As If It's True (2023) Movie Script

Go on. Speak.
Here's the platform.
Okay, fine.
For today's vlog,
to my ex-boss, Fredrico Go.
First of all, fuck you!
Second, you are bullshit!
That's okay, Gem.
I was only joking about additional pay
because I always work overtime.
I'm broke.
How will I pay rent?
Don't let your boss exploit you!
To all the companies saying
"we are one big family"
Bullshit! That's bullshit.
We work so we can eat, to pay our rent.
Not to have another family.
Why would I want another family?
I can barely support my own family.
I should have just fucked up my job.
Fredrico Go, go to hell!
Hello guys, welcome to my vlog!
I'm with my girlfriend, Yara.
Hi, everybody.
Where do I look?
It's like I'm not looking at the camera.
Where's the Here! Is it this?
She has no character development.
Who is she again?
All this for clout.
Hi, guys.
I already started crying.
Frigging hell, Antony.
Are you so busy you can't pick up?
Looks like you're busy.
I sent the costume over for later.
Hope you can make it.
It's weird if I'm alone in this costume.
Though it's pretty generic
I really hope to see you later.
I miss you.
What the
I'm sorry!
Sorry, sorry.
It's fine, fine.
Yes, it's fine.
She's just cleaning herself up.
I didn't wear the knockoff
Harry Potter costume you sent.
Fuck you.
You thought we could be together?
What about what we discussed?
Wow, okay.
And Cielo?
You just met her last week, through me.
Can't I like someone
without thinking how it benefits me?
Be fucking real, Anton.
Do you want me to say that I'm with her
because she's an A-list actress?
Well, I won't.
I'll say this, though.
she's so down to earth.
She's likeable, funny.
God, she's beautiful.
She has this peace.
Even in her resting face.
And people don't think she's toxic.
Unlike me?
I didn't say that.
Your words.
Plus, your thing with Yara.
if people think you're a fake,
then what would that make us?
- I hope you get cancer.
- You first.
Hey, guys!
Hey, love.
Hey, Gem.
Thanks again.
Of course.
I'm happy your costume's fine.
You're so sexy in it.
- Let's go?
- Sure.
Gem, we have to go, but I'll see you
- Bye! See you!
- Bye!
At least Jose Rizal has a girlfriend.
As for you, Gemma,
you're the ultimate loser.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
Can I have a beer please?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Are we just gonna stare at each other?
Are we just gonna stare all night?
Wait, I think I know you.
You're the meme girl.
The one crying in the taxi.
I recognize you.
You really know how to ruin a moment.
And I thought you were staring
because you found me pretty.
That too.
You? Who are you?
I don't know.
But really, what do you do?
Why do you sound unsure?
There. Now, I'm sure.
Your matching costumes are cute.
Are you a couple?
- Yes!
- Yes!
Can I take your picture?
Oh, wait.
Flowers for you, my love.
Or flower, because there's just one.
How sweet.
Are you going to post that?
So, babe, you really love me, right?
Oh, wow, totally.
You love me that much?
So, so much.
Will anything beat that?
You really want to know?
Go on then, show me how much you love me.
Punch that guy.
That slanty-eyed Edward Cullen?
Wait, you're serious?
I am.
Love isn't enough for me to do that.
So, tell me,
what would it take
for you to do what I ask?
A MacBook.
You're serious?
I'm serious.
- A MacBook, really?
- Yes, a MacBook.
Oh, my God!
- Who are you?
- What's wrong with you?
Mess with Gemma again
and that's not all you'll get!
Hey, Gem. About last night.
I know the truth.
I'm sorry about you and Antony.
But whatever it is,
I hope we can still be friends.
At least now you both get
what you really want.
You're not forced to be with someone
you don't really love.
There's a naked man in my house.
Someone's very, very serious.
Some people messaged me.
They're surprised I'm in a relationship.
And they're asking why
I punched that famous influencer.
I don't know him.
Why did you do that last night?
Not the punch.
The stuff you made up.
It just happened.
Would you rather I said
"because Gemma told me to"?
All this
just because you became a meme?
Why does that sound like an insult?
It's not like that.
I'm really curious.
I just don't get it.
I'm not popular like you.
As if I got all this
just because of a viral meme.
What really happened?
My ex took a video of me
having a breakdown inside a cab
after I got fired
because of my ass of a boss.
The vlogs at the start were just jokes.
People said I was relatable.
My narrative as a
manic 20-something-year-old girl
beaten up by the world,
rebuilds herself
and figures out adulting stuff.
Like taxes.
That was kind of my niche.
But I can only do the same thing
for so long.
I had to keep changing.
I'm not even sure that's still effective.
Are you happy?
I feel valued.
Suddenly, everyone's paying
more attention to me.
I know it sounds shallow,
but I couldn't believe
I hit one thousand subscribers back then.
Each one of them is a real-life person.
And they spent their time watching me.
Very narcissistic, I know,
but still impressive, right?
It's been six years.
I'm almost 27.
How old are you?
Just the other day.
Oh. Belated wishes.
Thank you.
Is this okay?
What is it for?
They're all curious about you
for some reason.
You never know,
it might help your music thingy.
My music thingy?
What are we?
As of now.
As of now.
So, before we start,
what's our love story?
How did we meet?
In Baguio. Last May, on your birthday.
We don't remember the restaurant,
but I remember the first time I saw you.
I approached you.
You were charmed by my lame jokes.
Something clicked.
Et cetera, et cetera, and here we are.
What about you, how'd you fall for me?
I don't know.
It's hard to explain
why I fall for someone.
But you knowing how to cook is a plus
because of your culinary background.
I'm not a culinary grad.
Oh, sorry.
You shifted from that
to business management,
then graduated with full regrets.
Now I don't know how
to insert your musician side.
So what, is this music thing your hobby?
Isn't it just a hobby?
What do you mean fine?
Did I hurt your feelings?
"Fine." Is that all you can say?
You're annoyed
'cause nobody listens to your stuff?
Okay, fine, so passion.
Let's go with that. It's more fitting.
So, are you happy with your passion?
Quite happy.
Even if it's just for myself.
Of course, I'd like people to listen.
But since nobody does,
I wonder if it's bad music
or it's still worth making it.
Does the world need
one more person like me?
Does the world need another Gemma Stone?
It doesn't matter if the world needs me.
There's no shame in validation.
Don't worry,
I'll make everyone appreciate you.
This is gold, actually.
Let's use it later.
Is that really your name?
Gemma Stone?
Stand over here.
Before we start,
is that really off-limits?
I don't want to.
Okay, noted.
Hello, my Gewels!
This is James.
James is my
Who are you in my life again, James?
The way they look.
Grumpy today?
Let's kiss and make up, my love.
Hi, love.
Wow, looking fresh!
What's this?
I didn't know there was a dress code.
We're just eating at home.
I was drenched in sweat
so I decided to change.
You got sweaty walking outside?
Climate change, Mom.
I dressed up because I wanted
to make a good first impression.
You flatter me. Let's eat.
This is my specialty. Made with love.
It's delicious.
I can't remember the last time
I ate a meal "made with love."
It's James's dad's recipe. He was a chef.
We encouraged James
to follow in his footsteps, but...
But James is a slacker.
Only cares about his band,
isn't even that good at it.
Just kidding.
You know, we used to call James
"Daddy's little girl."
He was closer to his dad
than his sisters ever were.
Every time they were mean to James,
he would run to his dad and tell on them.
Mom, so emasculating.
No, I think it's cute.
What about you, Gemma?
How are you and your parents?
Are you also Daddy's little girl?
They're both in the USA.
I'm an only child
so they don't really have a choice.
What else do you do besides that?
What do you mean?
Your dreams, your goals, hobbies.
What do you want to achieve in life?
Nothing yet. Sorry.
Why are you apologizing?
There's nothing wrong with that.
It means you're still searching for it.
It's on video.
- Oh, video.
- Hi! Hello!
Hi, my Gewels!
We're about to wash the dishes!
I can do this.
I'll take care of the rest of this.
James! I'm sorry, dear.
You're good.
Your mom is cool.
She's okay with me taking videos.
And she's pretty.
I want to steal your mom
'cause your family's rich.
We're not rich.
Maybe back then.
With a house like this?
Mom wants to sell it
so she can pay off her debts.
Then she'll move to the province
and live with her siblings.
That's how you can afford
to do your music thing
without having a regular job.
It's like you're saying I'm a bum.
I know it's funny to hear people
call themselves freelance,
but I'm freelance.
A session musician.
And now I have a new job.
My boss is a vlogger.
She's okay.
A little abusive.
I hear the benefits are good.
Is it okay to ask?
What happened?
Lung cancer.
You were a cute baby.
You are cute!
How was your childhood?
I was a kid, small,
Nothing much to say about it. Why?
I just want to know.
I hardly know anything about you.
You'll use it to blackmail me.
Yeah, to destroy you.
Hey, are you okay?
What were we talking about?
The legend of Gemma Stone.
I'm kidding.
Are you okay?
It was a joke.
It's okay if you don't want
to talk about it.
I'm going to regret this.
So we're even.
So there.
Just delete it.
Play me one of your songs.
You're sure?
They're corny.
Go ahead.
Give me main character syndrome.
I tried to write a love song.
Something different
from what I used to write.
But this one isn't about you.
Who is it about?
Nobody. Just made it up.
I'll pretend it's about me.
Every night
I'm always wishing
For stars to shine
And to sleep beside you
I can take this journey
Through lonely and cold days
Just to come home and be with you
You're the warmth of my cold nights
Once lost in the blue ocean
The sweet embrace of darkness
And the light at the end of my day
You and only you
Are everything
I can really feel
The calm that you bring
The comfort in my heart
Knowing I'll never be lonely
Though I turned you away once
You pull me when they push me aside
You're the thrill that
I don't want to go away
You're my resting place
The joy in my coming days
You and only you
Are my everything
My love may overflow
But everything I have is yours
Because you're my love
You and only you
Are everything
I used small moments together
that we haven't used yet.
Simple, sincere.
Moments you want to stay in forever.
I feel like that fits the song better.
Because the song is too simple?
It's more intimate.
Our everyday moments.
I cherish those more.
More than our big trips.
- Because I used your song?
- Of course.
And because it's about you.
That's so romantic.
- So, you're in love already?
- Hungry. You?
I'm okay.
I love you.
I love you.
One more time, with feeling.
What is this for?
I just want to hear it.
Your "I love you's"
are not convincing enough.
I really love you.
You're staying right here.
Look at the time!
No, let's stay for a bit.
I thought you had other reasons
for setting that up.
And I thought I was the fame whore.
Still nothing.
That's still something.
It's small. It's something.
I told you, just make music
until something sticks.
I mean
I'm free from the cult who has
been following me all of my career
claiming I had two kids with a co-worker.
Come on.
Congrats, guys.
That ring is beautiful.
Beat that, bitch.
Honestly, it's just a ring.
God, I'm jealous.
I'm happy for the both of you.
I'm feeling the pressure now.
It's love.
It's love.
I'm sure James will one-up this.
I see your posts.
So romantic.
As long as my Gem is happy.
- I'm going to the toilet.
- Okay, loves.
Excuse me, guys.
Excuse me. I'll just say hi to my friend.
Got to respect your effort
in building him up.
Is he really like that?
So, no?
What about you?
It's love.
God, I'm jealous.
I'm so happy for the both of you.
I feel pressured now.
I love you.
Gin and tonic, please.
Hi, Gemmy.
God, I hate that name.
I like it.
We both know you don't.
It's nice seeing you here.
How are you?
- I haven't seen that top in a while.
- Yeah.
- How are you?
- I'm fine. I'm good.
So, yeah, Gem. As I mentioned in my email,
I just really want to give you
the courtesy of the call.
We decided to go with another route
for the campaign.
Maybe the next one. Okay?
I'll talk to you soon. All right?
Thank you, Gem.
"Thank you, Gem."
Just asking what's available.
Why are you asking me?
Did your expectations
for your album release fall flat?
I just want something new, Die.
I feel like a show dog here,
only allowed out of my cage
to look cute on the Internet.
Must be hard to be caged in a nice house.
I think this house is haunted.
I don't know why she likes it here.
The rent's too steep
and it's wiping out her savings.
A boyfriend who talks shit
about his girlfriend.
Wait, I'll call you later.
Hey, wait a sec.
What do you need?
You think I have an ulterior motive?
Knowing you?
Knowing you,
you still have that mentality.
You helped me have that mentality.
That sounded like we hate each other.
What's that?
What is it?
Just let me have a look!
Really, Gemma?
What? You think it means something?
When was this?
It was Cielo's idea.
She wanted to include us.
A little clickbait.
What I saw wasn't just a little clickbait.
We were an important part
of each other's lives,
but that doesn't matter anymore.
It's just a video, doesn't mean anything.
It's just for content.
For content.
Got it.
So, if you're in the area, drop by.
I'll buy snacks.
If you're far away,
please don't bother spending cab money.
See you!
Hey, act a little excited.
At least, you've got a hype team
for your guest performance.
At least now, I get some reactions
to my original songs.
Well, you don't want to do
what I suggested.
Why are you forcing me
to open up in front of the camera?
To look pathetic?
You don't want to open up to me,
so you might decide to open up
if it'll benefit you.
You know I don't like talking about it
but you want me to put it out there.
You're unbelievable.
All I'm saying
is people respond to art differently
when there's a story.
Great art comes from great pain,
like Kurt Cobain.
Fine. That's a bad example.
But look at Billie Eilish.
She's still alive.
You get my point, right?
You're going to make my mental health
a marketing strategy.
You know, James, people love an underdog.
You're working hard.
You got signed.
They're not gonna do much
if you don't have clout.
Is this really for me or is it for you?
James, I just want to encourage you
and your dreams.
It's the only way I know how to help
because it worked for me.
Thank you.
I love you.
You, you, you
Are everything
That was our last song for tonight.
Thank you!
And now for our next performer,
April May July!
Hello! Thank you.
Of course, come on,
let's take a photo together.
Take care!
Thanks for the energetic vibes.
What do you want me to do, Gemma?
Be fucking appreciative, James.
You're acting like a spoiled brat.
Take care! Bye!
This James is a loser.
Gemma, go back to Yara.
Who are you?
This is Phoebe.
She's gonna help me with my stuff.
What's happening?
Where are my things?
I sent them to your house.
Gemma, what's happening to you?
What is this shit?
Are we done?
Look, James.
I'm moving.
You know my situation, right?
I'm moving in with a
With a friend for now
while I look for a new place.
A simpler place.
I'm tired of all of this, James.
I don't want to be with someone
who doesn't appreciate what I do.
I want to live for myself now.
Gemma, please.
Gemma, why are you acting this way?
Aren't we going to talk about this?
You can't leave.
We should talk about this.
We should talk about this.
Talk to me, Gemma.
Tell me.
Tell me now.
Let's fix this, please.
It's not you.
It's me.
I'm sorry.
Plus, you're getting tired of me
as well, right?
Look, Gemma.
You know that I love you, right?
I love you.
I've forgotten whatever it was
we first agreed on.
I don't mind that any longer.
This is all real for me.
What about you?
Does this mean anything to you?
All of this
has no meaning for you?
I love you, Gemma.
Happy birthday, James!
It's a prank.
Happy birthday,
even if it's not your birthday.
But it isn't my birthday yet.
Your other friends couldn't make it
to your actual birthday.
We can fix it in the edit.
Hi, my Gewels! Thanks for watching!
I hope you enjoyed it!
In two nights,
it'll be James's birthday meet and greet!
Happy birthday, love!
James, let's eat.
Let's eat.
I'm going home tomorrow.
Mom wants me to help her cook.
I can help.
What is it for?
Do your mom or sisters like ice cream?
Why ice cream?
Nothing. Just ice cream.
I just want to go home, Gemma.
That's why I'm telling you.
If that's what you want.
Is it good?
The truth? Or my biased answer?
The truth.
Doesn't have any taste.
Well, it was my mom's favorite.
I thought you'd appreciate it.
If someone else cooked it.
I know you're still mad at me.
I'm sorry.
I just thought it would be a funny prank.
Why would you act like
you're with someone else
and you're going to leave me,
and then sing happy birthday?
I don't get it.
Okay, fine.
Gotta admit I didn't think it through.
You could've just told me.
I'll play along.
I know that. I just...
What am I to you, Gemma?
What do I mean to you?
Am I just a prop?
That's how I feel.
That's what I am in your world.
It sounds bad if you put it that way,
but I won't invalidate how you feel.
But is it my fault that's how you feel?
So it's my fault?
It's all my fault if I feel this way?
What is your problem?
Isn't it enough that my job description
is Gemma's boyfriend?
To them, I'm only that.
Which you are.
What's wrong with that?
You know what, James,
I'm trying my best to be more
than what you feel right now.
If you were a prop,
you'd be in the trash by now.
Well, thank you.
Thanks, indeed.
Thanks a lot, Gemma.
Sorry that your failed musician
prop boyfriend
is not serving your image anymore.
Don't you dare deflect
your disappointment on yourself to me.
Just because you can't get what you want.
I've only been supportive
and helpful to you.
- You're the one who's apprehensive.
- Fuck your support!
Fuck you!
You are forcing me to make a video
about my mental health.
Do you have any fucking clue
what you want me to do?
You call that support?
Let's push it.
You want me to cut my wrists on camera?
It's just a fucking suggestion, James.
Is that the only thing I've done?
Did I force you?
Now it's my turn to ask a question.
At this point,
what am I to you?
What do you want to hear?
A fat wallet? A sugar mommy?
- What do you want?
- Truth.
The truth, really?
That's what you want to hear?
Okay, here's the truth.
I just went along with it
because I could use you.
For the money.
That's all you're capable
of giving, right?
Money, that's all.
What else can you offer?
Fine, you have your pretty face.
And then, what else?
Who would fall for you and your attitude?
You're so fucking annoying, Gemma.
And you're so desperate too.
People only watch you
because they pity you.
Because you're a miserable.
You have no dreams.
Your only achievement
is that you had a breakdown in a taxi.
That's just what you are, Gemma
You're an asshole. Fuck you.
What about you?
What have you achieved? Becoming a leech?
I needed an idiot and I found you.
You boast about wanting to be a musician,
but you groan at the fact
that you have to work for it.
Sorry if your shit songs
aren't enough to get you noticed.
I honestly just felt bad for you.
Without me,
who would give a shit about you?
You're not a prop. Props are useful.
You're a charity case.
if you still want to enjoy
what you enjoy, thanks to me,
you better start carrying
your fucking weight.
Then don't eat it.
What's that for?
What do you think?
Are you going to help me?
Let's wait for nighttime.
The lighting is better then.
I'll see you there!
As always, don't forget to like
and hit the subscribe button.
Thank you.
I know you're enjoying your time
with your family.
Hope you can come home tonight.
Come home here, I mean.
You're already in your actual home.
I just
miss you.
And there's good food here. Promise.
Please come.
You cooked that?
Ordered it.
Where did you hide the cameras this time?
What's this for?
For you.
Give me that.
I'm a vapid and dense person.
And I know every time I open my mouth,
people think there's nothing in my brain.
I tried to not be that person,
but it's hard.
Because this is who I am.
There's nothing wrong with me.
You care about me.
Don't you?
I just want to say that
I want you.
I don't need you but I want you.
Even if you were a useless person,
I'd still want you to be around.
James, I'm afraid of losing you.
But I don't know if it's because
I'm alone
or you're important to me.
That's it.
I just wanted to say sorry.
Is there anything you want to say?
I'm sorry too.
Let me see.
It tastes pretty good.
Didn't you mention that this helped you?
How nice of them.
Proof that they care, right?
You're so brave, and I'm so proud of you.
I also have the same thing
and I know it's really hard.
If you need a support system,
I can give you
my therapist's contact number.
If you want.
He has Gemma.
Well, yeah, but
I'm okay.
Happy birthday.
Make a wish now, quick.
Thank you.
Thank you.
This evening is special
as it's the birthday
of the person I love most.
The most caring person.
Most brave.
The person who has accepted me
for who I am.
We've been through some rough times,
but I want you to know that
I'm always here for you.
I'm so lucky to be a part of your life.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
You're one of a kind, Gemma.
I didn't expect this.
This isn't just
an ordinary birthday for me.
This is the most special one
because I get to celebrate it
with the love of my life,
These past few months
have been very difficult for me.
But you were there all along.
You never gave up on me.
Thank you for that.
You all probably watched the video
I posted the other day.
It wasn't easy for me to open up.
And I know
that some of you
are going through the same thing.
I want to let you know that
you are not alone.
Do you want to know
what I really am in Gemma's life?
A prop.
She said it herself,
that I was a prop
she could throw in the trash
whenever she wanted.
Because I'm trash, right?
My music is trash,
my life is trash, my career is trash.
I wouldn't have a career
if it wasn't for you.
I couldn't hope to be anything
if it wasn't for her.
Nobody would give a crap if it wasn't for
the most relevant social media influencer,
content creator of the decade,
Gemma Stone.
She created this world for herself.
This isn't for me.
All of this isn't for me. This is for her.
Making me feel guilty about being
useless, lazy and a burden
to her every single day.
Even if she can't clean her own house
or cook for herself.
I'm her housekeeper and cook
'cause she don't know how to cook.
Her food vlogs? Fuck that.
She can't even cook a simple chicken soup.
For what?
All that to pressure me every single day
into doing all sorts of things
to increase her fucking clout.
You can keep your clout.
I trusted you
with the one thing
I didn't want to talk about.
What did you do?
You forced me to make that video,
and you made me open up
for fucking mental health awareness shit
just so you could look like
a lovable and supportive partner.
So you could please everybody.
I know that you know it was bullshit.
But you were right.
They talked about us.
Your engagement numbers went up.
It fucking worked.
You knew this was real for me
right from the start.
Right from the start.
My mistake was
I hoped that you would love me too
and it would become real for you too.
Because you only loved me
if they loved me.
Hopefully, one day,
after this world has spewed you out,
you wake up and realize
I was the only one
who truly cared about you.
Just so we're even,
I will tell them
what you told me about yourself,
and why you are the way you are.
Will you tell your mom about this?
I'll tell her we broke up.
I was an idiot.
I didn't deserve you.
Here we are.
By now, you must have heard
about my relationship with James.
How the fake became real.
So I'm here today
to tell you what happened.
What really happened.
That's all I can give you, right?