my best professional face.
So, tell me
about your condition, Cat.
[Harry] Ask about her stalker.
[Doctor] Is your name Cat?
- Could be, if you're nice to me.
- [Cat] Harry, please.
You have a stalker, Cat?
- [Cat] Yes... his name is Sam.
- [Harry] Her ex-boyfriend.
When did this Sam
start stalking you?
Uhm, about a month ago.
And how soon after the stalking
did your symptoms appear?
[Harry] After the first letter.
Which was
three days after we broke up.
[Harry] I've been sleeping here
for moral support.
- On the couch.
- [Harry] She kicks in her sleep.
You sleep on the couch,
because that's the only place
you're allowed to sleep.
"This is true"
he said with a grimace.
Tell me about
your breakup with Sam.
[Cat] It's...
it's a bit strange,
because I didn't realize
we'd even broken up.
- We were about to go on a trip.
- [Harry] African safari.
And three nights
before we're supposed to go,
we have this insane argument...
[Harry] Over how much money
she was making.
Sam was upset that I was making
more money than he was.
Sam's also a screenwriter...
[Harry] Nowhere near
as good as Cat.
Harry, you're sweet,
but irrelevant.
Funny to know how many women
have told me that.
[Cat] Anyway,
I thought we had solved it,
before he left my place, but...
[Harry] Sam was jealous of me.
Because of your screen writing?
Ah, you flatter me, good sir,
but I abandoned that profession
before it could abandon me.
- You can't fire me. I quit.
- [Doctor chuckles]
[Cat] He was jealous of anything
that occupied my attention.
He said I cared more about
the mint on my wall garden
than I cared about him.
- Which was true.
- No, it wasn't.
Okay, so it was.
[Harry] Then, Sam asked me
in not such a nice way
to leave that night.
An then, Cat said...
[Cat] I said "Under no condition
should Harry leave."
[Harry] And Sam left
and slammed the door.
Then he doesn't reply
to any of my texts.
And three days later,
on the very day
we were supposed
to leave on our safari...
I receive a letter.
[Doctor] What did it say?
"You hurt me so much.
I'm going to hurt you."
[Harry] Sam's writing was
always a bit on the nose.
[Cat] Yeah, I can laugh
about it now, but when...
I first read the letter,
my legs gave out
and I collapsed
on the floor in a heap.
[breaths heavily] I...
Well, it took me a minute or so
before I got the feeling back.
And then,
the rest of the day I'm fine.
And next morning, I wake up
and I can't get out of bed.
I can't move a muscle,
I can't do anything.
Can't even call Harry.
- [Cat] I can't even call Harry.
- [Doctor] Right.
[Cat] But after a minute or two,
I get the feeling back
in my fingers on my right hand.
Then my left hand,
then my upper body.
But my legs take longer,
they just... always take longer.
"They always take longer" means
- this paralysis happens...
- Every morning.
But it goes away after...
a moment or so.
You still getting letters?
Yeah... two or three,
sometimes just one a week.
Yeah, I read them to Harry.
We laugh
at the overblown writing.
And you haven't collapsed
since the first letter?
No, the rest haven't been
that shocking.
[Doctor hums]
I can...
Show you his latest one.
- [Doctor] Yes, please.
- [Harry claps]
[Cat] So...
- Here you go.
- "Cat Cruz..."
"You are
a heartless heartbreaking hag."
You have to admire
the alliteration.
[Cat] I almost wrote back
"Heartless heartbreaking hag
hates hidiots."
Idiots with an H.
Oh, good lord.
I see there's no signature,
no return address.
How do you know it's Sam?
Of course it's from Sam.
Who else?
[Doctor] Could be anybody.
Could be anybody at all.
- Could be Harry.
- Could be Dr. Merrick.
We don't even know
if he's a real doctor.
You didn't bring
your medical license today.
Did you, Dr. Merrick?
Or should I call you
Mr. Merrick?
[Doctor] Real estate's gain
is screenwriting's loss, Harry.
I like this man.
[Doctor] Did you contact
the police?
- [sad viola music]
- I did and...
[narrator] I had trouble
focusing on what she said.
Something about the way
she played with her hair,
the way she touched the pillow.
[Doctor] Did you see a doctor
about your state?
Doctors are useless,
Dr. Merrick.
- I'm sure you'd agree.
- You're funny, but perverse.
Is there anything
better than that?
It gets better with almonds.
[Harry] I know how
to get out of that chair,
but I keep rolling out of it
like a dumb beetle.
Brings out
the insect in you, dear.
Oh... but yes, I did.
I did go see a doctor
and he put me through...
a battery of tests and said
there was nothing wrong with me
and that this thing
would go away on its own.
But it hasn't
and it's been a month now...
[Harry] I rest my case.
[Cat] Is there anything
I can do? I'm willing to try...
[narrator] I told her
she had sleep paralysis.
As well as catalepsy.
Which meant whenever she was
frightened or just awoken
her body would seize up
and she would be
as helpless as a baby.
To be honest, I didn't know
if I could help her or not,
but just like every other person
who met her
I had fallen irretrievably
under her spell.
So, I did what
any love-struck man would do.
I made her trust me.
And then I made up
an excuse to see her again.
I'm gonna bring you
a special pillow.
It'll help you
sleep on your side
You have an extra one of those?
You suffer from sleep paralysis?
[Harry] No, I want
to hug something
that doesn't talk to me
all night.
[narrator] I could feel
an electric charge between us.
[Doctor] I'll be in your area
this evening. Will you be here?
I might still be in a meeting,
but you can leave the pillow
outside the door, if you like.
- Who's the pinball champ?
- [Harry] Sam the stalker.
[Cat] He used to sneak in here
when I wasn't around to play.
[Doctor] Oh my God.
Hey, drums!
Yeah, there for decoration.
Decoration! That's blasphemy.
Come here.
I'll show you something.
Hit the middle of the drum
for the downbeat.
Then two on the side. [beats]
- Using both hands...
- [viola music]
My obsession
had just gotten worse
or, depending
on your perspective,
much better.
Waves relax you.
So, it's just
the beat of the drum. [beats]
Beat of the drum.
[continues beating]
Feel the beat, feel the beat.
- I'm doing this wrong.
- Beat of the drum.
Feel the beat. [beats]
- Feel the beat.
- [both beating]
- Feel the beat.
- I feel the beat.
- Beat of the drum.
- Okay.
- [Cat] I got this.
- Beat of the drum. Yeah.
- Feel the beat.
- [Cat laughs]
- [Doctor] Beat of the drum.
- [Harry playing objects]
- [Cat laughs]
- [Doctor] Feel the beat.
[Harry] Yeah, baby.
Did I get it?
You're too much.
Drum every day if you can.
If you want, Harry,
you can try too.
But it'll leave you calm,
composed and collected.
Thank you.
I feel calmer already.
- Thanks.
- [forcing the door]
[Cat laughs] Sorry.
It gets stuck in the heat.
[Doctor] You don't want me
to leave. I'll be back.
- [Cat] See you soon.
- [Doctor] Thank you.
Your friend is so wonderful.
I knew you could be
interested in him.
I've just met him,
for Pete's sake!
[Harry sighs] I just think
you should give men a rest, Cat.
- I do believe you're being...
- [Harry] Protective.
The word you're looking for
is protective.
You can add over
to the beginning of that.
I don't mind.
[Cat showering]
[Harry] Look... I need
to tell you something about...
[Cat] Let me guess,
he's not a real doctor.
He is a real doctor.
[Cat] He has a wife
and child in Canada.
Uhm, you got
the Canada part right.
[Cat] Okay, so
what's this doc's secret?
He knows so much
about stalkers because...
[Cat] An ex girlfriend
stalked him.
[Harry] Because he was stalking
an ex-girlfriend.
[Cat] What?
[Harry] Yes, she just served him
with a restraining order.
- You're joking, right?
- [Harry] No.
I guess he's a secret psycho.
- Don't tell him I told you.
- What I wouldn't give
for a basic boring man.
[Harry] I'm a man.
One out of three ain't bad.
[creaking door]
[Cat] You have a house showing
in Beverly Hills in 20 minutes
and I have to be
out of here in two.
You can't abandon me.
I abandon you.
I have a house showing
in Beverly Hills in 20 minutes.
[dramatic music]
[Tim] I live in apartment 659.
This was not
a random act of violence
as some have suggested.
It showed planning
and forethought.
It showed intelligence.
It showed design.
The whole thing was brilliant...
in a demanded way.
I live in apartment 662.
There's a lot of speculation
about the killer.
I think it's the homeless man.
I put my money
on the homeless man.
Apartment 658.
Blame Harry.
Nothing would've happened
if it hadn't been for Harry.
[Harry] Six six three.
I'm actually writing
a book about the murder.
You know, people have asked me
if I feel complicit in some way.
You know, the answer is...
Of course.
I... introduced them.
Apartment 664.
I didn't follow
the murder investigation,
because I was traveling.
And I didn't get to hear
about the homeless man.
We're in apartment 669.
We used to them all the time.
Yeah, he was
definitely crazy about her.
She was crazy about him too.
I live in apartment 661.
I talked to him in the driveway,
you're just in passing.
Well, I asked him once
what he thought about
Around Robin.
And he said he never seen it.
He never seen it.
Apartment 670.
I adore them both,
especially Cat.
One time I saw her
staring out her bedroom window
and she looks so happy.
She looked like, you know...
We live in 655.
It's the apartment
right below Cat's.
We used to hear them a lot,
- laughing together in bed.
- Yeah.
He was her one true love.
That's what she called him,
"her one true love."
Yeah, well, he gave her
the giant slinky.
[rhytmic viola playing]
[slinky sound]
As great as my obsession was
for Cat Cruz,
there was another person
who had a greater obsession.
Hi! [laughs]
Oh my God, Jewel, you scared me!
I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.
Just want to say "hi".
I'm seeing you in a month, girl.
Yeah, I know.
I'm not good at texting.
Oh, no worries.
I know I over text.
There should be
a 12-step program.
Hi, my name is Jewel,
I'm an over texter.
[both laugh]
I've actually got to run now,
why didn't you drop by later?
- I would love it. When is later?
- This afternoon.
- You mean that?
- Yeah, I do.
- Alright sister, see you later!
- Bye.
[phone rings]
- Hi, Becca.
- [Becca] How are you doing?
Good. Thank you.
Well, let me guess.
Meeting canceled.
How did you know?
Usually, I'm out of the driveway
before I get the call.
[Becca] Jim apologizes.
But he's got an easy outline to
the script to get started.
Okay, sounds great.
Thank you very much.
[Becca] Thanks Cat.
Thanks. Bye.
[calm viola music]
[ominous music]
[pinball machine rattling]
[fast paced ominous music]
[rattling continues]
[music fades away]
[door closes]
[breaths heavily]
Move, damn it.
- Harry.
- I can't hear you. Speak up.
- Harr...
- Kidding! It's my voicemail.
Leave a message.
Harry, call me back.
Sam broke into my apartment.
He was just in here.
Call me back when you can.
Oh my...
My poor mint!
[breaths heavily]
[dial tone]
[Lieutenant] This is
the voicemail of Lt. Jamieson.
Please leave a message.
Hi, Lieutenant. It's Cat Cruz.
Could you call me back, please?
It's... it's important. Thanks.
[car engine starts]
- Fuck.
- [phone rings]
Lieutenant, thank you so much
for calling me back.
Sure. How can I help, Miss Cruz?
Sam was in my apartment.
He broke in?
No, I am...
I left my key in the...
I left my key in the lock,
but that's still counts
as breaking entry, doesn't it?
- Did you invite him in?
- No. I...
I was in my bedroom.
He didn't even know I was home.
And then...
Then I heard his footsteps
and I heard him playing
on the pinball machine.
Pinball machine.
- Did you see him?
- No.
How do you know it was Sam?
[gulps] Of course it was Sam.
Who else would be playing
on the pinball machine?
Did he leave a note or a letter?
No, no. But he uprooted
some plants outside my door.
[sighs] You didn't see him
and he didn't leave a note.
That's not enough
for a restraining order.
Not enough?
I'm afraid not.
When is it going to be enough?
When he murders me?
I want a restraining order.
I know you do.
When we have solid evidence
against him, we make the move.
- [breaths in]
- Okay?
And... until then, Lieutenant?
Don't leave
your keys in the door.
Thank you... for your time.
What the fu...
[door knocking]
[knocking continues]
Why don't you come in
with your key?
[Harry] Mail. In case
you thought I was Sam
and decided to shoot me.
With what? My squirt gun?
I don't own any weapons.
Well, I brought you one.
- Kind of weapon.
- [Cat] A baby panda.
- What would I do...
- [Harry] Baby panda
just happens to be
a baby spy panda.
Comes with audio and video.
Sends me a text if he detects
any motion in the room.
So, if it's Sam we got evidence
and I can call the cops.
But that means
you're also be spying on me.
Like there's anything
I don't already know about you.
No, but there could be.
There should be.
Well, I can take baby spy panda
back to the bamboo forest.
No, let's keep him for now.
[Harry] You called a locksmith?
I didn't have time
to make a copy.
I left the key in the door.
- He threw my mint on the ground.
- Oh, the mint again?
[Harry] I got to go
to see a client.
- They're coming early, but...
- [Cat] Okay, well.
Thank you for coming
and for bringing baby spy panda.
[Harry] If anything happens,
just stand in front of
baby spy panda and...
I'll flash...
my teeth.
- [Cat smacks]
- Well, my goodness gracious.
[soft viola music]
[dial tone]
What? I can't hear you.
Speak up.
Just kidding, it's my voicemail.
Leave a message.
Sam sent me another letter.
Can you turn around?
Oh my...
[dial tone]
[Lieutenant] Lt. Jamieson here.
Hi, it's Cat Cruz again.
I just received another letter
and this one takes the cake.
What does it say?
"You stabbed me in the heart,
now I'm gonna stab you
in the heart."
Alright. I'll have an officer
go to Sam's apartment today.
If he's sending letters
we give him a restraining order.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
Anything else happens,
don't hesitate to call.
Thank you very much. Bye.
[dramatic music]
You watching?
You watching?
You're looking? I bet
you can't do this or this.
[grunts] Or this.
- [gasps]
- [door noise]
The time had come
to put my plan into action.
[Cat] Dr. Merrick.
I'm sorry,
I didn't think you'd be home.
[Cat] No, its...
- I'm just gonna leave this.
- [Cat] No, it's fine.
- It's been an eventful day.
- [Doctor] What happened?
Sam broke into to my apartment
and I received another letter.
- Sam? Oh, God.
- [Cat] Here it is.
But the good news is
my legs don't give out.
Well, but you...
you'll always be vulnerable.
You gotta always
keep on your card.
The police's heading
over Sam's stay.
Maybe it'll be the end of it.
[Doctor]. Good. Then, let me
show you how this pillow works.
Yes, let's work that pillow.
Follow me.
[Doctor] What side of the bed
do you sleep on?
[Cat] The right side.
[Doctor] Okay.
So, sleep on your side
against the pillow
and try not to push it away
during the night.
[Cat] Or the first five seconds.
Or the first five seconds
and you can use these
to buttress,
bolster and barricade.
- And this little guy here...
- [Cat laughs]
[Doctor] can watch
over everything.
- Perfect. Is that everything?
- [Doctor] Yes, that's it.
Amber will do the rest.
Thank you for swinging by.
[Doctor] Sure.
[Cat] Sam and I...
We have one small fight
and he blows off
our entire African safari
and starts sending
all these letters.
[sighs] I never saw it coming.
[Doctor] But you know I did.
Sorry, what do you mean?
You know,
I used to see you and Sam
come up the stairs
to the apartment all the time.
Wait, sorry...
[Doctor] He was a little off.
[Cat] You watched us?
[Doctor] I live right there,
on the top floor.
[Cat] You mean that apartment?
[Doctor] Yes, I've lived
there for three years.
[Cat] I can't believe
you've been watching...
[Doctor] No, don't take it
I study human behavior.
That comes with the profession.
[taps on drums]
- How did you meet Harry?
- [Doctor] In your driveway.
There was a for rent sign
and I thought...
maybe I'll move
into your building.
[keeps tapping]
Harry never told me any of this.
[Doctor] Well, for a loud mouth,
sometimes Harry keeps
a lot to himself.
[Cat] Yeah, he does,
but so do you.
I heard you this morning
saying you weren't sure
if this was the right place
and now you tell me you saw
Sam and me all the time.
Busted. What can I say?
[Cat] I don't understand
why the big subterfuge.
I didn't want Harry telling you
that I was stalking you.
And why would Harry say this?
[Doctor] I told Harry
my ex girlfriend is taking out
a restraining order on me.
So you're stalking her too.
[Doctor] No.
I'm not stalking you either.
I was just trying to get her
to pay her medical bill.
You know, after I contacted her
she got in touch with the police
and they issued
a restraining order.
I called them. They said
my only recourse
was to take her to court.
It's not a cute panda.
[Doctor] Oh, I thought
it was a cute panda.
Nothing cute about it.
The toy is a spy cam,
I wanted to turn it off.
[Doctor] Oh.
I want to talk to you
away from these big panda ears.
[Cat] What did you mean...
What did you mean
just then about Harry?
[tense viola music]
[Doctor] It's just like
what I said.
The dynamic
between you and Sam was off
and it was because of Harry.
[Cat] In what way?
[Doctor] There's something
about Harry's energy that's...
really really disruptive.
I don't know how else to put it.
[Cat] When you left today,
he said you're a secret psycho.
[Doctor laughs] A secret psycho?
- Are you a secret psycho?
- No.
A secret psycho wouldn't admit
to be a secret psycho.
[Doctor] I guess that's true.
[Cat] I'm gonna ask you again
and think carefully
before you answer.
Are you a secret psycho,
Dr. Merrick?
[Doctor] Well,
it's so happens that I am.
I'm so relieved to hear that.
You know, Harry will say
literally anything
to keep men away from you.
Why do you say that?
Isn't it obvious?
You're like catnip to them.
But I'm like catnip to all
my friends these days.
What scent am I giving off
that I am unaware of...
[Doctor] It's not you.
Everyone today
is obsessed with everyone else.
What do you mean?
[Doctor] We...
We're just in our heads.
We no longer inhabit our bodies.
And how do we get back
into our bodies?
- Through our senses.
- Our senses?
[Doctor] Yes,
when you speak to me,
I hear not only your voice,
the words you're saying,
but I hear
the warmth of your voice.
And when I look in your eyes,
I see not only their light,
but the color,
the luminance,
the brilliance of them.
And when I step closer,
I smell your perfume
and I wanna touch...
- Are you flirting with me, Doc...
- Just call me Jack.
Are you trying
to flirt with me, Jack?
Apparently I've been found out.
Harry told me
to give men a rest.
[Doctor] You won't leave
Harry run your life, right?
[Cat] No, I don't want, but...
I just met you this morning.
[Doctor] But you've got
great rhythm.
I bet you say that
to all your drummer girls.
You're the first drummer girl
I've ever met.
- Really?
- Yeah, really.
[door knocking]
[Cat] I should answer the door.
Yeah, the door must be answered.
[girl voice calling]
[Cat] Wait, hold on.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't know you had company.
[Cat] Uhm, this is Dr. Merrick.
This is my friend Jewel.
- Nice to meet you, Jewel.
- Nice to meet you.
[Doctor] There's a drum circle
in Santa Barbara tomorrow.
Come with me.
[Cat] Funny, I think
I should go to Santa Barbara.
[Doctor] I'll send you
to the details.
Drum circle! Santa Barbara!
[Cat] He's... my new crush.
When did you meet him?
[Cat] A few hours ago.
Cat is all that.
Are you going
to invite me in or what?
[Cat] You know, Sam's been
sending me these letters.
That was the last conversation
with you like a month ago.
Yeah, he broke into my apartment
and sent me another letter.
Oh, no...
Would you...
Would you mind
sleeping here tonight?
I'll answer
all your questions, I promise.
Would I mind? Are you serious?
Do you have plans?
Yeah. Well no.
I mean...
I'll cancel them.
I have a date with this...
crumpled British journalist
that dresses like a homeless.
You think he slept in a park.
I would much rather have
a sleepover with you any day.
- Thanks, that's pretty sweet.
- [Jewel giggles]
Are you okay?
Do you want to chat now?
- Do you want to just...
- We'll get together tonight.
Okay! Tonight it is.
[dog barks]
[outdoor chatter]
[phone ringing]
Hi, Lieutenant.
Can you talk, Miss Cruz?
Yes, I am. Did you serve Sam
the restraining order?
We spoke
to his apartment's managers.
Sam didn't pay
his rent this month.
Now they're in the process
of evicting him.
His mailbox was overflowing,
postmarks going back four weeks.
Sorry, did you say four weeks?
Four weeks.
He's self-employed, there's
no other place we can look for.
So, he can be anywhere.
Keep a sharp lookout, Miss Cruz.
- Yes, I will. Thank you.
- [tense music]
- You're welcome.
- Thanks.
Apartment 667.
I come back from work,
didn't matter what time,
and this guy would be just
sitting on his balcony
watching everyone.
Didn't know what to make of it.
But I think
what he was really doing
was watching Cat.
We're in apartment 664.
We were sitting
in the living room and...
We live across the courtyard,
windows were open,
so we could kind of overhear
a conversation between two guys.
Harry and this other guy
were in the driveway talking.
Sounds like this other guy
was trying to get
some information
about Cat out of Harry.
Harry said he was
Cat's bodyguard.
- Her spiritual bodyguard.
- Yeah, spiritual bodyguard.
So, there was no way
that Harry was going to give out
any information about Cat.
I didn't see the guy,
but he had an accent.
Yeah, a British accent.
He had a British accent.
Yeah, British accent.
Yeah, I used to deliver
mail to them.
They were together
for a long time.
I knew him a very long time.
A very loving couple.
Never knew something like this
could ever happen.
I'm in apartment 663.
There was a preciseness
about the killing...
One thing for damn sure
was that whoever did it
they knew what they were doing.
I was making breakfast
when I heard.
I call it collateral damage,
if you like, but...
that exact moment,
I became a victim too.
The fates aren't smiling on us.
They cut us cruelly
with their knives.
[soft viola music]
That night, I watched Cat
through the window.
A beautiful girl.
All alone.
But I didn't like
her being alone in there.
Anyone could come in
through her front door.
- Anyone at all.
- [door opening]
[Harry] What's the point of
the damn spy cam,
if you turn it away,
so I can't see anything.
I just wanted some privacy!
With my friend
I just introduced you to?
He's my friend too now, Harry.
[Harry] Well.
What was so important
that you didn't want me to hear?
Something about...
disrupting the chemistry
between you and Sam?
You know what? I don't want
anyone spying on me.
- I don't have a private life.
- Fine, I'll take it back then.
But if Dr. Merrick is more than
a garden-variety stalker,
I don't know what to tell you.
Put baby spy panda back.
- Alright.
- Thank you.
And I really doubt
Dr. Merrick is my stalker,
because the woman only got
a restraining order on him
because she didn't want
to pay her medical bills.
He told me that too.
Oh, he did?
So wait, why are we making out
that he was stalking her?
Well, think about it.
A stalker is gonna divulge
is stalking habits?
[sighs] Is every man a deceiver?
"Sigh no more, ladies.
Sigh no more."
Men were deceivers ever.
"One foot in sea, one on shore."
[both] "To one thing
constant never."
James was the only other person
who quoted Shakespeare to me.
Yeah, I miss James.
I'm sorry.
[Harry sighs]
I should.
I should go, I have a client.
[Cat] Oh, no, no. Wait, I...
I wanted to show you
the letter Sam sent.
You think he wants to kill me
or its metaphorical?
No, Sam's subtlety was never
as strong to suit so.
I'll be back at the usual time
with a sledgehammer.
Also, in case he manages
- to tiptoe past the couch, I...
- [Cat] Harry. What?
[Harry] I think I should
spend tonight in your bed.
You never give up. Do you?
Admire my perseverance.
Oh, wait. Jewel said
she'll stay overnight.
So you are relieved
of your duties.
Really, Jewel?
The gem of Westwood?
You know, she's a little...
[giggles] She's
absolutely harmless.
I just need to spend
some time with her,
so she'll stop texting me
twenty-four seven.
But come over
and say "hi", please.
I was planning to anyway.
[Harry breaths in]
- [sighs]
- [soft viola music]
[door knocking]
Later that night,
Jewel came over.
[knocking continues]
[Cat] Jewel! Wow.
You didn't need to get all this!
[Jewel] Of course I did.
Spending the night
with my favorite obsession.
- [Jewel laughs]
- [Cat chuckles] Wow.
Here's your favorite chocolates.
Diane Kron.
- [Cat] Oh, thank you.
- Mmm.
Of course. Oh,
that's not all I brought.
Oh my goodness. Look
what just fell out of my bag.
[Cat] A... syringe?
I can lose my license
if I gave you this.
That's why
it fell out of my bag.
[Cat] Uhm, what's in it, Jewel?
2 cc fentanyl, 2 cc Versed,
1 cc ketamine, 1 cc Benadryl
and I topped it off
to 10 cc with propofol.
- [Jewel] Or good luck.
- [Cat] Oh my God.
That's... a lot.
What's the use of having
a friend that's a nurse,
if she can't score your drugs?
- Was it for me?
- No, silly. It's for him.
- Sorry?
- For Sam.
If he breaks in tonight.
Go, take this.
So, he comes and I ask him
to roll up his sleeve
and give him the injection?
- No, you stab him with it!
- And then?
Depends on how much adrenaline
is in his system.
Hopefully he'll be
out like a light.
[Jewel] Yeah.
[Cat] Jewel, when you...
When you said I was
your favorite obsession,
you didn't actually
mean that, did you?
[Jewel] Of course I did,
but in the best possible way.
I take my job very seriously.
[Cat] As a nurse?
[Jewel] Oh, nursing is
how I pay the bills.
I take my job
really seriously as...
the secretary
of the Around Robin forum.
- [Cat] The secretary?
- Yes, nearly elected.
But I'm more like
the head of security.
I keep all the crazies
at the bay.
[Jewel laughs] Oh, you should
thank me. It is hard work.
Thank you.
[Jewel] Oh, thank you.
[Cat] I can't drink, I have
this medical condition.
- [tense music]
- Medical condition? Are you OK?
Yes. It's nothing that needs
to be mentioned in the forum.
- I would never do that to you.
- [Cat] Jewel.
Do you know anyone
who would want...
Do you know anyone on the forum
who'd want to harm me?
Cat, what's wrong?
I'm sorry.
I'm sure you rattled
with all this stalking business.
Your fans really love you.
You're like family to them.
They're not my family.
I renounce the show
and I renounce the fans.
Don't ever say that!
This is my life
you're talking about, Robin.
- [Cat] I'm Cat.
- And I...
You're a very important part
of my life
and a very important part
of your fans' lives, too.
[tense music continues]
And when they ask me
Robin questions,
I need Robin answers.
Robin answers.
I'm sorry, Jewel.
Ask whatever you like.
[sighs] But I also have
some questions for you.
[Jewel] Okay.
[Cat] Let's roll the dice
and highest number wins.
[dice rattling]
[Cat] Okay, 12.
- I just rattle it?
- [Cat confirms]
[screams in excitement]
I go first. Okay.
Why did you buy
this ridiculous chair?
It's ridiculous.
Okay, I bought it
so anyone who comes to visit me
can't take themselves,
so slow down seriously.
Well, it's working.
Nice shoes, by the way.
Thank you.
Okay, fine.
That was not a serious question.
I have a question
worthy of the dice.
Why did you leave Around Robin?
I left...
- What was, ten years ago?
- [Jewel] Eleven.
Because I was being fetishized
by the fans.
Yeah. They goshed
if I wore my hair in a ponytail,
they goshed if I wore
sunglasses with blue lens,
they goshed if I wore
a different brand of jeans.
- It's just it's too much.
- [Jewel] It's...
- It comes with the territory.
- [Cat] My nerves were shot.
- You were the number one!
- Please, don't say "number one."
Why not?
Just don't.
It is natural that people
should be obsessed about you.
"Should have been obsessed."
Past tense.
"Are obsessed."
Present tense.
There are millions of Robins
out there all over the world.
How do you think I met Terry,
the British journalist?
Is he a Robin?
Not just any Robin, a Robin
with the largest collection
of Around Robin
memorabilia on the planet.
I can't believe
a grown man collects that stuff.
I'm sorry, do you have any idea
what a signed photograph
of Robin sells for in Japan?
I don't know. I stopped
signing photos when I was 16.
That's why they're so valuable.
Come on.
Okay. Promise me
one tiny little thing.
I never have to meet
this Terry of yours.
Trust me.
I would not do that to you.
Right now I'm calling him
"Terrible Terry."
Why is he so terrible?
For the last few weeks,
he's been making nasty comments
about you in the forum.
Well, that's insane.
- He is terrible.
- [Jewel] He is.
He thought that you read
all the comments in the forum
and you were
purposefully ignoring him.
I've never even looked
at the forum.
I know, I told him that.
And then, you know...
- He feels embarrassed.
- Yes, he should do.
But you know,
in a way he kind of just...
He always wants to meet you now,
so I apologize...
You're gonna tell him
it's really not necessary.
Don't you worry, I already have.
[Jewel chuckles]
I got your back.
I have a question for you.
Go for it.
Did you move into the building
because I was living here?
Or did you move and then just
discover I was living here?
Of course
because you were living here.
I got your address
from another Robin on the forum,
then I waited until there was
an opening in the building.
- Right.
- Girl, you are not flattered.
You should be flattered.
Your turn.
Did you pick your sidekick
for the nationwide search?
- You mean for season two?
- [Jewel agrees]
I'm at the top ten finalists.
I know, but did the network
let you pick your sidekick
or did they decide for you?
The network narrowed it down
to two of the finalists, but...
I got to side
which one I wanted.
So, you had
to pick all by yourself.
Yeah, I did. Why?
[Jewel hums]
Do you know what happened
to the girl you didn't pick?
I always thought
I'd seen you somewhere before.
But your name wasn't Jewel...
- Julie.
- [Cat] Julie! That's right.
[Jewel agrees]
Were you really upset
that I didn't pick you?
Scars are mostly faded.
You try to kill yourself.
[Jewel] I was 15.
If I had known then
what I know now
I think I would have done
a better job.
- [Cat] I'm so...
- [Jewel] Girl.
The other girl that you picked
became famous because of you.
She was stupendously bad.
Disgustingly bad.
- Disgustingly, horrendously bad.
- [Cat] I totally agree.
It's true.
She was stupendously bad.
God, I feel awful.
[Jewel] Sorry.
It's okay.
Well now...
I have a question for you.
Okay, go for it.
Who is 01Robin?
No one knows.
- [Cat] Really?
- [Jewel agrees]
You don't know
who runs the forum.
[Jewel] No one does.
01Robin has kept
their identity secret
since I started the forum.
[Cat] Why all the secrecy?
I am sure 01Robin
has their reasons.
Okay, now it's my turn.
[Cat] You were married
to James for two days.
Off limits.
- What happened to you?
- [Cat] Off limits.
[Jewel] We know
what happened to James.
- I don't need to discuss it.
- [Jewel] Why not?
[door knocking]
Did you tell Terrible Terry
you're over to me?
[Jewel] He's a journalist.
He knows everything.
He wouldn't
come over unannounced.
I thought
that's what journalists did.
[Doctor] I have been looking
everywhere for my cellphone.
- Yeah, you left it here.
- Oh, thank God.
I see baby spy panda
is back to his old tricks.
He's just a baby.
He can't lip read.
[whispering] Oh, good.
Because I have two free rooms
at the Four Seasons
in Santa Barbara.
So tomorrow,
if you want to stay overnight,
[Cat] You know what?
Why don't you save it
for another time?
I'd love to join in the day.
[Doctor] Okay. Cool.
Tomorrow, traffic is going to be
morning ma'am madness.
So, be ready at 8:00.
I'll be ready.
[Jewel laughs]
[laughing] What was that?
Oh well, why not?
- [Jewel chuckles]
- [door opens]
[Harry] Was Dr. Merrick here?
He came
to collect his cell phone.
But it's not all
he came to collect.
What's Jewel talking about?
[Cat] Uhm.
Dr. Merrick invited me
to a drum circle
in Santa Barbara with him.
So I'm gonna go.
I invited you to Santa Barbara
and you said you're too busy.
It's for my health, Harry.
I thought you'd be happy.
Well, what time
should I come tomorrow night?
[Cat] Why
don't we skip tomorrow?
- [Harry] Skip it?
- [Cat] I might be late
or I may stay over
in Santa Barbara.
He said he has two free rooms
in the Four Seasons, so...
[Harry] You're not serious.
- Well, yes.
- [Harry] No, I mean
you're not seriously thinking
of going there overnight.
[Cat] Jack is harmless.
Jack? [nervous laugh]
Oh, so it's Jack now. Okay.
[Cat] He asked me
to call him that.
[Harry] Whatever you call him,
he's not harmless.
So call him and tell him
you changed your mind
- You're joking.
- No, I'm not joking. Call him.
Harry, I really appreciate
you're looking after me, but...
- I make the decisions.
- [Harry] Don't you see?
- [Cat] See what?
- He can be the one
who's sending you
all these creepy letters
and he'll have you
isolated away from everyone.
- Away from you, you mean.
- [Harry] Yes.
I'm the one who can rescue you,
who would rescue you,
but you'll be in Santa Barbara.
He seems very nice.
Yes, hardcore psychopaths
usually are.
[Cat laughs nervously]
So, first he was great.
Just the greatest,
a real sweetheart.
Then he was a stalker,
a bit garden-variety.
And then he was...
a secret psycho,
and now, suddenly, he's
a hardcore psychopath.
What's he gonna be next?
A serial killer?
Or just a member
of the Criminally Insane?
[Harry] No, you think...
Robin would spend the weekend
with a guy she just met?
No, because she was a teenager
and she never existed,
except in the minds of her fans.
So, that's just stupid.
All right, fine. It's your life.
Or was.
I'd much rather your bright wit
to your somber predictions.
Sometimes somber is
as bright as I get.
- [mimics a cat]
- [door shuts]
Yep, he's in love with you.
[Cat] Can't that be
platonic love?
[Jewel] From
a woman's perspective, yes.
From a man's perspective,
only if the woman isn't hot.
Therein lies
the problem of your prom.
I met him when the studio
asked me to work with him
on a rewrite of a script.
When he told me
about his upbringing,
my heart just...
went out to him.
He had a deprived childhood?
Yeah, he was...
was given everything.
I don't understand.
When his mother
abandoned the family,
he had no inner resources
to draw from
I don't know, we ended up
spending a lot of time together
- and he came...
- [phone ringing]
Hi, Lieutenant.
[Lieutenant] We found Sam.
Did he admit
sending the letters?
Sam did not send
the letters, Miss Cruz.
Someone else
has been sending them.
So, how do you know?
You should sit down
for what I'm about to tell you.
Okay, I'm sitting down.
We may have found Sam's body
in Will Rogers State Park.
We can't say it's him for sure
until after the autopsy,
because of the decomposition.
But Sam's wallet was on the body
and he appears to have been dead
for about a month.
- Oh, oh, oh.
- Miss Cruz?
- Miss Cruz?
- Uhm, Lieutenant.
This is Jewel, a friend of hers.
She just fainted. It's okay.
Should I send a paramedic?
I... no, I think she'll be okay.
Yeah, she's gonna be okay.
Well, if she doesn't get better,
call 911.
And please, give me a call
when she recovers.
Okay, great. I will.
I will. Bye bye.
Uhm, oh gosh. Okay.
[Jewel] Uhm.
[breaths heavily]
[dial tone]
Okay, okay, okay.
- Chirp chirp.
- Chirp chirp.
[Jewel] Uhm, uhm, uhm...
Sam's been murdered
and Cat went to a kind
of rigor mortis on the couch.
What should I do, Terry?
What should I do?
- Take a photo for the media.
- [ominous music]
- I called you for advice, Terry.
- I'm giving you advice.
[whispering] She's conscious,
she's conscious.
Take a photo, Jewel!
I can't, she's conscious.
Take a photo, damn it!
[Jewel] Okay, okay.
- [Jewel panting]
- [camera snaps]
I heard...
I heard everything
you said to Terrible Terry.
[Jewel] I'm really...
I'm really sorry.
I just thought...
I think you should leave, Jewel.
[Jewel stutters]
I am... I am your friend.
I only called him because
I didn't know what to do
when you passed out.
You should leave.
And tell Terry not to break
the story to the media.
[Jewel] Leave?
Leave. And call him
from your own apartment.
Tell him if he breaks the story,
I will personally call him out
on the Around Robin forum.
I will never speak to you again.
Ever ever ever.
- Can I... just call him now?
- [Cat] No.
- Can I just still stay...
- [Cat] You have to leave, Jewel.
[Jewel sobs]
You don't understand.
Being here with you,
spending the night with you.
- It's just a huge moment for me.
- I'm flattered, Jewel, but...
- Please, don't make me go...
- [Cat] I just...
[Cat] I just need
to be alone right now.
That's all.
Okay. [sighs]
You are so important to me.
I can't even...
tell you.
I mean, you are...
Everything to me
[Cat] Jewel.
When you speak to me like that,
You freak me out.
[Jewel] I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to freak you out.
You should go, Jewel.
[sighs] It's okay.
Okay. I, uhm...
I'm gonna go, just call me
if you change your mind.
I'm just a few feet away
and I can just hop on over if...
- [Cat] Thanks, Jewel.
- And... okay.
You're very welcome.
Good night.
[breaths in]
Good night, Robin.
I mean, Cat.
Oh God. I'm so sorry.
This is so embarrassing.
Oh, I just remember, the officer
said to call him back.
- [Cat] Thanks.
- See how good I am
- at taking messages?
- [Cat] Very good.
If you need
a personal assistant.
[Cat] I will keep you in mind.
I would love that. I would be
the best assistant ever.
- I will quit my nursing job.
- [Cat] Jewel.
- What would you pay me?
- Jewel.
[yelling] Jewel!
I need to be alone.
- I see.
- [Cat] Yes. Yeah.
Oh. [chuckles]
[Cat sighs]
[Jewel] Good night.
[Jewel outside] She invites me
and then she picks me up.
Robin would've never done it
in a million years.
This woman is a bitch,
a goddamn bitch.
Bitch, bitch, bitch!
[male voice]
This will not go unanswered.
[Jewel] Bitch, bitch, bitch!
[Cat gasps]
[soft guitar music]
I just want to say
I just want to say hi
I'm so glad you came
I'm so glad you came
I'm so glad you came
into my life
You don't have to say
You don't have to say why
I see it on your face
I see it on your face, I
All the heartbreak
All the heartbreak
I can see it in your eyes
Don't have to say
Don't have to say a thing
[dial tone]
This is Lt. Jamieson.
Hi, Lieutenant, it's Cat Cruz.
Miss Cruz, I'm glad
you're feeling better.
There's something else
I need to tell you, but...
I warn you it's not pleasant.
Don't worry. I'm sitting down.
Sam, or the body
we think is Sam's,
had a knife plunged in the heart
and I remember the note.
you stabbed me
in the heart, so...
"I'm gonna stab you
in the heart."
There might be a connection.
I need police protection.
Miss Cruz, I'm sorry.
But the only time we provide
protection is for witnesses.
[sighs] My life is in danger.
What don't you understand?
If you genuinely feel
your life is in danger,
I suggest you hire
private security
and take
additional security precautions.
Do you think
my life's in danger?
Given everything
that has happened to you,
including the prior murder
of your husband James,
I think you need
to exercise extreme caution.
[breaths in]
Thank you, Lieutenant.
[sighs] Good night, Miss Cruz.
Good night.
[breaths out]
[suspenseful viola music]
[alarm ringing]
[alarm continues]
[ominous music]
[Cat showering]
[door noise]
[indistinct sounds]
[stool moving]
[suspenseful music]
[Cat] It's nothing.
- [Cat screeches]
- [wheezing]
Oh, my God.
Harry, fight it, fight it!
Harry, I didn't...
Why are you dressed like this?
- Open your eyes, breathe.
- [Harry moaning]
- [Cat] Harry.
- I came over to make breakfast.
Harry. Harry, look at me.
Look at me.
- Okay, I'm just...
- [Harry] Sam?
Sam... Sam is dead,
the police just called.
They think they found his body
in... Will Roger State Park.
[pants] Okay, wait.
I'll get you coffee...
[Cat] Fight it, Harry!
Keep speaking!
Speak to me.
Harry? Okay, drink this.
Okay, it's quite hot.
- You silly, you silly man.
- [Harry mumbles]
Man, you scared me to death.
- [Cat] What?
- [Harry] Ah...
[Cat] Hey, what is this?
Why have you got...
Why have you got a knife?
[Harry] For Sam.
[Cat] Harry, take another sip.
One more, one more.
There we go. Better?
- [Cat sighs] Oh, my God.
- [ominous music]
[indistinct words]
- [Harry grunts]
- [Cat shrieks]
[Harry giggles]
Another camera
in your bedroom.
[mumbling] Sorry, Dr. Merrick.
[Cat panting]
[Harry imitates beeps]
[beeps continue]
[fast paced music]
[mumbles] I wanna be,
you wanna be...
You wanna be...
Around Robin...
Bend the knee for Dr. Merrick.
Bend the knee for...
Bend the knee for James.
[indistinct words]
[Harry pants] Never.
Bend the knee...
Wake up. Wake up!
- [Harry] I abandoned you.
- [thud]
[music decrescendo]
[external noises]
[Doctor] Memo to all Robins.
I'm delighted to announce
the marriage of our queen Robin,
Miss Cat Cruz,
to a man by the name
of Dr. Jack Merrick.
In deference to our queen,
who wants to live a normal life,
I am shutting down the
forum, effective immediately.
This is 01Robin.
Goodbye, farewell and...
chirp chirp.
[engine starts]
[soft orchestral music]
Obsessive love
always ends badly.
Except in those very few cases
when it doesn't.
I know you're interviewing
everybody about James' murder.
The man Cat liked to call
"her one true love."
But, for the record,
I knew him better than anyone.
Like I said, I introduced them.
Cat and James
were married for two days,
when he was murdered.
On a jogging path.
Actually, I'm the one that...
[chuckles] That showed James
that jogging path.
The same one I was...
showing to Cat's boyfriend Sam
this morning.
A homeless man found the body.
Multiple stab wounds.
One to the chest
finished him off, I think.
And I guess you guys
still haven't found the killer.
But, for the record,
James was just...
He's the greatest guy,
one of the greatest ever.
A real sweetheart.
[viola music]
She's the one
Who makes things fun
She's the one
Who gets things done
She comes out
and it's like the sun
That's Robin
That's Robin
I wanna b e
You wanna be
We all wanna be
Around Robin
I Wanna Be
You Wanna Be
We all wanna be
Around Robin
[all] We all wanna be
around... Robin!
[cheerful viola music]
[viola music continues]
[narrator] Obsessive love
gets a bad rap these days.
But I say
"Look on the bright side."
For one thing, obsessive love
isn't listed yet in the DSM.
That's the diagnostic
and statistical manual
of mental disorders.
Which means
if you're love obsessed,
you're not crazy.
At least
until they change the manual.
The most common form
of obsessive love
is celebrity obsession,
which affects nearly one third
of the adult population
of the world.
From a personal perspective,
I have to say
there's comfort in numbers.
Who was I obsessed with?
Who was everyone obsessed with?
Cat Cruz, of course.
Also known as Robin,
the star of the Around Robin
television show,
once the most popular show
on the planet.
Oh... the gentleman
climbing the stairs?
That's not me. That's Harry.
And you think I'm obsessed.
[Harry] Using
pasture raised eggs,
because I know
how virtuous they make you feel.
But... remember,
some by virtue fall,
while some by sin rise, so...
You'll be careful
and I'll be hopeful.
Now... I'm gonna butter
your gluten-free toast
with the fake butter you like.
Even though you like
things that aren't fake.
Which begs the question:
why you dated that stalker
in the first place?
Do you know...
he colored his eyebrows?
He did.
Sam colored his eyebrows
You know who told me that?
Same woman who colors mine.
So, no wonder
he's still stalking you.
That man cannot be trusted.
Buenos das, seorita.
[Harry] Knock-knocketee
You look
absolutely positively...
[Harry taps and mimics beeps]
Or as I say
in English... hot.
What? Cat got your tongue?
- [Cat taps]
- [Harry] T...
[continues tapping]
[Harry] H...
And... spells "than".
[Cat continues tapping]
[Harry] K...
And... S.
Oh, you're welcome.
- [Cat sighs]
- Oh, she's alive.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Cat Cruz is alive.
[yawns] She most certainly is.
At least from the waist up
in another moment or two,
if I can move these two corpses.
[Harry imitates a trumpet]
Oh, for cupcake.
Yes, for your half birthday.
- [Cat sighs] So it is.
- [Harry chuckles]
We should go to Santa Barbara
for half a weekend.
One day, one night.
This psychological thriller
is gonna take me six weeks
including weekends,
so, I don't think.
How does it end?
Tell me, tell me, tell me!
There is a life and death trade
on between a hero and a villain
and then an unexpected twist
you didn't see coming,
and if I can pull off
another twist,
we might have something.
[Cat appreciates]
Thank you.
[Cat] Bastard...
- It wasn't me.
- You should be supporting me
in my new lifestyle.
Good friends do that.
Well, the actual problem
with our relationship is that...
you treat me like a friend
and not a boyfriend.
- You know I love you, Harry.
- And I love you.
But you are a friend
and not a boyfriend.
I burn, I pine, I perish.
No, you learn, you dine,
you cherish.
You just won up Shakespeare.
Shakespeare, smakesmeare,
what's he written lately?
You know,
I have so much in common.
Shakespeare never sold
a real estate.
That is true.
I do have doubt on him at least.
And... he never had me
as a friend either.
No, no. He missed out...
my number.
[beeps for number 1]
Actually, I don't...
I don't want to be
your number one, Harry.
Look, when we worked
on that script together...
- How many years ago?
- Five years, three months.
We became best friends
and whoever is your number one
got demoted to number two.
It means two, three
and four also got demoted.
And poor number five...
where the person is no longer
even in the top five.
So, instead of whining
all the time,
if I'm gonna lose the top spot,
I'd rather be somewhere
in your top five
and that way I can relax.
You know
there's never been a top five.
- [doorbell rings]
- Not even a top.
He's early.
I'm nervous.
Don't be nervous,
he's a great guy.
The greatest, real sweetheart.
[Cat moans]
- [Cat] Wa...
- [Harry] Whoa, not yet.
[Cat sighs] Thank you.
What should I tell him?
Uhm... tell him I'll be there
as soon
as my better half wakes up.
[knocking on the door]
- [soft viola music]
- Coming!
[Harry] Dr. Merrick!
Wasn't sure if I was
in the right place.
[Harry] I suffer
from that feeling too.
I can refer you to someone
and you could sell my house.
Ah... so you can split
the commission.
I'm on to you, Doctor.
Cat will be out in a minute.
- Okay.
- So...
Coffee, tea, water,
little... bottles of ice tea?
One of those little bottles
sounds great.
[Doctor] Place has
a cool vibe, Harry.
[Harry] Thank you.
I get that a lot.
And I appreciate it,
I really do.
But... in the interest
of full disclosure,
I should tell you
I actually live across the yard.
- Oh, so this is...
- Cat's place.
But it's like
an extension of mine,
so I accept any compliment.
How is she doing?
Physically the same as before,
but she's in good spirits.
She's writing
this big Hollywood movie
I'm not allowed to talk about...
So, what's
the first thing he does?
He talks about it.
[Harry] Only because
I cannot be trusted.
On any level.
I'm Dr. Merrick.
And I recognize you.
You are Robin, on...
- Around Robin.
- Yeah.
That was a lifetime ago,
ten years.
With all the daily reruns,
you are now immortalized.
- Down for all eternity.
- You never wanted to act again?
Have you watched
television lately?
Gone to the movies?
They're writing
a scatological one. Not moronic.
I became
a screen writing protest.
[Harry] Cat is one
of the best paid screenwriters
- in Hollywood...
- Whose movies are never made,
because female characters
are considered too intelligent.
Harry's been singing
your praises...
[Doctor] Was that before
or after I hired him
as my real estate agent?
[Harry] Oh, after.
The man's honest at least.
I would go and, if you're due
for a proper consultation...
[Doctor] Proper consultation
will take place in my office.
- This is just a conversation.
- [Cat] Yes, stay, please.
I can't refuse this woman,
especially when she begs.
Just change my mind.
- You can go.
- No, too late. I'm staying.
[Harry] Something to drink, Cat?
[Cat] Mineral water
would be lovely
some gluten-free cookies.
And who was
your slave last year?
[Cat] You. And you were so good
I decided to keep you on.
- [oinks]
- [Cat giggles]
- [Cat] Take a seat.
- [Doctor] Thanks.
[narrator] I was thrilled to be
in Cat's apartment,
but I kept it to myself.
[Cat] That's the vortex chair.
It will suck you in for days.
Your wife will call
asking where you are.
That would be amazing,
I've never been married.
Just to play it safe.
[narrator] I put on
my best professional face.
So, tell me
about your condition, Cat.
[Harry] Ask about her stalker.
[Doctor] Is your name Cat?
- Could be, if you're nice to me.
- [Cat] Harry, please.
You have a stalker, Cat?
- [Cat] Yes... his name is Sam.
- [Harry] Her ex-boyfriend.
When did this Sam
start stalking you?
Uhm, about a month ago.
And how soon after the stalking
did your symptoms appear?
[Harry] After the first letter.
Which was
three days after we broke up.
[Harry] I've been sleeping here
for moral support.
- On the couch.
- [Harry] She kicks in her sleep.
You sleep on the couch,
because that's the only place
you're allowed to sleep.
"This is true"
he said with a grimace.
Tell me about
your breakup with Sam.
[Cat] It's...
it's a bit strange,
because I didn't realize
we'd even broken up.
- We were about to go on a trip.
- [Harry] African safari.
And three nights
before we're supposed to go,
we have this insane argument...
[Harry] Over how much money
she was making.
Sam was upset that I was making
more money than he was.
Sam's also a screenwriter...
[Harry] Nowhere near
as good as Cat.
Harry, you're sweet,
but irrelevant.
Funny to know how many women
have told me that.
[Cat] Anyway,
I thought we had solved it,
before he left my place, but...
[Harry] Sam was jealous of me.
Because of your screen writing?
Ah, you flatter me, good sir,
but I abandoned that profession
before it could abandon me.
- You can't fire me. I quit.
- [Doctor chuckles]
[Cat] He was jealous of anything
that occupied my attention.
He said I cared more about
the mint on my wall garden
than I cared about him.
- Which was true.
- No, it wasn't.
Okay, so it was.
[Harry] Then, Sam asked me
in not such a nice way
to leave that night.
An then, Cat said...
[Cat] I said "Under no condition
should Harry leave."
[Harry] And Sam left
and slammed the door.
Then he doesn't reply
to any of my texts.
And three days later,
on the very day
we were supposed
to leave on our safari...
I receive a letter.
[Doctor] What did it say?
"You hurt me so much.
I'm going to hurt you."
[Harry] Sam's writing was
always a bit on the nose.
[Cat] Yeah, I can laugh
about it now, but when...
I first read the letter,
my legs gave out
and I collapsed
on the floor in a heap.
[breaths heavily] I...
Well, it took me a minute or so
before I got the feeling back.
And then,
the rest of the day I'm fine.
And next morning, I wake up
and I can't get out of bed.
I can't move a muscle,
I can't do anything.
Can't even call Harry.
- [Cat] I can't even call Harry.
- [Doctor] Right.
[Cat] But after a minute or two,
I get the feeling back
in my fingers on my right hand.
Then my left hand,
then my upper body.
But my legs take longer,
they just... always take longer.
"They always take longer" means
- this paralysis happens...
- Every morning.
But it goes away after...
a moment or so.
You still getting letters?
Yeah... two or three,
sometimes just one a week.
Yeah, I read them to Harry.
We laugh
at the overblown writing.
And you haven't collapsed
since the first letter?
No, the rest haven't been
that shocking.
[Doctor hums]
I can...
Show you his latest one.
- [Doctor] Yes, please.
- [Harry claps]
[Cat] So...
- Here you go.
- "Cat Cruz..."
"You are
a heartless heartbreaking hag."
You have to admire
the alliteration.
[Cat] I almost wrote back
"Heartless heartbreaking hag
hates hidiots."
Idiots with an H.
Oh, good lord.
I see there's no signature,
no return address.
How do you know it's Sam?
Of course it's from Sam.
Who else?
[Doctor] Could be anybody.
Could be anybody at all.
- Could be Harry.
- Could be Dr. Merrick.
We don't even know
if he's a real doctor.
You didn't bring
your medical license today.
Did you, Dr. Merrick?
Or should I call you
Mr. Merrick?
[Doctor] Real estate's gain
is screenwriting's loss, Harry.
I like this man.
[Doctor] Did you contact
the police?
- [sad viola music]
- I did and...
[narrator] I had trouble
focusing on what she said.
Something about the way
she played with her hair,
the way she touched the pillow.
[Doctor] Did you see a doctor
about your state?
Doctors are useless,
Dr. Merrick.
- I'm sure you'd agree.
- You're funny, but perverse.
Is there anything
better than that?
It gets better with almonds.
[Harry] I know how
to get out of that chair,
but I keep rolling out of it
like a dumb beetle.
Brings out
the insect in you, dear.
Oh... but yes, I did.
I did go see a doctor
and he put me through...
a battery of tests and said
there was nothing wrong with me
and that this thing
would go away on its own.
But it hasn't
and it's been a month now...
[Harry] I rest my case.
[Cat] Is there anything
I can do? I'm willing to try...
[narrator] I told her
she had sleep paralysis.
As well as catalepsy.
Which meant whenever she was
frightened or just awoken
her body would seize up
and she would be
as helpless as a baby.
To be honest, I didn't know
if I could help her or not,
but just like every other person
who met her
I had fallen irretrievably
under her spell.
So, I did what
any love-struck man would do.
I made her trust me.
And then I made up
an excuse to see her again.
I'm gonna bring you
a special pillow.
It'll help you
sleep on your side
You have an extra one of those?
You suffer from sleep paralysis?
[Harry] No, I want
to hug something
that doesn't talk to me
all night.
[narrator] I could feel
an electric charge between us.
[Doctor] I'll be in your area
this evening. Will you be here?
I might still be in a meeting,
but you can leave the pillow
outside the door, if you like.
- Who's the pinball champ?
- [Harry] Sam the stalker.
[Cat] He used to sneak in here
when I wasn't around to play.
[Doctor] Oh my God.
Hey, drums!
Yeah, there for decoration.
Decoration! That's blasphemy.
Come here.
I'll show you something.
Hit the middle of the drum
for the downbeat.
Then two on the side. [beats]
- Using both hands...
- [viola music]
My obsession
had just gotten worse
or, depending
on your perspective,
much better.
Waves relax you.
So, it's just
the beat of the drum. [beats]
Beat of the drum.
[continues beating]
Feel the beat, feel the beat.
- I'm doing this wrong.
- Beat of the drum.
Feel the beat. [beats]
- Feel the beat.
- [both beating]
- Feel the beat.
- I feel the beat.
- Beat of the drum.
- Okay.
- [Cat] I got this.
- Beat of the drum. Yeah.
- Feel the beat.
- [Cat laughs]
- [Doctor] Beat of the drum.
- [Harry playing objects]
- [Cat laughs]
- [Doctor] Feel the beat.
[Harry] Yeah, baby.
Did I get it?
You're too much.
Drum every day if you can.
If you want, Harry,
you can try too.
But it'll leave you calm,
composed and collected.
Thank you.
I feel calmer already.
- Thanks.
- [forcing the door]
[Cat laughs] Sorry.
It gets stuck in the heat.
[Doctor] You don't want me
to leave. I'll be back.
- [Cat] See you soon.
- [Doctor] Thank you.
Your friend is so wonderful.
I knew you could be
interested in him.
I've just met him,
for Pete's sake!
[Harry sighs] I just think
you should give men a rest, Cat.
- I do believe you're being...
- [Harry] Protective.
The word you're looking for
is protective.
You can add over
to the beginning of that.
I don't mind.
[Cat showering]
[Harry] Look... I need
to tell you something about...
[Cat] Let me guess,
he's not a real doctor.
He is a real doctor.
[Cat] He has a wife
and child in Canada.
Uhm, you got
the Canada part right.
[Cat] Okay, so
what's this doc's secret?
He knows so much
about stalkers because...
[Cat] An ex girlfriend
stalked him.
[Harry] Because he was stalking
an ex-girlfriend.
[Cat] What?
[Harry] Yes, she just served him
with a restraining order.
- You're joking, right?
- [Harry] No.
I guess he's a secret psycho.
- Don't tell him I told you.
- What I wouldn't give
for a basic boring man.
[Harry] I'm a man.
One out of three ain't bad.
[creaking door]
[Cat] You have a house showing
in Beverly Hills in 20 minutes
and I have to be
out of here in two.
You can't abandon me.
I abandon you.
I have a house showing
in Beverly Hills in 20 minutes.
[dramatic music]
[Tim] I live in apartment 659.
This was not
a random act of violence
as some have suggested.
It showed planning
and forethought.
It showed intelligence.
It showed design.
The whole thing was brilliant...
in a demanded way.
I live in apartment 662.
There's a lot of speculation
about the killer.
I think it's the homeless man.
I put my money
on the homeless man.
Apartment 658.
Blame Harry.
Nothing would've happened
if it hadn't been for Harry.
[Harry] Six six three.
I'm actually writing
a book about the murder.
You know, people have asked me
if I feel complicit in some way.
You know, the answer is...
Of course.
I... introduced them.
Apartment 664.
I didn't follow
the murder investigation,
because I was traveling.
And I didn't get to hear
about the homeless man.
We're in apartment 669.
We used to them all the time.
Yeah, he was
definitely crazy about her.
She was crazy about him too.
I live in apartment 661.
I talked to him in the driveway,
you're just in passing.
Well, I asked him once
what he thought about
Around Robin.
And he said he never seen it.
He never seen it.
Apartment 670.
I adore them both,
especially Cat.
One time I saw her
staring out her bedroom window
and she looks so happy.
She looked like, you know...
We live in 655.
It's the apartment
right below Cat's.
We used to hear them a lot,
- laughing together in bed.
- Yeah.
He was her one true love.
That's what she called him,
"her one true love."
Yeah, well, he gave her
the giant slinky.
[rhytmic viola playing]
[slinky sound]
As great as my obsession was
for Cat Cruz,
there was another person
who had a greater obsession.
Hi! [laughs]
Oh my God, Jewel, you scared me!
I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.
Just want to say "hi".
I'm seeing you in a month, girl.
Yeah, I know.
I'm not good at texting.
Oh, no worries.
I know I over text.
There should be
a 12-step program.
Hi, my name is Jewel,
I'm an over texter.
[both laugh]
I've actually got to run now,
why didn't you drop by later?
- I would love it. When is later?
- This afternoon.
- You mean that?
- Yeah, I do.
- Alright sister, see you later!
- Bye.
[phone rings]
- Hi, Becca.
- [Becca] How are you doing?
Good. Thank you.
Well, let me guess.
Meeting canceled.
How did you know?
Usually, I'm out of the driveway
before I get the call.
[Becca] Jim apologizes.
But he's got an easy outline to
the script to get started.
Okay, sounds great.
Thank you very much.
[Becca] Thanks Cat.
Thanks. Bye.
[calm viola music]
[ominous music]
[pinball machine rattling]
[fast paced ominous music]
[rattling continues]
[music fades away]
[door closes]
[breaths heavily]
Move, damn it.
- Harry.
- I can't hear you. Speak up.
- Harr...
- Kidding! It's my voicemail.
Leave a message.
Harry, call me back.
Sam broke into my apartment.
He was just in here.
Call me back when you can.
Oh my...
My poor mint!
[breaths heavily]
[dial tone]
[Lieutenant] This is
the voicemail of Lt. Jamieson.
Please leave a message.
Hi, Lieutenant. It's Cat Cruz.
Could you call me back, please?
It's... it's important. Thanks.
[car engine starts]
- Fuck.
- [phone rings]
Lieutenant, thank you so much
for calling me back.
Sure. How can I help, Miss Cruz?
Sam was in my apartment.
He broke in?
No, I am...
I left my key in the...
I left my key in the lock,
but that's still counts
as breaking entry, doesn't it?
- Did you invite him in?
- No. I...
I was in my bedroom.
He didn't even know I was home.
And then...
Then I heard his footsteps
and I heard him playing
on the pinball machine.
Pinball machine.
- Did you see him?
- No.
How do you know it was Sam?
[gulps] Of course it was Sam.
Who else would be playing
on the pinball machine?
Did he leave a note or a letter?
No, no. But he uprooted
some plants outside my door.
[sighs] You didn't see him
and he didn't leave a note.
That's not enough
for a restraining order.
Not enough?
I'm afraid not.
When is it going to be enough?
When he murders me?
I want a restraining order.
I know you do.
When we have solid evidence
against him, we make the move.
- [breaths in]
- Okay?
And... until then, Lieutenant?
Don't leave
your keys in the door.
Thank you... for your time.
What the fu...
[door knocking]
[knocking continues]
Why don't you come in
with your key?
[Harry] Mail. In case
you thought I was Sam
and decided to shoot me.
With what? My squirt gun?
I don't own any weapons.
Well, I brought you one.
- Kind of weapon.
- [Cat] A baby panda.
- What would I do...
- [Harry] Baby panda
just happens to be
a baby spy panda.
Comes with audio and video.
Sends me a text if he detects
any motion in the room.
So, if it's Sam we got evidence
and I can call the cops.
But that means
you're also be spying on me.
Like there's anything
I don't already know about you.
No, but there could be.
There should be.
Well, I can take baby spy panda
back to the bamboo forest.
No, let's keep him for now.
[Harry] You called a locksmith?
I didn't have time
to make a copy.
I left the key in the door.
- He threw my mint on the ground.
- Oh, the mint again?
[Harry] I got to go
to see a client.
- They're coming early, but...
- [Cat] Okay, well.
Thank you for coming
and for bringing baby spy panda.
[Harry] If anything happens,
just stand in front of
baby spy panda and...
I'll flash...
my teeth.
- [Cat smacks]
- Well, my goodness gracious.
[soft viola music]
[dial tone]
What? I can't hear you.
Speak up.
Just kidding, it's my voicemail.
Leave a message.
Sam sent me another letter.
Can you turn around?
Oh my...
[dial tone]
[Lieutenant] Lt. Jamieson here.
Hi, it's Cat Cruz again.
I just received another letter
and this one takes the cake.
What does it say?
"You stabbed me in the heart,
now I'm gonna stab you
in the heart."
Alright. I'll have an officer
go to Sam's apartment today.
If he's sending letters
we give him a restraining order.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
Anything else happens,
don't hesitate to call.
Thank you very much. Bye.
[dramatic music]
You watching?
You watching?
You're looking? I bet
you can't do this or this.
[grunts] Or this.
- [gasps]
- [door noise]
The time had come
to put my plan into action.
[Cat] Dr. Merrick.
I'm sorry,
I didn't think you'd be home.
[Cat] No, its...
- I'm just gonna leave this.
- [Cat] No, it's fine.
- It's been an eventful day.
- [Doctor] What happened?
Sam broke into to my apartment
and I received another letter.
- Sam? Oh, God.
- [Cat] Here it is.
But the good news is
my legs don't give out.
Well, but you...
you'll always be vulnerable.
You gotta always
keep on your card.
The police's heading
over Sam's stay.
Maybe it'll be the end of it.
[Doctor]. Good. Then, let me
show you how this pillow works.
Yes, let's work that pillow.
Follow me.
[Doctor] What side of the bed
do you sleep on?
[Cat] The right side.
[Doctor] Okay.
So, sleep on your side
against the pillow
and try not to push it away
during the night.
[Cat] Or the first five seconds.
Or the first five seconds
and you can use these
to buttress,
bolster and barricade.
- And this little guy here...
- [Cat laughs]
[Doctor] can watch
over everything.
- Perfect. Is that everything?
- [Doctor] Yes, that's it.
Amber will do the rest.
Thank you for swinging by.
[Doctor] Sure.
[Cat] Sam and I...
We have one small fight
and he blows off
our entire African safari
and starts sending
all these letters.
[sighs] I never saw it coming.
[Doctor] But you know I did.
Sorry, what do you mean?
You know,
I used to see you and Sam
come up the stairs
to the apartment all the time.
Wait, sorry...
[Doctor] He was a little off.
[Cat] You watched us?
[Doctor] I live right there,
on the top floor.
[Cat] You mean that apartment?
[Doctor] Yes, I've lived
there for three years.
[Cat] I can't believe
you've been watching...
[Doctor] No, don't take it
I study human behavior.
That comes with the profession.
[taps on drums]
- How did you meet Harry?
- [Doctor] In your driveway.
There was a for rent sign
and I thought...
maybe I'll move
into your building.
[keeps tapping]
Harry never told me any of this.
[Doctor] Well, for a loud mouth,
sometimes Harry keeps
a lot to himself.
[Cat] Yeah, he does,
but so do you.
I heard you this morning
saying you weren't sure
if this was the right place
and now you tell me you saw
Sam and me all the time.
Busted. What can I say?
[Cat] I don't understand
why the big subterfuge.
I didn't want Harry telling you
that I was stalking you.
And why would Harry say this?
[Doctor] I told Harry
my ex girlfriend is taking out
a restraining order on me.
So you're stalking her too.
[Doctor] No.
I'm not stalking you either.
I was just trying to get her
to pay her medical bill.
You know, after I contacted her
she got in touch with the police
and they issued
a restraining order.
I called them. They said
my only recourse
was to take her to court.
It's not a cute panda.
[Doctor] Oh, I thought
it was a cute panda.
Nothing cute about it.
The toy is a spy cam,
I wanted to turn it off.
[Doctor] Oh.
I want to talk to you
away from these big panda ears.
[Cat] What did you mean...
What did you mean
just then about Harry?
[tense viola music]
[Doctor] It's just like
what I said.
The dynamic
between you and Sam was off
and it was because of Harry.
[Cat] In what way?
[Doctor] There's something
about Harry's energy that's...
really really disruptive.
I don't know how else to put it.
[Cat] When you left today,
he said you're a secret psycho.
[Doctor laughs] A secret psycho?
- Are you a secret psycho?
- No.
A secret psycho wouldn't admit
to be a secret psycho.
[Doctor] I guess that's true.
[Cat] I'm gonna ask you again
and think carefully
before you answer.
Are you a secret psycho,
Dr. Merrick?
[Doctor] Well,
it's so happens that I am.
I'm so relieved to hear that.
You know, Harry will say
literally anything
to keep men away from you.
Why do you say that?
Isn't it obvious?
You're like catnip to them.
But I'm like catnip to all
my friends these days.
What scent am I giving off
that I am unaware of...
[Doctor] It's not you.
Everyone today
is obsessed with everyone else.
What do you mean?
[Doctor] We...
We're just in our heads.
We no longer inhabit our bodies.
And how do we get back
into our bodies?
- Through our senses.
- Our senses?
[Doctor] Yes,
when you speak to me,
I hear not only your voice,
the words you're saying,
but I hear
the warmth of your voice.
And when I look in your eyes,
I see not only their light,
but the color,
the luminance,
the brilliance of them.
And when I step closer,
I smell your perfume
and I wanna touch...
- Are you flirting with me, Doc...
- Just call me Jack.
Are you trying
to flirt with me, Jack?
Apparently I've been found out.
Harry told me
to give men a rest.
[Doctor] You won't leave
Harry run your life, right?
[Cat] No, I don't want, but...
I just met you this morning.
[Doctor] But you've got
great rhythm.
I bet you say that
to all your drummer girls.
You're the first drummer girl
I've ever met.
- Really?
- Yeah, really.
[door knocking]
[Cat] I should answer the door.
Yeah, the door must be answered.
[girl voice calling]
[Cat] Wait, hold on.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't know you had company.
[Cat] Uhm, this is Dr. Merrick.
This is my friend Jewel.
- Nice to meet you, Jewel.
- Nice to meet you.
[Doctor] There's a drum circle
in Santa Barbara tomorrow.
Come with me.
[Cat] Funny, I think
I should go to Santa Barbara.
[Doctor] I'll send you
to the details.
Drum circle! Santa Barbara!
[Cat] He's... my new crush.
When did you meet him?
[Cat] A few hours ago.
Cat is all that.
Are you going
to invite me in or what?
[Cat] You know, Sam's been
sending me these letters.
That was the last conversation
with you like a month ago.
Yeah, he broke into my apartment
and sent me another letter.
Oh, no...
Would you...
Would you mind
sleeping here tonight?
I'll answer
all your questions, I promise.
Would I mind? Are you serious?
Do you have plans?
Yeah. Well no.
I mean...
I'll cancel them.
I have a date with this...
crumpled British journalist
that dresses like a homeless.
You think he slept in a park.
I would much rather have
a sleepover with you any day.
- Thanks, that's pretty sweet.
- [Jewel giggles]
Are you okay?
Do you want to chat now?
- Do you want to just...
- We'll get together tonight.
Okay! Tonight it is.
[dog barks]
[outdoor chatter]
[phone ringing]
Hi, Lieutenant.
Can you talk, Miss Cruz?
Yes, I am. Did you serve Sam
the restraining order?
We spoke
to his apartment's managers.
Sam didn't pay
his rent this month.
Now they're in the process
of evicting him.
His mailbox was overflowing,
postmarks going back four weeks.
Sorry, did you say four weeks?
Four weeks.
He's self-employed, there's
no other place we can look for.
So, he can be anywhere.
Keep a sharp lookout, Miss Cruz.
- Yes, I will. Thank you.
- [tense music]
- You're welcome.
- Thanks.
Apartment 667.
I come back from work,
didn't matter what time,
and this guy would be just
sitting on his balcony
watching everyone.
Didn't know what to make of it.
But I think
what he was really doing
was watching Cat.
We're in apartment 664.
We were sitting
in the living room and...
We live across the courtyard,
windows were open,
so we could kind of overhear
a conversation between two guys.
Harry and this other guy
were in the driveway talking.
Sounds like this other guy
was trying to get
some information
about Cat out of Harry.
Harry said he was
Cat's bodyguard.
- Her spiritual bodyguard.
- Yeah, spiritual bodyguard.
So, there was no way
that Harry was going to give out
any information about Cat.
I didn't see the guy,
but he had an accent.
Yeah, a British accent.
He had a British accent.
Yeah, British accent.
Yeah, I used to deliver
mail to them.
They were together
for a long time.
I knew him a very long time.
A very loving couple.
Never knew something like this
could ever happen.
I'm in apartment 663.
There was a preciseness
about the killing...
One thing for damn sure
was that whoever did it
they knew what they were doing.
I was making breakfast
when I heard.
I call it collateral damage,
if you like, but...
that exact moment,
I became a victim too.
The fates aren't smiling on us.
They cut us cruelly
with their knives.
[soft viola music]
That night, I watched Cat
through the window.
A beautiful girl.
All alone.
But I didn't like
her being alone in there.
Anyone could come in
through her front door.
- Anyone at all.
- [door opening]
[Harry] What's the point of
the damn spy cam,
if you turn it away,
so I can't see anything.
I just wanted some privacy!
With my friend
I just introduced you to?
He's my friend too now, Harry.
[Harry] Well.
What was so important
that you didn't want me to hear?
Something about...
disrupting the chemistry
between you and Sam?
You know what? I don't want
anyone spying on me.
- I don't have a private life.
- Fine, I'll take it back then.
But if Dr. Merrick is more than
a garden-variety stalker,
I don't know what to tell you.
Put baby spy panda back.
- Alright.
- Thank you.
And I really doubt
Dr. Merrick is my stalker,
because the woman only got
a restraining order on him
because she didn't want
to pay her medical bills.
He told me that too.
Oh, he did?
So wait, why are we making out
that he was stalking her?
Well, think about it.
A stalker is gonna divulge
is stalking habits?
[sighs] Is every man a deceiver?
"Sigh no more, ladies.
Sigh no more."
Men were deceivers ever.
"One foot in sea, one on shore."
[both] "To one thing
constant never."
James was the only other person
who quoted Shakespeare to me.
Yeah, I miss James.
I'm sorry.
[Harry sighs]
I should.
I should go, I have a client.
[Cat] Oh, no, no. Wait, I...
I wanted to show you
the letter Sam sent.
You think he wants to kill me
or its metaphorical?
No, Sam's subtlety was never
as strong to suit so.
I'll be back at the usual time
with a sledgehammer.
Also, in case he manages
- to tiptoe past the couch, I...
- [Cat] Harry. What?
[Harry] I think I should
spend tonight in your bed.
You never give up. Do you?
Admire my perseverance.
Oh, wait. Jewel said
she'll stay overnight.
So you are relieved
of your duties.
Really, Jewel?
The gem of Westwood?
You know, she's a little...
[giggles] She's
absolutely harmless.
I just need to spend
some time with her,
so she'll stop texting me
twenty-four seven.
But come over
and say "hi", please.
I was planning to anyway.
[Harry breaths in]
- [sighs]
- [soft viola music]
[door knocking]
Later that night,
Jewel came over.
[knocking continues]
[Cat] Jewel! Wow.
You didn't need to get all this!
[Jewel] Of course I did.
Spending the night
with my favorite obsession.
- [Jewel laughs]
- [Cat chuckles] Wow.
Here's your favorite chocolates.
Diane Kron.
- [Cat] Oh, thank you.
- Mmm.
Of course. Oh,
that's not all I brought.
Oh my goodness. Look
what just fell out of my bag.
[Cat] A... syringe?
I can lose my license
if I gave you this.
That's why
it fell out of my bag.
[Cat] Uhm, what's in it, Jewel?
2 cc fentanyl, 2 cc Versed,
1 cc ketamine, 1 cc Benadryl
and I topped it off
to 10 cc with propofol.
- [Jewel] Or good luck.
- [Cat] Oh my God.
That's... a lot.
What's the use of having
a friend that's a nurse,
if she can't score your drugs?
- Was it for me?
- No, silly. It's for him.
- Sorry?
- For Sam.
If he breaks in tonight.
Go, take this.
So, he comes and I ask him
to roll up his sleeve
and give him the injection?
- No, you stab him with it!
- And then?
Depends on how much adrenaline
is in his system.
Hopefully he'll be
out like a light.
[Jewel] Yeah.
[Cat] Jewel, when you...
When you said I was
your favorite obsession,
you didn't actually
mean that, did you?
[Jewel] Of course I did,
but in the best possible way.
I take my job very seriously.
[Cat] As a nurse?
[Jewel] Oh, nursing is
how I pay the bills.
I take my job
really seriously as...
the secretary
of the Around Robin forum.
- [Cat] The secretary?
- Yes, nearly elected.
But I'm more like
the head of security.
I keep all the crazies
at the bay.
[Jewel laughs] Oh, you should
thank me. It is hard work.
Thank you.
[Jewel] Oh, thank you.
[Cat] I can't drink, I have
this medical condition.
- [tense music]
- Medical condition? Are you OK?
Yes. It's nothing that needs
to be mentioned in the forum.
- I would never do that to you.
- [Cat] Jewel.
Do you know anyone
who would want...
Do you know anyone on the forum
who'd want to harm me?
Cat, what's wrong?
I'm sorry.
I'm sure you rattled
with all this stalking business.
Your fans really love you.
You're like family to them.
They're not my family.
I renounce the show
and I renounce the fans.
Don't ever say that!
This is my life
you're talking about, Robin.
- [Cat] I'm Cat.
- And I...
You're a very important part
of my life
and a very important part
of your fans' lives, too.
[tense music continues]
And when they ask me
Robin questions,
I need Robin answers.
Robin answers.
I'm sorry, Jewel.
Ask whatever you like.
[sighs] But I also have
some questions for you.
[Jewel] Okay.
[Cat] Let's roll the dice
and highest number wins.
[dice rattling]
[Cat] Okay, 12.
- I just rattle it?
- [Cat confirms]
[screams in excitement]
I go first. Okay.
Why did you buy
this ridiculous chair?
It's ridiculous.
Okay, I bought it
so anyone who comes to visit me
can't take themselves,
so slow down seriously.
Well, it's working.
Nice shoes, by the way.
Thank you.
Okay, fine.
That was not a serious question.
I have a question
worthy of the dice.
Why did you leave Around Robin?
I left...
- What was, ten years ago?
- [Jewel] Eleven.
Because I was being fetishized
by the fans.
Yeah. They goshed
if I wore my hair in a ponytail,
they goshed if I wore
sunglasses with blue lens,
they goshed if I wore
a different brand of jeans.
- It's just it's too much.
- [Jewel] It's...
- It comes with the territory.
- [Cat] My nerves were shot.
- You were the number one!
- Please, don't say "number one."
Why not?
Just don't.
It is natural that people
should be obsessed about you.
"Should have been obsessed."
Past tense.
"Are obsessed."
Present tense.
There are millions of Robins
out there all over the world.
How do you think I met Terry,
the British journalist?
Is he a Robin?
Not just any Robin, a Robin
with the largest collection
of Around Robin
memorabilia on the planet.
I can't believe
a grown man collects that stuff.
I'm sorry, do you have any idea
what a signed photograph
of Robin sells for in Japan?
I don't know. I stopped
signing photos when I was 16.
That's why they're so valuable.
Come on.
Okay. Promise me
one tiny little thing.
I never have to meet
this Terry of yours.
Trust me.
I would not do that to you.
Right now I'm calling him
"Terrible Terry."
Why is he so terrible?
For the last few weeks,
he's been making nasty comments
about you in the forum.
Well, that's insane.
- He is terrible.
- [Jewel] He is.
He thought that you read
all the comments in the forum
and you were
purposefully ignoring him.
I've never even looked
at the forum.
I know, I told him that.
And then, you know...
- He feels embarrassed.
- Yes, he should do.
But you know,
in a way he kind of just...
He always wants to meet you now,
so I apologize...
You're gonna tell him
it's really not necessary.
Don't you worry, I already have.
[Jewel chuckles]
I got your back.
I have a question for you.
Go for it.
Did you move into the building
because I was living here?
Or did you move and then just
discover I was living here?
Of course
because you were living here.
I got your address
from another Robin on the forum,
then I waited until there was
an opening in the building.
- Right.
- Girl, you are not flattered.
You should be flattered.
Your turn.
Did you pick your sidekick
for the nationwide search?
- You mean for season two?
- [Jewel agrees]
I'm at the top ten finalists.
I know, but did the network
let you pick your sidekick
or did they decide for you?
The network narrowed it down
to two of the finalists, but...
I got to side
which one I wanted.
So, you had
to pick all by yourself.
Yeah, I did. Why?
[Jewel hums]
Do you know what happened
to the girl you didn't pick?
I always thought
I'd seen you somewhere before.
But your name wasn't Jewel...
- Julie.
- [Cat] Julie! That's right.
[Jewel agrees]
Were you really upset
that I didn't pick you?
Scars are mostly faded.
You try to kill yourself.
[Jewel] I was 15.
If I had known then
what I know now
I think I would have done
a better job.
- [Cat] I'm so...
- [Jewel] Girl.
The other girl that you picked
became famous because of you.
She was stupendously bad.
Disgustingly bad.
- Disgustingly, horrendously bad.
- [Cat] I totally agree.
It's true.
She was stupendously bad.
God, I feel awful.
[Jewel] Sorry.
It's okay.
Well now...
I have a question for you.
Okay, go for it.
Who is 01Robin?
No one knows.
- [Cat] Really?
- [Jewel agrees]
You don't know
who runs the forum.
[Jewel] No one does.
01Robin has kept
their identity secret
since I started the forum.
[Cat] Why all the secrecy?
I am sure 01Robin
has their reasons.
Okay, now it's my turn.
[Cat] You were married
to James for two days.
Off limits.
- What happened to you?
- [Cat] Off limits.
[Jewel] We know
what happened to James.
- I don't need to discuss it.
- [Jewel] Why not?
[door knocking]
Did you tell Terrible Terry
you're over to me?
[Jewel] He's a journalist.
He knows everything.
He wouldn't
come over unannounced.
I thought
that's what journalists did.
[Doctor] I have been looking
everywhere for my cellphone.
- Yeah, you left it here.
- Oh, thank God.
I see baby spy panda
is back to his old tricks.
He's just a baby.
He can't lip read.
[whispering] Oh, good.
Because I have two free rooms
at the Four Seasons
in Santa Barbara.
So tomorrow,
if you want to stay overnight,
[Cat] You know what?
Why don't you save it
for another time?
I'd love to join in the day.
[Doctor] Okay. Cool.
Tomorrow, traffic is going to be
morning ma'am madness.
So, be ready at 8:00.
I'll be ready.
[Jewel laughs]
[laughing] What was that?
Oh well, why not?
- [Jewel chuckles]
- [door opens]
[Harry] Was Dr. Merrick here?
He came
to collect his cell phone.
But it's not all
he came to collect.
What's Jewel talking about?
[Cat] Uhm.
Dr. Merrick invited me
to a drum circle
in Santa Barbara with him.
So I'm gonna go.
I invited you to Santa Barbara
and you said you're too busy.
It's for my health, Harry.
I thought you'd be happy.
Well, what time
should I come tomorrow night?
[Cat] Why
don't we skip tomorrow?
- [Harry] Skip it?
- [Cat] I might be late
or I may stay over
in Santa Barbara.
He said he has two free rooms
in the Four Seasons, so...
[Harry] You're not serious.
- Well, yes.
- [Harry] No, I mean
you're not seriously thinking
of going there overnight.
[Cat] Jack is harmless.
Jack? [nervous laugh]
Oh, so it's Jack now. Okay.
[Cat] He asked me
to call him that.
[Harry] Whatever you call him,
he's not harmless.
So call him and tell him
you changed your mind
- You're joking.
- No, I'm not joking. Call him.
Harry, I really appreciate
you're looking after me, but...
- I make the decisions.
- [Harry] Don't you see?
- [Cat] See what?
- He can be the one
who's sending you
all these creepy letters
and he'll have you
isolated away from everyone.
- Away from you, you mean.
- [Harry] Yes.
I'm the one who can rescue you,
who would rescue you,
but you'll be in Santa Barbara.
He seems very nice.
Yes, hardcore psychopaths
usually are.
[Cat laughs nervously]
So, first he was great.
Just the greatest,
a real sweetheart.
Then he was a stalker,
a bit garden-variety.
And then he was...
a secret psycho,
and now, suddenly, he's
a hardcore psychopath.
What's he gonna be next?
A serial killer?
Or just a member
of the Criminally Insane?
[Harry] No, you think...
Robin would spend the weekend
with a guy she just met?
No, because she was a teenager
and she never existed,
except in the minds of her fans.
So, that's just stupid.
All right, fine. It's your life.
Or was.
I'd much rather your bright wit
to your somber predictions.
Sometimes somber is
as bright as I get.
- [mimics a cat]
- [door shuts]
Yep, he's in love with you.
[Cat] Can't that be
platonic love?
[Jewel] From
a woman's perspective, yes.
From a man's perspective,
only if the woman isn't hot.
Therein lies
the problem of your prom.
I met him when the studio
asked me to work with him
on a rewrite of a script.
When he told me
about his upbringing,
my heart just...
went out to him.
He had a deprived childhood?
Yeah, he was...
was given everything.
I don't understand.
When his mother
abandoned the family,
he had no inner resources
to draw from
I don't know, we ended up
spending a lot of time together
- and he came...
- [phone ringing]
Hi, Lieutenant.
[Lieutenant] We found Sam.
Did he admit
sending the letters?
Sam did not send
the letters, Miss Cruz.
Someone else
has been sending them.
So, how do you know?
You should sit down
for what I'm about to tell you.
Okay, I'm sitting down.
We may have found Sam's body
in Will Rogers State Park.
We can't say it's him for sure
until after the autopsy,
because of the decomposition.
But Sam's wallet was on the body
and he appears to have been dead
for about a month.
- Oh, oh, oh.
- Miss Cruz?
- Miss Cruz?
- Uhm, Lieutenant.
This is Jewel, a friend of hers.
She just fainted. It's okay.
Should I send a paramedic?
I... no, I think she'll be okay.
Yeah, she's gonna be okay.
Well, if she doesn't get better,
call 911.
And please, give me a call
when she recovers.
Okay, great. I will.
I will. Bye bye.
Uhm, oh gosh. Okay.
[Jewel] Uhm.
[breaths heavily]
[dial tone]
Okay, okay, okay.
- Chirp chirp.
- Chirp chirp.
[Jewel] Uhm, uhm, uhm...
Sam's been murdered
and Cat went to a kind
of rigor mortis on the couch.
What should I do, Terry?
What should I do?
- Take a photo for the media.
- [ominous music]
- I called you for advice, Terry.
- I'm giving you advice.
[whispering] She's conscious,
she's conscious.
Take a photo, Jewel!
I can't, she's conscious.
Take a photo, damn it!
[Jewel] Okay, okay.
- [Jewel panting]
- [camera snaps]
I heard...
I heard everything
you said to Terrible Terry.
[Jewel] I'm really...
I'm really sorry.
I just thought...
I think you should leave, Jewel.
[Jewel stutters]
I am... I am your friend.
I only called him because
I didn't know what to do
when you passed out.
You should leave.
And tell Terry not to break
the story to the media.
[Jewel] Leave?
Leave. And call him
from your own apartment.
Tell him if he breaks the story,
I will personally call him out
on the Around Robin forum.
I will never speak to you again.
Ever ever ever.
- Can I... just call him now?
- [Cat] No.
- Can I just still stay...
- [Cat] You have to leave, Jewel.
[Jewel sobs]
You don't understand.
Being here with you,
spending the night with you.
- It's just a huge moment for me.
- I'm flattered, Jewel, but...
- Please, don't make me go...
- [Cat] I just...
[Cat] I just need
to be alone right now.
That's all.
Okay. [sighs]
You are so important to me.
I can't even...
tell you.
I mean, you are...
Everything to me
[Cat] Jewel.
When you speak to me like that,
You freak me out.
[Jewel] I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to freak you out.
You should go, Jewel.
[sighs] It's okay.
Okay. I, uhm...
I'm gonna go, just call me
if you change your mind.
I'm just a few feet away
and I can just hop on over if...
- [Cat] Thanks, Jewel.
- And... okay.
You're very welcome.
Good night.
[breaths in]
Good night, Robin.
I mean, Cat.
Oh God. I'm so sorry.
This is so embarrassing.
Oh, I just remember, the officer
said to call him back.
- [Cat] Thanks.
- See how good I am
- at taking messages?
- [Cat] Very good.
If you need
a personal assistant.
[Cat] I will keep you in mind.
I would love that. I would be
the best assistant ever.
- I will quit my nursing job.
- [Cat] Jewel.
- What would you pay me?
- Jewel.
[yelling] Jewel!
I need to be alone.
- I see.
- [Cat] Yes. Yeah.
Oh. [chuckles]
[Cat sighs]
[Jewel] Good night.
[Jewel outside] She invites me
and then she picks me up.
Robin would've never done it
in a million years.
This woman is a bitch,
a goddamn bitch.
Bitch, bitch, bitch!
[male voice]
This will not go unanswered.
[Jewel] Bitch, bitch, bitch!
[Cat gasps]
[soft guitar music]
I just want to say
I just want to say hi
I'm so glad you came
I'm so glad you came
I'm so glad you came
into my life
You don't have to say
You don't have to say why
I see it on your face
I see it on your face, I
All the heartbreak
All the heartbreak
I can see it in your eyes
Don't have to say
Don't have to say a thing
[dial tone]
This is Lt. Jamieson.
Hi, Lieutenant, it's Cat Cruz.
Miss Cruz, I'm glad
you're feeling better.
There's something else
I need to tell you, but...
I warn you it's not pleasant.
Don't worry. I'm sitting down.
Sam, or the body
we think is Sam's,
had a knife plunged in the heart
and I remember the note.
you stabbed me
in the heart, so...
"I'm gonna stab you
in the heart."
There might be a connection.
I need police protection.
Miss Cruz, I'm sorry.
But the only time we provide
protection is for witnesses.
[sighs] My life is in danger.
What don't you understand?
If you genuinely feel
your life is in danger,
I suggest you hire
private security
and take
additional security precautions.
Do you think
my life's in danger?
Given everything
that has happened to you,
including the prior murder
of your husband James,
I think you need
to exercise extreme caution.
[breaths in]
Thank you, Lieutenant.
[sighs] Good night, Miss Cruz.
Good night.
[breaths out]
[suspenseful viola music]
[alarm ringing]
[alarm continues]
[ominous music]
[Cat showering]
[door noise]
[indistinct sounds]
[stool moving]
[suspenseful music]
[Cat] It's nothing.
- [Cat screeches]
- [wheezing]
Oh, my God.
Harry, fight it, fight it!
Harry, I didn't...
Why are you dressed like this?
- Open your eyes, breathe.
- [Harry moaning]
- [Cat] Harry.
- I came over to make breakfast.
Harry. Harry, look at me.
Look at me.
- Okay, I'm just...
- [Harry] Sam?
Sam... Sam is dead,
the police just called.
They think they found his body
in... Will Roger State Park.
[pants] Okay, wait.
I'll get you coffee...
[Cat] Fight it, Harry!
Keep speaking!
Speak to me.
Harry? Okay, drink this.
Okay, it's quite hot.
- You silly, you silly man.
- [Harry mumbles]
Man, you scared me to death.
- [Cat] What?
- [Harry] Ah...
[Cat] Hey, what is this?
Why have you got...
Why have you got a knife?
[Harry] For Sam.
[Cat] Harry, take another sip.
One more, one more.
There we go. Better?
- [Cat sighs] Oh, my God.
- [ominous music]
[indistinct words]
- [Harry grunts]
- [Cat shrieks]
[Harry giggles]
Another camera
in your bedroom.
[mumbling] Sorry, Dr. Merrick.
[Cat panting]
[Harry imitates beeps]
[beeps continue]
[fast paced music]
[mumbles] I wanna be,
you wanna be...
You wanna be...
Around Robin...
Bend the knee for Dr. Merrick.
Bend the knee for...
Bend the knee for James.
[indistinct words]
[Harry pants] Never.
Bend the knee...
Wake up. Wake up!
- [Harry] I abandoned you.
- [thud]
[music decrescendo]
[external noises]
[Doctor] Memo to all Robins.
I'm delighted to announce
the marriage of our queen Robin,
Miss Cat Cruz,
to a man by the name
of Dr. Jack Merrick.
In deference to our queen,
who wants to live a normal life,
I am shutting down the
forum, effective immediately.
This is 01Robin.
Goodbye, farewell and...
chirp chirp.
[engine starts]
[soft orchestral music]
Obsessive love
always ends badly.
Except in those very few cases
when it doesn't.
I know you're interviewing
everybody about James' murder.
The man Cat liked to call
"her one true love."
But, for the record,
I knew him better than anyone.
Like I said, I introduced them.
Cat and James
were married for two days,
when he was murdered.
On a jogging path.
Actually, I'm the one that...
[chuckles] That showed James
that jogging path.
The same one I was...
showing to Cat's boyfriend Sam
this morning.
A homeless man found the body.
Multiple stab wounds.
One to the chest
finished him off, I think.
And I guess you guys
still haven't found the killer.
But, for the record,
James was just...
He's the greatest guy,
one of the greatest ever.
A real sweetheart.
[viola music]