Arranged Marriage (2022) Movie Script

(lights flicking)
(light flicking continues)
(light flicking continues)
(ominous music)
- So this tribe,
they burn the body.
Then they crush the bones,
mix it into a plantain stew,
and then they feast
on it for days.
- No way.
- Way.
Hey, what's that on your arm?
- What?
- [Josh] Let me see.
- What is it?
We're gonna fail if we don't
write this paper, Josh.
- Failure's not an option.
If we don't get at
least an A minus,
we'll just drop the class.
- That's even worse.
- [Josh] That doesn't
show up on your transcript
if you drop it in time.
- Are you kidding?
- On paper, you're
looking at an A student,
top of the class.
- Only class you can progress.
(ominous music)
- [Josh] What?
- Well, yeah, kind of.
- Consider yourself lucky
to be paired with
such a brilliant mind.
Come here, I wanna
show you this.
- Okay.
I'm going to the bathroom.
Write the paper, boy genius.
(dark music)
(slow suspenseful music)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(lights flicking)
(slow suspenseful music)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(lights flicking)
(dark music)
(dark music)
(glass breaking)
(dark music)
(Punjabi music)
(Punjabi music continues)
- You gonna be okay?
- Do you want us to come
in with you, sweetie?
- It's okay.
- Well, we're here
for you anytime.
Let us know if
you need anything.
- Thanks guys.
- For death is certain
to one who is born,
thou shall not grieve
for what is unavoidable.
- He was murdered Clive.
- I know, I'm just saying.
- Thanks for coming guys.
I'll, I'll see you soon.
- Hey, hey, hey.
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(mother speaking in
foreign language)
(singing in foreign language)
(mother speaking in
foreign language)
(singing in foreign language)
(people chattering)
(person speaking in
foreign language)
- When the surgeon cut him open,
they found a kilo of
(indistinct) inside him.
- No.
- Still in the box.
- No.
- Oh yeah.
- Oh cool.
So you're a doctor?
- Kind of.
- She will die, literally.
- Yeah, I worked the graveyard
shift down at the hospital
and then I hop over to the
morgue for the night work.
- Wow.
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(people chattering)
(people chattering continues)
- Ah, Kamali!
(people cheering and clapping)
- We've all been
waiting for you.
Guest of honor.
(man chuckling)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(Kamali speaking in
foreign language)
- Oh.
She studies very hard at home,
in her room, at the library.
- Rotoo's the same way.
He studies 22 hours a day.
- [Group] Wow.
(father speaking in
foreign language)
- Come, come, come,
let me introduce you.
So, okay.
So this is grandfather.
This is grandmother.
- Oh, pet the feet.
What kind of girl is this?
(people chattering)
- [Man] And this is sister.
- Welcome.
- And that's your
nephew, hidden in there.
And this is mom.
- Hi.
- Come here.
(speaking in foreign language)
Let me look at these hands.
These hands are
made to make roti.
(people laughing)
- Okay, and this
is Rotoo's father.
Engineer, eh.
(people chattering)
- These spreadsheets
are bullshit!
- Congratulations.
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(people clapping)
(percussive music)
(bell ringing)
(people chattering)
- Give her the bag.
- She wants to keep
it for herself.
(people laughing)
(light percussive music)
- [Man] There you go.
(light percussive music)
(light percussive
music continues)
(light percussive
music continues)
(man murmuring)
(light percussive
music continues)
(people cheering and clapping)
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
- Ah.
(singing in foreign language)
- Rotoo, come, come.
Rotoo, this is Kamali.
Kamali, Rotoo.
(singing in foreign language)
Come on, give her a hug.
(people laughing quietly)
(people awing)
(singing in foreign language)
(people awing)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(people awing)
- So here take one of these
and feed her.
(singing in foreign language)
(people clapping and cheering)
- I'm fucking engaged!
- What?
- I'm engaged, Clive.
- How to who?
- Some guy I never even met.
Look, I got home yesterday
and they were just
waiting for me, like,
like terrorists.
- Do you like him?
- I met him for
like two minutes.
- What, what was he like?
- I don't know, some nerdy guy.
Total fob.
- There was an engagement party.
- Yeah, totally barbaric.
- I mean, it is traditional.
- Easy for you to say.
- Arranged marriage
has historically
always been the dominant
system, even in England.
- Yeah, well, it's not
historically anymore.
- About security.
Ensuring that the girl is
taken care of, clothed, fed.
- I'm not handicapped, Clive.
Whose side are you on?
- Come on, I'm just saying,
we need to understand
your parents' perspective.
- Whatever.
I don't care.
What are we gonna do?
- I need to demonstrate
to your family
that I'm capable of
providing for you.
- They don't care
about that, Clive.
It's all about appearances.
- Kami, trust me.
We all want the same things.
Different cultures are simply
a manifestation of the
same underlying needs
in varying circumstances.
- What?
- Let's go talk to them.
I'll introduce myself.
We'll get to know each other.
They'll see that I'm not
so different from them.
It'll be quirky.
- No, I don't think
that's a good idea.
- Hey Kam, it's getting
pretty busy in here.
- Trust me.
It'll be fine.
- Oh.
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(uncle speaking in
foreign language)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(doorbell ringing)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
- Hello.
- It's for me, grandma.
(Punjabi music)
(Punjabi music continues)
I want you to meet
a friend of mine.
- Hi, Clive.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
To meet you Mrs. Matu.
Pleasure to meet you Mr. Matu.
- Clive.
how do you know our Kamali?
- We studied together in school.
- Oh, school fellows.
Good, come sit.
(father speaking in
foreign language)
- This smells so nice.
I love Punjabi food.
Can't live without it.
I'm addicted to matar paneer.
- You want matar paneer?
We will make matar paneer.
(father speaking in
foreign language)
- Thank you.
You're very kind,
but just the chia.
- Nobody's, Clive.
So, Clive,
how is
Kamali doing in school?
- She's doing really well.
- Oh.
I hope you're able to help
her from time to time.
- Oh, she doesn't need
my help, Mr. Matu.
She's a very bright girl.
I usually go to her for help.
- Is that right?
- This chai tea is amazing.
- So what are your plans
after graduation, Clive?
- I don't know yet.
I'd like to travel for a year.
Spend six months in India.
- India?
(father laughing)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
Oh, Clive, Clive, Clive.
(father laughing)
- Mr. Matu, there's something
I want to talk to you about.
- [Father] Huh?
- Kamali and I met in first
year in English literature.
We were grouped together
for an assignment.
We found we had a lot in common.
A couple weeks later,
I asked her out
and she agreed.
Ever since then,
we've been together.
We've kept it a
secret from everyone,
but our closest friends, but
we couldn't do it any longer.
Mr. Matu,
I'm in love with your daughter
and we'd like to continue
seeing each other
with your permission, of course.
Before you say anything,
I want you to know that I'm,
I'm learning Punjabi.
I'm serious about this.
And I want to do
this the right way.
I want to learn fluent Punjabi.
I'm going to start
taking lessons soon.
And Kamali has already
been teaching me a bit.
(Clive speaking in
foreign language)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(dark music)
- No!
(dark music)
(punches and kicks thudding)
(uncle yelling)
(dark music)
- He had to go to the hospital.
No I can't.
I'm not allowed to
leave the house.
They're watching me.
No, I can't leave the house.
Look, I've gotta go.
- [MOther] Come and eat.
- I'm not hungry.
- Don't be like this,
(speaking in foreign language).
- Leave me alone.
- Your father is protecting you.
- Protecting me?
By almost killing my boyfriend.
- We don't know
anything about this boy.
These people have a
different way than us.
Their whole system is
different from ours.
- Well my system is
different than yours.
(mother speaking in
foreign language)
- That fob?
- A fob?
You have to be smart Kamali.
Now's the time to marry.
You're about to be 25.
Who will want to marry
you after that, huh?
- I'm turning 23 mom.
And I'd rather never get
married than even look at him.
- He comes from a good family.
(mother speaking in
foreign language)
- I don't need anyone
to take care of me.
I have a job and I
make my own money.
- Tell me who will
make the rotis?
- No one.
I hate rotis.
(grandmother speaking
in foreign language)
(Punjabi music)
(mother speaking in
foreign language)
- Where is it?
- Garage.
(sisters muttering)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(dryer tumbling)
(rock music)
(rock music continues)
(rock music continues)
- Hey, Kamali.
What are you doing
out here at night?
You should have called me.
I would have come to your
home and picked you up.
- No, no, it's fine, uncle.
- Where are you headed?
- Downtown.
- No problem.
I got this.
All right.
By the way, congratulations
on your engagement.
It gave me such a great joy
when I heard the announcement.
I know the boy's family.
They're very nice people.
May you have four sons.
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
- [Kamali] Right here is good.
- Have you gone mad?
- Please, uncle.
- Never.
- Thank you, uncle.
- Give my congratulations
to everyone, all right.
(muted Punjabi music)
(alarm sounding)
(sirens wailing)
- I'm so glad to see you.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Thanks for being here, Henry.
- Always.
You know that.
(Punjabi music)
- [Jeff] Yeah, we
just got those in.
You want one?
- Yeah.
- Oh no, you gotta,
I gotta ring it up first.
- No free.
You said you want.
- I just meant, do
you wanna buy one?
I'm sorry.
(phone ringing)
- What up, Bikini World.
This is Jeff.
How may I help you?
- Yeah, who is this?
- [Jeff] This is Jeff.
- Who?
Where are you from?
- This is Bikini World.
I'm Jeff.
- Who are you?
- What?
- Is this the ocean store?
- I mean, yeah, we kind of
sell stuff for the ocean.
- You know Kamali?
- Kami, yeah, she works here.
I'm her manager.
May I ask who's calling?
- Her father!
- Oh, gotcha.
Yeah, she just took her break,
but I'm happy to
give her a message.
- Tell her she's no
longer working there.
She is fired.
- What?
She's my best worker.
- She has to focus
on the studies more.
- I can't do that.
There would have to be cause.
She's literally
my best employee.
- Cause?
What cause?
Cause I said so.
- I'm really sorry,
I can't do that.
It would be unethical.
And I'd have to answer
to the Labor Board.
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(dark music)
(machine clunking)
- Jeff, the AC died.
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(Kamali screaming)
(sirens wailing)
- Would you like a water?
(dark music)
(dark music continues)
(soft guitar music)
Who am I
I am you
You are me
We are one
We are two
We are three,
Four, five, six,
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
- Are you sure?
It's just my dad, he's crazy.
I don't know what to do.
- He's not crazy.
He comes from a place
where this is the accepted
method of conflict resolution.
All immigrants have
gone through this.
I get it, I do.
Besides it's you we need
to be concerned about.
You just witnessed
a murder again.
- I didn't witness it.
He was just hanging there
by a bunch of bikinis.
- Let's hope they
find who did this.
- Nothing.
- No, what is it?
- I think I saw
my cousins there.
- Where?
- Outside the store.
- So?
- I was waiting to
talk to the police
and they passed
right by the store.
- So what?
- Clive, do I have to
spell it out for you?
- You think you, your
cousins killed Jeff?
- I don't know Clive.
Why else were they there?
- Kami, this area's
almost all brown.
I doubt it was even them.
- I know what my cousins
looked like, Clive.
We don't all look the same.
- I,
that's not what I
meant, I'm sorry.
I'm just saying if,
if you're not sure,
it could have been anybody.
Besides even if it was them,
what, what does that prove?
It's gonna be okay.
Let's go.
I brought the dues.
- Gross, Clive.
Why do you keep buying those?
- Cause they're delicious.
- Oh, (speaking in
foreign language).
(grandmother speaking
in foreign language)
(uncle speaking in
foreign language)
I just came here to
drop off the feast.
(uncle speaking in
foreign language)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
- Thank you, thank you.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Oh, I just ate.
- You must have
something at least.
- Please.
I must stop, (speaking
in foreign language).
- At least have some chai.
(father speaking in
foreign language)
- No, no.
Thank you, thank you.
- You're not leaving
without having chai at least.
- All right.
A cure is enough.
- The boy is going
to be an engineer.
- I know.
His father is an engineer too.
Either way.
Very good family.
Kamali is making progress too.
She such a hard worker.
Other day, I dropped her off.
Didn't I tell you?
- When?
- Three or four days back,
she was going to
meet her classmates
for one of the school projects.
- Where was this?
- Downtown,
one of those
apartment buildings.
She was with the white
girl and a black boy.
They must have been friends.
- Friends?
- Yeah, friends.
She was hugging the black guy.
(dramatic music)
(uncle speaking indistinctly)
- Ooh,
allow me.
- Yep.
- Go.
- And still.
- Wait, are you kidding?
That was totally me.
(slow suspenseful music)
What was that?
- Stay put.
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
I'm gonna use the bathroom.
(slow suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(punches and kicks thudding)
- Henry?
(punches and kicks thudding)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(upbeat music)
It doesn't make any sense.
They didn't even take anything.
- What did the cops say?
- I don't know.
They're clueless.
- You're not hurt?
- No, they,
they didn't care
about me, just him.
- Move, come on.
- Go, go, go.
Come on, come on.
(phone ringing)
- What am gonna do?
I really loved him.
- Kamali.
- Yes?
- You have a phone call.
- Hello?
- [Father] Kamali.
Please come home now.
I have done my part.
All these drug
dealers and criminals
who were corrupting your mind
have been dealt with.
It's time for you
to come home now.
Please don't do this anymore.
Come home.
(Punjabi music)
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(mother speaking in
foreign language)
(father speaking in
foreign language)
(Punjabi music)
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(glass breaking)
- Sam, I broke a glass.
(insects thrumming)
(slow suspenseful music)
(slow suspenseful music)
(slow suspenseful music)
Are you there?
(slow suspenseful music)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
What's going on?
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
(slow suspenseful
music continues)
Are you okay?
(suspenseful music)
- Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday!
- Oh my God.
Are you crazy?
What the fuck are you wearing?
Kami, it's just us.
We wanted to surprise you.
- Happy birthday, sweetie.
- Yeah, I was freaking out.
Okay, I could have
killed you guys.
Why are you wearing that?
- Come on, relax.
It's your birthday.
Come on.
Happy birthday, Kami.
Pick a place, any place.
Where do you wanna go?
- How can you think
of celebrating
at a time like this, Clive?
We're still in mourning.
- That's exactly why
we have to celebrate.
If the past few weeks
have taught me anything,
it's that life is very precious
and we have to live
every day to the fullest.
Henry would've wanted us to.
Henry would've fucking insisted.
- Come on.
Kami, it's your birthday.
You only get so many of these.
- I don't know.
- Come on.
One drink.
(house music)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
(house music continues)
- What hell was going on?
- Look, did you see
which way he went?
Maybe he's still inside.
- What's going on?
Who was that guy?
- It was the guy I'm
supposed to marry.
- So?
That's why you're
going so crazy?
- God, don't you get it?
- No.
- I'm not supposed
to be here right now.
I'm not even
supposed to know you.
- What, who gives a shit?
Your dad already knows.
I got, got my ass kicked
'cause of it, remember?
- That was my family,
Clive, it wasn't his.
- Hey.
What happened?
- Kami saw the guy her
parents that her up with.
- Oh, and what happened?
- They flipped out, ask her.
- Kami, you okay?
The wedding is off.
- That's good though, isn't it?
- That's what I said.
- My dad is crazy.
- But he already knew about us.
- He did Clive, but
the community didn't.
- What do they care?
- Jesus, Clive, do I have to
really spell it out for you?
I am finished.
I am damaged goods.
Okay, nobody is gonna wanna
marry me and my, my family.
They're gonna be outcasts.
- Oh.
God, this is too fucked up.
So what's he gonna do, kill you?
Because one brown guy
saw you in a club,
but he was there himself.
- It's different for girls.
- The people that killed
Henry were Punjabi.
- What, how do you know?
- I saw them dancing.
- So what do you think?
- I just.
- No, that was robbery, Sam.
Okay, you said it and
the police said it.
- You saw your cousins
at Bikini World
when Jeff was killed.
- I said I saw some people
that I thought look
like my cousins, Clive.
They're like a million
brown people here.
They're not all my cousins.
- No, no.
That's that's not what I meant.
- You know what?
Screw you guys.
Some birthday!
- Kami.
I'm sorry.
(Kami sobbing)
(phone ringing)
- Pick up the phone, (speaking
in foreign language).
(phone ringing)
Pick up the phone!
(phone ringing)
(father grumbling)
(phone ringing)
Who is this?
- Brother, have you no shame?
- Oh, Anwar I'm sorry,
I didn't recognize your number.
- We thought you
are good people.
Honorable people.
Turns out you're
running a whore house.
- I don't understand.
What are you saying?
- My boy saw Kamali
dancing naked
in some club downtown in
the middle of the night
with the white people!
- It cannot be.
(speaking in foreign language)
- You calling my boy a liar?
- Oh no, no, no,
no, no, no, Anwar.
Maybe it was an, a
Mistakes do happen, you know.
- He spoke with the whore.
He even fought a battle
with the white guy.
(speaking in foreign language)
Why do you want to humiliate me?
What have I done to you?
- It is all these
white people, Anwar.
They have brainwashed her.
I'm going to make
everything right again.
I will take care of it.
Yes, yes, yes.
Everything will be fine.
Do not worry.
- No,
it's too late for that now.
The time has passed.
Your family has no shame.
No honor.
And you wanna drag
me down with you.
(speaking in foreign language)
Don't come near my family
or try to contact me.
You hear me?
It's over!
(phone ringing)
- Baba ji, I was
going to call you.
- Kamali,
I have always been
a reasonable man.
- Baba ji.
- Listen.
I've always tried to keep
you on the right path,
at least as well as a
simple man like me would,
but it seems nothing has worked.
You do not want to listen.
And now it's too late to listen.
When someone's time has come,
nothing can stop it.
(muffled music)
- Baba ji.
- Hey!
(muffled music continues)
(liquid sloshing)
- So let me get this straight.
You want me to arrest someone
who happens to be
your father, no less,
on the basis of some
Punjabi proverb?
- Yes.
No, look, it's not
just because of that.
Look you, you don't
understand the culture.
- You're damn right I don't.
- I think I saw my cousins
outside of Bikini World where
Jeff Graney was murdered.
- [Detective] And?
- And the people who
killed Henry Carson,
they were brown guys.
- So what?
- Can't you do
anything with that?
- What do you want me to do?
You people are outta control.
(Kami speaking in
foreign language)
- What did you say?
- You know what,
I think you're a racist.
A brown girl's life is in danger
and you throw her
out on the street.
I'm going to the media.
- Well, you go right ahead
because if I don't
arrest your father,
I'm a racist because
I didn't help you.
If I do arrest your father,
I'm a racist
because I don't
have any evidence.
Either way,
I'm a racist.
- Fine?
- Fine.
Anything else I
could do for you?
- Are you even white?
Please, officer, look,
I am begging you.
I don't wanna die.
Can you please do something?
I'm scared.
- Okay.
Listen, maybe,
maybe I can send
someone over there
and they'll have a talk.
- Could you please?
- I'll see what I can do.
- Thank you.
- Whoa.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How you been?
- Fine.
I missed you so much.
What is it?
- Ahem.
I need to ask you something.
(Clive exhales)
- What?
- Over the past few days,
I've had a lot of time to think
about myself, my future,
what I want.
- Are you breaking up with me?
- No, no, no, Kami, just listen.
I've had a lot of time to think
and no matter how
I see my future,
I can't imagine it without you.
What I'm asking is
since I can't live without you,
will you marry me?
(soft music)
- Yes.
Yes, yes, I will.
- I love you so much.
- You too.
(soft music)
Clive, it's so beautiful.
(soft music continues)
Oh my God, I'm getting married.
(soft music continues)
(sirens wailing)
(siren wailing continues)
(siren wailing continues)
- Thank you for coming officer.
Please come in.
My family's waiting for you.
- Thank you.
(siren wailing)
Cool pic.
(soft music)
- Officer, thank you
very much for coming.
We appreciate it so, so much.
Thank you.
- [Officer] Thank
you for having me.
- Please meet my
beautiful family.
You met my daughter.
- [Officer] I did, a
beautiful young girl.
- Yes.
This here is my wife.
- Hello.
Welcome to our home.
- [Officer] Thank you.
- This here is my mother,
grandmother to Kamali
and little sister.
- [Officer] Nice to meet you.
- How
- This here is my brother
and Jatt Munny, my nephew.
- Nice to meet you, officer.
We appreciate your time.
- [Officer] That's
what we're here for.
Thank you for your service.
(muffled music)
- Thank you.
Oh, please, come.
Come, come please.
- So we're here to talk
about Kimu G is it?
- Yes, officer.
But first you must have lunch.
- Oh, this is great.
Thank you.
Nobody else is
gonna be joining me?
- Oh we will.
But you must eat first.
once again,
we want to thank you for coming.
It touches our hearts to know
that you're here to help.
As you know,
our sweet beloved Kami
has done away from home
and we want to bring her back.
- And how long has
you been gone for?
- Oh,
it's been a few weeks.
We have been calling her,
but she does not answer.
We don't know where she is,
what she's doing,
or what to do.
- Officer, how's the food?
- That's delicious.
So why'd she run away?
- Several months ago,
she started hanging out
with a real bad crowd
and then she changed.
She was such a sweet,
innocent, happy girl.
But then she would
come home late,
always angry,
We wanted to help her,
take her to doctor,
but she will not listen.
Drugs took over her mind.
- Crack?
- [Father] Crack?
- Yeah, what's she on?
Was it crack?
- Oh,
we don't know.
We just know that
she's on drugs.
- It's probably crack or meth.
- She started hanging
out with drug dealers.
You know,
these blacks.
- Now she says,
she's scared of you,
like you're trying to
hurt her or something.
- Why would we want to
harm our own daughter?
This is not making any sense.
Oh, this is not Kami talking.
This is drugs.
All we want to do is
make sure that she's safe.
Help her.
- Officer,
please bring my sister home.
We miss her.
- There is a lot of crime,
a lot of really bad people.
I cannot sleep.
I do not sleep.
I'm always worried
that something terrible
has happened to her.
Please, officer,
help us.
This baby girl.
- [Clive] I'm just (mumbles).
I'm trying to get used to that.
- Vegas.
- Too common.
- Why, it's quick though.
I just want it to be over with
so that we can start our lives.
- Quick is important, but we
still want something special.
Here's an idea.
How about we get married in
your parents' village back home.
- Now that would be cool.
- Really?
- There'd be something
quirky and unique,
and besides imagine
your parents' reaction
when they see the pictures.
- I don't know.
- I could get dressed
up full Bollywood style.
They won't even know it's
me until we tell them.
- That would be awesome.
- Yeah.
I guess.
- I guess?
Come on, Kami.
We'll have a huge feast.
We'll feed all
the starving kids.
Let's think outside the box,
live a little quirky.
This is something we're gonna
tell our grandkids about.
- Maybe you're right.
- Of course I'm right here.
Here, let's scooch in.
Let's get one together.
What do you think
about monsoon season?
(phone ringing)
- What?
- Hello?
- [Detective] Kami.
- [Kamali] Speaking.
- Detective Olson.
- Hi detective, thank
you for calling.
- Listen, I had
one of my officers
go and pay your family a visit.
- What happened?
- Go home, Kami.
- What?
- He had a long
conversation with them.
They just want you to go home.
- What, what did they say?
- Well, they're concerned
about your wellbeing.
They think you got mixed
up in the wrong crowd.
- And you believe that?
No, that's insane.
what about all the murders?
- Did Henry Carson
ever give you drugs?
- What?
- Look I've seen this
a thousand times.
Good girl gets mixed
up in the wrong crowd.
Runs away from home.
Gets hooked on drugs.
This never ends well.
- I'm not on drugs.
- Go home before it's too late.
Your parents,
they really care about you.
Take care, okay.
- What did they say?
- Everything okay?
- [Kamali] The detective
thinks I'm on drugs
and he told me to go home.
- Oh, why would he think that?
- He spoke with my dad.
- Hey,
forget that.
We got a wedding to plan.
We're not gonna let
anybody get us down.
Forget next week, I
say we leave tonight.
What do you think?
Throw a few clothes in a bag,
go to the airport,
pick a place,
any place.
- I totally would.
- What do you say, Kami?
- Okay.
- Beautiful.
Once we're married--
(explosion booming)
(fire roaring)
- Oh my God.
(fire roaring)
Fuckin' Pakis.
Well, who else?
You don't see me
blowing up cars, do you?
- We don't know what
happened, Clive.
This could have been mechanical.
- Grow up, Kami.
This is your dad,
your fucking dad
and you know it.
Stop with the innocent
goddamn shtick for
one second, will you.
Your father's
trying to murder me.
He's trying to murder Sam.
He's trying to murder you.
- Sam?
(sirens wailing)
- We gotta get the
fuck outta Dodge.
Cottage country.
Sam, we need your car.
(sirens wailing)
- It's at my place.
- Let's go.
- [Kamali] Where are we going?
- [Clive] Cottage country.
- [Kamali] Why?
- Because I've never seen
a brown person there.
- What is wrong with you?
Why are you acting like this?
- I don't know.
Maybe it's 'cause
my car was just fire bombed
by the same people who
kicked the out of me,
by the same people who beat
Henry to death in front of Sam.
- Well, how do you think I feel?
I'm the one that they're after.
- Really?
- What is that supposed to mean?
- I don't know.
It's just through all this,
nothing has happened to you.
- So you're angry because
I haven't been killed.
Oh my God.
Would you be happier
if I were dead?
- I'm just really
fucking frustrated.
- What about the wedding?
- Kami, I'm not flying to
the other end of the world
so I can be murdered
in a mud hut.
They'll be waiting for me.
Probably conspiring on
WhatsApp as we speak.
- Well, that was your idea.
- Yeah, well
now I have a new one.
- [Kami] Whose place is this?
- A friends.
- Which one?
- You don't know 'em.
Oh fuck.
Sam, go find some dry kindling.
We're starting a fire.
- How long are we
gonna be here for?
- Seven hours and 20 minutes.
- [Kami] Why?
- Because you wanted an answer.
- What are we doing here, Clive?
I don't know, Kamali.
- Then why are we here?
- We're here because my
car blew up, remember?
- So what, we're just
gonna live here forever?
- I never said that.
Why do you people
exaggerate so much?
Right here.
(soft exotic music)
(soft exotic music continues)
(soft exotic music continues)
(wood rubbing)
- Need some help?
- What?
- I asked you a question.
- No,
I do not need help,
(Kamali speaking in
foreign language)
- What, what was that?
You got something to say to me?
- I said it sure looks
like you need help, Clive.
- You're right.
I do need help.
I need help
starting this fire.
I need help with round
the clock security.
I need help getting a steak,
a beer.
You know what these
all have in common?
You are utterly incapable
of helping with any of them.
- Fine.
Just start the fire
then, I'm getting cold.
- There is something
you can help me with.
I need you
to help me
help you
shut the fuck up.
(wood rubbing)
- Does this look fake to you?
- I'm not really good at
telling, but it looks real.
- Looks fake to me.
Like one of those rings that
you get in the machines.
It's definitely fake.
- Must be.
Got it from one of those
cockroach infested
Indian jewelry shops.
Probably 24 carets
of grease.
But you know what they say,
right ring for the right person.
- Kami, are you serious?
- What the fuck kind of
name is Kamali anyway?
- You asshole.
You know exactly what it means.
Remember your lame pickup
lines at the library?
- Yeah.
It means wondrous.
What does your last
name mean, cunt?
- At least our names
mean something.
What the hell is Clive?
So the like a bunch of
letters stuck together.
- I was named after major
general Robert Clive,
also known as Clive of India.
You know why he was called that?
Cause he's the guy who
conquered your fucking people.
You know what,
what the fuck am I doing here?
This is my home.
This is my country.
A few of my people
conquered billions of you.
And I'm sitting
here in the forest
'cause I'm afraid of
a few fucking fobs.
Fuck that.
- Where are you going?
- Home.
- Clive, come on.
Come back.
(driver speaking in
foreign language)
- Hey, buddy,
we speak English here.
It's rude to speak
in a foreign language
in the presence
of a non-speaker.
Hasn't anyone ever
taught you that?
- Eh?
(driver speaking in
foreign language)
- Listen to you,
diabetes motherfucker.
Take those jalabies and
shove 'em up your ass.
I paid you to drive.
- Sorry.
(driver speaking in
foreign language)
- If I'm gonna die
of heart disease,
it better be a
hammerer, at least.
- [Kamali] Nothing.
- Try again.
- He's not picking up, Sam.
- Okay, well we
have to find him.
It's not safe like this.
- He probably got
lost in the woods.
He'll come back.
- You shouldn't have
thrown the ring away.
- So it's my fault now?
Did you hear what
he was saying to me?
And thanks for sticking
up from me, by the way.
- He does have a
right to be upset.
Besides you say wayward stuff
about your culture all the time.
- That's different
and you know it.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Quick break.
Two seconds.
- No, fuck that.
Take a break on your own time.
- Relax.
Take it easy.
Have some are (speaking
in foreign language).
- I already told you,
I don't want your shit.
- Have a samosa then.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
(insects thrumming)
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
Oh, fuck.
(ominous music)
(shoes slapping)
(muffled screaming)
(ominous music)
- [Sam] Is it Clive?
What is it?
(Kami sobbing)
Oh my God.
- What, what?
- You
killed Clive.
You killed Henry
and now you're going kill me.
From the first day we met,
our fates were sealed.
- Fuck you.
- What are you even doing here?
Why don't you just go back
to your own country, Kamali?
- I was born here.
You are the immigrant, Svetlana.
How do you Sam from
Svetlana, anyway?
- [Sam] Kami!
Get off, dammit.
Get off of me!
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(insects thrumming)
- Is that you Kami?
I'm sorry, Kami.
My astrologer said
this could happen.
I should have been
better prepared.
I had no right to blame you.
I know that you loved
Clive and Henry.
We have to get somewhere safe.
(dog barking)
(ominous music)
(flesh ripping)
(body thudding)
(flesh ripping)
(Kami breathing heavily)
(speaking in foreign language)
(pan sizzling)
(dramatic music)
(exotic music)
(exotic music continues)
(exotic music continues)
(exotic music continues)
(exotic music continues)
(exotic music continues)
(exotic music continues)
(dark music)
(dark music continues)
(blood flowing)
(dark music continues)
(dark music continues)
(dark music continues)
(dark music continues)
(Punjabi music)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(dramatic music)
(Punjabi music)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(Punjabi music continues)
(upbeat Punjabi music continues)
(upbeat Punjabi music continues)
(upbeat Punjabi music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(singing in foreign
language continues)
(upbeat Punjabi music continues)
(upbeat Punjabi music continues)