As Good As Dead (2022) Movie Script

[dramatic music]
[metal clanking]
[Heather panting]
-[exhales sharply]
[music intensifies]
[exhales sharply]
[bell ringing]
-[radio beep]
-[unintelligible radio chatter]
[bell ringing]
[music playing
on the car stereo]
There that motherfucker is.
[engine stars]
[car stereo music continues]
-[intense music playing]
-[tires screeching]
[car stereo music continues]
[song fades away]
Maria, Santiago.
Let's go.
You can hear.
You got that
selective hearing, huh?
You ever disrespect
L-17 again?
This pistol
will be the last thing
you ever hear, bitch.
Sorry. Sorry
for disrespecting you.
Disrespecting who, motherfucker?
You and Eduardo, L-17.
Shut the fuck up!
You had us chasing you
all over the streets
looking like fucking assholes.
If your brother
wasn't an L-17 Captain,
I would have shot your ass.
For the gas
I wasted on you, bitch.
[exhaling sharply]
["Common Ground"
by Bruce Maginnis]
Left, right.
One more time.
Good. Higher.
Come on. Here you go.
Get more of those.
Elbow, elbow, elbow.
[vocalizing continues]
[music fades]
[Bryant] Now eventually,
your goal is to finish
your counter
before the end of my thrust.
No problem.
-You ready?
[nose brakes]
Don't. Don't wipe.
Never wipe while in battle.
Okay? Shows weakness.
Now, there levels to this.
Now I showed you normal speed,
not my speed. All right?
Now, when you get hit, it's...?
-My own fault.
-That's right.
And pain?
Teaches us
not to let it happen again.
Ture. All right?
Hey, you good?
Okay, what is it?
Oh, here we go again.
How can I test myself
if I don't compete with others?
Because what I taught you
is not for competition.
It's for self-defense,
which is completely different.
Mindset, for one thing.
To fight professionally,
you need a different attitude,
techniques, training,
How long
did you fight professional?
Well, I was...
See you tomorrow.
[grunting softly]
It's good.
[rap music playing
in the distance]
[music intensifying]
["Litty" by Malik Ammon Matthews
and Nathan Gillespie playing]
-[music stops]
-[Hector grunts]
Let me out early.
-[Hector] Come over here.
-[Oscar] How did you find me?
[Hector] What do you think?
I can't keep tabs
-on my little brother?
-[both laughing]
[Hector speaking in Spanish]
[in English]
Look at you, man.
You look great.
-You're a real man.
Who's this guy?
-Well, he's...
-I'll tell you who he is.
He's a cop.
The way he looks,
the way he stands,
I can smell
these motherfuckers mile away.
What do you want
with my brother, cop?
Come on, Hector.
He's no cop. He's my friend,
my teacher. He's cool.
Have you seen
Maria and Santiago yet?
Come on.
I know you missed them.
They sure been missing you.
Yes, I do.
I do miss them.
Let's go see them.
Be careful.
[engine starts]
Let's go.
[boxers grunting]
How much is it to join the gym?
Twenty a month.
The next five months.
How old are you?
-[Marisol] If you're under 18,
you need a signature of a parent
or guardian to be in here.
How old are you?
But my dad owns this gym.
I'll be back.
I told you,
you need the signature
of a parent
to be in here.
Okay, Marisol.
It's written on your binder.
[both grunts]
["Wind You Waist"
by Marc JB playing]
Wind your waist
Wind your waist
-What do you got for me?
-[Eric chuckles]
Show me what you got for me.
I want to go home now.
What do you mean
you're going home?
What's the matter with you?
This is my welcome home party.
Your brother don't like to
hang with us.
He thinks we're beneath him.
I got a work in the morning,
So you got a work
in the morning?
For who?
-A fucking cop.
-He's not a cop.
Well, forget about that guy.
Screw that guy, all right?
You're coming with us.
We're gonna go gamble.
I don't gamble.
See, I told you.
He thinks betting
on the underground fights
is beneath him.
-Underground fights?
-[Hector] Mm-hmm.
Oh, come on.
-Come on. Come on.
-[Hector] Body shot. Body shot.
Give me a body shot.
[both grunting]
-Oh! Oh!
-[crowd cheering]
[grunting continues]
[cheering continues]
-[Eric] No! No! No!
-Oh! Sweet.
See, I told you.
I told you it was gonna be
under a minute.
-Pay up.
and whistling continues]
Is there any other challenger
that want to fight
The Collector?
Me! I am.
Come on, George. Come on up.
If you last one round
with The Collector,
you get 5000.
But if you beat him,
you're going to get
10,000 pesos.
Let's hear it for Big George.
You've got big balls, man.
-Yeah! Big balls!
-Let's go.
[cheering and whistling
[George grunts]
What the fuck?
-Fuck. Shit.
[cheering and applause
Hey. Where are you going?
I'll be right back.
That was ugly.
Somebody else crazy enough
to fight The Collector?
Hey, Oscar. Oscar!
[crowd cheers lowly]
Are you kidding me?
What the fuck are you doing?
What's your name, man?
Right here.
[cheering and applause]
[intense music playing]
[The Collector]
[Oscar grunting]
[The Collector]
[grunting continues]
[crowd cheering and whistling]
Let's hear it for Oscar.
-Let's go. Oscar! Oscar!
-[crowd] Oscar!
-[announcer] Oscar!
-[crowd] Oscar!
Oscar! Oscar!
Oscar! Oscar! Oscar!
Oscar! Oscar! Oscar!
For the gas.
Oscar! Oscar! Oscar!
Oscar! Oscar!
Oscar! Oscar! Oscar! Oscar!
[Piro] Looking good, John.
Just drop your left shoulder
a little more.
Keep your head down, yeah?
Swing the body through the ball.
Okay, not bad.
In regards to your
equity and telecom,
-that's another story,
-[cell phone vibrates]
which we'll get to in a minute.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
John, keep your head down.
Try a few more.
You'll get the hang of it.
-[John] Okay.
Why the fuck am I seeing
your goddamn name on my phone,
you dumb fucking mutt?
You always go through
my assistant.
You're not--
One video?
[dramatic music playing]
Bitsy, the fucking track star,
and he screams,
But in the alley,
it kind of sounded like gun.
-[Griffiths] Gun, gun.
-I... [chuckles]
No, even
when the threat goes down...
-Dag, Dag and Chuck, remember?
You remember?
-Yeah, yeah.
Well, they had to die for cover
from their own guy.
I, I felt a couple of rounds
whiz by me.
And I'm thinking,
-for one split second,
-[Dagestiono] Yeah.
am I going to have the plug
the Fitz?
-That might have been
a little difficult
explaining to internal affairs.
[all chuckles]
Oh. Excuse me, gentlemen.
[smacks lips]
My psych session is up,
and, um, I think
it may go a little longer
than anticipated.
So I suggest you be ready
when your turn comes.
You're going to have to fit him
in the appointed hour.
All right, cap.
Have a good time in there.
Uh, don't worry about me.
[correctional officer]
Let's go. Your lawyer's here.
[dramatic music playing]
[cell phone beeps]
[cheering and whistling
through the cell phone]
[crowd through cell phone]
There's got to be
some connection here.
Nobody else fights like that.
Where was this?
In Mexico, near the border.
A place called Nogales.
Well, you got to find him.
Completion guarantees
a longer life. [chuckles]
The Guzman brothers
owe us a favor.
Take care of it.
[vehicle approaching]
[engine stops]
I don't hear from you
in nearly a week,
and you bring this to my house.
-What the fuck
do you mean by "this"?
-[Oscar] Hey,
-I'm sorry, Bo.
-Mr. Davis.
I'm sorry, Mr. Davis.
I would've called,
but I never had your number.
That still doesn't explain
why you would bring them
to my place.
Well, allow me to explain.
Oscar wants to fight
and I'm gonna pay you
to train him.
No, no.
I can pay for myself now.
Where the hell did you get
that kind of money?
Why does it matter?
Are you gonna train him or not?
The answer is no.
Now, please get off my property
Fuck your
piece of shit property.
You don't even know
how much money I'm offering you.
I know he's your brother.
But if you hang around this guy,
he's going to get you killed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Keep talking.
You're going to be the one
who's gonna get killed.
Hector, please.
Just give us a moment.
I'm so sorry, Mr. Davis.
This wasn't my idea,
but it's true.
I'd very much like to compete.
Look, I'm sorry,
but the answer is no.
-But why?
-[Bryant] Oscar--
-Hey, what do we have here?
-[Bryant] Hey,
back off!
Look, I'm sorry, but I can't.
But look,
even if you decide to compete,
please promise me that
you won't use the style
that I taught you.
Hey, is this a classic?
What did I tell you?
I told you to back off.
Yeah, I don't think so.
You might be able to fight,
but you're not gonna be able
to block a bullet.
So you back the fuck off!
How's this?
Far enough?
Now with your thumb
and forefinger
of your left hand,
grab your weapon. But first,
take it out,
put it on the ground.
Do it now!
You in the car, you make a move,
Hector gets shot.
Keep moving.
If you turn back around,
I will shoot you.
Do you understand me?
Guy sounds like
a real surveyor to me.
Keep it moving, Hector.
I need you
to drive down the road,
stop and wait for Oscar.
If your hands
leave the steering wheel
for any reason,
your head becomes a piata.
Keep your hands up.
[engine starts]
So sorry, Mr. Davis.
Never meant for this to happen.
when he stops that car,
I need you to
get in the passenger seat
and never come back here.
You understand me?
Yes. Yes, sir.
This ain't over, pinche cop.
I want to sign my brother
with your best trainer.
Mm, that will be my father.
We can start
with the paperwork.
All right.
So, I saw the video.
You either have
the best beginner's luck
or you're
the ghost of Bruce Lee.
You destroyed
the toughest guy in town.
Had a good teacher.
[door opens]
[door closes]
You're Oscar, no?
Bryant. Is he here?
I don't know any Bryant.
Your instructor. Big Black guy.
-This guy.
-[Hector] Hey, what's going
on here, carnales?
-What do you want
with my brother?
-[Ivan] We're fight promoters.
We saw Oscar on YouTube.
I wanted to know
if you had representation.
I know all the promoters
in this country.
What's your company?
We're an outside company
from the U.S.
I'm originally from San Diego.
Which one?
Who are your fighters?
Look, we're just
looking for someone.
Hmm. You're just looking
for someone.
Well, let me tell you something.
We know you're not promoters.
And we also know that
you are two identical
lying piece of shit.
We haven't seen that guy.
So get the fuck out of my face.
Get the fuck out!
Okay, macho.
Listen to me.
I know we all have our past,
and believe me, I have my own.
But if you're going
to bring this bullshit...
...I'm going to ask you
to look for another gym.
Ah, I'm sorry about that,
sir. I apologize.
It won't happen again.
All right, show's over.
What was that about?
These guys were looking
for Mr. Davis.
-Who are they?
-[Oscar] Hitters.
[Hector scoffs]
I know their type very well.
-We gotta warn Mr. Davis.
-Forget about that guy,
all right?
I've been telling you that
forever. Forget about him.
I told you he was a cop,
didn't I?
Why does that make him
a bad guy?
Look, I owe him my life, Hector.
I was able to pay our bills
and feed Santiago and Maria
because of him.
You wouldn't be driving that car
if you didn't teach me
what I know.
Look, I have to warn him.
All right.
I'm gonna drive you
all the way to him,
but I'm staying in the car.
I'm not getting out.
You better bring her with you,
'cause I'm not sure he wants
to see your face either.
I wouldn't mind.
Fucking kidding me?
I'm sorry, Mr. Davis,
but Oscar has something
important to tell you.
Who are you?
I'm Marisol, a friend of Oscar.
My father runs the MMA gym.
So, can we speak to you?
You don't have
to worry about me.
I'm staying right here.
I got my gun, anyway.
We were at her father's gym,
and two guys came in
looking for you.
They said your name was Bryant.
They were twins.
Bald, Cuban, about my height?
[dramatic music]
-Did you come here
straight from the gym?
-Yes. Why?
Oscar, Marisol,
get in the house right now.
Go. Come, come on. Go, go.
Hector, I need you to get
in the house right now.
Who do you think I am? Sucker?
I'm not pendejo.
What's up with the gun?
Uh, look, I'll explain later.
I'm gonna give you
your gun back.
This better not be a trick.
-Hector, run!
-[intense music]
[reloads gun]
You hang around this guy,
he's gonna get you killed.
Don't worry.
The whole place is steel-plated.
[muffled bullet sounds]
Oh, so you were
expecting company, huh?
Pinche cop. What the fuck
are you up to, huh?
-He's not a cop, Hector.
-I was a cop.
-LAPD and DEA.
I took down their boss
and most of his organization.
They've been wanting me
dead for years.
I just don't know
how they found me.
Do you think it could be
from the YouTube video
where you beat collector
at the casino?
It got a lot of views.
Hey, they stopped firing.
You think they're gone?
Shit. I'm calling my guys
right now.
No, no, no.
You don't wanna do that.
Your men will be slaughtered.
The Guzman twins, professionals.
I'll tell you what? I need you
to walk by that window
at precisely 7:45.
Can you do that?
-It's bullet-proof, right?
All right. I'll be back.
Pinche Terminator
[dramatic music]
[engine revving]
[car door closes]
What's up?
It's not gonna happen.
You're one of a kind now.
He's gone.
[dramatic music]
[grunting continues]
Who ordered this?
Was it Kilbane?
[panting] Fuck you.
You think
I'm playing games, huh?
[intense music]
-[Bryant] All right?
-[breathing heavily]
Let try this again.
Who ordered?
Fuck you.
I didn't light him on fire.
He lit himself on fire.
I was just bluffing.
How the hell
did you get outside?
You were in that room.
What's important right now
is that you all get to safety.
They could have called
for reinforcements.
Once the twins turn up missing,
they're gonna send more people.
Look, I'll get rid
of the twins' bodies,
but I trust you'll want
your guys to get
a proper burial.
Yeah. Yeah, of course,
I wanna do that.
Let me tell you something.
You should pay for it.
It's your fault that--
We do not have time
for that right now.
Right now you're all in danger.
You need to leave.
They won't come after you.
I just need the time remaining
to pack up my life and go.
[dramatic music]
[exhales] Okay. Ladies first.
What the hell is this?
After the DEA radar worked on,
we found these tunnels.
That why I built my house here.
-Yeah, but now they found you.
So, who hired the hit squad?
A man named Sonny Kilbane,
former police captain.
He was behind a drugs, weapons,
and human trafficking ring.
Had judges and DEA
in his pocket.
Now, he's doing
double life in prison.
And all because of you, huh?
Why did you leave?
They can't hurt you,
they hurt the ones you love.
Woman in your picture
in your kitchen.
That's right.
They found her and...
...beat her up pretty bad.
But I showed up.
[knife slices]
I told her to say
that I beat her.
So the surface story
would be that
I fled from my domestic
violence assault charge.
It would explain
my disappearance,
and the guys who did it, well,
they were never supposed
to be there, anyway, right?
If you're gone long enough,
you're as good as dead.
So I guess you could say
I put myself
into my own little
witness protection program.
You were a cop. What about
the real witness protection?
[scoffs] Well,
who do you think runs that?
See, I told you that.
Never trust cops.
Here you go, El Chapo.
Here's where we part ways, okay?
Now you take this tunnel
about a half a mile down,
you'll see a ladder
on your right side.
You take that up, you'll be
beside an equestrian center.
-All right.
-You'll be safe to make
a call there for a ride. Okay?
All right.
Let's go.
...take care of yourself.
[dramatic music]
Cops, my ass.
[sprinkler turns on]
What the... [screams]
[light turns off]
[light turns on]
Fuck are you waiting for?
Get out of here.
[engine revving]
Valdez is gonna
want retribution.
But, Sonny, these men were paid.
That doesn't matter.
He dispatched eight men
without a scratch.
They're gonna claim
we didn't prep them.
Okay. I mean...
...what do you want me to do?
What do I want you to do?
I want you to hurt him
and anyone else close to him.
Well, that's the thing.
This guy, apparently, beat
the shit out of his fianc,
and it seems she's the only one
he cared about.
Good news. At least now,
we know where he is.
Hey, hey,
if this man is not silenced,
there goes all our assets.
Which means you and your family
would have to start looking
for your own Nogales.
Place was clean. [sighs]
No cars. No bodies.
No burned-top twin guy.
No doubt, it was your guy.
He must be
some kind of Black Rambo.
[scoffs] Hey. Ram-bro.
-You think he's gonna stay?
-Hell no.
Unless he's crazy.
He knows those guys
are gonna come back
and nuke that place
if he's around.
But, listen,
forget about that, all right?
You gotta train, huh?
You're a fighter.
You gotta focus
on becoming a badass yourself.
Huh? You feel me?
Now, I gotta go and tell
two of men's soft ladies
that they ain't gonna
come back home. [sniffles]
Keep your mind at right place.
We'll start tomorrow, right?
See you around.
[woman sobbing]
[woman sobbing]
[woman sniffs]
[intense music]
[knife slices]
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You thought I won't
recognize it...
I had nothing to do with it,
but I wish I did.
Now what?
You think I'm gonna start
begging for my life, huh?
Fuck you and your mama, bitch.
Now, we can take our time
to find out
what you really know.
You may think you won't tell me,
but believe me,
believe me, you will.
I don't know shit.
Here we go again.
Where is Bryant Powell?
Are you deaf?
I already told you
I don't know shit.
I had no idea he was a cop.
He was training my brother.
Wrong answer.
[intense music]
Nobody move, nobody get shot
in the fucking head.
Drop the gun. Drop the gun
or I'll kill your friend.
He's not my friend.
Let him go,
and nobody else gets hurt.
No deal. You know why?
Because you're fucked up.
You should have killed me
when you had your chance.
-You let him live?
-He was no longer a threat.
Pretty fucking ironic, huh?
You're smart, Raza.
You kill him, what do you think
is gonna happen to you?
Look around you.
There's too many of us.
-Even if you--
[dramatic music]
[exasperated sigh]
No fucking way.
[scoffs] All right, seriously,
we're gonna have to start
calling you Ram-bro.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no! Wait, wait!
I'm sorry.
No nicknames. I'm sorry.
How do you find me?
There's no safer place
than being
behind the guy
who's chasing you.
So you were following Raza, huh?
Come on.
Oh. [chuckles]
I knew it was a '68 Camaro SS.
[clears throat]
[engine revving]
[dramatic music]
You think it's safe to be here?
Hector was here.
He said it was like
nothing happened. He was right.
His work truck is missing.
His other car's still here.
-Wait here. I'll be right back.
[intense music]
[grunting continues]
[grunting continues]
[grunting continues]
Mm, wait. Oscar.
I'm a friend.
Friend of Bryant. Bryant Powell.
Bo Davis.
He was my captain.
My sensei.
Follow me.
Come on. It's okay.
Well, where is he? Is he okay?
[sighs] Well, that's what
we're trying to find out.
We hoped you knew.
Listen, he's in trouble
within the Nogales cartel,
and time is really precious
right now.
Oscar, I owe my life to Bryant,
so I joined the task force
so I can help get him out.
The DEA, they won't.
They turned their backs on him.
He has a domestic incident
as an excuse.
Yeah, he told us.
Would you excuse us,
miss, please?
Come here. Listen, me... [sighs]
I know Bryant
better than anyone.
I don't believe that shit
for a second.
What are the dogs for?
Bomb-sniffing dogs.
We had to make sure
the whole place wasn't rigged
with explosives
before we breached it.
We think he might have fled
in a stolen vehicle.
What's the color, make
and model of the vehicle?
I don't know.
He always kept the car covered,
and I never asked.
Have a think.
Uh, is there a place
he went to frequently?
Like a friend's or a girlfriend?
Maybe a bar?
Listen, what about
your brother, Hector?
I heard he was capo of L-17.
He might have the information
on diablos. I can talk to him.
My brother hates cops.
So you think
he did something to Bryant?
Why not? You said he hates cops.
Why wouldn't he
just kill Bryant,
or feed him to the diablos?
Bryant saved us.
Oscar, my man. [chuckles]
You know a lot more than
you're letting on to.
So you're gonna talk to me,
because Bryant's life
depends on it.
Can I make sure she gets home?
Nonsense. She can come with us.
Let's move. Heading back.
You're quiet for once.
I don't know what to say.
Thank you for saving me,
or fuck you for putting me
in danger in the first place?
Sorry I asked.
Huh? You were in a gang.
Ah, well, we all have our past.
What happened?
What did you do to make
these guys wanna kill you?
I went to prison undercover
as a underground cage fighter
and brought down a ring
of drugs, illegal weapons,
and human trafficking.
Like Van Damme in that movie,
In Hell.
No. No. He went to prison
'cause he shot a guy
outside the courthouse.
Well, he still ended up
fighting a prisoner.
I, I know it's something
with Van Damme.
It was probably, uh...
...Kickboxer: Retaliation.
That was Alan Moussi or Moussi
or something like that.
Bloodfist III: Forced To Fight.
No, that's
Don "The Dragon" Wilson.
You're probably thinking
about Locked Down.
Yeah, it has some similarities,
but Van Damme
wasn't in that either.
I got it. Death Warrant.
Yeah. Death Warrant,
Van Damme plays this cop,
and he, he went underground,
and, and fight
this creepy Sandman
who he personally sent
to prison, huh?
How's that anything
like my story?
Oh, undercover cop,
illegal fighting.
Black market organ dealing?
No, I'm, I, if anything,
I'd say I'm more like,
Raid: Redemption.
It's much more like my story
and a way better movie.
I thought we
were going downtown.
I never told you that.
Oh, wait, did I? No.
Where are we going?
An undisclosed location.
[suspenseful music]
[cell phone dialing]
[cell phone vibrating]
What's up, bro.
Oscar, I can't hear you.
You have to speak up.
DEA Agent Eric Green
is taking us north.
Eric Green?
He's taking you where?
Oscar, don't say my name.
Do not trust Eric Green.
If he's taking you anywhere,
get away immediately.
I can't
In his car with Marisol.
Oscar, can you describe
where you're headed?
Now, would you close the window?
Got the AC on.
Just wanted some fresh air.
You know, that wasn't
a fucking question, all right?
Who are you talking to?
I said,
who the fuck are you talking to?
My brother.
I'm leaving a message
for my brother.
Give me your phones.
Both your phones down, now.
Three, five, eight, N,
double O, six, seven,
five, L, three, seven.
Three, five, eight,
N, double O,
six, seven, five,
L, three, seven.
Write that down.
Three, five, eight,
N, double O...
L, three, seven, I got it.
Who the hell's Eric Green?
My former protg,
he tried to get me killed.
He has Oscar.
Fucking why?
He probably thought Oscar
can lead him to me,
but I think Oscar
just helped lead us to him.
What the hell
are we waiting for?
Let's go
kill these motherfuckers
and get Oscar.
If there's one motherfucker
in this planet
who can do this, it's you.
Uh, if I'm right,
we're gonna need
some more motherfuckers.
[Oscar gagging]
-[Oscar choking, coughing]
-What the fuck
is wrong with you?
-[Eric] Get him out of the car.
Better here outside
than on his fucking doorstep.
You ready, Princess?
Okay, looks like Oscar passed
under a bridge
going south on the 15,
headed toward Henry Seale
about three minutes ago.
Oh, yeah,
I know that area very well.
-A lot of powerful people
living out there.
Future of Lords as well.
I'm guessing they don't know
about your extraction yet.
Once they find out
that I sprung you,
they'll be on you to get to me.
Yeah, but then they're going
to kill Oscar
-because they won't
need him anymore.
-Oh, no, no, no. No.
They'll need him even more
because he's a bargaining chip
for you to give me up.
[suspenseful music]
Hear me out.
[gate opening]
Let's move. Come on.
Please let her go.
She has nothing to do with this.
You did this to her, Oscar.
You should've told me everything
you knew in the first place.
And now, everything bad
that's going to happen to her
is because of you.
And, by the way,
we have your brother,
if he's still left in one piece.
Let's go.
Sonny Kilbane is my friend.
But he lost at his game.
But you have to understand
this guy has been
a pebble in his shoe for years,
and Sonny wants him
to pay with his life.
A life on the run is no life.
Look, Don Valdez,
we appreciate the generosity.
Okay. And as Mr. Kilbane
has helped you rise to power,
we appreciate the reciprocation
in your hospitality,
-but we need this done.
And your problem
is beneath my time.
I understand.
But this man,
you have to understand
he's an elite soldier,
and we need this taken care of.
-[Eric] I trained under him.
I know what he knows.
I know how he thinks.
And this kid right here
is a close student of his.
Your men, they have his brother,
who's an L-17 captain
at your facility right now.
He'll know
where Bryant Powell is.
your Mr. Powell
just extracted Hector
and killed 15 of my men.
Tell me again
that you know how he thinks.
And you...
-...just get me an excuse.
-Come on.
Come on.
Don Valdez,
we, we can get him now.
They're probably still together.
Hey, call your brother.
I don't know his number.
You threw my phone
out the window.
You don't know
your brother's number?
Do you know yours?
Whose number
do you know by heart?
We have his number
in our records.
I just need to make a call
and we'll track him down.
They're gonna try to run a chase
on Hector's phone,
which will be right here.
We line up around this perimeter
and wait for them
to break through.
Once they do,
it will just be them,
Hector's phone,
and grenades. Boom.
Those guys
are bleeding right now,
and I'm telling you,
I saw
at least ten million dollars
worth out there
before he snatched me, right?
-Let's go, let's do this.
So you miss your calling.
You could be
a great narco shot caller
and have everything you want
in life.
[exclaims] No, no, no.
See, I'm like you.
Already embrace who I am
and the life I chose,
and I do not want
to be looking over my shoulder.
That's what I want.
Got it.
Brother's number.
Call him.
He won't answer calls
from strange numbers.
-I've to text him.
-Just do it!
What are all those numbers, huh?
They're a code,
so he knows it's me.
Change it every week.
[suspenseful music]
[cell phone ringing]
[phone continues ringing]
-Fuck are all these numbers?
-Don't do anything. Hold on.
Don't answer it.
[cell phone ringing]
I know exactly where they are.
Listen up, everybody.
He could be in the bathroom.
Look, we'll make it work,
Don Valdez, no matter what.
We'll, we'll,
we'll make this right.
[exclaims, pants]
[door opens]
Hey, it's me. Are you okay?
[dramatic music]
-What's going on?
-Something's not right
about the numbers he texted.
What do you mean?
I don't know.
Give me the gun.
Go, go.
Let's move, let's move.
In the kitchen now.
[gunshots continue]
Wait, wait, wait.
What about these two here,
They're, they're kind of
dead weight at this point, yeah?
-Okay, man. S, you're the boss.
-And, uh, where's my gun?
That's for me, right?
-No, no, no, no.
And why is that?
[dramatic music]
[engine revving]
[engine revving]
Hey, motherfuckers.
Oh, shit.
Don't hold your gun sideways.
The dumbass
who created that shit
didn't make it.
[sighs] Been locked up.
Just a little rusty.
-[car door closes]
-Here is a real gun.
Follow me.
[bike engines revving]
[engine revving]
[gunshots continue]
Grenade, grenade.
[glass shatters]
I want you to stay here
and cover this window.
And use this
[gunshots continue]
[dramatic music]
Wait, no, hold.
-Where is he?
-We don't fucking know.
On three o'clock. Three o'clock.
Uh, shit. I'm out.
Need more ammunition.
All right,
hold your position while re-up.
Cover me.
[gunshots continue]
[grunting, groaning]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
Oh, shit.
[continues groaning]
-[tape tearing]
How are you guys doing?
-A bit shaken up,
but we're okay.
-How about you, Eric? You good?
-[Eric groaning]
Fuck you!
I know you want to kill me.
Why don't you just do it?
No, this is way better.
Believe me.
Hey, that's good enough.
I already called the PFJ,
FBI, and DEA.
They're on their way.
[suspenseful music]
-[Eric exhales]
-He'll be okay.
-[Eric] Don't leave me.
-If he bleeds out, well,
that's fine too.
-[Eric] Don't leave me.
-[Bryant] Follow me.
You can't leave me!
Fuck you! [groans]
Hey, Valdez.
Have you seen Scarface?
[somber music]
Believe me when I'm telling you
L-17 had nothing to do
with them.
That's why they are not here.
You mean to tell me
this Bryant Powell is the one
that killed all these guys?
It is what it is. [sighs]
I got to tell you this.
Whatever you do with him,
Don't call him Ram-bro
to act all negro.
'cause he doesn't like it.
You good?
[mouths] Yeah.
[siren wailing]
[singer vocalizing]
[continues vocalizing]
[singer vocalizing]
[metallic doors open]
[dramatic music]
[door opens]
[suspenseful music]
[groans] What the fuck?
[door closes]
["Bury Your Heart Here"
by Nick Kingswell]
Hold on
Hold on to this
There's enough of me
to last the year
Take this
But don't break it
I'll be coming back
when I'm in need
Older than I was before
I'll be hanging on
the home that you hold
Bury your heart here
I'll keep it safely
Under my skin and my bone
No stranger to refuge
Know that I keep you
Under my skin and my bones
Under my bone
Tied up
Summer's tied up
If you plan
on holding on for good
As my lungs are full
I float into the pool
Bury your heart here
I'll keep it safely
Under my skin and my bones
No stranger to refuge
Know that I keep you
Under my skin and my bone
Oh, dear God
And the world
can never buy another love
To shy
To hold
To fill my empty chest
and make me whole
-[harmonizing] Whole
Bury your heart here
I'll keep it safely
Under my skin and my bones
No stranger to refuge
Oh, that I keep you
Under my skin and my bone
-Under my bone
-Bury your heart here
-I'll keep it safely
-Under my
-Under my skin and my bone
-Under my bone
-No stranger to refuge
-Oh, that I give you
-Under my
-Under my skin and my bone
[song fades]