As I Am (2020) Movie Script

Dreams are for the imaginative.
Life told from juicy lips,
of drips that one could taste
if you could muster a sip.
Ain't life a trip?
Loneliness is for the brave.
I never choose to behave,
though I'm not one for settlement
or take kind to those who
praise to be intimate.
I'll say it loud,
who I am, I'm not proud.
All right, repeat after me,
you control your own
destiny of your own life.
Do not limit yourself.
Say it with me.
Do not limit yourself.
All right, very good, very good.
Now, repeat after me, make things happen.
Make things happen.
Great, now you
should be feeling empowered,
now you should be feeling that image
and the source that you have within you.
Who are
you to judge me, me of thee?
But I am free.
Free to be me, free to be you.
If only I had a clue.
Out of fear, I fight
to be loved, to be held, to be cherished
for what I am, as I am.
I'm about to get coffee before heading
to my next client.
Will you do me a favor
and grab some trash bags, eggs, and milk
on your way to the house?
Can't you get Jennifer to do it?
I might be late tonight.
I have to prep my next
client for downsizing.
- No, son.
- Sir.
She already has too
many things on her plate.
- I gotta go.
- She's prepping for this
big gala.
Okay, Dad, I will get it
on my way.
Don't forget.
Can I get a medium cinnamon
dolce latte with almond milk,
two shots of caramel,
and a shot of espresso?
Mm hmm, it'll be ready over there.
Taking out the
trash and cashing checks
is the name of the game.
I own a consulting firm that helps
businesses weed out dead weight
in order to see possible growth.
Every company has their
core diehard employees
that want to see the company succeed,
but then you have the core management
that doesn't like change.
And that's where I step in,
to shake shit up.
Hey, Manny.
It's Emmanuel, Jason.
I don't know how many times
I've had to tell you that.
My bad, bro!
Just wanted to see what
you were doing tonight.
I'm busy.
Okay, well, you know, you've been doing
such a great job with
handling our account,
I just figured I would invite you out.
I'm sorry, I don't interact with clients
on a personal basis, plus,
that's not within my budget.
Well, it's an expense paid
by the company.
And it's karaoke night, if you're down.
If I'm finished with what I'm doing,
I might stop by.
So it's a, uh, team member date.
Bye, Jason.
Can I help with anything?
What the?
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
I just couldn't help but notice
you look a little lost.
Um, no, I'm
just trying to figure out
what type of milk to get for someone.
What is this someone making?
A cake, baking, something,
I don't know.
Vitamin D.
Excuse me?
Whole milk, vitamin D.
It's the most commonly
used milk for baking.
Okay, thank you.
That's what I'm here for.
Excuse me, uh, sir?
Do you know where the
eggs and trash bags are?
I've never been here before.
It's all good.
Eggs are gonna be at the
end of the freezer section
to your right, and trash
bags are on aisle six.
Thank you.
That's funny.
- Come here, you.
- That's funny.
Come here.
Manny, my boy!
Manny, thank you so much for getting
that stuff for us.
Oh my God, look at that, you actually got
the right kind!
I'm so sorry I didn't tell you.
I was a little, anyway,
why don't you come on in?
We have Tom and Connie here.
They haven't seen you in a long time.
Come on in.
I'd rather not.
It's been a long day.
Oh, come on, it'll only take a second.
Plus, you gotta say hello to your moms.
Ah, there's my baby!
I love you.
How was work?
You know, work.
Ah, okay, that's good.
Well, guess what?
Your father, your father, and Connie
and Tom, we were sitting here,
talking about our annual couples retreat.
That sounds great.
So, Manny, what are
you doing this evening?
Um, you know, nothing,
just working on some work.
Yeah, my Manny's a little anti-social.
Mm mm, come on.
Yeah, but making friends
isn't his strong suit.
Aw, poor thing.
You're such a good-looking young boy.
Just put yourself out there.
My Manny is smart
and creative
and I know that he has tons of friends.
what about a girlfriend?
Uh, you
know, I have this thing
to do with a client at a bar.
Oh, baby, that's so great!
So you go and you have fun!
And you drive safely.
And, Man-Man,
remember to spend the night in your hotel
tonight, all right?
You get me?
So, anyway.
There you go.
You will cry
Oh, hey.
Oh, shit, look who it is, Jacob.
What's up, brother?
All right.
I'm so fucking happy you're here, bro.
Well, I said I would come if I finished.
Fuck yeah, man!
First round of drinks coming up.
What do you drink?
What are you guys drinking?
Asshole water.
I got you, bro.
I'll be right back.
All right, guys,
up next, coming to the stage,
It's Emmanuel.
Look at me
And tell me what you see
Cause I'm wondering
That what you see in me
Is just make-believe
One big fantasy
Of love
So I want you to love me
As I am
I want you to hold me
As I am
I want you to love me
As I am
Now just hold me
As I am
Can I get a vodka sprite?
Make that two.
Haven't we met before?
Vitamin D.
The milkman.
I'm assistant manager, actually.
Very nice.
Thanks for helping me out earlier.
All right,
guys, that'll be 18.50.
I got this round.
Thanks, milkman.
Hey, Emmanuel,
we're going to the next bar, you coming?
Nah, I'm a-turn in for the night.
Okay, that's cool, man.
Thanks for coming out.
Are you sure you're good to get home?
Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
All right, all right, man.
I'll see you Monday.
That's not a good idea.
You driving.
It's not a good idea.
Listen, milkman, I don't need you
to tell me what I need to do.
I'm just trying to make
sure you don't go to prison.
Arizona police don't take
kind to drunk drivers.
I feel.
Just get up.
No, we'll just stay up.
Okay, all right.
We're just gonna go this way.
Oh, good, I was about
to come and wake you.
What the hell is going on?
Where am I?
You're at my house.
I brought you here cause you passed out
outside the karaoke bar.
My God.
Where's my phone.
Whose clothes are these?
Those would be my clothes.
You kind of vomited on
yourself last night.
I can't believe this shit.
Look, it's not what it looks like,
and you're small but you're heavy as hell.
I had a hard time cleaning you up,
make sure you didn't hurt yourself.
Look, I gotta get ready for work.
Your clothes are almost done,
and my parents cooked breakfast.
Your parents saw me like that?
Chill out, they didn't see you.
Lucky for you, I brought you home
before they got home late last night.
Just get yourself together.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Um, I never actually got your real name.
I'm curious to know
what's the nicknames.
It's Emmanuel.
These are my parents.
Wow, okay.
Well, I am glad that Demetrius
was able to help you out.
It's a surprise to us because he
never has boys over.
Or girls.
Would you like something to eat?
I'm sorry, I don't
mean to make it awkward.
Trey never talks to us about his sex life.
Are you serious?
We're gonna do this right now?
I think we probably should get going.
That's a good idea.
We'll see you guys later.
Love you.
He was cute.
He was.
You think Trey and him are a thing?
Child, that boy don't know
if he straight or crooked.
Not that it matters.
I know, but he can't
live in limbo forever.
Darling, let the boy be who he
wants to be.
Okay, okay,
I'm just saying, if he walks up in here
asking questions about sexual positions,
you are gonna have to have
that conversation with him
cause Lord knows, honey,
I have tried for years.
Epic fail!
You are so cute when you do
your mouth like that, boo.
So are you calling the Uber from here?
I would but I haven't got paid yet,
so we gotta take the bus
unless you wanna call them.
I left my phone in the car, remember?
Yeah, right.
So bus it is.
Do you need a ride?
No, I'm good, my work's
right down the street.
I can walk.
Hey, hey, thanks for everything.
No problem.
That's what I'm here for.
All right, I'm a-get out your hair.
Get home safe.
Well, well, well, looks like
somebody had a good night.
Yeah, it looks like that
must've been a lit party, baby.
Lit, lit.
Mom, just knock it off.
Hold up, hold up, give us some details.
Did you, um, you know...
Mark, leave that boy alone.
I think he needs some time to rest.
Yeah, I need to go shower and lay down.
Oh no, first of all, at
least give us her name.
You know what?
I have a female cousin named Demetrius.
Hello, buddy.
I'm sorry about grilling
you with all those questions
a little earlier, it's just that
we're just so happy to have you home.
It's been such a long time.
Yeah, it's been a long time.
Manny, Emmanuel.
All right, all right.
Didn't mean to bother you and all.
And you guys have a good day.
Thank you.
Oh, well hey, you.
You found the eggs and milk all right?
I'm putting myself out there
and I wanted to know if you wanted
to hang out some time?
I feel like I need a redo
after the other night.
Uh, I'm down.
You wanna hang out after I get off work?
Yeah, if you're free.
Yeah, for sure.
All right.
Honey, he said yes.
I have somewhere I have to be.
I'll catch you later.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
This it?
So, where we going?
I don't know.
A bar with music?
No, food first.
I don't know, this is all new for me.
I can tell.
How about this?
You drive, I'll take you
to all my favorite spots.
- Okay, deal.
- Let's go.
So, what's your story?
What do you mean?
I don't know, just
trying to get to know you.
It's not much.
Born and raised in Scottsdale.
Oh, so you got money, okay.
My parents are good with money.
They made some great
financial investments.
What about you?
What do you mean?
People have their own issues.
They deal with them, that's life.
Shit, who you telling?
I don't know if you noticed,
but I don't have the
most traditional parents.
Honestly, I was surprised,
but happy to see a well-balanced home.
Yeah, they adopted me when I was two.
I don't know much about my real parents
or where they're from,
but Kevin and Charles
are amazing replacements.
I love them to death.
You know, they put up with so much shit
from me growing up.
I remember this one time.
You know what, it's not about me.
We're here to get to know
each other a little more, so.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I've never had a moment like this before.
A moment like what?
A moment to connect.
Most people don't ask me how I feel,
my personal thoughts, or, you
know, what I've been through.
But thank you for feeling
comfortable enough
to share that with me.
Everything looks perfect on the outside.
Hell, heaven seems perfect
when you're standing outside the doors.
Trust is such an imperfect attitude.
Hey, fellas, sorry about the wait.
What can I serve you guys?
I'm sorry, I've never been here before.
I don't know what to get.
Okay, well, what are
you in the mood for?
I don't know.
What do most people order here?
I'd say our ribs are
probably our bestseller.
Sure, I'll have those.
All right, we'll go with the ribs.
And for you?
Can I get the chef's special.
Yeah, of course.
And anything to drink?
A draft beer.
- Perfect.
- Yes, sir.
And for you?
Dirty martini.
All righty, well,
I'll be back with those.
How's the food, guys?
- It was good.
- Awesome.
Let me get this stuff out of your way.
Wait, you don't have to do that.
Emmanuel, I got it.
Just think of it as my
way of saying thank you.
Thank you for what?
Thank you for allowing
yourself to be open with me.
Well, at least let me leave the tip.
All right.
Boy, you don't got
nothing smaller than that?
I do, but he was a good waiter.
Yeah, but he didn't come
with a handjob, either.
- Better?
- Yes.
Because you're buying drinks.
I just spent my whole
paycheck on this dinner.
So what?
Where we going?
You ever been to the Melrose District?
No, what's that?
You ain't never been
to the Melrose District?
What, what are you doing?
That's my happy dance.
Looked like you were
having a heart attack.
So why are you so happy?
Because I'm about to introduce you
into a whole new world.
- How so?
- Ah!
Don't ask questions, just let me lead.
And I'm driving.
Let's go!
Believing you
Will get you round of applause
All right
A pretty picture for
the ones that are lost
In life
But even dreamers have the power
To save a friend
And I know you are afraid
Is that a man?
Why is he dressed like that?
Boy, save the questions for later.
Enjoy the show.
In the pool
You say you haven't
been yourself for a long
Long time
All right, motherfuckers
I need to see that ass moving
Who wanna see me work with it
I'm talking grinding on that booty
When she's working it
I'm talking riding on that wave
Like I'm surfing it
Shit, I might just take her home
So I can serve the stick
That's the way we roll
Yeah, we steady on the power
Like the state control, where they at
Can't stop this, top this
Muscle like a Loch Ness
Moving like a serpent
You can barely watch this
Go and work your thing
She knew that I was watching
So she kissed her friend
I'm like, hold up, I roll up
You popping like a solar
Annoying baby girl, control her
Hey, the things you make me do
I'm talking throwing
51s when I got 52s, shit
I give you dick for two
Fuck around and pay your bills
Til you 50, boo
Work it, work it, work it
Work it, work it, work it, work it
Don't stop, work it, work it, work it
Work it, work it, work it, work it
Don't stop, work it, work it, work it
Work it, work it, work it, work it
Won't stop, work it,
work it, work it, work it
Work it, work it, work it, don't stop
I've thought about that
life from all the angles
Feels like a million ways
I had to know your name
Remember being glad you came
You're the kind of love
I could get high on
Never been a girl you could rely on
Tried to run away from where you were
Then you
Captivated from across the room
You're all I love
And you
Always despite all I put you through
You were my love
But I'm still afraid
Baby, will you comfort me
I'll let you hold my shame
Will you help me find my way
And you're the kind of love
I can get high on
Never been a girl you can rely on
Tried to run away from where you are
Then you
Captivated from across the room
You're all I love
And you
So, what'd you think?
I don't know, I guess
I'm just blown away.
They work so hard every week
to put this thing together
so every once in a while,
I come out in support.
How'd you find out about this place?
My dads.
They came here all the time,
performed sometimes even.
So when I turned 18,
they decided I needed to
get a glimpse of this life.
Why, did something happen?
No, no.
I just had questions,
so many questions they
couldn't even answer.
So they brought me here to see for myself.
Come on, don't give me that look.
They sheltered me my whole entire life.
And seeing them together and
how much they loved each other,
it made me question myself.
I mean, they can't even go out
and be themself without
people judging them.
And they care too much
about what people think.
I don't know.
To protect me.
But they did teach me
the true meaning of love.
And that is?
It's the ability to
look beyond yourself,
the act of transferring energy,
being compatible with one more individuals
effecting humankind.
And you came up with that?
So, do you have a girlfriend?
Wow, Emmanuel.
No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
It's all right.
What about you?
I don't.
Or would never?
I can't do this!
- Was I too forward?
- I have to go!
Boy, what is your problem?
Kevin, I think there's
something seriously wrong.
You damn right there's something wrong.
He walking up in here slamming doors
like he paying bills!
What the hell's wrong with him?
Get up so we can go see.
You better goddamn believe that.
What is your problem?
What is wrong with you?
Hey, Trey, honey.
Is everything okay?
Boy, don't you hear your
father talking to you?
Kevin, hush.
Trey, stop, stop.
What is going on?
He hurt me.
Aw hell no!
Somebody done done something to my child?
Charles, Charles, where is my knife?
Charles, where's my knife at?
Wait, wait.
Who hurt you, Trey?
Stop crying, baby, and
tell us what happened.
I like him, Dad.
Who, baby?
The young guy from the other night?
Trey, we didn't know you were into guys.
I thought that'd be expected.
We would never expect
anything like that with you.
You have to make that choice for yourself.
We know our lifestyle's
judged by the whole world,
which made it very hard
for both of us growing up.
Racism, interracial, and being gay.
Read, just read.
Which is the term we
used back in the day.
We got through it.
Trey, it doesn't matter
who you like or love.
Love has no labels, darling.
And love does hurt, baby.
I just don't know how you guys do it.
No one said it was easy.
There are definitely levels to this.
I kissed him.
This is better than that
dry-ass movie we was watching.
Mm hmm.
I'm just so lost.
I mean, I kissed him, but
then he ran away all mad.
I thought he was into it
because he's the one who invited me out.
And then there's sex with another man.
I'm not sure about that, either.
I already told you I'm not having
that conversation with him if it came up.
You know, whoop, there it is.
What are you guys talking about?
Trey, do you have any
idea what sex is like
with two men?
Sorry, it came out wrong.
Look, this is just as
uncomfortable for you
as it is for me.
Trey, are you the giver or the receiver?
What's the difference?
Oh, you see?
Honey, Trey,
the giver is a person
who enjoys penetrating
the other man,
while the receiver enjoys
getting penetrated.
What if you wanna try both?
What do y'all do?
- Nope!
- Too soon, too soon!
Baby steps.
Look, we have a catering
gig that we doing tomorrow,
and we are gonna need your help,
so you need to get some rest.
I still got questions.
Questions, honey, there's no, go to bed.
It's morning
and I am so lost.
I allowed myself too much freedom.
I know I might never see Demetrius again.
The feeling that rushes
over me when I'm near him
is unexplainable.
I think I like it.
But who am I?
I know nothing of this way of living.
Hey, Manny!
Oh, baby, how are you?
Good, it's great to see you.
What can I make for you, baby?
Oh, I got it, I'll make your favorite,
Crab Benedict.
Wow, you still remember.
Coming right up, baby.
how about you do me a favor, too?
Why don't you run upstairs and make sure
that that room of yours is nice and neat?
No one's going to be going up there.
Manny, get your ass upstairs
and clean your room.
Hi, Miss Johnson, I'm
Kevin from CK Catering.
We're here to get set up.
I'm Charles, you have a beautiful home,
Mrs. Johnson.
Thank you so much.
And thank you so much for coming early.
I appreciate that, I really do.
How many servers do you
have with you this evening?
Three, and we can get
set up really quickly.
Okay, perfect.
You have guest count of 30, correct?
Yes, but we might have 40.
Do you think you can handle that?
We can handle up to 80 individuals,
so we got you covered.
Thank you, okay, okay.
Okay, well I'm gonna let you have at it.
If you need anything at all,
I have an estate manager,
her name is Jennifer,
feel free to call her and
she'll help you out, okay?
All right, darling, we'll see you later.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
Thank you.
- Look at this place.
- This place is.
We moving on up.
Look, where's the bathroom?
How you doing on that drink?
Think you might get another one?
Mm hmm.
This time, make it a double.
All right, yeah.
From where I'm standing,
it's never good to drink alone.
I'm not alone now.
Oh, I didn't mean to
ruin your pity party.
Excuse me?
I mean, you look like
you need some attention.
Fuck off, I'm not in the mood.
Whoa, you don't seem like
the type to be so direct,
but okay.
Man, don't you have
something better to do
than just sit here and bother me?
What are you scared of?
I appreciate you trying
to help a brother out,
but I don't need this shit
from no damn stranger.
From where I'm standing,
I've watched you for 30 minutes
down five drinks, and
then talk to yourself,
while watching the
beauty of the bartender.
From my experience, I've
been down this road.
Can't let fear get the best of you.
You have to release whatever
fear has taken hold of you.
Let it go.
You have to pace yourself.
You know what, fuck it.
I'm gonna take your advice.
Hey, you good?
I will be.
What's your name?
Thank you, Kobe.
Can I have your attention, please?
I would personally
like to thank all of you,
all of you bougie-ass
bitches of Scottsdale
for attending this fake-ass event.
Get out of my way.
You're lame.
And I would personally, and I would like
to give a special shot out to my beloved...
Stop it!
What are you doing?
I'm telling my story.
Manny, why are you doing this?
Why are you doing this?
Why am I doing this?
Look around, you're trying to ruin us?
Am I trying to ruin us?
Your husband ruined us when he raped me.
Manny, that is nonsense!
That never happened!
My husband, your father,
would never, ever do such a thing.
Calm down, Manny, it's not true.
You just don't wanna believe it!
Manny, calm down.
All of those late night talks
weren't talks at all.
He raped me.
Come on, baby.
And you weren't there to save me, Mom.
You weren't there to save me.
Manny, I didn't know.
I didn't know.
I didn't know, I didn't know, oh my God.
Get off of me, get off!
Get off!
Manny, Manny, Manny, Manny, Manny,
that was a long time ago.
Why don't we talk about
this some other time?
I will never talk to you!
Oh my God, oh my God.
Let me go!
I know your life wasn't
painted on the right canvas,
but you still got time to
make your own masterpiece.
Let me go!
Hey, look at me.
Look at me.
Look, I knew since the first
time I saw you at the store,
I don't know how, but we would
be in each other's lives.
How could you like somebody
who's so broken and lost?
I just wanna die.
Come on, don't say that.
Who said I'm not broken?
Those are the only parents
you're gonna get, man.
They're not my parents!
They don't love me.
No, they just don't understand.
But I get you.
But I got you.
Emmanuel, hey, look,
I got you.
I got you, Emmanuel.
Come on, it's gonna be all right.
You'll be all right.
Be cool.
Calm down.
You'll be all right, all right?
Are you sure
you wanna do this, Trey?
Yes, Dad, I'm sure.
I need to try something new.
Oh, baby,
I'm so happy for you.
The moment that he fucks up,
you better let me know.
I will.
And I mean that.
I love you guys.
Are you sure you wanna do this?
I've never been more
certain that my journey
begins with you.
Lets' go.
Let's both pretend like
It's an ordinary day
And our love is still the same
Let's both pretend like
All the wrong things we would say
We were just playing
Cause I don't want
To remember
What it feels like
And I don't
Really wanna know
What without you
Would be like
Cause if I had you
Then I'll have everything I need
If I had you, you, baby
Then I'm living my dream
I'd like you to know, know, know
I don't care if we go, go, go
If I had you, baby
Then I'm living my dream
Let's both pretend like
Our hearts are in the same place
We believe that we can make it
Let's just pretend like
We're going through changes
We've gotta make it
Cause I don't
What it feels like, oh
And I
Don't really wanna know
What without you
It'd be like
Cause if I had you
Then I'd have everything I need
If I had you, you, baby
Then I'm living my dream
I'd like you to know, know, know
I don't care if we if go, go, go
If I had you, baby
Then I'm living my dream
I'd like you to know, know, know
I don't care if we go, go, go
If I had you, baby
Then I'm living my dream