As Far As I Know (2020) Movie Script

You almost had it!
You coming down?
Hi. My name is Anna,
and this is my husband, Miki.
Hello there.
We've been married for 8 years.
If all goes well,
we'll soon become adoptive parents.
This is the first time we are
at a first-aid course for babies.
We're trying our best,
'coz we're really anxious.
- I am sure of that.
- Right.
Hi there. We are the Ravasz family.
This is my husband, Tibor, I'm Renta.
I am an accountant,
Tibor works in construction.
Our baby's coming any minute now.
In a couple of days
we're going to meet him.
- I've nothing to add, baby.
- All right, thank you.
You first.
All right then. I'm Nra.
And I'm Dnes. Hi there.
We both work in market research,
for the same company.
Married for 5 years.
But we'd been working for the same
company long before then.
Right. So two years ago
we decided to adopt a baby.
We still can't believe it, but 3 days ago
we were told we're getting a baby.
Wow. Congratulations.
A newborn then?
In a month we can take her home.
Yes, she's premature, but they said
she was perfectly healthy.
Sure she is.
According to protocol a few weeks
have to go by anyway, don't worry.
Why don't you get ready
in the meantime?
- A month will seem like a breeze.
- I bet.
Thank you for sharing.
We're happy for you.
Hi. I'm Zsfi, my husband's Mt.
For now, we're on the waiting list,
but we wanted to come...
Wakey, wakey!
Oh, my God, he isn't breathing. Could
you call 112, please? We started CPR.
I can't believe it.
It's gonna be so great. Think about it!
I don't know. How great?
Seriously. I am so happy for you.
And you're getting a newborn!
Well, we didn't count on that.
You won't miss out on anything.
Just the bloody part!
It has its beauty, but no yoga class is
gonna get you back in shape, right?
I find you very sexy.
Good answer!
You're sticking with Hanna?
Yes, Hanna.
By the way, who's watching your baby?
My sister. She can do it.
This is your night, girl.
And yours, Dnes. How are you?
It's a great adventure of course.
We went to a first-aid course for babies.
It was quite an experience.
It's still not too late to realise
what a complex job parenthood is...
Yeah, yeah.
This is pretty complex, too.
That's enough, really...
No way, man, this is a milkshake
ipa straight from Gothenburg.
Any questions?
A Gothenburg brewery?
You're screwing with me.
Let's make a selfie
for our poor expat friend...
We hate you...
This one's for the woman
who'd never mingle with beer-fans
and who'll be a great mother.
How do you know that?
I just do.
And we'll have another dad
with a daughter,
though he won't be up
for boy scout stuff.
How do you know you won't attend
"boy scout stuff" with your daughter?
Walked right into
the gender trap there.
I don't know. I can't imagine.
After all she's a little girl.
If you're so keen on the boy scout stuff,
keep your fingers crossed
for a boy next time.
Plenty of time for that.
I wouldn't be so sure.
What do you mean?
Are you...
Well, it's not official yet,
but yes, I'm pregnant again.
Holy shit, man, congratulations!
Man, what a day!
- We'll fill the playgrounds, won't we?
- That's for sure. You never said...
We wanted to wait till
the 2nd trimester, till yesterday.
I had to share, sorry.
To babies...
I spoke to Mt yesterday.
I don't think they're coming back.
Is that final?
They were getting there. 5 years, man.
I never took their hesitation seriously.
Okay, but he kept saying he couldn't
bear it. And then there's his mother.
She'll die anyway.
But their kid'll be a Swedish citizen.
What he always wanted.
Right. Though
I doubt it was his decision.
I don't resent him.
Three of our developers left
this year alone. And they are right.
I know. We should leave, too.
But we won't.
Sorry about before.
I don't know why Kata
had to bring up that we are pregnant.
Don't worry about it.
I think Nra was offended.
I don't think so.
This was supposed to be your night.
Nra's integrity as a mother
shouldn't be hurt.
Her integrity as a mother?
Yes, it's important.
Sure. But I think Nra's happy for you.
I know. And we're happy for you both.
Lri doesn't seem to care for
his new girlfriend much, does he?
What do you mean?
I doubt it'll last.
I think it's just difficult to make
her join the discussion.
That's true.
We'd be home by now
if we'd taken a cab.
The bus stop's right here,
no need to waste money on a cab.
We can afford it.
What are you laughing at?
It's funny that you're so stingy.
I'll never get used to it.
What have you got against me?
- What?
- I don't get it.
The bus stop's here. You should
leave your comfort zone sometimes.
Look who's talking. Taking a bus
is leaving your comfort zone?
Whatever. It would have been a bad
idea to get in a cab now anyway.
What? What do you mean?
You had a little too much to drink.
I know Kata hurt your feelings...
She didn't! What do you mean?
I'm glad she's expecting.
Me too, but this was
supposed to be our night.
And it still is. I don't get you.
- Yeah, but it's different if...
- If what?
Nothing. Whatever.
- Are you okay?
- Oops. Sorry.
It's fine.
Are you okay?
Did you hurt yourself?
Great. Dammit.
And now we'll miss our bus.
I'll call a cab.
I see... Ok. Thank you.
No car there either.
The fourth company, I don't believe this.
I don't get it. What do you have
against Kata expecting a baby?
Is that our bus?
Theoretically yes.
Aren't you happy about our baby?
What? Of course I am!
How can you even ask that?
So why are you upset
that she's pregnant?
Does that make our baby
less interesting?
Stop it. Why are you making
such a fuss over it? You're drunk.
And you're being a jerk.
Are you telling me I'm drunk?
Is that your best defense?
Kata was boasting about being
pregnant again. That's my problem.
She didn't care about your
integrity as a mother.
My integrity as a mother? What the fuck?
You think that's my problem? Is it yours?
No. Forget it.
You keep misunderstanding me.
Let's talk about this elsewhere.
I want to understand.
And I want to change the subject.
We are not changing the subject.
Explain what you mean. You never do.
Must you do this here? Tell your
girlfriend to turn it down a notch, okay?
I'm his wife.
Whatever. You are way too loud.
What do you care?!
Listen, baby. This is public
transportation, dammit.
That's what I meant, baby. You're
too loud, let's continue this elsewhere.
You're really gonna obey
a total stranger?
I'm not, but you're being rude.
I don't care. I want to talk about
this here and now.
And I... I want to talk about it elsewhere.
Please, stop embarrassing yourself.
That's your problem?
That I embarrass myself?
This is not how a mother
should behave.
Excuse me?
You think it is?
You think you behaved like
a prospective mother all evening?
I think you should really think
about this.
If you're ready to face what's coming.
It sure as hell doesn't look like it.
What are you doing?
Hi there. Did Nra come by?
What do you mean? When?
Like now.
No. Why? Something wrong?
No. No. We had a fight, that's all.
Am I on loudspeaker?
Or why can't I hear you?
No. My phone has issues lately.
Could you speak up, please?
We had a fight, that's all.
About what? You sure looked tense.
I was worried about her drinking.
She has to work tomorrow.
I didn't catch the end.
Doesn't matter.
I think we're tense about the baby is all.
She'll be home soon.
Sure. Cook her something.
That'll calm her down.
Right. I'll give Lri a call, too. Bye.
Okay. Bye.
Are you okay?
It's pretty late.
Please, don't do this. I'm sorry
I went too far. I didn't mean it.
Listen, I'm really sorry.
I didn't mean it.
Please, say something.
Why was your cell turned off?
The battery was down.
I called you a few times.
Are you still mad?
Would you like to talk?
I'd like to sleep.
Good morning.
Come while it's still warm.
I'm not hungry.
I must sleep a little longer.
I thought we'd go to work together.
Fine. I have a focus group at 9.
I'll see you at the office later, okay?
At first it was weird that Andrs
wanted to buy life insurance,
but I realized that he was right.
So can we state that buying
life insurance is manly?
Yes, I think so. A real man
takes care of his family
and thinks in advance - even for me.
This is a brilliant thought,
let's note it!
They're our target audience!
I think it is still men who sign
insurance deals. It their competence!
They take care of the family
and of their money. It's a man's job
Hey, where are you? You should
be here. rmin's asking for you.
Baby? What's wrong?
I'm still at home.
But why haven't you left?
What's wrong?
- I'm hanging up now.
- Baby? What's wrong?
Is the focus group still on?
Are you okay?
Sure, I just came out to make a call.
Do you think I could sneak in?
It's less awkward if I'm with you.
Sure. The more you see,
the faster you'll get ahead.
Can you tell me why your husband
bought life insurance,
and what that means to you?
Has something happened?
Okay. Last night?
After we got separated?
Tell me. I can't help otherwise.
There's nothing to do.
To do with what? Did you do something?
He hurt me...
Hurt you? Who?
The man on the bus.
It was him, I saw it...
What? The guy who spoke to us
on the bus? What did he do?
Did he follow you?
What did he do?
We must go to the police. No.
Come on. We must go to
the police right away.
No, I don't want to. Leave me alone.
But... We must do something.
Don't you want them to catch him?
I don't want to think about it.
I hate it. I hate myself.
What do you mean?
It's disgusting. Leave me alone.
I want to worry about the baby, not this.
Are you on your lunch break?
Yes. I came home. To talk.
Go back. You're gonna be late.
- I can stay if you want me to.
- No need. I'm fine.
I'm glad you're here. Let's start.
Today we're going to test a new product.
I'd like to ask you to introduce
yourselves one by one and tell me
how often you use
margarine for cooking.
Good afternoon.
We'd like to report a crime...
- Together?
- Yes.
ID, papers.
Fill these in.
It doesn't work.
Come in from the side. Just lift it.
Take a seat over there and
I'll call you to take the protocol.
All right. Thank you.
I don't want to be here.
We'll get it done quickly.
Hey. Ground floor, door seven.
No, the other corridor.
My wife's been attacked.
How? Sexual assault?
Do you know the perpetrator personally?
No. But we saw him. Both of us.
Were you present?
No, but I'd seen him before.
My wife told me it was the guy
we saw on the bus.
I see. When did this happen?
On Tuesday.
Three days ago?
What took you so long?
should I ask your husband to leave?
No need.
Look. Only very few sexual assault
cases reported two days later
ever get solved.
It's gonna be an uphill battle.
We both saw the perpetrator.
Doesn't that help?
Sure it does. But after two days
it makes no sense for the lady
to go to the doctor's. We might
check your clothes for DNA-evidence.
I washed them.
Well, that's that then.
Your face looks unharmed.
Do you have bruises on your body?
Well, my knee was scratched.
And he tore at my hair.
I think he took a bunch.
That's not a lot to go with to be honest.
The fact that you saw the perpetrator
is the one thing we have going for us.
But I won't lodge your complaint
until you are positive you want me to.
You don't have to. But I think they'll
catch him based on the description.
Are you sure, madame?
Okay. I'll now lodge your complaint.
When did this happen?
- During the day or at night?
- At night, yes.
Do you know when?
I don't know what time it was.
Between midnight and 3 AM.
Are you sure?
Yes. At midnight we were together
and she got home around 3 AM.
You got separated?
In the middle of the night? Why?
No special reason.
We had a little fight is all.
I see.
And the assault happened after that?
On the street. Somewhere
in the outskirts of the 11th district.
So is it okay if I write "the victim
was sexually assaulted between
midnight and three in the morning on the
18th on a street in the 11th district"?
Where did the perpetrator come from?
I don't know. He just stood there
all of a sudden facing me.
- Did he have a gun?
- No.
Was there penetration?
Oral or anal?
No... just the first two...
Vaginal and oral?
Sir, I think it's best if you leave.
No, no, please, I don't want
to talk about it anymore.
Shall we stop then?
Please... if we may.
Of course. That's enough for
the protocol, but later
a detective will question you and then
you should go into more detail, okay?
Fine. That's it for now.
So what's next?
I think your case will be handed
over to the city.
That's where you'll have to go
next time, but not this week.
Thank you.
Take the roundabout.
Take the fourth exit.
Take the next exit.
Take the next exit.
At the next option turn left.
She is beautiful.
A healthy little girl. We had to put her
in an incubator first, but she's fine now.
Thank God.
We'll keep her under observation
for now,
but she's fit as a fiddle, don't worry.
Excuse me,
I had no time for lunch.
It's fine.
I brought you these papers to sign.
You're calling her Hanna Gbor, right?
And how did you like her?
Very much. She looks like an angel.
Isn't she a little yellow?
That's to be expected.
They just took her out of the incubator.
Your husband sure worries a lot, honey.
And that's that. I wish all our
cases went so smoothly.
No change in your life?
So we'll leave you be
and in four weeks,
once the baby moved in,
we'll pay the family a visit.
But that's a long way away.
I'm sorry, this one's out of ink.
No changes then? You still have your
jobs, your house, your health etc. Right?
- Yes. It's all fine.
- Great.
Good morning. Come in.
Only the lady. Thank you.
I'm sorry I am her husband
and I saw the perpetrator, too.
So I've heard. Lieutenant Lszl Szirtes.
I called a sketch artist.
You start with him while
I record your wife's confession.
I told you already.
Excuse me?
I told you guys last time
what happened.
So you did. But a few details
in the protocol are unclear,
so it's important that we go
through the events of that night. Please.
Shall I wait outside?
It's not a good idea to be present while
we take her confession, it takes longer.
And the sketch artist will work with you
separately to avoid undue influence.
I see.
My colleague will take you
to the sketch artist.
I overslept a little, so I'm punished...
You oversleep every time.
I'm on duty at the lockup.
Same old shit...
Can I help you?
The detective told me to meet
with the sketch artist.
I know nothing about that. Sorry.
You can wait upstairs.
All right. Thanks.
And what's up with you?
Nothing special.
We got called in...
Hello. I'm here for crime scene duty.
I have to report to Lieutenant Szirtes.
Go to the 11th district with the lady
and drive where she tells you to.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry the sketch artist's
running late, he'll be here in an hour.
And what's happening now?
My wife's driven to the crime scene?
Yes, it'd be crucial that she find
the exact location.
If we find surveillance cams,
they would help a lot.
I'm sorry, sir,
but how do you see the case?
Look. There are blind spots.
You came in late,
so no chance of a DNA-match.
Yes, I know.
And the lady was under the influence
and you had had a fight.
None of that helps with her judgment.
I don't understand.
I suggest we hope for the sketches and
that your wife find the crime scene.
Without a perpetrator
there's no case I'm afraid.
Excuse me sir, but is there
any new information in the confession?
You'd better ask your wife.
I can't tell you anything.
The sketch artist will be here in an hour.
Tell me when to stop, madame.
I don't know. It was so dark.
Shall I keep driving out of the city
or should we make another circle?
I don't know.
Still nothing familiar?
The two sketches weren't alike at all.
But they were.
How come we remember him
so differently? Are you sure it was him?
I am. Maybe the artist screwed up.
You think my sketch was close?
I don't think yours was.
So we're gonna fight about that now?
I think we should leave it alone.
The whole thing. They won't
take me seriously, don't you see?
Why? You think they think
you made it all up?
How do I know? They won't
believe me. It's humiliating.
The detective thinks I'm an idiot.
Even the officer looks down on me.
I'm sure it doesn't help that
you can't find the crime scene
It's not my fault. Are you holding
that against me? It was dark.
All I'm saying is it makes
the police's job harder...
- Give me something!
- Fuck off!
- Than take this!
- I don't believe it! He's wasted.
My parents.
From Naples?
Hi there!
Hey. So it's working!
Of course it is.
Are you alone at such an hour?
No, just a moment.
Hello, we can't see anything.
- What happened?
- I didn't do anything.
- You pressed a button.
- I didn't.
Just a moment.
So here we are. Hi there!
Hi there.
Are you okay, Nri?
You seem so pale.
I'm tired, that's all.
How are you? How is Naples?
Quite an experience.
For sure. So many people on
motorbikes. They all look like gangsters.
Come on! This is part of the culture.
How about you? How is the baby?
We have a photo.
I'm sending it over.
How? Can you do that?
Sure. Can you see?
Yeah. We got something.
How cute. But a little skinny, no?
Why is she so yellow?
Or is it just the photo?
It's normal. It happens in
the first few days.
When can we see her?
Not for a few weeks. She is more
beautiful in real life, you'll see.
We'll love her like our own.
Are you at the hotel now?
Yes, this is the only place with wifi.
Where's Nri gone?
To the toilet.
All right, Dnes,
we'll now go to get some dinner.
Sure. Have fun.
- We'll call you later.
- Okay, by now.
Bye, darling, kiss Nra for me.
All right, I will. Bye.
Fucking A! I'm posting it as a story.
Are you staying?
I had enough for today.
Then let's go grab that beer.
We said today?
We did. Can't you come?
Fuck it. I'm coming. Let's do it.
I can't believe you went to the dentist's
before going to the pub with us.
It's really not fair to us.
Leave me alone with your emotional
blackmail. I had an appointment.
Why did we plan this for today?
I have no problem with him
not drinking.
Of course you do.
Plus, let me tell you with lidocaine
you're allowed to drink.
Thanks, I don't wanna get sick.
But he's right.
Only antibiotics are a no-no.
How about that?
Come on, have a drink.
Fine, you won't leave me alone anyway.
Give me a double IPA.
Can I get another Hermelin cheese?
You may.
I'd love one, too.
Sorry, we only have one left.
Fine. Give it to him then.
I'll have a herring.
- You sure?
- Sure I'm sure.
And I only just got here.
He's being doing this
since we got here.
What? Stop giggling.
It's for her benefit.
You'd never have offered me
the last hermelin if she wasn't there.
Sure I would have. Take it easy.
What's up with the baby?
When's she moving in?
Not for another three weeks.
We 're getting ready for her.
Nra was really happy about it.
She was really radiant.
She's really happy about the baby.
Cool. Not many girls would do this,
I'm telling you.
You should appreciate her.
How do you mean?
I mean most girls would want
to give birth. Maybe she doesn't.
I don't get what you're driving at.
Was I being a jerk?
Yes. Let's change the subject.
We don't have to. Just tell him
why you think he was a jerk.
Me? Shouldn't he tell us?
Hey, let's forget it okay. I stepped
on your toes, I'm an asshole, sorry.
How exactly did you step on my toes?
Come on. I told you I was sorry.
Sorry for what?
Well, I guess because
you can't have children.
Where the hell do you get this from?
Is that what you think, too?
Aren't you the reason...?
No! There is no proof.
I function just fine, if you must know.
My sperm formation is just fine and my
sperm count is within the normal range!
The only other problem could be
varicose testicles, which I never had.
And it's not like Nra is necessarily
barren. It's just the two of us together.
Okay then...
What made you think it was me?
Did Nra tell you or what?
What? Of course not.
Then where did you get the idea?
I don't know, man. It was just...
You looked more like it I guess...
That's just fucking great.
maybe that sounded stupid just then.
Very stupid.
But at least now we know.
And then the parent tells the child that
he can enter the room without fear.
And the child tries to grow up and
forget that there is such a thing
as irrational fear.
And he prepares himself for Life.
Sorry, it's too late for shit like that.
My cab's here, I'm hauling ass. Sorry.
See ya.
Talk to ya.
So here is an exciting task. Imagine that
the Volkswagen comes through the door.
What kind of person
do you think he'd be?
German, I think. And blonde...
or brown maybe.
Like Sigmar Solbach.
He's the one who comes to mind,
he played in the Guldenburgs.
I see.
I think you can trust him.
The way he looks.
A good guy in a woodcutter's shirt
who throws the stub out the car window.
Because he can afford it.
But for sure he doesn't stop.
Oh, boy. I hope the next
group will be easier.
I don't get why they call
them electric cars anyway.
Isn't it like they run on gas, too,
but they have
an electric engine or something?
Oh, shit, that's on me. Sorry.
You have really nice hands.
I do indoor climbing.
Really? I've wanted to try
that for a long time.
Why don't I bring you
some real coffee from downstairs?
No, no, don't worry about it.
It's no problem. I need to
pick up the next group anyway.
No cream, no sugar, right?
Thanks. Yes, black. Putting sugar in
coffee is a sacrilege, I hope you know.
Aye-aye, sir.
Hi. Sorry. I was bored.
I would have fixed it.
It's fine. I enjoy doing it.
And I had time.
Did the police call?
No. I don't think they will.
What do you think?
Do you think she'll like it?
Why don't you look at me?
I don't want to...
Okay. Baby... I'm sorry...
Wake up. Nra!
What's wrong?
Why aren't you asleep?
I found him. I found the guy.
The man. That bastard.
Why are you dressed?
I found him. The moron took
the same bus and I followed him home.
I know his address. You understand?
I caught him.
You didn't speak to him, did you?
Of course not. He didn't even see me.
I just wanted to have his address.
What's wrong?
I don't want to meet him.
But don't you want him punished?
I can't believe you followed him home.
That's not you.
I thought you'd appreciate it.
Why do you care so much?
I want to forget it, but you won't let me.
Why can't we focus on our little girl?
Dnes, we'll have a daughter.
I know, but now he'll be charged
and it's over, don't you get it?
We'll have it over with for good.
That's never gonna happen.
Good night.
We're done. Ready to go, Nra.
What's going to happen now?
You'll be confronted with the suspect.
And you'll both tell us what happened.
So he is in there?
No, I can't do it.
It's standard procedure. Don't worry.
We can't go on without it.
Don't worry. It'll be fine.
The detective will be there with you.
I don't want to. What am I supposed
to say? What should I say?
- What do you mean?
- What if he denies it?
Come on. They know it was him.
We both identified him.
Follow your logic.
I'll be with you the whole time. And
your husband will be waiting here. OK?
Sit down, please.
Now. There's a discrepancy between
the confessions of the two parties,
which is why we are
doing this confrontation.
As I told Mr. Czibor, we're going to go
through what happened with both of you.
When we ask you a question, address
your answer to the other party, okay?
Do you know the suspect
sitting across from you?
Do you know the plaintiff
sitting across from you?
Now I'd like to ask you to tell us what
happened on the night of June 18th.
Who would like to start?
- Do I have to describe exactly...?
- Yes.
- Can I go first?
- Of course.
Okay. So I was travelling home
from my night shift on the last bus.
The lady got on the bus
with her husband,
they had a fight and she got off.
And then I got off as usual...
Listen. Why are you doing this?
You need to ask your questions
through me.
I'm sorry.
The whole thing is just so outrageous.
We both know you wanted it, too.
Excuse me?
You're ashamed
because you're married.
But why do you have to ruin me, too?
What? Why do you let him say
things like that? How can you?
Please, calm down.
Let's stick to the protocol then.
Mr. Czibor, please don't provoke
the plaintiff.
We'll ask the questions
and you'll answer them.
OK, but please understand
I'm a high school teacher.
- You're killing me with this.
- Please.
So I'm going to ask questions and you'll
answer them one after the other, ok?
So what happened?
Nra, you may start.
Well, I was walking on the street
and he followed me and attacked me.
Not true. We did it behind the bar.
- Let's allow each other to finish.
- What??
We understand you went into
a bar to have a drink. Is that true?
Yes. I was upset for another reason...
Yes, because of your husband.
So you met at the bar, correct?
And earlier on the bus.
And you talked at the bar, correct?
A little.
So what happened next?
Like I said. I was walking on the street
and he followed me for a long time.
Again, not true. We did it behind the bar.
Decent or not, we both wanted it.
Don't you try and tell me
you didn't want it at all.
You know it, I know it,
so what's this about?
How can he say things like that?
Why do you let him? Arrest him!
Calm down, Nra. I don't want you
to feel uncomfortable, really.
But it's crucial that you think it over
what happened that night. That's all.
Sometimes we see things that
transpired earlier in a different light.
So what we need to understand
is how it started out between you two.
Did you leave the bar
together with Mr. Czibor?
I don't recall.
Nice, she doesn't recall.
Did you experience joy
during the intercourse perhaps?
Okay, I'm not doing this.
Nra, please sit down.
Nra, please.
What happened? Sweety...
Why did we have to come here?
I knew this would happen.
- That what would happen?
- I want to be alone.
Where's he going?
To get his things.
And then? You won't
let him go, will you?
I can't answer that right now.
What happened in there?
It didn't go the way I expected.
What's wrong? I don't understand.
My wife is completely freaked out.
I can't help her any more. I'm sorry.
Look... I think it's time
you talked to your wife.
I really think so.
I'm sorry I have to go.
- What the fuck was that?
- What do you think?!
The detective said we should talk.
About what?
He says it didn't go well.
That man's lying. And they believe him.
But we know it was him.
That was never the question.
He says it was consensual.
What? Why would he say that?
What else could he say? I've had
enough of the police. Let's go, please.
I can't believe this. This isn't fair.
- Did you know he was a teacher?
- What?
A high school teacher. This man.
It's not fair that he's allowed
to teach teenagers.
My husband often knows better,
too, what's best for me.
Excuse me, but a woman
knows that herself.
Yes, maybe, but I still think in some
situations men have to think ahead.
First, I found it strange, too, that
he wanted life insurance,
but then I realised he was right...
- Hi.
- Hi. What's wrong?
I... Uhm... I don't know what
to say...
I'm so terribly sorry.
And Nra is such an
incredibly strong woman.
I just wanted to know
that I am on her side.
What are you talking about, Lili?
Did Nra say something to you?
I just read the post.
It's horrible the way
the police treated her.
This whole thing she had to
go through is unbelievable.
I'm sorry. I'll prepare
the room in just a minute.
That's not why I'm here.
Look, it's none of my business.
I just wanted to say let me know
if you need a few days off.
Oh, no, thanks.
Okay, but if you do, let me know, ok?
I have to calculate with that.
We have very important
customers this month.
I get it, but we didn't count on Nra
being away,
either and it's hard to replace her.
I understand.
You could have told us
she wasn't gonna come in again.
She took time off for the baby anyway.
But not so much.
Communication, you understand?
One day you called in that you
wouldn't come in before the afternoon.
That's not the way to do it. And your
results aren't the same you know.
This is a premium company
with premium customers
who expect premium service.
And you're very far from that now.
I'll pull myself together...
There are many gifted people here.
Why shouldn't I promote one of them
to chief data analyst,
if you can't do it?
You understand my situation?
I do.
Of that, I am glad.
Other than that, I'm sorry.
Truly. You'll beat this.
The afternoon group's about to start.
We're about to play a fantasy game:
How could you replace plastic
in your everyday life?
Right off the bat, by replacing
plastic bags by textile ones...
I'm sorry it was totally spontaneous.
I mean I wrote it before,
but I didn't know if I'd share it.
But why did you have to post it?
Now everybody knows.
It's for the better.
You're not going to achieve
anything with that!
You think? Almost two hundred
people shared it within an hour.
And all the messages of support I got!
My phone's been ringing like crazy.
Still, you should have left this to
the police. And you named him!
I can hardly hear you. Speak up.
You should have left this to the police!
The police were doing jack! You know it.
We'll talk about it tonight, okay?
Okay, but...
All right. Let's talk about it tonight.
- Hello...
- Hi, mum, I can't talk now.
What's all this?
Would you care to explain?
I really can't talk now. I'm working.
You think it is okay that
we should find out this way?
I'm sorry.
Speak up, I can't hear you.
I said I'm sorry!
We are sorry, too, that you
had to go through this,
but it's your private affair.
It's nobody else's business.
What was Nra thinking
publicising it like that?
This is a nightmare! Disgusting!
Mum, please, that's not the point.
Sure, whatever Nri thinks
is always the point.
But there are other people
in your life, son.
Haven't you thought about
how embarrassing this is for us?
For me, too, mum.
Have you thought about that?
I'm sorry?
I gotta go...
I can't hear you.
I gotta go. I'm hanging up.
Wow, that's some tough shit.
I think you did a really
good thing. Hats off.
- Thank you.
- Not at all.
Everything you told me was very useful.
- Hello.
- Lri stopped by. Hi, honey.
You could have told me.
I could have helped.
We didn't want to go to court.
You could have had legal representation
the whole time. You'd be much better off.
It's too late to do anything...
Lri has some really good ideas,
just listen.
We should have involved him sooner.
What they did to Nra is really tough.
It was entrapment, pure and simple.
What do you mean?
Why do you think they
arranged that confrontation?
Because the confessions
contradicted each other.
So what? If the police were prejudicial,
Nra wasn't treated equally.
I'm not sure they were prejudicial.
But they were! I told you.
Okay, listen. I'm sorry but I don't
have the brains for this right now.
It's been like that all day.
I can't take any more calls.
Guys, if we want to move forward, we
should find out where the case stands.
They let him go. I told you.
But that's not an official statement.
I doubt there's any legal
recourse left for us.
Do you want to leave it at that?
No, Lri, actually I'm the one who
doesn't want to leave it at that.
I'm the one who found the guy.
I know. But the problem with that is that
he can later say you invaded his privacy.
Who? Czibor?
Of course. I'm not even sure the police
should have used the info you provided.
Which makes our situation worse.
But I'll check it out.
No need. We shouldn't turn
this whole thing into a legal hassle.
It's too late for that now.
Now that Nra made it public,
there's no telling what he's gonna do.
And if we can't prove force,
he might report you for slander.
Well... maybe you shouldn't
have posted about it.
I take full responsibility for that.
I am aware what such a post means.
But if I don't speak up,
no one will ever know the truth.
Why has the truth
suddenly become so important to you?
You didn't even want to go the police.
Are you with me or not?
I just don't get it.
I had no idea he was a school
teacher who could hurt others.
Not to interfere, but you really need
to get on the same side of this, Dnes.
If you wanna move forward.
Listen, you don't see
the whole board in this, okay?
Don't tell me I'm not on my wife's side.
It sure seems that way.
Must you do that now? In front of Lri?
No need to feel embarrassed in front
of me, man, come on, we're friends.
It's a really cool thing Nra took
upon herself. She's being really brave.
Should you run into legal troubles,
I'm here to help.
The point is that Nra spoke up
where few people would have.
Why did you say you came by?
I saw the post and I'm trying to help.
And I think we're going to need it.
Okay. You know what?
I'm in, whatever you decide, I'm in.
But right now I'm beat.
Feel free to drink the rest of my wine,
Lri and talk about what you wanna do.
But I can't do it right now, sorry.
Hey, wait up.
What do you want from me?
They fired me yesterday. A few hours
after your wife's post I got suspended.
You wanna sue?
Sue? With what funds, man?
Look at me.
So why are you here?
Are you trying to threaten me?
You know what happened next?
My ex-wife called me,
she wants full custody.
You know what that means?
I'd never see my son again.
I don't know what to say to that.
Look, I didn't rape your wife.
I'm sorry she cheated on you.
I'm ashamed of that, believe me...
Hi, Dnes.
Look, we got wasted.
We weren't thinking.
But this thing right now will ruin me.
I don't know why she's doing it,
but she sure as hell is ruining my life.
No, it was rape. That's what she says.
And I believe her...
She was drunk, wasted.
But she wanted it bad.
You think I'd have come here,
if I didn't think it was necessary?
Please, help me. Talk to her.
Make her stop. I beg of you.
I can't lose my kid.
Do you understand? Do you have kids?
You see, that's why you don't get it.
This is a real mean thing to do.
Then let's go to court.
I went to the police, I was questioned.
But this is not the way, man,
you understand?
Please, talk to her...
I didn't mean to intrude.
I hope you can help.
Hey, you there? We're in trouble.
At least I think we are.
Why? What's wrong?
I got a call from the foundation.
They wanna pay us another visit.
And do a psych eval and other stuff.
What am I to do now?
Hold on. The foundation?
Yes, they saw the post and they
were shocked. And their shrink says
they need to re-evaluate.
That bloody post. I regret it now.
I told you it wasn't a very good idea.
They're visit us this afternoon.
She said she wasn't supposed to tell.
What do you expect of me?
We got the official letter.
The official letter's come.
They closed the case.
What? Completely?
Justification: the discrepancy between
the contradicting confessions couldn't
be dissolved during the confrontation.
The plaintiff admitted
to being intoxicated
and upset due to the fight
she had had with her husband.
The suspect claims to have met
the plaintiff at a bar.
They had drinks before the intercourse,
a fact that was confirmed
by the bar's surveillance cameras.
Footage shows the plaintiff and
the suspect leaving the bar
in a good mood, one after the other.
Based on the confessions
and the evidence
there is no proof of a crime
having been committed.
The Budapest Police are therefore
closing this investigation.
- That's it?
- Isn't that enough?
- Can I look at it?
- What for?
You're right. I don't know.
This is really bad timing. The foundation
people can be here any minute.
They need to sense harmony.
Harmony? Are you kidding me?
I don't want to lose Hanna. She's ours.
Why didn't you tell me
you had drinks with him?
Are you nuts? Of course I didn't!
That's what it says right here.
I went into a bar and had a vodka
with club soda. Alone. Not with him.
And why didn't you say that before?
What do I know? I told the police.
It's in my confession.
So why are they saying
you had drinks together?
He followed me to the bar
and came to my table saying
he had paid for my drink.
He was pushy.
And you accepted.
I couldn't refuse it,
the moron had already paid the bill!
And did you talk?
A little. I turned him down gently.
Why are you interrogating me?
Because I feel duped.
That man raped me!
And nothing will change that!
- Did you give him any signs?
- What?
I don't understand this letter.
You went into the bar together,
you drank together... I don't get it.
I just don't. I don't get it.
Calm down. What is it that you don't get?
You never said you went
into a bar or that you met him
that you had drinks,
never told me any of this!
You never share anything with me.
What? What am I supposed to share?
Do you really want to hear the details?
Is that what you want to talk about?
The things he did to me?
What did he do to you? What?
Do you even know?!
Or are you just talking without
a clue of what really happened?!
What the hell is wrong with you?
Are you nuts? What are you doing?!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Is that really the best time
to behave that way? Now?
I'll pick it up, I'm sorry...
What's wrong? Do you wanna
tell me what's wrong?
How come you didn't tell me any of this?
You are hiding something.
What are you hiding?
Nothing. We'll talk about it later, okay?
I didn't want to talk about it,
because it is really hard to.
But we can't do this now.
Stop it, okay? Calm down.
All right. Come here...
Shit, they are here.
Must we do that now?
It's on purpose that they don't
give you an exact time.
Let's find an excuse to send them away.
And what would that achieve?
We need to reassure them.
Wipe your face.
Calm down. It's gonna be fine.
- Good afternoon.
- Thank you.
Still a very pretty flat.
Thank you very much.
We worked on it a lot.
We can tell. And thankfully,
you have the taste for it, too.
Can I offer you something?
A glass of water, please.
I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee,
I'm about to fall asleep.
Please, make us coffee, dear.
An espresso?
That's perfect. With four sugars, please.
We are truly sorry about
what happened to you, Nra.
Our young psychologist colleague here
thought we should talk it over briefly.
But please, don't worry,
we all want the same thing.
That the baby ends up
with the best family.
That's why we are here.
You had a trauma recently,
and that might influence
your fitness as a parent.
We hope that won't be the case here,
but we still have to make sure.
I completely understand.
Thank you.
All we want is for you
to answer a few questions.
Let's have a chat.
- Both of us?
- Of course. Separately.
Is there another room
where we could withdraw?
It'd be best to talk behind closed doors.
Well, the baby room perhaps.
Yes, that's perfect...
So let's start with you, Nra, okay?
Can I have some more sugar?
It tastes a little sour.
It's a blonde roast.
But I'll get you more sugar.
It's gonna be fine. Your wife's
a brave woman, she deserves the baby.
Especially after what she's
been through. Terrible.
But now we have it all behind us.
They closed the case.
How come?
They couldn't prove force,
so they closed the case.
Shameless. Poor woman.
I hope you're spoiling her rotten.
That's what she needs now!
Come on in.
I'll only ask you a couple
of questions, there's no need to worry.
Did Nra do well?
I have a positive impression of her.
But now I'd like
to hear what you think.
About Nra?
Tell me first how you're doing.
This can't be easy for you, either.
Well... I don't know.
I never thought about that.
And now that I'm asking you?
I'm fine. I'm a little worried about Nra.
Would you care to elaborate?
It's hard to elaborate.
Please. Your opinion carries weight.
It's important.
I think I'm worried about her behaviour.
She can be pretty unpredictable.
I see.
I mean it's hard to keep up
with her mood swings.
What are the signs?
She's often tired and in a bad mood.
And she often rejects me.
She withholds things
or forgets them, I'm not sure.
Often I have no idea
what she's thinking of.
She talks a lot about
the baby for sure, but
somehow I find it strange.
It doesn't matter.
Nothing matters more.
Please, finish your thought.
Look, whatever our final decision, what
you're telling me now stays between us.
You can be honest.
Well, she says the baby's
really important for her, which I get
but in the present situation...
Perhaps she won't admit it,
even to herself, but
I can tell that she's not ready at all.
Based on your account
she seems pretty unstable.
Absolutely. She's very unstable.
That's the right word.
Unstable and unpredictable.
I'm sorry.
Yes. Me too.
We'll call you next week.
All right. Thanks. Good bye.
I think it went well. What do you think?
We'll see.
Let's go buy that pram.
Nice. Is it really your first time?
I'm a natural. Accept it.
Don't worry. You've
done really well so far.
I think it's enough for today.
Feel free to let go of the rope.
Listen, are you really leaving the firm?
I can never stay in the same
place for long.
I'm thinking about that, too.
Really? I took you
for the root-setting kind.
Oh, no, not at all.
I've long wanted a change.
And where will you go?
Abroad, I think. To do my own projects.
Anything specific?
Well... There might be a job
in Sweden. Gothenburg.
But what's your own project?
Oh, I have several.
I'm getting them sorted.
Where are you headed? Do you want
me to drop you off somewhere?
That'd be great.
I was about to call a cab.
No need.
Great. I'll change, shower
and I'll see you outside.
What happened? Where've you been?
Sorry, the climbing took longer.
What's wrong?
- Come here. You have to come here.
- Where?
I'm at that baby outlet.
How long will it take you? Hurry.
I don't understand.
What are you doing there?
I told you we should get the pram.
Many times! But we never went.
Did you go out there on your own? Why?
Come here. Please. Leave now.
I'm behind the store.
Okay. I'll be there in
half an hour. Calm down.
And how would you have carried this
home if I hadn't come?
The way I came. With a cab.
I don't get you. I'd have come with you.
You've promised that before.
Okay, now I'm here. Let's go.
That's not why I called you.
This tower looks familiar.
I saw it that night.
That night?
I'm not sure, but I should get closer.
But I don't dare to do it alone.
Closer to...?
To take a look in the area.
That's where I was I think.
Did it happen there or not?
I'm telling you I don't know,
But I think so.
Yes or no?
What's your problem?
Mine? Did I get a cab to drive out to
the outskirts for a pram without a word?
For a pram? In a cab?
You wouldn't pick up.
So? You go ahead and drive out here?
And get fixated on a TV tower?
You can't trust your gut
in your state of mind.
It's not my gut. It looks
familiar. I've seen it before!
Nra! You are not well.
No, I'm not! Not at all.
But do you even care?
Do you even care
what's going on with me?
You weren't on my side
in this whole thing!
I had to do it all alone!
But now I need you!
I can't go there alone, do you get it?
I wasn't on your side?
I never felt you were!
I supported you from day one!
I found him!
Stop repeating that! It's boring!
Really? So why don't you tell me
finally what happened that night.
It's still not clear to me.
And I'm not that slow!
What do you want to hear?
That I had a drink with him?
That it felt good to have someone to
talk to after you told me to go to hell?
How much did you drink with him?
Two rounds. Is that what you
want to hear? Does it matter?
I knew you were lying! I knew it!
You wouldn't have understood.
What? That you wanted him?
I wanted nothing from him.
I hate myself for having those drinks, but
I didn't want anything. We were talking.
That's all.
To a stranger.
Are you surprised
they won't believe you?
Do you think you are ready
to be a mother after this?
Let me tell you: you're not!
So that's what you think.
It's obvious. But you won't
admit it, even to yourself.
Why isn't the foundation calling?
Let's stop right there. Really.
Look at me. Look at me!
Did you tell her anything about me?
I don't know what I said.
Let's not talk about it.
Do you recall every word you said?
No... It's just... I don't know what's
wrong. Why they're not calling.
Calm down.
I'll be a good mother.
Even if you don't believe me.
I believe you.
Take me to that tower.
Wait. Stop.
This is it.
It must be it.
That's where it happened.
But. Are you sure this time?
I don't know. Not entirely.
Honey... I'm not sure that would help.
Let's tell the police.
They might be able to do something.
But the case is closed.
Please. Let's let them know at least.
I doubt it'll help.
Hi. I'm Dnes Gbor, I'd like
to talk to Detective Szirtes.
He is on holiday this week.
What is this regarding?
Hallo? Are you still there?
Welcome. This is the Stork Bag
Foundation. Please, hold the line...
I'm Dnes Gbor. My wife and I are
waiting for a little girl called Hanna.
You paid us a visit about two weeks ago
with a psychologist. Can you hear me?
Yes. I know. I haven't called you yet,
I'm sorry. All these cases you know.
But I hate to bring bad news.
I've been fearing this call to be honest.
I should have called, but... I don't
understand, your wife looked so great,
I never would have thought
there'd be a problem.
I see.
You know, at this stage it's out of my
hands. The psychologist evaluates you,
and I have to follow her
recommendation, that's it.
And since she's made up her mind,
I'm afraid we can't give you the baby.
Hallo? Are you there?
Is there anything we can do?
Could we sit down with her again?
Oh, come on, that's not how it works,
you know that.
I understand, but the circumstances
have changed.
I mean our case with the police
is on the right track now.
It wasn't the case. Wait, let me find
the file, I don't understand, either.
Where is it? Here...
It says here
"The parties cannot present
the parental harmony
necessary for child-rearing..."
And then... It doesn't even mention
the rape.
Well, that wasn't very helpful.
- What did you tell the psychologist?
- I don't know. I don't recall.
I'm so sorry, I didn't call.
I'm really ashamed.
Is your wife there? Can you give her
the phone?
Uhm. We're not together right now.
Well, I can call her tonight. I'll try
and collect my thoughts until then.
Poor thing. It's hardest for her.
All right. Thank you.
I'm gonna hang up now.
Who was it?
Any news from the foundation?
Oh, no. Just Lri.
I forgot we agreed on a stag night
tonight, but no matter.
Go ahead.
No way. I'm staying with you.
No, really. Go. I'd like
to be alone for a while.
Hello. Good afternoon. Thanks for
coming in. I'm Detective Bottlik.
Lieutenant Szirtes
used to work our case.
Yes, I took it over, since
we had to reopen the case.
So. I'll get right to the point.
You did well to call us.
The location helped a lot.
I took a look around and I haven't
found any surveillance cams outside,
but an office building had their
own footage of that night,
and even though you
cannot see the incident,
but the bunch of hair we found and the
recording will suffice as poof of force.
I can show you the footage if you wish.
But you don't have to.
Yes. We'd like to see it.
All right then.
Just a moment.
I'm sorry, this doesn't always work.
Here we go...
I think this is strong evidence.
Enough to charge him.
- Thank you.
- No, I thank you for your persistence.
Oh, and I heard you found
the suspect's address.
This is exemplary, really.
Yes. And the Gulys family will take the
Roma kid, I managed to persuade them.
Excuse me. Here we are.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
My name is Gizella Pll.
Can you tell me your name?
Nra Gbor.
Dnes Gbor.
Can you tell us in a few words
why you'd like to adopt a child?
How long have you known each other?
Sure. We've been married for six years
and we are also co-workers.
We both work for a market-research
company with a strong portfolio.
We have realised that our relationship
is ready for a new family member,
and we opted for adoption.
First we went to a foundation, but
the process seemed a little complicated,
which is why we would
prefer to collaborate with you.
We are glad you chose us.
And you?
We've known each other forever and
we've been a couple for a long time, too.
We feel our relationship
has stood the test of time...