Around the Fire (1998) Movie Script

High and dry in
the long hot day.
Lost and lonely in every way.
Got the flats all
around me, sky up above.
Yes, I need a little water.
I've been long lonely
and my heart feels pain.
crying out for
some soothing rain.
I believe I have taken enough.
Yes, I need a little water love.
Water of love deep
in the ground,
but there ain't no
water here to be found.
Someday, baby, when
the river runs free
it's going to carry that
water of love to me.
I'll be your personal
counselor while you're here.
My name is--
I'm not going to be
here for very long.
Be clear on one thing, Simon,
if you do not stay and complete
the full 28 days, I
will call the police
and you will go to jail.
Do you understand?
You and I will meet
periodically here in this room.
The rest of your
time you'll spend
in group therapy, meetings,
step workshops, meditation, bed,
and meals.
Do you have any questions?
I have your police report here.
I know why they
think you're here.
What do you think?
I got busted.
Yeah, with the remnants
of a vial of LSD.
Do you plan on getting
anything out of this other
than avoiding jail?
Yeah, I do.
I'm thinking about gaining
a couple of pounds,
toning up a bit.
You think this is
a fucking joke?
You are in rehab.
You did not get
here because you're
on some kind of
a winning streak.
You got here because you
couldn't make it out there.
Your way didn't work.
Your jokes didn't work.
You lost.
You think that's fucking funny?
It's just I think
my jokes were fine.
If you're scared,
then be scared.
If you are angry, then be angry.
That's honest.
But I'm not going to
sit here and watch
you tell stupid jokes to hide
the fact that you are scared
and you are angry.
That is some bullshit.
Do you get it?
No, not whatever.
Do you--
I fucking get it, all right?
I get it.
My name is Kate, Kate Matthews.
Thank you.
Hey, I got an idea.
Make an H.
We'll finish it later, OK?
Matt, I am so sorry.
She was such a wonderful woman.
Thank you, Lauren.
Yes, she was.
What happened?
Is this your son?
Step son.
Simon, you all right?
No, no, this deal's already set.
Don't let them worm out of this.
Hey, I'll call you back.
What's going on here?
Your son was caught shoplifting
at Patrick & Company.
It was an accident.
I didn't realize
that I was doing--
All right.
Well, there must be some
kind of mistake here.
No mistake.
Well, what's he
alleged to have stolen?
A pen?
That's not what happened.
What happened was I was in
there and the salesperson
thought that I was--
Well, OK, officer, where
do we go from here?
You sign right there, and I'll
release him to your custody.
I guess you can use this.
There you go.
Thank you very much, officer.
OK, officer, thank
you for your trouble.
Sorry about this.
Good night, folks.
Yeah, you have a good night too.
Thanks again.
Dad, I'm sorry.
I put the pen in my pocket.
I didn't know that--
I wasn't trying to--
All right.
Go upstairs, get dressed.
Come on.
Simon, we'll talk
about this later.
Jesus Christ!
Oh, come on.
Don't get so excited.
I'm sure it was an accident.
It couldn't have
been intentional.
I'm sorry!
Get out!
Get out!
I love you.
It's too late.
What about Simon?
I'll take care of Simon.
Get out!
And come on, school
is going to help.
They'll be able to
stay on top of him
a lot better than we will here.
And I'll talk to him.
I promise, I'll talk
to him in the car.
And you-- you look great.
Another great soiree, Matthew.
Great to be here.
Look at this gorgeous creature.
Hi, Lauren.
Charming as always, Bill.
How's Jen?
She's in Bermuda
with her mother.
You recognize him?
Holy c-- Simon!
Hey, come over here.
Hey, Mr. McCollum.
How are you doing?
How are you?
I'm OK.
I understand you're off to
boarding school tomorrow, huh?
And then on to Princeton?
If I can get into Princeton.
He's going to get in.
He's going to get in.
Yeah, you bet he will.
Don't forget, football
is on its way.
Hey, how about that
merger, huh, Bill?
Don't worry about the merger.
It's fine.
I'm not worried about it.
In fact, I'm thinking
about putting more in.
And I think you should
too because we're going
to have a great fourth quarter.
All right.
All right, Matthew, I'm in.
That went well.
To us.
Hey, you going to take a shower?
Because if you're going
to shower, hurry up.
You've got to do it now because
we've got a lot of work to do.
What time is it?
I'll take that as a no.
Can you wake me up
when breakfast comes.
You want the hopper or
the sink and shower?
OK, man.
I'll do it later.
Listen, here's how it's
done around here, all right?
If you don't get
up and do your job,
we both don't eat breakfast.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
And I ain't going
to miss breakfast.
Fucking psycho.
Every day, Joe?
You should go over to him, Matt.
I know.
Now, that's a power tie.
Guaranteed success in
business if you wear it.
I guess I'll wear it.
There's a little something
extra in there too.
Thanks, dad.
Thank you.
Well, we've got a
long drive back.
We should be going, OK?
Is there something we
should be talking about?
Oh, there's probably a thousand
things to talk about right now,
but what's important is
that we get on the road
because we've got to get
rested for work tomorrow
and that Simon gets up those
steps so he can get ready
for his work.
Just-- you just buckle
down and stay focused.
This isn't going
to do me any good.
I don't know anybody here.
Enough already, OK?
All right?
All right.
Thank you.
All right.
I want you to check in with
us as often as possible.
We're only two hours away.
Lauren, got to go.
Call us.
You feel any better?
You were gone for so long.
Gone away.
What are you going to do
about that, you little pussy?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
You quite like getting
pissed on, don't you?
Hey, why don't you
cut it out, Patterson?
You got a problem, Andrew?
What's your problem, Andrew?
That's enough, all right?
No, I don't think so.
Oh, go ahead, Patterson.
You're a big man.
Why don't you knock me out?
Go ahead.
Hey, I'm Andrew.
That guy is a fucking asshole.
Dentist day, and
the whole school
knew exactly what happened.
Who cares?
I should have fought back
or punched him or something,
Yeah, and Patterson would
have destroyed you, right?
Look at you, though.
You should change your tissue.
Hey, thanks a lot, man.
It's a cool.
I'm Simon.
Hey, what kind of
music do you like?
What does that have
to do with anything?
Let's just say it's probably the
single most important question
I could ask you.
This is the story about
the knight and the dragon.
Kyle, have we been through this?
Teachers knock.
You don't knock.
You get it?
There's a phone call for Simon.
Dude, I cannot afford
to get caught again.
How did you know he
was in here anyway?
Duh, watched you two walk
in here a few minutes ago.
Duh, I'll kick your fucking ass
if you ever come in here again.
You got it?
Hi, Simon.
Hey, how's it going?
Yeah, it's me.
It's me.
Yeah, is everything OK?
How's football, Simon?
It's fine.
It's going good.
Well, how's school?
Hard work.
Shh, shh.
Yeah, well, you're staying
on top of it, right?
Yeah, it's on top of it.
I'm on-- yeah, I'm on top of it.
Oh, Simon, I got some great
posters for your room.
We'll send them off tomorrow.
Oh, good.
Why don't you-- why do you
send all my video games
and and my stereo and
my bed too, please?
Your bed?
What's wrong with your bed?
I'm just fucking-- I'm just--
I was just kidding around.
I told you he'd be fine, right?
Oh, hey, Lauren had
one of her lawyers
from her firm take care
of that ticket for you.
So that's finally behind us.
Simon, are you there?
Yeah, it's great.
Are you sure you're OK, Simon?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Why don't I call you
guys after the weekend?
Hey, want to go to a
concert this weekend?
Check it out.
Hey, hey.
He's a hottie.
Look at that little lost puppy.
I'm going to get
him some stir fry.
Please don't you dare.
Hey, you.
Yo, bro.
Yeah, you, you.
Come here a second.
What's up?
Try this.
I'm Jennifer, and this is Trace.
How are you doing?
Never mind me.
I'm just dying over here.
And this is our
demented friend, Kevin.
How are you doing, Kevin?
I'm Simon.
Nice to meet you.
Good to meet you.
Hot veggie stir fry.
It's the super kind!
Only 2 bucks.
So where do you go to school?
I go to boarding
school, Cheatham.
Oh, one of the chosen few.
Honey, we are all part
of the chosen few.
I wish they would have chosen
someone else, you know.
Yo, bro, who'd you say
you come here with?
I came here with this guy
named Andrew, but I lost him.
This whole crowd--
New York Andrew?
Yeah, I think he's from there.
Yin yang Andrew?
You guys know him?
Oh, it's synchronicity
shit again.
Hey, how much for the stir fry?
You got a ticket?
No, but I can make a trade.
What you got?
I got some stickers.
How about four of
these for a plate?
Right on.
Have a great show, man.
Thank you.
Here, Kev.
Somebody give me a hand here.
Oh, let me help you.
How's that?
It works.
So what do you guys do?
I mean, do you guys camp
out here or what happens?
How many shows have you been to?
Actually, this is my first show.
Now, that's an enviable
position to be in.
I'm going to take a
spin around the lot
and try to get some tickets.
Want to come, Simon?
Actually, you know what?
I really need to stay
around and look for Andrew.
All right, suit yourself.
Well, if you're
going for a minute.
Here, take a hit of this.
We'll be back in a minute.
It was nice meeting you guys.
Hey, come Lizards World.
Any two stickers for 5 bucks.
We got lots of cool shirts--
Wow, this place is great.
What's up?
Hey, Trace, my man.
What's going on, babe?
How are you doing?
I'm going to take this--
this t-shirt.
There you go.
It's-- Trace?
This is big fucking joint, man.
I can't handle that anymore.
Double bionic hydroponic
ganja goofballs.
Hey, you want to buy
a ganja goofball, man?
I don't want to be rude,
but those look like somebody
already ate them.
What are you talking about, man?
Wait, hold up.
Let me get two of those, bro.
Right on.
I don't know, man.
Thanks, bro.
The goofball man must be killed.
Yo, bro.
You should hang with
us for a few months.
It's not possible, man.
It is possible.
Anything is possible.
Hey, Simon.
Hey, man.
I lost you back there.
Where'd you go?
New York Andrew.
I like that tie dye.
You like this?
What's up?
How are you?
Good to see you, man.
I want you to meet somebody.
Jason, this is Simon.
Simon, how are you?
How are you doing?
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
And you know Trace.
Hey, Trace, what's kicking?
Hey, you, baby.
Just you, baby.
Oh, Jason, I got a
question for you.
Should Simon go on tour
for the rest of his life?
Well, what stands in the way?
Boarding school.
Ooh, I see.
Definitely tour, bro.
Yeah, but how do you know?
Because I graduated
from Andover last year
and I still managed
to see 30 shows
a year four years running.
Look at this guy.
Would this man lie to you?
No, definitely not.
Definitely not.
Thanks, Jason.
Simon, I'll see you around.
All right.
Take it easy.
Bathroom looks pretty good.
Surprised you, didn't we?
Simon, there is no
smoking in this room.
I don't smoke.
Allow me to finish, please.
In case you haven't
heard already from Joe,
this is his third time here.
Joe, tell Simon why we had to
ask you to leave twice before.
I was smoking in the room.
That's right.
Now tell him why you came back.
I'm an alcoholic.
That means I have an
obsession of the mind coupled
with an allergy of the body.
And I'm here to get
better and learn
how to stop drinking
one day at a time.
Our best student,
memorizes the book.
Welcome back, Joe,
for the third time.
You can go to breakfast.
Joe, if either you are
caught smoking in this room,
you'll both be thrown out.
Am I perfectly clear?
Yes, Ms Matthews.
What did I do?
What did you do?
I didn't do anything.
Why can't I go for breakfast?
I did it.
It's done.
Simon, there's a universal law.
And it is my job to
get it through to you
before you kill yourself.
So listen up.
Your happiness and
sanity are directly
proportional to the amount of
self honesty you can develop.
If you don't know how to make
up a bed because nobody ever
showed you, that's fine.
I'll show you now.
And then after this,
you'll do it on your own.
Oh, one more thing, I
want you to help Joe.
Oh, you got to be kidding me.
Being in a similar
predicament, you're
bound to be of
service to this guy.
Similar predicament?
Me and that guy have
nothing in common.
You believe that?
I totally believe that.
Well, you both made it to rehab.
You want one?
No, I'm trying to study, man.
Simon, that should
never stop you.
Come on.
No, I'm studying.
Simon, do you know about
state-dependent thinking?
What's that?
It's like this
psychological concept
where if you're all baked when
you're studying something,
in order to remember it, you
have to totally be baked again.
So I'm thinking, as long
as I'm good and baked when
I take this test, I'm
going to totally kick ass.
Afternoon, gentlemen.
Mr. Whitney.
Hello, Mr. Whitney.
Another weekend off campus.
That's how many in a row now?
Something like four.
No, it's like three or two.
Not too many.
It might behoove the two of you
to stick around and concentrate
on midterms, don't you think?
Oh, we brought our books.
It's time to go now, Simon.
You make sure to have yourself
a stellar weekend, Mr. Whitney.
You know, I never lost
anyone close to me.
You come here a lot?
She's the only
person I can trust.
Well, that's not true, bro.
Thanks for bringing me, Andrew.
Always check the hippie pouch.
What's this going to do?
Well, you're definitely
going to want
to cancel your afternoon
appointments if that's
what you mean.
Hey, take a look at the freak.
No way!
Come on, man.
1, 2, 3, oh!
Wake up and live, y'all.
Wake up and live.
Wake up and live, y'all.
Wake up and live.
Life is one big road
with lots of signs.
So when you're riding
through the ruts,
don't you complicate your mind.
Flee from hate,
mischief and jealousy.
Don't bury your thoughts.
Put your vision to reality.
All together now.
Wake up and live, y'all.
Wake up and live.
Wake up and live, y'all.
Wake up and wake up and live.
Don't mind failing
in this world.
Don't mind failing
in this world.
Stay down here with the
raggedy crew because getting up
there means stepping on you.
So I don't mind
failing in this world.
I don't mind faith
in this world.
I don't mind failing
in this world.
Somebody else's
definition isn't going
to measure my soul's condition.
I don't mind failing
in this world.
I don't mind failing
in this world.
I don't mind failing this world.
I'll stay down here with the
raggae crew because getting up
there means stepping on you.
I don't mind failing
in this world.
I'm getting kind of tired.
Well, whining ain't
going to help any.
Excuse me.
All right.
All right.
Why don't we check
out Tucson Mike's bus.
Oh, yeah.
Wait, wait, I want
to hang with Simon.
I'll hang with you, man.
Where are you guys going to be?
I think--
Oh, right over at that bus.
I think I'm just
going to go on my lab.
I'll be hanging out in the van.
Why don't you come and find me.
All right.
I'll come see you.
Don't keep him all night.
No worries.
See you later, K?
Where are we going?
That way.
All right.
I'ma come up.
So I'm in a skirt
with full dreads,
my mom's shaking
her head, and my dad
chimes in, "It's just
a phase, Marianne.
he'll grow out of it."
That's when I knew that
they'd never, never get it.
What about your parents?
Well, my-- my dad doesn't
understand this whole thing
at all.
How about your mom?
She died when I
was really young.
I'm sorry.
I ought to be sorry.
Wow, these are amazing.
Thank you.
Oh, here, here.
No, no.
No, no, no.
-- part I do myself.
So what do you
think of the music?
God, I can't even explain it.
You just did.
What happened, man?
You ever hear anybody
say that there
ought to be a law against
having too much fun?
I had way too much fun.
What's your family?
I mean, don't you
want to be with them?
Don't you--
I am--
Yes, you are.
I'm going to crash.
All right.
Where are you headed?
I was thinking about going
over to Texas Fred's bus.
You mean Tucson Mike's bus?
Oh, Simon.
Watch your step.
My step here or some heavy
shit like my step in life?
Have a good sleep, man.
I just saw Trace.
He was kissing another guy.
Probably Ritchie.
It's probably Ritchie.
Don't worry.
Well, it's a nice
place you have here.
So how are you?
Should I get naked now?
Is that a trick question?
It doesn't work that way.
Are you OK?
Got our test back today.
Where were you?
Well, math sucks, man.
Check it out.
Dude, this is definitely
a cause for celebration.
In honor of your 96?
You want one?
Now I want you to think before
you answer this question.
Are you a doper?
I'm a doper?
Mr. Whitney, what is
the usual procedure when
this kind of thing happens?
Essentially, we're looking
at a one week suspension
of all school privileges.
Now as long as Simon toes
the line and his grades
remain high, I see no reason why
Princeton or any other college
needs to hear about
this incident.
Thanks, Dan.
What's going to
happen to Andrew?
He was caught once before.
He's being expelled.
Well, it sucks.
That's enough.
And you should know that
I've asked the school
to put you on restriction for
the entire spring semester.
So you better plan on
spending your weekends here
at school from now on.
Oh, come on.
You got to be kidding me.
Simon, you can't afford to
be distracted right now.
Why do you guys get off my back?
Don't you dare speak
to us that way.
I will not allow you
to ruin this chance.
Now you will bear down and
pull it together right now.
Am I perfectly clear?
Yes, sir.
Dear, Simon.
I don't know what
it is you need.
But I do hope you find it.
You always have this
picture of your mom,
so I want to send it to you.
I hope the other one
brings you a smile.
We miss you.
Love always, Jennifer.
Simon, wake up.
What are you guys doing here?
Why haven't you called?
I'm staying for exams and stuff.
You know what it is.
Too busy for your friends, huh?
That's no excuse, Simon.
Where's Kevin?
Kevin's dead.
Somewhere I have never traveled,
gladly beyond inexperience,
your eyes have their silence.
In your most frail gesture
are things which enclose me.
Though I've closed myself,
you open always petal
by petal, nature's first flower.
I forgot the rest.
But the last night is,
nobody, not even the rain,
has such small hands.
Goodbye, babe.
[SINGING] Well, I'm a
felon in this world.
Oh, I'm a felon in this world.
Someone elses definition,
Even with my souls permission.
You must shit your
pants when you
saw those lights behind you.
I don't even remember
getting in the truck.
That's hardcore, man.
Shit, that ain't nothing.
Fucked up thing is I
keep getting caught.
I hear you.
This time it's going to
be different, though.
Man, I could use a drink.
I fucked up once.
I guess I'm just supposed
to forget about all
the good times, right?
I mean, I'm not telling you to
forget about the good times.
I'm trying to get you to see
that the good times are getting
And first, there's fun.
Then there's fun with problems.
And then there's just problems.
That's the way it works.
But you know what the thing is?
The thing is I got friends
that do drugs and deal drugs,
and they have no problems.
So you know?
I don't give a shit about that.
I want you to find out
what works for you, Simon,
and I'll tell you something, and
then, you're all on your own.
I mean, this place can help you.
Your friends can't help you.
Your parents can't help you.
Until you find out how to
be honest with yourself,
you are just shit out of luck.
You're an idiot.
Simon, don't call me
an idiot, all right?
Look, if you want
to get kicked out
of here, that's your choice.
Just don't get me involved.
Put that shit out.
Just one fucking cigarette.
What's the big deal?
Put that goddamn
cigarette out, Joe.
Michael Dayton.
Simon Harris.
Gordon McIver.
Dean Zingers.
Ladies and gentlemen, I gave you
the graduating class of 1996.
Have a great summer.
I am so proud of you.
You guys came.
What's up, Simon?
High five.
High fives.
Look at you.
Look at you, baby.
Oh, no!
Thank you, dad.
Thank you.
It's all here.
Oh, these are my--
these are my friends.
Alfie, Jason,
Jennifer, and this is--
This is Trace.
Hi, it's good to meet you.
Good to meet you too.
Good to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Please don't do that.
Well, you all were quite
a cheering section.
Thanks for coming, really.
Oh, Simon.
We have a gift for you,
and this is from all of us.
Oh, you guys shouldn't have.
Wow, look at this.
Look at this.
That's awesome.
That's so cool.
So, Mr. Harris, what
did you get your kid?
Well, it's kind of a surprise.
Good, I love surprises.
Well, OK.
Simon, you stuck it out, and
before you go off to Princeton,
Lauren and I want to take
you on a trip to Europe.
All this summer.
London, Paris, Rome.
You're staying in the most
amazing hotels you're not
going to believe them.
Sounds like so much fun.
Thank you.
Come out here, please.
Lauren and I want to
speak to you for a moment.
I'm sleeping.
Simon, come out down here now.
We'll talk to you about
this package, please.
What package?
You got a package here
from an August West
from Billy Dylan Productions
in San Francisco.
Matt and I'd like you to
open it in front of us.
Here, I'll take it.
I'll open it later.
Simon, we don't come into your
room because it's your space,
and we trust you.
But if you can't even open a
package in front of us, how can
we continue to trust you?
I can't believe
you just said that.
You do know that sending drugs
through the mail is a felony.
You just automatically
assume it's drugs, right?
It's my package, dad.
It's my fucking package.
I know that.
What time is it?
It's time to open the package.
I got to go to the airport.
The airport?
You're going to get
your passport today.
I'm not getting my passport.
You know what, I don't know
how to tell you this, OK,
but here's the story.
I'm not going to
Europe with you, guys.
I'm really sorry.
I should have said
something sooner,
but I got to catch a
plane in 90 minutes.
No, no, it's not OK.
Where's my package, Lauren?
Where are you going?
I'm going out with my friends.
Don't tell me you're going to
spend the rest of your life
with those people.
I'm not talking about
the rest of my life.
Those people are going
absolutely nowhere.
Know what, I'm closer
with those people
than I'll ever be with you.
Oh, Simon, you don't mean that.
I'm going to San
Francisco today.
Maybe for the summer, maybe
for longer, I don't know.
But I'm going.
Well, you better think about
that before you walk out
the door because that's
a serious decision.
All right?
We'll just open this package
now, and then we'll all know.
Allow me to open.
I hope--
Stop it, both of you.
Just open it up.
Open it.
Open it.
"To whom it may concern, I bet
you thought this was drugs.
Love, Trace."
What is this?
It's a combination
anthology alarm clock.
Guaranteed delivery by 10:30.
Dude, it was just
a wake up call.
And a gift.
It's a fucking gift, man.
What's wrong?
What are you, bummed, huh?
No, no, no.
It's just my parents.
They thought it was drugs.
I mean, they wanted to open it.
Oh, man.
I said I let them open it.
Then we can start sending
real drugs to your house.
Will you shut up?
You're sick.
Shut up.
It's cool, though, guys.
Thank you.
Shut up.
And stick out your tongue.
There you go.
I'm out here.
See you, guys.
We'll see you after the show.
What's up with her?
Yo, Trace.
Yo, what's up?
Man, I hear you got sheets.
Are you looking for pages?
No, just singles.
Look, if you want to get high,
I'll get you high for the show,
but I'm looking to
get rid of pages.
Look, maybe you could give
me a sheet to pass around,
see how people
like it, you know?
Look, bro, do you have bank?
Because if you
don't have bank, I
don't even want to be
having this conversation.
All right, look, take these,
and meet me at the tunnel right
after the show if
you like, right?
Bring sheets.
Not a problem.
How come you make this deal?
I'll come with you.
No, no.
Come on.
I think you should
come another time.
I don't know how large
it's going to be.
Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude.
Just chill, all right?
You get your chance.
All right.
All right.
Wait up.
Are you OK?
Oh, wait, wait, I got
to go pee, all right?
Hold on.
Oh, hold my backpack, man.
Hold it.
Keep a tight grip, all right?
I'm serious.
I remember what's
in there, all right?
I've got to go and
set up the stir fry.
So you better come
and buy me, OK?
Oh, fuck.
Oh, cool.
All right, so I'll meet
you over the van, OK?
All right.
I just fucked with
Trace big time.
Oh yeah?
Hi, baby.
How are you?
I'm OK.
What's up?
Smoking sure, huh?
You all right?
Oh, yeah.
Great acid, man.
So did you bring the sheets?
Are you sure you're all right?
Oh, totally.
So you got the sheets?
Can you help me?
You're fucking high, Simon.
I'm high, yeah.
I'm high.
What are you doing?
Trace needs our help.
Just relax.
Just relax.
I'll be OK.
just watch.
Trace is busted.
That's not my backpack.
"To whom it may concern, I bet
she thought this was drugs.
Love, Trace."
What is this?
This was tangled up.
A trip.
I don't believe this.
I don't know what to say.
You don't have to
say anything, man.
Strictly coincidental.
I don't know.
It was more than coincidental.
I was going down big time, bro.
I should be in jail right now.
Whatever you need, bro.
Anything, right?
Well, there is one thing.
You could hook me up
with your chemist.
Are you sure you're
ready for that?
Totally ready for that.
It can get a little
weird over there.
How weird could it possibly get?
Jodie, Mary, can you hear me?
They've been dipping all night.
Even with the extra protection,
you can't help but get high.
Doc offered them some
Thorazine, but they said
they'd just rather ride it out.
Riding out, they are.
Sorry, man.
Where's doc?
Doc is involved as we speak.
Hey, what's up, doc?
This is my friend, Simon.
Jesus Christ.
Neil, how many
times have we talked
about this neurotic
whispering shit?
Whenever you whisper, you
make everything very tense.
And there's enough
tension as it is.
You're done?
This is my friend, Simon Harris.
The one I was telling you about.
Oh, yes.
Are you ready to
go see how you do?
Do you know what that is?
Scott Joplin, Maple Leaf Rag.
Very good.
Trace, how do you like
your Bloody Marys?
To tell you the truth,
doc, I'm kind of scared
of the goddamn things.
Well, let me give it a try.
It's a good batch.
Now I'm going to play
a particular verse
of Brown-eyed Women.
I want you to hear this.
[SINGING] 1920 when
he stepped to the bar,
drank to the tregs
of the whiskey jar.
1930 when the wall caved
in, he made his way
selling red-eyed gin.
Who wrote that?
Robert Hunter wrote the words,
and Jerry put it to music.
That's exactly right.
But I don't know
if you're making
the connections, young man.
Now what are they talking
about in this tune?
They're basically
talking about partying
in the roaring 20s and the
Great Depression of the 30s.
Yes, yes.
It's about America's
past, but it's also
about our mythological past.
It's also about our present.
About the intoxication of
high times and the depression
that accompanies the comedown.
It's like a universal
thing, really.
Oh, you're a bright boy.
But do you see the
real genius of this?
Scott Joplin played Maple Leaf
Rag at the turn of the century.
Robert Hunter wrote Brown-eyed
Women in the early '70s.
They were talking about
universal themes that
have no temporal limitations.
And they're hiding them
right there for us to find.
Right there in
our own mythology.
Right there for anyone to see.
Now everybody can see.
Because they haven't
taken my LSD.
1943, the physicist
was playing tennis
and came up with a recipe
for nuclear fission,
the first atomic bomb.
Thousands of miles away in
Switzerland, Dr. Albert Hofmann
was tripping his face off
because he accidentally
ingested a tiny amount of
his new discovery, LSD 25.
LSD will do to you
whatever LSD wants to.
Pay attention.
Very well.
I want you to put your hands
face down on your knees,
be quiet, and listen.
Don't make any gestures or
respond to anything at all.
Simon, tell Joe what
you think of him.
What did you say to her?
I didn't tell her anything.
Just shut up, and put
your hands on your knees.
Go ahead.
You think he's going
to make it out there?
Kate, I don't want to do this.
Simon, I want you to look
at Joe and find the courage
to tell him what
you see because I
don't know if he's
got the ability
to see that for himself.
Joe, you believe if everybody
thinks things are OK,
everything's going to be cool?
It's like you told me.
You're only in here
'cause you got caught,
and if you didn't get caught,
there wouldn't be a problem.
You know, you're supposed
to be in here for your wife
and for your kids and for
your family and so forth,
but, you know, what about you?
Aren't you tired of
living for other people?
I am.
You're not going to get any
fucking relief until you learn
to deal with your own shit.
Plain and simple.
Are you OK?
Are you OK?
I'm worried about you.
Me too.
I'm serious.
Jennifer, why are
you freaking out for?
Because you always
ignore me now.
You never have time
for me anymore.
You've, like,
completely changed.
Can you shut that?
I'm freezing.
It's fog.
We'll be in New York soon.
I know.
I'd like to see
where you grew up.
My dad's house?
I want to see your
parents again.
Maybe I'll call.
K, you're good.
Right on.
Come back if you
want more, all right?
Ready to go into the show?
No, baby, I got to
meet some people.
Oh, come on, I want
you to come in with me.
They're going to be on soon.
You know what, take this, go
in, and I'll meet you in there.
Wow, long time no see.
How you've been, man?
It's like your little business
venture is doing pretty well.
Is that supposed to mean--
Why are you here, Simon?
Man, I'm just here for the
same reason that you are.
The same reason as everybody.
You're fucking up, dude.
Look at you.
Look at yourself.
I'm fucking up?
It's really great being
back on the East Coast.
So will you get a chance to see
your parents while you're here?
Actually I'm
thinking we're going
to head up there
in a couple of days
and spend some time with them.
What do they think
about what you're doing?
I don't think you need the
response you're looking for.
Her parents actually
support what she's doing.
Well, I didn't say they didn't.
Just ask her a question.
Sure she can answer
it by herself.
Well, I can't exactly
say they understand me,
but they do know that I am with
good people and that I'm happy.
Do you have a job?
I mean, how do you
support yourself?
I run a kitchen
of sorts on tour.
And you make enough doing that?
I think we've done pretty
well for ourselves.
Simon, what-- what is this?
It's the money we made
from Jennifer's stir fry
and my selling T-shirts.
Worked hard, dad.
Worked real hard.
Well, good job, then.
Good job.
So how long are you two
going to be in New York?
I read in The Times this morning
that the concerts are going
to be here through Thursday.
We'd love it if you'd stay
with us for the weekend.
Yeah, we have some
time this weekend.
We've got plenty of room.
I don't think so.
Well, maybe we could
work something out.
That'd be great.
I spell it out for you, guys.
I don't want to stay
here this weekend.
We're not going to stay
here this weekend, really.
Simon, I think your
father would be--
I'm not even talking to you.
And don't do that, please.
Sylvia, would you wait, please?
Simon, I didn't mean to--
You know what, I'm
tired of this bullshit.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, let's not--
You know what, let's not
pretend that things are OK
'cause the last time I was here,
you guys fucking kicked me out.
I didn't throw you out.
You walked out the
door on your own.
I didn't push you out.
Matt, don't get
pulled into this.
You know what your problem is?
You know he'll never love
you like he love my mom.
That's all right, Lauren.
That's all right.
That's enough.
Why don't we clear these plates
off and be ready for dessert?
She can help you.
She can do it.
God damn it, Simon!
What is your problem?
I think maybe we should go.
Now we're going to go.
We're going to go.
Thank you for dinner.
It's wonderful.
Come on, Jennifer.
I'm sorry.
Please call if you need
anything, Jennifer.
It's nice to see
you again, Jennifer.
For any reason.
Will you slow down?
So what did you
think of my family?
Simon, your dad was trying.
You saw the way he looked at me.
He didn't believe
me for one second.
Not one second
did he believe me.
You're lying.
It's not the point.
The point is if I wasn't lying,
he still wouldn't believe me.
But you were lying.
What was that shit at
the dinner table, huh?
I'm sorry, Mr. Harris?
Jennifer, what
are you sorry for?
What is your problem?
I think you just keep your
suggestions to yourself,
you know, 'cause
I don't need them.
My family doesn't
want to hear me now.
That's perfect
trip tonight based
on your all-time
great idea, Simon.
I don't even know
who you are anymore.
If you're not doing drugs,
you're selling drugs,
and when you're not doing that,
you're counting your money.
You don't give a shit
about anyone else
but yourself, Simon.
Whole world doesn't
revolve around you.
You know, it's not
always about you, you,
you, you, you know that?
If I want to get high, I'm
going to get high, right?
If you don't like it,
get the fuck out of here.
[SINGING] Everything
we felt fell
What is your problem?
You're fucking up, dude.
You all right, boy?
Get off me!
The fuck off me!
Let go!
All I'm saying is own up
to your shit, that's all.
I can't believe
I'm hearing this.
Come on, Trace.
You fucked up.
Oh, I fucked up?
You sell acid.
You don't think that
eventually someone's
going to have a problem with it?
You're blaming me for
what happened tonight?
You must be joking.
I'm not joking!
Jennifer, I tried to warn him.
He wouldn't listen.
Simon makes his own decisions.
You know that as
well as anybody.
And you had nothing
to do with it tonight?
I don't know what
happened tonight.
All I know is it seemed
like something he was going
to go through sooner or later.
You know what, Trace?
That's something
that you would say.
I'd like to see Simon Harris.
I'm his father.
Hi, I'm Kate Matthews.
I'm Simon's counselor.
I understand my son is here.
We'd like to see him.
I'm sorry that's not possible.
Wait a minute.
What do you mean
it's not possible?
What do we do here?
What do we-- do we
need a court order?
Matt, wait.
Here's a form Simon
completed when he checked in.
Line eight, "Do you want us
to contact your parents?"
Answer, no.
Line nine, "Do you want
visitation from your parents?"
answer, no.
Simon is an adult. He
doesn't have to see you
if he doesn't want to.
There must be
something we can do.
Well, you can stay and go
through our family program
if you like.
Family program.
It's out of the question.
Suit yourself.
We'll get a lawyer.
We'll be back here in an hour.
Come on.
Matt, we've got to stay.
Laura, what are we
going to stay for?
For what?
This is-- what are you
going to do, sit around
with a bunch of doctors
examining our inner child?
I'm not a doctor.
Oh, that's even better.
Matt, if you and I don't stay
here now and try and solve
this, it will not go away.
Matt, Simon, you're up.
Who would like to begin?
I'll begin.
I stole a lot of stuff.
I mean, a lot more
than I was caught for.
And I lied to you.
I lied to Lauren a lot.
I smoked pot.
I drank.
I did acid.
Is that all?
That money that I brought to the
dinner table the other night,
that wasn't from selling
T-shirts or food.
That was--
We knew that.
Let Simon continue
without interrupting.
I sold acid, dad.
You know what it is, though?
I was trying to--
I am-- I am trying to
find something, you know?
Mr. Harris, is there anything
you'd like to share with Simon?
I certainly knew
about all the drugs,
and I'm happy that he's able
to admit to these things.
I'm sure it's not easy.
Why are you talking to me?
talk to Simon.
I look forward to you coming
home so that we can take care
of all of this by ourselves.
Is there anything you
would change if you
could do it all over again?
Well, I'm sure
everybody's got things
they would like to change.
Everybody makes mistakes.
Dad, what mistakes did you make?
Simon, be quiet.
No, that's-- it's
all right, Kate.
I-- I suppose I could
have been a better father.
And a better husband
to mom, right?
Do you want me to say it?
You got with her
before mom even died.
You know what, I
walked in, I saw her.
How can you fucking deny it?
I'll deny it.
It's absolutely not true.
It never happened.
What have they been
telling you here?
You know, you're all turned
around here you don't even
know what you're saying.
Simon, sit down now!
Kate, I saw--
Simon, sit down.
People that love each other,
they don't cheat, dad.
They protect each other.
They treat each other right.
That's right.
In a perfect world, that's
what people should do.
But this is not a perfect world.
And even people that you love
don't treat you right either.
Simon, everybody
made mistakes here.
Who made the fucking mistake?
Who made the mistakes?
He fucking made the mistakes.
My own fucking dad, that's who.
You know what, Simon, you want
so desperately for your mother
to be a saint.
How can you say that?
Simon, sit down now!
How can you fucking say that?
How can you fucking say
that, you fucking asshole?
Fuck you all!
Fuck you all!
You've been trying to
do everything, have you?
Mommy, where's daddy?
Where is daddy?
Simon, get out of here!
Get out of here!
How could you do this?
Get out of the house.
Come on.
What about Simon?
I'll take care of Simon.
You should have
thought of that before!
You know, for maybe the
first time in his life,
Simon told the truth in there.
Well, I don't know what
he's been telling you here.
But what he said in
there was not the truth.
Well, tell me what happened.
I mean, did you
two have an affair?
Absolutely not.
So why does Simon think that?
You know Simon's mother died,
and it affected all of us.
I think Matt is always blaming
himself for his wife's--
Lauren, please.
Be useful, Matt.
[SINGING] Come down
off your throne
and leave your body alone.
Somebody must change.
You are the reason I've
been waiting so long.
Somebody holds the key.
But I'm near the end and
I just ain't got the time.
And I'm wasted and I
can't find my way home.
But I can't find my way home.
I didn't expect to see you here.
I didn't come here to fight.
I'm not going to stay long.
Well, you can.
If you want to.
Look, dad, I just
wanted to tell you--
needless to say, I--
I made a lot of mistakes, dad.
Me too.
Here you go.
I hope you enjoy.
Thank you.
She could stir fry.
So I finished rehab.
I was thinking maybe I could
get a job outside, maybe
cooking or something.
Then college.
I don't know.
I don't know how I'm going
to swing things right now,
I don't know how I'm
going to take them,
but I really need your help.
Could you please dry the rice?
[SINGING] Even after
all the murdering,
even after all, yeah,
the sufferings so.
You know I love you so, you
know I love you so and so, even
after all.
I'll let you go on, it's
the order of the day.
In all that you believe, sir,
it's all that in this society.
You know I love you so, you
know I love you so and so, even
after all.
Even after all, the
murdering that go on,
even after all, oh,
no, yeah, suffering so.
You know I love you so, you
know I love you so and so, even
after all.
You just survive, soldier,
and his soul is beautiful.
And your soul--
Driving down the
highway miles from home.
It's been that way since
they started to roam.
This is what we wanted,
hey, look what we got.
Leave that little town behind
and move on and move on.
Yeah, the trees line the highway
as we roll down the road.
At the wheel 12 tons of
steel can be quite loaded.
In the distance the city
lights are starting to glow.
Sit back and watch them glimmer,
they're starting to grow.
Sit back.